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  2. Hong Kong : r/LIHKG

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  3. Hong Kong Meme : r/LIHKG

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  1. HK Top Essay

    HKTOPESSAY小編 2021-01-04 14:09:10. 當然交左 有突發事遲左40分鐘. 我地願意配合樓主去出補償退錢. 只要係我地問題都會做足. 第 1 頁. 早排搵左呢間論文代寫公司 又話有商業登記又註冊公司 就搵佢地幫手做功課啦 問個陣又話冇問題可以準時交 到deadline個日追極都冇人 ...

  2. 有無人試過ig請槍中過伏?

    有間叫top essay Ig上佢都好似幾出名 之前個fd搵佢做 100% plagiarism 肥左 叫佢退錢就潛左水 講真錢真係事少 肥咗一課好大鑊. 七隻小婑人2020-06-02 09:14:15. 都唔明點解都讀到u都仲要請槍...唔怪得知一般大學生都冇大學生應該有既知識同風骨. 港珠澳大橋未久2020-06-02 09: ...

  3. 有無人試過ig請槍中過伏?

    巨喵喵2020-11-08 13:14:32 傾完: 主要問題係WRITER 係出面自己接單 但top essay當然都有責任 佢地有OFFER 過比CREDIT,但係我唔要 希望今次之後真係會改善 大家睇吓俾唔俾機會佢 紅隧拓海(塞車)2020-11-09 07:00:51

  4. 有冇請過槍既介紹下邊間好用

    想問下請過既師兄 你上堂/notes入面應該有d points, 幫你寫essay 既人應該唔知課堂內容? 咁佢寫出黎既野同你學既野完全唔同好似好odd 程守宗2021-04-11 00:44:17 homework killer 可以kill咗你個垃圾嘅degree 鮭魚壽司郎2021-04-11 01:29:46 no ig shop 生銹的鎖不能開2021-04-11 02:35:18

  5. 大學寫essay有冇高分秘訣?

    自擬題目要揀特別d來寫 寫大路嘢好難突出 之前有個course要寫global issues 成村人寫北韓 TRUMP 歐洲難民潮etc 自己揀左非洲恐怖主義 得左. 認同 有得揀topic都唔會揀啲個個都會寫既(當然你要知其他topic點寫好 ) 之前中文作文 揀 1.科技與我 2.思維的空間 揀左第二個 ...

  6. 吹水台

    亞洲邊個國家係最好? 鬼佬:Hong Kong for sure! 19706頂@呂布2024-08-11 03:08:53 第 1 頁 巴黎奧運田徑吹水區 (4) 皇上叩見黑社會2024-08-11 03:08:36 第 1 頁 [Welcome Neto&Samu] 車路士球迷討論區 Hanako2024-08-11 03:08:07 第 1 頁

  7. HKU Taught Master 2023-2024 Entry 叫春區

    Undergrad 讀housing policy 唔知hku 收唔收我讀urban planning Transport 都有興趣 但偏向鍾意urban interaction 想報其中原因係transport 平過urban planning 好多 仲要有ugc funded. 俄佬戈爾巴喬夫2022-11-19 21:13:23. 同埋你要考慮嘅,就係時間嘅問題 MATPP 1年full time 搞掂 Msc UP 要兩年full time ...

  8. Leslie Cheung & Hong Kong LGBT Cinema

    Leslie Cheung & Hong Kong LGBT Cinema | Video Essay 0 comments Best Add a Comment 1 / 6 1 / 3 1 / 2 1 / 5 1 / 15

  9. 熱 門

    熱 門. 日本人: 點算, 我對住自己11歲嘅親生女勃起咗.... 吳千語婚禮父母正面照疑被賓客曝光急刪 為隱瞞草根出身嚴禁出鏡!. 花園餐廳「餐包」變梳打餅 叫餐包要加錢?. 食客不滿:無咗個靈魂. CLS, 睇真啲原來 tsla 市值 635B !!!! 死待條友on9,自己套死待3岩岩 ...

  10. LIHKG

    LIHKG ( Chinese: 連登; Cantonese Yale: Lìhn dāng) is a multi-category forum website based in Hong Kong. The website has gained popularity since the launch in 2016, and is often referred to as the Hong Kong version of Reddit. [1] [2] [3]

  11. This is Hong Kong : r/LIHKG

    574 votes, 20 comments. 53K subscribers in the LIHKG community. Spur out of HKGolden in a very busy 2016 in Hong Kong. Unofficial…

  12. 買電視機 / 換電視機 集中討論區 (178)

    step 爺心目中top 1 是咪仍然A95L

  13. LIHKG

    r/LIHKG: Spur out of HKGolden in a very busy 2016 in Hong Kong. Unofficial. Placeholder sub in case needed. Would relinquish…

  14. Hong Kong protests: How the city's Reddit-like forum LIHKG ...

    HONG KONG — A post on the popular Hong Kong forum LIHKG calls on residents to skip work and classes to support a strike by civil servants and MTR staff and put pressure on the city's embattled ...

  15. Wild hopes: Sourcing the political vocabulary of digital citizenship

    Abstract In the 2019 Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill resistance movement, Hong Kong netizens used a popular digital platform known as LIHKG (連登) as a communicative center to exchange time-based information, express outrage or solidarity, and assemble decentered actions of agitation. There was an implied sense that LIHKG was facilitating a "wild" mode of politics oriented toward ...

  16. 時事台


  17. Protesters in Hong Kong Have Changed Their Playbook. Here's How

    HONG KONG — Over the last month, protesters in Hong Kong have roiled the city with organized demonstrations that have used significantly different tactics than in the 2014 Umbrella Movement ...

  18. Burning threads

    A popular protest slogan captures this ethos: "Together we climb the mountain, each in our own way.". Hong Kong protesters rang in the new year with a wave of fresh mass demonstrations. Justin Chin/Bloomberg via Getty Images. After Nick made his post on LIHKG back in October, he wanted to quantify the response.

  19. Hong Kong's Anti-ELAB Demonstrations: Tools, Platforms, and Tactics

    There is one episode worth highlighting. A Chinese mainlander group called "Diba", which has a similar social structure to LIHKG, but uses Facebook Group to organize patriotic online trolling, declared it would smash LIHKG. However, LIHKG users were able to defend themselves by doxing the personal information of some top organizers of Diba.

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    HK Top Essay 的使命就是用最有效可靠的方式為您學業成功保駕護航。. 專業寫手幫您準時完成各類英語論文輔導、assignment 輔導、essay 輔導、網課輔導. 跟專業作家們直接互動,寫後無限服務 高質服務,合理價格,分期付款,優惠條件. Whatsapp - 即時報價.

  21. LIHKG 討論區

    LIHKG 討論區. 214,571 likes · 5,275 talking about this. 集合熱門話題、時事、娛樂、創意、日常生活討論 以自由討論為宗旨,喺哩到你可以暢所欲言! 網頁版: iOS: Android: