Medical Ethics - Free Essay Samples And Topic Ideas

Medical Ethics is a form of applied ethics that examines ethical principles and moral or ethical problems that arise in a medical environment. Essays on medical ethics could delve into various ethical dilemmas faced by healthcare professionals, the principles guiding medical ethics like autonomy, beneficence, and justice, and how these principles apply in real-world clinical settings. Discussions might also cover controversial medical practices, the impact of legislation and policy on medical ethics, and the changing ethical landscape in light of technological advancements in medicine. We have collected a large number of free essay examples about Medical Ethics you can find at Papersowl. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

Biomedical Ethics

Most advanced democratic societies provide for the right to health care. This is ensured since the entire population deserves public health protection against injury and disease. Furthermore, life security on medical issues is critical for the optimal functioning of individuals and communities. Institutions are often set up to assure individuals with no financial capability access to healthcare services. Despite not having life insurance cover, United States citizens from the poor and middle classes are afforded the right to emergency services. […]

Why is Medical Ethics Important? a Critical Analysis of End-of-Life Policies

Ethics have been long talked about in health care in the United States. Ethics suggests that every decision made has a right or wrong action. This sense of right or wrong, however, could be subjective to different experiences in one’s life. Ethics are influenced by many different factors like culture, climate, and morals (Kreitner & Kinicki, 2016). This creates grey areas in ethical policy regarding end-of-life issues. Ethics are defined as beliefs, ideas, or values that are foundations of why […]

Euthanasia: is it Ethical

While doing research on the topic of Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide, I have come to see that people have a hard time believing that this should be an option for people who have terminal illnesses. Euthanasia is the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma and Physician Assisted Suicide (PAS) is The voluntary termination of one's own life by administration of a lethal substance with the direct or indirect […]

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Birth Control for Minors

Introduction According to the CDC, even though United States is one of the top industrial nations in the world, our nation has the most teenage pregnancies, in the latest statistics ""in 2017 a total of 194,377 babies were born to teenage mothers age 15 to 19 years old. (CDC, 2019). Unfortunately, about 50% of these teen Moms will drop out of high school and many will live in poverty. Despite these high rates of births, the question and dilemma is […]

Euthanasia Debate

The intention to deliberately help someone accelerate the death of an incurable patient, even to stop his or her suffering has never been an easy task. The ethics of euthanasia is one that has been debated over since the fourth century B.C. Euthanasia is translated from Greek as "good death" or "easy death. At first, the term referred to painless and peaceful natural deaths in old age that occurred in comfortable and familiar surroundings. Today the word is currently understood […]

Abortion Issue: Saving a Life

Abortion is a topic that is a controversial issues in the United States today. Abortion is the removal of an embryo from the female's uterus resulting to the end of pregnancy ( Weather abortion is legal or not women around the world have tried to end their pregnancies. Women having an abortion are jeporadizing their safety and health by self inducing or seeking illegal product. This procedure is done by a licensed healthcare professional. The procedure is done by a […]

End of Life Ethical Issues

Medical advances that are quite recent, have overshadowed it’s long held ethical belief of compassion and care. The main issue has been the appropriate use of technological advances at the end of life. Should these advances be used on every patient despite the chance of an undesired outcome? If not, what guidelines should be put into effect for the use and non-use of medical interventions during this time? This paper will address the ethical issues that guide medical practice and […]

Nursing Care for End of Life Patient

Introduction Nurses have a responsibility of talking care to end of life patents. This ranges from providing medical need to having a sensitive conversation with the patient and family members. This is because days of the dying person, more especially during the last weeks are demanding and stressful. For this reason, nurses are required to exercise a broad range of ethical values. Besides, it is this last aspect that underpins the whole nursing care towards these patients. In this way, […]

Abortion and Adoption

Abortion is not as simple as walking into a medical office and having the procedure performed. Although Roe v. Wade made abortion legal in the United States in 1973 women often have to deal with judgment from others including not only protestors but significant others and family members, choosing between abortion and adoption, emotional stress possibly from the reason they are needing an abortion, physical complications, as well as state governments trying to take away their right to have an […]

Physician Assisted Suicide: the Growing Issue of Dying with Dignity and Euthanasia

Is someone wanting to die with dignity more important than the conscience of a doctor who provides care for others? The issue of physician-assisted death can be summed up by simply saying it has a snowball effect. What starts as physician-assisted death turns into euthanizing and from there it could end up in the killing of patients without their full comprehension as to what they agreed to. The solution to this issue is accepting there is a problem and figuring […]

“The Desire for Parents”

“The desire for parents to be involved in important decisions in their children’s ` lives are understandable, however parental protectiveness could trump a person’s right to her own body and her own future.” (Valenti, 2016). According to Merriam-Webster, abortions are the termination of a pregnancy after accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus. In most scenarios, women undergo this procedure because they were not financially stable, or experienced sexual harassment in their […]

Learner Record

The suitable plan from the learning was that health officials should form a clinical ethics that has unique parameters and a district focus. For unstable it is noted that the ethics concepts have respect for authority and should express in the individual law. Each of this observation. However, it is also noted that the law can be resolved at a clinical level. The second part learned was on the clinical ethics. Clinical ethics is defined as the methodology for considering […]

Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide

Sometimes people criticize euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide from what is called "pro-life" perspectives and other times from "pro-death" perspectives; each perspective has a different argument about their position and the side they are on in this debate. This paper will review some of these arguments that have been made to date, as well as some of the more recent developments in this issue (Dieterle 129). To begin with, many people argue that euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide are morally acceptable because […]

Reasons for and against Telling Patients the Truth Concerning their Medical Condition

One of the reasons why it is important to tell patients the truth is the fact that lying acts as a barrier to the patient from making an informed independent decision concerning their health condition. The decisions made in this case ends up not being personally meaningful to the patient. In addition to this, it also breaks the trust that the patient has put on the doctor in the event that they find out they have been deceived about their […]

Religious Perspectives on Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia

""Humans are finite. This reality does not intimidate the mature Christian. The believer recognizes the opportunity to serve others is limited but nonetheless significant. The faithful follower seeks to live a temporary life for an eternal purpose. Even dying itself can serve this end."" If only we were all mature Christians, then the approach to life and indeed to death would not be so varied and emotive. The reality is mature Christians are in the minority and death is either […]

Addiction Specialist Calls out Alcoholics Anonymous – is he being Fair?

When Dr. Smith and Bill Wilson started Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) back in 1935, no one anticipated it would turn into the juggernaut it eventually became. AA threw struggling alcoholics a lifeline, and over the past 80 years tens of millions have grabbed it and held on for dear life. But are 12-Step programs like AA really effective against alcoholism? Dr. Lance Dodes, a psychiatrist who specializes in treatment for substance abuse, claims most emphatically that they are not. His critique […]

Drinking United States

Almost 90 percent of adults in the United States report that they drink alcohol at some point in their life. Over half have been reported that they have been drinking in this past month. Many people use alcohol to relax, socialize, celebrate, and sometimes to enjoy a meal. Alcohol is one of the biggest parts of our society. But people do not know or understand the consequences that come with drinking it. The most commonly used addictive substance in the […]

Legalizing Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia for a Dignified End

Every day in the United States, Americans are exposed to society's arguments concerning issues about our right to make our own choices in life-changing decisions. We often hear about gay marriage rights and abortion rights but rarely does physician-assisted suicide get a voice. Not because it isn't happening but because death is often viewed as a taboo subject and becomes even more so if it is a matter of death by suicide. Understanding Physician-Assisted Suicide As stated on the website, […]

The Importance of Code of Ethics in Nursing: Virtue Ethics and Beneficenc

The Importance of Virtue Ethics and Beneficence in Nursing It is often said that it takes a certain kind of person to become a nurse. They must be well-rounded, flexible, and ready for anything. A day in the life of a nurse is filled with critical thinking, tough conversations, moral dilemmas, and the selfless act of caring for others. Virtue ethics is a way of living that focuses on developing good character traits and always doing what the person believes […]

Personal Values and Beliefs in the Nursing Profession

There is more to nursing than just treating an illness; it is driven to bring optimal patient care that focuses on the needs of each patient as an individual. Patient values should be honored by providing compassionate and holistic care, which will be done to the best of my ability when I am a nurse. My Philosophy Towards Nursing This philosophy is derived from the values and beliefs of being respectful, empathetic, compassionate, and a longing desire to care for […]

Should Euthanasia be Legalized in Canada: Compassion Versus Moral Quandaries

Alright, folks, buckle up because we're diving headfirst into one of the hottest debates in the Great White North: Should euthanasia be given the green light? Yeah, it's a touchy topic that's got Canadians divided faster than you can say "double-double." The whole deal is about giving people the choice to decide when they've had enough pain and suffering and want peace. A storm is brewing in this ethical teacup, with folks throwing down some serious arguments on both sides. […]

Importance of Ethics in Healthcare: Safeguarding Trust and Humanity at the Heart of Healing

Healthcare is not merely about treating diseases or alleviating pain, it is intrinsically tied to our shared humanity, touching upon the core of what it means to be human. At the heart of this profession lies a set of moral principles and values that ensure the well-being of patients and promote trust. This set of principles is broadly referred to as healthcare ethics. Defining Healthcare Ethics Ethics in healthcare can be distilled into several core tenets, each of which plays […]

6 Million Americans Looking to Adopt Kids

6 million americans looking to adopt kids out of about 318.6 million that were in the US at the time.There is even a law that is “a guarantee of certain areas or zones of privacy”,and that is written in the US constitution it means we shouldn't make a law that limits a woman's choices it would completely go against the constitution basic principles of life,liberty and the pursuit of happiness,but if your ok with breaking the rule book for our […]

The Ethical Fabric of Nursing: Guiding Principles

In the dynamic world of healthcare, nursing stands out as a profession uniquely woven with compassion, duty, and moral responsibility. At the heart of this intricate tapestry are the ethical principles that guide nurses in their daily practices, ensuring that the care they provide is both effective and humane. These principles not only underscore the importance of patient welfare but also highlight the delicate balance nurses must maintain in navigating complex healthcare scenarios. One of the cornerstones of nursing ethics […]

The Controversial Legacy of Dr. Jack Kevorkian

Doctor Jack Kevorkian, often imposed till Death of "Doctor," stands, how one of the most polarizing figures in modern anamnesis. His career and actions sparkled intensive debates above ethics of euthanasia and to lekarz-pomóg? suicide. Defence of Kevorkian for a right to die, together with his simple bringing in to death incurably sick patients, has deeply influenced on discussions about the vital caring. Then bottoms of essay are in the motives of Kevorkian, methods, and his more wide values of […]

The “Do no Harm” Oath: its Origins and Modern Relevance

The expression "do no harm" is frequently linked with the Hippocratic Oath, a foundational manuscript in the sphere of medicine. Albeit the precise verbiage "do no harm" does not overtly manifest in the original text, the essence is central to the moral practice of medicine. The principle is derived from the Latin phrase "primum non nocere," signifying "first, do no harm." This notion has been guiding healers for epochs, accentuating the significance of contemplating the potential injury of medical interventions […]

The Pivotal Role of HIPAA in Modern Healthcare: Protecting Privacy while Fueling Innovation

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 stands as a watershed in the annals of American healthcare, setting the precedent for patient privacy and data protection. Its profound influence is felt not only in the realm of healthcare but also in the seamless integration of technology within this sector, creating a landscape where patient trust and innovative medical technology thrive together. HIPAA: A Beacon of Trust in Healthcare Originally conceived to enhance healthcare coverage for working Americans […]

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Medical Ethics Essay Examples and Topics

Euthanasia: advantages and disadvantages, traditional medicine vs. modern medicine, ethical and legal issues in nursing informatics, legal-ethical issues affecting patient rights for the elderly.

  • Words: 1098

Ethical Dilemma of Child Abuse

  • Words: 1161

Ethical Issues at the Radiology Department

  • Words: 1433

Advantages and Disadvantages of Organ Transplantation

  • Words: 1943

Navigating Christian Ethics in Medical Choices

  • Words: 1114

Organ Selling: Right or Wrong?

  • Words: 1980

Kant’s Ethical Theory of Deontology in Nursing

Ethical dilemma as witnessed in the cassavetes’ film “my sister’s keeper”.

  • Words: 1744

Ethical Dilemmas in Counselling and Treatment Methods

  • Words: 1006

Reflection of Ethical Self-Assessment

Fifteen ethical principles of the universal declaration on bioethics, arguments in favor of euthanasia.

  • Words: 2228

Nursing Code of Ethics

Nonmaleficence as ethical principle in healthcare, the fetal abnormality case study on moral status, abortion: an ethical dilemma and legal position.

  • Words: 1443

Nursing Ethical Principles Application

Moral status of humans in christian view.

  • Words: 1183

Ethical Dilemmas in Healthcare Institutions

An argument against euthanasia.

  • Words: 2523

Ethics and Abortion

Phenomenon of interest: nursing philosophy, consequentialism: euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide, breaking bad news by medical practitioners, mercy killing should be encouraged.

  • Words: 1581

Euthanasia: Legalisation of a Mercy Killing

  • Words: 1850

Medication Errors: Ethical & Legal Implications

Utilitarianism in healthcare during the covid-19 pandemic.

  • Words: 1218

Analysis of Kolcaba’s Theory of Comfort

  • Words: 1337

Christian Spirituality: Imago Dei in Healthcare

Breaking patient’s confidentiality, severely impaired newborns, futility and infanticide, medical ethics – the four pillars explained, applying ethical frameworks in practice, ethical implications of implementing religion or spirituality into therapy.

  • Words: 1141

Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment and Ethical Principles

The ethics of harvesting eggs from dead women, arguments for the sale of organs.

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Doctors Should Not Tell Lies to Their Patients

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Nursing Ethics Regarding Abortion

Medical ethics in radiography, ethical dilemma in nursing, william carlos williams: the use of force, a tool to ease the pain: the potent placebo.

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Borderline Immigrants and Healthcare: Linda Poon vs. Phil Gingrey

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Patients’ Spiritual Needs and Ethical Principles

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End of Life Decisions – Do-Not-Resuscitate

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Ethical Theory, Framework, and Principles in Nursing Practice

Four principles of medical ethics, moral integrity in the modern society, ethical and unethical leadership in healthcare, ethics and evidence-based research.

  • Words: 1372

The Ethical Approach to the Premature Twins Case

Pressure ulcers prevention and its ethical factors, the ethical dilemma in nursing, conflicts between ethics and the law in healthcare.

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Surrogacy as the Contemporary Issue in Nursing Ethics: Ethical and Legal Aspects

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Prescribing Drugs: Ethical and Legal Implications

Affordable care act in ethical theories.

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Medical Dilemma

Reflection: transplant tourism scenario, bioethics: definition and application, euthanasia as self-termination, the american college of healthcare executives code of ethics.

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The Ethical Issues in the Sports Medicine

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The Line Between Life and Death: The Terri Schiavo Case

Ethical nursing care and patient autonomy, the importance of consent in research, the debate on animal testing.

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Pros and Cons of Paying for Organ Donation: Arguments for Prohibition

Medical ethics: withholding information from patients, ethical issues of surrogacy in panama, teleology and deontology in healthcare, utilitarianism: ethical theory in healthcare, discussion: the missing needle protector.

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Ethical Dilemma: The Missing Needle Protector

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Medical Ethics of Westwood Imaging Centers

Premature births: kant’s categorical imperative, the end of life choices: moral side.

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Unprofessional Behaviors Among Doctors

Ethics in healthcare: the united arab emirates.

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The Ethical Issues Associated With Organ Transplantation

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Blood Transfusion Code of Ethics

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Ethical Issues in Terri Schiavo Case

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Postmodern View and Spirituality in Healthcare

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“The Triumph of Autonomy in American Bioethics” by Wolpe

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Ethical Issue: Accessibility and Affordability of Healthcare

Ethical issues of death and dying.

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Compassion in Medicine and Healthcare

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Ethical Code of Conduct for Psychologists

Why would nurses strike, ethical issues on hiv/aids.

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Teamwork and Communication Errors in Healthcare

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Why Active Euthanasia is Morally Wrong

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100 great medical ethics topics for a research project.

Medical Ethics Topics

One of the most important aspects of writing a great assignment in medicine is coming up with a great topic. There are endless issues and debates that are worth discussing, but we know that students do not always have the time to find medical ethics topics that meet their requirements. This list of medical ethics topics that was put together by our academic experts can be modified to fit numerous situations.

Medical Ethics Essay Topics for College Students

The following medical ethics paper topics are suited for students that have mastered the skill of researching and writing. They are designed for college students that have the time and dedication to put in the work craft a great assignment:

  • Doctor withholding information from families for extended periods.
  • Testing fetuses for birth defects to determine abortion cases.
  • The obligation to treat prisoners serving life-term sentences.
  • The federal mandate to treat prisoners with degenerative diseases.
  • Donating organs to relatives in lower need versus non-relatives with greater need.
  • Privacy rights for minors getting abortions without parental consent.
  • Patients’ rights to refuse treatment in any state.
  • The right to refuse an organ donation without a medical reason.
  • The point in which an unborn baby is considered alive.
  • Importance of physical health in medical professionals to provide treatment.

Medical Ethics Topics for Essay in Graduate School

The following topics in medical ethics are catered to students at the graduate level. They will require a lot of research and may take several weeks to complete:

  • Access to birth control for minors without parental consent.
  • Terminating a pregnancy because of a birth defect.
  • The ethics in allowing medical students to be more proactive.
  • End-of-life care patients and access to nutrition.
  • Advance directives and non-resuscitation orders.
  • The negative impact a physician’s stress level can have on patients.
  • The ethical way of using social media in medicine.
  • How social media has enabled individuals to seek medical care.
  • The impact online communication has on patient-physician relationships.
  • Patient favor or gift exchange for special treatment.

Medical Ethics Research Paper Topics for Ph.D. Students

When you work on a Ph.D. you will likely be conduct research on what will become the foundation of your professional expertise. Consider these topics for a Ph.D. capstone project in your area of interest:

  • The ethics of treating patients without insurance.
  • The best way to address disparities in health care.
  • Approaches to dealing with patients that do not want treatment.
  • Methods for working with surrogate decision-makers.
  • Required use of masks during pandemics.
  • The Covid-19 vaccine and its implied risks.
  • Malpractice cases and the right for doctors to return to work.
  • The use of animals to test potentially harmful medications.
  • Using technology to conduct open-heart surgery.
  • Artificial intelligence to minimize human risk.

Current Medical Ethics Topics for 2023

These medical ethics topics for research papers are what are being discussed in the community today. From medical malpractice to Covid-19, you will find the latest issues here:

  • Overtime payments and fees for doctors.
  • Assisted suicide and affordable health.
  • The risks of selective reproduction.
  • Allowing technologies to monitor a patient’s health.
  • Saving the life of a pregnant woman while putting an unborn child at risk.
  • Human donor lists and the priority assigned to recipients.
  • HIV/AIDS testing and counseling for teenagers.
  • Challenges posed in family planning decisions.
  • The quality of care for low-income families.
  • Organ donation and ethnic preference.

Controversial Medical Ethics Topics in the News

Here are some medical debate topics ethics that are controversial and should generate a lot of interest from the reading community. Just be sure you conduct ample research to guarantee you are finding and using the latest information:

  • The vaccine against Covid-19 should be mandatory.
  • Criminal charges for accidental treatment deaths.
  • The impact stem cell research has on curing diseases.
  • The increase of biohackers around the world.
  • The risk of having genetic and medical data stolen.
  • Physician liability and legal responsibilities.
  • Patient information and privacy laws.
  • Patients’ rights to refuse types of treatment.
  • Organ and tissue transplant oversight laws.
  • The impact that bioterrorism has on people.

Medical Ethics Topics for Debate or Presentation

These medical ethics debate topics explore some more serious issues requiring students to think outside-of-the-box and to challenge themselves by developing logical and interesting presentations:

  • Acquiring patient’s private data for predictive analysis.
  • How to protect patient data through de-anonymization.
  • Current regulations provide adequate privacy protection.
  • Big data risks of exposing patient private information.
  • Limitations of patient information gathered through databases.
  • How to protect patients from inherent bias used in public health analysis.
  • Concerns with forced immunization around the world.
  • The effectiveness of the response to global pandemics.
  • The differences in medical ethics around the world.
  • International ethics in the global community.

Medical Law and Ethics Topics for 2023

Topics in medical law change drastically from year to year. We have gathered the current hot topics related to this field and trust that you will find something you like:

  • Laws that protect the well-being of patients.
  • Medical negligence in cases of death.
  • The rights of patients undergoing surgery.
  • Preliminary agreements before invasive surgery.
  • Ethical dilemmas that arise when acknowledging patients’ requests.
  • Ethical standards across the United States.
  • The importance of medical ethics in today’s world.
  • The best way to monitor ethics in the medical field.
  • The challenges of practicing medicine internationally.
  • Cultural differences in medical decisions and law.

Medical Ethics Topics for Discussion or Presentation

This medical ethics topics list is perfect for any student that has to participate in a round-table discussion or conduct a presentation on the impact that medical ethics has on society:

  • The ethical question regarding preventative medicine.
  • End-of-care decisions regarding patient comfort and care.
  • Religious beliefs contradict medical decisions and put patients at risk.
  • Medical ethics versus cultural bias across the United States.
  • Ethical questions when treating the mentally disabled.
  • How to deal with medical ethics in third-world countries.
  • The moral and ethical questions of treating patients without healthcare.
  • The connection between poor health and financial status.
  • The cost of healthcare in developed countries versus undeveloped countries.
  • The major factors that drive the costs of healthcare in the U.S.

Medical Ethics Issues Topics for a Quick Project

There are plenty of reasons why students would need to find a topic they can research and write about in a short amount of time. Consider these ideas for a quick turnaround:

  • The right to attain complete medical information despite age.
  • The obligation to report instances of alleged organ trafficking.
  • The right for patients to have access to all medical records after the age of 15.
  • Child vaccination is a mandatory requirement of all legal residents.
  • The ethics behind using surrogate pregnancies on-demand versus health reasons.
  • Giving the homeless population free healthcare across the United States.
  • A patient’s right to refuse treatment for religious purposes.
  • How to improve the selection process in which donor recipients are selected.
  • Encouraging patients to use homeopathy remedies before medicine.
  • Accepting eastern medical practices to help patient rehabilitation.

Medical Ethics Research Topics for a Dissertation

Dissertations are long projects that can take several months to several years to complete. Be sure to consider a topic that you know you can handle and one that will make working with your advisor a positive experience:

  • Allowing patients to opt-in or opt-out of the donor system in specific circumstances.
  • The legalization of doctor-assisted suicide is a federal right in the United States.
  • The advancements in technology improve the accuracy of treatments.
  • Patient confidentiality and treatment during the Covid-19 global pandemic.
  • Genetic testing, precision medicine, patient privacy, and confidentially challenges.
  • The extent to which people without healthcare should be provided services.
  • The international medical community during times of war.
  • Different examples of cultural humility and volunteerism around the world.
  • Moral and ethical obligations physicians have to society regardless of country.
  • The effect of data breaches on the doctor and patient relationship.

For more good medical ethics research topics, contact our support staff who can connect you with a qualified academic professional in this field. He or she can find topics for medical ethics paper to fit any situation and academic level. We are available to help 24/7 and can be reached conveniently by chat, email, and telephone.

medical research paper topics


Essay on Medical Ethics

Students are often asked to write an essay on Medical Ethics in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Medical Ethics

What is medical ethics.

Medical ethics is a set of rules that doctors and healthcare workers follow to give the best care to patients. It’s like a guide for making sure everyone is treated fairly and kindly in medical situations.

Respecting Patients

One big part of medical ethics is respecting patients. This means doctors must listen to patients, keep their information private, and let them make choices about their own health.

Doing No Harm

Doctors promise to not hurt patients. They must be careful and avoid causing any harm while trying to help. This is a very old rule in medicine, known as “do no harm.”

Medical ethics also means being fair. Doctors should treat everyone the same, no matter who they are. They must give the same high-quality care to all patients.

Staying Honest

250 words essay on medical ethics.

Medical ethics is about right and wrong in medicine. It guides doctors, nurses, and other health workers to make good choices for their patients. Imagine being sick and needing someone to trust with your health. That’s where medical ethics comes in. It helps make sure everyone is treated fairly and with respect.

Rules for Doctors

Doctors follow special rules called the Hippocratic Oath. This promise makes them agree to help patients, not harm them, and keep their information private. It’s like a secret promise to take good care of people who are sick.

Keeping Secrets

One big rule in medical ethics is privacy. This means doctors should keep what they know about your health just between you and them. It’s important because it helps you feel safe to tell your doctor everything they need to know to help you.

Choosing Fairly

Sometimes, doctors have to make tough choices, like who gets a new medicine first when there’s not enough for everyone. Medical ethics helps them decide in a way that’s fair and doesn’t pick favorites.

Respecting Choices

Patients have the right to make choices about their own health. Doctors should listen and respect what you want, even if it’s different from what they think is best. It’s like being the boss of your own body.

500 Words Essay on Medical Ethics

What are medical ethics.

Medical ethics are rules that help doctors and health workers make good choices when they care for patients. These rules are important because they guide professionals to do what is right and fair for everyone. Imagine you’re playing a game. Rules in a game help you understand what you can and cannot do. Similarly, medical ethics are like rules for doctors and nurses, telling them how to do their job well and treat patients kindly.

Respect for Patients

One big rule in medical ethics is to respect patients. This means doctors should listen to what patients want for their health. For example, if a patient doesn’t want to take a certain medicine, the doctor should respect their choice. It is also about keeping secrets. When you tell a doctor something private, they should not tell anyone else. This is called patient confidentiality.

Doing Good and Not Harming

Fairness is also a key part of medical ethics. This means that doctors should treat everyone equally. It doesn’t matter who the patient is, where they come from, or how much money they have. Everyone should get the same chance to receive good health care. Think of it like sharing toys; everyone should get a turn.

Telling the Truth

Telling the truth, also known as honesty, is very important in medical ethics. Doctors should always give clear and truthful information to their patients. If a treatment has risks, they should explain those risks. It’s like when a friend asks you if their drawing is good; you should be kind but also tell the truth if there is something they can improve.

Keeping Promises

Improving themselves and the profession.

Finally, doctors should always try to get better at what they do. They should learn new things and improve their skills. This helps them take better care of their patients. It’s similar to practicing a sport or a musical instrument; the more you practice, the better you get.

In conclusion, medical ethics are a set of rules that help doctors and health workers make the best decisions for their patients. They include respecting patients, doing good, being fair, telling the truth, keeping promises, and always trying to improve. These rules make sure that when you go to a doctor, you are treated with care, honesty, and respect.

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essay topic on medical ethics

60 of The Finest Medical Ethics Paper Topics (2023)

Medical Ethics Paper Topics

Medicine is a technical subject that requires keen attention to detail in everything. Your instructor expects a top-quality paper from you, yet you do not know where to start. Our pros have put together a list of medical ethics research paper topics to get you on track. But first, how should topics for medical ethics paper look like for top-grade papers? Here are tips and tricks from our writers who have been dealing with such topics for decades:

It should deal with a specific medical problem Avoid too much jargon in your topic It should address the latest medical needs of society Do not write on an already existing medical topic.

It’s never easy coming up with excellent medical ethics topics for your research project. However, we have a team of professional writers who came up with pro-tips for identifying top-notch ethics topics in medicine. They include:

  • Conduct extensive research before settling on a topic
  • Identify the length of your paper
  • Check the relevance and currency of the topic
  • Use the help of a professional research paper writing service

You can be sure that if you abide by the guidelines above, you can find more topics in medical ethics than you thought. Are you ready to explore some of our amazing medical ethics issues topics? Scroll down.

Medical Argumentative Topics

  • Should everyone put on a mask while outdoors?
  • Do you agree that finding the coronavirus vaccine can take less than a year?
  • Can a doctor who has been fired open his/her clinic?
  • Is it right for laboratories to use rats or guinea pigs as a specimen for vaccines?
  • Are robots replacing the roles of nurses and doctors in hospitals?
  • Should doctors receive allowances for working extra hours?

Biomedical Ethics Topics For Papers

  • Is it ethical to carry out assisted suicide in hospitals?
  • The implications of conducting selective reproduction
  • Ethical issues surrounding the acquisition of human organs
  • Contemporary ethical challenges in family-making
  • Ethical aspects when dealing with HIV/Aids counselling and testing
  • Biomedical ethics in saving the life of a pregnant woman

Controversial Medical Ethics Topics

  • Should people from low-income families receive poor healthcare services?
  • Is it ethical for people to donate parts of their organs when they are still alive?
  • Should we trust a coronavirus vaccine that comes before 15 months?
  • Do medical errors resulting in death amount to a criminal offence?
  • Should we consider the subject of abortion from the mother’s or child’s perspective?
  • Is it possible to maintain the confidentiality of medical records in the digital age?

Medical Argumentative Topics For College Students

  • Are stem cell and genetic research the cause of devastating diseases?
  • Why did hospitals get out of space during the outbreak of COVID-19?
  • Should the relief of suffering at the end of life have a place in hospitals?
  • Is it possible for doctors to develop conflicts of interest with patients?
  • Should morticians receive mandatory psychological counselling?
  • Can we have a disease-free world?

Therefore, no matter what topic you’ve chosen, our professional writers ready to write a research paper for you . 

Ethical Dilemma Paper Topics

  • How to deal with religious beliefs that are against science
  • Medical ethics and how cultural bias causes a dilemma
  • The best medical ethics when caring for mentally disabled patients
  • What should be done to doctors when they fail to observe office ethics and standards?
  • How to deal with varying medical ethics in different countries
  • Should doctors end the lives of patients who are suffering?

Bioethics Paper Topics

  • Are physicians accountable to their patients for their actions?
  • Ways in which doctors can talk to patients who are in their final stages of life
  • How to advise a patient who refuses to undergo an HIV test
  • What happens when treatment becomes futile?
  • How long should it take doctors to report an infectious disease?
  • Should we consider medical mistakes like any other mistake at work?

Ethical Dilemma Topics For High School Students

  • Should a doctor tell the patient about a mistake done during treatment?
  • What happens when a surgeon performs surgery at the wrong place?
  • Should patients pay for coronavirus treatment in private hospitals?
  • Should we have male nurses in maternity wards?
  • What happens when a doctor causes the death of a patient?
  • Does lack of trust affect the treatment process?

Healthcare Ethics Topics

  • Why does immunization raise a lot of ethical issues globally?
  • The ethics behind planning, preparing and responding to global health pandemics
  • Why doctors should respect a patient’s choice of tuberculosis treatment option
  • Is human genome editing ethical?
  • Privacy of patient records while using Big data
  • Healthcare options for the ageing

Medical Law and Ethics Topics

  • Effective abortion laws and legislation
  • Laws that protect patients with disabilities
  • Medical laws on slaughtering and slaughterhouses
  • Does anyone have a right to die?
  • Laws that regulate transplantations of tissues and organs
  • The physician’s liability according to medical laws

Interesting Bioethics Topics

  • Genetic and medical data privacy
  • Cyber-attacks on medical systems and devices
  • The rise of bio-hackers
  • Devastating effects of bioterrorism
  • What happens when a patient refuses treatment?
  • With-holding patient’s information and telling the truth

We hope that the medical ethics topics above help you get your paper started. If you get stuck, we have expert writing help for students of all levels. Just contact us and buy a research paper online . Let us assist you to attain that A-grade quick and fast! 

Child Development Research Topics

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Top 50 Medical Ethics Topics For All

medical ethics topics

When you need the best medical ethics topics, you should visit our blog. Why? Because our experienced academic writers update the list 50 medical ethics topics periodically. You should be able to find an original topic here almost every time you visit. And remember, our list of medical ethics topics is 100% free to use and will remain so. You are also free to reword any topic as you see fit.

Here Is Why You Need Excellent Medical Ethics Topics

But why would you need our medical ethics topics? The reasons are pretty straightforward actually:

  • An original topic is something your professor will greatly appreciate. You will most often get bonus points.
  • Finding a great topic can help you write a breathtaking medical ethics paper.
  • Most of the topics you find online are not original.
  • There is a great chance that at least one of your classmates has already chosen the topic you want to write about.
  • Our topics in medical ethics are spread between several categories, making it easy for you to find exactly what you are looking for.
  • We update this list quite frequently, so we can help as many students as possible with great ideas for their next academic papers.

Finding Great Medical Ethics Paper Topics Is Not Easy

Let’s face it; you have been searching for some great ideas for quite a long time. You’ve probably realized by now that most topics you find on the Internet are not what you need. And when it comes to medical ethics research topics, things get even more difficult.

Don’t make the mistake of giving your credit card details to a shady website, thinking that you will get access to a list of wonder topics. In order for you to get excellent medical ethics paper topics, an academic writer has to use his knowledge and experience to come up with original ideas. In other words, you need our list.

Medical Ethics Topics for Debate

If your professor has asked you to write an argumentative essay, you are in luck. Our essay writers have compiled a list of 100% original medical ethics topics for debate that you can use right now:

  • Discuss the principle of respect for autonomy
  • Discuss the principle of beneficence
  • Should doctors be allowed to promote specific drugs?
  • Should uninsured people in the US get access to free medical treatment?
  • Providing medical care to a patient who refuses it.
  • People have the right to choose assisted suicide.

Medical Ethics Research Paper Topics

If you are interested in writing a research paper about medical ethics, you need the perfect topic. Fortunately, we have some ideas that will help you a lot. Pick one of our medical ethics research paper topics and start writing your paper:

  • Can we justify the cost of healthcare in the United States?
  • How useful is homeopathy?
  • The most dangerous forms of unconventional medicine.
  • The effects of legalizing marijuana.
  • Big pharma and its effects on the healthcare system in the UK
  • Analyze cultural bias in the United States medical system.

Medical Law and Ethics Topics

Are you looking for the best medical law and ethics topics on the Internet? Do you want some ideas that are fresh and original? Check out some of the best ideas below and choose the one that you like the most:

  • Should pharmaceutical lobbying be illegal?
  • Uninsured people should get medical treatment for free.
  • Medical professionals should/should not be prosecuted for medical errors.
  • Abortion: when can a doctor terminate the pregnancy?
  • Can you refuse to get urgent medical treatment?
  • 3 situations when medics can end a life.

Medical Ethics Topics for Discussion

If you are a college student and you are required to write a discussion essay about medical ethics, we have your back. Check out the medical ethics topics for discussion listed below and choose the best one for your needs:

  • Discuss the principle of nonmaleficence
  • Should homeless people get free medical service?
  • Discuss the principle of justice
  • Should we invest in researching ways to become immortal?
  • Embryonic harvesting should be stopped.
  • When does the life of the fetus begin?
  • Medical ethics in Asian countries vs. Western countries.

Medical Ethics Issues Topics

Would you like to talk about various issues with medical ethics? If you do, our awesome academic writers have out together a list of the most interesting (and original) medical ethics issues topics for you:

  • Incentivizing doctors to prescribe specific medicine should be illegal in the US.
  • The legalization of euthanasia in the United States.
  • Can you refuse a vaccine? Should you?
  • Are doctors required to report cases of organ trafficking?
  • Is the privacy of patients really protected in the United States?
  • Who can access our personal health information in the United Kingdom?

Controversial Medical Ethics Topics

There are plenty of controversies in the medical field, obviously. Did you know that you can get a few bonus points by tackling one of these controversies (your classmates will often not dare to do it)? Pick one of our controversial medical ethics topics right now:

  • Should we be allowed to commit assisted suicide?
  • Here is why vaccination should be mandatory in all states.
  • Should we ban abortion?
  • Ways to decide whether to place somebody in an elderly center.
  • Reasons to refuse somebody an organ transplant.
  • The ethical implications of the womb transplantation procedure.

Ethics in Medical Research

Let’s face it: medical research is very important. However, we also need to consider the ethical aspects of said research. Take a look at these interesting ethics in medical research ideas:

  • The ethical problems of surrogate pregnancy.
  • Should we experiment with human cloning?
  • The dangers of new vaccines.
  • Testing new drugs on animals should be prohibited.
  • What are the threats of medical research?
  • The benefits of genetic engineering.

Covid-19 Topics

Of course, you are more than welcome to discuss Covid-19 in terms of medical ethics. In fact, your professor will really appreciate it, especially if you come up with something innovative to talk about. Here are some ideas:

  • Here is why the quarantine method won’t work.
  • How far are we from a Covid-19 vaccine?
  • Who should benefit first from the new vaccine?
  • The impact of the new coronavirus on the poor and homeless people.
  • Analyze the infection rate among medics in the United States.
  • Most effective ways to prevent the spread of the virus.
  • Should we test the vaccines in Africa (like a doctor recently suggested)?

Do you need some more medical ethics topics for essay? Or perhaps you are interested in getting 10 more medical ethics debate topics so you can choose the best one. We are here to help. Check out more heath essay topics or simply get in touch with us and get another list of topics in no time. Our academic writers are some of the best on the Internet, so we can guarantee that every medical ethics topic on the list will be awesome. Give us a try!

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Medical Ethics Essay Examples

Milgram, skinner box and tuskegee experiment - scientific immorality.

This is Milgram, Skinner Box and Tuskegee experiment essay in which we will briefly analyse these scientific events. All gathering techniques must meet the ethical guidelines of the American Psychological Association, also known as the APA. The APA was established in 1892. The APA helps...

Tuskegee Syphilis Study - Ethical Issues and Personal Statement

Ethics in research are portrayed as an individual’s guidance to morally perform appropriate behavior when researching and conducting a Tuskegee Syphilis study ethical issues essay paper. It also helps an individual to practice preventing harm among other individuals and avoiding bias within their work. In...

Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Care: Background and Significance

Disparities based on race and ethnicity has perpetually withheld the black community from accessing the conventional facilities pertaining to healthcare. The truth of our world is that there is an urgent problem of racial and ethnic disparities in health care and in this essay numerous...

Key Principles of Cultural Competence in Nursing Practice

There are plenty of key principles in nursing that relate to cultural competence. So with application to an adult nursing practice these cultural competence in nursing are analysed in the current essay. These factors that may influence nursing interventions when caring for a patients spiritual,...

Ethical Imperatives in Modern Medicine: an Overview

Ethics are an important untouchable resource that should be used in a workplace. Ethics are a set of moral principles that guide a person`s behavior and are a combination of social norms, cultural practices, religious influences and they show what is right or wrong, what...

Examining Euthanasia: Medical Ethics Considerations

Euthanasia discussion is one of the most common medical ethics topics for the essay as it is highly relevant to medical professionals and students, especially given the recent legalisation of “Voluntary Assisted Dying” in Victoria. The Australian Medical Association (AMA) defines euthanasia as “the act...

Analysis of Ethical Issues in Healthcare

Healthcare is a fundamental human need, and the ethical considerations surrounding it are of paramount importance. Ethical issues in healthcare encompass a wide range of dilemmas and challenges that healthcare professionals, patients, and policymakers must grapple with daily. This essay explores some of the most...

Human Cloning: a Controversial Issue

Human cloning could become a reality in the near future seeing that techniques are attainable according to Sudipta. Doctor Michael West, the lead scientist, and his team were the first to clone human embryos in 2001, although the embryos died quickly, they are progressing, which...

Is It Possible and Ethical to Clone Humans Essay

There are crucial moral arguments against cloning humans, it's been suggested that there might be exceptional cases in which cloning humans might be ethically permissible. In is it possible and ethical to clone humans essay I will try to reveal this topic. One sort of...

Pro Euthanasia: It Should Be Legalised in the UK

Euthanasia is a really controversial question. Should it be banned or as we live in demoracy and in freedom this act should be allowed? To start with, this is pro euthanasia essay in which I will share some arguments why euthanasia should become legal in...

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