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Organizing Your Social Sciences Research Paper

  • Independent and Dependent Variables
  • Purpose of Guide
  • Design Flaws to Avoid
  • Glossary of Research Terms
  • Reading Research Effectively
  • Narrowing a Topic Idea
  • Broadening a Topic Idea
  • Extending the Timeliness of a Topic Idea
  • Academic Writing Style
  • Applying Critical Thinking
  • Choosing a Title
  • Making an Outline
  • Paragraph Development
  • Research Process Video Series
  • Executive Summary
  • The C.A.R.S. Model
  • Background Information
  • The Research Problem/Question
  • Theoretical Framework
  • Citation Tracking
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  • Scholarly vs. Popular Publications
  • Qualitative Methods
  • Quantitative Methods
  • Insiderness
  • Using Non-Textual Elements
  • Limitations of the Study
  • Common Grammar Mistakes
  • Writing Concisely
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Dependent Variable The variable that depends on other factors that are measured. These variables are expected to change as a result of an experimental manipulation of the independent variable or variables. It is the presumed effect.

Independent Variable The variable that is stable and unaffected by the other variables you are trying to measure. It refers to the condition of an experiment that is systematically manipulated by the investigator. It is the presumed cause.

Cramer, Duncan and Dennis Howitt. The SAGE Dictionary of Statistics . London: SAGE, 2004; Penslar, Robin Levin and Joan P. Porter. Institutional Review Board Guidebook: Introduction . Washington, DC: United States Department of Health and Human Services, 2010; "What are Dependent and Independent Variables?" Graphic Tutorial.

Identifying Dependent and Independent Variables

Don't feel bad if you are confused about what is the dependent variable and what is the independent variable in social and behavioral sciences research . However, it's important that you learn the difference because framing a study using these variables is a common approach to organizing the elements of a social sciences research study in order to discover relevant and meaningful results. Specifically, it is important for these two reasons:

  • You need to understand and be able to evaluate their application in other people's research.
  • You need to apply them correctly in your own research.

A variable in research simply refers to a person, place, thing, or phenomenon that you are trying to measure in some way. The best way to understand the difference between a dependent and independent variable is that the meaning of each is implied by what the words tell us about the variable you are using. You can do this with a simple exercise from the website, Graphic Tutorial. Take the sentence, "The [independent variable] causes a change in [dependent variable] and it is not possible that [dependent variable] could cause a change in [independent variable]." Insert the names of variables you are using in the sentence in the way that makes the most sense. This will help you identify each type of variable. If you're still not sure, consult with your professor before you begin to write.

Fan, Shihe. "Independent Variable." In Encyclopedia of Research Design. Neil J. Salkind, editor. (Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE, 2010), pp. 592-594; "What are Dependent and Independent Variables?" Graphic Tutorial; Salkind, Neil J. "Dependent Variable." In Encyclopedia of Research Design , Neil J. Salkind, editor. (Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE, 2010), pp. 348-349;

Structure and Writing Style

The process of examining a research problem in the social and behavioral sciences is often framed around methods of analysis that compare, contrast, correlate, average, or integrate relationships between or among variables . Techniques include associations, sampling, random selection, and blind selection. Designation of the dependent and independent variable involves unpacking the research problem in a way that identifies a general cause and effect and classifying these variables as either independent or dependent.

The variables should be outlined in the introduction of your paper and explained in more detail in the methods section . There are no rules about the structure and style for writing about independent or dependent variables but, as with any academic writing, clarity and being succinct is most important.

After you have described the research problem and its significance in relation to prior research, explain why you have chosen to examine the problem using a method of analysis that investigates the relationships between or among independent and dependent variables . State what it is about the research problem that lends itself to this type of analysis. For example, if you are investigating the relationship between corporate environmental sustainability efforts [the independent variable] and dependent variables associated with measuring employee satisfaction at work using a survey instrument, you would first identify each variable and then provide background information about the variables. What is meant by "environmental sustainability"? Are you looking at a particular company [e.g., General Motors] or are you investigating an industry [e.g., the meat packing industry]? Why is employee satisfaction in the workplace important? How does a company make their employees aware of sustainability efforts and why would a company even care that its employees know about these efforts?

Identify each variable for the reader and define each . In the introduction, this information can be presented in a paragraph or two when you describe how you are going to study the research problem. In the methods section, you build on the literature review of prior studies about the research problem to describe in detail background about each variable, breaking each down for measurement and analysis. For example, what activities do you examine that reflect a company's commitment to environmental sustainability? Levels of employee satisfaction can be measured by a survey that asks about things like volunteerism or a desire to stay at the company for a long time.

The structure and writing style of describing the variables and their application to analyzing the research problem should be stated and unpacked in such a way that the reader obtains a clear understanding of the relationships between the variables and why they are important. This is also important so that the study can be replicated in the future using the same variables but applied in a different way.

Fan, Shihe. "Independent Variable." In Encyclopedia of Research Design. Neil J. Salkind, editor. (Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE, 2010), pp. 592-594; "What are Dependent and Independent Variables?" Graphic Tutorial; “Case Example for Independent and Dependent Variables.” ORI Curriculum Examples. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Research Integrity; Salkind, Neil J. "Dependent Variable." In Encyclopedia of Research Design , Neil J. Salkind, editor. (Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE, 2010), pp. 348-349; “Independent Variables and Dependent Variables.” Karl L. Wuensch, Department of Psychology, East Carolina University [posted email exchange]; “Variables.” Elements of Research. Dr. Camille Nebeker, San Diego State University.

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  • Last Updated: Aug 13, 2024 12:57 PM
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Unit 8: Theory…and Research…and Methods (oh my!)

31 Variables; Operational and Conceptual Definitions

Listen, this whole “conceptual and operational definition” stuff might seem painfully boring but it’s actually one of the most useful Superpowers in your SYBI toolbox. The disconnect between the actual concept, the conceptual definition, and the operational definition is more prevalent than you think! And the disconnect between the scholar’s ConceptConceptualDefinitionOperationalDefinition and the average journalist’s perception? Oi ve! It’s enough to make you want to laterally read EVERYTHING that comes your way. At least, I hope it does. Let’s start in nice and slow and think about what are variables anyway? Student textbook authors: Take it away!

Learning Objectives

What is a variable?

Variables; Operational and Conceptual Definitions

Many of you have probably heard of or know what a variable from other classes like algebra. Variables are important in research because they help define and measure what is being researched. In this unit you should be able to define a variable and know the two main components of  variable.

Variables in social scientific research are similar to what you have learned in math classes, meaning they change depending on another element.

There are two components of a variable:

  • A conceptual definition
  • An operational definition

Conceptual Definitions- How we define something. It is the foundation of your research question because you must know  what  something is before you study its’ impact.

Example: How do Americans define the term freedom?

Operational Definitions- How we measure the variable. This is what you would typically think of when asked about the relationship between research and the research question. It relies on the conceptual definition.

Example: How do we measure what it means to have freedom?

Find the variables memory game .

Link to the “test” I mention in the video below:


“Researchers H. Heilman, Ph.D. and C. Peus, Ph.D. used a multidimensional framework to assess how people view men and women respectively. Their research results found that men and women consistently ascribe the same characteristics to each gender.”

Give it a whirl , take the “test.” What do YOU think about how they have operationalized the concept of gender?

Humor me and read the information below the start of the questions when you visit that link [1] .

This second link takes you to a different test but of the same basic concept. This is the one I referenced as “Bem’s Sex Role Inventory [2] .” https://www.idrlabs.com/gender/test.php

Ok, so take this one too (it really doesn’t take long, I promise). What do you think about the questions? Did you “score” the same? If not, why do you think that is? What does that say about operationalizing the concept? In future chapters I’ll ask you to think about what this would say about results and implications! I know – you are so excited!!

Also. Was not exaggerating my results:

First image is coordinates (IN the blue box), second is Bem’s (under the blue box)

definition of variables thesis

Got ideas for questions to include on the exam?

Click this link to add them!

… Unit 1 … Unit 2 …. Unit 3 … Unit 4 … Unit 5 … Unit 6 … Unit 7 … Unit 8 … Unit 9 … Unit 10 … Unit 11 … Unit 12 … Unit 13 … Unit 14 … Unit 15 … Unit 16 …

VIII . Unit 8: Theory…and Research…and Methods (oh my!)

28. Logical Systems: Induction and Deduction

29. Variables; Operational and Conceptual Definitions

30. Variable oh variable! Wherefore art thou o’ variable?

31. On being skeptical [about concepts and variables]

definition of variables thesis

Gender Coordinates Test

Based on the work of heilman and peus, question 1 of 35.


  • "Drawing on the work of Dr. Sandra Lipsitz Bem, this test classifies your personality as masculine or feminine. Though gender stereotyping is controversial, it is important to note that Bem's work has been tested in several countries and has repeatedly been shown to have high levels of validity and test-retest reliability. The test exclusively tests for immanent conceptions of gender (meaning that it doesn't theorize about whether gender roles are biological, cultural, or both). Consequently, the test has been used both by feminists as an instrument of cultural criticism and by gender traditionalists who seek to confirm that gender roles are natural and heritable." ↵

Introduction to Social Scientific Research Methods in Communication (3rd Edition) Copyright © 2023 by Kate Magsamen-Conrad. All Rights Reserved.

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  • Introduction
  • Acknowledgements
  • Research questions & hypotheses
  • Concepts, constructs & variables
  • Research limitations
  • Getting started
  • Sampling Strategy
  • Research Quality
  • Research Ethics
  • Data Analysis

Types of variables

Understanding the types of variables you are investigating in your dissertation is necessary for all types of quantitative research design , whether you using an experimental , quasi-experimental , relationship-based or descriptive research design. When you carry out your dissertation, you may need to measure , manipulate and/or control the variables you are investigating. In the section on Research Designs , you can learn more about the various types of quantitative research design. In this article, we present and illustrate the different types of variables you may come across in your dissertation. First, we discuss the main groups of variables: categorical variables and continuous variables . Second, we explain what dependent and independent variables are. This will provide you with one of the foundations required to tackle a dissertation based on a quantitative research design.

Categorical and continuous variables

Dependent and independent variables, ambiguities in classifying variables.

There are two groups of variables that you need to know about: categorical variables and continuous variables . We use the word groups of variables because both categorical and continuous variables include additional types of variable. However, there can also be some ambiguities when deciding whether a variable is categorical or continuous. We discuss the two groups of variable, as well as these potential ambiguities, in the sections that follow:

Categorical variables

Categorical variables are also known as qualitative (or discrete ) variables . These categorical variables can be further classified as being nominal , dichotomous or ordinal variables. Each of these types of categorical variable (i.e., nominal , dichotomous and ordinal ) has what are known as categories or levels . These categories or levels are the descriptions that you give a variable that help to explain how variables should be measured, manipulated and/or controlled. Take the following example:

Career choices of university students You are interested in the career choices of university students . You could ask university students a number of closed questions related to their career choices. For example: What is your planned occupation? What is the most important factor influencing your career choice?

The first question highlights the use of categories and the second question levels . For example:

Question 1 : What is your planned occupation? Variables with categories

Architect Attorney Biochemist Engineer Dentist Doctor Entrepreneur Social Worker Teacher ETC...

Career prospects Nature of the work Physical working conditions Salary and benefits ETC...

What is important to note about the categories in question 1 and the levels in question 2 is that these will be created by you. Ideally, you will have included these categories or levels based on some primary or secondary research. Ultimately, you choose which categories or levels to include and how many categories or levels there should be.

Each of these types of categorical variable (i.e., nominal , dichotomous and ordinal ) are described below with associated examples:

Nominal variables

The following are examples of nominal variables. These nominal variables could address questions like:

What is your gender?
I am male ( female, bisexual, transsexual)
Male, Female, Bisexual, Transsexual
What type of property are you interested in?
A house ( an apartment, or a bungalow)
Type of property (the customer is interested in)
House, Apartment, Bungalow
What is your hair colour?
I have hair ( blond, brown, red hair, etc.)
Hair colour
Black, Blond, Brown, Red, etc.
What is your blood type?
I have blood type A ( B, AB, O, etc.)
Blood type
A, B, AB, O, etc.

These examples highlight two core characteristics of nominal variables:

Nominal variables have two or more categories.

Nominal variables do not have an intrinsic order.

When we talk about nominal variables not having an intrinsic order , we mean that they can only have categories (e.g., black, blond, brown and red hair); not levels (e.g., a Likert scale from 1 to 5).

Dichotomous variables

The following are examples of dichotomous variables. These dichotomous variables could address questions like:

Are you male or female?
I am male ( I am female)
Male, Female
Do you like watching television?
Yes I do ( No I don't)
Opinion about watching television
Yes, No
What type of property are you interested in?
A residential property ( a commercial property)
Type of property the customer is interested in
Residential, Commercial
What is your employment status?
I am employed ( I am unemployed)
Employment status
Employed, Unemployed

Dichotomous variables are nominal variables that have just two categories. They have a number of characteristics:

Dichotomous variables are designed to give you an either/or response

For example, you are either male or female. You either like watching television (i.e., you answer YES ) or you don't (i.e., you answer NO ).

Dichotomous variables can either be fixed or designed

For example, some variables (e.g., your sex ) can only be dichotomous (i.e., you can only be male or female ). They are therefore fixed . In other cases, dichotomous variables are designed by the researcher. For example, take the question: Do you like watching television? We have determined that the respondent can only select YES (i.e., I like watching television) or NO (i.e., I don't like watching television). However, another researcher could provide the respondent with more than two categories to this question (e.g., most of the time, sometimes , hardly ever ). Where more than two categories are used, these variables become known as nominal variables rather than dichotomous ones.

Ordinal variables

Just like nominal variables, ordinal variables have two or more categories. However, unlike nominal variables, ordinal variables can also be ordered or ranked (i.e., they have levels ). For example, take the following example of an ordinal variable:

Do you like the policies of the Democratic Party?
Not very much ( They are OK, Yes, a lot)
Opinions towards Democratic Party policies
Not very much, They are OK, Yes, a lot

So if you asked someone if they liked the policies of the Democratic Party and you presented them with the following three categories: Not very much , They are OK , or Yes, a lot ; you have an ordinal variable. Why? Because you have 3 categories ? namely Not very much , They are OK , and Yes, a lot ? and you can rank them from the most positive (Yes, a lot), to the middle response (They are OK), to the least positive (Not very much). However, whilst we can rank the three categories , we cannot place a value to them. For example, we cannot say that the response, They are OK , is twice as positive as the response, Not very much .

Other examples of ordinal variables are:

In what year did you start university?
I started in 2006 ( 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010)
Year of university entry
2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010
Do you like watching television?
Most of the time, sometimes hardly ever)
Opinion about watching television
Most of the time, Sometimes, Hardly ever
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
Going to university is important to get a good job
[based on a 5-point Likert scale of 1 = strongly agree, 2 = agree, 3 = neither agree nor disagree,
4 = disagree, 5 = strongly disagree]
2 = I agree ( 1, 3, 4 or 5 on the 5-point Likert scale)
The importance of university to getting a good job
1 = strongly agree, 2 = agree, 3 = neither agree nor disagree, 4 = disagree, 5 = strongly disagree

When it comes to Likert scales, as highlighted in the previous example, there can be some disagreement over whether these should be considered ordinal variables or continuous variables [see the section: Ambiguities in classifying variables ].

Continuous variables

Continuous variables, which are also known as quantitative variables, can be further classified a being either interval or ratio variables. Each of these types of continuous variable (i.e., interval and ratio ) has numerical properties. These numerical properties are the values by which continuous variables can be measured, manipulated and/or controlled. We illustrate the two types of continuous variable (i.e., interval and ratio ) and some associated values in the sections that follow:

Interval variables

Interval variables have a numerical value and can be measured along a continuum . Some examples of interval variables are:

Temperature (measured in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit)
The difference between 20C and 30C is the same as 30C to 40C

However, temperature measured in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit is NOT a ratio variable. This is because temperature measured in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit is not a ratio variable because 0C does not mean there is no temperature.

Ratio variables

Ratio variables are interval variables that meet an additional condition: a measurement value of 0 (zero) must mean that there is none of that variable. Some examples of ratio variables are:

Temperature measured in Kelvin
0 Kelvin, often called , indicates that there is no temperature whatsoever.
A temperature of 10 Kelvin is four times the temperature of 2.5 Kelvin
If two houses are joined together (e.g., terraced housing), the distance between the adjoining walls is 0 (i.e., there is no distance whatsoever).
On the other hand, a distance of 10 meters between the houses would be twice the distance of a 5 meter gap between the houses (i.e., a distance of 10 metres is twice the distance of 5 metres).
Height, mass/weight, etc.

Sometimes, the measurement scale for data is ordinal , but the variable is treated as though it were continuous . This is more often the case when using Likert scales. When a Likert scale has five values (e.g., strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, and strongly disagree), it is treated as an ordinal variable. However, when a Likert scale has seven or more values (e.g., strongly agree, moderately agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, moderately disagree, and strongly disagree), the variable is sometimes treated as a continuous variable. Nonetheless, this is a matter of dispute. Some researchers would argue that a Likert scale should never be treated as a continuous variable, even with seven levels/values.

Since you are responsible for setting the measurement scale for a variable, you will need to think carefully about how you characterise a variable. For example, social scientists may be more likely to consider the variable gender to be a nominal variable. This is because they view gender as having a number of categories, including male, female, bisexual and transsexual. By contrast, other researchers may simply view gender as a dichotomous variable, having just two categories: male and female. In such cases, it may be better to refer to the variable gender as sex .

A variable is not only something that you measure , but also something that you can manipulate and control for. An independent variable (sometimes called an experimental or predictor variable) is a variable that is being manipulated in an experiment in order to observe the effect this has on a dependent variable (sometimes called an outcome variable). The dependent variable is simply that; a variable that is dependent on an independent variable(s). We discuss these concepts in the example below:

For example: Imagine that a tutor asks 100 students to complete a maths test. The tutor wants to know why some students perform better than others. Whilst the tutor does not know the answer to this, she thinks that it might be because of two reasons:

Some students spend more time revising for their test; and

Some students are naturally more intelligent than others.

Therefore, the tutor decides to investigate the effect of revision time and intelligence on the test performance of the 100 students. As such, the dependent and independent variables for the study are:

Dependent Variable: Test Mark (measured from 0 to 100)
Independent Variables: Revision time (measured in hours)
Intelligence (measured using IQ score)

The dependent variable is simply that; a variable that is dependent on an independent variable(s). In our case, the test mark (i.e. the dependent variable) that a student achieves is dependent on revision time and intelligence (i.e., the independent variables). Whilst revision time and intelligence (i.e., independent variables) may (or may not) cause a change in the test mark (i.e., the dependent variable), the reverse is implausible. In other words, whilst the number of hours a student spends revising and the higher a student's IQ score may (or may not) change the test mark that a student achieves, a change in a student's test mark has no bearing on whether a student revises more or is more intelligent. This would not make any sense.

Therefore, the aim of the tutor's investigation is to examine whether these independent variables (i.e., revision time and IQ) result in a change in the dependent variable (i.e., the students' test scores). However, it is also worth noting that whilst this is the main aim of the experiment, the tutor may also be interested to know if the independent variables (i.e., revision time and IQ) are also connected in some way.

You can find out more about the different uses of variables, especially in quantitative research designs (i.e., descriptive , experimental , quasi-experimental and relationship-based research designs), in the section on Research Designs .

What are Examples of Variables in Research?

Table of contents, introduction.

In writing your thesis, one of the first terms that you encounter is the word variable. Failure to understand the meaning and the usefulness of variables in your study will prevent you from doing excellent research. What are variables, and how do you use variables in your research?

You may find it challenging to understand just what variables are in research, especially those that deal with quantitative data analysis. This initial difficulty about variables becomes much more confusing when you encounter the phrases “dependent variable” and “independent variable” as you go deeper in studying this vital concept of research, as well as statistics.

Therefore, it is a must that you should be able to grasp thoroughly the meaning of variables and ways on how to measure them. Yes, the variables should be measurable so that you will use your data for statistical analysis.

Definition of Variable

Variables are those simplified portions of the complex phenomena that you intend to study. The word variable is derived from the root word “vary,” meaning, changing in amount, volume, number, form, nature, or type. These variables should be measurable, i.e., they can be counted or subjected to a scale.

Examples of Variables in Research: 6 Phenomena

The following are examples of phenomena from a global to a local perspective. The corresponding list of variables is given to illustrate how complex phenomena can be broken down into manageable pieces for better understanding and to subject the phenomena to research.

Phenomenon 1: Climate change

Phenomenon 2: crime and violence in the streets, phenomenon 3: poor performance of students in college entrance exams, phenomenon 4: fish kill, phenomenon 5: poor crop growth, phenomenon 6:  how content goes viral.

Notice in the above variable examples that all the factors listed under the phenomena can be counted or measured using an ordinal, ratio, or interval scale, except for the last one. The factors that influence how content goes viral are essentially subjective.

The expected values derived from these variables will be in terms of numbers, amount, category, or type. Quantified variables allow statistical analysis . Variable descriptions, correlations, or differences are then determined.

Difference Between Independent and Dependent Variables

Independent variables.

For example, in the second phenomenon, i.e., crime and violence in the streets, the independent variables are the number of law enforcers. If there are more law enforcers, it is expected that it will reduce the following:

Dependent Variables

For example, in the first phenomenon on climate change, temperature as the independent variable influences sea level rise, the dependent variable. Increased temperature will cause the expansion of water in the sea. Thus, sea-level rise on a global scale will occur.

Finding the relationship between variables

Finding the relationship between variables requires a thorough  review of the literature . Through a review of the relevant and reliable literature, you will find out which variables influence the other variable. You do not just guess relationships between variables. The entire process is the essence of research.

At this point, I believe that the concept of the variable is now clear to you. Share this information with your peers, who may have difficulty in understanding what the variables are in research.

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Your question is unclear to me Biyaminu. What do you mean? If you want to cite this, see the citation box after the article.

I salute your work, before I was have no enough knowledge about variable I think I was claimed from my lecturers, but the real meaning I was in the mid night. thanks

thanks for the explanation a bout variables. keep on posting information a bout reseach on my email.

You can see in the last part of the above article an explanation about dependent and independent variables.

I am requested to write 50 variables in my research as per my topic which is about street vending. I am really clueless.

Dear Alhaji, just be clear about what you want to do. Your research question must be clearly stated before you build your conceptual framework.

Can you please give me what are the possible variables in terms of installation of street lights along barangay roads of calauan, laguna: an assessment?

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Types of Variables – A Comprehensive Guide

Published by Carmen Troy at August 14th, 2021 , Revised On October 26, 2023

A variable is any qualitative or quantitative characteristic that can change and have more than one value, such as age, height, weight, gender, etc.

Before conducting research, it’s essential to know what needs to be measured or analysed and choose a suitable statistical test to present your study’s findings. 

In most cases, you can do it by identifying the key issues/variables related to your research’s main topic.

Example:  If you want to test whether the hybridisation of plants harms the health of people. You can use the key variables like agricultural techniques, type of soil, environmental factors, types of pesticides used, the process of hybridisation, type of yield obtained after hybridisation, type of yield without hybridisation, etc.

Variables are broadly categorised into:

  • Independent variables
  • Dependent variable
  • Control variable

Independent Vs. Dependent Vs. Control Variable

Type of variable Definition Example
Independent Variable (Stimulus) It is the variable that influences other variables.
Dependent variable (Response) The dependent variable is the outcome of the influence of the independent variable. You want to identify “How refined carbohydrates affect the health of human beings?”

: refined carbohydrates

: the health of human beings

You can manipulate the consumption of refined carbs in your human participants and measure how those levels of consuming processed carbohydrates influence human health.

Control Variables
Control variables are variables that are not changed and kept constant throughout the experiment.

The research includes finding ways:

  • To change the independent variables.
  • To prevent the controlled variables from changing.
  • To measure the dependent variables.

Note:  The term dependent and independent is not applicable in  correlational research  as this is not a  controlled experiment.  A researcher doesn’t have control over the variables. The association and between two or more variables are measured. If one variable affects another one, then it’s called the predictor variable and outcome variable.

Example:  Correlation between investment (predictor variable) and profit (outcome variable)

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Types of Variables Based on the Types of Data

A data is referred to as the information and statistics gathered for analysis of a research topic. Data is broadly divided into two categories, such as:

Quantitative/Numerical data  is associated with the aspects of measurement, quantity, and extent. 

Categorial data  is associated with groupings.

A qualitative variable consists of qualitative data, and a quantitative variable consists of a quantitative variable.

Types of variable

Quantitative Variable

The quantitative variable is associated with measurement, quantity, and extent, like how many . It follows the statistical, mathematical, and computational techniques in numerical data such as percentages and statistics. The research is conducted on a large group of population.

Example:  Find out the weight of students of the fifth standard studying in government schools.

The quantitative variable can be further categorised into continuous and discrete.

Type of variable Definition Example
Continuous Variable A continuous variable is a quantitative variable that can take a value between two specific values.
Discrete Variable A discrete variable is a quantitative variable whose attributes are separated from each other.  Literacy rate, gender, and nationality.

Scale: Nominal and ordinal.

Categorial Variable

The categorical variable includes measurements that vary in categories such as names but not in terms of rank or degree. It means one level of a categorical variable cannot be considered better or greater than another level. 

Example: Gender, brands, colors, zip codes

The categorical variable is further categorised into three types:

Type of variable Definition Example
Dichotomous (Binary) Variable This is the categorical variable with two possible results (Yes/No) Alcoholic (Yes/No)
Nominal Variable Nominal Variable can take the value that is not organised in terms of groups, degree, or rank.
Ordinal Variable Ordinal Variable can take the value that can be logically ordered or ranked.

Note:  Sometimes, an ordinal variable also acts as a quantitative variable. Ordinal data has an order, but the intervals between scale points may be uneven.

Example: Numbers on a rating scale represent the reviews’ rank or range from below average to above average. However, it also represents a quantitative variable showing how many stars and how much rating is given.

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Other Types of Variables

It’s important to understand the difference between dependent and independent variables and know whether they are quantitative or categorical to choose the appropriate statistical test.

There are many other types of variables to help you differentiate and understand them.

Also, read a comprehensive guide written about inductive and deductive reasoning .

Type of variable Definition Example
Confounding variables The confounding variable is a hidden variable that produces an association between two unrelated variables because the hidden variable affects both of them. There is an association between water consumption and cold drink sales.

The confounding variable could be the   and compels people to drink a lot of water and a cold drink to reduce heat and thirst caused due to the heat.

Latent Variable These are the variables that cannot be observed or measured directly. Self-confidence and motivation cannot be measured directly. Still, they can be interpreted through other variables such as habits, achievements, perception, and lifestyle.
Composite variables
A composite variable is a combination of multiple variables. It is used to measure multidimensional aspects that are difficult to observe.
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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the 10 types of variables in research.

The 10 types of variables in research are:

  • Independent
  • Confounding
  • Categorical
  • Extraneous.

What is an independent variable?

An independent variable, often termed the predictor or explanatory variable, is the variable manipulated or categorized in an experiment to observe its effect on another variable, called the dependent variable. It’s the presumed cause in a cause-and-effect relationship, determining if changes in it produce changes in the observed outcome.

What is a variable?

In research, a variable is any attribute, quantity, or characteristic that can be measured or counted. It can take on various values, making it “variable.” Variables can be classified as independent (manipulated), dependent (observed outcome), or control (kept constant). They form the foundation for hypotheses, observations, and data analysis in studies.

What is a dependent variable?

A dependent variable is the outcome or response being studied in an experiment or investigation. It’s what researchers measure to determine the effect of changes in the independent variable. In a cause-and-effect relationship, the dependent variable is presumed to be influenced or caused by the independent variable.

What is a variable in programming?

In programming, a variable is a symbolic name for a storage location that holds data or values. It allows data storage and retrieval for computational operations. Variables have types, like integer or string, determining the nature of data they can hold. They’re fundamental in manipulating and processing information in software.

What is a control variable?

A control variable in research is a factor that’s kept constant to ensure that it doesn’t influence the outcome. By controlling these variables, researchers can isolate the effects of the independent variable on the dependent variable, ensuring that other factors don’t skew the results or introduce bias into the experiment.

What is a controlled variable in science?

In science, a controlled variable is a factor that remains constant throughout an experiment. It ensures that any observed changes in the dependent variable are solely due to the independent variable, not other factors. By keeping controlled variables consistent, researchers can maintain experiment validity and accurately assess cause-and-effect relationships.

How many independent variables should an investigation have?

Ideally, an investigation should have one independent variable to clearly establish cause-and-effect relationships. Manipulating multiple independent variables simultaneously can complicate data interpretation.

However, in advanced research, experiments with multiple independent variables (factorial designs) are used, but they require careful planning to understand interactions between variables.

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Types of Variables in Research – Definition & Examples

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A fundamental component in statistical investigations is the methodology you employ in selecting your research variables. The careful selection of appropriate variable types can significantly enhance the robustness of your experimental design . This piece explores the diverse array of variable classifications within the field of statistical research. Additionally, understanding the different types of variables in research can greatly aid in shaping your experimental hypotheses and outcomes.


  • 1 Types of Variables in Research – In a Nutshell
  • 2 Definition: Types of variables in research
  • 3 Types of variables in research – Quantitative vs. Categorical
  • 4 Types of variables in research – Independent vs. Dependent
  • 5 Other useful types of variables in research

Types of Variables in Research – In a Nutshell

  • A variable is an attribute of an item of analysis in research.
  • The types of variables in research can be categorized into: independent vs. dependent , or categorical vs. quantitative .
  • The types of variables in research (correlational) can be classified into predictor or outcome variables.
  • Other types of variables in research are confounding variables , latent variables , and composite variables.

Definition: Types of variables in research

A variable is a trait of an item of analysis in research. Types of variables in research are imperative, as they describe and measure places, people, ideas , or other research objects . There are many types of variables in research. Therefore, you must choose the right types of variables in research for your study.

Note that the correct variable will help with your research design , test selection, and result interpretation.

In a study testing whether some genders are more stress-tolerant than others, variables you can include are the level of stressors in the study setting, male and female subjects, and productivity levels in the presence of stressors.

Also, before choosing which types of variables in research to use, you should know how the various types work and the ideal statistical tests and result interpretations you will use for your study. The key is to determine the type of data the variable contains and the part of the experiment the variable represents.

Types of variables in research – Quantitative vs. Categorical

Data is the precise extent of a variable in statistical research that you record in a data sheet. It is generally divided into quantitative and categorical classes.

Quantitative or numerical data represents amounts, while categorical data represents collections or groupings.

The type of data contained in your variable will determine the types of variables in research. For instance, variables consisting of quantitative data are called quantitative variables, while those containing categorical data are called categorical variables. The section below explains these two types of variables in research better.

Quantitative variables

The scores you record when collecting quantitative data usually represent real values you can add, divide , subtract , or multiply . There are two types of quantitative variables: discrete variables and continuous variables .

The table below explains the elements that set apart discrete and continuous types of variables in research:

Discrete or integer variables Individual item counts or values • Number of employees in a company
• Number of students in a school district
Continuous or ratio variables Measurements of non-finite or continuous scores • Age
• Weight
• Volume
• Distance

Categorical variables

Categorical variables contain data representing groupings. Additionally, the data in categorical variables is sometimes recorded as numbers . However, the numbers represent categories instead of real amounts.

There are three categorical types of variables in research: nominal variables, ordinal variables , and binary variables . Here is a tabular summary.

Binary/dichotomous variables YES/NO outcomes • Win/lose in a game
• Pass/fail in an exam
Nominal variables No-rank groups or orders between groups • Colors
• Participant name
• Brand names
Ordinal variables Groups ranked in a particular order • Performance rankings in an exam
• Rating scales of survey responses

It is worth mentioning that some categorical variables can function as multiple types. For example, in some studies, you can use ordinal variables as quantitative variables if the scales are numerical and not discrete.

Data sheet of quantitative and categorical variables

A data sheet is where you record the data on the variables in your experiment.

In a study of the salt-tolerance levels of various plant species, you can record the data on salt addition and how the plant responds in your datasheet.

The key is to gather the information and draw a conclusion over a specific period and filling out a data sheet along the process.

Below is an example of a data sheet containing binary, nominal, continuous , and ordinal types of variables in research.

A 12 0 - - -
A 18 50 - - -
B 11 0 - - -
B 15 50 - - -
C 25 0 - - -
C 31 50 - - -


Types of variables in research – Independent vs. Dependent


The purpose of experiments is to determine how the variables affect each other. As stated in our experiment above, the study aims to find out how the quantity of salt introduce in the water affects the plant’s growth and survival.

Therefore, the researcher manipulates the independent variables and measures the dependent variables . Additionally, you may have control variables that you hold constant.

The table below summarizes independent variables, dependent variables , and control variables .

Independent/ treatment variables The variables you manipulate to affect the experiment outcome The amount of salt added to the water
Dependent/ response variables The variable that represents the experiment outcomes The plant’s growth or survival
Control variables Variables held constant throughout the study Temperature or light in the experiment room

Data sheet of independent and dependent variables

In salt-tolerance research, there is one independent variable (salt amount) and three independent variables. All other variables are neither dependent nor independent.

Below is a data sheet based on our experiment:

Types of variables in correlational research

The types of variables in research may differ depending on the study.

In correlational research , dependent and independent variables do not apply because the study objective is not to determine the cause-and-effect link between variables.

However, in correlational research, one variable may precede the other, as illness leads to death, and not vice versa. In such an instance, the preceding variable, like illness, is the predictor variable, while the other one is the outcome variable.

Other useful types of variables in research

The key to conducting effective research is to define your types of variables as independent and dependent. Next, you must determine if they are categorical or numerical types of variables in research so you can choose the proper statistical tests for your study.

Below are other types of variables in research worth understanding.

Confounding variables Hides the actual impact of an alternative variable in your study Pot size and soil type
Latent variables Cannot be measured directly Salt tolerance
Composite variables Formed by combining multiple variables The health variables combined into a single health score

What is the definition for independent and dependent variables?

An autonomous or independent variable is the one you believe is the origin of the outcome, while the dependent variable is the one you believe affects the outcome of your study.

What are quantitative and categorical variables?

Knowing the types of variables in research that you can work with will help you choose the best statistical tests and result representation techniques. It will also help you with your study design.

Discrete and continuous variables: What is their difference?

Discrete variables are types of variables in research that represent counts, like the quantities of objects. In contrast, continuous variables are types of variables in research that represent measurable quantities like age, volume, and weight.

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Neag School of Education

Educational Research Basics by Del Siegle

Each person/thing we collect data on is called an OBSERVATION (in our work these are usually people/subjects. Currently, the term participant rather than subject is used when describing the people from whom we collect data).

OBSERVATIONS (participants) possess a variety of CHARACTERISTICS .

If a CHARACTERISTIC of an OBSERVATION (participant) is the same for every member of the group (doesn’t vary) it is called a CONSTANT .

If a CHARACTERISTIC of an OBSERVATION (participant) differs for group members it is called a VARIABLE . In research we don’t get excited about CONSTANTS (since everyone is the same on that characteristic); we’re more interested in VARIABLES. Variables can be classified as QUANTITATIVE or QUALITATIVE (also known as CATEGORICAL).

QUANTITATIVE variables are ones that exist along a continuum that runs from low to high. Ordinal, interval, and ratio variables are quantitative.  QUANTITATIVE variables are sometimes called CONTINUOUS VARIABLES because they have a variety (continuum) of characteristics. Height in inches and scores on a test would be examples of quantitative variables.

QUALITATIVE variables do not express differences in amount, only differences. They are sometimes referred to as CATEGORICAL variables because they classify by categories. Nominal variables such as gender, religion, or eye color are CATEGORICAL variables. Generally speaking, categorical variables

Categorical variables are groups…such as gender or type of degree sought. Quantitative variables are numbers that have a range…like weight in pounds or baskets made during a ball game. When we analyze data we do turn the categorical variables into numbers but only for identification purposes…e.g. 1 = male and 2 = female. Just because 2 = female does not mean that females are better than males who are only 1.  With quantitative data having a higher number means you have more of something. So higher values have meaning.

A special case of a CATEGORICAL variable is a DICHOTOMOUS VARIABLE. DICHOTOMOUS variables have only two CHARACTERISTICS (male or female). When naming QUALITATIVE variables, it is important to name the category rather than the levels (i.e., gender is the variable name, not male and female).

Variables have different purposes or roles…

Independent (Experimental, Manipulated, Treatment, Grouping) Variable- That factor which is measured, manipulated, or selected by the experimenter to determine its relationship to an observed phenomenon. “In a research study, independent variables are antecedent conditions that are presumed to affect a dependent variable. They are either manipulated by the researcher or are observed by the researcher so that their values can be related to that of the dependent variable. For example, in a research study on the relationship between mosquitoes and mosquito bites, the number of mosquitoes per acre of ground would be an independent variable” (Jaeger, 1990, p. 373)

While the independent variable is often manipulated by the researcher, it can also be a classification where subjects are assigned to groups. In a study where one variable causes the other, the independent variable is the cause. In a study where groups are being compared, the independent variable is the group classification.

Dependent (Outcome) Variable- That factor which is observed and measured to determine the effect of the independent variable, i.e., that factor that appears, disappears, or varies as the experimenter introduces, removes, or varies the independent variable. “In a research study, the independent variable defines a principal focus of research interest. It is the consequent variable that is presumably affected by one or more independent variables that are either manipulated by the researcher or observed by the researcher and regarded as antecedent conditions that determine the value of the dependent variable. For example, in a study of the relationship between mosquitoes and mosquito bites, the number of mosquito bites per hour would be the dependent variable” (Jaeger, 1990, p. 370). The dependent variable is the participant’s response.

The dependent variable is the outcome. In an experiment, it may be what was caused or what changed as a result of the study. In a comparison of groups, it is what they differ on.

Moderator Variable- That factor which is measured, manipulated, or selected by the experimenter to discover whether it modifies the relationship of the independent variable to an observed phenomenon. It is a special type of independent variable.

The independent variable’s relationship with the dependent variable may change under different conditions. That condition is the moderator variable. In a study of two methods of teaching reading, one of the methods of teaching reading may work better with boys than girls. Method of teaching reading is the independent variable and reading achievement is the dependent variable. Gender is the moderator variable because it moderates or changes the relationship between the independent variable (teaching method) and the dependent variable (reading achievement).

Suppose we do a study of reading achievement where we compare whole language with phonics, and we also include students’ social economic status (SES) as a variable. The students are randomly assigned to either whole language instruction or phonics instruction. There are students of high and low SES in each group.

Let’s assume that we found that whole language instruction worked better than phonics instruction with the high SES students, but phonics instruction worked better than whole language instruction with the low SES students. Later you will learn in statistics that this is an interaction effect. In this study, language instruction was the independent variable (with two levels: phonics and whole language). SES was the moderator variable (with two levels: high and low). Reading achievement was the dependent variable (measured on a continuous scale so there aren’t levels).

With a moderator variable, we find the type of instruction did make a difference, but it worked differently for the two groups on the moderator variable. We select this moderator variable because we think it is a variable that will moderate the effect of the independent on the dependent. We make this decision before we start the study.

If the moderator had not been in the study above, we would have said that there was no difference in reading achievement between the two types of reading instruction. This would have happened because the average of the high and low scores of each SES group within a reading instruction group would cancel each other an produce what appears to be average reading achievement in each instruction group (i.e., Phonics: Low—6 and High—2; Whole Language:   Low—2 and High—6; Phonics has an average of 4 and Whole Language has an average of 4. If we just look at the averages (without regard to the moderator), it appears that the instruction types produced similar results).

Extraneous Variable- Those factors which cannot be controlled. Extraneous variables are independent variables that have not been controlled. They may or may not influence the results. One way to control an extraneous variable which might influence the results is to make it a constant (keep everyone in the study alike on that characteristic). If SES were thought to influence achievement, then restricting the study to one SES level would eliminate SES as an extraneous variable.

Here are some examples similar to your homework:

Null Hypothesis: Students who receive pizza coupons as a reward do not read more books than students who do not receive pizza coupon rewards. Independent Variable: Reward Status Dependent Variable: Number of Books Read

High achieving students do not perform better than low achieving student when writing stories regardless of whether they use paper and pencil or a word processor. Independent Variable: Instrument Used for Writing Moderator Variable: Ability Level of the Students Dependent Variable:  Quality of Stories Written When we are comparing two groups, the groups are the independent variable. When we are testing whether something influences something else, the influence (cause) is the independent variable. The independent variable is also the one we manipulate. For example, consider the hypothesis “Teachers given higher pay will have more positive attitudes toward children than teachers given lower pay.” One approach is to ask ourselves “Are there two or more groups being compared?” The answer is “Yes.” “What are the groups?” Teachers who are given higher pay and teachers who are given lower pay. Therefore, the independent variable is teacher pay (it has two levels– high pay and low pay). The dependent variable (what the groups differ on) is attitude towards school.

We could also approach this another way. “Is something causing something else?” The answer is “Yes.” “What is causing what?” Teacher pay is causing attitude towards school. Therefore, teacher pay is the independent variable (cause) and attitude towards school is the dependent variable (outcome).

Research Questions and Hypotheses

The research question drives the study. It should specifically state what is being investigated. Statisticians often convert their research questions to null and alternative hypotheses. The null hypothesis states that no relationship (correlation study) or difference (experimental study) exists. Converting research questions to hypotheses is a simple task. Take the questions and make it a positive statement that says a relationship exists (correlation studies) or a difference exists (experiment study) between the groups and we have the alternative hypothesis. Write a statement  that a relationship does not exist or a difference does not exist and we have the null hypothesis.

Format for sample research questions and accompanying hypotheses:

Research Question for Relationships: Is there a relationship between height and weight? Null Hypothesis:  There is no relationship between height and weight. Alternative Hypothesis:   There is a relationship between height and weight.

When a researcher states a nondirectional hypothesis in a study that compares the performance of two groups, she doesn’t state which group she believes will perform better. If the word “more” or “less” appears in the hypothesis, there is a good chance that we are reading a directional hypothesis. A directional hypothesis is one where the researcher states which group she believes will perform better.  Most researchers use nondirectional hypotheses.

We usually write the alternative hypothesis (what we believe might happen) before we write the null hypothesis (saying it won’t happen).

Directional Research Question for Differences: Do boys like reading more than girls? Null Hypothesis:   Boys do not like reading more than girls. Alternative Hypothesis:   Boys do like reading more than girls.

Nondirectional Research Question for Differences: Is there a difference between boys’ and girls’ attitude towards reading? –or– Do boys’ and girls’ attitude towards reading differ? Null Hypothesis:   There is no difference between boys’ and girls’ attitude towards reading.  –or–  Boys’ and girls’ attitude towards reading do not differ. Alternative Hypothesis:   There is a difference between boys’ and girls’ attitude towards reading.  –or–  Boys’ and girls’ attitude towards reading differ.

Del Siegle, Ph.D. Neag School of Education – University of Connecticut [email protected] www.delsiegle.com

Independent and Dependent Variables

Saul McLeod, PhD

Editor-in-Chief for Simply Psychology

BSc (Hons) Psychology, MRes, PhD, University of Manchester

Saul McLeod, PhD., is a qualified psychology teacher with over 18 years of experience in further and higher education. He has been published in peer-reviewed journals, including the Journal of Clinical Psychology.

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Olivia Guy-Evans, MSc

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BSc (Hons) Psychology, MSc Psychology of Education

Olivia Guy-Evans is a writer and associate editor for Simply Psychology. She has previously worked in healthcare and educational sectors.

On This Page:

In research, a variable is any characteristic, number, or quantity that can be measured or counted in experimental investigations . One is called the dependent variable, and the other is the independent variable.

In research, the independent variable is manipulated to observe its effect, while the dependent variable is the measured outcome. Essentially, the independent variable is the presumed cause, and the dependent variable is the observed effect.

Variables provide the foundation for examining relationships, drawing conclusions, and making predictions in research studies.


Independent Variable

In psychology, the independent variable is the variable the experimenter manipulates or changes and is assumed to directly affect the dependent variable.

It’s considered the cause or factor that drives change, allowing psychologists to observe how it influences behavior, emotions, or other dependent variables in an experimental setting. Essentially, it’s the presumed cause in cause-and-effect relationships being studied.

For example, allocating participants to drug or placebo conditions (independent variable) to measure any changes in the intensity of their anxiety (dependent variable).

In a well-designed experimental study , the independent variable is the only important difference between the experimental (e.g., treatment) and control (e.g., placebo) groups.

By changing the independent variable and holding other factors constant, psychologists aim to determine if it causes a change in another variable, called the dependent variable.

For example, in a study investigating the effects of sleep on memory, the amount of sleep (e.g., 4 hours, 8 hours, 12 hours) would be the independent variable, as the researcher might manipulate or categorize it to see its impact on memory recall, which would be the dependent variable.

Dependent Variable

In psychology, the dependent variable is the variable being tested and measured in an experiment and is “dependent” on the independent variable.

In psychology, a dependent variable represents the outcome or results and can change based on the manipulations of the independent variable. Essentially, it’s the presumed effect in a cause-and-effect relationship being studied.

An example of a dependent variable is depression symptoms, which depend on the independent variable (type of therapy).

In an experiment, the researcher looks for the possible effect on the dependent variable that might be caused by changing the independent variable.

For instance, in a study examining the effects of a new study technique on exam performance, the technique would be the independent variable (as it is being introduced or manipulated), while the exam scores would be the dependent variable (as they represent the outcome of interest that’s being measured).

Examples in Research Studies

For example, we might change the type of information (e.g., organized or random) given to participants to see how this might affect the amount of information remembered.

In this example, the type of information is the independent variable (because it changes), and the amount of information remembered is the dependent variable (because this is being measured).

Independent and Dependent Variables Examples

For the following hypotheses, name the IV and the DV.

1. Lack of sleep significantly affects learning in 10-year-old boys.



2. Social class has a significant effect on IQ scores.


3. Stressful experiences significantly increase the likelihood of headaches.

4. Time of day has a significant effect on alertness.

Operationalizing Variables

To ensure cause and effect are established, it is important that we identify exactly how the independent and dependent variables will be measured; this is known as operationalizing the variables.

Operational variables (or operationalizing definitions) refer to how you will define and measure a specific variable as it is used in your study. This enables another psychologist to replicate your research and is essential in establishing reliability (achieving consistency in the results).

For example, if we are concerned with the effect of media violence on aggression, then we need to be very clear about what we mean by the different terms. In this case, we must state what we mean by the terms “media violence” and “aggression” as we will study them.

Therefore, you could state that “media violence” is operationally defined (in your experiment) as ‘exposure to a 15-minute film showing scenes of physical assault’; “aggression” is operationally defined as ‘levels of electrical shocks administered to a second ‘participant’ in another room.

In another example, the hypothesis “Young participants will have significantly better memories than older participants” is not operationalized. How do we define “young,” “old,” or “memory”? “Participants aged between 16 – 30 will recall significantly more nouns from a list of twenty than participants aged between 55 – 70” is operationalized.

The key point here is that we have clarified what we mean by the terms as they were studied and measured in our experiment.

If we didn’t do this, it would be very difficult (if not impossible) to compare the findings of different studies to the same behavior.

Operationalization has the advantage of generally providing a clear and objective definition of even complex variables. It also makes it easier for other researchers to replicate a study and check for reliability .

For the following hypotheses, name the IV and the DV and operationalize both variables.

1. Women are more attracted to men without earrings than men with earrings.


D.V. ____________________________________________________________

Operational definitions:

I.V. ____________________________________________________________

2. People learn more when they study in a quiet versus noisy place.

I.V. _________________________________________________________

D.V. ___________________________________________________________

3. People who exercise regularly sleep better at night.

Can there be more than one independent or dependent variable in a study?

Yes, it is possible to have more than one independent or dependent variable in a study.

In some studies, researchers may want to explore how multiple factors affect the outcome, so they include more than one independent variable.

Similarly, they may measure multiple things to see how they are influenced, resulting in multiple dependent variables. This allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the topic being studied.

What are some ethical considerations related to independent and dependent variables?

Ethical considerations related to independent and dependent variables involve treating participants fairly and protecting their rights.

Researchers must ensure that participants provide informed consent and that their privacy and confidentiality are respected. Additionally, it is important to avoid manipulating independent variables in ways that could cause harm or discomfort to participants.

Researchers should also consider the potential impact of their study on vulnerable populations and ensure that their methods are unbiased and free from discrimination.

Ethical guidelines help ensure that research is conducted responsibly and with respect for the well-being of the participants involved.

Can qualitative data have independent and dependent variables?

Yes, both quantitative and qualitative data can have independent and dependent variables.

In quantitative research, independent variables are usually measured numerically and manipulated to understand their impact on the dependent variable. In qualitative research, independent variables can be qualitative in nature, such as individual experiences, cultural factors, or social contexts, influencing the phenomenon of interest.

The dependent variable, in both cases, is what is being observed or studied to see how it changes in response to the independent variable.

So, regardless of the type of data, researchers analyze the relationship between independent and dependent variables to gain insights into their research questions.

Can the same variable be independent in one study and dependent in another?

Yes, the same variable can be independent in one study and dependent in another.

The classification of a variable as independent or dependent depends on how it is used within a specific study. In one study, a variable might be manipulated or controlled to see its effect on another variable, making it independent.

However, in a different study, that same variable might be the one being measured or observed to understand its relationship with another variable, making it dependent.

The role of a variable as independent or dependent can vary depending on the research question and study design.

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Types of variables and commonly used statistical designs.

Jacob Shreffler ; Martin R. Huecker .


Last Update: March 6, 2023 .

  • Definition/Introduction

Suitable statistical design represents a critical factor in permitting inferences from any research or scientific study. [1]  Numerous statistical designs are implementable due to the advancement of software available for extensive data analysis. [1]  Healthcare providers must possess some statistical knowledge to interpret new studies and provide up-to-date patient care. We present an overview of the types of variables and commonly used designs to facilitate this understanding. [2]

  • Issues of Concern

Individuals who attempt to conduct research and choose an inappropriate design could select a faulty test and make flawed conclusions. This decision could lead to work being rejected for publication or (worse) lead to erroneous clinical decision-making, resulting in unsafe practice. [1]  By understanding the types of variables and choosing tests that are appropriate to the data, individuals can draw appropriate conclusions and promote their work for an application. [3]

To determine which statistical design is appropriate for the data and research plan, one must first examine the scales of each measurement. [4]  Multiple types of variables determine the appropriate design.

Ordinal data (also sometimes referred to as discrete) provide ranks and thus levels of degree between the measurement. [5]  Likert items can serve as ordinal variables, but the Likert scale, the result of adding all the times, can be treated as a continuous variable. [6]  For example, on a 20-item scale with each item ranging from 1 to 5, the item itself can be an ordinal variable, whereas if you add up all items, it could result in a range from 20 to 100. A general guideline for determining if a variable is ordinal vs. continuous: if the variable has more than ten options, it can be treated as a continuous variable. [7]  The following examples are ordinal variables:

  • Likert items
  • Cancer stages
  • Residency Year

Nominal, Categorical, Dichotomous, Binary

Other types of variables have interchangeable terms. Nominal and categorical variables describe samples in groups based on counts that fall within each category, have no quantitative relationships, and cannot be ranked. [8]  Examples of these variables include:

  • Service (i.e., emergency, internal medicine, psychiatry, etc.)
  • Mode of Arrival (ambulance, helicopter, car)

A dichotomous or a binary variable is in the same family as nominal/categorical, but this type has only two options. Binary logistic regression, which will be discussed below, has two options for the outcome of interest/analysis. Often used as (yes/no), examples of dichotomous or binary variables would be:

  • Alive (yes vs. no)
  • Insurance (yes vs. no)
  • Readmitted (yes vs. no)

With this overview of the types of variables provided, we will present commonly used statistical designs for different scales of measurement. Importantly, before deciding on a statistical test, individuals should perform exploratory data analysis to ensure there are no issues with the data and consider type I, type II errors, and power analysis. Furthermore, investigators should ensure appropriate statistical assumptions. [9] [10]  For example, parametric tests, including some discussed below (t-tests, analysis of variance (ANOVA), correlation, and regression), require the data to have a normal distribution and that the variances within each group are similar. [6] [11]  After eliminating any issues based on exploratory data analysis and reducing the likelihood of committing type I and type II errors, a statistical test can be chosen. Below is a brief introduction to each of the commonly used statistical designs with examples of each type. An example of one research focus, with each type of statistical design discussed, can be found in Table 1 to provide more examples of commonly used statistical designs. 

Commonly Used Statistical Designs

Independent Samples T-test

An independent samples t-test allows a comparison of two groups of subjects on one (continuous) variable. Examples in biomedical research include comparing results of treatment vs. control group and comparing differences based on gender (male vs. female).

Example: Does adherence to the ketogenic diet (yes/no; two groups) have a differential effect on total sleep time (minutes; continuous)?

Paired T-test

A paired t-test analyzes one sample population, measuring the same variable on two different occasions; this is often useful for intervention and educational research.

Example :  Does participating in a research curriculum (one group with intervention) improve resident performance on a test to measure research competence (continuous)?

One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

Analysis of variance (ANOVA), as an extension of the t-test, determines differences amongst more than two groups, or independent variables based on a dependent variable. [11]  ANOVA is preferable to conducting multiple t-tests as it reduces the likelihood of committing a type I error.

Example: Are there differences in length of stay in the hospital (continuous) based on the mode of arrival (car, ambulance, helicopter, three groups)?

Repeated Measures ANOVA

Another procedure commonly used if the data for individuals are recurrent (repeatedly measured) is a repeated-measures ANOVA. [1]  In these studies, multiple measurements of the dependent variable are collected from the study participants. [11]  A within-subjects repeated measures ANOVA determines effects based on the treatment variable alone, whereas mixed ANOVAs allow both between-group effects and within-subjects to be considered.

Within-Subjects Example: How does ketamine effect mean arterial pressure (continuous variable) over time (repeated measurement)?

Mixed Example: Does mean arterial pressure (continuous) differ between males and females (two groups; mixed) on ketamine throughout a surgical procedure (over time; repeated measurement)?  

Nonparametric Tests

Nonparametric tests, such as the Mann-Whitney U test (two groups; nonparametric t-test), Kruskal Wallis test (multiple groups; nonparametric ANOVA), Spearman’s rho (nonparametric correlation coefficient) can be used when data are ordinal or lack normality. [3] [5]  Not requiring normality means that these tests allow skewed data to be analyzed; they require the meeting of fewer assumptions. [11]

Example: Is there a relationship between insurance status (two groups) and cancer stage (ordinal)?  

A Chi-square test determines the effect of relationships between categorical variables, which determines frequencies and proportions into which these variables fall. [11]  Similar to other tests discussed, variants and extensions of the chi-square test (e.g., Fisher’s exact test, McNemar’s test) may be suitable depending on the variables. [8]

Example: Is there a relationship between individuals with methamphetamine in their system (yes vs. no; dichotomous) and gender (male or female; dichotomous)?


Correlations (used interchangeably with ‘associations’) signal patterns in data between variables. [1]  A positive association occurs if values in one variable increase as values in another also increase. A negative association occurs if variables in one decrease while others increase. A correlation coefficient, expressed as r,  describes the strength of the relationship: a value of 0 means no relationship, and the relationship strengthens as r approaches 1 (positive relationship) or -1 (negative association). [5]

Example: Is there a relationship between age (continuous) and satisfaction with life survey scores (continuous)?

Linear Regression

Regression allows researchers to determine the degrees of relationships between a dependent variable and independent variables and results in an equation for prediction. [11]  A large number of variables are usable in regression methods.

Example: Which admission to the hospital metrics (multiple continuous) best predict the total length of stay (minutes; continuous)?

Binary Logistic Regression

This type of regression, which aims to predict an outcome, is appropriate when the dependent variable or outcome of interest is binary or dichotomous (yes/no; cured/not cured). [12]

Example: Which panel results (multiple of continuous, ordinal, categorical, dichotomous) best predict whether or not an individual will have a positive blood culture (dichotomous/binary)?

An example of one research focus, with each type of statistical design discussed, can be found in Table 1 to provide more examples of commonly used statistical designs.

(See Types of Variables and Statistical Designs Table 1)

  • Clinical Significance

Though numerous other statistical designs and extensions of methods covered in this article exist, the above information provides a starting point for healthcare providers to become acquainted with variables and commonly used designs. Researchers should study types of variables before determining statistical tests to obtain relevant measures and valid study results. [6]  There is a recommendation to consult a statistician to ensure appropriate usage of the statistical design based on the variables and that the assumptions are upheld. [1]  With the variety of statistical software available, investigators must a priori understand the type of statistical tests when designing a study. [13]  All providers must interpret and scrutinize journal publications to make evidence-based clinical decisions, and this becomes enhanced by a limited but sound understanding of variables and commonly used study designs. [14]

  • Nursing, Allied Health, and Interprofessional Team Interventions

All interprofessional healthcare team members need to be familiar with study design and the variables used in studies to accurately evaluate new data and studies as they are published and apply the latest data to patient care and drive optimal outcomes.

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Types of Variables and Statistical Designs Table 1 Contributed by Martin Huecker, MD and Jacob Shreffler, PhD

Disclosure: Jacob Shreffler declares no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

Disclosure: Martin Huecker declares no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

This book is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ ), which permits others to distribute the work, provided that the article is not altered or used commercially. You are not required to obtain permission to distribute this article, provided that you credit the author and journal.

  • Cite this Page Shreffler J, Huecker MR. Types of Variables and Commonly Used Statistical Designs. [Updated 2023 Mar 6]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan-.

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definition of variables thesis

What Is A Research (Scientific) Hypothesis? A plain-language explainer + examples

By:  Derek Jansen (MBA)  | Reviewed By: Dr Eunice Rautenbach | June 2020

If you’re new to the world of research, or it’s your first time writing a dissertation or thesis, you’re probably noticing that the words “research hypothesis” and “scientific hypothesis” are used quite a bit, and you’re wondering what they mean in a research context .

“Hypothesis” is one of those words that people use loosely, thinking they understand what it means. However, it has a very specific meaning within academic research. So, it’s important to understand the exact meaning before you start hypothesizing. 

Research Hypothesis 101

  • What is a hypothesis ?
  • What is a research hypothesis (scientific hypothesis)?
  • Requirements for a research hypothesis
  • Definition of a research hypothesis
  • The null hypothesis

What is a hypothesis?

Let’s start with the general definition of a hypothesis (not a research hypothesis or scientific hypothesis), according to the Cambridge Dictionary:

Hypothesis: an idea or explanation for something that is based on known facts but has not yet been proved.

In other words, it’s a statement that provides an explanation for why or how something works, based on facts (or some reasonable assumptions), but that has not yet been specifically tested . For example, a hypothesis might look something like this:

Hypothesis: sleep impacts academic performance.

This statement predicts that academic performance will be influenced by the amount and/or quality of sleep a student engages in – sounds reasonable, right? It’s based on reasonable assumptions , underpinned by what we currently know about sleep and health (from the existing literature). So, loosely speaking, we could call it a hypothesis, at least by the dictionary definition.

But that’s not good enough…

Unfortunately, that’s not quite sophisticated enough to describe a research hypothesis (also sometimes called a scientific hypothesis), and it wouldn’t be acceptable in a dissertation, thesis or research paper . In the world of academic research, a statement needs a few more criteria to constitute a true research hypothesis .

What is a research hypothesis?

A research hypothesis (also called a scientific hypothesis) is a statement about the expected outcome of a study (for example, a dissertation or thesis). To constitute a quality hypothesis, the statement needs to have three attributes – specificity , clarity and testability .

Let’s take a look at these more closely.

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definition of variables thesis

Hypothesis Essential #1: Specificity & Clarity

A good research hypothesis needs to be extremely clear and articulate about both what’ s being assessed (who or what variables are involved ) and the expected outcome (for example, a difference between groups, a relationship between variables, etc.).

Let’s stick with our sleepy students example and look at how this statement could be more specific and clear.

Hypothesis: Students who sleep at least 8 hours per night will, on average, achieve higher grades in standardised tests than students who sleep less than 8 hours a night.

As you can see, the statement is very specific as it identifies the variables involved (sleep hours and test grades), the parties involved (two groups of students), as well as the predicted relationship type (a positive relationship). There’s no ambiguity or uncertainty about who or what is involved in the statement, and the expected outcome is clear.

Contrast that to the original hypothesis we looked at – “Sleep impacts academic performance” – and you can see the difference. “Sleep” and “academic performance” are both comparatively vague , and there’s no indication of what the expected relationship direction is (more sleep or less sleep). As you can see, specificity and clarity are key.

A good research hypothesis needs to be very clear about what’s being assessed and very specific about the expected outcome.

Hypothesis Essential #2: Testability (Provability)

A statement must be testable to qualify as a research hypothesis. In other words, there needs to be a way to prove (or disprove) the statement. If it’s not testable, it’s not a hypothesis – simple as that.

For example, consider the hypothesis we mentioned earlier:

Hypothesis: Students who sleep at least 8 hours per night will, on average, achieve higher grades in standardised tests than students who sleep less than 8 hours a night.  

We could test this statement by undertaking a quantitative study involving two groups of students, one that gets 8 or more hours of sleep per night for a fixed period, and one that gets less. We could then compare the standardised test results for both groups to see if there’s a statistically significant difference. 

Again, if you compare this to the original hypothesis we looked at – “Sleep impacts academic performance” – you can see that it would be quite difficult to test that statement, primarily because it isn’t specific enough. How much sleep? By who? What type of academic performance?

So, remember the mantra – if you can’t test it, it’s not a hypothesis 🙂

A good research hypothesis must be testable. In other words, you must able to collect observable data in a scientifically rigorous fashion to test it.

Defining A Research Hypothesis

You’re still with us? Great! Let’s recap and pin down a clear definition of a hypothesis.

A research hypothesis (or scientific hypothesis) is a statement about an expected relationship between variables, or explanation of an occurrence, that is clear, specific and testable.

So, when you write up hypotheses for your dissertation or thesis, make sure that they meet all these criteria. If you do, you’ll not only have rock-solid hypotheses but you’ll also ensure a clear focus for your entire research project.

What about the null hypothesis?

You may have also heard the terms null hypothesis , alternative hypothesis, or H-zero thrown around. At a simple level, the null hypothesis is the counter-proposal to the original hypothesis.

For example, if the hypothesis predicts that there is a relationship between two variables (for example, sleep and academic performance), the null hypothesis would predict that there is no relationship between those variables.

At a more technical level, the null hypothesis proposes that no statistical significance exists in a set of given observations and that any differences are due to chance alone.

And there you have it – hypotheses in a nutshell. 

If you have any questions, be sure to leave a comment below and we’ll do our best to help you. If you need hands-on help developing and testing your hypotheses, consider our private coaching service , where we hold your hand through the research journey.

definition of variables thesis

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This post was based on one of our popular Research Bootcamps . If you're working on a research project, you'll definitely want to check this out ...


Lynnet Chikwaikwai

Very useful information. I benefit more from getting more information in this regard.

Dr. WuodArek

Very great insight,educative and informative. Please give meet deep critics on many research data of public international Law like human rights, environment, natural resources, law of the sea etc


In a book I read a distinction is made between null, research, and alternative hypothesis. As far as I understand, alternative and research hypotheses are the same. Can you please elaborate? Best Afshin

GANDI Benjamin

This is a self explanatory, easy going site. I will recommend this to my friends and colleagues.

Lucile Dossou-Yovo

Very good definition. How can I cite your definition in my thesis? Thank you. Is nul hypothesis compulsory in a research?


It’s a counter-proposal to be proven as a rejection

Egya Salihu

Please what is the difference between alternate hypothesis and research hypothesis?

Mulugeta Tefera

It is a very good explanation. However, it limits hypotheses to statistically tasteable ideas. What about for qualitative researches or other researches that involve quantitative data that don’t need statistical tests?

Derek Jansen

In qualitative research, one typically uses propositions, not hypotheses.


could you please elaborate it more

Patricia Nyawir

I’ve benefited greatly from these notes, thank you.

Hopeson Khondiwa

This is very helpful

Dr. Andarge

well articulated ideas are presented here, thank you for being reliable sources of information


Excellent. Thanks for being clear and sound about the research methodology and hypothesis (quantitative research)

I have only a simple question regarding the null hypothesis. – Is the null hypothesis (Ho) known as the reversible hypothesis of the alternative hypothesis (H1? – How to test it in academic research?

Tesfaye Negesa Urge

this is very important note help me much more

Elton Cleckley

Hi” best wishes to you and your very nice blog” 


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Variables and Measurements in Research

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Variables in a research work are widely used to obtain correct inferences. This is reached when the variables are altered, measured and manipulated. Accordingly, variables are classified into two sets namely dependent and independent variables (Cohen, Manion & Morrison, 2000). The latter can be altered and changed by a researcher. It is imperative to note that the state of an independent variable determines the manner in which a dependent variable reacts. For instance, in a study on the use of a limb sock to reduce edematous residual limbs, the limb sock is an independent variable while the dependent variable is the residual limb. A measurement of the volume or circumference of the socks is made. In this case, a researcher can change the application of the independent variable because he/she has control over it and not the reaction of the volume of the limb after pressure has been applied.

In a study to investigate security threats on e-commerce, there are a number of independent variables and a single dependent variable that are investigated. Security of online transactions is the dependent variable. Independent variables like technology, viruses, inside man, legacy systems, Trojan horses, denial of service attacks and poor system designs all affect this dependent variable (Bryman, 2008).

The letters X and Y are used to denote variables. X is used to identify independent variable while Y is used to measure dependent variable. X is plotted on the abscissa of the graph and Y on the ordinate or Y axis.

Variables are classified as either continuous or discreet (Frankfort-Nacimas & Nachimas, 2007). The later uses discreet values. The discrete variables such as race and blood groups use numerical integers or alpha characters such as 0, 1,4,6 or A,B,C,D respectively. By using numerical figures, a dependent variable like famine can be graded as unbearable-4, severe-3, mild-2 and slight-1.

Continuous variables use infinitely divisible items such as force, blood pressure height and age (Trochim & William, 2001). They are measured on a real scale with numeric figures. Poor classification or choice of a variable to use results into judgment error. In agreement, Parahoo (2006) suggests the use of a statistical test to determine the best variable to apply.

There are four levels of measurements of variables in a study. Cohen et al. (2000) indicate that the type of measurement a researcher uses is critical in determining the nature of analyses to be made. The measurements include nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio level.

Nominal measurement level uses numeric figures to classify data. According to Robson (2002), it may also include letters. In this case, entities or items that are being measured can have similar properties but differ with others in the other categories such as gender or sex. Hence, male gender is classified as M while the female gender categorized as F.

Ordinal level

Bridger (2003) indicates that the classification of observations using ordinal measurement involves the use of symbols. The numbers of items are placed in an ordered relationship. Ordinal measuring provides a reason for such ranking or measurement. The ratios along the scale for different observations are not the same.

Interval level

This level of measurement applies to numbers. Robson (2002) notes that the latter specifies distance from a lower to a higher interval along a scale. For instance, the measurement of temperature interval in centigrade is the same between 83 to 85 Celsius degrees and 92-94 degrees Celsius.

Ratio level

The measurement in this level includes a zero. Ranking of observations are tailored along size and intervals on scales that are equal. Examples of ratio measurements are speed, weight, velocity and area.

Bridger, R. S. (2003). Introduction to Ergonomics (2 nd Edition).London: Taylor and Francis. Print.

Bryman, A. (2008). S ocial research methods. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Cohen, L, Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2000). Research Methods in Education (5 th ed.). London: Routledge.

Frankfort-Nacimas, C., & Nachimas, D. (2007). Research Methods in the Social Sciences. New York: Worth Publishers.

Parahoo, K. (2006). Nursing Research- Principles, Process and Issues ( 2 nd Ed.) Basingstoke: MacMillan.

Robson, C. (2002). Real world research: a resource for social scientists and practitioner-researchers Regional Surveys of the World Series. New York: Wiley- Blackwell.

Trochim, M. K., & William, A. (2001). Research Methods Knowledge Base . Irvine, CA: Atomic Dog.

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IvyPanda. (2020, July 6). Variables and Measurements in Research. https://ivypanda.com/essays/variables-and-measurements-in-research/

"Variables and Measurements in Research." IvyPanda , 6 July 2020, ivypanda.com/essays/variables-and-measurements-in-research/.

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Variables and Measurements in Research'. 6 July.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Variables and Measurements in Research." July 6, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/variables-and-measurements-in-research/.

1. IvyPanda . "Variables and Measurements in Research." July 6, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/variables-and-measurements-in-research/.


IvyPanda . "Variables and Measurements in Research." July 6, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/variables-and-measurements-in-research/.

Frequently asked questions

What’s the difference between concepts, variables, and indicators.

In scientific research, concepts are the abstract ideas or phenomena that are being studied (e.g., educational achievement). Variables are properties or characteristics of the concept (e.g., performance at school), while indicators are ways of measuring or quantifying variables (e.g., yearly grade reports).

The process of turning abstract concepts into measurable variables and indicators is called operationalization .

Frequently asked questions: Methodology

Attrition refers to participants leaving a study. It always happens to some extent—for example, in randomized controlled trials for medical research.

Differential attrition occurs when attrition or dropout rates differ systematically between the intervention and the control group . As a result, the characteristics of the participants who drop out differ from the characteristics of those who stay in the study. Because of this, study results may be biased .

Action research is conducted in order to solve a particular issue immediately, while case studies are often conducted over a longer period of time and focus more on observing and analyzing a particular ongoing phenomenon.

Action research is focused on solving a problem or informing individual and community-based knowledge in a way that impacts teaching, learning, and other related processes. It is less focused on contributing theoretical input, instead producing actionable input.

Action research is particularly popular with educators as a form of systematic inquiry because it prioritizes reflection and bridges the gap between theory and practice. Educators are able to simultaneously investigate an issue as they solve it, and the method is very iterative and flexible.

A cycle of inquiry is another name for action research . It is usually visualized in a spiral shape following a series of steps, such as “planning → acting → observing → reflecting.”

To make quantitative observations , you need to use instruments that are capable of measuring the quantity you want to observe. For example, you might use a ruler to measure the length of an object or a thermometer to measure its temperature.

Criterion validity and construct validity are both types of measurement validity . In other words, they both show you how accurately a method measures something.

While construct validity is the degree to which a test or other measurement method measures what it claims to measure, criterion validity is the degree to which a test can predictively (in the future) or concurrently (in the present) measure something.

Construct validity is often considered the overarching type of measurement validity . You need to have face validity , content validity , and criterion validity in order to achieve construct validity.

Convergent validity and discriminant validity are both subtypes of construct validity . Together, they help you evaluate whether a test measures the concept it was designed to measure.

  • Convergent validity indicates whether a test that is designed to measure a particular construct correlates with other tests that assess the same or similar construct.
  • Discriminant validity indicates whether two tests that should not be highly related to each other are indeed not related. This type of validity is also called divergent validity .

You need to assess both in order to demonstrate construct validity. Neither one alone is sufficient for establishing construct validity.

  • Discriminant validity indicates whether two tests that should not be highly related to each other are indeed not related

Content validity shows you how accurately a test or other measurement method taps  into the various aspects of the specific construct you are researching.

In other words, it helps you answer the question: “does the test measure all aspects of the construct I want to measure?” If it does, then the test has high content validity.

The higher the content validity, the more accurate the measurement of the construct.

If the test fails to include parts of the construct, or irrelevant parts are included, the validity of the instrument is threatened, which brings your results into question.

Face validity and content validity are similar in that they both evaluate how suitable the content of a test is. The difference is that face validity is subjective, and assesses content at surface level.

When a test has strong face validity, anyone would agree that the test’s questions appear to measure what they are intended to measure.

For example, looking at a 4th grade math test consisting of problems in which students have to add and multiply, most people would agree that it has strong face validity (i.e., it looks like a math test).

On the other hand, content validity evaluates how well a test represents all the aspects of a topic. Assessing content validity is more systematic and relies on expert evaluation. of each question, analyzing whether each one covers the aspects that the test was designed to cover.

A 4th grade math test would have high content validity if it covered all the skills taught in that grade. Experts(in this case, math teachers), would have to evaluate the content validity by comparing the test to the learning objectives.

Snowball sampling is a non-probability sampling method . Unlike probability sampling (which involves some form of random selection ), the initial individuals selected to be studied are the ones who recruit new participants.

Because not every member of the target population has an equal chance of being recruited into the sample, selection in snowball sampling is non-random.

Snowball sampling is a non-probability sampling method , where there is not an equal chance for every member of the population to be included in the sample .

This means that you cannot use inferential statistics and make generalizations —often the goal of quantitative research . As such, a snowball sample is not representative of the target population and is usually a better fit for qualitative research .

Snowball sampling relies on the use of referrals. Here, the researcher recruits one or more initial participants, who then recruit the next ones.

Participants share similar characteristics and/or know each other. Because of this, not every member of the population has an equal chance of being included in the sample, giving rise to sampling bias .

Snowball sampling is best used in the following cases:

  • If there is no sampling frame available (e.g., people with a rare disease)
  • If the population of interest is hard to access or locate (e.g., people experiencing homelessness)
  • If the research focuses on a sensitive topic (e.g., extramarital affairs)

The reproducibility and replicability of a study can be ensured by writing a transparent, detailed method section and using clear, unambiguous language.

Reproducibility and replicability are related terms.

  • Reproducing research entails reanalyzing the existing data in the same manner.
  • Replicating (or repeating ) the research entails reconducting the entire analysis, including the collection of new data . 
  • A successful reproduction shows that the data analyses were conducted in a fair and honest manner.
  • A successful replication shows that the reliability of the results is high.

Stratified sampling and quota sampling both involve dividing the population into subgroups and selecting units from each subgroup. The purpose in both cases is to select a representative sample and/or to allow comparisons between subgroups.

The main difference is that in stratified sampling, you draw a random sample from each subgroup ( probability sampling ). In quota sampling you select a predetermined number or proportion of units, in a non-random manner ( non-probability sampling ).

Purposive and convenience sampling are both sampling methods that are typically used in qualitative data collection.

A convenience sample is drawn from a source that is conveniently accessible to the researcher. Convenience sampling does not distinguish characteristics among the participants. On the other hand, purposive sampling focuses on selecting participants possessing characteristics associated with the research study.

The findings of studies based on either convenience or purposive sampling can only be generalized to the (sub)population from which the sample is drawn, and not to the entire population.

Random sampling or probability sampling is based on random selection. This means that each unit has an equal chance (i.e., equal probability) of being included in the sample.

On the other hand, convenience sampling involves stopping people at random, which means that not everyone has an equal chance of being selected depending on the place, time, or day you are collecting your data.

Convenience sampling and quota sampling are both non-probability sampling methods. They both use non-random criteria like availability, geographical proximity, or expert knowledge to recruit study participants.

However, in convenience sampling, you continue to sample units or cases until you reach the required sample size.

In quota sampling, you first need to divide your population of interest into subgroups (strata) and estimate their proportions (quota) in the population. Then you can start your data collection, using convenience sampling to recruit participants, until the proportions in each subgroup coincide with the estimated proportions in the population.

A sampling frame is a list of every member in the entire population . It is important that the sampling frame is as complete as possible, so that your sample accurately reflects your population.

Stratified and cluster sampling may look similar, but bear in mind that groups created in cluster sampling are heterogeneous , so the individual characteristics in the cluster vary. In contrast, groups created in stratified sampling are homogeneous , as units share characteristics.

Relatedly, in cluster sampling you randomly select entire groups and include all units of each group in your sample. However, in stratified sampling, you select some units of all groups and include them in your sample. In this way, both methods can ensure that your sample is representative of the target population .

A systematic review is secondary research because it uses existing research. You don’t collect new data yourself.

The key difference between observational studies and experimental designs is that a well-done observational study does not influence the responses of participants, while experiments do have some sort of treatment condition applied to at least some participants by random assignment .

An observational study is a great choice for you if your research question is based purely on observations. If there are ethical, logistical, or practical concerns that prevent you from conducting a traditional experiment , an observational study may be a good choice. In an observational study, there is no interference or manipulation of the research subjects, as well as no control or treatment groups .

It’s often best to ask a variety of people to review your measurements. You can ask experts, such as other researchers, or laypeople, such as potential participants, to judge the face validity of tests.

While experts have a deep understanding of research methods , the people you’re studying can provide you with valuable insights you may have missed otherwise.

Face validity is important because it’s a simple first step to measuring the overall validity of a test or technique. It’s a relatively intuitive, quick, and easy way to start checking whether a new measure seems useful at first glance.

Good face validity means that anyone who reviews your measure says that it seems to be measuring what it’s supposed to. With poor face validity, someone reviewing your measure may be left confused about what you’re measuring and why you’re using this method.

Face validity is about whether a test appears to measure what it’s supposed to measure. This type of validity is concerned with whether a measure seems relevant and appropriate for what it’s assessing only on the surface.

Statistical analyses are often applied to test validity with data from your measures. You test convergent validity and discriminant validity with correlations to see if results from your test are positively or negatively related to those of other established tests.

You can also use regression analyses to assess whether your measure is actually predictive of outcomes that you expect it to predict theoretically. A regression analysis that supports your expectations strengthens your claim of construct validity .

When designing or evaluating a measure, construct validity helps you ensure you’re actually measuring the construct you’re interested in. If you don’t have construct validity, you may inadvertently measure unrelated or distinct constructs and lose precision in your research.

Construct validity is often considered the overarching type of measurement validity ,  because it covers all of the other types. You need to have face validity , content validity , and criterion validity to achieve construct validity.

Construct validity is about how well a test measures the concept it was designed to evaluate. It’s one of four types of measurement validity , which includes construct validity, face validity , and criterion validity.

There are two subtypes of construct validity.

  • Convergent validity : The extent to which your measure corresponds to measures of related constructs
  • Discriminant validity : The extent to which your measure is unrelated or negatively related to measures of distinct constructs

Naturalistic observation is a valuable tool because of its flexibility, external validity , and suitability for topics that can’t be studied in a lab setting.

The downsides of naturalistic observation include its lack of scientific control , ethical considerations , and potential for bias from observers and subjects.

Naturalistic observation is a qualitative research method where you record the behaviors of your research subjects in real world settings. You avoid interfering or influencing anything in a naturalistic observation.

You can think of naturalistic observation as “people watching” with a purpose.

A dependent variable is what changes as a result of the independent variable manipulation in experiments . It’s what you’re interested in measuring, and it “depends” on your independent variable.

In statistics, dependent variables are also called:

  • Response variables (they respond to a change in another variable)
  • Outcome variables (they represent the outcome you want to measure)
  • Left-hand-side variables (they appear on the left-hand side of a regression equation)

An independent variable is the variable you manipulate, control, or vary in an experimental study to explore its effects. It’s called “independent” because it’s not influenced by any other variables in the study.

Independent variables are also called:

  • Explanatory variables (they explain an event or outcome)
  • Predictor variables (they can be used to predict the value of a dependent variable)
  • Right-hand-side variables (they appear on the right-hand side of a regression equation).

As a rule of thumb, questions related to thoughts, beliefs, and feelings work well in focus groups. Take your time formulating strong questions, paying special attention to phrasing. Be careful to avoid leading questions , which can bias your responses.

Overall, your focus group questions should be:

  • Open-ended and flexible
  • Impossible to answer with “yes” or “no” (questions that start with “why” or “how” are often best)
  • Unambiguous, getting straight to the point while still stimulating discussion
  • Unbiased and neutral

A structured interview is a data collection method that relies on asking questions in a set order to collect data on a topic. They are often quantitative in nature. Structured interviews are best used when: 

  • You already have a very clear understanding of your topic. Perhaps significant research has already been conducted, or you have done some prior research yourself, but you already possess a baseline for designing strong structured questions.
  • You are constrained in terms of time or resources and need to analyze your data quickly and efficiently.
  • Your research question depends on strong parity between participants, with environmental conditions held constant.

More flexible interview options include semi-structured interviews , unstructured interviews , and focus groups .

Social desirability bias is the tendency for interview participants to give responses that will be viewed favorably by the interviewer or other participants. It occurs in all types of interviews and surveys , but is most common in semi-structured interviews , unstructured interviews , and focus groups .

Social desirability bias can be mitigated by ensuring participants feel at ease and comfortable sharing their views. Make sure to pay attention to your own body language and any physical or verbal cues, such as nodding or widening your eyes.

This type of bias can also occur in observations if the participants know they’re being observed. They might alter their behavior accordingly.

The interviewer effect is a type of bias that emerges when a characteristic of an interviewer (race, age, gender identity, etc.) influences the responses given by the interviewee.

There is a risk of an interviewer effect in all types of interviews , but it can be mitigated by writing really high-quality interview questions.

A semi-structured interview is a blend of structured and unstructured types of interviews. Semi-structured interviews are best used when:

  • You have prior interview experience. Spontaneous questions are deceptively challenging, and it’s easy to accidentally ask a leading question or make a participant uncomfortable.
  • Your research question is exploratory in nature. Participant answers can guide future research questions and help you develop a more robust knowledge base for future research.

An unstructured interview is the most flexible type of interview, but it is not always the best fit for your research topic.

Unstructured interviews are best used when:

  • You are an experienced interviewer and have a very strong background in your research topic, since it is challenging to ask spontaneous, colloquial questions.
  • Your research question is exploratory in nature. While you may have developed hypotheses, you are open to discovering new or shifting viewpoints through the interview process.
  • You are seeking descriptive data, and are ready to ask questions that will deepen and contextualize your initial thoughts and hypotheses.
  • Your research depends on forming connections with your participants and making them feel comfortable revealing deeper emotions, lived experiences, or thoughts.

The four most common types of interviews are:

  • Structured interviews : The questions are predetermined in both topic and order. 
  • Semi-structured interviews : A few questions are predetermined, but other questions aren’t planned.
  • Unstructured interviews : None of the questions are predetermined.
  • Focus group interviews : The questions are presented to a group instead of one individual.

Deductive reasoning is commonly used in scientific research, and it’s especially associated with quantitative research .

In research, you might have come across something called the hypothetico-deductive method . It’s the scientific method of testing hypotheses to check whether your predictions are substantiated by real-world data.

Deductive reasoning is a logical approach where you progress from general ideas to specific conclusions. It’s often contrasted with inductive reasoning , where you start with specific observations and form general conclusions.

Deductive reasoning is also called deductive logic.

There are many different types of inductive reasoning that people use formally or informally.

Here are a few common types:

  • Inductive generalization : You use observations about a sample to come to a conclusion about the population it came from.
  • Statistical generalization: You use specific numbers about samples to make statements about populations.
  • Causal reasoning: You make cause-and-effect links between different things.
  • Sign reasoning: You make a conclusion about a correlational relationship between different things.
  • Analogical reasoning: You make a conclusion about something based on its similarities to something else.

Inductive reasoning is a bottom-up approach, while deductive reasoning is top-down.

Inductive reasoning takes you from the specific to the general, while in deductive reasoning, you make inferences by going from general premises to specific conclusions.

In inductive research , you start by making observations or gathering data. Then, you take a broad scan of your data and search for patterns. Finally, you make general conclusions that you might incorporate into theories.

Inductive reasoning is a method of drawing conclusions by going from the specific to the general. It’s usually contrasted with deductive reasoning, where you proceed from general information to specific conclusions.

Inductive reasoning is also called inductive logic or bottom-up reasoning.

A hypothesis states your predictions about what your research will find. It is a tentative answer to your research question that has not yet been tested. For some research projects, you might have to write several hypotheses that address different aspects of your research question.

A hypothesis is not just a guess — it should be based on existing theories and knowledge. It also has to be testable, which means you can support or refute it through scientific research methods (such as experiments, observations and statistical analysis of data).

Triangulation can help:

  • Reduce research bias that comes from using a single method, theory, or investigator
  • Enhance validity by approaching the same topic with different tools
  • Establish credibility by giving you a complete picture of the research problem

But triangulation can also pose problems:

  • It’s time-consuming and labor-intensive, often involving an interdisciplinary team.
  • Your results may be inconsistent or even contradictory.

There are four main types of triangulation :

  • Data triangulation : Using data from different times, spaces, and people
  • Investigator triangulation : Involving multiple researchers in collecting or analyzing data
  • Theory triangulation : Using varying theoretical perspectives in your research
  • Methodological triangulation : Using different methodologies to approach the same topic

Many academic fields use peer review , largely to determine whether a manuscript is suitable for publication. Peer review enhances the credibility of the published manuscript.

However, peer review is also common in non-academic settings. The United Nations, the European Union, and many individual nations use peer review to evaluate grant applications. It is also widely used in medical and health-related fields as a teaching or quality-of-care measure. 

Peer assessment is often used in the classroom as a pedagogical tool. Both receiving feedback and providing it are thought to enhance the learning process, helping students think critically and collaboratively.

Peer review can stop obviously problematic, falsified, or otherwise untrustworthy research from being published. It also represents an excellent opportunity to get feedback from renowned experts in your field. It acts as a first defense, helping you ensure your argument is clear and that there are no gaps, vague terms, or unanswered questions for readers who weren’t involved in the research process.

Peer-reviewed articles are considered a highly credible source due to this stringent process they go through before publication.

In general, the peer review process follows the following steps: 

  • First, the author submits the manuscript to the editor.
  • Reject the manuscript and send it back to author, or 
  • Send it onward to the selected peer reviewer(s) 
  • Next, the peer review process occurs. The reviewer provides feedback, addressing any major or minor issues with the manuscript, and gives their advice regarding what edits should be made. 
  • Lastly, the edited manuscript is sent back to the author. They input the edits, and resubmit it to the editor for publication.

Exploratory research is often used when the issue you’re studying is new or when the data collection process is challenging for some reason.

You can use exploratory research if you have a general idea or a specific question that you want to study but there is no preexisting knowledge or paradigm with which to study it.

Exploratory research is a methodology approach that explores research questions that have not previously been studied in depth. It is often used when the issue you’re studying is new, or the data collection process is challenging in some way.

Explanatory research is used to investigate how or why a phenomenon occurs. Therefore, this type of research is often one of the first stages in the research process , serving as a jumping-off point for future research.

Exploratory research aims to explore the main aspects of an under-researched problem, while explanatory research aims to explain the causes and consequences of a well-defined problem.

Explanatory research is a research method used to investigate how or why something occurs when only a small amount of information is available pertaining to that topic. It can help you increase your understanding of a given topic.

Clean data are valid, accurate, complete, consistent, unique, and uniform. Dirty data include inconsistencies and errors.

Dirty data can come from any part of the research process, including poor research design , inappropriate measurement materials, or flawed data entry.

Data cleaning takes place between data collection and data analyses. But you can use some methods even before collecting data.

For clean data, you should start by designing measures that collect valid data. Data validation at the time of data entry or collection helps you minimize the amount of data cleaning you’ll need to do.

After data collection, you can use data standardization and data transformation to clean your data. You’ll also deal with any missing values, outliers, and duplicate values.

Every dataset requires different techniques to clean dirty data , but you need to address these issues in a systematic way. You focus on finding and resolving data points that don’t agree or fit with the rest of your dataset.

These data might be missing values, outliers, duplicate values, incorrectly formatted, or irrelevant. You’ll start with screening and diagnosing your data. Then, you’ll often standardize and accept or remove data to make your dataset consistent and valid.

Data cleaning is necessary for valid and appropriate analyses. Dirty data contain inconsistencies or errors , but cleaning your data helps you minimize or resolve these.

Without data cleaning, you could end up with a Type I or II error in your conclusion. These types of erroneous conclusions can be practically significant with important consequences, because they lead to misplaced investments or missed opportunities.

Data cleaning involves spotting and resolving potential data inconsistencies or errors to improve your data quality. An error is any value (e.g., recorded weight) that doesn’t reflect the true value (e.g., actual weight) of something that’s being measured.

In this process, you review, analyze, detect, modify, or remove “dirty” data to make your dataset “clean.” Data cleaning is also called data cleansing or data scrubbing.

Research misconduct means making up or falsifying data, manipulating data analyses, or misrepresenting results in research reports. It’s a form of academic fraud.

These actions are committed intentionally and can have serious consequences; research misconduct is not a simple mistake or a point of disagreement but a serious ethical failure.

Anonymity means you don’t know who the participants are, while confidentiality means you know who they are but remove identifying information from your research report. Both are important ethical considerations .

You can only guarantee anonymity by not collecting any personally identifying information—for example, names, phone numbers, email addresses, IP addresses, physical characteristics, photos, or videos.

You can keep data confidential by using aggregate information in your research report, so that you only refer to groups of participants rather than individuals.

Research ethics matter for scientific integrity, human rights and dignity, and collaboration between science and society. These principles make sure that participation in studies is voluntary, informed, and safe.

Ethical considerations in research are a set of principles that guide your research designs and practices. These principles include voluntary participation, informed consent, anonymity, confidentiality, potential for harm, and results communication.

Scientists and researchers must always adhere to a certain code of conduct when collecting data from others .

These considerations protect the rights of research participants, enhance research validity , and maintain scientific integrity.

In multistage sampling , you can use probability or non-probability sampling methods .

For a probability sample, you have to conduct probability sampling at every stage.

You can mix it up by using simple random sampling , systematic sampling , or stratified sampling to select units at different stages, depending on what is applicable and relevant to your study.

Multistage sampling can simplify data collection when you have large, geographically spread samples, and you can obtain a probability sample without a complete sampling frame.

But multistage sampling may not lead to a representative sample, and larger samples are needed for multistage samples to achieve the statistical properties of simple random samples .

These are four of the most common mixed methods designs :

  • Convergent parallel: Quantitative and qualitative data are collected at the same time and analyzed separately. After both analyses are complete, compare your results to draw overall conclusions. 
  • Embedded: Quantitative and qualitative data are collected at the same time, but within a larger quantitative or qualitative design. One type of data is secondary to the other.
  • Explanatory sequential: Quantitative data is collected and analyzed first, followed by qualitative data. You can use this design if you think your qualitative data will explain and contextualize your quantitative findings.
  • Exploratory sequential: Qualitative data is collected and analyzed first, followed by quantitative data. You can use this design if you think the quantitative data will confirm or validate your qualitative findings.

Triangulation in research means using multiple datasets, methods, theories and/or investigators to address a research question. It’s a research strategy that can help you enhance the validity and credibility of your findings.

Triangulation is mainly used in qualitative research , but it’s also commonly applied in quantitative research . Mixed methods research always uses triangulation.

In multistage sampling , or multistage cluster sampling, you draw a sample from a population using smaller and smaller groups at each stage.

This method is often used to collect data from a large, geographically spread group of people in national surveys, for example. You take advantage of hierarchical groupings (e.g., from state to city to neighborhood) to create a sample that’s less expensive and time-consuming to collect data from.

No, the steepness or slope of the line isn’t related to the correlation coefficient value. The correlation coefficient only tells you how closely your data fit on a line, so two datasets with the same correlation coefficient can have very different slopes.

To find the slope of the line, you’ll need to perform a regression analysis .

Correlation coefficients always range between -1 and 1.

The sign of the coefficient tells you the direction of the relationship: a positive value means the variables change together in the same direction, while a negative value means they change together in opposite directions.

The absolute value of a number is equal to the number without its sign. The absolute value of a correlation coefficient tells you the magnitude of the correlation: the greater the absolute value, the stronger the correlation.

These are the assumptions your data must meet if you want to use Pearson’s r :

  • Both variables are on an interval or ratio level of measurement
  • Data from both variables follow normal distributions
  • Your data have no outliers
  • Your data is from a random or representative sample
  • You expect a linear relationship between the two variables

Quantitative research designs can be divided into two main categories:

  • Correlational and descriptive designs are used to investigate characteristics, averages, trends, and associations between variables.
  • Experimental and quasi-experimental designs are used to test causal relationships .

Qualitative research designs tend to be more flexible. Common types of qualitative design include case study , ethnography , and grounded theory designs.

A well-planned research design helps ensure that your methods match your research aims, that you collect high-quality data, and that you use the right kind of analysis to answer your questions, utilizing credible sources . This allows you to draw valid , trustworthy conclusions.

The priorities of a research design can vary depending on the field, but you usually have to specify:

  • Your research questions and/or hypotheses
  • Your overall approach (e.g., qualitative or quantitative )
  • The type of design you’re using (e.g., a survey , experiment , or case study )
  • Your sampling methods or criteria for selecting subjects
  • Your data collection methods (e.g., questionnaires , observations)
  • Your data collection procedures (e.g., operationalization , timing and data management)
  • Your data analysis methods (e.g., statistical tests  or thematic analysis )

A research design is a strategy for answering your   research question . It defines your overall approach and determines how you will collect and analyze data.

Questionnaires can be self-administered or researcher-administered.

Self-administered questionnaires can be delivered online or in paper-and-pen formats, in person or through mail. All questions are standardized so that all respondents receive the same questions with identical wording.

Researcher-administered questionnaires are interviews that take place by phone, in-person, or online between researchers and respondents. You can gain deeper insights by clarifying questions for respondents or asking follow-up questions.

You can organize the questions logically, with a clear progression from simple to complex, or randomly between respondents. A logical flow helps respondents process the questionnaire easier and quicker, but it may lead to bias. Randomization can minimize the bias from order effects.

Closed-ended, or restricted-choice, questions offer respondents a fixed set of choices to select from. These questions are easier to answer quickly.

Open-ended or long-form questions allow respondents to answer in their own words. Because there are no restrictions on their choices, respondents can answer in ways that researchers may not have otherwise considered.

A questionnaire is a data collection tool or instrument, while a survey is an overarching research method that involves collecting and analyzing data from people using questionnaires.

The third variable and directionality problems are two main reasons why correlation isn’t causation .

The third variable problem means that a confounding variable affects both variables to make them seem causally related when they are not.

The directionality problem is when two variables correlate and might actually have a causal relationship, but it’s impossible to conclude which variable causes changes in the other.

Correlation describes an association between variables : when one variable changes, so does the other. A correlation is a statistical indicator of the relationship between variables.

Causation means that changes in one variable brings about changes in the other (i.e., there is a cause-and-effect relationship between variables). The two variables are correlated with each other, and there’s also a causal link between them.

While causation and correlation can exist simultaneously, correlation does not imply causation. In other words, correlation is simply a relationship where A relates to B—but A doesn’t necessarily cause B to happen (or vice versa). Mistaking correlation for causation is a common error and can lead to false cause fallacy .

Controlled experiments establish causality, whereas correlational studies only show associations between variables.

  • In an experimental design , you manipulate an independent variable and measure its effect on a dependent variable. Other variables are controlled so they can’t impact the results.
  • In a correlational design , you measure variables without manipulating any of them. You can test whether your variables change together, but you can’t be sure that one variable caused a change in another.

In general, correlational research is high in external validity while experimental research is high in internal validity .

A correlation is usually tested for two variables at a time, but you can test correlations between three or more variables.

A correlation coefficient is a single number that describes the strength and direction of the relationship between your variables.

Different types of correlation coefficients might be appropriate for your data based on their levels of measurement and distributions . The Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient (Pearson’s r ) is commonly used to assess a linear relationship between two quantitative variables.

A correlational research design investigates relationships between two variables (or more) without the researcher controlling or manipulating any of them. It’s a non-experimental type of quantitative research .

A correlation reflects the strength and/or direction of the association between two or more variables.

  • A positive correlation means that both variables change in the same direction.
  • A negative correlation means that the variables change in opposite directions.
  • A zero correlation means there’s no relationship between the variables.

Random error  is almost always present in scientific studies, even in highly controlled settings. While you can’t eradicate it completely, you can reduce random error by taking repeated measurements, using a large sample, and controlling extraneous variables .

You can avoid systematic error through careful design of your sampling , data collection , and analysis procedures. For example, use triangulation to measure your variables using multiple methods; regularly calibrate instruments or procedures; use random sampling and random assignment ; and apply masking (blinding) where possible.

Systematic error is generally a bigger problem in research.

With random error, multiple measurements will tend to cluster around the true value. When you’re collecting data from a large sample , the errors in different directions will cancel each other out.

Systematic errors are much more problematic because they can skew your data away from the true value. This can lead you to false conclusions ( Type I and II errors ) about the relationship between the variables you’re studying.

Random and systematic error are two types of measurement error.

Random error is a chance difference between the observed and true values of something (e.g., a researcher misreading a weighing scale records an incorrect measurement).

Systematic error is a consistent or proportional difference between the observed and true values of something (e.g., a miscalibrated scale consistently records weights as higher than they actually are).

On graphs, the explanatory variable is conventionally placed on the x-axis, while the response variable is placed on the y-axis.

  • If you have quantitative variables , use a scatterplot or a line graph.
  • If your response variable is categorical, use a scatterplot or a line graph.
  • If your explanatory variable is categorical, use a bar graph.

The term “ explanatory variable ” is sometimes preferred over “ independent variable ” because, in real world contexts, independent variables are often influenced by other variables. This means they aren’t totally independent.

Multiple independent variables may also be correlated with each other, so “explanatory variables” is a more appropriate term.

The difference between explanatory and response variables is simple:

  • An explanatory variable is the expected cause, and it explains the results.
  • A response variable is the expected effect, and it responds to other variables.

In a controlled experiment , all extraneous variables are held constant so that they can’t influence the results. Controlled experiments require:

  • A control group that receives a standard treatment, a fake treatment, or no treatment.
  • Random assignment of participants to ensure the groups are equivalent.

Depending on your study topic, there are various other methods of controlling variables .

There are 4 main types of extraneous variables :

  • Demand characteristics : environmental cues that encourage participants to conform to researchers’ expectations.
  • Experimenter effects : unintentional actions by researchers that influence study outcomes.
  • Situational variables : environmental variables that alter participants’ behaviors.
  • Participant variables : any characteristic or aspect of a participant’s background that could affect study results.

An extraneous variable is any variable that you’re not investigating that can potentially affect the dependent variable of your research study.

A confounding variable is a type of extraneous variable that not only affects the dependent variable, but is also related to the independent variable.

In a factorial design, multiple independent variables are tested.

If you test two variables, each level of one independent variable is combined with each level of the other independent variable to create different conditions.

Within-subjects designs have many potential threats to internal validity , but they are also very statistically powerful .


  • Only requires small samples
  • Statistically powerful
  • Removes the effects of individual differences on the outcomes


  • Internal validity threats reduce the likelihood of establishing a direct relationship between variables
  • Time-related effects, such as growth, can influence the outcomes
  • Carryover effects mean that the specific order of different treatments affect the outcomes

While a between-subjects design has fewer threats to internal validity , it also requires more participants for high statistical power than a within-subjects design .

  • Prevents carryover effects of learning and fatigue.
  • Shorter study duration.
  • Needs larger samples for high power.
  • Uses more resources to recruit participants, administer sessions, cover costs, etc.
  • Individual differences may be an alternative explanation for results.

Yes. Between-subjects and within-subjects designs can be combined in a single study when you have two or more independent variables (a factorial design). In a mixed factorial design, one variable is altered between subjects and another is altered within subjects.

In a between-subjects design , every participant experiences only one condition, and researchers assess group differences between participants in various conditions.

In a within-subjects design , each participant experiences all conditions, and researchers test the same participants repeatedly for differences between conditions.

The word “between” means that you’re comparing different conditions between groups, while the word “within” means you’re comparing different conditions within the same group.

Random assignment is used in experiments with a between-groups or independent measures design. In this research design, there’s usually a control group and one or more experimental groups. Random assignment helps ensure that the groups are comparable.

In general, you should always use random assignment in this type of experimental design when it is ethically possible and makes sense for your study topic.

To implement random assignment , assign a unique number to every member of your study’s sample .

Then, you can use a random number generator or a lottery method to randomly assign each number to a control or experimental group. You can also do so manually, by flipping a coin or rolling a dice to randomly assign participants to groups.

Random selection, or random sampling , is a way of selecting members of a population for your study’s sample.

In contrast, random assignment is a way of sorting the sample into control and experimental groups.

Random sampling enhances the external validity or generalizability of your results, while random assignment improves the internal validity of your study.

In experimental research, random assignment is a way of placing participants from your sample into different groups using randomization. With this method, every member of the sample has a known or equal chance of being placed in a control group or an experimental group.

“Controlling for a variable” means measuring extraneous variables and accounting for them statistically to remove their effects on other variables.

Researchers often model control variable data along with independent and dependent variable data in regression analyses and ANCOVAs . That way, you can isolate the control variable’s effects from the relationship between the variables of interest.

Control variables help you establish a correlational or causal relationship between variables by enhancing internal validity .

If you don’t control relevant extraneous variables , they may influence the outcomes of your study, and you may not be able to demonstrate that your results are really an effect of your independent variable .

A control variable is any variable that’s held constant in a research study. It’s not a variable of interest in the study, but it’s controlled because it could influence the outcomes.

Including mediators and moderators in your research helps you go beyond studying a simple relationship between two variables for a fuller picture of the real world. They are important to consider when studying complex correlational or causal relationships.

Mediators are part of the causal pathway of an effect, and they tell you how or why an effect takes place. Moderators usually help you judge the external validity of your study by identifying the limitations of when the relationship between variables holds.

If something is a mediating variable :

  • It’s caused by the independent variable .
  • It influences the dependent variable
  • When it’s taken into account, the statistical correlation between the independent and dependent variables is higher than when it isn’t considered.

A confounder is a third variable that affects variables of interest and makes them seem related when they are not. In contrast, a mediator is the mechanism of a relationship between two variables: it explains the process by which they are related.

A mediator variable explains the process through which two variables are related, while a moderator variable affects the strength and direction of that relationship.

There are three key steps in systematic sampling :

  • Define and list your population , ensuring that it is not ordered in a cyclical or periodic order.
  • Decide on your sample size and calculate your interval, k , by dividing your population by your target sample size.
  • Choose every k th member of the population as your sample.

Systematic sampling is a probability sampling method where researchers select members of the population at a regular interval – for example, by selecting every 15th person on a list of the population. If the population is in a random order, this can imitate the benefits of simple random sampling .

Yes, you can create a stratified sample using multiple characteristics, but you must ensure that every participant in your study belongs to one and only one subgroup. In this case, you multiply the numbers of subgroups for each characteristic to get the total number of groups.

For example, if you were stratifying by location with three subgroups (urban, rural, or suburban) and marital status with five subgroups (single, divorced, widowed, married, or partnered), you would have 3 x 5 = 15 subgroups.

You should use stratified sampling when your sample can be divided into mutually exclusive and exhaustive subgroups that you believe will take on different mean values for the variable that you’re studying.

Using stratified sampling will allow you to obtain more precise (with lower variance ) statistical estimates of whatever you are trying to measure.

For example, say you want to investigate how income differs based on educational attainment, but you know that this relationship can vary based on race. Using stratified sampling, you can ensure you obtain a large enough sample from each racial group, allowing you to draw more precise conclusions.

In stratified sampling , researchers divide subjects into subgroups called strata based on characteristics that they share (e.g., race, gender, educational attainment).

Once divided, each subgroup is randomly sampled using another probability sampling method.

Cluster sampling is more time- and cost-efficient than other probability sampling methods , particularly when it comes to large samples spread across a wide geographical area.

However, it provides less statistical certainty than other methods, such as simple random sampling , because it is difficult to ensure that your clusters properly represent the population as a whole.

There are three types of cluster sampling : single-stage, double-stage and multi-stage clustering. In all three types, you first divide the population into clusters, then randomly select clusters for use in your sample.

  • In single-stage sampling , you collect data from every unit within the selected clusters.
  • In double-stage sampling , you select a random sample of units from within the clusters.
  • In multi-stage sampling , you repeat the procedure of randomly sampling elements from within the clusters until you have reached a manageable sample.

Cluster sampling is a probability sampling method in which you divide a population into clusters, such as districts or schools, and then randomly select some of these clusters as your sample.

The clusters should ideally each be mini-representations of the population as a whole.

If properly implemented, simple random sampling is usually the best sampling method for ensuring both internal and external validity . However, it can sometimes be impractical and expensive to implement, depending on the size of the population to be studied,

If you have a list of every member of the population and the ability to reach whichever members are selected, you can use simple random sampling.

The American Community Survey  is an example of simple random sampling . In order to collect detailed data on the population of the US, the Census Bureau officials randomly select 3.5 million households per year and use a variety of methods to convince them to fill out the survey.

Simple random sampling is a type of probability sampling in which the researcher randomly selects a subset of participants from a population . Each member of the population has an equal chance of being selected. Data is then collected from as large a percentage as possible of this random subset.

Quasi-experimental design is most useful in situations where it would be unethical or impractical to run a true experiment .

Quasi-experiments have lower internal validity than true experiments, but they often have higher external validity  as they can use real-world interventions instead of artificial laboratory settings.

A quasi-experiment is a type of research design that attempts to establish a cause-and-effect relationship. The main difference with a true experiment is that the groups are not randomly assigned.

Blinding is important to reduce research bias (e.g., observer bias , demand characteristics ) and ensure a study’s internal validity .

If participants know whether they are in a control or treatment group , they may adjust their behavior in ways that affect the outcome that researchers are trying to measure. If the people administering the treatment are aware of group assignment, they may treat participants differently and thus directly or indirectly influence the final results.

  • In a single-blind study , only the participants are blinded.
  • In a double-blind study , both participants and experimenters are blinded.
  • In a triple-blind study , the assignment is hidden not only from participants and experimenters, but also from the researchers analyzing the data.

Blinding means hiding who is assigned to the treatment group and who is assigned to the control group in an experiment .

A true experiment (a.k.a. a controlled experiment) always includes at least one control group that doesn’t receive the experimental treatment.

However, some experiments use a within-subjects design to test treatments without a control group. In these designs, you usually compare one group’s outcomes before and after a treatment (instead of comparing outcomes between different groups).

For strong internal validity , it’s usually best to include a control group if possible. Without a control group, it’s harder to be certain that the outcome was caused by the experimental treatment and not by other variables.

An experimental group, also known as a treatment group, receives the treatment whose effect researchers wish to study, whereas a control group does not. They should be identical in all other ways.

Individual Likert-type questions are generally considered ordinal data , because the items have clear rank order, but don’t have an even distribution.

Overall Likert scale scores are sometimes treated as interval data. These scores are considered to have directionality and even spacing between them.

The type of data determines what statistical tests you should use to analyze your data.

A Likert scale is a rating scale that quantitatively assesses opinions, attitudes, or behaviors. It is made up of 4 or more questions that measure a single attitude or trait when response scores are combined.

To use a Likert scale in a survey , you present participants with Likert-type questions or statements, and a continuum of items, usually with 5 or 7 possible responses, to capture their degree of agreement.

There are various approaches to qualitative data analysis , but they all share five steps in common:

  • Prepare and organize your data.
  • Review and explore your data.
  • Develop a data coding system.
  • Assign codes to the data.
  • Identify recurring themes.

The specifics of each step depend on the focus of the analysis. Some common approaches include textual analysis , thematic analysis , and discourse analysis .

There are five common approaches to qualitative research :

  • Grounded theory involves collecting data in order to develop new theories.
  • Ethnography involves immersing yourself in a group or organization to understand its culture.
  • Narrative research involves interpreting stories to understand how people make sense of their experiences and perceptions.
  • Phenomenological research involves investigating phenomena through people’s lived experiences.
  • Action research links theory and practice in several cycles to drive innovative changes.

Hypothesis testing is a formal procedure for investigating our ideas about the world using statistics. It is used by scientists to test specific predictions, called hypotheses , by calculating how likely it is that a pattern or relationship between variables could have arisen by chance.

Operationalization means turning abstract conceptual ideas into measurable observations.

For example, the concept of social anxiety isn’t directly observable, but it can be operationally defined in terms of self-rating scores, behavioral avoidance of crowded places, or physical anxiety symptoms in social situations.

Before collecting data , it’s important to consider how you will operationalize the variables that you want to measure.

When conducting research, collecting original data has significant advantages:

  • You can tailor data collection to your specific research aims (e.g. understanding the needs of your consumers or user testing your website)
  • You can control and standardize the process for high reliability and validity (e.g. choosing appropriate measurements and sampling methods )

However, there are also some drawbacks: data collection can be time-consuming, labor-intensive and expensive. In some cases, it’s more efficient to use secondary data that has already been collected by someone else, but the data might be less reliable.

Data collection is the systematic process by which observations or measurements are gathered in research. It is used in many different contexts by academics, governments, businesses, and other organizations.

There are several methods you can use to decrease the impact of confounding variables on your research: restriction, matching, statistical control and randomization.

In restriction , you restrict your sample by only including certain subjects that have the same values of potential confounding variables.

In matching , you match each of the subjects in your treatment group with a counterpart in the comparison group. The matched subjects have the same values on any potential confounding variables, and only differ in the independent variable .

In statistical control , you include potential confounders as variables in your regression .

In randomization , you randomly assign the treatment (or independent variable) in your study to a sufficiently large number of subjects, which allows you to control for all potential confounding variables.

A confounding variable is closely related to both the independent and dependent variables in a study. An independent variable represents the supposed cause , while the dependent variable is the supposed effect . A confounding variable is a third variable that influences both the independent and dependent variables.

Failing to account for confounding variables can cause you to wrongly estimate the relationship between your independent and dependent variables.

To ensure the internal validity of your research, you must consider the impact of confounding variables. If you fail to account for them, you might over- or underestimate the causal relationship between your independent and dependent variables , or even find a causal relationship where none exists.

Yes, but including more than one of either type requires multiple research questions .

For example, if you are interested in the effect of a diet on health, you can use multiple measures of health: blood sugar, blood pressure, weight, pulse, and many more. Each of these is its own dependent variable with its own research question.

You could also choose to look at the effect of exercise levels as well as diet, or even the additional effect of the two combined. Each of these is a separate independent variable .

To ensure the internal validity of an experiment , you should only change one independent variable at a time.

No. The value of a dependent variable depends on an independent variable, so a variable cannot be both independent and dependent at the same time. It must be either the cause or the effect, not both!

You want to find out how blood sugar levels are affected by drinking diet soda and regular soda, so you conduct an experiment .

  • The type of soda – diet or regular – is the independent variable .
  • The level of blood sugar that you measure is the dependent variable – it changes depending on the type of soda.

Determining cause and effect is one of the most important parts of scientific research. It’s essential to know which is the cause – the independent variable – and which is the effect – the dependent variable.

In non-probability sampling , the sample is selected based on non-random criteria, and not every member of the population has a chance of being included.

Common non-probability sampling methods include convenience sampling , voluntary response sampling, purposive sampling , snowball sampling, and quota sampling .

Probability sampling means that every member of the target population has a known chance of being included in the sample.

Probability sampling methods include simple random sampling , systematic sampling , stratified sampling , and cluster sampling .

Using careful research design and sampling procedures can help you avoid sampling bias . Oversampling can be used to correct undercoverage bias .

Some common types of sampling bias include self-selection bias , nonresponse bias , undercoverage bias , survivorship bias , pre-screening or advertising bias, and healthy user bias.

Sampling bias is a threat to external validity – it limits the generalizability of your findings to a broader group of people.

A sampling error is the difference between a population parameter and a sample statistic .

A statistic refers to measures about the sample , while a parameter refers to measures about the population .

Populations are used when a research question requires data from every member of the population. This is usually only feasible when the population is small and easily accessible.

Samples are used to make inferences about populations . Samples are easier to collect data from because they are practical, cost-effective, convenient, and manageable.

There are seven threats to external validity : selection bias , history, experimenter effect, Hawthorne effect , testing effect, aptitude-treatment and situation effect.

The two types of external validity are population validity (whether you can generalize to other groups of people) and ecological validity (whether you can generalize to other situations and settings).

The external validity of a study is the extent to which you can generalize your findings to different groups of people, situations, and measures.

Cross-sectional studies cannot establish a cause-and-effect relationship or analyze behavior over a period of time. To investigate cause and effect, you need to do a longitudinal study or an experimental study .

Cross-sectional studies are less expensive and time-consuming than many other types of study. They can provide useful insights into a population’s characteristics and identify correlations for further research.

Sometimes only cross-sectional data is available for analysis; other times your research question may only require a cross-sectional study to answer it.

Longitudinal studies can last anywhere from weeks to decades, although they tend to be at least a year long.

The 1970 British Cohort Study , which has collected data on the lives of 17,000 Brits since their births in 1970, is one well-known example of a longitudinal study .

Longitudinal studies are better to establish the correct sequence of events, identify changes over time, and provide insight into cause-and-effect relationships, but they also tend to be more expensive and time-consuming than other types of studies.

Longitudinal studies and cross-sectional studies are two different types of research design . In a cross-sectional study you collect data from a population at a specific point in time; in a longitudinal study you repeatedly collect data from the same sample over an extended period of time.

Longitudinal study Cross-sectional study
observations Observations at a in time
Observes the multiple times Observes (a “cross-section”) in the population
Follows in participants over time Provides of society at a given point

There are eight threats to internal validity : history, maturation, instrumentation, testing, selection bias , regression to the mean, social interaction and attrition .

Internal validity is the extent to which you can be confident that a cause-and-effect relationship established in a study cannot be explained by other factors.

In mixed methods research , you use both qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis methods to answer your research question .

The research methods you use depend on the type of data you need to answer your research question .

  • If you want to measure something or test a hypothesis , use quantitative methods . If you want to explore ideas, thoughts and meanings, use qualitative methods .
  • If you want to analyze a large amount of readily-available data, use secondary data. If you want data specific to your purposes with control over how it is generated, collect primary data.
  • If you want to establish cause-and-effect relationships between variables , use experimental methods. If you want to understand the characteristics of a research subject, use descriptive methods.

A confounding variable , also called a confounder or confounding factor, is a third variable in a study examining a potential cause-and-effect relationship.

A confounding variable is related to both the supposed cause and the supposed effect of the study. It can be difficult to separate the true effect of the independent variable from the effect of the confounding variable.

In your research design , it’s important to identify potential confounding variables and plan how you will reduce their impact.

Discrete and continuous variables are two types of quantitative variables :

  • Discrete variables represent counts (e.g. the number of objects in a collection).
  • Continuous variables represent measurable amounts (e.g. water volume or weight).

Quantitative variables are any variables where the data represent amounts (e.g. height, weight, or age).

Categorical variables are any variables where the data represent groups. This includes rankings (e.g. finishing places in a race), classifications (e.g. brands of cereal), and binary outcomes (e.g. coin flips).

You need to know what type of variables you are working with to choose the right statistical test for your data and interpret your results .

You can think of independent and dependent variables in terms of cause and effect: an independent variable is the variable you think is the cause , while a dependent variable is the effect .

In an experiment, you manipulate the independent variable and measure the outcome in the dependent variable. For example, in an experiment about the effect of nutrients on crop growth:

  • The  independent variable  is the amount of nutrients added to the crop field.
  • The  dependent variable is the biomass of the crops at harvest time.

Defining your variables, and deciding how you will manipulate and measure them, is an important part of experimental design .

Experimental design means planning a set of procedures to investigate a relationship between variables . To design a controlled experiment, you need:

  • A testable hypothesis
  • At least one independent variable that can be precisely manipulated
  • At least one dependent variable that can be precisely measured

When designing the experiment, you decide:

  • How you will manipulate the variable(s)
  • How you will control for any potential confounding variables
  • How many subjects or samples will be included in the study
  • How subjects will be assigned to treatment levels

Experimental design is essential to the internal and external validity of your experiment.

I nternal validity is the degree of confidence that the causal relationship you are testing is not influenced by other factors or variables .

External validity is the extent to which your results can be generalized to other contexts.

The validity of your experiment depends on your experimental design .

Reliability and validity are both about how well a method measures something:

  • Reliability refers to the  consistency of a measure (whether the results can be reproduced under the same conditions).
  • Validity   refers to the  accuracy of a measure (whether the results really do represent what they are supposed to measure).

If you are doing experimental research, you also have to consider the internal and external validity of your experiment.

A sample is a subset of individuals from a larger population . Sampling means selecting the group that you will actually collect data from in your research. For example, if you are researching the opinions of students in your university, you could survey a sample of 100 students.

In statistics, sampling allows you to test a hypothesis about the characteristics of a population.

Quantitative research deals with numbers and statistics, while qualitative research deals with words and meanings.

Quantitative methods allow you to systematically measure variables and test hypotheses . Qualitative methods allow you to explore concepts and experiences in more detail.

Methodology refers to the overarching strategy and rationale of your research project . It involves studying the methods used in your field and the theories or principles behind them, in order to develop an approach that matches your objectives.

Methods are the specific tools and procedures you use to collect and analyze data (for example, experiments, surveys , and statistical tests ).

In shorter scientific papers, where the aim is to report the findings of a specific study, you might simply describe what you did in a methods section .

In a longer or more complex research project, such as a thesis or dissertation , you will probably include a methodology section , where you explain your approach to answering the research questions and cite relevant sources to support your choice of methods.

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Home » Conceptual Framework – Types, Methodology and Examples

Conceptual Framework – Types, Methodology and Examples

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Conceptual Framework

Conceptual Framework


A conceptual framework is a structured approach to organizing and understanding complex ideas, theories, or concepts. It provides a systematic and coherent way of thinking about a problem or topic, and helps to guide research or analysis in a particular field.

A conceptual framework typically includes a set of assumptions, concepts, and propositions that form a theoretical framework for understanding a particular phenomenon. It can be used to develop hypotheses, guide empirical research, or provide a framework for evaluating and interpreting data.

Conceptual Framework in Research

In research, a conceptual framework is a theoretical structure that provides a framework for understanding a particular phenomenon or problem. It is a key component of any research project and helps to guide the research process from start to finish.

A conceptual framework provides a clear understanding of the variables, relationships, and assumptions that underpin a research study. It outlines the key concepts that the study is investigating and how they are related to each other. It also defines the scope of the study and sets out the research questions or hypotheses.

Types of Conceptual Framework

Types of Conceptual Framework are as follows:

Theoretical Framework

A theoretical framework is an overarching set of concepts, ideas, and assumptions that help to explain and interpret a phenomenon. It provides a theoretical perspective on the phenomenon being studied and helps researchers to identify the relationships between different concepts. For example, a theoretical framework for a study on the impact of social media on mental health might draw on theories of communication, social influence, and psychological well-being.

Conceptual Model

A conceptual model is a visual or written representation of a complex system or phenomenon. It helps to identify the main components of the system and the relationships between them. For example, a conceptual model for a study on the factors that influence employee turnover might include factors such as job satisfaction, salary, work-life balance, and job security, and the relationships between them.

Empirical Framework

An empirical framework is based on empirical data and helps to explain a particular phenomenon. It involves collecting data, analyzing it, and developing a framework to explain the results. For example, an empirical framework for a study on the impact of a new health intervention might involve collecting data on the intervention’s effectiveness, cost, and acceptability to patients.

Descriptive Framework

A descriptive framework is used to describe a particular phenomenon. It helps to identify the main characteristics of the phenomenon and to develop a vocabulary to describe it. For example, a descriptive framework for a study on different types of musical genres might include descriptions of the instruments used, the rhythms and beats, the vocal styles, and the cultural contexts of each genre.

Analytical Framework

An analytical framework is used to analyze a particular phenomenon. It involves breaking down the phenomenon into its constituent parts and analyzing them separately. This type of framework is often used in social science research. For example, an analytical framework for a study on the impact of race on police brutality might involve analyzing the historical and cultural factors that contribute to racial bias, the organizational factors that influence police behavior, and the psychological factors that influence individual officers’ behavior.

Conceptual Framework for Policy Analysis

A conceptual framework for policy analysis is used to guide the development of policies or programs. It helps policymakers to identify the key issues and to develop strategies to address them. For example, a conceptual framework for a policy analysis on climate change might involve identifying the key stakeholders, assessing their interests and concerns, and developing policy options to mitigate the impacts of climate change.

Logical Frameworks

Logical frameworks are used to plan and evaluate projects and programs. They provide a structured approach to identifying project goals, objectives, and outcomes, and help to ensure that all stakeholders are aligned and working towards the same objectives.

Conceptual Frameworks for Program Evaluation

These frameworks are used to evaluate the effectiveness of programs or interventions. They provide a structure for identifying program goals, objectives, and outcomes, and help to measure the impact of the program on its intended beneficiaries.

Conceptual Frameworks for Organizational Analysis

These frameworks are used to analyze and evaluate organizational structures, processes, and performance. They provide a structured approach to understanding the relationships between different departments, functions, and stakeholders within an organization.

Conceptual Frameworks for Strategic Planning

These frameworks are used to develop and implement strategic plans for organizations or businesses. They help to identify the key factors and stakeholders that will impact the success of the plan, and provide a structure for setting goals, developing strategies, and monitoring progress.

Components of Conceptual Framework

The components of a conceptual framework typically include:

  • Research question or problem statement : This component defines the problem or question that the conceptual framework seeks to address. It sets the stage for the development of the framework and guides the selection of the relevant concepts and constructs.
  • Concepts : These are the general ideas, principles, or categories that are used to describe and explain the phenomenon or problem under investigation. Concepts provide the building blocks of the framework and help to establish a common language for discussing the issue.
  • Constructs : Constructs are the specific variables or concepts that are used to operationalize the general concepts. They are measurable or observable and serve as indicators of the underlying concept.
  • Propositions or hypotheses : These are statements that describe the relationships between the concepts or constructs in the framework. They provide a basis for testing the validity of the framework and for generating new insights or theories.
  • Assumptions : These are the underlying beliefs or values that shape the framework. They may be explicit or implicit and may influence the selection and interpretation of the concepts and constructs.
  • Boundaries : These are the limits or scope of the framework. They define the focus of the investigation and help to clarify what is included and excluded from the analysis.
  • Context : This component refers to the broader social, cultural, and historical factors that shape the phenomenon or problem under investigation. It helps to situate the framework within a larger theoretical or empirical context and to identify the relevant variables and factors that may affect the phenomenon.
  • Relationships and connections: These are the connections and interrelationships between the different components of the conceptual framework. They describe how the concepts and constructs are linked and how they contribute to the overall understanding of the phenomenon or problem.
  • Variables : These are the factors that are being measured or observed in the study. They are often operationalized as constructs and are used to test the propositions or hypotheses.
  • Methodology : This component describes the research methods and techniques that will be used to collect and analyze data. It includes the sampling strategy, data collection methods, data analysis techniques, and ethical considerations.
  • Literature review : This component provides an overview of the existing research and theories related to the phenomenon or problem under investigation. It helps to identify the gaps in the literature and to situate the framework within the broader theoretical and empirical context.
  • Outcomes and implications: These are the expected outcomes or implications of the study. They describe the potential contributions of the study to the theoretical and empirical knowledge in the field and the practical implications for policy and practice.

Conceptual Framework Methodology

Conceptual Framework Methodology is a research method that is commonly used in academic and scientific research to develop a theoretical framework for a study. It is a systematic approach that helps researchers to organize their thoughts and ideas, identify the variables that are relevant to their study, and establish the relationships between these variables.

Here are the steps involved in the conceptual framework methodology:

Identify the Research Problem

The first step is to identify the research problem or question that the study aims to answer. This involves identifying the gaps in the existing literature and determining what specific issue the study aims to address.

Conduct a Literature Review

The second step involves conducting a thorough literature review to identify the existing theories, models, and frameworks that are relevant to the research question. This will help the researcher to identify the key concepts and variables that need to be considered in the study.

Define key Concepts and Variables

The next step is to define the key concepts and variables that are relevant to the study. This involves clearly defining the terms used in the study, and identifying the factors that will be measured or observed in the study.

Develop a Theoretical Framework

Once the key concepts and variables have been identified, the researcher can develop a theoretical framework. This involves establishing the relationships between the key concepts and variables, and creating a visual representation of these relationships.

Test the Framework

The final step is to test the theoretical framework using empirical data. This involves collecting and analyzing data to determine whether the relationships between the key concepts and variables that were identified in the framework are accurate and valid.

Examples of Conceptual Framework

Some realtime Examples of Conceptual Framework are as follows:

  • In economics , the concept of supply and demand is a well-known conceptual framework. It provides a structure for understanding how prices are set in a market, based on the interplay of the quantity of goods supplied by producers and the quantity of goods demanded by consumers.
  • In psychology , the cognitive-behavioral framework is a widely used conceptual framework for understanding mental health and illness. It emphasizes the role of thoughts and behaviors in shaping emotions and the importance of cognitive restructuring and behavior change in treatment.
  • In sociology , the social determinants of health framework provides a way of understanding how social and economic factors such as income, education, and race influence health outcomes. This framework is widely used in public health research and policy.
  • In environmental science , the ecosystem services framework is a way of understanding the benefits that humans derive from natural ecosystems, such as clean air and water, pollination, and carbon storage. This framework is used to guide conservation and land-use decisions.
  • In education, the constructivist framework is a way of understanding how learners construct knowledge through active engagement with their environment. This framework is used to guide instructional design and teaching strategies.

Applications of Conceptual Framework

Some of the applications of Conceptual Frameworks are as follows:

  • Research : Conceptual frameworks are used in research to guide the design, implementation, and interpretation of studies. Researchers use conceptual frameworks to develop hypotheses, identify research questions, and select appropriate methods for collecting and analyzing data.
  • Policy: Conceptual frameworks are used in policy-making to guide the development of policies and programs. Policymakers use conceptual frameworks to identify key factors that influence a particular problem or issue, and to develop strategies for addressing them.
  • Education : Conceptual frameworks are used in education to guide the design and implementation of instructional strategies and curriculum. Educators use conceptual frameworks to identify learning objectives, select appropriate teaching methods, and assess student learning.
  • Management : Conceptual frameworks are used in management to guide decision-making and strategy development. Managers use conceptual frameworks to understand the internal and external factors that influence their organizations, and to develop strategies for achieving their goals.
  • Evaluation : Conceptual frameworks are used in evaluation to guide the development of evaluation plans and to interpret evaluation results. Evaluators use conceptual frameworks to identify key outcomes, indicators, and measures, and to develop a logic model for their evaluation.

Purpose of Conceptual Framework

The purpose of a conceptual framework is to provide a theoretical foundation for understanding and analyzing complex phenomena. Conceptual frameworks help to:

  • Guide research : Conceptual frameworks provide a framework for researchers to develop hypotheses, identify research questions, and select appropriate methods for collecting and analyzing data. By providing a theoretical foundation for research, conceptual frameworks help to ensure that research is rigorous, systematic, and valid.
  • Provide clarity: Conceptual frameworks help to provide clarity and structure to complex phenomena by identifying key concepts, relationships, and processes. By providing a clear and systematic understanding of a phenomenon, conceptual frameworks help to ensure that researchers, policymakers, and practitioners are all on the same page when it comes to understanding the issue at hand.
  • Inform decision-making : Conceptual frameworks can be used to inform decision-making and strategy development by identifying key factors that influence a particular problem or issue. By understanding the complex interplay of factors that contribute to a particular issue, decision-makers can develop more effective strategies for addressing the problem.
  • Facilitate communication : Conceptual frameworks provide a common language and conceptual framework for researchers, policymakers, and practitioners to communicate and collaborate on complex issues. By providing a shared understanding of a phenomenon, conceptual frameworks help to ensure that everyone is working towards the same goal.

When to use Conceptual Framework

There are several situations when it is appropriate to use a conceptual framework:

  • To guide the research : A conceptual framework can be used to guide the research process by providing a clear roadmap for the research project. It can help researchers identify key variables and relationships, and develop hypotheses or research questions.
  • To clarify concepts : A conceptual framework can be used to clarify and define key concepts and terms used in a research project. It can help ensure that all researchers are using the same language and have a shared understanding of the concepts being studied.
  • To provide a theoretical basis: A conceptual framework can provide a theoretical basis for a research project by linking it to existing theories or conceptual models. This can help researchers build on previous research and contribute to the development of a field.
  • To identify gaps in knowledge : A conceptual framework can help identify gaps in existing knowledge by highlighting areas that require further research or investigation.
  • To communicate findings : A conceptual framework can be used to communicate research findings by providing a clear and concise summary of the key variables, relationships, and assumptions that underpin the research project.

Characteristics of Conceptual Framework

key characteristics of a conceptual framework are:

  • Clear definition of key concepts : A conceptual framework should clearly define the key concepts and terms being used in a research project. This ensures that all researchers have a shared understanding of the concepts being studied.
  • Identification of key variables: A conceptual framework should identify the key variables that are being studied and how they are related to each other. This helps to organize the research project and provides a clear focus for the study.
  • Logical structure: A conceptual framework should have a logical structure that connects the key concepts and variables being studied. This helps to ensure that the research project is coherent and consistent.
  • Based on existing theory : A conceptual framework should be based on existing theory or conceptual models. This helps to ensure that the research project is grounded in existing knowledge and builds on previous research.
  • Testable hypotheses or research questions: A conceptual framework should include testable hypotheses or research questions that can be answered through empirical research. This helps to ensure that the research project is rigorous and scientifically valid.
  • Flexibility : A conceptual framework should be flexible enough to allow for modifications as new information is gathered during the research process. This helps to ensure that the research project is responsive to new findings and is able to adapt to changing circumstances.

Advantages of Conceptual Framework

Advantages of the Conceptual Framework are as follows:

  • Clarity : A conceptual framework provides clarity to researchers by outlining the key concepts and variables that are relevant to the research project. This clarity helps researchers to focus on the most important aspects of the research problem and develop a clear plan for investigating it.
  • Direction : A conceptual framework provides direction to researchers by helping them to develop hypotheses or research questions that are grounded in existing theory or conceptual models. This direction ensures that the research project is relevant and contributes to the development of the field.
  • Efficiency : A conceptual framework can increase efficiency in the research process by providing a structure for organizing ideas and data. This structure can help researchers to avoid redundancies and inconsistencies in their work, saving time and effort.
  • Rigor : A conceptual framework can help to ensure the rigor of a research project by providing a theoretical basis for the investigation. This rigor is essential for ensuring that the research project is scientifically valid and produces meaningful results.
  • Communication : A conceptual framework can facilitate communication between researchers by providing a shared language and understanding of the key concepts and variables being studied. This communication is essential for collaboration and the advancement of knowledge in the field.
  • Generalization : A conceptual framework can help to generalize research findings beyond the specific study by providing a theoretical basis for the investigation. This generalization is essential for the development of knowledge in the field and for informing future research.

Limitations of Conceptual Framework

Limitations of Conceptual Framework are as follows:

  • Limited applicability: Conceptual frameworks are often based on existing theory or conceptual models, which may not be applicable to all research problems or contexts. This can limit the usefulness of a conceptual framework in certain situations.
  • Lack of empirical support : While a conceptual framework can provide a theoretical basis for a research project, it may not be supported by empirical evidence. This can limit the usefulness of a conceptual framework in guiding empirical research.
  • Narrow focus: A conceptual framework can provide a clear focus for a research project, but it may also limit the scope of the investigation. This can make it difficult to address broader research questions or to consider alternative perspectives.
  • Over-simplification: A conceptual framework can help to organize and structure research ideas, but it may also over-simplify complex phenomena. This can limit the depth of the investigation and the richness of the data collected.
  • Inflexibility : A conceptual framework can provide a structure for organizing research ideas, but it may also be inflexible in the face of new data or unexpected findings. This can limit the ability of researchers to adapt their research project to new information or changing circumstances.
  • Difficulty in development : Developing a conceptual framework can be a challenging and time-consuming process. It requires a thorough understanding of existing theory or conceptual models, and may require collaboration with other researchers.

About the author

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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  1. Types of Variables in Research & Statistics

    Examples. Discrete variables (aka integer variables) Counts of individual items or values. Number of students in a class. Number of different tree species in a forest. Continuous variables (aka ratio variables) Measurements of continuous or non-finite values. Distance.

  2. Variables in Research

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  3. Research Variables: Types, Uses and Definition of Terms

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  4. Independent vs. Dependent Variables

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  5. Independent and Dependent Variables

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  6. 31 Variables; Operational and Conceptual Definitions

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  7. Types of variables

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  8. Examples of Variables in Research: 6 Noteworthy Phenomena

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  11. Types of Variables in Research ~ Definition & Examples

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  12. Variables

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  17. PDF Chapter One of Your Thesis1

    (variables) of the research study. A constant is a characteristic or condition that is the same for all individuals in a study. A variable is a characteristic that takes on different v alue so rc n ditf . Independent and dependent variables are descriptors of variables commonly used in educational research.

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  22. Qualitative Variable

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