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20 Problem-Solving Activities For Middle School: Discussions, Games, Strategies, And Resources

November 20, 2023 //  by  Lesa M.K. Bullins, EdS

Problem-solving skills are important to the building of critical thinking, which in turn strengthens student executive function. Good problem solvers can build stronger cognitive flexibility, a critical component of executive functioning.

The teenage years are a crucial time for neuroplasticity, so it is a prime time for learning and developing important cognitive skills along with critical information. Bring problem-solving to life in your middle school classroom with these 20 activities.

1. Feelings Expression Scenarios


A huge part of problem-solving is properly expressing your own feelings. Students often struggle to state how they feel without combative, aggressive, or accusatory language; therefore opportunities to practice with realistic situations is a key problem-solving component. You can create scenario task cards to support students in realistic applications for relatable situations, or use pre-made cards.

Learn More:  Pinterest

2. Empathy Empowered Discussions

In addition to being able to calmly and kindly express one's feelings, empathy is a key problem-solving component. Teens can often struggle to express empathy as they have difficulty recognizing and interpreting due to the teenage brain functioning.

Teenage brains are still developing, so different areas of the brain are controlling different functions than we see in adult brains; furthermore, since teens are still figuring out what they think and feel about a variety of things, it can be difficult for them to recognize and consider the feelings and thoughts of others. You can instigate empathy discussions through relatable content like this short video.

Learn More:  Austin Wideman

3. Model, Model, Model...and then Model Some More!


Students learn more from what they see you do than what they hear you say! This means you have to be an active and purposeful model of what you expect. So make sure you are aware of your actions and words in front of your students!

Learn More:  Education World

4. Get Out of the Way


We need to allow students the time and space to solve problems. We cannot intervene every time they struggle to find the answer right away. Constant intervention hinders critical thinking and decision-making skills.

Make sure to leave some room for students to figure out solutions. Keep safe proximity so students have the comfort to know you are there if they cannot find a solution, but resist the urge to jump in as soon as you see them struggling.

Learn More:  Brookings

5. Plan a Road Trip


Engage problem-solving skills within context while reinforcing math, research, geography, and communication skills, too! Students can plan a road trip from start to finish in small groups. As an added bonus, you can let students travel virtually to the places they planned for their trip using Google Earth.

If time allows, they can even take screenshots and stage selfies for a presentation to share their trip with the class! This is a really great cross-curricular activity for the digital classroom, too!

6. Escape the Room

Escape rooms were made for problem-solving, so what better way to build these skills for students in an exciting way! Create different challenge activities surrounding a variety of subjects and skills to reinforce while lettings students put problem-solving to use finding practical solutions to escape the room!

Divide kids into teams and get on this engaging problem-solving activity!

7. Teach Explicit Strategies for Reflection


Students can build analytical skills by reflecting on their problem-solving process. Teach explicit skills to help students recognize and reflect on how they solve problems to reinforce future use and strengthen overall critical thinking abilities. Check out how Ellie from Cognitive Cardio made it work even in the time constraints of middle school schedules!

Learn More:  Cognitive Cardio With MSMM

8. Daily Practice

Give students short, interesting, and challenging problems to solve during the morning and afternoon transition times. Daily practice solving challenges is important for cognitive development and reinforces academic skills! You can find tons of daily challenges online or create your own.

9. Build Something

Let students work together in teams to build something from simple building materials. Increase the challenge by limiting resources or requiring students to pick their own resources for building blocks from a variety of random items. You can check out the marshmallow toothpick tower-building activity!

Learn more: Wow Sci

10. Blind Drawing Partners

Students can work in partner pairs or small groups to develop a vast array of abilities through this problem-solving activity. Blind team-building activities are excellent, low-prep ways to engage students' critical thinking and communication!

There are different ways you can implement this, but check out this video for an example of one application of the blind drawing game.

Learn more: Philip Barry

11. Laser Maze

Create a laser maze for students to get active in problem-solving. Create and implement different time durations to increase the challenge. Do not have lasers? No budget for lasers? Don't worry, red painter's tape will do the job!

Learn More:  That Phillips Family

12. Shared Story Puzzles


Creating story puzzles that force students to work in groups together to put together, add on, and create a cohesive story that is meaningful is another challenging task to engage in collaborative problem-solving.

Learn More:  Secondary English Coffee Shop

13. Yarn Webs

This social-skill-building collaborative problem-solving activity is fun for any age. Organize students into teams then let them choose a color of yarn, build a team web, and see who can navigate. There are so many ways this activity can be adapted, but you can watch a video of one interpretation here .

Learn More:  KEYSAmeriCorps

14. Scavenger Hunt

Create a series of clues that students must solve to progress through the game. Working in groups can help build conflict resolution and social skills as well. Check out how to create scavenger hunts for the classroom in this video by Learning Life.

Learn more: Learning Life

15. Boom! Math!

An excellent way to build advanced problem-solving skills, as well as mathematical analysis, is to create math Boom Cards with word problems like these from Math in the Middle. Boom cards are a great activity for students to practice and build skills!

Learn more: Boom Learning

16. Wheel of Solutions


Give students practice in exercising a number of different kinds of problem-solving skills by spinning and communicating a solution using the skills on which they land. You can make one in the classroom with a posterboard or create a digital wheel. Such a fun interactive resource! Use this great pre-made digital activity from Resource Haven on Boom Learning or create your own!

Learn More:  Boom Learning

17. Collaborative Math

Another activity for team building that supports mathematical concept reinforcement is students working together to collaboratively solve math problems. Check out how Runde's Room made sure everyone is engaged in working on solving parts of the problem through the sticky-note collaborative math activity.

18. Get Mysterious


Math Mysteries are a fun activity that builds out-of-the-box thinking and creates an inquisitive environment. Problem-solving develops through the process of inquisition! You can create your own or use Lee and Miller's 40 Fabulous Math Mysteries Kid's Can't Resist Scholastic book found here.

19. Logic Puzzles and Games


In addition to logic-building games like Chess, you can provide logic puzzles for morning and afternoon transitions, during downtime, or for early finishers. Logic puzzles help students think critically. You can make your own or get some prefabricated resources like the ones found in this book by Chris King .

Learn More:  Brainzilla

20. Lead Number Talks

Number talks are important to building problem-solving. Number talks allow students to build on one another in a collaborative way, discuss how they have solved problems before, consider how those solutions may be applicable to new skills they are about to learn, and build depth in math concepts.

So instead of getting quiet, get them talking!

Learn More:  North Dakota Teaching Kayla Durkin

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20 Effective Math Strategies To Approach Problem-Solving 

Katie Keeton

Math strategies for problem-solving help students use a range of approaches to solve many different types of problems. It involves identifying the problem and carrying out a plan of action to find the answer to mathematical problems.  

Problem-solving skills are essential to math in the general classroom and real-life. They require logical reasoning and critical thinking skills. Students must be equipped with strategies to help them find solutions to problems.

This article explores mathematical problem solving strategies, logical reasoning and critical thinking skills to help learners with solving math word problems independently in real-life situations. 

What are problem-solving strategies?

Problem-solving strategies in math are methods students can use to figure out solutions to math problems. Some problem-solving strategies: 

  • Draw a model
  • Use different approaches
  • Check the inverse to make sure the answer is correct

Students need to have a toolkit of math problem-solving strategies at their disposal to provide different ways to approach math problems. This makes it easier to find solutions and understand math better. 

Strategies can help guide students to the solution when it is difficult ot know when to start.

The ultimate guide to problem solving techniques

The ultimate guide to problem solving techniques

Download these ready-to-go problem solving techniques that every student should know. Includes printable tasks for students including challenges, short explanations for teachers with questioning prompts.

20 Math Strategies For Problem-Solving

Different problem-solving math strategies are required for different parts of the problem. It is unlikely that students will use the same strategy to understand and solve the problem. 

Here are 20 strategies to help students develop their problem-solving skills. 

Strategies to understand the problem

Strategies that help students understand the problem before solving it helps ensure they understand: 

  • The context
  • What the key information is
  • How to form a plan to solve it

Following these steps leads students to the correct solution and makes the math word problem easier .

Here are five strategies to help students understand the content of the problem and identify key information. 

1. Read the problem aloud

Read a word problem aloud to help understand it. Hearing the words engages auditory processing. This can make it easier to process and comprehend the context of the situation.

2. Highlight keywords 

When keywords are highlighted in a word problem, it helps the student focus on the essential information needed to solve it. Some important keywords help determine which operation is needed.  For example, if the word problem asks how many are left, the problem likely requires subtraction.  Ensure students highlight the keywords carefully and do not highlight every number or keyword. There is likely irrelevant information in the word problem.

3. Summarize the information

Read the problem aloud, highlight the key information and then summarize the information. Students can do this in their heads or write down a quick summary.  Summaries should include only the important information and be in simple terms that help contextualize the problem.

4. Determine the unknown

A common problem that students have when solving a word problem is misunderstanding what they are solving. Determine what the unknown information is before finding the answer.  Often, a word problem contains a question where you can find the unknown information you need to solve. For example, in the question ‘How many apples are left?’ students need to find the number of apples left over.

5. Make a plan

Once students understand the context of the word problem, have dentified the important information and determined the unknown, they can make a plan to solve it.  The plan will depend on the type of problem. Some problems involve more than one step to solve them as some require more than one answer.  Encourage students to make a list of each step they need to take to solve the problem before getting started.

Strategies for solving the problem 

1. draw a model or diagram.

Students may find it useful to draw a model, picture, diagram, or other visual aid to help with the problem solving process.  It can help to visualize the problem to understand the relationships between the numbers in the problem. In turn, this helps students see the solution.

math problem that needs a problem solving strategy

Similarly, you could draw a model to represent the objects in the problem:

math problem requiring problem solving

2. Act it out

This particular strategy is applicable at any grade level but is especially helpful in math investigation in elementary school . It involves a physical demonstration or students acting out the problem using movements, concrete resources and math manipulatives .  When students act out a problem, they can visualize and contectualize the word problem in another way and secure an understanding of the math concepts.  The examples below show how 1st-grade students could “act out” an addition and subtraction problem:

The problemHow to act out the problem
Gia has 6 apples. Jordan has 3 apples. How many apples do they have altogether?Two students use counters to represent the apples. One student has 6 counters and the other student takes 3. Then, they can combine their “apples” and count the total.
Michael has 7 pencils. He gives 2 pencils to Sarah. How many pencils does Michael have now?One student (“Michael”) holds 7 pencils, the other (“Sarah”) holds 2 pencils. The student playing Michael gives 2 pencils to the student playing Sarah. Then the students count how many pencils Michael is left holding.

3. Work backwards

Working backwards is a popular problem-solving strategy. It involves starting with a possible solution and deciding what steps to take to arrive at that solution.  This strategy can be particularly helpful when students solve math word problems involving multiple steps. They can start at the end and think carefully about each step taken as opposed to jumping to the end of the problem and missing steps in between.

For example,

problem solving math question 1

To solve this problem working backwards, start with the final condition, which is Sam’s grandmother’s age (71) and work backwards to find Sam’s age. Subtract 20 from the grandmother’s age, which is 71.  Then, divide the result by 3 to get Sam’s age. 71 – 20 = 51 51 ÷ 3 = 17 Sam is 17 years old.

4. Write a number sentence

When faced with a word problem, encourage students to write a number sentence based on the information. This helps translate the information in the word problem into a math equation or expression, which is more easily solved.  It is important to fully understand the context of the word problem and what students need to solve before writing an equation to represent it.

5. Use a formula

Specific formulas help solve many math problems. For example, if a problem asks students to find the area of a rug, they would use the area formula (area = length × width) to solve.   Make sure students know the important mathematical formulas they will need in tests and real-life. It can help to display these around the classroom or, for those who need more support, on students’ desks.

Strategies for checking the solution 

Once the problem is solved using an appropriate strategy, it is equally important to check the solution to ensure it is correct and makes sense. 

There are many strategies to check the solution. The strategy for a specific problem is dependent on the problem type and math content involved.

Here are five strategies to help students check their solutions. 

1. Use the Inverse Operation

For simpler problems, a quick and easy problem solving strategy is to use the inverse operation. For example, if the operation to solve a word problem is 56 ÷ 8 = 7 students can check the answer is correct by multiplying 8 × 7. As good practice, encourage students to use the inverse operation routinely to check their work. 

2. Estimate to check for reasonableness

Once students reach an answer, they can use estimation or rounding to see if the answer is reasonable.  Round each number in the equation to a number that’s close and easy to work with, usually a multiple of ten.  For example, if the question was 216 ÷ 18 and the quotient was 12, students might round 216 to 200 and round 18 to 20. Then use mental math to solve 200 ÷ 20, which is 10.  When the estimate is clear the two numbers are close. This means your answer is reasonable. 

3. Plug-In Method

This method is particularly useful for algebraic equations. Specifically when working with variables.  To use the plug-in method, students solve the problem as asked and arrive at an answer. They can then plug the answer into the original equation to see if it works. If it does, the answer is correct.

Problem solving math problem 2

If students use the equation 20m+80=300 to solve this problem and find that m = 11, they can plug that value back into the equation to see if it is correct. 20m + 80 = 300 20 (11) + 80 = 300 220 + 80 = 300 300 = 300 ✓

4. Peer Review

Peer review is a great tool to use at any grade level as it promotes critical thinking and collaboration between students. The reviewers can look at the problem from a different view as they check to see if the problem was solved correctly.   Problem solvers receive immediate feedback and the opportunity to discuss their thinking with their peers. This strategy is effective with mixed-ability partners or similar-ability partners. In mixed-ability groups, the partner with stronger skills provides guidance and support to the partner with weaker skills, while reinforcing their own understanding of the content and communication skills.  If partners have comparable ability levels and problem-solving skills, they may find that they approach problems differently or have unique insights to offer each other about the problem-solving process.

5. Use a Calculator

A calculator can be introduced at any grade level but may be best for older students who already have a foundational understanding of basic math operations. Provide students with a calculator to allow them to check their solutions independently, accurately, and quickly. Since calculators are so readily available on smartphones and tablets, they allow students to develop practical skills that apply to real-world situations.  

Step-by-step problem-solving processes for your classroom

In his book, How to Solve It , published in 1945, mathematician George Polya introduced a 4-step process to solve problems. 

Polya’s 4 steps include:

  • Understand the problem
  • Devise a plan
  • Carry out the plan

Today, in the style of George Polya, many problem-solving strategies use various acronyms and steps to help students recall. 

Many teachers create posters and anchor charts of their chosen process to display in their classrooms. They can be implemented in any elementary, middle school or high school classroom. 

Here are 5 problem-solving strategies to introduce to students and use in the classroom.

CUBES math strategy for problem solving

How Third Space Learning improves problem-solving 

Resources .

Third Space Learning offers a free resource library is filled with hundreds of high-quality resources. A team of experienced math experts carefully created each resource to develop students mental arithmetic, problem solving and critical thinking. 

Explore the range of problem solving resources for 2nd to 8th grade students. 

One-on-one tutoring 

Third Space Learning offers one-on-one math tutoring to help students improve their math skills. Highly qualified tutors deliver high-quality lessons aligned to state standards. 

Former teachers and math experts write all of Third Space Learning’s tutoring lessons. Expertly designed lessons follow a “my turn, follow me, your turn” pedagogy to help students move from guided instruction and problem-solving to independent practice. 

Throughout each lesson, tutors ask higher-level thinking questions to promote critical thinking and ensure students are developing a deep understanding of the content and problem-solving skills.

middle school problem solving strategies


Educators can use many different strategies to teach problem-solving and help students develop and carry out a plan when solving math problems. Incorporate these math strategies into any math program and use them with a variety of math concepts, from whole numbers and fractions to algebra. 

Teaching students how to choose and implement problem-solving strategies helps them develop mathematical reasoning skills and critical thinking they can apply to real-life problem-solving.

READ MORE : 8 Common Core math examples

There are many different strategies for problem-solving; Here are 5 problem-solving strategies: • draw a model  • act it out  • work backwards  • write a number sentence • use a formula

Here are 10 strategies of problem-solving: • Read the problem aloud • Highlight keywords • Summarize the information • Determine the unknown • Make a plan • Draw a model  • Act it out  • Work backwards  • Write a number sentence • Use a formula

1. Understand the problem 2. Devise a plan 3. Carry out the plan 4. Look back

Some strategies you can use to solve challenging math problems are: breaking the problem into smaller parts, using diagrams or models, applying logical reasoning, and trying different approaches.

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20 Problem-Solving Activities for Middle School Students

  • Middle School Education

middle school problem solving strategies


As students progress through middle school, it becomes increasingly important to develop their problem-solving skills. By engaging in problem-solving activities, students can enhance their critical thinking abilities, foster creativity, and become better prepared for the challenges they may face both in and out of the classroom. Here are 20 problem-solving activities that are perfect for middle school students.

1. Brainstorming Sessions: Encourage students to share their ideas on a particular topic or issue, fostering a collaborative environment that promotes creative problem solving.

2. Riddles: Challenge students with riddles that require critical thinking and lateral thinking skills to determine the answers.

3. Sudoku: Introduce sudoku puzzles as a fun and challenging math-based activity.

4. Chess Club: Encourage students to participate in chess clubs or tournaments to practice strategic thinking.

5. Escape Rooms: Plan an age-appropriate escape room activity to develop teamwork and problem-solving skills among the students.

6. Role-Playing Exercises: Use role-playing scenarios to allow students to think critically about real-life situations and practice problem-solving strategies.

7. Science Experiments: Design science experiments that require students to troubleshoot problems and test possible solutions.

8. Word Problems: Incorporate word problems in math lessons, encouraging students to use logic and math skills to solve them.

9. Puzzle Stations: Set up different puzzle stations around the classroom where students can work on spatial reasoning, logic puzzles, and other brain teasers during free time.

10. Debates: Organize debates on controversial topics, allowing students to present and argue their views while developing their critical thinking and persuasion skills.

11. Engineering Challenges: Provide engineering-based challenges such as bridge building or packaging design activities that require teamwork and creative problem solving.

12. Storytelling Workshops: Host a storytelling workshop where students collaborate to create stories from a given prompt and gradually face more complex narrative challenges.

13. Coding Clubs: Support students in learning coding basics and encourage them to develop problem-solving skills through coding projects.

14. Treasure Hunts: Create treasure hunts with clues that require problem solving, reasoning, and collaboration among the students.

15. Cooperative Games: Facilitate games that promote cooperation and communication, such as “human knot” or “cross the lava.”

16. Geocaching: Introduce geocaching as a fun activity where students use GPS devices to locate hidden objects and work as a team to solve puzzle-like tasks.

17. Exploratory Research Projects: Assign open-ended research projects that require students to investigate topics of interest and solve problems or answer questions through their research efforts.

18. Mock Trials: Set up mock trials in which students participate as lawyers, witnesses, or jury members, allowing them to analyze cases and think through legal problem-solving strategies.

19. Creative Writing Prompts: Share creative writing prompts requiring students to think critically about characters’ actions and decisions within fictional scenarios.

20. Invention Convention: Host an invention convention where students present their unique solutions to everyday problems, fostering creativity and innovative thinking.


Problem-solving activities are essential for middle school students as they help in cultivating valuable life skills necessary to tackle real-world challenges. These 20 activities provide diverse and engaging opportunities for students to develop key problem-solving skills while fostering creativity, communication, critical thinking, and collaboration. Teachers and educators can easily adapt these activities to suit the individual needs of their middle school classrooms.


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Problem Solving Activities: 7 Strategies

  • Critical Thinking

middle school problem solving strategies

Problem solving can be a daunting aspect of effective mathematics teaching, but it does not have to be! In this post, I share seven strategic ways to integrate problem solving into your everyday math program.

In the middle of our problem solving lesson, my district math coordinator stopped by for a surprise walkthrough. 

I was so excited!

We were in the middle of what I thought was the most brilliant math lesson– teaching my students how to solve problem solving tasks using specific problem solving strategies. 

It was a proud moment for me!

Each week, I presented a new problem solving strategy and the students completed problems that emphasized the strategy. 

Genius right? 

After observing my class, my district coordinator pulled me aside to chat. I was excited to talk to her about my brilliant plan, but she told me I should provide the tasks and let my students come up with ways to solve the problems. Then, as students shared their work, I could revoice the student’s strategies and give them an official name. 

What a crushing blow! Just when I thought I did something special, I find out I did it all wrong. 

I took some time to consider her advice. Once I acknowledged she was right, I was able to make BIG changes to the way I taught problem solving in the classroom. 

When I Finally Saw the Light

To give my students an opportunity to engage in more authentic problem solving which would lead them to use a larger variety of problem solving strategies, I decided to vary the activities and the way I approached problem solving with my students. 

Problem Solving Activities

Here are seven ways to strategically reinforce problem solving skills in your classroom. 

This is an example of seasonal problem solving activities.

Seasonal Problem Solving

Many teachers use word problems as problem solving tasks. Instead, try engaging your students with non-routine tasks that look like word problems but require more than the use of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to complete. Seasonal problem solving tasks and daily challenges are a perfect way to celebrate the season and have a little fun too!

Cooperative Problem Solving Tasks

Go cooperative! If you’ve got a few extra minutes, have students work on problem solving tasks in small groups. After working through the task, students create a poster to help explain their solution process and then post their poster around the classroom. Students then complete a gallery walk of the posters in the classroom and provide feedback via sticky notes or during a math talk session.

Notice and Wonder

Before beginning a problem solving task, such as a seasonal problem solving task, conduct a Notice and Wonder session. To do this, ask students what they notice about the problem. Then, ask them what they wonder about the problem. This will give students an opportunity to highlight the unique characteristics and conditions of the problem as they try to make sense of it. 

Want a better experience? Remove the stimulus, or question, and allow students to wonder about the problem. Try it! You’ll gain some great insight into how your students think about a problem.

This is an example of a math starter.

Math Starters

Start your math block with a math starter, critical thinking activities designed to get your students thinking about math and provide opportunities to “sneak” in grade-level content and skills in a fun and engaging way. These tasks are quick, designed to take no more than five minutes, and provide a great way to turn-on your students’ brains. Read more about math starters here ! 

Create your own puzzle box! The puzzle box is a set of puzzles and math challenges I use as fast finisher tasks for my students when they finish an assignment or need an extra challenge. The box can be a file box, file crate, or even a wall chart. It includes a variety of activities so all students can find a challenge that suits their interests and ability level.


Use calculators! For some reason, this tool is not one many students get to use frequently; however, it’s important students have a chance to practice using it in the classroom. After all, almost everyone has access to a calculator on their cell phones. There are also some standardized tests that allow students to use them, so it’s important for us to practice using calculators in the classroom. Plus, calculators can be fun learning tools all by themselves!

Three-Act Math Tasks

Use a three-act math task to engage students with a content-focused, real-world problem! These math tasks were created with math modeling in mind– students are presented with a scenario and then given clues and hints to help them solve the problem. There are several sites where you can find these awesome math tasks, including Dan Meyer’s Three-Act Math Tasks and Graham Fletcher’s 3-Acts Lessons . 

Getting the Most from Each of the Problem Solving Activities

When students participate in problem solving activities, it is important to ask guiding, not leading, questions. This provides students with the support necessary to move forward in their thinking and it provides teachers with a more in-depth understanding of student thinking. Selecting an initial question and then analyzing a student’s response tells teachers where to go next. 

Ready to jump in? Grab a free set of problem solving challenges like the ones pictured using the form below. 

Which of the problem solving activities will you try first? Respond in the comments below.

middle school problem solving strategies

Shametria Routt Banks

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2 Responses

This is a very cool site. I hope it takes off and is well received by teachers. I work in mathematical problem solving and help prepare pre-service teachers in mathematics.

Thank you, Scott! Best wishes to you and your pre-service teachers this year!

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Maneuvering the Middle

Student-Centered Math Lessons

How to Teach Problem Solving

middle school problem solving strategies

Problem solving can be a challenge to teach. Perhaps, it is because we are trying to teach students to manage and implement a myriad of skills: thinking, observing, investigating, reasoning through situations, and accessing prior knowledge. Check out these strategies to get students thinking!

Problem solving can be a challenge to teach. Tackling word problems and find out what you should not be doing when teaching problem solving.| maneuveringthemiddle.com


Problem Solving with Word Problems

In the book The Young Child and Mathematics , Juanita Copley states that problem solving happens through “doing, talking, reflecting, discussing, observing, investigating, listening, and reasoning.”

We can often mistake different methods for decoding word problems as problem solving skills. R.U.B.I.E.S. and C.U.B.E.S. and all of the acronyms where students are supposed to underline, box, or circle may feel productive, but they cannot produce the skills needed to solve real-world problems. 

Why Problem Solving is so Difficult

There are a lot of different factors that play into this challenge and it could be a single isolated one or it could be a combination of several factors.

  • Need for perseverance – some students can routinely go through all of the procedures involved in solving a math problem, but they haven’t yet acquired the perseverance needed to reason through a real-life situation 
  • Reading skills — tasks and real-world applications require reading comprehension and decoding skills to fully understand the situation and apply the mathematical reasoning skills necessary to solve
  • Multiple steps — requires students to create a plan with several steps and work through the plan
  • Incorrect vocabulary usage — when solving word problems, sometimes students have been instructed to primarily look for specific words like “per” “of” “each” “sum”…and then they attempt to apply the operation — but we know that doesn’t always work and can also over simplify the process.

Shift the Focus from the Answer

This post and video from Phil Daro (co-author of the CCSS) says that based on their studies, teachers need to shift the focus from answer-getting to sense-making. “When the answer is the only goal, genuine learning is undermined.”

He says that teachers put too much emphasis on the answers; answers are part of the process, but they are not the only learning outcome. That wrong answers are part of the learning outcome. 

  • Consider framing wrong “answers” as “discoveries.” If students reached a wrong answer, you talked more about why that approach doesn’t work instead of how to get the right answer.
  • Consider giving students the answers before solving , removing some of the power, and instead spent class time figuring out different ways to get to the answer.

The goal of solving math problems is the critical thinking that happens along the way. Not the answer.

How do we teach problem solving?

Learning is not necessarily the solution to a specific question. We want students to apply sense-making to the rest of their lives. I really want you to watch the video , but one of Daro’s suggestions is to provide students the correct answer before having students solve. It removes some of the power of finding the right answer, and puts an emphasis on figuring out different ways to get the answer. There are so many different ways to solve problems and it encourages students to think in this way.

middle school problem solving strategies

Tip #1 – Allow flexibility in how students solve problems.

Showing your work is said so often that it can seem meaningless to a student. Give students options for ways they can show their work.

Grab a free REPRESENT IT bulletin board that will provide a visual aid for different ways to represent their work !

Here are a few examples:

  • Write an equation
  • Solve a simpler problem
  • Draw a bar model
  • Draw a picture
  • Draw a graph
  • Use an open number line
  • Use manipulatives
  • Guess and check
  • Use logical reasoning
  • Make a ratio table

Tip #2- Focus on quality over quantity.

Quality over quantity is going to mean different things for different teachers, depending on the number of students, the length of your class period and even the different concepts being covered.  Here is one example for helping students focus on “sense-making” in a problem. 

Let’s take this pretty basic word problem >> Mr. Roy overdrafts his account by $25.50 and then is charged a $10.35 fee by the bank. What is the change in Mr. Roy’s bank account?

Before modeling a think-aloud to discuss how to solve this problem (and move on quickly to the next), ask so many questions that students will have no choice but to THINK about what the problem is asking for. Shift the workload to the students. Here are a few I brainstormed:

  • Who is Mr. Roy?
  • What is an overdraft?
  • Is a fee a good thing or bad thing? For who?
  • Why is Mr. Roy charged a fee?
  • What is the change measuring? 
  • Does he have more money or less money?

I just asked 6 questions and haven’t even gotten to the math yet! Model for students the type of critical thinking and questioning you want students to use when they are solving solo.

middle school problem solving strategies

Then have students just try out the problem. Circulate to see the different methods. Come together to discuss the different ways you saw the problem solved. 

Bring this problem to life by providing Monopoly money to students to “act” it out. 

I love seeing students be problem solvers and I think it is such a lifelong skill that they will always carry with them. In fact, they may not frequently need to calculate the equation of a line or the probability of a compound event, but each and everyday they will use their “sense-making skills” to solve problems and make decisions. 

If you want to focus on teaching problem solving, then All Access may be right for you!

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Problem Solving Posters (Represent It! Bulletin Board)

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August 30, 2021 at 12:35 pm

I really enjoy how thorough your blog is, especially this part on teaching students word problems. The blog is informative. I enjoyed listening to it via spotify. Thank you for linking additional resources!

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Practical Problem Solving Strategies for Middle School Students

Are you a middle school teacher or parent looking for effective problem-solving lessons for middle school students? Look no further! In this blog post, we will explore practical problem-solving strategies that can help your students develop essential skills for navigating challenges and finding solutions. By incorporating these strategies into your curriculum, you can empower your students to become confident problem solvers.


Problem-solving skills are crucial for middle school students as they face a variety of academic, social, and emotional challenges. By equipping them with effective problem-solving strategies, we can help them develop critical thinking and decision-making skills that will benefit them throughout their lives.

In this blog post, we will provide an overview of practical problem-solving strategies that can be incorporated into the middle school curriculum. These strategies will not only teach students how to approach problems but also foster collaboration, communication, and self-reflection.

Define problem-solving

Before diving into specific strategies, let’s define what problem-solving entails. Problem-solving is a process that involves identifying, analyzing, and finding solutions to challenges or obstacles. It requires critical thinking, decision-making, and creativity.

It is important to emphasize to students that problem-solving is not just about finding the right answer but also about developing a systematic approach to tackle problems effectively.

Teach problem-solving as a skill

Problem-solving is a skill that can be taught and developed. By incorporating problem-solving lessons into the curriculum, we can provide students with the necessary tools and strategies to approach challenges confidently.

One way to teach problem-solving is to provide opportunities for hands-on activities. These activities can simulate real-life situations and require students to think critically and come up with solutions. For example, you can assign group projects that require students to work together to solve a problem or complete a task.

Break down the problem-solving process

The problem-solving process can be broken down into several steps: identifying the problem, generating possible solutions, evaluating and selecting the best solution, and implementing the chosen solution.

Identify the problem

The first step in problem-solving is to identify the problem. Encourage students to define the problem clearly and specifically. This will help them understand the scope of the problem and focus on finding appropriate solutions.

Additionally, teach students to identify the root cause of the problem. By understanding the underlying factors contributing to the problem, students can develop more effective solutions.

Generate possible solutions

Once the problem is identified, it’s time to brainstorm possible solutions. Teach students brainstorming techniques such as mind mapping or listing ideas. Encourage creativity and open-mindedness during this process, as it can lead to innovative solutions.

Evaluate and select the best solution

After generating a list of possible solutions, students need to evaluate and select the best one. Teach them to consider the pros and cons of each solution and weigh the potential outcomes. This will help them make informed decisions.

Guide students in the decision-making process by asking questions that prompt critical thinking. For example, “What are the potential benefits and drawbacks of this solution? How does it align with your goals?”

Implement the chosen solution

Once the best solution is selected, it’s time to implement it. Teach students to create action plans that outline the steps needed to execute the solution. Encourage them to take initiative and follow through with their plans.

Foster collaboration and communication

Problem-solving often requires collaboration and effective communication. Emphasize the importance of teamwork in problem-solving and provide opportunities for students to work together on problem-solving activities.

Teach students effective communication skills such as active listening, expressing ideas clearly, and providing constructive feedback. These skills will enable them to effectively collaborate with others and communicate their thoughts and solutions.

Encourage reflection and self-evaluation

Reflection is an essential part of the problem-solving process. Encourage students to reflect on their problem-solving experiences and think about what worked well and what could be improved.

Guide students in evaluating their own problem-solving skills by asking questions such as, “What strategies did you use? How did you approach the problem? What would you do differently next time?” This self-evaluation will help them become more self-aware and improve their problem-solving abilities.

Provide ongoing support and feedback

As a teacher or parent, it is important to offer ongoing support and feedback to students as they develop their problem-solving skills. Be available to provide guidance and assistance when needed, but also encourage independence and autonomy.

Provide constructive feedback to help students improve their problem-solving abilities. Highlight their strengths and areas for growth, and offer specific suggestions for improvement. This feedback will empower students to continue practicing and refining their problem-solving skills.

Problem-solving skills are essential for middle school students as they navigate academic, social, and emotional challenges. By incorporating practical problem-solving strategies into the curriculum, we can equip students with the tools and confidence to tackle problems effectively.

Remember to foster collaboration, encourage reflection, and provide ongoing support and feedback to help students develop and refine their problem-solving skills. With practice and application, they will become confident problem solvers who can overcome any obstacle.

Start your EverydaySpeech Free trial today and discover a wide range of resources and activities to support social emotional learning and problem-solving skills in your middle school students.

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middle school problem solving strategies

Strategies for Teaching Problem Solving in Middle School Math

problem solving strategies middle school math

Problem solving is a vital skill in our middle school Math classes. It can also be really difficult for students to grasp.  By incorporating these strategies into your teaching, you can help your students become confident and successful problem solvers. So, let’s break it down and dive right in!  

Introduce the Importance of Problem Solving

Before we delve into the strategies, let’s talk about why problem solving is essential in math. Problem solving promotes critical thinking, logical reasoning, and the application of mathematical concepts in real-world situations. It encourages students to think creatively and develop problem-solving strategies that can be used across various contexts. If there’s not buy-in from students, it makes it 100% more difficult for students to care

Break Down the Problem Solving Process

To effectively teach problem solving, it’s crucial to break down the process into manageable steps. Here are four steps that can guide your students through the problem-solving journey:

Step 1 : Understand the Problem:

Encourage your students to read the problem carefully, identify the important information, and determine what the problem is asking. This step helps students gain a clear understanding of the problem before attempting to solve it. Encourage your students to talk to each other, and ask clarifying questions. Using the Notice and Wonder strategy is perfect here.

Step 2: Devise a Plan

Guide your students in developing a plan to solve the problem. This can involve strategies such as using visual representations, making a table or diagram, working backward, or using trial and error. Provide them with different problem-solving techniques to choose from.

Step 3: Implement the Plan

Once students have a plan, they can apply their mathematical knowledge and skills to solve the problem. Encourage them to show their work, explain their reasoning, and use appropriate mathematical language.

Step 4: Reflect and Evaluate

After finding a solution, it’s crucial for students to reflect on their process. Have them evaluate their work, check for reasonableness, and consider alternative approaches. This step promotes metacognition and helps students improve their problem-solving skills.

Use Real-World Contexts

Engaging students in real-world problem-solving scenarios not only makes math relevant but also enhances their motivation. Incorporate real-life contexts into your lessons, such as budgeting, measurements, or analyzing data. This will help students see the practical applications of math and develop a deeper understanding.

Provide Scaffolded Support

Differentiate your instruction by providing scaffolded support to meet the diverse needs of your students. Offer various levels of difficulty or different versions of the same problem to cater to different ability levels. Use manipulatives, graphic organizers, or step-by-step guides to support struggling students and gradually release responsibility as they become more confident.

Foster Collaboration and Discussion

Encourage collaboration and discussion among your students during problem-solving activities. Group work allows students to share strategies, learn from one another, and develop their communication skills. It also fosters a positive and supportive learning environment.

Assess and Provide Feedback

Effective assessment and feedback are crucial to help students grow as problem solvers. Use a variety of assessment methods, such as rubrics, observations, or student self-assessments, to evaluate their problem-solving skills. Use informal and formal assessments. Provide constructive feedback that highlights both strengths and areas for improvement, guiding them towards deeper understanding.

Teaching our students effective problem solving skills takes time and lots of practice. Please know this is not something that we teach once and our students will instantly “get it.” Take the time to really dive into each step and revisit.

Wanna close those learning gaps and experience more AHA moments in your middle school Math classroom? 


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I’m a  coffee-drinking, dog loving, sometimes I comb my hair,  middle school math teacher helping other math teachers inspire and engage students!  

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