
Essay on What Do You Do in Your Free Time

Students are often asked to write an essay on What Do You Do in Your Free Time in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on What Do You Do in Your Free Time


Free time is when you can indulge in activities that you love. It’s a time to relax, explore, and grow.

Reading Books

I love reading books in my free time. They take me to different worlds and help me learn new things.

Playing Sports

Playing sports is another activity I enjoy. It keeps me fit and teaches me teamwork.

Free time is precious. It’s important to spend it on activities that make you happy and help you grow as a person.

250 Words Essay on What Do You Do in Your Free Time

Reading and learning.

One of the ways I spend my free time is through reading. Books offer a wealth of knowledge, insights, and perspectives that can be transformative. They serve as a window to different cultures, philosophies, and scientific advancements, fostering intellectual growth.

Physical Activity

Physical activity is another essential aspect of my leisure time. Engaging in regular exercise, whether it’s a brisk walk, yoga, or a gym workout, helps maintain physical health and boosts mental well-being. It’s a great way to de-stress and rejuvenate.

Creative Pursuits

Creativity also plays a significant role in my free time. Whether it’s painting, writing, or playing a musical instrument, these activities provide an outlet for self-expression and innovation. They can be therapeutic, fulfilling, and contribute to personal development.

Social Engagement

Lastly, I value social interactions. Spending quality time with family and friends, participating in community activities, or volunteering for a cause can foster a sense of belonging, enhance interpersonal skills, and contribute to societal well-being.

In conclusion, the manner in which we spend our free time can greatly influence our overall quality of life. For me, a balance between intellectual stimulation, physical activity, creative expression, and social engagement serves as an ideal way to utilize this precious time.

500 Words Essay on What Do You Do in Your Free Time

The power of reading.

One of my favorite pastimes is reading. Whether it’s a classic novel, a scientific paper, or a thought-provoking article, reading is an activity that stimulates my mind and broadens my understanding of the world. It is an escape from the routine and a journey into the minds of others. Reading allows me to explore different perspectives, improving my empathy and understanding of diverse cultures and ideologies.

Engaging in Physical Activities

Physical activity is another essential component of my leisure time. Whether it’s jogging in the park, participating in a yoga class, or playing a game of soccer with friends, physical activity provides a much-needed break from the sedentary nature of academic life. It not only keeps me physically fit but also improves my mental health by reducing stress and anxiety. Physical activity is a form of active relaxation that allows me to rejuvenate and prepare for the next bout of focused work.

Volunteering and Social Engagement

Volunteering is another activity that occupies my free time. By helping others, I not only contribute to my community but also gain a sense of fulfillment and purpose. Whether it’s tutoring underprivileged children, participating in a neighborhood cleanup, or supporting a local charity, volunteering fosters a sense of community and interconnectedness.

In conclusion, free time is a valuable resource that offers a respite from the demands of academic life. It provides an opportunity to engage in activities that enrich our lives, broaden our perspectives, and contribute to our well-being. Whether it’s reading, physical activity, creative pursuits, or volunteering, what we do in our free time shapes our identity, values, and character. It’s important to use this time wisely, pursuing activities that bring joy, fulfillment, and personal growth.

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

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Free time activities essay 13 models

  • English essay
  • March 8, 2018

Free time activities essay

Free time activities essay contains many interesting  about how to spend leisure time in useful and interesting things at the same time. All of this will be found here in free time activities essay .

  • Free time activities essay

Many of us are bored in our spare time and find nothing to occupy ourselves with at those times ,and here we will offer you many activities that can be exploited in leisure time. This is here in free time activities essay .

Leisure time

Leisure time is considered one of the most problems experienced by young people in our time. They spend their time playing or sitting in front of television and computer screens without doing anything useful. Therefore, we will present in this article a set of activities that can be done to get rid of this problem.

How to spend your free time:

 Reading, where reading is one of the most beautiful and wonderful activities and useful works.In addition to the pleasure and entertainment that it adds to the life of the person,it also fills the mind with knowledge , science ,stories and useful novels .

A person can follow the style of reading in his life, either by buying books, making use of a free library card, or by exchanging books with his friends.

Writing, as this means has a great role in improving the psyche of the person and the translation of ideas and feelings and emptying them on paper.

 Man can adhere to this habit until it becomes an integral part of his life, and may develop this talent to become a well-known writer later.

 A person can begin to write about a particular event or turning point in his or her life, he can also write his diary, for example.

Writing poetry in its various forms and types.

 Sewing , a nice idea to start a sewing project, fashion design, knitting art pieces.

 Walking, it has multiple benefits to the health of the body, heart and blood vessels.

Drawing, which allows the person to translate the ideas in his head through the work of simple graphics, and can develop this talent through the lessons of learning online and available free of charge.

Cooking,   cooking skill is necessary and must be learned in life, and there is nothing more beautiful than to cook with your hands and make new and unfamiliar dishes.

The manufacture of various accessories and jewelry , which require multiple raw materials, and can learn this skill through learning lessons spread across the Web.

Fishing,   this is a good way to spend enjoyable time for people who live near the sea and the water bodies.

Taking photos , using specialized cameras or using a smartphone’s camera, so that people can take beautiful pictures of scenic and natural places.

To learn the chess , it is known that this game helps to increase thinking, raise the level of intelligence, in addition to being a good way to challenge the self.

My free time activities are walking and jogging. I love to share this hobby with others, especially with friends, after a long and hard school week.

I need nothing more than to drain my energy so that I can release the pressure and tension from within me. And renew my activity to return to school with all activity and vitality.

Walking is very wonderful, especially when you wake up early and start some warm-up with friends, have some interesting conversations, and then start doing sports.

I always find my day more energetic when I can get up early and do my exercises. I already feel the effect of the activity of the blood circulation, and the softness of the nerves and muscles, and I can relax without feeling any pain in my body resulting from pressure and tension.

Therefore, I like to do some sports activities during my spare time, whether with friends or on my own.

Free time activities paragraph

The activities I do in my spare time are many because of the area in which I live. My friends and I can go mountain bike tours, visit different places by bike and experience discovery. I also tend to try out some new practices like gymnastics, horseback riding, or playing tennis.

It is nice to take advantage of the free time and acquire some new skills. I love doing all these things but I’m still interested in short trips with friends that allow us to get to know each other more, and spend evenings and trips half a day or a full day together. That makes me very happy.

What do you do in your free time essay

I like to use my free time to do useful work, or practice a hobby that I like, therefore, I spend my spare time fishing, which is my favorite hobby.

Fishing is an interesting hobby and has many benefits, including that I enjoy watching the sea and its crashing waves, and also enjoying the fresh air. Then I finally get a meal of delicious fresh fish. Also, I don’t go fishing alone, I go with my best friend, we have a good time and we make use of the fish we caught.

A free time activity you enjoy essay

The activity I like to do in my spare time is cooking of all kinds, as I make all kinds of pizzas and sweets. I learned to cook from my aunt because she was working as a chef in a big hotel. When I was young I watched her cook and I was so happy. As I got older, I became more attached to this hobby until I became unable to do anything else. At the end of the year, I go to my aunt’s house to learn a number of new recipes, so that I can implement them in my next spare time.

How do you spend your free time essay

My name is (..). I have a brother who is two years younger than me, I am in (..) class . I like to spend my spare time in ice skating, all the children of the town practice ice skating in the winter season.

Snow covers everything in winter and the lakes in my town freeze. I like to spend my spare time in riding a Ski Bike or in traditional skating.

Sometimes I go with my father to the lake to catch fish. The lake is frozen so we must first sit inside our log cabin on the lake and dig a hole in the ice. And through this hole we can fish. I love spending such time with my father or my friends.

Every year I spend my spare time doing the same things. I am excited in the coming years to travel to other countries and discover more curious and interesting things.

Paragraph about free time activities

My name is (..). I have a family consisting of (..) people. I am (..) years old.

On vacation last year, my father told us about the importance of volunteering in charitable work and participating in social activities through which we can help others.

Therefore, we have some activities that we do whenever the opportunity arises, especially on vacations and holidays. Such as volunteering in hygiene campaigns and preserving the environment. Or visits to hospitals and provide psychological support to the patient.

So there is always a new person we get to know and try to make happy, or there is an area we share and work to improve the general appearance of it.

We often work on the sides of roads and rivers where some people throw rubbish there. Therefore, we share hygiene and hang awareness banners in these areas.

Sometimes we distribute some warning leaflets to them to preserve the environment in which they live. I love doing these activities very much and I hope they will manage.

Paragraph about how to spend your free time

I like to spend my time on normal days playing video games and roaming with my friends in the streets, Sometimes we go to parties to have fun.

But in recent weeks, that seemed to change a little, as I became involved in voluntary activities after joining a non-governmental charitable organization, which is interested in visiting orphaned children, children with burns, and children with cancer.

Since I joined this association, I no longer care about games as much as before. I work on picking positive words during conversation and showing love through jokes and hiding the side of pity that I used to show when I saw them, I knew that it was bad and made them upset.

I think after joining this association and doing some volunteer work with them that something has changed in me. I feel that I have become more mature and I love the volunteer work through which we raise the morale of many children who need this support.

My Favourite Free Time Activities Essay

I love photography very much. I own a Nikon D3500 camera. Not the best of the species, but it is very good and took many great shots.

I very much like to go out on holidays like summer vacation, or holidays from school and take some pictures of birds and landscapes. I teach in class (write your class here). Therefore, I do not practice my hobby a lot except on vacations only.

I love visiting natural areas and photographing some close-up shots of birds or people. I always go around looking for a special shot or an impressive scene that I can capture without affecting its beauty to be natural and unique.

I like to post my photos to my social media accounts. It gets a lot of praise and encouragement. When I grow up I hope to be this is my job.

Essay a free time activity you enjoy

Undoubtedly, free time is one of the times that everyone needs to practice some activities to unload the activity trapped inside them, so I like to volunteer in some non-governmental charities and visit cancer patients and support them.

Such activities impress me a lot and make me learn from their experiences and suffering to appreciate life, and how to live according to a healthy diet, which helps me prevent many diseases.

In the aspect of self-confidence, such visits always help me in developing my rhetoric and developing jokes to ease the suffering of others.

One of my ambitions in the future is to become a doctor and I would very much like to specialize in treating children. I like to deal with them a lot and I am very happy to relieve their psychological burdens.

I also like to go out on some volunteers to clean up my surroundings and participate in some seminars.

Essay about a free time activity you enjoy

I very much like to participate in volunteer activities that make me get to know others and share conversations with them and benefit from their experience a lot.

I may describe myself as a social person who loves all people and is very tolerant with myself. One of my best features is that I can notice details and keep them in my memory without forgetting them.

Therefore, I very much like to participate in non-governmental associations for the treatment of alcohol, or any kind of addiction, and some encouraging seminars for the injured.

I always find what I look for when other people talk about their pain and tell how it happened. I can benefit from this, and I liked a lot some of my posts that I recommended to some, and the advice was fruitful and useful.

I expect to benefit from my talent in the future, I may study psychiatric counseling or some thing like that.

Write a paragraph about your free-time activities

It is great for a person to have a variety of different activities that he does in his spare time. Such variety does not make me bored and always makes me excited to try some new things.

I love fishing very much, so I practice more than one different way of fishing, and I can find out the most suitable among them according to the season, direction and wind speed. I also love very much to play basketball and soccer.

The diversity of activities always makes me active and happy and I do not feel depressed, especially when I am passionate about hunting. I can enjoy a lot of fishing and forget about anything that bothers me.

I also love to research and learn my lessons before I study them. Therefore, I like to go to the library and read some historical books or books that may be related to my studies. This makes me more open to the subject we are studying and familiar with many aspects of it.

How to spend your free time essay

When asked how do you spend your free time? I find myself thinking about one thing, I really feel that I love nothing more than fishing, and watching TV programs that talk about the means, methods and seasons of fishing.

I love being on the beaches, or rivers, I can catch fish in more than one way, I like a lot to strive to catch the biggest fish and challenge my brother or father, and maybe some friends who share my love for this hobby.

What can I say, I think I’m obsessed with this hobby and I really like the idea that it became more popular on TV shows. I watched some competitions here and there, I hope in the future to participate in one and show my hunting abilities and talents.

We have provided you with Free time activities essay ,and you can read more through the following link:

  • Free time essay

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A- Study the following paragraph writing examples

Activities i do when i feel bored.

There are a lot of activities I do when I feel bored. Firstly, I like to practice sports. Sometimes, I play football with my friends outside. At other times, I just stay home playing table tennis with my two brothers. Secondly, when I don’t want to practice anything, I just turn on my laptop and watch some episodes of my favourite series. Thirdly, I sometimes like to read different kinds of books. To sum up, I rarely feel bored at home, but when I do, I have so many options to kill my boredom.

My Free Time Activities

When I have some free time I usually love entertaining myself. I love watching TV, but what I love most is watching movies. In fact, I like almost all kinds of movies such as action, comedy, and romance. Also, I enjoy watching shows and series such as Games of Thrones and Breaking Bad. In addition, I enjoy listening to music because it makes me feel comfortable and relaxed. Sometimes, I enjoy listening to rock music and at other times classic music. Yet, I am really a big fan of Michael Jackson and Eminem. Finally, what I like to do in my spare time is go on picnics. There are many beautiful places in my country to visit, such as mountains, forests, and beaches. All in all, these are the activities I prefer to do for leisure.

Important Synonyms:

  • Free time:   leisure;  spare time;
  • kinds  :   types;  
  • I am big fan of Michael Jackson: Michael Jackson is my favourite singer.
  • kill my boredom : get rid of my boredom
  • such as : like;
  • relaxed  : calm

Following the examples above and using the given synonyms, develop the following topic sentences to write complete paragraphs

I usually enjoy my free time with different activities. First, ………………………………………

Suggested ideas :

  • Check my social media accounts
  • Hang out with my friends.
  • Play video games
  • Surf on the net

Save your time and energy and download the worksheet only for $1!! 👇 👇 👇


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Essays About Time: Top 5 Examples and 8 Prompts

Essays about time involve looking into human existence and other intangible concepts. Check out our top examples and prompts to write an engaging piece about this subject.

Time entails many concepts that can be hard to explain. In its simplest sense, time is the period between the past, present, and future. It also encompasses every action or progression of events within those measures. Time never stops. It consistently ticks away, making it both a cruel teacher and an apt healer. It inspires many writers to write pieces about it, discussing time as a notion or an element in emotionally-driven compositions that both describe euphoric and heart-rending episodes. 

To aid you in writing a compelling piece, below are our top picks for great essays about time:


1. Time is Precious Essay by Anonymous on AreSearchGuide.com

2. an essay on time by david pincus, 3. time is money by supriya, 4. time waster by anonymous on exampleessays.com, 5. time management: using the less time to do more by anonymous on edubirdie.com, 1. how i spend my time, 2. what is time, 3. time and technology, 4. time management and procrastination, 5. if time doesn’t exist, 6. time as a currency, 7. the value of time, 8. time and productivity.

“Make most of your time and you will be rewarded ten folds of it, waste it and the little you have will be taken away, just like in the parable of talents.”

The essay begins with a convincing statement reminding the readers of the average life expectancy of a person to assert the importance of time. Then, in the later sections, the author answers why time is precious. Some reasons include time is always in motion, is priceless, and can never be borrowed. The piece also mentions why many “wait for the right opportunity,” not realizing they must plan first to get to the “right time.” Finally, at the end of the essay, the writer reminds us that balancing and planning how to spend time in all areas of life are critical to having a meaningful existence.

“I don’t know what time is, beyond a mysterious self-similar backdrop upon which we lead our lives. It is intricately woven across the scales of observation – from the quantum level to the phenomenological time of cultural revolutions.”

Pincus begins the essay with questions about time and then proceeds to answer them. Then, he focuses on time psychologically, relating it to traumas, disorders, and lack of meaning. In the next section, he discusses how psychotherapists use the concept of time to treat patients. 

In the last part of his essay, Pincus admits that he doesn’t know what time is but notes it’s akin to a thread that stitches moments together and anchors us through a complex world.

“Knowing how precious time is, we should never waste time, but make good use of it.”

Supriya’s essay is straightforward. After claiming that someone’s success depends on how they use their time, she gives an example of a student who studied well and passed an exam quickly. She follows it with more examples, referring to office workers and the famous and wealthy.

“Time is something you can’t have back, and should not be used to simply watch a computer screen for hours upon end.”

The writer shares one of his vices that leads him to waste time – technology, specifically, instant messaging. They mention how unproductive it is to just stare at a computer screen to wait for their friends to go online. They know many others have the same problem and hope to overcome the bad habit soon.

“I should strive for good time management skills which are essential to be learned and mastered in order to have a better personal and professional life… it can also help us learn more about self-discipline which is a crucial pillar for stable success… time management is a concept of balance and moderation of the things that are important to us.”

The essay affirms people need to protect time, as it’s a non-renewable resource. A great way to do it is by tracking your time, also known as time management. The writer shared their experience when they were a college student and how challenging it was to allocate their time between deadlines and other life demands. The following parts of the piece explain what time management is in detail, even recommending a tool to help individuals label their activities based on urgency. The following paragraphs focus on what the author learned about time management throughout their life and how they missed opportunities while continuously being stressed. Then, the last part of the essay suggests tips to conquer time management problems. 

Did you know that readability is critical to readers finishing your whole essay? See our article on how to improve your readability score to learn more. 

8 Writing Prompts For Essays About Time

Go through our recommended prompts on essays about time for writing:

In this essay, share how you use your time on a typical day. Then, decide if you want to keep spending your time doing the same things in the future. If not, tell your readers the reason. For instance, if you’re devoting most of your time studying now, you can say that you intend to use your future time doing other invaluable things, such as working hard to help your family.

Because there are many definitions of time, use this essay to define your interpretation of time. You can use creative writing and personify time to make your essay easy to understand. For example, you can think of time as a personal tutor who always reminds you of the things you should be able to finish within the day. For an engaging essay, use descriptive language to emphasize your points.

Essays About Time: Time and technology

List technologies that help people save time, such as smartphones, computers, and the internet. Delve into how these devices help individuals complete their tasks faster. On the other hand, you can also talk about how modernization negatively affects people’s time management. Like when they distract students and workers from completing their assignments.

Discuss reasons why people procrastinate. First, ensure to pick common causes so your readers can easily relate to your piece. Then, add tips on how individuals can battle dilly-dallying by recommending influential time management theories and models. You can even try some of these theories or models and tell your readers how they worked for you. 

Open a discussion about what can happen if there is no concept of time. Include what matters you think will be affected if time is abolished. You can also debate that time does not exist, that it’s just created by people to keep track of whatever they need to monitor. Finally, add your thoughts on the notion that “we only exist within an ever-changing now.”

Share your ideas of what can take place if we use “time” to buy food, pay rent, etc. You can also analyze that when we use our time to work, get paid for it, and then purchase our necessities, we’re technically exchanging our time to be able to buy what we need. A movie that used this theory is In Time , starring Justin Timberlake, Amanda Seyfried, and Cillian Murphy. You can write a review of this movie and add your opinions on it.

Everyone’s aware of the importance of time. For this prompt, delve into why time is precious. Write this essay from your perspective and probe how time, such as managing or wasting it, affects your life. You can also interpret this prompt by calculating the non-monetary or opportunity costs of spending time. 

Examine the direct relationship between time and productivity. Then, list productivity strategies schools and businesses use. You can also open a discourse about the number of hours workers are supposed to work in a week. For example, debate if you think a 40-hour full-time work week in America, results in more productive employees. Then, add other schedules from other countries and how it affects productivity, such as Denmark, Germany, and Norway, with less than 30 hours of the work week. 

Do you want to know how to convince your readers effectively? Read our guide on how to write an argumentative essay . Improve your writing skills; check out our guide packed full of transition words for essays .

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Leisure Time Essays

by thangngovan (vietnam)

how i spend my free time essay 50 words


You have written excellent essay and covered everything. Here are very few suggestions that can be added to improve some marks as per examiner's expectation.

1. You may add 2-3 conditional sentences (for example: if, although, even)

2. Complex sentences are also required in essay task 2 such as "not only but also" more and more type)

I am not sure if you already received your desired result and i am late to reply you!

Jul 07, 2013

5 paragraphs are good for an argumentative essay-

Restate the question but use different wording, AND give an idea of YOUR opinion.

Agree with the question statement and give reasons-support.

Show why the "other" opinion has advantages.

Show why YOUR opinion is the RIGHT one- use examples etc

Conclusion- Restate the argument and once again give your opinion.

These type essays work simply in 3 parts:-

Tell the reader what you are going to say

Tell it

: State what you have just said.
Jan 27, 2015

it is very useful.
Sep 27, 2016

I like this short essay on leisure time!!!!!!

I think you should involve some more points to make it a grand one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wish you best of luck!!!


Oct 14, 2016

excellent essay thanks
Jun 01, 2017

it is a best essay for children
Jul 31, 2017

Wio....your essay on this topic is good...I thing it is better to do some work oh free time so keep it up.....
Aug 02, 2017

I am really happy with this essay. Great!

But you should add some more points like
1- we can also spend our leisure time by our hobbies. This might make our mind fresh. ................

Well now only this much! Nice essay!
Regards- priya
Aug 02, 2017

Wow,you have written this essay so meaningful. I like it.
Sep 10, 2017

You have written the most meaning full essay. awesome!!!!!
Oct 08, 2017

Wonderful essay it's good and the best one on leisure time and it is beneficial for school students.
Oct 10, 2017

in the last line of your essay there should have been mental not metal it would be great if you would edit
Oct 22, 2017

Thz for ur idea ☺☺☺ Strive the best
Oct 22, 2017

Try ur best bc ur grammar ia a little bit wrong. Fighting.
Dec 27, 2017

Thank you
Jan 17, 2018

This article was very useful for my ASL test. Thank U
Sep 27, 2019

It is to nice and meaningful essay
So that any one can understand it is very nice I am exerting more essay from
Your faithfully
Santosh. P
Jan 16, 2020

You have written a wonderful essay
Aug 07, 2020

Good essay i am really satisfied
Jan 22, 2021

Leisure time is necessary for people after working and studying hard, and there are various recreation activities to do based on oneself. Many people support the methods helping the mind get better, while others endorse the thinking to rest in free time, but it is more effective if we participate in outside activities.

People can indeed improve their ability by practicing pursuits improving the mind. Doing the word puzzles helps us raise logical thinking and solve problems at work more effectively. On the other hand, we can expand our knowledge and absorb more information from books, and mental health will be better.

Standing at the other view, putting the mind at rest by enjoying media entertainment, people reduce the stress. After a long day at work or school, we usually feel tired and need to relax. There are many channels such as watching films, listening to music and playing games, our mind will balance again.

However, the two sorts of pursuits above have some disadvantages, such as we feel more stressed when practicing the mind or being not conscious of using entertaining electronic methods, we should take outdoor actions. When enjoying outside events, for instance, doing exercise or playing sports bring about our physical health will be better, the mind will be refreshed and having energies for new works.

In summary, doing activities, improving our mind in leisure time will enhance our thinking but perhaps, also lead to feeling more stressed. Meanwhile, laying the mind to rest helping us reduce work pressure; however, we can feel graver. Personally, participating in outside pursuits is suitable for both mental and physical health.
Oct 28, 2021

Your essay is great and i get some unique words from the essay. It's very help me to finish my essay.
thank you
Sep 08, 2023

It was actually so helpful.
Whish you good luck
May 04, 2024

It is so good. I love it. 😻

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Pressure at Work and Time to Relax

by Mahesh Senadheera (Sri Lanka)

Many people think that nowadays people are being subjected to more and more pressure in their work and thus are having less and less time to relax. What is your opinion? yes, it is true that people are having less time to relax as they are subjected to more pressure in their work. it has been the routine of the average man to wake up early in the morning, to leave the home for work, to work to dusk and return home late night. Thus it is reasonable to say that people are being subjected to pressure and they have no time even to dream of relax. Due to the distance of the working place, a number of people find it difficult to reach there on time. So it is customory for them to leave the home early in the morning. To finish the daily course of the duty, they work as machines. Very often they fail to complete the duty of the day. The result is the amount of work on his shoulder is graduly climbing up. Consequently, intense of pressure is going up. Whether he is a government or prviate employ, this is the common situation. As a result, he has been deprived of his time to relax an refresh. On the other hand, people in this ultra modern generation are engaging in a very hectic life style because of their personal needs. They have been helpless in the management of their time. Load of the work, duty of the personal and the social life is pressurizing them moment by moment. Unwillingly, duty of the family and children become agrave problem if they do the work for living properly and vice versa. It leaves them only pressure and stress. According to the facts mentioned above, many people in the society today are being deprived of their time to be with the family members, to relax and refresh. Please feedback on my Leisure Time Essay

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Best Use of Leisure Time

by ahmet (istanbul)

Please provide me with some feedback on my Leisure Time Essay. Some people think that it is important to use leisure time for activities that improve the mind, such as reading and doing word puzzles, other people feel that it is important to rest the mind during leisure time. Discuss both opinions and give your own opinion. Many people believe that it is significant using spare time for things that enhance the mind, for instance reading and doing word puzzles. the others think that it is vital to relax the mind during spare time. In my opinion, I agree that people should use leisure time for activities which improve the mind. On the one hand, some people have very exhausting job. Therefore, they would like to relax during leisure time, so they do not want to do anything within this time. They think they need to rest. Moreover, many people are lazy, for this reason they do not keen to do activities to improve the mind. For instance reading a book and doing Sudoku puzzles. On the other hand, many people have stressful job too, but they would like to enhance the mind. Therefore, they do many things within leisure time. Such as reading a novel, solving puzzles, doing exercises which are useful for improving the mind. I think that people who utilize spare time doing activities that boost the mind are more successful than others who love to use spare time for relaxing. Finally, in my opinion, people should use their leisure time to improve the mind. For this reason people should do anything which is useful for enhancing the mind. Moreover, I would argue that, people should hard working not to be idle. So they always doing something to be more successful. Furthermore, I think some activities are so relaxing while they improve the mind. Such as doing Sudoku puzzles. In conclusion, I agree that people should do activities that improve the mind during leisure time. Because, while that they are performing activities for improving the mind, the activities can contribute to job achievement. Moreover, I think, leisure time should be used effectively since it is so precious.

Good job!! needs some editing.
Dec 02, 2014

Word which you use leisure should not be repeated again and again and one more thing, you were not supposed to use difficult words
Dec 05, 2014



Jun 25, 2015

Wow ..... what a nice essay ,, it really influenced me to use the leisure to improve our mind

Work Pressure and Leisure Time

how i spend my free time essay 50 words

In regards to this essay, the most important thing you need to do is improve your introduction.

It does only need to be 2 or 3 sentences, but you have introduced the essay very poorly.

Grammar errors make it confusing and you don't seem to have a thesis.

Learn about writing an here.
Dec 01, 2014

Thank you for your response, although i would like to know how about my body paragraphs and conclusion, if i did it well? thank you again.. i will take exam this 2nd week of dec. thank you.
Dec 05, 2014

nice essay, easily understandable to new learners and good sentence constriction
Dec 05, 2014

The content and structure of the body paragraphs and conclusion are ok. You have topic sentences, explain things with examples and answer the questions to a reasonable extent.

But you do have quite a few grammar issues you need to work on.

I can't point them all out so you would need someone to take a look for you so you know where you need to improve in this respect.

Hope the test went well at the weekend.

Let us know your score.

Work and Relaxation

by Long (hong kong )

Many people think that nowadays people are being subjected to more and more pressure in their work and thus are having less and less time to relax. What is your opinion? Leisure time is essential in people's lives especially in this busy world, the valuable leisure time is getting less. However, people have different views on how to utilise their time. Some suggest to have mind improving activities yet the others believe resting is better. This essay will discuss on both sides of arguments. Some people believe having brain stimulation by activities can help in children development. Young people usually learn academic knowledges from school. Other than traditional learning, reading novels or science fiction stimulate their imagination, having mini- games such as world puzzles, Sudoku can facilitate their logical thinking. Multiple players' activities also provide platform for building teamwork. people can fully utilise their recreational time in order to improve their intelligence, which is important to become competitive in this crucial society. However, on the other hand, there are some strongly assert that resting is fundamental for leisure purpose. Nowadays, working over 50 hours a week is commonly seen elsewhere. Therefore, having such brain demanding activities after work or study would be a big burden to the participants. Instead, activities such as exercising, listening to music or even taking a nap would help recharging brain by simply resting. It is obvious that our brains require adequate rest to function in optimal level, people can concentrate on their works or learning after relaxation. In my opinion, both sides have their meets. Resting is significant between working intervals, while mind improving games boost brain development. Hence, I suggest people should employ mind stimulating activities if mentally capable. if people who get fatigue from using brain, mild activities would be good options to recharge. Please feedback on my Leisure Time Essay

Leisure Time and Study

by Orifjon (Tashkent)

In some countries young people have little leisure time and are under a lot of pressure to work hard on their studies. What do you think are the causes for this? What solutions can you suggest? From the perspective of history countries were divided into several levels according to their inner development and status. Nowadays current issue is still in trend. Basically, there are some countries where students study under pressure, not having time to relax or do some leisure activities. In this essay, major reasons and possible solutions will be outlined according to question above. In my modest opinion, the basis of current issue lies in deep roots of education system of discussing countries. More clearly, governments -when planning the system - were now aware of students, who will then have to study following the government's system. Pattern of education was schemed involving positive sides only for governments rather than students. Some countries, for instance, are strictly critisized in planning the system compressed in order to spend less budget of organisation. This is, obviously, the most frightening way of objection of humanity's civil rights. One possible approach can be found in altering the way governments look at future of their own. In other words, the fact that proves that young generation is government's main stick point in the future should agitate them. The second and the main reason, however, touches the field of schools, universities and other educational organisations. The difference between humankind and animals is only - human moral ability to fell and think. By this argument, students are not tend to feel moral help from educational institutions. 2/3 of all educational institutions forgot about "motivation", "inspiration" and "encouragement". In this cruel world all of humanity attempts to show his cruelty and violence. And from my strongest point of view, problem can be solved by encouraging students morally, to support and help by showing various ways that can withdraw out of harsh situations. Educational organisations should find out ways of innovative pedagogical methods. Only this way, problem of student pressure can be solved. By way of conclusion, I find it necessary to reaffirm my point on altering the way governments and educational organisations see their future, otherwise serious problems can occur in society of ours. *** What do you think of this Leisure Time Essay about studying? You can let the writer know by leaving your comments below.

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How I Spent My Leisure Time (Essay Sample)

Table of Contents


Meaningfully engaging in life is investing in the things that you enjoy doing most. What gives you much joy and inspires you? What makes you feel giddy and relaxed at the end of doing it?

This essay focuses on leisure activities. The author explains his uses of leisure time and encourages others to get involved in leisure activities that are both fulfilling and satisfying at the end of a long day.

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How I Spend My Leisure Time Essay

I admit that I am a very busy person, but I still believe in finding time to unwind and do enjoyable things. I intentionally block off time for leisure in my calendar. I also make it a point to aside resources and plan meticulously to ensure I get maximum relaxation from it.

Leisure is important to mental and physical wellness and should be taken seriously. It is a conscious decision I make to ensure that I am able to experience it regularly. Taking time out renews my vigor to tackle the challenging tasks I come across daily, as I am able to take breaks to reflect on a few issues about life. I mostly plan my leisure time on the weekends so that I can make space for my family and friends.

This is a short description of how I spend my leisure breaks.

How I Make My Free Time Count

My favorite way to spend my leisure time would be to hang out with my friends at the beach. I enjoy the cool breeze from the ocean and watching people have fun on the shore. Walking along the shores of the beach calms my inner chaos. Occasionally, I collect seashells on the beach and bring them to my siblings. Most of these outdoor activities highly depend on how favorable the weather is.

Full body of anonymous barefoot female with flying hair standing on sandy coast near waving sea against colorful rainbow in nature

I also make the effort to make calls to friends I am unable to physically visit and check in on. Sometimes, the walks alone can take up my whole afternoon.

Other times, I like listening to the music albums of my favorite artists as I stroll along the beach. When the weather is hot, I like swimming on the beach or joining my friends to go fishing in deeper waters. Recently, I tried scuba diving and I liked the experience. I hope that I get to try it again soon. The breathtaking view of the reef is amazing. 

Sometimes, the weather confines me indoors, but that does not mean I cannot have a good leisure break.

If I am having my leisure getaway indoors, I like trying out new recipes and different cuisines from all over the world. Being busy in the kitchen trying out new dishes is enjoyable, to say the least. The meals don’t always turn out the way I expect them to, but the experience is always fun for me. 

Alternatively, I like reading non-fiction books, particularly those that talk about historical events, while relaxing on the couch. I like doing this with soft jazz playing in the background as I peruse through the pages.

At times, I also go to the cinemas and theaters and catch up on the latest movies and plays with friends. There are times when I just want to stay at home and catch up on my go-to shows. I like playing dance games competitively with my brother especially when he is in town. Although he is a better dancer than I am, we both enjoy the dance and have fun together.

Giraffes Standing on Grass Field Surrounded by Plants

I also travel to Africa annually and go on safaris or hike in the mountains. The experience is always great – from socializing with people of different cultures to watching animal wildlife in their natural habitat. The days I spend in Africa leave indelible memories in my mind and encourage me to save up to return and experience more.

The activities I mentioned are just the tip of the iceberg. I really like making the most out of my leisure breaks. All these experiences and memories push me to invest in rest.

I don’t know how you make use of your spare time, but I hope that you are using it well. It could simply be a matter of engaging in your hobbies, spending time with loved ones, soaking in nature, or even reading books. As long as it makes you feel happy and recharged by the time the next week rolls in, it is worth doing.

Different people have different kinds of preferences when it comes to maximizing their free time. There are so many activities to choose from – so there’s no excuse not to indulge in getaways for yourself.

Essay About A Leisure Time Activity

What do you do when you have so much free time that you can actually take extended time off?

I have had the blessing of enjoying a lot of free moments lately and it has given me the opportunity to get involved in the many things that give me joy. One of them is reading novels. I am a staunch fan of murder mysteries. I can never get enough breathers to go through them during a busy week at school, so my collection has been gathering dust at home. I have recently been able to finish two books each weekend, and I’m really enjoying it.

Another activity that I love doing is to write down my plans for the future. I don’t just mean plans for the next year. I like envisioning myself five or ten years from where I am and dreaming of what I’ll be able to accomplish by then.

Finally, I like playing games and indulging in recreational activities. Board games are a guilty pleasure for me. I recently rediscovered my love for classic Monopoly and word puzzles and have been challenging my family and friends for intense rematches on weekends.

What Are Popular Ways To Spend Leisure Time?

There are plenty of ways to wind down in your spare moments. There are those who get involved in competitive sports. Others want something more relaxing and simply hang out with family. More adventurous people travel to other parts of the world to experience and soak in another culture. Others write down their ideas. There are a rare few who spend days in the library looking to expand their knowledge on a certain topic or subject of interest. Then there are the more fun, casual, and popular group activities, such as karaoke, cocktails, hotel stays, and pampering trips.

Why Is Leisure Time Important?

Making space to relax and the wind is essential in making sure you can still excel in the other areas of your life. People say that rest is actually a life strategy. You don’t necessarily rest because you are lazy and don’t want to deal with your obligations. You get to rest for the ultimate good of those activities. It almost seems counterproductive, for example, to do a catnap the night before a heavy deadline. But ten minutes of sleep can actually re-energize your brain and refuel your creative juices so that you can power through the night and finish that requirement. Getting those breathers for yourself also protects you from burnout, which is a common ailment in today’s busy world where everything demands your time and attention. It gives you fresh starts, especially when you feel uninspired and stuck.

how i spend my free time essay 50 words

English Summary

How Do You Spend Your Free Time Essay

If one works very hard and continuously, one naturally feels tired. Our minds begin to wonder, and we feel unable to fix our attention on work. Psychologists say that fatigue is caused by some of the brain matter being wasted while at hard work and that in order to allow the matter to be replaced, rest is necessary.

Rest can also be had by a change in occupation. For example we have been working hard at mathematics for 4 hours and long for rest. But we need not sit idle. We can sing a few of our favourite songs and enjoy tunes. That is also rest.

We may trim a plant or prune a creeper or dig the ground. We may watch the glory of the buds blooming into a flower. Watering flower plants is not only a pleasant diversion but also a very useful form of physical exercise. We can also watch the birds around.

If we are in the countryside, we may take a walk into the open and mingle freely with farmers and other rural folks. We may study their outlook and ideas, their needs and aspirations.

We may probably tell them a thing or two from our knowledge and make them aware of world developments. We may try to teach them hygiene and the method to use first-aid. Or we can also collect the tales most popular among them and specialise in folklore.

We may informally hold classes for illiterate adults narrate interesting stories, teach them to read and write, tell them how to safeguard themselves against infectious diseases, teach them the benefit of thrift by encouraging them to deposit their meagre savings in a savings bank or invest them in national savings certificates, and do a hundred other similar things.

Besides, we may teach them the rudiments of civics, educate them as to their rights as voters and as to their duties in safeguarding it. We may exhort them to give their wholehearted cooperation in the community project and other development schemes.

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How To Write a “How I Spent My Day” Essay (Top Tips & Sample)

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Want to know how to write a “How I Spent My Day” essay?

You’ve come to the right place.

Crafting a compelling “How I Spent My Day” essay allows you to not only document your experiences but also engage readers with a vivid narrative.

In this guide, we’ll explore actionable tips to help you write an essay that is not only captivating but also reader-friendly.

Create an Engaging Introduction

Begin your essay with an attention-grabbing hook. For example, “Embark on a journey into a day in my life – a narrative filled with unexpected twists and valuable lessons.”

Use a Thesis Statement and Clear Structure

Clearly state your purpose with a concise thesis statement. Organize your essay in a structured manner, preferably following a chronological order or thematic approach. This not only aids in readability but also appeals to the reader’s understanding.

Detailed Planning and Reflections

Describe your day by starting with a well-organized schedule. Reflect on expectations versus reality, emphasizing the emotional aspects of your experiences.

Vivid Descriptions and Storytelling Techniques

Use descriptive language to bring your experiences to life. Engage readers by appealing to their senses, making your essay a sensory journey. Utilize storytelling techniques to create a narrative flow that keeps readers hooked.

Use a Conversational Tone

Write in a conversational tone to establish a connection with your readers. Addressing them directly and using personal pronouns creates a sense of intimacy.

Strategically Use Headings and Subheadings

Break down your essay into digestible sections with clear headings and subheadings. This not only improves the overall structure but also makes it easier for readers to follow your narrative.

Reflect and Offer Takeaways

Reflect on the lessons learned and personal growth throughout the day. This adds depth to your essay and provides valuable content for readers seeking insights into self-improvement.

Write a Conclusion

Summarize your key points and restate your thesis in the conclusion. End with a call to action or an open-ended question to encourage reader engagement.

By combining the art of storytelling with engaging writing techniques, you can create a “How I Spent My Day” essay that not only resonates with readers but also captures their attention from start to finish. Embrace your unique experiences, follow these actionable tips, and watch your essay become a compelling narrative that captures hearts and minds alike.

Here is a sample “How I Spent My Day” Essay

Today felt like a page out of a storybook, with unexpected surprises and happy moments. As the sun woke me up, it was the start of a day filled with routines and exciting surprises.

My morning began with the sound of my alarm, and I got out of bed ready for a brand-new day. The smell of fresh coffee made the kitchen cozy, and a simple breakfast of scrambled eggs and toast got me geared up for whatever lay ahead.

Walking outside, I noticed the world waking up around me. The streets were buzzing with people going about their day, and the air was filled with the sounds of footsteps, distant traffic, and birds chirping. It was like a canvas painted with regular stuff, but each bit had the potential for something amazing.

My day was planned out neatly on my schedule. Work and fun were both on the agenda, and everything flowed smoothly. But what made the day special were the unexpected surprises. Running into an old friend at the café and deciding to take a different path during my afternoon walk were like exciting plot twists in my day’s story.

The best part of my day was the conversations. Whether chatting about projects with my colleagues or sharing stories with a stranger at the park, every talk added a layer to my day’s story. It was like the magic of connecting with people made the day come alive.

As the afternoon sun started to set, casting a warm glow over everything, I sat back and thought about the day. Things didn’t go exactly as planned, but that was okay. The day became a mix of work, play, and surprises. And as I looked back, I realized it was not just about what I did; it was about how I felt, what I learned, and the connections I made.

The evening was calm, with dinner being a relaxed time for thinking. Today was not just a list of things done; it was a story. Each moment, from the usual to the amazing, made my story special. As I closed my eyes, ready for a good night’s sleep, I wondered what stories tomorrow would bring.

English Essay on “How Spend My Leisure” English Essay-Paragraph-Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 CBSE Students and competitive Examination.

How Spend My Leisure

Leisure is the spare time available at our disposal. Different people have different ideas and different methods of spending their leisure time. Though people are busy in different kinds of work, time is also available which may be termed as .leisure time. For students, in particular, the question of spending their leisure time for a good purpose is Significant. Some students pass their leisure in gossip and loitering, some go to see movies, some play cards and some students stand on the corners of the roads and streets without any aim whatsoever, their methods of spending the leisure are not worthy. The leisure time should be spent by joining together and attending some programmes having educational, cultural and recreational values of a high order. I spend my leisure in visiting important places, historical monuments and other important places like Jantar Mantar, Red Fort, Raj Ghat, etc. Sometimes, I go to a library to spend my leisure. A very good library to spend my leisure time is the American Center library where a large number of magazines and books are available. There is an arrangement there even to watch video cassettes without the sound. The sound can, however, be heard by you through the ear-phone you may plug to your ears. These video cassettes are of tremendous educative value. Like any other spheres of activities, a proper planning for spending the leisure is an important aspect of human life.

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IELTS Essay: Activities for Leisure Time

by Dave | Real Past Tests | 3 Comments

IELTS Essay: Activities for Leisure Time

This is an IELTS writing task 2 sample answer essay from the general training exam on the topic of planning your activities for your leisure time.

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Some people think that one should plan in detail activities for their leisure time, while others disagree with this view.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Many feel that it is important to plan out their free time activities, while others opt to live more spontaneously. In my opinion, planning can be useful but over time it will devalue the activities themselves.

Arranging one’s leisure activities ahead of time is a natural impulse to ease tension and ensure their usefulness. Some psychologists have termed humans the ‘planning animal’ because of an inborn tendency arising from a calming need for security. To the person doing the planning, this serves the secondary purpose of ensuring they are not wasting their time. For example, if a motivated individual plans their day they might set out to do some exercise, read a book, finish some work at home, and cook a meal. These are productive tasks that will lead to a feeling of fulfillment at the end of the day.

However, this drive causes undue pressure and hinders enjoyment of a given activity. The human propensity to plan is also an underlying cause of stress and keeps individuals from being fully present in the moment. This can result in a situation where pre-planned activities become joyless. For instance, the person described above who maps out their day might feel they are simply ticking items off a to-do list and not enjoy the activity in itself. Contrast this with a more spontaneous lifestyle that still entails productivity but does not set a purposeful goal for every action. This person will accomplish just as much but enjoy it much more since they can be fully invested in the moment and act.

In conclusion, the useful aspects of planning do not outweigh the worth derived from spontaneous action. Individuals must naturally strike a balance but be mindful they are not subordinating an activity to its utilitarian value.

1. Many feel that it is important to plan out their free time activities, while others opt to live more spontaneously. 2. In my opinion, planning can be useful but over time it will devalue the activities themselves.

  • Paraphrase the overall essay topic.
  • Write a clear opinion. Read more about introductions here .

1. Arranging one’s leisure activities ahead of time is a natural impulse to ease tension and ensure their usefulness. 2. Some psychologists have termed humans the ‘planning animal’ because of an inborn tendency arising from a calming need for security. 3. To the person doing the planning, this serves the secondary purpose of ensuring they are not wasting their time. 4. For example, if a motivated individual plans their day they might set out to do some exercise, read a book, finish some work at home, and cook a meal. 5. These are productive tasks that will lead to a feeling of fulfillment at the end of the day.

  • Write a clear topic sentence with a clear main idea at the end.
  • Explain your main idea.
  • Continue to develop it.
  • Use a hypothetical or real example.
  • State the results of the example.

1. However, this drive causes undue pressure and hinders enjoyment of a given activity. 2. The human propensity to plan is also an underlying cause of stress and keeps individuals from being fully present in the moment. 3. This can result in a situation where pre-planned activities become joyless. 4. For instance, the person described above who maps out their day might feel they are simply ticking items off a to-do list and not enjoy the activity in itself. 5. Contrast this with a more spontaneous lifestyle that still entails productivity but does not set a purposeful goal for every action. 6. This person will accomplish just as much but enjoy it much more since they can be fully invested in the moment and act.

  • Write another topic sentence with a new main idea at the end.
  • Explain it.
  • Use an example or counter-example.
  • Contrast your example.
  • State the final results.

1. In conclusion, the useful aspects of planning do not outweigh the worth derived from spontaneous action. 2. Individuals must naturally strike a balance but be mindful they are not subordinating an activity to its utilitarian value.

  • Summarise both main ideas and add a final thought.
  • Include a final thought/detail. Read more about conclusions here .

What do the words in bold below mean?

Many feel that it is important to plan out their free time activities, while others opt to live more spontaneously . In my opinion, planning can be useful but over time it will devalue the activities themselves.

Arranging one’s leisure activities ahead of time is a natural impulse to ease tension and ensure their usefulness . Some psychologists have termed humans the ‘planning animal’ because of an inborn tendency arising from a calming need for security . To the person doing the planning, this serves the secondary purpose of ensuring they are not wasting their time. For example, if a motivated individual plans their day they might set out to do some exercise, read a book, finish some work at home, and cook a meal. These are productive tasks that will lead to a feeling of fulfillment at the end of the day .

However, this drive causes undue pressure and hinders enjoyment of a given activity . The human propensity to plan is also an underlying cause of stress and keeps individuals from being fully present in the moment . This can result in a situation where pre-planned activities become joyless . For instance, the person described above who maps out their day might feel they are simply ticking items off a to-do list and not enjoy the activity in itself . Contrast this with a more spontaneous lifestyle that still entails productivity but does not set a purposeful goal for every action. This person will accomplish just as much but enjoy it much more since they can be fully invested in the moment and act.

In conclusion, the useful aspects of planning do not outweigh the worth derived from spontaneous action . Individuals must naturally strike a balance but be mindful they are not subordinating an activity to its utilitarian value .

plan out think about for the future

spontaneously without thinking ahead of time

useful has a purpose

over time in the longterm

devalue make unimportant

arranging planning

ahead of time before

natural impulse human instinct

ease tension decrease anxiety

ensure make sure

usefulness has a purpose

psychologists people who study the human brain

termed called

inborn tendency natural impulse

arising comes from

calming need relaxing desire

security safety

serves works to

secondary purpose second reason

ensuring making sure

motivated individual committed person

set out intend to

productive tasks worthwhile activities

lead to result in

feeling of fulfillment feeling of accomplishment

end of the day finally

undue pressure unnecessary stress

hinders enjoyment holds back joy

given activity activity in question

human propensity natural desire

underlying cause fundamental source

fully present in the moment not thinking ahead

result in lead to

pre-planned activities thought of ahead of time

joyless without joy

maps out plans

ticking items off a to-do list crossing off activities to do

in itself not for another purpose

contrast this with compare with

spontaneous lifestyle not planning ahead way of living

entails productivity includes doing it for a reason

set a purposeful goal have a clear aim

accomplish get done

fully invested totally committed

useful aspects utilitarian value

outweigh stronger than

worth derived value from

spontaneous action not planned out

naturally human

strike a balance find a middle ground

mindful careful of

subordinating making less important

utilitarian value use


plæn aʊt   ɒpt   spɒnˈteɪniəsli ˈjuːsfʊl   ˈəʊvə taɪm   ˌdiːˈvæljuː   əˈreɪnʤɪŋ   əˈhɛd ɒv taɪm   ˈnæʧrəl ˈɪmpʌls   iːz ˈtɛnʃən   ɪnˈʃʊə   ˈjuːsfʊlnəs saɪˈkɒləʤɪsts   tɜːmd   ˌɪnˈbɔːn ˈtɛndənsi   əˈraɪzɪŋ   ˈkɑːmɪŋ niːd   sɪˈkjʊərɪti sɜːvz   ˈsɛkəndəri ˈpɜːpəs   ɪnˈʃʊərɪŋ   ˈməʊtɪveɪtɪd ˌɪndɪˈvɪdjʊəl   sɛt aʊt   prəˈdʌktɪv tɑːsks   liːd tuː   ˈfiːlɪŋ ɒv fʊlˈfɪlmənt   ɛnd ɒv ðə deɪ ʌnˈdjuː ˈprɛʃə   ˈhaɪndəz ɪnˈʤɔɪmənt   ˈgɪvn ækˈtɪvɪti ˈhjuːmən prəˈpɛnsɪti   ˌʌndəˈlaɪɪŋ kɔːz   ˈfʊli ˈprɛznt ɪn ðə ˈməʊmənt rɪˈzʌlt ɪn   priː-plænd ækˈtɪvɪtiz   ˈʤɔɪlɪs mæps aʊt   ˈtɪkɪŋ ˈaɪtəmz ɒf ə təˈduː lɪst   ɪn ɪtˈsɛlf ˈkɒntrɑːst ðɪs wɪð   spɒnˈteɪniəs ˈlaɪfˌstaɪl   ɪnˈteɪlz ˌprɒdʌkˈtɪvɪti   sɛt ə ˈpɜːpəsfʊl gəʊl   əˈkɒmplɪʃ   ˈfʊli ɪnˈvɛstɪd ˈjuːsfʊl ˈæspɛkts   aʊtˈweɪ   wɜːθ dɪˈraɪvd   spɒnˈteɪniəs ˈækʃ(ə)n ˈnæʧrəli   straɪk ə ˈbæləns   ˈmaɪndfʊl   səˈbɔːdɪneɪtɪŋ   ˌjuːtɪlɪˈteərɪən ˈvæljuː

Vocabulary Practice

Remember and fill in the blanks:

Many feel that it is important to p_________t their free time activities, while others o__t to live more s___________________y . In my opinion, planning can be u________l but o___________e it will d________e the activities themselves.

A_____________g one’s leisure activities a_______________e is a n______________e to e_______________n and e________e their u______________s . Some p______________s have t___________d humans the ‘planning animal’ because of an i__________________y a__________g from a c_____________d for s___________y . To the person doing the planning, this s_________s the s________________________e of e___________g they are not wasting their time. For example, if a m_______________________l plans their day they might s__________t to do some exercise, read a book, finish some work at home, and cook a meal. These are p________________s that will l________o a f__________________________t at the e__________________y .

However, this drive causes u__________________e and h_________________t of a g__________________y . The h___________________y to plan is also an u___________________e of stress and keeps individuals from being f______________________________t . This can r____________n a situation where p_________________________s become j___________s . For instance, the person described above who m____________t their day might feel they are simply t_______________________________t and not enjoy the activity i_____________f . C____________________h a more s_________________________e that still e__________________________y but does not s_____________________l for every action. This person will a_____________h just as much but enjoy it much more since they can be f_________________d in the moment and act.

In conclusion, the u________________s of planning do not o____________h the w_______________d from s___________________n . Individuals must n_______________y s_____________________e but be m____________l they are not s____________________g an activity to its u______________________e .

Listening Practice

Learn more about this topic and use these ideas to improve your listening :

Reading Practice

Read more about this topic below and practice with these activities :


Speaking Practice

Practice with the following questions from the real IELTS speaking exam :

Taking Breaks

  • Do you take breaks from your work?
  • Do you prefer several short breaks or one long break?
  • Did you take a lot of breaks when you were younger?
  • Is it common for people in your country to take breaks?

Writing Practice

Write about the following topic and then check with my sample answer:

Shopping is now one of the most popular forms of leisure activities in many countries for young adults.

Why is this?

Do you think this is a positive or a negative development?

IELTS Essay: Malls and Leisure Time

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Thanks, Mary!


Many are of the opinion that it is of paramount importance to plan out their free time activities in advance, while others choose a more spontaneous way of living. Although planning can be of enormous use for individuals, I am strongly convinced that it may both add undue stress and make their daily activities appear monotonous. The arrangement for recreational activities beforehand brings about exceptional benefits. This is because individuals can plan to partake in or perform activities that possibly add values to their lives such as reading books, doing exercise, cooking a healthy meal, or merely addressing certain incomplete tasks at work. These productive tasks, if performed according to the plans, are likely to instill in them a sense of fulfillment at the end of the day. Furthermore, knowing what individuals should do in detail in their free time can avoid them immersing themselves excessively in leisure activities, thus encroaching on time spent on other priorities such as working or studying. Therefore, it is understandable why many place a strong emphasis on planning recreational activities ahead of time. Nonetheless, I claim that making plans about what individuals should do in their free time is likely to impose unnecessary stress and hinder their enjoyment of these activities. First, the truth is that not everything can go according to the plans as unexpected situations may arise. Therefore, if individuals are unable to tick off all boxes on their to-do lists due to unforeseeable circumstances such as illnesses or accidents, it is possible that they may feel stressed or even depressed because of not being productive enough, which possibly wreaks havoc on their mental health. Second, planning may lead to recreational activities both less predictable and appealing, potentially depriving individuals of their enjoyment which is the primary purpose of leisure activities in the first place. In conclusion, I opine that despite enabling individuals to be more productive in their spare time, arranging free time activities in advance may do more harm than good. Therefore, a balance between enjoying recreational activities and their utilitarian values is necessary. 

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