• Parish of Our Lady of Perpetual Help
  • Parish Life

Parish Schools

St joseph’s convent, san fernando.


‘By 2013, St. Joseph’s Convent, San Fernando will be a more dynamic, caring educational community, which, guided by Catholic principles and valuing society’s diversity, develops exemplary women within a broad-based, technology-rich curriculum.’


To provide an educational environment based on Catholic values which fosters the holistic development of young women while instilling a strong sense of excellence, service and self.


St. Joseph’s Convent, San Fernando shares the philosophy of education common to all the St. Joseph’s Convents, located here in Trinidad and Tobago and around the world. It was established on May 07, 1882, by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Cluny, whose foundress, Blessed Anne Marie Jahouvey, was concerned with the development of each human being to the full measure of perfection intended by God.  A guiding principle of our school, as passed on by Blessed Anne Marie, is for the liberation of people from all forms of oppression and ignorance.


In 1882, the Sisters of St. Joseph of Cluny  came to the south and established a Convent and a school in the town of San Fernando. In 1891, a new school was built and in the 1920s, the Secondary School came of age and presented its first candidates for the Overseas Cambridge Examination with outstanding success.  This was due to the zeal and dynamism of Sr. Elizabeth Smyth who pioneered secondary education in the San Fernando Convent.  In 1934, the foundation stone was laid for a new building, which was finished, in the following year.  The Convent school continued to flourish and during the forties further classroom accommodation was provided through the acquisition of the Army and Red Cross huts.  Domestic Science was added to the curriculum to train the girls in cooking and Home Management.

As numbers began to grow, the Montano building across the road was purchased to meet the ever-increasing demand for school places.  The residence provided classrooms, staff room, library, Art and Commercial rooms, and grounds for netball and tennis, Guide meetings and sporting activities.  The residence was named ‘St. Philomena’s’ after Mother Philomena Butler, former Superior and Principal.

In 1973, Sr. Theresa Corbie became the Principal and erected the three-storey building on the south side of the quadrangle, giving more space to classrooms.  On Sr. Theresa’s retirement in July 1985, Sr. Phyllis Wharfe succeeded as Principal.  Sr. Phyllis’ vision and drive then brought to reality a number of new facilities for Science, Food Technology, Art, Library, fully equipped IT labs, several multi-media facilities and the prayer room.  Her care and concern for staff was evident by her investment in the expansion of the staff room as well as the provision of a staff lounge and lunch area.  Under her tenure, she initiated and supported procurement of technological tools, equipment and space.

Presentation College, San Fernando

To form well-rounded and balanced youth with God as the center of their lives to inculcate practical awareness of their underprivileged brothers and sisters.


The early history of Presentation College, San Fernando begins in 1930, when a small school called St. Benedict’s was established in a lowly basement beneath the San Fernando Presbytery on Harris Promenade. This was the first Catholic secondary school in South Trinidad and was set up in response to the requests of the Catholic population – as well as many non-Catholic residents – there. After repeated petitions to the Archbishop of Port-of-Spain, the latter directed the Benedictine Fathers of Mount St. Benedict to start the college as a diocesan institution, and on March 31, 1930, the legacy began.

In 1947, the Presentation Brothers came to Trinidad.  In 1948, the Benedictine Monks handed over St. Benedict’s College to the Presentation Brothers on January 12th.  Presentation College started with 400 students.  Bro. Livinus Kelly was the first Principal and served until 1952. In April 1993, Pope John Paul II declared the Irishman, Brother Edmund Rice, Founder of the Presentation Brothers, to be a man of heroic virtue and holiness and worthy of the title.

In 2003, the Presentation Brothers handed over Management of the two Colleges to the R.C. Archdiocesan Education Board of Management.  Errol Jaikaransingh was appointed one year later, 2004, as the Principal. He was the first lay Catholic Principal.

EMAIL ADDRESS FOR CONTACT: [email protected]

PHONE NUMBERS FOR CONTACT: 652-2311 / 653- 4595

FACEBOOK: Presentation College San Fernando

St Gabriel’s Girls’ R.C. School

To achieve school effectiveness and accomplish our mission we will:

  • Develop partnerships with all the key stakeholders in education using linkages between the CEBM/Catechetical Office, MOE, corporate citizens, parents, teachers and students to achieve success for all, and ultimately create an educated society.
  • Empower all stakeholders through mutual respect, dialogue invitation and engaging them in activities to accept responsibility for lifelong learning and nation building.
  • Build a strong school community with reduced class sizes in an up-to-date facility for students in Junior School (std1-3).
  • Train students to use knowledge and skills that come from a challenging but relevant curriculum which includes core academics with special emphasis on literacy and numeracy, technology, fine arts science, social studies, physical education and religious education.
  • Encourage students to study and process information effectively, think critically and analytically and transfer their knowledge in everyday situations.
  • Provide a safe and orderly environment where students will show creativity, work co-operatively and have respect for self and others.
  • Provide professional development for teachers and parents through staff meetings and P.T.A.T. meetings.
  • Ensure curriculum implementation through supervision and class visits.

St. Gabriel’s Girls’ R.C. School is committed to providing quality education and training for all students in a nurturing, compassionate, Catholic environment; such that all learners are empowered to perform to the best of their ability and to demonstrate respect, honesty commitment, responsibility and co-operation to all members of society in a rapidly changing technological world.


St. Gabriel’s Girls’ R.C. School is a Government Assisted Primary School which falls under the Catholic Education Board of Management and falls within the Victoria Education District. The school is well-known for holding a rich tradition of high academic achievement and discipline. A Catholic education at St. Gabriel’s Girls’ nurtures sound human values for the formation of intelligent persons who will become good citizens of this world.


At the request of Fr. Pere Andre Violette, the parish priest of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, the sisters of St. Joseph of Cluny founded St. Gabriel’s Girls’ R.C School in 1882. The school or “Mother School” as it was then called, opened with ten students in a small wooden building in the court yard of the nuns’ convent. The area, which is now the nearby Cluny Centre, was too small to house a growing school population of more than three hundred students. In 1938, a new school was built at the corner of Lord and Paradise Street on lands purchased by the Catholic Mission. The school under the leadership of the Sisters of Cluny enjoyed great success, attaining first place throughout the country in academics and aesthetics. St. Gabriel’s was one the first schools in the country to prepare students for London General Certificate Examination more commonly known as G.C.E. In 1964 thirteen girls graduated from the school with full certificates in the G.C.E. examinations.

Sr. Anne Abrams had the West Wing constructed in a bid to more adequately educate the burgeoning school population which then stood at one thousand (1,000) students. This new annex made room for approximately eleven (1,100) students. In 1977 Sr. Maria Garland had the L shaped East Wing constructed with provision for a library, art room, staff room, medical room and additional classrooms. St. Gabriel’s continued to excel and boasted a stimulating learning environment, impressive discipline, strong religious and moral values and a diversified curriculum. The demand for school places was great and the number on roll increased to one thousand two hundred and thirty one (1,231) students. New trends in education and guidelines from the Ministry of Education resulted in the gradual reduction of the student intake over the years; such that the school population now stands at seven hundred and twenty six (726) students. Faith in God has allowed St. Gabriel’s Girls’ R.C. School “to do and to dare in every realm and sphere,” and to hold top places in the country in academic and non academic subjects. With the help of hardworking trained professionals, a dedicated and supportive P.T.A.T., a School Chapel, a new and versatile Learning Resource Centre, an improved library facility, a refurbished well equipped Computer Laboratory and other improved amenities, the school remains poised to continue pursuing the “path of effort and excellence”.

EMAIL ADDRESS FOR CONTACT : [email protected]


San Fernando Boys’ R.C. School

San Fernando Boys’ R.C. School will be a learning institution par-excellence, where intellectual, social and spiritual growth will be the essence of all – growth that would make a people adaptable and competitive in the future.   Our teachers will execute their duties with the highest commitment and love.


San Fernando Boys’ R.C. School will in an atmosphere of professionalism and human concern strive to facilitate the holistic moulding of its students, as we prepare them for higher educational development.  We shall endeavour to do this by embracing all relevant components of the school curriculum thereby fostering an internalization of respect for God and fellowmen.   We shall also strive to impart skills and values critical to the development of responsible model citizens in a modern technological society.


San Fernando Boys’ R.C. School prides itself on being one of the premier Catholic boys’ schools in Trinidad and Tobago. The rich tradition of academics, combined with sport and physical education, music, culture and cub scouts, has placed our school among the crème de la crème in the country. The holistic development of every child is a mission which we share with the Ministry of Education, and indeed it is said that a Boys’ School boy is found in every sphere of life across the globe.  Many persons, who hold key positions in both the public and private sectors, can boast of being educated at San Fernando Boys’ R.C. School. Not only our boys, but our teachers have also gone on to do well, since from 2008 to 2013, at least 10 persons have gone on to become school administrators in the Caroni, St. Patrick and Victoria Education Districts.

In the early days the school was a wooden one-storey building at 18, Harris Promenade in 1890 with a population of twenty-four students. In 1932 it was lifted to a two-storey building and renumbered as 22, Harris Promenade. In the 1960’s the school was demolished and rebuilt in 1968 to a three storey concrete structure. In 1983 a new wing was added to accommodate the cafeteria, a library and additional classes to house the rise in student population. At present the population stands at approximately one thousand, four hundred more than it was built to accommodate. This additional intake together with lack of space for recreational activities has impacted on the discipline, standards and climate of the school.

 The third principal, Mr. Ernest Walters, now deceased is the one who was instrumental in making the school what it is today, one of prominence and prestige. He served for thirty years (1910-1943). Many memorable achievements were gained under his astute leadership, one of which occurred in 1910 when four pupils won college exhibitions out of an island-wide total of ten. A total of eleven principals served after Mr. Walters who will always be remembered for his outstanding and charismatic leadership.  Our school participates in various competitions such as Reading, Mental, Spelling B, Sporting activities and the Arts.

EMAIL ADDRESS FOR CONTACT:  [email protected]


WEBSITE:  http://www.sanfernandoboysrcschool.com/

FACEBOOK:  https://www.facebook.com/pages/San-Fernando-Boys-RC-School/426523680741479?ref=hl&ref_type=bookmark

TWITTER:  @sandoboysrc

Non-Catholic Schools

Catholic Children on Fire for Christ (CCFC)  is the name given to the programme of Evangelization in government primary and secondary schools. Deborah de Rosia of the Catholic  Charismatic Renewal was appointed by Archbishop Edward Gilbert in 2002 to be responsible for the overall running of the programme in Trinidad and Tobago. 

These southern schools are served by a team of 27 dedicated and committed men and women who go once a week to share the faith with students. The group, under the leadership of coordinator Viere Ghatt of OLPH, meets every second Tuesday of the term. 

The CCFC organizes seminars, methodology workshops, yearly retreats and a Christmas luncheon for its catechists. Apart from the obvious benefit of this programme to our young people, it is also extremely fulfilling for those involved as teachers; but many more are encouraged to volunteer for this very satisfying work.

CatholicTT Logo Final

5th Sunday in OT (C)

presentation college san fernando principal

CAST 2021 grads told to enhance Church’s communications

Presentation brothers college celebrates 75th anniversary.

presentation college san fernando principal

  • Caribbean Church

presentation college san fernando principal

Presentation Brothers College (PBC), located at Old Fort, St George’s, was rededicated on January 21 to begin its 75th anniversary celebrations. The school was established on that date in 1947. “We pray God continues to bless this institution and all associated with it,” said Vicar General Fr Carl Haynes, himself a graduate, before blessing the building and classrooms with holy water. The anniversary theme is Celebrating our contributions to national building. Speaking during the ceremony, Fr Haynes traced the college’s history, which began with an invitation by then Archbishop Finbar Ryan OP of Port of Spain to the Presentation Brothers in Ireland to establish a secondary school in Grenada. At the time, the Church in Grenada was not a diocese and fell under the jurisdiction of the Archdiocese of Port of Spain. Fr Haynes said PBC therefore embraces the objectives of Catholic education which is “to provide an environment in which students build and deepen their relationship with God, foster academic culture amidst the pursuit of truth, and actively promote growth” in the cardinal virtues of “prudence, justice, fortitude, temperance”. “PBC has given 75 years of quality to the nation, producing exemplary men not only in Grenada but around the world.” He cited the school having among its alumni three prime ministers in Grenada, and recalled that years ago while studying at the Seminary of St John Vianney and the Uganda Martyrs, Mt St Benedict, Trinidad, he had learnt that its brother Presentation College, San Fernando, had produced two prime ministers. He said the Presentation Brothers had “given birth to four children”: Presentation College, San Fernando; Presentation College, Chaguanas; St Mary’s College, St Lucia; and Presentation College, Barbados. Fr Haynes said the Church has always “promoted the dignity of the human person” who has a God-given right to education, and referenced the Vatican Council II document, Gaudium et Spes. One role of Catholic education, he said is “to help students develop and encounter their true calling in life”. Welcoming invited guests and those viewing the livestream, Principal Dominic Jeremiah described the event as “a significant day in the life of PBC”. Jeremiah extended greetings to the School’s Board, representatives of the Ministry of Education; The Sisters of St Joseph of Cluny (SJC), which donated the land on which the school sits; the PBC Alumni Association New York; past and present students, teachers, and parents. A student read from Romans 12:10–13, while visiting Presentation Brother Dennis offered the Prayer of Thanksgiving for teachers, the SJC, parents, benefactors, governments that have supported the school, and students. Chair of the 75th anniversary committee, Adrian Francis gave the vote of thanks. The rededication ceremony ended with a minute’s silence observed for the Presentation Brothers, teachers and students who have died over the past 75 years. An anniversary Mass planned for January 22 was postponed to a later date because of an increase in Covid-19 cases. —RS

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Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

Presentation Chaguanas, San Fernando earn contrasting wins in schools' cricket openers

Presentation College Chaguanas’ Jayden Joseph plays a shot against Hillview College during the SSCL Premier Division match, on Tuesday, at Honeymoon Park, Tunapuna.  - Photo by Dennis Allen for @TTGameplan

PRESENTATION College Chaguanas opened their 2024 Powergen Secondary Schools Cricket League (SSCL) premiership campaign with an emphatic 172-run victory over Hillview College at Honeymoon Park in El Dorado on Tuesday.

A spectacular century from opening batsman Jayden Joseph (108) partnered with Luke Ali’s half century (56) built the foundation of Pres Chaguanas’ mammoth 278/7. Hillview, however, never looked the part and were dismissed for 106 in 35.2 overs, in reply.

Sent in to bat, Pres Chaguanas lost opener Justin Jaggassar (25) with 64 runs on the board. When Ali met Joseph at the crease, the pair constructed a bold 158-run partnership which carried them to 222.

When Ali perished Fareez Ali (19) and Brandon Phillip (13) added a couple more runs to their total before the overs ran out.

presentation college san fernando principal

Topping the bowling for Hillview was Andre Suglal (3/31) and Renaldo Fournillier (3/52).

Set a challenging 279 for the win, Hillview struggled to create any lasting partnerships and were slipping away at 63/8 in under 20 overs. Adesh Singh (39) and Qadeer Juman (13) were the only batsmen to show some resistance while all others were single digit scores.

They eventually capitulated for 106 with Pres Chaguanas’ bowlers Aneal Rooplal (4/14), Ramone Sawh (2/17), Fareez Ali (2/18) and Alexander Chase (2/36) doing the damage.

Additionally, defending league champions Presentation College San Fernando survived a middle order collapse and rallied back to snatch a nervy two-wicket win over rivals Naparima College at Lewis Street in San Fernando.

Pres Sando seemed destined for victory after Naps were dismissed for a shabby 82, batting first. In reply, the home team put up a valiant fight and had Pres reeling at 71/8 in under 18 overs.

However, it was not to be as skipper Jacen Agard (17 not out) played a captain’s knock to lead his troops to a victorious 83/8 from 18.4 overs.

After winning the toss and opting to bat first, Naparima openers Omanan Deopersad and Amit Chan found it hard to get going against the feisty pace of Agard and Aadian Racha.

Both batsmen perished in under seven overs and it was a similar fate for those that followed. Number four batsman Stefan Katwaroo (21) was Naparima’s main contributor with the bat while Oshan Gobin was the next best run scorer. All others fell for single digit scores.

Topping the bowling for a spirited Pres outfit was Brendan Boodoo (3/15), Agard (2/8) and Aidan Batchasingh (2/27).

presentation college san fernando principal

In reply, Pres had a positive start from openers Riyaad Mohammed (26) and Aadi Ramsaran (13), who combined for 39 runs before the latter was caught behind by Deopersad off Oshan Gobin.

The next five wickets fell for 11 runs courtesy stellar spells from Naparima’s Aarion Mohammed (4/25) and Gobin (3/24). At 50/6, Pres then lost Saif Ali eight runs later.

However, Agard stood his ground, and alongside Naeil Mohammed (eight) and one of his fellow title winners last year Aadian Racha (one not out), the captain played patiently to take them over the line and notch an important opening win.

Before this match, the league’s opening ceremony was held at the venue. SSCL president Nigel Maraj praised tournament sponsors Powergen for renewing their sponsorship contract for a 26th year.

Their support, he said, has not only allowed competition but it also “facilitated training programmes, coaching camps and skill development initiatives. Powergen’s impact extends far beyond the playing field.

“The cricket field is a canvas where you can paint your dreams. We thank Powergen for continuing to believe in our league and the sport.”

Summarised Scores

PRES CHAGUANAS 278/7 – Jayden Joseph 108, Luke Ali 56, Justin Jaggassar 25, Fareez Ali 19; Andre Suglal 3/31, Renaldo Fournillier (3/52) vs HILLVIEW COLLEGE 106 (35.2) – Adesh Singh 39, Qadeer Juman 13; Aneal Rooplal 4/14, Ramone Sawh 2/17, Fareez Ali 2/18, Alexander Chase 2/36 – Pres Chaguanas won by 172 runs

NAPARIMA COLLEGE 82 (38.2) – Stefan Katwaroo 21, Brendan Boodoo 3/15 vs PRES SANDO 83/8 (18.4) – Riyaad Mohammed 26, Jacen Agard 17 n.o; Aarion Mohammed 4/25, Oshan Gobin 3/24 – Presentation won by 2 wickets

PRES CHAGUANAS 278/7 – Jayden Joseph 108, Luke Ali 56; Andre Suglal 3/31, Renaldo Fournillier 3/52 VS HILLVIEW 106 (35.2) – Adesh Singh 39; Aneal Rooplal 4/14 - Pres Chaguanas won by 172 runs

EL DO EAST 59 (22.2) - Justin Ramcharran 31; Zameer Ali 10; Arshad Harrilal 5/8, Jaden O’Brien 3/12 vs ST MARY’S 60/3 (7.3) – Rahul Lakhan 22 n.o, Jesse Sookwah 13 n.o – St Mary’s won by seven wickets

VISHNU BOYS 243/8 (48) – Aidan Lakhansingh 66, Andrew Rambaran 41, Aaron Basant 38, Matthias Tamdular 21; Ganesh Gobin 3/39, Kallis Ali 2/40, Kershon Charles 2/41 vs PRINCES TOWN WEST 76 (34) – Kershon Charles 22, Jaylan Ransome 17; Aidan Lakhansingh 4/25, Ishmael Ali 3/15 – Vishnu Boys won by 167 runs

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  • Mission Statement
  • School Rules
  • National School Code of Conduct
  • Education Act Laws of TnT
  • School Song
  • Gold Medal Winners
  • Contact Information


  • Presentation Brothers
  • Presentation Brothers College, Ireland
  • Presentation Brothers College, Grenada
  • Presentation College, San Fernando
  • Proud to be Pres - Web Journal


  • Ministry Of Education
  • Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC)
  • Cambridge International Examinations
  • The University of the West Indies (UWI)
  • The University of Trinidad & Tobago (UTT)

Address : Corner of Yves and Rene Streets. Chaguanas, Trinidad & Tobago, West Indies. Tel.: 1-(868)-665-5752 Website: http://pcc.edu.tt Email: [email protected]

The Founder Canon Max Murphy

Canon Max Murphy was the rector of the Chaguanas parish. With the establishment of the Chaguanas parish school Canon Murphy paved the way for the establishment of Presentation College Chaguanas. Canon Murphy was born in Texas, went to the minor seminary in California and major seminary in Prague, where he was ordained for the diocese of Port of Spain. Father Murphy went to the United States every year to raise funds, dollar for dollar. During these trips, he traveled from church to church on Sundays taking up collections. The rest of the week, he went from college soliciting scholarships for his boys in Trinidad.

The College’s First Principal Mr. John Burns

He was a dedicated man. He came to Trinidad from Scotland at the invitation of the late Count Finbar Ryan and served the college of St. Phillip & St. James faithfully and set the foundations for future years. He lived with Canon Max Murphy at the Presbytery in Chaguanas. He was a strict disciplinarian and will be remembered by the many old boys who passed through during his Principalship. During his last years as Principal he was not enjoying the best of health but kept on until the Presentation Brothers were able to take over Principalship and Management in 1959. He then returned to his native Scotland where he died after only a few years of retirement. May his memory be held in benediction.


Bro Livinius Kelly came to the West Indies in 1948 and served in Presentation College San Fernando, Presentation Colleges in Grenada and Barbados and then at St. Mary’s College in St. Lucia. Bro Kelly became the first Principal of Presentation College Chaguanas when the Order of Presentation Brothers assumed responsibility for operation of the school in April 1959. Bro Kelly had various other interest; He was a prize winning dog breeder and was also well known as an active member of the St John’s Ambulance Brigade. He is pictured here in his uniform the brigade.

Principal 1961-1971 Rev Bro. Matthew Feheney

Bro Matthew received his education at the National University of Ireland. He came to Trinidad in 1960 and served as Principal of Presentation College Chaguanas from 1961 to 1971. He was then transferred to San Fernando where he served as principal for four years before leaving Trinidad on study leave in 1975. Bro Matthew will be remembered as a first class A level Chemistry teacher.

Bro. Leonard Dennehy

Patrick J. Dennehy was born in County Cork, Ireland. He entered the Novitiate of the Presentation Brothers, the religious habit and the name “Leonard” on August 12, 1939. He graduated from the National University of Ireland with a first class honours degree in English, Latin Gaelic. Bro Leonard came to Presentation College Chaguanas in 1964. In 1972, he was appointed Principal, a post which he held until 1980. It was during this period that he initiated the organization PALS – Presentation Association for Life and Services. The students of the college nick-named him “Brother Ghandhi.” Brother Leonard always sought ways and means of helping others and never counted the personal cost to him.

Bro. M. Benedict Taylor

Michael Benedict Taylor was born in San Fernando. He was ordained as a Presentation Brother in 1963 in Cork, Ireland. Bro Benedict obtained various degrees including honours in Chemistry, and will be remembered for his ability to teach almost any subject. In 1981 he became the first Trinidadian principal of Presentation College Chaguanas. His other postings included head of the novitiate in Barbados and Provincial Superior of the Presentation Brothers.

Mr. Bernard Pierre

Mr. Pierre's Service History: A.T. II 11/02/1959 - 06/11/1959 Chickland R.C., A.T. III Nov. 9th 1959 - Sept. 1962 Presentation Chaguanas, No Pay Leave 1962 -1965 (Study), T.II Nov. 1965 - 1985 Presentation Chaguanas, V.P. II 1985-1996 Presentation Chaguanas, Acting PII 1990-1991 Presentation Chaguanas, Acting PII 1996-1997 Presentation Chaguanas, PII confirmed 1997-2000 Presentation Chaguanas.

Mr. Simon Rostant

Mr. Rostant entered Presentation College Chaguanas in 1961. He began teaching after he had completed his A Level studies. After attending the University of the West Indies on scholarship, Mr. Rostant returned to his alma mater as a Chemistry and Physics teacher in 1973. His commitment has always been to the ideals of education shown by the Presentation Brothers. He was well known as the Dean of Discipline, served as Vice Principal and was appointed Principal of the college in 2001. Mr. Rostant also served as principal of Presentation College San Fernando.

Mr. Jeffrey Jagbirsingh

Mr. Jagbirsingh graduated from the University of the West Indies with a degree in English and Sociology. He joined the staff in1976 under Bro. Leonard Dennehy and served as Head of the English Department and Dean of Studies for many years. In 2002 he was appointed Vice Principal by the Teaching Service Commission. In September 2008 he was appointed principal.

Mr. Gary Ribeiro

Gary Ribeiro began teaching at St. Mary's College in 1990 as a teacher of Geography, History, English and Literature, and also served as a Dean of Discipline and Studies. He was promoted to Vice Principal, St. Anthony's College in 2001, then again as Principal of Belmont Boys' Secondary in 2005. While at Belmont, he was commissioned as a Captain in the Defense Force Reserves and went on to serve as Programme Coordinator of the Military Led Academic Training Academy and the Military Led Youth Programme of Apprenticeship and Reorientation Training in Mausica. In August 2010 he was installed as Principal of Presentation College Chaguanas

Mr. Brian Seemungal

Mr. Brian Anslem Seemungal joined the Presentation Family in 1975 after successfully completing the Common Entrance Examination. After eight memorable years at the college being tutored by some of the eminent Administrators of the college such as Brother Lennard, Brother Benedict Taylor, Mr. Simon Rostant and Mr. Jeffery Jagbirsingh, he pursued a degree in the Faculty of Natural Sciences at UWI St. Augustine. Having attained his BSc in Chemistry and Biochemistry in 1986, and eager to share his knowledge with others, Mr. Seemungal was invited soon after to return to his alma mater. In March 1987, he walked once more down the august halls of the college, albeit in the esteemed role as a Teacher. By 1991, having cemented himself in the vocation of teaching, he took the next step of honing his skills and acquiring his Diploma in Education. He was promoted to the post of Vice Principal in January 2011 after being the appointed Head of the Science Department for four years. The college has achieved many accomplishments under his transformational leadership as Acting Principal since September 2019.

In 1986, Mrs. Mylene Beharry Seemungal graduated from the University of the West Indies with a BSc. in Zoology/ Biochemistry from the Faculty of Natural Sciences. Always an industrious person, she immediately joined the world of work. She was hired to work as a Research assistant in the Biochemistry Department at UWI for one year. But she soon realised that being in a lab was not her vocation. In 1987, after her stint at UWI, she commenced her career in Education with temporary vacancies at St. George's College, Barrackpore Junior Secondary and Gasparillo Composite. It was not until 1989 that she joined the Presentation family. She replaced Mrs. Rasul, the former Biology teacher and soon began to set roots in Presentation College Chaguanas. During her time as a teacher, she always worked on improving her skills. She was an examiner with the Caribbean Examination Council for 22 years in CSEC and CAPE Biology. She was then promoted to Assistant Chief from 2006 to 2010. She also founded the Rotary Interact Club within the school in 2010 and has continued to be the advisor for the charitable organization to this day. At Presentation College she has worn many caps, besides that of Biology teacher. She functioned as appointed Dean from 2007 to 2013 when she accepted a lateral transfer to Head of Department Science where she felt she could contribute so much more to the development of the school. In 2019, she was promoted to Acting Vice Principal and currently she is the first female to act in the position of Principal. Her tremendous life experience coupled with her Diploma in Education and Masters in Secondary Education Management Programme (SEMP) as well as ongoing professional development through the years certainly makes her an asset to Presentation College and in education. .

Book List 2023-24 (1- 6)

Timetable 2023-24 (1- 6)

Letter to Lower Six Parents & Students

Lower Six Registration

Query Letter


Summer Camp Registration

Form One Registration 9th July 2024

Lower 6 Registration - Quick Links


Letter to Lower 6 Students & Parents

Lower 6 PTAB Contribution

On Line Lower 6 Application - PCC Students Only

Printable Lower 6 Application Form - PCC Students Only

On Line Lower 6 Application - External Students Only

Printable Lower 6 Application Form - External Students Only

Contribution Letter

Timetable 2022-23

Book List 2022-23

Letter to Form 1 parents- Registration

Online Form 1 Bio-Data Registration Form

Printable Form 1 Bio-Data Form 22

Business Dept. Letter to Form 1 parents

Welcome message from the PTAB

PTAB Volunteer Form

Form 1 Uniform

Clubs & Activities


Chess Club - Auditorium

Archery Club - Auditorium

Scrabble club - Geography room

Music makers - Pan Room, Music room

Language Club - TBA

Debate Club - TBA

Art Club - TBA

Interact Club - TBA

Meetings take place during the luncheon interval and after school!!

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Contact us for details .

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© 2013 Presentation College, Chaguanas

75+ years of teaching excellence.

presentation college san fernando principal

75+ Years of teaching excellence.

College clubs schedules.

Presentation College San Fernando has always prided itself on having a plethora of extra/co-curricular activities for its student body. Currently available to its students are facilities for sports such as Football, Cricket, Basketball, Swimming, Gymnastics, Badminton, and Table Tennis. Currently, the Squash and Lawn Tennis courts are in need of major repairs which are being perused by the Past Students’ Association.

Academic-based activities such as Debate, Chess, Scrabble, Mathematics Olympiad, and And of course the musical and performing arts in the Choirs, Steel Orchestra

Presentation College San Fernando has always prided itself on having a plethora of extra/co-curricular activities for its student body. – Please see our Schedule below :

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  1. Presentation College Sando Defends Title

  2. Presentation College say farewell to Basdeo Panday

  3. Presentation College in Chaguanas is currently under flood waters


  1. Home

    The current principal of Presentation College, San Fernando is Mr. Dexter Mitchell. The former principal, Mr. Errol Jaikaransingh, replaced Brother Michael Samuel as principal, who had taken over from Brother Matthew Feheney in 1975. Brother Michael retired as principal at the age of 65, and later renounced his clerical vows.

  2. Presentation College, San Fernando

    Presentation College San Fernando is a selective, government-assisted Roman Catholic Boys' Secondary School located in San Fernando, ... 1970 Bro. Matthew Feheney was transferred to San Fernando as principal. During his term of office the daily morning assembly was introduced. After 25 years of dedicated care and leadership under the Brothers ...

  3. About Us

    The early history of Presentation College San Fernando begins in 1930, when a small school called St. Benedict's was established in a lowly basement beneath the San Fernando Presbytery at Harris Promenade This was the first Catholic Secondary school in South Trinidad, and was set up in response to the requests of the Catholic population as well as many non-Catholic residents there.

  4. Legendary principal laid to rest

    Legendary principal laid to rest. Oct 31, 2014. 2 min to read. Farewell procession: Sea Scouts from Presentation College, San Fernando lead a procession yesterday following the funeral service for ...

  5. Presentation College, San Fernando

    Presentation College, San Fernando, San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago. 5,188 likes · 5 talking about this. Trinidad's most prestigious educational institute

  6. 'Pres Sando' celebrate sporting dominance

    HARDWARE ON DISPLAY: Dexter Mitchell, principal of Presentation College San Fernando, is flanked by cricket team captain Jacen Agard, right, holding the PowerGen SSCL InterCol cricket league 2023 ...

  7. About Us (Presentation College, San F'do Library)

    Presentation College San Fernando's history began in 1930, when a small school called St. Benedict's opened in the basement of the San Fernando Presbytery on Harris Promenade. ... Livinus Kelly was appointed the first superior and Principal (1948-1952). The 'new' Presentation College opened its doors in 1948 with 400 students, and the rest is ...

  8. Presentation College awards outstanding departments

    Presentation College, San Fernando, has named its information and communications technology (ICT) department, and security department, as departments of the year for the academic year 2020/2021. Principal Dexter Mitchell recognised the departments in a ceremony at the school on January 12. Though schools were physically closed at the start of ...

  9. Presentation College San Fernando Employees, Location, Alumni

    Presentation College San Fernando is a selective, government-assisted Roman Catholic Boys' Secondary School located in San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago. It claims to be the first Catholic secondary school in South Trinidad, having been established circa 1930 in the basement of San Fernando Presbytery. It relocated to the Colony Buildings at ...

  10. Presentation College celebrates anniversary

    In Trinidad, the first was Presentation College, San Fernando, established in an urban setting. In the late fifties, Presentation College, Chaguanas was built by the Catholic Church on an estate bordered with coconut trees. ... He was a student when Bro Matthew was Principal. He and others, recall that Catholic students in the upper-level forms ...

  11. Give Panday his just due...the ORTT

    A brother remembers: Dexter Mitchell, left, the principal of Presentation College, San Fernando, looks on as Subhas Panday signs the condolence book honouring his brother, former prime minister ...

  12. Presentation College, Chaguanas

    Presentation College, San Fernando; Proud to be Pres - Web Journal; EDUCATIONAL. Ministry Of Education; Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) ... Principal Secondary (Ag.) Ms. Lynette Boodoo. Vice Principal Secondary (Ag.) Delia Lalchan. Dean (Ag.)- Form 5. Surya Gajadharsingh. Teacher III (Secondary)

  13. Virtual Campus Tour

    Virtual Campus Tour. Subscribe to our Newsletter. Email. Subscribe. Our History. Presentation College San Fernando begins in 1930, when a small school called St. Benedict's was established in a lowly basement beneath the San Fernando Presbytery at Harris Promenade. Additional Links. SMCC. RunPres5k.

  14. Schools

    The early history of Presentation College, San Fernando begins in 1930, when a small school called St. Benedict's was established in a lowly basement beneath the San Fernando Presbytery on Harris Promenade. ... The third principal, Mr. Ernest Walters, now deceased is the one who was instrumental in making the school what it is today, one of ...

  15. Presentation Brothers College celebrates 75th anniversary

    GRENADA. Presentation Brothers College (PBC), located at Old Fort, St George's, was rededicated on January 21 to begin its 75th anniversary celebrations. The school was established on that date in 1947. "We pray God continues to bless this institution and all associated with it," said Vicar General Fr Carl Haynes, himself a graduate ...

  16. Presentation College San Fernando Alumni

    Presentation College San Fernando Alumni. 967 likes · 221 talking about this. Social Media account for Presentation College San Fernando Past Students Association (PCPSA) Twitter

  17. Presentation College S.F. (@presentation_college)

    630 Followers, 12 Following, 1 Posts - Presentation College S.F. (@presentation_college) on Instagram: ""Laudate Pueri Dominum"" High School - 627 Followers, 12 Following, 1 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Presentation College S.F. (@presentation_college) ... San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago. presentationcollege.edu.tt. Posts ...

  18. Pres Sando sees growth in cricket, football

    PRESENTATION COLLEGE San Fernando cricket team have come a long way from playing second fiddle in the school's sporting interests to becoming a mainstay on the grounds of one of South Trinidad's most prestigious schools. Pres cricket team, during the 2019 season, won seven titles including the National Championship, for the first time in 26 ...

  19. Presentation College San Fernando

    Presentation College, San Fernando is a government Assisted, Catholic Board, Secondary School. It is located in the heart of San Fernando and was established in 1948. The school has a wide range...

  20. Presentation College, Chaguanas

    OUR MISSION. To foster, promote and provide a total Christian Formation, permeated with the spirit of love, where the spiritual, academic, physical, social and moral dimensions of every pupil's human and religious development are valued and nurtured. Pupils of all religions and cultural traditions are welcomed into the Presentation Family ...

  21. Presentation Chaguanas, San Fernando earn contrasting wins in schools

    Additionally, defending league champions Presentation College San Fernando survived a middle order collapse and rallied back to snatch a nervy two-wicket win over rivals Naparima College at Lewis Street in San Fernando. Pres Sando seemed destined for victory after Naps were dismissed for a shabby 82, batting first. In reply, the home team put ...

  22. Presentation College, Chaguanas

    Bro Matthew received his education at the National University of Ireland. He came to Trinidad in 1960 and served as Principal of Presentation College Chaguanas from 1961 to 1971. He was then transferred to San Fernando where he served as principal for four years before leaving Trinidad on study leave in 1975. Bro Matthew will be remembered as a ...

  23. College Clubs Schedules

    Presentation College San Fernando has always prided itself on having a plethora of extra/co-curricular activities for its student body. Currently available to its students are facilities for sports such as Football, Cricket, Basketball, Swimming, Gymnastics, Badminton, and Table Tennis. Currently, the Squash and Lawn Tennis courts are in need ...