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US Department of Education

U.S. Department of Education

Grant Title Grant Information Due Date Apply

Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE): Federal TRIO Programs: Student Support Services (SSS) Program, Assistance Listing Number 84.042A

Eligibility Funding More IHEs or combinations of IHEs.Note: Combinations of IHEs under this competition must follow the procedures under 34 CFR 75.127—75.129 in developing a group application. This includes developing an agreement that details the activities that each member of the group plans to perform and binds each member of the group to every statement and assurance made by the applicant in the application. This agreement must be submitted with the application. $381,883,715
07/30/24 Apply

Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE): Innovation and Early Learning Programs: Education Innovation and Research (EIR) Program Early-Phase Grants Assistance Listing Number 84.411C

Eligibility Funding More (a) An LEA;(b) An SEA;(c) The Bureau of Indian Education (BIE);(d) A consortium of SEAs or LEAs;(e) A nonprofit (as defined in this notice) organization; and(f) An LEA, an SEA, the BIE, or a consortium described in clause (d), in partnership with—(1) A nonprofit organization;(2) A business;(3) An educational service agency; or(4) An IHE.To qualify as a rural applicant under the EIR program, an applicant must meet both of the following requirements:(a) The applicant is—(1) An LEA with an urban-centric district locale code of 32, 33, 41, 42, or 43, as determined by the Secretary;(2) A consortium of such LEAs;(3) An educational service agency or a nonprofit organization in partnership with such an LEA;... $251,000,000
07/31/24 Apply

Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE): Fund for The Improvement of Postseconary Education (FIPSE): Centers of Excellence for Veteran Student Success, Assistance Listing Number (ALN) 84.116G

Eligibility Funding More IHEs (as defined in section 101 of the HEA (20 U.S.C. 1001)). $8,910,000
08/05/24 Apply

Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE): Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE): Basic Needs for Postsecondary Students Program, Assistance Listing Number 84.116N

Eligibility Funding More Community colleges (as defined in this notice), and two- and four-year public and private Historically Black colleges and universities (as defined in this notice), Tribal Colleges and Universities (as defined in this notice), other Minority-serving institutions (as defined in this notice), or a consortium or system of eligible institutions. For institutions other than community colleges, only institutions that the Department determines are eligible as Historically Black colleges and universities, Tribal Colleges and Universities, and other Minority-serving institutions, or which are granted a waiver in the notice published in the Federal Register one January 22, 2024 (89 FR 3916)announcing Eligibility Designations and Applications... $9,583,334
08/05/24 Apply

OSERS: OSEP: Technical Assistance on State Data Collection--National Technical Assistance Center to Improve State Capacity to Collect, Report, Analyze, and Use Accurate IDEA Part B Data, Assistance Listing Number (ALN) 84.373Y

Eligibility Funding More SEAs; State lead agencies under Part C of IDEA; LEAs, including public charter schools that are considered LEAs under State law; IHEs; other public agencies; private nonprofit organizations; freely associated States and outlying areas; Indian Tribes or Tribal organizations; and for-profit organizations. $6,250,000

08/08/24 Apply

National Center on Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs), and Other Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) to Diversify the Workforce Serving Children with Disabilities, ALN 84.325B

Eligibility Funding More HBCUs, TCCUs, MSIs, and private nonprofit organizations that have legal authority to enter into grants and cooperative agreements with the Federal government on behalf of an HBCU, TCCU, or MSI.Note: If you are a nonprofit organization, under 34 CFR 75.51, you may demonstrate your nonprofit status by providing: (1) proof that the Internal Revenue Service currently recognizes the applicant as an organization to which contributions are tax deductible under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; (2) a statement from a State taxing body or the State attorney general certifying that the organization is a nonprofit organization operating within the State and that no part of its net earnings may lawfully benefit any private... $1,500,000
08/12/24 Apply

Institute of Education Sciences (IES): National Center for Education Research (NCER)): Using Longitudinal Data to Support State Education Recovery Policymaking, Assistance Listing Number (ALN) 84.305S

Eligibility Funding More For the Using Longitudinal Data to Support State Education Policymaking (ALN 84.305S) grant program, eligible applications must include the eligible State agency or State postsecondary system responsible for the education issue, program, or policy to be examined. Eligible State agencies include the State educational agency (SEA) responsible for the State’s K-12 sector as well as other State agencies responsible for other specific education sectors such as prekindergarten, career and technical education, postsecondary education, and adult education. In addition, a State postsecondary system may serve as the eligible State agency. Eligible State agencies may apply alone, or in conjunction with research organizations such... Not Available

08/15/24 Apply

Institute of Education Sciences (IES): National Center on Education Research (NCER): Research Networks Focused on Critical Problems of Education Policy and Practice, Assistance Listing Number (ALN) 84.305N

Eligibility Funding More Eligible applicants are organizations that have the demonstrated ability and capacity to conduct rigorous research and development. Eligible applicants include, but are not limited to, institutions of higher education and non-profit, for-profit, public, or private entities. Not Available

08/15/24 Apply

Institute of Education Sciences (IES): National Center on Education Research (NCER): From Seedlings to Scale, Assistance Listing Number (ALN) 84.305J

Eligibility Funding More Eligible applicants are organizations that have the demonstrated ability and capacity to conduct rigorous research and development. Eligible applicants include, but are not limited to, institutions of higher education and non-profit, for-profit, public, or private entities. Not Available

08/15/24 Apply

OSERS: OSEP: Technical Assistance on State Data Collection--National Technical Assistance Center To Improve State Capacity To Collect, Report, Analyze, and Use Accurate Early Childhood IDEA Data, Assistance Listing Number (ALN) 84.373Z

Eligibility Funding More SEAs; State lead agencies under Part C of the IDEA; local educational agencies (LEAs), including public charter schools that are considered LEAs under State law; institutions of higher education (IHEs); other public agencies; private nonprofit organizations; freely associated States and outlying areas; Indian Tribes or Tribal organizations; and for-profit organizations.Note: If you are a nonprofit organization, under 34 CFR 75.51, you may demonstrate your nonprofit status by providing: (1) proof that the Internal Revenue Service currently recognizes the applicant as an organization to which contributions are tax deductible under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; (2) a statement from a State taxing body or the State... $6,250,000
08/21/24 Apply

Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS): Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP):State Personnel Development Grants (SPDG) Program, Assistance Listing Number (ALN) 84.323A

Eligibility Funding More An SEA of one of the 50 States, the District of Columbia, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico or an outlying area (United States Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands).Note: Public Law 95-134, which permits the consolidation of grants to the outlying areas, does not apply to funds received under this competition. Not Available
08/23/24 Apply

Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE): School Choice and Improvement Programs (SCIP): Stronger Connections Technical Assistance and Capacity Building (SCTAC) Grant Program, Assistance Listing Number (ALN) 84.424H

Eligibility Funding More SEAs, as defined in 20 U.S.C. 7801(49); and the Bureau of Indian Education. (Section 437(d)(1) of GEPA) $10,930,000

08/26/24 Apply

Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE): School choice and Improvement Programs (SCIP): Promise Neighborhoods (PN), Assistance Listing Number (ALN) 84.215N

Eligibility Funding More Under section 4622of the ESEA, an eligible entity must be one of the following: (a) An institution of higher education (IHE), as defined in section 102 of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA) (20 U.S.C. 1002); (b) An Indian Tribe or Tribal organization, as defined in section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 5304); or (c) One or more nonprofit entities working in formal partnership with not less than one of the following entities: (i) A high-need local educational agency (LEA). (ii) An IHE, as defined in section 102 of the HEA (20 U.S.C. 1002). (iii) The office of a chief elected official of a unit of local government. (iv) An Indian Tribe or Tribal organization, as... $4,000,000
09/10/24 Apply

Institute of Education Sciences (IES): National Center for Education Research (NCER): Transformative Research in the Education Sciences Grant Program, Assistance Listing Number (ALN) 84.305T

Eligibility Funding More For the Transformative Research in the Education Sciences (ALN 84.305T) grant program, eligible applicants are organizations that have the demonstrated ability and capacity to conduct rigorous research and development. Eligible applicants include, but are not limited to, institutions of higher education and non-profit, for-profit, public, or private entities. Eligible applications must include research, product development, and education agency partners. The research partner must be an organization that has the ability and capacity to conduct rigorous research and development. The product development partner must be an organization that has experience developing and scaling products. Eligible education agency partners include: o State education... Not Available

09/12/24 Apply

Institute of Education Sciences (IES): National Center for Education Research (NCER): Statistical and Research Methodology, Assistance Listing Number (ALN) 84.305D

Eligibility Funding More Applicants that have the ability and capacity to conduct scientifically valid research are eligible to apply. These include, but are not limited to, nonprofit and for-profit organizations and public and private agencies and institutions of higher education, such as colleges and universities Not Available

09/12/24 Apply

Institute of Education Sciences (IES): National Center for Education Research (NCER): Education Research, Assistance Listing Number (ALN) 84.305A

Eligibility Funding More Applicants that have the ability and capacity to conduct scientifically valid research are eligible to apply. These include, but are not limited to, nonprofit and for-profit organizations and public and private agencies and institutions of higher education, such as colleges and universities Not Available

09/12/24 Apply

Institute of Education Sciences (IES): National Center for Special Education Research (NCSER): Research Training Programs in Special Education, Assistance Listing Number (ALN) 84.324B

Eligibility Funding More For the Early Career Development and Mentoring Program under the Research Training Programs in Special Education (ALN 84.324B), applicants must be an institution of higher education in the United States and its territories. Not Available

09/12/24 Apply

Institute of Education Sciences (IES): National Center for Special Education Research (NCSER): Special Education Research, Assistance Listing Number (ALN) 84.324A

Eligibility Funding More For the Special Education Research (ALN 84.324A) grant competition, applicants that have the ability and capacity to conduct scientifically valid research are eligible to apply. Eligible applicants include, but are not limited to, nonprofit and for-profit organizations and public and private agencies and institutions of higher education, such as colleges and universities. Not Available

09/12/24 Apply

Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE): Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE): Tribal Controlled Colleges or Universities (TCCUs) Research and Development Infrastructure (RDI) Grant Program, Assistance Listing Number (ALN) 84.116H

Eligibility Funding More Eligible applicants are TCCUs (as defined in this notice). Eligible applicants may apply individually or as lead applicants of a consortium with other eligible applicants and/or other partners such as an institution of higher education with an R1 Carnegie Classification, community colleges, or non-profit, industry, and philanthropic partners. The lead applicant must be an eligible applicant. $4,000,000
09/16/24 Apply

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Scholarships & Grants for Doctoral Students

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A doctorate is a significant investment, but it’s within reach thanks to thousands of scholarships and grants available. Find dozens of opportunities right here, and learn how to apply for the money you need.

  • Scholarships
  • Fellowships
  • Fully-Funded Programs
  • Financing Timeline
  • Application Tips

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Diverse group of five medical professionals smiling, including two male and three female doctors and nurses wearing lab coats and scrubs, standing confidently in front of a bright window, all recipients of scholarships.

Earning your doctorate is a major investment. In addition to time and energy, you need to pay for tuition, fees, and a host of other expenses that go along with it. Yet with thousands of funding options out there, the commitment doesn’t have to put your bank account to the test. Scholarships and grants can defray many of the grad school costs, and put that PhD or professional doctorate within reach. Use this guide to take your first step with funding.

Explore Doctoral Scholarships and Grants by Student Group

  • Black Students
  • Latino and Hispanic Students
  • Minority Students

PhD and Doctorate Scholarships

Grants and scholarships are financial aid recipients don’t need to pay back. In general, grants are need-based while scholarships are based on character or merit.

For graduate students, particularly PhD and doctoral candidates, scholarships are often career specific. In contrast, undergraduate scholarships are usually open-ended and merit based. PhD scholarships sometimes include teaching requirements, and some ask for recent GMAT or other graduate-level test scores.

Scholarship donors set the criteria for recipient selection. The list below, while not exhaustive, offers a glimpse of doctorate-level scholarships available.

Fulbright U.S. Student Program

August 1 st


Be a citizen or U.S. national and hold a bachelor’s degree. Meet language requirements of application country and declare any other scholarships or grants. Cannot have previously lived or studied in the application country, except for undergraduate study abroad.


Funds a year of study, research, and culture-sharing abroad. Can support studies in various countries around the world that focus on areas such as teaching, business, public health, journalism and communications, arts, sciences, and humanities.

AMA’s Valuing Diversity PhD Scholarship

$1,000 to $2,500

Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident and member of an underrepresented population (e.g. African American, Hispanic, or Native American). Completed at least one year of doctoral study in marketing or advertising.

Represents an effort to uplift unheard voices and bring diverse perspectives into the industry. Awards several scholarships yearly for marketing or advertising PhD candidates representing underserved populations. Previous applicants not selected can apply again.

The Beinecke Scholarship Program

$4,000 immediately + $30,000 while attending graduate school

2 nd  Wednesday of February

College juniors planning graduate studies in arts, humanities, or social sciences. Be a citizen or US national and received need-based financial aid as an undergraduate. Students planning to pursue advanced degrees in neuroscience, law, business, public health, public policy, or social work should not apply.

Supports highly motivated college juniors pursuing graduate and doctoral degrees in the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Purposes to motivate younger students to strategize a further future.

William (Bill) Ezzell Scholarship for CPAs

Be a CPA and hold an undergraduate or master’s degree in accounting. Have a GMAT score of 650 or higher (or GRE equivalent), intend to teach accounting after graduation, and be enrolled in an accounting PhD program.

A career-based scholarship aimed at supporting the passionate pursuit of a profession and giving back to the industry and community of accounting.

Irzyk Veteran Scholarship

August 31 st

Be a U.S. citizen and a veteran enrolled in an accredited university. Emphasis is on students with distinctions for combat and honorable service.

Named for Brigadier General Albin F. Irzyk who led tanks in WWII. One example of a broad category of scholarships available for veterans by veterans.

ALA Century Scholarship

$2,500 annually

For library sciences students with documented medical disabilities. Must exhibit financial need and be a U.S. or Canadian citizen.

An annual scholarship sponsored by the American Library Association to provide accommodations for students with disabilities pursuing graduate degrees in library science.

PhD and Doctorate Grants

Grants are financial aid packages aimed at helping professionals deepen their involvement and impact within their fields. They’re often awarded to recipients whose work benefits the broader community, especially if the work helps underserved people.

Federal and state grants are also available to qualifying applicants. These public grants frequently connect demonstrated financial need with public service requirements. Private grants also may come with stipulations set by the institutions funding them. Many PhD programs also have their own grants in different specialties, often founded by former recipients or alumni.

Esther Katz Rosen Fund Grant

$1,000 to $50,000

Available to psychologists and scholars working with gifted and talented children. Must be affiliated with an educational institution and hold a doctoral degree or be enrolled as a graduate student.

A post-doctoral research grant focused on supporting and advancing innovation in the studies of gifted and talented children and adolescents. Best suited for practicing psychologists or active researchers.

Berkman Charitable Fund Marketing Research Grant

Tenured or tenure-track faculty in marketing departments.

This grant drives efforts for science-based solutions to modern marketing disciplines and business administration. It supports marketing PhDs and faculty in developing research projects and encourages knowledge creation.

Wenner-Gren Foundation Anthropology Grants

Up to $20,000

Anthropology doctoral students and researchers. For students of all nationalities, though some awards require a master’s degree.

Seeks to further the understanding of our collective past through fieldwork, research, and educational support. Offers multiple grants for different pursuits in anthropology.

Mariam K Chamberlain Award

$8,500 to the graduate student; $1,500 to their advisor

October 20 th

First-generation doctoral students, including immigrant scholars, and their advisor. Dissertations must relate to Re:Gender’s mission.

A partnership scholarship for first-generation doctoral students working on a dissertation related to social justice, women’s rights, and/or gender studies. Designed to support mentorship and cooperation in keeping with the values of Mariam K. Chamberlain’s foundational institution, Re:Gender.

Hannah Beiter Graduate Student Research Grants

$500 to $1,500

February 1 st

Membership in the Children’s Literature Association (ChLA). Must have a research proposal and be a graduate student at any level.

Established to support research advancements within children’s literature. Recipients must publish and/or present their findings at a conference and acknowledge ChLA’s supporting role.

PhD and Doctorate Fellowships

Even more than doctoral grants and scholarships, fellowships are career- and research-oriented and aimed at furthering the interests not only of the fellow but also of the community, the institution, and the industry itself. Fellowships are generally awarded to PhDs and researchers already established in their fields.

Fellowships often include teaching, speaking, and/or research requirements as well as terms of residency. Some fellowship programs also require community-building projects and local collaboration. Fellowships also tend to confer prestige and enhanced networking with past fellows, which can lead to future career opportunities.

Eileen Blackey Doctoral Fellowship

$4,000 to $6,500

March 11 th

Social work PhD candidates studying welfare policy. Must have a National Association of Social Work (NASW) membership.

The NASW offers this annual fellowship to advance the field of social work, particularly as it relates to diversity and welfare policy. In addition to relevant dissertation work, recipients must participate in community events and the annual NASW National Leadership Conference.

IAF’s Grassroots Development Program

$6,000 initially + $1,500 monthly

See website

U.S. doctoral candidates in various fields. Research must be related to grassroots development. There are also language requirements, and a collaboration proposal is required.

The Inter-American Foundation (IAF) supports grassroots development in Latin America and the Caribbean in fields impacting lives and building community. Awarded to PhD candidates in fields like sustainable agriculture, economics, education, healthcare and public policy, and small-enterprise development.

Marie Tharp Visiting Fellowship

January 16 th

Women scientists in the natural sciences and engineering. Must hold a PhD.

Visiting fellowships fund experts in a particular field who take temporary residence for teaching and researching at the university. The Marie Tharp Visiting Fellowship is a 3-month program at Columbia University for women in natural sciences and engineering.

Guggenheim Fellowships

September 17 th

Citizens of North, Central, and South American countries. Must submit samples of work.

Supports scholarship and creativity across various artistic fields. About 175 Guggenheim fellowships are awarded each year. Applicants are evaluated by experts in their field or medium and then selected by former Guggenheim fellows.

American Association of University Women Fellowship

$6,000 to $30,000

November 1 st

U.S. citizen or permanent resident. Women scholars in any field of study.

The American Association of University Women (AAUW) offers this annual doctoral fellowship in three separate categories: dissertation support, long-term postdoctoral research, and short-term publication support. The foundation’s goal is to increase the number of women in tenure-track faculty positions around the country.

Woodrow Wilson MBA Fellowship in Educational Leadership

Stipend for tuition and expenses

Nominations due February 22 nd

Leaders with passion, dedication, and unorthodox approaches to education. Nomination by a local educator (i.e., no self-nomination). Commitment to three years in approved school/district leadership position.

Aims to produce leaders in education who are ready to address the myriad problems facing 21st-century educators, both from a policy perspective and human interest and social justice standpoints. The fellowship supports innovation and creativity in educational leadership.

Fully Funded Doctoral Programs

Many universities offer opportunities for fully funded doctoral study and often include tuition and living expenses as well as research and material support for the four to six years it usually takes to complete a PhD. Fully funded PhDs often come with teaching or research requirements and require participation in the department’s conferences and events. Depending on the field, candidates may also be required to publish papers.

Some schools fully fund all their doctoral candidates, while others offer packages based on financial need, community commitments, or other stipulations. This is true across most fields, so it’s worth your time and effort to research the options. Below are details of some fully funded doctoral programs in several different concentrations.

At Rice University , business school PhD candidates are fully funded in exchange for 20 hours per week of research or teaching assistant work. Tuition is waived, and business doctoral candidates receive a stipend of $40,000 per year for living expenses. Candidates also get their own workspace and technology support as well as additional funding for specific research projects conducted with faculty oversight. The school offers this support throughout the field, including business administration, marketing, accounting, and so forth.


Fully funded doctorates in communications can lead to a broad field of career choices, from media to academia. Syracuse University’s doctorate in Mass Communications, for example, is funded for the three years it takes to complete the coursework and dissertation. Candidates participate in interdisciplinary studies in communications, taking classes in other departments before specializing with the help of a faculty advisor who also typically forms part of the dissertation committee.

Computer Science

For graduate students hoping to study computer sciences or engineering, George Washington University in St Louis offers a fully-funded PhD that includes tuition, a stipend, and a high-end Apple laptop. Students work with renowned faculty and visiting fellows to solve real-world problems through research and practical applications. Candidates can also apply for additional fellowship support through the school, which sometimes means representing the program through residencies at other universities.

University of California, Irvine’s education PhD is fully funded for up to five years and includes tuition and living expenses. Candidates learn about education theory and practices through research and fieldwork. Some specializations require classroom observation and other practical studies depending on whether the candidate focuses on policy, human development, or teaching strategy. Candidates may teach undergraduate education classes or assist with research.

Research opportunities abound in the humanities. For a field like political science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) fully funds all PhD students for five years as long as they meet certain academic requirements. MIT’s political science department also supports candidates doing fieldwork abroad or researching an array of fields from international relations to American politics. Candidates engage with interdisciplinary teams to solve modeling problems and expand their understanding of human behavior and interaction.

All PhD candidates in Emory’s School of Nursing get a tuition waiver as well as $31,000 per year for living expenses. For the four years of their program, candidates teach and do research. Candidates learn the theories and practices of nursing and go on to research policy, systems, recruiting, education, and other elements of the field. They work closely with advisors to develop their dissertations.

The Department of Psychology and Neuroscience at Boston College offers a five-year, fully funded doctoral program focused on research. Beginning with coursework and research development, candidates build their original research projects through one-on-one mentorship with faculty for whom they work as teaching assistants. In addition to direct research, candidates also participate in academic conferences, publish papers, and apply for research grants to prepare them for a career in research.

Social Sciences

The University of Michigan School of Social Work  fully funds most doctoral candidates through their five-year joint program in social work and social science. Through fellowship awards, research assistant positions, and classroom instruction, candidates cover their costs and give back to the university community. They combine coursework and research with fieldwork and community outreach to deepen their sense of the micro and macro elements of sociocultural policy and practice.

Timeline for Financing Your Doctorate

The timeline below can help you keep track of steps in the process of financing your doctorate. Use it to mark your calendar with specific deadlines for all your applications.

Start researching your options. If you’re already in a PhD program, look for scholarships and grants aimed at candidates already deep into doctoral study. Organize your research in a spreadsheet that includes the amount, deadline, type of award, application requirements, and any other important information.

Make sure your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is updated so loans remain an option if needed. Then, set weekly application goals based on specific deadlines. Strategize the process for a steady stream of applications, and approach anyone who might write a letter of recommendation. These individuals are also good to ask about other funding opportunities.

Follow up on recommendation letter requests, and continue checking off your application schedule. Revisit your mission statement to make sure it represents who you are and how you want to improve people’s lives. If you’re in a doctoral program and have time off for the summer, use it to write papers about different elements of your interests and how they’re relevant to people or communities.


As the academic year approaches and doctoral work takes up most of your time, having a strategy ahead of time can help in keeping up with your funding search. Take time to sharpen your pitch about the importance of your research, so you can explain why institutions should support your efforts.

Keep going!

Repeat the process. A PhD’s quest for funding never stops. Pay attention to rolling deadlines and be persistent. Most financial awards allow for yearly application.

How to Stand Out on Your Doctorate Scholarship and Grant Applications

Applying for doctoral scholarships, grants, and fellowships may seem daunting, but it just takes a little persistence and organized research. Be methodical. Use this page as a launching point, and keep track of opportunities relevant to your goals. Apply one by one until you’re done, keeping in mind the following list of dos and don’ts to help you stand out.

Be thorough in your research. Read the detailed eligibility requirements. Check out the faculty and the work of current candidates. Make a spreadsheet of all your parameters and options.

Contact program advisors with questions. Browse the school’s website first and note any questions you want to ask.

Fill out your application materials with a positive mindset about the value you’ll bring to the university, the award, and the field itself.

Read about previous recipients’ work, not to compare yourself but to better understand the award’s focus. Many scholarships and grants have narrow specifications and reviewing previous work may help you home in on them.

Avoid applying for opportunities that don’t fit. Whatever your niche, there’s probably another way to fund it.

Hesitate to apply for out-of-reach opportunities. Instead, think about what sets you apart and what unique experiences or perspectives you bring to the table and focus on opportunities that fit.

Don’t beg for funding in your application. Instead, structure your pitch to demonstrate how you’ll use the award to empower those around you and improve the field itself.

Don’t give up. Apply for everything that appears to be a fit. Don’t stop after a couple of months of trying since many awards have application deadlines throughout the year.

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Fully Funded PhD Programs in Education

Harvard University Fully Funded PhD Programs in Education

Last updated July 15, 2022

Next in my series on  How To Fully Fund Your PhD , I provide a list below of universities that offer full funding to all students admitted to their PhD programs in education, international education, and educational leadership.

You can find several competitive, external fellowships in the ProFellow database for graduate and doctoral study, but it is useful to seek out PhD programs that offer full funding to all admitted students. When a doctoral program indicates that they provide full funding to their PhD students, in most cases this means they provide each admitted student full tuition and a stipend for living expenses for the four to the six-year duration of the student’s doctoral studies. Not all universities provide full funding to their doctoral students, which is why I recommend researching the financial aid offerings of all the potential PhD programs in your academic field, including small and lesser-known schools both in the U.S. and abroad.

Would you like to receive the full list of more than 1000+ fully funded programs in 60 disciplines? Download the FREE Directory of Fully Funded Graduate Programs and Full Funding Awards !

Universities offering Fully Funded PhD Programs in Education

Boston university, phd in educational studies.

(Boston, MA): Students admitted to the program will be fully funded for five years. Students work closely with BU Wheelock faculty as assistants in research and teaching.

Drexel University, PhD in Education & Educational Leadership

(Philadelphia, PA): Drexel University provides tuition remission, a living stipend, and health insurance subsidies through research and teaching assistantships.

Harvard University, PhD in Education

(Cambridge, MA): Harvard guarantees full financial support to PhD students—including tuition, health fees, and basic living expenses—for a minimum of five years. This multi-year funding package includes a combination of tuition grants, stipends, traineeships, teaching fellowships, research assistantships, and other academic appointments.

New York University, PhD in Education

(New York, NY): NYU Steinhardt awards all students (including international students) who are offered full-time admission to our Ph.D. programs a full funding and mentoring package.

Queen’s University, PhD in Education

(Ontario, Canada): Queen’s guarantees a minimum funding package currently valued at $18,000 [CAD] per year for four years for full-time doctoral students; in most cases, funding packages are higher (2011-12 Average: $25,800). In addition, Queen’s guarantees an international tuition award (or equivalent award) valued at $5,000 per year for four years for eligible international doctoral students.

University of California Irvine, PhD in Education

(Irvine, CA): Effective 2015, all incoming UC Irvine PhD in Education students, including California residents, non-residents, and international students, are offered five years of financial support. Funding includes an academic year stipend or salary, tuition and Student Services Fee waiver, and student health insurance.

University of California San Diego PhD in Education

All PhD students at UC San Diego are guaranteed funding for five years which is equivalent to the amount allocated for a 50% TA position. Funding packages can consist of instructional assistantships, Graduate Student Researcher (GSR) positions, university or outside fellowships, and/or stipends. A minimum financial support package of $20,000 for the first year.

University of Colorado, PhD in Education

(Boulder, CO): Admitted doctoral students received four-year funding packages including a stipend and a tuition grant equal to the cost of tuition (in-state and out-of-state).

University of Michigan, PhD in Education

(Ann Arbor, MI): Funding for students admitted into our doctoral programs includes tuition, health and dental benefits for students and their families, and a stipend for living expenses. Each of the programs also provides additional support for conference travel, research projects, and writing. 

Michigan State University PhD in Education

(East Lansing, MI): For most students in the doctoral program, international and domestic, the primary source of on-campus support is graduate assistantships. Assistantship stipends depend on the level of assistantship. In addition to the stipend, all graduate assistants receive a waiver of nine (9) credits of tuition per semester. They offer a variety of multi-year recruiting fellowships for incoming doctoral students.

University of Virginia, PhD in Education

(Charlottesville, VA): Financial support packages, which may include a combination of fellowship funding, bi-weekly pay, tuition remission/adjustment, and health insurance, are decided at various administrative levels.

Vanderbilt University, PhD in Educational Leadership and Policy

(Nashville, TN): All Peabody graduate (Ph.D.) students receive full tuition funding through a combination of University Tuition Scholarships and/or merit awards.

Stanford University Fully Funded PhD in Education

(Stanford, CA): Stanford GSE offers all admitted Ph.D. students a five-year funding guarantee that provides tuition aid, fellowship stipend, and assistantship salary, and covers the standard cost of attendance. Click here for more funding information.

University of Arkansas, PhD in Education Policy

(Fayetteville, AR): Graduate assistantships offer qualified applicants a full tuition waiver, a health insurance benefit plus an attractive annual stipend. Distinguished Doctoral Fellowships are combined with graduate assistantships to provide a package of stipends totaling $40,000 per year a tuition waiver, and further benefits.

University of Washington, PhD in Education

(Seattle, WA): The UW College of Education Faculty Council distributes a number of scholarships annually. The College of Education supports 120+ graduate students each academic year through teaching, research, and staff assistantship positions. Primary consideration is usually given to doctoral students.

Washington University in St. Louis, PhD in Education

(Saint Louis, MO): Ph.D. students receive full tuition remission, a health fee subsidy, and a monthly stipend to defray living expenses. The stipend is paid over 12 months (August-July), which includes summer funding. Washington University guarantees funding for Ph.D. students for up to six years as long as satisfactory progress is made in their program. Competitive fellowships are also available.

Concordia University, PhD in Education

(Quebec, Canada): Competitive funding packages in the form of awards, teaching, and research assistantships are offered at the time of admission to most students to allow them to focus on their research and studies. Students are automatically considered for all entrance graduate awards when they apply to Concordia, provided they meet eligibility criteria.

Indiana University, PhD in Education

They offer a variety of funding opportunities for Ph.D. students, including fellowships, research, and teaching assistantships which include a stipend, tuition remission, and student health insurance. All admitted graduate students who meet departmental deadlines are automatically considered for available fellowships.

University of Pennsylvania, PhD in Education Policy

(Philadelphia, PA ): All Ph.D. students are guaranteed a full scholarship for their first four years of study, as well as a stipend and student health insurance. Penn GSE is committed to making your graduate education affordable, and they offer generous scholarships, fellowships, and assistantships.

University of Delaware, PhD in Education

(Newark, DE): Full-time Ph.D. in Education students receive financial support for four years through a variety of sources, including assistantships and tuition scholarships. Students with assistantships receive a 100% tuition scholarship and a 9-month stipend, plus health insurance. Merit-based supplemental funding is available.

For application tips on applying to a PhD program, see  How To Get Into a Fully Funded PhD Program: Contacting Potential PhD Advisors .

Find more graduate fellowships for doctoral study and dissertation research in ProFellow’s fellowships database .

© Victoria Johnson 2020, all rights reserved.

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Education Fellowships , Fully Funded PhD Programs , PhD in Education

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Peace corps perks: post-service graduate school fellowships, 62 thoughts on “fully funded phd programs in education”.

Thank you so much for compiling this useful information. Finally a resource that cuts out the fat and leans right into the meat of the information!

Now I am doing Master in Marketing & Management from India Pune University. So I have dream that I want do PhD in Retail which is in the abroad and I am unable do that due to fund so I need guidance of fully funded PhD program.

I am Binod k.c from Nepal. I have a masters degree in management. I have an education of 17 years, can I apply for Phd or not. To apply for Phd I need the education of 18 years or I can study by 17 years. What percentage is needed in masters to apply for the Phd. I hope for the reply.

I am a professional teacher and need to do my PhD on scholarship as i cannot foot the the fees

Hi I have interest in obtaining a phD in education how do I apply for a scholarship?


I am Lekha Erandi,Lecturer in Mass communication ,Open University of Sri Lanka. I’m interested in the field of development communication, women and media and Environmental communication. For my post graduate studies, I did the research based on religious communication. Now I already submitted my MA thesis, it is based on communication for community development. Through study,I strongly believe that communication is the bridge to empower grass root people. My basic degree and post graduate programs were done locally. But as an academic I hope to explore my knowledge widely. and I hope to start my PHD studies in a foreign university as believe that explore would be more important to develop academic credentials.i would like to get some information about fully funded phd in mass communitarian.

I hold Masters in Mathematics Education. Is it possible for me to get fully funding PhD in Mathematics Education to offer. Thank you.

Now I am on the way o finishing M.A in educational leadership and management in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) university. I wish to continue PhD as soon as possible in abroad country…….Could you please help me?

I have Masters in Educational management and I would like to do a PhD in the same field but I have no money.Help me get a scholarship.I will be grateful.Thank u.

i want to do my phd in education.i have completed my master in education. But i need full funded scholarship.How is it possible?

How can I get funding as a Ugandan who has MA Education and worked for six years as adjunct a lecturer in Education.

Thank you very much… The information was useful.

This is really good information.

OK, BUT what is their application based acceptance rates? That is, how many valid applications do they get and how many applicants are then offered acceptance letters?

My Directory of Fully Funded PhD Programs in Education, available at the link above, includes acceptance rates of the programs.

I just applied to a PhD program at Drexel’s School of Education. Fully Funded co-horts are not available. It is $1100 per credit, plus fees…

Hi Meg, thanks for this update! I will look into this and remove Drexel from this list.

Yikes, that price is literally insane.

Very useful information you’ve presented here after scouring the internet for weeks. This term fully funded was the buzzword I was missing. Now to find fully funded PhD programs that can be done online with minimal residency so I don’t have to uproot my family and my current teaching load. Are there any online programs that are fully funded?

Tracy, I have not been able to find any so far. Online programs are typically offered by for-profit universities. However, if you can find a 3-year PhD position that does not require the normal 2 years of course (typically you need to have a Master’s/postgraduate degree already to be eligible for these), you may not need to be in-resident. These programs are more common in Europe, Asia and Oceania. Thus you might spend some time abroad to get started, and then could complete your PhD dissertation remotely. This would require negotiation with your supervisors.

Vicki Johnson, do you have any specific ideas for programs? I have a Master’s degree in English but looking into a doctoral program in International Education or similar. My background is teaching ESL and English.

Try Colorado State University, their program is fairly new (10) but they have some online portion and a short residency program.

Do you have any information about fully funded Ed.D programs?

Same question!

Thank you for the information. I will be finished with my MAT (Biology ) in 2018 and am looking for a PhD program in Education. The program must be fully funded and in Maryland because I am a new Mom and my husband’s job is here in MD. I hope to find something so that we don’t have to move.

Hi Taj, I would suggest looking into the university programs that are nearby you. You can call the admissions office to find out if they offer full funding packages to incoming doctoral students.

Thank you so much and I will do that asap.

Johns Hopkins

Thank you so much Ms. Love.

Really? Do they fully fund?

Hello Johns Hopkins university has a fully funded Phd program in Education.

Did you find something? Same here!

Have you looked at the Universities at Shady Grove?

Hello I am looking now after reading your suggestion!! Thank you.

Is there any Ph.d course after graduation of 4 years in elementary education?

I am looking for the right fellowship for an Ed.D. with a focus on training of teachers in developing countries. I am looking for the university already doing research in African countries. Can you give me any recommendations?

Most of these fellowships sound like assistantships that waive tuition and provide a stipend in exchange for work. NSF gives out fellowships that amount to more than $100,000 for 3 years of study, plus you can work an assistantship. Stanford is making three fellowships each year with a total value of $160,000 for business students. Compared to Fellowships in Science and Technology, Education majors get almost nothing. Education is just not a national priority and is certainly not on an equal footing with STEM fields.

Hi there. I’m looking for a fully-funded PhD degree in education in Australia or Canada. Is there any available? Your kind advice is highly appreciated.

Hi, my Directory available at the link above includes 2 fully funded programs in Canada.

Vicky, fully funded only in Public Health or Education too?! Thanks!

Good day. Any ideas about scholarship opportunity for Africans I to study in the UK apart form the Common wealth. I need a fully opportunity to carry out a PHD in a UK based uni in a Public health related topic that focuses on indigenous women reproductive health

i will appreciate a fully funded on-line course Ed.D in early years/early childhood education.

I have not been able to identify any fully funded online PhD programs in any subject.

Good day. I like to have a PhD fully funded scholarship in Educational Technology and I will appreciate this if I could be directed to the right University. Thank you.

Please see my comment above!

Greetings. I am an experienced minority teacher with strong science and computer technology background. I look forward to a fully funded PhD program in “Educational Technology for the future” research studies. I believe I possess all the tools and an exceptional will to pursue my research in this direction. Any assistance in this direction will be greatly appreciated.

Hi. I wanted to share that you do not need to enter a PhD program specifically in the subject of Educational Technology to do a PhD dissertation in this subject. You can do a dissertation in this subject in a general PhD in Education program. The key is to identify universities with professors who have done research in this subject who are availble serve as your advisor. You might also do a dissertation in this subject in Business PhD program.

Hi: Thank you very much for your response regarding my request. I am a believer of STEAM not just STEM, and an interdisciplinary approach to develop a comprehensive immersive educational programs. I look forward to some kind of an educational foundation or an agency to hear about my proposal to develop a pilot program to implement a “comprehensive immersive educational system” with a strong technology foundation where Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Arts (including Philosophy) to achieve the maximum learning experience of young minds.

Greetings. I appreciate your work here. I am interested in a fully funded PhD programme in Special Education. I shall be very appreciative of your anticipated kind gesture. Thanks

I wish to study fully funded PhD program in Special Education ( especially in the field of autism). Is there any university is conducting this program.

I’m from Asia And fully funded doctoral / PhD courses you know of?

Hi, Looking for a fully funded Ph.D.in education in the Philadelphia area. Are there any? Seems like most listed are out of my state. Thank you.

Try University of Pennsylvania.

I am a Chemical Engineer (BS – Chemical Engineering) with an MBA in Project Leadership & Management, I have applied to George Washington University’s Distance & Online Doctorate Program – Doctor of Engineering (D.Eng) in Engineering Management. I am looking for scholarships & fellowships to enable foot the tuition fees. I am based in Nigeria

My name is Katura Fennell and I am looking into any schools that will fully fund a doctoral program in the area of education. I am currently a teacher in Nashville TN and enrolled at Lipscomb University receiving my Ed.S in leadership, but really want to continue my education and help make a difference in the world of education. Any guidance or list of recent schools that will supply funding? I can be emailed at [email protected] with any information. Thanks in advance.

Hi Katura, the list of fully funded Phd programs in Education above is current as of May 1, 2017. We also sell the exclusive Directory of Fully Funded PhD Programs in Education, which is a detailed directory of 22 universities in the U.S. and Canada offering full funding to all incoming students. You can purchase the Directory here: https://www.fullyfundedcourse.com/free-directory . Best of luck!

Hello, Can I get some information on fully funded Ph.D program in IT and Computer science in US for an international student(Graduate in Information Assurance)? I can be emailed at [email protected] for extra information. Thank you.

Hi Nikhitha, please see our article Fully Funded PhD Programs in Computer Science: https://www.profellow.com/fellowships/fully-funded-phd-programs-in-computer-science/

Hi, thanks for the wonderful info. I’m interested in a few different areas for a PHD that I don’t see listed: Buddhism, Comparative Religions, Psychology, Mythology or Stories (lit, film, poetry, all forms). Given that these subject are not exactly the cats’ meow in terms of financial opportunities afterwords, the study is a labor of love and philanthropy. Could there possibly be a school for me somewhere? I would do a part-time online program with an international university if needed too – I’m in Southern California.

I’m a nurse educator in Singapore. Have been teaching in academic school and hospital for more than 10yrs. I have master of education from university of Sydney. How can I do a part time PhD in education which is fully funded? Please assist.

I have a JD, a few credits short of a LLM (in Comparative Law), and a MA (in African-American World Studies). I have been working as a lawyer for a non-profit Public Interest firm for 12 years, but I want to get a PhD. I have a small family now (3,8 year old girls), so I need a PhD program that is fully funded. I am interested in “Justice” so I can pursue a PhD in either Law, African American Studies, or Education. I have been out of the scholarly environment for so long, I really don’t know where to start. Any help would be appreciated.

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Grad School Center

50 Best Scholarships for Ph.D. Students

Reviewed by David Krug David Krug is a seasoned expert with 20 years in educational technology (EdTech). His career spans the pivotal years of technology integration in education, where he has played a key role in advancing student-centric learning solutions. David's expertise lies in marrying technological innovation with pedagogical effectiveness, making him a valuable asset in transforming educational experiences. As an advisor for enrollment startups, David provides strategic guidance, helping these companies navigate the complexities of the education sector. His insights are crucial in developing impactful and sustainable enrollment strategies.

Updated: May 30, 2024 , Reading time: 27 minutes

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Find your perfect college degree

In this article, we will be covering...

Data Points:

  • Roughly 47% of first-generation doctoral students hold undergraduate student loans * , compared to only 31% of continuing-generation students.
  • About 65% of scholarships ** to help pay for higher education are offered by the college or university. Other sources of scholarships are states (37%) and non-profits or companies (35%).
  • 86% believe *** that earning a scholarship “is something to be proud of.”

“First, you get your bachelor’s degree, and you think you know everything. Then, you get your master’s degree, and you realize you don’t know anything. Then you get your doctorate, and you find out that nobody knows anything.”

While we can’t find information on who said these words, we can’t help but laugh! You, a student pursuing your doctoral degree, may even laugh at it because there’s a grain of truth to it. Your doctoral dissertation, after all, will likely be about creating new knowledge or building on old knowledge because “nobody knows anything” in a manner of speaking. 

But why are you pursuing a doctoral degree when your master’s degree will suffice for most jobs? There are even people who believe that it’s a waste of time and money for many reasons. Some people push for it because of the numerous benefits that it brings.

GSC - Doctoral Student Undergrad Loans

So, which one’s a better perspective? A doctoral degree is about contributing to the existing body of knowledge through original research. It is considered an introduction to independent research in your chosen field, with your doctoral dissertation as the first of many intellectual masterpieces .

Let’s first take a look at the unfavorable view because there’s also some merit to it. For one thing, there’s the cost of doctoral education that, in U.S. universities, the average is $133,340 . In Ivy League universities, the cost can be higher – at Harvard University, for example, the full tuition needed for the first two years of study is $54,032, exclusive of health insurance, housing, books and supplies, and food expenses.

Yes, indeed, it isn’t cheap to get a doctoral degree in the United States , not even in one of the lesser-known universities!

In addition, there’s a sense of dissatisfaction among doctoral students. You may feel, at one point, that you’re doing slave labor, no thanks to the 10-hour workdays and low pay during your research.

Your employment prospects may also seem uncertain, considering the competition due to the oversupply of Ph.D. holders. The number of Ph.D. holders exceeds the number of employment opportunities for them, too! Such a disconnection partly stems from the high degree of specialization required to get a doctoral degree, not to mention that Ph.D. holders have high employment expectations.

Still, the number of doctoral degree holders in the U.S. has more than doubled between 2000 and 2018! In 2000, there were 2 million Ph.D. holders, and by 2018, there were already 4.5 million. Why do people pursue doctoral degrees despite the myriad of challenges that come with them?

PhD Scholarships fact 2

Here’s why.

  • You have a clear edge in getting higher positions and, thus, higher pay. Studies have shown that a Ph.D. is a contributing factor toward earning over 20% more than people with master’s degrees. In a PayScale comparison, Ph.D. holders earned $107,000 per year, on average, while master’s degree holders earned $84,000 .
  • Your specialized knowledge and skills are highly marketable. You will likely enjoy a flexible career path, whether you choose a career in public service or the private sector. Your career will also be characterized by the highest lifetime earning potential and the lowest unemployment rate! Your Ph.D. training will also strengthen your critical thinking and complex problem-solving skills, which are highly sought after by employers.
  • You will be a recognized knowledge creator, a rare skill sought after by society and employers, too. You have gained both the discipline and ability to search for, introduce, and defend new knowledge, even under the most stringent scrutiny. Your competencies will lead to a leadership position as you gain respect and prestige.

Are you still worried about the financial expenses of getting a Ph.D. in your field? We completely understand that $ 50,000 plus per year plus the difficulties of juggling work, studies, and family responsibilities will break a person. But you can achieve your doctoral degree through scholarships and grants!

This isn’t a new concept either, as millions of Ph.D. holders have also achieved such a lofty goal. Many of them have been scholars and fellows for most, if not all, of their studies – and it’s a path you can take, too, with plenty of planning and networking.

You have dozens, if not hundreds, of scholarship and fellowship opportunities in your field of study, not to mention the ones offered without restrictions as to the field of study. The trick here is to diligently look for these opportunities, applying to as many as you are qualified for, and complying with the requirements.

You may have to apply every semester or academic year for a new scholarship or fellowship, but it’s worth the time and effort. You could be lucky and be one whose studies were financed through scholarships and grants from year one, although luck has little to do with it because you spent time looking and qualifying for the scholarships you deserve!

Here, we present you with 50 of the Best Scholarships and Fellowships for Doctoral Students that we think are worthy of your consideration.

GSC - Sources of College Uni Scholarships

April 2024 Deadline

IBRO Travel Grants

  • Type of Scholarship: Annual
  • Amount: $2,500 
  • Deadline of Application: April 30, 2024

IBRO Travel Grants support PhD students and early-career post-doctoral neuroscientists by covering travel and local expenses for conferences. Preference is given to under-resourced, less well-funded countries. Nevertheless, students studying and residing in the United States can still apply for the grant. 

ScholarshipOwl No Essay Scholarship

  • Amount: Up to $50,000 (shared)
  • Deadline of Application: April 29, 2024 

The ScholarshipOwl No Essay Scholarship is available to all types of students, including PhDs. Applicants can win multiple awards with a $50,000 scholarship, with four monthly winners earning $1,000 each and two additional winners in December 2024. Applicants must be residents of any 50 United States, District of Columbia, or U.S. Territories, except for Rhode Island and Michigan.

May 2024 Deadline

Separations Division Graduate Student Research Award

  • Amount: $200 + plaque
  • Deadline of Application: May 1, 2024 

AIChE is the leading global organization for chemical engineering professionals. It boasts over 60,000 members from 110 countries and administers over 60 awards, including monetary prizes, certificates, and medals. The $200 award may seem small, but the benefits extend far beyond its monetary value.

This award honors outstanding graduate scholars in separations, recognizing their contributions to fundamentals and applications and awarding a plaque. Recipients gain recognition within the field, enhancing their professional credibility and giving them access to new opportunities. 

“Be Bold” No-Essay Scholarship

  • Type of Scholarship: Annual (Non-renewable)
  • Amount: $25,055
  • Deadline of Application: May 1, 2024

Bold.org offers a $25,000 “Be Bold” No-Essay Scholarship to students with the boldest profiles. The scholarship is based on the characteristics of being earnest, determined, and moving. It is similar to many easy scholarships available on Bold.org and will be awarded to students who apply earlier. The scholarship is open to students at any education level, state, field of study, and GPA.

Valuing Diversity PhD Scholarship

  • Amount: Varies
  • Deadline of Application: May 27, 2024, 1:00 PM

The Valuing Diversity PhD scholarship program was made to encourage underrepresented populations to attend marketing doctoral programs. The amount given to applicants depends on the program’s funding and the number of recipients. If you’ve applied for this scholarship opportunity before, you can still reapply. 

Applicants should be enrolled in and have completed at least one year of an on-campus AACSB-accredited marketing or advertising doctoral program. Two signed letters of recommendation are required.

Wenner-Gren Foundation Dissertation Fieldwork Grant

  • Type of Scholarship: Annual (Non-renewable) 
  • Amount: $25,000 
  • Deadline of Application: May 1, 2024 (for January 1 and June 30, 2025 projects) November 1, 2024 (for July 1 to December 31, 2025 projects)

Applicants must be on-campus enrollees of an AACSB-accredited marketing or advertising doctorate and have completed at least one year. Two signed letters of recommendation are required.

Independent Research Awards (pediatric cardiology)

  • Type of Scholarship: Annual (Renewable)
  • Amount: $150,000 up to 2 years
  • Deadline of Application: May 22, 2024 (letters of intent); and September 11, 2024 (full application)

The Children’s Heart Foundation funds research affecting patients with congenital heart disease. This award is given to doctoral students in clinical cardiology, translational research, and population science. It gives priority to researchers focusing on advancing the diagnosing, treating, and preventing congenital heart defects.

ASH Graduate Student Scholarships

  • Amount: $5,000 
  • Deadline of Application: May 22, 2024

The American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation offers Graduate Student Scholarships for undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral students in communication sciences and disorders. These scholarships include International Student Scholarships, Minority Student Scholarships, and NSSLHA Scholarships for racial or ethnic minority students.

Applicants must be accepted in U.S. graduate communication sciences and disorders programs accredited by the Council on Academic Accreditation. They must be full-time students for the entire academic year.

Graduate Fellowship in the History of Science

  • Deadline of Application: May 24, 2024 

The American Meteorological Society Graduate Fellowship in the History of Science supports students completing dissertations on atmospheric, oceanic, or hydrologic sciences. This fellowship aims to foster close working relations and provide a $20,000 stipend for one year. Applicants must submit a cover letter, transcripts, a detailed dissertation topic description, and three letters of recommendation.

Sheep Heritage Foundation Memorial Scholarship

  • Amount: $3,000
  • Deadline of Application: May 31, 2024

Although less known, the sheep industry is a big contributor to the country’s economy. The Sheep Heritage Foundation Memorial Scholarship, administered by the American Sheep Industry Association, is a large program for students pursuing sheep-related studies. This Fund is given out yearly to those dedicated to helping advance the U.S. sheep industry, wool, and lamb.

Applicants must have U.S. citizenship, involvement in sheep and wool research, and be enrolled full-time in an accredited U.S. institution.

June 2024 Deadline

John Santos Distinguished Program Development in Clinical Gerontology Award

  • Amount: $1,500
  • Deadline of Application: June 1, 2024

John Santos, a retired Retirement Research Fund board member, established an award in 2009 to honor the contributions of psychologists and students working with older adults. Candidates must be nominated and endorsed by a division member, providing a letter of nomination, CV, evidence of impact, and two additional letters of support.

Kay F. Fullwood Northeast Florida Geriatric Nursing Scholarship Fund

The scholarship is open to nursing students in Northeast Florida enrolled in an accredited graduate program focusing on geriatrics and practicing geriatric N.P.s in an accredited DNP program. 

Henry and Sylvia Richardson Research Grant

  • Type of Scholarship: Annual 

The grant, established by Henry and Sylvia Richardson, offers research funds to post-doctoral ESA members with at least one year of experience in insect control. The recipient must be an ESA member and a highly skilled scholar working with insect control methods like attractants, repellents, biological controls, thermocontrols, or chemical controls.

F.J. McGuigan Dissertation Award

  • Amount: $2,000
  • Deadline of Application: June 5, 2024

The F. J. McGuigan Dissertation Award supports research on mental function and understanding the mind from behavioral and neural perspectives. The award is open to any area of behavioral or brain science. Applicants must meet specific criteria: quality, viability, originality, competence, and resource allocation. Candidates must have finished their PhD candidacy and received committee approval for their dissertation.

Aylesworth Scholarship 

  • Deadline of Application: June 12, 2024

The Aylesworth Scholarship offers support to students enrolled in universities across Florida. Eligible applicants can pursue research in any academic field that pertains to marine sciences, provided their institution participates in the Florida Sea Grant program. 

To qualify, candidates must be U.S. residents, actively seeking a doctoral degree, and studying disciplines such as ocean science, biology, engineering, economics, marine science, or food science. Additionally, applicants must be full-time students attending a Florida-based institution and demonstrate financial need to be considered for this scholarship.

Niche $25,000 “No Essay” Scholarship  

  • Deadline of Application: June 15, 2024

This is one of the most inclusive scholarships, open to U.S. students with U.S. citizenship or a valid Visa/U.S. passport. However, because recipients are picked through a random draw, those affiliating with Niche cannot apply. This includes employees, officers, directors, and their children, grandchildren, or those affiliated with Niche’s other partnering organizations. 

This scholarship is also only applicable to students planning to study in one of Niche’s listed colleges .

Wayne F. Placek Grants

  • Amount: Up to $15,000

The Wayne F. Placek Grant, which has been awarded over $1 million since 1995, aims to enhance public understanding of homosexuality and sexual orientation. It helps fund research and initiatives for doctoral students that focus on alleviating stress experienced by the LGBTQ community. This includes addressing prejudice, discrimination, and underrepresentation in scientific research.

APF welcomes applicants from diverse backgrounds, including doctoral-level researchers and graduate students, and encourages early career researchers and graduate students.

CVS Health / AACP Community Pharmacy Health Equity Award for Student Pharmacists

  • Amount: $20,000 
  • Deadline of Application: June 16, 2024

This award is given to 21 students annually who demonstrate high academic performance and those who overcome financial barriers. Underrepresented minority, disabled, and military service students are encouraged to apply. The award recognizes leadership, academic success, and commitment to patient care in underserved communities.

The Springfield Research Fund Dissertation Fellowship

  • Amount: Up to $10,000

Springfield Research Fund Dissertation Fellowship offers graduate students the opportunity to research contemporary LGBTQIA+ issues, aiming to dispel stereotypes and negative information contributing to prejudice and discrimination. Intersectional stigmas will be prioritized in 2024. It offers a $10,000 fund for each recipient, with a $1,000 bonus upon publication. 

Applicants must have begun their doctoral studies in a regionally accredited university. They must submit a dissertation abstract, statement of need, and CV.

ONS Foundation Josh Gottheil Memorial Stem Cell Transplant Development Award

Josh’s Fund, established in 1994, awards educational grants to oncology nurses to support their professional development. It also establishes endowments for emotional and mental support. 

Among ONF’s several awards is the Josh Gottheil Memorial Stem Cell Transplant Development. It aims to offer financial assistance to non-advanced practice-level registered nurses in stem cell transplantation and bone marrow. Applicants must have one or more years in practice.

Dr. James T. Mellonig Regeneration Research Award

  • Amount: $10,000
  • Deadline of Application: June 2024

The Dr. James T. Mellonig Regeneration Research Award is given annually to periodontology residents who are advancing clinical therapies in periodontal regeneration. U.S. students in their second and third years of periodontal residency are eligible for this award. Applicants must also have completed original research and published a manuscript advancing periodontal regeneration clinical therapies.

The Rotary Foundation Global Grant Scholarships

  • Amount: $30,000 up to 400,000 (international coursework or research of up to 4 years)
  • Deadline of Application: June 30, 2024

The Rotary Foundation Global Grant Scholarships program is open to full-time Ph.D. students involved in peace and conflict prevention or resolution, disease prevention and treatment, and water and sanitation. Applications can be made via a local Rotary Club chapter, and the chapter must sponsor non-Rotarians applying for the scholarship. The chapter creates the applicants’ initial application, and the latter then completes the online scholar profile.

The amount can be used for various costs, including passport/visa, travel expenses, tuition and other fees, vaccinations, school supplies, room and board, and household supplies. Application is year-round. However, scholarship applications for August, September, or October studies must be submitted by 30 June.  

PhD Scholarships fact 4

July 2024 Deadline

Marketing Research Grant

  • Deadline of Application: July 15, 2024

Offered by the Harold & Muriel Berkman Charitable Foundation, Inc., this Marketing Research Grant is applicable to students enrolled in an AACSB-accredited program. It gives priority to applicants who are focused on scientific research and knowledge production in business administration. 

Marian R. Stuart Grant

  • Amount: Up to $20,000
  • Deadline of Application: July 10, 2024

The APF Marian R. Stuart Grant offers up to 20,000 USD to early-career researchers researching mental and physical health. While APF welcomes applicants from diverse backgrounds, preference is given to psychologists in medical schools.

MNF Ph.D. Research Grants

  • Deadline of Application: July 12, 2024

The Mississippi Nurses Foundation is a non-profit organization that raises, accepts, and distributes charitable donations to enhance Mississippi’s professional nursing and overall health. Among its scholarships is the MNF Ph.D. Research Grants, which aim to help nursing professionals complete their original research. Applicants must be in good standing in a PhD Nursing program in Mississippi, a Mississippi resident, and a Mississippi Nurses Association member.

August 2024 Deadline

Brigadier General Albin F. Irzyk Veteran Scholarship

  • Deadline of Application: Opens May 1, 2024, ends August 31, 2024 

The Harold and Muriel Berkman Charitable Foundation has established a scholarship in honor of Brigadier General Albin F. Irzyk, renowned for his World War II and Vietnam War achievements. This scholarship program accepts applicants from online and on-campus AACSB-accredited degree programs. It is awarded to an exceptional veteran applicant, chosen by the review committee from the finalists.

Carole Bailey Scholarship

  • Amount: $5,000
  • Deadline of Application: September 18, 2024

The Carole Bailey Scholarship is offered by the AccessLex Institute, an organization focused on promoting quality legal education for purpose-driven students. This scholarship program, awarded annually to ABA-accredited law students, provides up to $5,000 for those committed to public service in a legal career.

September 2024 Deadline

YIVO Institute for Jewish Research Fellowships 

  • Deadline of Application: Opens September 2024

The YIVO Institute for Jewish Research is a leading institution preserving and studying East European Jewry’s history and culture. The institute offers several fellowship programs to encourage more students to pursue research in the field and contribute to YIVO’s archives and library collections.

$5,000 awards: 

  • YIVO – Joseph Kremen Memorial Fellowship: Available for postgraduate researchers studying Eastern European Jewish arts, theater, and music. 
  • YIVO- Dora and Meyer Tendler Fellowship: Available for student researchers of American Jewish history and the Jewish labor movement. 
  • YIVO- Abraham and Rachela Melezin Memorial Fellowship: The scholarship supports original doctoral research in Baltic Jewish studies for 2-3 months.
  • YIVO-  Workmen’s Circle/Dr. Emanuel Patt Visiting Professorship: Offered to postgraduate Eastern European Jewish Studies students. This can be combined with other YIVO fellowships. 

$3,000 awards: 

  • YIVO Vladimir and Pearl Heifetz Memorial Fellowship: Available for East European Jewish Literature researchers.
  • YIVO Dina Abramowicz Emerging Scholar Fellowship: Intended for post-doctoral research focus on Eastern European Jewish Studies.
  • YIVO Aleksander and Alicja Hertz Memorial Fellowship: The Fund supports research on Polish-Jewish history, including modern relations, the Holocaust, and Jewish contributions to Polish literature and culture.

Every fellow is also required to deliver a public lecture regarding their research. The research period should be between 2 and 3 months only. Interested applicants should submit a written summary of their respective research on acceptable topics.

YIVO – Fellowship in East European Jewish Studies

  • Amount: $18,000 stipend 
  • Deadline of Application: Opens in September 2024

The combined Professor Bernard Choseed Memorial Fellowship and the Natalie and Mendel Racolin Memorial Fellowship come with many benefits. Aside from the financial stipend, three months of free access to the YIVO Library and Archives are also offered for research. They, on the other hand, will be required to deliver at least two public lectures on Jewish studies.

October 2024 Deadline

Nurses Educational Funds, Inc. (NEF)

  • Amount: Varies 
  • Deadline of Application: Opens October 1, 2024

NEF offers several scholarship opportunities for doctoral students in the field of nursing, many of which are the result of endowments by notable nursing practitioners who want to support the continued education of professional nurses. 

  • The NEF/Johnson and Johnson Health Equity Scholarship program promotes the research, advocacy and clinical practice of nursing professionals interested in underrepresented groups and addressing the health inequalities and disparities in these populations. 
  • The AJN/Thelma Schorr Scholarship program has a preference for nurses with nursing leadership potential. 
  • The Cynthia Davis Sculco Scholarship permanent program awarded scholarships to nurses studying nursing education at the doctoral level. 
  • The M. Elizabeth Carnegie African American Scholarship program is for black nurses in doctoral degree programs. 

American Cancer Society Post-doctoral Fellowships

  • Amount: Up to $66,000
  • Deadline of Application: Oct. 15, 2024

ACS, the nation’s largest private, not-for-profit organization funding scientists and doctorates studying cancer, offers grants and fellowships managed by the Extramural Discovery Science (EDS) team. The Post-doctoral Fellowships are designed to help new investigators in research training programs, preparing them for independent careers in cancer research. Program funding includes

  • progressive stipends of up to $70k for up to 3 years,
  • an annual fellowship allowance of $4k, and
  • a $1,500 travel fund. 

The application is open to U.S. citizens or non-citizens with an appropriate visa and within four years of obtaining a doctoral degree.

PhD Scholarships fact 5

November 2024 Deadline

NCTM & AMTE Early Career Research Grant

  • Amount: $10,000 each, maximum 
  • Deadline of Application: November 1, 2024 

Granted in partnership with Eugene P. & Clara M. Smith Mathematics Education Research Fund, the Early Career Research Grant accepts applications from doctoral candidates pursuing math education degrees. The grant must be used in supporting their doctoral research project, preferably projects that bridge research and practice. 

Note that early career math educators or those who have completed either an EdD or PhD in math education or other related fields within the past five years are eligible to apply. Doctoral students will only be considered if they have advanced to candidacy status in accredited programs. 

Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Faculty Fellowship

  • Amount: $5,000/month (Long-term fellowship for 4-9 months); $5,000/month (Short-term fellowship for a month only)
  • Deadline of Application: November 1, 2024 (Long-term fellowship); December 15, 2024 (Short-term fellowship)

The American Indian Studies Faculty Fellowship is intended for scholars in the early stages of their careers who are involved in American Indian studies, specifically research in the Newberry Consortium collections. Doctoral students are welcome to apply. The monthly stipend can be used for a wide range of education-related expenses, too.

Fellows receive the NCAIS research carrel and other fellowship privileges, as well as perform responsibilities related to their research. These include research presentations, seminar participation, and consultation with other NCAIS Graduate Student Fellows.

AIA Fellowship for Study in the U.S.

  • Deadline of Application: November 1, 2024

The Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) offers post-doctoral research fellowships for archaeologists working at Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (DAI) or its project collaborators. The fellowships are for either fall 2024 or spring 2025 in selected universities, including the University of Cincinnati, the Joukowsky Institute at Brown University, or the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA).

Fellows are provided with financial support for travel expenses, a stipend for living expenses, and residency at a university housing or rental housing, as well as library privileges. The residency lasts for 2-3 months only, during which time the Fellows are expected to give a minimum of one lecture at their respective host university. 

Applications should include a duly filled-up online application form, a curriculum vitae, and two references, among others.

National Gem Consortium Ph.D. Engineering Fellowship

  • Amount: $16,000 living stipend for the first academic year plus a paid summer internship
  • Deadline of Application: November 8, 2024

The National GEM Consortium in Engineering Fellowship is open to Ph.D. students belonging to the minority, and who have been accepted into a doctoral program straight from a bachelor’s degree program or who have earned a master’s in Engineering. Fellows can be enrolled in any of the participating GEM member universities. 

The above-mentioned stipend applies to the first academic year of fellowship for a Ph.D. Engineering/Science Fellow. After that, the fellow will enjoy a continued living stipend up to the fifth year of Ph.D. studies through a combination of alternative funding sources. The fellow will also have his tuition and fees paid for by the GEM university member.

American Association of University Women American Fellowship Summer/Short-Term Research Publication Grants

  • Amount: $8,000–$50,000
  • Deadline of Application: November 30, 2024

The Summer/Short-Term Research Publication Grant is the oldest female-specific scholarship program for graduate students. Of course, only female graduate students are considered, and they must either be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Applicants should also be available for eight consecutive weeks during the summer.

The American Association of University Women’s selection committee applies strict criteria in choosing the annual crop of scholars. The criteria include academic excellence, project originality, project design quality, project scholarly significance to the discipline, and project feasibility. The applicant’s qualifications are also considered.

History of Art Institutional Fellowships

  • Amount: $30,000
  • Deadline of Application: November 30, 2024 at 5 PM EST

Devoted to studying European art, architecture, and archaeology heritage, the Samuel H. Kress Foundation chooses six applicants each year to receive up to $30,000 worth of research grants. Applicants must be enrolled in a doctoral program focused on antiquity to the early 19th century. They should also be completing all higher degree work except dissertation.  

Patty and Paul Levi Research Award

The Patty and Paul Levi Research Award, offered by the American Academy of Periodontology Foundation, grants a predoctoral student or students annually. They should be doing research related to preventative periodontology under faculty supervision. The applicant can apply post-graduation, provided their research was conducted during predoctoral studies, and must submit their current C.V.s. 

December 2024 Deadline

SMART Scholarship Program

  • Amount: Up to $46,000
  • Deadline of Application: December 1, 2024

SMART, a Department of Defense-funded scholarship program, provides full tuition, stipends, and guaranteed employment for STEM students pursuing degrees in 24 disciplines. It aims to increase underrepresented students’ participation in the DoD STEM workforce, particularly for high school seniors in Historically Black colleges and universities.

Norman S. Baldwin Fishery Science Scholarship

Norman S. Baldwin, the inaugural executive secretary of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission, guided the organization for 15 years until his untimely passing in 1971. The Norman S. Baldwin Fishery Science Scholarship seeks to inspire talented graduate students to pursue advanced research in fishery biology and Great Lakes science, prioritizing scientific excellence and innovative inquiry.

The chosen candidates will be awarded $3,000 scholarships each, with the Awards Committee distributing them as needed. Applicants must be master’s or Ph.D. students with relevant research topics who have not been previously awarded. 

David M. Dolan Scholarship

  • Amount: $1,000 
  • Deadline of Application: December 1, 2024 

David M. Dolan’s scholarship, which started in 2014, honors students conducting graduate research in statistics, mathematical modeling, data analysis, or quantitative decision support to advance the understanding and management of Great Lakes ecosystems. The scholarship is open to exceptional students whose graduate research aligns with Dr. Dolan’s work on Great Lakes ecosystems but not relatives of IAGLR officers or directors.

Applicants must submit an extended abstract and a brief title for their proposed research. It should highlight how the study of the Great Lakes relates to the use of applied environmental statistics and modeling. In addition to the $3,000, recipients will receive a one-year membership in the IAGLR.

Lawren H. Daltroy Preceptorship in Health Communication

  • Amount: Up to $15,000 per year 
  • Deadline of Application: December 2, 2024 by 5 PM EST

The Lawren H. Daltroy Preceptorship in Health Communication from the Rheumatology Research Foundation supports student, researcher, and clinician training in rheumatology. They are among the top supporters of those who dedicate their studies to enhancing patient-clinician interactions and communications. 

Eligible candidates include trainees, junior researchers, and health professionals without funding. Projects must address patient-clinician interactions and communications, including small-scale research, curriculum creation, participation in education, patient-facing materials, health literacy/numeracy studies, and shared decision-making in healthcare settings.

AWWA Abel Wolman Scholarship

  • Amount: $30,000 for one year (If necessary, a fellow can apply and be approved for the second year of financial support)
  • Deadline of Application: December 2024

Students who are pursuing advanced training and research, including doctoral studies in water supply and treatment and its related fields, can apply for the Abel Wolman Fellowship. The doctoral fellowship provides financial support for up to two years to an outstanding student. Applications can be sent to the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and more information can be seen on its site.

AWWA Larson Aquatic Research Support Scholarships

  • Amount: $7,000/student

Made in honor of Dr. Larson, the Larson Aquatic Research Support (LARS) scholarship is available for outstanding doctoral students engaged in the fields of science and engineering. The selection committee chooses one doctoral student every year for the scholarship, with an emphasis on excellent academics and leadership potential.

Applications must include a resume, official transcripts, three recommendation letters, and GRE scores as well as a course of study. Be sure to submit your research plans, too, with your application.

Martin Frank Diversity Travel Awards

  • Amount: Up to $1,500 in travel support 
  • Deadline of Application: December 8, 2024

The Martin Frank Diversity Travel Award program aims to increase participation in physiological sciences among trainees and early career faculty from historically underrepresented backgrounds. It provides travel awards to students and professionals interested in attending the American Physiology Summit. Recipients receive travel reimbursement, mentoring, and networking opportunities. The program is open to specific underrepresented populations defined by the NIH .

National Gem Consortium Ph.D. Science Scholarship

  • Amount: $16,000 living stipend plus a paid summer internship

The National Gem Consortium’s PhD Science Scholarship is exclusive for students belonging to the minority in their first year of doctoral studies. Applicants should be pursuing a natural science discipline, such as earth science, chemistry, biology, mathematics, physics, and computer science. The scholarship applies to an accredited GEM member university.

Eligibility requirements include U.S. citizenship or legal residency. Applicants must maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA and get promising GRE scores.

Frances C. Allen Fellowship

  • Amount: $3,000 per month (1-2 month’s duration)
  • Deadline of Application: December 15, 2024

The Frances C. Allen Fellowship is exclusive to women of American Indian heritage. Applicants must be engaged in studies related to the Newberry Research Library’s collections, and the fellow must use the resources at the Chicago, Illinois, library. Applicants should also write to the library for more details, although application forms are available on the official website.

Gil Kushner Memorial Travel Award

  • Amount: $750 in travel support 
  • Deadline of Application: December 20, 2024

Gilbert Kushner was key in establishing applied anthropology as a graduate discipline. Gil has made USF’s Department of Anthropology among the most thriving applied research centers. The $750 travel expense award is given annually to a select few who want to attend the SfAA annual meeting.

Sallie Mae Scholarship

  • Deadline of Application: December 31, 2024

Sallie Mae has launched a scholarship program for employees’ children pursuing college education. The program offers renewable scholarships for full-time study at an accredited institution, with eligibility determined by the sponsor. The scholarship is open to legal residents of the United States.

Year-round Scholarships

Lou Hochberg Thesis and Dissertation Awards 

  • Type of Scholarship: Continuous
  • Amount: $1,000
  • Deadline of Application: Continuous

While the Lou Hochberg scholarship’s $1,000 grant isn’t much, its eligibility requirements are relatively easy to comply with. The essays submitted should focus on the social, biophysical, and experimental aspects of Wilhelm Reich’s discoveries. These are then judged based on their clarity, merit, and accuracy, and there’s no deadline for submissions.

GSC - Proud of Scholarship

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Financing Your Education - Doctoral Programs

A doctoral degree is a significant investment in your future, and financing your education is a critical factor to consider. While the funding we provide covers the basic standard cost of attendance determined by Stanford University for a modest life as a graduate student, accepting an offer from a doctoral program has significant personal, professional, and financial implications. Below you’ll find information on GSE and Stanford financial support for doctoral students, as well as other important considerations when it comes to financing your PhD.

Funding guarantee

Stanford GSE offers all admitted PhD students a five-year funding package that provides tuition aid, fellowship stipend, and assistantship salary which covers the standard cost of attendance. The funding is based on meeting the basic financial need of the student alone for the first five academic years of the doctoral program and entails assistantship work. The cornerstone of the GSE doctoral experience is the apprenticeship that all students undertake, typically under the guidance of their academic advisor, but often with other Stanford faculty as well. In this apprenticeship model, doctoral students are provided with a funding package that consists of opportunities to serve as teaching and research assistants for faculty members' courses and research projects. By this means, and in combination with the coursework, students are prepared to excel as university faculty, education researchers, and leaders in the field.

All funding is contingent upon satisfactory academic progress and performance on the research and teaching assistantships. There is no separate application for this funding.


As part of the academic and professional training and development, students undertake assistantships which provide both salary and tuition. Research assistantships are funded by faculty research grants, other faculty funds or as needed, by the GSE Dean’s Office, and can lead to joint publications with faculty or to dissertation topics. Students who have sufficient expertise and experience may also be selected as teaching assistants for courses at the GSE or other Stanford schools and departments. Assistantships are typically secured in consultation with faculty advisors. Students work 10 hours (25% assistantship) or 20 hours (50% assistantship) a week depending on their year in the program. 

  • Research assistantship (RA): Various duties for research projects
  • Teaching assistantships (3 types):
  • Course Assistant (CA)—course preparation and grading
  • Teaching Assistant (TA)—leads regularly-scheduled discussion sections
  • Teaching Affiliate (TF)—full responsibility for course

Funding Details 2023-2024

Year Fellowship: $25,800
($6,450 per quarter for autumn/winter/spring/summer) 

Note: The above figures reflect 2023-2024 rates. Actual amounts will be adjusted to the rates for 2024-25 and future years.

Cost of attendance

Tuition depends on the units taken by the student. In addition to tuition expenses, the cost of attendance of a PhD program involves living expenses such as rent, food, and transportation. The sum of tuition and non-tuition expenses constitutes the standard cost of attendance. 

As you consider applying to graduate school, you can use the standard cost of attendance of your program —plus any additional expenses you might have—to create your financial plan, keeping in mind that tuition and non-tuition expenses of the standard cost of attendance are set by the university on an annual basis.

What you can do now to prepare financially if admitted

  • Prepare for how your standard of living may change as a graduate student, especially if you are coming from a full-time job.
  • Consider the length of your program, any dependents, existing debt, and additional financial commitments you may have. Students with children may review Stanford support programs for families.
  • If you have personal or special circumstances that require additional expenses above and beyond the standard cost of attendance, plan accordingly.
  • Start saving as much as you are able to cover any unexpected expenses you may incur while in graduate school.
  • Familiarize yourself with federal as well as private student loans, their interest rates, fees, repayment options, deferment policies, and eligibility requirements, so that you are informed if you need to borrow.
  • Be ready to cover all initial expenses, since fellowships and stipends will not be disbursed until a few weeks into your first quarter. Onboarding into a PhD program often requires up front out of pocket expenses for relocation.

Additional GSE resources

Once PhD students matriculate, the GSE has a variety of resources available to support academic work and unanticipated needs.

Students are eligible for up to three travel fellowships during their time at GSE if they are attending a conference or other professional development opportunity.

GSE Student Emergency Fund assists graduate students who experience a financial emergency or unanticipated expenses causing financial hardship. This fund is meant to support those who cannot reasonably resolve their financial difficulty through fellowships, loans, or personal resources. 

GSE Dissertation Support Grants help advanced PhD students who require additional financial support for dissertation research activities. These grants, available at up to $6,500 total per student, are available to students who do not have access to other funds to cover their dissertation costs.

Stanford University resources

Knight-Hennessy Scholars (KHS) program aims to prepare the next generation of global leaders to address the increasingly complex challenges facing the world. The program selects up to 100 students each year and provides three years of financial support that is integrated into the GSE’s funding package for PhD students.

Vice Provost for Graduate Education awards various fellowships for doctoral students and maintains a list of other Stanford fellowships that students may consider.

Cardinal Care subsidy is an automatic university-wide subsidy program for graduate students. Vaden Health Center manages the university’s Cardinal Care student health insurance.

Stanford Financial Aid Office oversees a number of financial support programs specifically for graduate students with challenging financial situations. 

Additional hourly work is available to students who wish to work for pay as "casual labor" at Stanford up to eight hours a week, provided work does not adversely affect the academic program. Requires approval from the student’s advisor and the Academic Services team.

Other funding sources

External fellowships are integrated into the GSE’s funding package. There are many funding opportunities offered outside of Stanford. The GSE admissions team has compiled an external fellowships and grants document for you to explore, though you should plan to do your own research as well. International students can find additional sources of funding on the Institute of International Education’s (IIE) Funding for U.S. Study website and this publication .

Stanford is committed to providing benefits through the Yellow Ribbon Program of the Post-9/11 GI Bill® to students in degree-seeking programs. GSE students who qualify for Chapter 33 benefits at the 100% level may be eligible for additional funding through the Yellow Ribbon Program. Please note that for GSE students receiving tuition fellowship funding, the Yellow Ribbon match may reduce and in some cases replace institutional grants and scholarships. For instructions, visit the page, Activate VA Education Benefits at Stanford .

International students are guaranteed the same funding package as domestic students. However, there may be restrictions regarding the number of hours and opportunities to work during the summer months. To learn more, please contact the Bechtel International Center .

To meet immigration regulations, international students must show proof of adequate financial support to cover the length of time of their graduate program. While international students are not eligible for U.S. federal loan programs, they may qualify for private/alternative loans. Many lenders, however, require that a U.S. citizen or permanent resident co-sign the loan. You can find information and tools to help you choose private loan programs most frequently used by Stanford students here. A comprehensive list of private loan programs is available at FinAid.org .

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Education PhD

The Berkeley School of Education (BSE) prepares leaders in education practice, policy, and research. BSE faculty members support a vision of public education that promotes equity and social justice by empowering practitioners to meet the highest standards of engagement and enrichment in classrooms, schools, communities, and districts. Through this commitment, the Berkeley School of Education supports cutting-edge research and positive social transformation in education. The faculty and students at the Berkeley School of Education develop projects and strategies in interdisciplinary scholarship and field studies that positively impact educational outcomes at the state, national, and international levels.

The Berkeley School of Education offers Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Master's of Arts (MA), and credential degree programs as well as an Education major and minor for undergraduate students.

PhD and Master's Programs at the Berkeley School of Education

Students collaborate in dynamic learning environment that develops expertise in areas including:

Critical Studies of Race, Class, and Gender

Learning Sciences and Human Development

Policy, Politics, and Leadership

Social Research Methodologies

Leadership and Excellence in K-12

Students develop professional leadership skills and explore new opportunities in pedagogy, curricula, and policy. Innovations in teaching and leadership in the classroom prepare students for influential administrative roles - e.g. for principals, district and system-wide administrators, and policy influencers.

Learn more about the Berkeley School of Education's Professional Programs .

Additional Programs

Graduate Group in Science and Mathematics Education (SESAME) SESAME is the Berkeley School of Education's interdisciplinary graduate program for students who seek advanced expertise in a scientific discipline. SESAME students earn a doctoral degree by researching the educational theories and research methodologies in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education.

Intersection of Sport and Education In the Intersection of Sport and Education program students research facets of institutionalized sports that complements and conflict with the educational missions of American secondary and post-secondary schools.

School Psychology The Berkeley School of Education's School Psychology program brings together psychology professionals, teachers, and educational leaders to clarify and resolve problems regarding the educational and mental health needs of children in classrooms.

Special Education (Joint Doctoral Program with San Francisco State University) The Special Education Joint Doctoral program prepares leaders in research, teaching, administration, and supervision to address the professional needs facing children, youth, and adults with disabilities. By combining the resources of both Berkeley and SFSU, students pursue theoretical interests and applied practices in a broad spectrum of specializations within Special Education.

Leaders for Equity and Democracy (LEAD) Berkeleys educational doctorate (EdD) is a three year program that engages passionate, equity-conscious leaders who apply practice, theory, and research design to develop excellence and integrity in education. Using guiding principles, operational efficiencies, and professional networks, LEAD doctoral students influence all-encompassing change and innovation in education.

Contact Info

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2121 Berkeley Way

Berkeley, CA 94720

At a Glance


Admit Term(s)

Application Deadline

December 3, 2024

Degree Type(s)

Doctoral / PhD

Degree Awarded

GRE Requirements

Enhancements to PhD Education

Vanderbilt University is committed to recruiting, supporting and investing in exceptional graduate students. This Enhanced Funding and Support Model for Doctoral Education launched in May of 2022 with a $5 million annual investment in graduate education.

Enhancements to Doctoral Education Funding

  • Increased stipends : 4-21% increase in annual stipends across schools/colleges from AY23-24 to AY24-25 (*Peabody College saw a 21% increase). This brings the annual base stipend for Ph.D. students to $34,000-$38,000 (varies by program/school).
  • Regalia reimbursement: Through funding from the Graduate School, a ll graduating Ph.D. students receive a free regalia rental or a $200 discount on the purchase of regalia .    

Launching Student Success Stipend (for incoming PhD and MFA students):   Newly enrolled Ph.D. and MFA students receive a one-time stipend of $2,000 to help them prepare for the upcoming academic year.  

Candidacy Success Supplement: All students who reach candidacy receive $500 as recognition of progress to degree.  

Vanderbilt Awards for Doctoral Discovery (VADD) : In Spring 2023, schools and colleges with Ph.D. programs receive d and distribute d funding from the Provost and Graduate school to assist students in attending conferences, visiting labs for training , and doing fieldwork.  

Graduate School Honors Fellowships: The Graduate School Honors Fellowships (“Topping Awards”) are paid out in two lump sums (one at the start of each semester) to Ph.D. students giving them flexibility to utilize funds at their discretion.  Honors Fellowships were awarded to 382 students in AY23-24; award per student ranges from $2,500 to $10,000. 

Endowed Awards for PhD Students : Each year, the university recognizes students for their outstanding research and provides over $90,000 of endowed scholarship funding.  

Provost Pathbreaking Discovery Award: These $2,500 awards recognizes doctoral students who exhibit exceptional academic excellence in areas such as publications, awards, patents, and other forms of national/international distinction.

  • Grant Writing Resources : The Graduate School created a comprehensive, multi-part grant funding "mini-course” in Brightspace, available to all students. This asynchronous course includes discipline-specific resources as well as information on best practices for seeking and writing grants.  

WriteOn!: The Graduate School launched a writing accountability group which provides guided programming and helps them set weekly and monthly progress goals. 

  • Dissertation Enhancement Grants: Grants of up to $2,000 are awarded to Ph.D. students with outstanding potential to accelerate progress on their research, adding depth or breadth to their dissertation.

SEC Emerging Scholar s : This  career development program  is designed to prepare scholars for tenured faculty positions in higher education within the Southeastern Conference. 

  • Mentoring Awards : This award recognizes the vital role mentorship plays in student success and encourages faculty and doctoral students to develop strong and supportive mentoring relationships.

Department and Student Connections : The Graduate Student Council and the Graduate School are collaborating to provide funding for departments to go toward hosting a dinner or providing refreshments for doctoral students to foster community and belonging. 

Honors Banquet and Doctoral Student Awards: The Graduate School hosts a honors banquet each spring to celebrate student scholarly excellence. Three students receive Outstanding Doctoral Student Awards.  

Friday Fuel: One Friday each month, the Graduate School hosts an informal gathering in the Graduate Student Lounge in Alumni Hall for students to build community and learn about campus resources. 

Graduate Student Appreciation Week: Each spring, the Graduate School hosts various events to celebrate graduate students. This includes the first Graduate Career Closet to provide interview-ready attire to students preparing for the job search. 

  • Dental Insurance and Annual Vision Exam: Beginning in AY 23-24, dental insurance and an annual vision exam as part of Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP). The annual plan cost per student covered by schools as part of a comprehensive doctoral student financial aid package is $3,977. 

Student Care Network Supports : A number of additional support mechanisms were implemented by the Office of the Dean of students to promote student wellbeing: 

  • The Dean of Students in partnership with the Faculty Senate developed a training for faculty and staff regarding support for student mental health. 
  • Drop-in consultation hours at the University Counseling Center   are available for graduate and professional students. 
  • The Student Care Assistance Program through the  Office of Student Care Coordination (OSCC)  supports graduate students with medical costs. 
  • The Student Care Network offers  expanded telehealth options , including physical and behavioral health, as well as nutrition and lactation consultations. 

Enhanced Programming for Career Development: In partnership with Vanderbilt’s Career Center, there are fall and spring colloquia focused on career development specific to doctoral students. This partnership continues  to grow . 

Tr acking Ph.D. Placements: Vanderbilt invested in an innovative university-wide longitudinal tracking of Vanderbilt Ph.D. alumni using data from Academic Analytics regarding PhD placements.  This effort is central to our collective success in meeting our institutional objective of recruiting the best scholars and supporting their career trajectories in top positions across top-tier institutions of higher education as well as the public and private sectors. 

Clarifying the VU/VUMC dual identity process : We are assisting students connected to both Vanderbilt University and the Vanderbilt University Medical Center with dual identity .

At Vanderbilt, we never stop growing or achieving. It is the Vanderbilt Way. As part of our commitment to our mission, the Graduate School is actively working on ways to better support doctoral education and training at Vanderbilt. Stay tuned for more updates on how we are using the annual investment to improve the lives and access to research and funding for our graduate students and the faculty that support them. 

The Path Toward Program Enhancements

In the Spring of 2021, Provost Cybele Raver announced a new $5 million annual investment in graduate education to show Vanderbilt’s commitment to training and mentoring the next generation of scholars and thought leaders.  

I am honored to support research, scholarship, and professional development in a place that actively seeks opportunities to continuously improve the experience and outcomes of all students. Dean Christie-Mizell

The process involved many listening sessions, conversations, suggestions and feedback with Ph.D. students and faculty . Among the many themes that emerged as a result of a year-long effort to gather information and collaborate across students, faculty, staff and university leadership were the following:

  • Financial enhancements to assist with additional non-tuition related costs 
  • Support, funding and external grant and workshop opportunities  
  • Graduate community enhancements 
  • Partnerships to support graduate students 

New Funding Supplements

Five funding supplements were created to promote discovery and collaboration, inspire scholarly excellence and augment student support structures.

This supplement provides support for faculty in Ph.D. programs to bridge the gap between fellowship/grant support and enhanced stipends for doctoral students.    

This award will recognize doctoral students who exhibit exceptional academic excellence in areas such as publications, awards, patents and other forms of national/international distinction. 

This funding mechanism will help recruit highly qualified, diverse Ph.D. candidates by providing five years of financial support through a premium stipend to outstanding students.

This fund invests in cross-disciplinary scholarship and partnerships to support intellectual communities across Ph.D. disciplines and groundbreaking discovery.    

This enhancement invests in necessary support services to enrich the student experience. 

These increased investments in graduate education are critical to advancing our bold innovation and discovery while also advancing Vanderbilt to a new level of global visibility and impact. Provost C. Cybele Raver

Responsible Committees

Executive Sponsors 

  • Daniel Diermeier, Chancellor 
  • Cybele Raver, Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs 

Executive Committee  

  • André Christie-Mizell, Vice Provost for Graduate Education 
  • Elizabeth Boyd, Executive Director of Operations, Graduate School 
  • Kurt Shepherd, Associate Vice Chancellor of Finance  
  • John McLean, Associate Provost for PhD Programs 
  • John Geer, Dean, College of Arts & Science 
  • Camilla Benbow, Dean, Peabody College 
  • Philippe Facuhet, Dean, School of Engineering 
  • Emilie Townes, Dean, Vanderbilt Divinity School 
  • John Kuriyan, Dean, School of Medicine Basic Sciences 
  • Pam Jeffries, Dean, Vanderbilt School of Nursing 
  • Xavier Purdy, Deputy Chief of Staff, Director of Projects, Office of the Provost 
  • John McLean, Associate Provost for PhD Programs, Graduate School 
  • Anna Thomas, Director of Events and Communications, Graduate School 
  • Amber Palmer-Halma, Deputy Director of University Communications, Division of Communications  
  • Terrah Akard, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Graduate School 
  • Jennifer Gourley, Director of Finance, Division of Finance 
  • Stacey Satchell, Director of Graduate and Postdoc Academic Success, Graduate School 
  • Irene Wallrich, Assistant Director of the Graduate Leadership Institute, Graduate School 
  • Alayna Hayes, Assistant Provost and Senior Director of the Career Center 
  • David Wright, Dean for Graduate Education and Research, College and Arts and Science 
  • Duco Jansen, Senior Associate Dean for Graduate Education and Faculty Affairs, School of Engineering 
  • Jeanette Mancilla-Martinez, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Graduate Education, Peabody College 
  • Kathy Gould, Senior Associate Dean for Biomedical Research Education and Training, School of Medicine Basic Sciences 
  • Mariann Piano, Senior Associate Dean for Research, School of Nursing 
  • Jimmy Byrd, Associate Dean for Graduate Education and Research, Divinity School 
  • Emily Ritter, Director Graduate Studies, Political Science, College and Arts and Science 
  • David Cliffel, Director Graduate Studies, Chemistry, College and Arts and Science 
  • Antony Reed, Director Graduate Studies, English, College and Arts and Science 
  • Cindy Reinhardt-King, Director Graduate Studies, Biomedical Engineering, School of Engineering 
  • Dan Work, Director Graduate Studies, Civil Engineering, School of Engineering 
  • Sean Corcoran, Director Graduate Studies, Community Research and Action, Peabody College 
  • Bob Hodapp, Director Graduate Studies, Special Education, Peabody College 
  • Jin Chen, Director Graduate Studies, Cancer Biology, School of Medicine Basic Sciences 
  • Richard O-Brien, Director Graduate Studies, Molecular Physiology and Biophysics, School of Medicine Basic Sciences 
  • Christine Konradi, Director Graduate Studies, Pharmacology, School of Medicine Basic Sciences 

Recent News

Enhanced Funding

Want to Offer Feedback?

To offer feedback on the Enhanced Funding and Support Model for Doctoral Education, please email  [email protected].  

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Want to make an impact redressing inequities in education?

The Rowan University Ph.D. in Education Program, with a focus on access, success, & equity, is for you.

Why focus on access, success & equity?

The Ph.D. in Education program prepares students to become higher education faculty, policymakers and researchers, tackling persistent social justice issues in education. The Ph.D. in Education offers students an opportunity to respond to the region’s, nation’s, and world’s most persistent educational challenges; those which obstruct access, success & equity in traditionally underserved communities.

Why Rowan University?

Under the guidance of doctoral program faculty, students will have opportunities to submit peer-reviewed publications; present at national conferences; and collaborate on writing grants. Additionally, students will be provided with a critical, interdisciplinary approach to theory and research, supportive faculty, and intentional development of academic and professional goals.

Program Highlights:

  • Focus on access, success & equity
  • Interdisciplinary Ph.D. faculty mentorship  
  • Ph.D. student cohort model
  • In-person program and supports
  • Research and teaching fellowship opportunities
  • Funding support for conference travel
  • Competitive tuition

Interested?  Contact us at [email protected]

EXTENDED DEADLINE: Accepting Applications Through May 20th

Early decision deadline: march 1st.

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Deadline extended to may 20th.

Rowan University is seeking a diverse cohort of doctoral students to participate in Project IMMERSE: Inclusive, Multicultural, Multilingual, Effective, and Responsive Special Education.

Project IMMERSE is a partnership between Syracuse University School of Education, University of New Mexico, and Rowan University to support the recruitment, retention, and development of doctoral scholars with the knowledge, skills, dispositions, and critical consciousness to be effective, inclusive, and culturally and linguistically sustaining special education leaders.    

Doctoral students will join an exciting network of emerging leaders with commitment to, and expertise in, improving outcomes for diverse students with disabilities and their families.

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  • Student Loans

How to Pay For Graduate School With Scholarships, Grants And Fellowships

Kat Tretina

Updated: Aug 22, 2023, 1:00pm

How to Pay For Graduate School With Scholarships, Grants And Fellowships

A master’s degree can often guarantee higher earnings than a bachelor’s degree, but it can also come with more student loan debt. Approximately 60% of those who complete graduate school have student loans , with an average balance of $66,000, according to a study by Northeastern University.

But before you get discouraged by the cost of earning a master’s degree, know that you may not have to pay the full price yourself. By using graduate school scholarships, grants and fellowship programs, you can save money and reduce the need for student loans. We’ll walk you through how to find the right program for you, without having to pull out more in student loans .

How to Find Free Ways to Pay For Grad School

The median earnings for master’s degree holders is $77,844—nearly $13,000 more than those with a bachelor’s degree. However, the cost of graduate school can be steep. The National Center for Education Statistics reported that the average cost of tuition and fees—not including room and board—is $19,314 per year, or over $38,000 to complete a two-year program.

Thankfully, there are many financial aid programs specifically designed for graduate students, including scholarships, grants and fellowships.

Graduate School Scholarships

Scholarships for graduate students are awarded by schools, nonprofit organizations and private companies. They’re usually based on academic and professional achievements. There are thousands of scholarship opportunities available; below are just a sampling of potential awards.

  • American Indian Education Fund : Through the graduate school scholarship program, the American Indian Education Fund awards scholarships of $1,000 to $2,000 to eligible American Indian, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian students pursuing a graduate or doctoral degree.
  • Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund : The Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund is a nonprofit organization focused on social change. Its scholarship program gives up to $15,000 to graduate students that plan to use their degrees to advocate against racism, sexism, homophobia and other forms of oppression.
  • Foster G. McGaw Graduate Student Scholarship : Awarded by the American College of Healthcare Executives , this scholarship gives recipients up to $5,000. It’s for students in their final year of a healthcare management graduate program.
  • American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation : The ASHFoundation scholarship offers awards of $5,000 for those who are enrolled in a communication sciences and disorders graduate program.

Grants for Grad School

While scholarships are usually based on past achievements, grants are awarded based on your financial need. As a graduate student, you may be eligible for federal or state grants, and some nonprofit organizations issue grants as well. For example:

  • American Association of University Women : Through the Career Development Grant , women going to graduate school to advance their careers or change fields can get up to $12,000. To qualify, the applicant must be studying education, health, medical sciences or the social sciences.
  • TEACH Grant : With a federal TEACH Grant , you can get up to $4,000 per year to pay for your graduate degree. However, you must commit to teaching in a high-need subject for at least four years in an elementary or secondary school that serves low-income students. Otherwise, your grant is converted into a student loan and must be repaid with interest.
  • California State University Grant Program : This program gives eligible graduate students that are California residents up to $7,176 to pay for their degrees. Awards are determined by financial need and the degree you’re pursuing.

Fellowships for Graduate Students

Fellowships are often awarded based on your future potential, rather than your past achievements. Issued by government agencies, companies and nonprofit organizations, fellowships are designed to give you the funding you need to advance your career or complete your research. Here are a few to consider:

  • Goldman Sachs MBA Fellowship : The Goldman Sachs MBA Fellowship program is for first-year MBA students pursuing a summer associate position with the company. Students must be Black, Hispanic or Latino, Native American or identify as women. Fellowship recipients will get $35,000 on top of their summer associate salary.
  • Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship : The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship is for immigrants and the children of immigrants that the organization believes will make significant contributions to society or culture. Fellows receive up to $90,000 over two years.
  • National Science Foundation Fellowship : The National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program recruits individuals in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields. Past recipients include over 40 Nobel Laureates. It’s a five-year award program totaling $138,000 in financial assistance.

Grants vs. Scholarships

Grants and scholarships are two types of aid that usually don’t have to be repaid, but they work differently. Here’s how they compare.

  Grants Scholarships

When To Apply for Scholarships and Grants

Begin applying for scholarships and grants as soon as possible. Ideally, you’ll back about these awards before the school year starts (or early on) so you can determine if you have any funding gaps.

The actual deadlines for scholarships and grants can vary. Most scholarship deadlines fall between October and May, according to Scholarship.com. Since scholarships may involve writing essays and submitting recommendations, it’s best not to wait to apply.

You’ll need to complete the FAFSA for state, federal and institutional aid. The application opens each October before the start of the school year and closes in June of that school year. For example, the 2023-2024 school year application opened on October 1, 2022 and closes on June 30, 2024.

States may also have their own FAFSA deadline . Submit your application soon after the open dates since money may be limited and funds could be awarded on a first-come-first-serve basis.

3 Tips To Apply for Scholarships and Grants

If you’re looking for grants and scholarships for graduate students, follow these tips:

1. Fill Out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

Even as a graduate student, completing the FAFSA is a crucial first step in applying for financial aid. It’s what the government and many schools use to determine your eligibility for awards, including grants and student loans.

2. Apply for Multiple Opportunities

You’re not limited to only one or two awards. You can combine multiple scholarships and grants to reduce your expenses. You can find scholarships for graduate students using resources like The College Board’s Scholarship search tool , Sallie Mae’s database , and FastWeb .

3. Pay Attention to Deadlines

Deadlines vary by issuing organization, so research available opportunities early and set reminders for applicable deadlines. Make sure you follow the program’s application directions and submit your materials by its deadline.

Applying for Fellowships

The application process for fellowships can be more involved than it is for graduate school scholarships and grants. Most fellowship programs are highly competitive, and require evidence of your potential within your field. You may need to complete a research proposal, submit multiple letters of recommendation, collect transcripts and create a detailed curriculum vitae (CV).

To find fellowship opportunities, you can check with your university and related professional associations. You can also search for fellowships using ProFellow.com .

Paying for Graduate School

While graduate school can be expensive, earning a master’s degree can have a positive return on your investment. And by utilizing grants, fellowships and scholarships for graduate students, you can lower your education costs so you don’t need to borrow as much money to pay for school. With some extra work and a little luck, you may be able to completely avoid graduate student loans .

Find the Best Private Student Loans of 2024

Frequently asked questions (faqs), what are other financing options for grad school.

If scholarships, grants and fellowships can’t cover the full cost of grad school, you could use loans to pay for the remaining expenses. Financing options include:

  • Unsubsidized Direct loans. Unsubsidized Direct loans are federal loans for undergraduate and graduate students not based on financial need. These loans come with fixed interest rates and can qualify for loan forgiveness programs and income-driven repayment (IDR) plans like the new Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) plan.
  • Grad PLUS loans. Grad PLUS loans are federal loans specifically for graduate and professional students. Interest rates on grad PLUS loans are higher than other federal loans, so it’s best to use them only after exhausting all other federal loan options. Grad PLUS loans may also qualify for loan forgiveness programs and IDR plans, including the new SAVE plan.
  • Private student loans. Lenders offer private student loans , but these loans don’t have the same borrower benefits as federal loans. However, interest rates on private graduate student loans may be lower than federal loans if you have good credit.

Are there any requirements for receiving grants and scholarships?

Grants are typically offered based on the applicant’s financial need, while scholarships may be based on financial need and professional, athletic or academic achievements.

When qualifying for grants, the cost of your school and your family’s ability to contribute to your education are considered. Scholarship applications may require a copy of your college transcripts, essays and other documentation showing a record of achievement.

How can I improve my chances of getting financial aid for grad school?

First, apply for financial aid early. Applying early could improve your chances of getting need-based aid since it can be offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Next, consider applying to several schools to receive and compare multiple offers. If you don’t get as much aid as expected or your financial situation changes after submitting the FAFSA, you could ask the school to reevaluate your offer, which might help you get more assistance.

How is a fellowship different from a scholarship?

A graduate fellowship is an academic or professional enrichment opportunity. Typically, fellows receive a stipend in cash while training, studying, researching or participating in a project. You can use the stipend funds to pay for school or other expenses. Scholarships generally don’t require ongoing professional development and are based on past achievements. Funds from scholarships may also go directly to the school to cover tuition.

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  • How To Correct Or Change Your FAFSA
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For the past seven years, Kat has been helping people make the best financial decisions for their unique situations, whether they're looking for the right insurance policies or trying to pay down debt. Kat has expertise in insurance and student loans, and she holds certifications in student loan and financial education counseling.

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PhD Funding and Benefit Packages

Charles river campus.

Boston University’s PhD programs on the Charles River Campus subscribe to a full funding model. This system guarantees all PhD students in good standing five years of stipend support, 100% tuition scholarship, and a health insurance credit. This approach reflects BU’s commitment to nurturing the next generation of researchers across the humanities, social sciences, sciences, and engineering. Stipend level minimums vary by PhD program, but for the 2024-25 academic year, minimums will range from $27,318 for 8 months to $40,977 for 12 months. Students receive health insurance (the SHIP basic plan) through Aetna Student Health. Full tuition and student services fees are also covered for PhD students on the Charles River campus.

Medical Campus

PhD students in Graduate Medical Sciences (GMS) at Boston University’s School of Medicine and the School of Public Health (SPH) also enjoy a full-funding model. GMS and SPH PhD students receive a full tuition scholarship, are exempt from paying student fees, receive health insurance coverage as part of their support, and are entitled to an annual stipend. For more specific information, please visit the PhD funding sections of GMS and SPH .

PhD Stipend Extensions for Students Impacted by the COVID Pandemic

Boston University believes it is crucial to ensure that current PhD students who have had their progress impeded by the pandemic are able to complete their degrees. While individual PhD programs and the schools/colleges in which they are housed are the primary source of academic and financial support for PhD students, in rare circumstances, programs and schools/colleges may not have adequate resources to support all students whose progress has been hindered by the pandemic. For this reason, the Office of the Provost has established a fund to support PhD stipend extensions necessitated by this circumstance. Learn more about this funding opportunity and how to apply .

Please note that this program will end after the 2023-2024 academic year, concluding in early spring 2024 for logistical and operational purposes.

PhD Funding by School/College

You can learn more about specific funding packages through the school or college to which you are applying or in which you are enrolled:

  • Graduate School of Arts & Sciences
  • Wheelock School of Education and Human Development
  • College of Engineering
  • College of Communication
  • College of Fine Arts
  • PhD Human Physiology
  • PhD in Rehabilitation Sciences
  • PhD in Speech, Language and Hearing Science
  • Faculty of Computing and Data Sciences
  • School of Medicine (Graduate Medical Sciences)
  • PhD in Biostatistics
  • PhD in Environmental Health
  • PhD in Epidemiology
  • PhD in Health Services Research
  • School of Social Work
  • School of Theology
  • Questrom School of Business

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Graduate Education (DGE)

The Division of Graduate Education (DGE) provides funding to support graduate students and the development of novel, innovative programs to prepare tomorrow's leaders in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields.


  • ECR: Information on the EDU Core Research Program  Read More ›
  • Graduate Research Fellowship Program Quick Facts  Read More ›
  • DGE Panelist Information  Read More ›

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Funding Opportunities

  • U.S. National Science Foundation Research Traineeship (NRT) Program (NSF 24-597) Posted August 16, 2024
  • Graduate Research Fellowship Program (NSF 24-591) Posted July 12, 2024
  • EPSCoR Graduate Fellowship Program (NSF 24-588) Posted July 3, 2024

Upcoming Due Dates

  • Pathways to Enable Open-Source Ecosystems (NSF 23-556) Full Proposal: September 5, 2024, Phase I and Phase II Proposals
  • Industry-University Cooperative Research Centers Program (NSF 20-570) Preliminary Proposal: September 11, 2024, Preliminary proposals are required prior to submission of planning grants. Submitters seeking a waiver of the planning grant stage must submit the waiver request as a preliminary proposal.
  • Accelerating Research through International Network-to-Network Collaborations (NSF 23-619) Full Proposal: September 16, 2024

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Elon University home

Cost and Funding

Quality education at an affordable cost.

Elon’s first financial aid policy is to provide an excellent graduate education at a reasonable cost. Many of our graduate students juggle school with professional and personal commitments, and Elon’s Office of Financial Aid recognizes a graduate education is a serious investment. Our goal is to help you understand all of the financial resources that can make a graduate education affordable for you.

an Elon graduate student holding a sapling, part of a tradition

Tuition and Fees

Elon’s first financial aid policy is to provide an excellent graduate education at a reasonable cost. Tuition will vary by program. Some programs charge a flat tuition rate for the entire program, others will charge per credit hour.

Elon at sunset

Financial Aid

Scholarships available with no added application.

To help lower the cost of graduate school, Elon offers a limited amount of scholarships and grants for certain programs, and will not need to be paid back. Federal Student Loan options are available for all graduate programs at Elon to help finance your Elon education.

Invest in Yourself

Find out what makes Elon University unique.

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2024 Grant Application

The UCSC Center for Labor and Community (CLC) is a dynamic new hub for high-impact research and policy advocacy on issues related to the world of work in the Central Coast region of California and beyond.  The CLC will award four research grants of up to $7,500 for UCSC graduate students working on innovative, original research projects focused on labor rights, labor subjectivities, labor markets, labor movements, and/or labor-community coalitions and organizing, in either a domestic, international or comparative context. Proposals that are interdisciplinary, collaborative,  and/or involve community-engaged research methods will be especially welcomed.

Funds can be used for local, domestic, and international travel,  research supplies, and services to facilitate distinct data collection techniques, including archival research, fieldwork, and surveying. The funds should be spent by the end of Summer 2024 (September 21, 2024).

Selection Criteria will include:

  • Relevance to the core goals and commitments of the CLC
  • Originality of the research contribution
  • Strength of rationale
  • Clarity of proposed activities
  • Appropriateness of project scope and of budget projections


Any graduate student in good academic standing at UC Santa Cruz is eligible to apply. 


To apply, students must demonstrate that labor is a primary field of their research project and they must be in good academic standing. In addition to submitting a four-page proposal, CV, and itemized budget, applicants must be recommended by a member of the UC Santa Cruz faculty.  

How to apply

Please prepare the following in PDF form . Items 1-3 should be submitted by the applicant, using the Application Form .

  • Project abstract (200 words or less)
  • Description of research activities, rationale for activities, significance for the field of labor studies and labor movement, and timeline
  • What organizations and/or individuals will be involved (and in what capacities), and their relevant expertise or areas of work
  • Intended outcomes of the research
  • The relevance of the project  to the goals and commitments of the Center for Labor and Community 
  • If the research involves human subjects, applicants are strongly encouraged to obtain IRB approval prior to submission or provide a statement of plan and timeline to secure IRB approval
  • Detailed budget for up to $7,500
  • An abbreviated CV of all key personnel, if applicable  (please put all CVS together in one PDF document)
  • Confirms the graduate student is in good academic standing
  • Comments on the feasibility and relevance of the project to the students’ academic training
  • Comments on the degree that the proposed project aligns with the Center for Labor and Community’s research areas of interest


Recipients are expected to acknowledge support from the Center for Labor and Community in any publications or other research products linked to the sponsored research. 

Completed applications (including the faculty recommendation letter) are due no later than March 1, 2024.

If you have any questions, please contact Vicente Vega, Administrative Research Coordinator of the Center for Labor and Community, at [email protected] .

Kirzhachsky District

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Kirzhachsky District Map

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Locales in the Area


  • Type: municipal district with 38,100 residents
  • Description: municipal district in Russia
  • Location: Vladimir Oblast , Central Russia , Russia , Eastern Europe , Europe
  • View on Open­Street­Map

Kirzhachsky District Satellite Map

Kirzhachsky District Satellite Map

Landmarks in the Area

  • Kirzhach Airfield, 4½ km northwest
  • Kirzhach LTA Airship Base Avgur Heliport, 7 km north
  • Stantsiya Kiprevo Railway station, 14 km northeast
  • Stantsiya Bel’kovo Railway station, 17 km north
  • Stantsiya Zheldybino Railway station, 19 km northeast

Popular Destinations in Vladimir Oblast

Curious places to discover.


  1. Apply for a Grant

    Program Information on ED.gov. 07/30/24. Apply. Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE): Innovation and Early Learning Programs: Education Innovation and Research (EIR) Program Early-Phase Grants Assistance Listing Number 84.411C. Eligibility. Funding.

  2. Scholarships & Grants for PhD & Doctoral Students

    Grants and scholarships are financial aid recipients don't need to pay back. In general, grants are need-based while scholarships are based on character or merit. For graduate students, particularly PhD and doctoral candidates, scholarships are often career specific. In contrast, undergraduate scholarships are usually open-ended and merit based.

  3. Fully Funded PhD Programs in Education

    Queen's University, PhD in Education. (Ontario, Canada): Queen's guarantees a minimum funding package currently valued at $18,000 [CAD] per year for four years for full-time doctoral students; in most cases, funding packages are higher (2011-12 Average: $25,800). In addition, Queen's guarantees an international tuition award (or ...

  4. Fellowships & Grants

    Fellowships & Grants. HGSE offers a wide range of fellowship, scholarship, and grant opportunities to help make our programs more accessible to students from a variety of backgrounds. In addition to providing tuition support many also include co-curricular programming that allows for additional community building, experiential learning, and ...

  5. Doctoral Programs

    The goal of the GSE PhD in Education is to prepare the next generation of leading education researchers. The cornerstone of the doctoral experience at the Stanford Graduate School of Education is the research apprenticeship that all students undertake, typically under the guidance of their academic advisor, but often with other Stanford faculty as well.

  6. Find Education Scholarships for PhD Students

    Find Education Scholarships for PhD Students. Every little bit helps, get a head start funding your doctoral degree using the U.S. News scholarship database. Apply for money now. Preference is ...

  7. 50 Best Scholarships for Ph.D. Students

    Data Points: Roughly 47% of first-generation doctoral students hold undergraduate student loans*, compared to only 31% of continuing-generation students.; About 65% of scholarships** to help pay for higher education are offered by the college or university. Other sources of scholarships are states (37%) and non-profits or companies (35%).

  8. Doctor of Philosophy in Education

    Offered jointly by the Harvard Graduate School of Education and the Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the Ph.D. in Education provides you with full access to the extraordinary resources of Harvard University and prepares you to assume meaningful roles as university faculty, researchers, senior-level education leaders, and policymakers.

  9. How to Find Scholarships for Graduate School

    Funding amounts and availability of scholarships for graduate students - who make up about 15% of the higher education student population, according to a 2020 Center for American Progress report ...

  10. IES Funding Opportunities: Education Research Grants Programs

    Education Research Grants Programs. The Institute of Education Sciences (IES) is competing 11 programs of research (topics) under its Education Research Grants Program for FY2025. Each of these topics typically accepts applications once per year. Application deadlines are announced in the Federal Register and on the IES website.

  11. Financing Your Education

    A doctoral degree is a significant investment in your future, and financing your education is a critical factor to consider. While the funding we provide covers the basic standard cost of attendance determined by Stanford University for a modest life as a graduate student, accepting an offer from a doctoral program has significant personal, professional, and financial implications. Below you ...

  12. Education PhD

    Berkeleys educational doctorate (EdD) is a three year program that engages passionate, equity-conscious leaders who apply practice, theory, and research design to develop excellence and integrity in education. Using guiding principles, operational efficiencies, and professional networks, LEAD doctoral students influence all-encompassing change ...

  13. Enhancements to PhD Education

    Enhancements to Doctoral Education Funding Financial Grants and Workshops Community Partnerships Coming Soon Increased stipends: 4-21% increase in annual stipends across schools/colleges from AY23-24 to AY24-25 (*Peabody College saw a 21% increase). This brings the annual base stipend for Ph.D. students to $34,000-$38,000 (varies by program/school). Regalia reimbursement: Through funding from ...

  14. Ph.D. in Education

    Under the guidance of doctoral program faculty, students will have opportunities to submit peer-reviewed publications; present at national conferences; and collaborate on writing grants. Additionally, students will be provided with a critical, interdisciplinary approach to theory and research, supportive faculty, and intentional development of ...

  15. Graduate School Scholarships, Grants and Fellowships

    The median earnings for master's degree holders is $77,844—nearly $13,000 more than those with a bachelor's degree. However, the cost of graduate school can be steep. The National Center for ...

  16. PhD Funding

    Stipend level minimums vary by PhD program, but for the 2024-25 academic year, minimums will range from $27,318 for 8 months to $40,977 for 12 months. Students receive health insurance (the SHIP basic plan) through Aetna Student Health. Full tuition and student services fees are also covered for PhD students on the Charles River campus.

  17. 30 Fully Funded Ph.D. Programs

    Full-time NYU Steinhardt Ph.D. students are eligible for a funding package that includes an annual stipend - $32,000 for the 2022-2023 academic year - tuition coverage for required coursework ...

  18. Graduate Education (DGE)

    Graduate Education (DGE) The Division of Graduate Education (DGE) provides funding to support graduate students and the development of novel, innovative programs to prepare tomorrow's leaders in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields. Read More.

  19. Cost and Funding

    Cost and Funding. Quality education at an affordable cost. Elon's first financial aid policy is to provide an excellent graduate education at a reasonable cost. Many of our graduate students juggle school with professional and personal commitments, and Elon's Office of Financial Aid recognizes a graduate education is a serious investment. ...

  20. Graduate Student Research Grants

    The CLC will award four research grants of up to $7,500 for UCSC graduate students working on innovative, original research projects focused on labor rights, labor subjectivities, labor markets, labor movements, and/or labor-community coalitions and organizing, in either a domestic, international or comparative context. Proposals that are ...

  21. Vladimir Oblast Map

    Vladimir Oblast is a region in Central Russia, which borders Moscow Oblast to the west, Yaroslavl Oblast to the northwest, Ivanovo Oblast to the north, Nizhny Novgorod Oblast to the east, and Ryazan Oblast to the south.

  22. Kirzhach

    Kirzhach ( Russian: Киржа́ч) is a town and the administrative center of Kirzhachsky District in Vladimir Oblast, Russia, located on the Kirzhach River in the west of the oblast, 125 kilometers (78 mi) west of Vladimir and 29 kilometers (18 mi) south of Alexandrov. Population: 27,318 ( 2021 Census).

  23. Find Graduate School Scholarships

    Every little bit helps, get a head start funding your graduate school education with the U.S. News scholarship database. Apply for money now. 2,441 results. 2 Filter Sort. 2,441 results.

  24. Kirzhach Map

    Kirzhach. Categories: city/town in Russia and locality. Location: Vladimir Oblast, Central Russia, Russia, Eastern Europe, Europe. View on Open­Street­Map. Latitude. 56.1592° or 56° 9' 33" north. Longitude. 38.8721° or 38° 52' 20" east.

  25. Kirzhachsky District Map

    Kirzhachsky District is an administrative and municipal district, one of the sixteen in Vladimir Oblast, Russia. It is located in the west of the oblast. Photo: Баринов Олег Георгиевич, CC BY-SA 3.0. Ukraine is facing shortages in its brave fight to survive. Please support Ukraine, as Ukraine stands as a defender of a ...