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A Visit to a Zoo Essay in English [100, 150, 200, 250, 500 Words]

A Visit to a Zoo Essay in English: A zoo is a place where animals and birds are put on display for people to view. In this article, you are going to learn how to write an essay or a paragraph on a visit to a zoo in English. Here we’ve provided 5 short and long essays ( 100, 150, 200, 250, and 500 words). These essays/paragraphs will be helpful for the students from class 1 to class 12. So, let’s begin.

Table of Contents

A Visit to a Zoo Essay: 100 Words

A visit to the Zoo is always very interesting. Last Sunday I went to the Delhi Zoo with my friends. First of all we saw apes and monkeys in different cages. They were climbing up and down their cage. In other cages, tigers, lions, bears, foxes, wolves, and zebras were kept.

We also saw deer and kangaroos. Next, we saw many varieties of birds like cranes, ducks, pigeons, parrots, kingfishers, owls, etc. We also saw our national bird peacock in the zoo. Then we came to the glass houses. Animals of different kinds and colour were kept in them. At last, we enjoyed an elephant ride and returned home.

A Visit to a Zoo Essay in English

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Essay on a Visit to a Zoo: 150 Words

Last Sunday, I visited a zoo with my family. First, we went round the bird’s section. We saw parrots, sparrows, pigeons, peacocks, eagles, and vultures. Then we saw the cages of wild animals like tigers, lions, and leopards. A lion was walking up and down restlessly. It often roared furiously. The baby tigers were playing in their cage.

We saw the deer park, where only the deer were kept. We also saw zebras, bears, foxes, giraffes, a hippo, and a rhino. Then we went to the huge enclosure where the elephants were kept. They were eating grasses, leaves, and bananas. We enjoyed watching the monkeys.

We saw serpents, pythons, and cobras. Next, we saw many swans and ducks swimming gracefully in a big pool of water. The crocodiles lay Lazily near the water. We also saw a tank which contained small fishes of fine colours. We had a great fun at the zoo.

Essay on a Visit to a Zoo

A Visit to Zoo Essay: 200 Words

A zoo is a place where animals and birds are kept for public display. We, the three friends, went to the Alipore Zoo, Kolkata. We saw two elephants, tied with iron chains by their hind legs. The visitors offered them bananas or nuts which they gladly accepted and swallowed. We were greatly amused to see the huge animals from so near.

Then we visited the bird’s section. There were hundreds of birds. They were of various colours and had lovely plumage (feathers). Their chirping produced soft music. The twittering of sparrows was very pleasant to the ear. At some distance, there was a big pool of water. Many ducks and swans were swimming gracefully in it. We also saw a tank which contained small fishes of fine colours.

Then we came to the cages of tigers, panthers, leopards and lions. They were wonderful. The serpent house gave us a new experience. We saw there various types of snakes on the first floor. Then we saw the bisons, the camels, the ostriches and the bats. The zebras and giraffes were really beautiful who looked innocent and friendly.

It was about 2 P.M when we had taken some light refreshment in the zoo canteen. In this way, we passed the day with much delight and acquired a wonderful experience.

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A Visit to a Zoo Essay: 250 Words

A Visit To A Zoo is very thrilling. I went to see the zoo with my younger brother. One is surprised to see such a variety of animals and birds. It was an interesting sight. First of all, we saw the monkeys. They were of many kinds and very amusing. We offered some nuts to them.

Then we came to the lions. They looked very fierce and majestic. They were kept in an open place enclosed with high iron railings. Sometimes they roared terribly. Next, we saw the tigers. They had yellow skins with black stripes on them. In the next two cages, there were a wolf and a fox. The wolf was sleeping, but the fox was walking within the cage.

Then we saw the long-necked giraffe, the dark-striped zebra, the thick-skinned rhinoceros, and a huge elephant with beautiful ivory tusks. We were very pleased to see them. After this, we came to the glass houses where reptiles were kept. There were snakes, cobras, and serpents. Some of them looked fearful. We did not stay there long.

Then we came to the fences where peacocks were kept. It was a treat to see one of them in his pride (i.e. with his tail spread like a fan).

We stayed three for three hours. We were tired. At last, we went to the cafe and had some refreshment and tea. Then we returned home. We enjoyed our visit very much.

a visit to a zoo

Essay on a Visit to a Zoo: 500 Words


Everyone needs relaxation and an occasional deviation from the drudgeries of daily existence. A visit to a zoo can offer him these. At the same time, it is a learning experience. It was with this intention that visited the Alipore Zoological Garden last 25th December with some of my friends. This visit was memorable because it was both enjoyable and educational.

Entering the Zoo:

We reached the gate of the zoo in a taxi around 10 am. One has to buy tickets to enter the zoo. A number of visitors were already standing in a queue before the ticket counter. We stood behind them, got our tickets and entered the big arena of the zoo.

Various Types of Birds and Animals:

We crossed the green sward and were greeted by varieties of monkeys in cages. Monkeys and baboons were jumping on the trees within their enclosures. When some people threw food at them, they immediately jumped down from the trees to eat. Some children were making faces at them.

Then, we came across a beautiful lake in which some water birds like ducks and swans were present. There were some migratory birds as well. As we moved, we came to the big netted enclosure in which birds were kept. There were sparrows, parrots, and many other birds. Most of them were twittering, chirping and whistling. But the owls were sitting with their eyes closed as if they were lost in deep thought. The chirping of the birds went on ringing deep in my heart. In their songs, I heard the voice of nature to which the whole universe surrendered. I felt that all was right with the world.

We visited the tigers, lions, zebras, giraffes, rhinos and elephants. Roars of the lions and the tigers were deafening. We found a tiger pacing restlessly with its bloodshot eyes. It was strongly built.

Then we came across a garden in which stags and deer were frisking about. These animals were very agile and beautiful.

Our next halt was at the aquarium section. There were fishes of many species and colours. To see them swimming to and fro in the water was really a rewarding experience. Just beside this enclosure, was the cage of a black bear. It attracted a mammoth gathering. The bear was playing many tricks that thrilled us. Some people offered it eatables which it gulped at once.

Leaving the Zoo:

At about 2 pm, feeling tired, we rested and relaxed on the grassy ground for half an hour. The fragrance of flowers coming from somewhere was really soothing. We again began to stroll around the zoo after having our lunch. We saw a variety of amphibians like crocodiles, snakes, frogs, and a variety of other creatures. Then we hired a boat and enjoyed a short pleasurable ride in the canal. It was around 5 pm when we came out of the zoo. We boarded a bus, casting our last and lingering look on the zoo.


I reached home in a cheerful mood. This visit refreshed my mind and deepened my awareness of the animal world.

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  • A Visit To The Zoo - Long and Short Essay


Essay on A Visit To The Zoo

A zoo is a place where different kinds of animals, birds, reptiles, and fishes are kept in cages or enclosed areas for people to see. It needs a lot of land to be taken care of. Below is an essay about visiting a zoo in simple English. It has short sentences so students can understand it easily. After reading this essay, students can write their own paragraph about visiting a zoo.

Descriptive Essay on A Visit to a Zoo

Most people can't easily go to far-off jungles or well-known national parks to see different animals. It's tough to find all those animals in their own homes. Plus, taking kids on a safari in the forest is risky to see animals, birds, and reptiles. That's why many people like going to the zoo. It's a fun and safe way to see all kinds of animals.

There is a wide variety of animals, birds, and beasts that are kept in cages in a zoo. Zoo also keeps animals of rare species. Many animals and birds are brought from foreign lands. This gives the visitors an opportunity to watch such animals and birds of rare species brought from foreign lands, which they could have never seen otherwise. 

Zoos are like homes for animals from all around the world. Lions from Africa, kangaroos from Australia, gorillas, chimpanzees, zebras, white tigers, white peacocks, polar bears, colorful parrots, big pythons, and giant crocodiles – they all live in zoos. These places are important because they help protect animals that might disappear forever.

Almost a thousand types of animals, birds, and beasts stay in zoos. Some zoos even help animals have babies in a safe place, called captive breeding. This helps save species that are in danger, so they don't disappear forever. Zoos play a big role in making sure these amazing creatures continue to exist.

These zoos and their maintenance actually show that mankind has an immense love for animals. Man cannot ignore the fact that these animals, birds, reptiles, and beasts are a part of nature. People get to see the variety of animals that exist on this earth. People get to interact, learn and grow with these species of animals.

Visiting a zoo brings human beings closer to these living beings. It makes human beings develop a liking for animals and birds. They get to learn so much about these animals too. Zoos have an aspect of geographical importance as well. They play a vital role in uniting and educating different communities. When we as visitors watch a species of an animal brought from a foreign land, we get to learn about how and where these animals live, about the climate, and the habitat in which they thrive naturally.

The maintenance of a zoo is a huge task. Animals, birds, reptiles, and fishes, from foreign lands with different climatic conditions are to be kept in such surroundings, climate, and temperature that matches that of their natural habitat. If that arrangement is not done properly these animals would not survive. In hot summers, tigers and lions require access to water to keep cool. A gorilla or chimpanzee requires trees and lush green areas to roam. 

All these animals also need to be fed according to their original tastes and appetites. A leopard, a lion, or a tiger has to be served its due quantity of raw meat for every meal. A gorilla or a monkey should be served a vegetarian diet. There are some animals that are to be fed with fish. The python is capable of devouring a whole goat and so, it should be fed accordingly, without harming any other living being around it.

Going to the zoo is not just enjoyable; it's a great way to learn. Zoos teach us a ton about how different animals live and what they like. To make sure the animals stay healthy, the zoo has its own medical team and animal doctors. These doctors are well-trained and really good at their job. Animals at the zoo can get sick, and if their illnesses spread, it could be really bad for the whole zoo. Sometimes, the animals even need big surgeries and treatments to get better. So, keeping everything in good shape is really important at a zoo.

We visitors, at times, cause a great deal of risk to the lives of these animals and birds. Out of excitement, to feed the animals, we throw food in plastic bags to the animals inside their cages. The animals tend to swallow the plastic bags along with the food. The plastic gets stuck in their intestines and causes serious problems, and can even result in death sometimes. Along with this, to get some entertainment, the visitors sometimes risk their own lives. Out of curiosity, the visitors try playing around with wild animals, which, if triggered, can become violent. 

The visitors coming to zoos, mainly children, should be properly oriented and refrain from such activities. The zoo authorities also have to take care of the mental health of the animals. The animals may develop stereotypic behaviors or even die prematurely if not taken care of properly. Thus, zoological parks help us learn, grow and have fun. They help us bring human beings closer to nature. We get to understand and live God's beautiful creations through these parks. 

Short on a Visit to a Zoo Essay 

Last Sunday, my family and I went to the zoo. It was a sunny day and we got there at 8 am. When we arrived, there was a big crowd at the entrance. Some people were buying tickets, and others were just enjoying the nice weather and chatting.

Inside, we found a lovely lake with ducks and swans swimming around. It was pretty cool to see all those white ducks on the water. As we walked around, we came across a place with lots of birds – parrots, pigeons, eagles, and sparrows of different colors. The birds were making some enchanting music, and we stopped to enjoy it for a bit.

Next, we saw big cats like leopards, lions, tigers, and tigresses. One lion even rushed towards us, and its roars were really loud and scary. Moving on, we checked out a tiger's den. The tiger had sharp teeth and gave us a fierce look. It walked gracefully towards us, but its roar made us step back. We also saw bears and elephants. The elephants were majestic, swinging their trunks in the air, and the bears were happily playing together.

In another area, there were deer and stags taking strolls, and they were playful and beautiful. We then found a spot with baboons and monkeys in a big tree. They were jumping around, playing pranks, and some even came down for bananas. Kids were having fun making faces at them.

Later, we visited an aquarium with colorful fishes and dolphins happily playing in the water. Near the end, we saw sad polar bears in an enclosure, so we gave them some food. The black bear in another cage was doing tricks, and people were thrilled. We also checked out crocodiles, snakes like pythons and cobras, but the hissing cobras made us move away.

After going around the zoo, we sat in a garden, surrounded by the sweet smell of flowers. The calm wind made it a perfect place to relax. We enjoyed the view with some snacks and drinks. As the sun set, we left the zoo with happy memories and excitement.

Visiting a zoo makes us learn a lot many things about the various species of animals besides the fun and frolic that we have. We get to learn about the tastes and habits of so many varieties of birds, animals, reptiles, and beasts. A zoo is a place that brings us closer to the living beings that we co-exist with on this earth – the animals, birds, reptiles, insects, and so on. It tells us about the balance between the animal species and their habitats. It shows us that animal life is as important as human life. It tells us even more about the wondrous creations of God on this earth.

The value of zoos lies in their ability to bridge the gap between humans and the natural world. They offer us a glimpse into the lives of creatures we might never encounter otherwise, fostering a sense of wonder and respect for the diversity of life on Earth. However, this privilege comes with a responsibility – to ensure the well-being of the animals in our care and to constantly strive for improvement in their living conditions.

Ultimately, the future of zoos lies in striking a delicate balance between education, conservation, and animal welfare. By prioritizing the needs of the animals we hold captive, we can ensure that zoos become not just places of entertainment, but also sanctuaries for endangered species and vital centers for conservation education. Only then can these wondrous, complex institutions truly fulfill their potential as ambassadors of the wild.


FAQs on A Visit To The Zoo - Long and Short Essay

1. What is the importance of zoological parks?

Zoological parks help us preserve endangered species to prevent them from becoming extinct. The breeding procedures in these places help us increase their population.

2. How would you describe a zoo?

A zoo is also called a zoological park. It is a reserve where animals are confined by making arrangements similar to their natural habitat. These enclosures are open for public view. Some zoos also opt for breeding. There are more than 1000 such enclosures available to the public. However, most of them are situated in major cities.

3. What are the good things about zoos?

Zoos act as a source of economy for the community and the country as a whole. They help us interact closely with nature and preserve endangered species as well. They act as an educational source and help us understand God’s beautiful creations.

4. Should animals be kept in Zoos?

Animals should be left to live freely in their natural habitats with their families, and not trapped in cages in zoos.

5. What are the advantages of Zoos?

Zoos act as protected spaces for endangered species of animals. They act as an educational and economic resource for society.

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A Visit To The Zoo Essay | Essay on A Visit To A Zoo for Students and Children

February 7, 2024 by Prasanna

A Visit To a Zoo Essay –  Given below is a Long and Short Essay on A Visit To a Zoo of competitive exams, kids and students belonging to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. A Visit To a Zoo essay 100, 150, 200, 250 words in English helps the students with their class assignments, comprehension tasks, and even for competitive examinations.

Last Sunday it was very cloudy. My friends and I visited the zoo. As we approached the main, gate, we saw a huge crowd. Some people were buying entrance tickets, some were chatting while others were relaxing under the shady trees. We entered the zoological garden and came across a beautiful lake in which some aquatic birds like ducks and swans were swimming.

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Short Essay on A Visit To a Zoo 300 Words for Kids and Students in English

Looking at the white ducks on the smooth surface of the water is a charming sight. As we moved, we came to the enclosure in which flying birds (fowls) were kept. They ranged from sparrows, eagles and parrots to pigeons of various colours. The birds were chirping. It was enchanting music. We enjoyed it very much.

In the next enclosure, there were lions and leopards, tigers and tigresses whose roars were deafening. We approached the net. A lion rushed towards us and we were frightened. Their fierce looks were frightening. After seeing them, we came across a garden in which stags and deer were frisking about. These animals were very beautiful. In one of the corners of the garden, there was a huge tree on which monkeys and baboons were jumping. Their tricks and pranks were very pleasing.

A Visit To The Zoo Essay

Some people offered them food and they immediately came down to take it. Children, as well as adults who tried to tease the animals were severely reprimanded by others, “What if someone teased you like that?”

Our next halt was at an aquarium in which we were most interested. Also a large number of aquatic birds were kept there. There were fishes of many species and colours. To see them fidgeting in water was really a delightful spectacle. There were many other aquatic animals. Just by the side of this enclosure, we came across polar bears who looked sad and lonely.

It was the cage of the black bear that attracted a mammoth gathering. The bear was playing many tricks which thrilled the spectators. Some people offered him eatables which he gulped down at once.

The zoological park is so vast that it is very difficult to describe all the departments and enclosures. After taking one complete round of the zoo, we relaxed for some time in a cool and beautiful garden inside the zoo. The fragrance of the flowers was tremendously soothing. Then we had some snacks and drinks which refreshed us much.

Conclusion On A Visit To Zoo Essay in English

As the sun was setting, we came out of the zoo with the other visitors. We boarded the bus while casting one last and lingering look at the zoo that is surrounded on one side by the old but majestic walls of the old fort. This added to the beauty and grandeur of the zoo. I shall always remember my thrilling experience in the zoo.

FAQ’s On A Visit To The Zoo Essay

Question 1. How Do You Visit a Zoo?

Answer: We visited the Zoo last Sunday in my uncle’s car.

Question 2. How would you describe a Zoo?

Answer: A zoo, also known as a zoological park or zoological garden, is a place where animals are confined within enclosures for the public to view. Many zoos also breed animals. There are currently over 1,000 large animal collections open to the public – 80% of them in major cities.

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Essay on Visit to Zoo in 100, 150, and 250 Words for School Students

a visit a zoo essay

  • Updated on  
  • Apr 22, 2024

Essay on Visit to Zoo

Essay on Visit to Zoo: For people of all ages, going to the zoo is a joyful experience. This is a rare chance to get up close and personal with animals from all over the world. Zoos teach us about wildlife conservation in addition to providing us with entertainment. One of life’s greatest pleasures is witnessing animals in their natural environments and learning about their habits.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on Visit to Zoo in 100 Words
  • 2 Essay on Visit to Zoo in 150 Words
  • 3 Essay on Visit to Zoo in 250 Words
  • 4 Paragraph on Visit to Zoo

Essay on Visit to Zoo in 100 Words

The trip to the National Zoological Park in New Delhi, which features terrestrial animals from different parts of the world, is a worthwhile experience for both young people and adults. As soon as we walked in, we were mesmerized by the bright colors and noisy chorus of exotic birds. Particularly noteworthy were the elephants’ majesty and the monkeys’ entertaining antics. Every display, which featured everything from lush rainforests to deserts, was instructive and emphasised the value of conservation. The fascinating discussion about endangered species given by a zookeeper was the high point. This trip not only made me appreciate wildlife even more, but it also made clear how important zoos are to the cause of animal conservation.

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Essay on Visit to Zoo in 150 Words

Our recent visit to the metropolitan zoo offered a vivid exploration of global wildlife, turning a sunny afternoon into an educational adventure. As we entered, the vibrant chatter of tropical birds and distant roars set an exhilarating tone. We were drawn first to the primates, where playful gibbons swung with remarkable agility, capturing everyone’s imagination. The reptile house offered a stark contrast, with its quiet and cautious inhabitants like the regal python and the sharp-eyed alligators. 
The elephant enclosure’s zookeeper’s discourse, which covered the difficulties of wildlife conservation and the function zoos play in safeguarding species, had a particularly powerful effect. Observing and studying the behaviours of lions served as a potent reminder of the intricacy and beauty of nature. In addition to being enjoyable, the tour served as a poignant reminder of our duty to protect animals, instilling in us a greater appreciation and fascination for the natural world.

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Essay on Visit to Zoo in 250 Words

Visiting the zoo provided an exciting and educational opportunity to explore the diverse world of animals in meticulously crafted habitats. As we walked through the entrance, the vibrant sounds and sights of various animals welcomed us, offering a glimpse into their fascinating lives. The first stop was the African Savannah exhibit, where majestic lions lounged in the sun, their manes glistening in the light. Nearby, zebras and giraffes grazed on fresh leaves, showcasing their striking patterns and towering heights. The authenticity of their habitat and the informative plaques provided deeper insights into their lifestyles and the challenges they face in the wild. Next, we ventured into the Tropical Rainforest section. The dense greenery and misty air felt like stepping into another world. Colourful parrots squawked from above, while agile monkeys leaped between branches. It was mesmerising to watch the fluid movements of these creatures in an environment that closely mimicked their natural setting. One of the highlights of our visit was the penguin enclosure during feeding time. The zookeeper shared fascinating facts about their diet and conservation status while the penguins waddled around eagerly. This interaction not only entertained us but also educated us on the critical importance of conservation efforts for these endearing birds. Encircled by flapping wings of innumerable colours and patterns as we strolled through the butterfly garden to end our visit, the experience reinforced the vital role zoos play in conservation and education. By acting as links between people and the natural world, they promote a greater understanding of and dedication to preserving the biodiversity of our planet. This visit to the zoo was not merely a leisure activity but a profound reminder of the interconnectedness of all living beings and the shared responsibility we hold for their preservation.

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Paragraph on Visit to Zoo

A trip to the zoo is always educational and exciting because of the wide range of animals from all over the world that can be found there. The sounds of nature meet you as soon as you enter the gates: the chirping of birds, the roar of lions, or the amusing yells of monkeys swinging in their enclosures. Every exhibit provides a window into a different ecosystem, teaching visitors about the behaviours, diets, and conservation status of these interesting creatures. Examples of these exhibits include the frigid penguin habitat and the lush vegetation housing the gorillas. Every trip to the zoo is educational and entertaining, as well as a great way to support wildlife conservation efforts.

Ans: Write a paragraph describing your visit to the zoo, the animals you saw, and the feelings it made you feel. Add specifics on the sights, sounds, and any educational features that jumped out during your visit.

Ans: A zoo is a place where a wide variety of animals are kept for both public exhibition and conservation. Zoos are essential for encouraging conservation efforts, teaching people about wildlife, and offering a rare chance to see creatures from all over the world.

Ans: A zoo is a unique location where a vast array of animals are housed for public viewing and education. It resembles a sizable animal museum where you can view animals from around the globe and learn fascinating details about them.

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A Visit to the Zoo Essay for Students in English [Easy Words*]

January 25, 2021 by Sandeep

A Visit To a Zoo Essay: Zoological gardens are places where animal habitats are offered shelter and protected with the right food, medicines and precautions. Entry to the zoo is provided only for ticket holders. We can find all kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and rare species with their basic descriptions displayed on aboard. We should be careful while visiting the zoo. We shouldn’t offer them food or snacks and be wary of teasing or playing with them.

Essay on Visit to a Zoo

Below we have provided a Visit to the zoo essay, suitable for class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6.

A zoo is where you can find different types of birds and animals. These creatures are kept here in a safe space. A zookeeper ensures they are taken care of. The purpose of a zoo is to provide both entertainment and information. Thousands of people all over the world visit these zoos. Children especially love this place. A zoo visit enables you to find new species of animals and observe their behaviour.

My Visit to a Zoo

Winter vacations are always fun. Our family occasionally likes to explore recreational spots from time to time. Last year at the onset of winter, the weather was pleasant, and we had an opportunity to visit the famous Deli zoo. We packed some snacks, got the camera, and started our journey. Deli zoo covers a vast area and is located in our city centre. It is about 20 kilometres from our house. By the time we reached there, it was already 11 a.m.

My dad got the tickets from the booking counter, and we walked in through the huge entry gate. The pathway was filled with tall trees. Many eye-catching signboards were left around the corners. They led us towards the direction of the botanical garden. I was excited to see the colourful patches of different flowers. There were decorative shrubs that were carved into beautiful shapes.

Walking down the lane, we discovered a huge lake which contained swans and ducks. These water-birds were swimming and enjoying their time. It was a delight to watch them. Suddenly, I got distracted by the frequent chirping of birds. I turned around to find an entire section filled with sparrows, peacocks, pigeons, and parrots. Some of them were fluttering their wings.

Next, we went on a toy train covering a full round of the zoo. We could watch the tigers and leopards sleeping in their den. Some children started laughing at the site of a big bear waving its hand. We also saw elephants, deers, and monkeys. After enjoying the joy ride, we visited the aquarium. There were so many strange-looking aquatic creatures. I got amazed by the different kinds of fishes.

English Compositions

An Essay on Visit to a Zoo [PDF]

A Zoo is a short form of Zoological garden, where various wild animals along with different creatures are displayed to the public. Today in this write-up we are going to see an essay on a visit to a Zoo, so let’s dive into the essay!

Visit to a zoo feature image

A zoo is a place of adventure to explore where you would get to see a variety of plants and animals. The animals are kept in their cages so that they could not harm the public including children especially.  It is a fun place to go with your friends and family too.

It was once I visited a zoo when I was a kid. During the summer holidays, every family makes a plan for visiting a zoo so that their children could get refreshing air and happily enjoy the adventure to watch the animals. I am lucky that my family took me to the zoo. After we reached there at the entrance of the zoo, there was a ticket counter for buying the tickets.

There was a small box fixed with the counter to store the items.  I was so delighted to see all the things at the zoo. It was filled with trees all round to provide fresh air to animals and oxygen to every person. I saw many types of creatures from birds to the lion to the reptiles are found in the zoo. I had so much enjoyment when I had gone there.

There I had watched all the animals and heard the sweet sound of birds and the lion’s roaring too. I saw many birds and they were looking very beautiful that were ostriches, sparrows, peacocks, pigeons, nightingale, crane, kingfisher that were having so pretty feathers. Peacock has its colorful feathers and it dances too.

Various animals are found here with natural habitat. The monkeys are naughty as they jump and climb from one tree to another. They perform various tricks and they make funny faces and children imitate them as what they do. Other animals like rhinoceros, tiger, wild bear, deer, and giraffes were also there. They were kept in big cages.

I had gone for boat riding with my father and took a ride of elephants too. There were so many trees so they provide shade so that people can sit under the tree. I sat with my mother and father and enjoy tasty sandwiches and drank water.

I saw many other children who were playing. They were swinging on a see-saw and playing ice and spy, and running everywhere. There, I saw a pond having ducks and swam swimming. There were many golden and varieties of fishes.

I had explored and was happy once I visited there. I got aware of animals and learned to share their love with animals. I was said by the person taking not to harm them or make their fun.

I had learned new things about animals, their names and in which environment they live and what they eat. There was a board with writing that, “Children keep their distance from the animals” because of a roar of a lion or noise made by any other animal could scare them badly.

The zoo was covered with many nice things on a large piece of land for fitting the big-sized and small-sized animals wherever needed. I was happy to see the families who came with their cell phones and opened the camera to click the photos with their children playing and having full fun.

After leaving the zoo, I came outside the zoo, with my family I saw there were so many small shops to buy the food to eat in case you do not take your lunch with yourself. Various thela walas were selling bhelpuri, chaat, pani puri, fast food, ice creams, samosa and much more for everyone.

The price of the food was low cost. Many people were standing near the toys stall separately for the children to buy and also the near to it was the departmental store for buying a bottle of mineral water or cold drinks to end the thirst.

There were many animals brought in the zoo from the outside world. They were adored nicely and looked after with great care. They were looking after them and feeding them properly with high nutritional food. Lastly, I was so much tired after having an adventure, playing and having a boat and elephant ride. I got back home with my parents for taking rest.  

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  • Essay on Visit to a Zoo for Students

Essay on Visit to a Zoo: There is a wide range of species in the world. Some live in jungles, some live underwater, and some live underground. People can not visit all these places to have a look at different living beings and organisms. Zoos allow us to see different types of animals, birds, reptiles etc in one place.

Nowadays, Zoos are meant to educate and entertain the public but they also possess the aim of conservation of different species. Generally, Zoos are inspected and regulated under the supervision of the government.

Essay on Visit to A Zoo | Class 9 & 10

A zoo is a place where a lot of species of animals, birds, and reptiles are kept for conservation and showcase purposes. People visit zoos with families and friends to get a dose of entertainment and education about animals, birds, reptiles and other organisms.

During my last summer vacation, I visited a zoo in my city. I went there with my family and neighbours. It was my first time visiting a zoo. I was so excited because My friends used to tell me about their experiences of visiting a zoo. When I entered the zoo, I felt like I entered a jungle because the first scene was full of wild animals and their voices.

At first, I saw a lion who was sitting in his den. Suddenly he roared and made me shiver. After wandering for a minute, we reached the cage of monkeys. The monkeys were the most entertaining animals in the zoo. They were mimicking the visitors, hanging here and there & eating bananas.

When this area ends, we enter the world of air species. Beautiful and colourful birds just made us spellbound. People offered edible items to the birds out of excitement but I made informed them that it can be a dangerous act for the birds.

After that, we visited the place where water animals are placed such as Crocodiles, Sea horses etc. Then we got to see many types of snakes such as cobras, Pythons etc. On the next Halt, we visited the aquarium where we witnessed the beauty of aquatic fishes and other organisms.

To be honest It was an awesome and adventurous trip for me. I have decided to visit the zoo again.

Essay on Visit to A Zoo in English

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Essay On A Visit To Zoo

a visit a zoo essay

Zoos are amazing places where you can see all kinds of animals in their natural habitats. Not only do zoos teach children about the world around them, but they also provide a place for conservationists to exhibit animals in their natural habitats. Zoos also provide a place to see animals up close that you might not get to see anywhere else.

Table of Contents

Short Essay On A Visit To Zoo

A visit to the zoo is always an exciting and educational experience. Whether it is a local zoo or a large, well-known facility, zoos offer the opportunity to see a variety of animals up close and learn about their habitats, behaviors, and conservation efforts.

One of the highlights of a visit to the zoo is the chance to see exotic animals from around the world. From majestic lions and playful monkeys to colorful birds and curious reptiles, zoos provide a glimpse into the diverse and fascinating world of wildlife. Visitors can learn about the unique characteristics of each species, such as their diets, habitats, and social behaviors, and get a better understanding of the important role that these animals play in the ecosystem.

In addition to viewing the animals, a visit to the zoo also offers the opportunity to learn about conservation efforts. Many zoos have dedicated programs and initiatives aimed at protecting endangered species and their habitats, and visitors can learn about these efforts and how they can contribute to conservation. Some zoos also have interactive exhibits and educational programs that teach visitors about the importance of conservation and how they can make a positive impact on the environment.

Another benefit of a visit to the zoo is the opportunity to spend time outdoors and enjoy nature. Whether it is a sunny day or a cooler, overcast one, zoos provide a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life and allow visitors to connect with nature. Additionally, many zoos have well-manicured gardens and landscapes, providing a picturesque setting for a picnic or leisurely walk.

Finally, a visit to the zoo can be a fun and educational experience for people of all ages. Whether it is a family outing, a school field trip, or a solo adventure, zoos offer something for everyone. Children can learn about animals in a fun and interactive way, while adults can enjoy the opportunity to see and learn about wildlife up close.

In conclusion, a visit to the zoo is a memorable and educational experience that offers a chance to see exotic animals, learn about conservation efforts, connect with nature, and have fun. Whether you are a lifelong animal lover or simply looking for a fun and educational outing, a visit to the zoo is sure to be a rewarding experience.

Long Essay On A Visit To Zoo

If you’re planning a trip to one of your favorite zoos, there are a few things you’ll want to think about before you go. First, figure out what time of year you’d like to visit. Many zoos are open during the morning or evening hours, so it’s important to know which option works best with your schedule.

Next, make a list of the animals you want to see. Don’t forget to include the types of animals you’re interested in – there are plenty of different kinds at most zoos! – and their habitats. You may also want to consider visiting a zoo that specializes in particular animals or in exhibiting wildlife from certain regions of the world.

Finally, research which entrance fees apply at each zoo. Some have separate charges for adults and children, while others offer discounts for members of certain organizations or for visitors who arrive by bus or train. Take this information into account when making your decision about where to go!

Arrival at the Zoo

We arrived at the zoo and were greeted by a friendly tiger. The zoo was huge and there were so many animals to see! We walked around for a while and then went on an elephant ride. The ride was really fun, and we got to see a lot of the zoo from up high. After the elephant ride, we went on some smaller animal tours. We saw a monkey, a Sumatran tiger, and a gibbon. All of the animals were really cool, and we learned a lot about them in our tour. We also had lunch at the zoo cafe, where we got to eat some delicious food. Overall, it was an amazing experience!

Animal Encounters

Visiting a zoo can be an enjoyable experience for those who enjoy looking at animals up close. Many zoos have a variety of exhibits that allow visitors to see different types of animals from all over the world. Some zoos also offer educational programs that teach children about the animal kingdom.

Some people may find it surprising that some zoo animals are actually kept in captivity rather than living in their natural habitats. For example, some lions are kept in captivity so they can be exhibited to tourists. Zoo officials believe this type of tourism is important because it helps raise awareness about the plight of wild lions and other endangered species.

Zoo visitors should be aware that some animals may not be happy being around humans. For example, some elephants may get upset if they are touched or if they are prevented from moving around freely. Visitors should also be aware of their own emotions when visiting a zoo; if they become angry or frustrated, it may trigger an emotional response from the animal and make the visit more difficult.

The Exhibits

The zoo is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the city. The exhibits are well maintained and the animals look healthy. The zoo has a wide variety of animals, from primates to lions, making it a great place to learn about different types of animals.

One of my favorite exhibits was the elephant enclosure. I was amazed by how big they were and how gentle they were. I also loved the gorillas exhibit because they were so friendly and interactive. Overall, I had a great time at the zoo and would definitely recommend it to anyone visiting Miami!

Aftermath of Your Visit

After your visit to the zoo, you may feel both excited and overwhelmed. The sights and sounds of all the animals will have been a memorable experience for you and your family. However, it is important to remember to take care of the animals that you saw.

Zoos are often criticized for their treatment of animals, but they do provide a place where people can see many different types of animals in one place. It is important not to forget the sacrifices that zoos make in order to keep these animals safe and healthy.

In order to help visitors appreciate the zoo more, some zoos have started educating them about the animals. This can be done through exhibits or by holding talks with experts on different aspects of animal life.

A visit to the zoo is a delightful and educational experience for people of all ages. It offers a unique opportunity to observe and learn about a variety of animals from different habitats, cultures, and countries in one place. By visiting the zoo, visitors can gain a greater understanding and appreciation of the natural world, and the importance of protecting and conserving wildlife and their habitats.

Moreover, zoos play a crucial role in animal conservation and research, by breeding endangered species and providing veterinary care to sick and injured animals. They also provide opportunities for education and public awareness about conservation and animal welfare issues.

A visit to the zoo can be a fun and enriching experience for families and individuals alike. It is an opportunity to escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life and immerse oneself in the beauty and wonder of the animal kingdom. Whether you are a nature lover, animal enthusiast, or simply seeking a fun and educational experience, a visit to the zoo is a must-visit destination.

Manisha Dubey Jha

Manisha Dubey Jha is a skilled educational content writer with 5 years of experience. Specializing in essays and paragraphs, she’s dedicated to crafting engaging and informative content that enriches learning experiences.

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a visit a zoo essay

A Visit To a Zoo Essay | Essay on A Visit To a Zoo for Students and Children in English

A Visit To a Zoo Essay: A zoo is a place where birds, reptiles, animals and beasts are kept in cages. Large area of land is covered for the maintenance of these zoos. People, particularly children find it greatly entertaining to watch these animals and beasts. One cannot go to the forests to see them and even if one goes there all of them cannot be found to be there.

Long Essay on A Visit To a Zoo 500 Words in English

Short essay on a visit to a zoo 200 words in english, 10 lines on a visit to zoo.

  • Should animals be kept in zoos?
  • What are the good things about zoos?
  • What is the importance of the zoo?
  • What do zoos teach us?

Long and Short Essays on A Visit To a Zoo for Kids and Students in English

Given below are two essays in English for students and children about the topic of ‘A Visit To a Zoo’ in both long and short form. The first essay is a long essay on the A Visit To a Zoo of 400-500 words. This long essay about A Visit To a Zoo is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on A Visit To a Zoo of 150-200 words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and below.

A Visit To a Zoo

Below we have given a long essay on A Visit To a Zoo of 500 words is helpful for classes 7, 8, 9, and 10 and Competitive Exam Aspirants. This long essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 7 to class 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants.

It is a variety of birds, animals, and beasts who are kept in a zoo. Rare varieties, even those brought from foreign lands are kept there. In this way, the visitors can get a sight of even such animals and beasts which they could never have seen. The lion from Africa, the kangaroo from Australia, the zebra, the polar bear, the chimpanzee, the gorilla, the white tiger, the white peacocks; the parrots of different varieties, the giant crocodiles, the huge pythons the names are innumerable all in one zoo. Where can one find to see all these in one place except in a zoo?

Zoos are keeping intact and looking after such animals and beasts, whose species are being threatened. There are about one thousand species of birds, animals, and beasts which are gradually becoming extinct nonexistent. There are various reasons for this. But even these rare varieties are still being kept and looked after in these zoos.

Essay on a Visit to a Zoo

Zoos and their maintenance show that man has a love for animals, beasts, and birds. They are also a part of nature and man cannot ignore them, rather they give people an idea of how much variety is there in nature. Visiting a zoo brings men closer to nature, makes men develop a liking for animals, birds, and beasts. They have geographical importance as well as the visitors by watching the species brought from different lands can get an idea of how and where these animals and beasts live what is the climate and the natural habitat in which they grow.

The maintenance of a zoo is a big exercise. Animals or beasts brought from the country of a particular climate have to be kept in the climate and temperature and surroundings that suit their original habitat. If all that arrangement is not made these animals, beasts and birds cannot survive. A chimpanzee or a gorilla should have tall trees for them to jump around, the lions or tigers should have a pool of water to cool themselves in during hot summers. Then all these animals and beasts and birds and reptiles must be served with the food of their taste and their appetite. A lion or a tiger or a leopard should have the due quantity of raw meat; a monkey or a gorilla is a vegetarian and should be fed on that diet. There are animals which should be fed on fishes; the python should have food that it needs it can devour a whole goat.

So visiting a zoo gives the visitor not only fun but also knowledge about so many habits and taste of so many varieties of animals, beasts and birds.

Below we have given a short essay on A Visit To a Zoo is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

A zoo has to maintain its own medical staff to the veterinary doctor who should be duly qualified and competent. Even, sometimes, surgical operations have to be performed on the animals and beasts.

The visitors, sometimes, cause a great risk to the lives of animals. They throw some eatables in plastic bags and the animals eat them along with the bag, which bag does, not get dissolved, rather gets stuck in their intestines causing even their death sometimes. The visitors to the zoos, particularly the children should be duly warned not to feed these animals in this manner otherwise what would be fun for them can become the cause of death for a rare variety of the zoo-inmate.

In this way zoos are a place to teach, to learn, to enjoy they are the places which bring men in the company of their fellows on this earth the animals, beasts, birds and so many other creatures. It tells us more and still more about God’s creation on this earth. Jesus Christ had said, “Love thy neighbor as thy own self” to which Mahatma Gandhi added “Every living being is the neighbor” “Love all, that is what a zoo teaches”.

  • A zoo is a place where the rare variety of birds, beasts, animals, and other creatures are kept.
  • A zoo is a place that gives to the visitor joy as well as knowledge about nature and nature’s varieties of life on this earth.
  • Zoo provides a chance to study the zoological, as well as geographical conditions of this earth, were under what climate what animals or beasts live.
  • Zoos are keeping intact and looking after such animals and beasts, whose species are being threatened.
  • A zoo shows man’s love for other creatures of this creation and man’s care in looking after the maintenance of a zoo needs great care and caution.
  • Animal life is as important as a human life that is what is learned.
  • Visiting a zoo is a lesson in itself lesson in the variety of life that is in God’s creation.
  • By keeping members of an endangered species in captivity, zoos create a population reservoir.
  • They teach the public about the delicate balance between animal species and their habitats.
  • So visiting a zoo gives the visitor not only fun but also knowledge about so many habits.

Students can find more English Essay Writing Topics, Ideas, Easy Tips to Write Essay Writing, and many more.

Importance of Zoo

FAQs on A Visit to Zoo Essay

1.  Should animals be kept in zoos?

Animals should be allowed to enjoy their own natural habitat and live with their family freely, not trapped behind bars and cages.

2. What are the good things about zoos?

Zoos act as an education resource and also provides a protected environment for endangered animals. Zoos can also be an economic resource for the community.

3. What is the importance of the zoo?

By keeping members of an endangered species in captivity, zoos create a population reservoir, and, with the help of breeding programs, wild populations can be augmented with the introduction of animals breed in captivity.

4. What do zoos teach us?

Zoos teach the public about the delicate balance between animal species and their habitats.

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Essay on Visit To A Zoo

Students are often asked to write an essay on Visit To A Zoo in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Visit To A Zoo


A zoo is a place where animals from all over the world are kept. People visit zoos to see these animals up close. It is a fun and educational trip, especially for students.

In a zoo, you can see a variety of animals. There are big animals like elephants and giraffes, and small ones like rabbits and birds. Each animal is in a space that looks like their natural home.

Learning Experience

Visiting a zoo is not just fun but also a great way to learn. You learn about different animals, where they come from, and how they live. It’s like a live science class.

Going to a zoo is a wonderful experience. It’s exciting to see so many animals and learn about them. It makes for a great day out with family and friends.

250 Words Essay on Visit To A Zoo

The excitement of the zoo.

The zoo is a place where you can see many animals that you would not normally see in your everyday life. It is a place where you can learn about different animals and their habitats. It is also a place where you can have fun and enjoy a day out with your family and friends.

Arrival at the Zoo

When you arrive at the zoo, you will be greeted by a large sign that says “Welcome to the Zoo.” You will also see a map of the zoo, which will help you find your way around. You can buy tickets at the ticket booth, and then you can enter the zoo.

Animals at the Zoo

The zoo is home to a wide variety of animals, including lions, tigers, bears, elephants, giraffes, and monkeys. You can also see birds, reptiles, and amphibians. Some of the animals are very popular with visitors, such as the pandas and the gorillas.

Feeding the Animals

Some of the animals at the zoo can be fed by visitors. You can buy food for the animals at the zoo’s gift shop. You can then feed the animals by putting the food in their mouths.

The zoo is a great place to visit for a day out with your family and friends. You can learn about different animals and their habitats, and you can have fun feeding the animals. The zoo is a place where you can create memories that will last a lifetime.

500 Words Essay on Visit To A Zoo

A trip to the zoo.

A zoo is a place where animals and birds are kept in captivity for people to observe. It is a fun and educational experience for people of all ages. Zoos provide a safe environment for animals that may have been injured or orphaned, as well as a comfortable home for animals that cannot survive in the wild.

Zoos are home to many different types of animals, from lions and tigers to monkeys and elephants. Some zoos even have rare and endangered species, such as giant pandas and snow leopards. Each animal at the zoo has its area where it can live and thrive. Zoos also provide animals with food, water, and medical care.

Learning about Animals

Zoos are a great place to learn about animals. Visitors can read signs about the animals, watch them interact with each other, and even see them being fed. Zoos also often have educational programs and events that teach visitors about different species and conservation efforts. Learning about animals can help people appreciate the natural world and understand the importance of protecting it.

Conservation Efforts

Zoos play an important role in conservation efforts. They help to protect endangered species and help to reintroduce animals into the wild. Zoos also work to educate people about the importance of conservation and encourage them to take action to protect the environment.

Visiting the Zoo

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  • Essay On Zoo

Essay on Zoo

500 words zoo essay.

The zoo is a protected habitat place for animals (giraffe, tiger, monkey, lion, etc.) and birds (peacock, parrot, ostrich, etc.). Animals, birds and other creatures are kept in a limited space inside the zoo, and food and medicines are provided by concerned officials at regular intervals. The zoo is also considered a breeding ground for animals that help continue their species. We are fascinated with animals, birds, and other creatures as human beings. We love to observe various species of animals closely. So, a zoo is where we interact with different kinds of animals and birds but under strict monitoring and surveillance. Kids get to learn more interesting facts about wildlife by visiting a zoo.

When we visit a zoo, we can find a mix of animal species from across the world. For each animal, bird and other creature, different sections are allocated according to their breeds and types of fauna. For example, monkeys and chimpanzees are kept inside a cage with many trees to climb and swing around. They are fed mangoes, nuts and bananas. Children love to see them hanging from one tree to another.

Carnivorous animals are kept in different places from one another. They are allotted enough space to roam around and hunt their prey. Sometimes, the prey is deliberately put inside the cage by zoo officials.

Benefits of Zoo

Zoo, honestly, feels like a jail for animals, but it is a breeding ground for them to safeguard their species. It brings human beings closer to wildlife and allows scientists to observe their behaviour closely. The zoo staff are well-trained and ensure the safety and health of animals. They are provided with nutritious food and health facilities. One of the significant purposes of the zoo is to show the varieties of animals and birds that exist in this world.

When it comes to kids, the zoo is an excellent entertainment source as they love to play and interact with animals. It also helps them to learn practical knowledge about different species of animals. By visiting a zoo, kids can improve their educational learning about the characteristics of various animals.

In some zoos, we get to see rare animals and birds. When humans visit zoos, they get a chance to see these rare species of animals. It’s always delightful to watch all the animals inside the zoo moving around freely. A visit to the zoo allows us to learn more about various types of animals and birds. It also provides us with easy access to rare or extinct animals. The existence of zoos creates awareness about rare species.

When we go on a zoo trip, it leaves us with a newfound perspective on animals. It increases our love and respect for animals.

Disadvantages of Zoo

Some people are against the idea of keeping animals in zoos. According to them, the animals are kept as an exhibition inside the zoo for human beings. It’s also not the natural habitat of the animals. Like human beings, animals should also get equal opportunities to live in their natural habitat.

It’s unethical to move these animals from their natural habitat to zoos just for the entertainment purposes of human beings. These poor animals are voiceless creatures forcefully put into cages by human beings. They are also kept in unhygienic conditions.

Exotic animals are not taken care of properly inside the zoo. These exotic animals are brought forcefully after knowing that they cannot survive in this climate. In some zoos, preventive measures are not taken to keep the animals safe, resulting in many animal deaths, and it looks very cruel.

Zoos, no doubt, are lovely spots for children and adults. They should be funded well to help rare species from going extinct. They help a person come face-to-face with the environment and feel one with it. The experience of going home after a visit to the zoo is always magnificent and enriching. Zoos, to some extent, are beneficial for humans and animals. Animals kept inside the zoo should be constantly monitored to ensure their safety. They must be kept in a proper hygienic manner to ensure that they are healthy. We should ensure that unethical zoos are closed permanently to prevent further loss of innocent animals.

An essay on zoos will help students get an idea about how to write an essay. It will help them to crack their exam with flying colours. Students can also visit our BYJU’S website to get more CBSE Essays , question papers, sample papers, etc.

Frequently Asked Questions on Zoo Essay

Which is the largest zoo in the world.

The North Carolina Zoo in the USA is the largest zoo and houses about 1800 animals.

What are the precautions to be taken while visiting a zoo?

Visitors should not excite the animals by throwing things at them. They must refrain from feeding the animals. Never play any disturbing music or use flashlights at them. It is better not to carry any sharp/ flammable items. Last but not least, do not litter.

Why is the zoo an important tourist spot?

Since the zoo is a house to several species and is an exciting place to visit, people of all age groups flock to the zoo to enjoy their vacation or holiday.

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Essay on “A visit to a zoo” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

A visit to a zoo, 5 best essays on ” a visit to a zoo”.

Essay No. 01

            A visit to a zoo gives us true knowledge about birds and animals. We can see the wildlife in their natural state in the zoo. It is a place of great recreation and information.

            I am an animal lover. I wish to see various types of animals. Once I got an opportunity to visit thousands of people every day. It has a large number of different kinds of animal’s birds, reptiles, and snakes. They are kept in cages and are most carefully looked after.

            The zoo at Luck now is situated in an open space near Hazratganj. It is visited by thousands of people every day. It has a large number of different kinds of animals, birds, reptiles, and snakes. They are kept in cages and are most carefully looked after.

            We bought two tickets and entered the zoo through the main gate. We first visited the tank, the water of which was green, ducks, fish, cranes and other water birds were swimming happily on its surface. They presented a very beautiful sight.

            Then we saw the monkeys. They were of various colors. These monkeys climbed up the trees and swung from their branches. They played several tricks and we felt amused by those tricks. Some of the monkeys made faces at us. A monkey with a black face amused himself by looking at his face in a mirror.

            After this, we went to a very big enclosure. A lion and a lioness lived in it. They looked to be very furious and wild. The lioness was basking in the sun while the lion was striking her with his paw. Perhaps he was making love with the lioness. Near their enclosure were large cages in which there were tigers, leopards, panthers, and wolves. These animals were roaring and wagging their tails.

            Then we saw a rhinoceros behind a big enclosure. It seemed to be having the strength of a giant. We also saw crocodiles lying on the bank of an artificial channel. They seemed to be dead. There were also the giraffes, the zebra, the kangaroos, the ostriches, and the elephants. We also saw several camels in a sandy patch.

            Thereafter we saw a large august of Snakes. They were of different sizes and colors. They were kept in glass cages and looked very fearful. We saw some water snakes as well. I was told by a guide that some of the snakes were extremely poisonous. I saw some green snakes which looked like the boughs of a green plant.

            We spent nearly four hours in the zoo. The visit added vastly to my knowledge. I felt that I had visited a new world. It was quite a rewarding experience to visit a zoo.

Essay No. 2

A Visit To A Zoo

I was going to Faizabad with my father. I expressed my desire to see the zoo at Lucknow on the way. He agreed and we got down at Lucknow. He deposited our luggage in the cloakroom.

After taking our bath and heavy refreshment we hired a tonga and reached the zoo. We bought our tickets and entered the zoo. As we entered the compound, we saw a small house surrounded by a wire net. Inside it, we saw a number of snakes of all sizes and colors. For the first time in my life, I saw a grey snake as thin as a small finger. There were snakes called pythons. They seemed to be two or three quintals heavy.

Then we saw a tank full of all kinds of colored fish. They were leaping about and swimming beautifully in the clear water. In another tank, we saw small hills and rocks on which a crocodile was basking. It got down and disappeared in the water. There were many crocodiles on the land. Some were dozing. Some were taking rest under the tree.

We also saw many kinds of birds of all kinds and colors. The ostrich was as large as the camel. There was a large number of bright red little robins. They were singing. It was all a beautiful scene. I saw many kinds of monkeys also they were black, white and red, big and small. The peacocks were dancing merrily. There were white peacocks. It belongs to Japan. It was my first chance to see a white peacock. There were many kinds of monkeys and parrots – very small and very big like a kite.

Then   I saw the deer and rhinoceros. The rhinoceros was a big animal with heavy thick skin. He was surrounded by the iron bars. In fact, all the animals in a cage were surrounded by a bar fence.

The most interesting thing was the wonderful sight of tigers moving about freely in the open behind the enclosures. Their place was surrounded by a broad ditch of water. So we had nothing to fear. We also saw the King of the forest, the lion. I had never seen a lion before. So I was wondered and frightened. The lion had a brown color. His body was bare but he had long hair on his neck. His head was large and the eyes were bright and shining. Sometimes he yawned and showed his large teeth and a big mouth. I saw many other wild beasts like the panther, the leopard, and others whose names I could not know. I read the labels on every door and knew what animals there were.

We returned to the station with a lasting impression on our minds. Now we’re had to go to Faizabad with a memory. It was a new experience. It was learning without a classroom. It increased my knowledge. Everybody must see the zoo when it is possible.

Essay No. 03

The Zoo Animal I Like Most

A zoo is a place where different kinds of animals are kept. I have been to the zoological park in Delhi several times and I have liked most of the animals and even birds such as lions, tigers, deer, monkeys,  bears, wolves, apes, chimpanzees, rhinoceroses, zebras, kangaroos, yaks,  parrots, crows, sparrows, pigeons, cranes, storks, doves cuckoos,  nightingales, swallows, sea-gulls, skylarks. etc.

I don’t think it will be rude on my part if I name a particular among all these animals and birds which I like most. And when I name this animal, all may not accept my choice to be an ideal one.

It must be admitted that the linking of things and creatures is always individual and may not always be much explained or even if explained,  such explanations given may not always sound convincing.

Now, breaking all suspense, I must declare that I like the lion most. I need not remind anybody that the lion is proverbially known as the king of the forest. As such, it is a wild animal who detests being kept in chains. In spite of this, the lion is there caged in the zoo behind them, steel bars as if it were a ruthless murderer or a criminal who has committed some heinous crime. What foil this sacrifice by a king, maybe the king of the forest? Only for the recreation, amusement, and entertainment of human beings like me.

So, I must be full of gratitude to the lion for his being in the zoo for me or for the likes of me. Even otherwise, the lion has a dignified demeanor. It has a large head and large mouth with sharp teeth. A thick long mane of hair hangs from its neck. It has a large body. It is generally of golden color though a few white lions are also there in the world. It has strong paws. It eats the flesh of other animals. Other animals are afraid of it. When it roars, it sends a shudder through their frames.

Essay No. 04

A Visit to A Zoo

One Sunday, I went to see the Delhi Zoo with my family. We bought the tickets and entered the gate. The animals were leading a natural life there.

There were many birds and animals. My brother and I were surprised to see so many birds and animals. The birds were chirping in different notes and making a lot of noise.

The ducks, swans, and some other birds were swimming in the pond. Some animals were kept in cages. We saw a white peacock there.

Fierce animals like tigers, lions, leopards, were roaring in their cages. There was a white tiger too. What a beautiful tiger that was!

The zoo is very big. We felt tired and sat down under a tree and ate food. At 5 P.M. we again started our round of the zoo.

The deer and monkeys were playing. An elephant was eating sugarcane. There was a chimpanzee sitting in a cage. We shook hands with him.

I gathered much knowledge about the animals. In the evening we came back home. The visit to the zoo will always be remembered by me.

Essay No. 05

Visit to A Zoo

Visits to zoos are always informative and enjoyable. Not only does it refresh the tired mind it also adds to one’s knowledge.

It is no wonder that children love going to zoos. I along with my class-mates went to visit the Delhi Zoo last weekend. It is situated on Mathura Road on the grounds of the old fort.

This zoo has a large pond. Many water birds like ducks, cranes, and swans use it as their home. During the rainy season, their calls can be heard far and wide. However, at any given time they are a sight to the sore eyes.

The cages of monkeys were nearby. They were full of Rhesus monkeys, langoors, and baboons. They were chattering and eating grams that were thrown by the people. Scientists have traced human ancestry back to these monkeys. It was therefore not surprising that we come across many human beings, who stood before these cages and behaved like monkeys.

Next came the aquariums. They house many colorful fishes like goldfish, balloon fish, electric eel, etc. These colorful fishes are very beautiful to look at. A large crowd of people gathers during the noon hours to witness the feeding of the fishes every day.

The air was full of bird songs that emanated from the large cages of the birds. These cages contained parrots, hornbills, partridges, pigeons, etc. Each species of the bird had a different cage of its own.

After walking some distance we came across the cages of foxes and hyenas. And last, of all we saw the tigers and lions, prowling about majestically in their vast cages. On the way back we saw a variety of deer, bison, zebra, giraffe, and reindeer. They were eating grass standing in large groups. Our visit was crowned by the dance of the peacock, who had smelled rain and therefore was expressing its joy.

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a visit a zoo essay


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We enjoy visiting different places for enjoyment. There are several locations that individuals travel to and enjoy with their friends and family. It allows us to release stress from our everyday tasks. A fantastic way to have fun is to visit a zoo.

Numerous species on this planet cannot interact with people, and humans do not interact with animals that reside in thick forests, deep oceans, isolated icy mountains, or deserts.

As a result of the arrangement of so many wild animals and birds in the current period, when a man learns in books about the nature of all these regions, he cannot travel to those locations to observe those creatures.

Many people love animals, and Everyone has a diverse selection of beloved animals. Numerous creatures are exclusively represented in films and television. There is great interest in seeing these creatures up close, and the sight of various animals inspires children's curiosity more. For kids, the most exciting location to go to would be a zoo.

Many species of animals live there individually in cages surrounded by steel fences. They are residents of that area and breed to give birth to their children, contributing to expanding that animal's species.

They are locations rich in natural beauty. It is a protected environment for the animals that live here, and it covers a greater area and encloses the Zoo's small-scale habitat. The animals kept in the Zoo are projected to have the same circumstances as those found in a forest.

The principal contributing factor to the decline of forests is the damage to animal habitats caused by the increased human population. Losing an animal's habitat deprives them of food and shelter, and it is the cause of the extinction of several animal species throughout the globe.

A zoo is a sizable tract of woodland designated by the government as the protected home of animals and birds. Animals particularly fascinated youngsters, and they enjoy going there since it is like a zoo, and it is a location where people go for outings or picnics.

, and it brings us immense pleasure to view and interact with the animals. For kids, the Zoo is an excellent location to learn, and they like seeing animals they have only read about in books in the real world.

Children can quickly identify those after seeing them in their everyday lives. Zoos also educate us about various animals and their environments, improving our awareness of the value of wildlife preservation and the place of animals in the natural world.

in action and engage with them directly. We can get a sense of being incredibly near to nature in a zoo. Because animals are present in nature, they play a significant role in it.

The Zoo's surroundings are so natural that they give us the feeling that we are in a forest. Thus, we may say that zoos serve to develop a connection between people and nature.

I enjoy the natural environment. Nature, in my opinion, is incomplete without the wide variety of animals and birds, and they enrich lovely nature with colour and life. As part of the field trip for the college, I had the opportunity to visit the Lucknow Zoo. is its name.

Since this was my first visit to a zoo, I was enthusiastic about the adventure. As soon as we got to college the next day, we prepared to board a bus with our professors, colleagues, and classmates to go to Lucknow to see the Zoo. The journey was incredibly thrilling, but until we arrived at the Zoo, my excitement was at its peak.

A large tree with no leaves on its branches is shown in sculpture at the Zoo's entrance. Various creatures, including a monkey, a peacock, a bear, multiple birds, etc., may be seen on the tree, and A statue of a lion in front of the tree has been sculpted.

In the tree's surroundings, you may also see statues of giraffes, zebras, and rhinoceroses. It has wholly increased our understanding of the Zoo's interior. Around this entry point, we took several photographs.

, including lions, bears, tigers, and others, along the path leading to the Zoo's interior grounds. At first, the black dear's home was located and filled with animals roaming everywhere.

On the board that is identifiable outside the animal's specific protected area, all the information on the animal is given in its totality. The chimpanzee's surroundings were fascinating place.

We stayed there a bit longer and enjoyed the chimps' pranks. Then we observed a wide range of options. As we had read about them in the stories, they were also quite tall.

. After visiting the Zoo's impressive collection of birds, I became captivated. They came in a variety of colours and kinds. We also saw tigers and lions. A highly violent expression could be seen on Lion's face as it roared. Tigers were free to wander in their cages as well.

In the Zoo, three Himalayan Black bears were relaxing in their area. The white tiger appeared to be quite impressive.

In addition to them, there is a for kids. We spent four hours in the Zoo, went to the whole Zoo, and carefully studied the wildlife.

We also learn about a variety of recently identified species in the Zoo. We feel moved to spend an increasing period observing the various animal behaviours after visiting a zoo.

In my view, the Zoo is one of the most fantastic locations for entertainment and enjoyment with our loved ones. The many animal and bird species are also described, presenting us with knowledge.

like deer, nilgai, etc. are first seen, followed by lush green gardens where visitors can rest. These are peaceful creatures that dread coming into contact with people.

. Water has been provided in sufficient quantities for marine life. Long bodies of water have ponds where ducks, cranes, herons, etc. can be seen. On land and in water, you may find a variety of species. There are also large alligators, and crocodiles observed swimming. Hippopotamuses, which have enormous bodies and can live in water and on land, are among the aquatic animals.

that live on trees and fly through the air have their section, where you can find colourful birds worldwide. The rhinoceros has a horn on top of its nose and is the most alluring of all wild creatures. It is a large, peaceful animal that consumes grass and is enormous.

carries its young in a pouch on its stomach and leaps far and wide. For the monkeys and langurs there, a separate department has been created. Langurs and monkeys of various hues and races, including black and red monkeys, communicate in their distinctive voices.

. We had the chance to witness various creatures, including lions, bears, panthers, etc. In the enormous iron cages, At Zoo could be observed several kinds and colours of lions and cheetahs, and their roaring created a frightful atmosphere.

The oldest Zoo in India is called " " in Chennai, and it was founded in 1855.

Egypt created the Zoo for the first time around 1500 B.C.

The purpose zoos are essential is that they run conservation projects for more wild species. The people are gathered together and educate their kids through them, and they also involved in breeding projects to restore extinct species from extinction to their natural surroundings.

The Zoo raises public awareness, and children learn the value of protecting the environment and its substantial influence on human life and animal welfare by visiting this place. Zoos also educate and assist families in understanding the importance of animal protection and care.

In the Zoo, only wild animals interest us, and the lives of wild animals are crucial to human existence. Clearing forests allow people to reside in cities and on agricultural land, and fantastic creatures are being killed alongside woodlands being destroyed.

Today's world scholars should focus on preserving human forests and animals since only when the animals have an actual existence in the woods will we be able to see them, even in zoos. We should never continue ignoring the protection and promotion of wild creatures in their natural environment. In the wild, some animals are friendly to humans.


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a visit a zoo essay

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The spinoff essay: following the swiss wolf, who walked 2,000 kilometres for love.


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When we insert ourselves into the lives of animals, we become complicit in their fates.

The Spinoff Essay showcases the best essayists in Aotearoa, on topics big and small. Made possible by the generous support of our members.

B efore I went to Hungary, I met a man who told me about the wolf. 

“It migrated all the way from Switzerland to Hungary,” he said. “And last week it was shot by a hunter. People want him to go to prison.”

As I prepared for the trip I learnt more about M237, the wolf who’d travelled a record-breaking 2,000 km before being felled by a bullet near the small town of Hidasnémeti. But my real focus was on another mammal: my diabetic cat, Jager. At 17, her life was constrained to an armchair with a heating pad she reached with the assistance of pet steps. As my departure loomed, so did Jager’s. I rang a vet who offered a home euthanasia service and sought her advice. 

“When it’s time for her to go, you’ll know,” she said. 

But I didn’t know. I didn’t know if Jager would make it through the next four weeks without me. Our younger cat, Bruce, would be fine at home. I wrote instructions for his pet sitter and stockpiled his favourite treats. And then I took Jager to the best cattery in Dunedin, boarded a plane, and crossed my fingers. 

Jager and M237 both began their lives wild, but while Jager assumed the role of house cat, M237 became an explorer. One of six cubs, he was born in 2021 as tulips bloomed and boats cruised the Swiss Riviera. At around two weeks of age, his blue eyes opened and he gave his first high-pitched howl. Soon afterwards, he ventured from his den on stubby legs, round-eyed and fluffy as a Pomeranian. 

By March the following year, his legs were long, his eyes pale gold – and he was about to have his first encounter with humans. While skiers slid down the Swiss Alps, M237 was trapped and sedated by members of a Swiss wolf protection group. His blood was drawn, his teeth examined, and his body measured. And then he was fitted with the yellow GPS collar that helped make him a star. 

No wolves wander New Zealand: our native mammals are bats, seals, sea lions, dolphins and whales. We no longer have wolves in our zoos, but they still filled my suburban Christchurch childhood. They were there in the stories of Peter and the Wolf, The Boy Who Cried Wolf, and Little Red Riding Hood. They roamed my imagination as metaphors for fear. Fear of being harmed. Fear of losing what’s precious. 

Leaving New Zealand, my fears were personal, cat-sized. Arriving in Hungary in June 2023, my fears grew. Russian forces had taken control of the adjacent Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia power plant and 8.2 million Ukrainians had fled their country. I didn’t want to be on the continent if fighting escalated. But Europe’s a big place, I told myself. And if the worst happened, my husband Tim and I could flee to the safety of our island at the bottom of the South Pacific. 

My worries vaporised when we arrived in stinking hot, beautiful Budapest. We visited galleries, saw a ballet, and sampled raspberry ganache beneath gilded frescoes. 

We caught a train south to the city of Pécs, far from the Ukrainian border, where I was being hosted for a writing residency. Coloured tiles sparkled on rooftops, live music tinkled down laneways, and pigeons cooed outside our windows as we tossed and turned beneath our individual duvets, struggling to adjust to the heat. But my social media feeds were filled with images of snow. I sent an email to Jager’s cattery. 

“Is her heating pad on?” I asked. “Did you get a chance to move her into the room with the sun?”

Reassured she’d settled in and was receiving her medication, I turned my attention back to M237. I started to wonder if I should visit northern Hungary after all; if I should visit Hidasnémeti. And I wasn’t the only person who wanted to acknowledge M237: there were 53,099 signatures on a petition calling for the hunter to be punished. 

“Let us not be a country without consequences,” it read. “ A man who knowingly kills a great animal should not get away with impunity. Feel the weight of what you do.”

a visit a zoo essay

I met Károly Méhes, the coordinator of the residency programme. We sipped coffee on an ancient street in 35-degree heat, and I told him about my plans to go north. Then he surprised me by telling me Pécs has its own history with wolves. 

“Like in the fairy tale, a wolf tore apart a grandmother and a grandchild,” he said. 

The attack happened in December 1995, just after Christmas, while children were sledding on the Mecsek Mountains by the Pécs Zoo. At that time, the zoo was poorly run and prone to scandal. There was a period when a lion drowned, a tiger disappeared from the inventory, and the zoo’s director let hunters shoot a bear. In these chaotic conditions, it’s suspected the wolf was accidentally released. A passing driver saw a boy bleeding as he fled through the snow, and drove him to the TV tower to get help. The grandmother died on her way to hospital. The wolf was shot. 

I decided to follow in the footsteps of the wolf, the grandmother and the boy, hiking up to the zoo and the tower. Noting that without his navigational services I’d still be lost in Singapore Airport, Tim came along too. 

The Hungarian forest was different to the bush back home. The trees were thinner and further apart, and didn’t have the damp, fresh scent I’m used to. Sunlight streamed through the canopy, and we passed a cottage in a clearing bordered by a low stone fence. These were the woods I’d read about in fairy tales. 

“If one of us – perhaps you – could get bitten by a wolf, it would be great for my story,” I said, as we trudged through the trees. Something rustled in the undergrowth and Tim sprang back. 

We reached the top of a track and found ourselves at the zoo. From the outside, we could see zebras, bison, and hordes of small children – but no wolves. There are no longer wolves at Pécs Zoo. They were shipped off after the second wolf escaped. 

By 2015, Pécs Zoo had a new director. Three wolves were acquired from Italy, but spooked by the move, one of them jumped the fence. People were advised to avoid the forest – but instead, they flocked to it. 

“I think we all knew the nature of the animal, that it does not attack people, in fact it avoids it,” one wolf-watcher wrote. “He looked kindly at us and we looked at him.”

This wolf may have been harmless to humans, but he too was shot – by the zoo’s new director. 

Today the zoo has yet another director, and the fencing still looks a little flimsy. We hiked past and dipped back into the woods as we continued to the tower. We spotted black and yellow moths, emerald green beetles and orange-stemmed mushrooms with puffy white hats. We didn’t see the badgers, foxes or dormice we knew lived in the forest. And with no wolves in Pécs, our biggest fear was getting lost. But when we returned to our apartment, there was a message from one of my brothers. 

“It could be worth keeping an eye on the Zaporizhzhia power plant the Russians are said to have mined,” it read. “I’d advise you to have some sort of contingency plan and to act upon it promptly if something blows up.”

We’d already planned our trip to Hidasnémeti. I wanted to visit the river where M237 was shot. Making the most of travelling to the Zemplén region, Tim eschewed Hidasnémeti’s sole accommodation option – the former Border Guard Barracks – and booked us into the Palace Hotel in Lillafüred, a nearby resort town. 

I spent the night before we left measuring Lillafüred’s distance from the fighting in Ukraine. We’d be staying an hour’s drive from the border – close enough to have me searching for tips on surviving a nuclear blast. What I read wasn’t reassuring. In the event of a power plant explosion, an invisible radioactive cloud could drift anywhere on the continent.

Like radioactive clouds, wolves aren’t concerned with the demarcation of human territory. The previous summer, M237 left his family and the canton of Graubünden in search of a mate. He reached an altitude of 3,500m as he travelled the Alps, his collar pinging his location to the enthusiasts tracking his path. 

He crossed the Italian border, wandering beneath limestone summits before entering Austria. In February 2023, he slipped into Hungary. He passed just west of Budapest, and swam across the Danube before continuing towards the Zemplén Mountains. 

The Swiss wolf protection group posted a Facebook update, tagging themselves as “feeling awesome”. Having M237 join Hungary’s small wolf population was a rare environmental success story. And there was something else about his journey that touched our hearts. Don’t we all feel we’ve been on epic quests in search of love?

a visit a zoo essay

M 237 was right to head to Zemplén for romance. Nestled in lush forest, the Palace Hotel felt enchanted. Swallows circled the spires, poetry was inscribed on stone tablets, and hanging gardens followed the path of a waterfall. In the Romanesque castle at the meeting of three valleys, I felt more relaxed than I’d been in years. 

Not far from Lillafüred was the zoo where the Pécs wolves now lived. But though I longed to set eyes on a wolf, I didn’t want to visit a zoo – my entry fee endorsing the keeping of animals in captivity. Putting myself in a wolf’s paws, I would rather roam free. Instead, I visited the zoo’s website, my fingers hovering over the button that would enable me to “adopt” a wolf for a fee. But when we insert ourselves into the lives of animals, we become complicit in their fates. I shut the window. 

The next morning, we caught a tram through the city of Miskolc and a train to Hidasnémeti’s small, Soviet-era station. From there we headed to the river, where I imagined M237 padding through the undergrowth to drink the cool water. 

We passed a headstone maker’s workshop and saw bright cottage gardens alive with cats. Having learnt that wolves avoid people, I didn’t think I’d feel nervous for my safety if there was a wolf in my neighbourhood. But I would feel nervous for my pets. 

Along with tracking M237, I’d been tracking Dávid Sütő, Large Carnivore Programme Leader at the World Wildlife Foundation. I wanted to ask him about wolves – in particular, M237, who Dávid called “the Swiss wolf”. 

“I mainly deal with human-wildlife conflicts,” Dávid said, when we connected over Zoom. “Surrounding large carnivores there can be challenges, because they were missing from almost the whole continent for at least 50 years. We have to relearn how to live with them.”

Humans almost drove large predators to extinction a century ago, but the presence of wolves helps balance the ecosystem. 

“We call them the guards of the forest. You need apex predators to keep invasive species like racoons at bay.”

Because wolves tend to prey on sick animals, they can also reduce the spread of disease. But not everyone’s happy that the wolves are returning to the forests. 

“Knowing that wolves are present can cause fear in people, but wolves are not as dangerous as we think. In Northern Hungary, you’re much more likely to get hurt driving a car than you are to be mauled by a wolf.”

“What about the Pécs attack?” I asked. 

“That was the only wolf attack in the country in the last hundred years, and it wasn’t a wild wolf,” Dávid said. “The wild specimens that have lived in nature have not attacked anyone, and it is crucial to try to keep it this way.”

Before we ended the call, I asked Dávid what had drawn him to his role. 

“I’ve always dealt with mammals,” he said. “Because we are mammals too, we have some kind of kinship with them. It’s easier to get in their understanding.”

a visit a zoo essay

O n our last morning in The Palace Hotel, I woke with the sun. I stretched lazily on white sheets, wondering how on earth I’d got so lucky. And then I checked my phone. There was an email from the cattery. 

“I have some sad news,” the message read. “Your lovely Jager passed away.”

My fears of radioactive clouds suddenly seemed ludicrous. The worst had happened, and it was the lonely death of someone who’d trusted me. I regretted not organising that visit from the vet. I regretted going on the trip at all. 

We began our comically awful trip back to Pécs. As we were pelted with rain, thrown off a tram, issued with a fine, and confined to a stifling train carriage with drunken revellers, I thought about what we owe to animals. What I owed Jager, and what we all owed M237. 

Like cats, wolves can get diabetes, but a sick animal won’t last long in the wild. Jager had been on insulin for the final two years of her life. Bruce, who I found on the side of the road as a kitten, had already had several hair-raising trips to the vet. 

Cats aren’t considered domesticated: they have a symbiotic relationship with us. When I’d invited the cats into my home, I’d made a contract with them. I’d give them food, shelter, medical care and love, and I’d also have to make decisions on their behalf – decisions they wouldn’t always understand, or enjoy. But my cats could also choose to leave at any time. 

What kind of contract had we made with the animals of Pécs Zoo? Could they have reasonably expected a standard of care they didn’t get? And what did we owe M237? Not medicine, or a heating pad, or a lap to die on. But not a bullet. 

“When The Swiss Wolf was shot, there was an outrage,” Dávid had said. “In Hungary, the carnivores are strictly protected. And where he was shot, we have had wolves since the 1990s. So, the hunter could have expected that they were aiming at a wolf.”

And of course, the wolf was wearing a big, yellow GPS collar. But Dávid said it can be hard to investigate these types of cases.

“In a forest there are no witnesses. It’s ‘shoot, shovel, and shut up.’”

Europe has a long cultural history of humans and other apex predators sharing a landscape, but the survival of wolves in Hungary now depends on our ability to let the animals be. Wolves face enough danger without us: injury, starvation, and the possibility of being killed by a car, train, or group of rival wolves. M237 was willing to risk it all to find a mate.

“If the Swiss wolf had met a pack with a young female, they might have formed their own pack,” Dávid said.

When he was shot, M237 was 5km from a national park and the wolves of Zemplén. Had he picked up the scent of a potential mate? And had she picked up his? 

D eath followed us back to Pécs. Catching up on New Zealand news, I saw that a critically endangered matuku-hūrepo had to be euthanised after being illegally shot. And in Europe, Ukrainian writer Victoria Amelina had died after being wounded in a Russian missile attack, just as she prepared to begin a residency in Paris. 

And I was increasingly worried about Bruce. I contacted our pet sitter, trying not to sound hysterical. 

“Is Bruce doing OK?”

“He seems to be all good and is eating,” came the reply. 

But two mornings later when I woke and checked my phone, the pet sitter had left several missed calls. I called back and over a bad line heard “euthanasia”. Tim and I scrambled to add credit to our phones. We rang the vet and learnt Bruce had been badly bitten. The wound was infected, his flesh was necrotic, and he had sepsis. If he made it through the night, he’d face an operation he might not survive. 

I felt sick. Being home wouldn’t have prevented the bite – but because I know Bruce, because I’m in his understanding, I would have realised something was wrong sooner. We were almost due to return home, and bringing our flights forward would cost $5,000. All I could do for Bruce was send positive thoughts from the other side of the world, hoping I was tuning into the right wavelength. 

At around 1am, we got an email.  

“We went ahead with tissue debridement this morning – cutting away the necrotic pieces of skin, of which there was a lot. There was a significant amount of dead tissue on both sides where he was bitten – most likely by a dog.”

You’re much more likely to be injured by a dog than a wolf, even in Northern Hungary. And in Dunedin, there’s a dog in our neighbourhood that often roams wild. I wanted its owners to see Bruce. Feel his pain. 

At last, we returned to Dunedin to face a reckoning of our own. We collected Jager’s body and dug her grave. We picked Bruce up from the vet, knowing he’d be forever changed. And I felt the weight of what I’d done.

With Mom around, it's camp time!

Cooling off in a community pool is a joy of summer, and...

Cooling off in a community pool is a joy of summer, and learning how to swim makes it better yet. Credit: Newsday/Steve Pfost

My husband, Howard, and I arrived on Long Island from the Bensonhurst section of Brooklyn in 1995. I came from a modest family of summer staycationers, particularly my mom. She was our role model who would take my brother and me to the local pool on a day admission, visit the library or travel with us to the city, possibly the Bronx Zoo, all worthy examples for our eventual “What I did on my summer vacation” school essays.

Consequently, being unable to afford elaborate trips or sleepaway camp, I approached my new life as a Nassau County resident and young parent by tapping into all the East Meadow community had to offer. I wasn’t alone. A brigade of other parents was doing exactly what I was too, resulting in what our family called “Mom’s Summer Camp.”

Like many school districts, summer programs filled July mornings for a nominal fee that bought three subjects to explore weekdays when the program was in session. They’d include a choice of art, music, dance and language -- even cooking.

By the end of third grade, my daughter wanted to play clarinet because it was like the recorder she learned in second grade, and my son also wanted to play clarinet because it enabled him to be seen clearly in school concerts. So, they "graduated" to another option for students 8 to 18 -- the East Meadow Summer Music Program. I would shuttle our kids to arrive at 8:30 a.m., go home to work for a few hours, then return for their dismissal – like the other parents. The savvy among us drove there early to get the better parking spots and waited.

Afternoons were spent at Veterans Memorial Park, where parents had signed up kids for free swimming lessons, arts and crafts sessions, or kick-line and cheerleading practices that culminated in a late summer, friendly competition among Hempstead Town parks at Nassau Community College.

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The introductory “guppies” and other swim classes taught the kids not just how to swim but how to pass Red Cross requirements to get official cards -- and celebratory snacks. Some kids competed in swim and dive team meets, but it was my now-adult son who reminisced about those days that gave him “a life skill” he feels no one should go without.

“Mom’s Summer Camp,” of course, must include special events and activities. Occasionally, the kids could choose a snack at the local deli after swimming even if it might spoil their dinner. The summer library program had raffles, bingo, video games and craft programs to round out the evenings.

We’d even take our kids to mini golf at Eisenhower Park, Jets Fest when the football team practiced at Hofstra University, or stroll to the local nursery to visit the koi pond. At times, neighborhood kids would run through lawn sprinklers, ride bikes and play soccer.

The fireflies, sidewalk chalk, occasional sunburn and back-to-school sales -- all in all, it might not have been a true summer camp with a sophisticated color war, care packages and talent shows, but it was a summer camp created our way.

Reader Lauren B. Lev lives in East Meadow.

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Owl at Minnesota Zoo escapes handler, is then killed by zoo's tiger

A Eurasian eagle owl at the Minnesota Zoo escaped its handler, only to land in a tiger enclosure, where it was killed, according to a government report and the zoo.

The owl escaped during a flight training session for a bird show on April 29 at the zoo, in Apple Valley, a suburb of the Twin Cities. The owl didn’t return to its handler, and it landed in an outdoor enclosure where it was killed by a tiger, according to a U.S. Agriculture Department inspection report dated July 1. 

Zoo spokesperson Zach Nugent told NBC News on Wednesday: “The bird flew into the Zoo’s Tiger Lair habitat. Before staff could intervene, the tiger within that habitat preyed upon the owl.”

The inspection report said the handling of animals during training sessions “should be done in a manner that does not cause trauma or physical harm to the animals.”

The zoo had to “develop and maintain a training program for free flight training that ensure all animals are handled as to prevent trauma or physical harm” by July 5.

Nugent said the zoo complied with the report’s suggestion. 

“Animal welfare is a top priority in all facets of Zoo operations,” he said. “This was a tragic incident and the Zoo has been working closely with its free-flight bird training partners to review our policies and procedures.”

The July report further found issues with the zoo’s contingency plan for caring for animals sheltering in place during emergencies or disasters, as well as issues with a camel holding enclosure that was “not in good repair.” It also found the pest control program “to be ineffective in the garage bay where the supply of bagged feed and other foodstuffs used to feed animals at the facility are stored.” Similarly, the zoo was given July deadlines to resolve the matters. 

Nugent said the zoo has "many years of experience training free-flight birds."

"We recognize that every animal is an individual and as such, we build programs around their individualized flight skill, experience, and general adaptability for being included in a free-flight program," he said. "This specific owl was at the beginning stages of its training and acclimating to its new environment."

Marlene Lenthang is a breaking news reporter for NBC News Digital.

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Pregnant Brittany Mahomes Feeds 3 Goats at a Time While Holding Son Bronze During Petting Zoo Visit

Brittany shared highlights of the fun outing on her Instagram Stories on Aug. 10 as her husband Patrick Mahomes prepared for the Chiefs' first preseason game

Brittany Mahomes/Instagram

Brittany Mahomes is a multitasking mama!

The Kansas City Current co-owner and former soccer player, 28, shared highlights of a trip she took to a petting zoo with her two kids, Sterling Skye and Patrick "Bronze" Lavon , on her Instagram Stories on Saturday, Aug. 10.

Her husband, Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes — who plays his first preseason game on Saturday against the Jacksonville Jaguars — didn't join his family for the outing.

In an impressive video clip from the trip, which she shared on her Instagram Stories, Brittany fed three goats at once while holding Bronze, 19 months.

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"Baby in my belly, baby on my hip and still can feed three goats at a time," she wrote over the footage. She appeared to be laughing in the silent video as Bronze watched her feed the animals.

In another clip, Brittany wrote that her son was "not a fan" of the goats.

The Sports Illustrated Swimsuit model also shared photos of Sterling, 3, posing in a butterfly cutout and both kids posing inside of cutouts of flowers that were also decorated with farm animals.

Although Patrick, 28, is getting ready for the upcoming NFL season, he spent lots of time with his family in the off-season during a trip to Europe .

Brittany also took the kids to see their dad at training camp at Missouri Western State University in St. Joseph, Mo., in July. After they hung out with their dad, Sterling and Bronze played football and enjoyed snow cones.

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High school sweethearts Brittany and Patrick announced they are expecting their third in mid-July, and soon after shared that they have a baby girl on the way.

Brittany recently told her followers that her third pregnancy has been the most difficult . "This pregnancy has been the hardest on me... sickness, exhaustion and now skin!" she wrote over a selfie on her Instagram Stories on July 23.

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Baby gorilla is born at detroit zoo, the first in its 96-year history.

Associated Press

This photo made available by the Detroit Zoo, shows an unnamed baby gorilla is the first to be born at the Detroit Zoo, arriving Thursday, August 8, 2024 and joining a troop of four including mother Bandia and father Mshindi. (Detroit Zoo via AP)

ROYAL OAK, Mich. – It's a baby — gorilla.

The Detroit Zoo in suburban Detroit said the birth Thursday was the first in its 96-year history.

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“Bandia had a very smooth pregnancy, which is so important for a first-time mom,” said Tami Brightrall, the zoo's associate curator of mammals.

The baby gorilla doesn't have a name yet, and the sex has not been determined. The newcomer now four other gorillas at the zoo, including Bandia and father Mshindi, all of which arrived a year ago.

Staff worked for months to prepare the troop, even carrying a stuffed gorilla around the habitat to demonstrate how to carry the baby, Brightrall said.

“Our teams also taught the gorillas how to gently touch the stuffed animal, pick it up off the ground and bring it to a member of the team over at the mesh barrier,” she said.

The public won't immediately see the gorillas.

“The area will reopen once the animal care team determines mom and baby have had enough time to bond and become comfortable in their habitat,” said Melissa Thueme, a mammal supervisor.

Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.


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