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A-level Politics

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  • Examiner reports (6)
  • Mark schemes (15)
  • Question papers (35)
  • Paper 1 (19)
  • Paper 2 (20)
  • Paper 3 (20)
  • June 2022 (15)
  • June 2023 (15)
  • November 2020 (12)
  • November 2021 (8)
  • Sample set 1 (6)

Showing 59 results

Question paper: Paper 2 Government and Politics of the USA and comparative politics - June 2023 New

Published 12 Jul 2024 | PDF | 553 KB

Question paper: Paper 1 Government and Politics of the UK - June 2023 New

Published 12 Jul 2024 | PDF | 251 KB

Question paper: Paper 3 Political ideas - June 2023 New

Published 12 Jul 2024 | PDF | 248 KB

Question paper (Modified A4 18pt): Paper 2 Government and Politics of the USA and comparative politics - June 2023 New

Published 12 Jul 2024 | PDF | 490 KB

Question paper (Modified A3 36pt): Paper 2 Government and Politics of the USA and comparative politics - June 2023 New

Published 12 Jul 2024 | PDF | 499 KB

Question paper (Modified A4 18pt): Paper 1 Government and Politics of the UK - June 2023 New

Published 12 Jul 2024 | PDF | 134 KB

Question paper (Modified A3 36pt): Paper 1 Government and Politics of the UK - June 2023 New

Published 12 Jul 2024 | PDF | 141 KB

Question paper (Modified A4 18pt): Paper 3 Political ideas - June 2023 New

Published 12 Jul 2024 | PDF | 142 KB

Question paper (Modified A3 36pt): Paper 3 Political ideas - June 2023 New

Examiner report: Paper 3 Political ideas - June 2023 New

Published 12 Jul 2024 | PDF | 124 KB

Examiner report: Paper 1 Government and Politics of the UK - June 2023 New

Published 12 Jul 2024 | PDF | 145 KB

Examiner report: Paper 2 Government and Politics of the USA and comparative politics - June 2023 New

Published 12 Jul 2024 | PDF | 132 KB

Mark scheme: Paper 1 Government and Politics of the UK - June 2023 New

Published 12 Jul 2024 | PDF | 267 KB

Mark scheme: Paper 2 Government and Politics of the USA and comparative politics - June 2023 New

Published 12 Jul 2024 | PDF | 247 KB

Mark scheme: Paper 3 Political ideas - June 2023 New

Published 12 Jul 2024 | PDF | 281 KB

Answers and commentary: Paper 3 Political ideas Sample set 1

Published 6 Jun 2024 | PDF | 3.7 MB

Answers and commentary: Paper 2 Government and Politics of the USA and comparative politics Sample set 1

Published 6 Jun 2024 | PDF | 4.2 MB

Answers and commentary: Paper 1 Government and Politics of the UK Sample set 1

Published 6 Jun 2024 | PDF | 6 MB

Question paper: Paper 3 Political ideas - June 2022

Published 14 Jul 2023 | PDF | 251 KB

Question paper: Paper 2 Government and Politics of the USA and comparative politics - June 2022

Published 14 Jul 2023 | PDF | 179 KB

Edexcel A-Level Politics Past Papers

This section includes recent A-Level Politics past papers from Pearson Edexcel. You can download each of the Edexcel A-Level Politics past papers and marking schemes by clicking the links below. Scroll down to find papers from previous years.

June 2023 Pearson Edexcel A-Level Politics Past Papers (9PL0)

A-Level Paper 1: UK Politics and Core Political Ideas (9PL0/01) Download Past Paper      -       Download Mark Scheme

A-Level Paper 2: UK Government nd Non-core Political Ideas (9PL0/02) Download Past Paper      -      Download Mark Scheme

A-Level Paper 3A: Comparative Politics - USA (9PL0/3A) Download Past Paper     -       Download Mark Scheme

A-Level Paper 3B: Comparative Politics - Global Politics (9PL0/3B) Download Past Paper     -       Download Mark Scheme

June 2023 Pearson Edexcel AS-Level Politics Past Papers (8PL0)

AS Paper 1: UK Politics (8PL0/01) Download Past Paper    -      Download Mark Scheme

AS Paper 2: UK Government (8PL0/02) Download Past Paper    -      Download Mark Scheme

June 2022 Pearson Edexcel A-Level Politics Past Papers (9PL0)

Pearson Edexcel A-Level Politics Past Papers November 2021 (9PL0)

Pearson Edexcel A-Level Politics Past Papers November 2020 (9PL0)

A-Level Paper 1: UK Politics and Core Political Ideas (9PL0/01) Download Past Paper     -      Download Mark Scheme

A-Level Paper 2: UK Government nd Non-core Political Ideas (9PL0/02) Download Past Paper     -      Download Mark Scheme

A-Level Paper 3A: Comparative Politics - USA (9PL0/3A) Download Past Paper    -      Download Mark Scheme

A-Level Paper 3B: Comparative Politics - Global Politics (9PL0/3B) Download Past Paper    -      Download Mark Scheme

The above papers are labelled June 2020  

Pearson Edexcel AS-Level Politics Past Papers November 2020 (8PL0)

The above papers are labelled June 2020

Pearson Edexcel A-Level Politics Past Papers June 2019 (9PL0)

A-Level Paper 3A: Comparative Politics - USA (9PL0/3A) Download Past Paper     -      Download Mark Scheme

Pearson Edexcel AS-Level Politics Past Papers June 2019 (8PL0)

AS Paper 1: UK Politics (8PL0/01) Download Past Paper     -      Download Mark Scheme

Pearson Edexcel AS-Level Politics Past Papers June 2018 (8PL0)

AS Paper 1: UK Politics (8PL0/01) Download Past Paper     -    Download Mark Scheme

AS Paper 2: UK Government (8PL0/02) Download Past Paper    -    Download Mark Scheme

Edexcel A-Level Government & Politics Past Papers June 2018

Unit 1 (6GP01/01): People & Politics -  Download Past Paper   -  Download Mark Scheme

Unit 2 (6GP02/01): Governing the UK -  Download Past Paper  -  Download Mark Scheme

Unit 3A (6GP03/3A): UK Political Issues -  Download Past Paper  -  Download Mark Scheme

Unit 3B (6GP03/3B): Introducing Political Ideologies -  Download Past Paper  -  Download Mark Scheme

Unit 3C (6GP03/3C): Representative Processes in the USA -  Download Past Paper  -  Download Mark Scheme

Unit 3D (6GP03/3D): Structures of Global Politics -  Download Past Paper  -  Download Mark Scheme

Unit 4A (6GP04/4A): EU Political Issues -  Download Past Paper  -  Download Mark Scheme

Unit 4B (6GP04/4B): Other Ideological Traditions -  Download Past Paper  -  Download Mark Scheme

Unit 4C (6GP04/4C): Governing the USA -  Download Past Paper  -  Download Mark Scheme

Unit 4D (6GP04/4D): Global Political Issues -  Download Past Paper  -  Download Mark Scheme

Edexcel A-Level Government & Politics Past Papers June 2017

Edexcel A-Level Government & Politics Past Papers June 2016

Unit 1 (6GP01/01): People & Politics -  Download Past Paper  -  Download Mark Scheme

Edexcel A-Level Government & Politics June 2015

Unit 1: People & Politics -  Download Past Paper  -  Download Mark Scheme

Unit 2: Governing the UK -  Download Past Paper  -  Download Mark Scheme

Unit 3A: UK Political Issues -  Download Past Paper  -  Download Mark Scheme

Unit 3B: Introducing Political Ideologies -  Download Past Paper  -  Download Mark Scheme

Unit 3C: Representative Processes in the USA -  Download Past Paper  -  Download Mark Scheme

Unit 3D: Structures of Global Politics -  Download Past Paper  -  Download Mark Scheme

Unit 4A: EU Political Issues -  Download Past Paper  -  Download Mark Scheme

Unit 4B: Other Ideological Traditions -  Download Past Paper  -  Download Mark Scheme

Unit 4C: Governing the USA -  Download Past Paper  -  Download Mark Scheme

Unit 4D: Global Political Issues -  Download Past Paper  -  Download Mark Scheme

Edexcel A-Level Government & Politics June 2014

For more A-Level Government & Politics past papers from other exam boards  click here .

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Liberalism arose amongst the educated middle classes in the 18 th century, and was characterised by a desire to maximise the freedoms and opportunities for individuals to grow, develop and maximise their talents and skills. It is closely linked to the Enlightenment, the moving from traditional, faith-based beliefs towards scientific methods and intellectual enquiry.

Liberalism is in many ways the ideology of the industrialised West. It is so deeply embedded that liberalism and ‘western civilisation’ are difficult to distinguish from each other. Early liberalism proposed that liberal values would progress and ‘triumph’, and the nature of liberalism was quite radical and revolutionary when it first emerged, as it was a threat to the existing order.

By the 20th century it had become characterised as morally neutral- liberalism attempts to provide conditions in which people can pursue the good life, but what is ‘good’ is not prescribed. However, it would be misleading to portray liberalism as ‘just do your own thing’, as there is a moral basis to liberal ideas, and there are distinctive principles to liberalism.

The Individual

The focus of liberalism as a political ideology is its focus on the individual person as a primary political unit. In medieval feudal times, there was little importance placed on individual people. People were identified as members of their social grouping rather than as individuals (such as by village, family or social class). As feudalism was replaced by a free market (capitalism) people suddenly had choices in their lives – and were encouraged to think for themselves. The choices such as where to work, what to do for a living and who to marry suddenly meant thinking, and being treated, as sovereign individuals. Philosophers began to examine life by looking at individuals and their own abilities to make choices and think for themselves. Political philosophies began to develop to adapt to these theories such as the ideas of ‘natural rights’ (meaning that every person, because they were human had their own rights, given to them at birth). Immanuel Kant, a German philosopher, expressed the idea of the individual and thought of people as ‘ends in themselves’, and not merely as part of a greater grouping.

The stressing of people as individuals means that people are different from each other and have unique tastes and characters. Each person, no matter how different to others, has the same status and therefore rights as everyone else. Liberalism therefore believes in the ‘primacy of the individual’, although this has been expressed in different ways. Classical liberals believe in egoistical individualism, where individuals look after their own interests ahead of any collective interest, and therefore ‘society’ does not exist. Modern liberals more support developmental individualism , where freedom means that people can grow and develop, fulfilling their potential. This suggests that some state intervention may be needed to help this happen. People still think as individuals, but as result wish to look after each other to create a better world. Therefore, toleration will be a feature of a liberal society. Toleration is the acceptance of different views and ideas, for example religious beliefs. This is best summed up in the quote attributed to the French thinker Voltaire- ‘I detest what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it’.

Freedom / Liberty

Liberals believe in the individual, so also believe in individual freedoms as individuals can’t exist if they are not entitled to certain rights. Many early liberals called this freedom ‘liberty’ and said it was a ‘natural right’ of a human. It provided the individual with the ability to make the free choices that were so important for them to live how they wanted to live. They said that if you were not free you could not express your individuality or uniqueness. This was influenced by the concept of utilitarianism , where human motivation is explained by the desire to maximise ‘utility’ (pleasure/happiness) and avoid pain. Since each person is the best judge of what gives them pleasure, they should be allowed to decide how to live their lives. Liberals argue that liberty should only be limited if an individual is going to limit someone else’s liberty (commit a crime, or make them do something against their will). Such a view is called libertarian and is represented by the philosopher John Stuart Mill.

Mill stressed that freedom could be classified by making ‘self-regarding’ rules (the amount of freedom people should have to do things to themselves, for instance wear a seat belt or not) and ‘other regarding’ (the freedom to do things to others, for instance physical violence). Mill argued that ‘self-regarding’ actions should never be limited. This is known as negative freedom – the absence of restrictions on an individual’s freedom to act, by bodies such as the state.

By the late 19 th century, liberals saw this idea of freedom as too restrictive. Thinkers such as TH Green argued that people do not simply pursue their own interests, but also common goals for the good of society. From this came the concept of positive freedom – the ability of individuals to decide what they can or can’t/will or won’t do, as they have been allowed to develop their potential. This may involve help and action by others such as the state.

The State Is a Necessary Evil

Liberals do not believe that a free, balanced and tolerant society will just naturally develop. They disagree with anarchists about this who believe that laws and government are unnecessary and corrupting. Liberals believe that free individuals may use that freedom to exploit others and so limit their freedom. They think that the liberty of one person is always naturally a threat to another person, even if they are not being threatening deliberately. They think that a sovereign state is the only way in which individual freedom can be persevered for all.

Although liberals are convinced of the need for government they are also aware of the dangers it entails. There are two main reasons that they fear governments. Firstly, a sovereign government operates with sovereign power and is therefore capable of restricting liberty and controlling individuals. Secondly, they are convinced of an individual’s capacity for selfishness, and therefore their ability to exploit or harm others. They claim that an individual who gains power will naturally try to use it for their own benefit. They are therefore convinced that power corrupts individuals and leads them to use government to limit the freedoms of others. This is best summed up by a quote from the Victorian historian Lord Acton: ‘power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely’.

Liberals therefore believe that there should be a limited government where there are checks and balances on government power. This can be achieved through a constitution. A constitution is a set of rules that sets out duties, powers and functions for various institutions of government. It governs the government. It defines the extent of what the government can do, its power, and therefore, limits it. These limits could be expressed in a legal document or written constitution, such as the US Constitution. They could also be achieved through in-built checks on power, such as a separation of the executive, legislature and judiciary, to ensure not one branch of government is overly dominant.

In addition to this, state activity should be limited in the economic sphere, as competition between individuals who are seeking profit is beneficial to all. The economist Adam Smith supported laissez-faire capitalism , where the economy is organised by the market, there is a free exchange of goods and services, and wealth is privately owned.

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A Level Politics Paper 1 - Political Parties Bundle

A Level Politics Paper 1 - Political Parties Bundle

Salma Soliman's A-Level Resources

Last updated

6 September 2024

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Resources included (4)

A-Level Politics Paper 1 Comprehensive Overview - Party Funding

A-Level Politics Paper 1 Comprehensive Overview - Party Funding

A-Level Politics Paper 1 Comprehensive Overview - Minor Parties in the UK

A-Level Politics Paper 1 Comprehensive Overview - Minor Parties in the UK

A-Level Politics Paper 1 Comprehensive Overview - The Labour Party

A-Level Politics Paper 1 Comprehensive Overview - The Labour Party

A-Level Politics Paper 1 Comprehensive Overview - The Conservative Party

A-Level Politics Paper 1 Comprehensive Overview - The Conservative Party

This document contains all the information you will need to answer questions on Edexcel A-Level Government and Politics Paper 1 which centre around The Conservative Party, The Labour Party, Minor Parties in the UK, and Party Funding.

This includes a description of the principles of the Conservative party, movements within the Conservative party, policies of different Conservative governments, and factionalism within the Conservative party.

Principles of the Labour party, movements within the Labour party, policies endoresed by different Labour leaders, and how the party has transformed over the years.

The electoral success of the Liberal Democrats, SNP, Greens, Reform, DUP, and Sinn Fein parties, factors which prevent them from being as successful as they could be, as well as their policies.

How Party Funding currently works in the UK, changes in party funding over the past few years, and the strengths and weaknesses of suggested reforms to Party Funding.

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  1. How to answer the 24 Mark Ideologies Question (Edexcel)

    Holistic Question. Thematic Question. The holistic question is one that simply asks whether or not there is more agreement or disagreement within an ideology. These questions will be rare; however, they have been asked before. If the question is holistic, you can answer it using the big four themes: Economy. Society.

  2. What are the most likely questions for the 24 Mark ...

    However, all questions so far (2019 and 2022) and fitted into the scope of the questions included. Note: Please also note that this guidance should not be treated in any way as official Pearson Edexcel guidance. The potential questions for the 24 Mark Ideologies Questions are much more predictable than the 30 Mark Essay and 30 Mark Source Question.

  3. Liberalism Essay Plans Flashcards

    Liberalism Essay Plans. Get a hint. To what extent do liberals agree on the concept of freedom? P1 - The purpose of politics is to promote individual freedom (all agree on negative freedoms) CP1 - Differences in the interpretation of freedom. P2 - Protection of individual freedom is essential in society.

  4. Edexcel Past Questions and Topic Tracker

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  6. Liberalism

    Core ideas and principles. Defining. Liberalism arose amongst the educated middle classes in the 18 th century and was characterised by a desire to maximise the freedoms and opportunities for individuals to grow, develop and maximise their talents and skills. It is closely linked to the Enlightenment, the moving from traditional, faith-based ...

  7. A* Politics Liberalism Essays (+ Essay Plans)

    A* Politics Liberalism Essays (+ Essay Plans) Subject: Government and politics. Age range: 16+. Resource type: Assessment and revision. File previews. docx, 29.78 KB. Edexcel A Level Politics Liberalism Essays (+ Essay Plans), including -. 'Liberal Democracy is a contradiction in terms.'. Discuss.

  8. Edexcel A Level Politics

    This word document contains 20 well-formatted and detailed notes for the liberalism module in the Edexcel A Level Politics Unit 1 paper. It would also work well for other exam boards, like AQA. The notes are focused on the four key themes that run throughout the the ideologies essay questions, meaning that you will be well equipped to answer ...

  9. Edexcel A Level Politics Past Papers

    2021. November 2021 Paper 1: UK Politics and Core Political Ideas (QP) November 2021 Paper 1: UK Politics and Core Political Ideas (MS) + 1 more. Examiners' Report. November 2021 Paper 2: UK Government and Non-core Political Ideas (QP) November 2021 Paper 2: UK Government and Non-core Political Ideas (MS) + 1 more.

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    Answers and commentary: Paper 1 Government and Politics of the UK Sample set 1. Published 6 Jun 2024 | PDF | 6 MB. Question paper: Paper 3 Political ideas - June 2022. Published 14 Jul 2023 | PDF | 251 KB. Question paper: Paper 2 Government and Politics of the USA and comparative politics - June 2022.

  11. Liberalism: Thinkers & Ideas

    An intellectual movement which challenged beliefs in religion, politics and learning. Enlightenment The absence of external constraints on an individual. Your answer should include: Negative / Freedom A tradition within liberalism that advocates some social and economic intervention by the state. Your answer should include: Modern / Liberalism

  12. Edexcel A-Level Politics Past Papers

    Scroll down to find papers from previous years. June 2023 Pearson Edexcel A-Level Politics Past Papers (9PL0) A-Level Paper 1: UK Politics and Core Political Ideas (9PL0/01) Download Past Paper - Download Mark Scheme. A-Level Paper 2: UK Government nd Non-core Political Ideas (9PL0/02) Download Past Paper - Download Mark Scheme.

  13. PDF Edexcel A-Level Politics Revision Guide

    Edexcel A-Level Politics Revision Guide Component 1 (UK Politics) - Democracy and Participation 2023/24

  14. A Level Politics Essay Plans

    Download. 24 files. Detailed Edexcel US Government and Politics Essay Plans on 23 of the most likely questions to come up in the exam. These essay plans are over 1,500 words each and all include up to date examples, key points of analysis and points of evaluation. The perfect revision tool!

  15. Liberalism

    Liberalism arose amongst the educated middle classes in the 18 th century, and was characterised by a desire to maximise the freedoms and opportunities for individuals to grow, develop and maximise their talents and skills. It is closely linked to the Enlightenment, the moving from traditional, faith-based beliefs towards scientific methods and ...

  16. A-Level Politics Paper 1 Comprehensive Overview

    This document contains all the information you will need to answer questions on Edexcel A-Level Government and Politics Paper 1 which centre around Liberalism. This includes a comprehensive overview of core ideas, key thinkers, and key movements.

  17. Liberalism

    Egotistical individualism. Belief that human beings are naturally drawn to the advancement of their own, selfish interests and the pursuit of their own happiness (linked to classical liberalism) Economic liberalism. Capitalism, an economic system with private property, individualistic in nature and of ultimate benefit to all.

  18. Ideologies essay plans with answers

    Short essay plan about titled topic with answers relating it to the themes liberalism: twe do liberals agree over the nature of the state intro the two key ... UK-Politics essay plans; Evaluate the extent to which electoral reform would be a good thing for democracy in the UK; AGovernment and Politics of the USA exam questions constructed ...

  19. A

    Equal opportunity. Equality of outcome means too much state interventions. Social justice - modern liberals. Positive freedom. freedom to do something. Negative freedom. Freedom from something. Study with Quizlet and memorise flashcards containing terms like Classic Liberalism, Modern Liberalism, Social Contract and others.

  20. A Level Politics Revision Resources

    A Level Politics. Our extensive collection of resources is the perfect tool for students aiming to ace their exams and for teachers seeking reliable resources to support their students' learning journey. Here, you'll find an array of revision notes, topic questions, fully explained model answers, past exam papers and more, meticulously ...

  21. A Level Politics Ideologies Essays and Essay Plans (A*)

    A Level Politics Essay Plan - Conservatism. Contains a wide selection of A* essays and essay plans for A Level Politics (Ideologies). Includes Liberalism, Socialism, Conservatism and Feminism. Perfect for revision or to see a great example of A* work. Items individually would be worth £55.

  22. Liberalism

    Egotistical individualism. Belief that human beings are naturally drawn to the advancement of their own, selfish interests and the pursuit of their own happiness (linked to classical liberalism) Economic liberalism. Capitalism, an economic system with private property, individualistic in nature and of ultimate benefit to all.

  23. The Concepts of Liberalism Essay

    5 Pages • Essays / Projects • Year Uploaded: 2022. This essay features and discusses the underlying foundation concepts of understanding the Political ideology of Liberalism. This document is 30 Exchange Credits. Add to Cart.

  24. A Level Politics Paper 1

    A-Level Politics Paper 1 Comprehensive Overview - The Conservative Party This document contains all the information you will need to answer questions on Edexcel A-Level Government and Politics Paper 1 which centre around The Conservative Party, The Labour Party, Minor Parties in the UK, and Party Funding.