Ellin Lolis Consulting

2024-2025 Michigan Ross MBA Essay Tips and Example Essays

Jun 21, 2024

ross business school essay

  • Who is Ross looking for?
  • How should I answer Ross essay questions?
  • Make sure you get into Michigan Ross
  • Michigan Ross Deadlines

UPDATE : This article was originally posted on August 9, 2018. It has been updated with new information and tips below. 

With its famous MAP project, Michigan Ross is a haven for collaboratively-minded leaders who love to learn by getting their hands dirty.

However, Ross has rapidly increased in the rankings in the past few years, making it more difficult than ever to secure admission to this elite MBA program. 

That’s why we’ve prepared this guide to help you use your Ross admissions essays to stand out. We’ve rounded up our best tips and links to Michigan Ross MBA sample essays to ensure you give your Ross application your best shot.

1. Who is Ross looking for?

(Michigan Ross students participating in Ross’ 7-week MAP program , Photo courtesy of Michigan Ross)

Every year, Michigan Ross searches the globe for outstanding professionals for its annual class of 380 students. With a strong emphasis on diversity and leadership, there is no “typical” Ross student, yet the average admitted student for the Class of 2025 had a 719 GMAT score and an average of 5.8 years of work experience . 

ross business school essay

NOTE: Michigan Ross is continuing to offer GMAT/GRE waivers. If you would like to be considered, an additional essay is required. Find out more information here .

Beyond the impressive statistics, though, Ross offers its students the chance to prepare themselves to lead by giving them multiple opportunities for hands-on learning. 

Check out this video on the Ross student experience: 

If this sounds like a community in which you’d be right at home, you’ll first have to prove you’ve got what it takes by successfully answering Ross’ admissions essay questions.  

2. How should I answer Ross essay questions?

2.1. essay 1 tips.

Ross Experiences in Action-Based Learning (REAL) 

At Michigan Ross, we believe the best way to learn is by doing. In our Full-Time MBA Program, you will put your skills and knowledge to the test in real-world situations with real stakes. 

How will this learning environment benefit you, and how do you plan to contribute to the action-based learning experience? (300 words) 

First, before starting on any of your essays, we suggest that you review these tips from the Michigan Ross admissions team. 

Ross is famous for pioneering action-based learning with its MAP course . This “learning by doing” approach is at the core of the Ross experience , and this question challenges you to demonstrate that you are a good fit for this environment. 

At its core, this is a research-based question, so start by doing research. Look into the MAP course, as well as the school’s other REAL (action-based learning) opportunities. 

Then, connect these opportunities to your goals. For example, if you plan to go into social impact investing, you’ll want to highlight the REAL.INVEST Social Venture Fund course and how you’ll gain specific skills and experiences that will directly benefit your future career. You may then also want to add which type of MAP project you’d want to pursue and why and add how being involved in the Erb Impact Projects will also enhance your learning in a unique way. 

I would suggest not focusing on just one aspect of the REAL/action-based curriculum at Ross, but would instead choose multiple different offerings and show how each uniquely contributes to helping you reach your goals. 

When talking about how these offerings will help you reach your goals, stay away from general statements like, ‘The MAP project will be a great way to help me get more experience.” Instead, focus specifically on what you hope to get out of the experience and how that will help you grow in a specific way that benefits your future goals. 

Finally, end the essay by talking about how you can contribute in these environments. Don’t just include statements like,  “I have 5 years of experience in healthcare, so I am excited to contribute to a healthcare-focused MAP project.” Instead, pull out specific aspects of your experience that your colleagues could benefit from learning. 

For example, perhaps you’re a lawyer who is making a career transition. When sharing your contributions, you might want to mention how legal concerns are a huge part of the business world that young leaders often fail to consider when thinking about starting or acquiring businesses, so you’re excited to share this vision with classmates. By connecting specific contributions to the offerings you mention and making sure you directly mention how others can benefit , you’ll show Ross that you’re someone who will leverage the Ross MBA to take their career to new heights while also helping others reach their goals. 

Need more guidance? Our MBA Resource Center has dozens of Michigan Ross essays that worked to get our clients admitted to help you plan out a winning Michigan Ross essay. Our library also includes guides for all top global MBA programs, detailed essay brainstorms, interview tips and mocks, CV templates, and recommendation letter guides. Click to join ! 

ross business school essay

2.2. Essay 2 Tips

How will you make an impact at Michigan Ross? 

Michigan Ross is proud to support a community of leaders and impact makers. As a future member of this community, we want to know more about who you are and what drives you. Please choose 1 of the following prompts to tell us more about what makes you stand out beyond your academic and work experience. List the prompt you are answering at the top of your response. (200 words) 

  • What makes you unique? 
  • Can you provide a specific example of how you’ve overcome a personal challenge? 
  • What makes you excited to get up each morning? 
  • Describe a time when you made a difference in your community or with an individual. 

In this essay prompt, you’re given an opportunity to show the admissions committee how you’ll contribute to the unique diversity of the class in a way that no one else will . 

Choosing well here is essential . The rest of your application will speak to your academic and professional strengths, your goals, and why you feel Ross is a good fit for you. The majority of applicants will also check these boxes, so this essay question is your chance to show them why they should take YOU. 

First, before looking at the prompts, I recommend that you brainstorm a list of examples that show off a side of you that hasn’t been covered elsewhere, that aligns with your personal brand, and that shows off why you’ll be a strong contributor at Ross. This could be experiences pulled from your volunteer work, a challenge you’ve overcome in life, a unique life experience, or a passion you voraciously pursue (like a sport or hobby). Based on the wording of the question, I would stick to non-professional experiences/stories here. 

Once you’ve brainstormed, I would also suggest filtering your list based on which stories can be told in a STAR format , since these will have more impact than general statements, especially considering the tiny word count. 

Finally, choose the prompt that best connects with your story and ensure that you frame your introduction and conclusion to mirror the wording of the prompt. For example, if you choose to focus on what makes you unique but don’t actually mention why the story you’re sharing makes you unique in your essay, the essay won’t work exceptionally well. 

To end, if you have space, you might want to share a sentence or two about how you’ll contribute what you’ve learned with this story/experience at Ross. This isn’t required, however, so don’t worry if you don’t have space. 

2.3. Essay 3 Tips

What is your short-term career goal and how will Ross help you achieve it? (200 words)

As one of the most transparent admissions committees in the MBA world, Ross has taken clear steps each year to make their application increasingly streamlined. 

This is important to keep in mind because Ross has deliberately been very clear about what they want here: short-term goals only. 

TOP TIP : If you’re not sure what your goals are, check out this post designed to help you think through this critical component of your application!

To answer the first part of the question, you want to clearly and concisely state your short-term goal. When discussing your goals , clarity is king, so make sure you include a job title and industry in your description of your post-MBA aspiration. Additionally, we suggest you briefly elaborate on your vision for impact – or, what you hope to accomplish in your stated position in the future (if necessary, you can move this part to part two of this response!).

However, goals without context can be a little confusing to decipher or understand (or they can just seem a bit lackluster). For that reason, it is essential that you include that context.

We suggest including that context in the form of a brief story or past experience that shows the reader why your goals are meaningful to you or how you have worked towards them so far. For example, if your goal is to focus on sustainable transportation methods, you may want to include a very brief story or statement about how you have helped catalyze sustainable solutions in the past. 

After clearly stating your motivations for your goal, briefly touch on how Ross can help you achieve these goals. This should not be a “laundry list” of 10 classes you found on the Ross site, nor a section in which you repeat clichés about the school. 

Instead, you should thoughtfully consider how you must grow personally and professionally to reach your stated short-term goal and what elements of Ross (classes, faculty, clubs, etc.) will help you reach them. You only have space for 2-3 sentences, however, so choose wisely. 

Ending your essay with a killer conclusion sentence to leave your reader with a strong image of your profile is the perfect wrap-up. 

2.4. Optional Essay Tips

Is there something in your resume or application that needs a brief explanation? Appropriate uses of this essay would be the explanation of an employment gap, academic outliers, choice of recommender, completion of supplemental coursework, etc. You may use bullet points where appropriate. (250 words) 

This section should only be used to convey information not addressed elsewhere in your application, for example, completion of supplemental coursework, employment gaps, academic issues, etc. Feel free to use bullet points where appropriate. 

Though with such a short application you may be tempted to use this response to add additional stories and information you couldn’t quite squeeze in elsewhere, restraint is necessary here. Make sure you focus on explaining gaps in your application only, though you can use these explanations to highlight related achievements. 

For example, our client Fernando needed to explain his 6-month gap in work experience. As luck would have it, he spent these 6 months volunteering in Asia, so we not only addressed a “weakness” but were also able to include a new achievement in his application. (Read more about Fernando’s time in Asia by downloading our Ross sample essays below).

We have written extensively on the issue of optional essays, giving tips and tricks for how to address issues like low GMAT scores or poor academic performance here . 

ross business school essay

3. Make sure you get into Michigan Ross

You only get one chance to make an impression on the Ross adcom, so make it count!

Good storytelling in your essays is often the difference between telling a story that moves elite business schools to move you forward in the application process and a “no.”

Yet translating your professional “highlights reel” into compelling stories is no easy task. 

That’s why our team at Ellin Lolis Consulting is obsessed with telling your story . 

This is the approach we took with our client Eduardo, who was admitted to Michigan Ross last year: “I only wish I’d found Ellin sooner! There are MBA consultants, and then there is Ellin. Her extremely human and hands-on approach made me feel comfortable and confident with the process. Throughout the time we worked together, I always knew I was being personally taken care of by her and her team. To anyone that is looking for someone to help them with their MBA application journey: look no further. You have found the unrivaled best consultant in the business.I only wish I’d found Ellin sooner! There are MBA consultants, and then there is Ellin. Her extremely human and hands-on approach made me feel comfortable and confident with the process. Throughout the time we worked together, I always knew I was being personally taken care of by her and her team. To anyone that is looking for someone to help them with their MBA application journey: look no further. You have found the unrivaled best consultant in the business.”

Let our award-winning editors use their expert writing abilities, deep understanding of what Ross is looking for, and marketing know-how to transform your application from average to attention-grabbing and get you a spot at Ross! 

ross business school essay

Ready to put the Ellin Lolis Advantage to work for your MBA application essays? Get in touch with us ! 

4. Michigan Ross Deadlines

The deadlines for the 2024-2025 season are below. You can access the Ross application here .

Ross Round 1 Deadlines

Application Deadline : September 9, 2024

Interview Notification : Ongoing

Decisions Released : December 6, 2024

Ross Round 2 Deadlines

Application Deadline : January 6, 2025

Decisions Released : March 14, 2025

Ross Round 3 Deadlines

Application Deadline : March 24, 2025

Decisions Released : May 2, 2025

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Ross School of Business Essay Questions and Strategic Guidance, 2023-2024

The Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan prides itself on its strong, vibrant, and welcoming MBA community. From the officers on the business school admissions team to the MBA students to the professors, everyone knows the tune of “Go Big Blue!” and feels part of the broader university.

This sense of “welcoming community” comes out in Ross’s business school application, too. Overall, Michigan Ross seems dedicated to helping candidates submit the best application they can.

  • First, the admissions team keeps the essay lengths short, with the longest essay being a mere 150 words. While writing a more condensed essay is certainly challenging (the brevity required demands a high level of judgment), perfecting a briefer essay generally requires less time than perfecting a longer one. In fact, across all of the school’s three core application essays, you will only need to submit 350 words!
  • Second, the admissions team has created a kind of “choose your own adventure” application. Being able to select which essay prompts you want to respond to puts you in the driver’s seat. You have every opportunity to ensure that your application captures and conveys the best of you.

But with such choice comes responsibility! We share the below guidance to help you navigate your choices as you develop your Michigan Ross application.

Part 1: Short-answer questions

Select one prompt from each group of the two groups below. respond to each selected prompt in 100 words or less (<100 words each; 200 words total)., i want people to know that i: i made a difference when i: i was aware that i was different when:, group 2 i was out of my comfort zone when: i was humbled when: i was challenged when:.

As much as Ross’s application gives you a chance to shine, you need to be thoughtful about which prompts  collectively  enable you to show off both the best and the most of you. So, an important step in developing your Ross essays happens well before you actually start writing them. Identify which themes and/or stories you want to communicate throughout your application and then consider how you can share them via some combination of the prompts you select. In tandem, ensure that with each prompt, the admissions committee learns something new about you. For example, imagine you are a management consultant focused on technology. You also volunteer at your local community theater, and you have been an amateur horse rider all your life. You would most likely not want both of your responses to discuss a different work engagement from your management consulting role! Unless those work experiences are so meaningful and distinct, ignoring the other elements of who you are would squander an opportunity to provide a full representation your candidacy.

When crafting your responses, keep in mind the concept of “balance.” Use specific, vivid details to ensure that your reader understands the context of what you are sharing and can clearly imagine your world. However, to optimize the allotted word count, include only the details that are critical to your overall story. Build out an anecdote that has a beginning, middle, and end; you need each of these to give your reader a sense of completion. And to conclude, use your final sentence to reflect on the “so what” aspect of the experience you just shared. What did you learn from it? How did you grow? What were the results?

There is no “right” answer for these prompts, so remember to think expansively about your experiences both in and outside of the workplace.  What is most important is that Ross gets a sense of who you are and what you will bring as a member of its community.

To learn more about how to relate an experience in an essay, watch our video “ How to Tell a Great Story in Your MBA Essays ,” which covers all the critical elements of storytelling, including “show, don’t tell.”

Part 2: Career Goal

What is your short-term career goal and w hy is this the right goal for you (150 words).

Part 2 of the Ross application is all about your career goals and what you hope to do upon graduating with your MBA. You are given 150 words in which to discuss  just  your short-term career goals, which is quite a lot as far as business school applications go. Perhaps Ross invites such a lengthy submission so you have plenty of room in which to convince the admissions committee that your decision to apply to business school is not a knee-jerk reaction but a highly intentional decision, driven by what inspires you and where you see an opportunity to create impact. In addressing the “ why” part of the prompt, think about your experiences to date that have influenced your vision for your future, what business problem you want to solve, and what skills and/or knowledge you have that will enable your success once you are in that near-term role.

To learn more about how to write about your career goals, watch our video “ Your Career Statement:  Fact, Fiction, and How to Build One .”

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An Overview of UMich’s Ross School of Business Prompt 2

This article was written based on the information and opinions presented by Robert Crystal in a CollegeVine livestream. You can watch the full livestream for more info.

What’s Covered

General information, sample essay analysis.

The University of Michigan ’s Ross School of Business requires supplemental essays. These can be daunting, especially if the prompts aren’t quite what you’d expect from a college application. You need to get creative and analytical, and you have to show your individual personality. This article will take you through the second Ross School of Business prompt and provide you with advice and an example of a strong essay. 

The second Ross School of Business essay asks you to select an artifact that represents something significant about your life. Then, you’ll write a description explaining how your chosen artifact demonstrates learning in action.

This artifact doesn’t have to be related to business. You can pick something from your work in the classroom or some kind of representation of an extracurricular accomplishment. Try to find one that showcases something truly unique to you. You can also ask yourself: “What am I most proud of from my four years in high school?”

You’re only allowed 250 words for this prompt, which might feel like limited space. It’s also a challenge to come up with only one object of significant importance to you! If you’re struggling to narrow it down, a list of examples might help. Students have chosen objects like an academic project, community project, community newspaper article, or personal website piece on a school extracurricular or community program.

If none of that inspires you, think about what activities have meant the most to you and the ones you’re most passionate about. Then, consider what will look the most unique to the eyes of an admissions officer—after all, you should aim to stand out!

Writing your essay is just as crucial as choosing the object. Be sure to use specific and technical language that shows that you’ve truly learned something from your artifact. You need to be genuine. Use your limited space wisely, and emphasize what you’ve learned and your intellectual curiosity. An admissions committee wants to see how you’ve grown, so include specific details about your experiences.

One student submitted a photo of a wooden playset. At the beginning of his essay, he paints a clear picture of the setting and establishes conflict right away by discussing how he doesn’t like his brother that much. He then transitions to talking about the difficulties that their mother is having during the COVID-19 pandemic. These details are great because they depict how the student responds to these hard moments, which demonstrates his sense of responsibility.

The writer then describes how he wants to distract his nine-month-old brother by creating a stimulating toy for him. The student sketches out a few 3D puzzle ideas in AutoCAD and then finds wood in the backyard to recreate his online work. 

In this part of the essay, the student does a great job of describing the steps that go into developing the puzzle. He delves into the details and shows that he is both a critical thinker and a problem solver. Rather than gloss over the whole design by saying that it was all complex, he fleshes out the different stages, transporting the reader into his mind and the process of development and creation. 

All of this emphasizes how learning is put into action. When we reach the end and the final prototype is put into the playpen, the student has learned and created something and has also developed a new sense of engagement with his little brother.

The writer is also looking toward the future: he says that he can’t wait to build another object like that. The entire essay makes clear how the student thinks, how he learns and acts on that learning, how he solves problems, and how he’s able to grow in empathy and compassion. Humor shines through too, enabling the reader to clearly see the personality of this young student and how much he has to offer.

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Tuesday Tips: Michigan Ross MBA Essay Tips 2024-2025

Ross MBA Essay

Listen to B-Schooled Podcast Episode #156 : Spotlight on Michigan Ross

Part 1: Ross Experiences in Action-Based Learning (REAL)

At michigan ross, we believe the best way to learn is by doing. in our full-time mba program, you will put your skills and knowledge to the test in real-world situations with real stakes., how will this learning environment benefit you, and how do you plan to contribute to the action-based learning experience (300 words).

This question is your opportunity to show that you have done research on Michigan Ross and the specific benefits of the MBA program. How will the Ross MBA teach you what you need to accomplish your career goals (outlined in Part 3)?

The Ross Action-Based Learning experience is more than an internship or co-op that other MBA programs offer. Ross gives you an opportunity to start a real business, work in an established company, invest millions in assets, or do real-world consulting. If you are changing careers, this is an opportunity for experience and learning.

Finally, after you consider the specific ways you will benefit from REAL, add your contributions. Then, look at your work experience prior to your MBA and what skills you can share. For example, if you have a unique industry background and network you may be able to find new companies consulting engagements.

Michigan Ross MAP program

Part 2: How will you make an impact at Michigan Ross?

Michigan ross is proud to support a community of leaders and impact makers. as a future member of this community, we want to know more about who you are and what drives you. please choose 1 of the following prompts to tell us more about what makes you stand out beyond your academic and work experience. list the prompt you are answering at the top of your response. (200 words), what makes you unique, can you provide a specific example of how you’ve overcome a personal challenge, what makes you excited to get up each morning, describe a time when you made a difference in your community or with an individual..

Take note that these short answers are about getting to know you personally—not your collection of accomplishments. Ross values community engagement, passion, and persistence. The admissions committee says clearly: “The most interesting and insightful responses to these prompts remain when applicants share personal examples.”

For example, you may want to write about an important extracurricular activity that is unique. Or maybe a challenge you overcame or a life event that highlights something different about your background. The questions are short and purposeful. The experiences you describe should be clear and stand alone.

Looking at each Ross MBA essay question, the first asks how you are unique. Consider what sets you apart from others and what unique qualities you will bring to Ross. It can be a personality trait, interest, or activity. Perhaps it is your background or your personal history.

Then, the second option is about a challenge. Again, the question is specifically personal. Perhaps you had a family member who went through an illness or a struggle. Or, you personally experienced hardship. Describe how you turned the situation around and overcame it. The third option might be an opportunity to talk about your values and background. It reads as a place to highlight what drives and motivates you on a deeper level than your career.

Finally, the last option gives you the opportunity to share your community involvement. For this question, you could describe when you made a difference to an organization or person or advanced an important cause.

Are you curious about your chances of getting into Michigan’s Ross School of Business? Contact us to talk strategy with a free 15-minute advising session  with an SBC Principal Consultant. 

Ross MBA essay

Part 3: Career Aspirations

What is your short-term career goal, and how will ross help you achieve it (200 words).

The Ross admissions committee has often said the best essays are focused. Remember, the “why” is the most impactful and differentiating aspect of each essay. Therefore, Ross is asking for a succinct career goal and then an explanation. Make sure you draw the how into this essay as well, considering what you wrote in Part 1 about the Ross experience.

Many MBA candidates struggle to refine a career goal to just one. Of course, it’s possible to change your goals once you start attending school. However, clear goals tend to lead to success. If you have several career interests, take the time to choose one. Consider how your career goal makes you feel. Can you envision the company you will work for? What about your day-to-day tasks?

Precisely imagining your goal also helps with how Ross will help you achieve the goal and why you are passionate about this path. Also, why are you a good fit for the role? Specific examples are always welcome in an essay on your career path.

Ross MBA essay

Optional Essay

Is there something in your resume or application that needs a brief explanation appropriate uses of this essay would be the explanation of an employment gap, academic outliers, choice of recommender, completion of supplemental coursework, etc. you may use bullet points where appropriate. (250 words).

Take it directly from former Ross admissions director Soojin Kwon: “The optional essay should only be used if there’s something in your background that requires a brief explanation. It’s not the place to submit an essay you wrote for another school or to tell us how much you love Ross.”

Think about anything that may raise questions while reviewing a resume, transcript, or recommendations. Typically the kinds of gaps that raise questions are significant gaps in employment (more than a few months), anything below a C on your college transcript (particularly in quantitative coursework), and low test scores.

For more information on applying to the University of Michigan Ross School of Business, please visit the admissions website .

Stacy Blackman Consulting has successfully coached applicants for the Ross MBA program each admissions year. Now that you’ve seen these tips for the Ross MBA essay prompts, please contact us to learn more about how we can help you set a winning application strategy.

Here’s a snapshot of the caliber of expertise on our SBC team .

HBS Admissions Board at Harvard Business School HBS MBA

HBS Admissions Board at Harvard Business School Kellogg MBA

Director HBS Admissions at Harvard Business School MBA, the Wharton School

HBS Admissions Board at Harvard Business School

Director HBS Admissions at Harvard Business School HBS MBA

Admissions Officer at Stanford's Graduate School of Business (GSB) MBA, Stanford's Graduate School of Business (GSB)

Asst Director MBA Admissions at Stanford's Graduate School of Business (GSB) Director MBA Admissions at Berkeley’s Haas School of Business

MBA, Stanford's Graduate School of Business (GSB) Minority Admissions, the GSB Diversity Programs, the GSB

Associate Director MBA Admissions at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania

Associate Director MBA Admissions and Marketing at the Wharton MBA’s Lauder Institute

Director, the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania Professional Writer

Assistant Director MBA Admissions at Columbia Business School (CBS) NYU Admissions

Assistant Director MBA Admissions at Columbia Business School (CBS) M.S.Ed, Higher Education, U of Pennsylvania

Associate Director MBA Admissions at Columbia Business School (CBS)

Ashley is a former MBA Admissions Board Member for Harvard Business School (HBS), where she interviewed and evaluated thousands of business school applicants for over a six year tenure.  Ashley  holds an MBA from HBS. During her HBS years,  Ashley  was the Sports Editor for the Harbus and a member of the B-School Blades Ice Hockey Team. After HBS, she worked in Marketing at the Gillette Company on Male and Female shaving ...

Kerry is a former member of the Admissions Board at Harvard Business School (HBS). During her 5+ year tenure at HBS, she read and evaluated hundreds of applications and interviewed MBA candidates from a wide range of backgrounds across the globe. She also led marketing and outreach efforts focused on increasing diversity and inclusion, ran the Summer Venture in Management Program (SVMP), and launched the 2+2 Program during her time in Admissions. Kerry holds a B.A. from Bates College and  ...

A former associate director of admissions at Harvard Business School, Pauline served on the HBS MBA Admissions Board full-time for four years. She evaluated and interviewed HBS applicants, both on-campus and globally.  Pauline's career has included sales and marketing management roles with Coca-Cola, Gillette, Procter & Gamble, and IBM.  For over 10 years, Pauline has expertly guided MBA applicants, and her clients h ...

Geri is a former member of the Admissions Board at Harvard Business School (HBS).  In her 7 year tenure in HBS Admissions, she read and evaluated hundreds of applications and interviewed MBA candidates from a diverse set of academic, geographic, and employment backgrounds.  Geri also traveled globally representing the school at outreach events in order to raise awareness for women and international students.  In additio ...

Laura comes from the MBA Admissions Board at Harvard Business School (HBS) and is an HBS MBA alumnus. In her HBS Admissions role, she evaluated and interviewed hundreds of business school candidates, including internationals, women, military and other applicant pools, for five years.  Prior to her time as a student at HBS, Laura began her career in advertising and marketing in Chicago at Leo Burnett where she worked on th ...

Andrea served as the Associate Director of MBA Admissions at Harvard Business School (HBS) for over five years.  In this role, she provided strategic direction for student yield-management activities and also served as a full member of the admissions committee. In 2007, Andrea launched the new 2+2 Program at Harvard Business School – a program targeted at college junior applicants to Harvard Business School.  Andrea has also served as a Career Coach for Harvard Business School for both cu ...

Jennifer served as Admissions Officer at the Stanford (GSB) for five years. She holds an MBA from Stanford (GSB) and a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Jennifer has over 15 years experience in guiding applicants through the increasingly competitive admissions process into top MBA programs. Having read thousands and thousands of essays and applications while at Stanford (GSB) Admiss ...

Erin served in key roles in MBA Admissions--as Director at Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley and Assistant Director at Stanford's Graduate School of Business (GSB). Erin served on the admissions committee at each school and has read thousands of applications in her career. At Haas, she served for seven years in roles that encompassed evaluation, outreach, and diversity and inclusion. During her tenure in Admissions at GSB, she was responsible for candidate evaluation, applicant outreach, ...

Susie comes from the Admissions Office of the Stanford Graduate School of Business where she reviewed and evaluated hundreds of prospective students’ applications.  She holds an MBA from Stanford’s GSB and a BA from Stanford in Economics. Prior to advising MBA applicants, Susie held a variety of roles over a 15-year period in capital markets, finance, and real estate, including as partner in one of the nation’s most innovative finance and real estate investment organizations. In that r ...

Dione holds an MBA degree from Stanford Business School (GSB) and a BA degree from Stanford University, where she double majored in Economics and Communication with concentrations in journalism and sociology. Dione has served as an Admissions reader and member of the Minority Admissions Advisory Committee at Stanford.   Dione is an accomplished and respected advocate and thought leader on education and diversity. She is ...

Anthony served as the Associate Director of MBA Admissions at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, where he dedicated over 10 years of expertise. During his time as a Wharton Admissions Officer, he read and reviewed thousands of applications and helped bring in a class of 800+ students a year.   Anthony has traveled both domestically and internationally to recruit a ...

Meghan served as the Associate Director of Admissions and Marketing at the Wharton MBA’s Lauder Institute, a joint degree program combining the Wharton MBA with an MA in International Studies. In her role on the Wharton MBA admissions committee, Meghan advised domestic and international applicants; conducted interviews and information sessions domestically and overseas in Asia, Central and South America, and Europe; and evaluated applicants for admission to the program. Meghan also managed ...

Amy comes from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania where she was Associate Director. Amy devoted 12 years at the Wharton School, working closely with MBA students and supporting the admissions team.  During her tenure at Wharton, Amy served as a trusted adviser to prospective applicants as well as admitted and matriculated students.  She conducted admissions chats with applicants early in the admissions ...

Ally brings six years of admissions experience to the SBC team, most recently as an Assistant Director of Admission for the full-time MBA program at Columbia Business School (CBS).  During her time at Columbia, Ally was responsible for reviewing applications, planning recruitment events, and interviewing candidates for both the full-time MBA program and the Executive MBA program. She traveled both internationally and dome ...

Erin has over seven years of experience working across major institutions, including University of Pennsylvania, Columbia Business School, and NYU's Stern School of Business. At Columbia Business School, Erin was an Assistant Director of Admissions where she evaluated applications for both the full time and executive MBA programs, sat on the admissions and merit scholarship committees and advised applicants on which program might be the best fit for them based on their work experience and pro ...

Emma comes from the MBA Admissions Office at Columbia Business School (CBS), where she was Associate Director.  Emma conducted dozens of interviews each cycle for the MBA and EMBA programs, as well as coordinating the alumni ambassador interview program. She read and evaluated hundreds of applications each cycle, delivered information sessions to audiences across the globe, and advised countless waitlisted applicants.

Image credit: Michigan Ross (CC BY-NC 2.0)

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With deadlines around the corner, you may be interested in the world-famous SBC Flight Test . Once a full set of application materials for your initial school have been drafted, but not finalized, the application will be sent to a former admissions committee member for a one-time review, adcomm style. You’ll have the benefit of a true admissions committee review while still having the ability to tinker and change.  You will receive written feedback within two business days after submitting.

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Tips for Your Michigan Ross Application Essays 

June 17, 2024

Sophie Hilaire

Michigan Ross Application Essay Tips, 2024–2025

This year, Michigan Ross overhauled its essay questions and doubled the word count maximums. As a result, applicants will have a lot more space to flesh out their goals, personality, and character. Since these questions are brand new, let’s take a moment to discuss how you can best position yourself through your essays for this year’s applicant pool.

Part 1: Ross Experiences in Action-Based Learning (REAL) 

At Michigan Ross, we believe the best way to learn is by doing. In our Full-Time MBA Program, you will put your skills and knowledge to the test in real-world situations with real stakes. How will this learning environment benefit you, and how do you plan to contribute to the action-based learning experience? (300 words) 

Michigan Ross’s full-time MBA program emphasizes learning by doing, a methodology based on the belief that real-world experiences foster the most profound growth. To thoughtfully address this prompt, familiarize yourself with REAL , and consider the tangible benefits of such an immersive learning environment and how you envision contributing to it.

Start by reflecting on past experiences when practical application significantly enhanced your learning. Discuss how action-based learning has affected your growth and why it’s a critical aspect of your educational journey. For instance, you might highlight a project where you led a team to solve a complex problem, emphasizing the stakes involved and how the experience honed your leadership and decision-making skills.

Next, articulate how the Ross REAL experience will uniquely benefit you. Identify specific aspects of the MBA program, such as the Multidisciplinary Action Projects (MAP), student-led investment funds, or international consulting opportunities, and explain how these will equip you with the skills and knowledge to excel in your career. Connect these experiences to your personal and professional development goals.

Finally, illustrate how you plan to contribute to the action-based learning environment at Ross. Share examples of your proactive approach in previous roles — whether it’s initiating a new project, mentoring peers, or collaborating across functions. Highlight your commitment to fostering a collaborative and innovative learning atmosphere, ensuring that you not only benefit from but also enhance the learning experience for your peers.

Part 2: How will you make an impact at Michigan Ross? 

Michigan Ross is proud to support a community of leaders and impact makers. As a future member of this community, we want to know more about who you are and what drives you. Please choose 1 of the following prompts to tell us more about what makes you stand out beyond your academic and work experience. List the prompt you are answering at the top of your response. (200 words) 

  • What makes you unique? 
  • Can you provide a specific example of how you’ve overcome a personal challenge? 
  • What makes you excited to get up each morning? 
  • Describe a time when you made a difference in your community or with an individual. 

The purpose of these prompts is to give the admissions committee a better idea of who you are as a person and how you view yourself — kind of a peek “behind” your resume. Every word counts here; the tight word count is intentional to force you to focus. Ross is guiding applicants to share more about themselves in a very direct and focused way. Show the adcom who you are as a person, and what unique experiences and insights you would bring to the MBA class.

Most of the prompt choices focus on your personality traits and actions you have taken in the past. Use your answer to demonstrate to the admissions reader how you are like no one else. Try to find examples that give insights into who you are and that complement information in your resume, rather than repeating it, and don’t be afraid to share non-work-related examples. Incorporate details that will make your responses clearly and undeniably your own, and be sure to focus on what you have learned from the experiences and how those takeaways have contributed to the person you are today. 

Most applicants will probably assume that they should discuss only positive experiences or accomplishments in their answers to these prompts, but keep in mind that sharing an example of how you failed or made a mistake and learned from it can be an effective way to show growth. Relating a challenging experience can demonstrate that you are self-aware and can learn from obstacles, so the resulting essays can often be great, as long as you focus on how you grew from the experiences you relate. Ross is most interested in authentic, unique personal stories that illustrate the qualities candidates would bring to the MBA class. Consider sharing an item that cemented your resolve to work toward your future goals or a personal story that highlights your values. Be sure to allocate more words to the “why” and fewer to the “what.”

Part 3: Career Aspirations 

What is your short-term career goal, and how will Ross help you achieve it? (200 words) 

This is a straightforward and traditional essay prompt; Ross wants to know what you envision for yourself professionally in the years right after you graduate, as well as what your motivation is for pursuing this path. Be explicit in describing your short-term career goal, and make sure to build a compelling story as to why it is a fitting choice for you, including how your background or interests have prepared you for your stated goal. Maybe a work project got you excited about pursuing a leadership position, or maybe a personal passion is driving a career change. The “why” shows that you have been thoughtful in selecting this career aspiration and creates a compelling story. Given the minimal word count, prioritize telling your story as clearly and directly as possible. 

For the second part of this question, explicitly name how you believe Ross will help you achieve your goal, such as via certain courses, programs, events, clubs, and so on. Make sure to do your research — Ross has a lot to offer in addition to its big-ticket programs, so showing you’ve familiarized yourself in depth with the school will impress the committee! 

Optional Essay 

Is there something in your resume or application that needs a brief explanation? Appropriate uses of this essay would be the explanation of an employment gap, academic outliers, choice of recommender, completion of supplemental coursework, etc. You may use bullet points where appropriate. (250 words) 

By stating outright that it’s okay to use bullet points in your response to this prompt, Ross is clearly indicating that it just wants the most relevant information here. This is not your chance to share another story you think is interesting but that will not actually add to the admissions committee’s knowledge or understanding of you in any meaningful way. So, provide this optional information only if one of the suggested situations applies to you (“an employment gap, academic outliers, choice of recommender, completion of supplemental coursework”) or some other element of your candidacy would benefit from further clarification. One example would be if your recommender is not your direct supervisor. Or maybe you have a disciplinary issue in your past that could be mitigated by some explanation. At any rate, there’s no need to make your response any longer than it needs to be (or even to respond at all!) — just communicate any critical information. 

In Stratus Admissions’ blog post How to Get into Michigan Ross School of Business , you will find information on a variety of the MBA program’s offerings, such as the Multidisciplinary Action Project (MAP), the Erb Institute, the MTrek Program, and the Zell Lurie Commercialization Fund. Read our guide to learn more about Michigan Ross!

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2024-2025 essay MBA Application Essays Michigan Ross School of Business Optional Essay short answers

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Michigan Ross school of Business portfolio Question?

I'm very confused on what exactly a document or artifact is, here's what the text says.

Upload a document or artifact that represents something significant about your life to show your learning in action. Describe how your artifact demonstrates your learning in action. Please limit this response to approximately 250 words.

I'm also wondering if there is a completed essay I can look at to see what exactly I should be doing (for the first question, as well as the second question). here's the link for both the questions in case anyone is wondering. https://michiganross.umich.edu/programs/bba/application-requirements/preferred-admission

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The striking cathedrals of Sochi

St. Michael’s Cathedral - the main Orthodox church on the Black Sea coast. Source: Dmitry Sinepostolovich

St. Michael’s Cathedral - the main Orthodox church on the Black Sea coast. Source: Dmitry Sinepostolovich

The main Orthodox church of the whole Chernomorsky Region is St. Michael’s Cathedral on Ordzhonikidze Street. It was erected in 1890 in commemoration of the end of the Caucasian War. Now, the church’s structure is under the government’s protection as a monument of religious architecture.

A church built in true Russian style—a wooden structure—is in one of the city’s residential areas. The Church of St. Andrew First Called was built in 1999 at the expense of the Kuban Cossacks. It houses a notable icon that people make pilgrimages to: the Holy Mother of God icon. It is said that praying to this icon can produce miracles—it allegedly cures those suffering from cancer.

The most beautiful and striking cathedral in the city stands on Vinogradnaya Street. The Church of St. Vladimir was the first monolithic church in Russia and Europe. The first liturgy in the cathedral occurred in July 2008, on Prince Vladimir’s name day and 1,020 years after the Baptism of Rus. Because construction was funded by private donations, it advanced slowly. However, the result is astounding. The church is multicolored with an abundance of decorative details and ornamentation. A single iconostasis is invaluable—several kilograms of gold leaf cover it.

Special Project: Discovering Russia

One of the city’s oldest cathedrals, the Church of the Holy Transfiguration of Our Lord, is in the village of Khosta. It was built in 1914 on the model of Jerusalem’s Church of the Holy Sepulcher with donations from humble city dwellers. The last Russian tsar, Nicholas II , contributed 4,000 gold rubles to its building costs. After the 1917 Revolution, the church was shut and became a telephone exchange. In 2001, the church was reopened for worshippers. Now it holds icons that are around 200 years old and a relic brought from Greece: a slipper of the wonderworker Spyridon, Bishop of Trimythous. Today, his incorrupt earthly remains can be found on the island of Corfu. According to Orthodox belief, the saint continues to travel the globe helping people. Consequently, he wears out his velvet slippers, which workers must change every year: they put new ones on the remains and send the old ones to Orthodox churches around the world.

An authentic church with a painted stone enclosure is located in the village of Nizhny Solokh-Aul and is part of the Hermitage of the Holy Cross monastery. It was established in 2000 in honor of the Exaltation of the Life-Giving Holy Cross. Construction is still in progress: the monastery sits on a remote mountainous site to which it is difficult to transport the building equipment, and the monks have limited means—they are funded only by donations. The monastery’s site was chosen deliberately: holy springs are found nearby. The local people say that the water in them is magical; curing sick people and giving strength to healthy ones.

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The other side of Sochi

A weekend in pre-Olympic Sochi

Can Sochi become a world-class resort after the Olympics?

Sochi is a multinational city, and it is also home to non-Russian churches. For example, in Adler, next to Bestuzhev Park, stands St. Sarkis Cathedral, which belongs to the North Caucasus eparchy of the Armenian Apostolic Church. The only similarity to Russian churches is the cross on the roof. On the whole, the building looks completely different: there are subdued sandy tones, precise lines, ascetic cubism, triangular windows and a descending cascade of roofs.

A Roman Catholic parish for followers of that religion has opened in central Sochi, on Parallelnaya Street. The Saints Simon and Jude the Apostles Church appeared relatively recently in the city, in 1997. Before that, there was only a small Catholic chapel that had been built under the auspices of the Polish national cultural center. The chapel held carved crucifixes, an organ and a small stained-glass window. Now all of this belongs to the cathedral, which was built in the neo-Gothic style. It is one of the largest and most popular churches among worshippers in the Krasnodar Region. The church’s altar is dedicated to the holy apostles, who preached in the Caucasus.

In the center of the village of Krasnaya Polyana there is the Greek Church of St. Kharlampy. It was built in the late 19th century, but in 1937, like many churches in the Soviet Union, it was destroyed. The restoration work lasted many years; a plan was developed and agreed on, donations were collected and in 2003 the church was re-opened. It is practically an exact reproduction of the destroyed building. On religious holidays it is a gathering place for Russians of Greek extraction, who comprise a significant portion of Krasnaya Polyana’s local population.

Kharma Bhoomi

The most “Olympic” church in Sochi is in the Imeretinskaya Valley: it is the Church of the Acheiropaeic Image of Christ the Savior. A grandiose and majestic structure, it was built especially for the Olympics in order to acquaint athletes and foreign visitors with Russian Orthodox culture and architecture. In August 2012 the first stone was laid, and the construction started . . . or continued. According to Sochi historians, in the 9th and 10th centuries, before the Baptism of Rus, an old Byzantine church occupied this location. Human remains and building fragments bear witness to this. One of these fragments became a cornerstone of the church complex: a piece of the old Byzantine church was placed in the foundation of the new one. Religious services are now held here, along with theological scholarly conferences and spiritual lectures. The church’s arch is decorated with an icon that shows the Saviour surrounded by seraphim. The church’s area is 200 square meters.

P.S. All houses of worship, no matter what the faith, are governed by particular standards of behaviour. In Russia, as in other countries, smoking, drinking alcohol, speaking loudly and laughing are prohibited in churches. Try not to visit a church in athletic clothing. Women are forbidden to enter a church in slacks or short skirts. In addition, before entering the building, women must cover their heads with a kerchief, so be sure to carry a small scarf or kerchief with you. If you forget to, ask the workers at the church. Churches usually lend out free kerchiefs for this purpose. When entering an Orthodox church, men must remove headwear.

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MBA Ranking: Business School Careers, Culture And Curriculum

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MBA rankings

The best business schools don’t just do one thing well. They’re committed to top-to-bottom excellence in every dimension: programming, experience, support, and satisfaction. That cohesion – and the strategy and execution behind it – trickles into every corner of a program. All the right people buy in. Call it a virtuous cycle: Respected leaders hire A-level talent and admit high potentials – with the latter joining top firms and opening doors for those who follow.

MBA Rankings are designed to condense data until it fits into one neatly-packaged number. The Princeton Review takes a different approach. Rather than bundling data, The Princeton Review breaks it apart so readers know specifically where their target schools shine. The ranking consists of 18 categories, such as the quality of the faculty or consulting programming. Rather than a final index score tethered to questionable weights, The Princeton Review simply shares the Top 10 performers across each category. In the process, readers can identify the programs providing the highest student and alumni satisfaction in the areas that matter most to them. Call it the ranking that lets readers think for themselves, an imperfect instrument that respects its audience and possesses the courage to be different.

The result? Like most rankings, the Stanford Graduate School of Business and Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management cemented their M7 credentials by regularly ranking among the best across-the-board. Like previous Princeton Review rankings, there were several upstarts – including Virginia Darden, Michigan Ross, and Vanderbilt Owen – whose rankings position them as undervalued assets that deserve a deeper look.

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“Since we debuted our b-school rankings in 2004 in multiple categories as opposed to a single list, our goal has been to help b-school bound students identify the MBA program best for them,” wrote Rob Franek, The Princeton Review ‘s Editor-in-Chief, in a press release “The schools that made our list for 2024 all have impressive individual distinctions. What they share are three characteristics that broadly informed our criteria for these rankings: outstanding academics, robust experiential learning components, and excellent career services. Equally impressive to us—and probably to prospective applicants—is that every one of our best b-schools for 2024 garnered highly favorable ratings among its MBA students we surveyed.”

Unveiled on July 16th, the 2024 Princeton Review MBA ranking is a better late than never proposition. After all, the 2023 ranking was released in February 2023, a near 18-month gap between rankings. To compile the student portion of the 2024 ranking, The Princeton Review surveyed over 21,500 on-campus respondents from 244 graduate business schools who’d been enrolled in their program within the past three years. As part of the student survey, respondents rated areas ranging from faculty to campus life. In addition, The Princeton Review submitted surveys to school administrators to compile data on “academics, selectivity, faculty, technical platforms, career services, and other topics.”

Overall, The Princeton Review compiled 60 data points to produce rankings across its 18 categories, which contain a mix of student-only, administrator-only, and combined student-and-administrator data. Instead of supplying actual school scores, however, The Princeton Review simply ranks the Top 10 in each category. This makes it impossible to know the gaps between ranked programs or even where unranked programs finished compared to their peer schools.


The Princeton Review ’s programming ranking may be its most valuable measure. Think of it as a mix of school data like placement and starting pay and student assessments “of how well their school is preparing them for a career in a particular field.” In this area, The Princeton Review covers seven different industries:

Human Resources

Not surprisingly, a different school tops each of the seven lists. Yale SOM repeated as the top program for Consulting, with Michigan Ross dislodging Virginia Darden as the #2 MBA program in the field (and Northwestern Kellogg moving from being unranked to 4th). NYU Stern again snapped up the #1 spot in Finance, besting Columbia Business School and Virginia Darden (while UNC Kenan-Flagler and Rice Jones clung to the 4th and 5th spots). Northwestern Kellogg disrupted the Management category, claiming the top spot from Stanford GSB (which dropped to 4th). Like Consulting and Finance, a newbie – UC Berkeley Haas – checked into the #4 spot in Management.

While Kellogg has traditionally been dubbed the “Marketing School,” it actually finished 6th in this measure. In fact, Stanford GSB is the only program to stick in Marketing’s Top 5 – and it fell from 1st to 5th. Washington Foster took its place at #1, followed by under-the-radar programs like Indiana Kelley, Wisconsin Business School, and UCLA Anderson. On top of that, last year’s #2 in Marketing – Dartmouth Tuck – actually dropped out of the Top 10.

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Kellogg MBA Students


In a head-scratcher, Purdue Krannert ranked as the top school for Operations – even though it no longer offers a full-time MBA program. The same can be said for Penn State Smeal, which placed 3rd. After being the runner-up to Stanford GSB in the Non-Profit space last year, Bard College seized the top spot, while Pepperdine Graziadio climbed from 5th to 2nd. BYU Marriott joined Bard in moving from #2 to #1 – this time in Human Resources.

Among the various academic program rankings, three programs ranked among the Top 10 in four categories: Stanford GSB, Northwestern Kellogg, and Vanderbilt Owen. Alas, Stanford GSB lost the #1 spot in three categories this year. At the same time, Duke Fuqua and Virginia Darden ranked among the ten-best in three categories.

Historically, Kellogg has been associated with teamwork more than management. In fact, the school notes that MBAs will likely participate in 200 team meetings during their time in Evanston. In Kellogg’s worldview, service and collaboration are cornerstones for being an effective manager. The school has branded itself as “Low ego, high impact” leadership – an approach grounded in reflection and self-awareness that fosters dialogue and trust.

“The school’s focus is on developing a leader who can navigate an environment of change, and a leader who has been shaped by and embodies the essential quality of creativity and collaboration, explains Emily Haydon, Kellogg’s Assistant Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid, in a 2023 interview with P&Q . “With this focus and shared culture, we produce leaders who leverage this empathic mindset to drive relationships and performance both professionally and personally.”

In contrast, you could say Vanderbilt Owen’s programming success has been a by-product of its personalized approach, where each student receives intensive support to achieve their career growth plan.

“Having every resource for success is crucial – world class faculty and dynamic classrooms, life-changing career opportunities, immersive experiences and surroundings, and faculty, staff and peers that care about your success,” says Bailey McChesney, Director of MBA Admissions at Owen, in a 2024 interview with P&Q . “The Vanderbilt MBA program has all of those things, but what differentiates us is that our small size, extremely close-knit community and incredible setting in Nashville, Tennessee mean that all of those resources are readily accessible and the people behind them all know your name. Within a one-minute walk in our building, a student could see their Leadership Coach, Career Coach, Academic Advisor and professors, and will walk by dozens of their classmates gathering together. Our community cares deeply about not only the outcomes students achieve, but their experience and growth in the program, and success well beyond business school.”

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Vanderbilt Owen students taking notes in a marketing class


The rankings also feature seven categories based exclusively on student survey results. They include the following areas:

Best Classroom Experience:  “Professors’ teaching abilities, the integration of new business trends and practices in the curricula, the intellectual level of their classmates’ contributions in course discussions, and whether the business school is meeting their academic expectations.”

Best Professors:  “How good their professors are as teachers and how accessible they are outside the classroom.”

Most Competitive Students:  “How competitive their classmates are, how heavy the workload is, and the perceived academic pressure.”

Most Family Friendly:  “How happy married students are, how many students have children, how helpful the school is to students with children, and how much the school does for spouses of students.”

Best Campus Environment:  “How happy students are and how they rate the town the school is located in and the campus community, the availability of school activities, and level of participation from fellow students.”

Best Administered:  “How smoothly the school is run, and the ease with which students can get into required and popular courses.”

Most Green MBA:  “How well their school is preparing them in environmental/sustainability and social responsibility issues, and for a career in a green job market.”

Next Page:  Links to 18 business school rankings from  The Princeton Review.

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Rosa Ross, Late-Blooming Author of Asian Cookbooks, Dies at 86

She was, she said, unable to cook a basic meal into her mid-20s. But she went on to a successful career as a restaurateur and an authority on Asian cuisine.

A woman in a chef’s coat poses for a black-and-white portrait holding a collection of vegetables.

By Alex Williams

Rosa Ross, a Hong Kong-born chef who, despite lacking even basic kitchen knowledge into her 20s, became a noted cookbook author, Chinese cooking instructor and restaurateur on the North Fork of Long Island, died on June 28 at her home there, in East Marion, N.Y. She was 86.

The cause was pulmonary fibrosis, her daughter Sarah Ross said.

Drawing from a swirl of culinary influences from her youth — Chinese, English, Indian, Malaysian — Ms. Ross began her rise in the food world in the early 1980s by traveling to homes around New York City to provide Chinese cooking lessons with a business she called Wok on Wheels.

She published the first of her four cookbooks, “365 Ways to Cook Chinese,” in 1994. Ten years later, after moving to the North Fork village of Greenport, she veered from classic Chinese cooking by opening the restaurant Scrimshaw there.

Scrimshaw, which closed in 2016 , was an early farm-to-table American restaurant that blended in elements of the Asian cuisine of her youth, including heritage-pork dumplings and duck-confit spring rolls that became the stuff of local legend.

The restaurant also showcased Italian fare, which she first learned to make while living in Milan and honed under the tutelage of her friend Marcella Hazan , the author of “The Classic Italian Cook Book” (1973).

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Reimagining public health: a path forward

The COVID-19 pandemic revealed the crucial role of public health, while simultaneously exposing deep political divides and systemic flaws. Confidence in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention plummeted by about 20 points per a State Policy Network opinion poll, showing how quickly public trust can be lost and how hard it is to regain.

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Despite these issues, there is optimism among public health professionals — in both red and blue states — according to research conducted by Ross C. Brownson, the Steven H. and Susan U. Lipstein Distinguished Professor at the Brown School and founder of the Prevention Research Center at Washington University in St. Louis, and Jonathan Samet, a professor and former dean of the Colorado School of Public Health.

The authors, who spoke with public health leaders nationally, distilled the feedback in their essay, “Reimagining Public Health,” which is the lead article in a June special issue of Health Affairs, one of the nation’s foremost health policy journals. “We were surprised to find such optimism, even from those in the trenches,” Brownson said. “The pandemic has sparked a call for focused change and an opportunity to address the flaws within the system. By learning from the past and committing to transparency and effective communication, we can restore faith in public health and ensure better preparedness for future crises.”

In the essay, Brownson and Samet make a number of recommendations to restore this faith, including finding common ground, tapping trusted local messengers, countering misinformation, communicating the powerful message of prevention efforts and revamping training for the current and future public health workforce.

Finding common ground

Rebuilding faith in public health begins with finding common ground, i.e., issues that most people support, Brownson said. One good example is the opioid epidemic. “If you look at most public health issues, there’s often a clear red-blue divide along political lines,” he said. “If you look at something like opioid addiction, though, there’s basically no red-blue divide.”

Data suggests that people across political affiliations overwhelmingly support action against opioid addiction. Focusing initially on issues where people agree, rather than divisive ones, can lead to collaborative solutions. This approach promotes constructive dialogue, bridges political divides and spurs action on topics where there is less agreement, Brownson said. 

Identifying trusted messengers

Trust in local leaders and government significantly outweighs trust in national institutions. “If you look at how many people trust Congress, it’s down around 30%,” he said. “If you ask someone how much they trust their local leaders, it’s about 70%.” 

Given this, Brownson said, it makes sense to identify and recruit respected local figures, akin to community opinion leaders, who can authentically advocate for public health. These influencers may not have formal public health training but can inspire action through community connections and personal stories, such as having a family member affected by diabetes. 

By empowering local voices, public health efforts can foster trust, enhancing outcomes. “Imagine a Taylor Swift-like effect,” Brownson said, laughing, “… well-known people with a large following talking about the value of public health. That would be amazing.”

These messengers would be part of a multipronged approach that also would include understanding local audience segmentation and engaging community members in public health decision-making. 

Imagine a Taylor Swift-like effect … well-known people with a large following talking about the value of public health. That would be amazing. Ross C. Brownson

Non-polarizing language is crucial for effectively communicating public health issues in diverse political environments, Brownson said. For instance, in red states, discussing “weather events” instead of “climate change” may make people more receptive to the message. “In Florida, talking about sea level rise in terms of its potential to harm property values and cause economic issues may engage people more effectively than focusing on the health impacts of climate change. The wrong word can be a conversation stopper,” Brownson said.

“It’s about getting to the same end point by using different language. This is something we don’t focus on enough.”

Flexible messaging is key to advancing public health initiatives. By avoiding divisive language, public health officials can encourage a willingness to act.

Countering misinformation

Given that false information spreads on social media three to four times faster than accurate information, it is crucial to identify where disinformation originates and counteract the superspreaders of misinformation, Brownson said. Public health advocates need to “flood the zone” with accurate, transparent and proactive communication. This means disseminating positive messages that highlight the importance of public health initiatives.

Officials should emphasize the tangible public health benefits that people often take for granted. “In many parts of the world, you can’t trust the tap water to be safe,” Brownson said. “In the U.S., we take clean air and water for granted because we prevent problems before they arise. It’s an invisible effort. So, how do we make people aware of these invisible successes?”

By consistently sharing these narratives and making the benefits of public health clear, officials can enhance public appreciation of their work, leading to better-informed communities.

Two core issues

Climate change and health equity are two areas that significantly impact public health, yet they receive far less emphasis than they deserve, the authors assert.

Many public health entities have yet to consider climate change as a fundamental aspect of their work, but doing so can lead to resilient communities and better health outcomes for all. Instead of reacting only to events like wildfires and floods, Brownson said, a proactive approach would focus on comprehensive surveillance of extreme weather events, sea level rise and other climate-related phenomena.

Implementing policies that address the root causes of climate change, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting sustainable practices in industries and at home, is essential. Attention to these root causes is particularly important in marginalized communities. While there is a tendency to underinvest in public health until a crisis hits, incorporating climate change into core public health functions can break this cycle and ensure sustained preparedness. 

Another considerable challenge is how best to address inequities in the U.S. public health system. The system is highly decentralized, with thousands of independent state and local health departments, federal agencies, nonprofits and community organizations, and health-care providers, resulting in disparities in resource distribution and service delivery.

To ensure everyone has an equal opportunity to be healthy, Brownson said it is essential to fully engage the public, prioritize policies that allocate resources equitably, implement programs tailored to the needs of marginalized populations and build supportive partnerships. “We need to reorient thinking to see public health as a common good rather than a commodity,” he said.

Training the workforce

Only 14% of the U.S. public health workforce holds a public health degree. There is a pressing need to equip students and current professionals with the skills to navigate the public health system, which is a fragmented system of systems.

Methods of teaching epidemiology and other core public health disciplines have remained largely unchanged for the past few decades. Public health training must be modernized, Brownson said, to include new competencies such as: entrepreneurial thinking to implement transformational change; systems thinking to address complex societal problems; effective communication, conveying scientific data via real-world narratives; and resilience to weather times of uncertainty and stress.  

WashU is significantly committing to this area, with the launch of a planned School of Public Health in 2026. “These are the types of issues that could be addressed in the new school. Besides core technical skills, what other skill sets do today’s students need to have? There could be a greater emphasis on technological advancements, cultural competence, leadership abilities, adaptability and lifelong learning, among many other areas,” Brownson said.

Reasons for optimism

Post-COVID, there has been an uptick in students majoring in public health. A new generation is eager and enthusiastic to tackle the challenges ahead, Brownson said. And new technologies, such as advances in data science, surveillance systems, telehealth and vaccine development, offer promising opportunities.

“We have the tools,” Brownson said. “We’re in a moment of time when there is good agreement that something needs to change. And so it’s about putting the tools in the hands of practitioners and giving them the training they need to change the world. Working in public health is a unique opportunity to make people’s lives better and healthier, and this is a moment to seize with political will and perseverance.”

Listen to Ross Brownson discuss his recent essay on the podcast “ A Health Podyssey. ”

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