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phd international relations china

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02 Sep 2024

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International Relations

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We welcome applications from prospective students interested in undertaking a PhD programme with an expert in the Department of International Studies. We are an active and engaged community that will provide you with leading-edge research opportunities.

Our programme, based at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, is a strategic research collaboration between XJTLU and the University of Liverpool. You will receive supervision from respected academics at both institutions. Upon successful completion of your programme, you will receive a University of Liverpool-issued degree, which is recognised by China’s Ministry of Education.

As a registered full-time PhD student, you may apply for a research visit to the University of Liverpool for up to six months. This travel option is typically undertaken during the second year of the PhD and is an opportunity to work with your Liverpool-based supervisor. If your application to travel is successful, XJTLU and the University of Liverpool will cover your accommodation and travel costs for this study abroad opportunity.

Our PhD students engage in a supportive research environment. The XJTLU Graduate School and the XJTLU School of Humanities and Social Science (HSS) work to foster this community through research seminars and conferences, as well as opportunities to acquire practical experience as research assistants and teaching assistants. This is in combination with training offered by the Doctoral College at the University of Liverpool.

Pursuing a full-time PhD typically involves three years of conducting research and one year of writing a thesis, supported by skills training and development. A full-time PhD student must submit a thesis within four years. A part-time PhD student must submit it in six years. XJTLU provides every registered PhD student with up to 16,500 RMB over the course of study for expenses related to attending academic conferences. The purpose of this fund is to support your academic experience and encourage the dissemination of research.

The PhD in International Relations offers supervision across a wide range of subjects, including most areas of international relations, area studies, history, international communications and politics.

Why should I do my PhD in International Relations at XJTLU?

The PhD in International Relations aims to produce scholars who will make an impact in their respective fields by virtue of their professionalism, disciplinary competence and ability to communicate ideas in a policy-relevant area. Our PhD candidates’ core studies are in areas including international relations theory, regionalism and regional integration, foreign policy analysis, international security, diplomacy, political economy, international communication, and cognate fields including area studies (countries or regions of Asia, Africa, Europe, the Americas), international law, international development (governance, sustainability, capacity building), modern history, sociology and international business.

Our PhD programme will encourage interdisciplinarity in accord with its commitment to area studies. This ensures that graduates of the programme are able to work at different levels of analysis and connect local, regional and global processes in ways that illuminate complexity in the world as a product of multiple factors.

The programme may also produce specialist research in area studies, including Asia, Europe, the Americas and Africa, that is historically and culturally informed, allowing meaningful and empirically informed comparisons. This will support region-specific knowledge that will enhance area specialism in China and abroad.

The overall aims of the PhD programme in International Relations are to:

  • support the development of expertise in relevant areas of international relations, international studies and cognate areas;
  • develop perspectives that enable effective analysis of China’s contemporary international relations or that of other countries;
  • enable students to obtain area specialist knowledge through independent research using relevant disciplines or an interdisciplinary approach. This includes the dynamics of social change in the area or region(s) studied, its geographical environment and its place within a global context;
  • promote the communication of ideas with clarity, coherence and persuasiveness;
  • enable the synthesis of information and the capacity to undertake critical appraisals and to develop evidence- or theory-based arguments; and
  • enable the conscious selection and application of appropriate methodologies and theories, and to understand their limits.

Research areas

We welcome proposals from students interested in relevant areas of expertise, including:

  • international relations in China, including security, policy and economy
  • international policies and relations in Africa, America, Asia-Pacific and Europe
  • international law
  • international political economy
  • approaches to restorative justice, peace and state-building
  • critical security studies
  • post-structural approaches to international relations
  • international development studies
  • international communication
  • foreign policy
  • social change
  • propaganda studies
  • soft power studies
  • the Cold War (international history)
  • intelligence studies
  • ethnic minorities studies

Research environment and facilities

XJTLU’s academic staff members include experts in disciplines such as political science, history, law, sociology, and business and economics, and are supported by grant opportunities and professional development. All supervisory teams for PhD students consist of at least one supervisor who has supervised a PhD to completion, who will support and mentor the co-supervisor. Additionally, supervising staff have access to supervisory methods training provided by the Academic Enhancement Centre and mentoring by the Departmental Graduate Studies Officer. Regular progress reports and reviews as outlined in the programme specifications ensure that both candidate progress and supervisory support will be monitored.

The PhD in International Relations programme will provide the core supervisors; scholars based at the University of Liverpool will serve as co-supervisors. These co-supervisors will be appointed based on the convergence of research specialisms and the PhD research proposal. Also, the programme will draw on specialists across the Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) cluster where relevant.

Potential supervisors

Find potential supervisors from the  Department of International Studies.


Apply for a postgraduate research scholarship with your own project:

If you are seeking doctoral funding opportunities, you can apply for a scholarship with your own project. There will be two application rounds for each academic year:

Application Rounds Application deadline Release of results
First Round 17:00 CST(UTC+8), 15 October End of December
Second Round 17:00 CST(UTC+8), 15 April Early July

The scholarship application is open only to applicants applying for full-time doctoral programmes. Detailed information please refer to  Postgraduate Research Scholarships page.

phd international relations china

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Start your application today.

The program recruits foreign students with an academic background in international politics or other social science disciplines. The program trains the students advanced theories in international politics and relations, with a focus on Chinese politics (domestic and international), great power diplomacy, nontraditional diplomacy, and new global order. Students are required to study 6 required courses including 2 language courses, elect 4 courses, and write a dissertation. All the courses are in English. Students are expected to finish their study within 3-5 years.

1. Courses structure

Required courses

Contemporary Chinese Diplomacy

Political Development in Modern

International Politics and Theories

Chinese Public Administration

Research Methods for Political Science

Language class 1

Language class 2

Elective courses

Studies of 's Foreign and Security Policy

's Foreign Economic Policies

International Relations of

Global Governance

International Relations of

Political Economy of

Sino-Russian Relations & Russian Politics

Sino-U.S. Relations & American Politics

Sino-EU Relations & European Politics

Individual studies (designed by student’s advisor)

2. Potential advisors

XU Yihua


Religion and international relations, Christianity in , American religions

CHEN Zhimin


Theories of foreign relations, foreign relations of EU, foreign relations of

PAN Zhongqi


International relations theories, Chinese diplomacy

TANG Shiping


International relations, institutional economics, political theory, and philosophy of (social) sciences

CHEN Yugang


International relations theories, EU politics and foreign relations, global governance

WU Xinbo


's foreign and security policies, Sino-US relations,

ZHAO Huasheng


Russian politics, Sino-Russian relations



economy, policy-making of US foreign policies

ZHANG Guihong


International organizations, international security, international relations of 0Asian-Pacific region (especially )


associate professor

Chinese diplomacy, Japanese diplomacy

BO Yan

associate professor

Environment and International Relations,  International organizations, Global governance

BERSICK, Sebastian

associate professor

EU politics and foreign policies, Sino-EU relations

SONG Guoyou

associate professor

Sino-US economic relations, 's foreign economic policies, international political economy

LIU Yongtao

associate professor

government and politics, US foreign politics, international relations theories


assistant professor

Information technology and international security, media and diplomacy, national information security strategy, relations of great powers

WU Chengqiu

assistant professor

International relations theories,  international relations in the Asian-Pacific region, International political economics, Chinese politics and diplomacy

CHEN Yudan

assistant professor

History of international relations theories in the classical period and in the Renaissance, culture and identity in international relations


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phd international relations china

Institute of International Relations

The Institute of International Relations (IIR) of China Foreign Affairs University (CFAU) is one of the earliest research and teaching institutes on international studies in China. Its predecessor was the Section of International Relations History of Renmin University of China which was founded in 1950. When CFAU was founded in 1955, the Section of International Relations History shifted to be a part of CFAU. It was then renamed as the Institute of International Relations in 1984.

Since  the beginning, IIR has concentrated its research on international relations history, theory and policy analysis. IIR set up an MA program in International Relations History in 1981 and a PhD program in International Relations in 1984. By now, IIR has one post-doctoral program in International Relations, two PhD programs in International Relations and International Politics, one MA program in International Relations, and one MPA program. The MA program has several concentrations , including Contemporary International Relations, Ccontemporary American Diplomacy, RusU.Ssian Diplomacy, Asia-Pacific Studies, Middle East Studies, and International Economic Relations. The International Studies discipline became the Beijing priority major  in 2002 and a national priority major  in 2011. Some of the professors at IIR also are also the directors of some research centers of CFAU, including the International Security Research Center, European Union Studies Center, RusU.Ssian Studies Center, American Studies Center, Middle-East Research Center, BRICS Research Center and National Soft Power Research Center, etc..

IIR has a highly professional faculty. We now have 18 faculty members, including 6 full professors, 7 associate professors, and 5 lecturers. IIR has had 14 professors rewarded with state special allowances since 1991. Professor Zhu Liqun, Professor Wang Fan, and Professor Zhao Huaipu received the Distinguished Teaching Award of Beijing Municipal Government, respectively, in 2007, 2009 and 2014. IIR also won the award of “Excellent Teaching Team in Beijing”. IIR has invited former ambassadors, diplomats, and distinguished professors as adjunct professors as well.

China IR theory, Global Governance and World Order, International Security and Strategy are three key research areas of IIR. These three areas are led by Professor Qin Yaqing, Professor Zhu Liqun, and Professor Wang Fan respectively. Under their leadership, we have published a series of high-quality, influential, studies, including over 100 CSSCI journal papers and about 20 books, and got several national social science funds in latest 5 years.

Teaching is also our priority. We have 1 national bilingual teaching model course, 3 Beijing distinguished teaching award winners, 2 model courses awarded by Beijing government, and 1 double degree MA program. Every year we recruit about 15 PhD students, 60 graduate students, and 30 foreign students.

We have built cooperateratedion with over 20 research institutes or universities from the major countries, such as Unites States, RusU.Ssia, France, Japan, Italy, Belgium, BelarusU.S, Singapore and South Korea. Each year we invite 3-5 foreign experts to visit our institute. We also set up two platforms, Sino-USU.S Scholars’ Strategic Dialogue and Emerging Countries Scholars Dialogue, to promote cooperation among scholars.

IIR serves as think tank as well. We undertake research projects for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Beijing Municipal Government, or other Government branches. There are several faculty members served  at Chinese embassies around the world as diplomats. We also provide training programs for the civil service.  

We are dedicated to becominge  a world-known research and teaching institute with outstanding academic and policy-oriented research.

Address: Institute of International Relations, China Foreign Affairs University, No.24 Zhanlanguan Road, Xicheng District, Beijing, China 100037

Tel.: 0086-010-68323903

For more information please refer to

43 Best universities for International Relations and Diplomacy in China

Updated: February 29, 2024

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Below is a list of best universities in China ranked based on their research performance in International Relations and Diplomacy. A graph of 10.1K citations received by 6.26K academic papers made by 43 universities in China was used to calculate publications' ratings, which then were adjusted for release dates and added to final scores.

We don't distinguish between undergraduate and graduate programs nor do we adjust for current majors offered. You can find information about granted degrees on a university page but always double-check with the university website.

1. Education University of Hong Kong

For International Relations and Diplomacy

Education University of Hong Kong logo

2. Fudan University

Fudan University logo

3. China Foreign Affairs University

China Foreign Affairs University logo

4. Peking University

Peking University logo

5. University of Hong Kong

University of Hong Kong logo

6. Renmin University of China

Renmin University of China logo

7. Tsinghua University

Tsinghua University logo

8. East China Normal University

East China Normal University logo

9. University of International Relations

University of International Relations logo

10. Chinese University of Hong Kong

Chinese University of Hong Kong logo

11. City University of Hong Kong

City University of Hong Kong logo

12. Shanghai International Studies University

Shanghai International Studies University logo

13. Beijing International Studies University

Beijing International Studies University logo

14. Hong Kong Baptist University

Hong Kong Baptist University logo

15. Jilin University

Jilin University logo

16. Wuhan University

Wuhan University logo

17. Nankai University

Nankai University logo

18. University of Nottingham Ningbo, China

University of Nottingham Ningbo, China logo

19. Beijing Normal University

Beijing Normal University logo

20. Xiamen University

Xiamen University logo

21. Tongji University

Tongji University logo

22. Zhejiang University

Zhejiang University logo

23. University of Macau

University of Macau logo

24. Shandong University

Shandong University logo

25. Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Shanghai Jiao Tong University logo

26. Northeast Normal University

Northeast Normal University logo

27. Open University of Hong Kong

Open University of Hong Kong logo

28. Nanjing University

Nanjing University logo

29. Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Hong Kong Polytechnic University logo

30. Central China Normal University

Central China Normal University logo

31. Sun Yat - Sen University

Sun Yat - Sen University logo

32. Shanghai University

Shanghai University logo

33. Zhejiang Normal University

Zhejiang Normal University logo

34. Yunnan University

Yunnan University logo

35. Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University

Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University logo

36. Huaqiao University

Huaqiao University logo

37. Nanjing Normal University

Nanjing Normal University logo

38. Dalian University of Technology

Dalian University of Technology logo

39. Beijing Foreign Studies University

Beijing Foreign Studies University logo

40. University of International Business and Economics

University of International Business and Economics logo

41. Fujian Normal University

Fujian Normal University logo

42. Jinan University

Jinan University logo

43. XiangTan University

XiangTan University logo

The best cities to study International Relations and Diplomacy in China based on the number of universities and their ranks are Hong Kong , Shanghai , Beijing , and Changchun .

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PhD in International Relations

Xiamen University

phd international relations china


The PhD in International Relations at Xiamen University is a three year program taught in English.

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Get the best of your Study in China with the best Universities offering competitive and rich curriculum programs. Search through over 5000 courses offered by more than 1000 universities in China. There is a course for every major. China Scholars’ Program consultants are always standing by to help you select the right courses within a university with a perfect learning environment. Register with the CS-Hub as it provides the technology and tools for you to interact with our team, submit your application at a single click and also pay for the program fees. The chat tool gives you 24/7 support and opportunity to book an appointment with the team.

Course Content

  • Entry Requirements
  • Career Options
  • Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens in good health
  • Applicants should not be a registered student at a China’s university at the time of application or a graduating degree student at a China’s university during the application for a doctoral program
  • Applicants for doctoral degree studies must have a master’s degree and be under the age of 40

Accommodation at Xiamen University

Apartments at Xiang’an campus

Overseas Education College moved from Siming campus to Xiang’an campus in September of 2013. The new campus provides student apartments with four bedrooms, four balconies, two bathrooms and a living room, usually accommodating two students in each bedroom. The apartment is fully equipped with facilities like air-conditioner, wooden chair & table, safe and water heater for shower. Students can apply for the internet access from the office of China telecom or China mobile on campus, costing 40RMB per month. The passage is cleaned regularly and there are security guards 24 hours at the gate.

The apartments can be divided into two categories based on the following ways of management:

Student dormitory (Guoguang 1-7 bldg.): The rent for a place in the dormitory is only 2000RMB per year plus 1000RMB for deposit, not including the fees for water, electricity and management. Students need to buy/bring their own bedclothes and clean their bedrooms, the living room and the bathroom. It is no need to reserve for it since students can check in at the dormitory with student ID/admissions letter after finishing registration procedures. Those early arrivers should take care of their accommodation before the semester starts.

Off-campus accommodation

Living off-campus in Xiamen is cheap, with the monthly rent for a spacious and comfortable room of about RMB, 1,200

About the University Summary

Xiamen University in the Fujian province of China was the first university in the country founded by an overseas Chinese leader – entrepreneur and industrialist Tan Kah Kee based in Singapore who set up the university in 1921.

The university is directly administered by the Chinese Ministry of Education and is highly rated nationally for subjects including journalism, chemistry and economics.

Many children of foreign diplomats attend the university, partly due to the high reputation and prevalence of foreign professors.

Out of the 40,000 full-time students on campus, more than 2,800 are international students. Chinese is taught in some programmes as a foreign language. The university collaborates with 270 other higher education institutions both in China and abroad.

In the 27 schools of the universities there are 76 departments and 10 research institutions. In total, 83 different undergraduate programmes, 276 master’s programmes and 187 PhD programmes are on offer.

The main campus is in the Siming District of Xiamen at the foothills of the mountains on Xiamen’s bay. Due to the landscape, and parks, the campus is a key tourist attraction in the area.

Aside from the main campus, the university also has campuses in Xiang’an and Zhangzhou. As of 2015, Xiamen University has a campus in Malaysia, the first Chinese university to set up a campus overseas.

University buildings and sites cover a total of 1.4 million square metres and the library system holds 4.48 million printed and electronic volumes.

Famous alumni of the university include eminent economists, mathematicians, inventors, writers and singers.

XMU, established in 1921 by renowned patriotic overseas Chinese leader Mr. Tan Kah Kee, is the first Chinese university founded by an overseas Chinese. The University is a comprehensive institution of higher education directly affiliated with China’s Ministry of Education, and it has recently been chosen for inclusion in the Chinese Government’s Program of Building World-Class Universities and World-Class Disciplines.

Since its foundation, generation after generation of faculty and students have strived to fulfill Mr. Tan Kah Kee’s vision of “empowering the nation through education” and “building XMU into a world-class university”. Inspired by the University’s motto of “Pursuing Excellence and Striving for Perfection”, XMU is on track to become “a university that rivals the major institutions around the world” and “the pride of the nation” as envisioned by his founding father. With nearly a century of robust growth, XMU today is a nationally-ranked and internationally-recognized comprehensive university. Its long and proud tradition of scholarly excellence and its leadership in a broad range of disciplines have earned it a prestigious reputation as the “Strength of Southern China”.

Since its inception, XMU has produced more than 300,000 graduates, and over 60 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering have studied or worked at XMU. In recent years, in parallel with the steady rise of China’s national strength and international influence, XMU has advanced by leaps and bounds, approaching the world’s highest standard for academic disciplines, scientific research, and educational quality. The University was placed among the world’s top 400 institutions in various authoritative world university rankings, such as THE, QS, US News and ARWU and is expected to rise higher in the ranking charts on its way to world-class university status.

XMU comprises six faculties: Humanities and Arts, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Medicine and Life Sciences, and Earth Sciences and Technology. These faculties consist of 28 colleges and schools and 14 institutes, with a total of 88 departments. The University boasts 53 first-level disciplines, 15 of which were ranked among the world’s top 1% by ESI. XMU has a full-time faculty of 2,657, 70.6% of whom are full and associate professors, and 81.1% are holders of doctorates. Currently, the University has a total enrollment of approximately 40,000 students, including 20,045 in bachelor’s, 16,172 in master’s and 3,647 in doctoral programs. Our graduates are among the most sought-after in the job market, with over 95% of them finding employment upon graduation. The University is spread over four campuses in Siming (430 acres), Zhangzhou (420 acres), Xiang'an (600 acres), and Malaysia (150 acres), covering a total area of nearly 1,600 acres.

From the very beginning, XMU set building a global university as its goal, dedicating itself to “advancing the frontiers of knowledge, cultivating professional talent, and expounding world cultures”. With a global vision, the University is committed to internationalization and open-ended education. Over the years, XMU has forged partnerships with nearly 300 higher-learning institutions in the U.K., the U.S., Japan, France, Russia, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and engaged in substantive cooperation with more than 50 of the world’s top 200 universities. Moreover, the University has operated 16 Confucius Institutes and 47 Confucius Classrooms in 13 countries and regions. In February 2016, Xiamen University Malaysia (XMUM) welcomed its first cohort of students. As the first overseas campus set up by a renowned Chinese university, XMUM is acclaimed as a brilliant pearl on the 21st Century Marine Silk Road.

As one of the earliest institutions in China to offer courses to overseas students, XMU set up its Overseas Correspondence College back in 1956 and started enrolling international students in 1981. The University holds the distinction of conferring the first doctorates in oceanography and accounting upon international students in China. XMU hosts more than 3,400 international students from over 130 countries and regions around the world each year. They enjoy a world-class intellectual environment on a campus nestled snugly between the hills and the sea and known for its top-notch faculty and first-class facilities. They form a vibrant and essential part of the XMU community.

Xiamen, where XMU is situated, is the most dynamic harbor city on China’s southeastern coast and a recipient of the “UN-Habitat Scroll of Honor” Award and the International Awards for Liveable Communities (LivCom Awards). In September 2017, Xiamen hosted the 9th BRICS Summit, with XMU serving as the venue for a number of events. The city’s unique culture and customs, East-meet-West architecture, picturesque coastal scenery, and fresh air and blue skies, also add to XMU’s appeal as a top destination for students from around the world. XMU, established in 1921 by renowned patriotic overseas Chinese leader Mr. Tan Kah Kee, is the first Chinese university founded by an overseas Chinese. The University is a comprehensive institution of higher education directly affiliated with China’s Ministry of Education, and it has recently been chosen for inclusion in the Chinese Government’s Program of Building World-Class Universities and World-Class Disciplines.

Xiamen, where XMU is situated, is the most dynamic harbor city on China’s southeastern coast and a recipient of the “UN-Habitat Scroll of Honor” Award and the International Awards for Liveable Communities (LivCom Awards). In September 2017, Xiamen hosted the 9th BRICS Summit, with XMU serving as the venue for a number of events. The city’s unique culture and customs, East-meet-West architecture, picturesque coastal scenery, and fresh air and blue skies, also add to XMU’s appeal as a top destination for students from around the world.

The University Combines resources over and above the ordinary to deliver one of the greatest education systems in the world. Get detailed information about their campus, departments, and application time schedules by personal program advisor. Apply now if you have not applied yet to Speak with a Program Advisor. Download now for more information

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Other Courses Offered By XMU University

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MPhil & PhD Studies


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The department offers supervision for M.Phil./Ph.D. candidates in the following sub-disciplines within the field: China and Hong Kong studies, comparative politics, international relations, political theory and public administration. The degrees may be taken on either a full-time or a part-time basis. The M.Phil. and Ph.D. degrees are research degrees and require the submission and oral defence of an original piece of work. Candidates are expected to demonstrate both that they have made a new contribution to their area of study and that they have a command of the relevant literature. M.Phil. candidates are required to complete a coursework curriculum as part of their research training. They will be required to take courses organised by the Graduate School and the Department. Applicants in the field of public administration and international relation should note that the department also offers a Master of Public Administration (M.P.A.) degree and a Master of International and Public Affairs (M.I.P.A.) degree . (For more information, please contact the departmental office.)

Requirements for admission to the M.Phil./Ph.D. degrees

Applicants should have a good honours degree from a recognized university and, depending on the nature of their research proposal, some background in the study of politics, public administration, political philosophy, or applied ethics. Applicants are required to obtain a score of 550 or above in the paper-based, 213 or above for computer-based,79-80 or above for internet-based TOEFL test , or equivalent evidence of the ability to read and write in English. Every applicant is expected to have in advance of admission a clear idea of the nature of the research he or she wishes to pursue and should try to identify the staff member best suited as supervisor. A research proposal must be enclosed in the application. The following items must be addressed in the research proposal:

  • a statement of the aim and scope of research;
  • an explanation of the research methods to be employed (e.g. theoretical approaches, methods of data collection, and methods of philosophical analysis, etc);
  • a statement on the significance of the research study and its possible contribution to the field of study;
  • reference/reading list.

All applications should be submitted to the Online Application system. If you have enquiries regarding how to use the Online Application System, please contact the Graduate School by email at [email protected] or telephone: (852) 2857 3470.

The Faculty reserves the right not to admit applicants who meet the minimum qualifications. In some cases, it will not be possible to provide supervision in the specific area of the applicant's interest; in others, the member of staff with expertise in the area may already be fully committed.

Information for rpg admissions:

FAQ regarding rpg admissions:

Comparative politics: Comparative politics, political economy of development, politics of economic reform in socialist countries/central provincial relations in China, local government and economic reform in China. Political culture and political participation, democratisation, civil society and social movements, history of ideas, gender studies, authoritarian politics and corruption in China.

International relations: International relations theory, international political economy, East Asia, and Chinese foreign policy. International politics, global governance, and Asian regionalism.

Political theory and ethics: Contemporary Western political philosophy, Confucianism, human rights, applied ethics, just war theory and the ethics and violence, global justice, immigration, egalitarianism and anti- egalitarianism, comparative political philosophy.

Public administration and public policy: Organisation theory and problems, public personnel administration, bureaucratic participation, bureaucratic representation, new public administration, public administration in China, public policy analysis, institutional analysis, public management, common-pool resources management, self-governance, environmental governance, comparative environmental regulatory policy, participatory governance, civil society organisations, social policy development, theories and public administration and public policy, health care policy.

The department will allocate a supervisor or, in some cases, joint supervisors for all accepted applicants. Candidates should ensure that they keep their supervisors informed of their progress and their written work. Supervisors are required to report regularly to the department and the Faculty on each candidate's progress in research and writing. A candidate must pass an oral defense of his or her revised research proposal before the candidature can be confirmed at the end of the probationary period. In the second year of study, every M.Phil./Ph.D. candidate is expected to present a seminar paper on his or her research work to the department.

Students are required to participate in Departmental seminars, make seminar presentations, lead tutorials and assist in activities organised by the Department.

The university awards post-graduate studentships, on a competitive basis, to full-time post-graduate students. The award is HK$18,390 per month for 2022-23 and requires some teaching assistance at the undergraduate level or research assistance for the department.

The department currently has 6 M.Phil. students and 18 Ph.D. students. The department has an international post-graduate student body. Our current and past non-local students come from Canada, Columbia, mainland China, France, Ireland, Italy, Nepal, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Russia, Sierra Leone, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Greece, Taiwan, United Kingdom, United States, Japan, Myanmar, Morocco, Thailand, and Saudi Arabia.

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[Assistant Professor]
Tel: 3917 5028
e-mail :
B.Soc.Sc., HKU;
M.S., Ph.D., Duke
Computational social science,
political communication,
authoritarian politics,
inequality and redistribution

[Associate Professor]
Tel: 3917 7862
e-mail :
BA., MPhil., HKU;
PhD., Indiana
Institutional analysis,
comparative public policy,
competitive authoritarianism,
politics and social media,
environmental governance regime,
environmental monitoring

[Assistant Professor]
Tel: 3917 2585
e-mail :
B.A., & B.S., Wuhan
MSc., London School of Economics and Political Science., Peking U. Ph.D., Rutgers
Social equity, Diversity
Management, Public
Presonnel Management,
Environmental Policy,
Nonprofit Management

[Associate Professor]
Tel: 3917 1466
e-mail :
Ph.D., George Washington
International Relations of East Asia,
China's Relations with Southeast Asia,
Ethnic Politics in China,
Southeast Asian Politics,
Myanmar and Thailand Politics,
Race and Ethnic Politics

[Assistant Professor]
Tel: 3917 2398
e-mail :
L.L. B. Peking;
M. Sc., London School of Economics;
M.Sc., DPhil., Oxford
Confucian and Chinese political thought,
Democratic theory,
Comparative political theory

[Professor & Head]
Tel: 3917 2391
e-mail :
B.Soc.Sc., CUHK;
Ph.D., Indiana
Public policy analysis,
institutional analysis,
public management,
common-pool resources management,

[Assistant Professor]
Tel: 3917 1908
e-mail :
B.A. & M.A., The University of Haifa;
Military and Non-Military Interventions,
U.S. Foreign Policy, Regional War and Peace,
Terrorism and Insurgency, International Relations Theory,
Security Studies/International Security

[Assistant Professor]
Tel: 3917 4372
e-mail :
B.A. & M.A., Renmin U;
Ph.D., Southern California
Public/nonprofit management,
organization theory,
civil society,
environmental governance

[Assistant Professor]
Tel: 3917 4982
e-mail :
B.A., Remin U;
MPA, Columbia;
Ph.D., Indiana
Environmental Policy,
Environmental Justice,
Environmental Attitudes and Opinions,
Information Disclosure

[Associate Professor & Chairman of Departmental Research Postgraduate Committee]
Tel : 3917 7118
e-mail :
B.A., Cornell U;
Ph.D., MIT
Experimental political science,
global-level strategic interactions,
international security,
East Asia, causes and prevention of war

Tel : 3917 1927
e-mail :
M.A., Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe U;
Ph.D., Wurzburg
Contemporary western political philosophy and applied ethics, in particular: the ethics of violence (self-defense, war, terrorism, torture, assassination, punishment, etc.), global justice, political obligation, collective responsibility, egalitarianism vs. anti-egalitarianism

[Assistant Professor]
Tel : 3917 1120
e-mail :
B.A., William & Mary
Ph.D., Harvard
Chinese foreign policy, international political economy, international development, trade, diplomacy

BSc(Hons) Warwick;
MPhil, Ph.D., Cambridge

Energy policy, environmental policy, climate change adaptation, sustainable development.

[Associate Professor]
Tel : 3917 4880
e-mail :
LLB, LLM, Peking;
Ph.D., Harvard
Chinese politics, comparative political development, political regime, government reform, institutional innovation, authoritarianism, democratization, contentious politics and comparative historical study of reform and revolution.

[Associate Professor]
Tel : 3917 2278
e-mail :

B.A., Peking;
M.S., Ph.D., Northwestern

Chinese Politics, Corruption and Government Integrity, Methodology.
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PhD in  International Relations

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The PhD in International Relations   is a 3 year program taught in English to international students. Students can start the program in September each year.

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Salve Regina University

International Relations Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

(48 Credits)

This Ph.D. program is designed to provide students with a regional expertise in an area study of the globe, be that Russia, China, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, South Asia, East Asia or the Americas. To develop such an expertise the students will, first, be exposed to all the different regions of the world by taking at least one class in each area and, second, complete a 12-credit dissertation ( INR-698  and INR-699  combined)  in one specific area. For this purpose, students must complete 36 credit hours or 12 of the Ph.D. courses below, pass a language requirement and a written comprehensive examination, defend orally a dissertation proposal, and, finally, defend successfully the 12-credit dissertation ( INR-698 and INR-699 combined).

Admission Criteria

To assure success in the Program, admission criteria will be highly selective. In order to qualify for application, individuals should:

  • Possess both a bachelor's degree and a master's degree earned from an accredited U.S. institution of higher learning or equivalent degrees from a nationally accredited, English-speaking, college or university outside the U.S. If the institution is outside of the U.S., documentation of degree equivalencies must be submitted by an agency authorized to do so. Applicants from non-English-speaking institutions will need to provide proof of oral and writing proficiency in the English language such as Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or International English Language Testing System (IELTS). They must also be able to submit a certified English translation of all non-English transcripts.
  • Have five years of related practical professional experience such as working for an international governmental or non- governmental agency, being deployed overseas, serving overseas, or living overseas.

Qualified applicants may complete an online application and submit:

  • Two letters of recommendation that support the ability to engage in doctoral studies, preferably from instructors from the applicant’s MA study. Recommenders must include professional title and contact information.
  • A personal statement that demonstrates solid writing skills and motivation for doctoral studies.
  • A complete resume
  • Official undergraduate and graduate transcripts

Applications are accepted throughout the year. In reviewing applications, the Admissions Committee looks at the complete package of the application. Application files must be completed within one year of the initial application submission or individuals may be required to resubmit materials. All application materials become a permanent and confidential part of the University records and are not returned. All prospective students are encouraged to contact the Office of Graduate and Professional Studies as well as the program director for more information.

Applicants from accredited military universities with transferable credits available may have up to 9 credits of the International Relations Ph.D. required credits transferred with the permission of the program director.

Program Requirements

Each of the courses below will train students in finding and reviewing academic literature, formulating and refining research questions, academic writing, and qualitative research. For quantitative research students will rely on the course INR-675 , which will be a required course. INR-690 , which will also be required, will emphasize qualitative research and its major emphasis will be on preparing students for writing and defending a dissertation proposal, on conducting qualitative research and on writing a dissertation.

International Relations Curriculum

Course List
Code Title Credits
American Foreign Policy3
American Foreign Policy Decision Making3
Chinese Foreign Policy3
The Korean Peninsula and Japan3
Russian Foreign Policy3
Chinese Politics3
Comparative Politics of Russia3
The Middle East in World Affairs3
South Asia in World Affairs3
Latin America in World Affairs3
Europe in World Affairs3
Comprehensive Exam0
Africa in World Affairs3
Quantitative Methods3
Culture, Society and the Global Condition3
Dissertation Proposal and Research3
Dissertation Research and Writing3
Dissertation I6
Dissertation II6

Language Requirement

By the time of completion of all coursework, students must have also fulfilled a language proficiency requirement, either by passing a translation test administered by the program coordinator or passing two 200-level (or above) courses with a grade of "B" or better. No graduate credit will be awarded for language courses. International students, whose mother language is not English, can use their mother language to fulfill the language proficiency requirement. The language requirement must be completed before taking the comprehensive exams. The language examination, when needed, will be administered during the first Monday in May and December of each year. In special situations, an alternative date can be arranged. Students may sign up for the examination by emailing the program coordinator no later than two weeks prior to it. It will require students to translate a short text, between one and two pages long. The text will be from a source related to the international relations field, such as a journal article. The exam will be graded on a simple pass/fail system. The language exam may be retaken until passed.

Comprehensive Examination

Upon completion of language requirement and the coursework (students register for INR-670 Comprehensive Exam. Students will be required to pass a comprehensive written examination. They will be required to answer two out of three general questions from two different areas of study covered by the curriculum. The two areas will be chosen by the students. Students will have four hours to complete the two questions. Comprehensive examinations will be administered through teleconference. They will require students to be familiar with the area studies literature, be analytical, comparative, critical, and insightful. Students who fail the exam may be allowed to repeat it one time only. Second time failure will result in the student's termination from the Ph.D. program. Comprehensive examinations will be graded by either High Distinction, Distinction, Pass or Fail.

There will be two specific dates the comprehensives can be taken each year: the last Thursday-Friday in May, and the second Monday-Tuesday in December. Students may sign up to take the exam, and also declare the two areas of study, by emailing their intention to the program coordinator no later than two weeks prior to the exam date (in special situations, an alternative date can be arranged).


Upon the successful completion of the comprehensive examination, students will move to the dissertation-writing phase. This phase of the program will expose students to the systematic, in-depth, and detailed study of their preferred area in order to generate original, publication-ready research. The process starts with INR-690 , which is a manual on how to think, plan, develop, and complete the dissertation. By the time of enrolling in  INR-690 , Ph.D. candidates should have secured a first reader from the list of faculty teaching in the Program. The student and the first reader will discuss possible dissertation topics and focus on a specific one. Once the topic is decided, the Ph.D. candidate and the first reader will discuss possible second readers and settle on a second reader. The first task of the work will be to prepare and defend a dissertation prospectus. The prospectus will be developed in  INR-690 . Typically, the focus of the dissertation will be in one of the area studies included in the curriculum.

The Dissertation Committee will be composed of three members: the two readers and another member of the faculty of the Political Science and International Relations Department or a member of another department or academic institution. The Ph.D. candidate, in consultation with the first and second reader, is responsible for securing the outside member of the Dissertation Committee. Candidates should only consider defending if readers recommend it and the program director concurs. The successful defense of the prospectus in  INR-690 denotes the elevation of the candidate to the A.B.D status.

Ph.D. Candidates who are A.B.D. and finished with classwork and start work on their dissertation enroll for a three-credit research course at a fixed fee. This course is offered in fall and spring terms and is repeated as long as necessary until the student is approved by the program director to defend their dissertation. Students who have become Ph.D. candidates are required to make progress in their dissertation consistent with the timeline developed in their dissertation proposal. Failure to demonstrate progress will result in failing INR-695 and be subsequently placed on academic probation. A successive academic probation may result in the dismissal from the program.

A typical dissertation will be at least 200 pages and should definitely be undertaken with the intention of making it an original contribution to the international relations field. It should be publication-ready, and its substance should not be covered by existing literature unless it fundamentally questions existing literature. The dissertation process will end with the successful defense of the work before the Dissertation Committee.

Dissertations will be graded on a pass/fail scale where pass denotes the grade of "A" and fail the grade of "F."

Students must complete the program in no more than seven years after matriculation.

Degree Plan for Ph.D. in International Relations

Required courses.

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
Quantitative Methods (Also offered in Summer) 3
INR Elective 3
INR Electives 6
INR Electives 6
Second Year
INR Electives 6
INR Electives 6
INR Elective 3
Comprehensive Exam 0
Third Year
Dissertation Proposal and Research 3
Dissertation Research and Writing 3
Fourth Year
Dissertation Research and Writing 3
Dissertation Research and Writing 3
Fifth Year
Dissertation I 6
Dissertation II 6
 Total Credits57

This course is offered Fall/Spring terms and is repeated as long as necessary until approved to register for INR-698.


Students choose 10 courses from the list of courses below for a total of 30 credits.

Fall Courses

Course List
Code Title Credits
Chinese Politics3
South Asia in World Affairs3
Europe in World Affairs3
Africa in World Affairs3

Spring Courses

Course List
Code Title Credits
Chinese Foreign Policy3
The Korean Peninsula and Japan3
Russian Foreign Policy3
Latin America in World Affairs3

Summer Courses

Course List
Code Title Credits
American Foreign Policy3
American Foreign Policy Decision Making3
Comparative Politics of Russia3
The Middle East in World Affairs3

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International doctoral programs

International collaborations are an integral part of research. Some programs in particular enable the development an international experience in the context of doctoral education.

Published on 4/12/2019 - Updated on 6/03/2024

China Scholarship Council – Sorbonne University

The China Scholarship Council (CSC) and Sorbonne University have established a collaborative program offering excellent doctoral education to Chinese candidates in all disciplines represented at Sorbonne University. Doctoral candidates are hosted in a laboratory under the supervision of Sorbonne University and receive a scholarship funded by the CSC . This scholarship is for a maximum of 4 years. Its amount is currently 1350 €/month (amount periodically re-evaluated by the CSC). In addition, doctoral candidates will have to pay administrative fees. Candidates having obtained the CSC scholarship are required to commit to returning to China after the defense of the thesis or after a postdoctoral stay abroad (after agreement of the CSC).

Recruitment campaign

It takes place in several stages:

  • A call for doctoral research projects is launched to researchers and academic researchers at Sorbonne University. The doctoral research projects are then validated by the doctoral schools and published.
  • Chinese candidates send their applications to the project leaders , who forward the files of the candidates they have pre-selected to the doctoral schools. The candidates' files are examined by each doctoral school, which may issue a pre-admission letter subject to funding.
  • The list of all candidates pre-selected by the Sorbonne University doctoral schools is sent to the CSC.
  • Candidates must then apply in China on the CSC website . They are evaluated by the Chinese party, which notifies and awards the thesis scholarship if necessary.

Eligibility conditions of candidates

The CSC 2021 is only open to candidates of Chinese nationality who do not have any job outside the Chinese territory at the time of their application . They must demonstrate a very good level of English and, for some fields of humanities and social sciences, a very good level of French (B2 minimum, C1 recommended).

Student in China

  • Be a student in the final year of a master's degree or have recently graduated or,
  • Be in the first year of the PhD program, a letter of recommendation from the home university will be required.

Chinese student abroad

  • Be a student in the final year of a master's degree or have graduated less than a year before applying for the scholarship.

  Calendar 2021-2022

  • October 1st: Postinf of  validated projects on the Sorbonne University website , opening of students applications, Chinese candidates contact the project leaders and send them an application file . Applicants  submit their application file under this   link .
  • January 31 : Closing of applications. The project leaders sent the selected application after hearing the candidates at their doctoral school. 
  • Until february 21 : after examination, the Doctoral schools send the signed and stamped pre-admission letters of the selected candidates to the doctoral college
  • February 28 : The doctoral collège send the pre-admissions letters to the candidates
  • Until March 31 : The candidates selected by Sorbonne Universite candidate on CSC website
  • May 31 : Diffusion of results by the CSC to Sorbonne Université. Results are send to candidates as well as project leaders. 

Doctoral project proposed for 2022

See doctoral project proposed for 2022

Admission file

Link to submit application

Request for specific assistance for doctoral fellows (sciences) - ASDB

For all doctoral candidates who will be affiliated to the Faculty of Sciences of the Sorbonne University, the ASDB should be set up in order to complete the 1350 euros of scholarships More information Contact for ASDB related issues

For any questions (except for the ASDB), please contact Camille Vignes [email protected]

Modeling of Complex Systems (MSC) Program

The International Doctoral Program in Complex Systems Modeling (PDI MSC) is a cross-disciplinary program at all doctoral schools of the Sorbonne University. It is the first North-South doctoral program of Sorbonne University built on the commitment to recruit for 3 years young doctoral candidates from all countries and more particularly from Southern countries where the IRD has developed many collaborations for more than 60 years.

It also relies on the network set up by the International Joint Unit UMMISCO of Sorbonne University-IRD, whose teams specialized in mathematical and computer modeling are spread over five countries: Morocco, Senegal, Cameroon, Vietnam and France.

The themes of the PDI MSC are multidisciplinary; they relate in particular to the use of complex systems modeling to solve problems of development and/or management of resources and environments, particularly in southern countries with problems in health and epidemiology, management of renewable resources, urban and regional dynamics, ecosystem dynamics.

Each year, the last three promotions of doctoral candidates registered at Sorbonne University in co-supervision with several foreign universities are gathered on the IRD Bondy campus to follow a 3-week training course.

  • For more information

European Founding Myths in Arts and Literature

Sorbonne University / University of Bonn / University of Florence

The Universities of Bonn, Florence and Sorbonne have agreed on a jointly structured doctoral training course with the title "Founding Myths of Europe in Literature, Arts and Music". The disciplines concerned arethe various philologies and literatures, the history of art and music, history, political science, philosophy, sociology, without a priori restrictions. Doctoral candidates prepare a thesis on the founding myths of Europe.

  • More information on the website of the University of Bonn

Italian Studies

Since 2006, the Universities of Florence, Bonn and Sorbonne have agreed on a doctoral Program with a common structure and the mention "International Doctorate in Italian Studies". The whole of Italian Studies (Literature, Language, Civilisation, Performing Arts, Cinema) is covered in this training.

Coordinator: Professor Andrea FABIANO (ED 020: Civilisations, Cultures, Literature and Societies)

  • For more information, visit the Italian Literature and Culture Team website.

Humanism and Rebirth

Sorbonne University / University of Florence

Sorbonne University have signed a collaboration with the University of Florence (Università degli Studi di Firenze) that enables doctoral candidates working on the world of European Humanism, in all disciplines to enrolled in this framework.  The doctoral candidates will obtain the double title of Doctor of the University of Florence and Doctor of Sorbonne University, when they have defended their doctorate, directed in partnership by professors from both universities.

This co-diplomation is part of joint research on Humanism, directed, at the University of Florence by Donatella Coppini and at Sorbonne University by Hélène Casanova-Robin. It enables doctoral candidates to benefit from a rich education, thanks to the diversity of scientific methods implemented within each of these institutions. It also opens a large international research network on humanism (seminars, conferences, colloquia) to the doctoral candidates, due to the various collaborations already established by the partner research units within these universities.

The language of the doctorate must be either French or Italian; the subject must be on the texts (literary forms, philosophy, art, aesthetics...) of Humanism and the Renaissance (14th-16th centuries), transmitting the ancient tradition, and/or their posterity.

Coordinator: Professor Hélène CASANOVA-ROBIN Professor of Latin Literature (specialist in Humanism) Director of the E.A. 4081 Rome and its renaissances ED 022 Ancient and Medieval Worlds

Joint Ca'Foscari-Sorbonne University Program

The Universities of Venice (Ca'Foscari) and Sorbonne University have agreed to a joint doctoral program. This program has been signed between the doctoral school “Civilizations, Cultures, Literatures and Society” (ED 020) and the Venetian program” Lingue, culture e società moderne e Scienze del linguaggio”. It concerns the cultures of the Romance and English speaking countries in Europe, America and the world, the Germanic and Slavic speaking countries in Central and Northern Europe, in the following fields: literature, linguistics and civilization.

Coordinators :

Eduardo Ramos Izquierdo (ED 020)

Alexis Tadie (ED 020)

For more information, see: the University of Venice site

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PhD Students

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SAIS PhD students cover a broad range of research under the multi-disciplinary umbrella of International Relations. Some incorporate a significant degree of economic and quantitative analysis, while others are qualitatively-oriented or employ mixed-methods. We invite you to peruse their profiles below, drill down to “read more,” and/or contact them directly via e-mail.

Sarah Alaoui

Email: [email protected] Research Interests:  Public Diplomacy, Political Communications, Media, Middle East

Sarah Alaoui is a Ph.D. candidate in the Middle East Studies department at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). Her research focuses on Arab public diplomacy.

Email: [email protected] Research Interests:  International Relations, International Security, Alliances, Strategic Affairs, Geopolitics, China, and Asia

Anu Anwar is a Ph.D. student at SAIS and doctoral researcher at the Edwin O. Reischauer Center for East Asian Studies. He is a fellow at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and a nonresident associate at the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, Harvard University. He is also an Asia 21 fellow at the Asia Society and a young leader fellow at the Pacific Forum. Previously, Mr. Anwar worked as a research fellow at the U.S. Department of Defense’s Institute—Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies. He was also an affiliate scholar at East-West Center and a visiting scholar at the University of Tokyo. His works have been published in the Journal of Indo-Pacific Affairs, Foreign Policy, Council on Foreign Relations, War on the Rock, East Asia Forum, The Diplomat, South China Morning Post, United States Institute of Peace, among other publications. Mr. Anwar obtained MPA jointly from Tsinghua University and the University of Geneva. He also holds a B.A and M.A. from the University of Dhaka. He speaks Chinese, Hindi, and Bengali. For more information about Anu, please see his   website .

Alejandro Baron Gandarias

Email:   [email protected] Research Interests:  Comparative Political Economy, International Development, Governance, Public Policy, Public Sector Reform, Public Finances, State-Owned Enterprises Anti-Corruption, Open Government, Transparency

Alejandro Baron Gandarias is a candidate at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). He focuses on the political economy of transparency, open data, anti-corruption, citizen participation, and public sector reforms more broadly. Alejandro has more than nine years of professional and research experience, and he has worked for organizations such as the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Organization of American States (OAS), the National Democratic Institute (NDI) and the Spanish Ministry of Industry. He holds a degree in Law and Economics from the Carlos III University (Madrid, Spain) and a Master's degree in International Relations and Economics from the Johns Hopkins University (SAIS).

Jeb Benkowski

Email: [email protected] Research Interests:  Military Force Planning, Civil-Military Relations, US-China Relations, Nuclear Security, Strategic Studies, Diplomatic and Military History

James “Jeb” Benkowski is a Ph.D. candidate at SAIS, a predoctoral fellow at SAIS’s Henry A. Kissinger Center for Global Affairs, and an adjunct policy analyst at the RAND Corporation. His dissertation, "Best Laid Schemes," is a history of the United States’ military force planning system from the late 18th through the late 20th centuries. It examines the impact of geography, technology, civil-military relations, and politics on both the effectiveness of U.S. preparations for the next war and the ability of U.S. policymakers to implement their defense strategies. His other research foci include U.S.-China relations, Chinese military affairs, and nuclear security. He received an M.A. in International Relations and International Economics from Johns Hopkins University SAIS and a B.A. in Global Affairs (with distinction) from Yale University.

Ankit Bhatia

Email: [email protected] Research Interests:  Economic Development, Public Infrastructure, Governance and Public Institutions, State Capacity, India

Ankit Bhatia is a Ph.D. candidate at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) concentrating on international development with a regional focus on South Asia. Ankit’s research interests are in the field of development economics, public infrastructure, and state capacity. His research combines spatial and quantitative data analysis methods including machine learning to study the causes and effects of infrastructure development in low and middle-income countries. Prior to his doctoral studies, Ankit has a decade-long experience in policy research and analysis working with policy think tanks and academic institutions in India including at the Centre for Policy Research (CPR), Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (Carnegie) India Centre, Brookings Institution India Centre, University of Chicago Delhi Centre, National Institute of Public Finance and Policy (NIPFP), NITI Aayog (erstwhile Planning Commission, Government of India), and Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi. Ankit holds master's and bachelor’s degrees in Economics from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur, India.

John Bolton

Email:   [email protected] Research Interests:  US Pacific ""Pivot""; US-China Relations; Grand Strategy

John Bolton is a US Army Goodpaster Scholar pursuing a PhD at Johns Hopkins’ School of Advanced International Studies. . He is a graduate of the Command and General Staff College’s Art of War Scholars Program and holds degrees in military history and mechanical engineering. He has led and commanded a variety of Army units throughout his career. An AH-64D/E aviator with 800 combat hours, he has deployed with Engineer, Aviation, and Infantry units. He will assume command of the 601st Aviation Support Battalion at Ft. Riley, KS next summer.

Abby Budiman

Email:   [email protected] Research Interests:  Broad interest in Political Economy, more specifically: Labor and Human Capital, Migration, Identity, Computational Social Science Methods. Regional focus on Asia and the United States

Past Experience:  Before starting my PhD journey at SAIS, I started my position as an Associate Research Scientist at the Center for Social Media and Politics based in NYU. Currently, I am researching the public's use of social media during past U.S. elections. Before that, I worked as a Research Analyst at the Pew Research Center in D.C., focusing on migration, race and identity research. I previously also worked at the Brookings Institution's Global Economy and Development team. In my past life, I worked as a journalist in Syracuse, NY and Jakarta, Indonesia. Past Education:  Pre-doctoral M.A. in Political Economy, New York University | Thesis title, "Leadership and Social Ties Within Collective Action Networks: An Analysis of the Stop Asian Hate Movement on Twitter" Dual B.S. in Quantitative Economics and Broadcast Journalism , Syracuse University | Thesis title, "Effect of U.S. Dollar Volatility on Migrant Remittances"

Maya Camargo-Vemuri

Email:   [email protected] Research Interests:  Political Violence, Genocide, Mass Violence, Mass Atrocities, War Crimes, Sexual Violence, Gender And War, Conflict Studies, Political Identity, Nationalism, Propaganda, Political Repression, Authoritarianism, Transitional Justice, Political Trauma, Political Sociology, Comparative Politics

Maya Camargo-Vemuri is a PhD student at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies. As a scholar of political violence, she focuses on civilian victimization, genocide, mass violence, and atrocity in modern states and societies. Her interest in questions of power, identity, and conflict in political arenas has also led her to do work on the role of nationalism, propaganda, repression, and authoritarianism. She is especially interested in cases in Eastern Europe and Russia, as well as Latin America. Her dissertation focuses on violence during genocide, examining trends within and across cases to develop a descriptive and comparative framework for such violence in the contemporary era. During her time at JHU SAIS, she has been a Graduate Research Fellow at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, an APSA Diversity Fellow, an instructor at the JHU Homewood Campus, and an Adjunct Professor at the United States Naval Academy. She is currently a Student Fellow at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Agora Institute. Before coming to SAIS, she was a Boren Fellow in Senegal and a Visiting Researcher at the Institute for Democracy and Human Rights in Peru.

Hasta Colman

Email:   [email protected] Research Interests:  China Studies, Southeast Asian Politics, Comparative Politics, Bureaucratic Politics, Contentious Politics, Identity and Nationalism, State Building, International Relations

Hasta's research centers around China’s relations with neighboring states in South and Southeast Asia. During the 2022-2023 academic year, she will be a National Bureau of Asian Research Chinese Language Fellow. She holds a master’s degree in international relations from the University of Chicago and a bachelor’s degree from Sarah Lawrence College. Prior to joining SAIS, she was a Fudan Fellow at Fudan University in Shanghai, and then studied Chinese in the Inter-University Program (IUP) at Tsinghua University in Beijing. She also has a professional background in sustainable development research in South and Southeast Asia.

Deviana Dewi

Email:   [email protected] Research Interests:  The Politics of Food and Nutrition, Governance, Policy Process Theories, Impact Evaluation Methods, Comparative Politics, International Development

Deviana has a keen interest in the policy process and the political economy of food and nutrition. Her research project focuses on the agenda setting processes behind the salience of a child malnutrition policy as a political priority, working with Prof. Jeremy Shiffman. She holds a master’s degree in Development Studies at University of Sussex, UK and a bachelor’s degree in International Relations at Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, Indonesia. Prior to joining SAIS, she has built her expertise in international development since 2012 as a project coordinator for World Vision in a remote Indonesian district, a research consultant for Institute of Development Studies (IDS), UK, and recently as a senior program manager in poverty and social development for the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) in partnership with the World Bank. Aside from her PhD studies, she currently works as a graduate research assistant in Johns Hopkins’ Global Food Ethics and Policy Program and she enjoys hiking, reading, blogging, and swimming.

Silvia Fuselli

Email:   [email protected] Research Interests:  Turkish Politics, Intra-Party Politics, Authoritarianism, Democratic Backsliding, Comparative Politics, Political Economy, Social Policy

Silvia Fuselli is a PhD Candidate at the Johns Hopkins University (SAIS). Her research project centers on the impact of intra-party politics on processes of democratization, democratic backsliding, and autocratization, with a specific focus on Turkey. Silvia is also a social protection expert at the World Bank, specializing on adaptive social safety nets in contexts affected by fragility, conflict, and violence. Prior to joining the Bank, Silvia worked in the NGO and private sector. She holds a MA in International Relations and Economics from SAIS and earned a MA and BA in Diplomacy and International Affairs from University of Bologna, Italy.

Oskar Galeev

Email:   [email protected] Research Interests:  Information Technology, Comparative Politics, China's Foreign Policy, Cybersecurity, History of Technology

Oskar Galeev is a Ph.D. candidate at SAIS and a fellow at the Alperovitch Institute for Cybersecurity Studies. His research is concerned with the cyber-geography of emerging markets and the political economy of technology.  He received a B.A. in International Studies from Leiden University, The Netherlands and an M.A. in China Studies from the Yenching Academy of Peking University. Prior to joining SAIS, he had worked at Huawei Technologies, at the European Commission, and taught at the University of Amsterdam. Oskar speaks Chinese, Russian, French, and Tatar.

Email:   [email protected] Research Interests:  International Political Economy, Comparative Politics, Macroeconomic Policy, International Trade and Migration, European Integration, Labor Markets, Central Banking

Alex Haag is a doctoral student in international political economy working under the supervision of Professor Matthias Matthijs. He holds an MA in International Relations from Johns Hopkins and BAs in International Relations and Russian from Brigham Young University. His research broadly focuses on the political economy topics centered on the continuation of the European project. More specifically, he currently focuses on the generational dynamics of welfare state responses to economic crisis and what these entail for the future of European integration.

Email:   [email protected] Research Interests:  Comparative Political Economy, Domestic Politics of International Relations, EU-China Relations, Chinese Foreign Policy, International Relations of Northeast Asia

Yun Han received her M.A. from Johns Hopkins SAIS, with concentrations in International Economics and Japan Studies. Previously, she earned a B.A. in International Affairs from the George Washington University. While at GWU, she spent a semester studying abroad at Waseda University in Tokyo, Japan. Before starting her Ph.D., Ms. Han was a Policy Research Fellow at the Edwin O. Reischauer Center for East Asian Studies, where her research focused on China's Belt and Road Initiative.

Sandra Joyce

Email:   [email protected] Research Interests:  Cybersecurity, International Relations, Intelligence

  • EVP at Mandiant
  • LtCol Air Force Reserve
  • PhD student focusing on cyber intelligence

Email:   [email protected] Research Interests:  Chinese Domestic Politics and Foreign Policy, US Politics and Foreign Policy, Japanese Politics and Foreign Policy, Russian Politics and Foreign Policy, East Asian and Southeast Asian National Security, Constitutional Law, Environmental Policy, The Korean Peninsula

I was born in Beijing, China, and moved to the United States when I was thirteen years old. My Ph.D. topic focuses on China's mobilization capability and its relationship to policy implementation. Besides, I have been following China's economic development, the Chinese legal system, Chinese foreign policy in Asia, and US-China relations. Besides China, I am interested in the politics of Japan, Russia, Southeast Asia, and the Korean Peninsula. I am a constant contributor to the Diplomat, which I write on a wide range of issues in Asia, especially developments in China.

Meredith Ludlow

Email:   [email protected] Research Interests:  China Studies, Political Economy, Economic Competitiveness, Industrial Policy

Meredith is a PhD candidate in China Studies. Prior to SAIS, Meredith worked in a variety of advisory, operational and research roles in the private, public and non-profit sectors. She is a trustee of The Asia Foundation, a member of the National Committee on United States-China Relations and a member of the Pacific Council on International Policy. Meredith holds a bachelor's degree in economics from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania and a master's degree in international relations from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University.

Fernando Lujan

Email:   [email protected] Research Interests:  Modern Propaganda and Disinformation, Terrorism, Conflict Termination, American Foreign Policy

Fernando Lujan is a PhD candidate in Strategic Studies and an instructor at the National War College.  He served for 25 years in the US Army as a Special Forces officer and Foreign Area Specialist.  His most recent assignments were with the State Department as a member of the US negotiating team seeking a political settlement in Afghanistan, and as a Director and Senior Director on the National Security Council at the White House.  His writing on Afghanistan and irregular warfare has been published in Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and Small Wars Journal.  Fernando was selected as a Council on Foreign Relations International Affairs Fellow, where he researched small-scale approaches to counterterrorism, culminating in the Center for New American Security report "Light Footprints: The Future of American Military Intervention."  He holds a bachelor's degree in physics from West Point and a master's degree in public policy from Harvard.

Angelica Mangahas

Email:   [email protected] Research Interests:  International Relations, Alliances, Southeast Asia, Democracy and Liberalism

Angelica (Gica) Mangahas is a PhD candidate at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies where she is a student of Southeast Asian politics. Her research is focused on the domestic sources of support for the US-Philippines alliance. She is currently working with the SAIS Foreign Policy Institute to develop a Diplomatic Capacity Index: a tool to measure the comparative investments that countries make to prepare for political, economic, and security diplomacy. Gica was previously Deputy Director for Research at the Stratbase – Albert Del Rosario Institute in Manila and an instructor at De La Salle University.

Prakhar Misra

Email:   [email protected] Research Interests:  State Capacity, Political Economy, Public Sector Labor Markets, Bureaucracy -- Recruitment and Training

Prakhar is a Ph.D. Candidate in South Asian Studies working with Professor Devesh Kapur. His interests are in bureaucratic reforms and in improvements in the quality of governance in India. He has a Masters in Public Policy from the Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford where he was a Chevening Scholar; a Post-graduate Diploma in Economics and Finance from Meghnad Desai Academy where he was a Chanakya Scholar; and a Bachelors in Instrumentation Engineering from Ramaiah Institute of Technology. For more on his research and other projects, visit his personal website .

Elor Nkereuwem

Email:   [email protected] Research Interests:  Political Violence, Governance, Violent Extremism, Gender, International Development, Discourse

Elor Nkereuwem is finishing up a PhD in International Studies (African Studies concentration) at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, Washington, D.C. Her dissertation focuses on discourse and political violence. It proposes a renewed focus on the narratives that contribute to the emergence of extremist violence. Before coming to SAIS, she graduated from the University of London (London School of Economics and Political Science) with a degree in International Relations. In 2013 she obtained a Master of Letters degree in Peace and Conflict Studies from the University of St Andrews, Scotland where her dissertation, which analyzed media coverage of Al-Qaeda affiliates in West Africa, earned her the Sir Menzies Campbell Prize for Best MLitt Dissertation in International Relations. She is an award-winning investigative journalist and has recently finished visiting fellowships at the Henry L. Stimson Center as well as Transparency International Defense and Security in Washington, D.C. Her latest policy blog reviews Russia’s increased economic and strategic focus on Africa, and how this is further muddling up complex conflicts in many African countries.

Heejae Park

Email:   [email protected] Research Interests:  International Relations, Economic Statecraft, Sanctions, Security, Russia, North Korea, Comparative Politics

Heejae Park is a Ph.D. student at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) under the supervision of Dr. Kent Calder. Her research broadly focuses on economic sanctions, authoritarian regimes, and North Korea-Russia relations. Her dissertation explores how states adapt and cope with economic sanctions.

Email:   [email protected] Research Interests:  National Security Decision-Making; Defense Policy; U.S.-Russian Relations; European and Eurasian Security; Congress and Foreign Policy; Strategic Studies; Diplomatic History; American Political Development

Will Quinn is a PhD candidate and Pre-Doctoral Fellow at the Henry A. Kissinger Center for Global Affairs, where he leads strategic planning, coordination, and program development for the Ax:son Johnson Institute for Statecraft and Diplomacy (AJI). He is currently completing a dissertation on U.S.-Russian relations in early decades of the twentieth century and their impact on the development of American foreign policy. Prior to beginning his doctoral research, Will served as a Professional Staff Member on the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee for Chairman John McCain where he conducted oversight and wrote legislation shaping Department of Defense policy on the Middle East, the Western Hemisphere, security cooperation, and homeland defense, among other subjects. Before joining the committee in 2015, he worked in strategic communications for the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, a non-profit organization focused on the U.S. federal budget and economic policy. Will has contributed research to several recent books, including Niall Ferguson's ""Kissinger: The Idealist, 1923-1968"" (2015), Eliot Cohen's ""The Big Stick: The Limits of Soft Power and the Necessity of Military Force"" (2017), and Francis J. Gavin's ""Nuclear Weapons and American Grand Strategy"" (2020), and has worked as a Summer Associate and Adjunct Researcher at the RAND Corporation on subjects including fighting on nuclear battlefields, Sino-Indian military rivalry, and congressional oversight of the Intelligence Community. At SAIS, he teaches a regular professional skills course on briefing and has served as a teaching assistant in courses on intelligence with Professor John McLaughlin and Shakespeare and politics with Professor Eliot Cohen. Mr. Quinn holds an M.A. in International Relations with a concentration in Strategic Studies from SAIS and an A.B. in History from Harvard College.

Email:   [email protected] Research Interests:  Comparative and International Political Economy, African politics, Institutions, Resource Misallocation, Development Finance

Keyi Tang a fourth-year Ph.D. candidate at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) and a Fellow at the Boston University Global Development Policy Center. Her research focuses on the institutional causes of resource misallocation in developing countries, with a regional focus on sub-Saharan Africa. Her dissertation combines geocoded administrative data on service delivery and extensive fieldwork in Beijing, Washington, D.C., Zambia, Ethiopia, and Ghana. For more information, visit her personal website .

Reja Younis

Email:   [email protected] Research Interests:  Nuclear Deterrence, Nuclear Posture/Strategy, Diplomatic History, Emerging Military Technologies, Arms Control

Reja Younis is pursuing a PhD in International Relations at Johns Hopkins SAIS, concentrating in Strategic Studies. Reja is also a Predoctoral Fellow with the Kissinger Center at SAIS and an Associate Fellow with the Project on Nuclear Issues at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). At CSIS, she leads research on nuclear deterrence, nuclear strategy, and emerging military technologies. She holds a BS in Social Sciences and Liberal Arts from the Institute of Business Administration and graduated with highest honors in Political Science. She completed her MA in International Relations from The University of Chicago.

Yifan Zhang

Email:   [email protected] Research Interests:  Chinese Politics (Elite and Technocratic Politics, Political Institutions, Policy Process), Comparative Politics, U.S.-China Relations, Environmental Governance, Sustainable Development

Yifan currently is a Ph.D. student at Johns Hopkins SAIS under the supervision of Professor Andrew Mertha. Her research focuses on China's elite and technocratic politics, political institutions, domestic and foreign policy processes, and U.S.-China relations. She received an MA with honors in China Studies, American Foreign Policy, and International Economics from Johns Hopkins SAIS in 2019 and a BA degree in International Relations from Boston University in 2018. Yifan also speaks Chinese Mandarin and is learning French. In her free time, she enjoys running, playing tennis, skiing, and playing with her cats.

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  1. Transforming U.S.-China Conflicts? Common Interests and Transnational Perspectives

  2. Indo-China Relations. A historical perspective. Col M P Singh, PhD, International Relations

  3. 国际关系学院:追寻︱University of International Relations, China


  1. Department of International Relations-School of Social Sciences

    Department of International Relations. Established in December 2007, Tsinghua University's Department of International Relations (IR Department) is an important education and research institution in China, with the mission of nurturing scholars and professionals in political studies, international relations and foreign affairs.

  2. International Relations in China: 2024 PhD's Guide

    Studying International Relations in China is a great choice, as there are 7 universities that offer PhD degrees on our portal. Over 225,000 international students choose China for their studies, which suggests you'll enjoy a vibrant and culturally diverse learning experience and make friends from all over the world.

  3. PDF PhD Program in International Relations (English)

    The School of International Relations, founded in 2006 at UIBE , now is one of the top political science and international relations research and education institutions in China with increasing international recognition and visibility. As of 2022 ,we host around 220 international students from more than 50 countries in BA, MA, and PhD programs.

  4. International Relations

    The PhD in International Relations aims to produce scholars who will make an impact in their respective fields by virtue of their professionalism, disciplinary competence and ability to communicate ideas in a policy-relevant area. Our PhD candidates' core studies are in areas including international relations theory, regionalism and regional ...

  5. 5 Best Phd Programs in International Relations in China

    Obtaining this type of degree can take four to six years. Ph.D. graduates work as experts in areas of business or research. The most common types of doctoral degrees include: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Juris Doctor (J.D.), Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) and Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS). Unlike bachelor's or master's programs, applying for a PhD ...

  6. Institute of International Relations

    This three-year PhD of International Relations Program is open to Chinese and foreign applicants. All courses are taught in Chinese and the PhD Dissertation mU.St be finished in Chinese. ... People's Republic of China since 2009 and an a one-year Master of International R... First 1 Last. Prev Next. Zhanlanguan Road Campus 24 Zhanlanguan Road ...

  7. Degree Program-School of International Relations and Public Affairs

    The program requires a minimum score of 90 on the internet-based TOEFL test or 7 on the IELTS test. 4. Tuition and Scholarships. Tuition: For international degree students in the program, the annual tuition is RMB 100,000. Scholarships: Students supported by Chinese government scholarship will be waived the tuition.

  8. PhD in International Politics

    About the Program. The English-instructed Doctoral Program in International Politics was established by the School of International Relations and Public Affairs (SIRPA) at Fudan University in 2013. The principal goal of the program is preparing scholars and practitioners with a solid theoretical foundation, rigorous research skills, and ...

  9. Ph.D. Program in International Politics

    The program trains the students advanced theories in international politics and relations, with a focus on Chinese politics (domestic and international), great power diplomacy, nontraditional diplomacy, and new global order. Students are required to study 6 required courses including 2 language courses, elect 4 courses, and write a dissertation.

  10. PhD in Diplomacy

    The PhD in Diplomacy at CCNU is a three year postgraduate degree program taught in English. A PhD degree in diplomacy is a post graduate university program that teaches students all they need to know about international relations and international politics. The PhD program is ideal for people who are interested in international news and who are ...

  11. PhD in Political Science and International Relations

    The University of International Business and Economics, founded in 1951 and located at Beijing, China, is a public research university and national key university with economics, management, law, literature and science as its core academic areas of expertise.

  12. PhD of International Relations

    PhD of International Relations. Nanjing University. ... Nanjing University is one of China's key comprehensive universities and it functions directly under the Ministry of Education. It is located in the ancient capital of six dynasties -- Nanjing. The University dates back to 1902 when Sanjiang Normal School was founded, and then evolved as ...

  13. Institute of International Relations

    We are dedicated to becominge a world-known research and teaching institute with outstanding academic and policy-oriented research. Contact: Address: Institute of International Relations, China Foreign Affairs University, No.24 Zhanlanguan Road, Xicheng District, Beijing, China 100037. Tel.: 0086-010-68323903. For more information please refer to.

  14. International Relations and Diplomacy in China: Best ...

    Below is a list of best universities in China ranked based on their research performance in International Relations and Diplomacy. A graph of 10.1K citations received by 6.26K academic papers made by 43 universities in China was used to calculate publications' ratings, which then were adjusted for release dates and added to final scores.

  15. PhD in International Relations

    The PhD in International Relations at Xiamen University is a three year program taught in English. PhD in International Relations Create a Profile to Save this Course. ... The University holds the distinction of conferring the first doctorates in oceanography and accounting upon international students in China. XMU hosts more than 3,400 ...

  16. Research Postgraduate

    The department offers supervision for M.Phil./Ph.D. candidates in the following sub-disciplines within the field: China and Hong Kong studies, comparative politics, international relations, political theory and public administration. The degrees may be taken on either a full-time or a part-time basis.

  17. School of International Relations and Public Affairs Fudan University

    Learn about the history, disciplines, faculty, teaching, research, admission and employment of the School of International Relations and Public Affairs at Fudan University, one of the top universities in China.

  18. PhD in International Relations at Wuhan University

    PhD in International Relations Introduction to the Program. The PhD in International Relations is a 3 year program taught in English to international students. Students can start the program in September each year. About WHU - Wuhan University Wuhan University (WHU) is a top 5 University in China, located in central China in the city of Wuhan, with around 1500 international students.

  19. PhD in International Relations at Jilin University

    Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) East China Normal University (ECNU) East China Normal University (ECNU) Study International Relations at Jilin University (JLU). All the info on tuition, reviews and admissions process for international students. Apply online in 3 simple steps.

  20. International Relations Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

    International Relations Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) This Ph.D. program is designed to provide students with a regional expertise in an area study of the globe, be that Russia, China, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, South Asia, East Asia or the Americas. To develop such an expertise the students will, first, be exposed to all the different ...

  21. International doctoral programs

    Italian Studies. Since 2006, the Universities of Florence, Bonn and Sorbonne have agreed on a doctoral Program with a common structure and the mention "International Doctorate in Italian Studies". The whole of Italian Studies (Literature, Language, Civilisation, Performing Arts, Cinema) is covered in this training.

  22. PhD Students

    Maya Camargo-Vemuri is a PhD student at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies. As a scholar of political violence, she focuses on civilian victimization, genocide, mass violence, and atrocity in modern states and societies. Her interest in questions of power, identity, and conflict in political arenas has also ...

  23. 71 PhD in International Relations in China

    MBA programs in China are popular across the world for having international and experienced professors, excellent internships in fortune 500 companies, extensive alumni network, outstanding career development centers and affordable tuition fees. Many universities in China offer English-medium MBA programs which can be taken part-time or full-time.