phd finance in china

Ph.D. in Finance

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The Ph.D. in Finance program has been cultivating world-class financial talent since 1987. The program consists of doctoral candidates recruited by Tsinghua University as well as those co-supervised by the Research Institute of Finance and Banking at the People’s Bank of China. All doctoral graduates are awarded the degree and diploma of Ph.D. in Applied Economics conferred by the University. Co-supervised doctorates can obtain a diploma from the Research Institute in addition to the Tsinghua degree and diploma.

Students admitted to the Ph.D. program will normally be expected to spend three to four years of full-time or part-time study at the School, but direct-doctoral track students are expected to spend four to five years finishing their doctoral study. The program endows candidates with a strong and comprehensive theoretical grounding in, and an in-depth understanding of, global financial systems. The doctoral graduates will be able to conduct internationally relevant research with both academic and practical value, and utilize their expertise to generate solutions to industry challenges.

The program endows candidates with a strong and comprehensive theoretical grounding in, and an in-depth understanding of, global financial systems. The doctoral graduates will be able to conduct internationally relevant research with both academic and practical value, and utilize their expertise to generate solutions to industry challenges.


International Vision

The program focuses on developing doctoral students’ international vision and cross-cultural competency by providing a variety of international exchange opportunities

It enjoys a diversified industry faculty consisting of top officials from the central bank and national financial regulatory agencies, as well as practitioners from the frontlines of industry.


Its curriculum emphasizes the crafting of innovative solutions and practical research, as well as the real-world application of academic knowledge. Regulatory officials and industry elites teach almost all upper-level courses.

Tsinghua PBCSF presents exclusive opportunities for Ph.D. candidates to gain insight into industry trends, and forge strong professional ties with leading experts and professionals, who are invited to lecture on the most pressing issues concerning both domestic and global financial markets

Students are required to conduct extensive surveys on critical financial issues in addition to research on their individual dissertation topics. The School offers them opportunities to attend academic and industry conferences at both national and international level.

Graduates are widely employed in domestic and international government agencies, financial institutions, and academic organizations. With core competencies including academic understanding of industry trends, real-world professional experience, and advanced research background, students enjoy phenomenal career prospects.

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MPhil-PhD in Finance

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The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen (CUHK-Shenzhen), a research-intensive university, was established in 2014 through a Mainland - Hong Kong collaboration with staunch support from the Shenzhen Municipal Government. It inherits the fine academic traditions of The Chinese University of Hong Kong and links together the educational and research resources of China and Hong Kong and the world. Students who satisfy the graduation requirements will receive degrees of The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

The School of Management and Economics (SME) at CUHK-Shenzhen was established in 2014 as the first school of the university. It spearheads a globally orientated environment for business education and research in China. SME and CUHK Business School have jointly accepted AACSB accreditation to signify the international standards of our world-class teaching quality.

This integrated MPhil-PhD programme targets highly motivated, self-directed individuals interested in a career in top research institutions. There are over 20 finance faculty members at CUHK, Shenzhen, all of whom received their PhDs from prestigious overseas universities. The faculty members are renowned for their excellent academic research in diversified areas of finance.

The field of finance, including the accounting track, encompasses a broad set of topics, such as asset pricing, corporate finance, market microstructure, disclosures, behavioral finance, and FinTech. Our target students may have a wide range of backgrounds, but should have a strong interest in finance/accounting and generally have completed undergraduate-level courses in economics, statistics, and calculus. Applicants with a background in science and engineering are also welcome to apply.

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CUHK Business School

MPhil-PhD in Finance

The MPhil * and PhD Programmes in Finance at The Chinese University of Hong Kong provides students with rigorous training in corporate finance and asset pricing. The programme prepares students to engage in productive and original research in the broad area of finance in leading research universities. The faculty members in the department published widely in top finance journals such as Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics and Review of Financial Studies and top economic journals such as American Economic Review, Journal of Political Economy and Review of Economic Studies.

The Department of Finance pursues five research specialisations:

Behavioural Finance

Behavioural finance studies investors’ deviations from rationality and the subsequent impacts on the markets. Specific research studies include behavioural biases of investors, households, and managers, and how biases interact with market frictions.

Corporate Finance

The corporate finance research concentrates on company financing and investment activities and corporate governance. Specific research topics include capital structure decision, mergers and acquisitions, minority shareholder protection and corporate governance issues in China.


This research area studies derivative assets and markets. Specific research topics include the pricing and investment of derivatives on underlying assets such as equity, commodity, currency, etc., and the hedging of institutions and corporations with derivative products.

Empirical Asset Pricing

This area conducts empirical research on asset pricing. Specific research topics include asset market efficiency and anomalies, price behaviours, implications for portfolio selection, and investment strategies.

Financial Markets and Institutions

The research area covers the instruments traded in the financial markets, the analysis of money and capital markets, and economic and environmental problems related to acquisitions and the use of funds by financial institutions. Specific research studies include the collateralized debt obligation market, bank advertising and the marketing of products and services.

Faculty Members and Research Interests

* The MPhil Programme in Finance is not accepting application for 2022 intake.

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PhD in Finance

Wuhan University

phd finance in china


The PhD in  Finance  is a 3 year program taught in English to international students. Students can start the program in September each year. The Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is awarded by the University in recognition of the successful completion of a course of supervised research, the results of which show evidence of originality and independent critical judgement and constitute an addition to knowledge. Providing robust and systematic research training is a core strength of our PhD program.

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Course Content

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Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens with a valid passport, under the age of 45, have attained a master’s degree.

Maple Garden Accommodation

The accommodation at Wuhan University for foreign students is in Maple Garden: Building No.1, Building No.2, Building No.4.

Facilities: Central Air Conditioner, telephone, broadband Internet access, closed-circuit TV, flush toilet and water heater

Fees: Building No. 1: Flat with 4 bedrooms (4 students share one flat): 900 RMB per month/ per person. Building No. 2: Single room: 1200 RMB per month/ per person. Building No. 4: Flat with 2 bedrooms (2 students share one flat): 1200 RMB per month/ per person.

College of Medicine Accommodation

Foreign Students Building in College of Medicine, Wuhan University: Building No. 6, Building No. 7, Building No. 8 and Building No. 9

Facilities: Air conditioner, telephone, broadband Internet access, closed circuit TV, flush toilet and water heater

Fees: Building No. 6: Single Room: 1000 RMB per month/ per person. Single Room with more space: 1200 RMB per month/ per person Single Room with more space (shared by two students): 600 RMB per month/ per person Single flat: 1400 RMB per month / per person Single flat (shared by two students): 700 RMB per month per person Building No. 7—No. 9: Flat with two bedrooms, shared by 4 students: 600 RMB per month per person.

About the University Summary

Wuhan University (WHU) is a comprehensive and key national university directly under the administration of the Ministry of Education. It is also one of the "211 Project" and "985 Project"universities with full support in the construction and development from the central and local government of China.

The history of Wuhan University can be traced back to Ziqiang Institute, which was founded in 1893 by Zhang Zhidong, the then governor of Hubei Province and Hunan Province in the late Qing Dynasty. In the process of development and evolution, the institute changed its name several times before it was finally named Wuhan National University in 1928. It is one of the earliest comprehensive national universities in modern China. By the end of 1946, the university had established 6 colleges, the colleges of liberal art, law, sciences, engineering, agriculture and medicine. In 2000, an amalgamation of the former Wuhan University, Wuhan University of Hydraulic and Electric Engineering, Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping, and Hubei Medical University was announced, which ushered in a new era in its 100-odd years of development.

Other Courses Offered By Wuhan University

PhD in Political Theory

PhD in Literature of Theatre, Film & Television

PhD in Literary and Artistic Studies

PhD in Science of Management and Engineering

PhD in Sociology

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100 Best universities for Finance in China

Updated: February 29, 2024

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Below is a list of best universities in China ranked based on their research performance in Finance. A graph of 4.77M citations received by 540K academic papers made by 516 universities in China was used to calculate publications' ratings, which then were adjusted for release dates and added to final scores.

We don't distinguish between undergraduate and graduate programs nor do we adjust for current majors offered. You can find information about granted degrees on a university page but always double-check with the university website.

1. University of Hong Kong

For Finance

University of Hong Kong logo

2. Tsinghua University

Tsinghua University logo

3. Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Hong Kong Polytechnic University logo

4. Peking University

Peking University logo

5. Chinese University of Hong Kong

Chinese University of Hong Kong logo

6. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology logo

7. Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Shanghai Jiao Tong University logo

8. City University of Hong Kong

City University of Hong Kong logo

9. Zhejiang University

Zhejiang University logo

10. University of Science and Technology of China

University of Science and Technology of China logo

11. Fudan University

Fudan University logo

12. Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Huazhong University of Science and Technology logo

13. Xi'an Jiaotong University

Xi'an Jiaotong University logo

14. Wuhan University

Wuhan University logo

15. Tianjin University

Tianjin University logo

16. Nanjing University

Nanjing University logo

17. Harbin Institute of Technology

Harbin Institute of Technology logo

18. Xiamen University

Xiamen University logo

19. Tongji University

Tongji University logo

20. Renmin University of China

Renmin University of China logo

21. Beihang University

Beihang University logo

22. Shandong University

Shandong University logo

23. Sichuan University

Sichuan University logo

24. Central South University

Central South University logo

25. Southeast University

Southeast University logo

26. Nankai University

Nankai University logo

27. Hunan University

Hunan University logo

28. Sun Yat - Sen University

Sun Yat - Sen University logo

29. Beijing Normal University

Beijing Normal University logo

30. Dalian University of Technology

Dalian University of Technology logo

31. Beijing Institute of Technology

Beijing Institute of Technology logo

32. Beijing Jiaotong University

Beijing Jiaotong University logo

33. Chongqing University

Chongqing University logo

34. South China University of Technology

South China University of Technology logo

35. Southwestern University of Finance and Economics

Southwestern University of Finance and Economics logo

36. Shanghai University

Shanghai University logo

37. Jilin University

Jilin University logo

38. Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

Shanghai University of Finance and Economics logo

39. North China Electric Power University

North China Electric Power University logo

40. University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

University of Electronic Science and Technology of China logo

41. Southwest Jiaotong University

Southwest Jiaotong University logo

42. Hong Kong Baptist University

Hong Kong Baptist University logo

43. Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics logo

44. Central University of Finance and Economics

Central University of Finance and Economics logo

45. China University of Mining and Technology

China University of Mining and Technology logo

46. Soochow University

Soochow University logo

47. Hohai University

Hohai University logo

48. Northeastern University, China

Northeastern University, China logo

49. Northwestern Polytechnical University

Northwestern Polytechnical University logo

50. Lanzhou University

Lanzhou University logo

51. Wuhan University of Technology

Wuhan University of Technology logo

52. East China Normal University

East China Normal University logo

53. Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications logo

54. University of Macau

University of Macau logo

55. University of Science and Technology Beijing

University of Science and Technology Beijing logo

56. National University of Defense Technology

National University of Defense Technology logo

57. Jinan University

Jinan University logo

58. Nanjing University of Science and Technology

Nanjing University of Science and Technology logo

59. University of International Business and Economics

University of International Business and Economics logo

60. Xidian University

Xidian University logo

61. East China University of Science and Technology

East China University of Science and Technology logo

62. Jiangsu University

Jiangsu University logo

63. Hefei University of Technology

Hefei University of Technology logo

64. Donghua University

Donghua University logo

65. Central China Normal University

Central China Normal University logo

66. Nanjing Normal University

Nanjing Normal University logo

67. Zhongnan University of Economics and Law

Zhongnan University of Economics and Law logo

68. Hunan Normal University

Hunan Normal University logo

69. Shenzhen University

Shenzhen University logo

70. Southwest University

Southwest University logo

71. Zhengzhou University

Zhengzhou University logo

72. South China Normal University

South China Normal University logo

73. XiangTan University

XiangTan University logo

74. Guangzhou University

Guangzhou University logo

75. Zhejiang University of Technology

Zhejiang University of Technology logo

76. Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics

Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics logo

77. Fuzhou University

Fuzhou University logo

78. Northwest Normal University

Northwest Normal University logo

79. Harbin Engineering University

Harbin Engineering University logo

80. Beijing University of Technology

Beijing University of Technology logo

81. Shanxi University

Shanxi University logo

82. Anhui University

Anhui University logo

83. Qufu Normal University

Qufu Normal University logo

84. Nanchang University

Nanchang University logo

85. Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics

Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics logo

86. Nanjing University of Finance and Economics

Nanjing University of Finance and Economics logo

87. Northeast Normal University

Northeast Normal University logo

88. Dongbei University of Finance and Economics

Dongbei University of Finance and Economics logo

89. Ocean University of China

Ocean University of China logo

90. Ningbo University

Ningbo University logo

91. Qingdao University

Qingdao University logo

92. Northwest University, China

Northwest University, China logo

93. Guangdong University of Technology

Guangdong University of Technology logo

94. Shandong University of Science and Technology

Shandong University of Science and Technology logo

95. University of Shanghai for Science and Technology

University of Shanghai for Science and Technology logo

96. China Agricultural University

China Agricultural University logo

97. Jiangnan University

Jiangnan University logo

98. Dalian Maritime University

Dalian Maritime University logo

99. Changsha University of Science and Technology

Changsha University of Science and Technology logo

100. Guangxi University

Guangxi University logo

The best cities to study Finance in China based on the number of universities and their ranks are Hong Kong , Beijing , Shanghai , and Hangzhou .

Economics subfields in China

Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE) Logo

PhD in Finance

Central university of finance and economics ( ).

The PhD in Finance at Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE) is a 4 years long program for international students, taught in English.

Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE) Logo

📖 Introduction

Located in downtown Beijing,capital of China, and established in 1949, Central University of Finance and Economics is one of the leading comprehensive universities covering extensive disciplines of law, arts, sciences and engineering and being distinguished in economics and management. It is one of the 100 universities that Chinese government attaches top priority during the 21st Century.

📚 About the Program

PhD in Finance at Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE)

Program Duration:  4 Years

School:  School of Finance

Start Date of the Program:  September

For applicants of master’s programs offered in English: At the time of graduation, Chinese language proficiency should meet the requirements of level 3 or above of Chinese Language Proficiency Scales for Speakers of Other Languages.

Tuition Fee:  RMB 50,000 per year (subject to change). The total for the 4-year program is 200000 RMB (subject to change).

Other Fees:

Residence Permit Fee: RMB 400/year

Health Insurance Fee: RMB 800/year

Accommodation Fee: RMB 50-80/month


Foreign citizens in good physical and mental health

Application Deadline:

Round 1 application: Dec. 1st, 2019 - April 6th, 2020

Round 2 application: April 15th, 2020 - June 1st, 2020

Note: Application for CSC Scholarship - University Program is open from Jan. 1st to March 31st, 2020.

🏫 About Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE)

In 1949, shortly after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, CUFE, the first university of finance and economics in the Republic, was created by the China’s central government. The former name of CUFE was Central School of Taxation. Later, it went through several stages of development, from Central Institute of Finance, Central Institute of Finance and Economics, to Central Institute of Finance and Banking. In 1996, the Institute was officially renamed as Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE) under the direct leadership of the MOE. CUFE upholds “loyalty, unity, truth and innovation” as its motto, adhering to the philosophy of “pursuing truth and excellence”. With over ninety-thousand graduates, CUFE is known as “the Cradle of Giants in the Field of Finance and Management “.

At present CUFE has established and maintained the close relationship with more than 50 universities and academic institutions in 20 countries and regions.

With the advancement of globalization and the rapid development of Chinese economy, more and more students are coming to CUFE to study finance and economics, as well as to experience Chinese culture. Obviously, CUFE is the first and best place for international students to attain their goal in China due to its convenience in Beijing and its outstanding academic programs and faculty.

About School of International Cultural Exchange (SICE)

CUFE commits itself to the development of internationalization, and pays much attention to the education of international students. School of International Cultural Exchange (SICE) was established to take charge of publicity, consultation, admission and general affairs of international students. SICE also takes responsibilities for Chinese language teaching, preparatory programs, and short-term programs. International students, including those with Chinese government scholarship, are welcome to apply for all undergraduate, graduate and doctorate programs offered by CUFE. Non-degree programs, including long-term or short-term Chinese language programs and other training programs, are also available.

CITY Campus

Located at 39 South College Road, Haidian District in downtown Beijing, the campus is surrounded by areas boasting rich educational, technological and cultural resources, flourishing shopping centers, as well as convenient transportations.

Founded in the early 1950s, the 60-year-old campus has comprehensive facilities comprising of modern teaching buildings, laboratories, library, campus network, and other facilities. In November 2010, it was reported that the campus had a classroom area of 8.82 acres, 37 modern laboratories such as Waterloo-CUFE Industry Research Laboratory, covering an area of 0.93 acres.

Additionally, 2,457 instruments are available for teaching and research. To satisfy the recreation need of teachers and students, the campus is equipped with modern facilities such as a running track, football field, basketball court, volleyball court, tennis court, National Physical Fitness Measurement Center, a student center, and an activity center for faculty members. Currently, more than 7,000 students,including seniors,master degree candidates,PhD candidates and international students, enjoy their life on the campus.

Shahe Campus

Built in 2007, the Shahe suburban campus is located 30 km north of the City campus. The total area of Shahe campus is nearly six times that of the City campus and its natural beauty of nearby areas contributes a quiet and comfortable environment. According to the development plan of CUFE, Shahe campus will become the main campus when it is completed. It will cover more than 9.88 acres, including teaching, research, living and sport areas. It aims to provide a high-standard and modern facility in a beautiful garden environment. Currently, there are more than 7,500 students on Shahe campus, including freshmen, sophomores and juniors. The university buses and suburban trains are available to transfer our teachers and students to the city center.


CUFE provides all sorts of financial aids and scholarships for international students of excellence so as to encourage them to study hard and observe Chinese laws. To be qualified, international students should enroll in a degree program and meet CUFE’s criteria. RMB 10,000 is awarded to qualified doctoral students while RMB 8000 is awarded to master students. The scholarships are at three levels.

  • The undergraduate student is awarded RMB 4000 for the first prize, 3000 for the second prize, RMB 2000 for the third prize.
  • The master student is awarded RMB 6000 for the first prize, RMB 4000 for the second prize, RMB 3000 for the third prize.
  • The doctoral student is awarded RMB 8000 for the scholarship.
  • The master student qualified for a waiver of the entrance exam is awarded RMB 5000, the doctoral student qualified for a waiver of the entrance exam is awarded RMB 6000.

Living in University

SICE provides international students with a variety of colorful extracurricular activities such as Chinese calligraphy, Chinese martial arts, Chinese cuisine, Chinese drama, Chinese knotting, etc. Cultural tours to the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, the Temple of Heaven, the Forbidden City, and the Beijing’s Hutongs, etc. can also be arranged.

Furthermore, SICE organizes splendid festivals such as Chinese speech contests or Chinese singing competitions to help international students increase their interest in learning Chinese. The annual New Eve’s Party has become a chance for international students to share their culture with their Chinese classmates through song, dance or other traditional performances.

🏠 Accommodation

Accomodation Details:

Room Type Room Price Notes
SINGLE 50.00 RMB RMB 50 per day
DOUBLE 60.00 RMB RMB 60 per day
  • The accommodation on campus is not guaranteed and on a first-come-first-serve basis. If you are applying late, we advise you to choose accommodation off campus, or to choose another university with more available on campus accommodation.
  • Make a booking online after you have been accepted (in this case please let us know your choice when you apply).
  • A large number of students in China will choose to stay in private accommodation off campus. We have an article about how to find accommodation off campus here .

Application Fee:

Tuition fee:

50,000 CNY per year

200,000 CNY in total

Insurance is 800 CNY .

💸 Living Expenses in Beijing

Expense Average costs
Accommodation On average, a single room student dormitory accommodation will cost about RMB 1500 per month, or about RMB 18,000 per year, including utilities.
Food A meal at the university canteen/restaurant or in a fast-food restaurant outside would cost about RMB 7 to RMB 30. The average monthly bill for students that will study in Beijing, China can be between the range of RMB 1800 to RMB 4000.
Transportation A one-way local transport ticket in Beijing costs about RMB 4. The taxi start rate costs about RMB 13, plus the additional taxi rate per kilometer of about RMB 2.30. A monthly transport pass for university students in Beijing would cost around RMB 200.
Extra costs: Some extra costs for university students who will study in Beijing, China are books and study materials around RMB 210 to RMB 350 per month (increased costs for those studying Sciences, Medicine, or Art), and medical insurance of about RMB 400 per six months.

❓ ✅ ❌ Entry Requirements

The minimum age is 18 and the maximum age is 40.

Minimum education level: Master's

All student except from Nigeria are eligible to apply to this program

📬 Admissions Process

3 steps to apply to a chinese university.

Application step 1

Choose Programs

Application step 2

Apply Online

Application step 3

Enroll in China

Please choose the programs here , "You are advised to select 2-3 programs to increase your chances of getting accepted.

Required Documents:

  • Academic Study Plan or Project Proposal
  • Second Recommendation Letter
  • Medical Examination Form
  • First Recommendation Letter
  • English Language Certificate
  • Your Highest Academic Transcript (In English)
  • Your Graduation Certificate (in English)
  • Personal Statement Letter or Study Plan
  • Your Photograph
  • Your Passport Copy

Preparing documents:

You can start your application now and send the application documents during your application. Some documents you can send later if you don’t have them right away. Some more info about preparing application documents is here

Application process:

Applying Online is simple in just a few steps. More information is available here .

The first steps are to choose the programs, pay the application fee and upload the application documents.

Once submitted to China Admissions, we will review your application within 2-3 days and proceed to the university or ask you for further clarification

After it has been processed to the university you will receive your unique application ID from each university.

The university may contact you directly for further questions.

We will then follow up each week with the university for updates. As soon as there is any update we will let you know. If you have made other plans, decide to withdraw / change address at any time please let us know.

After you have been accepted you will receive your admissions letter electronically and asked to pay the non-refundable deposit to the university.

Once you have paid the deposit the university will issue you the admissions letter and visa form to your home country.

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PhD Programmes in Finance and Economics Newly Launched at CUHK-Shenzhen

The School of Management and Economics of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen launched two PhD Programmes for students who wish to pursue a higher degree in the fields of economics and finance. The programmes also cultivate research talents for universities and research institutes. Students successfully finish the programme will be granted with a degree of The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

The PhD Programme in Economics has a broad-ranging field of research in microeconomic theory, applied microeconomics, financial economics, international economics, industrial organization, behavioural economics, and related domains.

The PhD Programme in Finance mainly focus on asset pricing, corporate finance, and related domains.

Students have the opportunities to receive scholarships from the school and work as teaching or research assistants to cover tuition fees and living expenses.

Application Requirements

Applicants should hold a bachelor degree or above with outstanding academic performance. GRE/GMAT scores and proof of English language proficiency are required. Students should also have a good foundation in mathematics and statistics.

Application deadline We have started receiving application for admission in 2019. Recruitment assessment and interview will be arranged on or after Feb 15, and with admission notices to follow. Application deadline is April 1. To increase the chance of admission, applicant is advised to submit application early.

For more details, please visit the school official website .

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  • PhD Study in China – A Guide for 2024

Written by Kirsty Smitten

As the world’s second largest economy, it’s no surprise that China also possesses a rapidly developing higher education system. This is reflected in excellent opportunities for international PhD students.

China is a key member of the BRICS group of countries with fast-growing economies (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) and is home to some of the group’s leading research universities. These offer excellent platforms for collaboration with experts and academics as well as international educational projects.

This page explains what it’s like to study a PhD in China , what opportunities are available, how to apply and how to access research funding as an international student.

On this page

Phd opportunities in china – what’s on offer for 2024.

The Chinese higher education system is growing rapidly, with an increase in enrolment of 170% between 1998-2010.

Because of this the Government are investing more money into the country’s universities through flagship schemes such as Project-958 and the Double First Class University Plan . These initiatives aim to produce world-class universities further increasing the prestige of Chinese institutions and recruiting great PhD students is a key part of that ambition.

Plus, you’ll have the opportunity to take part in some great extra-curricular activities, whether that means walking the Great Wall of China or participating in dragon and lion dances at the Chinese New Year festivals.

Here are a few reasons you should consider studying a PhD in China this year:

  • Highest rated BRICS country : The top five universities in the most recent Times Higher Education Brics Rankings are located within China and seven of its universities reside within the top 10.
  • Globally ranked and rapidly growing education system : Chinese universities are also rising up global league tables, supported by generous Government funding initiatives.
  • Government seeking to attract international postgraduates : The Chinese Government values the contribution of international students, with generous funding available to the best PhD applicants.
  • Multiple sightseeing opportunities : Whether or not it informs your research, there’s plenty to see and do during a PhD in China: including The Potala Palace, The Terracotta Army, The Great Wall and The Forbidden City. Not forgetting the Giant Panda, or course.
PhD Study in China - Key Details
Peking University (1898)
3-4 years
20,000-50,000 Yuan (USD $2,870-7,170)
March to January

Coronavirus updates for international students at Chinese universities

For the latest information on the impact of coronavirus on studying a PhD in China, please check government guidelines and with your chosen university for updates.

Chinese Universities

The Chinese higher education system is similar to the UK, where a Bachelors degree must be obtained before proceeding on to postgraduate study.

There are many post-secondary institutions within China, but only around 100 of them are research universities. These carry out research in all major academic fields, with many supported by government funding.

Both types of university are very likely to provide opportunities for PhD research – and welcome international students.

Public and private institutions

Higher education institutions (HEIs), can be divided into two categories depending on how they are governed and funded.

The higher education system in China works slightly differently to the United Kingdom. Instead of providing a parallel option to public universities, private institutions offer an alternative qualification route.

  • State/government owned: being government funded , these institutions receive public (government) funding and set policy standards. A wide range of institutions fall into this category including the regular HEIs where most PhD programmes are carried out.
  • Non-government/private : these are not administered by the government; they retain the right to select their students and are typically funded by student tuition. These generally are for students that can’t attend public universities (having failed to meet admission/entrance exam requirements).

Therefore, the majority of PhD opportunities will be at government institutions.

The C9 League

Much like the UK's Russell Group, Canada's Group of 13 and the United States' IVY league, China has its own alliance of prestigious universities.

The nine Government-selected institutions make up the China 9 (C9) League. As recipients of large amounts of Government funding, they all offer international PhD opportunities and rank within the top universities in the world. In addition, some C9 institutions have initiated plans with Russell Group Universities for collaborative funding- enhancing PhD research prospects.

The C9 league of institutions are: Tsinghua University, Peking University, Zhejiang University , Harbin Institute of Technology, Fudan University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Nanjing University, University of Science and Technology of China and Xi’an Jiatong University .

Besides the C9 League there are many PhD opportunities at the other universities within China.

The future of Chinese higher education

China is actively seeking a position at the forefront of international research (and postgraduate training). Key to this are two ongoing Government strategies:

  • Project 958 : Initially this was an initiative to fund and develop nine elite world ranked institutions: the C9 league. By 2011 the scheme incorporated 39 institutions.
  • The Double First Class University Plan : The success of Project 958 resulted in the Government launching a new initiative to create 42 world class universities and 140 world class disciplines by 2050.

Projects like this demonstrate China’s investment in postgraduate research and the creation of more international PhD opportunities.

Chinese university ranking

Seven of Chinas universities are within the first 200 of the current QS and Times Higher Education rankings. The Government hope to increase this number with the help of the Double First-Class University Plan.

Top 10 Chinese Universities in 2024
University THE 2024 QS 2024 ARWU 2023
Tsinghua University 12 25 22
Peking University 14 =17 29
Shanghai Jiao Tong University 43 51 46
Fudan University 44 50 56
Zhejiang University =55 =44 33
University of Science and Technology of China 57 =137 64
Nanjing University 73 =141 96
Sichuan University =150 =355 101-150
Huazhong University of Science and Technology =158 275 91
Wuhan University =164 194 101-150
World University Rankings, and . Visit their websites for more information.

Do ranking matter for PhD study?

University rankings can help you choose a PhD project or programme, provided you know what to look at. Our guide explains how to use rankings as a prospective postgraduate.

Chinese university cities

China is a massive country, 9.596 million square kilometres to be exact. Within mainland China the majority of leading universities lie within the North (9) and East (11).

The main university cities within China are:

  • Study in Beijing
  • Study in Shanghai
  • Study in Jiangsu
  • Study in Chengdu
  • Study in Suzhou

PhD structure

China is equipped with 5,000 years of culture and history, making it one of the most popular destinations for travellers in the world. Its welcoming culture makes it very easy for international students to settle down for a long term stay.

The core component of a Chinese PhD programme is similar that of the UK and other countries. You will research in detail a novel topic in your field with the support of your chosen supervisor . Upon completion you will submit a thesis detailing your significant findings.

Programme length

The majority of Chinese doctoral programmes give three or four years for research if you are registered full-time . Part-time opportunities for PhD students are available, however these aren’t applicable to international students. This is because the X1-Visa is only valid for five years.

Some institutions will give the thesis defence completion a five-year time frame, with others requiring it to be completed in four .

The full-time academic year consists of two semesters : spring (March-mid July) and fall (mid-September-January). A number of institutions will offer international students the opportunity to defer their start date to the end of September, complying with the traditional UK term dates.

Assessment and examination

The content of PhD degrees in China may vary depending upon the institution and chosen subject-area. However, many programmes include more formal teaching and assessment than is common in countries like the UK.

As a PhD student you may be required to complete a programme of training and study during the first two or three years of a research degree, adhering to the teaching plan set by your supervisor. This will include classroom lectures and examinations on the courses must be passed to complete your doctorate degree.

Alongside this you will have to complete your research project. A full doctoral thesis must be written on the research. Your will have to defend your thesis in an oral examination. (graduation defence) in front of a panel of experts within the research topic's field. (This is slightly different to the more private viva format in countries like the UK).

Fees and funding

In China there is no standard tuition fee cap; your fees will vary depending upon the chosen discipline and institution.

As with the UK and other countries there are scholarships available to fund your studies, making China an affordable option for PhD study abroad.

Universities are free to set their own fees; however, they follow a similar pattern. Fees will typically be between 20,000 and 50,000 Yuan per year (USD $2,870-7,170), with Arts and Humanties subjects usually at the lower end of this scale.

You can check fees for specific PhDs in China by looking at the opportunities listed here on FindAPhD. These may be pre-funded projects or may require the student to apply for external funding.

Living costs

The cost of living is relatively low in China in comparison to other countries. You should be able to live comfortably on 105 Yuan (USD $15) per day in Beijing, which is China's most expensive city.

International students are not permitted to work during their PhD , so sufficient funds must be ensured prior to starting your studies.

The Chinese Government Scholarship Programme

The Chinese Government has created a student scholarship scheme for international students.

This scholarship is available to international students who apply to study for a doctoral degree for up to three years. Applications must have a Masters degree and excellent academic records . They must not be in receipt of any other scholarships.

There are two types of scholarship partial and full. The full scholarship includes:

  • Costs of tuition, registration, experiment and accommodation are covered.
  • The same as Chinese students, recipients receive provision of out-patient medical fees and Chinese Government Scholarship Foreign Medical Insurance 800 Yuan (USD $115) per year.
  • A monthly stipend of up to 3,500 Yuan (USD$500) to cover living costs.

You should apply for the scholarship in your own country at either the government department in charge of overseas study, related organisation or the Chinese embassy. Applications are open between February and April.

University scholarship programmes

If you are unsuccessful in securing the Government Scholarship, you will have to opportunity to apply for university scholarships.

Applications generally open in March after the Government Scholarship Programme, with the results announced in July. Check university websites for specific deadlines and further information.

Applications require the same documents as the Government Scholarship.

Applying for a PhD in China

As there are so many universities (and PhD projects!) available in China the country operates two centralised application services. These are there to help you with the application process:

  • The China University Application Centre (CUAC) : This is a directed service to help international students find universities and courses within China.
  • China's University and College Admission System (CUCAS) : An official online portal for international students applying to universities within China.

Alternatively, you can also apply directly to your university of choice

Admission requirements

Different institutions will have their own requirements for admission to their programmes, but there are a couple of key things most will require:

  • A Masters degree : you must hold a Masters degree or equivalent in a relevant discipline
  • Examinations : you may need to pass your university’s entrance and language examinations
  • A project supervisor : you must have spoken to a supervisor agreed upon a project and your suitability to that project
  • Academic references : you must have at least two recommendation letters by your professors

If you are applying to major disciplines in the arts, you must offer a portfolio of: pictures, recordings and audio-visual material of their own work.

Choosing a PhD supervisor

Choosing the right supervisor is essential for a PhD. Not sure how to pick a potential supervisor for your PhD, or how to approach them once you have? We have a guide to help you .

Language requirements

Some PhD programmes for international students are taught in Chinese and others are taught in English. Depending on the programme you choose there may be a language requirement.

Most universities will require you to hold a Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) level 5-8 certificate, the HSK test can be taken at multiple venues across the United Kingdom.

Those who do not meet the language requirements must successfully complete a one-year full-time Chinese language programme as a pre-sessional course.

Applications for English taught courses, do not require the student to speak Chinese, however you may have to submit English proficiency results such as IELTS .

The application processes

Prior to submitting your application, you must email a prospective supervisor . After discussing the research with them you should send a request to supervise your thesis.

There are a number of application steps you must then complete:

  • Provide academic transcripts - universities may request a full transcript of your academic work. You can obtain this from your previous university.
  • Provide references - you must supply at least two letters of recommendation from your previous professors
  • Complete application form - you must complete the university’s application form, naming the supervisor you have contacted
  • Other - you must submit a health check-up record in accordance with the Chinese health quarantine departments, and self-financed students must submit a financial guarantee with evidence

The closing date for applications is usually April or May of the entrance year. The majority of institutions charge an application fee which is usually between 245 and 940 Yuan (USD $35-135).

Some universities may wish to discuss your application with you; if this is the case they may ask you for an interview. Don’t worry though: they won’t expect you to fly over to China for an hour. Instead interviews will usually be conducted through a web-chat or video-conferencing channel.

If your application included a research proposal , they will probably want to discuss these ideas with you. If it was directed at a specific project they may want to know what skills you can bring to it.

What happens during a PhD interview?

Your interview for a PhD in China will follow a fairly standard format (apart from the fact in may take place online). Our guides give advice on what happens at a PhD interview and an overview of some questions you might be asked

Student visas

Note that there are two Student Visas in China the X2 Visa is issued for study periods of less than 6 months. For PhD study you will require the X1 Visa.

The X1 is valid for multiple entries within 5 years. The holder must register at the local public security bureau within 30 days, where they will be given a China Residence Permit to replace the X1 visa.

When applying for your X-Visa you will need to present the following original documents and one photocopied set:

  • University admission notice confirming your student status
  • Submission of your HIV status
  • X1-Visa application form
  • Foreigner physical examination form
  • Your actual, valid passport with at least 2 blank visa pages
  • A photocopy of your passport name page, and a recent passport photograph

You should obtain the X-Visa from your countries Chinese Embassy or Consulate-General prior to arrival in China.

Working in China as an international student

International students are forbidden to work alongside their studies. Therefore, self-financed students should ensure they can afford their living and tuition costs, prior to beginning a PhD in China. However, with the university’s permission you are allowed to undertake an internship during your studies.

Health insurance

International students must purchase medical insurance and personal accidental death and injury insurance, before or after arrival in China, which costs 800 Yuan a year (USD $115).

In addition, if you will remain in China for over a year (doctoral students) must purchase health insurance for the entirety of their stay. On top of this they must undergo a physical examination in a public hospital. This should preferably be undertaken before departure (the Chinese embassy in your country may require this). If you do have the examination in China, it will typically cost 700 Yuan (USD $100).

China is highly popular with international students, and for good reason, so you will definitely enjoy your PhD experience there. But where will you go next?

Can I work in China after my PhD

International graduates can work in China but will require an additional visa in order to do so. This Z-visa provides a post-study work route for international Masters or PhD graduates. To obtain one you must have found a position with an employer in a field related to your qualifications.

Find a PhD in China

Ready to start browsing some current PhD opportunities in China . Alternatively, you can look at our other guides to PhD study abroad.

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The China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway: Between optimism and concern

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The ceremony of signing the agreement on the joint construction of the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway in Beijing, China. Photo from the website of the Cabinet of Ministers of Kyrgyzstan. Fair use.

This article was written by Andrew Gundal for and published on June 21, 2024. An edited version is published on Global Voices under a media partnership agreement.

The China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan (CKU) railway plans are back on track. On June 6, representatives from the three countries signed off on the project in Beijing, setting in motion a key transportation project that has been in talks for the last 27 years and was more recently included in China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

The construction of the CKU railway was first proposed by the Transport Corridor Europe-Caucasus-Asia Initiative (TRACECA) in 1997 but has remained in talks since then due to the complicated nature of the project.

The railway will begin in the city of Kashgar in western China, then enter Kyrgyzstan through the Torugart pass in the east, continuing to Kazarman and back down to Jalal-Abad in the southwest. The final destination will be Andijan in southeastern Uzbekistan, connecting with existing rail routes.

Upon its completion it will provide an alternative trade route between China and Uzbekistan. Additionally, the CKU will save around 900 kilometers on the route to Iran and the Middle East from Kashgar by avoiding passing through Kazakhstan via Khorgos . The proposed route will further integrate Kyrgyzstan into Central Asian trade routes and potentially open new transport avenues to European and Gulf countries.

“[Central Asian countries] want to develop more routes interconnecting Central Asia and external markets to lessen their economic dependence on Russia,” Oyuna Baldakova, a research associate at King’s College London focusing on China-Central Asia relations, told Vlast.

Political, financial, and technical challenges were stumbling blocks between the three countries. According to Omirbek Hanayi from the Eurasian Research Institute in Kazakhstan, the revolutions of 2005 , 2010 , and 2020 brought political instability to Kyrgyzstan and stalled negotiations.

“Before allocating funding on projects from international institutions like [China’s EXIM Bank], Chinese institutions assess risks, and financing the section of the railway in Kyrgyzstan presented financial risks,” Frank Maracchione, PhD researcher at the University of Sheffield, told Vlast.

A major obstacle for the project was the share of financing among the three states. The solution to this long-standing issue was found in the agreement according to which China will cover 51 percent of the total cost, while Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan will each bear 24.5 percent. Answering questions from the parliament on June 18, the director of Kyrgyz Temir Zholu, the national railway company, said that Kyrgyzstan will finance construction through loans provided by Chinese banks.

China is Kyrgyzstan’s largest creditor. As of 2023, Kyrgyzstan’s external debt was just under USD 4 billion, with 43 percent owed to China’s EXIM bank, which makes up around 40 percent of the country’s GDP and raises concerns over the government’s ability to repay its debts and potentially falling into China’s debt trap.

The different rail gauges between China and post-Soviet countries have made negotiations more difficult. China uses the world standard gauge width of 1,455 millimeters. Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan use a gauge width of 1,520 millimeters. It is unclear which device could be used to bridge the difference for the CKU railway.

Kyrgyzstan’s terrain also poses serious challenges. The plan for the railway is to travel through 81 new bridges and 41 tunnels , across the country’s mountainous territory.

Despite these challenges, political leaders continue to display optimism. The head of Kyrgyzstan’s Cabinet of Ministers Akylbek Japarov has stated that the CKU will bring Kyrgyzstan into the “world market,” and transform “Kyrgyzstan into a major trade and industrial hub.”

Chinese President Xi Jinping was optimistic from a different angle, highlighting that the CKU “demonstrates to the international community the firm determination of the three countries to join hands to promote cooperation and seek common development.” According to the agreement, construction will begin in October, but only time will tell if and when the project will come to fruition.

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