University of Houston
  Jul 25, 2024  
2022-2023 Graduate Catalog    

2022-2023 Graduate Catalog [Not Current Academic Year. Consult with Your Academic Advisor for Your Catalog Year]


College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics    > Department of Computer Science    > Computer Science, PhD

Our program places a strong emphasis on research and on graduates making novel contributions to Computer Science in the form of a dissertation and scholarly publications. Students pursuing the PhD degree are trained to become teachers, researchers, and technical leaders in industry, academia, or research labs.

Students will be prepared to be technical problem solvers, competent in the state of the art, and will master a particular aspect of Computer Science. They will be trained to identify and clearly formulate problems, to develop and analyze algorithmic solutions, and to direct research.

For more information, please visit the Computer Science, PhD program page.

Admission Requirements

In addition to the University    and the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics    admissions requirements, applicants are evaluated on their previous academic record, GPA, quality of schools from which degrees were obtained, statement of purpose, resume, and three letters of recommendation. GRE scores are optional. An applicant is expected to have a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or a related field. If submitted, verbal, quantitative and analytical writing scores from the GRE are examined separately and are evaluated as one source of information in the total graduate application.

TOEFL or IELTS scores must be provided by applicants who did not earn a prior degree from a US institution or a country where English is the medium of instruction (see list  here   ). Visit International Students to learn more.

Admission to our graduate program is based on a competitive selection process. Meeting the minimum requirements published does not guarantee admission to our programs. Applicants will not be granted conditional admission.

Applicants can apply directly to the PhD program with a bachelor’s degree. Current UH Computer Science MS students who intend to pursue a UH Computer Science PhD are advised to submit the PhD application early and inform the Graduate Advisor of their intent.

Prerequisites and Deficiencies

Students admitted to the graduate program of the Computer Science department must have taken Calculus I, Calculus II and Linear Algebra before being admitted to the program. In addition, they are required to demonstrate an appropriate level of proficiency in computer science. Level of proficiency is defined to mean either (a) having successfully passed an equivalent course, as determined by the Director of Graduate Studies, for each subject listed below, (b) complete the corresponding course with a grade of “B-” or better at the University of Houston, or (c) successfully pass a department placement exam in each of the required subjects.

  • Equivalent Coursework - evaluation of equivalent coursework for each subject listed below will be determined by the Director of Graduate Studies at the time of initial advising.
  • Completion After Admission - upon entering the graduate program, students may remedy deficiencies by taking courses from the list below and securing at least a B- grade. Any course in which a grade of “B-” or better is not made must be repeated the following term. Each course can be taken a maximum of two times to obtain the required grade of “B-” or better.
  • Department Placement Exam - A student must submit to the Director of Graduate Studies a request to take department placement exams(s) least one month prior to the start of the first term. If approved by the Director of Graduate Studies, the exam(s) may be administered within the two weeks prior to the start of the term. The result of the department placement exam(s) will be reported by the first day of the term and included in the student’s academic file.

Courses taken to remedy deficiencies will not be counted in the total number of credit hours required for the graduate degree.

Remediation of deficiencies must be completed (a) within the first two long terms and (b) before a student will be allowed to enroll in the courses which are counted towards their degree. The only exception is the term in which the student will complete the deficiencies. In this situation, a student can enroll in courses required to remedy deficiencies concurrent with enrollment in graduate courses that will be applied towards the degree.

Courses that may be taken to remedy deficiencies in Computer Science:

  • COSC 6305 - Introduction to Computer Science II    
  • COSC 6306 - Data Structures    
  • COSC 6308 - Computer Architecture    
  • COSC 6309 - Introduction to Automata and Computability    
  • COSC 6310 - Fundamentals of Operating Systems    

Degree Requirements

Minimum credit hours required for this degree: 66.0

A student must complete a minimum of 66 credit hours subject to the following restrictions:

  • Can include 1 hour of COSC 6110
  • Can include up to 3 hours of COSC 6398 Special Problems if taken within the first four long terms of the program*
  • Can include up to 6 hours of non-COSC graduate courses*
  • Can include up to 9 hours of transfer graduate coursework following university Transfer Credit policy   *

*Requires prior approval from the director of graduate studies via a Graduate & Professional Student Petition

  • At least 24 credit hours of Doctoral Research (COSC 8x98).
  • At least 3, but not more than 12 letter-graded credit hours of dissertation (COSC 8x99), to be taken in the term of anticipated graduation.

In addition, students must fulfill the following requirements:

  • Declare a research advisor (also known as dissertation committee chair)
  • Satisfactory completion of COSC 6110 or COSC 6321
  • Satisfactory completion of the Research Competency Evaluation (RCE) Exam.
  • Satisfactory completion of the Breadth Requirement.
  • Declare a dissertation committee
  • Proposal Defense (preliminary examination): written proposal and satisfactory defense thereof.
  • Dissertation Defense: written dissertation and satisfactory defense thereof.
  • Satisfactory performance on Annual Reviews
  • Publication of doctoral research. It is recommended to work towards one or more publications before the proposal defense and additional publications or submissions before the dissertation defense.
  • Attend at least 5 department seminars per term
  • Maintain satisfactory progress. Failure to meet degree, department, college, and university requirements and policies may be dismissed from the PhD program
Requirement Time Restrictions
Research Advisor By end of first  long term
COSC 6110 or COSC 6321 By end of second long term
RCE Exam By end of third long term
Breadth Requirement By end of second long term after passing the RCE Exam
Dissertation Committee By end fourth long term
Annual Review Each year starting in the third year
Proposal Defense By end of third long term after passing the Breadth requirement
Dissertation Defense May not be in the same term as the Proposal Defense

Time Limitations

Students who enroll as doctoral candidates must complete their degree requirements within 10 years of the date of first enrollment with a doctoral degree objective.  All courses used towards the degree, including transferred and substituted courses, must not be older than 10 years at the time of graduation. Failure to comply will result in the candidate being ineligible for a doctoral degree.

Doctoral students who fail to complete their dissertation within five years after completion of the comprehensive examination must retake the examination.

Refer to the Time Limitations of Completion of Degree Requirements    section of the Graduate Catalog.

an the end of the Spring or Fall semester.

1. Research Advisor

Students are urged to find a research advisor as early as possible. Full-time and part-time students must declare a research advisor by the end of the first long term by completing the required form. Student may enroll in doctoral research hours once they have declared a research advisor.

2. Graduate Colloquium/Research Methods

All PhD students are required to pass COSC 6110 - Graduate Colloquium or COSC 6321 - Research Methods in Computer Science by the end of the second long term in the program.

3. Research Competency Evaluation (RCE) Exam

PhD students are expected to spend a substantial amount of time on research starting in the first semester. The RCE requires students to learn and demonstrate specific skills necessary to doing research early in their career. These include the ability to perform a literature review, understand and synthesize research topics, conduct independent and collaborative research to the standards of the chosen discipline, and communicate the findings in a scholarly fashion.

For the RCE exam, the student (in consultation with their research advisor) selects and conducts research on a topic, writes an ACM/IEEE style paper, and presents a talk, to be approved by the student’s RCE committee. A student may submit and present their own submitted or published research for RCE requirements. The RCE committee will evaluate the student with respect to two questions:

  • Has the student demonstrated scholarship and potential to conduct original research?
  • Has the student demonstrated the ability to communicate technical content effectively to a general computer science audience?

The RCE exam must be completed by the end of the third long term of the PhD program. It is not necessary to complete all coursework before attempting the RCE exam.

The student will either pass or fail the RCE exam, and this decision, based on a majority vote of the committee, will be communicated to the student immediately after the conclusion of the exam. Once the student passes, they may proceed with the preparation of the dissertation proposal. If failed, the student may request a second attempt. For a second attempt, the RCE committee will assign additional work, which should be completed and presented at the end of the next long term. Students who fail the second attempt will be discontinued from the PhD program.

The student’s RCE committee should comprise of at least 3 Computer Science faculty members (not including the research advisor) and approved by the Director of Graduate Studies. At least one committee member should be from outside the student’s research area. The research project topic for the RCE will be selected in consultation with the student’s research advisor. Once the evaluation has taken place, the Chair of the RCE committee will inform the student and the Director of Graduate Studies about the outcome of the exam. Should a student

switch their research advisor after completing the RCE requirement, the student is not required to retake the RCE exam.

Additional details of the RCE exam can be found on the Computer Science website

4. Breadth Requirements

A student satisfies the core requirement by taking a set of three or more courses from the lists below. At least one course must be from the Theory list and one from the Systems list. The remaining course may be from either list. In exceptional cases, the Director of Graduate Studies may transfer or substitute at most two of the three courses based on equivalent courses taken at another university following transfer or course substitution policies. Similarly, any breadth course taken as a MS Computer Science student at UH may count towards the breadth requirement following transfer and course substitution policies. Time limitations apply to transferred and substituted courses.

  • COSC 6320 - Data Structures & Algorithms Credit Hours: 3.0
  • COSC 6342 - Machine Learning Credit Hours: 3.0
  • COSC 6364 - Adv Numerical Analysis Credit Hours: 3.0
  • COSC 6369 - Theory of Computation Credit Hours: 3.0
  • COSC 6340 - Database Systems Credit Hours: 3.0
  • COSC 6360 - Operating Systems Credit Hours: 3.0
  • COSC 6377 - Computer Networks Credit Hours: 3.0
  • COSC 6385 - Computer Architecture Credit Hours: 3.0

Breadth Requirement Completion Period

The “breadth requirement completion period” begins as soon as the student has successfully passed the RCE Exam. The breadth requirement completion period applies to PhD students as well as MS students who later pursue the PhD program.

Full-time students must complete the breadth requirements in at most two consecutive long terms after passing the RCE Exam. Part-time students (6 hours or less every term) must complete the breadth requirement in at most four  consecutive long terms after  passing the RCE Exam. Failure to complete this requirement within the specified timeframe normally results in an MS student not being allowed to continue into the PhD program and a PhD student being dismissed from the PhD program.

5. Dissertation Committee

The dissertation committee must be comprised of a minimum of four members to include three internal members (inclusive of the research advisor who serves as the dissertation committee chair or co-chair) who have their primary faculty appointment within the major department and one approved external member from outside the major department at UH, industry or other academic institution who is acceptable to the department and approved by the college. A faculty member with a joint appointment in the major department is considered as an external member unless he/she chairs the committee. In this case, an additional external member outside the major department is required. After these minimum requirements for committee members are satisfied, additional committee members may be approved, but at least 50% of the committee must be tenured/tenure-track faculty at the University of Houston. Research faculty, instructional faculty and emeritus faculty may serve on dissertation committees, but not chair the committees. However, a research professor may serve as a co-advisor with a tenured/tenure-track faculty. For the purpose of the committee composition, an emeritus faculty is considered as internal non-tenure-track faculty member.

6. Proposal Defense

A student must pass a proposal defense (also referred as the preliminary examination) administered by the student’s dissertation committee. The purpose of the proposal defense is to evaluate and give feedback on the proposed dissertation research of the student.

The student must prepare the dissertation proposal document using the NSM PhD dissertation template and present the proposal to the dissertation committee. The proposal document should include an overview of the proposed work, relevant related work, completed work, and a plan for the work to be completed in the dissertation. The presentation should cover the same topics in the proposal document, and include a listing of coursework completed, publications, and a proposed timeline for key activities to complete in the dissertation. The proposal document should be submitted to the dissertation committee at least two weeks before the proposal defense.

The proposal defense is open to the public and should be announced two weeks in advance. All may ask the student questions related to the proposal or the student’s preparation for doctoral-level research. The committee may have a closed session with the student at the end of the proposal defense. The committee will submit a written report to the Director of Graduate Studies concerning the student’s performance on the proposal defense and assign an overall evaluation of satisfactory (pass) or unsatisfactory (fail). A student will be informed of the outcome and upon receiving a satisfactory evaluation, the student becomes a PhD candidate.

Details on how to announce the defense can be found on the Computer Science website .

Full-time and part-time students must attempt the proposal defense no later than the end of the third long term after completing the breadth requirement. The proposal defense cannot be held before fulfilling the breadth requirement. The proposal defense must be completed at least one term before the dissertation defense.

Ideal candidates should have one or more publications before the proposal defense and additional publications or submissions before the dissertation defense.

7. Dissertation Defense

A PhD candidate will be required to present their dissertation in a public defense. The dissertation defense and the proposal defense may not be scheduled in the

same term. The dissertation committee decides the acceptability of the dissertation. Candidates are expected to publish results of their dissertation research prior to the dissertation defense. Ideal candidates should have one or more publications before the proposal defense and additional publications or submissions before the dissertation defense.

The dissertation defense is open to the University community and the student must inform the department at least two weeks in advance so that it can be publicized. Details on how to announce the defense can be found on the Computer Science website  .

8. Annual Review

Every PhD student must complete the formation of a dissertation committee no later than the end of the 2nd year in the program. Each student will be reviewed annually by the dissertation committee during a review meeting; the review is mandatory starting on the 3rd year. The review meeting should be integrated to the proposal defense in the year in which the proposal defense takes place, and it is not necessary in the year of the dissertation defense.

After meeting with the student, the dissertation committee will submit a “PhD Annual Review - Committee Evaluation Form” to the Director of Graduate Studies. The evaluation can be satisfactory “S”, unsatisfactory “U”, or needs improvement “NI”. If the student receives a “U” or “NI” grade, the student must be provided with a clear plan to return to a satisfactory status and reviewed again in the next long term. A subsequent evaluation of “NI” or “U” can result in removal of the program.

The PhD Annual Review - Self-Evaluation Form must be submitted by the student before the following deadlines: October 31 (during fall) or May 31 (during spring)

The PhD Annual Review - Committee Evaluation Form must be submitted by the dissertation committee no later than the end of the Spring or Fall semester.

Academic Policies

  • University of Houston Academic Policies    
  • Academic Policies: College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics    

phd computer science university of houston

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Department of Computer Science

Shsu's department of computer science.

The Department of Computer Science at Sam Houston State University is a community of faculty, staff, and students centered in the computing science disciplines. The Department of Computer Science is dedicated to providing the highest quality education possible to its graduate and undergraduate students through excellence in teaching and excellence in research. The department is committed to furthering the pursuit of knowledge and meeting the needs of a diverse society.

  • PhD Program

Computer Science Start Strong scholarships

Our MS in Information Assurance and Cyber Security, and MS in Digital Forensics chosen as Start Strong degrees.

Computer Science featured in Newsweek

SHSU is featured in Newsweek as one of 12 universities offering leading Cybersecurity programs 2023.

Computer Science Scholarship for Service

The Department of Computer Science is offering a full scholarship for undergraduate and graduate students who are interested in pursuing education and research.

Computer Science Holds Spring Reception

The Computer Science Department held a reception in May for faculty, students, and alumni.

High Ranking, Best Online Master's in Computer Information Technology

Our MS in Digital Forensics was ranked #16 in Online Information Technology programs and #9 for veterans.

U.S. Cyber Command Selects SHSU For Academic Engagement Network

A culmination of effort beginning in 2006, Sam Houston State University has been selected as a partner in the United States Cyber Command’s (CYBERCOM) Academic Engagement Network (AEN).

Funding Addresses Data Science Workforce Need

Sam Houston State University has received $1 million from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) to develop new data science credential programs in partnership with Texas State University.

Ranked Top Best Value Information Assurance Master's for 2022

Sam Houston State University has Texas’ leading graduate information assurance program.

SHSU's Software Engineering Degree Ranks Highly

Sam Houston State University has been ranked #39 for the Best Affordable College to earn your Software Engineering Degree.

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Master of Science in Cybersecurity



The University of Houston’s educational and research programs in cybersecurity and cyber defense have been recognized by the National Security Agency and the Department of Homeland Security.

UH first received the “Center of Academic Excellence” designation for its education programs in 2007, after the creation of the  Center for Information Security Research and Education . This is the first time it has received the research designation. 

Why get a Master's degree in Cybersecurity?

As the cyber security threat landscape evolves, so do the roles that security professionals play. Chief security officers (CSOs) and chief information security officers (CISOs) are seeing the scope of their responsibilities expand. Other professionals, such as security analysts and engineers, are finding they need to know more about working with other groups within their organizations. Newer roles such as malware analyst and incident responder are emerging to better combat threats. The common thread across all of these challenges is an expanded set of knowledge and skills.

A recent survey by ISACA concluded that 46 percent of the security professionals surveyed indicated a technical skills gap as a major concern. Taking random classes without a clear plan is a terrible idea. Advancing one’s skills requires a broader picture of the cybersecurity landscape, both technical and policy sides, to position oneself in a capacity to provide leadership in this rapidly changing environment.

Needed Demand:

Some experts predict there will be a global shortage of two million cyber security professionals by 2019. - Forbes

What employers are looking for that we offer:

  • Hands-on labs using real-world data
  • Training and certification

Advancing your career:

  • Increasing your value to your organization
  • Professional skills development that keep you on the fast track
  • Developing a network of peers with the highest levels of expertise

The Master of Science (MS) in Cybersecurity is a two year program designed specifically to prepare individuals with undergraduate degrees in technology disciplines for responsible leadership roles in the technology-based and information-based workplaces.

The Master of Science in Cybersecurity degree equips technology professionals to assess the security needs of information and network systems and then to manage the implementation and maintenance of the recommended security solutions.

Admission Requirements

Admission Requirements

An undergraduate or graduate degree in a technology discipline from an accredited university or college is required for unconditional admission to the cybersecurity graduate program. The applicant's undergraduate education must reflect a firm foundation in a computing technology discipline, the equivalent of 24 hours within a computing major or 18 advanced hours within a computing minor. Students who do not meet the necessary requirements will be requested to complete prerequisites before entering the program.

  • Admissions Test  - Students must submit official scores from the Graduate Record Examination (GRE).
  • A grade point average of 3.0 or better (4.0 scale) for the last 60 hours of academic course work is required for unconditional admission.
  • Three letters of recommendation from persons who can address the applicant's ability and potential for graduate education and a leadership position in a technological-intensive organization (i.e., former professors, employment supervisors, professional colleagues).
  • A personal narrative statement reflecting the applicant's academic and employment histories and prior experience on technology projects, as well as interest in achieving a leadership position in a technology-intensive organization.
  • A demonstrated understanding of statistics is required. Prospective students should have taken and passed a course in statistics (e.g., TMTH 3360) with a grade of C or higher.
  • A demonstrated understanding of the basics of cybersecurity is required. An undergraduate degree with coursework in cybersecurity, or Security+ certificate is recommended.

Proficiency in English

Proficiency in English

International applicants are required to provide official TOEFL scores. Students whose written or spoken English proficiency is marginal in relation to the communication skills of the information technology industry may be required to seek instruction outside the college.

A personal interview may be requested by Graduate Admissions Committee or by the applicant. The Graduate Admissions Committee may identify pre-admission foundation courses, as part of or in addition to the list given above, that need to be taken before entering the program.

Application Process

Application Process

Complete application for Graduate Studies and return as instructed with official transcripts and $75.00 application fee. Arrange to complete the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) and submit official scores to the University of Houston. You can arrange to take the GRE on campus by calling 713-743-5444. Submit a personal statement of intent and three letters of recommendation.

International applicants must also pay an additional $75.00 international application processing fee and submit official TOEFL scores.

Courses Offered

CIS 6321 – Introduction to Cybersecurity Cr. 3. (3-0). Overview of contemporary cybersecurity issues for technology professionals from an applied perspective;  search current syllabus . Prerequisite: Graduate standing

CIS 6322 – Secure Enterprise Computing Cr. 3. (3-1). Enterprise security administration for technology professionals through server operating systems architecture and configuration; hands-on experience with UNIX and Windows operating systems;  search current syllabus . Prerequisite: CIS 6321 or consent of graduate faculty advisor

CIS 6323 – Cryptography and Cybersecurity Cr. 3. (3-1). Practical issues in cryptography, including examples of current historical cryptography systems; major types of cryptosystems and cryptanalytic techniques, and how they operate; hands-on experience with current cryptographic technology;  search current syllabus . Prerequisite: CIS 6321 or consent of graduate faculty advisor

CIS 6324 – Cybersecurity Risk Analysis Cr. 3. (3-0). This course focuses on the organizational issues of risk analysis in the legal context of the Internet. Organizational problems involving reliability, safety, security, privacy, and human well-being are addressed;  search current syllabus . Prerequisite: CIS 6322 or CIS 6323 or consent of graduate faculty advisor

CIS 6325 – Network Security Cr. 3. (3-0). This course focuses on the introduction to Network Security, including foundations of networking, applying security functionality via protocols and controls, security architectures, and network security operations;  search current syllabus . Prerequisite: None

CIS 6337 – Digital Forensics Cr. 3. (3-0). Explores the realm of digital forensics, including media analysis, data reconstruction, network forensics and the legal issues surrounding the use of forensic data;  search current syllabus . Prerequisite: CIS 6321 or consent of graduate advisor

CIS 6347 – Advanced Digital Forensics Cr. 3. (3-0). Advanced digital forensics processes and procedures, e-discovery, media analysis, data reconstruction, reporting and legal issues surrounding digital data in criminal and civil litigation;  search current syllabus . Prerequisite: CIS 6337

CIS 6357 – Control Systems Security Cr. 3. (3-0). An exploration of security functionality for control systems and networks. This hands-on course examines threats, vulnerabilities and appropriate security responses to protect critical infrastructure components;  search current syllabus . Prerequisite: CIS 6321

CIS 6358 – Secure Software Design Cr. 3. (3-0). Examines the management of software engineering process with an emphasis on security, including common bugs and tools to prevent them in a secure development process;  search current syllabus . Prerequisite: CIS 6321

CIS 6359 – Penetration Testing Cr. 3. (3-0). Application of tools, techniques, and procedures to perform penetration testing on networks and applications;  search current syllabus . Prerequisite: CIS 6321, 6322 and 6323

CIS 6396 – Internship in Information Security Cr. 3. (3-0). Cybersecurity internship in a public or private organization. May be repeated for credit;  search current syllabus . Prerequisite: At least 12 hours in the MS/ISS program and prior written approval of the graduate faculty advisor

Contact Information

For more information about this program, contact the CCE Technology Division graduate advisors:  cotgrad [at] (cotgrad@ uh .edu) .

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Group Members

We are looking for new PhD students, Postdocs, and Master students to join the team (see openings) !

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Faculty and Staff

phd computer science university of houston

Shishir K. Shah

Professor email: [email protected]

  • PhD, Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin
  • MS, Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin
  • BS, Mechanical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin

phd computer science university of houston

Pranav Mantini

Research Associate email: [email protected]

  • PhD, Computer Science, University of Houston

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Miloud Aqqa

PhD student email: <-@->

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Poonam Beniwal

PhD student email: [email protected]

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Fatima Daha

PhD student email: [email protected]

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Khadija Khaldi

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Nassima Noufail

Zhengang li, shikha tripathi, justin browm.

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Pooja Kittur

Nithin thankachan, terry hodgson.

phd computer science university of houston

Xuqing (Jason) Wu

Role: Asst. Professor, Dept. of Computer Information Systems, University of Houston email: [email protected]

Shishir K. Shah .

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    University of Houston
  Jul 25, 2024  
2022-2023 Graduate Catalog    

2022-2023 Graduate Catalog [Not Current Academic Year. Consult with Your Academic Advisor for Your Catalog Year]


College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics    > Department of Computer Science    > Computer Science, MS

The MS in Computer Science provides a theoretical and applied understanding of various specialties in the computing field. Students can choose the non-thesis option or thesis option. The former is non-research based while the latter is research focused that prepares students to continue into a PhD program. Either option prepares a student to pursue a career in a variety of job sectors.

Our program places a strong emphasis on specialty to ensure students gain the in-demand skills and knowledge necessary for today’s careers in computing. MS students are required to pursue a track specialization in Core Computer Sciences, Data Analytics, Parallel and Distributed Systems, or Interactive Media.

Students are expected to learn the fundamentals of Computer Science and gain hands-on skills, develop a deeper appreciation of computing and its applications towards a broad range of societal problems. Students will develop the necessary knowledge to apply mathematical and scientific reasoning to a variety of problems, and design, correctly implement and document computational solutions.

For more information, please visit the Computer Science, MS program page.

Admission Requirements

In addition to the University and the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics admissions requirements, applicants are evaluated on their previous academic record, GPA, GRE test scores, quality of schools from which degrees were obtained, statement of purpose, resume, and three letters of recommendation. An applicant is expected to have a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or a related field. Verbal, quantitative and analytical writing scores from the GRE are examined separately and are evaluated as one source of information in the total graduate application.

International applicants should visit The Graduate School and Department of Computer Science websites for additional admissions requirements.

Admission is based on a competitive selection process. Meeting the minimum requirements published does not guarantee admission to our programs. Applicants will not be granted conditional admission.

Program Prerequisites

Students admitted to the graduate program of the Computer Science department must have taken Calculus I, Calculus II and Linear Algebra before being admitted to the program. In addition they are required to demonstrate an appropriate level of proficiency in computer science. Level of proficiency is defined to mean either (a) having successfully passed an equivalent course, as determined by the Director of Graduate Studies, for each subject listed below, (b) complete the corresponding course with a grade of B- or better at the University of Houston, or (c) successfully pass a department placement exam in each of the required subjects.

  • Equivalent Coursework - evaluation of equivalent coursework for each subject listed below will be determined by the Director of Graduate Studies at the time of initial advising.
  • Completion After Admission - upon entering the graduate program, students may remedy deficiencies by taking courses from the list below and securing at least a B- grade. Any course in which a grade of “B-” or better is not made must be repeated the following term. Each course can be taken a maximum of two times to obtain the required grade of “B-” or better.
  • Department Placement Exam - A student must submit to the Director of Graduate Studies a request to take department placement exams(s) at least one month prior to the start of the first term. If approved by the Director of Graduate Studies, the exam(s) may be administered within the two weeks prior to the start of the term. The result of the department placement exam(s) will be reported by the first day of the term and included in the student’s academic file.

Courses taken to remedy deficiencies will not be counted in the total number of credit hours required for the graduate degree.

Remediation of deficiencies must be completed (a) within the first two long terms and (b) before a student will be allowed to enroll in the courses which are counted towards their degree. The only exception is the term in which the student will complete the deficiencies. In this situation, a student can enroll in courses required to remedy deficiencies concurrent with enrollment in graduate courses that will be applied towards the degree. 

Courses that may be taken to remedy deficiencies in Computer Science:

  • COSC 6305 - Introduction to Computer Science II    
  • COSC 6306 - Data Structures    
  • COSC 6308 - Computer Architecture    
  • COSC 6309 - Introduction to Automata and Computability    
  • COSC 6310 - Fundamentals of Operating Systems    

Degree Requirements

Credit hours required for this degree: 30.0

Thesis Option

Requires a minimum of 30 credit hours, with a defended thesis, subject to the following restrictions:

  • Excludes COSC 6300-6311 deficiency courses
  • Excludes COSC 6397 special topics courses
  • Includes track courses
  • COSC 6397 Special Topics (limit 6 hours)*
  • COSC 6398 Special Problems (limit 6 hours)*
  • Outside department courses (limit 6 hours)*
  • Visit the university transfer credit policy    for details
  • COSC 6399 and COSC 7399 in two consecutive terms prior to graduation. A student must be enrolled in COSC 7399 in the term of graduation and obtain a letter grade.

*Requires prior approval from the director of graduate studies via a Graduate & Professional Student Petition

A student in the thesis option of the MS degree program must successfully complete and defend a thesis. Details on preparation of a thesis document can be found on the department website .

No later than one term before the anticipated graduation date of the student, a thesis advisory committee must be formed, which consists of the advisor and at least two (2) other members: one other member of the Computer Science faculty and one from outside the Department of Computer Science (either faculty from another department, another university or from industry). Further details on committee composition can be found here . The thesis advisory committee will be the comprehensive examination committee. The thesis is not considered to be complete until the student passes a comprehensive examination, which is primarily a defense of the thesis. The examination will be given upon the request of the student with the approval of the research advisor.

The comprehensive examination thesis defense is open to the University community and must be publicized at least two weeks in advance. Details on how to announce the defense can be found on the department website .

Non-Thesis Option

Requires a minimum of 30 credit hours, with no thesis requirement, subject to the following:

Tracks allow MS students to specialize in key areas within computer science. The MS core computer science track is the default track unless an alternate track is declared. A track can be changed while enrolled in the MS program. To graduate, students must complete all track requirements which includes completing all track courses, maintaining a 3.00 or higher GPA in all track courses, and all other MS degree requirements including the total number of credits to complete the degree.

Students must complete at least 4 courses for this track. Students must complete at least 4 courses for this track. At least 2 courses must be from Block 1. The remaining 2 courses can be from either Block 1 or Block 2.

Block 1: Theory

  • COSC 6369 - Theory of Computation Credit Hours: 3.0
  • COSC 6320 - Data Structures & Algorithms Credit Hours: 3.0
  • COSC 6364 - Adv Numerical Analysis Credit Hours: 3.0
  • COSC 6342 - Machine Learning Credit Hours: 3.0

Block 2: Systems

  • COSC 6340 - Database Systems Credit Hours: 3.0
  • COSC 6377 - Computer Networks Credit Hours: 3.0
  • COSC 6385 - Computer Architecture Credit Hours: 3.0
  • COSC 6360 - Operating Systems Credit Hours: 3.0

Data Analysis Track

The Data Analysis Track emphasizes a practical approach to the study of data analytics, imparting fundamentals supported by hands-on skills acquisition and problem solving involving real-world applications. The track facilitates preparation for positions in product development and research in industries pursuing image computing, data mining, and data analysis as well as for advanced studies in the field. Students must complete at least 4 courses for this track. At least 3 courses must be from Block 1. The remaining 1 course can be from Block 1 or Block 2.

Block 1: Introductory

  • COSC 6323 - Statistical Methods in Research Credit Hours: 3.0
  • COSC 6335 - Data Mining Credit Hours: 3.0
  • COSC 6336 - Natural Language Processing Credit Hours: 3.0
  • COSC 6339 - Big Data Analytics Credit Hours: 3.0
  • COSC 6344 - Visualization Credit Hours: 3.0
  • COSC 6368 - Artificial Intelligence Credit Hours: 3.0
  • COSC 6373 - Computer Vision Credit Hours: 3.0
  • COSC 6380 - Digital Image Processing Credit Hours: 3.0

Block 2: Advanced Topics

  • COSC 6391 - Biomedical Image Analysis Credit Hours: 3.0
  • COSC 7336 - Advanced Natural Language Processing Credit Hours: 3.0
  • COSC 7362 - Advanced Machine Learning Credit Hours: 3.0
  • COSC 7373 - Advanced Computer Vision Credit Hours: 3.0

Parallel and Distributed Systems Track

The Parallel and Distributed Systems Track is a systems focused track with emphasis on theory, design and evaluation of parallel computations, protocols, and vector and distributed data applications. Students must complete at least 4 courses for this track. At least 3 courses must be from Block 1. The remaining 1 course can be from Block 1 or Block 2.

Block 1: Fundamentals

  • COSC 6326 - Distributed Algorithms Credit Hours: 3.0
  • COSC 6327 - Shared Memory Programming Credit Hours: 3.0
  • COSC 6365 - Intro High-Performance Comput Credit Hours: 3.0
  • COSC 6374 - Parallel Computations Credit Hours: 3.0
  • COSC 6376 - Cloud Computing Credit Hours: 3.0
  • COSC 6384 - Real-Time Systems Credit Hours: 3.0
  • COSC 7364 - Adv Parallel Computatns Credit Hours: 3.0
  • COSC 7388 - Advanced Distributed Computing Credit Hours: 3.0

Interactive Media Track

The Interactive Media Track studies theoretical and applied aspects of interface, visualization, graphics and gaming. Students must complete at least 4 courses for this track. At least 3 courses must be from Block 1. The remaining 1 course can be from Block 1 or Block 2.

  • COSC 6355 - Ubiquitous Computing Credit Hours: 3.0
  • COSC 6356 - Computer Animation and Simulation Credit Hours: 3.0
  • COSC 6358 - Interactive Game Development Credit Hours: 3.0
  • COSC 6372 - Computer Graphics Credit Hours: 3.0

Block 2: Specialization

  • COSC 6348 - Introduction to Game Art and Animation Credit Hours: 3.0
  • COSC 6349 - Intermediate Game Art and Animation Credit Hours: 3.0
  • COSC 6359 - Intermediate Game Development Credit Hours: 3.0

Time Limitations

MS students must complete the program within five years of the date of enrollment with a master’s degree objective at the University of Houston. Transfer credit may not apply to any master’s degree if the course credit is more than five years old at commencement.

Refer to the Time Limitations    of Completion of Degree Requirements section of the Graduate Catalog.

Academic Policies

  • University of Houston Academic Policies    
  • Academic Policies: College of Natural Science and Mathematics    


University of Houston

PhD in Computer Science


University of Houston, Texas

College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics

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About Course

Computer Science

Degree Type

Course Credits

Program Rank

PhD in Computer Science at the prestigious University of Houston is a prestigious degree that offers in-depth learning in Computer Science. Being a renowned university, University of Houston receives enough funds to ensure the best education facilities for its students across all programs. This doctorate program offered full-time primarily focuses on the practical implementation of fresh ideas through rigorous study and research. The students are encouraged to add new aspects and findings to the existing area of knowledge. PhD in Computer Science at UH is ranked globally by estimated organisations. Such recognition speaks volumes about the course’s importance and effectiveness in the present scenario. The top-notch faculty, modern facilities, and the aura of creativity and innovation in the UH campus is a life-changing experience for the students looking forward to kickstarting or upgrading their careers. Overall, a PhD in Computer Science at University of Houston is an excellent opportunity to grow into a learned professional and bring new developments in the world.

Official fee page

$28,182 / year

5000+ Students

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Application Fee

Minimum english score required

Minimum aptitude score required

Conditional Waiver/Optional

  • Online Application
  • Application Fees
  • Official Transcripts
  • Statement of Purpose
  • Resume or Curriculum Vita
  • Three Letters of Recommendations
  • Financial Backing
  • Copy of Passport
  • GRE Test Score (Optional)
  • English Language Proficiency 

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Program Contact: Dvijesh Shastri , PhD,   N704, 713-223-7903

The Computer Science degree offers students a strong foundation in the fundamental concepts of computer science combined with sound practical training. It is structured to develop written and oral communication skills, to provide broad-based studies and a selection of advanced course work in computer science and to provide students with an education responsive to the expanding uses of computer techniques in business, government and industry. In addition, it provides the foundation for those students interested in pursuing graduate degrees. Students are encouraged to consult their advisors for suggestions about which electives are most suitable, based on their goals and preferences. The degree requires a minimum of 120 semester credit hours as indicated below. Students must have a grade of C or better in any course in computer science, mathematics or statistics that is applied towards the degree.

Degree Requirements

Common core requirements (42 hours).

See the Common Core Requirements    section of the catalog for Undergraduate Academic Programs. Observe that MATH 2305    satisfies both the mathematics requirement of the Common Core and a mathematics requirement for the computer science degree and the 6 of the 8 hours of natural sciences required in the major will satisfy the life and physical sciences requirement of the Common Core.

Major Requirements

Writing requirement (3 hours).

  • TCOM 3302 - Business and Technical Writing

Natural Sciences Requirement (8 hours)

Eight hours of lab sciences (6 of these hours count in the common core).

Mathematics Requirements (17 hours)

  • MATH 2305 - Discrete Mathematical Structures (3 of these hours count in the common core)
  • MATH 2401 - Calculus I
  • MATH 2402 - Calculus II
  • MATH 2307 - Linear Algebra
  • STAT 3311 - Statistical Analysis for Natural Science
  • MATH 3302 - Probability and Statistics

Computer Science Requirements (55 hours)

  • CS 1411 - Introduction to Computer Science with Python
  • CS 2301 - Introduction to Computer Organization
  • CS 2302 - Digital Logic
  • CS 2411 - Procedural and Object-Oriented Programming with C++
  • CS 3304 - Data and Information Structures
  • CS 3306 - Introduction to Theory of Computation
  • CS 3321 - Software Engineering
  • CS 4294 - Senior Seminar
  • CS 4303 - Programming Language Concepts
  • CS 4315 - Operating Systems
  • CS 4318 - Database Systems
  • CS 4395 - Senior Project in Computer Science (or approved W course)

Electives in the Major

In addition, 18 hours of computer science electives must be completed, at least 15 of which must be 3000 or 4000-level; 3 hours may be 1000 or 2000-level above CS 1305   . 

NOTE: Students pursuing the Computer Science, BS - Fast Track to MSDA    will complete 12 hours of computer science electives, at least 9 of which must be 3000 or 4000-level; 3 hours may be 1000 or 2000-level above CS 1305   . 

Some of the 3000 and 4000 level free electives are organized into three clusters. Students are encouraged, but not required, to complete all courses in at least one cluster. These clusters and courses are:

Cyber Security:

  • CS 3318 - Introduction to Computer Security
  • CS 3324 - Computer Network Architecture
  • CS 3325 - Introduction to Wireless Networks
  • CS 4326 - Network Security

Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics:

  • CS 3331 - Introduction to Robotics
  • CS 4319 - Statistical and Machine Learning
  • CS 4332 - Artificial Intelligence

Media Computing:

  • CS 3310 - Fundamentals of Game Development
  • CS 4310 - Principles of Computer Graphics
  • CS 4340 - Mobile Computing

Free Electives

(Sufficient hours to complete a minimum of 120 hours total)

Total: (120 hours)

Department of Computer Science


Computer Science Team Earns International Competition Top Honors to Identify Hate Speech and Offensive Language


Computer Science Professors Pandurangan, Pavlidis Earn IEEE Fellow Status


Computer Science Students and Alum Have Key Roles in Fall Commencement


Computer Science Researchers Use Machine Learning to Identify and Predict Cyberattacks

Did you know.

  • 1700+ Undergraduate Students
  • 250+ Graduate Students
  • $4 M Yearly Research Expenditures

' loading=

Artificial Intelligence Student Showcase

' loading=

NSM + Computer Science Career Fair & Graduate School Expo

' loading=

Ph.D. Research Showcase - Fall 2024

' loading=

Ph.D. Research Competency Exam (RCE)

Computational Science and Engineering

Program finder image

Graduate Program

The Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) master’s program, led by faculty from Computer Science, Applied Math and the Engineering Sciences, provides rigorous training in the mathematical and computational foundations of CSE. The master’s program offers students experience with mathematical techniques for modeling and simulation of complex systems; parallel programming and collaborative software development; and methods for organizing, exploring, visualizing, processing and analyzing very large data sets.

Department of Computer Science


Computer Science Team Earns International Competition Top Honors to Identify Hate Speech and Offensive Language


Computer Science Professors Pandurangan, Pavlidis Earn IEEE Fellow Status


Computer Science Students and Alum Have Key Roles in Fall Commencement


Computer Science Researchers Use Machine Learning to Identify and Predict Cyberattacks

Did you know.

  • 1700+ Undergraduate Students
  • 250+ Graduate Students
  • $4 M Yearly Research Expenditures

' loading=

Artificial Intelligence Student Showcase

' loading=

NSM + Computer Science Career Fair & Graduate School Expo

' loading=

Ph.D. Research Showcase - Fall 2024

' loading=

Ph.D. Research Competency Exam (RCE)

PhD Requirements

Requirements presented as a Table.

Breakdown of Credit Hours

  • Total number of hours required for a Ph.D.: 96 (64 with an approved M.S.)
  • Must complete a minimum of 48 credit hours of coursework (16 with an approved M.S.), of which 20 credit hours must be CS coursework (12 with an approved M.S.).
  • Must complete a minimum of 24 credit hours of 500-level coursework (16 with an approved M.S.), of which 12 credit hours must be CS 500-level coursework. Courses in computer science numbered CS 500-CS 590 or CS 598 are considered advanced coursework.
  • Must complete a minimum of 32 credit hours of Thesis Research (CS 599).

Note: CS 597 (Independent Study) and CS 591/491 (Seminar) may be applied towards bullet 2 above, but cannot be applied to bullet 3 above. Independent study coursework completed at other departments will be treated similar to CS 597 hours. A maximum of 16 credit hours of independent study coursework can be applied toward the degree.

Advanced Coursework

Courses in computer science numbered CS 500 - CS 590 or CS 598 are considered Advanced Coursework. Students must complete 24 credit hours (16 with an approved M.S.) of advanced coursework. In addition, 12 hours of the advanced coursework must be computer science courses.

Program of Study (Core Requirements)

The Program of Study is designed to allow students some flexibility to develop their curriculum in accordance with the Ph.D. graduation requirements outlined above and with the expectations of their advising/thesis committee. The Academic Office assigns students three committee members within the first month of starting the Ph.D. program. Students setup a time with their Program of Study committee to discuss their area of interests and determine what required courses must be completed and develop a strategy for meeting educational and career goals as well as the Ph.D. coursework requirements. For more detailed information, visit Program of Study .

Thesis Hours

A minimum of 32 hours of Thesis Research (CS 599) is required. Students may register for the advisor’s section of CS 599 after they successfully complete their qualifying examination. The CS 599 Thesis Advisor Agreement form must be on file prior to enrolling for thesis hours and prior to taking the qualifying exam.  ( Effective Fall 2022, registration in CS 599 hours during the term of the Qualifying Examination will not be approved. Students can register for CS 597 Individual Study credits until they pass the qualifying examination. )

Additional Requirements

  • CS 591 section PHD must be taken in the first semester. A maximum of 4 credit hours of CS 591 can be applied toward the Ph.D. degree.
  • The minimum program GPA is 3.0.

Effective Spring 2022, CS TA appointments which meet the following criteria will fulfill the PhD TA requirement : A 50% teaching assistantship or a 25% solo teaching assistantship for an entire term completed by the end of the 5th year, with a satisfactory performance evaluation by the department.  TAships for any CS 591 course will not count towards the TA requirement.

Ph.D. with Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) Option

The Ph.D. with a concentration in Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) is an interdisciplinary program which focuses on computationally oriented research. All Ph.D. degree requirements apply PLUS the following additional requirements.

  • Students must take 12 credit hours of coursework relevant to their CSE research areas, selected with the approval of their advisor, from one or more departments outside the Siebel School of Computing and Data Science.
  • CSE 500-level courses may be used to satisfy the advanced coursework (500-level) requirement.
  • The Ph.D. thesis must address some aspect of CSE.
  • The doctoral committee should include a faculty member from outside computer science whose interests are relevant to the student's research.

Ph.D. Requirements Table

A) phd students admitted for fall 2022 (or later).

Thesis Research – CS 599 (minimum applied toward degree) 32 32 32

500-level CS course work (minimum applied toward degree)

Does not include CS 597 nor CS 591.

12 12 12

Additional 500-level course work

Does not include independent study nor seminar hours.

4 4 4

Supplementary CS Graduate-level 400- or 500-level course work (Minimum applied toward degree.)

Does not include CS 597 nor CS 591.

  8 8

Additional graduate-level 400- or 500-level course work

Remaining thesis research credit or graduate-level course work (Minimum applied toward degree. 400- or 500-level)
16 16 16
Total Hours 64 72 96
  • A teaching assistantship for an entire term, with a satisfactory performance evaluation by the department, is required by the end of the 5th year.
  • International Students must show demonstration of English proficiency (equivalent to that necessary to be a TA-see Financial Aid) before taking the Qualifying Exam.
  • Qualifying exam
  • Preliminary exam
  • Final exam or dissertation defense
  • Dissertation deposit
  • Minimum GPA: 3.0

PhD Students Admitted Fall 2021 or Prior

Requirements Entering with approved M.S. degree Entering with B.S. degree
Credit hours: Hours Hours
Total Credit for the Degree 64 96
Thesis Research – CS 599 (minimum applied toward degree) 32 32
Course Work 16 48
500-level course work 16 (12 must be CS courses) 24 (12 must be CS courses)
400- or 500-level course work 16 24
Additional graduate-level course work or thesis research credit (subject to Other Requirements and Conditions below) 16 16
Other Requirements and Conditions (may overlap):*
Minimum hours of CS course work 12 20

phd computer science university of houston

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Liberty Law students attend academy led by distinguished trial attorney Mark Lanier

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July 23, 2024 : By Abigail Degnan - Office of Communications & Public Engagement

phd computer science university of houston

Six Liberty University School of Law students and Professor of Law Pamela Bell attended the Lanier Trial Academy on June 17-20 in Houston, Texas. The academy is led by distinguished trial attorney Mark Lanier, who stands out as one of the foremost civil trial lawyers in the United States, with a storied career marked by numerous landmark verdicts, collectively nearing $20 billion. Renowned for his tenacity and innovative courtroom strategies, Lanier has won major cases against giants of industry in personal injury and product liability lawsuits.

The academy exists to provide legal professionals with intensive instruction on methods and approaches for plaintiff lawyers to use in trial. While it is intended for plaintiff lawyers already in practice, Lanier extended a personal invitation to Liberty Law after visiting campus this past spring and observing a trial demonstration by students. The students who attended are part of the school’s Trial Team.

“It was a joy to meet the Liberty Law folks at the academy,” Lanier said. “I’m so glad they came.”

Lanier uses his research and science-backed methods in his instruction, as well as his own experiences from courtrooms.

“Lanier teaches the attendees everything from the beginning of the trial through closing arguments, even methods and visual aids,” Bell said. “It’s him the entire time, and he’s absolutely captivating. It’s no wonder he does well in trial because he’s a great communicator, and he shows that he cares about his audience.”

Gavyn Webb, a rising 3L, said he thoroughly enjoyed learning more about the psychology behind a courtroom trial.

phd computer science university of houston

“When you’re prepping for trial, you must frame your arguments in a way that’s going to play to the jury,” Webb said. “Lanier did that by walking us through some of the psychology behind trial and the implicit biases that we all have in our mind. He spent a lot of time talking about techniques to take advantage of those biases because we’re not going to get rid of them.”

Over three days of sessions, Webb took more than 12 pages of notes from Lanier’s instruction.

“I would love to be even half the attorney that Mark Lanier is,” he added.

Rising 3L Jessica Tucker said she appreciated the extensive instruction, especially the emphasis on all the small but important details of being an effective lawyer.

“It was all practical advice and instruction, even from the type of pen you should use and how the pen can appeal to jurors and effectively communicate your message,” Tucker said. “Even how you dress is important. It’s not about you in the courtroom; it’s about the defendant and the charge that you are bringing. You want to be effective and that begins with showing up in the right attire and being organized.”

She said the academy has already benefited in her current internship with the Lynchburg Commonwealth’s Attorney, and she is applying what she learned in a practical way.

Outside of the sessions with Lanier, the academy hosted vendors from all over the United States that support legal practices. The students were given the opportunity to network with legal professionals, including trial coaches and other lawyers.

“There was time outside of the sessions to meet with other lawyers that were there,” rising 3L Cody Grove said. “I spoke with one lawyer who worked for the Lanier Law Firm , and he turned around and talked to me and the rest of the team. He gave us really good advice about the practice of law and the next steps as we graduate and look for jobs.”

Lanier even gave the students a shout-out during one of the sessions, telling the over 1,200 legal professionals present that they should hire from Liberty Law, and a few lawyers spoke with them afterward.

Along with the valuable networking, Grove added that the academy taught him just how important it is to develop skills for trial work.

“There are very few lawyers that go to trial, so Mark did a really good job of pushing the information to us. It was great to have an experienced trial lawyer pour into us and teach us the mechanics of trying a case.”

While Lanier largely focused on trial instruction, Bell said he also had an optional Christian presentation on Thursday where he shared about his faith and gave his testimony. All the students attended the optional session.

“He’s a zealous advocate in the courtroom,” Tucker said. “But it is also very evident that he zealously pursues the kingdom of God, and he radiates all the fruit of the spirit in that way.”

Tucker added she was grateful that Lanier invited them, and it has set an example for her of remaining strong in her faith while practicing law.

“As a young Christian who is about to begin her legal career, I’m especially grateful for him as a fellow Christian for just investing in us and all the resources it took to get us to the academy,” she said.

Webb said that he and the other students have immense gratitude for Lanier, Liberty Law, and Professor Bell for such valuable experience. Liberty Law funded each student’s airfare and meals outside of the academy.

“I’m more excited now than I already was to practice law,” Webb added. “It really solidified for me the fact that I want to be in a courtroom.”

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phd computer science university of houston

LU Cyber Camp prepares next generation for careers in computer science

  • Department of Computer Science


B.s. in computer science.

What can you do with a computer science degree? Most people would immediately think of software development, others might say gaming development. However, a degree in computer science could take you into many exciting places. You could work anywhere: Banking or oil industries, consulting firms and software companies are a few examples. Most industries need computer science graduates.

Degree Planning Resources

  • BS in Computer Science Checklist (Effective Fall 2023)

Student degree requirements vary depending on catalog year, requirement term and sometimes individual circumstances. Therefore, it is important that you consult with your academic advisor regarding your specific requirements.

NSM Capstone Requirement

All NSM majors are required to complete an NSM Capstone . The Capstone allow you to utilize knowledge you gain from major coursework in a larger perspective - to determine how that knowledge connects with other scientific disciplines and to discover new applications. The Capstone requires a minimum of six advanced semester hours, but can require up to 23 semester hours (varies by the option used to satisfy requirement).

The NSM Capstone may be satisfied by completing one of the following:

  • COSC 3337* Data Science I
  • COSC 4337* Data Science II
  • COSC 4358* Introduction to Interactive Game Development
  • COSC 4359* Intermediate Interactive Game Development
  • COSC 4353* Software Design
  • COSC 4354* Software Development Practices  or COSC 4355* Ubiquitous Computing
  • Approved minor
  • Double major
  • Double degree or previously earned bachelor's degree
  • teachHOUSTON program

*Senior sequence, senior research project, and senior honors thesis courses used to satisfy the NSM capstone requirement will not apply towards any other computer science requirement. For example, if you declare the data science senior sequence as your NSM capstone, COSC 3337 and COSC 4337 will not apply as COSC advanced electives.

Consult the NSM Capstone webpage and your academic advisor for details and clarification.


  1. Department of Computer Science

    phd computer science university of houston

  2. Phd Courses in University of Houston,Houston

    phd computer science university of houston

  3. Department of Computer Science

    phd computer science university of houston

  4. University Of Houston Computer Science Acceptance Rate

    phd computer science university of houston

  5. university of houston computer science acceptance rate

    phd computer science university of houston

  6. University Of Houston Computer Science Degree Plan

    phd computer science university of houston


  1. Get your PhD while doing a Job!

  2. GRADUATION DAY!🎉 I completed my PhD in Computer Science! #graduation #shorts #phd #computerscience

  3. Bas Corner 5: PhD Life in Barcelona

  4. Lecture 4

  5. BPSC Computer Science Teacher

  6. Fully Funded PhD in Creative Writing and Literature at University of Houston


  1. Doctoral Degree Program

    If a students takes Ph.D. core courses while enrolled as an M.S. student in the UH Department of Computer Science and is subsequently admitted to the UH Computer Science Ph.D. program, any Ph.D. core courses taken within 5 years prior to the date of the Ph.D. admissions can count towards meeting the Ph.D. core requirement.

  2. Graduate Programs

    Graduate Programs. The Department of Computer Science at the University of Houston was founded in 1967 and is considered one of the first established in the country. The department is housed in the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. We enroll roughly 300 graduate students, including about 100 Ph.D. students, each academic year.

  3. Department of Computer Science

    NSM + Computer Science Career Fair & Graduate School Expo . Oct 25 1:00 pm. Ph.D. Research Showcase - Fall 2024 . Nov 15 9:00 am. Ph.D. Research Competency Exam (RCE) University of Houston Department of Computer Science Philip Guthrie Hoffman Hall 3551 Cullen Blvd, Room 501 Houston, Texas 77204-3010 713-743-3350. NSM Helpful Links.

  4. Program: Computer Science, PhD

    In addition to the university and college academic policies and scholastic standards outlined in the graduate catalog, students must comply academic policies set forth by the Department of Computer Science. A student must maintain a GPA of 3.00 or better for all deficiencies (if assigned) and all graduate courses taken at the University of Houston.

  5. Program: Computer Science, PhD

    The PhD degree program in Computer Science provides for a rigorous foundation in theoretical and applied computer science. Students obtain in-depth knowledge by satisfying a breadth course requirement intended to ensure broad knowledge of computer sciences as well as satisfy a depth requirement in the ability to conduct research to advance knowledge and application of Computer Sciences to ...

  6. Department of Computer Science Home

    The Department of Computer Science at Sam Houston State University is a community of faculty, staff, and students centered in the computing science disciplines. The Department of Computer Science is dedicated to providing the highest quality education possible to its graduate and undergraduate students through excellence in teaching and ...

  7. Computer Science, Ph.D.

    Apply to The Global Study Awards and get the chance to receive 10,000 GBP for your study abroad! This funding is powered by ISIC, British Council, IELTS and Studyportals. The Ph.D. degree program in Computer Science from University of Houston provides for a rigorous foundation in theoretical and applied computer science.

  8. Admissions

    University of Houston Graduate Admissions P.O. Box 3947 Houston, TX 77253-3947. Express Mail: University of Houston Graduate Admissions 4302 University Dr, ... University of Houston Department of Computer Science Philip Guthrie Hoffman Hall 3551 Cullen Blvd, Room 501 Houston, Texas 77204-3010 713-743-3350. NSM Helpful Links. NSM Home;

  9. University of Houston, Computer Science PhD Projects ...

    We have 1 University of Houston, Computer Science PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships. Show more Show all . More Details . Ph.D. Position in AI Accountability Project at the University of Houston. University of Houston Computer Science.

  10. Master of Science in Cybersecurity

    Complete application for Graduate Studies and return as instructed with official transcripts and $75.00 application fee. Arrange to complete the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) and submit official scores to the University of Houston. You can arrange to take the GRE on campus by calling 713-743-5444.

  11. Computer Science, B.S.

    Computer Science, B.S. Computer science is the systematic study of computing systems and computation. Numerous professional opportunities exist for graduates with computer science degrees including jobs in industries related to software engineering, internet systems and technology, game design, computer graphics, animation, robotics, artificial ...

  12. QIL

    PhD, Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin ; MS, Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin ... email: [email protected]. PhD, Computer Science, University of Houston ; Students. Miloud Aqqa. PhD student email: <-@-> Poonam Beniwal. PhD student email: [email protected]. Fatima Daha ...

  13. University of Houston hiring Lecturer

    The Department of Computer Science at the University of Houston offers a broad range of undergraduate and graduate level... See this and similar jobs on Glassdoor

  14. Program: Computer Science, MS

    In addition to the University and the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics admissions requirements, applicants are evaluated on their previous academic record, GPA, GRE test scores, quality of schools from which degrees were obtained, statement of purpose, resume, and three letters of recommendation. An applicant is expected to have a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or a related ...

  15. PhD in Computer Science at UH : Admission 2024

    PhD in Computer Science at the prestigious University of Houston is a prestigious degree that offers in-depth learning in Computer Science. Being a renowned university, University of Houston receives enough funds to ensure the best education facilities for its students across all programs. This doctorate program offered full-time primarily focuses on the practical implementation of fresh ideas ...

  16. Faculty

    Zhigang Deng Moores Professor Director of Graduate Studies Ph.D., University of Southern California. Visual Computing and HCI. [email protected] 713-743-1018 Office: PGH 228. ... University of Houston Department of Computer Science Philip Guthrie Hoffman Hall 3551 Cullen Blvd, Room 501 Houston, Texas 77204-3010 713-743-3350. NSM Helpful ...

  17. Program: Computer Science, BS

    Program Contact: Dvijesh Shastri, PhD, N704, 713-223-7903. The Computer Science degree offers students a strong foundation in the fundamental concepts of computer science combined with sound practical training. It is structured to develop written and oral communication skills, to provide broad-based studies and a selection of advanced course ...

  18. Department of Computer Science

    University of Houston Department of Computer Science Philip Guthrie Hoffman Hall 3551 Cullen Blvd, Room 501 Houston, Texas 77204-3010 713-743-3350

  19. Computational Science and Engineering

    Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences The Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) master's program, led by faculty from Computer Science, Applied Math and the Engineering Sciences, provides rigorous training in the mathematical and computational foundations of CSE.

  20. Master of Science Degree

    A student must maintain a GPA of 3.0 or better for all prerequisites (if assigned) and all graduate courses taken at the University of Houston. ... University of Houston Department of Computer Science Philip Guthrie Hoffman Hall 3551 Cullen Blvd, Room 501 Houston, Texas 77204-3010 713-743-3350. NSM Helpful Links. NSM Home;

  21. Department of Computer Science

    NSM + Computer Science Career Fair & Graduate School Expo . Oct 25 1:00 pm. PhD Research Showcase - Fall 2024 . University of Houston Department of Computer Science Philip Guthrie Hoffman Hall 3551 Cullen Blvd, Room 501 Houston, Texas 77204-3010 713-743-3350. NSM Helpful Links. NSM Home;

  22. PhD Requirements

    Courses in computer science numbered CS 500 - CS 590 or CS 598 are considered Advanced Coursework. Students must complete 24 credit hours (16 with an approved M.S.) of advanced coursework. In addition, 12 hours of the advanced coursework must be computer science courses. Program of Study (Core Requirements)

  23. Liberty Law students attend academy led by ...

    Six Liberty University School of Law students and Professor of Law Pamela Bell attended the Lanier Trial Academy on June 17-20 in Houston, Texas. The academy is led by distinguished trial attorney ...

  24. B.S. in Computer Science

    University of Houston Department of Computer Science Philip Guthrie Hoffman Hall 3551 Cullen Blvd, Room 501 Houston, Texas 77204-3010 713-743-3350 NSM Helpful Links NSM Home