7 Economics Personal Statement Examples | With Analysis

What makes a great personal statement?

How do you improve your chances of achieving a university offer in economics?

In this post I will give some personal statement examples and discuss what the best economics personal statements do well.

Key features that great personal statements share

Disclaimers, evolution of economics personal statements, what makes a great economics personal statement, key features that great personal statements share: a reminder, lots of supercurricular activities, personal insights about such activities, demonstrate key skills, a well written essay, more economics personal statement advice, latest posts.

This diagram shows my summary of what makes a great economics personal statement. Based on my experience as an economics tutor and economics personal statement examples, here are four qualities that make personal statements stand out.

4 tips | what makes a great economics personal statement?

I explore these categories further below and in my ultimate economics personal statement guide.

For my ultimate economics personal statement guide, check out the link below:

Firstly, here is a list of ten economics personal statement examples available online.

Also below, there is analysis of what makes a great economics personal statement.

Personal Statement – Details and Claimed OffersCommentsLink
Cambridge interview; offers from LSE, Warwick, UCL and St Andrews+ Good evidence of independent study.
+ Great supercurricular activities discussed.
+ Good personal takeaways.
Note work experience is not necessary for your application. Here the work experience has been used very well though. Yet if you do not have work experience, you can do equally as well through other activities such as reading books.
Offers from LSE, UCL, Bristol, Queen Mary, Warwick+ Solid supercurriculars mentioned.
+ Great use of personal experience.
~ Sometimes supercurricular discussions could be more detailed.
~ Introduction or conclusion may benefit from an anchor activity.
Offer from Cambridge+ Great supercurriculars mentioned.
+ Strong maths related supercurriculars
~ Introduction and conclusion could be more specific.
Offers from Cambridge, LSE, UCL, Warwick and Bath+ Evidence of mathematics related supercurriculars
+ Great use of personal experience.
+ Interesting personal takeaways from many of the activities.
Offer from Cambridge+ Good economics related supercurriculars, touching on various different areas in economics
+ Good attempts at personal takeaways
+ Good use of personal experience.
~ Personal takeaways could be more varied and sometimes deeper.
Offer from Oxford (Economics and Management)+ Student’s motivations for applying for the course are clear.
~ Books and articles should be discussed, not only name-dropped. Personal takeaways are important.
~ The language often sounds contrived and not natural.
Offer from Oxford (Economics and Management)+ A lot of great supercurriculars mentioned.
+ Interesting extracurriculars too.
~ Often the personal takeaways could be more detailed and less surface-level.
~ Second paragraph lacks details about the supercurricular activities.
~ Conclusion and introduction are ok but at least one could be anchored in details.

To learn how to improve your economics personal statement, check out the link below by clicking the blue button:

I cannot guarantee that the personal statements linked above achieved the university offers claimed on those pages. Nor can I claim that each statement is 100% perfect.

By linking to these sites, I do not endorse any of the sites linked above.

You should not copy any part of the personal statements above. Doing so is plagiarism and can lead to the disqualification of your university application. Instead learn from the techniques and kinds of things mentioned in their statements. See specifically the rest of this article for what we can learn from these personal statements.

A proportion of the samples above are relatively old (five to ten years ago or more).

For some universities the personal statement is more important for applications. Consider for example LSE and UCL, top universities where there are no admissions tests or interviews.

We can look at more recently written and publicly available personal statements.

Based on these, here are some observable trends in recent years among the best performing economics personal statements:

  • More supercurriculars relative to the above personal statements.
  • More reference to undergraduate-level economic theory. This can show further reading and an ability to potentially do well in the undergraduate course.

In this section I am drawing on my experience as a tutor about what makes a great personal statement. I am also using the available online examples of economics personal statements and the criteria listed by the top UK universities.

Such statements are by no means always perfect, yet they show the qualities and skills that allow students to attend the best universities.

These examples allow us to analyse what makes a great personal statement and also where students often go wrong with personal statements.

As a reminder, here are the four features of great economics personal statements mentioned above:

  • Lots of supercurriculars
  • Highlighting key skills
  • Personal takeaways

Here is a breakdown of these categories:

What activities have you completed, outside of class, that relate to economics? Have you read a book, entered an economics-related competition, or watched an economics lecture? These are examples of supercurricular activities. I consider these a key focus for the best personal statements and I discuss these further in my economics personal statement ebook. These show your motivation to study economics which will be critical if you want to study the subject for three years at university.

For more on supercurricular activities, click the link here:

These are what I refer to as “personal takeaways” later in this guide. What did you learn from the supercurricular activity? Detail is very important, both for showing a high level of understanding and also to convince the person reading your statement that you actually completed the activity. This should go beyond just recalling the activity – maybe there is something you learnt from this activity or something you read that you disagreed with. We discuss how to write about personal takeaways in the ebook.

For more information about how to use supercurricular activities in your statement, including how to generate personal insights, click this button below:

Obviously you should try to show academic ability in economics and motivation to study economics. But what other skills are useful to show in a personal statement? 

While there are many skills that could potentially be useful, I draw your attention for now to two key skills: Ability in mathematics and independent study (including research). Evidence from supercurricular activities that you have these skills will help convince admissions staff. Moreover these skills will help you in the economics course.

What constitutes a “well written essay”? 

Your personal statement should be well structured, with effective links between ideas and paragraphs. The grammar should be completely correct, that is  there should be no mistakes. 

Finally consider your vocabulary – can you embed economics-related terminology into your personal statement? You can use a thesaurus but do so with caution – sometimes it is obvious where a thesaurus has been used (and often the new word used does not make sense in that context!).

For more economics personal statement tips or for economics university application advice, check out the link below:

For A-level Economics resources, click the link here:

  • 14 Practice Papers for A Level Economics 2024
  • Theme 1 Edexcel A Economics A Level Practice Questions – Fossil Fuels
  • 3.3.1 Revenue
  • 1.3.4 Information gaps – Edexcel A Level Economics notes
  • 1.3.1 and 1.3.2 Market failure and externalities

About the author

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Helping economics students online since 2015. Previously an economist, I now provide economics resources on tfurber.com and tutor A Level Economics students. Read more about me here .

BrightLink Prep

Sample Economics Personal Statement (admitted to Oxford, Cambridge, LSE)

personal statement example economics

by Talha Omer, MBA, M.Eng., Harvard & Cornell Grad

In personal statement samples by field.

The following personal statement is written by an applicant who got accepted to top graduate programs in economics. Variations of this personal statement got accepted at Oxford, Cambridge, and LSE. Read this essay to get inspiration and understand what a top economics school PS should look like.

You might also be interested in reading this Statement of Purpose in Economics  that got admitted to Harvard, Yale and Princeton.

Sample Personal Statement Economics


The sounds coming from near the doorway may have startled an outsider but were barely noticed by the people lounging on charpoys and mooras (wicker stools). With the atmosphere abuzz with their chatter, the sputtering sound of the diesel generator lent more time to catch up as the bulbs lit up and fans whirred on throughout the haveli (palace) on an otherwise hot evening. But on days when it refused to crackle, my grandmother would enkindle gas lanterns filling the veranda with hissing sounds and soothing moonlight rays.

I still cherish these memories from my childhood trips to XYZ, my native village, some 450kms from the closest city. At the time, the short sojourns from Kuwait felt rather adventurous. However, the perspective turned wrong when I permanently moved to XYZ. Due to unannounced electricity breakdowns, we would find ourselves groping in the dark to the closest candle stand while sweating in the scorching summer.

And just when we thought it couldn’t get worse, the occasional power breakdowns segued into a full-blown crisis of the decade. Over the next seven years, we witnessed unprecedented power outages averaging 15-18 hours daily. People weren’t just lamenting the loss of mental peace; they were mourning the monetary losses worth billions of rupees translating into 1.5% of GDP.

Fast forward 15 years, and I found myself in a position to alleviate the situation. As Deputy Administrative Head of the Government’s Economic Affairs division, I administer a departmental budget worth $500 million. I am currently undertaking solarization projects. A recent shift towards renewables has occurred after public unrest during the early decade led to hasty investments in thermal-based power plants. Unfortunately, seven years later, we are still reeling from the aftermath of a bitter public backlash as we have the lowest regional electricity consumption per capita.

In addition to high tariffs, the energy sector has been marred by the accumulation of circular debt of $30 billion. This has been caused by multiple factors, such as electricity theft, transmission losses, and non-payment of dues. Having worked in Economic Affairs Division, I have also been part of a team that took massive power sector reforms, including:

  • elimination of subsidies
  • policy formulation on electricity theft and conservation 
  • overhaul of sectoral regulatory bodies
  • privatization of distribution companies et al.

However, as the Program ended, so did the reforms.

Regrettably, negative externalities from these energy woes have had spillover effects on all socio-economic sectors. The environment has especially poorly been affected by the process for the lack of an integrated generation and transmission policy framework in the renewable industry. Being a lower riparian state has also exacerbated climate change. We face extreme weather conditions – floods, droughts, smog, and diminishing water tables. Unable to agree on water issues not covered under the Indus Water Treaty has led to regular skirmishes and legal battles in the International Court of Justice.

Given the background, my country’s economic and Energy woes require a holistic understanding of the subject. This makes Economic policy specializing in Energy the right choice for my graduate studies. Furthermore, I can become an effective leader and economist in the sector through the interdisciplinary pedagogical approach covering policy, economics, management, law; practical skills; quantitative and qualitative analysis within an international context.

My aim is socio-economic development in tandem with confidence-building measures and strategic partnerships with the neighboring countries. Studying at Oxford will provide this learning opportunity in and out of the class as I will interact with some of the most brilliant minds worldwide and work in teams with them. I also look forward to student-led events, conferences, guest lectures, field trips, and panel discussions to augment my understanding of supranational political demands. This will help me lead economic policy reforms for the next 25 years.


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  • Economics Masters Personal Statement Sample

Written by Hannah Slack

This is an example personal statement for a Masters degree application in Economics. See our guide for advice on writing your own postgraduate personal statement .

The notion of financial risk has always fascinated me. Risk is involved all parts of our life, and learning economic theory and statistics can help mitigate some of the larger financial risks that can massively impact our economy. Since my undergraduate course I have been intrigued by the theoretical side of economics and statistics. I particularly enjoy learning how to project potential outcomes, as this is a vital skill desired by many corporations to strengthen their decision-making processes.

Currently I am in my final year of an Economics undergraduate degree and I am projected to graduate with a first. Modules in Behavioural Economics, Finance and Investment have been a strong interest of mine since the beginning of my degree. I have also enjoyed learning more about economic policies across the globe. In order to keep up to date with the latest economic policies I make sure to follow governmental and news outlets, such as the Financial Times.

In my second year I completed a four-month placement with a national bank. This allowed me to learn more about the practical implications of economic theory in a financially focused setting. I grew very interested in the work of the Risk Manager, who further enlightened me on the many different factors that must be considered before making a major financial decision. The main thing that I enjoyed about financial risk was the tangibility of it. As history has demonstrated, financial decisions can have a major impact on society, both positive and negative. Learning how to restrain negative impacts, and how to manage risks appropriately, intrigues me as an essential part of our modern world.

My third year I spend abroad studying Economics in Australia. I found it particularly interesting to learn the differences between the Australian economic system and the UK’s, which will become increasingly important with the advent of post-Brexit trade deals between the countries. This experience only contributed to my enthusiasm with economic theory as I was able to learn more about its role within other countries.

I have decided to apply for this course because it is one of the finest in the country, with excellent links to industry. To contribute to financial risk management in the way I aspire to, I believe that I need the best education possible. This course not only has a compelling combination of modules and specialisms, but its reputation and research quality will help propel me as a competitive graduate on the job market. I truly believe that with my passion and intrigue in the subject, and this course’s quality resources, this university will be the best place for my studies.

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  • Successful Personal Statement For Economics & Management At Oxford

Last Updated: 22nd April 2020

Author: Adi Sen

Table of Contents

Welcome to our popular Personal Statement series where we present a successful Personal Statement, and our Oxbridge Tutors provide their feedback on it. 

Today, we are looking through an Economics and Managment applicant’s Personal Statement that helped secure a place at Oxford University. The Economics and Management Course at Oxford examines issues central to the world we live in: namely how the economy and organisations function, and how resources are allocated and coordinated to achieve the organisation’s objectives.

Read on to see how this candidate managed to navigate the many disciplines of E&M. 

Here’s a breakdown of the Personal Statement:


The universities this candidate applied to were the following:

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Economics and Management Personal Statement

Economics is the study of now. I view it as the study of the psychology of the people who dictate our lives. The world around us is shaped by the fundamental concept of supply and demand, wants and needs, goods and services. What grips me is that everything I have studied I can apply to real life. Discussions about inflation, for example, are so applicable since its current status is active in the world of pricing; the price of a Big Mac and “Burgernomics” is something to which I can relate from my travels.

The statistical aspect of economic analysis is closely linked to my interest in Mathematics, thus I will take an Econometric route on option modules. This scientific approach to what is otherwise a field-based solely on individual theories and concepts interests me, as I find quantitative analysis much more accurate and reliable than qualitative theories. As an example, I relish analysing more Econometric models on the A-level Course: like Profit Maximisation calculations.

Despite this, Economics intertwines both Maths and Philosophy on a regular basis. I recently read an article from the Guardian by George Monbiot, which discussed the cost-benefit analysis model and whether nature could be quantified as a tangible asset, and how this would benefit neo-liberals in their perpetual quest for profit. This is just an example of how Econometric analysis does not always deliver such verisimilitude where the figures given are ambiguous. This is what is unique about Economics: there is no right answer to the question ‘Is there a right answer?’ The concept of there being methods of analysing the psychology of and nature behind the way that the interface between consumers and producers operates seems to exceed all other subjects in terms of interest.

I find it peculiar that a subject that has such a ubiquitous undercurrent in our society is so undefined and obscure; it is undoubtedly this which draws me to it. Consequently, I strive to keep up with Economics in the modern world by reading the “I” and “Guardian” newspapers, and “The Economist” magazine regularly. For wider background reading I have read Marx’s “Communist Manifesto”, Tim Hartford’s “The Undercover Economist” and “Too Big To Fail” by Andrew Ross Sorkin.

Sorkin’s book provided a gripping, in-depth insight into the world of investment banking and entrepreneurship – I finished the book in a matter of days. His book has inspired me to enter the investment sector. Upon graduation I would like to become an investment banker or negotiator, hence I am in the process of trying to arrange some work experience with the London Metal Exchange.

I completed a programme of work experience with Linden Homes this summer, through the Career Academy Programme on which I am enrolled. It was a six-week internship during which I gained a firm understanding of a construction company’s place within the national economy. I enjoyed spending valuable time in a variety of departments within the firm. I also have work experience planned in Belgium in 2013.

Additionally, I participate in a multitude of extracurricular activities. My team and I finished second in the national UMPH Business Competition; in Year 11 my team set the school record for the Enterprise Day Challenge and for three consecutive years my team won the Grimsby Inter-School Quiz without loss. Furthermore, I am part of both the Franklin College Debating Team and the weekly “Blue Sky Club”, where students meet to discuss current affairs.

Recently, a particular subject of interest has been the US election. We frequently discuss the debates and the candidates, covering subjects like their political viewpoints and how it will affect both our lives and those of the American public – plus the potential Economic ramifications of the possible outcomes. With a genuine zeal for the subject and an ability to relate my studies to the real world, I am convinced that I will thoroughly thrive at degree level Economics.

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Your Personal Statement is only one step in your Oxford E&M application, so discover everything you need to know in The Big Book Of Oxbridge Applications , available for free here! Through over 350 pages , you will find:

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Good Points Of The Personal Statement

The student gives a good insight into their academic interests and what’s inspired them to develop over time. They also demonstrate a passion for the subject, not only by stating their interest in it but by further explaining what interests them and why they would make a good candidate to study it at university. The student is already accomplished and explains well what they’ve gained from their various extra-curricular activities.

Bad Points Of The Personal Statement

The writing is weak and, at points, unnatural. The forced interjections of examples and unusual adjectives make it read like a student attempting to write a formal and formulaic exam essay. They would do better to write in their usual style, even if it is somewhat informal; this will allow them to better express themselves and they will come across as more interesting to those reading it. More importantly than this, however, at times, the student fails to keep up their otherwise good level of detail, and the writing becomes list-like.

This is particularly prominent when they discuss books they’ve read to develop their understanding of economics. Although they expand on one of these, they do so in little detail. Interviewers are unlikely to be impressed by simply mentioning that you’ve read a book – any student applying for degree-level economics is able to read The Communist Manifesto, for instance – but they will be impressed by your response to it and what you gained from the experience of reading it. Unless you expand on these details, a list of books you’ve read does nothing to contribute to the statement.

UniAdmissions Overall Score:

This statement is strong, except where it discusses academic work. The detail here was likely sacrificed in favour of expanding further on their extra-curricular activities and their particular areas of interest. However, they have limited discussion of their study of various classic economic works so severely that it fails to add anything to the piece. The statement would, therefore, benefit from a more balanced approach to the various areas of the student’s life.

We give this Economics Personal Statement a 4/5 as they have clearly projected their passion for the subject onto paper – the most important part of a strong Personal Statement – albeit this was at the cost of other factors that should have been covered in more depth.

And there we have it – an Oxford E&M Personal Statement with feedback from our expert tutors. 

Remember, at Oxford, the Admissions Tutors are often the people who will be teaching you for the next few years, so you need to appeal directly to them.

Our Free Personal Statement Resources page is filled with even more successful personal statements and expert guides.

Our expert tutors are on hand to help you craft the perfect Personal Statement for your Oxford E&M application.

With our  Oxbridge Economics Premium Programme we help you craft the perfect Personal   Statement , achieve a highly competitive TSA score and teach you how to  Interview effectively.

Discover our  Oxbridge Economics Premium Programme  by  clicking the button below to  enrol and triple your chances of success.

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Ensure your enthusiasm for economics stands out

It's key to explain in your personal statement why you’re interested in economics and why you want to study it.

Think about the following:

  • Show an appreciation of mathematical concepts.
  • Reflect on something that has given you an insight into local, national, European or global economic issues, and explain what interests you about it.
  • If you have already been studying economics at A level (or equivalent), talk about an area of the course you’ve found especially interesting.
  • If you haven’t studied economics before, explain what has inspired your interest in it.
  • What especially appeals to you about the subject or the courses you’ve chosen? You can look up specific course details using our course search .
  • Demonstrate that you have a real interest in economic principles and concepts.
  • Show some understanding of economic theory.

What to include in your economics personal statement

  • Your long-term goals: explain how your degree choice fits with your future ambitions and career aspirations.
  • Wider reading: do pick out one or two specific issues that had an impact on you – just saying you subscribe to ‘The Economist’ or ‘The FT’ or that you’ve read ‘Freakonomics’ or ‘The Undercover Economist’ won't have an impact unless you elaborate. Better still, think outside the box and write about something you’ve read that’s slightly more obscure. As one admissions tutor said: 'If I read about ‘Freakonomics’ one more time, I’ll scream.'
  • Economics-related experience: reflect on any work experience, responsibilities, or non-academic interests or achievements that are relevant to economics or demonstrate appropriate skills or qualities.
  • Other relevant insights: if you’ve undertaken an economics-related project, Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) or summer school, reflect on any insights this has given you.
  • Demonstrate your skills: give examples of skills you possess that will serve you well as an economics student and mean you're able to proactively contribute to the course. These could include self-motivation, teamwork, the ability to think logically, effective time management, good communication, or problem-solving skills.

What not to include in your economics statement

We've also picked up some tips on what to avoid:

  • Don’t skim the surface – be specific.
  • Don’t give a shopping list of things you’ve read or done.
  • Don’t exaggerate.
  • Don’t waste space trying to impress with things you’ve done that aren’t relevant – relate everything to the courses you’re applying for.
  • Don’t make sweeping claims about your 'passion for economics', how you’ve 'loved it from an early age' and 'what an honour it would be to get accepted at your university'.
  • Avoid grammar and spelling mistakes.

As the University of Bristol's ' Why Study Economics? ' website says, 'a straightforward personal statement that gets all the core points across in a coherent way serves the purpose best'. So do say something that will stand you out from the crowd, but avoid being too off-the-wall.

Don't be too bland and generic, either. London School of Economics says 'your statement should be as original as possible to differentiate you from other applicants' while the University of Nottingham looks for 'students with a wide variety of interests and enthusiasms from a wide variety of backgrounds'. Strike the right balance by demonstrating your enthusiasm, your intellectual curiosity, and the quality of your insights.

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By Nik Taylor (Editor, The Uni Guide) | 21 September 2023 | 8 min read

Writing an economics personal statement: expert advice from universities

Get your economics personal statement in top shape with these insider tips

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Read around the subject 

  • Read more:  how to write an excellent personal statement in ten steps

Let your passion for economics shine through in your personal statement

  • Read more:  teacher secrets for writing a great personal statement

Make sure you really understand what economics is all about

Do your research into the course.

  • Read more:  personal statement FAQs

Keep your personal statement personal

Talk about how you engage with the world around you.

  • Read more:  the ten biggest mistakes to avoid when writing your personal statement

Show your interest in collecting and analysing data

  • Read more:  universities reveal all about personal statements

Don’t only focus on finance

  • Read more:  universities explain how to end your personal statement with a bang

Include extracurricular activities with relevant skills

  • Read more:  how to write your personal statement when you have nothing interesting to say

You could talk about your plans for your future, but don’t worry if you don’t have a definite career trajectory all mapped out

  • Read more:  how long does it take for universities to reply to your application? 

It shouldn’t matter if you haven’t studied economics before

Proofread your personal statement before you send it out, you may want to look at these..., personal statement secrets – universities reveal all.

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How to write an excellent personal statement in 10 steps

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Economics Personal Statement

My interest in studying economics is born from my growing up in the wake of an economic crisis that affects both my present and my future. The huge rise in unemployment and poverty that followed the great recession are things that mean my generation face a great struggle as we leave education and enter the working world. Economics is a subject grounded in that which effects the lives of people all over the world today; it is constantly evolving and growing and there is always more to be found and learnt which I believe makes it a truly brilliant subject. few other subjects have foundations in both maths and human nature, but I believe that economics is something which really allows people to see how the two connect.

I spent a lot of time reading about world events and watching the news, and learning about the horrors and troubles faced by the entire world all the time is something that fuels my passion for economics. I believe that as far as we have come as a race, there is still so much further we can go, and so many more ways we can improve, by growing and learning, the lives of people around the globe. I think studying economics at university can help me to change the world – to truly effect lives and improve them for the better, to narrow the wealth gap that allows few to live in luxury and many to suffer poverty, when that need not be the case.

At AS-level I studied Mathematics, English Literature, Physics and Economics. Studying economics at as-level was one of the first times if truly encountered the subject, and learning it with little to no prior knowledge only made it that much more interesting to discover. I find both micro and macro economics hugely intriguing to learn, as both play a part in the way that countries are run globally, and I feel that understanding and employing knowledge of both are essential for the betterment of societies everywhere.

Although I used to believe that maths, while enjoyable for me, had no roots in the real world, economics is something that really showed me how very much it does. This means that I am very keenly interested in the mathematical side of maths –  econometrics is one of my favourite disciplines within economics. I find it so interesting because it seems to me that using these models and equations we can predict humanity’s behaviour, and almost tell the future. In that regard one can almost see economics as being magical; it incites a passionate interest me and I would love to take the subject on to a deeper knowledge.

I recently did work experience at a management practice, which helped me develop my organisational skills and taught me a lot about businesses and management, two areas which are heavily entrenched in economic theory. I spent much of my time there working closely with the manager and owner of the company, and learnt directly from him what it took to start up and effectively run his business. Many of the things I learnt from him were echoes of that which I learnt from economics, and the reality of how theory is applied in the real world is another reason I want to study economics so much.

I’ve always been passionate about trying new things and learning new skills, and generally try to overcome any challenges that come my way without backing down. As a member of a girls guiding unit I learned a lot about how to work as part of a team, and also gained leadership skills as I entered the senior section and I worked for my young leaders qualification. Working towards my gold Duke of Edinburgh award has taught me a lot about long term commitment and dedication, and has motivated me to pursue many different new interests, such as Ju Jitsu lessons. The pursuit of this martial art gave me a lot of new self confidence as I learnt self defence, and it has also taught me a lot about self discipline.

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Letters of Recommendation

  • Writing Personal Statements
  • Each school will ask you to write a personal statement. While the prompts vary across schools, generally a personal statement will ask you to describe your research interests, qualifications, and career goals.
  • Schools vary in their importance of the personal statement, but it is an area that students tend to have a lot of questions about.
  • The personal statement should be clear and well-written. Be realistic about your career goals. While showing interest in research in economics is important, don’t spend too much time describing your passion for economics. This will be unlikely to persuade admissions committees. Get to specifics as soon as possible.
  • For example, be as specific as possible in describing your past research and course experiences. For example, instead of writing, “I was a research assistant to Professor X and learned a lot through that experience”, spell out exactly what you did. Did you implement data analysis for Professor X? Was that analysis based on a recent methodological advance that you needed to figure out? What type of analysis was it? How did you solve the problems that occurred when implementing the analysis? Be as specific as possible. If you relied on coursework (for example, you proofread and edited a proof in a paper), mention the mathematical background that allowed you to accomplish this task.
  • You should describe potential research interests, but you don’t need to know exactly what you would like to research in graduate school. Interests change, and it is unlikely admissions committee will place tremendous stock in the specifics of your research proposal. In describing potential research, you should write clearly about your interests and show that you understand how to discuss a potential research project in economics. You can ask an advisor or letter-writer to look over your personal statement.
  • Research Experience
  • Getting Useful Letters of Recommendation

Author: Charles Cazals

Applied in: winter 2013, university offers: cambridge interview, lse, ucl, warwick, exeter.

Since the financial crisis of 2008, it has become clear to me that Economics is the most relevant and important subject in today's world. By reading "Economics: Making Sense of the Modern Economy" by Saugato Datta, I have acquired a real understanding of the ways in which economists approach numerous issues, such as measuring a country's standard of living, or determining what causes households to save and invest. At university, I would particularly enjoy studying emerging countries' economies, and the causes and effects of the 2008 crisis, which continue to unfold today.

In order to pursue more advanced mathematical classes, I chose the French baccalaureate's scientific section. Prior to this I took Economic and Social Sciences classes in year 11 which familiarised me with diverse notions such as purchasing power parity and capital-labour ratio in companies. One of my favourite aspects of the subject is studying the different points of view and theories from well-known economists and exploring their relevance today. For example, I have recently heard a debate on the radio about Jean Baptiste Say's law that production is the source of demand, which John Maynard Keynes strongly criticised in The General Theory. It seems to me that Say's ideal of markets' auto-regulation has indeed encouraged abusive financial speculation since the 1960s and contributed sig-nificantly to today's subprime mortgage crisis. J.P Morgan's idea of not investing in companies where the executives earned more than twenty times the lowest salary also caught my attention, as President Hollande recently applied this ideology in a decree concerning public companies in July 2012. I regularly read newspapers, especially The Week, Capital (a French economic magazine) and The Economist. Besides, I listen to The Economist: All audio and other economic radio podcasts, which made me discover Ricardo's analysis on rents, the Labour Theory of Value, Marx's Surplus Value concept and many other fundamental theories.

Mathematics absorbs me, even outside school. I have regularly participated in the "Kangourou des Mathematiques", which has taught me to think independently and critically. In 2011, I was in the top 0.4% of nearly 50,000 candidates of my age. Last summer, I also attended a STEM Exscitec advanced mathematical course at Imperial College, during which I was asked not only to solve probability problems but to communicate my results comprehensively to students from other departments. This course introduced me to game theory and John Nash's equilibrium through the example of the prisoner's dilemma, showing me the importance of psychology in Economics.

In my own time, I play acoustic guitar as I like to sing and accompany myself. I also paint, mostly landscapes in acrylic, and I have been learning magic by myself for about 3 years. These activities have encouraged me to balance my time and to get used to the pressure of performing regularly. I also recently spent a week in Paris on work experience in a medium enterprise, BC Service, during which I learned a lot about the advantages and inconveniences of SMEs. I discovered that despite their flexibility and reactivity, these companies encounter a lot of difficulties in obtaining loans or subsidies which require many official procedures.

Taking eleven subjects in Year 12 (including Latin and Mathematics in English) has helped me develop excellent time management skills, which I know will be of use at uni-versity. I am very self-motivated, and also look forward to getting involved in various societies and musical events on campus during my time at university. With my enthusiasm for mathematics, in particular statistics, and my desire to acquire a better understanding of the financial world and economic theory, Economics is the course that I feel I am most suited to, and I would be thrilled to be able to pursue this discipline at University.

Please note UCAS will detect any form of plagiarism. PSE and its contributors do not take any responsibility for the way in which personal statements are used.

Election latest: Tom Tugendhat says Nigel Farage sounds like 'Putin's poodle' on Ukraine - but Reform leader doubles down in war row

Reform UK leader Nigel Farage is still under fire after reiterating he blames the West and NATO for the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Tom Tugendhat, the security minister, has told Sky News Mr Farage is sounding like "Putin's poodle" on the issue.

Sunday 23 June 2024 00:16, UK

  • General Election 2024

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  • Minister calls Farage 'Putin's poodle' | PM says Farage 'wrong'
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Labour are warning voters against complacency at the polls on 4 July as the party says "change will only happen if you vote for it".

In an article for The Observer, Labour campaign coordinator Pat McFadden said the election debate was "in danger" of being "consumed by polls" and the idea that the outcome is "somehow pre-determined".

"No way is this election a done deal. The headlines about the clutch of MRP polls disguise a huge level of uncertainty," he said.

The public need to think about whether they want five more years of Conservative rule or "the chance to rebuild with Labour," said Mr McFadden.

He branded Tory warnings against a Labour "supermajority" a "cynical voter suppression strategy".

"The reason the Tories are talking down their prospects is to try to persuade swing voters that they either don't need to vote or, because of their argument the result is decided, to persuade voters they can afford to vote for one of the minor parties where the seat is a Labour/Tory battle," he said.

A Labour win would "put Brexit in peril" and see Sir Keir Starmer try to overturn the vote that changed the country eight years ago, Rishi Sunak has said.

The Conservative campaign suggested Labour have pledged to negotiate a new deal "without telling the public what they would accept in return".

It cited experts as warning that Sir Keir's party would have to make "considerable concessions" to meet its manifesto pledge to deepen ties with the UK's European neighbours.

In a statement on the anniversary of the Brexit vote, Mr Sunak said Sir Keir "has never believed we can succeed as a sovereign country and has tried to overturn the result time and time again". 

He said the Labour leader has committed to "years more wrangling the EU" and abandoning the country's "hard-won freedoms".

"Keir Starmer would recommit us to free movement of EU citizens, taking thousands more illegal migrants and binding our businesses again in Brussels red tape," he said.

"It would be a betrayal pure and simple of the public's wishes by a party with no faith in Britain and no plan for our future as an independent nation."

Meanwhile, business secretary Kemi Badenoch accused Labour of rubbishing facts and promoting "dodgy forecasts" about UK growth.

Sir Keir earlier denied that Labour has plans to rejoin the EU, after Ms Badenoch told The Telegraph that he would put Brexit at risk if he became prime minister.

"We are not re-joining the EU, we are not re-joining the single market or the customs union," the Labour leader said.

A top Conservative official has reportedly taken a leave of absence amid allegations that they placed bets on the timing of the general election on 4 July.

The allegations were published in The Sunday Times , which reported that the official is being investigated over claims they placed "dozens of bets".

A Conservative spokesman said: "As instructed by the Gambling Commission, we are not permitted to discuss any matters related to any investigation with the subject or any other persons."

Our flagship Sunday morning show, hosted by  Trevor Phillips , will be live on Sky News tomorrow from 8.30am, and we have a packed line-up for you after another eventful week of the campaign.

Trevor will be chatting to:

  • James Cleverly , home secretary;
  • Bridget Phillipson , shadow education secretary;
  • Sharon Graham , Unite general secretary;
  • Robert Jenrick , former immigration minister.

On Trevor's expert panel will be:

  • Lionel Barber , former editor of the Financial Times
  • Sonia Sodha , former Labour adviser;
  • Guto Harri , former Number 10 communications director.

Watch live on Sky News and in the stream at the top of this page - and follow updates here in the Politics Hub.

Watch  Sunday Morning with Trevor Phillips  from 8.30am every Sunday on Sky channel 501, Virgin channel 602, Freeview channel 233, on the  Sky News website  and  app  or on  YouTube .

Sir Keir Starmer has branded attacks by the veterans minister on his Labour electoral opponent "sad and desperate".

Mr Mercer, the Tory candidate for Plymouth Moor View, accused his political rival Fred Thomas of lying about his military record after a hustings event earlier this week.

In a series of posts to the X, the minister questioned whether Mr Thomas had served in combat missions while serving as a Royal Marine.

He suggested the Labour candidate had misrepresented his service "for political gain".

Asked about Mr Mercer's comments, Sir Keir said it was "sad desperation" from the veterans' minister. "It's desperate."

The Labour leader said his remarks underlined that the Conservative Party is "party first through and through".

Labour said Mr Thomas was a "decorated ex-Royal Marine" who was unable to discuss his military service due to its "highly sensitive" nature.

Mr Thomas said he was "proud of having served my country for seven years, including overseas on operations". 

Here are all the candidates for the Plymouth Moor View constituency:

  • Shaun Hooper  - Reform UK
  • Sarah Martin  - Liberal Democrats
  • Johnny Mercer - Conservatives
  • Georgia Nelson  - Green Party
  • Fred Thomas - Labour

Union boss Sharon Graham has said she does not agree with Labour's fiscal rules and the party should borrow more to invest.

Speaking to Sky News'  Sunday Morning With Trevor Phillips  in an interview that will be broadcast in full tomorrow, the Unite general secretary said other countries with growing economies have a larger debt-to-GDP ratio than the UK, "so there is wiggle room".

Rachel Reeves , the shadow chancellor, has promised to retain the Tories' commitment that debt as a proportion of GDP must be on track to fall in five years if Labour win the election on 4 July.

She has ruled out borrowing to fund day-to-day spending, saying her focus will be on reforms to grow the economy.

But Ms Graham said: "I don't agree with Rachel Reeves in terms of what has been said about the plans on growth.

"If you look at other countries - in France, their debt to GDP is 112%. In America, where the economy's growing, it's 130% debt to GDP. Ours is around about 99%. We have wiggle room. Give Britain a break."

The union leader said that workers "are literally hurting beyond anything that you could comprehend" due to the cost of living crisis.

She added: "We need the straitjacket off a little bit, get some wiggle room there.

"Borrowing to invest is not the same as other borrowing. It's borrowing to invest."

You can watch the full interview with Sharon Graham on Sunday Morning With Trevor Phillips from 8.30am tomorrow morning on Sky News.

Sir Keir Starmer said he always suspected Boris Johnson's relationship with the truth "would bring him down"- as he revealed how he "set a trap" for the ex-prime minister over the partygate scandal.

In an interview with The Guardian, the Labour leader said he "couldn't care less" about the insults Mr Johnson hurled at him over the despatch box, including when the then PM called him a "pointless human bollard".

"I'm not saying I have great insight, but I felt his character would bring him down," he told the newspaper.

"I thought, there's a guy who is detached from the truth. Whether he's lying or not, it doesn't matter to him."

Sir Keir then laid out the specific way he "set a trap" for Mr Johnson to catch him out over the Downing Street parties scandal, according to The Guardian.

Read the full story here :

Scarlett Maguire, a pollster with JL Partners, says focus groups run by the firm in Rishi Sunak's constituency show that the D-Day blunder and the recent betting scandal in the Tory party have cut through to voters.

Both issues have been "incredibly damaging" for the prime minister, she says.

Ms Maguire said one voter told researchers that the betting scandal "showed a complete disregard for voters".

"They were saying the impression was that it was just like Partygate. It was indicative of a political class and this particular political party that takes voters a bit for a ride and takes their votes for granted," she says.

"That sense was something that came through very strongly."

Ms Maguire said these issues mean voters could perceive Mr Sunak as being "out of control".

However she pointed out that the public also "do not like the sound of a Labour majority", and there's an "appetite" to prevent this.

"It about whether that works and about whether people actually think 'you know what? I am really cross with the main parties... I'm going to do more of a protest vote'."

Next up on the show is pollster Scarlett Maguire , director at JL Partners.

She's asked first about the big polling story of the campaign, which has been the rise of Reform UK support in the UK.

Asked if the Conservatives should be worried about this, Ms Maguire says she is "sceptical" that Reform could end up with a greater share of the vote than the Tories - in part because they are not standing in every seat.

However she notes the rise of Reform has been "the defining feature of this campaign - or at least the only real action we've seen in the polls".

Ms Maguire says Rishi Sunak's decision to call the election while 20 points down in the polls was unprecedented.

"He desperately needed a campaign where he could win back those voters that started voting Reform and also win back those Conservatives that were now telling pollsters they don't know. So far, he's not done either," she says.

Next up is a discussion with the Politics Hub panel on JK Rowling's accusation in The Times newspaper that the Labour party is "abandoning women".

In a 2,000-word essay, the author said she will "struggle to support" Labour if Sir Keir Starmer keeps his current stance on gender recognition.

Sir Keir has defended Labour's record on gender equality in response, saying he was "proud" of his party's history on the subject.

Charlie Rowley , former special adviser to Michael Gove, says the issue is a "sticky wicket" for Labour, but he adds that there are "so many other issues in society" that require focus.

"Party leaders shouldn't be getting caught up in the minutiae of this kind of conversation," he says.

Meanwhile, Ava Santina Evans, political correspondent at PoliticsJOE, says Labour advisers are worried the issue will "ramp up just before polling day".

She adds it's unfair to trans people in the UK "to experience this sort of rhetoric before the election".

"This election really is a lot to do with the politicisation of people's bodies," she says.

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Economics and finance degree personal statement example (1g) with review

This is a real personal statement written by a student for their university application. It might help you decide what to include in your own. There are lots more examples in our . 

In today's world, economics associated disciplines are of fundamental significance and application, which has encouraged me to pursue a degree in Economics. As well as studying economics at AS and A2 level I like to indulge in works written by economists and authors alike. I have already read aspects related to world economic history whilst engrossing myself in the ideas and arguments put forward in Keynes' "General theory of employment, interest and money". By working through selected aspects of a university text I have been able to support my current studies by introducing new concepts into my school essays and presentations. Economic issues have become increasingly prominent in political and current affairs, and for me to understand such issues was the principal reason for me choosing to study economics. I am fascinated by the world of economics around us and I like to follow economic issues through the news and media. I am a subscriber to the magazine "Economics Today" and I take part in Internet discussions through the popular "Tutor 2 U" website

The challenge of education has always been a very important aspect of my life and I continually aim to achieve my potential in everything in which I participate. Throughout the past few years I have progressed into a self-motivated independent learner who enjoys embracing new ideas and concepts that I am introduced to. My learning technique is based around both organisation and time management skills that I developed through my role as Company Secretary in the Young Enterprise scheme. This has helped me to evolve as an individual whilst providing me with first-hand experience of business in contestable markets. At the end of the year I was voted as the best Company Secretary in Leicestershire by a panel of expert judges

The National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth, of which I am a member, has enabled me to explore my academic potential through Outreach events and Internet forums. Participation in the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme has extended the knowledge I gained as a former Scout of the Year winner and through the award I have gained leadership skills and opportunities to serve the community

During year 12 I have worked with the Learning Support department at Wreake Valley College on a weekly basis providing younger students with extra help in a range of subjects including Mathematics, English and Science. I have found the experience very rewarding. As well as this I have completed my two hundred hour community service award as part of the Millennium Volunteers scheme and I represent the views of other students by playing an active role in the Sixth Form Student Council. This has taught me the difficulties of managing scarce resources and also of the need for patience and dedication when undertaking projects

Due to good time management, I have been able to maintain a part-time job in an award winning market town toyshop for the past twelve months. Here I have learnt the importance of teamwork and communication in a work-based environment. Furthermore, I play golf for a junior team where I participate in tournaments across the county. I also have a passion for drama and I a member of the Thurmaston Youth Theatre, which puts on various charity performances across the local area.

General Comments:

On the whole, a pretty good basis to work from. The applicant needs to provide examples/expand on parts they’ve written, especially related to economics. There isn’t much on finance, however, so this needs to be addressed (linking it to economics). The applicant also uses capital letter where they are incorrect.

Comments on the statement:

In today's world, economics associated disciplines are of fundamental significance and application, which has encouraged me to pursue a degree in Economics.  The applicant is a little bit vague here – why are they significant?

As well as studying economics at AS and A2 level  This will be obvious from the applicant’s education section, and so doesn’t need to be mentioned here  I like to indulge  this word sounds unnecessarily fancy  in works written by economists and authors alike.  Rather than just stating that they’ve read books, the applicant needs to mention one or two specifically.  I have already read aspects related to world economic history whilst engrossing myself in the ideas and arguments put forward in Keynes' "General theory of employment, interest and money".  What specific parts of economic history have the applicant looked at? What opinion did they have on Keyne’s theories? Did the applicant read Keynes or have they just engaged with the ideas - might come up at interview?  By working through selected aspects of a university text  The applicant needs to name it.  I have been able to support my current studies by introducing new concepts into my school essays and presentations.  This needs expanding on, to explain what the applicant has done: what essays they have written, what concepts they used, why they selected the ones they did.

Economic issues have become increasingly prominent in  political and  current affairs, and for me to understand such issues was the principal reason for me choosing to study economics.  This sounds more like another introduction, although they would need to explain WHY it was the principle reason.  I am fascinated by the world of economics around us and   This is very clichéd  I like to follow economic issues through the news and media - I am a subscriber to the magazine "Economics Today" and I take part in Internet discussions through the popular "Tutor 2 U" website.  This needs expanding: What articles in the magazine has the applicant found interesting, and why? What debates have they taken taken part in? A good PS gives evidence and detail rather than empty statements.

The challenge of education has always been a very important aspect of my life and I continually aim to achieve my potential in everything in which I participate.  This isn’t relevant to economics and is the kind of thing that the referee should be commenting on.  Throughout the past few years I have progressed into a self-motivated independent learner who enjoys embracing new ideas and concepts  that I am introduced to .  As above.  My learning technique is based around both organisation and time management skills that I developed through my role as  company secretary  in the Young Enterprise scheme.  This doesn't have much relevance to the learning technique - say "As Company Secretary, I developed..." for example This has helped me to evolve as an individual whilst providing me with first-hand experience of business in contestable markets.  Talking about contestable markets isn’t really necessary here, but if the applicant finds it interesting they could say so in the study paragraph.  At the end of the year I was voted as the best  company secretary  in Leicestershire by a panel of expert judges.  Judges is fine, we don't need to big them up! An admissions tutor would surely already expect applicants to be self-motivated, independent, organised and enjoy new ideas. Also Young Enterprise is good to bring in to an economics PS, but feel it not being used to its potential here. How does Young Enterprise relate to economics, if at all? Does the theory of the firm the applicant learns about in microeconomics at A-level hold for running a business via Young Enterprise in real life?

The National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth, of which I am a member, has enabled me to explore my academic potential through Outreach events and Internet forums.  The universities will know all about access schemes and things for G&T, the applicant doesn't need to inform them.  Participation in the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme has extended the knowledge I gained as a former Scout of the Year winner and through the award I have gained leadership skills and opportunities to serve the community.  The applicant needs to be more specific - which events did the applicant go to? What skills did the applicant learn? How?

During  Year  12 I have  worked   volunteered  with the  learning support  department  at Wreake Valley College on a weekly basis The details are relevant, applicants shouldn't be mentioning specific names of schools/work places in their PS providing younger students with extra help in a range of subjects including  mathematics , English and  science .  Subject names shouldn’t be capitalised, unless naming a qualification.  I have found the experience very rewarding.  Why?  As well as this I have completed my two hundred hour community service award as part of the Millennium Volunteers scheme and I represent the views of other students by playing an active role in the  sixth form student council . This has taught me the difficulties of managing scarce resources and also of the need for patience and dedication when undertaking projects.  Good.

Due to good time management, I have been able to maintain a part-time job in  an award winning market town toyshop   local toy shop  for the past twelve months.  Toy shop should be two words - the applicant perhaps shouldn't talk about "time management" again  Here I have learnt the importance of teamwork and communication in a work-based environment. Furthermore, I play golf for a junior team where I participate in tournaments across the county. I also have a passion for drama and I  am  a member of the Thurmaston Youth Theatre, which puts on various charity performances across the local area.  There is some good stuff, but it needs to be condensed. There is also no proper conclusion: the applicant needs to sum up why they are a good candidate and why they want to study the course.

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Economics and accounting personal statement example.

Accounting to me is not just a subject, but a life skill. It invokes not only the core disciplines of business and economics but it provides these in both a local and global context.

I see Accounting as an international common language between businesses, to analyse accounts and influence future decisions companies will make.

The application of business within the accounting degree has been one of the major pulling factors that have influenced my decision to study the subject.

After studying GCSE business and discovering the accounting and finance aspect of it, I have become fascinated to learn more, going on to extend my knowledge of the subject by reading outside of the school environment.

As an avid reader of the Accounting blog on the tutor2u website, I have gained a good grounding in the fundamental application of accounting, especially in the way websites such as ‘facebook’s’ growth is driven by their own growth through advertising, and the fact that their books and accounts continue to stay cash flow positive, despite their impressive rate of expansion.

I am particularly interested in the law aspect of the course and how decisions made can influence an individuals’ desire to defraud their accounts to avoid taxation, and the often extensive amount of time it takes to bring these people to justice.

Although initially studying psychology may not seem to have a direct influence on accounting, I feel the knowledge I have learnt about the interaction of people’s behaviour in social situations will help me greatly. This would especially be within the aspects of the course that involve management methods and organisational behaviour.

By studying Economics at A level I have found that it has had a profound effect on accounting.

The understanding I have acquired of the financial world as a whole has provided me with a strong awareness of international sections of the course. The barrier for trade inside and outside of the EU and how this affects profit margins, with relevance to extra costs on balance sheets is one example.

This awareness will help equip me to have a better understanding of real world accounting situations, where I hope to find my self in the future.

Last summer I was accepted on a two week work experience placement at the Bank of England to do shadowing and accounting of my own, however due to circumstances beyond my own control, it fell through, much to my disappointment. Nevertheless I have tried to keep in touch with current Accounting developments through the newspapers and internet.

I am currently completing my silver Duke of Edinburgh award scheme and I am planning an eight day trip, alongside “World Challenge Organisation”, to Norway next summer for my Gold expedition. The trip will be funded entirely through the money my team raise. I feel these experiences have helped me develop valuable life skills such as the desire to achieve, self-confidence and discipline.

I believe that these skills I have learnt will provide the perfect platform for a degree in accounting and aid me on into the workplace. I also play hockey for the North of England and have captained both Yorkshire and South Yorkshire sides as well as my School and Club teams.

Hockey is a major part of my extracurricular life, giving me teamwork and leadership skills and I feel I could contribute greatly to a wide range of university activities.

I look forward to studying accounting at degree level. This will allow my interest in the subject to flourish. I hope to immerse myself fully in the experience and challenges the university will provide.

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This personal statement was written by ash4932 for application in 2011.

ash4932's Comments

I believe that this a one of the best personal statements around i hope to use this to help others. I received 5/5 offers last year with this but unfortunatly missed out on my grades by 4 marks i have applied again this year and within a week i had 4 conditional offers. Hope this helps!

Related Personal Statements


Sun, 10/07/2011 - 20:20

to which universities have you applied for? Is Oxford, Cambridge and LSE one of them?

P.S.: It is really nice one

It is a very strong and

Fri, 19/07/2013 - 16:51

It is a very strong and smooth personal statement, what I wanted to know was how my offers did you receive once to sent out the personal statement to your chosen universities?

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