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How to Write & Pass An ILM Assignment (with Examples)

  • Matthew Channell
  • August 11, 2024

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ILM courses and qualifications  are broken down into units and learning outcomes. There’s an assessment for every unit and you must pass all of them to achieve your ILM.

  • Every ILM course will ask you to complete one or more assignments. Usually, they will be long-form essays
  • The questions ask for more sophisticated insights and depths of detail as you progress through the Levels of ILM
  • The assignments exist to prove you understand the learning outcomes. Stick closely to the assessment criteria to make sure you answer the question fully

What is an ILM Assignment?

The ILM assignment is a work-related test in the form of an essay question.

It’s an opportunity for you to demonstrate that you understand what’s been taught and you can apply the principles within it correctly.

There will be a suggested word count and it’s usually in the 1,000s.

It’s quite daunting. Most people studying for an ILM Award or certification don’t write a great number of words regularly. You probably haven’t been in school or college for some time and your ability to write long assignments or essays has dwindled over time.

However, your trainer will make sure the syllabus is firmly and clearly in your mind before you tackle an assignment.

Intense project discussion with focused team members and project timelines visible.

How to Pass the Assignment

At the heart of every unit is a learning outcome. You’ll pass every assignment if you show the assessor you’ve grasped the content and context of the learning outcome.

For example, if you’re asked ‘explain how to agree on realistic targets’, your essay will show off your understanding of underperformance in the workplace and your ability to manage your employee’s performance.

If you engaged with the syllabus and visualise the principles working in the real world, you realise that it’s a detailed process and by no means a straightforward, 200-word answer. it takes into consideration:

  • Policies and procedure
  • The process of identifying problems
  • How you’d tackle the issue and why you need to
  • Agree on a course of action
  • Assign responsibility
  • Plan how to motivate, support and monitor

That level of detail will give you full marks and it’s all listed in the assessment criteria, which is available for you to use.

The skills our apprentices learn on a Leadership & Management course can prepare them for almost anything.

Listen to our ILM Level 5 delegate Jamie Davies, talk to us about flexing his leadership muscles in the Jordanian desert, during his time as a recruit on SAS: Who Dares Wins.

Are All Assignments the Same?

ILM sets its own assignments, so you may have one of its tasks to complete.

However, it also gives training centres the flexibility to create or adapt their own assignments. The assignment you’re set may have been tailored to a particular group of learners or been tweaked to keep the assignment in the context of your course.

But even though the questions can be revised by the training centre, your learning outcomes are set in stone. That means the assessment criteria and what you need to prove you’ve understood for that unit, doesn’t change.

Group of professionals discussing and mapping out a project on a whiteboard.

Key Components of Leadership and Management Assignments

Every ILM Level 5 assignment example features an essay question. As we’ve mentioned, these questions require comprehensive answers with word counts in the thousands. 

However, an excellent approach to providing stellar answers is to format your responses with these five core components:

  • An introduction: Address the question, overview your ideas and set up the rest of the answer.
  • Main body: Implement statistics, analysis, or management theory to show how the question can be answered. A great approach to this section is to use soft skills like problem-solving, decision-making, and leadership abilities.
  • Case study: Back up the points made in the main body of your answer with case studies. These should highlight how those theories and approaches you mentioned earlier can be implemented in real life with actual examples and results.
  • Summary: In this section, you can show your thoughts and knowledge on the subject matter. Give your personal insights to strengthen your understanding and define what lessons you have learned.
  • Conclusion: Finish by bringing the whole thing together. Don’t introduce new thoughts or theories in this section. Instead, round up what you have discussed or discovered, then give your recommendations.

A relatively simple setup, this process is developed to ensure you have optimum opportunity to convey your understanding of the subject matter.

ilm level 2 assignment examples

List of Level 5 Leadership and Management Units

Whether you’re studying ILM Level 5 as an award, certificate or diploma, there are generally seven core units you need to be aware of to gain your qualification:

  • Principles of Management and Leadership in an organisational context
  • Principles of developing, managing and leading individuals and teams to achieve success
  • Managing stakeholder relationships
  • Managing projects to achieve results
  • Managing change
  • Creating and delivering operational plans
  • Managing finance

Targeted at senior line managers or middle management, this qualification effectively defines the skills leaders in your business need to continue progressing on their management pathway.

Although those units may seem daunting, they are designed to focus on some core skills and knowledge needed to be an effective leader. Let’s outline those key skills now.

  • Working with people: According to ONS statistics, 44% of UK workers now operate remotely or on a hybrid basis. So, alongside displaying emotional intelligence and conflict management skills, working with people now demands managers understand how to engage a team working from a number of locations – while also building customer relationships.
  • Facilitating change: Change is a part of business and personal improvement. This section highlights how you can react to change and keep your team moving forward.
  • Resources: From facilities to delegation to information, you need to understand how to best leverage the tools at your disposal as a manager.
  • Communication & strategy: Some units in the ILM Level 5 want you to showcase how to effectively communicate in the workplace . Moreover, can you think strategically and then convey those thoughts and outcomes to workers and stakeholders alike.
  • Decision-making and direction definition: Linked to change management and goal achievement, decision-making skills highlight how you lead a team with business targets in mind.
  • Achieving results: Whether it’s improving workplace culture , driving sales or enhancing productivity, the qualification wants to highlight your efficiency and effectiveness when it comes to project management and goal achievement.

Team of professionals in a business meeting, reviewing a presentation and taking notes.

ILM Level 5 Leadership and Management Assignment Examples

The question will always be relevant to what you’ve covered in the previous unit with your trainer and will always be work-based. These are example questions from ILM:

  • How would you identify timescales priorities and financial resources?
  • What are the responsibilities of the employer regarding workplace safety?
  • What are the key features of effective partnership working?
  • Outline the benefits of effective team working
  • Explain the characteristics of different business markets
  • Analyse how leadership and management theories may be applied
  • Describe the importance of checking the accuracy and currency of information to be communicated
  • Describe constraints on the ability to amend priorities and plans
  • Describe an organisation’s principles of conduct and codes of practice
  • Explain the importance of warning colleagues of problems and changes that may affect them

Two people listening attentively during a meeting, with a laptop and coffee cups on the table.

How to Approach the Assignment

There’s no science to writing an assignment. In our experience, most assignments that fall short of the mark do so because they don’t respond to what the question or criteria require.

It’s often the first word in the question that will trip you up – it’s the verb.

‘Describe’, ‘explain’, ‘list’, ‘analyse’, ‘discuss’ and ‘outline’ are all asking for different breadths and depths of information. If you get midway through your essay and you know the syllabus inside out, but you’re still struggling, check the verb in the question.

There’s a simple three-step technique, which applied to each assignment will satisfy that requirement.

1. Read the question 2. Respond to the question 3. Check if you have fully answered the question


Keep a watchful eye on the verbs. There’s a big difference between ‘list several management theories’ and ‘describe several management theories’. As you progress through the levels, the verb in the question asks more from you. For example, verbs like ‘analyse’ appear as you become a more sophisticated manager. At this level of ILM, you’re learning how to manage larger teams, or whole departments or organisations.

ILM has a  verb glossary  for you to explore.

Colleagues discussing project details with visual aids in a bright, modern office.

How to Structure Your Answers

Follow the structure of the ILM assessment criteria – that’s what it’s there for!

Within the assignment paper, the ILM units are clearly laid out with the required outcomes for each section. For example:

  • Section 1. Evaluate own ability to fulfil key responsibilities of leadership role
  • Section 2. Evaluate own awareness of emotions in shaping performance
  • Section 3. Evaluate own ability to set direction and gain commitment

Use these unit titles as headings in your assignment.

Don’t waste time creating new headings because you’ll confuse yourself and more importantly, the person who has to read, mark and assess it.

What should be in each answer?

In terms of content flow– it should be logical so for section 1 above we might:

Section 1. Evaluate own ability to fulfil the key responsibilities of a leadership role.

The theory you want to assess yourself against

  • What the theory says
  • Your interpretation of what it means
  • References of sources used

A little background

  • What are the key responsibilities of the leadership role in your workplace?
  • Where you work & what you do (or are supposed to do)

Your ability

  • Self-assessment
  • Appraisal forms
  • Workplace feedback processes

The example of how it has applied in your work

  • What happened if successful or what could you have done differently to affect a different result?
  • Then a judgement – how effective are you at fulfilling the key responsibilities of a leadership role?

Link to your personal development plan or CPD Log

  • What are you going to do to get better?

Easy as pie! Keep it simple, keep it structured and you’ll pass in a heartbeat!

Close-up of two professionals reviewing a document together.

The Impact of ILM Level 5 on Your Career and Organisation

Passing this internationally recognised accreditation can not only improve your ability to lead a team but also instill tested management techniques. However, it can also inform you of the nuances of organisational strategic thinking while raising your profile within the business.

However, It is equivalent to an HND or Diploma of Higher Education. If you believe your future lies in another company or field, this qualification will look brilliant on a CV, enhancing your chances of attracting a top position with your next career move.

From a business perspective, the positive impacts of gaining more ILM Level 5 Leadership and Management qualifications are seemingly endless.

There are more nuanced benefits to your business, such as improved strategic thinking in your management team and the ability to tailor the studies to your industry.

However, the more tangible impacts can be seen in your company culture, employee and retention rates.

Recent research from Better Buys highlighted that employees with development opportunities are 15% more engaged. Additionally, that same research found that brands with cultures centred on learning to see staff retention rates improve by up to 50%.

Employee engagement is immensely important. Not only does it have a huge bearing on staff turnover, but it can also impact productivity.

A Gallup survey found that businesses with more engaged employees saw an 18% difference in productivity and a 23% difference in profitability compared to those with lower engagement levels.

Those statistics are incredibly important because when you invest in management training, you want to know that the knowledge gained will remain within the business.

Close-up of attendees writing in notebooks during an educational seminar.

Need to Develop Your Leadership and Management Skills?

Here are just some of the courses we offer at TSW:

  • ILM Level 2 in Leadership and Team Skills
  • ILM Level 3 in Leadership and Management
  • ILM Level 5 in Leadership and Management
  • Core Skills for Management Training Course
  • Core Skills for Team Leaders Course
  • Management Training Courses
  • ILM courses and qualifications
  • Leadership and Management Apprenticeships

Modern workplace meeting with a diverse team and a woman leading the discussion.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are some frequently asked questions about ILM Level 5 Leadership and Management assignment examples.

How Should I Structure an ILM Level 5 Management Assignment?

Structuring your ILM Level 5 Management assignment is all about showcasing your knowledge by leveraging both theoretical resources and real-world case studies. 

TSW Training has been aiding professional development through ILM courses for over 60 years. During that time, we’ve found that a great ILM assignment structure should feature an introduction, main body, and strong case studies before wrapping up with a solid summary and conclusion.

Are There Any Specific Formats Required for ILM Level 5 Assignments?

Generally, the format for ILM Level 5 assignments is question and answer.

You’ll be given a list of questions and expected to answer them all in your essay, using a mix of theoretical and practical evidence.

Complete responses will be attached to a word count for each assignment, which can be between 3,500 – 5,000 words.

How are Leadership and Management Assignments Assessed at ILM Level 5?

The Level 5 ILM Leadership and Management qualification will overview your comprehension of the assignment questions. Assessors will place a lot of importance on the “Assessment verbs” to ascertain comprehension.

Assessment verbs will be the crux of how the question wants your answer formatted. For example, you may be asked to “list,” “explain,” or “identify” certain points about effective management.

Our Level 5 ILM training can take place virtually or in a classroom, so you can get the best view of how to respond appropriately to each verb. Plus, useful resources like ILM’s verb glossary help explain each word’s meaning before you start.

How Can I Improve My Writing Skills for ILM Level 5 Assignments?

Our expert trainers can help develop your writing skills to pass the Level 5 ILM Leadership and Management qualification.

We’ll review how to structure your answers, including reacting to each assessment verb, so you know how to best respond to each question. 

This training includes developing your ability to convey thoughts to assignment-passing copy.

What Is the Role of Reflective Practice in ILM Level 5 Assignments?

Reflective Practice in ILM Level 5 assignments are designed to encourage managers to reflect and review their own performance.

Critical examination of personal performance allows managers and leaders to overview their approach and highlight areas for improvement or look for more effective ways to motivate their teams.

TSW’s ILM Level 5 training works with your manager to foster critical self-analysis, enhance strategic thinking, and assist in providing your leaders with a more holistic view of organisational structure and goal achievement.

In addition to encouraging managers to engage in Reflective Practice, we will evaluate why this Practice is important while attaching goals and learning outcomes to the approach.

Using ILM Level 5 Leadership and Management Assignment Examples is a great way to bolster your chances of passing this qualification. Seeing the correct way to answer the assignments and preparing accordingly will positively impact your approach.

However, another way to enhance your chances of passing is to work with TSW Training.

Our expert trainers, decades of experience and enviable pass rate ensure your team stand the best possible chance of progressing through the qualification and bringing that knowledge to bear in your business.

Check out our ILM Level 5 Leadership and Management course and level up your management team today.

Picture of Matthew Channell

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ILM Level 2 Assignment Answers: ILM 8601-203 Example

Want to unlock success with exemplary ILM Level 2 Assignment tasks and answers, exemplified by ILM 8601-203? This blog showcases an adept analysis of this assignment by weighing the pros and cons of teamwork. Let's dive in to get insights into ILM Level 2 Assignment Answers. It will also help you excel in your ILM Level 2 assessment.


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Are you ready to unlock the secrets of effective Leadership? Aspiring Leaders and seasoned professionals alike are constantly seeking avenues to enhance their skills and make a profound impact within their organisations. With ILM Level 2 Assignment Answers, you can get access to in-depth knowledge and insights designed to elevate your Leadership capabilities and propel your career forward. 

In this blog, we will present exemplary details of the ILM 8601-203, which delves into the nuances of team dynamics. In addition, it includes the details associated with the pros and cons of teamwork within organisational contexts. Through meticulous analysis and strategic thinking, we will demonstrate how to craft insightful ILM Level 2 Assignment Answers that meet the rigorous standards of such qualifications. 

Table of Contents 

1) What is an ILM assignment? 

2) ILM 8601-203 task 1: Team dynamics 

3) ILM 8601-203 task 2: Team pros & cons 

4) How to pass the assignment? 

5) Are all assignments the same? 

6) Conclusion 

What is an ILM assignment? 

The Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM) offers a range of qualifications designed to enhance Leadership and Management skills. ILM assignments form an integral part of these qualifications, allowing learners to apply theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios and demonstrate their understanding of key concepts.  

ILM Level 2 Certifications 

ILM 8601-203 task 1: Team dynamics 

Task 1 of ILM 8601-203 training is focused on team dynamics within the work organisation. The course entails an in-depth study of the aspects that impact team performance, which include communication styles, Leadership dynamics, and conflict resolution techniques. A study of case stories and guiding principles gives learners a deeper understanding of the factors that make a team perform well. Let's explain its task components:  

1) Describe how teams differ from groups at work. 

The teams and groups in the workplace have major variations in certain critical parameters. The distinguishing characteristic of a team is that everyone has a shared purpose and goals, they are interdependent, and they are mutually accountable for the results. Teams engage in close collaboration to achieve specific goals, while a group functions more autonomously without unified objectives. 

2) Describe the characteristics of a successful team. 

Teamwork that brings success to an organisation exhibit the list of features. They are goal-oriented, as well as responsible for promoting collaborations and diverse opinions. High-performing teams display flexibility, robustness, and the readiness to implement progress in a collective way. 

3) Describe the stages of team development using a recognised model. 

Teams typically progress through stages of development. Those stages include forming, where team members get acquainted and establish goals; storming, where conflicts arise as roles and responsibilities are clarified.  

Stages of team development”

It also includes norming, where cohesion and cooperation develop; performing, where the team achieves high levels of productivity; and adjourning, where the team disbands after completing its objectives. 

Advance your Leader ship journey by registering in our ILM Level 2 Certificate in Leader ship and Team Skills - join us now!  

ILM 8601-203 task 2: Team pros & cons 

Task 2 of ILM 8601-203 delves deeper into the pros and cons of team-based approaches within organisations. Learners are tasked with evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of working in teams, considering factors such as collaboration, innovation, decision-making, and potential challenges. This task encourages critical thinking and reflective analysis, enabling learners to identify strategies for maximising team effectiveness.  

1) Identify the responsibilities of the team members. 

Team members serve as the driving force behind a project's progress and achievement. Let's explore the key responsibilities that define their contributions to collaborative endeavours: 

a) Team members actively participate in team activities and discussions 

b) They contribute their skills, knowledge, and expertise towards achieving team goals 

c) They communicate openly and transparently with fellow team members, sharing information and feedback. 

d) They adhere to agreed-upon deadlines and deliverables, ensuring timely completion of tasks. 

e) They support and encourage their team members, fostering a positive and collaborative team environment. 

2) Describe the benefits of teamwork. 

Effective teamwork is a way more than just individuals working together. Let's talk about their advantages in the following points:  

Advantages of teamwork

a) Teams bind individuals from diverse backgrounds and perspectives, thereby fostering creativity and innovation. 

b) Collective input and brainstorming lead to better-informed decisions and solutions. 

c) By pooling resources and skills, teams can accomplish tasks more efficiently and effectively. 

d) Working in teams provides emotional support, motivation, and a sense of belonging. 

e) Teamwork offers opportunities for learning and growth as members share knowledge and expertise with each other. 

3) List the disadvantages of working with a team 

Working within a team environment also comes with its own set of challenges. Here are some of the disadvantages of working with a team: 

a) Potential for conflicts: Differences in opinions, personalities, and working styles can lead to conflicts and disagreements. 

b) Coordination challenges: Coordinating schedules, tasks, and responsibilities among team members can be complex and time-consuming. 

c) Free-riding: Some team members may not contribute equally to the team's efforts, leading to uneven workload distribution. 

d) Groupthink: Pressure to conform to the group's consensus may stifle creativity and independent thinking. 

e) Decision-making delays: Building consensus and reaching decisions collectively may prolong the decision-making process. 

Boost your career opportunities and transform into a vibrant Leader by joining our ILM Level 2 Certificate in Team Leading !  

How to pass the assignment? 

Being able to handle the ILM task in a proper manner means putting much time and effort into preparation and paying attention to detail. Students are required to go through the task description, get acquainted with the theory of concepts, and use critical thinking skills to analyse and appraise the given quotes. Time Management skills, focused communication, and an understanding of the expected results from the assignment are all things that are necessary for a successful assignment. 

Are all assignments the same? 

While the overall structure of ILM assignments may follow a similar format, the specific tasks and requirements can vary depending on the qualification and unit being studied. It's crucial for learners to carefully review the assignment brief and understand the unique expectations for each task. Tailoring responses to address specific criteria and providing relevant examples and evidence can enhance the quality and effectiveness of assignment submissions. 


In conclusion, navigating an ILM Level 2 Assignment, such as ILM 8601-203, requires a strategic approach and a detailed understanding of the task requirements. Exploring ILM assignments becomes an achievable goal for aspiring Leaders and Managers. By mastering the ILM Level 2 Assignment Answers, learners can progress towards achieving their ILM qualifications.  

Cultivate robust team interactions through our I LM Level 2 Award in Leader ship and Team Skills Training - secure your place today!  

Frequently Asked Questions

The ILM Level 2 Team Leader qualification equips individuals with essential Leader ship skills to effectively manage teams and achieve organisational goals. It covers areas like communication, motivation, and problem-solving, preparing pupils for Leader ship roles in various industries.  

ILM is widely recognised and respected in the industry, offering valuable qualifications that enhance professional development and career prospects. By focusing on practical skills and real-world applications, ILM provides individuals with the tools and knowledge needed to succeed in their roles as T eam Leader s.  

The Knowledge Academy takes global learning to new heights, offering over 30,000 online courses across 490+ locations in 220 countries. This expansive reach ensures accessibility and convenience for learners worldwide.   

Alongside our diverse Online Course Catalogue, encompassing 17 major categories, we go the extra mile by providing a plethora of free educational Online Resources like News updates, Blogs , videos, webinars, and interview questions. Tailoring learning experiences further, professionals can maximise value with customisable Course Bundles of TKA .   

The Knowledge Academy’s Knowledge Pass , a prepaid voucher, adds another layer of flexibility, allowing course bookings over a 12-month period. Join us on a journey where education knows no bounds.   

The Knowledge Academy offers various ILM Level 2 Courses , including the ILM Level 2 Certificate in Leader ship and Team Skills, ILM Level 2 Certificate in Team Leading, and ILM Level 2 Award in Leader ship and Team Skills Training. These courses cater to different skill levels, providing comprehensive insights into the ILM Level 3 Assignment Answers .   

Our ILM Leader ship & Management Blogs cover a range of topics related to ILM Level 2 Certification, offering valuable resources, best practices, and industry insights. Whether you are a beginner or looking to advance your ILM Leader ship & Management Skills, The Knowledge Academy's diverse courses and informative blogs have got you covered.  

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8600-311 Assignment Example

  • April 25, 2024
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8600-311 Assignment Example

CBRE’s ILM3: Module 3

8600-311 Developing Yourself and Others

Learning Style: Pragmatist


Pragmatists are known for their practical solutions to situations (Denis, 2020). However, they are prone to emphasise their bias towards the usefulness of content in the real-life context. As solution-oriented pragmatists, they strive to apply newly gained theories and skills in direct practical contexts (Denis, 2020).

With this managerial style, I am, as described in Honey and Mumford Questionnaires, a pragmatist. This also means that I have approached all learning situations with an immediate aim to implement those concepts in my local problems, and hence, they play an integral part in solving such. An illustration of this would be when I realised that our team had a crucial task difficulty. Instead of having to read and comprehend a ten-thousand-page book on the theory of management, I could have done better searching for strategies and solutions that practicably work to solve the problem. Eventually, this practical mindset directed me towards the solution, which was vividly visible and produced positive outcomes.

Team Member

Learning Style: Theorist

Though theorists posit that learning ought to be built on principles, theories, and models, they especially appreciate the gradual process of understanding and developing the applications of the concepts. Theorists tend to be systematic and logical in their attempt to assimilate knowledge. They focus on accommodating the information within a cognitive framework and building a comprehensive understanding before taking any action (Denis, 2020).

One of my peers is a theorist. He addresses situations by searching for the theory and concept behind every action. For example, when he assigned our group to implement a new project management system, he used these research methods to understand the related project management methodologies and theories fully. Using this theoretical approach, he easily forms rightful choices stemming from his competence and knowledge of the issue.

Technique Used: SWOT Analysis

First Weakness: Time Management

Presentation of Weakness

I frequently find myself overwhelmed with tasks and deadlines and need more comprehension of prioritising functions. This, in turn, creates missed deadlines and a lack of action completion that affects not only my production but also the shared workload of the team.

Development Need: One of my most important tasks is to improve my time management, including determining the importance of tasks and consistently meeting deadlines. That might be accomplished using the Eisenhower matrix, task organisation, and digital scheduling tools.

Second Weakness: Conflict Resolution

Presentation of Weakness: Whenever a disagreement arises, I cannot address it immediately. Consequently, I can only reconcile with the problems once they become conflicts. Whenever I fall for specific issues at work, I overlook them or ignore them and hope they will resolve themselves naturally. However, this does not mean all issues disappear; the unresolved issues will continue to breed tensions and reduce team morale.

Development Need

My development of conflict resolution skills will be crucial, especially in how I react when conflicts arise and resolve them proactively and through constructive discussions. This could involve training in conflict resolution skills, like active listening and mediation, so there is clarity while dealing with conflict within the team.

First Weakness: Communication

When it comes to good communication practice, my team members sometimes are prone to mumble their thoughts, which hurts our team meetings or presentations. This is because poor communication hinders collaboration, which sets the foundation for miscommunication.

The member has been trying to develop communication skills, especially in articulating ideas clearly and participating effectively in discussions with fellow team members. It may include charting information, effective public speaking, and a workshop on communication that will help increase clarity and confidence in communication.

Second Weakness: Delegation

The staff member needs to be more directive in issue allocating and distribution. In this mode, personnel performance and growth opportunities are hindered by their lack of empowerment and knowledge of their worth.

Building delegation skills will be achievable through gender equity in business by trusting team members to do tasks by themselves and giving clear instructions when tasks are assigned to members. This can be accomplished through seminars or coaching sessions that will revolve around the essential techniques for smart delegation, as well as encouragement and mentoring to the team members to take ownership of their roles.

Barrier 1: Inadequate time

In our competitive work environment, time is a significant factor. Time is the most significant barrier to learning in this fast-moving work culture. The busy work schedule and the tight deadlines dictate a lot for the staff, who are so overwhelmed that they cannot spare an hour to learn the professional development procedures (Overton, 2023). Though it is essential to realise the necessity of lifelong learning, these activities are postponed as work priorities usually come first. This often results in not setting aside time for educational endeavours.

I arranged a training session a while ago to improve management skills and develop our team’s skills. The training session would stay within this schedule. However, a sudden peak in workload required considerable effort. For now, we had to either shift or cancel this training session to address the urgent matters of our current projects.

Barrier 2: Limited access to learning resources

While yearning to better their professional knowledge, employees often face the obstacles of no longer having access to training material, the lack of updated learning platforms, or the absence of specific courses, leading them in the direction that they want their professional careers to grow (Overton, 2023).

The second person who drew me into data analytics was a close colleague’s desire to deepen their data analysis skills. On the other hand, the available literature on this course had few alternatives corresponding to our organisation’s specific needs. This minimal access to such learning materials caused me to be unable to achieve set learning goals successfully.

Barrier 3: inadequate finances for training

The Substantial Undermining of Training and Development Programs through inadequate funding is significant to the Learning Process within Organizations. Workers lacking the necessary financial funds may miss opportunities to fulfil these higher-level skills development programs and attend trade shows and industry workshops that are important for their professional careers (Overton, 2023).

Our team identified a need for specialised training in digital marketing strategies to stay abreast of industry trends. However, due to Budget constraints, we could not secure funding for the desired training program, hindering our ability to acquire the necessary skills to remain competitive in the market.

Delegating Tasks

Delegating mundane tasks to competent staff saves them valuable time that can be channelled to the issues that matter. Such a repartition of work becomes efficient and reduces people’s need to simultaneously work on too many things. When there is no productivity in other areas, people can focus on personal development (Fitzgerald, 2023).

Remote Work Opportunities

Employers willing to let their employees work from home one day a week can find businesses invaluable to their employees’ talents. This will mean more time for self-directed learning, bringing multiple benefits, such as productivity and flexibility (Press, 2022).

Time Management Strategies

By implementing adequate time management techniques, including specific chunking of time every week for learning, the tasks to be perfectly juggled with other priorities are well sorted (Press, 2022). Work scheduling tools and task prioritisation become essential as they guarantee the best use of time devoted to learning.

Seek External Resources

Circulate the external learning ecosystem, extracting the best content from online courses, webinars, and industry conferences for study purposes. The utilisation of different types of learning deliveries, such as digital and non-digital resources, thus provides a bigger chance of accessing the best education beyond what is usually provided by institutional facilities and offices ( Blossom, 2023 ).

Networking and Collaboration

Develop a collaborative community among colleagues by seeking advice and consulting with industry experts. Through networking events and forums, one can quickly consult with masterminds and receive advice, insights and experience from outside their formal training environments.

Invest in Internal Training Programs

This involves investing in internal training resources that are highly specialised and cater to the company’s particular talent development requirements (). Work closely with HR and leadership to design and develop an individualised training plan that aligns with the team members’ understanding of their institutions.

Seek External Funding Sources

Check out the possibility of utilising outside financial offers, such as grants, scholarships, or programs applying the industry to the Budget of training and development (Blossom, 2023). Investigating and meeting most economic funding opportunities are great solutions to curb limited budgets and facilitate attendance at the perfect training programs.

Cost-sharing Arrangements

Establish mutual benefit-sharing schemes with stakeholders or allocate training budgets that departmental administrations will finance. Sharing the initial portion of the expenses or resources with other teams or departments when conducting training programs opens a door for resource pooling. It manages costs more efficiently from the learning perspective (CIPD, 2020).

Advocate for Budget Reallocation

Create the most convincing business case for leadership, including appeals to the ROI of team member training and development. Point out the medium—to long-term advantages of upgrading and retraining employees to promote innovation, production, and company profitability, which is a powerful argument for directing financial resources towards learning activities (CIPD, 2020).

Development Need: Developing efficacy when facing an arduous discussion.

Learning Options

They offer online courses in diverse disciplines that are easily connected to and cost-effective compared to other learning resources (Riseup, 2020).

E-learning options can be challenging without responsibility and require more virtual feedback and interpersonal relations (Riseup, 2020).

They offer personalised direction and feedback, which breaks down barriers to acquisition. Besides, they can be crafted for individuals’ specific needs (Arisha, 2021).

Cons:  Hiring an external coach is quite pricey, and the availability of appropriate coaches is limited (Arisha, 2021). Besides, hiring a coach is unreliable because the coach may be unavailable.

Role-playing Workshops

They allow students to be involved in real-life situations, preparing them for difficult discussions and allowing them to react immediately and reflect (Robby, 2022).

However, they call for daily evaluation, a possibility of de-synchronisation during the scenarios, and might transpose the role of a learner (Robby, 2022).

Coaching becomes the most appropriate since the students’ learning needs are practice-oriented and require personalised feedback. While eLearning provides the advantages of both accessibility and cost-effectiveness, coaching, on the other hand, focuses on providing individualised support and guidance. This is a necessary tool for the improvement of the assertiveness of individuals when it comes to having difficult conversations—workshops with role-playing address this issue impeccably, whereby learners are given hands-on experience. At the same time, those receiving coaching have a chance to appreciate one-to-one situations, and this creates a platform for personalised feedback and guidance. Furthermore, coaching areas for positive feedback and accountability guarantee that assertiveness skills are developed and remain vital for a long time.

Development Need: Developing better listening skills actively.

It offers personalised direction and gives one a first-hand experience applying active listening skills (Vulcan, 2018).

Nevertheless, a limited number of mentors with fit profiles is also an issue. Time constraints for both mentor and mentee may also compromise the quality of mentoring (Vulcan, 2018).

Interactive Workshops

Through the workshops, learners have a chance to utilise their practical skills, chances to increase their skills and a chance to work with the classmates they interact with (Glenister, 2020).

Restrictions to individual aspects and the possibility of confusion when audits are too big (Glenister, 2020).

It encourages personalised instruction and feedback in line with individuals’ learning needs, practice, real-time feedback, and the strength of knowledge level (Ward, 2021).

Nevertheless, affordability is an issue. Hiring external coaches could be expensive. Besides, scheduling conflicts may also arise as coaches might be busy when commencement is needed (Ward, 2021). 

Therefore, the individualised coaching approach is more effective for the team than the other options because it ensures personal attention and practical exercises. Whilst mentoring offers many insights from those who have been in their position, coaching creates a situation where one will have an opportunity to benefit from being coached on specific skills development. Workshops, where participants can engage in direct interactions for learning purposes, make it hard to neglect other aspects, such as providing individual attention and identifying weaknesses. Furthermore, coaching builds a continuing support structure that facilitates continuous growth and development.

About myself

Support Mechanism 1: Accountability partner

Identify the Mechanism

Having someone to hold me accountable for my overall activities.


This approach involves finding a partner (a colleague or a peer) with similar aspirations or learning purposes (Hopkins, 2022). Frequent meeting sessions will discuss progress, problems encountered, and reflections on the educational pathway. Thus, being a self-support mechanism consists of quite the same promotion to be clear, providing a space for insight sharing and resource sharing, and maintaining accountability to do what is needed to meet our learning targets within the set time.

Support Mechanism 2

Manager support

Manager support is the crucial step that should be done while facilitating learning and development. Biannual or quarterly one-on-one meetings with the manager can be arranged to discuss the learning goals, progress can be reviewed, and any support needed can be addressed (Hopkins, 2022). My manager could assist in overcoming difficulties, locating resources where needed and voicing these out or making them known. Besides, my manager’s authorisation and giving me a space to try things gives me the desired atmosphere to grow and innovate.

About Team Member

Support Mechanism 1: Peer- Collaboration Group

Identify the Mechanism: Collaboration group of Peers.


Collaborating with fellow workers group allows peer interaction among individuals on the same level regarding developmental needs or learning interests. Through group meetings or talks, peers can interact and exchange their knowledge, questions, and resources while working towards their goals (Billett, 2020). Through this multi-tier support mechanism, the team member can benefit from peer learning, exchanging ideas and best practices, and developing mutual support among peers in the community.

Support Mechanism 2: Facilitated Employee Assistance Program (EAP).

Team Member Assistance Program – EAP.

The Employee Assistance Program is where any team member can seek to talk about work-related conflicts or personal problems that add to stress and affect their performance. The program provides confidential counselling and support services (Billett, 2020). Through the exploration of EAP, the team member may be assisted in receiving guidance, advice, and referral, which in return may help the individual clear out any issues that are not hindering their learning or personal development. The program presents an opportunity for the team member to share their dreams, explore their ideas, and get access to professional resources and guidance to move past their challenges and increase productivity.

ActionAction taken byResources/ SupportTimeframe
Research accessible on e-learning modules regarding assertivenessselfOnline reviews, L&TM Team and internet.2 weeks
Book 1:1- meeting with the line managers for approvalSelf Prepared proof regarding relevance to the role of line manager.1 weeks
Dedicate time for learning in the personal calendarSelf Team support, personal time managementA week.
Allocate particular periods to complete the courseselfA supportive team atmosphere, and time management techniques.Throughout 2 months
Consistent progress check-ins and schedule adjustments.SelfAdaptability, personal reflectionMonthly
Enrol in selected eLearning courseSelf Confirmation email, online platform registration1 day

The implementation plan comprises concrete measures to achieve SMART performance goals, such as finishing the 6 module eLearning course on assertiveness within three months. Initiative areas involve

  • researching the courses available,
  • looking for the Manager’s approval,
  • taking up a specific time of the day for learning,
  • enrolling in the course you desire,
  • scheduling study sessions and following up on your progress in a habitual manner.

The objective can be achieved meaningfully within the stipulated timeframe by carrying out consistent planning and tracking progress.

Development Area: Enhancing assertiveness.

Monitoring Method: 1:1 Meetings.

Step-by-Step Monitoring Process

Pre-Development Assessment

Peer and subordinate audiences will be needed to garner feedback about the accurate level of assertiveness (North & Kumta, 2018).

Classify the reviews and make efforts to adjust these features based on users’ comments.

Initial 1:1 Meeting with Agent:

Thoroughly talk about the feedback you received from the mandate to give Vietoo.

Set well-defined goals and purposeful actions to help polish assertiveness (North & Kumta, 2018).

Midway Check-in:

Explore midway throughout the eLearning course how we can improve it in the areas where learners lag behind the most.

Another vital piece of feedback to consider is that of individuals on my team: peers and direct reports.

We conducted mid-course adjustments if necessary, pressing the feedback that had been received.

Module Completion Feedback:

After completing each module of the eLearning course, the feedback from my peers and direct reports is crucial.

Follow-up 1:1 Review with my Manager:

Share the efficacy of this eLearning course at the end of this session.

Plan for any additional changes that need to be made and note steps to be taken in the future.

Ongoing Feedback and Improvement:

Finally, another piece of advice is to request feedback initially and then periodically, even after I complete the eLearning course.

Track aggression levels and set goals for even better growth.

Utilize 1:1 periodic face-to-face chats between them for continued further development discussions.

About Team Member:

Development Area: Positive communication response.

Monitoring Method: Feedback and Observation

Initial Observation:

See how much team members process information throughout team meetings, discussions and interactions.

Take notes, including the power of strengths and weakness areas (North & Kumta, 2018). 

Feedback Session:

Offer helpful feedback to the teammate referring to the seen behaviours.

Speak about actual instances where the implementation of the active listening skill is adequate or when it is misused.

Action Planning:

Develop a development plan alongside the team members in which we can act to feel better.

Establish measurable goals and outline methods for nurturing active listening proficiencies (North & Kumta, 2018).

Ongoing Observations:

The next step is to monitor the team member’s active listening habits, trying different settings.

Only a successful monitoring system closely monitors the process and provides feedback.

Peer Feedback:

Discourage team members to provide feedback not just not only on active listening but also on other team members.

Any peer observations and feedback should be included in the monitoring system.

Follow-up Feedback Sessions:

Schedule occasional feedback sessions to get a status of progress and issues encountered with it.

Tweak current methodology and options when taking into consideration feedback and observations.

Real-time evaluation, free constructive comments and proactive solutions will allow for ongoing, gradual progress of active listening skills.


Arisha (2021). Pros and Cons of Coaching That You Must Know . [online] The Coachable You. Available at: https://thecoachableyou.com/life-coaching/pros-and-cons-coaching-mentoring/ [Accessed 11 Apr. 2024].

Billett, S. (2020). Learning In The Workplace Strategies for effective practice . [online] Available at: https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/mono/10.4324/9781003116318/learning-workplace-stephen-billett [Accessed 11 Apr. 2024].

Blossom (2023). Top 10 Barriers to Learning L&D Managers Face and How to Overcome Them . [online] Blossom. Available at: https://www.blossom-kc.com/blog/top-10-barriers-to-learning-ld-managers-face-and-how-to-overcome-them/ [Accessed 11 Apr. 2024].

CIPD (2020). CIPD | Introduction for line managers . [online] CIPD. Available at: https://www.cipd.org/en/knowledge/tools/line-manager-introduction-to-support-materials/ [Accessed 11 Apr. 2024].

Denis, G. (2020). Honey and Mumford learning styles . [online] Expert Program Management. Available at: https://expertprogrammanagement.com/2020/10/honey-and-mumford/ [Accessed 11 Apr. 2024].

Fitzgerald, C. (2023). 7 Barriers To Learning: Overcoming Obstacles For Personal Growth . [online] Oak Innovation. Available at: https://www.oakinnovation.com/blog/free-instructional-design-skills/7-barriers-to-learning [Accessed 11 Apr. 2024].

Glenister, N. (2020). 8 Benefits Of Interactive Training In The Workplace . [online] eLearning Industry. Available at: https://elearningindustry.com/benefits-interactive-training-in-workplace [Accessed 11 Apr. 2024].

Hopkins, B. (2022). Learning Strategies for Sustainable Organisations . [online] Available at: https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/mono/10.4324/9781003218296/learning-strategies-sustainable-organisations-bryan-hopkins [Accessed 11 Apr. 2024].

North, K. and Kumta, G. (2018). Knowledge Management: Value Creation Through Organizational Learning . [online] Google Books . Springer. Available at: https://books.google.co.ke/books?hl=en&lr=&id=rk9UDwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PR6&dq=learning+and+development+in+organisations&ots=1_ICyl5JWQ&sig=qZGzYTwLnTzxOJciwbEukZ_A8So&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=learning%20and%20development%20in%20organisations&f=false [Accessed 11 Apr. 2024].

Overton, L. (2023). How to connect line managers with learning . [online] Learning Changemakers. Available at: https://www.learningchangemakers.com/how-to-connect-line-managers-with-learning/ [Accessed 11 Apr. 2024].

Press, R. (2022). 9 Barriers to Learning (+How to Overcome Them) – Whatfix . [online] The Whatfix Blog | Drive Digital Adoption. Available at: https://whatfix.com/blog/barriers-to-learning/ [Accessed 11 Apr. 2024].

Reddy (2022). Advantages & Disadvantages for Using Role Play As a Training Method . [online] Available at: https://yourcareersupport.com/role-play-training/#google_vignette [Accessed 11 Apr. 2024].

Riseup (2020). E-learning: pros and cons . [online] www.riseup.ai. Available at: https://www.riseup.ai/en/blog/elearning-pros-and-cons [Accessed 11 Apr. 2024].

Vulcan , N. (2018). Pros & Cons of Mentoring . [online] Career Trend. Available at: https://careertrend.com/info-8421036-pros-cons-mentoring.html [Accessed 11 Apr. 2024].

Ward, H. (2021). The Top 3 Advantages And Disadvantages Of A Coaching Training Method . [online] unboxedtechnology.com. Available at: https://unboxedtechnology.com/blog/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-coaching-training-method/ [Accessed 11 Apr. 2024].

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Level 2 Leadership and Team Skills

The skills you need to lead, organise and motivate a team.

  • Learn core leadership and management skills
  • Put these skills into practice in your workplace
  • Improve your team’s performance
  • Get a nationally recognised qualification
  • Effective team leaders and motivated teams 
  • Increased productivity
  • Customise this qualification to suit organisational and individual needs
  • Workplace-based assessment ensures new skills are effectively transferred to the jo b
  • Communication, with units that cover getting your message across and how to brief a team
  • Working with people, including helping your team improve
  • Providing direction and leadership, such as how to self-manage and develop as a team leader
  • Essential competencies and getting results, from problem-solving to planning and monitoring workloads

Full qualification details

Award Qualification level
Credit Value 3 - 12
Structure There are 2 unit groups. At least 1 hour of induction and 2 hours tutorial support are required. A minimum of 3 credits, and no more than 12 credits are required to achieve this qualification.
Certificate Qualification level
Credit Value 13 - 36
Structure There are 2 unit groups. At least 1 hour of induction and 2 hours tutorial support are required. There is a choice of optional units from group 2. A minimum of 13 credits (a maximum of 6 credits from group 2), and no more than 36 credits are required to achieve this qualification.

Information for ILM centres

For each qualification select the units you want to deliver using the qualification specification builder. The builder does NOT verify if your selection of units meets the ‘rules of combination’. Rules are displayed at the top of each qualification page. If you have any questions about unit combinations please contact ILM Customer Services or your EV.

Level 2 Award in Leadership and Team Skills

  • Time commitment: minimum 6 hours of structured learning, plus self-study, project work and assignments.
  • A minimum of 3 credits and a maximum of 12 Credits. 
  • All units must be taken from Group 1.
  • Time commitment: minimum 28 hours of structured learning, plus self-study, project work and assignments.
  • Minimum of 13 credits, maximum of 36.
  • Choice of units from Groups 1 and 2. Maximum of 6 credits from Group 2.
  • 8000-250 Level 2 Developing Yourself as a Team Leader 1 6
  • 8000-251 Level 2 Improving Performance of the Work Team 1 6
  • 8000-252 Level 2 Planning and Monitoring Work 2 8
  • 8000-253 Level 2 Developing the Work Team 1 6
  • 8000-254 Level 2 Induction and Coaching in the Workplace 2 8
  • 8000-255 Level 2 Meeting Customer Needs 2 6
  • 8000-256 Level 2 Working Within Organisational and Legal Guidelines 1 6
  • 8000-257 Level 2 Providing Quality to Customers 1 6
  • 8000-258 Level 2 Using Information to Solve Problems 1 5
  • 8000-259 Level 2 Understanding Change in the Workplace 2 8
  • 8000-260 Level 2 Maintaining a Healthy and Safe Working Environment 1 8
  • 8000-261 Level 2 Diversity in the Workplace 1 6
  • 8000-262 Level 2 Using Resources Effectively and Efficiently in the Workplace 1 7
  • 8000-263 Level 2 Communicating with People Outside the Work Team 1 6
  • 8000-264 Level 2 Briefing the Work Team 1 6
  • 8000-265 Level 2 Workplace Communication 1 5
  • 8000-266 Level 2 Workplace Records and Information Systems 1 5
  • 8000-267 Level 2 Business Improvement Techniques 2 10
  • 8000-268 Level 2 Leading Your Work Team 2 6
  • 8000-269 Level 2 Managing Yourself 1 4
  • 8000-270 Level 2 Enterprise Awareness 3 18
  • 8000-271 Level 2 Working with Customers Legally 1 5
  • 8000-272 Level 2 Setting Team Objectives in the Workplace 2 6
  • 8000-273 Level 2 Gathering, Interpreting and Utilising Data in the Workplace 1 3
  • 8000-274 Level 2 Methods of Communicating in the Workplace 1 3
  • 8000-275 Level 2 Satisfying Customer Requirements 1 3
  • 8000-276 Level 2 Understanding Effective Team Working 1 3
  • 8000-277 Level 2 Building an Awareness of Waste Management 2 9
  • 8000-279 Level 2 Understanding Sales in the Workplace 2 7
  • 8000-280 Level 2 Understanding the implications of working in an enterprise 3 6

Drag selected units into this window

Your selected units, certificate, level 2 certificate in leadership and team skills.

  • 8000-300 Level 3 Solving Problems and Making Decisions 2 9
  • 8000-301 Level 3 Understanding Innovation and Change in an Organisation 2 9
  • 8000-307 Level 3 Giving Briefings and Making Presentations 2 4
  • 8000-308 Level 3 Understanding Leadership 2 6
  • 8000-312 Level 3 Understanding Conflict Management in the Workplace 1 4
  • 8000-313 Level 3 Understanding Stress Management in the Workplace 1 7
  • 8000-314 Level 3 Understanding Discipline in the Workplace 1 5
  • 8000-316 Level 3 Understanding the Induction of New Staff in the Workplace 1 3
  • 8000-317 Level 3 Understanding Training and Coaching in the Workplace 2 7
  • 8000-320 Level 3 Managing Workplace Projects 2 7
  • 8000-322 Level 3 Understand the Organisation and its Context 2 7
  • 8000-327 Level 3 Understanding Negotiation and Networking in the Workplace 1 6
  • 8000-337 Level 3 Understanding Security Measures in the Workplace 2 7
  • 8000-343 Level 3 Understanding Mental Health in the Workplace 2 5
  • 8000-359 Level 3 Understanding Good Practice in Coaching within an Organisational Context 3 9
  • 8000-360 Level 3 Undertaking Coaching within an Organisational Context 4 12

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ilm level 2 assignment examples

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Assignment guide - ilm level 2 - planning and monitoring work.

How to write and pass your ILM accredited assignment on Planning and Monitoring Work

Course Description

ilm level 2 assignment examples

This course provides you with a video, a downloadable assignment guide booklet, along with your own Harvard Referencing Guide and video. This is everything you need to successfully write and pass your ILM accredited assignment on Planning and Monitoring Work. This Assignment writing guide is a step by step guide on how to structure your work and how to answer the key questions within your assignment brief. It includes guidance on key words, examples for your reference and also things to look out for. This course is intended for learners who are studying on the ILM accredited unit and therefore need to write an assignment in order to pass this unit.

Course curriculum

Assignment guide for planning and monitoring work.

Video - Assignment guide for Planning and Monitoring Work

Booklet - Assignment guide for Planning and Monitoring Work

Slides - Assignment guide for Planning and Monitoring Work

Assignment template

How to reference correctly using the Harvard Reference method

Video - How to reference correctly using the Harvard Reference method

Booklet - How to reference correctly using the Harvard Reference method

Slides - How to reference correctly using the Harvard Reference method

Assignment submission section

Assignment submission for Planning and Monitoring Work

ilm level 2 assignment examples

About this course

  • 0.5 hours of video content

ilm level 2 assignment examples

Tutor Marie O'Donnell

Qualsafe Awards

Understanding change in the workplace – ILM Level 2

  • Ask a Question
  • Buy Now - £29.99
  • Course ID: #3631

Course Information

This course provides you with a video, a downloadable assignment guide booklet, along with your own Harvard Referencing Guide and video. This is everything you need to successfully write and pass your ILM accredited assignment on Understanding change in the workplace. This Assignment writing guide is a step by step guide on how to structure your work and how to answer the key questions within your assignment brief. It includes guidance on key words, examples for your reference and also things to look out for. This course is intended for learners who are studying on the ILM accredited unit and therefore need to write an assignment in order to pass this unit.

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  10. Understanding change in the workplace – ILM Level 2

    Course ID: #3631. Course Information. This course provides you with a video, a downloadable assignment guide booklet, along with your own Harvard Referencing Guide and video. This is everything you need to successfully write and pass your ILM accredited assignment on Understanding change in the workplace.