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The Department of Physics offers graduate programs leading to the Master of Science (ScM) degree and the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Degree.  For more information on admission and program requirements, please visit the following website:  http://www.brown.edu/academics/gradschool/programs/physics

Master of Science (ScM)

The Sc.M. degree recognizes a significant level of academic achievement beyond an undergraduate degree. A total of 8 credits in 2000-level courses form the main requirement for the Sc.M. degree in Physics. Of the eight required courses, four will be selected from the six core courses of the Ph.D. program (PHYS 2010, 1720 or 2020**, 2040, 2050, 2060, 2140). Four additional credits at the 2000 level are required. These courses are to be selected from the remaining core courses or the large number of other upper-level Physics courses. With pre-approval of the DMP, up to two of these additional credits, also at the 2000 level, can be taken in another department. Preparation of a Master’s thesis is recommended, as it forms an important pillar of professional training.

**Please note: 2030 can be taken instead of 1720 or 2020 if the student has passed the entrance exam. 

Students with less rigorous physics backgrounds will be advised to take a mixture of 1000-level and 2000-level courses during their course of study, necessitating a 3- or 4-semester track to completion.

Course selection and registration for recently admitted students are held in September after a faculty advising session during orientation. Registration remains open for the first two weeks as a 'shopping period' during which students can make final course decisions. 

Core Courses

Techniques in Experimental Physics
Classical Theoretical Physics I
Classical Theoretical Physics II
Quantum Mechanics
Quantum Mechanics
Statistical Mechanics

Four additional credits at the 2000 level are required.  These courses are to be selected from the remaining core courses or the large number of other upper level physics courses.  Up to two of these can be taken in research, or taken in another department with prior approval of the program director.

Mathematical Methods of Engineers and Physicists
Advanced Quantum Mechanics
Introduction to Nuclear and High Energy Physics
Astrophysics and Cosmology
Quantum Theory of Fields I
Quantum Theory of Fields II
Group Theory
Solid State Physics I
Solid State Physics II
Quantum Many Body Theory
Advanced Statistical Mechanics
Computational Physics
Quantum Computation, Information, and Sensing
Statistical Physics in Inference and (Deep) Learning
Research in Physics
Research in Physics

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Core Courses:
Techniques in Experimental Physics
Classical Theoretical Physics I
Classical Theoretical Physics II
Quantum Mechanics
Quantum Mechanics
Statistical Mechanics

Beyond the core courses, PhD candidates are expected to pass four additional advanced courses. At least one of the courses must fall outside the student’s research area. These courses are to be selected from the following: 

Mathematical Methods of Engineers and Physicists
Advanced Quantum Mechanics
General Relativity
Introduction to Nuclear and High Energy Physics
Astrophysics and Cosmology
Quantum Theory of Fields I
Quantum Theory of Fields II
Group Theory
Solid State Physics I
Solid State Physics II
Quantum Many Body Theory
Advanced Statistical Mechanics
Computational Physics
Biological Physics

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He always wanted a Ph.D. in physics. He finally earned it at 89

Bill Chappell

brown physics phd students

Manfred Steiner, 89, recently earned his Ph.D. in physics from Brown University. Nick Dentamaro/Brown University hide caption

Manfred Steiner, 89, recently earned his Ph.D. in physics from Brown University.

Manfred Steiner had a successful and productive career as a doctor, helping generations of medical students learn about hematology. But all along, he had a nagging feeling he should be doing something else: studying physics. At age 89, he has finally fulfilled that dream, earning his Ph.D. in physics from Brown University.

"It's my third doctorate, but this one I really cherish a lot. That I made it — and made it at this age," said Steiner, who is weeks from turning 90, in an interview with NPR.

"I am really on top of the world," Steiner said in a news release from the college , as it announced his successful defense of his dissertation (title: "Corrections to the Geometrical Interpretation of Bosonization").

A love for physics took hold at an early age

"I always had this dream: Gee, someday I would like to become a physicist," Steiner told NPR.

Steiner grew up in Vienna — and his Austrian accent has stayed with him. As he noted, "My students at Brown usually said, 'He talks like the Terminator.' "

Steiner was a teenager when World War II ended. By then, he was fascinated with physics. On the advice of his family, he decided to pursue a medical career instead. But during his studies in Vienna, physics still tugged at him.

"When I was a medical student in the early '50s, I used to sneak into the physical institute, which was very close by the medical school," he said, "and listen to some talks there because I was so interested in quantum physics, particularly quantum physics, the new stuff at that time."

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When asked what it was about physics that he enjoyed, Steiner replied quickly: precision.

"I was always amazed that the laws that go for the quantum area, where you talk about distances of femtometers" — or quadrillionths of a meter — also apply to astronomy, with measures of light years, he said.

"Yet the physical laws exactly were the same, holding for the two extremes," he added, "and that precision really always fascinated me. And of course, I always liked mathematics, which is sort of the language of physics."

Steiner says he's happy to have spent so much of his life in academic medicine. "But in medicine, there are too many variables and, you know, too much imprecision," he adds.

Steiner's medical career blossomed in the U.S.

When Steiner moved permanently to the U.S. from Vienna, he focused on medicine and hematology, training at Tufts University and MIT. He then became a professor at Brown and led the hematology section in the university's medical school.

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From poverty to stanford, memoir tells a physicist's remarkable tale.

It was only after Steiner retired from his career in medicine in 2000 that he was finally able to scratch the physics itch. He started taking classes at MIT.

"I had to do a lot of physics classes at MIT" before being allowed to start graduate studies, he said. He transferred to Brown, to minimize his commute.

Steiner worked slowly — he's a grandfather who likes to spend with his family, and health issues have been a concern — but the credits kept piling up. And before long, Steiner was eyeing yet another Ph.D.

"You know, it took a long time," he said. "There were medical problems in between that were very serious. But fortunately, I'm here now and I've overcome these problems."

You can read more on the Brown website about Steiner's dissertation on a prickly problem in theoretical physics: expanding the understanding of bosonization.

The newly minted physicist looks back

Despite fulfilling a long-held dream of becoming a physicist, Steiner says he doesn't regret spending most of his life in academic medicine.

"I was reconciled to the fact that I couldn't do physics, and I tried to make the best of what I could do with medicine, and that was to go into research. I liked research."

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He also has some advice to offer: "All the young people, if they have a dream, follow that dream. Don't give up on it." If it doesn't work out, he said, they can go into something else.

"But first, follow your dream."

The physicists who worked with Steiner say his latest achievement is both affirming and inspiring. For his part, Steiner is working on publishing a version of his dissertation (it runs to more than 150 pages), and he wants to continue his research.

"I would like to continue with it as long as my mind says OK, I'm going to do some studies with theoretical physics," he said. "I don't need a lab. I just need a computer, and I need paper and pencil."

Graduate Programs

Request more info.

Brown University’s one or two year, on-campus master’s in physics offers focused training and the opportunity to engage in cutting-edge research in contemporary physics.

Designed to cultivate professional physicists, the master’s in physics program emphasizes a comprehensive mastery of the discipline's fundamental principles, methods and intellectual tools — complemented by opportunities to engage in original research.

The program prepares you for professional advancement and further graduate study through a rigorous yet flexible curriculum. You’ll develop a solid and broad base of physics through the core curriculum, while upper-level courses and topical research seminar series provide more specialized exposure.

This program offers the following degree: 

  • Master of science (Sc.M.): Coursework and thesis option

You can complete the degree in two, three or four semesters of full-time enrollment, with part-time options available for eligible candidates.

Upon completion of this degree, you’ll be well-prepared to excel in your career or pursue further academic goals. Additionally, the department actively informs and advises about fellowship opportunities as they become available.

Additional Information

Brown undergraduates can apply to this program as a fifth-year master’s degree .

Attend an Info Session

Application Information

Applicants are expected to have a strong background in physics or closely related subjects at the undergraduate level.

If you have any questions regarding the application process for this program, please email  [email protected] .

Application Requirements

Gre subject:.

Not required

GRE General:


Required for any non-native English speaker who does not have a degree from an institution where English is the sole language of instruction or from a University in the following countries: Australia, Bahamas, Botswana, Cameroon, Canada (except Quebec), Ethiopia, Ghana, Ireland, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, New Zealand, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Sierra Leone, Swaziland, Tanzania, Gambia, Uganda, United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales), West Indies, Zambia). Students from mainland China may submit the TOEFL ITP Plus exam. The TOEFL iBT Special Home Edition and the IELTS Indicator exam are accepted. Minimum scores: 90 TOEFL/6.5 IELTS

Official Transcripts:

Required. All applicants may upload unofficial transcripts for application submission. Official transcripts are ONLY required for enrolling students before class start. An international transcript evaluation (WES, ECE, or SpanTran) is required for degrees from non-U.S. institutions before enrollment.

Letters of Recommendations:

Three (3) recommendations required

Personal Statement:

1000-1500 word personal statement that gives your reasons to pursue graduate work in the field of your study. The statement should include examples of your past work in your chosen field, your plans for study at Brown, issues and problems you'd like to address in your field and your professional goals.


Application deadline, 5 th year deadline, tuition and funding.

Graduate Tuition & Fees: Please visit the S tudent Financial Services Office for up-to-date tuition rates.

Scholarships: Not available for this program.

Completion Requirements

A total of 8 credits, or courses, at the 2000 level form the main requirement for a ScM degree in Physics, including completion of a Master's thesis. Of the eight required courses, four will be selected from the six core courses of the PhD program. Preparation of a Master's thesis is highly recommended as it forms an important pillar of the professional training. Therefore, up to two of the eight courses may be Thesis Preparation. With approval of the program director, up to two credits may be 2000 level courses offered by another department.

Contact and Location

Department of physics, mailing address.

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  • Program Handbook

The courses of study are flexible in subject matter and are conducted by means of lectures, seminars, laboratories and colloquia. Undergraduate as well as graduate students have opportunities to carry out research in fields of current interest.

The department aims to develop in its students a comprehensive grasp of the principles of physics, enabling them to become productive researchers, critical thinkers and efficient problem solvers.

Current academic year courses.

PHYS0030 Basic Physics A Survey of mechanics for concentrators in sciences other than physics-including premedical and life science students. Students with more advanced math training are advised to take PHYS 0050, which covers the same topics in physics. Lectures and laboratory. Six hours of attendance.
PHYS0040 Basic Physics B Survey of electricity, magnetism, optics, and modern physics for concentrators in sciences other than physics-including premedical students or students without prior exposure to physics who require a less rigorous course than PHYS 0050, 0060. Lectures, conferences, and laboratory.
PHYS0050 Foundations of Mechanics An introduction to Newtonian mechanics that employs elementary calculus. Intended for science concentrators. Potential physics concentrators, who do not have adequate preparation for PHYS 0070, may enroll, but are urged to continue with PHYS 0160 rather than PHYS 0060. Lectures, conferences and laboratory. Six hours of attendance. Recommended: MATH 0090 or MATH 0100. 
PHYS0070 Analytical Mechanics A mathematically more rigorous introduction to Newtonian mechanics than PHYS 0050. For first-year students and sophomores who have studied physics previously and have completed a year of calculus. Lectures, conferences, and laboratory. Six hours of attendance. Prerequisites: high school physics and calculus or written permission. S/NC
PHYS0270 Introduction to Astronomy A complete survey of basic astronomy, more rigorous than is offered in PHYS 0220. Requires competence in algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and vectors and also some understanding of calculus and classical mechanics. Laboratory work required. This course or an equivalent required for students concentrating in astronomy. The course includes conferences and evening laboratory sessions.
PHYS0470 Electricity and Magnetism Electric and magnetic fields. Motion of charged particles in fields. Electric and magnetic properties of matter. Direct and alternating currents. Maxwell's equations. Laboratory work. Prerequisites: PHYS 0040, 0060, or 0160; and MATH 0180, 0200 or 0350. Labs meet every other week.
PHYS0720/PHYS1720 Undergrads & Masters Meth Mathematical Physics This course is designed for sophomores in physical sciences, especially those intending to take sophomore or higher level Physics courses. Topics include linear algebra (including linear vector spaces), Fourier analysis, ordinary and partial differential equations, complex analysis (including contour integration). Pre-requisites: PHYS 0060 or 0160, MATH 0180, 0200 or 0350, or consent of the instructor. PHYS1720 Designed primarily for sophmore students in physical sciences. Basic elements of and practical examples in linear algebra, the solution of ordinary and Partial Differential Equation, Complex Analysis and Application to Contour Integrals. Intended to prepare students for the mathematics encountered in PHYS 0500, 1410, 1420, 1510 and 1530. Pre-requisites: PHYS 0060 or 0160, MATH 0180, 0200 or 0350, or consent of the instructor.
PHYS0790 Physics of Matter An introduction to the principles of quantum mechanics and their use in the description of the electronic, thermal, and optical properties of materials. Primarily intended as an advanced science course in the engineering curriculum. Open to others by permission. Prerequisites: ENGN 0040, APMA 0340 or equivalents.
PHYS1270 Extragalactic Astronomy This course provides an introduction to the astrophysics of galaxies, their structure and evolution, with an emphasis on physical introduction of the observations. Underlying physics concepts such as radiative transfer, nuclear reactions and accretion physics will be introduced. Intended for students at the junior level. Prerequisites: PHYS 0270 and PHYS 0470, and either MATH 0190 or MATH 0200, or instructor permission.
PHYS1280 Introduction to Cosmology The course presents an introduction to the study of the origin, evolution and contents of the Universe. Topics include the expansion of the Universe, relativistic cosmologies, thermal evolution, primordial nucleosynthesis, structure formation and the Cosmic Microwave Background. Prerequisites: PHYS 0160, MATH 0190, MATH 0200, or MATH 0350, or instructor permission.
PHYS1410 Quantum Mechanics A A unified treatment of quanta, photons, electrons, atoms, molecules, matter, nuclei, and particles. Quantum mechanics developed at the start and used to link and explain both the older and newer experimental phenomena of modern physics. Prerequisites: PHYS 0500 and 0560; and MATH 0520, 0540 or PHYS 0720; or approved equivalents.
PHYS1510 Advanced Electromagnetic Theory Maxwell's laws and electromagnetic theory. Electromagnetic waves and radiation. Special relativity. Prerequisites: PHYS 0470; and MATH 0180, 0200, or 0350; or approved equivalents.
PHYS1530 Thermodynamics/Stat Mechanics The laws of thermodynamics and heat transfer. Atomic interpretation in terms of kinetic theory and elementary statistical mechanics. Applications to physical problems. Prerequisites: MATH 0180 or 0200 or 0350. Corequisite: PHYS 1410.
PHYS1610/PHYS2630 Biological Physics  Introduction on structures of proteins, nucleotides, and membranes; electrostatics and hydration; chemical equilibrium; binding affinity and kinetics; hydrodynamics and transport; cellular mechanics and motions; biophysical techniques including sedimentation, electrophoresis, microscopy and spectroscopy. Suitable for undergraduate science and engineering majors and graduate students with limited background in life science. Prerequisites: MATH 0180.  PHYS2630: The course is the graduate version of Phys 1610, Biological Physics. The topics to be covered include structure of cells and biological molecules; diffusion, dissipation and random motion; flow and friction in fluids; entropy, temperature and energy; chemical reactions and self-assembly; solution electrostatics; action potential and nerve impulses. The graduate level course has additional pre-requsites of Phys 0470 and 1530, or equivalents. It requires homework assignments at the graduate level. The final grades will be assigned separately from those who take the course as Phys 1610, although the two groups may be taught in the same classroom.
PHYS1640/PHYS2640 Introduction to Computational Physics and Data Analysis This course introduces upper undergraduate and graduate students to computational methods in physics and data analysis techniques. It covers programming in Python and Mathematica, computational physics fundamentals, and fundamental data analysis methods including statistics, data fitting, and background estimation. The course will use the discovery of the Higgs boson as a case study. Students will engage in practical assignments and a final project to apply learned concepts. Extensive use of Google Colab and Mathematica notebooks will be made to facilitate learning and application. Students are encouraged to bring their laptops to the lectures to perform the examples with the instructor. PHYS2640: This course introduces upper undergraduate and graduate students to computational methods in physics and data analysis techniques. It covers programming in Python and Mathematica, computational physics fundamentals, and fundamental data analysis methods including statistics, data fitting, and background estimation. The course will use the discovery of the Higgs boson as a case study. Students will engage in practical assignments and a final project to apply learned concepts. Extensive use of Google Colab and Mathematica notebooks will be made to facilitate learning and application. Students are encouraged to bring their laptops to the lectures to perform the examples with the instructor.
PHYS2010 Tech. in Experimental Physics No description available.
PHYS2020 Math. Meth. of Engineers/Physicists An introduction to methods of mathematical analysis in physical science and engineering. The first semester course includes linear algebra and tensor analysis; analytic functions of a complex variable; integration in the complex plane; potential theory. The second semester course includes probability theory; eigenvalue problems; calculus of variations and extremum principles; wave propagation; other partial differential equations of evolution.
PHYS2030 Classical Theoretical Physics I Students in the course will learn both the foundations of classical mechanics, including Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations, as well as applications of classical mechanics to physically important and illustrative systems including orbital motion, motion in rotating frames, chaos, waves, fluid dynamics and solitons.
PHYS2050 Quantum Mechanics Wave description of particles.  Wave mechanics and the Schrodinger equation.  Fundamental principles and postulates.  Symmetry transformations.  Time evolution and stationary states.  Theory of angular momentum. Advanced topics: Quantum information, Superfluidity, and other topics if time permits.Prerequisites:  Knowledge of basic undergraduate Hamiltonian Mechanics and Electromagnetism as well as a comfortable familiarity with standard Modern Physics.
PHYS2070 Advanced Quantum Mechanics Wave description of particles.  Wave mechanics and the Schrodinger equation.  Fundamental principles and postulates.  Symmetry transformations.  Time evolution and stationary states.  Theory of angular momentum. Advanced topics: Quantum information, Superfluidity, and other topics if time permits.Prerequisites:  Knowledge of basic undergraduate Hamiltonian Mechanics and Electromagnetism as well as a comfortable familiarity with standard Modern Physics.
PHYS2320 Quantum Theory of Fields II Advanced methods in quantum field theory. The course focuses on nonperturbative approaches to quantum field theory, including conformal field theory, large N methods, Wilsonian renormalization, solitons, instantons and other topological defects.
PHYS2410 Solid State Physics I The course provides an introduction to Solid State physics. We discuss free electrons, band theory, crystalline symmetries, semiconductors, magnetism and topological band theory. Students are expected to be familiar with quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics.
PHYS2470 Advanced Statistical Mechanics The ideas of universality and renormalization group play a key role in soft and hard condensed matter physics. Renormalization group will be the central topic of the course which will also address symmetries and spontaneous symmetry breaking in condensed matter; phase transitions; mean-field theory; scaling; universality; generalized elasticity; topological defects and other topics, if time permits.
PHYS0030 Basic Physics A Survey of mechanics for concentrators in sciences other than physics-including premedical and life science students. Students with more advanced math training are advised to take PHYS 0050, which covers the same topics in physics. Lectures and laboratory. Six hours of attendance.
PHYS0040 Basic Physics B Survey of electricity, magnetism, optics, and modern physics for concentrators in sciences other than physics-including premedical students or students without prior exposure to physics who require a less rigorous course than PHYS 0050, 0060. Lectures, conferences, and laboratory.
PHYS0050 Foundations of Mechanics An introduction to Newtonian mechanics that employs elementary calculus. Intended for science concentrators. Potential physics concentrators, who do not have adequate preparation for PHYS 0070, may enroll, but are urged to continue with PHYS 0160 rather than PHYS 0060. Lectures, conferences and laboratory. Six hours of attendance. Recommended: MATH 0090 or MATH 0100. 
PHYS0220 Astronomy An introduction to basic ideas and observations in astronomy, starting with the observed sky, coordinates and astronomical calendars and cycles, the historical development of our understanding of astronomical objects. Particular emphasis is placed on the properties of stars, galaxies, and the Universe as a whole, including the basic ideas of cosmology. The material is covered at a more basic level than PHYS 0270. Knowledge of basic algebra and trigonometry is required, but no experience with calculus is necessary. The course includes evening laboratory sessions.
PHYS0500 Advanced Classical Mechanics Dynamics of particles, rigid bodies, and elastic continua. Normal modes. Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations. Prerequisites: PHYS 0070, 0160 or 0050, 0060 and MATH 0180 or 0200; or approved equivalents.
PHYS0560 Experiments in Modern Physics Introduction to experimental physics. Students perform fundamental experiments in modern quantum physics, including atomic physics, nuclear and particle physics, and condensed matter physics. Visits to research labs at Brown acquaint students with fields of current research. Emphasizes laboratory techniques, statistics, and data analysis. Three lecture/discussion hours and three laboratory hours each week. Required of all physics concentrators. Prerequisites: PHYS 0070, 0160 or 0050, 0060; 0470.
PHYS1100/PHYS2100 Intro to General Relativity An introduction to Einstein's theory of gravity, including special relativity, spacetime curvature, cosmology, and black holes. Prerequisites: PHYS 0500 and MATH 0520 or MATH 0540 or equivalent, or permission of the instructor. Recommended: PHYS 0720. Offered every other year. PHYS2100: This graduate course in general relativity and cosmology will cover the principles of Einstein's general theory of relativity, differential geometry, the first order formulation of general relativity (Einstein-Cartan theory), experimental tests of general relativity and black holes. The second half of the course will focus on relativistic cosmology with a focus on its interface with field theory.
PHYS1420 Quantum Mechanics B A unified treatment of quanta, photons, electrons, atoms, molecules, matter, nuclei, and particles. Quantum mechanics developed at the start and used to link and explain both the older and newer experimental phenomena of modern physics. Prerequisites: PHYS 0500 and 0560; and MATH 0520, 0540 or PHYS 0720; or approved equivalents.
PHYS1560 Modern Physics Laboratory A sequence of intensive, advanced experiments often introducing sophisticated techniques. Prerequisites: PHYS 0470, 0500 and 0560; and MATH 0520, 0540 or PHYS 0720; or approved equivalents.
PHYS1600/PHYS2600 Computational Physics  This course provides students with an introduction to scientific computation, primarily as applied to physical science problems. It will assume a basic knowledge of programming and will focus on how computational methods can be used to study physical systems complementing experimental and theoretical techniques. Prerequisites: PHYS 0070, 0160 (or 0050, 0060) and 0470 (or ENGN 0510); MATH 0180 or 0200 or 0350; the ability to write a simple computer program in Fortran, Matlab, C or C++. PHYS2670: This course provides students with an introduction to scientific computation at the graduate level, primarily as applied to physical science problems. It will assume a basic knowledge of programming and will focus on how computational methods can be used to study physical systems complementing experimental and theoretical techniques. Prerequisites: PHYS 2030, 2050, 2140; the ability to write a simple computer program in Fortran, Matlab, C or C++.
PHYS1970F Quantum Information  Quantum information is the modern study of how to encode and transmit information on the quantum scale--in many ways fundamentally different from classical information. This course will connect a standard treatment of Quantum mechanics with information theory. Some topics will overlap with phys 1410, but information will be presented from a different viewpoint and with new applications. Topics covered will include: measurement, quantum states, bits, density of states, entanglement, quantum information processing, computing, and some special topics. Students will be expected to complete an end of term project for successfull completion of the course.
PHYS2010 Tech in Experimental Physics The course aims to help PhD and MSc students learn experimental methods and develop experimental and scientific communication abilities in major areas of modern physics. We discuss the application of the scientific method. Four major experiments are conducted during the semester. Students develop skills including observing and measuring physical phenomena, analyzing and interpreting data (primarily using Python notebooks) clearly identifying and including possible sources of errors, and also reaching conclusions and publishing experimental results. Students also learn scientific presentation skills and how to read published results and references with appropriate judgment.
PHYS2040 Classical Theoretical Physics II Electrostatics of conductors and dielectrics. Boundary value problems. Magnetostatics. Maxwellʼs equations and macroscopic electromagnetism. Conservation laws in electrodynamics. Electromagnetic waves and wave propagation. Special relativity. Relativistic particles and electromagnetic fields.  Electromagnetic radiation. Other topics if time permits. Prerequisites: PHYS2030 and knowledge of basic undergraduate Electromagnetism.
PHYS2060 Quantum Mechanics The second semester of a rigorous full-year graduate quantum mechanics course. Two areas will be emphasized: (1) Essential tools of quantum mechanics, including addition of angular momentum, perturbation and scattering theory, and an introduction to relativistic quantum mechanics. (2) Key results of quantum mechanics such as the solution of the hydrogen atom, Fermiʼs golden rule, and the spontaneous decay of excited states of atoms.
PHYS2140 Statistical Mechanics This course provides a graduate level introduction to the foundations of classical and quantum statistical mechanics with applications to ideal gases (including the magnetic properties of electron gases and Bose-Einstein condensation), interacting systems, and phase transitions, including an introduction to the renormalization group and scaling at continuous phase transitions. Prerequisites: thermodynamics, statistical mechanics and quantum mechanics.
PHYS2170 Intro: Nuclear/Hi-Energy Physics This course provides a comprehensive introduction to modern elementary particle physics for graduate and senior undergraduate students. The focus of the course is the detailed description of the Standard Model of particle physics, which has proven remarkably successful in describing the properties and behavior of elementary particles and fields. Topics of current interest, new developments, and outstanding problems are be highlighted. Special attention is devoted to experimental methods, which resulted in most significant discoveries in particle physics. Prerequisites: Introductory Quantum Mechanics (PHYS0560, or PHYS1410, or equivalent).
PHYS2280        This course serves as a graduate-level introduction to modern cosmology, including current topics of research on both observational and theoretical fronts. Topics include relativistic cosmology, inflation and the early Universe, observational cosmology, galaxy formation. Prerequisites for undergraduates: PHYS 1280 and PHYS 1530.
PHYS2300 Quantum Theory of Fields I 2670. An introduction to the quantum theory of fields. Topics include scalar field theory, quantum electrodynamics, path integrals, perturbation theory and an introduction to renormalization.
PHYS2340 Group Theory Offered every other year. This course aims to provide a basic introduction to the elements of group theory most commonly encountered in physics, including discrete groups, Lie groups and Lie algebras.  The course will place a particular emphasis on characters and the representation theory of Lie algebras. Students should have a solid background in linear algebra, and some exposure to quantum mechanics may be helpful.
PHYS2420 Solid State Physics II The goal of the course is to explain the effects of interactions between the electrons on the properties of quantum materials. In particular, upon completing the course you will acquire deep understanding of the physics of conductors, symmetry broken phases and strongly interacting topological phases such as Hall effect. We will particularly concentrate on the phenomenology of these systems.
PHYS2550 Application of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence This graduate-level course explores the integration of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) techniques in various branches of physics. With a focus on practical applications, students will gain hands-on experience in leveraging ML and AI to solve complex problems, enhance data analysis, and optimize experimental design in the context of particle physics, astrophysics, and condensed matter physics.

All Physics Courses

PHYS0030 Basic Physics A Survey of mechanics for concentrators in sciences other than physics-including premedical and life science students. Students with more advanced math training are advised to take PHYS 0050, which covers the same topics in physics. Lectures and laboratory. Six hours of attendance.
PHYS0040 Basic Physics B Survey of electricity, magnetism, optics, and modern physics for concentrators in sciences other than physics-including premedical students or students without prior exposure to physics who require a less rigorous course than PHYS 0050, 0060. Lectures, conferences, and laboratory.
PHYS0050 Foundations of Mechanics An introduction to Newtonian mechanics that employs elementary calculus. Intended for science concentrators. Potential physics concentrators, who do not have adequate preparation for PHYS 0070, may enroll, but are urged to continue with PHYS 0160 rather than PHYS 0060. Lectures, conferences and laboratory. Six hours of attendance. Recommended: MATH 0090 or MATH 0100. 
PHYS0070 Analytical Mechanics A mathematically more rigorous introduction to Newtonian mechanics than PHYS 0050. For first-year students and sophomores who have studied physics previously and have completed a year of calculus. Lectures, conferences, and laboratory. Six hours of attendance. Prerequisites: high school physics and calculus or written permission. S/NC
PHYS0100 Flat Earth to Quantum Uncertainty: On the Nature and Meaning of Scientific Explanation Physics has had a dramatic impact on our conception of the universe, our ideas concerning the nature of knowledge, and our view of ourselves. Philosophy, sometimes inspired by developments in physics, considers the impact of such developments on our lives. In this seminar, students will explore how classical and modern physical theory have affected our view of the cosmos, of ourselves as human beings, as well as our view of the relation of mathematical or physical structures to 'truth' or 'reality.' Through a study of physics as well as selected philosophical readings, we will consider how we can know anything, from seemingly simple facts to whether a machine is conscious. Enrollment limited to 19 first year students. Instructor permission required.
PHYS0150 The Jazz of Physics This course, aimed at both students in the humanities and sciences, will explore the myriad surprising ways that jazz music is connected to modern physics. No background in physics, mathematics or music is required, as all of these foundational concepts and tools will be introduced.This course, aimed at both students in the humanities and sciences, will explore the myriad surprising ways that jazz music is connected to modern physics. No background in physics, mathematics or music is required, as all of these foundational concepts and tools will be introduced.

The Jazz of Physics has three interconnected components:
(1) Using concepts and analogies from music and acoustics to explore the key conceptual ideas in modern physics such as quantum mechanics/information, general relativity, particle physics, dark energy and big bang cosmology.
(2) Exploring the parallels between jazz and physics through the lens of 20th century physics and jazz history, as well as key innovations in both fields with an eye towards future innovations.
(3) Students will learn the tools of signification in physics and develop group projects with a final product.
PHYS0270 Introduction to Astronomy A complete survey of basic astronomy, more rigorous than is offered in PHYS 0220. Requires competence in algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and vectors and also some understanding of calculus and classical mechanics. Laboratory work required. This course or an equivalent required for students concentrating in astronomy. The course includes conferences and evening laboratory sessions.
PHYS0470 Electricity and Magnetism Electric and magnetic fields. Motion of charged particles in fields. Electric and magnetic properties of matter. Direct and alternating currents. Maxwell's equations. Laboratory work. Prerequisites: PHYS 0040, 0060, or 0160; and MATH 0180, 0200 or 0350. Labs meet every other week.
PHYS0720/PHYS1720 Meth Mathematical Physics *Undergrads & Masters This course is designed for sophomores in physical sciences, especially those intending to take sophomore or higher level Physics courses. Topics include linear algebra (including linear vector spaces), Fourier analysis, ordinary and partial differential equations, complex analysis (including contour integration). Pre-requisites: PHYS 0060 or 0160, MATH 0180, 0200 or 0350, or consent of the instructor. PHYS1720 Designed primarily for sophmore students in physical sciences. Basic elements of and practical examples in linear algebra, the solution of ordinary and Partial Differential Equation, Complex Analysis and Application to Contour Integrals. Intended to prepare students for the mathematics encountered in PHYS 0500, 1410, 1420, 1510 and 1530. Pre-requisites: PHYS 0060 or 0160, MATH 0180, 0200 or 0350, or consent of the instructor.
PHYS0790 Physics of Matter An introduction to the principles of quantum mechanics and their use in the description of the electronic, thermal, and optical properties of materials. Primarily intended as an advanced science course in the engineering curriculum. Open to others by permission. Prerequisites: ENGN 0040, APMA 0340 or equivalents.
PHYS1270 Extragalactic Astronomy This course provides an introduction to the astrophysics of galaxies, their structure and evolution, with an emphasis on physical introduction of the observations. Underlying physics concepts such as radiative transfer, nuclear reactions and accretion physics will be introduced. Intended for students at the junior level. Prerequisites: PHYS 0270 and PHYS 0470, and either MATH 0190 or MATH 0200, or instructor permission.
PHYS1280 Introduction to Cosmology The course presents an introduction to the study of the origin, evolution and contents of the Universe. Topics include the expansion of the Universe, relativistic cosmologies, thermal evolution, primordial nucleosynthesis, structure formation and the Cosmic Microwave Background. Prerequisites: PHYS 0160, MATH 0190, MATH 0200, or MATH 0350, or instructor permission.
PHYS1410 Quantum Mechanics A A unified treatment of quanta, photons, electrons, atoms, molecules, matter, nuclei, and particles. Quantum mechanics developed at the start and used to link and explain both the older and newer experimental phenomena of modern physics. Prerequisites: PHYS 0500 and 0560; and MATH 0520, 0540 or PHYS 0720; or approved equivalents.
PHYS1510 Advanced Electromagnetic Theory Maxwell's laws and electromagnetic theory. Electromagnetic waves and radiation. Special relativity. Prerequisites: PHYS 0470; and MATH 0180, 0200, or 0350; or approved equivalents.
PHYS1530 Thermodynamics/Stat Mechanics The laws of thermodynamics and heat transfer. Atomic interpretation in terms of kinetic theory and elementary statistical mechanics. Applications to physical problems. Prerequisites: MATH 0180 or 0200 or 0350. Corequisite: PHYS 1410.
PHYS1610/PHYS2630 Biological Physics  Introduction on structures of proteins, nucleotides, and membranes; electrostatics and hydration; chemical equilibrium; binding affinity and kinetics; hydrodynamics and transport; cellular mechanics and motions; biophysical techniques including sedimentation, electrophoresis, microscopy and spectroscopy. Suitable for undergraduate science and engineering majors and graduate students with limited background in life science. Prerequisites: MATH 0180.  PHYS2630: The course is the graduate version of Phys 1610, Biological Physics. The topics to be covered include structure of cells and biological molecules; diffusion, dissipation and random motion; flow and friction in fluids; entropy, temperature and energy; chemical reactions and self-assembly; solution electrostatics; action potential and nerve impulses. The graduate level course has additional pre-requsites of Phys 0470 and 1530, or equivalents. It requires homework assignments at the graduate level. The final grades will be assigned separately from those who take the course as Phys 1610, although the two groups may be taught in the same classroom.
PHYS1640/PHYS2640 Introduction to Computational Physics and Data Analysis PHYS1640: This course introduces upper-undergraduate and graduate students to computational methods in physics and data analysis techniques. It covers programming in Python and Mathematica, computational physics fundamentals, and fundamental data analysis methods, including statistics, data fitting, and background estimation. The course will use the discovery of the Higgs boson as a case study. Students will engage in practical assignments and a final project to apply learned concepts. Extensive use of Google Colab and Mathematica notebooks will be made to facilitate learning and application. Students are encouraged to bring their laptops to the lectures to perform the examples with the instructor. PHYS2640: This course introduces upper-undergraduate and graduate students to computational methods in physics and data analysis techniques. It covers programming in Python and Mathematica, computational physics fundamentals, and fundamental data analysis methods including statistics, data fitting, and background estimation. The course will use the discovery of the Higgs boson as a case study. Students will engage in practical assignments and a final project to apply learned concepts. Extensive use of Google Colab and Mathematica notebooks will be made to facilitate learning and application. Students are encouraged to bring their laptops to the lectures to perform the examples with the instructor.
PHYS1970C String Theory for Undergraduates This course will concentrate on String Theory. It will be given at introductory/intermediate level with some review of the background material. Topics covered will include dynamical systems, symmetries and Noether’s Theorem; nonrelativistic strings; relativistic systems (particle and string); quantization, gauge fixing, Feynman’s sum over paths; electrostatic analogy; string in curved space-time; and supersymmetry. Some advanced topics will also be addressed, i.e., D-Branes and M-Theory. Recommended prerequisites: PHYS 0470 and 0500, or 0160.
PHYS2010 Tech. in Experimental Physics No description available.
PHYS2020 Math. Meth. of Engineers/Physicists An introduction to methods of mathematical analysis in physical science and engineering. The first semester course includes linear algebra and tensor analysis; analytic functions of a complex variable; integration in the complex plane; potential theory. The second semester course includes probability theory; eigenvalue problems; calculus of variations and extremum principles; wave propagation; other partial differential equations of evolution.
PHYS2030 Classical Theoretical Physics I Students in the course will learn both the foundations of classical mechanics, including Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations, as well as applications of classical mechanics to physically important and illustrative systems including orbital motion, motion in rotating frames, chaos, waves, fluid dynamics and solitons.
PHYS2050 Quantum Mechanics Wave description of particles.  Wave mechanics and the Schrodinger equation.  Fundamental principles and postulates.  Symmetry transformations.  Time evolution and stationary states.  Theory of angular momentum. Advanced topics: Quantum information, Superfluidity, and other topics if time permits.Prerequisites:  Knowledge of basic undergraduate Hamiltonian Mechanics and Electromagnetism as well as a comfortable familiarity with standard Modern Physics.
PHYS2070 Advanced Quantum Mechanics Wave description of particles.  Wave mechanics and the Schrodinger equation.  Fundamental principles and postulates.  Symmetry transformations.  Time evolution and stationary states.  Theory of angular momentum. Advanced topics: Quantum information, Superfluidity, and other topics if time permits.Prerequisites:  Knowledge of basic undergraduate Hamiltonian Mechanics and Electromagnetism as well as a comfortable familiarity with standard Modern Physics.
PHYS2320 Quantum Theory of Fields II Advanced methods in quantum field theory. The course focuses on nonperturbative approaches to quantum field theory, including conformal field theory, large N methods, Wilsonian renormalization, solitons, instantons and other topological defects.
PHYS2410 Solid State Physics I The course provides an introduction to Solid State physics. We discuss free electrons, band theory, crystalline symmetries, semiconductors, magnetism and topological band theory. Students are expected to be familiar with quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics.
PHYS2430 Quantum Many Body Theory This is an advanced graduate course on many body quantum theory. The subject is extremely broad and the exact topics will be chosen according to the interests of the class. The topics can include the theory of topological insulators and the general theory of interacting quantum particles. Prerequisites: A working knowledge of quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics.
PHYS2470 Advanced Statistical Mechanics The ideas of universality and renormalization group play a key role in soft and hard condensed matter physics. Renormalization group will be the central topic of the course which will also address symmetries and spontaneous symmetry breaking in condensed matter; phase transitions; mean-field theory; scaling; universality; generalized elasticity; topological defects and other topics, if time permits.
PHYS2620G The Standard Model and Beyond Topics to be covered will include: Yang-Mills theory, origin of masses and couplings of particles, effective field theory, renormalization, confinement, lattice gauge theory, anomalies and instantons, grand unification, magnetic monopoles, technicolor, introduction to supersymmetry, supersymmetry breaking, the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model, and dark matter candidates. Prerequisite: PHYS 2300.  
PHYS2630/PHYS1610 Biological Physics The course is the graduate version of Phys 1610, Biological Physics. The topics to be covered include structure of cells and biological molecules; diffusion, dissipation and random motion; flow and friction in fluids; entropy, temperature and energy; chemical reactions and self-assembly; solution electrostatics; action potential and nerve impulses. The graduate level course has additional pre-requsites of Phys 0470 and 1530, or equivalents. It requires homework assignments at the graduate level. The final grades will be assigned separately from those who take the course as Phys 1610, although the two groups may be taught in the same classroom. PHYS1610: Introduction on structures of proteins, nucleotides, and membranes; electrostatics and hydration; chemical equilibrium; binding affinity and kinetics; hydrodynamics and transport; cellular mechanics and motions; biophysical techniques including sedimentation, electrophoresis, microscopy and spectroscopy. Suitable for undergraduate science and engineering majors and graduate students with limited background in life science. Prerequisites: MATH 0180.
PHYS1640/PHYS2640 Introduction to Computational Physics and Data Analysis This course introduces upper undergraduate and graduate students to computational methods in physics and data analysis techniques. It covers programming in Python and Mathematica, computational physics fundamentals, and fundamental data analysis methods including statistics, data fitting, and background estimation. The course will use the discovery of the Higgs boson as a case study. Students will engage in practical assignments and a final project to apply learned concepts. Extensive use of Google Colab and Mathematica notebooks will be made to facilitate learning and application. Students are encouraged to bring their laptops to the lectures to perform the examples with the instructor. PHYS2640: PHYS2640
PHYS0030 Basic Physics A Survey of mechanics for concentrators in sciences other than physics-including premedical and life science students. Students with more advanced math training are advised to take PHYS 0050, which covers the same topics in physics. Lectures and laboratory. Six hours of attendance.
PHYS0040 Basic Physics B Survey of electricity, magnetism, optics, and modern physics for concentrators in sciences other than physics-including premedical students or students without prior exposure to physics who require a less rigorous course than PHYS 0050, 0060. Lectures, conferences, and laboratory.
PHYS0060 Found: Electromagnetism/Mod Phys An introduction to the principles and phenomena of electricity, magnetism, optics, and the concepts of modern physics. Recommended for those who wish to limit their college physics to two semesters but seek a firm grounding in the subject, including but not limited to those with some previous knowledge of physics. Lectures, conferences, and laboratory. Six hours of attendance. Prerequisite: PHYS 0050. Recommended: MATH 0100.
PHYS0100 Nature/Meaning Sci Explanation Physics has had a dramatic impact on our conception of the universe, our ideas concerning the nature of knowledge, and our view of ourselves. Philosophy, sometimes inspired by developments in physics, considers the impact of such developments on our lives. In this seminar, students will explore how classical and modern physical theory have affected our view of the cosmos, of ourselves as human beings, as well as our view of the relation of mathematical or physical structures to 'truth' or 'reality.' Through a study of physics as well as selected philosophical readings, we will consider how we can know anything, from seemingly simple facts to whether a machine is conscious. Enrollment limited to 19 first year students. Instructor permission required.
PHYS0112 Extra-Solar Planet Astronomy The course will cover the significant developments in the detection and characterization of extra-solar planetary systems in the past almost 30 years. We will study the techniques for detecting planets outside of our solar system, the properties of the exoplanets discovered so far, and the prospects for future discoveries, with an emphasis on the search for "Earth-analogues" and the implications for astrobiology.
PHYS0112 Alien Worlds: Extrasolar Planets and the Search for Extraterrestrial Life The course will cover the significant developments in the detection and characterization of extra-solar planetary systems in the past almost 30 years. We will study the techniques for detecting planets outside of our solar system, the properties of the exoplanets discovered so far, and the prospects for future discoveries, with an emphasis on the search for "Earth-analogues" and the implications for astrobiology.
PHYS0113 Squishy Physics  A freshman seminar to explore everyday applications of physics. It offers practical training on project based learning. The course involves hands-on experimentation, data analysis and presentation. The course is designed for students interested in any field of science with no pre-requisite. The topics covered include motion, forces, flow, elasticity, polymers, gels, electricity, energy, etc. Students will be guided to work on several projects over the semester. They are required to report their projects in both written and oral reports. There is no exam for the course. Students are required to register for one of the labs.
PHYS0114 Sci. & Technology of Energy  Energy plays fundamental roles in society. Its use underlies improvements in the living standard; the consequences of its use are having a significant impact on the Earth’s climate; its scarcity in certain forms is a source of insecurity and political conflict. This course will introduce the fundamental laws that govern energy and its use. Physical concepts to be covered: mechanical energy, thermodynamics, the Carnot cycle, electricity and magnetism, quantum mechanics, and nuclear physics. Technological applications include wind, hydro, and geothermal energy, engines and fuels, electrical energy transmission and storage, solar energy and photovoltaics, nuclear reactors, and biomass. 
PHYS0160 Intro: Relativity/Quantum Physics A mathematically rigorous introduction to special relativity and quantum mechanics. The second course in the three-semester sequence (PHYS 0470 being the third) for those seeking the strongest foundation in physics. Also suitable for students better served by an introduction to modern physics rather than electromagnetism. Lectures, conferences, and laboratory. Six hours of attendance. Prerequisite: PHYS 0070 or 0050. Recommended: MATH 0180 or 0200. S/NC
PHYS0180 Physics for Non-Physicists This course is an introduction to many major concepts in physics. It is intended for a general audience, and calculus is not required. Along the way, we will address the question “what goes into making a scientific theory?” using the works of Euclid, Galileo, Newton and others as examples. Concepts range historically from planetary motion (addressed at least as early as Ancient Greece) to modern physics topics that are still under debate today. These concepts include (but are not limited to) motion, forces, energy, electricity and magnetism, special relativity and quantum mechanics.
PHYS0220 Astronomy An introduction to basic ideas and observations in astronomy, starting with the observed sky, coordinates and astronomical calendars and cycles, the historical development of our understanding of astronomical objects. Particular emphasis is placed on the properties of stars, galaxies, and the Universe as a whole, including the basic ideas of cosmology. The material is covered at a more basic level than PHYS 0270. Knowledge of basic algebra and trigonometry is required, but no experience with calculus is necessary. The course includes evening laboratory sessions.
PHYS0500 Advanced Classical Mechanics Dynamics of particles, rigid bodies, and elastic continua. Normal modes. Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations. Prerequisites: PHYS 0070, 0160 or 0050, 0060 and MATH 0180 or 0200; or approved equivalents.
PHYS0560 Experiments in Modern Physics Introduction to experimental physics. Students perform fundamental experiments in modern quantum physics, including atomic physics, nuclear and particle physics, and condensed matter physics. Visits to research labs at Brown acquaint students with fields of current research. Emphasizes laboratory techniques, statistics, and data analysis. Three lecture/discussion hours and three laboratory hours each week. Required of all physics concentrators. Prerequisites: PHYS 0070, 0160 or 0050, 0060; 0470.
PHYS1100/PHYS2100 Intro to General Relativity An introduction to Einstein's theory of gravity, including special relativity, spacetime curvature, cosmology and black holes. Prerequisites: PHYS 0500 and MATH 0520 or MATH 0540 or equivalent, or permission of the instructor. Recommended: PHYS 0720. Offered every other year. PHYS2100: This graduate course in general relativity and cosmology will cover the principles of Einstein's general theory of relativity, differential geometry, the first order formulation of general relativity (Einstein-Cartan theory), experimental tests of general relativity and black holes. The second half of the course will focus on relativistic cosmology with a focus on its interface with field theory.
PHYS1170 Intro: Nuclear/Hi-Energy Physics A study of modern nuclear and particle physics, with emphasis on the theory and interpretation of experimental results. Prerequisites: PHYS 1410, 1420, or written permission.
PHYS1250 Stellar Structure This class is an introduction to the physics of stars and their environment. The course covers the fundamental physics that set the physical properties of stars, such as their luminosity, size, spectral properties and how these quantities evolve with time. In addition, it includes a study of the physics that takes place in the gaseous environment surrounding stars, the InterStellar Medium (ISM). The ISM is very important because it contains a wealth of information on the evolutionary history of galaxies, their composition, formation and future. Prerequisites: PHYS 0270, PHYS 0500, or instructor permission. PHYS 1530 (perhaps taken concurrently) is strongly recommended but not required.
PHYS1420 Quantum Mechanics B A unified treatment of quanta, photons, electrons, atoms, molecules, matter, nuclei, and particles. Quantum mechanics developed at the start and used to link and explain both the older and newer experimental phenomena of modern physics. Prerequisites: PHYS 0500 and 0560; and MATH 0520, 0540 or PHYS 0720; or approved equivalents.
PHYS1560 Modern Physics Laboratory A sequence of intensive, advanced experiments often introducing sophisticated techniques. Prerequisites: PHYS 0470, 0500 and 0560; and MATH 0520, 0540 or PHYS 0720; or approved equivalents.
PHYS1600/PHYS2600 Computational Physics  This course provides students with an introduction to scientific computation, primarily as applied to physical science problems. It will assume a basic knowledge of programming and will focus on how computational methods can be used to study physical systems complementing experimental and theoretical techniques. Prerequisites: PHYS 0070, 0160 (or 0050, 0060) and 0470 (or ENGN 0510); MATH 0180 or 0200 or 0350; the ability to write a simple computer program in Fortran, Matlab, C or C++. PHYS2670: This course provides students with an introduction to scientific computation at the graduate level, primarily as applied to physical science problems. It will assume a basic knowledge of programming and will focus on how computational methods can be used to study physical systems complementing experimental and theoretical techniques. Prerequisites: PHYS 2030, 2050, 2140; the ability to write a simple computer program in Fortran, Matlab, C or C++.
PHYS1610/PHYS2630 Biological Physics Introduction on structures of proteins, nucleotides, and membranes; electrostatics and hydration; chemical equilibrium; binding affinity and kinetics; hydrodynamics and transport; cellular mechanics and motions; biophysical techniques including sedimentation, electrophoresis, microscopy and spectroscopy. Suitable for undergraduate science and engineering majors and graduate students with limited background in life science. Prerequisites: MATH 0180. PHYS2630: The course is the graduate version of Phys 1610, Biological Physics. The topics to be covered include structure of cells and biological molecules; diffusion, dissipation and random motion; flow and friction in fluids; entropy, temperature and energy; chemical reactions and self-assembly; solution electrostatics; action potential and nerve impulses. The graduate level course has additional pre-requsites of Phys 0470 and 1530, or equivalents. It requires homework assignments at the graduate level. The final grades will be assigned separately from those who take the course as Phys 1610, although the two groups may be taught in the same classroom.
PHYS1670/PHYS2670 Soft Matter This course provides an introduction to soft matter: polymers, elastomers, liquid crystals, and colloids. Students in physics, engineering, chemistry and applied mathematics may find this course useful. Familiarity with classical statistical mechanics (PHYS1530) is required. We will use scaling arguments and simple physical pictures as much as possible.
PHYS1790/PHYS2790 Quantum Optics An introduction to the fundamental theory, mathematical formalism, and applications of quantum optics, the study of light and its interactions with matter at microscopic scales. Topics will include: an introduction to quantum mechanics using the bra-ket (or Dirac) notation, quantization of the electromagnetic fields, generation and detection of single photons, non-classical quantum states (single-mode states, Fock or number states, coherent and squeezed states), phasor diagrams, number-phase uncertainty, quantum theory of photoionization/photodetection, quantum description of mirrors, beam splitters, Mach-Zehnder interferometers, spontaneous emission and parametric downconversion, as well as interaction-free measurements. The course is intended for graduate and senior undergraduate students who would like to understand more advanced concepts in emerging fields, such as quantum computing. The material is self-contained, therefore students who do not have a deep background in quantum mechanics or optics will also be able to take the course proficiently
PHYS1931S Medical Physics Medical Physics is an applied branch of physics concerned with the application of the concepts and methods to the diagnosis and treatment of human disease. It allies with medical electronics, bioengineering, health physics. Students will familiarize with major texts and literature of medical physics and are exposed to imaging and treatment techniques and quality control procedures. Students will acquire physical and scientific background to pose questions and solve problems in medical physics. Topics include: Imaging -imaging metrics, ionizing radiation, radiation safety, radioactivity, computed tomography, nuclear medicine, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, and Radiation Therapy -delivery systems, treatment planning, brachytherapy, image guidance.
PHYS1970C String Theory for Undergraduates This course will concentrate on String Theory. It will be given at introductory/intermediate level with some review of the background material. Topics covered will include dynamical systems, symmetries and Noether’s Theorem; nonrelativistic strings; relativistic systems (particle and string); quantization, gauge fixing, Feynman’s sum over paths; electrostatic analogy; string in curved space-time; and supersymmetry. Some advanced topics will also be addressed, i.e., D-Branes and M-Theory. Recommended prerequisites: PHYS 0470 and 0500, or 0160.
PHYS1970D Statistical Physics in Inference and  In this course students will explore the statistical physics principles underlying probabilistic inference and various neural network architectures. The course is designed to bridge the gap between teaching approaches to modern statistical physics that are either purely theoretical, or focus largely on its applications in data analysis. To that end, there will be a conscious effort to study topics such as: MaxEnt principle, variational methods, Hebb’s rule, bias-variance tradeoff, regularization, and others with analytical derivations as well as worked-out code examples in Jupyter notebooks. The course will also provide a space for students to interrogate and reflect on the ethical, political, and policy frameworks that are urgently needed in the age of deep learning.
PHYS2620J (Deep) Learning See above description.
PHYS1970F Quantum Information  Quantum information is the modern study of how to encode and transmit information on the quantum scale--in many ways fundamentally different from classical information. This course will connect a standard treatment of Quantum mechanics with information theory. Some topics will overlap with phys 1410, but information will be presented from a different viewpoint and with new applications. Topics covered will include: measurement, quantum states, bits, density of states, entanglement, quantum information processing, computing, and some special topics. Students will be expected to complete an end of term project for successfull completion of the course.
PHYS1970G Topological Matter  Topology is a study of the robust properties of geometry, the global stuff that survives wiggles. Topological matter is matter that possesses robust properties that can survive a bit of crud, to the delight of its discoverers. It has breathed new life into topics that have been in textbooks for 75 years. Topics covered include Band Theory, Berry Phase, Topological Insulators, and the Quantum Hall Effect.
PHYS1970J Introduction to Fluids No Course Found
PHYS2010 Tech in Experimental Physics The course aims to help PhD and MSc students learn experimental methods and develop experimental and scientific communication abilities in major areas of modern physics. We discuss the application of the scientific method. Four major experiments are conducted during the semester. Students develop skills including observing and measuring physical phenomena, analyzing and interpreting data (primarily using Python notebooks) clearly identifying and including possible sources of errors, and also reaching conclusions and publishing experimental results. Students also learn scientific presentation skills and how to read published results and references with appropriate judgment.
PHYS2040 Classical Theoretical Physics II Electrostatics of conductors and dielectrics. Boundary value problems. Magnetostatics. Maxwellʼs equations and macroscopic electromagnetism. Conservation laws in electrodynamics. Electromagnetic waves and wave propagation. Special relativity. Relativistic particles and electromagnetic fields.  Electromagnetic radiation. Other topics if time permits. Prerequisites: PHYS2030 and knowledge of basic undergraduate Electromagnetism.
PHYS2060 Quantum Mechanics The second semester of a rigorous full-year graduate quantum mechanics course. Two areas will be emphasized: (1) Essential tools of quantum mechanics, including addition of angular momentum, perturbation and scattering theory, and an introduction to relativistic quantum mechanics. (2) Key results of quantum mechanics such as the solution of the hydrogen atom, Fermiʼs golden rule, and the spontaneous decay of excited states of atoms.
PHYS2140 Statistical Mechanics This course provides a graduate level introduction to the foundations of classical and quantum statistical mechanics with applications to ideal gases (including the magnetic properties of electron gases and Bose-Einstein condensation), interacting systems, and phase transitions, including an introduction to the renormalization group and scaling at continuous phase transitions. Prerequisites: thermodynamics, statistical mechanics and quantum mechanics.
PHYS2170 Intro: Nuclear/Hi-Energy Physics This course provides a comprehensive introduction to modern elementary particle physics for graduate and senior undergraduate students. The focus of the course is the detailed description of the Standard Model of particle physics, which has proven remarkably successful in describing the properties and behavior of elementary particles and fields. Topics of current interest, new developments, and outstanding problems are be highlighted. Special attention is devoted to experimental methods, which resulted in most significant discoveries in particle physics. Prerequisites: Introductory Quantum Mechanics (PHYS0560, or PHYS1410, or equivalent).
PHYS2280        This course serves as a graduate-level introduction to modern cosmology, including current topics of research on both observational and theoretical fronts. Topics include relativistic cosmology, inflation and the early Universe, observational cosmology, galaxy formation. Prerequisites for undergraduates: PHYS 1280 and PHYS 1530.
PHYS2300 Quantum Theory of Fields I 2670. An introduction to the quantum theory of fields. Topics include scalar field theory, quantum electrodynamics, path integrals, perturbation theory and an introduction to renormalization.
PHYS2340 Group Theory Offered every other year. This course aims to provide a basic introduction to the elements of group theory most commonly encountered in physics, including discrete groups, Lie groups and Lie algebras.  The course will place a particular emphasis on characters and the representation theory of Lie algebras. Students should have a solid background in linear algebra, and some exposure to quantum mechanics may be helpful.
PHYS2420 Solid State Physics II The goal of the course is to explain the effects of interactions between the electrons on the properties of quantum materials. In particular, upon completing the course you will acquire deep understanding of the physics of conductors, symmetry broken phases and strongly interacting topological phases such as Hall effect. We will particularly concentrate on the phenomenology of these systems.
PHYS2550 Application of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence This graduate-level course explores the integration of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) techniques in various branches of physics. With a focus on practical applications, students will gain hands-on experience in leveraging ML and AI to solve complex problems, enhance data analysis, and optimize experimental design in the context of particle physics, astrophysics, and condensed matter physics.
PHYS2620H Quantum Computation, Information and Sensing This course introduces the theory and practice of quantum computation and quantum information with the focus on quantum algorithms. The topics that will be covered are quantum mechanics from the quantum computing perspective, quantum measurement, quantum sensing, quantum gates, quantum algorithms, quantum error correction codes, quantum entanglement and applications in quantum communication. To demonstrate the ability to perform independent research and literature review, students will write a final report on quantum computing/quantum information topics.
PHYS2630/PHYS1610 Biological Physics The course is the graduate version of Phys 1610, Biological Physics. The topics to be covered include structure of cells and biological molecules; diffusion, dissipation and random motion; flow and friction in fluids; entropy, temperature and energy; chemical reactions and self-assembly; solution electrostatics; action potential and nerve impulses. The graduate level course has additional pre-requsites of Phys 0470 and 1530, or equivalents. It requires homework assignments at the graduate level. The final grades will be assigned separately from those who take the course as Phys 1610, although the two groups may be taught in the same classroom.PHYS2790: 
PHYS1790/PHYS2790 Quantum Optics An introduction to the fundamental theory, mathematical formalism, and applications of quantum optics, the study of light and its interactions with matter at microscopic scales. Topics will include: an introduction to quantum mechanics using the bra-ket (or Dirac) notation, quantization of the electromagnetic fields, generation and detection of single photons, non-classical quantum states (single-mode states, Fock or number states, coherent and squeezed states), phasor diagrams, number-phase uncertainty, quantum theory of photoionization/photodetection, quantum description of mirrors, beam splitters, Mach-Zehnder interferometers, spontaneous emission and parametric downconversion, as well as interaction-free measurements. The course is intended for graduate and senior undergraduate students who would like to understand more advanced concepts in emerging fields, such as quantum computing. The material is self-contained, therefore students who do not have a deep background in quantum mechanics or optics will also be able to take the course proficiently

Introductory Physics Courses

Science concentrators beginning college physics in their junior or senior year, particularly premedical students, should generally take Physics 30 and 40. Some, wishing a deeper course, may want to consider Physics 50 and 60. People with A.P. credit for high school physics should certainly consider this alternative, as well as the possibilities of Physics 70 and/or 160.

Most other students should take courses above the level of Physics 40. This specifically includes those who plan (or wish to retain the option) to concentrate in any physical science, and/or most who for any reason take physics as freshmen or sophomores, particularly if they have studied physics previously. Such people should begin with Physics 50, unless they have completed a year of both physics and calculus, in which case Physics 70 should be seriously considered. Those who limit their college physics to two semesters may conclude with either Physics 60 or Physics 160. Specific recommendations for particular concentrations are available from Concentration Advisors or the contact people mentioned below.

Those who wish the strongest available foundation in physics, including but not limited to those contemplating physics or physics-related concentrations, should follow Physics 50 or 70 with Physics 160 and Physics 470.

This course is a broad quantitative survey of the main classes of physical phenomena, with applications. It includes much that is covered in a sound (A.P.-level) high school course and most of its syllabus corresponds to that of the MCATs. It is intended for premedical students and others beginning physics as juniors or seniors. It is not the best foundation for a physical science concentration and is largely redundant for those who have recently taken high school physics at the A.P. level.
This course is the basic beginning course for those building a foundation for a physical science concentration. It is appropriate for most freshmen and sophomores, especially those who have had high school physics, though such background is not required.
This course is a faster-paced, more extensive alternative to Physics 5 for those who have completed a year each of physics and calculus. It will cover the material of Physics 5 rapidly and proceed in each subject area to more sophisticated applications and more challenging problems.
Following Physics 50 or 70, this course completes the study of classical physics in two semesters, for those wishing to do this.
This course is an in-depth introduction to modern physics. It is the second course in the three-semester sequence (concluding with Physics 470) that provides the strongest foundation offered for physical science concentrators. Physics160 is also an available alternative to Physics 60 for students who limit their college physics to two semesters.

For First-Year Students

First-year seminars.

Several First-Year Seminars are offered each year by the Department. Non-science concentrators, particularly those wishing to minimize the role of mathematics, are best served by the First-Year Seminars.

Math Courses for Physics Concentrators

Ian dell'antonio.

Mathematics is an indispensable part of the structure of physics. Since mathematics provides the logical framework where physical laws can be precisely formulated and their predictions quantified, students with highly developed mathematical skills tend to have a greater advantage in a physics course. It is therefore strongly recommended that students begin their mathematical studies at Brown as soon as possible, and at the highest level consistent with their mathematics background.

Most entering students take either MATH 190 or 350 in the fall semester, depending on their background (note that 190 is preferred over 170), followed by MATH 200 or 520 or 540 (the latter two following 350). It is strongly recommended that all sophomores take PHYS 720, “Methods of Mathematical Physics”, which will provide students with the essentials of linear algebra, Fourier analysis and differential equations, in a form most appropriate for advanced Physics courses. Note that PHYS 720 can be taken with no previous knowledge of linear algebra (the subject matter of MATH 520 and 540).

Students earning an Sc.B. in Physics must take one additional Math or Applied Math course beyond those listed above. Courses in ordinary and partial differential equations, Fourier analysis and complex analysis are highly recommended. Probability and statistics, group theory, topology and differential geometry are also good choices.

For clarification or advice on individual cases, please consult the Physics Concentration Advisor or the course instructors.

Fall Courses on CAB

Fall semester courses.

View a list of graduate and undergraduate courses on Courses@Brown, updated each semester.

Fall Physics Courses

Quantum and AI Schools

2024 ai winter workshop, the ai winter workshop, hosted by the center for the fundamental physics of the universe, brown university/department of physics in january 2024. , 2020 quantum winter school.

2020 Quantum Winter School

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Brown University Theses and Dissertations

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  • 237 Physics
  • 12 Bachelors Thesis
  • 221 Doctoral Dissertation
  • 4 Masters Thesis
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  • 140 English
  • 1 2-phase flow
  • 1 2D frustrated lattice
  • 1 3-dimensional gravity
  • 1 5d osmate double perovskite
  • 1 5d transition-metal
  • 1 Abimbọla, ʼWande
  • 1 Abnormalities, Human
  • 3 Acoustic microscopy
  • 1 Actinide Compounds
  • 1 Actinide elements
  • 1 Actinides
  • 1 Actinium compounds
  • 1 AdS/CFT Correspondence
  • 1 AdS/CFT,Higher Spin,Vector Model,Thermo Field Dynamics,TFD,Free Energy
  • 1 Africa, West
  • 1 Africana Studies
  • 1 Africans--Religion
  • 1 Algorithms
  • 1 Aluminum alloys
  • 1 Aluminum oxide
  • 1 Aluminum--Anodic oxidation
  • 1 Amorphous semiconductors
  • 1 Amorphous substances
  • 1 Amplitudes
  • 1 Ancestors
  • 1 Anderson impurity model
  • 1 Anisotropy
  • 1 Anomalous Higgs Couplings
  • 1 Anyonic Statistics
  • 3 Astronomy
  • 14 Astrophysics
  • 1 Astrophysics--Research
  • 1 Atmosphere
  • 1 Atmospheric turbulence
  • 1 Au:Er film,magnetic microcalorimeter,x-ray detector,detector array
  • 1 Auger recombination
  • 1 Backgrounds
  • 1 Bacteriology
  • 1 Bayesian statistical decision theory
  • 1 Bell, J. S.
  • 1 Beyond Standard Model
  • 1 Beyond the Standard Model
  • 1 Biochemical markers
  • 1 Bioinformatics
  • 6 Biophysics
  • 1 Birefringence
  • 1 Black Hole
  • 2 Black Holes
  • 1 Black holes
  • 2 Black holes (Astronomy)
  • 1 Bloch-Nordsieck Approximation
  • 1 Bone regeneration
  • 1 Bosonization
  • 1 Broken symmetry (Physics)
  • 4 CMS Experiment
  • 1 CMS Tracker
  • 1 CMS experiment
  • 1 CMSP stau chargino
  • 1 Candomblé (Religion)
  • 1 Caulobacter crescentus
  • 2 Celestial sphere
  • 1 Cells--Mechanical properties
  • 1 Cells--Motility
  • 1 Chaotic behavior in systems
  • 1 Charged Higgs
  • 1 Chemistry, Physical and theoretical
  • 1 Chern-Simons Theory
  • 1 Chiral Phase Transition
  • 2 Chirality
  • 1 Chromium Dioxide
  • 1 Chromium compounds
  • 1 Cities and towns
  • 1 Classification
  • 1 Climatology
  • 3 Cluster algebras
  • 1 Clusters of Galaxies
  • 1 Collocation methods
  • 2 Colloidal quantum dots
  • 3 Computational fluid dynamics
  • 3 Condensed matter
  • 4 Condensed matter--Magnetic properties
  • 3 Cosmic background radiation
  • 16 Cosmology
  • 2 Dark Matter
  • 2 Dark energy (Astronomy)
  • 19 Dark matter (Astronomy)
  • 2 Density Functional Theory
  • 2 Diffusion
  • 3 Epoch of reionization
  • 10 Experimental Particle Physics
  • 2 Extrasolar planets
  • 2 Fabry-Perot interferometers
  • 3 Fractional Quantum Hall Effect
  • 2 Frank free energy
  • 6 Galaxies--Clusters
  • 3 Giant Magnons
  • 3 Gravitational lenses
  • 2 High Energy
  • 2 High energy theory
  • 2 Holography
  • 2 Infection
  • 2 Interferometry
  • 2 Kondo Insulator
  • 2 Large Hadron Collider (France and Switzerland)
  • 4 Liquid crystals
  • 3 Liquid helium
  • 5 Low temperatures
  • 2 Machine learning
  • 3 Magnetism
  • 2 Magnetoresistance
  • 2 Mathematical physics
  • 2 Microtubules
  • 2 Monte Carlo method
  • 2 Mott Insulator
  • 3 Nanofluids
  • 5 Nanopores
  • 2 Nanostructures
  • 3 Nanotechnology
  • 2 Neutrons--Scattering
  • 2 Non-Abelian Statistics
  • 2 Nuclear magnetic resonance
  • 2 Optogenetics
  • 2 Particle Physics
  • 7 Particles (Nuclear physics)
  • 2 Pattern formation (Physical sciences)
  • 3 Photonics
  • 8 Physics, Astrophysics, Galaxy Clusters, Cosmology
  • 2 Polytopes
  • 2 Prefrontal cortex
  • 3 Quantum Hall effect
  • 7 Quantum field theory
  • 2 Quantum theory
  • 5 Radio astronomy
  • 2 Semiconductor nanocrystals
  • 2 Spin-orbit coupling
  • 2 String Theory
  • 3 String models
  • 4 Superconductivity
  • 6 Supersymmetry
  • 2 Theoretical physics
  • 2 Top quark
  • 2 Topological Matter
  • 2 Turbulence
  • 2 Yang-Mills Theory
  • 3 bacterial motility
  • 2 calcium imaging
  • 3 computational physics
  • 5 condensed matter physics
  • 6 dark matter
  • 2 electron bubble
  • 2 fractional quantum Hall effect
  • 2 liquid xenon
  • 2 nanofabrication
  • 2 optical cavity
  • 3 particle physics
  • 3 picosecond ultrasonics
  • 2 polarization
  • 2 quantum magnetism
  • 2 quantum materials
  • 2 quantum phase transition
  • 8 scattering amplitudes
  • 2 solid-state nanopore
  • 3 spintronics
  • 3 superconductor insulator transition
  • 3 superfluid helium
  • 2 translocation

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"A Tale of 2-Spheres": How Conformal Symmetry, Chaos, and Some Elementary Algebra Led to Insights in Black Holes and Quantum Cosmology

Thumbnail for "A Tale of …

3D Neutron Diffraction Studies on the Vortex Lattice

Thumbnail for 3D Neutron Diffraction …

A Bayesian Approach to 21 cm Power Spectrum Estimation

Thumbnail for A Bayesian Approach …

A Measurement of the Top Quark Mass in the Lepton + Jets Channel using the Ideogram Technique at D\O\

Thumbnail for A Measurement of …

A Multi-Dimensional Approach to the Characterization of Exoplanetary Atmospheres

Thumbnail for A Multi-Dimensional Approach …

A Next Generation Analysis Pipeline for 21cm Epoch of Reionization Studies

Thumbnail for A Next Generation …

A Novel Swarming Bacterial Strain Exhibits Unique Biophysical and Probiotic Properties

Thumbnail for A Novel Swarming …

A Pedagogical Demonstration/Lecture Plan for the Introduction of Gravitational Wave Astronomy

Thumbnail for A Pedagogical Demonstration/Lecture …

A Position-Sensitive Liquid Xenon Time-Projection Chamber for Direct Detection of Dark Matter: The XENON10 Experiment

Thumbnail for A Position-Sensitive Liquid …

A Search for Exotic Particles that Decay into a Higgs Boson and a Photon with the CMS Detector at the CERN LHC

Thumbnail for A Search for …

A Search For Heavy Charged Higgs Bosons in the CMS Experiment

Thumbnail for A Search For …

A search for long-lived particles that stop in the CMS detector and decay to muons

Thumbnail for A search for …

A vortex shedding model for unsteady fluid dynamics

Thumbnail for A vortex shedding …

Amorphous Germanium Nanostructures: Optical Characterization and Applications for Improved Photodetector Performance

Thumbnail for Amorphous Germanium Nanostructures: …

An Absolute Calibration of Sub-1 keV Nuclear Recoils in Liquid Xenon Using D-D Neutron Scattering Kinematics in the LUX Detector

Thumbnail for An Absolute Calibration …

Analysis of brain signals with machine learning and information-theoretic methods

Thumbnail for Analysis of brain …

Analysis of Systematic Signals in the Epoch of Reionization Data from MWA

Thumbnail for Analysis of Systematic …

Analytic Quantum Chromodynamics: An Exact, Finite, Non-Perturbative, Gauge-Invariant, Realistic Model of QCD, with A Particular Choice of Renormalization with Applications to High Energy Elastic Proton-Proton Scattering.

Thumbnail for Analytic Quantum Chromodynamics: …

Analytical Framework to Uncover Structural Signatures from All-Atom Molecular Dynamics Simulations

Thumbnail for Analytical Framework to …

Anodic alumina as a scalable platform for structural coloration and optical rectification

Thumbnail for Anodic alumina as …

Graduate School

Doctoral and select master’s programs.

  • Application Information

The following information is for applicants to all doctoral and MFA programs. 

Applicants also are strongly urged to visit the websites of the departments to which they are applying, as those sites offer detailed information about those departments' graduate programs.

Admission Inquiry Form

The Application

The online application offers tools for collecting and submitting all documents and information required for the application. Departments may require additional information, so please check their listings. 

Online application

In general, though, applicants are responsible for submitting the following: 

Personal Statement

While most applicants must submit a personal statement regarding their interests and/or intended areas of study, some programs ask applicants to respond to short-answer questions instead of a personal statement. Some programs ask applicants to address specific questions in their personal statements (they are provided in the prompt).

Ph.D. Requirements

Master’s requirements, transcripts.

We strongly encourage applicants to submit a scanned image of the transcript at the time of application, which can speed processing; however, a final, official transcript will be required of all admitted students who matriculate. Applicants who have attended international institutions must submit transcripts or certified attestations of study, with certified English translations. Once translated, the original transcript and the certified translations are to be sent to the Graduate School admission office. College seniors should submit current transcripts, followed by a final official transcript showing the award of the baccalaureate degree prior to matriculation, as is required and mentioned above. 

Letters of Recommendation

The Graduate School requires three letters of recommendation by persons well qualified to speak from first-hand knowledge about the applicant's potential for graduate study. All letters should comment on an applicant’s ability to do research and perform in the program’s required coursework. At least two of these letters should be from faculty at the institution of current study or, if the applicant is not in school at the time of application, at the institution most recently attended. Letters of recommendation for applicants to master’s programs may be from academic or non-academic sources; please consult individual program listings for details. Letters of recommendation must be submitted online. If you are using Interfolio please refer to their website for instructions on submitting your recommendations electronically.

Applicants to programs requiring the Graduate Record Examination must have their results to the Graduate School or, if applying to one of the programs in the School of Public Health, to a separate Brown University code. Please refer to our GRE page and individual listings for the Ph.D. or master’s program for details. 

GRE Information


All international applicants whose native language is not English must ensure that the Graduate School receives their official score from the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), TOEFL ITP Plus for China or International English Language Testing System (IELTS).

Language Proficiency: TOEFL or IELTS

All international applicants whose native language is not English must submit an official Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or International English Language Testing System (IELTS) score.

Application Fee and Waivers

A non-refundable fee of $75 is charged for processing each application received by the Graduate School. This fee must be paid when the application is submitted. An application will not be processed unless the fee is paid. Applicants who want to be evaluated by more than one graduate program must submit separate applications to each program for which they would like to be considered. The Graduate School is not responsible for errors made by applicants during the application process. There are no application-fee refunds. Application-fee waivers are available under certain circumstances. Applicants to Brown's graduate programs who can demonstrate financial need may apply for an application-fee waiver.

Application-Fee Waivers

Paper Credentials and Other Documentation

All materials related to an application that are not submitted electronically as part of the online application should be mailed to the Graduate School admission office:

47 George St., Box 1867 Brown University Providence, R.I. 02912.

Do  not  send any application materials directly to the program you are applying to as this will only slow the progress of your application. Material submitted in support of the application, including transcripts and writing samples, will not be returned to the applicant. 

Criteria for Admission

Admission to the Graduate School is determined at the program level with oversight by the Graduate School. Each program, in consultation with the dean of the Graduate School, sets its own admission criteria. The individual academic programs evaluate applications for admission. Admission decisions are made after a full review of the materials in the application. Programs consider previous records, test scores, and recommendations and look for clear evidence of the ability to do advanced work of the highest quality. The admission decisions are final. There is no appeals process.


Applicants should expect to be notified within four to eight weeks of the application deadline for their programs (February or March for a January 1 deadline). Whether or not applications that are submitted after a program's stated deadline will be reviewed is at the discretion of each program. While individual academic programs evaluate applicants for admission, offers of admission are only binding when made in writing by the Dean of the Graduate School. Admission may, in some cases, be deferred; aid offers cannot be deferred. 

Equal Opportunity, Nondiscrimination and Affirmative Action

The Graduate School follows Brown's policy on Equal Opportunity, Nondiscrimination and Affirmative Action.

Student Financial Services

Graduate tuition and fees.

  • Tuition and Fees

2024-2025 Graduate Student Required Tuition and Fees

  • Student account charges are billed per semester. The Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) is the only fee that is charged on an annual basis.
  • See Student Accounts and EBill Schedule  for billing and due dates.
  • Refer to the description of fees for details regarding the mandatory fees.

Masters Students: Cost of Attendance

Total charges at Brown involve a number of components. We encourage prospective students to consult the Office of Financial Aid's resources to estimate the total cost of attendance for Masters students .

Annual 2024-2025 Fall 2024 Spring 2025
$68,612 $34,306 $34,306
Tuition - Masters (unless otherwise listed below) $8,576
Biostatistics Masters Tuition $8,284
Clinical and Translational Research Masters Tuition $7,903
Computer Science Masters Tuition $10,149
Cybersecurity Masters Tuition $9,168
Data-Enabled Computational Engineering & Science Masters Tuition $9,132
Data Science Masters Tuition $9,851
Design Engineering Masters Tuition $7,584
Engineering Masters Tuition $9,452
Physics Masters Tuition $9,472
PRIME Masters Tuition $8,807
Public Affairs Masters Tuition $8,081
Public Health Masters Tuition $7,903
Public Health Accelerated Masters Tuition $6,656

Graduate Student Fees

Item Amount
Graduate Student Activities Fee $80
Student Recreation Fee $90
Health Services Fee $1,166
Academic Record Fee (charged one-time to all first-time attendees in degree programs) $100

Student Health Insurance Fee (2024/2025 Annual Premium Coverage Effective August 15, 2024 through August 14, 2025)

**Students with a spring admit 2025 or spring start date will be charged the Spring 2025 Premium Coverage rate for coverage effective January 1, 2025 through August 14, 2025

***Graduate students enrolled in programs that begin in the summer will be charged a Summer/Early Arrival rate in addition to the annual rate.




Item Amount
Graduate Student Activities Fee $40
Student Recreation Fee $45
Health Services Fee $583
Student Health Insurance Fee see the annual tab
Item Amount
Graduate Student Activities Fee $40
Student Recreation Fee $45
Health Services Fee $583
**Students with a spring admit 2024 or spring start date will be charged the Spring 2024 Premium Coverage rate for coverage effective January 1, 2024 through August 14, 2024 **2,959

2023-2024 Graduate Student Required Tuition & Fees

  • Student account charges are billed per semester.
  • See Student Accounts and Ebilling for billing and due dates.

Total charges at Brown involve a number of components, which are outlined. We encourage prospective students to consult the Office of Financial Aid's resources to estimate the total cost of attendance for Masters students .

Annual 2023-2024 Fall 2023 Spring 2024
$65,656 $32,828 $32,828
Tuition - Masters (unless otherwise listed below) $8,207
Biostatistics Masters Tuition $8,284
Clinical and Translational Research Masters Tuition $7,599
Computer Science Masters Tuition $9,759
Cybersecurity Masters Tuition $9,168
Data-Enabled Computational Engineering & Science Masters Tuition $9,132
Data Science Masters Tuition $9,472
Design Engineering Masters Tuition $7,257
Engineering Masters Tuition $9,452
Physics Masters Tuition $9,108
PRIME Masters Tuition $8,807
Public Affairs Masters Tuition $8,081
Public Health Masters Tuition $7,599
Public Health Accelerated Masters Tuition $6,400
Public Health Masters Generalist Tuition (delivered online) $5,000
Item Amount
Graduate Student Activities Fee $80
Student Recreation Fee $80
Health Services Fee $1,090
Academic Record Fee (charged one-time to all first-time attendees in degree programs) $100

Student Health Insurance Fee (2023/2024 Annual Premium Coverage Effective August 15, 2023 through August 14, 2024)

Graduate students enrolled in programs that begin in the summer will be charged a Summer/Early Arrival rate of $393 in addition to the annual rate.

Item Amount
Graduate Student Activities Fee $40
Student Recreation Fee $40
Health Services Fee $545
Item Amount
Graduate Student Activities Fee $40
Student Recreation Fee $40
Health Services Fee $545
**Students with a spring admit 2024 or spring start date will be charged the Spring 2024 Premium Coverage rate for coverage effective January 1, 2024 through August 14, 2024 **$2,875
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Social Networks Key to LGBTQ+ Physics Students Making It Through Grad School

Figure caption

Physics is often idealized as an objective science whose practitioners use facts and data to derive the rules by which the Universe behaves. As such, human biases should have no impact on the field—the laws by which a proton moves should be the same regardless of who measures the particle. But, as with other areas of science, and of life, prejudices abound among those who practice physics, leading to harassment and discrimination against physicists with certain identities. These actions can create marginalization and negative workplace climates and impact the retention of certain groups of people (see Viewpoint: Making Physics Inclusive to LGBTQ+ Folks ).

Now Justin Gutzwa, who uses the pronouns they/them, and their colleagues present findings that show how women and LGBTQ+ physicists navigate this discrimination by finding or creating social groups where their identities are celebrated [ 1 ]. The researchers says that their findings indicate that to combat oppressive behaviors, such as sexism, heterosexism, and transphobia, physicists need to embrace identity differences rather than shun them. “Physics is often considered as a field where identity doesn’t belong, [meaning] that who you are as a person has no influence on what you can achieve. We know that’s not true,” says Gutzwa, who studies problems related to systemic minoritization in educational settings at Michigan State University. “Who a person is matters, as do their experiences, and both factors are just as important for success as a person’s formal education.”

For their study, Gutzwa and their colleagues interviewed 100 women and LGBTQ+ folks with physics PhDs, recruited through personal connections and email campaigns. Roughly a third of the participants had stayed in academia after graduating, while the others had moved to industry or government jobs. The team interviewed each person about their graduate school experiences, asking questions that probed the environments where the interviewees had studied and explored how the interviewees had navigated their time as students.

Most of the interviewees—89 out of 100—reported graduate school as having been a negative experience, with many sharing being gaslit, harassed, or minoritized. Many also described that faculty tried to erase their identities by repeatedly stating that who they were was irrelevant when it came to being a researcher. Interviewees said that such interactions led them to compartmentalize their social and professional selves. “I’ve been very bluntly told that who I am as a person doesn’t matter in the physics classroom,” said study-participant Sequoia (all the interviewees were given pseudonyms to protect their identities), who identifies as a white, nonbinary, queer woman.

Ignoring identity—an approach known as identity neutrality—is problematic for several reasons, Gutzwa says. “When a person is told that their identity doesn’t matter, it is often because there is a certain identity that pervades that space and that pervasive identity is different from the one the person has,” they say. In most physics and astronomy departments, the prevailing culture upholds the idea that the archetypal physicist is a white, cisgender man. When a woman or a queer person joins a research group full of archetypal physicists, for example, the experiences of this new person get dismissed as non-normative. The new person is then isolated and left feeling like they have failed in some way. “There is gatekeeping in physics” said study-participant Priyanka (pseudonym), a South Asian physicist who identifies as a heterosexual woman. “I am frustrated by [the] million microaggressions that I received as a woman.”

Some of the interviewees also reported experiences that crossed from marginalizing to abusive. Gutzwa says that they heard stories that were so distressing that they felt physically sick listening to participants share what had happened. The account of Sam (pseudonym) was particularly harrowing.

Sam is a white, nonbinary, queer woman who said that they had an extremely negative relationship with their PhD supervisor. During their studies, Sam’s advisor sent them email after email in which they detailed Sam’s failures as a person and a scientist. Sam embodied so much trauma from these emails, as well as from other interactions with their advisor, that they went on to suffer many of the symptoms commonly experienced by those who survive severe emotional domestic abuse. These symptoms included memory loss, anxiety, flashbacks, and emotional numbness. “[Sam’s] interview was one of the hardest I have ever conducted, and I’ve been doing this for a long time,” Gutzwa says. “I found it very hard to keep it together emotionally; it was absolutely heartbreaking to hear what happened to them.”

So, what got Sam and the other interviewees through their PhDs? The study shows it was through supportive relationships they formed with peers or faculty or from interactions with social groups that they joined outside of their research groups or departments. While these groups and relationships varied in their memberships and goals, they all had one thing in common—participants could be their whole true self without fear of harassment or hostility. Gutzwa notes that being part of these groups did not stop the harassment the interviewees experienced, but it did provide them with opportunities to be seen and heard by their peers, and, importantly, to feel safe. For example, for Ethan (pseudonym), who identifies as a white, queer man, being part of an affinity group provided friendship and “everything that comes with, including emotional support,” he said.

Having learned about the support and validation these groups provided to the study participants, Gutzwa and their colleagues would like to see physics departments put money and resources into creating these spaces. So often diversity is thought of as a numbers game, with departments trying to attract women, People of Color, or LGBTQ+ folks so that they can claim they have “diversity,” Gutzwa says. But the culture of the department remains unchanged. Gutzwa would like to see the script flipped. “Just because a department has more women, for example, doesn’t mean the sexism has disappeared and it’s all sunshine and rainbows for every single one of those women,” they say. “But if we can create an environment where everyone can thrive, regardless of their identity, we will see a rise in the breadth and beauty of demonstrably talented physicists. That should be the goal.”

–Katherine Wright

Katherine Wright is the Deputy Editor of Physics Magazine .

  • J. A. Gutzwa et al. , “How women and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer physics doctoral students navigate graduate education: The roles of professional environments and social networks,” Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 20 , 020115 (2024) .

How women and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer physics doctoral students navigate graduate education: The roles of professional environments and social networks

Justin A. Gutzwa, Ramón S. Barthelemy, Camila Amaral, Madison Swirtz, Adrienne Traxler, and Charles Henderson

Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 20 , 020115 (2024)

Published September 12, 2024

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Certificate in Medical Physics | College of Engineering | University of Miami


This CAMPEP-accredited Medical Physics Certificate program is a two-semester program for individuals with a PhD degree  or enrolling in a PhD program in Physics, Engineering or a related field wishing to transition to a career in medical physics. Students will acquire a broad knowledge in medical physics, including radiation physics, radiobiology, radiation safety, medical imaging and the modern practice of radiation oncology, through both coursework and hands-on clinical experience. This non-degree program is designed to meet all the recommendations in Report 197S of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine. At the completion of this program applicants will be eligible to take the Part 1 of the ABR exam and will be eligible to enter CAMPEP-accredited medical physics residency programs.

Admission Requirements

Applicants are required either to be currently enrolled in a PhD program or to hold a PhD degree already in Physics, Engineering or equivalent with a minimum 3.3 GPA and demonstrate fluency in English. In order to obtain the certificate, the applicants must have the equivalent of a minor in physics which requires a two-semester calculus based introductory physics course and three upper-level physics courses as described in Audit Standards for Initial Certification document. This is a part of the requirement both for entering into the CAMPEP residencies and taking the ABR Part I certification exam.

Application must include completed application form, current CV, and transcripts. Applicant, whose PhD degree is from outside the United States, must also submit a Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) score with your application.

Course Requirements

The program requires completion of at least 6 courses (18 credits) taken in the Fall and Spring semesters. A maximum of 6 credits may be transferred provided that such credits have been earned through graduate level courses appropriate to the certificate program upon approval by the program faculty. Applicants who have not earned credits in coursework for ethics and professionalism training must include this course in the curriculum. The curriculum include the following courses:

BME602 Unified Medical Sciences II (3 credits)  
BME681 Radiobiology and Physics (3 credits)  
BME682 Radiation Therapy Physics (3 credits)  
BME683 Radiation Protection (3 credits)  
BME620 Medical Imaging (X-ray, CT) or BME621 Medical Imaging (MRI, NMI, Ultrasound) (3 credits)  
BME701 Ethics and Professionalism for Engineers and Medical Physicists (1 credit) - optional
BME781 Radiation Dosimetry and Physics (3 credits)  
BME783 Radiation Therapy Physics Clinical Rotation (3 credits) - optional  
BME784 Medical Physics Journal Club ( 0 credit) – required participation

In addition to the required courses, students will be given a variety of other learning opportunities in ethics and error correction /management/analysis , clinical rotations, journal club, morning seminars and ground rounds.

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The University of Delaware offers assistantships to students with regular, full-time status and high academic standing. Assistantships usually provide a stipend and may or may not include tuition. Assistants are eligible for coverage by the University’s Student Health Insurance Plan at a reduced cost.

Career Support for Graduate Students and Postdocs

​ Teaching Assistantships

​Nearly all graduate students in the program are at some point or another supported as Teaching Assistants. Valuable information about being a Teaching Assistant can be found at the Center for Teaching Effectiveness. This handbook also provides a convenient summary of  University policies  that apply to the appointment of graduate teaching assistants.​​​

Research Assistantships

Graduate students after their fifth semester in the program are supported by a research group as Research Assistants​. In addition to standard research groups run by individual faculty, the Department also hosts five Research Centers (Bartol Research Institute, Center for Spintronics and Biodetection, Delaware Astero​seismic Research Center, Center for Advanced Magnetics, and Center for Space Radiation Effects) which allow qualified students to become Research Assistants during their first year in Delaware.​​

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Science: Physics PGCE

London, Bloomsbury

This is the programme information for 2024 entry

If you require details of this year's programme, Science: Physics PGCE (2025), click here

The Physics PGCE prepares students to develop the professional knowledge and skills they need to teach all aspects of the science curriculum to pupils in the 11-16 range. Students are also supported to develop their knowledge and understanding of teaching Physics at A-Level. We are committed to creative and interactive approaches to teaching science to promote engagement and learning.

UK tuition fees (2024/25)

Overseas tuition fees (2024/25), programme starts, applications accepted.

Applications closed

Early application is advised as programmes may close as soon as places are filled. Applicants should check the government website for the latest vacancy information.

Start teaching

IOE, UCL's Faculty of Education and Society, has been ranked 1st for Education in the QS World University Rankings by Subject since 2014.

  • Entry requirements

First degree

A minimum of a lower second-class UK Bachelor’s degree or an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard in Physics or a Physics-related subject.

Subject Knowledge Enhancement (SKE) tests

A Subject Knowledge Enhancement course in physics may be recommended as a condition of being offered a place on the course, for which there is usually a cost to the applicant.

No specific subjects required.

English Language and Mathematics at grade C or 4. We do not accept "applied" or "additional" GCSE subjects. Applicants who do not offer a GCSE in English Language or Mathematics may demonstrate an equivalent standard by completing a test via Equivalency Testing or A Star Equivalency and achieving at least a grade 4. For Mathematics, equivalency tests in Mathematics Foundation or Mathematics Higher with grade 4 are accepted. BTEC, Functional Skills or Access course qualifications are not accepted in place of GCSEs.

School experience

We recommend that you aim to gain some experience in a classroom prior to interview.

Skills tests

Trainees will be assured against a set of fundamental Mathematics and English skills by the end of their teacher training.

Relevant experience and background

Applicants whose degree qualifications are below a lower second-class standard may be admitted if they can demonstrate an appropriate academic background at Master's level and above and/or significant postgraduate experience in the relevant field.

Country-specific information, including details of when UCL representatives are visiting your part of the world, can be obtained from the International Students website .

International applicants can find out the equivalent qualification for their country by selecting from the list below. Please note that the equivalency will correspond to the broad UK degree classification stated on this page (e.g. upper second-class). Where a specific overall percentage is required in the UK qualification, the international equivalency will be higher than that stated below. Please contact Graduate Admissions should you require further advice.

The English language level for this programme is: Level 2

Further information can be found on our English language requirements page.

This programme is suitable for international students on a Student visa - study must be full-time, starting September.

DBS and occupational health

If you are made an offer you will be required to successfully complete Occupational Health and Disclosure Barring Service (DBS) Enhanced Disclosure checks. The Occupational Health Check is £90, and depending on your DBS requirements, there may be an additional fee of £15.00 if you can submit your DBS Enhanced Disclosure check via a UK Post Office. These checks are required to ensure you meet the Department for Education’s requirements for physical and mental health to teach, as well as assessing your suitability for access to children and vulnerable adults. More details can be found on the Entry requirements page.

About this course

Students will acquire a critical understanding of current debates and issues relating to science education, and will be guided and supported in developing their subject knowledge. We expect students to engage with reading and research into science education and to regularly reflect upon their own progress teaching across the 11-16 age range.

The Physics programme will feature four ‘Intensive Teaching & Practice’ (ITAP) sequences designed to establish and develop students’ Physics teaching through the year. Closely linking theory and practice, and enabling students to observe, deconstruct, plan, practice and progress in specific areas of teaching, these focus on:

  • Behavioural expectations and establishing a positive learning environment;
  • How to use models and analogies in Science education to develop and evaluate conceptual understanding in Science;
  • Teaching Science skills and ideas through practical work;
  • Fieldwork in Science learning.

It will also consider teaching for social justice, facilitating small group discussion, meeting pupils' special needs, and assessment. Our facilities include a suite of laboratories.

Who this course is for

The Secondary PGCE full-time programme is suited to those wishing to gain Qualified Teaching Status (QTS) for teaching in a UK maintained (state-funded) school and who have fulfilled the appropriate entry requirements.

What this course will give you

Students on the Physics PGCE work with a team of expert subject tutors who have all previously been classroom teachers and are actively involved with science education research, curriculum development and consultancy.

During teaching practice, student teachers benefit from the support of subject specialist mentors within our network of over 300 schools throughout Greater London and beyond, ensuring each has the opportunity to become a skilled and confident teacher.

Our approach to ITAP is proudly subject-specific. Our ITAP sequences are embedded through the Physics programme and will give students the opportunity to build their practice and confidence in pivotal areas of Physics-specific pedagogy.

The Physics PGCE offers unique opportunities to plan and teach science outside the classroom (e.g. at museums and Kew Gardens). This develops students' understanding of how learning happens beyond the classroom environment.

The teacher you want to be

Graduates of the Secondary PGCE programme are highly employable and sought after by schools and colleges in London and further afield. Almost all student teachers secure their first teaching post by the time they complete the programme. Many graduates become a head of department or head of year within 2-5 years, frequently progressing to senior leadership in schools. Several are now headteachers. Others have developed their careers by becoming lead teachers in the classroom, engaging in further study and research or by writing, blogging and advising other teachers.

 Overall, the Secondary PGCE Programme aims to provide a springboard into a rewarding career as a skilled subject-specialist teacher and future educational leader.

The tools of a great educator

  • Understanding of theory and subject or phase pedagogy
  • Creating a successful climate for learning, including behaviour management
  • Planning and teaching classes that engage pupils
  • Using assessment to inform planning
  • Working with the wider school community, including parents


Graduates of this programme are currently working across schools in London and around the UK as teachers, heads of departments and heads of year. Some graduates decide to pursue an academic science education route by pursuing Master's or doctoral level study.


Students who successfully complete this programme will be recommended for Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).

The programme is taught through a mix of face-to-face and online sessions, (including keynote lectures and debates, presentations, discussions, and classroom group tasks), and a practical teaching element based in two schools. Students are required to read widely and to carry out written assignments in their own time. 

Students will also take part in specific activities that provide the opportunity to focus on specific, pivotal areas of our curriculum. These opportunities (totalling 20 days of ITAP) will strengthen the link between theory and practice and provide students with specific feedback to support their progress in these pivotal areas. 

We have identified four placement days for ITAP. The remaining 16 days for ITAP will take place during IOE timetabled time.  

Assessment is through practical teaching, two 5000 word written assignments and portfolio tasks.

The PGCE Physics course is a full-time programme.

During university taught sessions, students are expected to be present all day. Students spend a minimum of 124 days on school placement and will be required to attend for full and entire school days, including pre- and post-teaching sessions as expected of a normal, full-time teacher at their placement school.

You will undertake two modules at level 7 (Masters level) of 30 credits each and one Professional Practice module at level 6. The level 7 credits can be carried forward onto some full Masters programmes at IOE (check individual programme requirements).

When you are not undertaking face-to-face teaching at IOE, you will be undertaking at least 124 days of teaching practice in various Partnership Schools.

Throughout the year, you will also participate in specific activities at IOE and in school that focus on important areas of our curriculum. These activities (totalling 20 days with at least 4 days in school) will help you to better understand links between theory and practice. They will also involve feedback from experts so that your progress is supported in these pivotal areas. These days form part of your 124 days on placement.

Compulsory modules

Please note that the list of modules given here is indicative. This information is published a long time in advance of enrolment and module content and availability are subject to change. Modules that are in use for the current academic year are linked for further information. Where no link is present, further information is not yet available.

Upon successful completion of 60 credits and the Professional Practice module, you will be awarded a PGCE in Physics.

School placements

Students will undertake at least two placements at a school or college, during which time their teaching practice will be supported by a school subject mentor. During school placements students may teach: Key Stage 3: science (including elements of physics, chemistry, biology) Key Stage 4: science (all areas) or physics (depending on school placement) Key Stage 5: A level physics (if available in placement school)

The Professional Practice module is assessed through these placements, associated tasks and a portfolio.

Students on the programme should note that not all Secondary school settings are accessible or have parking available for Students to use. During placement periods Students should be prepared to travel to and from each school placement.

We ensure your placement will provide fulfilling and valuable experiences through:

  • A dedicated team who will identify the best schools for your placements
  • Support and guidance from your university tutor and your school-based mentor
  • School experience that allows you to progress at an appropriate pace for you
  • Reasonable travel times from your home to your school

Making the most of your placement

Teaching is a demanding profession and student teachers can feel nervous about school placements or anxious about the workload. Your tutor and school-based mentor will help you navigate your school experience, ensuring that you have the input you need. Empathetic feedback and discussion about your developing professional practice will support you to be successful.


Details of the accessibility of UCL buildings can be obtained from AccessAble accessable.co.uk . Further information can also be obtained from the UCL Student Support and Wellbeing Services team .

Online - Open day

Graduate Open Events: PGCE Secondary Teacher Training

Are you interested in a career in teaching? Join our virtual events to find out more about Teacher Training at UCL, including admissions and student funding information.

Fees and funding

Fees for this course.

Fee description Full-time
Tuition fees (2024/25) £9,250
Tuition fees (2024/25) £25,900

The tuition fees shown are for the year indicated above. Fees for subsequent years may increase or otherwise vary. Where the programme is offered on a flexible/modular basis, fees are charged pro-rata to the appropriate full-time Master's fee taken in an academic session. Further information on fee status, fee increases and the fee schedule can be viewed on the UCL Students website: ucl.ac.uk/students/fees .

Additional costs

For some IOE sessions you will need to bring your own lab coat (£15-30).

Students are responsible for funding their travel to and from placements and to offsite teaching sessions organised by the programme in the London area.

If purchasing a lab coat presents difficulties, please consult your tutor or subject lead.

For more information on additional costs for prospective students please go to our estimated cost of essential expenditure at Accommodation and living costs .

Funding your studies

Students may be eligible to receive a training bursary for living costs. For Secondary, the amount depends on your PGCE subject and your degree classification or highest relevant academic qualification.

For a comprehensive list of the funding opportunities available at UCL, including funding relevant to your nationality, please visit the UCL Scholarships and Funding website .

IOE-Clarke Scholarships

Deadline: 3 May 2024 Value: Tuition fees, return flights and stipend (1 year) Criteria Based on both academic merit and financial need Eligibility: EU, Overseas

IOE-ISH Centenary Masters Scholarships

Deadline: 3 May 2024 Value: Tuition fees and accommodation (1 year) Criteria Based on both academic merit and financial need Eligibility: EU, Overseas

Application and next steps

Students are advised to apply as early as possible due to competition for places. Those applying for scholarship funding (particularly overseas applicants) should take note of application deadlines.

Got questions? Get in touch

Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment

Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment

[email protected]

UCL is regulated by the Office for Students .

Prospective Students Graduate

  • Graduate degrees
  • Taught degrees
  • Taught Degrees
  • Applying for Graduate Taught Study at UCL
  • Research degrees
  • Research Degrees
  • Funded Research Opportunities
  • Doctoral School
  • Funded Doctoral Training Programmes
  • Applying for Graduate Research Study at UCL
  • Teacher training
  • Teacher Training
  • Early Years PGCE courses
  • Primary PGCE courses
  • Secondary PGCE courses
  • Further Education PGCE programme
  • How to apply
  • The IOE approach
  • Teacher training in the heart of London
  • Why choose UCL?
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  • Inspiring facilities and resources
  • Careers and employability
  • Your global alumni community
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  1. Ph.D. Students

    Colloquia; Condensed Matter and Biophysics Seminars; Past Events, Seminars and Colloquia

  2. Doctoral Program (Ph.D.)

    Ph.D. Program Milestones and Guideposts. Year 1. Year 2. Year 3. Year 4+. Pass 3 courses per semester if a TA or 4 courses per semester if a Fellow with at least 50% B's or better. Complete 6 core courses (PHYS 2010, 2030, 2040, 2050, 2060, 2140) Complete PHYS2010 (or other core courses) if not taken during Year 1. Ph.D. Resources.

  3. Physics

    Our graduate students train with 30 physics professors and 12 joint and affiliated faculty, primarily in engineering, applied mathematics, biology, and chemistry. ... [email protected]. 401-863-2641. Visit the Department of Physics. Resources. Program Faculty; Graduate School Handbook; Program Handbook;

  4. Graduate Programs

    Professor of Physics, Director of Graduate Studies. [email protected]. 401-863-7559. Professor Valles handles all Ph.D. program and student issues, including degree requirements and milestone completion, transfer credit, etc. Professor Valles is an experimental condensed matter physicist.

  5. Department of Physics

    The Physics Department at Brown is dedicated to both teaching and research, delving into phenomena spanning from the subatomic to the cosmic. In collaboration with biologists, chemists, engineers, geologists, and mathematicians, we cultivate the most comprehensive education in scientific and mathematical methods and the problem-solving process ...

  6. How to Apply

    Applications for the Physics and Astrophysics Ph.D. program open each year in early September, and the deadline is December 15. There are two separate tracks within our PhD program: Physics and Astrophysics. Students must select one of the two tracks when completing their application. The course requirements and milestones for the two tracks ...

  7. Research

    Research. Cutting-edge research is a defining feature of Brown's Physics Department. Our program fosters multiple opportunities for graduate and undergraduate students to collaborate with faculty members, and interdisciplinary research is encouraged.

  8. Brown physics student earns Ph.D. at age 89

    PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] — At the age of 89, Manfred Steiner is finally what he always wanted to be: a physicist. After successfully defending his dissertation this fall, Steiner will receive his Ph.D. from Brown University's Department of Physics in February. For the Brown graduate student, it is the realization of a lifelong ...

  9. PDF Brown University Notes on The Graduate Program in Physics

    It stands for a genuine and honorable level of achievement, different in kind as in level from undergraduate study. Its minimum requirements consist of eight courses. These would normally be 2000-level Physics courses, e.g., the core courses Physics 2010, 2030, 2040, 2050, 2060, 2140.

  10. About

    Physics has been in the Brown curriculum since 1772, back when the discipline was called "natural philosophy" and Wolfram Alpha was not around to solve our problems. Today, we have a vibrant department of over 40 faculty, joint faculty, and affiliated faculty, all pursuing the frontiers of physics. ... Graduate students and postdoctoral ...

  11. Ph.D. Requirements

    The normal residency requirement is the equivalent of three Academic Years of full-time study beyond the bachelor's degree. Students who enter a PhD program at Brown already holding a master's degree in a related field have a residency requirement equivalent to two Academic Years of full-time study upon entering the PhD program at Brown. Use ...

  12. Physics

    The Department of Physics offers graduate programs leading to the Master of Science (ScM) degree and the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Degree. ... Students with less rigorous physics backgrounds will be advised to take a mixture of 1000-level and 2000-level courses during their course of study, necessitating a 3- or 4-semester track to completion ...

  13. Physics

    Physics is the most fundamental of sciences. It provides a foundation of crucial ideas for other scientific fields, and many of the underpinnings of modern technology. Our physics faculty actively engage in both teaching and research, including mentoring undergraduate and graduate students. Our research focuses on new phenomena occurring on ...

  14. Physics

    The Physics Department welcomed approximately 70 new students to the Ph.D. and Master's programs at new-student orientations held on August 31 and September 1, 2023.. Read more

  15. He always wanted a Ph.D. in physics. He finally earned it at 89

    At age 89, he has finally fulfilled that dream, earning his Ph.D. in physics from Brown University. "It's my third doctorate, but this one I really cherish a lot. That I made it — and made it at ...

  16. Physics

    Brown University's one or two year, on-campus master's in physics offers focused training and the opportunity to engage in cutting-edge research in contemporary physics. Designed to cultivate professional physicists, the master's in physics program emphasizes a comprehensive mastery of the discipline's fundamental principles, methods and ...

  17. Courses

    Suitable for undergraduate science and engineering majors and graduate students with limited background in life science. Prerequisites: MATH 0180. PHYS1640 PHYS2640: Introduction to Computational Physics and Data Analysis: This course introduces upper undergraduate and graduate students to computational methods in physics and data analysis ...

  18. Plumb, Kemp

    Professor Plumb joined the Brown Physics Department in 2017. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Toronto, followed by a postdoctoral appointment at Johns Hopkins University. ... PhD: University of Toronto: 2009: MSc: McGill University: 2007: BSc: Queen's University: Affiliations Visualize it Affiliations. Member of the American ...

  19. Brown Digital Repository

    In condensed matter physics the vortex lattice of type-II superconductors provides a prototype for studying the effect of random pinning on elastic systems. One important … Year: 2012 Contributor: Wang, Xi (creator) Ling, Xinsheng (Director) Kosterlitz, J. (Reader) Mitrovic, Vesna (Reader) Brown University. Physics (sponsor) Genre: theses ...

  20. Doctoral and Select Master's Programs

    Paper Credentials and Other Documentation. All materials related to an application that are not submitted electronically as part of the online application should be mailed to the Graduate School admission office: 47 George St., Box 1867. Brown University. Providence, R.I. 02912.

  21. Marston, John

    Overview. Professor Marston joined the Brown Physics Department in 1991. A graduate of Caltech, he received his Ph.D. from Princeton University in 1989 and did postdoctoral work at Cornell University. He has been a visiting scientist at the Institute for Theoretical Physics at UC Santa Barbara, a visiting professor at MIT, a visiting associate ...

  22. Graduate Tuition and Fees

    Fall 2023. Spring 2024. Student Health Insurance Fee (2023/2024 Annual Premium Coverage Effective August 15, 2023 through August 14, 2024) Graduate students enrolled in programs that begin in the summer will be charged a Summer/Early Arrival rate of $393 in addition to the annual rate.

  23. Alexander, Stephon

    I am a theoretical physicist specializing in cosmology, particle physics and quantum gravity (String Theory and Loop Quantum Gravity). I received my BSc (1993) from Haverford College and PhD (2000) from Brown University. I held postdoctoral research fellowships at Imperial College, London and The Stanford University Linear Accelerator Center. I ...

  24. People

    Director, Medical Physics Graduate Program, Chief of Medical Physics, Lifespan, Professor of Radiation Oncology [email protected] Research Profile. Read full profile. ... Brown University. Giving to Brown. Providence, Rhode Island 02912, USA; 401-863-1000; Contact Us; Maps; Directions; Career Opportunities;

  25. Physics

    A new survey shows that affinity groups provide crucial support to women and LGBTQ+ physics PhD students—groups that continue to experience harassment and hostility. Quantum Chip Cuts Unintended Signals. A 25-qubit quantum processor architecture reduces the stray signals that can cause errors and is suitable for scaling up.

  26. Graduate Programs

    About our Graduate Programs. The Department of Physics and Astronomy offers graduate programs leading to the Ph .D. and M.S. degrees. The department is in Sharp Laboratory, which houses a physics library, research and teaching laboratories, excellent machine and electronics shops and advanced computing facilities.. Students may enter the Ph.D. program after successfully completing an M.S ...

  27. Certificate in Medical Physics

    Introduction. This CAMPEP-accredited Medical Physics Certificate program is a two-semester program for individuals with a PhD degree or enrolling in a PhD program in Physics, Engineering or a related field wishing to transition to a career in medical physics. Students will acquire a broad knowledge in medical physics, including radiation physics, radiobiology, radiation safety, medical imaging ...

  28. Graduate Assistantships

    The University of Delaware offers assistantships to students with regular, full-time status and high academic standing. Assistantships usually provide a stipend and may or may not include tuition. Assistants are eligible for coverage by the University's Student Health Insurance Plan at a reduced cost.

  29. Science: Physics PGCE

    The Physics PGCE prepares students to develop the professional knowledge and skills they need to teach all aspects of the science curriculum to pupils in the 11-16 range. Students are also supported to develop their knowledge and understanding of teaching Physics at A-Level. We are committed to creative and interactive approaches to teaching science to promote engagement and