• Oct 13, 2019

10 Steps to Problem Solving for Engineers

Updated: Dec 6, 2020

With the official launch of the engineering book 10+1 Steps to Problem Solving: An Engineer's Guide it may be interesting to know that formalization of the concept began in episode 2 of the Engineering IRL Podcast back in July 2018.

As noted in the book remnants of the steps had existed throughout my career and in this episode I actually recorded the episode off the top of my head.

My goal was to help engineers build a practical approach to problem solving.

Have a listen.

Who can advise on the best approach to problem solving other than the professional problem solvers - Yes. I'm talking about being an Engineer.

There are 2 main trains of thought with Engineering work for non-engineers and that's trying to change the world with leading edge tech and innovations, or plain old boring math nerd type things.

Whilst, somewhat the case what this means is most content I read around Tech and Engineering are either super technical and (excruciatingly) detailed. OR really riff raff at the high level reveling at the possibilities of changing the world as we know it. And so what we end up with is a base (engineer only details) and the topping (media innovation coverage) but what about the meat? The contents?

There's a lot of beauty and interesting things there too. And what's the centrepiece? The common ground between all engineers? Problem solving.

The number one thing an Engineer does is problem solving. Now you may say, "hey, that's the same as my profession" - well this would be true for virtually every single profession on earth. This is not saying there isn't problem solving required in other professions. Some problems require very basic problem solving techniques such is used in every day life, but sometimes problems get more complicated, maybe they involve other parties, maybe its a specific quirk of the system in a specific scenario. One thing you learn in engineering is that not all problems are equal. These are

 The stages of problem solving like a pro:

Is the problem identified (no, really, are you actually asking the right question?)

Have you applied related troubleshooting step to above problem?

Have you applied basic troubleshooting steps (i.e. check if its plugged in, turned it on and off again, checked your basics)

Tried step 2 again? (Desperation seeps in, but check your bases)

Asked a colleague or someone else that may have dealt with your problem? (50/50 at this point)

Asked DR. Google (This is still ok)

Deployed RTFM protocol (Read the F***ing Manual - Engineers are notorious for not doing this)

Repeated tests, changing slight things, checking relation to time, or number of people, or location or environment (we are getting DEEP now)

Go to the bottom level, in networking this is packet sniffers to inspect packets, in systems this is taking systems apart and testing in isolation, in software this is checking if 1 equals 1, you are trying to prove basic human facts that everyone knows. If 1 is not equal to 1, you're in deep trouble.At this point you are at rebuild from scratch, re install, start again as your answer (extremely expensive, very rare)

And there you have it! Those are your levels of problem solving. As you go through each step, the more expensive the problem is. -- BUT WAIT. I picked something up along the way and this is where I typically thrive. Somewhere between problem solving step 8 and 10. 

problem solving for mechanical

The secret step

My recommendation at this point is to try tests that are seemingly unrelated to anything to do with the problem at all.Pull a random cable, test with a random system off/on, try it at a specific time of the day, try it specifically after restarting or replugging something in. Now, not completely random but within some sort of scope. These test are the ones that when someone is having a problem when you suggest they say "that shouldn't fix the problem, that shouldn't be related" and they are absolutely correct.But here's the thing -- at this stage they have already tried everything that SHOULD fix the problem. Now it's time for the hail mary's, the long shots, the clutching at straws. This method works wonders for many reasons. 1. You really are trying to try "anything" at this point.

2. Most of the time we may think we have problem solving step number 1 covered, but we really don't.

3. Triggering correlations.

This is important.

Triggering correlations

In a later post I will cover correlation vs causation, but for now understand that sometimes all you want to do is throw in new inputs to the system or problem you are solving in order to get clues or re identify problems or give new ways to approach earlier problem solving steps. There you have it. Problem solve like a ninja. Approach that extremely experienced and smart person what their problem and as they describe all the things they've tried, throw in a random thing they haven't tried. And when they say, well that shouldn't fix it, you ask them, well if you've exhausted everything that should  have worked, this is the time to try things that shouldn't. Either they will think of more tests they haven't considered so as to avoid doing your preposterous idea OR they try it and get a new clue to their problem. Heck, at worst they confirm that they do know SOMETHING about the system.

Go out and problem solve ! As always, thanks for reading and good luck with all of your side hustles.

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Chapter 1: Fundamental Concepts

1.7 Problem Solving Process

Learning how to use a structured problem solving process will help you to be more organized and support your future courses. Also, it will train your brain how to approach problems. Just like basketball players practice jump shots over and over to train their body how to act in high pressure scenarios, if you are comfortable and familiar with a structured problem solving process, when you’re in a high pressure situation like a test, you can just jump into the problem like muscle memory.

6 Step Problem Solving Method:

  • Write out the answer with all necessary information that is given to you. It feels like it takes forever, but it’s important to have the problem and solution next to each other.
  • Draw the problem, this is usually a free-body diagram (don’t forget a coordinate frame). Eventually, as you get further into the course, you might need a few drawings. One would be a quick sketch of the problem in the real world, then modelling it into a simplified engineering drawing, and finally the free-body diagram.
  • Write out a list of the known/given values with the variable and unit, i.e m = 14 kg   (variable = number unit)
  • Write out a list of the unknown values that you will have to solve for in order to solve the problem
  • You can also add any assumptions you made here that change the problem.
  • Also state any constants, i.e. g = 32.2 ft/m 2   or g = 9.81 m/s 2
  • This step helps you to have all of the information in one place when you solve the problem. It’s also important because each number should include units, so you can see if the units match or if you need to convert some numbers so they are all in English or SI. This also gives you the variables side by side to ensure they are unique (so you don’t accidentally have 2 ‘d’ variables and can rename one with a subscript).
  • Write a simple sentence or phrase explaining what method/approach you will be using to solve the problem.
  • For example: ‘use method of joints’, or equilibrium equations for a rigid body, MMOI for a certain shape, etc.
  • This is going to be more important when you get to the later chapters and especially next semester in Dynamics where you can solve the same problem many ways. Might as well practice now!
  • This is the actual solving step. This is where you show all the work you have done to solve the problem.
  • When you get an answer, restate the variable you are solving for, include the unit, and put a box around the answer.
  • Write a simple sentence explaining why (or why not) your answer makes sense. Use logic and common sense for this step.
  • When possible, use a second quick numerical analysis to verify your answer. This is the “gut check” to do a quick calculation to ensure your answer is reasonable.
  • This is the most confusing step as students often don’t know what to put here and up just writing ‘The number looks reasonable’. This step is vitally important to help you learn how to think about your answer. What does that number mean? What is it close to? For example, if you find that x = 4000 m, that’s a very large distance! In the review, I would say, ‘the object is 4 km long which is reasonable for a long bridge’. See how this is compared to something similar? Or you could do a second calculation to verify the number is correct, such as adding up multiple parts of the problem to confirm the total length is accurate i.e. ‘x + y + z = total, yes it works!’

Additional notes for this course:

  • It’s important to include the number and label the steps so it’s clear what you’re doing, as shown in the example below.
  • It’s okay if you make mistakes, just put a line through it and keep going.
  • Remember your header should include your name, the page number, total number of pages, the course number, and the assignment number. If a problem spans a number of pages, you should include it in the header too.

Key Takeaways

Basically: Use a 6-step structured problem solving process: 1. Problem, 2. Draw, 3. Known & Unknown, 4. Approach, 5. Analysis (Solve), 6. Review

Application: In your future job there is likely a structure for analysis reports that will be used. Each company has a different approach, but most have a standard that should be followed. This is good practice.

Looking ahead: This will be part of every homework assignment.

Written by Gayla & Libby

Engineering Mechanics: Statics Copyright © by Libby (Elizabeth) Osgood; Gayla Cameron; Emma Christensen; Analiya Benny; and Matthew Hutchison is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Solving the Complex Problems of Mechanical Engineering

  • Mechanical Engineering

Solving the Complex Problems of Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical engineering combines physics and material science to analyze, design, make, and maintain things. This field is tackling some really tough problems these days.

To solve these tough problems, engineers need to start by really understanding what makes the problem tricky, which usually means looking at how different parts of the problem are connected. They have to come up with creative designs and use the newest tech out there. Using simulations to test how things will work is super important too. This way, they can spot issues before they even build a real model.

Working with experts from other fields is key because their different skills can make a solution even better. And since technology keeps changing, mechanical engineers have to keep learning new things to stay on top of their game and keep coming up with great solutions.

For example, when designing a new robotic arm, engineers might use computer programs to simulate how the arm moves and handles different weights. They might work with software developers to make sure the arm’s movements are precise. And they’ll keep up with the latest materials to make the arm stronger but still lightweight.

It’s all about being smart and creative, and always ready to learn something new.

Understanding Problem Complexity

Understanding the challenges of mechanical engineering is important because it helps us create safer and more efficient machines. Mechanical engineering problems are complex and require careful study and new ideas to solve them.

For example, understanding the strength and flexibility of materials is crucial to make sure things like bridges and buildings don’t break. Engineers must also combine mechanical parts with electronic controls, which means they need to know a lot about different types of engineering.

They use math and computer simulations to study heat movement, fluid flow, and how to save energy in machines. Additionally, new technologies, like smart materials that change properties and tiny nanotech devices, make the work even more complicated.

Engineers must keep learning and inventing new ways to handle these challenges.

Innovative Design Methodologies

To solve complex problems, engineers have come up with new and creative ways of designing things. For example, they use high-tech computer programs to test and improve machines and systems before they even build them. One of these programs is called finite element analysis (FEA), which helps them look at how a product will work under different conditions. Another is computational fluid dynamics (CFD), which lets them see how liquids and gases will flow through something they’re designing.

There’s also a method called parametric modeling. This lets engineers make quick changes to their designs and see how those changes affect the way the product works or performs. It’s like tweaking a recipe to see if it makes the cake taste better.

Another important idea is designing things so that they’re not only good at what they’re supposed to do but also easy and cheap to make. This is known as Design for Manufacturability (DFM). It’s like planning a birthday party—you want to have fun, but you also need to stay within your budget and make sure you can find all the things you need to make it happen.

Lastly, engineers are now using cutting-edge technology like 3D printing and artificial intelligence. These tools give them even more power to come up with smart solutions and fix tough problems faster than ever. It’s a bit like having a super advanced kitchen gadget that can help you whip up a gourmet meal in no time.

Advanced Simulation Techniques

Advanced simulation methods are key tools for solving problems in mechanical engineering. They allow engineers to closely examine how different systems behave under various conditions. These methods include using finite element analysis (FEA) to check for stress in materials and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to study how liquids and gases move.

Now, with multi-physics simulations, engineers can look at how different physical forces interact. This gives a fuller understanding of what could go wrong and how things might perform.

By adding machine learning to the mix, these simulations get even better at predicting outcomes and fine-tuning designs. This means engineers can make sure their designs work well before they even build a prototype, saving time and money. Advanced simulations help get new and improved mechanical products out faster and more efficiently.

For instance, when designing a new car, engineers use simulations to test how the car will handle different driving conditions without having to build multiple physical models. This helps them make safer and more reliable vehicles more quickly.

Interdisciplinary Collaboration Strategies

Working together across different fields is key to solving complex problems in mechanical engineering. When experts from areas like materials science, electrical engineering, computer science, and psychology join forces, they create better-rounded solutions. They think about every stage of a product’s life, making sure it works well from start to finish. This team-up of different skills helps to come up with new and more efficient ways to solve tricky problems.

One way teams work together is through a method called concurrent engineering. This is when different groups work at the same time on different parts that fit into a bigger project. To do this well, they need clear rules for talking to each other and a strong plan to keep everyone’s work in line. When projects are very complicated, being able to bring together ideas and work from different fields isn’t just helpful; it’s necessary to do a good job.

In short, when engineers from various specialties collaborate, they can do amazing things. For example, by combining the lightweight properties of a new material with advanced electronic controls and user-friendly software, they could develop a cutting-edge drone that’s not only powerful but also easy and safe for anyone to fly. This kind of teamwork is what drives innovation and success in engineering today.

Continuous Learning and Adaptation

In the field of mechanical engineering, it’s important to keep learning and adapting. Engineers need to keep up with new technologies and ways of doing things because tools, materials, and manufacturing methods are always changing. They have to keep studying and improving their skills to stay up-to-date with these new developments.

For engineers to stay ahead, they must use the latest theories and real-world data to make better designs and continually improve their work. They need to regularly check their own skills and be open to new ideas. What’s more, engineers need to be ready to work differently with others, especially since teamwork across different fields is key to solving complicated engineering problems.

Here’s why this matters: If engineers don’t learn and adapt, they won’t be able to compete in their field. They won’t be able to come up with the best solutions or use the latest materials and processes. And they won’t work as effectively with others on big projects.

To wrap things up, when we tackle tough issues in mechanical engineering, we need to use a variety of tools and methods. For instance, by using creative ways to design things, computer programs that simulate complex situations, and working with experts from different fields, engineers are able to create better, stronger solutions. It’s also crucial to keep learning and to start using new tech that comes out. Doing this helps us stay ready for new problems that might come up as the field grows and changes. This well-rounded plan is why mechanical engineering keeps getting better, solving hard problems with smart and effective answers.

For example, let’s say an engineer is designing a new type of engine that’s more fuel-efficient. They might use 3D modeling software to test different designs before making a prototype, saving time and resources. They could also work with environmental scientists to understand the impact of the engine on the environment. Plus, they might attend workshops on the latest materials to use in their design. It’s this kind of ongoing effort and teamwork that pushes the boundaries of what we can do in mechanical engineering.

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Mechanical Engineering Problems


A collection of common mechanical engineering problems faced in the real world as opposed to textbooks.

Mechanical engineering problems come in all shapes and sizes and they encompass challenges related to design, analysis, manufacturing , operation and testing.

Textbooks in mechanical engineering often present problems in idealized scenarios where assumptions are made to simplify calculations and facilitate learning. These problems typically involve perfect materials, ideal conditions, and simplified geometries. On the other hand, real-life mechanical engineering problems encountered in industry or research settings are often more complex and nuanced


Textbook problems frequently rely on assumptions to make calculations more manageable, such as neglecting friction, assuming linear behavior of materials, or idealizing mechanical systems. In reality, these assumptions may not hold true, requiring engineers to consider additional factors and account for uncertainties

Design and analysis:

  • Designing structures to withstand loads and stress while maintaining structural integrity, balance in turn ensuring safety and reliability
  • Designing machine elements or mechanisms which perform certain functions
  • Analyzing existing systems to improve or optimize them by re-designing certain components/ assemblies

Manufacturing and production

Selecting and optimizing machining processes and tools for efficient and accurate production.

Implementing various manufacturing techniques such as casting, forging, welding, and additive manufacturing (3D printing).

Ensuring product quality through inspection, tolerance analysis, and process optimization.

Validation of products and testing:

Performance testing,

Durability testing

Safety and compliance testing

Environmental testing

Problem statements in design of a car:

Vehicle Dynamics Optimization : Develop algorithms and simulations to optimize the vehicle's handling, stability, and performance characteristics under different driving conditions.

Structural Design and Lightweighting : Design the car's chassis, frame, and body structures to maximize strength, stiffness, and crashworthiness while minimizing weight to improve fuel efficiency and performance.

Powertrain Integration and Optimization : Integrate engines, transmissions, drivelines, and other powertrain components to optimize performance, fuel efficiency, and emissions compliance while meeting packaging constraints.

Aerodynamic Design and Optimization: Design the car's exterior shape and airflow management features to minimize aerodynamic drag, enhance fuel efficiency, improve high-speed stability, and reduce wind noise.

Thermal Management System Design : Design cooling systems, heat exchangers, and HVAC systems to manage engine cooling, cabin heating, and air conditioning while minimizing energy consumption and maintaining optimal operating temperatures.

Noise, Vibration, and Harshness (NVH) Control: Identify and mitigate sources of noise, vibration, and harshness in the vehicle's design, including engine, drivetrain, suspension, and aerodynamic sources, to improve passenger comfort and perceived quality.

Crashworthiness and Occupant Safety: Design the car's structure, restraint systems, and safety features to meet crash safety standards and provide adequate protection for occupants in frontal, side, and rear collisions.

Vehicle Electronics and Control Systems Integration: Integrate electronic control units (ECUs), sensors, actuators, and software algorithms to manage vehicle functions such as engine management, transmission control, stability control, and driver assistance systems.

Energy Storage and Management: Design and integrate energy storage systems, such as batteries for electric vehicles or hybrid powertrains, to optimize energy density, charging/discharging efficiency, and overall vehicle range.

Manufacturability and Cost Optimization: Design components and subsystems with consideration for manufacturability, assembly efficiency, and cost-effectiveness, while maintaining performance, quality, and reliability targets.

Human Factors and Ergonomics : Design the vehicle's interior layout, controls, displays, and seating arrangements to optimize comfort, convenience, and usability for occupants of varying sizes and preferences.

Environmental Sustainability : Consider the environmental impact of the vehicle's design, including material selection, recyclability, emissions reduction, and end-of-life disposal considerations.

To solve mechanical engineering problems for society, engineers require a diverse set of skills, including:

1. Technical Proficiency : A deep understanding of fundamental principles in areas such as mechanics, thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, and materials science is essential for problem-solving in mechanical engineering.

2. Analytical Skills : The ability to analyze complex systems, interpret data, and apply mathematical and computational methods to solve engineering problems.

3. Creativity and Innovation : The capacity to think creatively and develop innovative solutions to address challenges in design, manufacturing, and operation.

4. Communication and Collaboration : Effective communication skills are crucial for collaborating with multidisciplinary teams, presenting ideas, and explaining solutions to stakeholders.

5. Ethical and Societal Awareness : Considering ethical implications, environmental impact, and societal needs when designing and implementing engineering solutions.

6. Adaptability and Continuous Learning : Given the rapid pace of technological advancement, mechanical engineers must be adaptable and committed to lifelong learning to stay abreast of emerging trends and technologies.

By leveraging these skills within the various domains of mechanical engineering, engineers  tackle complex problems and contribute to the advancement of society through innovative solutions that enhance efficiency, sustainability, and quality of life.

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4 Common Maintenance Problems and How to Resolve Them

Many maintenance departments today “fight fires” instead of approaching their problems systematically. Prevention is a far better goal than trying to solve problems as they arise. While this strategy may be a little costly at first, it is not nearly as expensive as allowing problems to occur.

Maintenance problem-solving is primarily concerned with four areas: maintaining critical systems, fixing the problem quickly and faster than the last time, determining what is causing the breakdown to happen so frequently, and identifying the 20 percent of breakdowns that are consuming 80 percent of your resources.

This article focuses on the four common types of maintenance problems with the ultimate goal of helping you to prevent or at least minimize each type.

problem solving for mechanical

Problems vs. Difficulties

A problem is a situation that can be characterized by a gap between your existing circumstances and where you do or do not want to be. The gap cannot be eliminated or maintained through obvious methods. Some analysis and creativity are required to define a situation as a “problem.” Visualizing a problem as a gap can be a useful technique. Usually you want to overcome the gap, but sometimes you wish to maintain it. An example would be painting an object to prevent deterioration.

If you can see a solution and all it takes is good planning, then the situation confronting you should be termed a “difficulty” rather than a problem. Of course, if you are experiencing many of these difficulties, there may be a common root cause that could define a problem.

Where Maintenance Issues Originate

Issues are caused by your goals or a lack of them. You may have an overall goal of wanting your plant to run efficiently with few interruptions, but unless you translate that general goal into viable subgoals, you will experience problems. Establishing specific subgoals is essential if you wish to control the magnitude and number of the inevitable problems. Otherwise, having no goals or only general ones will magnify those problems. Often a disturbance (problem) will force you to ask, “What (unrecognized) goal do I have that is being thwarted by this situation?” Asking this question may cause you to reassess the goal.

4 Types of Maintenance Problems

The four common types of maintenance problems can be categorized as identification, cause/effect, means and ends. Let’s discuss each of these in turn.


When you don’t understand a natural phenomenon, a question or a method of doing things, your natural inclination is one of curiosity. Industrial maintenance is the same way. You must identify (understand) everything in your department or plant or have someone on staff who does. When a problem occurs, you need to identify where and when it happened as well as where and when it did not. More importantly, you need to identify why you do things a certain way while always on the hunt for a better approach.

In school, you are taught the canned approach to solving problems. While this is important, it only covers problems that are recognized. What about the real-world situations? Industrial maintenance often presents situations that are so confusing that problems are camouflaged. Sorting out the mess means finding the basic problem that spawns all the other effects. This is not easy, as you may solve the wrong problem or try to alleviate symptoms caused by the basic problem. For example, you may put coolers on hot hydraulic systems instead of locating the valve or cylinder that is allowing fluid to flow back to the tank.

Identification problems become relevant not only when trying to understand a situation but also when confusion reigns and the problem is hidden by a mass of effects. The former should be attacked by curiosity and the latter by analysis. These types of problems can also appear when a manager finally asks the question, “What are we spending most of our time on and how could we minimize it?”

problem solving for mechanical

Cause and Effect

To properly solve cause-and-effect problems, you must first learn how to distinguish between cause and effect. Effects are things you perceive with your senses or detect through condition monitoring techniques. They accompany or precede a machine failure .

Typical effects are excessive heat, vibration and noise. A failed bearing or gear is also an effect. Simply changing the component is concentrating on the effect. While this often must be done to restore operation, forgetting about the reason for the failure is neglecting the cause. For instance, excessive heat in a hydraulic system is an effect and a predictor of problems. Concentrating on cooling the system rather than discovering the cause of the excessive heat is an invitation to problems but an all too common solution. Attack the symptom, but don’t forget to unearth the root cause. Remember, symptom is a synonym for effect.

Means problems are generally characterized by questions beginning with “how” such as “How can I accomplish that?” or “How can I improve that?” They leave the choice of means open-ended. With a means problem, you are trying to decide how to achieve a goal. The problem of selecting a goal or end has already been solved, so you are now focusing on how to achieve it.

Typical questions that characterize means problems include how to reduce excessive lubricant failures, how to decrease lubricant costs while maintaining good quality, how to lessen machine downtime, how to improve safety and how to change the department mindset to prevention mode. Solving a means problem often involves finding an expert, but you should never assume the current method is the final answer. Improvement is always possible.

Problems of ends or goals can be characterized by the question, “What goal should I pursue?” As mentioned previously, your goals may be very general at first but must be translated into detailed subgoals to truly matter. Common questions to ask might include which metrics should be used to gauge progress, which 20 percent of the problems are generating 80 percent of the efforts, what are the critical parts of systems that must be constantly monitored, and how are problems categorized (critical, important and projects for correction).

Levels of Problem-solving

In addition to recognizing the four problem types, you must also be aware that problem-solving can be divided into four levels of sophistication:

  • reaction or acting on the problem when it occurs and then forgetting about it until the next time;
  • adaptation or learning to live with the problem by adjusting to the symptoms;
  • anticipation, which includes attacking root causes with preventive techniques; and
  • a proactive approach, which involves changing the conditions that spawned the problem in the first place.

These four levels merely describe approaches that can be used on maintenance problems. One is not better than the others but must be selected based on the severity of the problem. Of course, if a maintenance department always focuses on reaction, it might consider moving to a higher level for recurring problems.

Categories of Objectives

Your objectives will determine the problems you experience. Just as there are different levels of sophistication in problem-solving, there are different levels of objectives. These objectives are the ones you set for yourself or your department. The farther down you move on the following list, the smaller the resultant problems should be.

Short-term Routine Objectives (Supervision)

Routine objectives include maintaining things as they are, handling normal (expected) problems, reacting quickly, having lots of spares and adapting to the problem (learning to live with it).

Medium-term Corrective Objectives (Management)

Corrective objectives usually involve the elimination of accepted problems or modifying a design to solve an inherent problem.

Long-term Improvement Objectives (Leadership)

Improvement objectives might consist of requesting new equipment, changing the way things are done, concentrating on prevention and providing better training.

Most problems have an immediate phase (or crisis) and must be addressed now. However, managers who want to move to the leadership objectives will try to prevent or minimize a recurrence. While supervisors and management are concerned with doing things right, leadership concerns itself with doing the right things. Remember, setting objectives determines the problems you will encounter. Setting the right objectives will minimize those problems. In the typical plant, supervisors and management trump leadership.

Preventing Maintenance Problems

Your prevention efforts must be comprehensive and cover all areas from which problems may arise, such as personnel, maintenance practices, hardware and systems. These categories are most useful when solving cause/effect problems. However, they may also be used to keep a manager focused on all aspects of maintenance.

problem solving for mechanical

Cause-and-Effect Methods

Two important techniques for establishing a problem’s true cause are the Ishikawa diagram and the Kepner-Tregoe method. These techniques are especially useful with cause/effect problems that defy solution.

Kepner-Tregoe Method of Problem-solving

  • Compare “what should be” with “what actually is.”
  • The deviation is the problem.
  • Identify the problem in terms of what, where (the “is”), when and extent.
  • Identify what lies outside the problem in terms of what, where (the “is not”), when and extent.
  • Compare the “is” with the “is not” to identify changes and distinctions.
  • Find the most likely cause. The most likely cause of a deviation is one that exactly explains all the facts in the problem. If one fact can’t be explained, omit that cause.
  • Look for something that has changed from normal operation.

The Ishikawa diagram helps you focus on the different aspects of a problem so the listed causes will not be concentrated in one or two areas. For instance, most problems can be broken down into four areas: personnel, maintenance practices, hardware and systems. Some problems may be divisible into more than four, but with some imagination, most should yield at least these four. These categories force you to look at a situation from multiple perspectives to generate possible causes.

Some refer to these diagrams as fishbone diagrams or cause-and-effect (C-E) diagrams. They encourage you to list as many causes as possible. To do this, you must withhold judgment until the listing is complete to assure no one jumps to conclusions.

By contrast, the Kepner-Tregoe method relies on describing what the problem is, what it is not, where it occurs and where it does not. In effect, you are building a fence around the problem to keep important information inside (and under review) while keeping out extraneous information. Your main thrust is to identify what has changed. The true cause will account for all effects. If one effect could not be caused by the selected cause, that cause must be discarded.

A New Mindset

Prevention requires maintenance management to develop a new mindset and make a conscious decision to move away from fighting fires. By understanding the four basic types of maintenance problems, the different levels of problem-solving and the three categories of objectives, you will be better prepared to achieve this new mindset.

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Downloaded on: September 5, 2024

Adeline de Oliveira

• April 30, 2024

Worker wearing a safety helmet, surrounded by machines, looking into the distance while holding a tablet

Variability of demand, quality management, equipment maintenance, and integration of new technologies : problems are frequent and inevitable, and manufacturers face challenges very often. Acknowledging this reality enables teams to remain vigilant, quickly identify and resolve these difficulties, and constantly improve processes and products alike.

Why focus on problem-solving? In the Lean philosophy , a problem isn't just a problem; it's also, and above all, an opportunity to do better. Rather than hiding or ignoring what's not working, the idea is to face up to it, to find structured methods for optimizing efficiency and quality. For this, there are a number of possible solutions and tools available.

What are the different stages of problem-solving? Which methods and tools are most effective in production environments? And how do you use them? 

This article provides all the answers and problem-solving tips.

Key takeways:

  • By scrutinizing every action and aspect of processes, it is crucial to distinguish between activities that bring value and those that don't , in order to reduce or eliminate waste.
  • Involving employees in identifying problems and suggesting solutions strengthens their sense of ownership, and improves team cohesion and efficiency.
  • Root Cause Analysis (RCA) helps to identify the underlying causes of problems to find more sustainable solutions and prevent problems from recurring.
  • The use of tools such as the PDCA cycle and the 5S method, as well as techniques such as Six Sigma , is essential for optimizing processes and improving quality and efficiency.
  • It is essential to monitor implemented changes and continuously improve them to maintain and increase Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE).

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Key steps of a problem-solving process in a factory

To better understand each of these steps, let's take the example of a factory manufacturing automotive components, faced with a sudden rise in the number of defective parts.

Graphic showing the 6 steps of the problem-solving process, each with a short explanation

1. Identify the problem

The first step is to recognize that a problem exists. This involves observing the symptoms and identifying the gaps between the current state and the desired goal.

The 5 Ws and H tool enables you to identify the problem by collecting factual information on incidents.

  • Observation: Abnormal increase in the number of defective parts at the quality inspection station.
  • Action: Collect data on the number of defective parts, the types of defects, and the times when they occur.

2. Define the problem

After identification, you need to precisely define the problem. This involves determining its scope (using the Four A’s method, for example), representing it clearly, and understanding its impact on operations.

  • Analysis: 10% of parts produced have surface defects (higher than the acceptable standard of 2%).
  • Action: Clearly define the problem as a significant increase in surface defects on automotive parts.

3. Find the root cause of the problem

This step aims to analyze the factors contributing to the problem in order to identify its root cause. This is a critical process requiring in-depth examination to avoid treating symptoms alone. 

  • Investigation: After using the 5 Whys method, the root cause turns out to be premature machine wear.
  • Action: Examine maintenance records and machine operating parameters to confirm this cause.

4. Brainstorm solutions

Once the root cause has been identified, it's time to focus on finding solutions. This phase encourages creative problem-solving and innovation from the whole team. They have to explore existing ideas and generate new ones.

  • Brainstorming: Several potential solutions are considered, such as replacing tools more frequently or modifying machine parameters. 
  • Action: Evaluate the advantages, disadvantages, and feasibility of each solution using the PDCA method.

5. Test your solutions

Before implementing a solution on a large scale, it is essential to test it in a controlled environment. This enables you to assess its effectiveness in real-life situations and adjust the action plan.

  • Experimentation: Replace tools more frequently to see if this reduces the defect rate.
  • Action: Implement the test plan over a set period using the "Do" phase of PDCA, then collect data on the impact of this change.

6. Standardize and document the chosen solution

Once you’ve found the best solution, it must be standardized and integrated into the organization's procedures. Documenting the process helps prevent the problem from recurring and facilitates employee training .

  • Implementation: After confirmation that more frequent tool replacement reduces defects, this practice is standardized across the entire production line using the DMAIC method .
  • Action: Document the new process using the 8Ds, train operators in the new practice, and integrate the change into standard operating procedures.

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5 Useful problem-solving strategies for manufacturing

1. 8d (eight disciplines problem solving).

8D is a quality approach to solving complex problems requiring in-depth analysis and lasting corrective action.

The method comprises eight steps:

  • Prepare the 8D process
  • Describe the problem
  • Identify and implement immediate actions
  • Identify the real causes
  • Identify and implement permanent corrective actions
  • Validate permanent corrective actions
  • Prevent recurrence
  • Congratulate the team

Use case in the manufacturing industry

Problem: Recurrent failure of a major piece of equipment, leading to costly production stoppages.

8D would enable a multi-disciplinary team to systematically identify, analyze, and eliminate the root cause of the failure while implementing sustainable corrective actions.

2. PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act)

Also known as the Deming wheel, this systematic, iterative model comprises four stages or cycles: Plan, Do, Check, Act.

The PDCA method helps companies test changes under controlled conditions, evaluate the results, and then implement improvements progressively to optimize production and ensure consistent product quality.

Problem: Variation in the quality of the finished product, which does not always meet standards.

PDCA would address this problem by planning improvements, testing them, evaluating their effectiveness, and adjusting the production process to stabilize product quality.

Circle-shaped graphic describing a step of the PDCA method in each quadrant

3. DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control)

This Six Sigma method is highly effective in optimizing production processes, reducing variation, and eliminating defects by focusing on data and statistical analysis.

It involves clearly defining the problem (Define), measuring (Measure), and analyzing process data to identify root causes (Analyze), then implementing improvements (Improve) and controlling processes to ensure sustainable quality gains (Control).

Problem: High scrap and rework rates on an assembly line.

DMAIC would be used to specify the problem, measure performance, analyze data to find the cause, implement improvements, and control the process to reduce defects.

4. QRQC (Quick Response Quality Control)

This fast, effective method inspired by Lean Management, consists in identifying, analyzing and solving problems directly on the shop floor. It is particularly well suited to fast-paced production environments where immediate detection and resolution are necessary to maintain production continuity and efficiency.

Problem: Frequent safety incidents in the workplace.

QRQC would enable rapid reaction to identify and resolve the causes of such incidents immediately, thereby reducing their frequency and improving overall safety.

5. Four A’s

The Four A’s method is a structured approach that is designed to systematically address and solve problems within an organization. 

  • Assess: This step involves identifying and understanding the problem. 
  • Analyze: Once the problem is assessed, the next step is to analyze it to find the root causes.  
  • Address: With a clear understanding of the root causes, the third “A” involves developing and implementing solutions to address these causes.  
  • Act: The final “A” focuses on standardizing the correct solution and integrating it into the organization’s processes.   

It is used where problems need to be solved quickly and efficiently while ensuring that lessons learned are integrated into standard practices.

Problem: Missed delivery deadlines due to production bottlenecks.

The Four A’s method would help to quickly detect bottlenecks, analyze their causes, find and implement effective solutions, and then integrate these changes into regular operations to improve on-time delivery.

How to choose the right problem-solving method

The choice of problem-solving method depends on several factors:

  • The nature and complexity of the problem: Before choosing a problem-solving approach, you need to understand exactly what is wrong. If it's a complex and multifactorial problem, structured, in-depth methods such as 8D or DMAIC may be appropriate. For more immediate or quality-related problems, QRQC or Four A’s may be more appropriate.
  • Company objectives: Look at the big picture; align the method with your strategic objectives, such as improving quality, reducing costs, or increasing customer satisfaction. For example, DMAIC is often chosen for defect reduction and process optimization objectives.
  • Available resources: Think about the resources you can allocate to problem-solving processes (time, skills, budget). For example, PDCA can be implemented more quickly when resources are limited.
  • Team expertise and problem-solving skills: Use a method that matches your team's qualifications. Training may be required for more complex approaches such as DMAIC or 8D.
  • The need for standardization and documentation: If documentation and standardization of processes are essential, opt for methods that integrate these aspects, such as 8D or DMAIC.

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5 Tools for structuring your problem-solving methods

Now it's time for the problem-solving tools! These will help structure the process and keep it moving in the right direction.

1. The 5 Whys

This problem-solving technique, created by Toyota founder Sakichi Toyoda, involves asking the question "Why?" five times until the root cause of a given problem is revealed. It's a simple but powerful tool for finding root causes.

A factory has a problem with late delivery of finished products:

  • Why is the plant experiencing delays in the delivery of finished products? Because the production of final units is often late.
  • Why is the production of final units behind schedule? Because assembly takes longer than expected.
  • Why does assembly take longer than expected? Because parts needed to complete assembly are often missing.
  • Why are parts often missing? Because supplies regularly arrive late from the supplier.
  • Why do supplies arrive late from the supplier? Because orders are placed too late, due to an inefficient procurement process.

2. The Ishikawa diagram (5M)

Also known as the "fishbone diagram" or "5M", this tool developed by Kaoru Ishikawa helps to systematically visualize all the potential causes of a specific problem, as well as the contributing factors.

Causes are divided into 5 main categories.

A factory encounters a problem with a drop in product quality:

  • Problem or "Effect" (fish head): Decline in product quality
  • Categories of causes (main branches):
  • Manpower: Operator skills , training, motivation.
  • Methods: Work procedures, quality standards, operating instructions.
  • Materials: Raw material quality, batch variability, supplier specifications.
  • Environment: Working conditions, temperature, humidity, dust.
  • Equipment: Equipment wear, machine calibration, maintenance. 

This evolution of the Ishikawa diagram focuses on not five, but seven major problem areas: Manpower, Method, Materials, Environment, Equipment, Management, Measurement.

A factory is experiencing machine failure problems:

  • Manpower: Inadequate operator training, human error due to fatigue, or lack of experience.
  • Methods: Obsolete production processes, and lack of standardized operating and maintenance procedures.
  • Materials: Inconsistent quality of raw materials, premature wear of spare parts.
  • Environment: Unsuitable working conditions, disturbances due to excessive noise or vibration.
  • Equipment: Outdated equipment, neglected or inadequate preventive maintenance.
  • Management: Inadequate decision-making, and insufficient communication between departments.
  • Measurement: Uncalibrated or faulty measuring instruments, lack of regular quality controls.

4. The Pareto principe

The Pareto or 80/20 principle is very useful for focusing on the problems that will have the greatest impact once solved, and for making informed decisions.

In a factory producing electronic components, 80% of production defects stem from just 20% of the manufacturing processes.

By analyzing production data, the company could discover that the majority of defects are linked to errors in the soldering and PCB inspection stages. These two stages, although representing a small part of the total manufacturing process, are crucial and require special attention to reduce the overall number of defects.

Two circular diagrams displayed side-by-side, showing the 80/20 rule

5. The 5 Ws and H

This tool helps gather comprehensive information on a problem by answering these key questions: Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How. Thus, it provides an in-depth understanding of the situation.

There is a delay in production at a furniture manufacturing plant:

  • Who is affected by the problem? Assembly line operators and production managers are directly affected by the delay.
  • What exactly is the problem? Deliveries of finished furniture to customers are several days behind schedule.
  • Where exactly is the problem occurring? The problem occurs in the final assembly shop, where the furniture is prepared for shipment.
  • When was the problem detected or when does it occur? The delay has been observed over the past two weeks, mainly during the third shift.
  • Why does the problem occur? The problem could be due to inadequate staff planning and recurring packaging equipment failures.
  • How does the problem occur? The delay is due to a bottleneck in the finishing and packing stage, where there is a lack of personnel and problems with the packing equipment.

Other tools can also be useful for structuring problem-solving methods:

  • Brainstorming
  • Gemba Walks
  • SWOT analysis
  • Control charts
  • Prioritization matrices

Tips for effective implementation of problem-solving techniques

Integrate problem-solving into daily routines.

Instead of seeing problem-solving as a separate activity, integrate it into daily routines. For example, set up SIM meetings to discuss ongoing problems as a group and monitor progress on solutions.

Use technology for your benefit

Adopt a Daily Management System (DMS) like UTrakk to quickly identify problems, track corrective actions, facilitate collaboration between teams, and document solutions in a centralized repository.

Develop specific key performance indicators for problem resolution

Define Lean KPIs that measure the effectiveness of the problem-solving process (average time to solve the problem, problem recurrence rate, and impact of solutions on business performance).

Practice problem-solving on the shop floor

To understand problems, you need to go where value is created. Encourage managers to go on the shop floor to directly observe processes, interact with operators, and identify possible improvements.

Create cross-functional problem-solving groups

Form teams with members from different departments to tackle complex problem-solving. Integrating different angles, perspectives, and expertise broadens the point of view on the subject, enriches the analysis, and generates more creative ideas.

Adopt a coaching approach to skills development

In addition to basic training, use mentoring and coaching to develop problem-solving skills . Experienced employees can guide less experienced ones, sharing their know-how.

Conduct post-mortem reviews

When a problem is solved, conduct a post-mortem to discuss what went well, what didn't, and how processes can be improved.

Tracking and evaluating each solution implemented allows you to adjust strategies as needed, learn from past experiences, and foster continuous improvement .


UTrakk: Your ally in structuring and optimizing problem-solving

Using organized methods and analytical tools to tackle challenges is essential for manufacturers seeking to improve operational efficiency and product quality. UTrakk DMS is the perfect solution for this structured approach to daily problem-solving. With its multiple functionalities – rituals, actions, dashboards, and more – this Daily Management System can adapt to any problem-solving method to optimize every step of the process. Once a solution is standardized, it can be documented in UTrakk’s Knowledge Center to ensure compliance and prevent recurrence.

Adopting these problem-solving techniques not only enables manufacturers to respond effectively to today's challenges, but it also lays the foundations for continuous improvement, ensuring their competitiveness in an ever-changing industrial environment .

FAQ on problem-solving methods

What are the key problem-solving methods for manufacturers.

The key problem-solving methods for manufacturers include Lean manufacturing, Six Sigma, and the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle. These methodologies focus on eliminating waste, optimizing processes, and implementing continuous improvement to enhance operational efficiency.

How can manufacturers effectively implement Lean principles?

Manufacturers can effectively implement Lean principles by identifying and eliminating waste, optimizing workflows, and improving overall efficiency through techniques like Kanban and 5S. Training employees and involving them in the continuous improvement process are also critical steps​.

What is the importance of Six Sigma in manufacturing?

Six Sigma is important in manufacturing because it provides a data-driven approach for reducing defects and variability in processes. This methodology helps in improving product quality and operational efficiency by following the DMAIC (Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control) framework.

Can technology enhance problem-solving in manufacturing?

Technology plays a crucial role in enhancing problem-solving in manufacturing. Digital twins, augmented reality, and collaborative robotics are technologies that help improve precision, efficiency, and safety, facilitating better decision-making and process optimization​.

What benefits do continuous improvement practices offer to manufacturers?

Continuous improvement practices offer several benefits, including increased operational efficiency, reduced waste and costs, and improved employee engagement and customer satisfaction. These practices encourage a proactive approach to addressing inefficiencies and fostering innovation.

Turn your production challenges into opportunities for improvement!

In addition to providing the UTrakk solution, Proaction International supports you in implementing the best problem-solving methods and helps you achieve operational excellence.

Adeline de Oliveira

Writer and editorial manager for about 15 years, Adeline is passionate about human behavior and communication dynamics. At Proaction International, she covers topics ranging from Industry 5.0 to operational excellence, with a focus on leadership development. This expertise enables her to offer insights and advice on employee engagement and continuous improvement of managerial skills.


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  • Engineering
  • What is Mechanical Engineering?

Mechanical components in gloved hands.

The essence of mechanical engineering is problem solving. MEs combine creativity, knowledge and analytical tools to complete the difficult task of shaping an idea into reality.

Mechanical engineering is one of the broadest engineering disciplines—offering opportunities to specialize in areas such as robotics, aerospace, automotive engineering, HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning), biomechanics, and more. Mechanical engineers design, develop, build, and test. They deal with anything that moves, from components to machines to the human body. The work of mechanical engineers plays a crucial role in shaping the technology and infrastructure that drive our modern world.

What Is Mechanical Engineering?

Technically, mechanical engineering is the application of the principles and problem-solving techniques of engineering from design to manufacturing to the marketplace for any object. Mechanical engineers analyze their work using the principles of motion, energy, and force—ensuring that designs function safely, efficiently, and reliably, all at a competitive cost.

Mechanical engineers make a difference. That's because mechanical engineering careers center on creating technologies to meet human needs. Virtually every product or service in modern life has probably been touched in some way by a mechanical engineer to help humankind.

This includes solving today's problems and creating future solutions in health care, energy, transportation, world hunger, space exploration, climate change, and more.

Being ingrained in many challenges and innovations across many fields means a mechanical engineering education is versatile. To meet this broad demand, mechanical engineers may design a component, a machine, a system, or a process. This ranges from the macro to the micro, from the largest systems like cars and satellites to the smallest components like sensors and switches. Anything that needs to be manufactured—indeed, anything with moving parts—needs the expertise of a mechanical engineer .

What do mechanical engineers do?

What do mechanical engineers do?

Mechanical engineering combines creativity, knowledge and analytical tools to complete the difficult task of shaping an idea into reality.

This transformation happens at the personal scale, affecting human lives on a level we can reach out and touch like robotic prostheses. It happens on the local scale, affecting people in community-level spaces, like with agile interconnected microgrids . And it happens on bigger scales, like with advanced power systems , through engineering that operates nationwide or across the globe.

Mechanical engineers have an enormous range of opportunity and their education mirrors this breadth of subjects. Students concentrate on one area while strengthening analytical and problem-solving skills applicable to any engineering situation. Mechanical engineers work on a wide range of projects, from designing engines, power plants, and robots to developing heating and cooling systems, manufacturing processes, and even nanotechnology.

Mechanical Engineering Disciplines

Disciplines within the mechanical engineering field include but are not limited to:

  • Autonomous Systems
  • Biotechnology
  • Computer Aided Design (CAD)
  • Control Systems
  • Cyber security
  • Human health
  • Manufacturing and additive manufacturing
  • materials science
  • Nanotechnology
  • Production planning
  • Structural analysis

Technology itself has also shaped how mechanical engineers work and the suite of tools has grown quite powerful in recent decades. Computer-aided engineering (CAE) is an umbrella term that covers everything from typical CAD techniques to computer-aided manufacturing to computer-aided engineering, involving finite element analysis (FEA) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD). These tools and others have further broadened the horizons of mechanical engineering.

What careers are there in mechanical engineering?

What careers are there in mechanical engineering?

Society depends on mechanical engineering. The need for this expertise is great in so many fields, and as such, there is no real limit for the freshly minted mechanical engineer. Jobs are always in demand, particularly in the automotive, aerospace, electronics, biotechnology, and energy industries.

Mechanical Engineering Job Types

Here are a handful of mechanical engineering fields .

Mechanical engineers play vital roles in the aerospace industry, contributing to various aspects of aircraft and spacecraft design, development, and maintenance.

In statics , research focuses on how forces are transmitted to and throughout a structure. Once a system is in motion, mechanical engineers look at dynamics , or what velocities, accelerations and resulting forces come into play. Kinematics then examines how a mechanism behaves as it moves through its range of motion.

Materials science delves into determining the best materials for different applications. A part of that is materials strength —testing support loads, stiffness, brittleness and other properties—which is essential for many construction, automobile, and medical materials.

How energy gets converted into useful power is the heart of thermodynamics , as well as determining what energy is lost in the process. One specific kind of energy, heat transfer , is crucial in many applications and requires gathering and analyzing temperature data and distributions.

Fluid mechanics , which also has a variety of applications, looks at many properties including pressure drops from fluid flow and aerodynamic drag forces.

Manufacturing is an important step in mechanical engineering. Within the field, researchers investigate the best processes to make manufacturing more efficient. Laboratory methods focus on improving how to measure both thermal and mechanical engineering products and processes. Likewise, machine design develops equipment-scale processes while electrical engineering focuses on circuitry. All this equipment produces vibrations , another field of mechanical engineering, in which researchers study how to predict and control vibrations.

Engineering economics makes mechanical designs relevant and usable in the real world by estimating manufacturing and life cycle costs of materials, designs, and other engineered products.

What skills do mechanical engineers need?

What skills do mechanical engineers need?

The essence of engineering is problem solving. With this at its core, mechanical engineering also requires applied creativity—a hands on understanding of the work involved—along with strong interpersonal skills like networking, leadership, and conflict management. Creating a product is only part of the equation; knowing how to work with people, ideas, data, and economics fully makes a mechanical engineer.

Here are ten essential skills for mechanical engineers to possess:

Technical Knowledge: A strong foundation in physics, mathematics, and mechanics is crucial. Understanding principles like thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, materials science, and structural analysis forms the backbone of mechanical engineering.

Problem-Solving: Mechanical engineers often encounter complex problems that require analytical thinking and creative solutions. The ability to break down problems and develop innovative solutions is highly valuable.

Design and CAD: Proficiency in computer-aided design (CAD) software is essential for creating, analyzing, and optimizing designs. Knowledge of software like SolidWorks, AutoCAD, or similar programs is valuable.

Critical Thinking: Assessing risks, evaluating different design options, and making decisions based on data and analysis are critical skills for mechanical engineers.

Communication: Being able to communicate technical information clearly, whether in written reports, presentations, or discussions with team members or clients, is vital for success in this field.

Project Management: Managing projects, including budgeting, scheduling, and coordinating with teams, suppliers, and clients, is often part of a mechanical engineer's role.

Hands-on Application: Practical skills in building prototypes, conducting experiments, and testing designs are valuable. Having a good understanding of manufacturing processes and techniques is beneficial.

Continuous Learning/Improvement: Given the rapid advancements in technology and techniques, a willingness to learn and adapt to new tools, methodologies, and industry trends is crucial for staying competitive.

Teamwork: Mechanical engineers often work in multidisciplinary teams. The ability to collaborate effectively with professionals from various backgrounds is essential.

Ethical Standards: Upholding ethical standards and understanding the broader impact of engineering solutions on society and the environment is increasingly important for modern mechanical engineers.

Developing a balance of technical expertise, problem-solving capabilities, and soft skills is key to becoming a successful mechanical engineer.

What tasks do mechanical engineers do?

Careers in mechanical engineering call for a variety of tasks.

  • Conceptual design
  • Presentations and report writing
  • Multidisciplinary teamwork
  • Concurrent engineering
  • Benchmarking the competition
  • Project management
  • Prototyping
  • Measurements
  • Data Interpretation
  • Developmental design
  • Analysis (FEA and CFD)
  • Working with suppliers
  • Customer service

How much do mechanical engineers earn?

How much do mechanical engineers earn?

Like careers in many other engineering fields, mechanical engineers are well paid. Compared to other fields, mechanical engineers earn well above average throughout each stage of their careers. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the mean salary for a mechanical engineer is $105,220 , with the top ten percent earning close to $157,470 .

Mechanical Engineering Salaries
Mean Entry-Level Salary (Payscale) Mean Annual Salary (BLS) Top 10 Percent (BLS)

See additional engineering salary information .

The future of mechanical engineering

Breakthroughs in materials and analytical tools have opened new frontiers for mechanical engineers. Nanotechnology, biotechnology, composites, computational fluid dynamics (CFD), and acoustical engineering have all expanded the mechanical engineering toolbox.

Nanotechnology allows for the engineering of materials on the smallest of scales. With the ability to design and manufacture down to the elemental level, the possibilities for objects grows immensely. Composites are another area where the manipulation of materials allows for new manufacturing opportunities. By combining materials with different characteristics in innovative ways, the best of each material can be employed and new solutions found. CFD gives mechanical engineers the opportunity to study complex fluid flows analyzed with algorithms. This allows for the modeling of situations that would previously have been impossible. Acoustical engineering examines vibration and sound, providing the opportunity to reduce noise in devices and increase efficiency in everything from biotechnology to architecture.

How do I become a mechanical engineer?

There are several paths you can take to a career in mechanical engineering . Tomorrow needs MEs who are prepared to make a difference in the world to solve challenges in healthcare, energy, transportation, space exploration, climate change, and more.

Most entry-level mechanical engineering positions require at least a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering or mechanical engineering technology. Positions that are related to national defense may need a security clearance and a US citizenship may be required for certain types and levels of clearances.

In high school, focus on classes in math and physics. Other science courses can also be helpful. Research colleges and universities offering an accredited mechanical engineering degree program. Visit the schools you are interested in and apply early. Become a mechanical engineer.

Mechanical Engineering at Michigan Tech

We are committed to our mission of hands-on education of our mechanical engineering students, by world-class faculty, through innovative teaching, mentoring, and knowledge creation.

Mechanical Engineering Degrees

The bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering at Michigan Tech offers undergraduate students many unique, hands-on learning opportunities:

Undergraduate Research Opportunities

Undergraduate research opportunities are plentiful. Our department offers undergraduate students numerous opportunities in research, hands-on experience, and real-world client work. Research projects often require help from students for running simulations, taking data, analyzing results, etc. These opportunities may even be paid, depending on the availability of funds on the particular project. Take advantage of over 50,000 square feet of labs and computer centers, in the 13-story R. L. Smith Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics Building.

Real-World Experience

Get ready to contribute on the job from day one. Our students benefit from hands-on experiences ranging from our senior capstone design program to our enterprise teams to internships/co-ops . As a mechanical engineer, you can make a difference in the world by using the latest technologies to help solve today's grand challenges.

ABET Accreditation

Our undergraduate mechanical engineering program is ABET Accredited . ABET accreditation is a significant achievement. We have worked hard to ensure that our program meets the quality standards set by the profession. And, because it requires comprehensive, periodic evaluations, ABET accreditation demonstrates our continuing commitment to the quality of our program—both now and in the future.

Prepare for Graduate Study

Our undergraduate program in mechanical engineering prepares you for advanced study in the field. Earn an MS degree in mechanical engineering , an MS degree in engineering mechanics , or a PhD degree in mechanical Engineering–engineering mechanics .

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  • Prof. J. Kim Vandiver
  • Prof. David Gossard


  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Civil and Environmental Engineering

As Taught In

  • Solid Mechanics
  • Classical Mechanics

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Engineering dynamics, problem sets with solutions.


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Cooper Union

Data-driven problem solving in mechanical engineering.

This course focuses on the implementation of data analysis in mechanical engineering, providing insights, identifying possible problems in engineering systems, and providing solutions to identified problems. The course will discuss how to: 1) visualize and classify information; 2) identify problems in engineering systems using data analysis and machine learning tools; 3) predict characteristics of engineering systems; provide data-driven solutions for engineering problems using data mining; and design products and structures informed by data trends. A broad range of applications within mechanical engineering will be discussed.

Prerequisite or co-requisite: ME200 

Credits: 3.00

Course Code: ME 371

Founded by inventor, industrialist and philanthropist Peter Cooper in 1859, The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art offers education in art, architecture and engineering, as well as courses in the humanities and social sciences.

“My feelings, my desires, my hopes, embrace humanity throughout the world,” Peter Cooper proclaimed in a speech in 1853. He looked forward to a time when, “knowledge shall cover the earth as waters cover the great deep.”

From its beginnings, Cooper Union was a unique institution, dedicated to founder Peter Cooper's proposition that education is the key not only to personal prosperity but to civic virtue and harmony .

Peter Cooper wanted his graduates to acquire the technical mastery and entrepreneurial skills, enrich their intellects and spark their creativity, and develop a sense of social justice that would translate into action .


problem solving for mechanical

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What Do Mechanical Engineers Do?

A mechanical engineer wearing protective equipment while working with machinery.

Understanding the Numbers When reviewing job growth and salary information, it’s important to remember that actual numbers can vary due to many different factors — like years of experience in the role, industry of employment, geographic location, worker skill and economic conditions. Cited projections do not guarantee actual salary or job growth.

Mechanical engineering can touch every facet of your life, from the buildings you live and work in to the cars you drive daily. Mechanical engineering even plays a role in producing the food you eat and the tools you use to cook it.

But what does a mechanical engineer actually do?

Mechanical engineering job descriptions can vary significantly from industry to industry and from business to business, said Jennifer McInnis , a faculty member of the mechanical engineering program  at Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU). Which means there are diverse job opportunities for degree holders.

Mechanical engineers often design machines, from engines and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems to elevators and escalators. However, you could also play a vital role in designing and manufacturing products ranging from medical devices to automobiles, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics ( BLS ).

“You might be working in an analysis role, creating systems, predicting how things will perform or explaining why things behave the way they do,” McInnis said. “Sometimes mechanical engineers are in charge of large systems and thinking about how a lot of factors are working together, while others will design the minute details of a part.”

What is Mechanical Engineering?

“Mechanical engineering is problem-solving,” said McInnis. “It’s applying science and math and other specific knowledge to design solutions to a problem.”

Mechanical engineering is one of the broadest engineering categories and involves the research, design, construction and testing of mechanical devices and sensors, including various tools, engines and machines, BLS reports.

If becoming a mechanical engineer interests you, your next step may be considering a mechanical engineering education.

What Can You Do with a Mechanical Engineering Degree?

Wondering where a mechanical engineering degree might take you? You can work across various industries, from automotive and construction to information technology, biomedical and manufacturing.

As technology advances, the field continues to grow and offer new and exciting mechanical engineering career paths for skilled and educated workers.

You may wonder how challenging it is to get started as a mechanical engineer and if it's a competitive field. Becoming a mechanical engineer requires a strong understanding of math and science. Most mechanical engineering careers typically require an engineering bachelor's degree to get started in the industry , according to BLS.

BLS data shows that the employment of mechanical engineers is projected to grow 2% through 2031, resulting in more than 6,400 new jobs . And because mechanical engineers often work on cutting-edge technologies and industrial pursuits, opportunities may continue to grow as technology evolves.

Jennifer McInnis and the text "Jennifer McInnis"

For example, one possible master’s degree path for mechanical engineers is to earn an MBA in Project Management , McInnis said. After years of challenging economic factors, staying on schedule and budget is increasingly important, and project managers are in demand, according to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers ( ASME ).

With a focus on project management, engineers can use their attention to detail and process design skills to oversee manufacturing, construction or other engineering projects and ensure they are efficient and cost-effective.

Where Do Mechanical Engineers Work?

There are many different types of engineering  jobs you could take on with an engineering degree. Explore the mechanical engineer jobs below to learn more.

  • Automotive Engineer - As a mechanical engineer in the automotive industry, you can have a hands-on role in designing and producing the vehicles you use daily. According to BLS, auto research engineers improve the performance of cars, from the design of suspension systems and aerodynamics to new alternative fuels. Mechanical engineers that work in transportation equipment manufacturing earned a median of $97,000 in 2021, according to BLS.
  • Biomedical Engineer - Mechanical engineers also work in the biomedical field. Engineers can design and manage the production of life-saving medical equipment, including artificial limbs, pacemakers and even robotic surgical assistants, according to the Institution of Mechanical Engineers ( IME ).
  • Construction Engineer - As a mechanical engineer, you could be responsible for the fine details of a construction project, including the HVAC of a new office building or the delivery of fuel to a new home, according to IME.
  • Manufacturing Engineer - Mechanical engineers play a vital role in the success of manufacturing. According to IME, manufacturing engineers design the machines and technology that create the products you may rely on, from food products and medical devices to appliances and automobiles. Machinery manufacturing engineers earned a median of $79,770 in 2021, according to BLS.
  • Process Engineer - As a process engineer, you’ll specialize in improving how things are done, according to IME. Process engineers assess mechanical processes to boost efficiency and safety, with opportunities available in industries from water and power supply to the manufacturing of pharmaceuticals.
  • Robotics Engineer - With a career as a robotics engineer, you’ll be responsible for planning, building and maintaining robots, according to BLS. Robotics engineers are responsible for determining how robots will use technology to detect and respond to stimuli and how this technology will fit into a robot’s design.

The work environments of a mechanical engineer can also vary. For example, while many mechanical engineers spend their time behind a desk using computer systems to create and analyze designs, others are in the field testing and implementing designs and processes, McInnis said.

Getting Started with a Mechanical Engineering Career

No matter your ultimate mechanical engineering career goal, there are several key ways to set yourself apart from other job seekers.

Finding an internship and completing certifications can boost your resume with hands-on professional experience that many employers are looking for, McInnis said. In addition, engineering certification programs can provide critical skills, from engineering design software to hazardous waste incinerator operations.

And while hands-on experience and a strong education in math and science are essential if you’re interested in mechanical engineering, McInnis said one of the most basic requirements for success is much simpler.

“The most important thing is a curiosity — a willingness to ask why and explore hard questions,” she said.

A degree can change your life. Find the SNHU engineering degree  that can best help you meet your goals.

Danielle Gagnon is a freelance writer focused on higher education. Connect with her on LinkedIn .

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Solving Problems in Mechanics

One must have probably heard of Newton’s Laws of Motion by now. These laws will assist you in addressing mechanical issues. Typically, a mechanics problem does not include numerous forces operating on a single item. On the contrary, it is concerned with an assembly of many bodies exerting forces on each other in addition to feeling gravitational pull. In this post, we will look at various mechanical problem-solving strategies.

When attempting to answer a mechanics problem, keep in mind that you may select any portion of the assembly and apply the laws of motion to that section. All you need to do is account for all forces operating on the’selected part’ as a result of the assembly’s remaining pieces. To keep things simple, we refer to the chosen component of an assembly as the’system,’ and the remaining part as the ‘environment.’

Newton’s First Law of Motion

This law is also known as law of inertia. If the net external force on a body is zero, its acceleration is zero. Acceleration can be non-zero only if there is a net external force on the body.

⇒ dv/dt = 0

where, F is the force (summation of F means net force being applied) and v is the velocity of the object.

Applications of Newton’s First Law of Motion:

  • An object is thrown in outer space moves with zero acceleration in the same direction until unless any other external object hit it with some force.
  • A book lying on the table remains at rest as long as no net force acts on it.
  • A marathon runner continues to run several meters beyond the finish line due to the inertia.

Newton’s Second Law of Motion

This law is also known as law of momentum. The rate of change of momentum of a body is directly proportional to the applied force and takes place in the direction in which the force acts.

F = dp/dt 

where, dp is the change in the momentum wrt change in time dt.

Applications of Newton’s Second Law of Motion:

  • It is easier to push an empty cart in a supermarket than to push a loaded cart. More mass requires more power for acceleration.
  • An object falling down from a certain height, undergoes an increase in acceleration because of the gravitational force applied.

Newton’s Third Law of Motion

This law is also known as law of action and reaction. Whenever one object exerts a force on another object, the second object exerts an equal and opposite on the first.

F A = -F B 

F 12 = F 21

Action-Reaction force

Applications of Newton’s Third Law of Motion:

  • When we pull an elastic band, it automatically returns to its original position. The action (applied force) is stored as energy and is released as a reaction with an equal and opposite force.
  • When a rocket is fired, the force of the burning gases coming out (action) exerts an equal and opposite force on the rocket (reaction) and it moves upward.
In practical, the particle does not change its state of rest or of uniform motion along a straight line unless it is forced to do this. This tendency of particle to do not change its state of rest or state of uniform motion along a straight line, unless that state is changed by an external force is called as inertia.

Mass is that quantity that is solely dependent upon the inertia of an object. The more inertia that an object has, the more mass that it has. Larger the mass of the particle, smaller will be the acceleration and hence larger will be the inertia.

The property which opposes the relative motion of the body over the surface of another body is called friction.

where μ is the coefficient of friction and N is the normal force.

  • While walking friction between the ground and shoes prevent us from slipping.
  • Without friction, motion cannot be covered by belts from motor to machine.

Before going through any problem-related newton’s law of motion. You must have a strong hand over all the concepts related to it. Physics is a subject that helps us to understand the world. You should learn physics as you are helping yourself to understand how the different phenomenons happening in the world. The most inner core secret of Newton’s law of motion is the Free Body Diagram (FBD), this may help you to solve the problems very easily.

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Example of free body diagram (FBD)

Sample Questions

Question 1: A passenger who is on a phone call while sitting on a train that is going at speed of 100 km/hr accidentally drops down his phone from the window. Neglecting air friction, what is the horizontal speed of the mobile phone just before it hits the ground?


According to Newton’s first law of motion, object in a motion tends to stay in a motion unless until any external force is not acting. As there is no air friction acting on a object (mobile phone) to slow down the object in the horizontal direction after it drops from the train and acceleration due to gravity would only affect in the vertical direction. So, horizontal speed of the mobile phone just before hitting ground would be approximately 100 km/hr.

Question 2: What net force is required to keep a 1.5 kg ball moving with a constant velocity of 40 m/s?

According to Newton’s first law of motion,every body continues to be in its state of rest or of uniform motion in a straight line until unless any external force is not acting. If the net external force on a body is zero, its acceleration is zero.Hence force needed is also zero. Therefore 0 N net force required to keep ball moving with constant velocity of 40 m/s.

Question 3: A 2000 kg of the spaceship is moving in space with a constant velocity of 1200 m/s. What is a net force acting on the spaceship (there is no gravitational force acting on the spaceship).

Newton’s first law of motion states that object remains in a motion until unless any external force is not acting on a object.In a space there is vacuum and there is no external air resistance.Hence, spaceship will travel at constant velocity of 1200 m/s with zero acceleration. Since,  m= mass of spaceship = 2000 kg            a= acceleration of spaceship = 0 ∑F = m×a      = 2000 × 0      = 0 N Hence, net force is acting on a spaceship is 0 N.

Question 4: What is meant by static and kinetic friction?

Resistance encountered by a body in static condition while tending to move under the action of an external force is called static friction. In static friction, the frictional force resists force that is applied to an object, and the object remains at rest until the force of static friction is overcome.It is denoted as μ s . The resistance encountered by sliding body on a surface is known as kinetic friction. Kinetic friction is denoted as μ k . Kinetic friction is defined as a force that acts between moving surfaces. A body moving on the surface experiences a force in the opposite direction of its movement. The magnitude of the force will depend on the coefficient of kinetic friction between the two materials.

Question 5: If a car of mass 200 kg is moving with an acceleration of 5 m/s 2 , then what will be the net force of a car?

Given that,  Mass of a car = M c = 200 kg Acceleration of a car = a c =5 m/s 2 Using formula F = M c × a                           = 200 × 5                           = 1000 N Therefore, the net Force is 1000 N.

Question 6: A batter hits back a ball straight in the direction of the bowler with a velocity of 20 m/s and the initial velocity of the ball was 12 m/s.If the mass of the ball is 0.10kg. Determine the change in momentum on the ball.

Given that, Initial velocity of the ball = 12 m/s Final velocity of the ball = 20 m/s Mass of the ball = 0.10kg Change in momentum = final momentum – initial momentum                                   = m×v2 – m×v1                                   = 0.10×20 – (-0.10×12)           (ball again is in the direction from the batsman to the bowler)                                   = 3.2 N.s Therefore, the change in momentum is 3.2 N.s.

Question 7: During training, a policeman fired a bullet from his gun on a wooden block, now a bullet of mass 10 gm is moving at 400 m/s penetrates 4 cm into a wooden block before coming to rest. Assuming that the force exerted by the wooden block is uniform, find the magnitude of force?

Given that, Mass of the bullet = M b = 10 gm = 0.010 kg Penetration of bullet before coming to rest = s = 4 cm = 0.04 m. Initial velocity of bullet = V i =400 m/s Final velocity of bullet = V f = 0 m/s Here, wooden block will exert force opposite in the direction of velocity,therefore this force causes deceleration. Hence a be the deceleration in this case (-a) By using kinematic equation, (V f ) 2 = (V i ) 2 + 2as    ——(1)     0 = (400) 2 – 2 × a × 0.04     a = ( (400) 2 – 0 ) / 2 × 0.04       = 160000 / 0.08       = 2000000 The force on the bullet = M b × a                                     = 0.01 × 2000000                                     = 20000 N

Question 8: A box of mass 100 kg is placed on a floor exerting some force on the floor. Determine what force does the floor exerting on the box? ( Here g= 9.81 m/s 2 ).

According to Newton’s third law motion,every action there is equal and opposite reaction.Hence the force exerted by the floor on the box will be the weight of box. Given that, Mass of box = M = 100 kg. weight of the box = M × g                            = 100 × 9.81                           = 981 N The force exerted by the floor on the box = -981 N This Negative sign indicates that force applied by floor is in opposite direction of force applied by the box. Therefore, the Force applied by the floor is equal to 981 N.

Question 9: Define inertia of rest, motion , and direction?

A characteristic of matter that allows it to remain in its current condition of rest or uniform motion in a straight line until it is disrupted by an external force is called an inertia. Inertia of rest: The inability of a body to change its state of rest by itself is called inertia of rest Inertia of motion: The inability of a body to change its state of motion by itself is inertia of motion. Inertia of direction: The inability of a body to change its direction of motion by itself inertia of direction.

Question 10: There are two passengers in an elevator who have masses that exert a force of 180 N in the downward direction. They experience a normal force upwards from the elevator floor of 207 N.At what rate they are accelerating in the upward direction? (Here g=10 m/s 2 )

Given that, Upward force = 207 N Downward force = 180 N As they are accelerating in the upward direction then the net force- Net Force = ∑F = Upward force – Downward force                             = 207 -180                             = 27 N To find total mass of the passengers, use the equation for force of gravity,                           F = m×g                           m = 180/10                            m = 18 Kg To find net acceleration, use Newton’s second law of motion,                            F = m × a                             a = 27/18                            a = 1.5 m/s 2 Therefore, they are accelerating in the upward direction at the rate of 1.5m/s 2 .

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Mechanical Engineer Skills

Learn about the skills that will be most essential for Mechanical Engineers in 2024.

Getting Started as a Mechanical Engineer

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What Skills Does a Mechanical Engineer Need?

Find the important skills for any job.

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Types of Skills for Mechanical Engineers

Core engineering and technical knowledge, innovative design and problem-solving, project management and organization, interpersonal and teamwork abilities, adaptability and continuous learning, top hard skills for mechanical engineers.

Essential skills encompassing design, analysis, and manufacturing to innovate and optimize mechanical systems and processes.

  • Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE)
  • Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
  • Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
  • Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics
  • Materials Science and Metallurgy
  • Control Systems and Automation
  • Manufacturing Processes and CNC Machining

3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing

  • Robotics and Mechatronics
  • Technical Drawing and Drafting Standards

Top Soft Skills for Mechanical Engineers

Essential soft skills that empower mechanical engineers to excel in design, teamwork, and innovation within dynamic engineering landscapes.

  • Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking
  • Communication and Interpersonal Skills
  • Teamwork and Collaboration
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Adaptability and Flexibility
  • Attention to Detail
  • Time Management and Organization
  • Leadership and Mentorship
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Continuous Learning and Professional Development

Most Important Mechanical Engineer Skills in 2024

Advanced computational skills, materials science expertise, systems engineering and integration, project management and collaboration, robotics and automation knowledge, thermal and fluid dynamics acumen, adaptability to emerging technologies.

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Show the Right Skills in Every Application

Mechanical engineer skills by experience level, important skills for entry-level mechanical engineers, important skills for mid-level mechanical engineers, important skills for senior mechanical engineers, most underrated skills for mechanical engineers, 1. interdisciplinary communication, 2. systems thinking, 3. resourcefulness, how to demonstrate your skills as a mechanical engineer in 2024, how you can upskill as a mechanical engineer.

  • Master Advanced Software Tools: Invest time in learning and mastering industry-standard CAD, CAM, and simulation software to improve design and manufacturing processes.
  • Understand Industry 4.0 Technologies: Gain expertise in smart manufacturing, IoT, robotics, and AI to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving industrial landscape.
  • Expand Your Knowledge in Sustainable Engineering: Take courses on sustainable design and renewable energy technologies to contribute to environmentally responsible engineering solutions.
  • Participate in Professional Engineering Societies: Join organizations like ASME or SAE to access resources, attend conferences, and connect with other professionals in your field.
  • Engage in Hands-on Workshops and Training: Attend workshops that offer practical experience with new materials, production techniques, and hardware to enhance your hands-on skills.
  • Develop Project Management Skills: Learn project management principles to effectively lead projects, manage teams, and deliver results on time and within budget.
  • Embrace Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Work on projects with professionals from other disciplines to broaden your perspective and foster innovation through diversity of thought.
  • Focus on Communication and Leadership: Improve your soft skills by engaging in leadership training and practicing clear, concise communication, which is essential for teamwork and project success.
  • Stay Informed on Regulatory Standards: Keep abreast of changes in industry regulations and standards to ensure compliance and quality in your engineering projects.
  • Invest in Personal Research Projects: Dedicate time to personal research or innovation projects to explore new ideas and technologies that could revolutionize your field.

Skill FAQs for Mechanical Engineers

What are the emerging skills for mechanical engineers today, how can mechanical engineers effectivley develop their soft skills, how important is technical expertise for mechanical engineers.

Mechanical Engineer Education

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More Skills for Related Roles

Shaping the future with innovative designs, turning abstract ideas into tangible products

Driving the future of transportation, innovating in design and performance of vehicles

Optimizing production processes for efficiency, ensuring quality in every product made

Designing and innovating the future of automation, shaping the world of robotics

Enhancing precision and streamlining processes with advanced automation tech

Start Your Mechanical Engineer Career with Teal

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