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Student Statistics

Graduate student statistics, graduate enrollment, the final registration census report provides graduate and professional student enrollment data for fall, winter and spring terms starting from fall 2004 through current term. data can be filtered by school, department, major, degrees, status (new, continuing/returning), and type of program support (state-supported or self-supporting). graduate enrollment may be viewed by clicking on the corresponding dashboard tab. the report is updated after the 15th day of instruction each term..

ucsd economics phd acceptance rate

Graduate Enrollment Trends

This report shows trends in graduate student enrollment for the uc san diego general campus by degree, type of support (tuition or self-supporting), gender, historically under-represented minority status (urm), and international student status. the report is updated every fall term., degrees, time to degree, and completion rates.

  • Graduate Degrees Awarded and Time to Degree

The dashboard presents degrees awarded and median time-to-degree for students in master’s, doctorate and professional doctorate programs starting from the 2012-13 academic year. The dashboard also displays trend graphs by school, gender, and URM status. Data can be filtered by school, degree, and award type. The report is updated in March.

ucsd economics phd acceptance rate

Graduate Student Completion Rates

The tables and figures in this dashboard provide graduate student completion rates by major department  and also 10-year completion rate trends by school, gender, and urm status. data can be filtered by school and department. the report is updated in march..

ucsd economics phd acceptance rate

Graduate Admissions

This dashboard includes the number of applications, admissions, and new graduate students by school, department, and type of academic program support. it also displays 10-year application and admission trends by gender, urm, and international student status. data can be filtered by school, department, type of award, and program support. the report is updated in november..

ucsd economics phd acceptance rate

Post Graduation Experiences

Initial placement of doctoral recipients, this dashboard reports data on the initial placement of doctoral recipients that received doctoral degrees. the report maps initial placement in the u.s. and abroad since the summer, 2011 term. graphs and tables present initial placement by employment sector, employer type, position type, employer name, and student demographics. data can be filtered by school, gender, and race/ethnicity. the report is updated in march..

ucsd economics phd acceptance rate

Student Diversity

Graduate students, the uc information center provides historical graduate and professional programs enrollment data starting in fall 1999. graduate data are disaggregated by residency, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, country of origin, and program support. data can be filtered by program type, student enrollment status, and field of study..

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[ undergraduate program | courses | faculty ]

ECONOMICS STUDENT SERVICES: Social Sciences Research Building, Rooms 157–170 http://economics.ucsd.edu

All courses, faculty listings, and curricular and degree requirements described herein are subject to change or deletion without notice.

The Graduate Program

The department offers a PhD degree in economics, designed to provide a rigorous, analytically oriented training in microeconomics, macroeconomics, econometrics, and advanced specialties. Since the program is structured as a doctoral program, only students who intend to pursue a doctorate should apply.

The main economics PhD requirements are that a student pass qualifying exams in microeconomics, macroeconomics, and econometrics, complete select courses of specialization, and prepare an acceptable dissertation.

Details of the PhD program are available on the internet at the department website at http://economics.ucsd.edu . Residence and other campuswide regulations are described in the graduate studies section of this catalog.

PhD Graduate Admissions in Economics

Information about applying to the graduate program in economics can be found on the department’s website at http://economics.ucsd.edu , and also at the  Division of Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs website at https://apply.grad.ucsd.edu . Should you have additional questions not covered by the information or resources listed here, please email us at [email protected] .

Applications are only accepted for fall quarter.

The doctoral program starts in the fall quarter, and application submissions open in September of the prior year.

Basic Requirements

GRE General Test is required.

(international applicants only)

A test of English language proficiency is required for international applicants whose native language is not English and who have not studied full time for one uninterrupted academic year at a university-level institution in which English is the language of instruction and in a country where English is a dominant language.

The following test(s) are accepted by this department:

Minimum of three recommendations required.

Statement of Purpose required, 2,500 word limit.

Including your resume as part of your application is optional but recommended.

Required; writing sample should be an original piece of research.

Financial Support

Financial support is determined by the admissions committee for the first year. In subsequent years, all graduate students receive funding contingent on normal progress in the program. The typical package includes a teaching assistantship, fee remission, and tuition scholarship (for nonresidents).

Typical Program

A math review course (ECON 205) is offered prior to fall quarter. This is an intensive review of analysis, single and multi-variable calculus, and optimization , and is designed to prepare entering students for their first year of study. Entering students with confidence in their mathematical skills are not required to take the course. However, all students are required to pass the final exam in the class.

Throughout the duration of the program each student is required to maintain full-time enrollment status, at least twelve units, to be eligible for any form of financial support . Excellent supplements to the schedule of core and elective courses to ensure full-time enrollment status are ECON 291, ECON 297, ECON 299, and ECON 500A-B-C.

All core and elective courses taken to fulfill program requirements must be taken for a letter grade (unless otherwise specified below). Economics course titles and descriptions are online .

Typical Progression

Fall Quarter

Winter Quarter

Spring Quarter


Fall Quarter

Winter Quarter

Spring Quarter


Fall Quarter

Winter Quarter

Spring Quarter


Field/Elective Requirements

General requirements for all PhD students:

  • Completion of seven elective courses.
  • All seven courses must be taken for a letter grade (A, B, C, etc.).
  • Cumulative GPA of 3.5 or better must be earned in these seven courses.
  • Students must elect two fields of economics for advanced study.
  • Each field requires completion of two to three graduate courses.
  • One elective counts toward one field requirement; duplicate credit is not granted.
  • Students are to complete all seven of these courses by the end of their third year.
  • Students should strive to complete their field requirements in their second year.

Students may enroll in independent study or relevant courses from other departments. However, in general, these courses cannot be counted among the seven electives.

Qualifying Examinations

Written qualifying exams in each of the three core fields (microeconomics, macroeconomics, and econometrics) are required and are offered each year at the end of spring quarter and again at the end of summer session. Each exam is administered and graded separately. To continue in the doctoral program, all three exams must be passed by the end of spring quarter of the student’s second year in the program. No exceptions will be made to this policy.

In preparation for the qualifying exams, the department expects a student to be competent relative to existing knowledge on the subject. The specific guide to subject matter needed for competence in a field is the body of topics covered in the first-year courses in that field. More information on qualifying exams can be found on the department’s website at http://economics.ucsd.edu .

Advancement to Candidacy (CPHIL Degree)

To attain candidacy, the student must complete an oral examination covering the topic of the proposed thesis before the members of their doctoral committee. The prerequisites for applying for the candidacy exam are

  • Pass the qualifying examinations (microeconomics, macroeconomics, and econometrics)
  • Complete a computation course (ECON 280)
  • Complete advanced econometrics courses (ECON 220D–F)
  • Complete an empirical project (as part of ECON 220F)
  • Complete the elective requirements
  • Complete a third-year original paper and presentation (ECON 285/296)
  • Complete the graduate research presentation workshop (ECON 286)

It is expected that students will advance to candidacy before the start of the fourth year.

Papers should be submitted to the committee for review at least four weeks before the CPHIL examination date. Students must notify the department graduate coordinator of their doctoral committee members at least one month before the CPHIL date.


By the end of the second year, a student has passed the qualifying examinations, has selected a dissertation topic, and conducts background study on the topic. The normal mechanisms for topic development are

  • Elective courses
  • Participation in workshops and colloquia
  • Consultation with the dissertation committee

After completing a dissertation acceptable to the committee, a student will present a final oral examination on the dissertation. The presentation is open to the public; family, friends, and classmates may be invited to attend.

Master of Arts in Economics

The Department of Economics does not offer a master’s program. Students in the doctoral program may apply for the MA upon completion of the degree requirements below, usually following the first year of study in the doctoral program.

History of the Degree

The MA degree meets the needs of three types of students:

  • Students who, though capable of satisfactory academic performance, decide not to continue their studies toward the PhD.
  • Students advised by the department not to continue in the doctoral program but who have mastered certain basic segments.
  • Students who will continue in the program but need an MA degree for summer or part-time jobs.

The MA is not a degree that students in the doctoral program routinely obtain in the course of their doctoral work; it is strictly incidental to the program. The university will not award an MA in economics if one has been awarded by another department or institution in similar fields.


To qualify for the master’s degree, a student must have been admitted to the doctoral program. The requirements for the degree are

  • Complete, with at least a B average, thirty-six units in upper-division undergraduate or doctoral level economics courses, of which at least twenty-four units must come from the core first-year doctoral sequence (ECON 200, 210, 220).
  • Receive at least a master’s pass in two core doctoral qualifying exams.
  • Receive at least a master’s pass in one of the core doctoral qualifying exams, and a B+ average in the first-year courses in a second core field.
  • Receive at least a master’s pass or receive a B+ average in one core field and write an independent paper approved by three economics faculty members (one outside faculty member allowed) as a master’s thesis.

A minimum of one quarter must elapse between application for candidacy for the MA degree and the filing of the final report for the award of the degree. Forms turned in by the end of the second week of the quarter may be conferred at the end of that quarter.

Department FAQs:


Departmental PhD Time Limit Policies

Students must be advanced to candidacy by the end of five years. Total university support cannot exceed six years. Total registered time at UC San Diego cannot exceed seven years. Students will not be permitted to continue beyond their precandidacy and total registered time limits. Students will not be permitted to receive UC San Diego administered financial support beyond their support limit.

PhD in Economics with a Specialization in Interdisciplinary Environmental Research

A graduate specialization in Interdisciplinary Environmental Research (PIER) is available for select doctoral students in economics. PIER students seek solutions to today’s environmental challenges.

The PhD specialization is designed to allow students to obtain standard training in their chosen field and an opportunity to interact with peers in different disciplines throughout the duration of their doctoral projects. Such communication across disciplines is key to fostering a capacity for interdisciplinary “language” skills and conceptual flexibility.

Specialization Requirements

  • Complete all course work, dissertation, and other requirements of the economics PhD.
  • Sixteen-unit interdisciplinary boot camp (summer SIO 295S–295LS).
  • Eight units from a secondary field (outside the home department).
  • Six units (three quarters) Interdisciplinary Environmental Research Forum (SIO 296).
  • At least one chapter of the dissertation will be broadly related to environmental research and will be interdisciplinary in nature.

Application Requirements

We advise students to begin PIER in their third year upon completion of core economics course requirements. The following items should be combined into a single PDF document and submitted to [email protected] .

  • Student’s CV.
  • Half-page abstract of proposed thesis work.
  • Up to one-page statement of student’s interest in interdisciplinary environmental research including career goals.
  • Nomination letter from adviser acknowledging student’s academic ability and interdisciplinary environmental interest. The letter must include a commitment for summer stipend support.

Admission to the Specialization

Students are admitted into the economics doctoral program. Admission to PIER is a competitive process with 6–8 students granted admission each year from across ten participating UC San Diego departments. Selected applicants will have the opportunity to enroll in the specialization.

PIER Fellowships

When funding is available, all applicants will be considered for one year of PIER Fellowship support.

Specialization in Computational Social Science

Computational Social Science (CSS) integrates large-scale data analysis with formal, causal models from social science domains, to not only improve predictions, but also guide extrapolation and intervention beyond existing data. Students pursuing the specialization will find a clear path to accessing training in computational social science, a formal mechanism for recognizing their efforts, and access to a broad network of relevant scholars.


The graduate specialization in computational social science is only available to students currently enrolled in a PhD program at UC San Diego in the following School of Social Sciences departments: anthropology, communication, cognitive science, economics, education studies, ethnic studies, linguistics, political science, psychology, and sociology. Doctoral students in these departments may apply for the specialization through the CSS administration, housed in the Department of Psychology, with the endorsement of the student’s primary research adviser and department chair. Students are eligible to join the CSS specialization at any time pre-candidacy; post-candidacy requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis and may require additional justification relating to time to degree.

In addition to the PhD requirements of their home department, admitted students are required to complete the following requirements:

  • Three quarters of CSS 209. Computational Social Science Research Seminar.
  • Three courses from a list of electives, at least one of which must not count toward the home department PhD requirements, with at least one of these electives drawn from the subset of “advanced data” courses.
  • Appointment to the dissertation committee of at least one CSS affiliated faculty member not affiliated with the student’s home department.
  • Satisfactory completion of a dissertation including a technical and/or computational social science component.
Campus Office 241 Sequoyah Hall
Phone (858) 534-3383
Fax (858) 822-5692
Mailing Address Graduate Admissions
University of California, San Diego
Department of Economics
9500 Gilman Drive #0534
La Jolla, CA 92093-0534
Visit the department for specific admissions requirements.
Admissions Term Fall quarter admission only
GRE General Test GRE general test required
GRE Subject Test GRE subject test not required
TOEFL or IELTS Exam The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is required for international applicants whose native language is not English and who have not studied full-time for one uninterrupted academic year at a university-level institution in which English is the language of instruction and in a country where English is a dominant language.
Letters of Recommendation Three (3) letters of recommendation required. Accepts online letters of recommendation ONLY
Statement of Purpose Requirements Accepts only the online Statement of Purpose; 2500 word limit
Specific Program Requirements The Department does not enroll students who seek a Masters degree as a terminal degree. Applicants who wish to be considered for the must submit a complete application on or before December 13, 2013. All materials MUST BE POSTMARKED by December 14 or you will not be considered for the San Diego Fellowship. Note: To be awarded the San Diego Fellowship applicants must be US citizens or permanent residents and complete the San Diego Fellowship section of the application. Those not interested in applying for the San Diego Fellowship need to apply on or before January 16, 2014. All application materials due by this date. All supplemental materials MUST BE POSTMARKED (postmark date or sent date if carrier other than USPS) by January 16 or your file will be considered incomplete for Fall admission.

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  • Department of Economics

La Jolla, CA

Department of Economics / Department of Economics is located in La Jolla, CA, in a suburban setting.

Degrees & Awards

Degrees offered.

Degree Concentration Sub-concentration
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Degrees Awarded

Degree Number Awarded
Master's Degrees 1
Doctoral Degrees 15

Earning Your Degree

Part-time study available? No
Evening/weekend programs available? No

Degree Requirements

Degree Requirement
Doctoral Degrees Comp Exam Required
Thesis Required

Acceptance Rate

Application deadlines.

Type Domestic International Priority date
Fall deadline December 5th Not reported No

Entrance Requirements

Exam Details
Master's Degree Exam GRE General Test ');
Doctoral Degree Requirements Minimum GPA of 3.5, letters of recommendation, statement of purpose
Exam Details
TOEFL: Required TOEFL Paper score: 550
TOEFL IBT score: 80
IELTS: Required

Tuition & Fees

Financial support.

Financial award applicants must submit: FAFSA
Types of financial support available Scholarship and/or loans

Student Body

Focus of faculty research: Behavioral/experimental economics, development economics, econometrics, environment and resource economics, finance, health economics, industrial organization, international, labor, macroeconomics, microeconomic theory, public economics
Externally sponsored research expenditures last year: 0

Location & Contact

  • Grad Schools
  • Search Results
  • University of California, San Diego
  • Graduate Division

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How to Get Into UCSD: Admissions Stats + Tips

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What’s Covered:

How hard is it to get into ucsd, average academic profile of accepted ucsd students, what is ucsd looking for, how to improve your chances of getting into ucsd.

When you consider UCSD’s location and weather (which are best described as idyllic), it’s a miracle that anyone attends class—yet the school is among the best public universities in the nation . More than merely recognized nationally, the University of California San Diego is consistently ranked among the top research universities in the world . 

The University of California San Diego is very difficult to get into. UCSD’s Class of 2025 had an applicant pool of 98,669 and accepted 37,584 students—giving the school an overall acceptance rate of 38% . 

UCSD’s acceptance rate is low, but your personal chances of acceptance are tied to the strength of your profile. CollegeVine’s free admissions calculator uses a host of factors—like your GPA, test scores, and extracurriculars—to estimate your odds at the University of California San Diego and provide tips to improve your profile.  

The average high school GPA of UCSD’s Class of 2025 is 4.09 —76.6% of them graduated with a 4.0.

The middle 50% SAT score of UCSD’s class of 2025 is 1280-1460 . The middle 50% ACT score is 26-33 . It’s worth noting that the SAT and ACT are not used to make admissions decisions at any of the UC System Schools, including UCSD. 

Every student in UCSD’s Class of 2025 graduated in the top tenth of their high school class. 

The University of California San Diego is first and foremost looking for applicants with strong academic profiles. In addition to possessing great grades and a high class rank, UCSD (and the UC System as a whole) has a set of academic prerequisites known as the A to G subject requirements that applicants must meet to qualify for admission. Most applicants graduating from public school should have no trouble satisfying them, but they can prove troublesome for applicants from private schools or those who were homeschooled. 

The A to G subject requirements are a collection of 15 courses that are prerequisites for admission to the University of California San Diego: 


2 years


4 years


3 years 


2 years

Language other than English 

2 years (or the equivalent to the second level of high school instruction)

Visual and performing arts

1 year

College-preparatory elective

1 year 

To satisfy the A to G subject requirement, in-state students are required to earn a GPA of 3.0 and cannot get anything less than a C. Out-of-state applicants have an even higher bar to clear—they must earn a 3.4 GPA and can also not receive a grade lower than a C. 

Although academics take precedence at UCSD, there are other qualities they look for in applicants. According to UCSD , they’re looking for students who demonstrate “leadership, motivation, tenacity, initiative, originality, creativity, intellectual independence, responsibility, insight, and maturity.” The university is also looking to field classes with students from different backgrounds and values cultural, socioeconomic, and intellectual diversity. 

How UCSD College Evaluates Applications

According to their 2020-2021 Common Data Set, UCSD considers the following factors “very important” :

  • Course rigor

These factors are “important” :

  • Extracurricular activities 
  • State residency 
  • Volunteer work 

These are “considered” :

  • Class rank 
  • First generation 
  • Geographical residence
  • Work experience

And these are “not considered” :

  • Standardized test scores
  • Recommendations 
  • Religious affiliation/commitment
  • Racial/ethnic status 

ucsd economics phd acceptance rate

Discover your chances at hundreds of schools

Our free chancing engine takes into account your history, background, test scores, and extracurricular activities to show you your real chances of admission—and how to improve them.

1. Achieve at least a 4.09 average GPA while taking the most challenging classes available

The University of California San Diego places considerable weight on your academic performance. The university considers both GPA and course rigor as “very important” to admissions, and the average high school GPA of UCSD’s Class of 2025 is 4.09 . But UCSD students didn’t just earn great grades in high school—they did so while tackling challenging coursework. It’s common for students at top-tier schools like UCSD to have completed between five and 12 AP classes . 

Selective schools that receive an enormous amount of applications, like UCSD, use a tool known as the Academic Index to expedite admissions decisions. Academic Index consolidates your entire academic record into a single number. If your Academic Index fails to meet UCSD’s standards, you risk being viewed as unqualified and your application not given serious consideration. 

If you’re earlier on in your high school career and your GPA is low, there is still time to improve it. Check out our tips for increasing your GPA . If you’re a junior or senior, you’ll need to buckle down, as you’re unable to increase your Academic Index with higher test scores like applicants at many other schools.

2. Write engaging essays

Outside of academics, essays are the best way to stand out from other applicants at UCSD. The University of California San Diego—like all UC System schools—requires applicants to answer four essay questions from a selection of eight prompts: 

  • Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes or contributed to group efforts over time.
  • Every person has a creative side, and it can be expressed in many ways: problem-solving, original and innovative thinking, and artistically, to name a few. Describe how you express your creative side.
  • What would you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed and demonstrated that talent over time?
  • Describe how you have taken advantage of a significant educational opportunity or worked to overcome an educational barrier you have faced.
  • Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement?
  • Think about an academic subject that inspires you. Describe how you have furthered this interest inside and/or outside of the classroom.
  • What have you done to make your school or your community a better place?
  • Beyond what has already been shared in your application, what do you believe makes you stand out as a strong candidate for admissions to the University of California?

UCSD received almost 100,000 applications for its Class of 2025. To distinguish yourself from the thousands of other essays submitted, you’ll want to avoid cliches and write in your unique voice. Make sure to highlight the qualities that aren’t easily gleaned from your application and show why they make you a good fit at UCSD (and how the school will benefit from you being on campus). For UCSD-specific essay advice, check out our article, “ How to Write the University of California Essays 2021-2022 .”

3. Cultivate one or two Tier 1-2 extracurriculars (find your “spike”)

Almost every applicant at the University of California San Diego will have an exceptional academic profile. This places extra importance on areas like extracurriculars for separating yourself from other applicants. UCSD views extracurricular activities as an “important” part of their admissions process. 

A strong extracurricular profile will feature a highly developed interest, known as a “ spike ,” and one of two impressive extracurriculars. Just how much weight do your activities outside of the classroom carry with colleges? The four tiers of extracurriculars provide a good guide for how schools value them:

  • Tier 1 activities are the rarest, most impressive, and extremely compelling to colleges. These extracurriculars demonstrate exceptional achievement, leadership, or merit and include things like winning a national award, earning nationwide recognition in athletics or music, and attending a prestigious merit-based summer program. 
  • Tier 2 extracurriculars demonstrate great accomplishment and leadership but are more commonly seen by admissions officers and don’t carry the same weight as those in Tier 1. Examples of Tier 2 activities are winning a regional award, earning state-level recognition in athletics or music, or holding a position like student body president. 
  • Tier 3 extracurricular activities are good for highlighting your interests outside of the classroom but do little to differentiate you from other candidates. Tier 3 activities include captaining a varsity sport, playing in a regional musical ensemble, or holding a minor leadership position in a well-known club. 
  • Tier 4 activities are the most common and least impressive to college admissions. These activities include playing a sport or instrument, participating in a club, and general volunteer work. 

4. Aim for a 1460 SAT and 33 ACT 

The schools of the UC System no longer use the SAT or ACT when making admissions decisions. That said, having strong standardized test scores is a quality shared by the majority of UCSD students—the middle 50% SAT/ACT score of UCSD’s Class of 2025 is 1280-1460/26-33 . 

Although standardized test scores are not used to make admissions decisions at UCSD, you may submit your test scores, and there are some benefits for doing so. Standardized tests may be used as an alternative method to fulfill minimum requirements for admissions eligibility or for course placement after you enroll. To improve your SAT/ACT score, check out these free CollegeVine resources:

  • How to Get a Perfect 1600 Score on the SAT
  • How to Get a Perfect 36 Score on the ACT
  • More SAT Info and Tips
  • More ACT Info and Tips

5. Apply Early Action/Early Decision

Many colleges have early decision and early action programs that allow applicants to get a jump on the college admissions process and gain an advantage over other applicants— applying early can increase your chances even when controlling for profile strength. 

Unfortunately for applicants to the University of California San Diego, it and the rest of the UC System schools do not offer early decision or early admission. This makes it even more essential that your academics are impressive, your essays are polished, and your extracurriculars are impressive. 

How to Apply to UCSD

The deadline to submit your UC application is November 30 and decision notifications are sent on March 31 . 

Application Requirements

UCSD and the other schools of the UC System accept only UC Applications. In addition, you’ll need to submit your four personal essays and ensure you’ve met the UC System’s subject requirements. Arts majors pursuing music, theatre, dance, and visual art may submit an optional (but highly recommended) portfolio for review. 

Learn more about UCSD

Interested in learning more about the University of California San Diego? Check out these other informative articles: 

  • What is UCSD Known For?
  • Guide to UCSD Undergraduate Research Opportunities
  • What Does it Cost to Attend The University of California–San Diego?
  • College Admissions Story: Rachel from UCSD
  • UCSD Student Panel
  • Live Q&A With Current UC San Diego Students

Want to know your chances at UCSD? Calculate your chances for free right now .

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UCSD Acceptance Rate 2023 By Major: Admission Stats

Photo of author

Adebayo Samson

January 20, 2024

What is the UCSD acceptance rate for freshmen and transfer students? Can you get into UC San Diego with a low GPA?

In this article, I explained all you need to know about UCSD’s admission rates and the admission requirements for prospective applicants. The University of California , San Diego, has an acceptance or admission rate of 24.7% . This implies that out of every 100 applicants, only 24 are offered admission.

As one of the world’s best research universities and one of the top public colleges in the US, UC San Diego has over 40000 students. The university is still searching for bold innovators eager to swap ideas, share experiences, and explore the world with a new perspective.

UCSD Acceptance Rate 2023

The UCSD acceptance rate for the class of 2027 is about 24.7% . The university received 130,841 freshman applications in 2023 and offered 32,314 first-year applicants admission.

It may also interest you that UCSD’s transfer acceptance rate for 2023 is 62.4%, and 92% of admitted transfer students were from California community colleges .

The number of transfer applications increased by 1.27% from last year. Overall, UCSD is among the top UCs with the highest number of applications this year.

The acceptance rate for transfer students is almost twice that of freshmen, so I recommend going through the community college route to save money. Check out the UCSD acceptance rate for classes of 2023 to 2027 in the table below.

Class ofAcceptance RateApplicationsYield Rate

UCSD acceptance rate by major

If your major falls under any of the faculties listed below, you should know how competitive it is.

FacultyAcceptance Rate
Biological Sciences17%
Arts and Humanities5%
Health Sciences2%
Data Science15%
Social Sciences37%
Physical Sciences12%

From the table above, it’s clear that anyone going for any major under the faculty of health sciences must be ready to beat the competition or get rejected.

UCSD library at night

The university established seven colleges to tighten the community and improve student learning. Applicants are told to rank these colleges in their application forms.

Each college differs in some ways, which makes them special.

UCSD acceptance rate for international students

The admission rate for international students at the University of California San Diego is 15%. This implies that out of every 100 applicants, only 15 are offered admission to study their course of study at UCSD.

Below are the acceptance rates for international students over the years.

YearAcceptance Rate

Furthermore, since only a small fraction of the total number of international applicants is accepted, those offered admission are typically the very best among the pool of applicants. This also suggests that succeeding at UCSD requires impressive academic dedication, commitment, and perseverance.

UC San Diego out-of-state Admit Rate

The UCSD acceptance rate for non-California residents or out-of-state students is 31%. This means that of every 100 applications received by the institution, only 31 students are offered admission.

Below are the acceptance rates for out-of-state students for the last five years.

YearAcceptance Rate

In comparison, the acceptance rate for California residents is usually higher due to the mission and priority of public universities to support education within their state. However, admission into the University is not solely determined by one’s residency status but involves numerous factors such as academic performance, personal achievements, extracurricular involvement, and more.

UCSD GPA requirements

California residents must have a minimum GPA of 3.0, while non-residents and international applicants must have a minimum GPA of 3.4 on a 4.0 scale. Prospective applicants must not have grades lower than ‘C’ in their transcripts.

The average GPA of first-year students at UC San Diego is 4.2 (weighted). International students must demonstrate their proficiency in English.

Your GPA is calculated based on the preparatory courses during high school grades 10 and 11. The ACT and SAT scores are not considered admission requirements, although you can submit them for reference.

International students whose native language is not English must submit their IELTS or TOEFL scores to the university. A minimum TOEFL score of 83 or an IELTS score of 7 is required.

Also Read :

  • UCLA Acceptance Rate (With Requirements)
  • AmeriCorps Acceptance Rate & Requirements
  • Flatiron School Acceptance Rate & Requirements
  • Colleges That Accept 2.5 GPA In Illinois

Is UCSD hard to get into?

UC San Diego is hard to get into but not as hard as other UCs due to its above-average acceptance rate. This doesn’t mean you can get in with a low GPA and no extracurriculars.

night-view of UCSD campus

If it were easy, everyone would do it. Even though they don’t use ACT and SAT scores, an average admitted UCSD student has an SAT score of 1360 and an ACT score of 30 .

Here are some important things to note if you want to gain admission to study at UC San Diego.

  • Get close to a 4.0 GPA.
  • Take AP classes you can handle. This should be the number of AP classes offered by your high school.
  • How you stand out from the rest of the competition matters, so why should they offer you admission?
  • Be involved in some volunteering and extracurricular activities.
  • Write an impactful essay or personal statement, brush up on your writing skills, and have it reviewed by an expert before you submit your application.
  • Try your best and leave the rest, don’t try to game the system.
  • Playing high school sports does not matter if you are not passionate about it.

In summary, you should have a strong GPA, good AP test scores, and outstanding extracurriculars. If you wish to save money and yourself from stress, you can go to a community college first and then apply to UCSD as a transfer student.

What is the easiest major to get into?

Most majors under the faculty of social sciences are easy to get into at UCSD. I’m talking about majors under departments like anthropology, education studies, cognitive science, linguistics, psychology, international studies, etc.

Language majors are known to have the highest acceptance rate in all UCs. These majors or departments don’t get as many applicants as other majors at UC San Diego. If you are interested in studying the science of society, you should give it a shot.

Don’t try to study a major you don’t like or just because its admission rate is high; follow your passion. The problem with these low-competition majors is their low job opportunities and average salaries.

Changing majors at UC San Diego is possible if done early and within the same department. For example, you can’t expect to change your major from political science to nursing.

I’m sure you now know everything you need about the UCSD acceptance rate for freshman and transfer students. Share this post with others.

  • Freshman fall admissions summary | University of California
  • Admissions (ucsd.edu)

Adebayo samson

Sam is a brilliant young Nigerian biochemistry student and an aspiring entrepreneur. Despite facing many challenges, he has never lost his passion for learning and drive to make a difference in the world. Read more about him here .

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University of California-San Diego: Statistics

Updated: February 29, 2024

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Quick Review

University of california-san diego acceptance rate and admissions statistics.

University of California-San Diego has an acceptance rate of 24% and is among the top 6% of the most difficult universities to gain admission to in the United States. The university reports the admission statistics without distinguishing between local and international students.

Total Men Women
Acceptance Rate 24% 21% 26%
Applicants 131,197 61,341 69,856
Admissions 31,103 12,945 18,158
Freshmen enrolled full time 6,530 2,782 3,748
Freshmen enrolled part time 16 8 8

3,257 students enrolled in some distance education courses.

48 enrolled exclusively in distance education.

Admissions requirements

College-preparatory program Required
Secondary school GPA Required
Secondary school record Required
TOEFL Required
Formal demonstration of competencies Neither required nor recommended
Other Tests Neither required nor recommended
Recommendations Neither required nor recommended
SAT/ACT Neither required nor recommended
Secondary school rank Neither required nor recommended

Enrollment demographics by race or ethnicity

Asian 12607 (30%)
Hispanic 8688 (21%)
Nonresident Alien 8586 (20%)
White 8132 (19%)
Two or more races 2301 (5%)
Race or Ethnicity unknown 896 (2%)
Black or African American 715 (2%)
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander 39 (0.1%)
American Indian or Alaska Native 24 (0.1%)

Costs per year: Tuition, Housing, Fees

The final cost of attendance varies for each student based on household income, residency, program, and other factors.

Tuition and fees

Tuition in-district $11,564$11,700
Tuition in-state $11,564$11,700
Tuition out-of-state $41,636$26,802
Fee in-district $3,342$2,203
Fee in-state $3,342$2,203
Fee out-of-state $3,342$2,203

Room and board costs

Dormitory capacity 18,165
Combined charge for room and board $16,710

University of California-San Diego majors

University of California-San Diego has granted 8,871 bachelor's degrees across 92 programs, 1,946 master's across 63 programs, and 742 doctorate degrees across 62 programs. Below is a table with majors that lead to degrees at University of California-San Diego.

Major Bachelor Master Doctoral
Computer Science 590 185 43
Cognitive Science, General 717 3 6
Anatomy 552
International & Globalization Studies 487
Biology & Biological Sciences, General 321 110 55
Econometrics and Quantitative Economics 370 1 15
Political Science and Government, General 290 5 7
Psychology, General 289
Electrical and Electronics Engineering 218 49 16
Mathematics and Computer Science 268
Communication, General 255 5 3
Chemistry, Other 254
Management Sciences and Quantitative Methods, Other 28 218 5
Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering 92 123 24
Mechanical Engineering 146 70 22
Cell & Cellular and Molecular Biology 214
Management Science 124 84
Computer Engineering, General 167 30 4
Structural Engineering 110 53 20
Chemistry, General 82 51 48
Chemical Engineering 128 30 7
Information Technology 164
Marine Biology and Biological Oceanography 85 61 7
Clinical Psychology 142 8
International Public Health & International Health 127 13 3
Neurobiology and Neurosciences, Other 140 2
Mathematics, Other 131 10
Applied Mathematics, General 127 3
Sociology, General 118 4 4
International Relations and Affairs 8 115
Public Health, General 83 38
Mathematics, General 89 14 15
Education, General 48 55 14
Financial Mathematics 116
Psychology, Other 113 2
Biochemistry 114
Engineering, Other 56 35 17
Aerospace, Aeronautical, and Astronautical & Space Engineering, General 83 21 1
Human Development and Family Studies, General 88
Bioinformatics 71 10
Environmental Studies 79
Medicine 79
Public Health, Other 79
Visual and Performing Arts, General 67 10
History, General 59 4 11
English Language and Literature & Letters, Other 58 7 5
Pharmacy 66
Electrical, Electronics, and Communications Engineering, Other 53 4
Materials Engineering 26 27
Statistics, Other 53
Linguistics 47 2 3
Oceanography, Chemical and Physical 38 14
Social Sciences, Other 52
Microbiology, General 51
Real Estate Development 51
Public Policy Analysis, General 49
Ecology, Evolution, Systematics and Population Biology, Other 48
Political Science and Government, Other 46 2
Drama and Dramatics & Theatre Arts, General 43 2
Physics, General 28 2 14
Health & Medical Psychology 43
Information Technology Project Management 42
Anthropology, General 33 2 5
Multi- & Interdisciplinary Studies, Other 38
Developmental and Child Psychology 37
Neurobiology and Anatomy 37
Cognitive Psychology and Psycholinguistics 36
Social Psychology 36
Music, General 20 6 9
Geology & Earth Science, General 12 14 7
Clinical and Industrial Drug Development 32
Biomedical Sciences, General 1 30
Urban Studies & Affairs 31
Philosophy 22 1 6
English Language and Literature, General 27
Computer and Information Sciences, Other 26
Fine & Studio Arts, General 26
Medical Science & Scientist 25
Physics, Other 22 2
Community Health and Preventive Medicine 22
Ethnic, Cultural Minority, Gender, and Group Studies, Other 17 3 2
Experimental Psychology 12 10
Biological & Biosystems Engineering 20
Neuroscience 8 11
Engineering Physics & Applied Physics 7 6 5
Art History, Criticism and Conservation 11 6
Anthropology, Other 15 1
Biostatistics 10 5
Systems Engineering 10 5
Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Other 14
Molecular Biology 13
Audiology & Audiologist 12
Computer Hardware Engineering 12
Engineering Science 12
Design and Visual Communications, General 11
Japanese Studies 11
International Economics 9
Physical Sciences, Other 7 2
Acting 8
Animal Physiology 8
Epidemiology 8
Health & Health Care Administration & Management 8
Latin American Studies 2 5
Computational Science 6
Dance, General 6
Spanish Language and Literature 6
Technical Theatre & Theatre Design and Technology 5
Biophysics 3 1
Chinese Studies 4
Economics, Other 4
Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 4
Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities, Other 4
Religion & Religious Studies 4
Environmental & Environmental Health Engineering 3
Mathematics Teacher Education 3
Music Performance, General 3
Russian, Central European, East European and Eurasian Studies 3
Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Other 2
Classics and Classical Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General 2
Directing and Theatrical Production 2
Statistics, General 2
Behavioral Aspects of Health 1
Communication and Media Studies, Other 1
Dramatic & Theatre Arts and Stagecraft, Other 1
Geophysics and Seismology 1
Jewish & Judaic Studies 1
Literature, Other 1
Playwriting and Screenwriting 1
Substance Abuse & Addiction Counseling 1
Grand Total 8,871 1,946 742

University of California-San Diego has a graduation rate of 88%, which is among the 6% highest for universities in the US.

Total Men Women
Graduation rate 88% 85% 90%

Publications & Citations

University of California-San Diego is a world-class research university with 261,590 scientific papers published and 12,058,348 citations received. The research profile covers a range of fields, including Biology, Medicine, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, Physics, Genetics, Biochemistry, Liberal Arts & Social Sciences, and Psychology.

Publication / Citation count by topic

/ 9,083,997
/ 6,846,464
/ 7,410,523
/ 5,525,403
/ 4,510,527
/ 4,485,895
/ 5,821,865
/ 5,651,762
/ 3,681,079
/ 3,842,626
/ 3,456,226
/ 2,843,282
/ 3,145,480
/ 2,820,158
/ 2,457,991
/ 2,038,978
/ 1,974,038
/ 2,146,727
/ 2,381,589
/ 1,750,039
/ 1,498,443
/ 1,760,160
/ 1,658,688
/ 1,875,918
/ 1,249,745
/ 1,384,387
/ 1,343,953
/ 1,220,400
/ 1,422,068
/ 1,432,163
/ 1,086,466
/ 1,343,455
/ 1,014,682
/ 862,760
/ 893,422
/ 983,748
/ 1,079,519
/ 939,026
/ 1,150,802
/ 867,901

Annual publication & citation counts

Year Publications Citations
1991 2397 48958
1992 2381 53785
1993 2661 56417
1994 2620 61762
1995 2783 68061
1996 3058 75283
1997 3121 83004
1998 3294 96658
1999 3445 107059
2000 3520 119571
2001 3852 130612
2002 5019 151228
2003 5005 165328
2004 4918 180125
2005 5527 206777
2006 6125 230613
2007 6127 251618
2008 6524 273460
2009 6994 302254
2010 7786 337294
2011 7978 371796
2012 8636 418008
2013 9241 463161
2014 9468 496868
2015 9901 528136
2016 10222 549371
2017 10991 581634
2018 11392 639414
2019 12651 713288
2020 14337 839347
2021 14066 949447
2022 13118 949102
2023 13565 941910

University of California-San Diego alumni

Benicio del Toro

Benicio del Toro

Benicio Monserrate Rafael del Toro Sánchez is a Puerto Rican actor. He has garnered critical acclaim and numerous accolades, including an Academy Award, a BAFTA Award, a Golden Globe, and a Silver Bear for his portrayal of the jaded but morally upright police officer Javier Rodriguez in the film Traffic (2000). Del Toro's performance as an ex-con turned zealot in despair Jack Jordan, in Alejandro González Iñárritu's 21 Grams (2003), earned him a second nomination for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor.

Billy Beane

Billy Beane

William Lamar Beane III is an American former professional baseball player and current front office executive. He is currently senior advisor to owner John Fisher and minority owner of the Oakland Athletics of Major League Baseball (MLB) and formerly the executive vice president of baseball operations. He is also minority owner of soccer clubs Barnsley of the EFL League One in England and AZ Alkmaar of the Eredivisie in the Netherlands. From 1984 to 1989 he played in MLB as an outfielder for the New York Mets, Minnesota Twins, Detroit Tigers, and Oakland Athletics. He joined the Athletics' front office as a scout in 1990, was named general manager after the 1997 season, and was promoted to executive vice president after the 2015 season.

Angela Davis

Angela Davis

Angela Yvonne Davis is an American Marxist and feminist political activist, philosopher, academic, and author; she is a professor at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Davis was a longtime member of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) and a founding member of the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism (CCDS). She was active in movements such as the Occupy movement and the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign.

Milana Vayntrub

Milana Vayntrub

Milana Aleksandrovna Vayntrub is an American actress, comedian, and activist. Born in the Soviet Union, she began her career as a child actress shortly after immigrating to the United States. She came to prominence for her appearances in AT&T television commercials as saleswoman Lily Adams from 2013 to 2016 and since 2020. In addition to her commercial appearances, she was a series regular on the Yahoo! Screen science fiction comedy Other Space (2015) and had a recurring role on the NBC drama This Is Us (2016–2017). Vayntrub has also voiced Squirrel Girl in the Marvel Rising franchise since 2018 after being cast as the character in the unaired television pilot for New Warriors.

ucsd economics phd acceptance rate

General info

Alternative names UCSD
UC San Diego
Founded 1960
Motto Fiat Lux
Let there be light
Colors navy blue, gold
Academic calendar September to June
Total staff 16,531
Carnegie classification Doctoral Universities: Highest Research Activity

Location and contacts

Address 9500 Gilman Dr
La Jolla, California, 92093
United States
City population 1,387,000
Phone 8585342230

University of California-San Diego in social media

  • [email protected]
  • (650) 338-8226

Cupertino, CA

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UC San Diego Acceptance Rate: Admissions Statistics

ucsd economics phd acceptance rate

By Eric Eng

ucsd economics phd acceptance rate

What is UC San Diego’s Acceptance Rate?

UC San Diego has seen a competitive landscape in recent years, with an overall acceptance rate of approximately 24.7%. This figure represents the percentage of applicants who received an offer of admission to attend the university.

It is important to note that while the acceptance rate provides a general sense of competitiveness, it does not determine an individual applicant’s chances of admission. Various factors, such as academic performance, extracurricular involvement, and personal statements, all play a crucial role in admissions decision-making.

Regarding the admissions process, UC San Diego takes a holistic approach to evaluating applicants. While academic achievement is certainly an important factor, the university also values qualities such as leadership , creativity, and a commitment to positively impacting the world.

Prospective students are encouraged to explore UC San Diego’s website to learn more about the specific admission requirements for their desired program. The university provides detailed information about the application process, including deadlines, required documents, and any additional materials that may be necessary.

Furthermore, UC San Diego offers various resources to help prospective students navigate the admissions process. The university hosts information sessions, campus tours, and virtual events where students can learn more about the university’s academic programs, campus life, and student support services.

It is worth noting that UC San Diego is committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive community. The university actively seeks to enroll students from different backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives, as it believes that a diverse student body enhances the educational experience for everyone.

Overall, while the acceptance rate at UC San Diego may indicate a competitive admissions landscape, it is essential for prospective students to remember that they are more than just numbers. The university looks beyond test scores and grades, seeking individuals who will contribute to the campus community and thrive academically and personally.

Three students using a laptop in a table.

Early Action and Early Decision

UC San Diego does not offer Early Decision (ED) or Early Action (EA) options for undergraduate admission. The university’s admissions process is based on a holistic review of applicants, and it does not have an ED or EA program. The admission rate for the fall 2023 incoming class was 25%.

The Early Action (EA) admission rate for the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) for the Class of 2027 was around 24.7% to 34.21%.

Trends in UC San Diego’s Acceptance Rates

Over the years, UC San Diego’s acceptance rate has witnessed fluctuations as the university adapts to changing applicant pools and university capacities. It is important to understand the historical trends to gain a better perspective of admission patterns.

While UC San Diego’s acceptance rate currently stands at 24.7%, it is crucial to recognize that the university has experienced a steady decline in acceptance rates in recent years. This decline reflects an increase in the applicant pool’s competitiveness and UC San Diego’s growing selectivity. Therefore, applicants should be aware of the evolving nature of admissions and stay informed about the latest statistics.

2022-2023 130,830 not specified 24.7%
2021-2022 130,000 not specified 23.7%
2020-2021 100,073 not specified 34.3%
2019-2020 100,073 not specified 38%
2018-2019 130,830 32,314 24.7%

One factor contributing to the decline in acceptance rates is the university’s rising reputation as a top-tier institution. UC San Diego has consistently ranked among the top public universities in the nation, attracting more high-achieving students each year. As more students vie for limited spots, the competition becomes fiercer, resulting in a lower acceptance rate for UC San Diego.

Another significant factor is the university’s commitment to maintaining a diverse and inclusive student body. UC San Diego actively seeks to enroll students from various backgrounds, including underrepresented minorities, first-generation college students, and students from low-income households. This commitment to diversity adds an additional layer of competitiveness to the admissions process, as the university aims to create a vibrant and inclusive campus community.

Furthermore, UC San Diego’s location in Southern California, with its pleasant climate, beautiful beaches, and proximity to major industries, makes it an attractive choice for many applicants. The university’s strong academic programs, renowned faculty, and robust research opportunities also contribute to its appeal. As a result, the applicant pool continues to grow each year, intensifying the competition for admission.

The university has been expanding its facilities and resources in response to the increasing demand for a UC San Diego education. New buildings, research centers, and student housing have been constructed to accommodate the growing student population. However, despite these efforts, the university’s capacity to admit students remains limited, leading to decreased acceptance rates.

It is important for prospective applicants to understand that while the UC San Diego acceptance rate may seem discouraging, it does not define their chances of admission . UC San Diego takes a holistic approach to admissions, considering not only academic achievements but also personal experiences, extracurricular involvement, and potential for success at the university. Therefore, applicants should focus on presenting a well-rounded application that highlights their unique qualities and demonstrates their fit for UC San Diego’s academic community.

The decline in UC San Diego’s acceptance rates reflects the university’s growing selectivity and the increasing competitiveness of the applicant pool. The admissions process becomes more challenging as the university continues to attract high-achieving students from diverse backgrounds. Prospective applicants should stay informed about the latest statistics and present a strong application that showcases their unique qualities and potential for success at UC San Diego.

UC San Diego Admissions Statistics

Admissions diversity statistics typically encompass a range of factors such as racial and ethnic backgrounds, gender, socioeconomic status, and more. Universities like UC San Diego often release comprehensive admissions reports after the admissions cycle is complete, offering insights into the demographic composition of the admitted student body. These reports contribute to transparency and highlight the university’s commitment to fostering a diverse and inclusive academic community.

According to the latest information on the UC San Diego official site, 44% of undergraduate students at UC San Diego are students of color, and the largest student demographic is Asian-Americans, who make up 37.9% of the undergraduate population. The next largest groups are Chicano or Latino students (20.9%), white students (19%), and Black students (3%).

In addition to the acceptance rate, several other statistics shed light on UC San Diego’s admissions process. The university employs a holistic review approach, considering various factors when evaluating applicants. This multifaceted assessment provides a comprehensive understanding of an applicant’s potential to succeed academically and contribute to the UC San Diego community.

Admissions officers look at an applicant’s high school GPA , standardized test scores, rigor of coursework, extracurricular activities, essays, and letters of recommendation to form a holistic view of their qualifications. Each component carries weight, and therefore, it is important for applicants to present themselves in the best light.

When evaluating an applicant’s high school GPA, admissions officers consider the overall trend of grades throughout their high school years. They consider whether the applicant has consistently performed well or if there were any significant improvements or setbacks. Additionally, they consider the difficulty of the courses taken and whether the applicant challenged themselves academically.

Standardized test scores, such as the SAT or ACT, are also important in the admissions process. Admissions officers consider the applicant’s scores in relation to the average scores of admitted students. They consider the different sections of the test, such as math, reading, and writing, to assess the applicant’s overall academic abilities.

The rigor of coursework is another aspect that admissions officers consider. They look at the types of classes the applicant takes, such as honors, Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), or dual enrollment courses. Taking challenging courses demonstrates a commitment to academic excellence and can positively impact an applicant’s chances of admission.

Extracurricular activities play a significant role in the admissions process as well. Admissions officers consider the applicant’s involvement in clubs , sports, community service, leadership positions, and other extracurricular activities. They look for applicants who have shown dedication, initiative, and a willingness to impact their communities positively.

The essays applicants submit allow them to showcase their personal experiences, goals, and aspirations. Admissions officers carefully read and evaluate these essays to gain insight into the applicant’s character, values, and potential UC San Diego community contributions. A well-written and compelling essay can greatly enhance an applicant’s chances of admission.

Letters of recommendation from teachers, counselors, or other individuals who know the applicant well also play a crucial role in the admissions process. These letters provide an external perspective on the applicant’s academic abilities, personal qualities, and potential for success at UC San Diego. Admissions officers carefully consider the insights and recommendations provided in these letters.

An Overview of UC San Diego

Established in 1960 as part of the University of California system, UC San Diego has become renowned for its commitment to innovation and excellence. The university comprises six undergraduate colleges, each with its own distinct academic focus, offering a wide array of majors and disciplines.

UC San Diego’s academic reputation is bolstered by its world-class faculty members, groundbreaking research, and modern facilities. The campus boasts state-of-the-art laboratories, libraries, and a vibrant student life, making it an attractive destination for individuals seeking a well-rounded education in a supportive environment.

One of the notable features of UC San Diego is its strong emphasis on research. The university is home to numerous research centers and institutes, where students and faculty collaborate on cutting-edge projects that have the potential to shape the future. From exploring the depths of the ocean to studying the mysteries of the universe, UC San Diego offers unparalleled opportunities for intellectual discovery and scientific breakthroughs.

Moreover, UC San Diego is known for its commitment to diversity and inclusion. The campus is a melting pot of cultures, ideas, and perspectives, fostering an environment that celebrates differences and encourages dialogue. Students can engage with individuals from all walks of life, broadening their horizons and preparing them to thrive in a global society.

UC San Diego offers a vibrant and dynamic student life outside the classroom. With over 600 student organizations, there is something for everyone. Whether joining a club related to your academic interests, participating in community service projects, or showcasing your artistic talents, the campus provides ample opportunities for personal growth and self-expression.

Additionally, UC San Diego is located in the beautiful coastal city of La Jolla, providing students with a picturesque backdrop for their college experience. The mild climate, stunning beaches, and vibrant local culture make it an ideal place to live and study. From exploring the local cuisine to engaging in outdoor activities such as surfing and hiking, students can enjoy a well-rounded lifestyle outside their academic pursuits.

UC San Diego is not just a university; it is a community of passionate individuals dedicated to pushing the boundaries of knowledge and positively impacting the world. With its academic excellence, commitment to research, diverse community, and vibrant student life, UC San Diego offers an enriching and transformative college experience.

SAT/ACT Scores for UC San Diego Admits

When applying to UC San Diego, prospective students often wonder about the importance of their test scores. While it is true that SAT and ACT scores are a significant component of the application, it is important to note that they are not the sole determining factor for admission.

UC San Diego takes a holistic approach to admissions, considering various aspects of an applicant’s profile. While test scores provide insight into an applicant’s academic aptitude, they are just one piece of the puzzle. The university also considers extracurricular activities, personal essays, letters of recommendation, and overall academic performance.

UC San Diego does not consider SAT or ACT test scores a factor in admissions or scholarship decisions .   However, the average SAT score for UC San Diego is 1360 on the 1600 SAT scale, making it a moderately competitive score . The SAT score ranges for the middle 50% of students admitted to UC San Diego are as follows :

  • SAT Evidence-Based Reading & Writing : 640-730
  • SAT Mathematics : 660-790
  • SAT Essay: 15-18

Please note that these scores are for the middle 50% of students admitted, and individual scores may vary.

While there is no official minimum requirement for SAT/ACT scores, it is beneficial for applicants to aim for scores that demonstrate their academic potential. Remembering that these numbers serve as a guideline rather than strict cutoffs is crucial. Admissions decisions are not solely based on test scores; applicants with scores outside of this range can still be admitted based on other strengths in their application.

UC San Diego values diversity and recognizes that students bring many talents and experiences to the university community. Therefore, it is essential for applicants to focus on presenting a well-rounded application that showcases their unique qualities and achievements.

Ultimately, while SAT and ACT scores are important, they are just one piece of the admissions puzzle at UC San Diego. Prospective students should strive to excel academically but also remember to highlight their personal growth, leadership skills, and passion for learning. By presenting a comprehensive application, applicants can increase their chances of being admitted to UC San Diego and joining a vibrant and intellectually stimulating community.

Two students talking about University of California, San Diego Acceptance Rate

What is UC San Diego looking for?

UC San Diego seeks individuals who exhibit academic excellence and qualities that align with the university’s core values. They value intellectual curiosity, leadership potential, community involvement, and diverse perspectives.

  • UC San Diego seeks students with a history of strong academic performance, emphasizing a consistent work ethic and a sincere passion for learning. The university values those who have taken on academic challenges, such as advanced courses, research projects, or independent studies.
  • Beyond grades and test scores, UC San Diego looks for students with a genuine curiosity about the world. The university appreciates individuals who desire to learn and aim to push the boundaries of knowledge through research, innovation, and creative thinking.
  • UC San Diego places importance on leadership qualities. The admissions process considers students who have demonstrated leadership in diverse settings, whether through involvement in school clubs, community organizations, or sports teams. The university values applicants who can inspire and motivate others to achieve success.
  • UC San Diego highly regards active contribution to communities. The university values applicants who have engaged in community service, volunteered, or participated in activism. Demonstrating a commitment to positively impacting the world is essential, reflecting an understanding of the significance of giving back.
  • UC San Diego values diversity and believes in the enriching impact of unique perspectives. The university encourages applicants to share personal stories, cultural heritage, and life experiences to contribute to a diverse and inclusive learning environment.
  • Applicants are encouraged to utilize the personal insight questions section of the UC application to highlight their distinct experiences, challenges, and achievements. Emphasizing personal growth, resilience, and a genuine passion for learning can elevate an applicant’s profile in the competitive admissions process.
  • UC San Diego recognizes that each applicant has a unique journey and is interested in hearing about the obstacles overcome, lessons learned, and personal growth experienced. The university values resilience as an indicator of an individual’s potential for success in college and beyond.
  • UC San Diego encourages applicants to convey their authentic passion for learning. The university seeks students who are excited not just about obtaining a degree but are genuinely enthusiastic about exploring new ideas, participating in intellectual discussions, and contributing to advancing knowledge in their chosen field.

UC San Diego is looking for well-rounded individuals who excel academically and possess qualities that align with the university’s core values. They value intellectual curiosity, leadership potential, community involvement, and diverse perspectives. By highlighting their unique experiences, challenges, and achievements in the personal insight questions section of the UC application, applicants can demonstrate their personal growth, resilience, and passion for learning, increasing their chances of standing out among the highly competitive pool of candidates.

How hard is it to get into UC San Diego?

The difficulty of admission to UC San Diego varies depending on numerous factors. While the university seeks to provide opportunities to diverse students, the increasingly large applicant pool and limited capacity ensure a competitive admissions process.

With its reputation for excellence, UC San Diego has become a highly sought-after institution for students from all over the world. The university’s commitment to fostering a diverse and inclusive community adds another layer of competitiveness to the admissions process. Admissions officers carefully review each application, looking for candidates who excel academically and demonstrate a passion for making a positive impact on society.

It is important to approach the application process with dedication, diligence, and a well-rounded profile that showcases academic achievements, extracurricular involvement, and personal growth. UC San Diego values students who have excelled in the classroom and shown leadership skills , community involvement, and a commitment to their chosen fields of study.

Prospective students should take advantage of the resources available, such as college fairs, campus tours, and informational sessions, to gain a deeper understanding of what UC San Diego offers. These opportunities allow students to interact with current students, faculty, and staff, providing valuable insights into the university’s culture and academic programs.

By aligning their aspirations with UC San Diego’s mission and values, prospective students can maximize their chances of securing a spot in this prestigious institution. The university seeks students who are not only academically strong but also demonstrate a genuine passion for learning and a desire to make a difference in the world.

While the admissions process may seem daunting, it is important for prospective students to remember that UC San Diego is committed to providing equal opportunities for all applicants. The university takes a holistic approach to admissions, considering not only grades and test scores but also personal achievements, challenges overcome, and unique life experiences.

Graduation cap and a roll of dollars placed next to each other.

UC San Diego Popular Programs

UC San Diego offers various academic programs across various disciplines, attracting students with various interests. Some of the popular programs at UC San Diego include:

  • With a strong emphasis on technology and innovation, UC San Diego’s Computer Science and Engineering program is popular among students interested in computer science, software development, and cutting-edge technologies.
  • UC San Diego is renowned for its excellence in biological sciences. The program covers molecular biology, genetics, ecology, and biochemistry, providing students with a solid foundation for careers in healthcare, research, and environmental sciences.
  • The Economics program at UC San Diego is well-regarded, attracting students interested in understanding economic systems, policy analysis, and global economic trends. The university’s proximity to major industries and research centers enhances opportunities for practical application.
  • This program is popular among students interested in designing and developing mechanical and aerospace systems. UC San Diego’s strong engineering faculty and research facilities contribute to the program’s appeal.
  • Given the increasing importance of data-driven decision-making, UC San Diego’s Data Science program has gained popularity. Students learn to analyze and interpret data, making it a sought-after field in today’s technology-driven landscape.
  • UC San Diego’s Public Health program addresses the growing demand for healthcare management, epidemiology, and health policy professionals. The program equips students with the knowledge and skills to address public health challenges.
  • The Cognitive Science program at UC San Diego explores the interdisciplinary study of the mind, combining elements of psychology, neuroscience, computer science, and philosophy. Students delve into understanding cognition, perception, and intelligent behavior.
  • NanoEngineering is an innovative program at UC San Diego that focuses on the manipulation of materials at the nanoscale. It integrates principles from engineering, chemistry, and physics, preparing students for careers in nanotechnology.
  • With a global perspective, UC San Diego’s International Relations and Pacific Studies program attracts students interested in international affairs, diplomacy, and global issues. The program provides a comprehensive understanding of political, economic, and cultural dynamics.
  • The Psychology program at UC San Diego is popular for its comprehensive curriculum covering various branches of psychology. Students explore cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, and behavioral neuroscience.

These programs showcase the diverse academic offerings at UC San Diego, reflecting the university’s commitment to providing students with a well-rounded education and preparing them for success in their chosen fields. Remember that program popularity can evolve, and checking the latest information from the university’s official sources is advisable.

How to know which major is for you

Choosing a major can be a significant decision that impacts your academic and career path. Here are some steps to help you determine which major is the right fit for you:

  • Reflect on your interests, passions, and hobbies. Consider what subjects you enjoy studying and find intellectually stimulating. Think about activities that make you lose track of time or topics you enjoy discussing with others.
  • Identify your strengths and skills. What are you naturally good at? Your strengths and skills can guide you toward majors that align with your abilities and talents.
  • Explore potential careers associated with different majors. Research job prospects, industries, and the skills required for various professions. Consider talking to professionals in fields you find interesting.
  • Enroll in introductory courses in different disciplines. Many universities allow students to explore a variety of subjects before declaring a major. Intro courses can provide a taste of what each major entails.
  • Schedule meetings with academic advisors or career counselors. They can provide guidance, discuss your academic interests, and help you explore majors that align with your goals.
  • Connect with professionals in different fields through networking events or informational interviews. Gain insights into their career paths, daily responsibilities, and the educational background required for their roles.
  • Participate in internships or volunteer opportunities related to different fields. Practical experience can provide valuable insights into the day-to-day aspects of various professions.
  • Explore interdisciplinary majors that combine multiple fields of study. These programs may allow you to integrate your interests and pursue a unique academic path.
  • Review the coursework and requirements for potential majors. Consider whether the classes are engaging and whether the major aligns with your long-term goals.
  • Seek advice from mentors, teachers, or professionals in your network. They may share their experiences, offer insights, and provide valuable advice on choosing a major.
  • Consider your values and long-term goals. What kind of impact do you want to make in your career? Choose a major that aligns with your values and contributes to your life goals.
  • Keep in mind that it’s okay to change majors. Your interests and goals may evolve as you gain exposure to different subjects and experiences.

Prospective students must explore the complete list of majors offered at UC San Diego and consider their interests and career goals when choosing a major. Additionally, students often have the flexibility to pursue interdisciplinary studies and customize their academic paths.

a woman student wearing a headset while smiling facing her laptop

UC San Diego Admission Requirements

As a first-year applicant to UC San Diego, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Earn a high school diploma (or equivalent) .
  • Satisfy the UC minimum admission requirements, including specific GPA requirements for California and non-California residents (3.0 for Californians and 3.4 for non-Californians) .
  • Complete college preparatory (A-G) courses during 10th and 11th grades .

UC San Diego does not consider SAT or ACT test scores a factor in admissions or scholarship decisions . The university reviews both academic and non-academic factors in consideration for admission . Competitive applicants present an academic profile stronger than the minimum requirements .

International applicants must meet the same first-year requirements for admission as other applicants, in addition to specific international requirements . Demonstration of English proficiency is required for international students . Note that these requirements are for first-year applicants. If you are a transfer applicant, you must meet specific coursework, unit, and grade point average requirements and major preparation requirements if applicable. 

Here are other requirements you might need for admission:

  • Applicants are typically required to submit personal insight essays. These essays allow students to showcase their experiences, achievements, and personal qualities.
  • Involvement in extracurricular activities, leadership roles, and community service can strengthen an application. UC San Diego values students who have made meaningful contributions outside the classroom.
  • While not always required, some UC campuses, including UC San Diego, may accept letters of recommendation. Applicants should check the specific requirements for the program they are applying to.
  • Certain programs, especially in the arts and sciences, may have additional requirements such as portfolios, auditions, or supplemental application materials.

It’s crucial to note that admission requirements can vary based on the specific UC San Diego school or program to which a student applies. Additionally, admission policies may change, so it’s advisable to check the official UC San Diego admissions website or contact the admissions office directly for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Key Application Deadlines for UC San Diego

The key application deadlines for UC San Diego are as follows:

  • August 1 : Application Opens
  • October 1 – November 30 : Submit Your Application
  • December : Applicant Portal
  • March 31 : First-Year Admission Decisions Posted
  • May 1 : Deadline for First-Year Admits to Accept UC San Diego’s Offer of Admission
  • July 1 : Deadline to Submit Your Final Transcripts
  • July 15 : AP and IB Exam Results Due

For transfer students, the deadlines are slightly different:

  • August 1: Application Opens
  • March – April : Transfer Admission Decisions Posted
  • May 15 : Applicants invited to join the Waitlist
  • July 31 : Final decisions will be released to applicants who opt into the waitlist

These deadlines are for the 2023-2024 application cycle and may be subject to change for future cycles.

Multi-racial students walking in the campus.

Tuition Costs at UC San Diego for 2023-2024

The tuition costs at UC San Diego for the 2023-2024 academic year are as follows:

  • UC Systemwide Tuition and Fees : $13,752 for California residents and $13,752 for non-California residents .
  • UC San Diego Campus Fees : $2,304 for California residents and $2,304 for non-California residents .
  • UC San Diego Health Fe e: $2,259 for California residents and $2,259 for non-California residents .
  • UC San Diego One-time Document Fee : $165 for all students .

Note that these costs are for the 2023-2024 academic year and are subject to change. The university is also part of the UC System’s Tuition Stability Plan, which helps students and families budget for a UC education by keeping UC tuition stable and predictable.

When evaluating tuition costs at UC San Diego, prospective students and their families should consider several key factors. T he tuition and fees for California residents and non-residents are as follows:

  • UC Systemwide Tuition and Fee s: $13,752 for California residents and $13,752 for non-California residents.
  • UC San Diego Campus Fees : $2,304 for California residents and $2,304 for non-California residents.
  • UC San Diego Health Fee : $2,259 for California residents and $2,259 for non-California residents.
  • UC San Diego One-time Document Fee : $165 for all students.

In addition to tuition and fees, students should consider other expenses such as housing, meals, books, supplies, personal expenses, and transportation. Non-California residents and international students pay Non-Resident Supplemental Tuition, which was $32,574 annually for the 2023-2024 academic year.

It’s important to note that the cost of attendance (COA) includes tuition and fees and other estimated expenses such as living expenses, books, supplies, and personal expenses. The university also offers financial aid and assistance to help students with educational costs. Students and families are encouraged to use the estimated cost of attendance to plan for their educational expenses and to explore the financial aid options available to them.

For the most current and detailed information on tuition costs, students and families should refer to the official UC San Diego website and the specific cost of attendance for the academic year in question.

UC San Diego Scholarships

UC San Diego offers various scholarship opportunities to help support students’ academic pursuits. Scholarships at UC San Diego can come from different sources, including the university itself, private donors, and external organizations. Here are some common types of scholarships and resources for financial aid at UC San Diego:

  • The university provides a range of scholarships based on academic achievement, leadership, community service, and other criteria. These scholarships may be specific to certain majors or schools within the university.
  • The UC Blue and Gold Opportunity Plan is designed to cover systemwide fees for California residents with family incomes below a certain threshold. Eligible students may receive financial aid to cover their full systemwide tuition and fees.
  • The Regents Scholarship is a prestigious merit-based scholarship awarded to a select group of entering undergraduates based on academic excellence, leadership, and exceptional promise.
  • Students are encouraged to explore external scholarship opportunities from private organizations, foundations, and community groups. Many external scholarships are available based on academic achievement, field of study, and personal background.
  • UC San Diego’s Financial Aid and Scholarships Office helps students navigate the financial aid process. Students may be eligible for grants, work-study programs, and loans to assist with educational expenses.
  • The Jacobs School of Engineering at UC San Diego offers various scholarships and fellowships for students pursuing engineering degrees to support their education.
  • Students enrolled in the Rady School of Management may have access to scholarships and financial aid opportunities specific to their program.
  • Some scholarships at UC San Diego are tied to research or internship experiences. Engaging in meaningful research or internships may make students eligible for certain financial awards.
  • Different academic departments within the university may offer scholarships to students in specific majors or fields. Students are encouraged to check with their respective departments for available opportunities.

Prospective and current students should regularly check the official UC San Diego Financial Aid and Scholarships Office website for the latest information on available scholarships, application procedures, and deadlines. Additionally, students may use scholarship search engines and platforms to explore external scholarship opportunities that align with their qualifications and interests.

Student Life at UC San Diego

The student life at UC San Diego offers a diverse and vibrant community with numerous opportunities for students to engage, learn, and grow. The university provides various resources and activities to support students’ academic, social, and personal development. Some key aspects of student life at UC San Diego include:

  • Student Organizations : There are hundreds of student organizations covering a wide array of interests, including cultural, academic, professional, and recreational pursuits. These organizations allow students to develop skills, meet new people, and explore their passions.
  • Cultural Resources and Celebrations : UC San Diego offers various cultural resources and celebrations to support students from different backgrounds. For instance, the Raza Resource Centro provides resources and builds a community for Latinx and Chicanx students. The university also hosts campus cultural celebrations to promote diversity and inclusion.
  • Orientation Programs : UC San Diego organizes orientation programs designed to share information about the student experience from the perspective of Black, Latinx, and Native American communities. These programs offer new students and their families opportunities to connect, learn about campus resources, and explore what the university offers.
  • Safety and Wellbeing : The university prioritizes creating a safe and welcoming environment for all students. It offers safety resources and programs to ensure students have peace of mind and access to support when needed.
  • Student Life Initiatives : The Student Life team at UC San Diego is dedicated to creating an inclusive community that enhances well-being and success. They offer various programs, scholarships, and initiatives to engage students with inspiring co-curricular experiences vital to their lifelong success.

While UC San Diego may not offer a traditional college experience centered around sports and Greek life, it provides a rich and diverse environment where students can find community, pursue their interests, and make meaningful connections. The university’s commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion is reflected in its efforts to empower students from all backgrounds and cultivate a community that is anti-racist and supportive of people and their intersecting identities.

Academics at UC San Diego

UC San Diego offers diverse academic programs through its eight academic schools. These schools provide undergraduate and graduate degrees as well as other programs. The university’s academic structure includes the following schools:

  • Arts and Humanities : This school includes academic departments such as history, literature, music, and philosophy. It offers over 3,900 undergraduate majors and minors and interdisciplinary programs in science and mathematics education.
  • Rady School of Management : The school offers graduate degree programs, including FlexMBA programs for working professionals, executive education programs, undergraduate business and accounting courses, and minors.
  • Social Sciences : Committed to the science of society, this school offers various programs in anthropology, economics, political science, and sociology.
  • Undergraduate Majors : UC San Diego offers various undergraduate majors, including bioengineering, computer science and engineering, electrical and computer engineering, mechanical and aerospace engineering, biochemistry, biology, chemistry, etc.

The university’s academic programs are designed to prepare students to stand out and lead change. UC San Diego also has a unique college system, where all undergraduates belong to a tight-knit college community, each with its own distinct neighborhoods, traditions, and educational requirements. The university’s Summer Session also offers over 600 courses from over 40 disciplines to help students explore and plan their academic year.

For more information about the specific academic programs and degrees offered at UC San Diego, students can visit the university’s official website and explore the detailed course catalog and degree requirements.

Clubs and Extracurricular Activities

UC San Diego offers diverse clubs and extracurricular activities, providing students with opportunities to engage in various interests, build connections, and contribute to campus life. Here are specific examples of clubs and extracurricular activities at UC San Diego:

  • SO&L oversees various student organizations covering academic, cultural, recreational, and special interest groups. Examples include the Mathematics Club, Chemistry Club, and Triton Gaming.
  • UC San Diego has student councils and government bodies representing colleges and academic disciplines. The Associated Students (AS) is the undergraduate student government, and there are college councils such as the Muir College Student Council and the ERC (Eleanor Roosevelt College) Student Council.
  • Various cultural and identity-based groups celebrate diversity on campus. Examples include the Black Student Union (BSU), Asian Pacific-Islander Student Alliance (APSA), and Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán (MEChA).
  • UC San Diego has a vibrant arts and performance scene. Students can join organizations like the Dance Company, Triton Theatre, or Tritones A Cappella for opportunities to express themselves creatively.
  • Students interested in community service and volunteering can participate in organizations like the Community Service Organization (CSO) or Global Ties, engaging in projects that positively impact the local and global community.
  • For students in engineering and technology fields, there are clubs such as the Triton Engineering Student Council (TESC) and the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) that provide networking and skill-building opportunities.
  • UC San Diego students interested in political engagement and advocacy can join organizations like Tritons for Bernie or College Democrats, participating in discussions and initiatives related to political issues.
  • With a focus on sustainability, clubs like Students for Environmental Awareness (SEA) and the Triton Food Pantry allow students to engage in environmental and social responsibility projects.
  • UC San Diego offers a range of sports and recreation clubs, including Ultimate Frisbee, surfing, and rock climbing. These clubs provide opportunities for physical activity and camaraderie.
  • Students interested in health and wellness can join organizations like the Student Health Advocates or Active Minds, promoting physical and mental well-being on campus.
  • Cultural exchange and language learning are facilitated through organizations like the International Students Association (ISA) and language-specific clubs like the French Club or the Chinese Students and Scholars Association (CSSA).

These examples represent just a fraction of the numerous clubs and extracurricular activities available at UC San Diego. The university actively encourages student involvement, and students can start their own clubs if they don’t find one that aligns with their interests. It’s advisable for students to explore the official UC San Diego involvement opportunities website and attend campus involvement fairs to discover the full range of options.

a woman looking calm breathing the air

Notable UC San Diego Alumni

UC San Diego boasts a distinguished alumni community that has significantly contributed to various fields. Here are some notable UC San Diego alumni:

  • Wojcicki is the CEO of YouTube, playing a crucial role in the company’s growth and development. She was one of the early employees at Google and is recognized as one of the most influential women in technology.
  • An accomplished filmmaker, Mike Judge creates iconic animated TV series like “Beavis and Butt-Head” and “King of the Hill.” He is also known for directing films such as “Office Space” and “Idiocracy.”
  • Shapiro is a journalist and co-host of NPR’s “All Things Considered.” His work in broadcasting and reporting has earned him widespread recognition and several awards.
  • A prominent cardiologist, geneticist, and digital medicine researcher, Topol is the founder and director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute. He is a leading figure in the application of technology to healthcare.
  • Holly is an entrepreneur, engineer, and inventor known for her work in technology and innovation. She founded the first TEDx conference and has been involved in various entrepreneurial ventures.
  • Aslan is a religious scholar, writer, and television host. He is the author of best-selling books such as “Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth” and has hosted documentary series on religion and history.
  • A Nobel laureate in Chemistry, Kobilka received the Nobel Prize in 2012 for his work on G-protein-coupled receptors. He is a professor at Stanford University School of Medicine.
  • Jarrar is a renowned author and professor known for her novels and essays. Her works often explore themes of identity, culture, and personal experience.
  • A Nobel laureate in Physiology or Medicine, Horvitz received the Nobel Prize in 2002 for his discoveries related to cell death. He is a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( MIT ).
  • Reichs is a forensic anthropologist and best-selling author known for the “Temperance Brennan” series, which inspired the TV show “Bones.” She has contributed significantly to the field of forensic anthropology.

These accomplished individuals showcase the diverse achievements of UC San Diego alumni in fields such as technology, entertainment, journalism, science, literature, and more. The university’s commitment to academic excellence and innovation is reflected in the success of its graduates across various professions.

While UC San Diego’s acceptance rate of 24.7% reflects its competitive nature, prospective students should not be discouraged. By staying informed, working diligently, and presenting a well-crafted application, aspiring Tritons can position themselves as strong candidates poised for success.

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Whether you want help editing essays, preparing your application, choosing a relevant program, or need one-on-one counseling, we’ve got your back. Our decades of experience in college admissions puts us uniquely positioned to help college students pursue a successful higher education.

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  • B.S. in Economics

B.S. in Economics Major (EN31)

The Bachelor of Science in Economics (EN 31) is our most comprehensive degree as it provides the highest level of combined technical and applied training of all our major programs. 

The major builds the core toolkits of economics,  how individuals, firms, organizations, and governments make choices, with emphasis on economic incentives and strategic interactions. The core courses in microeconomics, macroeconomics, and econometrics teach students how economies function and how to extract insights from data; full-year sequences in microeconomics and econometrics provide advanced quantitative and analytical training. The wide range of elective courses in the Economics major apply the tools to topics in finance; strategic management; business operations; trade; labor markets; energy, climate, and the environment; taxation; government; inequality; international development; and more. The major requires students to choose at least two advanced electives, which provide strong analytical training in students’ preferred fields.

The Economics B.S. is STEM-certified and highly valued by employers. With the Economics B.S., students have access to a broad range of careers in business, finance, government, health, law, energy, technology, education, non-profits, international organizations, and many more.  The degree also provides a solid foundation for students who are thinking about graduate study.

To receive a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics:

  • Students must have a minimum 2.0 major GPA in order to graduate.
  • All major requirements, both lower division and upper division, must be taken for a letter grade and passed with a C- or better. 
  • All upper division major requirements must be at least 4 units. Classes lower than 4 units will not count toward your upper division major requirements. 
  • You must remain within the residency requirement for this major, which is: No more than four upper-division courses taken externally from UC San Diego can be counted toward the major. 

Note: F-1 students with an EN31 major are eligible to apply for STEM OPT and extend the employment authorization benefits. Current F-1 regulations allow for 12 months of OPT and an additional 24 months (total of 36 months) of OPT for those in STEM qualified fields. Visit the OPT webpage for details and updates.  EN31 falls under the category of Econometrics and Quantitative Economics.

Focus of the Major

  • Emphasizes tools of economics analysis and their applications to contemporary problems and government policies.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of the Economics major, students will be able to:

  • Apply the formal methods used by statisticians to analyze data to learn about the real world
  • Use basic economic methods to quantify uncertainty with confidence intervals; use regression to infer causal relationships; and use regressions for prediction
  • Critically interpret empirical studies
  • Set up, solve, and analyze optimization models
  • Apply optimization models to consumer, producer, and market theories
  • Use game theory to analyze the strategic behavior of individuals and firms
  • Build macroeconomic models
  • Apply macroeconomic models to understand current issues

The UC San Diego WASC Inventory of Effectiveness Indicators for the bachelor of science in economics will be posted soon.


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Master of Public Policy (MPP)

Degree Overview

The MPP is a two-year, full-time professional degree program. Constructing the scaffolding for policymaking in a global context is the critical component of the program. It prepares students with the skills needed to compare best practices in the U.S., Latin America, Asia and beyond.

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Program Overview

Our faculty are go-to experts for the public, private and intergovernmental sectors, creating design and evaluation methodology of public policy around the globe. The degree combines this social science policy expertise with our campus strengths in STEM and health sciences.

The MPP requires 92 units for completion. All students take eight required core courses in economics, management, political science and quantitative methods training during the first year and a capstone course in the second. Students must choose a minimum of one area of specializations. Although proficiency in a foreign language is not required, 24 units may be counted toward the degree as long as the language matches an elective regional or country specialization .

Core Curriculum

Core Courses All candidates must complete the following courses with a C- or better. The courses listed below are completed in the first year of study.

Policy Making Processes: This course is designed to teach students how to “read” a country’s political and economic system. The course will examine how the evolution of different institutional frameworks in the countries of the Pacific region influences the way in which political choices are made.

Microeconomics for Policy and Management: This course introduces microeconomics, emphasizing applications to public policy. We examine tools such as marginal analysis and game theory to understand markets, the behavior of individuals and firms, and what role policy plays when markets fail to maximize social welfare.

Market Failures and Policy Interventions: Applies economic reasoning to public issues, policies and programs. It considers incentives and organizations; models of economic behavior, including markets, the absence of markets and interventions; the price system; policy objectives and instruments.

Policy Analysis and Public Welfare: The course explores the political and economic foundations of public policymaking, examining both the processes through which preferences of individuals are converted into public welfare policy and the public's response included are an introduction to the concepts of rationality, individual decision-making, cooperation, collective action and market failures. The course is writing-intensive and includes cases on the U.S.

Public Finance: This course introduces principles of taxation and expenditure analysis, public budgeting and assessment of budget priorities.

Policy Analysis and Decision Theory:  This course introduces students to the methods of policy analysis and decision-making theory—methods to assemble panel data to capture the impact of new policy on observable data, decision-making theory, uncertainty, decision criteria, expected utility and risk.

Quantitative Methods I: This course is designed to provide proficiency in quantitative methods that are used for optimization and decision-making. The use of spreadsheets is applied to data analysis and problem-solving. Statistical theory and regression analysis are introduced.

Quantitative Methods II: This course covers elements from statistics that are central to business decision-making under uncertainty. In particular, regression analysis and estimation will be applied to problems of forecasting and optimization.

Public Policy Capstone: The capstone is designed to test the hard skills of policy design and evaluation by using them in the analysis of a real-world policy problem. The course requires a research paper that examines an existing public or nonprofit sector policy or managerial problem.

See the UC San Diego General Catalog. 

Areas of Specialization

Students must complete at least one Area of Specialization of five courses (20 units). Courses taught outside of GPS will require permission for enrollment from the instructor.

American and Comparative Business Regulation

Sample Classes

  • Accounting and Finance for Policy Makers
  • California Politics and Public Policy
  • Corporate Non-Market Strategies
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Cyber Security
  • Fiscal and Monetary Policy
  • Global Corporate Accountability: Governance, Responsibility, and NGOs
  • Governance, Public Administration and Development
  • Government and Regulation
  • Innovation and the New Economy
  • International Political Economy: Trade and Investments
  • International Trade Agreements
  • Organizational Economics
  • Technology, Trade and Globalization
  • The Political Economy of Authoritarian Regimes
  • Urban Economic Policy
  • Workers and Labor in International Markets

Environmental Policy

Sample Courses

  • Cost Benefit Analysis
  • Economics of Natural Resources
  • Environmental and Regulatory Economics
  • Environmental Law and Policy
  • Food Security
  • Introduction to Marine Biodiversity and Conservation
  • Marine Science, Economics, and Policy
  • Modeling Environmental Systems
  • Science and Marine Environmental Policy
  • Special Topics in Remote Sensing and Data Analytics - Environmental Policy
  • Special Topics in Remote Sensing and Data Analytics - Urban Policy
  • Sustainable Development
  • The Economics of Nonmarket Valuation
  • The Politics of Energy and Environmental Regulation

Health Policy

  • Comparative Social Welfare Policy
  • International Health Economics
  • Introduction to Health Policy (approved by MPH program)
  • Managing Mission Driven Organizations
  • Social Norms Changes and Development
  • The Politics of Economic Inequality
  • Aging: Social Health and Policy Issues
  • Case Studies in Health Care Programs for the Poor and Underserved Populations
  • Economics of Health Producers
  • Economics of Health Consumers
  • Environmental and Preventative Health Issues
  • Essentials of Global Health
  • Global Health and Diversity
  • Global Health Policy
  • Immigrant and Refugee Health
  • The US Health Care System

Inequality and Social Policy

  • Economic Development
  • Education Policy Around the World
  • Human Rights, Public Policy, and International Relations
  • Immigration and Immigration Policy

Peace and Security

  • Comparative Grand Strategy and Defense Policy
  • Corruption and Development
  • Counterinsurgency and Counter Terrorism
  • Debating US Security Policy
  • Foundations of Strategic Studies
  • Geopolitics, Insurgency, and Weak States
  • Humanitarian Interventions
  • International Law and Regulation
  • Policy, Politics, and Markets in Modern Financial Crises
  • Public Opinion and Foreign Policy
  • State Building and Modeling State Capacity
  • The New ‘New’ Civil Wars
  • The Political Economy of Foreign Aid
  • The Political Economy of State Capacity
  • U.S. National Security and Decision Making
  • Violence in Latin America

Program Design and Evaluation

  • Advanced GIS and Remote Sensing
  • Applied Data Analysis and Statistical Decision Making - QM III
  • Big Data Analytics
  • Designing Field Experiments
  • Evaluating Social Programs
  • Evaluating Technological Innovation
  • GIS and Spatial Data Analysis
  • Integrated Development Practice
  • Making Policy with Data
  • Management of Nonprofit Organizations

Featured Story

Is the MPP the right degree for me? With so many options, learn how you can master the job market with a degree in public policy.

Profile Story

Deepika Bagaria shares what it was like to move from the professional world in India to being a full-time student at UC San Diego.

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Department of Economics

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Qualifications and Student Profile

An undergraduate degree in the field of Economics is not required to enter the PhD program. However, excelling grades in upper division economics courses will be given priority in decisions made by the Economics Graduate Admission Committee. Also, applicants do not need a Master's Degree to apply nor to be admitted. In past years, most applicants recommended for graduate admission had the following profile:

  • Proven independent research ability (e.g., honors thesis).
  • GPA of 3.5 or higher with consideration for the degree of difficulty of the course work.
  • Upper level mathematical course work, including real analysis, mathematical analysis, linear algebra, differential equations, advanced calculus and statistics with grades of A- or better.
  • GRE Quantitative scores ranging from the 85th to the 99th percentile.
  • Grades of A-minus or better in intermediate level theory courses (microeconomics, macroeconomics, econometrics) with a strong preference for honors or mathematical track versions of all three courses.
  • Advanced undergraduate or graduate-level coursework in economics.

Individuals who have completed a three-year degree with no additional coursework typically do not qualify as having an equivalent U.S. bachelor's degree. Applicants with a 3-year degree and at least one year of graduate study should contact Graduate Admissions to clarify if their degree would be equivalent to a U.S. 4-year degree.


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  6. University of California San Diego in United States

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  1. UC San Diego Grad Data

    These surveys provide valuable information that can be used to improve the graduate student experience at UC San Diego. To learn more the surveys administered, click the link below. View Survey Information. All Graduate Student Data including: Time to Degree, Admissions, Enrollment, and placement.

  2. Admissions FAQs

    Admissions decisions are based on the overall assessment of applicants' admissions materials, including: English Proficiency Exams (International Applicants) Additionally, an applicant's background, research interests, and potential are also factors that are considered when evaluating applicants and determining their suitability for admissions.

  3. Prospective Students

    The UC San Diego Graduate Program in Economics has long been recognized for the strong preparation its students receive in econometrics and microeconomic theory. During the last few years, our Department has expanded dramatically, with rapidly growing strengths as well in macroeconomics and applied microeconomics. Among the fields we now cover are behavioral economics, development ...

  4. About the Graduate Program

    About the Graduate Program The UC San Diego Graduate Program in Economics has set historical precedence for the strong preparation its students receive in econometrics and microeconomic theory. During the last few years, our Department has expanded dramatically, with rapidly growing strengths in macroeconomics and applied microeconomics. Among the fields we now cover are behavioral economics ...

  5. Graduate Student Statistics

    This dashboard includes the number of applications, admissions, and new graduate students by school, department, and type of academic program support. It also displays 10-year application and admission trends by gender, URM, and international student status. Data can be filtered by school, department, type of award, and program support.

  6. Admissions

    HOME About Grad Data Admissions $_SerializerTool.serialize ($default, true) UC San Diego 9500 Gilman Dr. La Jolla, CA 92093 (858) 534-2230

  7. B.S. in Business Economics (EN30)

    B.S. in Business Economics (EN30) The Bachelor of Science in Business Economics (EN 30), offered in collaboration with the Rady School of Management, combines training in core economics - in a format of reduced depth compared to the Economics BS and BA - as well as in core business disciplines.

  8. Economics

    The graduate specialization in computational social science is only available to students currently enrolled in a PhD program at UC San Diego in the following School of Social Sciences departments: anthropology, communication, cognitive science, economics, education studies, ethnic studies, linguistics, political science, psychology, and sociology.

  9. Economics

    Economics: Contact Information: Website: http://economics.ucsd.edu: Email: [email protected]: Campus Office: 241 Sequoyah Hall: Phone (858) 534-3383: Fax ...

  10. Department of Economics

    Department of Economics at University of California, San Diego provides on-going educational opportunities to those students seeking advanced degrees.

  11. Admissions Requirements

    As a prospective UC San Diego graduate student, you will need to upload academic records/transcripts and a statement of purpose. Prospective students will also need to provide contact information of recommenders.

  12. University of California, San Diego

    University of California, San Diego's ranking in the 2024 edition of Best Colleges is National Universities, #28. Its in-state tuition and fees are $16,056; out-of-state tuition and fees are ...

  13. How to Get Into UCSD: Admissions Stats + Tips

    How Hard Is It to Get Into UCSD? The University of California San Diego is very difficult to get into. UCSD's Class of 2025 had an applicant pool of 98,669 and accepted 37,584 students—giving the school an overall acceptance rate of 38%.

  14. University of California--San Diego

    UCSD 's Graduate School Rankings. # 78. in Best Business Schools. # 73. in Part-time MBA (tie) Unranked. in Best Education Schools. # 11. in Best Engineering Schools.

  15. Department Metrics

    The department metrics page to learn about UC San Diego's graduate programs.

  16. Placement History

    Pre 2015 Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies - UC San Diego (Post-Doc) Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. - Oakland, California PBC School of Finance, Tsinghua University - Beijing, China Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Fellowship (Berkeley) University of California, Davis - Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics University of South Carolina, Darla Moore School of Business University of ...

  17. University of California

    View Full Report Card. UC San Diego is a highly rated public university located in San Diego, California. It is a large institution with an enrollment of 32,138 undergraduate students. Admissions is competitive as the UC San Diego acceptance rate is 24%. Popular majors include Biology, Cognitive Science, and Computer Science.

  18. University of California--San Diego

    Find out at US News. See if University of California--San Diego is ranked and get info on programs, admission, tuition, and more.

  19. Economics PhD Acceptance Rates 2024: Do You Stand a Chance?

    Are you planning to apply for an Economics PhD program in 2024? Get the inside scoop on economics PhD acceptance rates and getting in.

  20. UCSD Acceptance Rate 2023 By Major: Admission Stats

    UCSD Acceptance Rate 2023. The UCSD acceptance rate for the class of 2027 is about 24.7%. The university received 130,841 freshman applications in 2023 and offered 32,314 first-year applicants admission. It may also interest you that UCSD's transfer acceptance rate for 2023 is 62.4%, and 92% of admitted transfer students were from California ...

  21. How to Get Into UCSD: Requirements and Strategies

    Learn the UCSD acceptance rate, average GPA, and application requirements to improve your UCSD admissions odds

  22. University of California-San Diego [Acceptance Rate + Statistics]

    University of California-San Diego Acceptance rate and admissions statistics University of California-San Diego has an acceptance rate of 24% and is among the top 6% of the most difficult universities to gain admission to in the United States. The university reports the admission statistics without distinguishing between local and international students.

  23. UC San Diego Acceptance Rate: Admissions Statistics

    This article discusses UC San Diego's acceptance rate for the class of 2027 and everything you need to know about it to prepare.

  24. B.S. in Economics

    To receive a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in Economics: Students must have a minimum 2.0 major GPA in order to graduate. (Effective FA24)

  25. First Year Admissions Application Reviewer

    The Office of Admissions is seeking seasonal application readers for October 2024 -March 2025.By joining UC San Diego's Office of Admissions as a seasonal application reader, you'll be part of a team that reviews over 150,000 applications for admissions annually, contributing to our mission of providing equitable access to education.

  26. Economics

    For the PhD program, the Department's minimum admission requirements are a Master's Degree in Economics or equivalent with an admission GPA of at least 3.0 on the 4-point scale from the University of Alberta, or an equivalent qualification and standing from a recognized institution.

  27. Master of Public Policy

    The Master of Public Policy is one of several public policy degrees. It is a master's level professional degree offered at the School of Global Policy and Strategy.

  28. Economics PhD Qualifications

    Qualifications and Student Profile. An undergraduate degree in the field of Economics is not required to enter the PhD program. However, excelling grades in upper division economics courses will be given priority in decisions made by the Economics Graduate Admission Committee.