Frantically Speaking

How to Deliver a 1 Minute Speech: Tips, Examples, Topics & More

Hrideep barot.

  • Body Language & Delivery , Public Speaking , Speech Writing

delivering 1 minute speeches

1 minute speeches can be pressed on you at any point. It might be an impromptu speech, it might be a toast you have been asked to deliver that same evening, or it may be a short speech where you have plenty of time to practice.

Regardless, a 1 minute speech is slightly different from a regular 5-15 minute speech. Besides the literal length of the speech, the way you approach it is also slightly different.

While we will get to impromptu speeches a little later in the article, here, I mainly want to talk about 1-minute speeches where you have time to practice (even if it’s very little)!

Note: Want to take your communications skills to the next level? Book a complimentary consultation with one of our expert communication coaches. We’ll look under the hood of your hurdles and pick two to three growth opportunities so you can speak with impact!

Let’s jump in to the tips and ideas on delivering a killer one-minute speech…

Tips on How to Write & Deliver a 1 Minute Speech

Choosing the topic

In most cases, you will probably already have an idea in mind about what it is you need to speak about depending on who asked you to speak and, more importantly, why did they ask you to do so.

The thing to figure out here is what part of that wider topic do you want to speak about.

For example, if you have been invited to say a few words in a public speaking seminar, people are expecting you to talk about public speaking, right?

But since you only have a minute, you can’t speak about the whole subject , of course!

So your job is to figure out what aspect of this wide topic should you speak about which can be fitted in a short amount of time but is still valuable enough to the audience.

I usually find it helpful to not focus on specifics of a wide topic.

Taking the public speaking example again, don’t dive into things like voice modulation, body language, speech structuring, etc. right now. You simply don’t have the time to do justice to those topics.

Instead, focus on the bigger picture. Ask yourself questions like, ‘Why is the audience even here today? What would they benefit the most from hearing?’. That will give you a good idea of what your main message should be.

Which brings me to my next point…

Focus on 1 message

Even if your speech is 5 or 15 minutes long, you must concise your ideas down to focus on only one message. It’s not just about the time here.

An audience usually forgets everything a speaker says almost immediately after the talk.

To make it easier for the audience to remember and to make your speech more impactful, revolve your entire talk around one core message.

For example, if you’re giving a 1 minute speech on business, focus on one aspect of business. Don’t talk about start-ups, running corporates, finance, marketing, etc. etc.

Just pick one thing that you are an expert in and that your audience will gain the most value from.

And that’s crucially important. To…

Understand who your audience is

I remember when I was asked to speak at my college graduation. It wasn’t because I was valedictorian or anything (my grades sucked!). It was for other extracurricular achievements.

I was asked to keep the speech short, about 2-3 minutes at the most.

When I sat down to write this speech (I had a couple of hours to write and rehearse), I thought that my classmates don’t really care about my achievements. If I ramble on about everything I have done for the college, it’s just not going to add any value to them.

So, by understanding who my audience was, I crafted a speech as a simple acknowledgment, just thanking all the people in the room that day who helped me achieve those things.

I knew that putting out preachy messages or simply showing off wouldn’t be very well received by people of my age at a graduation ceremony.

However, if I were to give the same talk to my prospective employer, I would have definitely listed down and spoken about all my achievements! Because that’s what he/she would want to know about me – how can I as a potential employee add the most value to the company.

It’s all about knowing your audience and crafting the speech accordingly. Otherwise, it’ll just fall flat especially if your speech is going to be as short as 1 minute.

Related article: The Importance of Knowing Your Audience When Delivering a Speech

Yes, research.

I know, it’s only a minutes’ long speech. But the truth of the matter is that you will need to research even more to provide as much value as you can in that short amount of time.

And that ain’t always easy.

So, pertaining to our previous point, start by researching who your audience is going to be. You can read more about how you can understand your audience here .

Then, move on to your topic and research. So, if I were talking about the fear of public speaking, I would research on points such as:

  • Hard data and statistics on people who fear public speaking
  • Famous public speakers
  • How to reduce your fear of speaking
  • Places to learn and practice public speaking

After you have all of this information, you will need to break it down and concise it into a minute by focusing on what’s most important. 

Start writing

Breaking down your speech at the research stage can be difficult. It’s easier to write a 5-10 minute speech as opposed to a valuable 1 minute speech.

So write everything down . Don’t worry about the time right now.

After you’re done with that, write down what is your main point of focus . Ask yourself, what is the one takeaway you want the audience to have?

For example, if you’re talking about social media marketing, you can talk about all the social media platforms, how it has changed marketing, the future of social media, etc.

But you might want the key takeaway for the audience to be ‘Being an authentic brand on social media to gain trust.’

It’s simple, it’s short, it’s just one message. After you have that down, writing the rest of your speech becomes much easier.

Related article: The Ultimate Guide to Structuring a Speech

How do you begin a 1 minute speech?

Usually, a beginning is supposed to be very engaging so your audience is hooked to your talk until the end of the speech.

But in the case of a 1 minute speech, you don’t need to focus much on the opening.

A simple, “I’m going to keep this short” intro works just fine.

In fact, most people prefer shorter speeches.

So starting off with letting the audience know that you are going to keep this short gives them the comfort that they don’t have to pay attention for too long. It also doesn’t surprise them when your talk ends within a minute or two.

Just a note, skip all the ‘thank yous’ and ‘good mornings’ at the beginning of your speech. You only have a minute. So make it count.

How do you end?

End with your main message. It’s as simple as that.

Your audience is most likely to remember the last thing you say even if it’s just a 1 minute speech! So save your core message until the end.

OR – you can mention your main idea in the middle but make sure you end with that as well so it’s fresh in your audience’s mind.

Don’t get fancy with things like ending with a quote or a poem or anything. If you want to read more about ending a normal 5-20 minute long speech, read 5 Ways to End Your Speech With Maximum Impact!

But if you’re giving a 1-2 minuter, don’t get fancy. Instead…

Keep it simple

When you have a short amount of time, it’s hard to get dramatic or add any tricks.

I’ve seen people try to add props and presentations in a 2-3 minute speech and it just doesn’t make sense to me (except on rare occasions).

Your best bet is to keep give a simple talk. Use simple body language and simple words.

You don’t have much time, so don’t overcomplicate.

Add a personal element

Try and add a personal anecdote in your speech. It doesn’t have to be very long of course. Just 2-4 sentences on how you might have experienced what you’re speaking on or why you’re a credible person to speak on said topic.

It adds a personal touch element to your speech and helps the audience relate and/or empathize with you even if it’s just for a minute.

That connection with the audience is what will make all the difference to them remembering your speech and subsequently, remembering you.

This is a big one (for any and every speech!).

When you’re about to deliver a short speech, it’s tempting to just wing it since you’re only going to be on stage for about 1 or 2 minutes.

But that’s exactly why you need to ensure you utilize that minute to the maximum!

I’ve given short speeches when I have practiced and it’s gone well. When I’ve not practiced , it’s just gone eh.

That’s because no matter how short your speech is and how clear you are with your material in your own head, it’ll be very different when you actually open your mouth on stage!

I understand that there might be times when you just don’t have the time to practice. But even rehearsing the speech softly to yourself as many times as you can before you go out there can prove to be really useful.

Related article: How to Prepare for a Speech When You Have No Time to Prepare?

But whether you have little or more time, use it to rehearse. Your speech will go SO much better than you expect it to and more importantly, it will leave the audience wanting more.

And that’s impactful.

Related article: Surprisingly Simple But Effective Processes to Practicing for a Speech

Avoid filler words

Many times I’ve seen people deliver short 1 minute speeches and because they are so underprepared or unfocused about having one core message to share, they spend most of their speech time going ‘um’, ‘uh’, ‘you know’ over and over again!

If you’re not familiar with it already, these are filler words and breaks the flow of your speech.

When you’re rehearsing, try to be consciously aware of these filler words and avoid them as much as you can.

Sure, a couple of them won’t kill your speech. In fact, it’ll make you look more human!

But excessively using them won’t do good for your message.

The best way to avoid the use of filler words (besides practicing) is to speak slowly. While you have only a short amount of time to speak, don’t pace your voice.

It’ll help you be more in control of your delivery when you speak slowly and steadily.

Related article: 6 Techniques to Stop Saying Filler Words: Eliminate the Ahs & Ums!

Speech Topics for 1 Minute Speeches

Here are some topic ideas for 1 minute speeches under different types of speeches:

Why Success Isn’t Determined By a College Degree
The Essentiality of Networking & Collaborations
AI: Why the Human Touch is STILL Greater Than a Smart One
How Restructuring Your Business Structures Growth 
Is life really possible on Mars?
Same-sex marriage should be made legal.
Morals and ethics are subjective
Sex Education: A responsibility of the parent
Why are grandmoms the cutest?
Investment is not just for rich people.
How eating good food impacts mental health
Calories in vs. Calories Out: Why it’s time to throw out the approach
The positive effects of reading comic books
Paintball: Sport that needs recognition.
The need for adequate sleep

Need more ideas? Watch this video we’ve made explaining the different ways you can brainstorm and come up with an ideal speech topic which is not only unique but also intrigues your audience:

Great 1 minute Speech Examples

Bernie sanders.

With the upcoming American elections, CNN hosted a Town Hall with Bernie Sanders . Now, that being said, let’s leave politics completely out of this.

What I want to focus on here is Sanders’ 1 minute speech within that discussion.

While you may agree or disagree with what he says is not important here. It’s his response to one of the questions posed to him on how he plans on beating Trump that blew my mind.

The speech lasted for about a minute and half at the most. But when you see it, observe the way he fitted so much relevant information into the speech in such a short amount of time.

He focused on one message – how Trump makes promises but does not keep them – and all his other material supported that.

His delivery makes the answer seem rehearsed. Whether it is or not, what we as learning speakers need to take away from this is how well he knew his material.

He even ended his talk with the main message of why Trump should be defeated which kept the core message fresh in the audience’s mind.

Rocky balboa

We all know this speech from the movie Rocky Balboa . It’s the inspiring one he gives his son to make him believe in himself.

The great thing about this one and half minute speech is how powerful it is. Stalone proves how you don’t need 15 minutes to make an impact.

When the right words are spoken in a certain way, a minute or two is enough.

Again, the entire speech is focused around one point which is what makes it so powerful. 

For us learning speakers, the progression of his speech is something that we should takeaway. He starts off slow and generic. But as he progresses, his volume goes up, his face turns aggressive, his words become heavy.

While we should keep it simple, we should not hold our genuine emotions back when it comes to public speaking – even if it’s just a 1 minute speech.

That’s when you get through to people. That’s when you make an impact.

Woody Roseland

Now, there are quite a few motivational 1 minute speeches out there, but I think the above Rocky example makes the point. So this one is slightly different.

It’s a 1 minute TED talk. And the whole idea of the talk is to shed light on people’s shrinking attention span because of technology.

The reason I like this talk so much is because it manages to make a great and relevant point while making me chuckle and it does it all in under 1 minute.

Just goes to show that you need only a minute to entertain people while making a strong, relevant point.

How Many Words Long is a 1 Minute Speech?

A 1 minute speech is usually about 130 to 150 words long. If a speech goes above a minute to let’s say a minute and half, it could go up to 180 to 200 words as well.

While you can use these numbers as a benchmark, don’t use them as a guideline.

Your speech word count can vary dramatically depending on your pace and tonality . Write down everything you want to speak about, then trim that down to only what’s most important. Forget word count.

When you rehearse (even if it’s only for a few minutes in your head), use your judgment or a stopwatch if you have to to get a gist of the amount of time you’re taking.

Remember, in most cases, a 1 minute speech means a short speech. No one’s going to kill you if you go over by 30 seconds or go under by 10 seconds.

However, if you do really need a word counter, this article has broken it down really well.

An Impromptu 1 Minute Speech

clock for Impromptu 1 Minute Speech

Impromptu speeches, where you are given a topic or situation on the spot and have to speak on it for a period of at least 1 minute can seem dreadful (it was for me)!

Even if you’re a quick thinker, having to think of something relevant and logical to say on a topic you have just been introduced to in front of a crowded room can be stressful AF! But if you are put in such a situation, be calm.

There are ways to get about it!

The simplest way I know of to easily speak on a topic is to follow the PREP method.

PREP stands for:

In simple terms:

You state your point , give a reason as to why you stated that point, then you give an example on that point and reason, and finally, you end by stating the point (the main message) again.

For example, if you are asked to give an impromptu farewell speech, you may start off by stating your dismay about leaving that particular place, why you’re sad about leaving, a story about what you’re going to miss the most and concluding with the first point of how you’re sad to be leaving. 

If you’re asked to speak on your favourite cartoon character, your speech could go something like:

“When I was a child, my favourite cartoon character was Captain Planet (Point) . Why? Because Captain Planet stood for everything I admired in a hero as a child. His morals, his values, his charisma. He stood for saving our planet from the evils of pollution and deforestation. Earth’s greatest champion! And that’s what I aspired to be (Reason). I remember I used to come back from school every day, fling my bag to the floor, jump on the couch and sing along to the theme of Captain Planet – “Captain Planet! He’s a hero. Gonna take pollution down to zero!” I just couldn’t get enough! Every day, I used to watch him and it would inspire me to do something good for the environment. It would teach me to not litter, to walk more instead of using cars or  to plant a tree once in a while (Example) . And that’s why Captain Planet is my favourite cartoon character. He wasn’t just a cartoon for me, he was a hero (Point) !”

If in case these points don’t come to you when you are standing there in front of so many people (it can happen), try and narrate a personal incident around that topic. It’s a simple way to keep talking about something relevant and before you know it, a minute will be up!

Impromptu 1 Minute Speeches for Teachers in a Classroom

1 minute speeches can be a great tool for teachers. The thing about 1 minute speeches is that they act as a method to break the ice and get the creative juices flowing.

When your asked to think on your feet for as short of a period as 1 minute, it gets your brain “warmed up”.

Since these speeches don’t take much time, it’s a quick way to start off a class or a lecture where you want the students to think on their feet or be involved in the subject at hand (and since you can adapt them to almost any type of subject, it’s an extremely flexible exercise).

If you’re giving a class next time, try introducing this element and see the outcome. Do the students feel more creatively vibrant? Do they feel more relaxed and in tune with each other?

Give it a shot! It fits all age groups.

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Final Words

In conclusion, 1 minute speeches are not that scary for you glossophobics (not sure if that’s an actual word but it means ‘people who fear public speaking’).

However, they should not be taken for granted as well due to their time span. As you can see with the sample speeches of Rocky and Berine Sanders, 1 minute speeches can have a great impact when done correctly.

If you would like to get a more holistic understanding of public speaking, I highly recommend Chris Haroun’s Public Speaking and Presentation speech online course on Udemy. I truly believe that the more you know about the nuances of public speaking at an overall level, the better your chances of delivering a speech in a way that people will remember, even if it is just a one-minute speech . I’ve done the course myself and it is truly worth it. Do check it out!

The next time you are asked to deliver a short speech, remember to practice , understand your audience , and focus on one main message.

Hrideep Barot

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Introducing Speech Time Calculate

Estimate how many minutes your speeches, presentations, and voice-over scripts will take based on your words per minute rate!

How To Speech Time Calculate Using This Tool?

If you have a certain number of words or a piece of text you want to time, you can either type in the word count or paste the text into the provided area. This tool will then calculate how long it would take to read that text out loud.

The talk time estimate is calculated using the average speaking speed of adults, which is determined to be 183 words per minute based on scientific studies. If you’re interested in how long it would take to read silently, it’s estimated at 238 words per minute ( This data is also backed by research )

You can adjust the slider to change the words per minute value, which will affect the talk time estimate. However, the silent reading time estimate remains fixed at 238 words per minute.

For ease of use, we’ve also provided reference points for slow, average, and fast reading rates below the slider.

To begin anew, simply click the ‘clear text’ button to erase the content and restore the slider back to its original setting of 183.

Who is This Words to Minutes Converter Tool For?

If you are a student wondering how long is my essay or you’ve been tasked with writing a speech and need to know how many words to aim for and how many minutes will it take to deliver or perhaps you are a podcaster, just starting out, who wants the ability to easily synchronize music and spoken word without having to painstakingly calculate seconds between them, then this Speech Time Calculate is precisely for you!

From now on, instead of spending long hours in front of the computer trying to figure out how many seconds it takes for one phrase or section of dialogue to end and another to begin, you can let our innovative tool do all the work and convert your text to time quickly and accurately. With this powerful tool at your disposal, whether you’re giving a TED talk or just need to nail a business presentation, your life will become a little bit easier.

So keep reading to learn more about what this fantastic words to minutes converter has in store for public speakers, aspiring students, and professional radio producers alike!

Whether you want to read the text silently or speak aloud, you can use this tool as both:

  • Reading time calculator
  • Talk time calculator

Explanation of the Reading Time

Reading time refers to the duration it takes for an average person to read a written text silently while still comprehending its content. Based on an extensive analysis of 190 studies that involved 18,573 participants , research conducted by Marc Brysbaert in 2019 suggests that the typical silent reading speed for an adult individual is approximately 238 words per minute .

To convert word count to read time for a specific text, you can do so by dividing the total word count of the text by this established value of 238. Here is the mathematical equation for determining the duration of reading time in minutes:

Reading Time = Total Word Count / 238

Explanation of the Speech Time

Speech time refers to the duration it takes for an average person to read a text out loud. Based on data from 77 studies involving 5,965 people , it’s been found that most adults read aloud at a speed of approximately 183 words per minute ( research conducted by Marc Brysbaert in 2019 ). To figure out how long it will take to read a specific piece of text aloud, you can divide the total number of words in the text by this average rate of 183 words per minute.

Of course, it’s important to note that talk time can vary depending on factors such as clarity of speech, pauses for emphasis, and use of visual aids. However, using this tool for converting the number of words to minutes can still provide a helpful guideline for planning and practicing your presentation. By having a better understanding of speech rates, you can ensure that your message is delivered effectively and efficiently.

Benefits of Using a Speech Time Calculate

Time management in presentations.

Effective time management during presentations is crucial to ensure the audience remains engaged and the information is accurately conveyed. This is where our words to speaking time converter comes in handy. By using this tool, presenters can easily determine how many words they need to include in their presentation to stay within the allotted time frame.

Not only does it help with time management, but it also ensures that the pacing of the presentation is consistent, making it easier for the audience to follow. With the use of this presentation time calculator, presenters can confidently deliver their presentations without the worry of running over time or rushing through it.

Estimated speech time for public speaking

Public speaking can be nerve-wracking, especially when you have too little or too much information to fill your time slot. You wonder only if there were an accurate public speaking time calculator available so that you could be able to allocate the appropriate amount of time to each section of your presentation, ensuring that you cover all the necessary points without rushing or going over time.

Effective pacing is key in ensuring your message is delivered with clarity and impact.

Most public speakers target an average of 130-150 words per minute for their spoken content, meaning you should aim to limit your speaking time to roughly one minute per 130-150 words. While this may take some practice to achieve, the end result is a confident, well-timed delivery that keeps your audience engaged from start to finish.

Remember, in public speaking, less is often more—take your time to breathe and emphasize key points. Your audience will appreciate your thoughtful and measured approach. For that, you can use this tool and adjust your words to speech time.

Accurate estimations for audiobooks and podcasts

As more and more people turn to audiobooks and podcasts for their entertainment and information needs, accurate estimations of listening time have become more important than ever. After all, there’s nothing worse than settling in for a quick listen only to find yourself trapped in a story that goes on for hours longer than you anticipated.

That’s why it’s great to see publishers and podcast producers taking estimated reading time seriously, providing listeners with the information they need to choose the right content for their schedule. Whether you’re looking for a quick listen on your daily commute or a lengthy distraction for a lazy Sunday afternoon, accurate estimations using this words to speak time calculator make it easier than ever to find the perfect content.

Some Popular Speech Times

how many words in a 2 minute speech

Almost 300 words

how many words in a 3 minute speech

Almost 450 words

how many words in a 4 minute speech

Almost 600 words

how many words in a 15 minute speech

Almost 2250 words

The speech time is calculated taking 150 words per minute as reference value

Common conversions (average speed)

How long does it take to read 500 words?

3.8 minutes

How long does it take to read 750 words?

5.8 minutes

How long does it take to read 1000 words?

7.7 minutes

How long does it take to read 1200 words?

9.2 minutes

How long does it take to read 1500 words?

11.5 minutes

How long does it take to read 1800 words?

13.8 minutes

How long does it take to read 2000 words?

15.4 minutes

How long does it take to read 3000 words?

23.1 minutes

As the world becomes more fast-paced, time is a precious commodity. Determining how long your script will take to read, whether for a presentation or a video, can make a significant difference in engaging and retaining your audience’s attention.

That’s where our Words to Time Converter comes in handy. It’s a valuable tool for anyone working in various professions, from broadcast journalists to teachers to executives. No matter the industry, time is of the essence, and knowing how long your speech or presentation will take is crucial for effective communication.


1 Minute Speech

Ai generator.

speech on words for 1 minute

A 1-minute speech is a brief and concise presentation delivered within a sixty-second timeframe. It is designed to convey a clear message, idea, or piece of information efficiently and effectively. Due to its brevity, a 1-minute speech focuses on the most important points, avoiding unnecessary details. It typically includes a strong opening to grab the audience’s attention, a succinct body that delivers the core message, and a memorable conclusion. This format is often used in situations where time is limited, such as in elevator pitches, introductions, quick updates, or speaking competitions.

What is 1 Minute Speech?

A 1-minute speech is a brief presentation that conveys a message clearly and concisely within a 60-second timeframe. This type of speech requires the speaker to focus on the main points, delivering them in a structured and impactful manner. It is often used in situations where time is limited, such as introductions, quick updates, or overviews of a topic. The key to an effective 1-minute speech is to be well-prepared, stay on topic, and engage the audience with a strong opening and closing statement.

1 Minute Speech Format

Introduction (10-15 seconds).

Start with a hook to grab attention. Introduce the main topic.

Body (30-40 seconds)

Present 1-2 key points. Provide brief supporting details or examples.

Conclusion (10-15 seconds)

Summarize the main points. End with a strong closing statement or call to action.

1 Minute Speech Example

Introduction Good morning, everyone! Today, I want to talk about the importance of recycling . Body Every year, millions of tons of waste end up in our landfills, harming the environment. By recycling, we can significantly reduce this waste and conserve valuable resources. For instance, recycling one ton of paper saves 17 trees and 7,000 gallons of water. It also reduces greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to climate change. Additionally, recycling helps create jobs in the recycling and manufacturing industries, boosting the economy. Conclusion In conclusion, recycling is a simple yet powerful way to protect our planet and preserve its resources for future generations. Let’s all make a conscious effort to recycle more and encourage others to do the same. Thank you!

1 Minute Speech on Social Media

1 Minute Speech on Social Media

1 Minute Speech on Value of Time

1 Minute Speech on Value of Time

1 Minute Speech for School Assembly

1 Minute Speech for School Assembly

More 1 Minute Speech Topics

  • 1 Minute Speech on Importance of Education
  • 1 Minute Speech on Environment
  • 1 Minute Speech on Pollution
  • 1 Minute Speech on discipline
  • 1 Minute Speech about Nature
  • 1 Minute Speech on School Life
  • 1 Minute Speech on Artificial Intelligence
  • 1 Minute Speech on Global Warming
  • 1 Minute Speech on Child Labour
  • 1 Minute Speech on Climate Change
  • 1 Minute Speech on Leadership
  • 1 Minute Speech on Time Management
  • 1 Minute Speech on Healthy Eating
  • 1 Minute Speech on Technology
  • 1 Minute Speech on Motivation
  • 1 Minute Speech on Mental Health
  • 1 Minute Speech on Teamwork
  • 1 Minute Speech on Friendship
  • 1 Minute Speech on Personal Growth
  • 1 Minute Speech on Volunteering
  • 1 Minute Speech on Overcoming Challenges
  • 1 Minute Speech on Career Goals
  • 1 Minute Speech on Innovation
  • 1 Minute Speech on Public Speaking
  • 1 Minute Speech on Creativity
  • 1 Minute Speech on Gratitude
  • 1 Minute Speech on Positive Thinking

How to Write 1 Minute Speech

1. choose a topic.

Pick a specific and focused topic you can cover succinctly.

2. Outline the Structure

Introduction (10-15 seconds): Start with a hook to grab attention and introduce the topic.

Body (30-40 seconds): Present 1-2 key points with brief supporting details.

Conclusion (10-15 seconds): Summarize the main points and provide a strong closing statement or call to action.

3. Write Concisely

Use clear and direct language.

Avoid unnecessary details and jargon.

Ensure each sentence adds value to your message.

4. Practice and Time Yourself

Rehearse the speech to ensure it fits within the 1-minute timeframe.

Adjust the content as needed to stay concise and impactful.

5. Edit for Clarity

Revise the speech to improve clarity and flow.

Remove any redundant or unclear points.

Tips to Deliver 1 Minute Speech

  • Practice: Rehearse several times to ensure smooth delivery.
  • Stay Focused: Stick to your main points without deviating.
  • Speak Clearly: Articulate your words and maintain a steady pace.
  • Engage the Audience: Make eye contact and use natural gestures.
  • Time Yourself: Ensure your speech fits within the 1-minute limit.
  • Stay Calm: Take deep breaths and stay composed.
  • Use Notes Sparingly: Refer to brief notes or an outline if needed.
  • End Strong: Finish with a memorable closing statement or call to action.

Why are 1-minute speeches important?

They improve concise communication skills, essential for conveying information quickly and effectively in various situations.

How do I structure a 1-minute speech?

Start with a strong opening, present your main points, and end with a memorable conclusion.

What should I include in a 1-minute speech?

Include an attention-grabbing introduction, one or two key points, and a strong closing statement.

How can I practice a 1-minute speech?

Practice by timing yourself, refining your points, and rehearsing in front of a mirror or with friends.

What topics are suitable for a 1-minute speech?

Choose simple, engaging topics like personal experiences, motivational quotes, or current events.

How do I manage time during a 1-minute speech?

Keep an eye on the clock and practice to ensure you stay within the time limit.

What are some tips for delivering a 1-minute speech?

Speak clearly, maintain eye contact, use gestures, and stay confident.

How can I engage my audience in a 1-minute speech?

Start with a hook, use relatable examples, and maintain enthusiasm throughout your speech.

What is the biggest challenge in a 1-minute speech?

The biggest challenge is conveying your message effectively within a limited timeframe.

How do I choose the main points for my 1-minute speech?

Identify the most important and relevant points that support your main idea or message.


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How to Write a One Minute Speech: A Step-by-Step Guide

In today’s fast-pace world, time is a precious commodity. So, being able to convey your message effectively in a short amount of time is a valuable skill to have. Whether you’re attending a networking event, giving an elevator pitch or creating a video for social media, knowing how to deliver a one minute speech can help you make the most of these opportunities.

Understanding the Purpose of a One Minute Speech

A one minute speech is designed to give you an opportunity to make a concise, compelling argument in a short amount of time. It’s a chance to captivate your audience, convey your message and leave a lasting impression. There are a variety of situations where a one minute speech can be useful.

Whether you are a business owner, a salesperson, or a job seeker, a one minute speech can be an effective tool to help you achieve your goals. In fact, many successful entrepreneurs and executives have used one minute speeches to pitch their ideas and secure funding for their businesses.

Elevator Pitches

An elevator pitch is a brief speech that you can give to a potential customer or investor that succinctly explains your product or service in a compelling way. You may only have a few seconds to capture their attention and create interest, so a one minute speech can be a great way to do this.

When crafting your elevator pitch, it's important to consider your audience and tailor your message to their needs and interests. You should also focus on the benefits of your product or service, rather than just its features. By highlighting the value you can offer, you are more likely to capture the attention of your audience and leave a lasting impression.

Networking events

Networking events are a great way to connect with like-minded people in your industry. Having a well-crafted one minute speech can be a fantastic way to introduce yourself and your business in a concise and memorable way.

When attending a networking event, it's important to be prepared and confident. Practice your one minute speech beforehand so that you can deliver it smoothly and without hesitation. You should also be open to listening to others and engaging in conversation, as networking is a two-way street.

Social media videos

Short social media videos have taken the world by storm in recent years. With a one minute video, you can quickly capture your audience's attention and convey your message in a compelling way, thus increasing engagement with your brand.

When creating a social media video, it's important to keep your message clear and concise. You should also focus on creating visually appealing content that will capture the attention of your audience. By using eye-catching graphics, animations, or music, you can make your video more engaging and memorable.

In conclusion, a one minute speech can be a powerful tool in a variety of situations. Whether you are looking to pitch your business, network with others, or increase engagement with your brand, a well-crafted one minute speech can help you achieve your goals and leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Crafting a Compelling Message

A well-crafted message is essential to any great one minute speech. It should be engaging, memorable and convey your message effectively. Here are some tips to help you craft a compelling message.

Identifying your main point

Before you start writing your speech, it’s important to identify the main point that you want to convey. Once you’ve identified this, you can focus on crafting your message around that core idea. Being clear and concise in your focus will help you persuade your audience more easily.

Supporting your argument with evidence

When writing your speech, it's essential to provide evidence to support your claims. The more objective and verifiable your evidence is, the more persuasive your argument will be. For example, statistics, facts, and case studies are all excellent ways to support your claims.

Creating an emotional connection

A great one minute speech should try and connect with your audience on an emotional level. Whether it's focusing on their pain points, desires, or aspirations, finding a common thread between you and your audience can help to create a compelling speech that resonates with them.

Organizing Your Speech

After crafting your message, it’s important to organize it in a way that is both coherent and engaging.

Introduction: Grabbing attention

The first sentence of your speech should grab the attention of your audience. This could be a catchy phrase, an enlightening fact, or a compelling story. Whatever it is, it should be designed to create an instant connection with your audience and encourage them to listen to the rest of your speech.

Body: Presenting your main points

The body of your speech should contain the main points that you want to convey. It is essential to keep it clear and concise, using examples to explain your points in-depth. Try to be as interesting and engaging as possible while presenting your essential points, and ensure that it helps persuade your audience to your point of view.

Conclusion: Ending with a call-to-action

A one minute speech should always end with a call-to-action. The goal is to leave your audience with a lasting impression to follow up on. Whether it’s asking them to follow you on social media, sign up for your newsletter or schedule a follow-up call, a call-to-action can help you solidify the connection you’ve made with your audience.

Tips for Effective Delivery

Once you have your speech written and organized, you must focus on delivering it in an effective and compelling way. Here are some tips:

Practicing your speech

Practice definitely makes perfect when it comes to delivering a great one minute speech. Record yourself and try to identify areas where you need to improve. Don't forget that practice also helps increase your confidence, which is essential.

Speaking with confidence

When giving your speech, it’s essential to speak with confidence. Keep your tone lively and upbeat, and maintain eye contact. Believe in what you’re saying, and your audience will believe it too.

Using body language and facial expressions

Your body language and facial expressions can help to create a connection with your audience. Make sure to maintain open body language, using gestures, and avoid monotone facial expressions. Move around the stage if possible, use visual aids, do whatever it takes to emphasize important statements in your speech.

ChatGPT Prompt for Writing a One Minute Speech

Chatgpt prompt.

Compose a concise and well-crafted speech that can be delivered in a span of one minute, ensuring that it is impactful, coherent, and engaging.


A one minute speech is an excellent way to convey a message in a quick, concise, and compelling manner. By following these guidelines and tips, anyone can write a one minute speech that effectively delivers the main idea or concept and stays engaged with the audience.

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How many words per minute in a speech?

A quick guide for slow, average and fast rates of speech.

By:  Susan Dugdale  

If you're preparing a speech or presentation with a strict time limit it’s useful to have an estimate of the number of words you’ll need to fit the number of minutes you've been given.

And it's even more useful to have those guidelines before you rush into writing, only to discover when you’re done, you’ve written far too much. Something I used to do on a regular basis! (And then, I had the tedious job of pruning to fit.)

What's on this page:

How many words are there in a 1-minute speech, how many words are there in a 2-minute speech, how many words are there in a 3-minute speech, how many words are there in a 4-minute speech, how many words are there in a 5-minute speech, how many words are there in a 6-minute speech, how many words are there in a 7-minute speech, how many words are there in an 8-minute speech, how many words are there in a 9-minute speech, how many words are there in a 10-minute speech, how many words are there in a 15-minute speech, how many words are there in a 20-minute speech, how many words are there in a 25-minute speech, how many words are there in a 30-minute speech.

  • How to calculate your own speech rate: 2 easy methods
  • How many pages is a 4, 7 or 20-minute speech?     

speech on words for 1 minute

About this quick reference guide

The following table (below) shows the average number of words spoken per minute for speeches from 1 to 30 minutes long. It's a quick reference guide: one only intended to provide general information.

Who, and what, is truly average?

An average word count for any timed speech (one minute, two minutes, three, four, five, six...or more, minutes) is impossible to give. As there really is no such thing as an average person, who uses an average rate of words per minute when they speak.

We are individuals: each of us different. Speech patterns and speech (speaking) rates vary considerably between person to person for a great many reasons. The best you’ll ever get is an educated guess.

Use as an estimate: test yourself to be sure

That aside, the following estimates will give you a handy indication of the number of minutes it takes to say x number of words depending on whether you talk at a slow speed, a medium speed or you're one of the world's fast talkers.

(And, no, it's never a good idea to gabble at a mile a minute to fit everything you've prepared into the length of time you've been given!)

To be absolutely sure what you've done will fit the time allocation you've been given it's a good idea to test yourself to establish your own speaking rate or speed of speech .

How many pages is a 'x' minute speech?

Multiple variations on the question how many pages are needed for a speech are frequently asked. For instance:

  • How many pages is a 4-minute speech?
  • How many pages is a 7-minute speech?
  • How many pages is a 20-minute presentation?

Unfortunately, the answer is not simple. Calculating the number of A4 pages of text you need for a speech of any number of minutes long is tricky for two reasons.

How many words are on an A4 page?

The first reason is that the number of words on an A4 page depends on how the page has been formatted. The answers to the questions below make a very big difference to the total number of pages needed to print a speech.

  • What is the font family being used? (Different fonts take up differing amounts of space because of the shape/design of their characters.)  
  • What is the size of the font? (The font size you're reading right now is 20px.)
  • What is the spacing between each of the letters in a word?
  • What is the spacing between each line of text? Is it single spacing, 1.5 or double line spacing?
  • What spacing has been set for paragraphs?
  • What size have the margins of the page been set at?
  • Are there headings? Sub-headings or lists?

On average if the font is plain, (sans-serif, without embellishment), like Arial or Verdana, its size is set for 12px, and the line spacing is set for 1.5, then a page may have between 400-500 words on it.

Speech rate changes how we calculate the number of words we need

The second reason why using the number of pages to gauge how long a speech will take to deliver is problematical is because we speak at different rates. 

A 500-word page may take someone speaking at very slow rate 4 minutes to get through.

Another person, who has a much faster speaking rate, may take about 2.5 minutes to deliver exactly the same text.

Using the number of pages as a guide for a speech that has to fit a time limit is completely unreliable.

If you need to use a 'guesstimate' use the speech rate table below. Forget about counting the pages! 

If you are a slow speaker, less than 120 words.

If you speak at an average speed between: 120 - 160 words.

If you are a fast speaker between: 160 - 200 words.

If you are a slow speaker less than 240 words.

If you speak at an average speed between: 240 - 320 words.

If you are a fast speaker between: 320 - 400 words.

If you are a slow speaker less than 360 words.

If you speak at an average speed between: 360 – 480 words.

If you are a fast speaker between: 480 - 600 words.

If you are a slow speaker less than 480 words.

If you speak at an average speed between: 480 – 640 words.

If you are a fast speaker between: 640 - 800 words.

If you are a slow speaker less than 600 words,

If you speak at an average speed between: 600 – 760 words.

If you are a fast speaker between: 760 - 1000 words.

If you are a slow speaker less than 720 words.

If you speak at an average speed between: 720 – 960 words.

If you are a fast speaker between: 960 - 1200 words.

If you are a slow speaker less than 840 words.

If you speak at an average speed between: 840 – 1120 words.

If you are a fast speaker between: 1120 - 1400 words.

If you are a slow speaker less than 960 words.

If you speak at an average speed between: 960 – 1280 words.

If you are a fast speaker between: 1280 - 1600 words.

If you are a slow speaker less than 1080 words.

If you speak at an average speed between: 1080 – 1440 words.

If you are a fast speaker between: 1440 - 1800 words.

If you are a slow speaker a little less than 1200 words.

If you speak at an average speed between: 1200 – 1600 words.

If you are a fast speaker between: 1600 - 2000 words.

If you are a slow speaker, a little less than 1,800 words.

If you speak at an average speed between: 1,800 - 2,400 words.

If you are a fast speaker between: 2,400 - 3,000 words.

If you are a slow speaker, a little less than 2,400 words.

If you speak at an average speed between: 2,400 - 3,200 words.

If you are a fast speaker between: 3,200 - 4,000 words.

If you are a slow speaker, a little less than 3,000 words.

If you speak at an average speed between: 3,000 - 4,000 words.

If you are a fast speaker between: 4,000 - 5,000 words.

If you are a slow speaker, a little less than 3,600 words.

If you speak at an average speed between: 3,600 - 4,800 words.

If you are a fast speaker between: 4,800 - 6,000 words.

Return to Top

Find out more about speech rate

  • How to calculate your own words per minute speech rate - two easy methods
  • The factors influencing a faster rate or slower rate of speech
  • How to develop an ideal rate of speech : one matching content, speech purpose and your audience: six exercises for flexible speaking rate

Words per minute calculator

Lastly here's the link to a useful online words per minutes calculator . Once you've completed your speech enter the total number of words, and select whether you want it to give you an average for a minute of your speech at a slow rate, average or fast rate. Again, it's a 'guesstimate'. ☺

The only really safe way to find out whether your speech fits your time allocation is to say it aloud at an ideal rate or pace: one taking into account the content, and the audience who is going to listen to it, while timing it.

(Use the record function on your phone. It will assist in lots of other ways too! You'll hear where you need more vocal variety, where your pronunciation is blurred ...and, so on. It's super helpful.)

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speech on words for 1 minute

6 Outstanding 1 Minute Speech Examples to Take After

obama speech

Use these great examples to find inspiration for your own one minute speech. As in all of these examples, speaking about an issue that is important to you and speaking from the heart are two of the most important elements. Get started practicing your speech today!

If you need a speech written for you in a short time, you can contact our writing service and get instant help.

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Do you wonder how long it takes to deliver your speech?

This website helps you convert the number of words into the time it takes to deliver your speech, online and for free. This tool is useful when preparing a speech or a presentation. The number of minutes you will take is dependent on the number of words and your speed of speech, or reading speed.

Note: This calculator provides an indication only.

Enter details below

The overview below provides an indication of the minutes for a speech (based on an average reading speed of 130 words per minute):

  • Words in a 1 minute speech 130 words
  • Words in a 2 minute speech 260 words
  • Words in a 3 minute speech 390 words
  • Words in a 4 minute speech 520 words
  • Words in a 5 minute speech 650 words
  • Words in a 10 minute speech 1300 words
  • Words in a 15 minute speech 1950 words
  • Words in a 20 minute speech 2600 words
  • How long does a 500 word speech take? 3.8 minutes
  • How long does a 1000 word speech take? 7.7 minutes
  • How long does a 1250 word speech take? 9.6 minutes
  • How long does a 1500 word speech take? 11.5 minutes
  • How long does a 1750 word speech take? 13.5 minutes
  • How long does a 2000 word speech take? 15.4 minutes
  • How long does a 2500 word speech take? 19.2 minutes
  • How long does a 5000 word speech take? 38.5 minutes

Words to Minutes

Person holding a timer

Writing a great speech requires careful considering of several factors. One of the essential considerations is the time you will have to make your speech. When making a speech, your audience expects you to be interesting, charming, and articulate. But, how do you determine the number of words to speak per minute to ensure that your audience follows your speech? What’s more, how do you ensure that your speech is not too short or too long?

Well, these are common questions that most speakers ask when preparing their speech. One of the factors that determine the number of words you can speak per minute is whether the speech will be recorded or live. Additionally, your audience should influence how fast you speak when making a speech. For instance, if your audience is familiar with your topic, you can speak a little faster than when addressing people that are not familiar with the topic. Luckily, our speech writing service words to minutes’ converter can help you determine how fast your speech should be.

Person Average Speech Speed

On average, a person speaks around 90 to 150 words per minute. However, this depends on whether the speaker encounters cheering, applause, and other crowd reactions. What’s more, whether the speaker emphasizes some points or not can influence the speed with which they make a speech.

Perhaps, an ideal way to determine the time your speech will take is using our words to minutes speech calculator. With this tool, you can determine the number of words to write in your speech depending on the time you will have to make your speech. Also, bear in mind the fact that you will have to speed up and slow down in some cases depending on the crowd’s reaction.

Effective Words to Minutes Speech Converter

Enter details.

Our speech writing services words to minutes converter tool will enable you to decide on the length of your speech.

Minutes to Words Converter

To determine the number of minutes your speech will take, consider this minutes to words converter.

  • 1-minute speech should have between 135 and 150 words
  • 1.5 minutes speech should have between 202 and 225 words
  • 6 minutes speech should have around 1500 words

Words to Speech Speed Calculator

  • 130 words should take one minute
  • 260 words should take 2 minutes
  • 390 words should take 3 minutes.

When writing a speech, use our calculator to determine the number of words to include depending on the time you will have to present your speech.


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Speech Time Calculator

Calculate how long your speech script will take

Characters (with spaces): 0

Characters (without spaces): 0

Word count: 0

Presentation (PT)

In a business presentation, knowing how many words are in your script can help calculate the time needed for your speech. Use the speech time calculator to estimate how long it will take to deliver your presentation. This tool allows you to convert the number of words into minutes, ensuring you stay within your allotted speaking time. Test different WPM settings to see how varying speaking speeds affect your total time.

YouTube Script

When creating a YouTube script, it's crucial to calculate how long the video will be. By entering your script into the speech time calculator, you can estimate the video length based on your words per minute rate. This helps in planning and editing your content to fit your desired time frame. Whether you're speaking quickly or slowly, this tool will convert your script's word count into an accurate time estimate.

Interview Self-Introduction

For an interview self-introduction, it's important to keep your speech concise and to the point. By using the speech time calculator, you can determine how many words fit into a 30-second or 1-minute time slot. This ensures that your introduction is well-timed and impactful. Practice speaking at different rates to find your ideal pace and refine your script accordingly.

When preparing for a public speech, knowing the length of your script is essential. The speech time calculator helps you estimate the duration of your speech by converting the word count into minutes. This tool assists in planning your presentation to fit within the given time limits. Adjust the WPM settings to see how changes in your speaking speed can impact the overall time required.

Press Conference

In a press conference, managing your time effectively is key. Use the speech time calculator to estimate how long your responses will take based on your script's word count. This helps you prepare concise and clear answers, ensuring you stay on schedule. By testing different words per minute rates, you can adjust your speaking speed to deliver your message within the allotted time.

convert words to time .

How long will it take to read a speech or presentation?

Enter the word count into the tool below (or paste in text) to see how many minutes it will take you to read. Estimates number of minutes based on a slow, average, or fast paced reading speed.

Number of words

Reading speed

speech on words for 1 minute

Common conversions (average speed)

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Words per Minute Calculator

Table of contents

Have you ever wondered how long it takes to deliver a speech? Or how much time you need to read a book? This words per minute calculator (or WPM calculator for short) will help you convert between the number of words and the time taken to read or say. This way, you will not only learn how many words is a 5-minute speech but also how long it takes you to read a document with 2000 words.

If you want to know how much time you need to finish a book, head straight to our reading speed calculator !

Words per minute (speech)

In order to determine how long your presentation takes, you first need to find your speaking speed — how many words per minute of speech you can deliver. For example, the average speaking speed in English is 130 wpm (words per minute). If, however, you are frequently told that you speak very slowly or very fast, you should adjust this value accordingly.

You could also measure your speaking speed experimentally. Set a timer to one minute and start reading a passage of text aloud. Once the timer stops, count the words you managed to read. This number is your words per minute speech speed — you can input it directly into our calculator after selecting the radio button Other .

Words per minute (reading)

The same principle as your speaking speed applies to your reading speed — the number of words per minute of reading. The average reading speed for the English language is between 170 and 240 wpm , depending on the text difficulty and your English ability.

Naturally, you can measure your reading speed and input it directly into this reading words per minute calculator. All you have to do is set a timer to one minute and start reading a book (or an e-book ), this time silently. Once the timer rings, count the words you read and input the number into the respective field (below the radio button Other in the reading section).

How many words is a 5 minute speech?

Once you know your speaking and reading speed, the calculations are a piece of cake! All you have to do is input the number of words you have to say into this words per minute calculator, which will tell you how long your presentation should take.

Of course, you can also use this calculator to figure out the maximum number of words in a speech with a limited time frame — for example, 5 minutes. Let's look at how to use this tool in more detail.

Choose whether you will speak to an audience or silently read the text. In this case, we are going to choose speech.

Select your speaking speed . We will stay with the average value of 130 wpm.

Determine the duration of the speech — here, we will pick a 5-minute elevator pitch.

Multiply the reading speed by the time to find out how many words are in a 5-minute speech:

130 × 5 = 650 words

Your speech can have a maximum of 650 words.

How many words per minute in a speech?

The average speaking speed in English is 130 words per minute . However, the average speaking rate changes according to the task before a speaker — for presentations, it goes down to 100-120 wpm, while for YouTubers, it's up to 150-160 wpm. When picking the right pace, you should also consider your audience, e.g., the presence of kids or non-native speakers!

How many words per 10 minute speech?

To deliver a successful ten-minute talk, prepare between 1000-1200 words. The absolute maximum you should have is 1300 words.

How many words are in a five minute speech?

A 5-minute speech should have between 500-600 words. Be careful not to exceed 650 words, or you'll talk too fast and, as a result, lose the audience!

How do I calculate the number of words in a talk?

To determine the number of words in a talk that will last m minutes:

Decide on the speaking rate r :

  • Average: 130 wpm (words per minute);
  • Slow: 100 wpm; and
  • Fast: 160 wpm.

Multiply the speaking rate by the time you have in minutes:

The result in 2 is the number of words your talk should contain.

Number of words

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Speaking speed

Speaking time

Reading speed

Reading time

Speaking time calculator

Type or paste your speech to instantly calculate your speaking time

How does this speech timer work

To begin, delete the sample text and either type in your speech or copy and paste it into the editor.

The average reading speed and speech rate is 200 words per minute and is the default setting above. Once you paste your speech, click “Play” and Speechify will analyze your speech by the number of words and generate a time to speak it at the default rate.

You can listen to your speech in various accents or languages. If you are aiming for a specific timeframe for your speech, click edit to either increase or decrease the number of words to see how long it would take to speak them.

You can also increase or decrease the speaking rate to gauge how fast or slow you should speak in order to get to a specific time with the number of words you have in your speech.

To get to that perfect word count to fit with the speech length time, you’ll have to keep editing between words per minute (WPM) and number of words.

The best part is that you can share your speech in audio format to your friends, relatives, or peers to review it. They can simply click play and listen to your speech.

Frequently Asked Questions

Based on the average speed of speech, there are 150 words in a 1 minute speech.

There are 300 words per minute in a 2 minute speech. 2 minutes isn’t a long time so when you speak, you could endure the average speaking rate.

On average there are 450 words in a 3 minute speech. This is based on the average speech rate of 250 words per minute. At the 3 minute mark, even a novice speaker could keep going at the rate they started – with some practice.

On average there are 600 words in a 4 minute speech. This is based on the average speech rate of 250 words per minute. Still, even a novice speaker could maintain the 150 words per minute rate. Try it in the Soundbite above. Set your words per minute and speak along to see if you could endure consistency over 4 minutes.

On average there are 750 words in a 5 minute speech. This is based on the average speech rate of 250 words per minute. While this is simple math, we after all are humans and 5 minutes can be pushing the boundaries of a consistent speech tempo and words per minute.

In a 10 minute speech aim for 1000 words. The math might tell you 1,500 words but consider your speech. You might need pauses, rest for your voice, dramatic effects, and perhaps even audience interaction. Also, it becomes quite difficult to endure a consistent 150 words per minute speech rate for 10 minutes. Consider your listeners. We doubt very few people would want to listen to a precisely 150 words per minute speech for 10 minutes. It wouldn’t be engaging. And in a speech, you should engage and communicate.

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Convert words to time

Word per minute speech

Enter the number of words in the box below to find out how many minutes it will take you to give your speech.

Word Counter

Paste your text here to find out the word count

Word Count: 0

Online Stopwatch

Time your speech on a timer for the actual time it takes you to deliver your speech, practice.

Our tool comes in handy when you are preparing for a speech or creating a presentation. The length of your speech depends on the amount of text and your speaking or reading speed.

Debatrix International

Speech calculator:  how long does it take to deliver your speech?

With this speech calculator, you can easily calculate how long it will take you to deliver a speech.

How many words per minute?

In the English language, people speak about 140 words per minute. A fast speaker will get to 170 words per minute, a slow speaker will use around 110 words.

Professional speechwriters use this speech calculator to find out how long a speech takes.

speech calculator

Copy your full text and paste it in the box below:

The entire analysis happens within your browser. The text will NOT be stored and NOT be sent over the web.

Word count:

Your speech rate:

Speech duration:


How many words is a 3 minute speech  .

A speaker with an average speaking speed will need 420 words for a 3 minute speech. A fast speaker will need 510 words while a slow speaker will only need 330 words.

How many words is a 5 minute speech?  

A speaker with an average speaking speed will need 700 words for a 5 minutes speech. A fast speaker will need 850 words for the same speech length. A slow speaker will only need 550 words.

Is this a word count calculator?  

The speech calculator is a word count calculator. Insert your text and the tool will automatically calculate the word count.  It will then also calculate the speech length depending on the selected talking speed.

How to best select the right speaking speed?

Fast, average or slow? The answer depends on the speaker, the speech type and the speech setting.

The speaking speed of the speaker

Some speakers are natural fast or slow speakers. The best speakers keep a variance during their speeches. They speed up to keep momentum and slow down to put special emphasis on other parts.

The speech type

The type of speech matters a lot in selecting the right speech speed. If you read the whole speech word for word from paper then your average speech speed will be lower. If you intend to use the written speech as speaker notes then your average speaking speed will be much higher.

The speech setting

An informal setting will have a faster average speaking speed compared to a more formal setting.

Keeping all three factors in mind you will able make a better judgement about selecting the right speech speed in the speech calculator.

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speech on words for 1 minute

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speech on words for 1 minute

How Many Words Should Be in My Speech? (Based on Number of Minutes)

speech on words for 1 minute

Crafting a speech? Typically, individuals speak at 125-200 words per minute. For instance, a 5-minute speech is about 625-1000 words. Keep this pace in mind to tailor your speech’s length to your time limit. Familiarity and nerves can also influence speed.

You can use our handy guide to find out how many words should be in your speech, based on the number of minutes you have to speak. We will also discuss the ideal word count for different lengths of speeches. Let’s get started!

At a Glance:

  • Average speaking rate is 125-200 words per minute.
  • Word count for a 5-minute speech is typically 625-1000 words.
  • Speaking speed varies based on personal style, familiarity, and nerves.
  • Several factors influence the ideal word count for a given speech duration.
  • Regular rehearsal ensures effective speech delivery.

Speech Duration vs. Word Count

Estimating speaking time for a manuscript, factors affecting the word count in your timed speech, number of words based on the number of minutes.

The average person speaks at a rate of about 125 to 200 words per minute, but this can vary depending on your natural speaking style and the context of your speech. Other factors like how well you know your material and how nervous you are can also affect your speaking rate.

When it comes to speeches, many people worry about how many words they should use per minute. The truth is, there is no specific number. However, knowing the average word count for different speech lengths can help you plan and pace your words more effectively.

Here is a breakdown of the average word counts for speeches of different lengths.

To simplify things, let’s look at word counts for standard time intervals:

1-minute speech: 125 – 200 words 5-minute speech: 625 – 1000 words 10-minute speech: 1250 – 2000 words 15-minute speech: 1875 – 3000 words 20-minute speech: 2500 – 4000 words 30-minute speech: 3750 – 6000 words 45-minute speech: 5625 – 9000 words 60-minute (or 1-hour) speech: 7500 – 12000 words

For intermediate minutes, you can use the average rate of 125-200 wpm to estimate.

If you have a written speech or manuscript, you might be curious about its duration when spoken.

Here’s a quick guide based on word counts:

100 words: About 0.5 to 0.8 minutes 200 words: About 1 to 1.6 minutes 250 words: About 1.25 to 2 minutes 500 words: About 2.5 to 4 minutes (And so on, using the average speaking rate of 125-200 wpm.)

Several factors can impact how many words your speech should ideally have for a given time frame. Understanding these variables can help you deliver a presentation that’s both engaging and perfectly timed. Here’s a breakdown of these influential factors:

  • Natural Speaking Rate: Every individual possesses a unique speaking pace. Some naturally express thoughts swiftly, clocking in around 200 words per minute or even faster. In contrast, others may speak more deliberately, averaging around 125 words per minute. This inherent rhythm greatly influences the word count of a speech for a given time frame.
  • Audience Demographic: Your audience’s age, background, and familiarity with the topic can dictate the speed at which you should present. For example, a technical presentation for industry experts might proceed faster than one for novices, even if the word count remains consistent.

  • Topic Complexity: More intricate or challenging subjects demand a slower pace to ensure comprehension. In such cases, even if the speech’s duration is lengthy, the word count might be on the lower side to accommodate pauses and explanations.
  • Use of Visual Aids: Incorporating slides, charts, or videos can mean fewer words spoken. Visual elements often require pauses, allowing the audience to process the information visually rather than just auditorily.
  • Nervousness: Unsurprisingly, nervousness can speed up one’s delivery. A speaker might rush through their material when anxious, resulting in a higher word count in a shorter time frame.

Crafting a speech that’s both engaging and appropriately timed is an art. While the word count provides a framework, considering the factors above ensures your speech is not just well-timed, but also effective. As you prepare, always prioritize clarity, engagement, and resonance with your audience over sticking rigidly to word counts.

It’s important to know how many words your speech should be so that you can plan and structure it accordingly. We hope this guide will help you determine the number of minutes your speech should be based on the number of words. Keep in mind that this is just a general guideline, and you may need more or less time depending on your content.

So use this as a starting point, and then adjust as needed. And most importantly, practice, practice, practice! The more you run through your speech beforehand, the smoother it will go when you’re up in front of an audience. Thanks for reading!

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The Word Finder

Convert Speech Words to Minutes

How long will my speech be? Use the calculator below to convert your words to minutes. 1) Enter the number of words your speech is. 2) Choose your speaking style/speed 3) Find your speech length.

The following table below provides an indication of the minutes for a speech (based on an average reading speed of 125 words per minute):

  • How many words are in 1 minute speech? 125 words
  • How many words are in 2 minute speech? 250 words
  • How many words are in 3 minute speech? 375 words
  • How many words are in 4 minute speech? 500 words
  • How many words are in 5 minute speech? 625 words
  • How many words are in 10 minute speech? 1,250 words
  • How many words are in 15 minute speech? 1,875 words
  • How many words are in 20 minute speech? 2,500 words
  • How many words are in 30 minute speech? 3,750 words
  • How long does a 500 word speech take? 4.0 minutes
  • How long does a 1000 word speech take? 8.0 minutes
  • How long does a 1250 word speech take? 10.0 minutes
  • How long does a 1500 word speech take? 12.0 minutes
  • How long does a 1750 word speech take? 14.0 minutes
  • How long does a 2000 word speech take? 16.0 minutes
  • How long does a 2500 word speech take? 20.0 minutes
  • How long does a 3000 word speech take? 24.0 minutes
  • How long does a 4000 word speech take? 32.0 minutes

Welcome to our conversion tool - Words to Minutes! We are here to help estimate the duration of any speech for conventions, zoom calls, weddings, special celebrations, business presentations, graduations, classroom demonstrations, performances, you name it. Use the Convert Speech Words to Minutes calculator to better prepare yourself for your next presentation.

How to use Convert Speech Words to Minutes

  • Enter Word Count: Enter the number of words in your speech. You can find your word count by copying and pasting your speech in or Google Docs. In Google Docs go to TOOLS --> Word Count to see how many words.
  • Choose Speed of Speaker: Choose your speaker pace from the options available: slow speaker, average speed speaker or fast speaker.

Make sure to choose your speech speed as it can have a major impact on your timing. Remember you will likely speak fast at times, and slow as well. Thus, average is typically a good indicator as to how long your speech or presentation will take. Whether you are making a wedding speech or giving a business presentation, this conversion of words into minutes should hold true.

Now you have an idea of how many minutes your speech will take to deliver, and can make any modifications if necessary. Also be sure to add time for audience participation if your speech calls for that.

Why should I use the Convert Speech Words to Minutes?

Do you know how many minutes are in a 5-minute speech, or maybe how long does a 2000 word speech take?

Using the words to minutes converter tool is crucial while preparing for a speech or presentation, especially when you are given limited time to convey your message and wrap up your ideas. Although the time may vary according to the delivery speed of each individual, converting words to minutes is a good indication of the length of your content and if it is suitable for the time frame you were given. That is how you know if you should work on your content length. Keep in mind that according to the National Center for Voice and Speech , the average rate of conversational talk in the US is around 150 words per minute (wpm), which means that balancing content, the number of words and reading speed does matter when preparing your speech.

How to craft an outstanding speech

Whether you are preparing content for a speech presentation for a business meeting, a graduation celebration of a wedding, the content does matter. While speaking in public does require a good amount of confidence, when you prepare yourself in advance, you will empower yourself with tools that will assure you are ready for it. With your speech, your main goal is to engage with your audience, catch their attention and delivery a message that will convey your idea in a clear and effective way. Here are some tips to help:

  • Write using the first person. Use a conversational tone.
  • Start by briefly introducing yourself.
  • Prepare a striking outline/opening statement.
  • Construe your speech in structural steps.
  • Start with a topic sentence in every paragraph.
  • Do not feel too shy to express your honest opinion.
  • Practicing ahead of time will help tremendously. It helps with confidence, knowing the material, comfortability, and much more. This is our top tip!

In order to engage with your audience, try to include personal stories, share your personal experiences and do not feel constrained to share your personal opinion. Good luck, you got this!

What do you think about our Convert Speech Words to Minutes tool? Was it helpful? We want to hear from you.

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Free Online Words to Minutes Calculator

How long should your 5 minutes speech be? How many words should your essay be to take 5 minutes reading?

To find an answer, you need words to minutes calculator. IvyPanda Experts prepared this post, where you will find 10 free words to minutes converters, find out how to measure your speaking rate, and how long your X-minute speech has to be.

🏆 Top 10 Free Words to Minutes Converter

🎤 how long does a 4-minute speech have to be, ⏱ how to measure your speech length, 1. speech in minutes.

This is a free-to-use speech calculator to measure how long it takes to deliver your speech. To use this tool, you need to enter the word count and choose the reading speed: from slow (100 words per minute) to fast (160 words per minute). No registration is needed.

2. Words to Time

Words To Time as an ad-free text to speech calculator that will provide you with the number of minutes immediately. You can type the number of words you want to convert or paste your text and grab the result. Don’t forget to pick up the reading speed!

3. The Word Finder

This is a free speech length estimator. No sign-up, no ads, or captcha. Type the word count, choose speaking speed, and grab the result immediately. There are also available various cool apps like Font Generators, Backwards Text Converter, Time Calc, etc.

4. EdgeStudio

Edge Studio, the voice recording company, developed a free online script timer. Depending on the data available, you can put the words count, paste your text, or type the average words per line. You will get a result instantly after you click the button “Submit.” On the tab “Statistics,” you can find out stats about reading speed, word, and line count.

5. Copywritely

At this website, you can measure the time of reading your text within a couple of clicks using its words to minutes calculator. Paste your text, and at the bottom of the field, you will see the word count and the approximate speech time.

The tool is available in English, Russian, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, and Dutch. Also, there are available Grammar Checker, Alphabetizer, Words to Pages, and other apps that will become handy for any writing purpose.

6. Read-O-Meter

Read-O-Meter is a simple and hassle-free word to minutes calculator to estimate the reading time. All you have to do is just type or paste the text you want to calculate the speech or article length and press the button “Estimate Reading Time.”

7. TheVoice Realm

This speech length calculator was designed by the online voice casting company. To use it, you need to paste your text or the word count and find out the estimated time. The page also contains background information about the speaking speed and how many minutes in 300, 900, and more words.

To use the Words to Time Conversion tool, you need to know the word count of your text. To get the estimated speech time, you need to type the number of words and adjust reading or speaking time, and you will get an immediate result. The tool is free and contains no ads.

9. Debatrix

This is another ad-free word to minute speech calculator to find out how long your speech will take. To measure the estimated time, you need to paste the text. The online app will count the number of words and speech duration.

10. TextConverter

The website provides plenty of tools that will be useful for students, SEO specialists, and writers.

Choose the text type: speech or locution, reading rhythm, and get the estimated time for your project. The app also will count the number of words and characters.

On the website, you can also find other utilities: Text Randomizer, Upper and Lower Case converters, E-mails Extractor, Hashtags, etc. The site is available in English and Portuguese languages.

Why do we need to measure the reading or speaking time?

There can be a variety of reasons. For example, you should prepare a 5-minute speech, or your post should not exceed 10 minutes of reading.

Speaking or reading time depends on the person who is going to read the text. Below, you will find a table that will help you quickly determine the duration of the content. The table is divided into two parts. The first one gives you reference information of minutes to words conversion. The second one shows the inverse correlation.

Question Answer
130 words
260 words
390 words
520 words
780 words
910 words
1040 words
1170 words
1300 words
1950 words
2600 words
4 minutes
6 minutes
8 minutes
10 minutes
12 minutes
14 minutes
16 minutes
20 minutes
25 minutes

This table provides only the estimated information. The actual speech duration depends on your speaking pace, pauses, and so on. Below you will find out what impacts and how to measure your speaking rate.

Keep reading!

In this post, we will share with you how to measure how long your speech will be. Also, you will find out what impacts your speaking pace and how to practice it.

Determine the Word Count

First things first, so let’s determine the number of words you want to turn to minutes. If you use the Microsoft Word or Open Office, you will find out the word count on the status bar at the bottom of the screen.

In Google Docs, you can click Tools>>Word Count, or use the shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+C. If you use other word processors, refer to the help system of the tool.

Determine the Speech Pace

If you don’t know how many words you speak per minute, there are a couple of options to find out it. Check them below!

Use the sample text. Here is how it works: take your sample text, start the timer, and begin reading it aloud. When the minute is up, use your word processing app to figure out how many words you read. This will be your speed of speech.

Record yourself. Another way to find out your speaking pace is to record your speech. Set a timer for a minute, read any text, or talk about any topic while recording it. Then, listen to it and count the words you spoke. You can count it manually or use the software, for example, IBM Speech to Text calculator .

What Impacts Your Speaking Rate?

The speaking rate is individual. There are many factors that influence it. Here are some of them:

  • Pauses, and rhetorical devices. The more it has, the slower your speaking rate will be.
  • Condition of the speaker. If you’re angry, excited, or in a hurry, you will probably speak faster than usual. On the other hand, when you are tired, it makes it harder to speak quickly.
  • Urgency. Here’s the deal: in emergencies, we are more likely will speak quicker than in a calm environment.
  • Mental issues. Some mental conditions may lead to a slower or faster speech rate.
  • Audience and event. For example, if you are recording audio for a radio ad, you will speak faster, since you are limited by the time. Another example is when you are trying to explain the complicated term to students. More likely, you will slow down your speech. During the presentation, you can also make pauses while changing the slides or checking your notes.
  • Environment. Yes, your background directly impacts your speaking pace: your dialect, family, culture, friends, and neighbors, etc.
  • Words and content complexity. The long and complex words also impact your speaking pace, making it slower. The same can be said about complex content—it requires more time to deliver it to the audience. Remember about this if you are limited by time.
  • Language. Depending on the language you speak, your speaking rate will vary. In 2011, the University of Lyon researchers asked volunteers to read twenty texts in their native languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Mandarin, Japanese, and Italian. The purpose of studies was to find out how the density of syllables impacts the rate of communication.

Here’s what they found: the Mandarin language is the slowest one, with 5.18 syllables per second. However, it has the highest information density. The fastest language is Japanese, with its 7.84 syllables per second rate. English language speaking rate is 6.19 syllables per second.

Another interesting fact about the speaking rate is the world record shattered by Steve Woodmore . He articulates 637 words in one minute!

If you are wondering about the average speaking rates, check the table below:

speech on words for 1 minute

Source: National Center for Voice and Speech

But what about reading? Is the reading pace the same as speaking?

On average, people read 180-300 words per minute. However, speed readers can read 1000+ words per minute.

How to Practice Your Speaking Rate?

You might have met people called a motor-mouth — they speak too fast, and words seem rocket out from their mouths. Others, on the opposite, speak too slowly. You can compare them with sloths from the movie Zootopia:

Both these cases can be fun for a while. However, the too fast and too slow speech will make the listeners lose their interest.

The solution is to practice your speaking rate, making it flexible, and adapting to your audience’s needs.

Below, you will find five easy exercises that will help you to develop a flexible speaking rate:

Read children’s books aloud.

Here’s the deal: when you read stories to a child, you might notice that some passages require you to speak faster, while others must be read at a slow pace.

Read a story several times aloud to become familiar with the text and its passages. If it is possible, record yourself. Then, try reading the text and change the pace. Listen to the records to hear the differences. Think of how the speaking rate impacts the comprehension of the text.

Read scientific reports.

You may find this exercise boring, but yet it will be helpful for delivering complex things in your future speeches.

First, pick up the newspaper or magazine. For example, you can try a Science magazine website — there are plenty of interesting topics, reports, and articles to discover. After you select the report, read it silently to familiarize yourself with the material. The next step is to read it aloud (don’t forget about recording yourself!), noting which parts of the text should be read at a slow pace, and which — faster.

You can extend this exercise and image that you read the article to someone who knows nothing about this topic. Listen to the records and pay attention to the changes you made.

Read your own class speeches.

Make a series of experiments with one of your old class speeches. First, record it delivering the speech at your normal speaking pace. Check the time it took to deliver.

The next step is to mark down some passages to read at slower and others — at a faster rate. Now, read it aloud again while adhering to the marks. Listen to the records; note how changed the time and overall speech comprehension.

Listen to various speakers.

Watch the movie, listen to the news on TV, and watch the classical play. Compare the speech rates of the speakers. You will notice the rhetorical devices they use and how effective their speech is. Then, experiment with your own speech and see how it changes.

Read texts you are familiar with.

Read the text you already know at a quicker or slower pace than usual. Record yourself and play it back. Note the places where your speaking rate was effective and where it wasn’t. Then, mark these places and reread the text again, implementing these changes and recording yourself. See how your speech has changed.

These simple exercises will help you to produce effective speeches for various audiences.

There are a couple of things you need to remember when you speak:

  • Fast speaking indicates urgency, passion, and emotions. If you want to stimulate and excite the attention of your listeners, speak quickly. However, you should remember that after a couple of minutes of listening to fast speech, it becomes overwhelming.
  • Slow speaking, on the other hand, indicates the seriousness of your point, its importance. Use this approach to grab the attention of your audience. The slow pace also will help them to easier process the information you want to deliver. Similar to fast speaking, too slow pace in your entire speech also can overwhelm and bore your listeners.

How to Make the Speech Memorable

Pace yourself to highlight the most important parts of the speech, and your audience will memorize what you said. The key to any great speech is the retention of the audience. Check the IvyPanda expert advice to make your talks memorable :

  • Tell stories. Interesting examples not only illustrate your speech but also help listeners to recall what you said. Humor and short stories from your life will also help you to grab the attention of your audience. Important notice: tell only relevant ones and don’t overuse them.
  • Use pauses and breaks. Just like a novel is broken into chapters and paragraphs, pauses in your speech serve as a signal of the end of one point and transition to another.

Use simple and short sentences and phrases. Short sentences and simple language will help you to maximize the engagement and comprehension of your audience. Avoid complex words unless you are talking about specific tech terms in front of the professionals in this sphere.

  • Engage your audience with questions. At the beginning of the speech, ask your audience a question or two. This method will give them a hook and grab their attention.
  • Review your speech after you wrote it. Check if everything is clear. Rehearse it in various rates and note places where you need to speed up your speech and where to slow it down.

Now you know how to find out the length of your speech, have all the tools to convert words to minutes, and advice on how to practice your speaking rate. Don’t forget to check our other tools to write outstanding speeches.

Updated: Oct 25th, 2023

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How Barack Obama Learned to Give a Speech: Read An Excerpt From His Speechwriter's New Book (Excerpt)

White House speechwriter Terry Szuplat shares lessons he's learned from the former president

Official White House Photo/Pete Souza

In an exclusive excerpt from Say It Well: Find Your Voice, Speak Your Mind, Inspire Any Audience by Terry Szuplat, the White House speechwriter explores how former President Barack Obama developed his own public speaking skills.

In 1981, students at Occidental College in Los Angeles held a rally against South Africa’s brutal apartheid policy of racial segregation. The first speaker was a 19-year-old sophomore named Barack Obama . He managed to get out only a few sentences, however, before two students rushed up, pretending to be South African security forces, and dragged him away—a bit of political theater to highlight the oppression of anti-apartheid activists.

“The whole thing was a farce,” he explained years later, and his “one-minute oration” was “the biggest farce of all.” “That’s the last time you will ever hear another speech out of me,” he told a friend. “I’ve got no business speaking for Black folks.”

Decades later, as one of his speechwriters, I asked President Obama what he meant. His struggles with his racial identity — with a white mother from Kansas and a Black father from Kenya, and having been largely raised by his white grandparents — were “part of” the reason for how he felt at the rally, he told me. More, though, it was rooted in larger doubts about his place in the world and whether his voice could make a difference.

“I think the starting point for effective speaking, for me at least, and for most people who I find persuasive,” he said, “is do they have a sense of who they are and what they believe?” At the rally on campus that day, he recalled, “I was a callow youth who was trying to sort out who I was and what I believed.” The rally had given him a chance to raise his voice. But looking back on his younger self, he said, “I wasn’t ready yet.”

After college, Obama worked as a community organizer with churches on Chicago’s South Side. “At that point, I was accustomed to speaking in front of people,” he told me. “I was not naturally inclined to be nervous”— until one day when his swagger proved to be his undoing. 

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He was 24 years old, making a fundraising pitch to a conference room full of philanthropists. “I was feeling pretty cocky,” he remembered. “I had not written down my remarks. I felt like I could go into any room and just sort of wing it, which was a bad mistake.”

He started his presentation. “There are a bunch of people in suits,” he recalled. “I’m looking a little raggedy and a little out of place. About four or five minutes into my presentation, I just started freezing up. I lost my train of thought.”

“I was terrible,” he said. “I felt a little bit of flop sweat and hemmed and hawed, and got stuck, and was not particularly coherent.” I asked if he remembered how it had felt.

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“You erase it from your mind,” he joked at first. Then he turned more pensive.

“You feel,” he said, pausing to find the words, “stupid and embarrassed.”

But then he did what any of us can do–he worked to get better.

Obama continued working as a community organizer, often speaking in church basements.

“Sometimes, I’d only have 12 people there,” he said. “But step by step, speaking to bigger audiences gave me a baseline level of comfort in communicating to folks.” As he did, he learned one of the most important lessons of communication — listening before you talk.

“The best speakers are in a conversation with their audience” — and that includes listening to what’s important to the people you’re communicating with.

“Everybody has a sacred story,” he told me, “one that gets to their essential selves. And listening to other people tell their stories helped me understand my own.”

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He also learned to become a better communicator by studying other speakers.

“You know who were good coaches for me?” he said. “All those Black pastors I was in church with … Preachers know how to preach. Just listening and hearing and watching, I soaked a lot of that in.” Of all the places where he learned to speak, listening to the pastors of Chicago, he said, “was probably the most valuable.”

A few years later, he had his first big chance to put to use what he had learned. As a 28-year-old law student and president of the Harvard Law Review, he  was asked to speak at the Law Review’s annual dinner and introduce that year’s honoree — the civil rights icon and congressman John Lewis. “He was one of my childhood heroes,” Obama told me. “I wanted to make sure that I did him justice.”

“This was the first time I gave a big public speech in front of a large group of people that I did not know, in a setting that mattered to me, on a subject that I cared about. I took a lot of time to think through what I wanted to say. I wrote out the speech. I memorized the speech. And then I delivered the speech” — brief remarks, perhaps five to seven minutes, to a few hundred people.

“It was the first time I felt like ‘I’ve got the audience, I’m moving them, I’m telling a story that resonates with them,’” he said.

Barack Obama was starting to find his voice. Over the next decade, he worked to refine it, including in the classroom. Even as he served in the Illinois State Senate, he taught classes at the University of Chicago Law School. “It’s where I learned to feel comfortable being in a dialogue with people for long stretches of time.”

That dialogue continued in his early political campaigns. “When I first started running for Congress,” he said, “I had a tendency in some settings, including debates and impromptu remarks, of not telling stories, but rather listing off talking points, factoids and policy … I still needed to learn how to make effective, impromptu speeches to larger groups of strangers in a high-pressure situation.”

Four years later — and with a lot more reps under his belt — he drew on all the lessons he’d learned as he prepared for what would be, to that point, the highest-pressure moment of his life.

At the 2004 Democratic convention in Boston, Obama took the stage — smiling, clapping, waving to the crowd — adjusted the mic, and began to speak. I was there, down on the convention floor, watching as he introduced himself to us and millions watching at home.

My father was a foreign student, born and raised in a small village in Kenya. He grew up herding goats, went to school in a tin-roof shack … While studying [in America], my father met my mother. She was born in a town on the other side of the world, in Kansas … They would give me an African name, Barack, or “blessed,” believing that in a tolerant America your name is no barrier to success.

“I stand here today, grateful for the diversity of my heritage,” he continued. “I stand here knowing that my story is part of the larger American story, that I owe a debt to all of those who came before me, and that, in no other country on earth, is my story even possible.”

At certain moments, he spoke with the rhythm of the preachers he’d heard at the pulpit. He didn’t speak at those of us in the audience, but with us — a dialogue, a conversation. Instead of ticking off wonkish talking points and factoids, he told a bigger story — his voice rising as he neared the end of his speech — about who we were as a country, our values, where we came from and where we’re going:

Yet even as we speak, there are those who are preparing to divide us … Well, I say to them tonight, there’s not a liberal America and a conservative America; there’s the United States of America. There’s not a black America and white America and Latino America and Asian America; there’s the United States of America.

I’d never heard anyone speak like this — someone who so unabashedly saw our diversity as a people not as a weakness to be exploited for political gain, but as a strength to be celebrated and nurtured; someone who didn’t just give voice to that diversity, but who embodied it, calling himself “a skinny kid with a funny name who believes that America has a place for him too.”

“There’s no question,” his adviser David Axelrod told me years later, that “Obama couldn’t have given that speech if he hadn’t thought deeply about his own identity over many years. He knew who he was, and he understood how his story shaped him.”

It turns out, Barack Obama wasn’t, as many people thought, a “naturally-gifted speaker.” After freezing up while giving that speech as a young man, he’d done what all of us can do–he put in the work and, over time, got better.

From the book SAY IT WELL: Find Your Voice, Speak Your Mind, Inspire Any Audience by Terry Szuplat. Copyright 2024 by Terry Szuplat. Reprinted by permission of HarperCollins Publishers.

Say It Well: Find Your Voice, Speak Your Mind, Inspire Any Audience by Terry Szuplat is available now, wherever books are sold.

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NBC Chicago

Who is Harrison Butker and why is he at the center of controversy? An explanation

Butker's words have sparked both criticism and praise across the country, by nbc chicago staff and the associated press • published may 17, 2024 • updated on may 18, 2024 at 12:06 pm.

In a single 20-minute speech , Harrison Butker went from being known largely as the kicker for the Kansas City Chiefs, to the man behind a controversial graduation address that has drawn both criticism and praise across the country.

But who is Butker, what did he say and why has it sparked such conversation?

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Here's a breakdown of what happened:

Who is Harrison Butker?

Butker is the 28-year-old kicker for the Kansas City Chiefs.

The 2017 seventh-round pick out of Georgia Tech has become one of the NFL’s best kickers, breaking the Chiefs’ franchise record with a 62-yard field goal in 2022. Butker helped them win their first Super Bowl in 50 years in 2020, added a second Lombardi Trophy in 2023, and he kicked the field goal that forced overtime in a Super Bowl win over San Francisco in February.

He is also a conservative Catholic and has shared some of his religious beliefs on social media in the past.

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What did harrison butker say.

Butker appeared as the commencement speaker last week at  Benedictine College , a private Catholic liberal arts school in Kansas, and said most of the women receiving degrees were probably more excited about getting married and having children.

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Butker also said some Catholic leaders were “pushing dangerous gender ideologies onto the youth of America" and assailed  Pride month , a particularly important time for the LGBTQ+ rights movement, and President Joe Biden’s stance on abortion.

“I think it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolical lies told to you,” Butker said.

“Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world, but I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world. I can tell you that my beautiful wife Isabelle would be the first to say that her life truly started when she started living her vocation as a wife and as a mother,” he said.

Butker said that his wife embraced “one of the most important titles of all. Homemaker.“

He referred to a “deadly sin sort of pride that has a month dedicated to it” in an oblique reference to Pride Month and took aim at Biden's policies, including his condemnation of the  Supreme Court's reversal  of the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision and advocacy for freedom of choice — a key campaign issue in the 2024 presidential race.

Butker also tackled Biden's response to COVID-19, which has killed nearly 1.2 million people in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“While COVID might have played a large role throughout your formative years, it is not unique,” he said. “Bad policies and poor leadership have negatively impacted major life issues. Things like abortion, IVF, surrogacy, euthanasia, as well as growing support for degenerate cultural values and media all stem from pervasiveness of disorder.”

At one point Butker used a quote from Taylor Swift, who is dating his teammate Travis Kelce.

"As my teammate's girlfriend says, 'familiarity breeds contempt,' " Butker said.

The line is part of Swift's song "Bejeweled ."

What was the response from graduates?

Video of the commencement shows virtually all the graduates and spectators rising to a standing ovation, but student interviews showed a more mixed reaction.

ValerieAnne Volpe, 20, who graduated with an art degree, lauded Butker for saying things that “people are scared to say.”

“You can just hear that he loves his wife. You can hear that he loves his family,” she said.

Elle Wilbers, 22, who is heading to medical school, said she was shocked by Butker’s criticism of priests and bishops and his reference to the LGBTQ+ community, one that she described as “horrible.”

“We should have compassion for the people who have been told all their life that the person they love is like, it’s not OK to love that person,” Wilbers said.

Kassidy Neuner, 22, who will spend a gap year teaching before going to law school, said being a stay-at-home parent is “a wonderful decision.”

“And it’s also not for everybody,” Neuner added, saying, "I think that he should have addressed more that it’s not always an option. And, if it is your option in life, that’s amazing for you. But there’s also the option to be a mother and a career woman.”

The Benedictine Sisters of Mount St. Scholastica, one of the founding sponsors of Benedictine College, issued a statement Thursday criticizing Butker’s speech, contending it did not properly represent the college's values.

“Instead of promoting unity in our church, our nation, and the world, his comments seem to have fostered division,” the statement said.

“One of our concerns was the assertion that being a homemaker is the highest calling for a woman,” it added. “We sisters have dedicated our lives to God and God’s people, including the many women whom we have taught. ... These women have made a tremendous difference in the world in their roles as wives and mothers and through their God-given gifts in leadership, scholarship, and their careers.”

What about the NFL?

The NFL is distancing itself from Butker .

"Harrison Butker gave a speech in his personal capacity,” Jonathan Beane, NFL senior vice president and chief diversity and inclusion officer, said in a statement released Thursday. “His views are not those of the NFL as an organization. The NFL is steadfast in our commitment to inclusion, which only makes our league stronger.”

The Chiefs declined to comment on Butker's commencement address.

But the wife of Chiefs chairman and CEO Clark Hunt, Tavia Hunt, wrote a lengthy Instagram post addressing some of Butker's remarks.

"I’ve always encouraged my daughters to be highly educated and chase their dreams. I want them to know that they can do whatever they want (that honors God). But I also want them to know that I believe finding a spouse who loves and honors you as or before himself and raising a family together is one of the greatest blessings this world has to offer. Studies show that committed, married couples with children are the happiest demographic, and this has been my experience as well," she wrote. "*Affirming motherhood and praising your wife, as well as highlighting the sacrifice and dedication it takes to be a mother, is not bigoted. It is empowering to acknowledge that a woman’s hard work in raising children is not in vain.* Countless highly educated women devote their lives to nurturing and guiding their children. Someone disagreeing with you doesn’t make them hateful; it simply means they have a different opinion. Let’s celebrate families, motherhood and fatherhood. Our society desperately needs dedicated men and women to raise up and train the next generation in the way they should go."

She also added, "I also caution against taking things out of context. Sound bites overlaid with hateful comments are not what we want to model for our children or others. We need more dialogue (and VALUES, IMO) in this country and less hate."

Meanwhile, the Chargers took aim at Butker in their viral schedule release video.

During the end credits, the video showed Butker cooking and cleaning.

What is Benedictine College?

The fast-growing college is part of a constellation of conservative Catholic colleges that tout their adherence to church teachings and practice — part of a larger  conservative movement  in parts of the U.S. Catholic Church.

The college is located in in Atchison, Kansas, about 60 miles north of Kansas City, and traces its roots to 1858. It has an enrollment of about 2,200.

Its “mission as a Catholic, Benedictine, liberal arts, residential college is the education of men and women within a community of faith and scholarship,” according to its website.

But its also home to more traditional expressions of Catholicism, such as the Latin Mass, all-night prayer vigils and a strict code of conduct. Its mission statement further cites its commitment to "those specific matters of faith of the Roman Catholic tradition, as revealed in the person of Jesus Christ and handed down in the teachings of the Church.”

The school gets a high ranking from the Cardinal Newman Society, a group that touts nearly two-dozen conservative colleges that exhibit what it calls “faithful Catholic education." That includes upholding church teachings and Catholic identity while providing ample Masses and other devotional activities in shaping their students.

The society seeks to differentiate schools that “refuse to compromise their Catholic mission” from those that have become “battlegrounds for today’s culture wars.” Others praised by the society include Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., Ave Maria University in Florida and Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio.

The society's ranking says Benedictine benefits from having monks in residence, multiple Masses and prayer groups, spiritually focused organizations and theology programs with professors with a “mandatum" of approval from the local bishop.

Benedictine's enrollment has doubled in the past 20 years. Some 85% of its students are Catholic, according to the Cardinal Newman Society.

Annual tuition for full-time undergraduates is $35,350, but Benedictine says 100% of its students receive some form of financial aid.

Benedictine’s sports teams, called the Ravens, compete in National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics. Its athletics department says it is committed to ”setting the highest standards for academic success, athletic competition, ethical behavior, fiscal responsibility, and spiritual development.”

What has the response been elsewhere?

The TODAY show's Hoda Kotb and Jenna Bush Hager slammed the speech with a fiery response.

"Well, I'm where I am today because I have a husband who leans into  his  vocation, which is being an equal partner. And I tell him that all the time," Hager said.

"Don't speak for us," Kotb added. "Stop speaking for women out there."

Hager noted that those who stay home with families are "amazing," but said "let's not compare one to the other."

"There are lots of women who actually would like to stay at home, but because they need to earn money, they don't even have that privilege to do it," Kotb added.

NBC News Correspondent Maria Shriver also weighed in, saying "We all have the right to voice our opinions, but let us strive to do so with dignity and respect."

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Maria Shriver (@mariashriver)

A petition demanding the Chiefs dismiss Butker from the team has garnered more than 180,000 signatures.

Meanwhile, as of Friday, Butker's jersey was listed among the top sellers on the NFL shop's website and was named the most popular jersey for Kansas city Chiefs players, besting even popular stars like Patricks Mahomes and Travis Kelce.

Commenters have taken to Butker's social media accounts to share their reactions, with responses ranging from both support to criticism.

"As a woman who graduated valedictorian from high school, finished my four year degree in three years (double majored) and tacked on a Master’s during the fourth year, who now owns a business (a school, nonetheless) and is absolutely the epitome of a confident woman…..THANK YOU for your words," one commenter wrote. "My greatest joy in life is found in my family. My husband and my children are the most profound gift and the most beautiful responsibility I have ever been given. Serving the people I love in our home is a joy. I’m not chained there; I choose there because I CHOOSE them. There is no greater purpose. And AS a woman, I will never allow anyone to insinuate that somehow devalues me as a female."

"I am the breadwinner for my family of six. I Iove my job. Harrison, please tell me where I went wrong so I can repent and start cooking and cleaning," another user said.

"I feel bad for those poor women who looked forward to their graduation and had you inflicted on them. You misunderstood the assignment of a graduation speech. It’s not your own personal platform to do a manifesto," one commenter wrote.

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  3. How to Deliver a 1 Minute Speech: Tips, Examples, Topics & More

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  4. Speech Time Calculator

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  5. 1 Minute Speech

    A 1-minute speech is a brief and concise presentation delivered within a sixty-second timeframe. It is designed to convey a clear message, idea, or piece of information efficiently and effectively. Due to its brevity, a 1-minute speech focuses on the most important points, avoiding unnecessary details. It typically includes a strong opening to ...

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  7. 150 Just a Minute Topics for Engaging and Effective Speeches

    Explanation of the game. Just a Minute is a speech game that challenges speakers to talk about a topic for one minute without hesitation, deviation, or repetition. The goal is simple: keep talking for 60 seconds straight on any given subject. Players must be quick-thinking and articulate to succeed. This exercise sharpens impromptu speaking ...

  8. How many words per minute in a speech: a quick reference guide

    An average word count for any timed speech (one minute, two minutes, three, four, five, six...or more, minutes) is impossible to give. As there really is no such thing as an average person, who uses an average rate of words per minute when they speak. We are individuals: each of us different. Speech patterns and speech (speaking) rates vary ...

  9. How Many Words is a 1 Minute Speech

    How Many Words is a 1 Minute Speech. Words. Words per minute. 100. 100 (Slow) 130. 130 (Average) 160. 160 (Fast)

  10. 6 Outstanding 1 Minute Speech Examples to Take After

    Take a look at 6 of the best samples of 1 minute speeches below: Jim Carrey. A small sample from this commencement address shows an excellent combination of elements that make for a great speech. Not only does he speak generally about motivation and following dreams, he uses personal examples and stories that truly engage listeners.

  11. Convert Words to Minutes

    Words in a 1 minute speech 130 words. Words in a 2 minute speech 260 words. Words in a 3 minute speech 390 words. Words in a 4 minute speech 520 words. Words in a 5 minute speech 650 words. Words in a 10 minute speech 1300 words. Words in a 15 minute speech 1950 words. Words in a 20 minute speech 2600 words.

  12. Words to Minutes

    Minutes to Words Converter. To determine the number of minutes your speech will take, consider this minutes to words converter. 1-minute speech should have between 135 and 150 words. 1.5 minutes speech should have between 202 and 225 words. 6 minutes speech should have around 1500 words. Words to Speech Speed Calculator.

  13. Speech Time Calculator

    Estimate speech duration based on words per minute (WPM) and optimize your presentations, YouTube scripts, interviews, speeches, and press conferences. ... By using the speech time calculator, you can determine how many words fit into a 30-second or 1-minute time slot. This ensures that your introduction is well-timed and impactful.

  14. Convert Words to Time

    Quickly convert the number of words in a talk, presentation, or speech to how many minutes it will take to read. convert words to time. ... Number of words...or paste in text from your document for auto-counting. Reading speed. Slow (100 wpm) Average (130 wpm) Fast (160 wpm)

  15. Words per Minute Calculator

    To determine the number of words in a talk that will last m minutes: Decide on the speaking rate r: Average: 130 wpm (words per minute); Slow: 100 wpm; and. Fast: 160 wpm. Multiply the speaking rate by the time you have in minutes: r × m. The result in 2 is the number of words your talk should contain. Audiobook Speed Calculator.

  16. Interactive Speaking Time Calculator

    The average reading speed and speech rate is 200 words per minute and is the default setting above. Once you paste your speech, click "Play" and Speechify will analyze your speech by the number of words and generate a time to speak it at the default rate. You can listen to your speech in various accents or languages.

  17. Words to Time Conversion Calculator (Free), word per minute speech

    Word per minute speech Enter the number of words in the box below to find out how many minutes it will take you to give your speech. Number of Words: Speed per Minute: Average (130 wpm) Slow (100 wpm) Fast (160 wpm) Calculate

  18. Speech calculator: how long does it take to deliver your speech?

    A fast speaker will get to 170 words per minute, a slow speaker will use around 110 words. Professional speechwriters use this speech calculator to find out how long a speech takes. Copy your full text and paste it in the box below: The entire analysis happens within your browser. The text will NOT be stored and NOT be sent over the web.

  19. Guide to Speaking Rates: How Many Words Per Minute Should Your Speech

    For TED Talks, aim for around 163 words per minute to keep things interesting. Political speeches should be slower, at about 110-120 words per minute, to add weight to your words. Business presentations work best at a pace of about 140 words per minute. Your speaking rate can vary because of many reasons like where you're from, how excited ...

  20. How Many Words Should Be in My Speech? (Based on Number of Minutes)

    5-minute speech: 625 - 1000 words. 10-minute speech: 1250 - 2000 words. 15-minute speech: 1875 - 3000 words. 20-minute speech: 2500 - 4000 words. 30-minute speech: 3750 - 6000 words. 45-minute speech: 5625 - 9000 words. 60-minute (or 1-hour) speech: 7500 - 12000 words. For intermediate minutes, you can use the average rate of 125 ...

  21. Convert Words to Minutes

    Use the calculator below to convert your words to minutes. 1) Enter the number of words your speech is. 2) Choose your speaking style/speed 3) Find your speech length. The following table below provides an indication of the minutes for a speech (based on an average reading speed of 125 words per minute): Welcome to our conversion tool - Words ...

  22. How Many Words Are in a 1 Minute Long Speech?

    Answer: At the normal speaking rate of 130 words per minute (wpm), a 1 minutes long speech will have about 130 words . Conquer your fear of public speaking. Own your presence. Speech and publication coach Daphne Gray-Grant found that, on average, people speak at a rate of 125 to 150 wpm so a 1 minutes long speech uses between 125 and 150 words ...

  23. Free Online Words to Minutes Calculator

    1. Speech in Minutes. This is a free-to-use speech calculator to measure how long it takes to deliver your speech. To use this tool, you need to enter the word count and choose the reading speed: from slow (100 words per minute) to fast (160 words per minute). No registration is needed.

  24. How Barack Obama Learned to Give a Speech (Excerpt)

    President Barack Obama talks with Terry Szuplat, Senior Director for Speechwriting, while he waits backstage to deliver remarks on the Iran nuclear agreement at American University in Washington ...

  25. Eby makes no new promises in pre-election UBCM speech

    In one of the final speeches he makes before the provincial election campaign period formally begins, Premier David Eby promised a gathering of B.C.'s mayors that he would continue to work closely ...

  26. Who is Harrison Butker and what is the controversy? An explanation

    In a single 20-minute speech, Harrison Butker went from being known largely as the kicker for the Kansas City Chiefs, to the man behind a controversial graduation address that has drawn both ...