Children's Institute

  • Early childhood development
  • Child poverty & inequality
  • Violence against children
  • Intersections of VAW & VAC
  • Reporters' resources on violence against children
  • CG 2020: Food and nutrition security
  • CG 2019: Child and adolescent health
  • CG 2018: Children, Families and the State
  • CG 2017: Survive, Thrive, Transform
  • CG 2016: Children and social assistance
  • Advocacy briefs
  • General Contact Information
  • News and Daily Updates
  • Pandemic and Lockdown Simplified
  • Government Updates on Infections
  • Disaster Management Regulation
  • Child Protection, Psycho-Social Support and Alternative Care
  • Courts, Police and Correctional Services
  • Social Grants
  • Food security, food parcels and feeding schemes
  • Mental health Care
  • Stories for Children
  • Education Sector
  • Early Childhood Development
  • People and Children with Disabilities
  • Health Care Services and Health Workers
  • Vision & Mission
  • Objectives & Functions
  • Structure & Projects
  • Meet our team
  • Directions to CI
  • Projects: Overview
  • Child poverty and inequality
  • Child Abuse Tracking Study
  • Bridging the divide between VAC and VAW
  • Common risk factors
  • Shared social norms
  • Co-occurrence
  • Compounding Intergenerational Effects
  • Intersections Webinar Series
  • Intersections: Academic Papers
  • Intersections: Briefs
  • Recordings and clips
  • Manuals and toolkits
  • Presentations
  • Project publications
  • Reports and papers
  • Promising strategies to address the intersections of VAC and VAW
  • Child Protection Week: Tend to our children’s cry for help
  • Gender-transformative approaches are key to programming aimed at reducing violence against women and children
  • Gender-based violence and Covid-19: A collision of pandemics
  • Preventing violence starts with changing discriminatory gender norms
  • Early intervention is best way to break cycle of child, gender violence
  • Ending violence against women and children requires a shift in our thinking and practices
  • End this heartbreaking cycle of violence against children
  • Our Covid-19 strategy must include measures to reduce violence against women and children
  • Current Projects: Overview
  • The South African Child Death Review Project - effective intersectoral collaboration
  • Child Rights & Child Law Short Course for Health & Allied Professionals
  • Children Count – Abantwana Babalulekile
  • Children’s Act: Promoting Implementation
  • Social Assistance for Orphaned Children Living with Relatives
  • Social security – towards comprehensive protection for children
  • South African Child Gauge
  • Group Care for the First 1,000 Days
  • Intersections of Violence against Women and Violence against Children
  • Safe Inclusive Participative Pedagogy: Improving Early Childhood Education
  • Analysing the nature and extent of child-headed households in South Africa
  • Caring Schools: Schools as nodes of care and support
  • Child Health Services review
  • Child Survival Project
  • Child-Centred Analysis of Government’s Budgets
  • Children and antiretroviral treatment
  • Completed Projects: Overview
  • Children’s Bill Project
  • Dikwankwetla – Children in Action: Facilitating children's participation in the Children's Bill
  • Evaluations and case studies of the CI law-reform methodology
  • Firearms injuries
  • Foster care in the time of AIDS: Children 'in need of care' or in need of cash
  • Southern Africa regional network on child indicators
  • Growing up in a time of AIDS: Abaqophi BakwaZisize Abakhanyayo Children's Radio Project
  • Health and social services to address the needs of orphans and other vulnerable children in South Africa
  • Healthy cities
  • Home truths: Residential care in the context of the AIDS pandemic
  • Infants and HIV/AIDS in South Africa: The fragility of life
  • Means to Live: Evaluating the targeting of poverty alleviation for poor children and their households
  • Media and the representation of children affected by HIV/AIDS
  • National Child Poverty Monitor
  • National Children's Forum on HIV/AIDS
  • National Directory of Services for children and youth infected and affected by HIV/AIDS
  • National Health Act
  • National school health services policy
  • Ordinary Politics: Race and opportunity in contemporary South Africa
  • Piloting the Care Dependency Grant assessment tool
  • Project 28: Promoting children's socio-economic rights
  • Rapid appraisal of primary level health care services for HIV-positive children at public sector clinics in South Africa
  • Researching and developing systems to facilitate the identification, monitoring and support of vulnerable children
  • Social Assistance Act and regulations
  • Social Security and Disability
  • Social Service Practitioners Advocacy Network
  • Theorising children’s participation: Learning across countries and across disciplines
  • Western Cape Developmental Screening Programme
  • Commissions & Tenders
  • Reporting on Gender-Based Violence: A Guide for Journalists and Editors (2017)
  • Economic Burden of Violence Against Children (2017)
  • Gauteng's Children in Lockdown (2020)
  • General Risk and Protective Factors (SA Child Gauge 2017, p62)
  • Global Status Report on Preventing Violence Against Children 2020: Infographic
  • Risk and Protective Factors by Setting (SA Child Gauge 2014, poster)
  • Setting and Injuries by Stage of Development (SA Child Gauge 2019, p118)
  • Socio Ecological Model of Risk and Protective Factors (SA Child Gauge 2019, p122)
  • Violence Against Children is Widespread (2018)
  • Violence Against Women
  • Violence Against Women and Children are Linked (2017)
  • Violence Experienced by Children Throughout Their Lives (2018)
  • Violence through the life course of a child (SA Child Gauge 2014, p29)
  • WWSF 2017 Call to Action: Prevention Kit to End Violence Against Children/Youth - Agenda 2030
  • Few Safe Places for South African Children (2018)
  • Violence in the Lives of Children - What Have We Learnt From the Birth to 20+ Study (2018)
  • Video Series: CSDA Seminar on Violence in the Lives of Children in Africa
  • Gender Dynamics and Girls' Perceptions of Crime and Violence (2011)
  • Guidelines for Legal Representatives of Children in Civil Matters (2016)
  • National Strategic Plan on Gender-Based Violence Shadow Framework (2017)
  • Preventing Youth Violence: An Overview of the Evidence (2015)
  • Reducing Violence in South Africa: From Research to Action (2017)
  • South African Integrated Programme of Action: Addressing Violence Against Women and Children (2013-2018)
  • Strengthening the Child Protection System in South Africa (2017)
  • Violence Unwrapped: The Social & Economic Burden of Violence Against Children in South Africa - Executive Summary (2016)
  • What Will it Take to Prevent Interpersonal Violence in South Africa? (2019)
  • A Longitudinal Perspective on Violence in the Lives of South African Children from the Birth to Twenty Plus Cohort Study in Johannesburg-Soweto (2018)
  • Adopting a Violence Prevention Approach Shifting from Policies and Plans to Implementation (2014)
  • Preventing Violence: From Evidence to Implementation (2017)
  • The Economic Burden of Violence Against Children in South Africa (2017)
  • The Prevention of Violence Against Children: Creating a Common Understanding (2014)
  • Towards Effective Child Protection: Adopting a System Approach (2014)
  • Using a Child Rights Approach to Strengthen Prevention of Violence Against Children (2016)
  • Violence Against Children in South Africa: Developing a Prevention Agenda (2014)
  • Violence Against Children in South Africa: The Cost of Inaction to Society and the Economy (2018)
  • A Familiar Face: Violence in the Lives of Children and Adolescents (2017)
  • Children in Danger: Act to End Violence Against Children (2014)
  • Children's Rights in South Africa: Unfinished Business - 2016 and Beyond
  • Ending Violence in Childhood. Global Report 2017
  • Global Status Report on Preventing Violence Against Children 2020
  • Global Status Report on Preventing Violence Against Children 2020: Executive Summary
  • Global Status Report on Violence Prevention 2014
  • Hidden in Plain Sight: A Statistical Analysis of Violence Against Children (2014)
  • INSPIRE Handbook: Action for Implementing the Seven Strategies for Ending Violence Against Children (2018)
  • INSPIRE Indicator Guidance and Results Framework - Ending Violence Against Children: How to Define and Measure Change (2018)
  • INSPIRE: Seven Strategies for Ending Violence Against Children (2016)
  • Making Room: Facilitating the Testimony of Child Witnesses and Victims (2015)
  • Out of Harms Way? Tracking Child Abuse Cases Through the Child Protection System at Five Selected Sites in South Africa (2017)
  • Report on Diagnostic Review of the State Response to Violence Against Women and Children (2016)
  • Sexual Victimisation of Children in South Africa. Final Report of the Optimus Foundation Study: South Africa (2016)
  • Too Costly to Ignore - The Economic Impact of Gender-Based Violence in South Africa (2014)
  • Towards a More Comprehensive Understanding of the Direct and Indirect Determinants of Violence Against Women and Children in South Africa With a View to Enhancing Violence Prevention (2016)
  • Violence Against Children: A Review of Evidence Relevant to Africa on Prevalence, Impacts and Prevention (2018)
  • Violence Unwrapped: The Social & Economic Burden of Violence Against Children in South Africa (2016)
  • Adolescent Murder (2019)
  • The Pattern of Child Murder (2019)
  • What is Child Murder? (2019)
  • Child Death Reviews in the Context of Child Abuse Fatalities - Learning from International Practice (2013)
  • Child Deaths in South Africa: Lessons from the Child Death Review Pilot (2016)
  • Child Homicide Patterns in South Africa: Is There a Link to Child Abuse? (2012)
  • Every Child Counts: Lessons From the South African Child Death Review Pilot (2015)
  • Fact Sheet NR 1: Child Deaths
  • Facts About Firearm Injuries and Fatalities Among Children in Cape Town (2006)
  • Fatal Child Abuse - The Murder of Children in the Home
  • The Epidemiology of Child Suicides in the City of Cape Town Metro West Region (2018)
  • The Optimus Study on Child Abuse, Violence and Neglect in South Africa (2015)
  • Developing an Understanding of Fatal Child Abuse and Neglect: Results from the South African Child Death Review Pilot Study (2016)
  • Gender Differences in Homicide of Neonates, Infants, and Children Under 5 y in South Africa: Results from the Cross-Sectional 2009 National Child Homicide Study (2016)
  • The South African Child Death Review Pilot: A Multiagency Approach to Strengthen Healthcare and Protection for Children (2016)
  • Sexual Homicides in South Africa: A National Cross-Sectional Epidemiological Study of Adult Women and Children (2017)
  • The Epidemiology of Child Homicides in South Africa (2013)
  • Underreporting Child Abuse Deaths: Experiences From a National Study on Child Homicide (2013)
  • Corporal punishment: Academic Papers
  • Corporal punishment: Briefs
  • ChildSafe - Unicef: Child Pedestrian Safety Project (2018)
  • Childsafe / UNICEF: Preventing Road Injuries Impacting Children in South Africa (PRICSA) (2018)
  • Corporal Punishment (2018)
  • Interconnections Between Intimate Partner Violence and Violence Against Children (2018)
  • Violence Against Children in the Home (2018)
  • Corporal punishment: Reports
  • Appropriate Implementation of the Prohibition of Corporal Punishment in Schools in South Africa (2015)
  • Corporal Punishment is Against the Law: Nobody is Allowed to Hurt you at School! (2016)
  • Fact Sheet 1: Prohibiting Corporal Punishment Does Not Mean Criminalising Parents (2014)
  • Fact Sheet 2: Most Cultures Have Claimed That Corporal Punishment of Children is Part of Their Culture (2014)
  • Fact Sheet 3: Despite a Legal Ban, Corporal Punishment is Still Widely Practiced in South African Schools (2014)
  • Fact Sheet 4: The Negative Impacts of Corporal Punishment (2014)
  • Fact Sheet 5: Does Sparing The Rod Really Spoil the Child? (2014)
  • Fact Sheet 6: Positive Parenting Does Not Use Punishment, But Supports Discipline (2014)
  • Fact Sheet 7: Government Has a Duty to Protect Citizens of All Ages From Violence and Abuse (2014)
  • Fact Sheet 8: Children Have the Right to Legal Protection From Corporal Punishment (2014)
  • Fact Sheet NR 4: Crimes Against Children (2003)
  • Facts About Child Deaths in South Africa (2006)
  • From Fieldwork to Facts to Firearms Control. Research and Advocacy Towards Firearm Control Legislation in South Africa: A Case Study (2005)
  • Instances of Severe Corporal Punishment Damages Claim (2017)
  • Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) in South Africa: How To Break the Vicious Cycle (2015)
  • Progress Towards Prohibiting All Corporal Punishment of Children in East and Southern Africa (2016)
  • Reducing Physical Punishment of Children: Using Schools as Nodes of Intervention (2018)
  • Shifting Attitudes and Behaviours Underpinning Physical Punishment of Children (2017)
  • Homicide Pattern Among Adolescents: A National Epidemiological Study of Child Homicide in South Africa (2019)
  • Physical, Emotional and Sexual Adolescent Abuse Victimisation in South Africa: Prevalence, Incidence, Perpetrators and Locations (2016)
  • Young Children: Preventing Physical Abuse and Corporal Punishment (2014)
  • Adolescents: Preventing Interpersonal and Gender-Based Violence (2014)
  • Ending Legalised Violence Against Children by 2030: Progress Towards Prohibition and Elimination of Corporal Punishment in Pathfinder Countries (2018)
  • Ending Violence Against Children: Six Strategies for Action (2014)
  • Violence Unwrapped: The social & economic burden of violence against children in South Africa (2016)
  • Media's Silence on Children Reflects it's priorities (2020)
  • Sexual Violence Against Children (2020)
  • What's Behind Children's Silences on Sexual Violence? (2020)
  • Rape murder of women and children in South Africa
  • Understanding Child Sexual Abuse in South Africa
  • Children and Sex Work (2016)
  • Helping Children Recover from Trauma: Strengthening Therapeutic Responses for Victims of Child Sexual Abuse in the South African Context (2016)
  • Rape and Other Forms of Sexual Violence in South Africa (2014)
  • Understanding Men's Health and Use of Violence: Interface of Rape and HIV in South Africa (2009)
  • Very High Rates of Sexual Violence with Younger Learners Most Vulnerable (2017)
  • A Longitudinal Perspective on Boys as Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse in South Africa: Consequences for Adult Mental Health (2018)
  • A Psychosocial Understanding of Child Sexual Abuse Disclosure Among Female Children in South Africa (2016)
  • Exploring Mental Health Adjustment of Children Post Sexual Assault in South Africa (2013)
  • Sexual Violence Against Children in South Africa: A Nationally Representative Cross-Sectional Study of Prevalence and Correlates (2018)
  • An Outcome Assessment of a Residential Care Programme for Sexually-Abused Children in South Africa: A Research Report (2016)
  • Child Sexual Abuse in Atlantis (2003)
  • Responding to Children and Adolescents Who Have Been Sexually Abused: WHO Clinical Guidelines (2017)
  • Sexual Exploitation of Children in Africa- A Silent Emergency (2019)
  • Sexual Violence by Educators in South African School: Gaps in Accountability (2014)
  • Primary School Children: Widening Worlds and Increasing Risk of Sexual Abuse (2014)
  • School Violence in South Africa: Results of the 2012 National School Violence Study (2013)
  • The Frequency and Predictors of Poly-Victimisation of South African Children and the Role of Schools in its Prevention (2017)
  • Addressing Bullying in Schools (2012)
  • Game Changer Roadmap 2017: After School
  • Positive Discipline and Classroom Management (2012)
  • Promoting Effective Enforcement of the Prohibition Against Corporal Punishment in South African Schools (2014)
  • School Violence and Bullying: Global Status Report (2017)
  • The National School Safety Framework (2015)
  • 'I Had a Hard Life': Exploring Childhood Adversity in the Shaping of Masculinities among Men Who Killed an Intimate Partner in South Africa (2011)
  • 'So Now I'm the Man': Intimate Partner Femicide and its Interconnections with Expressions of Masculinities in South Africa (2015)
  • Alcohol Use and Its Role in Female Homicides in the Western Cape, South Africa (2009)
  • Intimate Femicide-Suicide in South Africa: A Cross-Sectional Study (2008)
  • Intimate Partner Violence, Relationship Power Inequity, and Incidence of HIV Infection in Young Women in South Africa: A Cohort Study (2010)
  • The Epidemiology and the Pathology of Suspected Rape Homicide in South Africa (2008)
  • Violence in the home: Infographics
  • Domestic Violence in South Africa (2014)
  • Engagement in Parenting Programmes: Exploring Facilitators of and Barriers to Participation (2016)
  • Engaging South African Fathers: The MenCare Childcare and Protection Programme (2019)
  • Parenting for Lifelong Health: Supporting Families in Low-Resource Settings (2018)
  • Prohibition of Corporal Punishment in the Home in South Africa (2015)
  • Rising to the Challenge: Towards Effective Parenting Programmes (2013)
  • Stopping Family Violence: Integrated Approaches to Violence Against Women and Children (2018)
  • Intergenerational Cycle of Violence
  • Fatal Child Abuse: The Murder of Children in the Home
  • Intergenerational consequences of violence in the home
  • Understanding Developments in the Violence Against Women and Violence Against Children Fields
  • Understanding Shared Risk Factors for Violence Against Women and Children
  • View All Projects
  • Publications: Overview
  • Children's Institute annual reports
  • Publications: 2023
  • Publications: 2022
  • Publications: 2021
  • Publications: 2019
  • Pyblications: 2018
  • Publications: 2017
  • Publications: 2016
  • Publications: 2015
  • Publications: 2014
  • Publications: 2013
  • Publications: 2012
  • Publications: 2011
  • Publications: 2010
  • Publications: 2009
  • Child Gauge: Overview
  • CG 2021 launch video
  • Child- and youth-friendly materials
  • Social media
  • CG 2021/2022 in the media
  • CG 2020 launch videos
  • CG 2020 in the news
  • What do Children Need to Thrive? All Children Need Nurturing Care
  • CG 2015: Youth and the intergenerational transmission of poverty
  • CG 2014: Preventing violence against children
  • CG 2013: Essential services for young children
  • CG 2012: Children and inequality: Closing the gap
  • CG 2010/2011: Children as citizens: Participating in social dialogue
  • CG 2009/2010: Healthy children: From survival to optimal development
  • Summary: South African Child Gauge 2008/2009
  • CG 2007/2008: Children’s constitutional right to social services
  • CG 2006: Children and poverty
  • CG 2005: Children and HIV/AIDS
  • Order a Copy
  • Law Reform: Overview
  • Social Service Professions Bill: Overview
  • Law Reform: Bills & Acts
  • About the Advocacy Network
  • Law Reform: Latest Developments
  • Contact the Network
  • Children's Act: Overview
  • Landmark Moment for Child Rights in South Africa
  • Children's Act Guide For Child and Youth Care Workers (2013)
  • Call for Public Comment on Children’s Amendment Bill
  • The Children's Act for children and young people
  • Understanding the Children's Amendment Bill
  • Navigating the parliamentary process
  • Children's Act: Bills & Acts
  • Regulations
  • Analysis of the 2010/11 - 2016/17 Budget
  • Analysis of the 2013/14 Budget
  • Analysis of the 2012/13 Budget
  • Analysis of the 2011/12 Budget
  • Analysis of the 2010/11 Budget
  • Analysis of the 2009/10 Budget
  • Analysis of the 2008/09 Budget
  • Analysis of the 2007/08 Budget
  • SALRC documents
  • South Africa's Progress in Realising Children's Rights: A Law Review (2014)
  • Submissions to National Assembly (Submission on Children's Amendment Bill [B18 – 2020] November 2020)
  • Submissions to National Assembly (Submission on Children’s Amendment Bill and Children’s Second Amendment Bill September 2015)
  • Submissions to the Department of Social Development (May – November 2011)
  • Submissions to National Assembly (August - September 2007)
  • Submissions to Provincial Parliaments (September 2006 - March 2007) - by province
  • Submissions to Provincial Parliaments (September 2006 - March 2007) - by topic
  • Submissions to the Department of Social Development (June 2006)
  • Submissions to National Council of Provinces (October 2005)
  • Submissions to National Assembly (August 2004)
  • Submissions to Department of Social Development on 12 August 2003 Bill
  • Submissions to SALRC on 2001 Discussion Paper
  • CRaCL: Overview
  • Course content
  • Course fees & payment
  • Electronic application form
  • The CRaCL team
  • Press Releases: 2020
  • Press releases: 2019
  • Press releases: 2018
  • Press releases: 2014
  • Press releases: 2013
  • Press releases: 2012
  • Press releases: 2011
  • Press releases: 2010
  • Press releases: 2009
  • CI in the news 2024
  • CI in the news 2023
  • CI in the news 2022
  • CI in the news 2021
  • CI in the news 2020
  • CI in the news 2019
  • CI in the news 2018
  • CI in the news 2017
  • CI in the news 2016
  • CI in the news 2015
  • News archive

We're hiring: Research Assistant

We're hiring text

(2REST) Responsibilities for Resilience Embedded in Street Temporalities is a two-year project that started in October 2023. The team will analyse the secondary data from Growing up on the Streets using a multisystemic resilience approach and involving international partners, including early career researchers and street youth. It is led by Professor Lorraine van Blerk (University of Dundee), together with co-investigators Janine Hunter (University of Dundee), Lucy Jamieson (University of Cape Town), Dr Badru Bukenya (Makerere University), and Professor Linda Theron (University of Pretoria).

2REST seeks to appoint a research assistant to work closely with Lucy Jamieson at the Children’s Institute, University of Cape Town. The Cape Town team will lead the advocacy and devise strategies to promote the use of the findings to develop evidence-based policy by national governments and the African Union.

Read the full advert here . 

Applications close at 4pm on 1 December 2023.


The UCT Lung Institute has the following vacancies available.

Click to download the application form ..


Closing Date: 12 July 2024


Closing Date: 14 July 2024

Closing Date: 16 July 2024

Closing Date: 26 July 2024

Centre for Social Science Research

  • Global Parenting Initiative
  • Accelerate Hub
  • HEY BABY Research Study
  • Mzantsi Wakho
  • History of the CSSR
  • Annual Reports
  • Sustainable Societies Unit
  • Research team
  • AARHub Overview
  • Research Team
  • Safety and Violence Initiative overview
  • SaVI Research Team
  • COVID-19 Response
  • Lunchtime Seminars
  • Event archive
  • Contact Information

Research Assistants

Nicole Chetty

Nicole Chetty

Contact details:

Email:  [email protected] / [email protected]

Nicole's CV available here

Latest publications :

Cluver, L., Doubt, J., the Teen Advisory Groups South Africa, Wessels, I., Asnong, C., Malunga, S., Mauchline, K., Vale, B., Medley, S., Toska, E., Orkin, K., Dunkley, Y., Meinck, F., Myeketsi, N., Lasa, S., Rupert, C., Boyes, M., Pantelic, M., Sherr, L.,  Gittings, L ., Hodes, R., Kuo, C.,  Chetty, A ., Thabeng, M. (2020) Power to participants: methodological and ethical reflections from a decade of adolescent advisory groups in South Africa, AIDS Care, DOI:  10.1080/09540121.2020.1845289

Angelique Thomas

Senior Research Assistant : HEY BABY UKRI GCRF Accelerating Achievement for Africa’s Adolescents (Adolescent Accelerators Research Hub) 

Angelique Thomas

Email: [email protected]

Anqeligue's CV is available here

Latest publications:

de Villiers, L., Thomas, A ., Jivan, D., Hoddinott, G., Hargreaves, J. R., Bond, V., Stangl, A., Bock, P., Reynolds, L., & HPTN 071 (PopART) study team (2020). Stigma and HIV service access among transfeminine and gender diverse women in South Africa - a narrative analysis of longitudinal qualitative data from the HPTN 071 (PopART) trial. BMC public health, 20(1), 1898.

Hoddinott, G., Myburgh, H., de Villiers, L., Ndubani, R., Mantantana. J., Thomas, A. , Ayles, H., Bock, P., Fidler, S., Hayes, R., Seeley, J., Shanaube, K., Hargreaves, J., Bond, V., and Reynolds, L on behalf of the HPTN 071 (PopART) study team. (2018). Households, fluidity, and HIV service delivery in Zambia and South Africa – an exploratory analysis of longitudinal qualitative data from the HPTN 071 (PopART) trial. Journal of the International AIDS Society.

Bond, V; Ngwenya, F; Thomas, A ; Simuyaba, M; Hoddinott, G; Fidler,S;  Hayes, R; Ayles, H; Seeley, J and on behalf of the HPTN 071 (PopART) study team. (2018). Spinning Plates: Livelihood mobility, household responsibility and anti-retroviral treatment in an urban Zambian community during the HPTN 071 (PopART) study. Journal of the International AIDS Society.

Viljoen, L; Thorne, M; Thomas, A ; Bond, V and Hoddinott, G on behalf of the HPTN 071 (PopART) Study Team. (2016). A narrative analysis positioning HIV relative to personal (sexual) relationship challenges in an agony aunt column in the Western Cape, South Africa – Antie Mona’s ‘love advice’. AIDS CARE Vol 28, Issue sup3.

UTHealth Houston

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Research Assistant I - Neurosurgery

🔍 texas medical center-houston, texas.

What we do here changes the world.

UTHealth Houston is Texas’ resource for healthcare education, innovation,  scientific discovery, and excellence in patient care. That’s where you come in. Once you join us you won't want to leave. It’s because we reward our team for the excellent service they provide. Our  total rewards package includes the benefits you’d expect from a top healthcare organization (benefits, insurance, etc.),  plus: - 100% paid medical premiums for our full-time employees - Generous time off (holidays, preventative leave day, both vacation and sick time – all of which equates to around 37-38  days per year) - The longer you stay, the more vacation you’ll accrue! - Longevity Pay (Monthly payments after two years of service) - Build your future with our awesome retirement/pension plan!

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As a world-renowned institution, our employees’ wellbeing is important to us. We offer  work/life services such as... - Free financial and legal counseling - Free mental health counseling services - Gym membership discounts and access to wellness programs - Other employee discounts including entertainment, car rentals, cell phones, etc. - Resources for child and elder care - Plus many more!

Position Summary:

Key responsibilities include: Review and sort out tumor patients based on reports and images from MRI and ABTI MRI, pathology reports and will work with Neuro-radiology fellows on the CPRIT grant project. Write manuscript for publications, Draft clinical trial protocols, LOI, Draft grants applications, working with PI Data entry for clinical trials Collecting patient samples for cell cultures from OR and distribute to collaborators, process samples for storage. Collection of autopsy specimens during post-mortem examination process Tumor tissues retrieval from autopsy collections in -80C for tissue analysis by next generation sequencing. Tissue retrieval from NRR by working with lab and staff, Also working with lab for samples processing Raw Data collection from medical records (CARE4 and Athena) for chemotherapy received and side effects observed.  Recording lab results abnormalities and code adverse events based on CTCAE Version 5.0 

Position Key Accountabilities: 1. Under close supervision, conducts research activities according to research protocol. Research activities may include  some or all of the following: patient recruiting and screening, traditional laboratory experiments and activities, informatics,  field interviewer recruiting, screening and training and/or animal laboratories. 2. May maintain clean laboratory equipment and/or work area to ensure a safe and efficient work environment. 3. Collects, evaluates, and interprets research data to provide needed information to principal investigators and other  researchers. Updates notebooks, records, and databases as needed. 4. Stays abreast of new and updated protocols for research department. 5. Orders laboratory and/or other supplies as directed by senior research staff. 6. As needed, may coordinate the work of laboratory technicians and assistants to ensure efficient, timely and high quality  results. 7. Complies with all governmental and University policies, rules, regulations, and codes. 8. Performs other duties as assigned.


General knowledge of research fields.

Minimum Education:

Bachelor’s degree or relevant experience in lieu of education.

Minimum Experience:

No years of experience.

Physical Requirements:

Exerts up to 20 pounds of force occasionally and/or up to 10 pounds constantly and/or a negligible amount constantly to move objects.   This position may include work involving potentially hazardous chemical, biological or radioactive agents.

Security Sensitive:

This job class may contain positions that are security sensitive and thereby subject to the provisions of Texas Education Code § 51.215

Residency Requirement:

Employees must permanently reside and work in the State of Texas.

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Graduate Research Assistant in The Office of Registrar

Posting ID 144051
Department Registrar/Office of the Provost
Jobcode Graduate Research Assistant
Working Title Graduate Research Assistant in The Office of Registrar

The Office of the Registrar are seeking a highly motivated . The successful candidate will play a crucial role in creating a centralized hub for all our digital documentation, ensuring best practices are met, including accessibility standards. This position offers an excellent opportunity for a graduate student looking to contribute significantly to structuring and optimizing our office’s documentation system.

This position is eligible for hybrid work.

Email: [email protected]
Application Instructions To apply, please send a copy of your cover letter/CV and resume to Sarah Davis, Constituent Relations Specialist, at [email protected] and Kristan Hellige, Sr Assoc Dir, Communication, Publications & Events, at [email protected].
Ad Start Date 07/09/2024
Ad End Date 08/31/2024

Human Resources

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Cost of employment (COE) ranges and costing information for permanent staff in payclasses 1 - 12 (2024)

  • Cost of employment (COE) ranges and costing information for fixed-term contract staff (2024)
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PASS staff: PC 1 - 12 (2024 ranges) |   PASS staff: PC 1 - 12 (2023 ranges) | Costing information | Cost to fundholder | Calculating acting allowance | Calculating overtime rates | Calculating standby payments

Remuneration appendix

See: Remuneration appendix 2024

Professional administrative and support staff: Payclass 1-12 (2024)

Payclass 1 5.6% 142 331 167 447
Payclass 2 5.6% 165 053 194 180
Payclass 3 5.6% 194 306 228 592
Payclass 4 5.6% 217 206 255 538
Payclass 5 5.6%  232 648 273 699
Payclass 6 5.6% 265 286 312 098
Payclass 7 5.6% 378 203 444 945
Payclass 8 5.6% 415 430 488 741
Payclass 9 5.6% 491 709 578 479
Payclass 10 5.6% 612 625 720 734
Payclass 11 5.6% 751 755 884 415
Payclass 12 5.6% 1 015 197 1 194 348

Professional administrative and support staff: Payclass 1-12 (2023)

Payclass 1 6 % 134 783 158 567
Payclass 2 6 % 156 300 183 882
Payclass 3 6 % 184 001 216 469
Payclass 4 6 % 205 687 241 986
Payclass 5 6 % 220 310 259 184
Payclass 6 6 % 251 217 295 547
Payclass 7 6 % 358 146 421 349
Payclass 8 6 % 393 399 462 822
Payclass 9 6 % 465 633 547 802
Payclass 10 6 % 580 137 682 513
Payclass 11 6 % 711 889 837 514
Payclass 12 6 % 961 360 1 131 011

Costing information for permanent staff in payclasses 1 - 12

Cost to fundholder

Total cost to the fund holder will include costs over and above the COE received by the staff member. These are:

UIF 1%
Skills development levy 1%
Maternity replacement and retrenchment costs levy for T2 and permanent soft-funded staff (paid from a research or non-GOB fund)
(previously 1%)
(Note: Use COE to calculate these amounts, but this will be slightly more than what is required)
  • To calculate the acting allowance , take the staff member's payclass from the payclass of the post occupied in an acting capacity. Multiply this number by 5% of the staff member's COE. Divide by 12 to get the monthly amount, or divide the monthly rate by 21.67 to get the daily rate.
  • To calculate overtime rates take the COE (annual) and multiply by 70% which = BA. Take the BA and divide by 12 and then by 21.67. This will give you the daily rate. To get the hourly rate divide by 7.5.
  • To calculate standby payments for staff on COE take the COE (annual) and multiply by 70% which = BA. Take the BA and divide by 12 and then divide by 21.67. This will give you the daily rate. To get the hourly rate divide by 7.5 and multiply by 20%.

Please note that the formulae in points 1 and 2 above are included to assist fundholders with their budgets. There is no need to calculate the amount when completing the HR forms; simply include the number of hours and the system will calculate the amounts due.

Page last updated: 07 June 2024

Clinical Research Assistant Salary in Moscow, Idaho

research assistant salary uct

Clinical Research Assistant Salary in Moscow, ID

How much does a Clinical Research Assistant make in Moscow, ID? The average Clinical Research Assistant salary in Moscow, ID is $71,200 as of June 27, 2024, but the range typically falls between $61,100 and $82,200 . Salary ranges can vary widely depending on many important factors, including education , certifications, additional skills, the number of years you have spent in your profession. With more online, real-time compensation data than any other website, helps you determine your exact pay target.

  • Paid Annually
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Percentile Salary Location Last Updated
10th Percentile Clinical Research Assistant Salary $51,904 Moscow,ID June 27, 2024
25th Percentile Clinical Research Assistant Salary $61,100 Moscow,ID June 27, 2024
50th Percentile Clinical Research Assistant Salary $71,200 Moscow,ID June 27, 2024
75th Percentile Clinical Research Assistant Salary $82,200 Moscow,ID June 27, 2024
90th Percentile Clinical Research Assistant Salary $92,215 Moscow,ID June 27, 2024

Travel Nurse RN - Research / Clinical Research - $2,400 per week

Excel Medical Staffing - Compact or multiple states, ID

Research Assistant - Caldwell, ID

ADM - Caldwell, ID

Research Technician - Grand View, ID

J.R. Simplot - Grand View, ID

Associate Clinical Study Manager (Experience Research Manage

Idaho State Job Bank - Boise, ID

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Job Description

The Clinical Research Assistant selects and observes subjects and assists with data analysis and reporting. Organizes research information for clinical projects. Being a Clinical Research Assistant requires a high school diploma or its equivalent. Oversees experiment scheduling and collection of data. In addition, Clinical Research Assistant typically reports to a supervisor or manager. Being a Clinical Research Assistant gains or has attained full proficiency in a specific area of discipline. Works under moderate supervision. Working as a Clinical Research Assistant typically requires 1-3 years of related experience. (Copyright 2024

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research assistant salary uct

  • Research Assistant - Caldwell, ID ADM - Caldwell, ID Job Description Research Assistant - Caldwell, IDFull time, hourly non-exemptQualifications:Highschool diplomaValid driver's licenseFamiliarity with farm e... - 2 Days Ago
  • Research Technician - Grand View, ID J.R. Simplot - Grand View, ID The J.R. Simplot Company is a diverse, privately held organization, with roots firmly planted in agriculture and agriculture-related businesses. The J.R. S... - 3 Days Ago
  • Associate Clinical Study Manager (Experience Research Manage Idaho State Job Bank - Boise, ID Associate Clinical Study Manager (Experience Research Manage at Highmark Health in Boise, Idaho, United States Job Description Company : Highmark Health Jo... - 6 Days Ago
  • Legislative Session Research Assistant Idaho State Job Bank - Boise, ID Legislative Session Research Assistant at Idaho Division of Human Resources in Boise, Idaho, United States Job Description Legislative Session Research Ass... - 4 Days Ago

Career Path for this job

Down a level:, clinical research records management coordinator.

0 - 1 years experience Associate's Degree

Clinical Research Assistant

1 - 3 years experience High School Diploma or Technical Certificate

Up a level:

Clinical research programs manager.

5 + years experience Master's Degree or MBA

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About Moscow, Idaho

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Job Title Experience EDUCATION Salary Compared to This Job
0 - 2 Bachelors - 5.3%
2 - 4 Masters
5 + Masters
0 - 1 Associates - 32.1%

Level of Education

  • Clinical Research Assistant Salaries with a High School Diploma or Technical Certificate
  • Clinical Research Assistant Salaries with an Associate's Degree
  • Clinical Research Assistant Salaries with a Bachelor's Degree
  • Clinical Research Assistant Salaries with a Master's Degree or MBA
  • Clinical Research Assistant Salaries with a JD, MD, PhD or Equivalent

Clinical Research Assistant Salary by Global Country

  • United States

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About Moscow, Idaho     Moscow (/ˈmɒskoʊ/ MOS-koh) is a city in northern Idaho along the state border with Washington, with a population of 23,800 at the 2010 census. The cou.... More

Moscow, Idaho   area prices were up 2.9% from a year ago     View the Cost of Living in Moscow, Idaho

Clinical Research Assistant Salary in popular cities: Boise ,  Nampa ,  Meridian

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How much does a Research Assistant make in the United States?

  • Research Assistant Salary The average Research Assistant salary in the United States is $233,232 as of June 27, 2024. The range for our most popular Research Assistant positions (listed below) typically falls between $47,786 and $418,678. Keep in mind that salary ranges can vary widely depending on many important factors, including position, education, certifications, additional skills, and the number of years you have spent in your profession. With more online, real-time compensation data than any other website, helps you determine your exact pay target.
Job Title Salary Hourly Rate Location Date Updated
$120,393 United States June 27, 2024
$229,067 United States June 27, 2024
$154,637 United States June 27, 2024
$73,433 United States June 27, 2024
$57,314 United States June 27, 2024
$91,884 United States June 27, 2024
$129,141 United States June 27, 2024
$337,705 United States June 27, 2024
$86,037 United States June 27, 2024
$70,281 United States June 27, 2024
  • Research and Development Engineer Conducts research and development activities for an organization. Applies research theories, principles, and models when conducting experiments and research activities. Summarizes research results and communicates findings to internal and external bodies. Assesses the scope of research projects and ensures projects are on time and within budget. Develops technical documentation for all projects. May require an advanced degree. Typically reports to a manager. Work is generally independent and collaborative in nature. Contributes to moderately complex aspects of a project. Typically requires 4-7 years of related experience. View Research and Development Engineer Salary Alternate Job Titles :R & D Engineer, Senior Research & Development (R&D) Engineer, Research and Development Engineer Category : Science and Research
  • Research and Development Director Directs and implements an organization's research and development policies, objectives, and initiatives. Ensures research and development activities will maintain an organization's competitive position and profitability. Consults with top management and research and development team and makes recommendations based on research findings and product performance. May require an advanced degree. Typically reports to top management. Manages a departmental sub-function within a broader departmental function. Creates functional strategies and specific objectives for the sub-function and develops budgets/policies/procedures to support the functional infrastructure. Deep knowledge of the managed sub-function and solid knowledge of the overall departmental function. Typically requires 5+ years of managerial experience. View Research and Development Director Salary Alternate Job Titles :Product Research and Development Director, R & D Director, Research and Development Director Categories : Science and Research , Executive and Management
  • Research and Development Manager Manages and directs the research and development programs to meet organizational needs and to capitalize on potential new products. Develops and implements research and development procedures and techniques. Oversees complex research projects, analyzes results and provides recommendations based on findings. Assesses the scope of research projects and ensures they are on time and within budget. May require an advanced degree. Typically reports to a head of unit/director. Manages subordinate staff in the day-to-day performance of their jobs. True first level manager. Ensures that project/department milestones/goals are met and adhering to approved budgets. Has full authority for personnel actions. Extensive knowledge of department processes. Typically requires 5 years experience in the related area as an individual contributor. 1 to 3 years supervisory experience may be required. View Research and Development Manager Salary Alternate Job Titles :Product Research and Development Manager, R & D Manager, Research and Development Manager Category : Science and Research
  • Laboratory Assistant II Performs research activities in a laboratory environment to aid in the planning, designing, and conducting of experiments. Collects, prepares, and tests samples and records measurements or observations. Prepares reports detailing results and conclusions, applications, and methodology. Conducts routine maintenance and safety checks on lab equipment to ensure working order. Assists with receipt and inspection of raw materials and the ordering and stocking of materials and equipment. May be responsible for cleaning, disinfecting, and maintaining cleanrooms and equipment. Typically requires a bachelor's degree. Typically reports to a manager. Occasionally directed in several aspects of the work. Gaining exposure to some of the complex tasks within the job function. Typically requires 2-4 years of related experience. View Laboratory Assistant II Salary Alternate Job Titles :Intermediate Laboratory Assistant, Laboratory Technician II, Laboratory Assistant II Categories : Science and Research , Biotechnology , Pharmaceuticals
  • Laboratory Assistant I Performs research activities in a laboratory environment to aid in the planning, designing, and conducting of experiments. Collects, prepares, and tests samples and records measurements or observations. Prepares reports detailing results and conclusions, applications, and methodology. Conducts routine maintenance and safety checks on lab equipment to ensure working order. Assists with receipt and inspection of raw materials and the ordering and stocking of materials and equipment. May be responsible for cleaning, disinfecting, and maintaining cleanrooms and equipment. Typically requires a bachelor's degree. Typically reports to a manager. Work is closely managed. Works on projects/matters of limited complexity in a support role. Typically requires 0-2 years of related experience. View Laboratory Assistant I Salary Alternate Job Titles :Entry Laboratory Assistant, Laboratory Technician I, Laboratory Assistant I Category : Science and Research
  • Laboratory Assistant III Performs research activities in a laboratory environment to aid in the planning, designing, and conducting of experiments. Collects, prepares, and tests samples and records measurements or observations. Prepares reports detailing results and conclusions, applications, and methodology. Conducts routine maintenance and safety checks on lab equipment to ensure working order. Assists with receipt and inspection of raw materials and the ordering and stocking of materials and equipment. May be responsible for cleaning, disinfecting, and maintaining cleanrooms and equipment. Typically requires a bachelor's degree. Typically reports to a manager. Work is generally independent and collaborative in nature. Contributes to moderately complex aspects of a project. Typically requires 4-7 years of related experience. View Laboratory Assistant III Salary Alternate Job Titles :Laboratory Technician III, Senior Laboratory Assistant, Laboratory Assistant III Category : Science and Research
  • Laboratory Assistant IV Performs research activities in a laboratory environment to aid in the planning, designing, and conducting of experiments. Collects, prepares, and tests samples and records measurements or observations. Prepares reports detailing results and conclusions, applications, and methodology. Conducts routine maintenance and safety checks on lab equipment to ensure working order. Assists with receipt and inspection of raw materials and the ordering and stocking of materials and equipment. May be responsible for cleaning, disinfecting, and maintaining cleanrooms and equipment. Typically requires a bachelor's degree. Typically reports to a manager. Work is highly independent. May assume a team lead role for the work group. A specialist on complex technical and business matters. Typically requires 7+ years of related experience. View Laboratory Assistant IV Salary Alternate Job Titles :Expert Laboratory Assistant, Laboratory Technician IV, Laboratory Assistant IV Categories : Science and Research , Biotechnology , Healthcare - Technicians , Pharmaceuticals
  • Top Research & Development Executive Plans and directs all aspects of an organization's research and development policies, objectives, and initiatives. Maintains an organization's competitive position and profitability by formulating research and development programs, policies, and procedures. Investigates and identifies new technologies that align the organization development. May require a master's degree. Typically reports to top management. Manages a business unit, division, or corporate function with major organizational impact. Establishes overall direction and strategic initiatives for the given major function or line of business. Has acquired the business acumen and leadership experience to become a top function or division head. View Top Research & Development Executive Salary Alternate Job Titles :Chief R & D Officer, Chief Research and Development Officer, Chief Research, Development and Innovation Officer, Head of Research and Development, Vice President of Research and Development, Top Research & Development Executive Categories : Science and Research , Executive and Management , Planning
  • Institutional Research Director - Assistant Assists in directing and overseeing institutional research for a university/college. Designs and leads institutional research studies evaluating the effectiveness of the organization's programs and policies. Manages data collection and analysis and oversees the formulation of research reports. Requires a bachelor's degree. Typically reports to Institutional Research Director. Typically manages through subordinate managers and professionals in larger groups of moderate complexity. Provides input to strategic decisions that affect the functional area of responsibility. May give input into developing the budget. Capable of resolving escalated issues arising from operations and requiring coordination with other departments. Typically requires 3+ years of managerial experience. View Institutional Research Director - Assistant Salary Alternate Job Titles :Assistant Director of Institutional Research, Institutional Research Director - Assistant Categories : Education , Science and Research
  • Clinical Research Coordinator Organizes research information for clinical projects. Selects and observes subjects and assists with data analysis and reporting. Oversees experiment scheduling and collection of data. Requires a high school diploma or equivalent. Typically reports to a supervisor or manager. Works under moderate supervision. Gaining or has attained full proficiency in a specific area of discipline. Typically requires 1-3 years of related experience. View Clinical Research Coordinator Salary Alternate Job Titles :Clinical Research Assistant, Clinical Research Project Support Specialist, Clinical Research Support Administrator, Clinical Research Coordinator Categories : Healthcare - Administrative , Healthcare - Technicians , Non-Profit and Social Services , Science and Research


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  1. Cost of employment (COE) ranges and costing information for permanent

    Permanent staff 2023 Increase 2023 SASP 2024 Increase 2024 SASP; Junior Research Fellow: 6% 753 904: 5.6%: 796 123: Assistant Lecturer: 6% 753 904: 5.6%

  2. Cost of employment (COE) ranges and costing information for fixed-term

    Academic staff % Increase Minimum T1 Minimum T2 & non-GOB PE CoE Maximum (SASP) Junior Research Fellow: 6%: 380 838: 544 062: 753 904: Assistant Lecturer: 6%: 380 838

  3. General vacancies

    Research, professional, administrative and support staff. To apply, download the application form for staff vacancies ( HR201) and submit your application as per the advertisement. Continuing education. Unleash your potential by completing one - or more - of UCT's continuing education short courses, workshops, seminars, lectures and ...


    IS POST:Research AssistantPURPOSEThe main purpose of this position is to assist with the recruitment, consent and enrolment of. study participants for a new study. This will include documenting the daily study related activities and entering sociodemographic, behavioural, and medica. 21 September 2021. Page 1 of 7.

  5. University of Cape Town Research Assistant Salaries

    The estimated total pay range for a Research Assistant at University of Cape Town is ZAR 74K-ZAR 299K per year, which includes base salary and additional pay. The average Research Assistant base salary at University of Cape Town is ZAR 200K per year. The average additional pay is ZAR 0 per year, which could include cash bonus, stock ...

  6. PDF Research Assistant

    The Climate System Analysis Group (CSAG) invites applications for a Research Assistant to engage with and support a world-class research team based at the University of Cape Town (UCT) for a period of six (6) months. The position of the Research Assistant will have their responsibilities grounded in the climate-related social sciences.

  7. Home

    The UCT Research Support Hub is a virtual platform that offers comprehensive information on the research process. The information is curated for and by researchers and compiled from various internal and external sources. At the Research Support Hub, you will find information on: Funding opportunities; Pre- and post-award procedures ...

  8. PDF Rate Schedule for Temporary Staff in Payclass 1 12 Rates for Uct

    R 711,889. R 837,514. Payclass 12. R 577,103. R 961,360. 131,011Monthly rate schedule for staff on agency books: Please note:Rates that. oes. not exceed 19,59% as the statutory fees and 18%. total placement fee will thus not exceed 37,59%.

  9. We're hiring: Research Assistant

    2REST seeks to appoint a research assistant to work closely with Lucy Jamieson at the Children's Institute, University of Cape Town. The Cape Town team will lead the advocacy and devise strategies to promote the use of the findings to develop evidence-based policy by national governments and the African Union. Read the full advert here .


    arch submissions.Coordinate submissions to the Human Researc. Ethics Committee.Facilitate data collection, colla. on, and analysis.Assist in drafting and submitting manuscrip. for publication.Handle administrative tasks associated. The monthly cost of employment, all inclusive, is between R27910.96 and R33513.75. To apply, please e-mail.


    RESEARCH ASSISTANT (Payclass 07; Full -time) Neurodevelopmental Research Group . Department of Paediatrics and Child Health . Faculty of Health Sciences . If you meet the requirements below; we invite you to apply for one of these two full-time (37.5 hours per week; part-

  12. Vacancies

    The UCT Lung Institute has the following vacancies available. Click to download the application form. Click here for details of Research Assistant (Afr) Unit: CHILD. Closing Date: 12 July 2024. Click here for details of Research Assistant (Xho) Unit: CHILD. Closing Date: 12 July 2024.


    RESEARCH ASSISTANT X2 ... [email protected] Reference (in subject line): DCHS RA: CHILD-0003 (Xhosa) OR DCHS RA: CHILD-0003 (Afrikaans) Closing Date: 12 April 2023 Salary will be commensurate with experience and qualifications. Applications will only be accepted via email. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. ...

  14. PDF CLINICAL RESEARCH ASSISTANT (4 POSTS) Centre for Public Mental Health

    To apply, please e-mail the completed UCT Application form and all other relevant documentation as indicated on the form, to Gillian Hanslo, Department of Psychiatry and Mental Health, Staff Recruitment and Selection, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, 7700. E-mail: [email protected]; Telephone: +27 21 4066663; Faculty website: www ...

  15. Research Assistants

    Nicole is a Research Assistant for the Accelerate Hub since February 2020 and has been supporting with monitoring and evaluation in the COVID-19 parenting work, but also extending this to support the M&E work associated with the LEGO grant in South Africa, evaluating ParentText, ParentChat and ParentApp as they are piloted.. Contact details: Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

  16. Research Assistant I

    Jobs; Help; Who We Are; What We Offer; Research Assistant I - Neurosurgery ... Research Assistant I - Center for Translational Injury Research (CeTIR) McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston ... University Center Tower (UCT) Houston, TX 77030 713-500-3130 Fax: 713-500-3124 ...

  17. Research Assistant Salary

    What is the average of a Research Assistant in the United States? The Research Assistant salary range is from $69,162 to $87,518, and the average Research Assistant salary is $78,491/year in the United States. The Research Assistant's salary will change in different locations.

  18. Paralegal/Legal Assistant

    Apply for the Job in Paralegal/Legal Assistant at Stockton, CA. View the job description, responsibilities and qualifications for this position. Research salary, company info, career paths, and top skills for Paralegal/Legal Assistant

  19. Employment opportunities / vacancies

    Employment opportunities / vacancies | Human Resources. Home. Recruitment. Employment opportunities / vacancies. General vacancies. Internal vacancies (note: internal vacancies can only be accessed by permanent and temporary UCT staff) View the UCT job applicant privacy notice.

  20. Rates for tutors, demonstrators, teaching assistants and guest

    Examples: Ten Honours students are hired, each to give a total of 30 "full-control" tutorials. Each of these sessions is assumed to represent four hours of actual work (i.e. contact time and preparation, marking, etc.).

  21. Temporary Positions

    Strong research skills to evaluate platforms for hosting documentation. Demonstrated ability to successfully work independently and kick-start organizational processes. Work Modality This position is eligible for hybrid work. Salary. $21,969 - position will be half-time (50%) Contact: SARAH DAVIS Email: [email protected] Application ...

  22. Family Medicine Nurse Practitioner/Physician Assistant

    Apply for the Job in Family Medicine Nurse Practitioner/Physician Assistant at Charlton, MA. View the job description, responsibilities and qualifications for this position. Research salary, company info, career paths, and top skills for Family Medicine Nurse Practitioner/Physician Assistant

  23. Assistant Principal

    Apply for the Job in Assistant Principal - Thomas Dale HS 2024-25 at Chester, VA. View the job description, responsibilities and qualifications for this position. Research salary, company info, career paths, and top skills for Assistant Principal - Thomas Dale HS 2024-25

  24. Cost of employment (COE) ranges and costing ...

    To calculate the acting allowance, take the staff member's payclass from the payclass of the post occupied in an acting capacity.Multiply this number by 5% of the staff member's COE. Divide by 12 to get the monthly amount, or divide the monthly rate by 21.67 to get the daily rate.

  25. SLPA Speech Language Pathology Assistant 2024-25 School year

    Apply for the Job in SLPA Speech Language Pathology Assistant 2024-25 School year at Saint Clair, MO. View the job description, responsibilities and qualifications for this position. Research salary, company info, career paths, and top skills for SLPA Speech Language Pathology Assistant 2024-25 School year

  26. Clinical Research Assistant Salary in Moscow, Idaho

    The average Clinical Research Assistant salary in Moscow, Idaho is $71,000 as of May 28, 2024, but the salary range typically falls between $61,000 and $82,000.

  27. Salary: Undergraduate Research Assistant in Moscow 2023

    The average salary for an Undergraduate Research Assistant is $32,936 per year in Moscow. Click here to see the total pay, recent salaries shared and more!

  28. Research Assistant Salaries by education, experience, location and more

    The average Research Assistant salary in the United States is $233,232 as of June 27, 2024. The range for our most popular Research Assistant positions (listed below) typically falls between $47,786 and $418,678. Keep in mind that salary ranges can vary widely depending on many important factors, including position, education, certifications, additional skills, and the number of years you have ...

  29. Research Assistant Kalahari Mole-rat Project

    We are seeking a research assistant to help capture Damaraland mole-rats at the Kalahari Research Centre. The project was started in 2013 and explores a variety of topics including life history, group demographics, and cooperative behaviour. We will expand upon past work to better understand individual contributions to helping behaviour.

  30. Assistant Research Scientist

    Assistant Research Scientist - OPS Position 77907188 Gainesville, Florida, USA - $27 per hour Our organization: The FWC envisions a Florida where fish and wildlife are abundant and thriving in healthy and connected natural landscapes with vital working lands and waterways; where natural resources are valued and safely enjoyed by all; and ...