Email Marketing Case Studies

20 Email Marketing Case Studies: Examples & Results to Learn From

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How would you like to read the best email marketing case studies ever published?

More importantly, how would you like to copy the best practices for email marketing campaigns that are based on real-world examples and not just theory?

Below, you’ll find a list of the top email marketing case studies along with the results and key findings from each example. By studying these email marketing case study examples and applying the lessons learned in your own email campaigns, you can hopefully achieve similar results as an email marketer.

Table of Contents

Top Email Marketing Case Studies

Getting 1,300 monthly donations – watsi email marketing case study, collecting 100,000 emails in one week – tim ferris show email marketing case study.

This email marketing case study has it all: tips, templates, and code to create a successful email campaign. Discover how Harry’s, a men’s grooming brand, launched its brand and how it collected nearly 100,000 email addresses in one week. You’ll learn everything they did so you can try to replicate the results.

The Science Behind Obama’s Campaign Emails – Bloomberg Email Marketing Case Study

Obama’s election success proved the true power of digital marketing, including powerful email campaigns. Most of the $690 million dollars Obama raised online came from fundraising emails. In this article, you’ll learn about the rigorous experimentation by a large team of analysts and the strategies that made the campaign so successful.

The Amazon Email Experience – Vero Email Marketing Case Study

In this case study on email marketing by Vero, you’ll get a complete analysis of Amazon’s email experience for the user. It takes you from the initial subscriber welcome message, to email receipts, shipping updates, thank you content, invites, Black Friday deals, the review email, and more. There are loads of data and useful tips you can gain and use for your own email campaigns in this post.

Boost Open Rates By 3X & CTR By 2X – Digital Marketer Email Marketing Case Study

How would you like to instantly boost your open rates by 3X and your click-through rates (CTR) by 2X with the next email you send to your list? Digital Marketer shows you 11 strategies you can use right now based on its own research and data to achieve similar results.

Increasing Reach, Impact & Subscriber Satisfaction – Content Marketing Institute Email Marketing Case Study

This article by Content Marketing Institute contains a breakdown of several case study examples for email marketing. Inside, you’ll learn about using list segmentation as well as advice on measuring and optimizing your email delivery performance. Popular brands discussed include SalesForce, Xerox, Noodles Company, and more.

Birchbox Boost Conversions By 25% – Braze Email Marketing Case Study

109% revenue lift for dell with gifs – marketingsherpa email marketing case study.

This is one of the best email marketing case studies available that shows the true power of using GIFs in your daily, weekly, or monthly newsletter campaigns. Discover how Dell lifted revenue by 109% with GIF-centered email effort.

$40,000 In Sales Without Annoying Subscribers – Yaro Starak Email Marketing Case Study

Here’s a complete breakdown of how Yaro Starak generated $40,00 in sales without annoying his subscribers during new product launches. It contains lots of tips, tricks, and expert advice on how (and when) to send consecutive emails, usiing videos in the campaign, creating a sense of urgency to buy now, and more.

$800,000 for Charity Water By Increasing Email Frequency – Money Journal Email Marketing Case Study

There are numerous email marketing strategies you can use to increase revenue for your business. However, not all email campaigns have to be heavily focused on giving customer discounts or free stuff to generate more money. This is especially true for non-profit organizations. Check out this case study to learn how Charity Water increased revenue by $800,000 by taking an unconventional approach to their follow-up emails that takes their audience on a journey.

Nanoleaf Recovers 30% of Abandonded Carts – Rejoiner Email Marketing Case Study

Are you an ecommerce brand, online retailer, course seller, or other type of website that uses a cart for the checkout process? If so, then this case study by Rejoiner will give you actionable tips to try based on data from Nanoleaf, which recovered 30% of sales with abandoned cart follow-up emails.

70+ Calls for a B2B Company with Cold Emailing – Growforce Email Marketing Case Study

Cold email marketing can be one of the best converting channels when done right. And this article will help you improve your cold emailing results. Read it to find out some of the top cold email best practices, get an example email sequence, and learn a powerful extra step you can use for marketing automation that works.

From Starting Blocks to Total Clarity – Email Marketing Heroes Case Study

Email Marketing Heroes is a podcast that offers free email marketing tips and a membership program to help business owners improve their email campaigns. In this blog post (and podcast), you’ll learn how one member got instant positive results by emailing her list more regularly, setting up automated email campaigns, and including links in a specific part of each message.

Hammock Increased Open Rate 48% with Shorter Emails – MarketingSherpa Email Marketing Case Study

Hammock is a B2B company that turned its traditional, content-heavy email newsletter into what they refer to as an “un-newsletter.” Discover how “The Idea Email” increased email open rates by 48% by focusing on one central topic and containing 350 words or less.

A/B Testing for Success – VWO Email Marketing Case Study

Most digital marketers don’t think about A/B testing their email marketing campaigns. However, year after year, email marketing delivers the highest return on investment (ROI) across all acquisition channels. In this article, you’ll learn how to incorporate A/B testing best practices, methodologies, and mental models to increase open rates, click-through rates (CTR), conversions, and more.

Building a Welcome Series from Scratch – HelpScout Email Marketing Case Study

600 email subscribers with 2 blog posts – jacob mcmillen email marketing case study.

Want to know how to combine the power of SEO, blogging, and email marketing to get new subscribers on your list? Jacob McMillen teaches you all that and more in this case study. Learn how he used ConvertKit on a new blog along with SumoMe Pro popups, and a special SEO content writing technique to get 600 email subscribers from just two blog posts. Includes step-by-step instructions for you to copy this exact strategy for your website and email campaigns.

8 Steps to Building a Tripwire Email Funnel – Data Driven Marketing Email Case Study

10 tripwire examples – autogrow email marketing case study.

After reading the last previous guide on setting up an email tripwire funnel, you may want to look at this page to get proven examples of case studies that worked for this type of email marketing.

56% Rise In Open Rates with Emojis In Subject Lines – Campaign Monitor Email Marketing Case Study

A famous email campaign case study released by Experian revealed that 56% of unique open rates increased for brands that used emojis in their subject lines. In this article, Campaign Monitor offers valuable tips for using emojis like a pro email marketer.

What Is an Email Marketing Case Study?

Are case studies good for email marketing.

Case studies are good for email marketing because you can learn how to create email campaigns more effectively. Instead of just studying the theory of email marketing, you can learn from real email strategy campaigns to find out what methods deliver a higher return on investment.

Read More Marketing Case Studies

Email marketing case study examples summary.

I hope you enjoyed this list of the best email marketing case studies that are based on real-world results and not just theory.

As you discovered, the email marketing case study examples above demonstrated many different ways to implement an effective email campaign. By studying the key findings from these examples, and applying the methods learned to your own business and email newsletters, you can hopefully achieve the same positive outcome with your email marketing efforts.

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Email Marketing Case Studies To Get Inspired and Ensure Your Campaign’s Success

Email Marketing Case Studies To Get Inspired and Ensure Your Campaign’s Success

The importance of email marketing case studies

Eleven must-read email marketing case studies, draper james, amanda perry, turn me royal, eternity modern, shiree odiz, final thoughts.

Easy-to-use drag-and-drop email builder, 100+ free templates, automation tools, in-depth analytics. Send like a pro, even if it’s your first campaign!

Subscribe to our blog digest and get tips and inspo every 2 weeks. Plus, you’ll get our Foolproof Guide To Email List Building

Warning: The following email marketing case studies may cause extreme FOMO, uncontrollable excitement, and a sudden urge to revamp your entire email strategy. Proceed with caution. 

Still with us? Good. We’re about to take you on a wild ride through a fresh set of email marketing campaigns that captivate, convert, and create champions for brands. Get ready to be inspired and think about how you can apply the lessons from each email marketing case study to your own campaigns, no matter how small your budget or team may be. Read on.

Sometimes, you exhaust all common strategies striving toward your next email marketing goal, and there are only so many experiments you can do on your own. So, learning from the experience of another marketer can be just the perspective shift you need.

Case studies are real-world marketing examples that describe how different companies achieved their email marketing goals. They offer practical advice and proven strategies you can use for your own campaigns. Here are other benefits you can get out of reading email marketing case studies:

  • Learn from real-world challenges: Case studies show how email marketing strategies work in action, with all the real-life obstacles and distractions. With this information, you can learn what to account for when using this or that technique. 
  • Stay updated on the latest marketing trends: Case studies are often created to demonstrate the use of cutting-edge technology and the latest marketing trends . You can learn about the newest best practices in the field and keep your email marketing management competitive and effective.
  • Gain inspiration: Sometimes, case studies can spark your creativity and inspire you to try new techniques or adapt successful strategies for your own email marketing campaigns. 

All in all, by examining the successes (and stumbles) of others, we can not only learn what works but why it works. And that’s the first step to making your own campaigns a hit. 

We are not going to talk about big brands and well-known cases, published by numerous email marketing blogs over and over again. Forget the usual suspects with their sky-high budgets and household names you can find in any other article with a similar title. In our research, we are dialing into the small and medium-sized businesses that have quietly but effectively revolutionized their email strategies. Prepare to be inspired by stories filled with actionable advice, proving you don’t need a blockbuster budget to make a blockbuster impact.

Examples of marketing newsletters by Neurogan

About the company: Neurogan creates high-quality and safe CBD products.

Challenge: The company had many problems: they needed better targeting to get noticed in a crowded market. They had to keep their reputation safe. They wanted to improve their engagement metrics. 

Solution: They decided to start with list segmentation. And then experiment with different types of promotional emails to see which one gets the better response. If emails were left unopened, they set up an automation to deal with that as well. They made sure the design of their email campaigns was appealing to their customers. 

Results: The results were pretty impressive — a 76% growth in year-over-year revenue, a 20% increase in open rates. They had 37% more clicks coming from their campaigns. And got a nice increase in revenue for cart abandonment automation. 

Key takeaway: Neurogan’s case proves that when email marketing is done right, it remains a very powerful marketing tool. Personalization, knowing your audience, and continuous testing can increase engagement, retention, and revenue, even in the most competitive industries.

Check out the full Neurogan case study . 

About the company: Vitrazza is a brand making luxurious glass chair mats.

Challenge: Vitrazza had trouble with their first email campaigns because they didn’t get many responses or sales. There wasn’t enough of the brand’s personality in the basic welcome flow and email content to keep customers coming back.

Solution: The welcome flow was completely redesigned to include customized messages that showed off Vitrazza’s unique selling point. The promotion was more compelling because it was based on customer segmentation and targeted content that included customer reviews and personal messages from the CEO.

Results: Email sales went up by 55%, click-through rates went up by 20%, and open rates for usual campaigns and the welcome flow went over 30% and 50%, respectively. The welcome email series made $564,200 in sales in less than four months. The Memorial Day effort stood out from the rest of the emails and brought in over $90,000.

Key takeaway: Vitrazza’s story shows how small changes to important flows can completely change a business’s email marketing results. Customized, data-driven strategies mixed with real brand stories and smart campaigns can greatly increase online sales and keep customers interested.

Check out the full Vitrazza case study . 

An example of marketing newsletters by Draper James

About the company: Draper James is a clothing line launched in 2015 by actress Reese Witherspoon. The brand incorporates classic designs into the wardrobes of modern women. 

Challenge: As a luxury brand, Draper James couldn’t figure out a way to use incentives and not appear too pushy. Without motivation, the brand’s subscribers didn’t rush to become paying customers.

Solution: Draper James zeroed in on the messaging and used real-time AI to improve the email campaigns’ copy. This helped to create messages that compelled the subscribers to become first-time buyers. Another clever strategy was to use customer data not only to increase first conversions but to also stimulate repeat purchases. 

Results: First-time purchases increased by ten times. Plus, Draper James got a 30% boost in repeat purchases and significant time saved on routine tasks that were automated.

Key takeaway: This case is a reminder for small and medium business owners that the secret to converting leads lies in understanding and addressing the unique needs and desires of their audience.

Check out the full Draper James case study . 

About the company: An e-commerce fashion brand. 

Challenge: Amanda Perry’s client used to generate sales through a private community in their Facebook group. But when the unpredictable changes in Facebook’s algorithm hit, converting leads into sales became impossible. So the brand decided to look into email marketing. 

Solution: Seemingly generic email welcomes were turned into personalized style narratives, complete with brand-centric animations that complemented their marketing campaigns. All of the emails were sent on days and at times the brand’s audience loved to engage.

Results: Over three months, the company gained £25,000 (about $31,000 at the moment of writing) in revenue. The brand’s subscriber base grew by 50%. All of these results were supported by the engagement rates. Open rates increased to 26% while the click-through rate (CTR) made it to 3%.

Key takeaway: This case proves that it’s worthwhile to invest in email marketing even for businesses focused on social media presence. When other channels face turbulence (be it due to the changes in the algorithms or policies), email marketing consistently engages customers and brings sales. 

Check out the full Amanda Perry case study . 

Examples of marketing newsletters of

About the company: PetLab Co. is a pet wellness firm that makes premium dog supplements and care items.

Challenge: The company offers a wide variety of products and an audience at every stage of the customer journey, from loyal subscribers to one-time browsers. So, they needed to be sure that their email campaigns were aimed at the right segment and that they were not wasting their efforts. 

Solution: Through precise email segmentation, the company changed advertising so that every pet owner felt like the best of the bunch. They ran comprehensive A/B testing, experimenting with CTAs, send timing, and even how removing PetLab Co’s name from subject lines affected open rates.

Results: Increased click rates by 53% and open rates by 24%. Not to mention, total clicks increased while bounce rates decreased. 

Key takeaway: Segmentation is your best friend. It guarantees your message reaches the right people at the right time and turns a random visit into a sale.

Check out the full PetLab Co case study . 

Examples of email marketing newsletters from Turn Me Royal

About the company: Turn Me Royal is a unique service that turns pictures of their customers into bespoke Renaissance-style portraits.

Challenge: The business needed to create an all-encompassing email marketing plan, but first, it had to build an email list and earn customers’ trust. After this, the main challenge was segmentation and making the content relevant to different groups of clients. 

Solution: Email marketing experts created a full welcome flow for the brand. The efforts were mostly focused on big sales events like Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Email campaigns were designed to target specific groups, such as VIP customers. The brand also started dynamic email campaigns to show how fun it is to give personalized portraits as gifts.

Results: Before the changes, email marketing brought nothing but a mere 5% of total income. Within the first month, this metric jumped to 15% and then settled at an average of 30% per month. The email list grew to over 25,000 people.

Key takeaway: Strategic, creative, and focused email marketing management can make the customer experience much better. This proves that email campaigns can be a strong foundation for e-commerce success. At the same time, standard strategies like promotional emails or segmentation stay the golden standard for businesses at the start of their email marketing outreach.

Check out the full Turn Me Royal case study . 

Example of a marketing newsletter of Eternity Modern

About the company: Eternity Modern is a furniture shop customers love for its mid-century modern sofas, high-end lighting, and wooden items. 

Challenge: Previously, the company didn’t invest in email marketing and now needed to build the strategy from the ground up. Eternity Modern also had to make this new sales channel profitable.

Solution: The company made a welcome series, a cart abandonment sequence, and an upsell/cross-sell sequence, as well as 6 other email flows. Next, Eternity Modern separated the subscriber base into groups and amped up the email frequency. Moreover, the company cleaned the email list saying goodbye to uninterested and disengaged customers with a sunset campaign. All of these strategies combined decreased the spam rates and made deliverability more consistent.

Results: From zero revenue, email marketing results came out of the woodwork to $80K/month in three months, hitting $289K/month by the 11th month. 

Key takeaway: The company was dedicated to a thorough email strategy with segmentation and dynamic flows, balanced content. It also accepted continuous testing. These steps helped the furniture shop use email marketing to the fullest and turn it into a sound sales channel.

Check out the full Eternity Modern case study . 

Examples of Nadaré Co’s email campaigns

About the company: The brand creates inexpensive yet high-quality jewelry that would not tarnish or get ruined by water.

Challenge: The company didn’t have many employees and had to handle a lot of different email and pop-up systems. It wasn’t working.

Solution: The brand used TikTok to build a big email list before the launch and kept adding to it with pop-ups. Then, they made targeted email ads and automated flows that worked well with the people they had just found.

Results: After the changes, Nadaré Co was getting 29% of its revenue from automated email marketing efforts. One email sent after purchasing, for example, has brought in over $10,000 more in sales.

Key takeaway: A well-thought-out plan that includes important email marketing flows, such as welcome emails and emails to customers who abandoned their carts, can engage clients more and help you make more money.

Check out the full Nadaré Co case study .  

Email examples and results of DSLRPros

About the company: DSLRPros is a marketplace for drones and related accessories.

Challenge: Their emails were not engaging enough and there was no consistency in the sending schedule. The content of the messages was quite redundant. Also, their approach lacked personalization and segmentation.

Solution: The business changed the way it does email marketing totally. This included a big increase in emails sent and the creation of fully automated email flows for different stages of the customer journey. Their strategy included better content (including webinar promotions). This helped to establish DSLRPros as even more of an expert in the aerial business.

Results: More than a million emails were sent in less than six months, the click rates went up by 115%, and the number of new clicks increased by 445%. Orders increased by 4.4 times, and the order rate tripled. This caused average revenue per recipient to rise by 227%, and total revenue rose by an amazing ninefold. Notably, the browse abandon flow had a click rate of over 7%, which brought in a lot of money.

Key takeaway: DSLRPros greatly increased their return on investment (ROI) through personalized communication, sending more emails, and dividing their audience into segments. And so can you.

Check out the full DSLRPros case study . 

Shiree Odiz’s cart abandonment email example

About the company: Shiree Odiz is a small diamond jewelry store. Their goal is to make classic, fine diamond jewelry that is made in an ethical way and has classic patterns that have been updated for comfort, durability, and high-end looks.

Challenge: The brand had a hard time with high cart abandonment rates, even though their first email flow for people who had abandoned their shopping carts got some responses, it wasn’t enough to bring back a lot of lost income.

Solution: Shiree Odiz set up an automated email with an easy checkout link that was sent an hour after a shopping cart was abandoned. The next day, another follow-up email was sent. It had a minimalist email design (text-only) and included a personal note and a small discount.

Results: The first email has a 41.4% open rate and a 1.4% click rate, bringing in $15,300 in a quarter. The following email has a 30.6% open rate and added $69,400 in revenue.

Key takeaway: Simple, bottom-of-the-funnel methods like sending follow-up emails at the right time can help you make more money with little work. Follow-up emails that include personalized deals can be a great way to get people who have left items in their carts to return. 

Check out the full Shiree Odiz case study . 

About the company: Astana Hub is the biggest global tech park and IT startup hub in Central Asia. It was created in 2018 to help innovative IT companies grow and bring in talented IT workers from all over the world. Astana Hub is home to over 1,300 people and works with companies like Draper University, Binance, Google for Startups, and EPAM. 

Challenge: The company was looking for the right tool to start its email marketing efforts to onboard users to its mobile app, announce and promote events, and attract participants and partners. 

Solution: They pulled and segmented the contact list from their CRM into groups based on industries, events, and lead status. The marketing team at Astana Hub used Selzy to design newsletters and change their emailing schedule. They now send newsletters twice weekly and combine daily emails into a single weekly digest as one bulk email.

Results: Astana Hub got 28,000 people to download its brand-new mobile app, with a 63% email open rate and a 26% click-through rate. Email marketing was a cheap way to stay in touch with its subscribers, and Selzy’s ability to divide its customers into groups made them more engaged and raised awareness about the company.

Key takeaway: Good segmentation and proper email frequency can boost user engagement, open rates, and click-through rates. It can contribute not only to revenue but also to other marketing goals like user onboarding and increasing brand awareness.

Check out the full Astana Hub case study .

Impressed by these case studies and eager to work on your own strategy? Register in Selzy and revamp your email marketing. Selzy is an email marketing platform with all the features you might need like forms, responsive templates, analytics, and more.

All of these email marketing cases prove that the road to each company’s success is unique. But if you want to make yours less winding, explore these tried and true ideas:

  • Make your emails feel personal. Customize your messages and make them unique to your brand. Just like everyone likes a thought-after birthday gift, people prefer emails that feel personal. If your audience likes what you send, your open rates will improve and your relationships will be better.
  • Try basic strategies first. Cart abandonment or subscriber engagement problems can often be solved with a simple, well-timed email. So before doing a one-eighty, try the basic strategies.
  • Use dedicated software. Email-sending services like Selzy simplify your process while also providing data reports and automation. Overall, they greatly help you optimize your strategy for more engagement and conversion.
  • Tell your brand’s story. Your brand’s story is a powerful strategy on its own. Engage your audience with stories that match their own experiences and goals, turning casual browsers into devoted consumers. For example, start by introducing your company’s founder, and try this in the welcome series to make a positive first impression.
  • Test, learn, adapt. The digital world is always changing. Stay flexible: test different methods, learn from your analytics, and be ready to adapt your plan. Keep up with the trends and expectations but also evaluate the tendencies before committing to them in full.

Ana Balashova

How To Send HTML Emails: A Detailed Guide

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9 Great Email Marketing Case Studies (and Counting)

  • News and Updates Updated August 2020 Posted: August 2015

On this page

Transparency is hot right now, but not in email marketing.

You can see how many Twitter followers a brand has. Lots of businesses blog about their audience growth. And some newsletters share their subscriber count as social proof .

But no one talks about open and click rates, ROI or impact on the bottom line. It’s taboo in the email world.

That makes it really hard to find email marketing case studies. If you want inspiration for your own campaigns, there aren’t many options. You can:

  • Read blogs like this one 🙂
  • Dive into
  • Sign up for newsletters and products to receive their emails

Other than that, all you can do is test your assumptions relentlessly.

We’d like to make it a little easier to read stories about great email campaigns so we collected some of our favorites. Here is the criteria for the case studies we included:

  • They are real case studies, not a best practices pieces.
  • They include quotes or data from the campaign creators.

That sounds simple until you start exploring the web for stories that meet those two rules. We’d like to add to this list so if you know of a great email story, let us know in the comments.

Together, these posts are long enough to be a book. So we turned them into one.

Download an .epub file

What Startups Can Learn from Watsi’s Wildly Successful Email Campaign

Read it | Share it | Save it

This story is too nuanced to accurately summarize but here’s a primer.

Watsi is the first non-profit to be part of Y Combinator. They crowdsource healthcare funding for people all over the world. To drive recurring revenue, they broke out their monthly donation feature into its own product and launched it separately.

They used email to source early feedback, used social proof to create buzz and built a personalized newsletter to keep users informed about their donations.

Here’s a snippet from this post:

Part of showing people what they’re getting is investing in communications where you aren’t asking for anything. Instead, you’re thanking people for their business or their participation. You’re acknowledging your end of the deal where you’re committed to delighting and surprising them. This is something that for-profit startups tend to neglect – the importance of not just sending a receipt for a purchase, but honing that interaction to make customers feel something more.

Email marketing is isn’t a channel – it’s one layer of a customer-centric company. This case study reveals how complex (and truly valuable) it is to use email to grow a business.

Building a Newsletter Welcome Series from Scratch

Help Scout’s signature flair is purpose .

As they considered how to welcome to new subscribers – and there are more than 51,000 – they knew that aligning business goals with a great experience was key. They pulled it off by ensuring each email sought to achieve a single, measurable goal.

Each of the five emails in the sequence is explained in detail, including the intended purpose and suggestions based on their own learnings.

How The Skimm’s passionate readership helped its newsletter grow to 1.5 million subscribers

Building a profitable business with email is very different than using email to build a profitable business.

Watsi, for example, uses email to support their product. In The Skimm’s case, the email is the product. When newsletters become a business, it’s worth paying careful attention to their strategy. (We detailed an example of this in our Death to the Stock Photo case study .)

The Skimm’s email newsletter reaches 1.5 million daily. That growth has been fueled by an intense understanding of their target reader and an community that is eager to help. There are more than 6,000 “ Skimm’bassadors ” actively spreading the word about this business.

There’s a lot to learn here but if you take just one lesson, let it be this:

The Skimm focuses on women ages 22-34 in big cities throughout the country. They are busy, they’re on the go. It’s a professional audience. And we looked at what they do first thing in the morning. Your alarm goes off, you grab your phone, and you read emails from friends and family first. It really made sense to us to introduce a product that fit in with that routine. And email is very much in the routines of the demo that we’re going after.

There’s no need to reinvent the wheel. Meet your target audience where they’re already active.

How to Gather 100,000 Emails in One Week

I hope you’re noticing a trend in these case studies: Pulling off a wildly successful email campaign isn’t easy.

Even when the goals are simple, the logistics tend to get messy. The smartest companies dig in anyway.

In Harry’s case, they used a landing page to gather 100,000 emails in the week leading up their launch. As a shaving company, they are competing against institutions like Gillette. The only way to outsell them is to out-maneuver them.

Harry’s drove traffic to a landing page, asked for a signup, then used a referral mechanism to incentivize people to share the product. Those who referred friends earned free products. They gave away a ton of free razors that week but it cost way less than broadcasting the upcoming launch on traditional advertising channels.

This post gets into the nitty gritty of driving the traffic, managing the flood of interest and actually delivering the free products.

The Art and Science of Turning Free Trials Into Happy Customers

If you’re a small startup, you’ll be able to relate to this story.

Alex Smith runs marketing at ContactMonkey . As a growing company with a small team, it became too difficult to onboard new customers one at a time. So Alex created a series of events in the application that trigger emails or pause existing campaigns.

The result was not only happier customers, but faster growth. Once the triggers were in place, ContactMonkey was able to guarantee that each customer received the right messaging at the right time.

This post shares the exact emails and triggers ContactMonkey uses to onboarding their users, along with some ideas for blurring the lines between CRM and email marketing.

The Science Behind Those Obama Campaign E-Mails

I think this line will pique your interest about Obama’s last campaign: “Most of the $690 million Obama raised online came from fundraising e-mails.”

The Obama campaign famously used a casual, conversational in tone in the email subject lines. The most famous subject line was simply “Hey.” Another – “I will be outspent” – raised $2.6 million on its own.

Source: Slideshare

This didn’t happen by accident. The folks behind the campaigns tested incessantly, sometimes playing with a dozen or more variations on a single email. Here’s one of the most interesting findings revealed by digital analytics directo Amelia Showalter:

…these triumphs were fleeting. There was no such thing as the perfect e-mail; every breakthrough had a shelf life. “Eventually the novelty wore off, and we had to go back and retest,” says Showalter.

They bottled lightening over and over through rigorous testing and exceptional copywriting. The viral effect was manufactured, not serendipitous.

What We Learned From A Week Of Prototyping A Newsletter In Public

When Buzzfeed began developing a daily email newsletter, the editors turned to Facebook for feedback. They shared their prototypes ( here’s an example ) with their own friends. They made each iteration of the newsletter public to ensure they could patch any holes before launch.

Interestingly, editor Millie Tran said the most useful part of this exercise was the intense focus on the product/market fit:

The most valuable thing about this exercise was that it allowed us to avoid getting too emotionally attached to any one idea early on and to keep tweaking and adjusting the product to be better.

As we’ve written before, email is an extension of your product and should be treated with the appropriate care.

Buzzfeed also wrote a follow-up to this post about using email to test early versions of their mobile app.

Learning vs. Selling

This is a personal story based on my experience here at Vero. Last year, we created 14-step campaign to welcome new subscribers to the blog. The open rates were decent and we heard some positive feedback from customers about the campaign.

Then we nuked it.

Because it a) wasn’t helping us convert readers into customers and b) it wasn’t helping us learn about our readers. We replaced the entire campaign with a single email.

Tons of people replied and we’ve been able to shape our content and emails to match our readers’ challenges and needs. The lesson is here to create opportunities to learn before you try to sell your product.

The Most Successful E-mail I Ever Wrote

A single email can change a business.

Derek Sivers, founder of CD Baby, realized this after he created this masterpiece of a shipping confirmation email :

Source: Smashing Magazine

The email went viral. At the time, no one put any effort into their transactional emails . The personal touch resonated with a lot of people.

That one silly e-mail, sent out with every order, has been so loved that if you search Google for “private CD Baby jet” you’ll get over 20,000 results. Each one is somebody who got the e-mail and loved it enough to post on their website and tell all their friends. That one goofy e-mail created thousands of new customers.

Simon Schmid calls this finesse the “personality layer.” Here are a number of other examples.

A few more case studies from the Vero archives:

  • TripAdvisor’s Unfair Email Marketing Advantage
  • How Amazon Dominates E-Commerce with Email
  • How Death to the Stock Photo Built a Profitable Business with Email
  • Why Product Hunt’s Emails Are So Addictive
  • Evernote’s Simple But Useful Onboarding Emails

And here’s a few suggestions from readers:

  • How The New York Times gets a 70 percent open rate on its newsletters

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Email Marketing Case Studies

25 Email Marketing Case Studies from Top Companies

Email marketing remains a cornerstone of successful digital marketing strategies, enabling businesses to engage with their audience, drive conversions, and build lasting relationships. In this blog post, we’ll delve into 25 compelling email marketing case studies from renowned companies. These examples showcase the diverse ways businesses leverage email to achieve marketing success.

Email Marketing Case Studies 1: Amazon – Personalization for Power

Table of Contents

Amazon, the e-commerce giant, has mastered the art of leveraging personalization in its email marketing strategies. The company understands the power of delivering personalized content to its vast customer base, enhancing user experience and ultimately boosting sales.

Personalization Strategies

Amazon’s personalization strategies go beyond addressing customers by their first names. The company analyzes customer behavior, purchase history, and preferences to curate highly personalized email content. For instance, Amazon’s recommendation algorithms suggest products based on previous purchases, browsing history, and even items in the customer’s shopping cart. This level of personalization creates a sense of individualized attention, making customers feel understood and valued.

Email Campaign Examples

Several successful email campaigns by Amazon showcase the effectiveness of personalization. One notable example is the “Recommended for You” emails, where customers receive tailored product recommendations. These recommendations are not only based on past purchases but also on products trending in similar customer segments. By showcasing products that align with individual interests, Amazon significantly increases the likelihood of conversions.

Another powerful strategy is the use of personalized offers and promotions. Amazon sends out exclusive discounts and deals based on a customer’s purchase history, encouraging repeat business and creating a sense of exclusivity.

Impact on Customer Engagement and Sales

The impact of Amazon’s personalization on customer engagement is evident in increased open rates and click-through rates. Customers are more likely to engage with content that resonates with their preferences, leading to higher conversion rates.

Additionally, personalization contributes to customer loyalty. By consistently delivering relevant content, Amazon strengthens its relationship with customers, making them more likely to choose Amazon over competitors.

From a sales perspective, personalized product recommendations significantly contribute to the company’s revenue. Amazon’s data-driven approach ensures that customers are presented with items they are highly likely to purchase, resulting in a positive impact on the bottom line.

Amazon’s success in email marketing is a testament to the power of personalization. By understanding individual customer needs and preferences, Amazon has not only enhanced its email marketing effectiveness but has also solidified its position as a customer-centric e-commerce giant. This case study underscores the importance of investing in personalization strategies for businesses aiming to optimize their email marketing campaigns.

Email Marketing Case Studies 2: HubSpot – Nurturing Leads with Precision

HubSpot, a leading inbound marketing and sales platform, exemplifies the power of email marketing in nurturing leads. The company strategically employs email to guide potential customers through the sales funnel, fostering relationships and driving conversions.


Nurturing Strategies

HubSpot’s lead nurturing strategies are centered around providing valuable and relevant content at each stage of the buyer’s journey. The company utilizes marketing automation to send targeted emails based on user behavior, interactions, and where they are in the sales funnel. HubSpot ensures that each email serves a specific purpose, whether it’s educating leads, addressing pain points, or encouraging them to take the next step.

One notable example of HubSpot’s lead nurturing through email is its well-crafted email workflows. These workflows are designed to trigger based on user actions, such as downloading an eBook or attending a webinar. Subsequently, leads receive a series of emails that progressively guide them through the sales funnel. For instance, after downloading an eBook, a lead might receive follow-up emails containing related content, case studies, and eventually invitations to live webinars or product demonstrations.

HubSpot also excels in using personalized email content. By tailoring emails to the specific interests and needs of leads, the company creates a more personalized and engaging experience. For instance, leads interested in social media marketing might receive emails focused on that topic, while those interested in SEO might get content tailored to their preferences.

Impact on Customer Conversion

  The impact of HubSpot’s lead nurturing through email is evident in its conversion rates. By providing timely and relevant information, leads are more likely to progress through the sales funnel and become customers. The use of marketing automation ensures that leads receive the right information at the right time, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

Additionally, HubSpot’s approach to lead nurturing contributes to customer retention. Once leads become customers, the company continues to use email to provide ongoing value, offer product updates, and encourage upsells or cross-sells.

HubSpot’s case study underscores the importance of strategic lead nurturing through email. By understanding the buyer’s journey and employing marketing automation for targeted and personalized communication, HubSpot showcases how email can be a powerful tool in not just acquiring leads but converting them into long-term, satisfied customers. This case study serves as a valuable guide for businesses looking to enhance their lead-nurturing strategies through effective email marketing.

Email Marketing Case Studies 3: Airbnb – Crafting Unforgettable Onboarding Experiences

Airbnb, a trailblazer in the travel and hospitality industry, has set a benchmark for crafting seamless and memorable onboarding experiences through email marketing. The company strategically utilizes email to guide users through their first interactions with the platform, creating a positive and lasting impression.

Onboarding Strategies

Airbnb recognizes that the onboarding process is critical to user retention. The company employs a series of well-timed and personalized emails to introduce new users to the platform’s features, benefits, and community. These onboarding strategies aim to simplify the user’s journey, build trust, and encourage further exploration.

Airbnb’s onboarding email series starts with a warm welcome email, providing essential information and setting the tone for a positive user experience. Subsequent emails in the series may include tutorials on how to create a listing, guidance on setting up a profile, and tips for successful bookings. The use of engaging visuals and user-generated content, such as success stories from other hosts or guests, enhances the onboarding experience.

One notable email campaign is Airbnb’s use of personalized recommendations based on the user’s preferences. By analyzing initial interactions and preferences expressed during the sign-up process, Airbnb tailors subsequent emails to showcase listings and experiences that align with the user’s interests.

Impact on User Engagement

The impact of Airbnb’s onboarding email strategy is evident in increased user engagement and activation. By providing valuable information and addressing potential pain points early in the user journey, Airbnb ensures that users feel confident and empowered to fully explore the platform.

The personalized recommendations contribute to a higher conversion rate, as users are more likely to book listings or experiences that align with their preferences. Airbnb’s onboarding email strategy not only drives immediate engagement but also lays the foundation for long-term user loyalty.

Airbnb’s case study exemplifies the significance of a thoughtful and user-centric onboarding process powered by email marketing. By understanding the user’s journey and leveraging personalized, informative, and visually appealing email content, Airbnb not only enhances the initial user experience but sets the stage for continued engagement and loyalty. This case study serves as an inspiration for businesses seeking to optimize their onboarding strategies through effective email communication.

Email Marketing Case Studies 4: Spotify – Harmonizing Personalization and Recommendations

Spotify, a global leader in music streaming, has mastered the art of harmonizing personalization and recommendations through its email marketing strategies. The company goes beyond generic playlists, using data-driven insights to curate personalized music experiences for users, creating a unique and engaging journey.


Spotify understands that music is a deeply personal experience. The company employs sophisticated algorithms to analyze user listening habits, preferences, and even contextual factors such as time of day or mood. This data forms the foundation for highly personalized email campaigns that recommend songs, playlists, and artists tailored to individual tastes.

One standout example of Spotify’s email marketing is the “Discover Weekly” playlist email. Users receive a curated playlist every week, featuring tracks and artists Spotify believes the user will enjoy based on their listening history. The email not only serves as a personalized music discovery tool but also as an engagement driver, encouraging users to return to the platform regularly.

Spotify also excels in using email to promote exclusive content or early access to new releases. By sending targeted emails to users who have shown interest in specific genres or artists, Spotify creates anticipation and encourages users to explore the latest additions to their favorite music categories.

Impact on User Engagement and Retention

The impact of Spotify’s personalization and recommendation strategies is profound in terms of user engagement and retention. Users appreciate the platform’s ability to understand their musical preferences and deliver relevant content, leading to increased time spent on the platform and higher user satisfaction.

The “Discover Weekly” email campaign, in particular, has contributed significantly to user retention. By consistently providing personalized and enjoyable content, Spotify reinforces its position as a go-to platform for discovering new music, fostering a sense of loyalty among its users.

Spotify’s case study is a testament to the effectiveness of personalization and data-driven recommendations in email marketing. By aligning its email campaigns with users’ unique musical tastes, Spotify not only enhances user engagement but also establishes itself as an indispensable platform for music discovery. This case study offers valuable insights for businesses looking to leverage personalization to create tailored and engaging experiences for their audience.

Email Marketing Case Studies 5: Trello – Activating Users and Showcasing Features

Trello, a popular project management and collaboration platform, has excelled in using email marketing to activate users and showcase its diverse range of features. By strategically guiding users through their onboarding journey via email, Trello ensures that users understand the platform’s capabilities and are empowered to make the most of their Trello experience.


Activation Strategies

Trello recognizes the importance of a seamless onboarding experience for user activation. The company employs a series of targeted emails to introduce new users to key features, functionalities, and collaboration possibilities within the platform. These emails serve as a virtual guide, helping users navigate Trello’s interface and understand how it can be customized to suit their specific needs.

One noteworthy aspect of Trello’s email marketing strategy is its feature-specific email campaigns. For instance, upon user sign-up, Trello sends an email highlighting the basic features of creating boards, adding cards, and collaborating with team members. Subsequent emails may delve into more advanced features like integrations with third-party apps, setting deadlines, or utilizing labels.

Trello also excels in using email to showcase real-world use cases. By providing examples of how different teams or industries leverage Trello for project management and collaboration, the company inspires users and demonstrates the platform’s versatility.

Impact on User Activation and Feature Adoption

Trello’s activation strategies significantly impact user onboarding and feature adoption. Users who receive targeted emails introducing them to the platform’s features are more likely to explore and utilize those features, leading to a higher activation rate.

The feature-specific email campaigns contribute to increased user engagement as users discover the breadth of Trello’s capabilities. By gradually introducing users to advanced features, Trello ensures that users not only activate their accounts but also become proficient in using the platform for diverse tasks.

Trello’s case study is a testament to the effectiveness of strategic email marketing in activating users and showcasing features. By providing a guided onboarding experience through targeted emails, Trello ensures that users not only understand the platform’s capabilities but also become active and engaged users. This case study serves as an insightful example for businesses looking to optimize their user activation and feature adoption strategies through effective email communication.

Email Marketing Case Studies 6: Starbucks – Brewing Loyalty through Email

Starbucks, a global coffeehouse chain, has mastered the art of brewing customer loyalty through its innovative email marketing strategies. The company goes beyond simply selling coffee; it leverages personalized and engaging email campaigns to foster a sense of community, exclusivity, and ongoing connection with its customers.

Loyalty Strategies

Starbucks understands that loyalty is built on more than just transactions. The company employs a multifaceted approach in its email marketing, combining personalized offers, rewards programs, and community-building initiatives. By aligning its email content with the diverse preferences and behaviors of its customer base, Starbucks creates a loyalty ecosystem that goes beyond the coffee cup.

One standout example of Starbucks’ email marketing is its loyalty program communications. Starbucks uses email to inform customers about their rewards status, offer personalized rewards based on past purchases, and provide exclusive early access to new products or promotions. These emails not only drive repeat business but also make customers feel valued and appreciated.

Starbucks also excels in community engagement through email. The company sends out newsletters and updates that go beyond product promotions, including stories about coffee origins, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and highlighting customer experiences. This approach creates a sense of belonging among Starbucks enthusiasts, fostering a deeper emotional connection with the brand.

Impact on Customer Engagement and Loyalty

The impact of Starbucks’ loyalty strategies through email is evident in heightened customer engagement and long-term loyalty. Personalized offers and rewards communicated via email contribute to increased customer retention and repeat business. Customers feel a sense of reciprocity and exclusivity, incentivizing them to choose Starbucks over competitors.

The community-building initiatives further strengthen customer loyalty. By creating a narrative around the Starbucks brand and encouraging customers to be part of the story, Starbucks turns its email recipients into brand advocates. This sense of community not only enhances customer loyalty but also amplifies the brand’s reach through word-of-mouth marketing.

Starbucks’ case study showcases the power of leveraging email marketing to brew customer loyalty. By going beyond transactional interactions and creating a personalized, engaging, and community-driven email strategy, Starbucks has successfully cultivated a loyal customer base. This case study serves as a source of inspiration for businesses looking to build lasting connections and loyalty through effective email communication.

Email Marketing Case Studies 7: Uber – Riding High on Email Promotions

Uber, a global leader in ride-sharing, has demonstrated exceptional prowess in using email marketing to drive user acquisition and promote enticing promotions. Through strategic and targeted email campaigns, Uber has not only expanded its user base but has also created a sense of urgency and excitement around its services.


User Acquisition Strategies

Uber’s success in user acquisition through email is rooted in its ability to strategically leverage promotions and incentives. The company uses email campaigns to reach potential users, offering first-time ride discounts, referral bonuses, and exclusive promotions. This targeted approach ensures that Uber’s message reaches individuals who are more likely to convert into active users.

One notable example of Uber’s email marketing is its time-sensitive promotions. Uber frequently sends out emails with limited-time offers, encouraging users to take advantage of discounted rides during peak hours, holidays, or special events. These campaigns create a sense of urgency, prompting users to make immediate decisions and engage with the platform.

Uber also excels in using email for referral programs. The company encourages existing users to refer friends through personalized and visually appealing email campaigns. By offering incentives for both the referrer and the new user, Uber taps into its existing user base to drive new user sign-ups.

Impact on User Acquisition and Growth

The impact of Uber’s user acquisition strategies through email is evident in its rapid growth and market expansion. By strategically targeting potential users with enticing promotions, Uber has successfully converted email recipients into active riders. The time-sensitive promotions have not only increased immediate engagement but also encouraged users to choose Uber for their transportation needs regularly.

The referral programs contribute significantly to Uber’s user acquisition and growth. By turning existing users into brand advocates, Uber has created a viral loop where satisfied customers bring in new users, who, in turn, become advocates themselves. This network effect has played a crucial role in Uber’s sustained growth and dominance in the ride-sharing industry.

Uber’s case study exemplifies how email marketing can be a powerful tool for user acquisition and growth. By strategically using promotions, incentives, and referral programs, Uber has successfully expanded its user base and created a sense of excitement around its services. This case study serves as a valuable example for businesses looking to leverage email marketing for user acquisition and drive sustained growth.

Email Marketing Case Studies 8: Etsy – Handcrafted Emails for Handcrafted Products

Etsy, an e-commerce platform focused on handmade and vintage goods, has distinguished itself by using email marketing to showcase the unique and artisanal products available on its marketplace. Through carefully curated and visually appealing email campaigns, Etsy not only drives sales but also celebrates the individuality and craftsmanship of its sellers.

Product Showcase Strategies

Etsy’s success lies in its ability to showcase a diverse range of products through its email marketing efforts. The company employs visually engaging emails that highlight featured products, seasonal collections, and unique finds from its sellers. By creating a narrative around each product and its creator, Etsy taps into the emotional appeal of handmade items.

One standout example of Etsy’s email marketing is its personalized product recommendations. Etsy utilizes customer data to suggest products based on past purchases, browsing history, and favorite shops. These personalized recommendations not only enhance the customer experience but also drive repeat purchases by showcasing items that align with individual preferences.

Etsy also excels in using email to promote limited-time sales events or seasonal collections. By creating a sense of exclusivity and urgency, Etsy encourages customers to explore the latest offerings and make timely purchases. The use of visually appealing images and storytelling in these campaigns adds an extra layer of engagement.

Impact on Sales and Customer Engagement

The impact of Etsy’s product showcase strategies through email is evident in increased sales and heightened customer engagement. By featuring a wide array of products and telling the stories behind them, Etsy creates a connection between buyers and sellers, fostering a sense of community within its marketplace.

Personalized product recommendations contribute significantly to customer retention and loyalty. Customers feel understood and valued when presented with products tailored to their tastes, leading to repeat business and a positive perception of the Etsy brand.

Etsy’s case study is a testament to the effectiveness of using email marketing to showcase unique and handcrafted products. By leveraging visually appealing emails, personalized recommendations, and storytelling, Etsy not only drives sales but also celebrates the creativity and individuality of its sellers. This case study serves as inspiration for businesses looking to use email marketing to highlight the craftsmanship and distinctive qualities of their products.

Email Marketing Case Studies 9: Zillow – Transforming Real Estate through Email Engagement

Zillow, a prominent online real estate marketplace, has redefined the real estate industry by strategically utilizing email marketing to engage users with property listings and personalized recommendations. Through targeted and informative email campaigns, Zillow keeps users actively involved in their home search, creating a seamless and personalized experience.

Email Engagement Strategies

Zillow recognizes that buying or renting a home is a significant life decision, and the user’s journey involves extensive research. Zillow’s email engagement strategies focus on providing users with valuable and relevant information about properties, neighborhood insights, and the overall real estate market. By tailoring emails to user preferences and search history, Zillow ensures that each communication adds value to the user’s home search journey.

One notable example of Zillow’s email marketing is its property alert emails. Users can set up alerts based on specific criteria such as location, price range, and property type. Zillow then sends regular emails featuring new listings or updates that match the user’s preferences. This not only keeps users informed but also encourages ongoing engagement with the platform.

Zillow also excels in using email to provide personalized insights. For example, users may receive emails containing market trends, property value estimates, or information about schools in a particular neighborhood. These insights contribute to a more informed decision-making process for users, fostering trust in Zillow as a reliable source of real estate information.

Impact on User Engagement and Conversion

The impact of Zillow’s email engagement strategies is evident in increased user engagement and conversion rates. By delivering timely and personalized information, Zillow keeps users actively involved in their home search journey. The property alert emails, in particular, contribute to ongoing user engagement as users regularly receive updates that match their preferences.

The personalized insights provided through email also play a crucial role in user conversion. Users who feel well-informed and supported by Zillow’s emails are more likely to take the next steps in their home-buying or renting process. This, in turn, contributes to Zillow’s success in converting engaged users into active customers.

Zillow’s case study showcases the transformative power of email engagement in the real estate industry. By delivering personalized property alerts, valuable insights, and relevant information, Zillow not only keeps users engaged but also positions itself as a trusted partner in their home search journey. This case study serves as an instructive example for businesses looking to use email marketing to actively engage users in complex decision-making processes.

Email Marketing Case Studies 10: Dropbox – Navigating Users through Email Onboarding

Dropbox, a leading cloud storage and file-sharing platform, has demonstrated exceptional proficiency in using email marketing to guide users through the onboarding process effectively. Through a series of targeted and educational email campaigns, Dropbox ensures that users not only understand the platform’s features but also become active and long-term users.


Dropbox recognizes that effective onboarding is crucial for user retention and satisfaction. The company’s onboarding strategies focus on providing users with clear and concise information about how to use key features, collaborate with others, and maximize the benefits of the platform. By breaking down the onboarding process into digestible steps, Dropbox ensures that users feel empowered and confident in using the platform.

One standout example of Dropbox’s email marketing is its onboarding email series. Users who sign up for Dropbox receive a series of emails that guide them through key actions, such as uploading files, creating folders, and sharing documents. Each email is designed to be informative, visually appealing, and actionable, encouraging users to take the next steps in their onboarding journey.

Dropbox also excels in using email to communicate feature updates. By sending out emails that highlight new features, improvements, or integrations, Dropbox keeps users informed about the platform’s evolving capabilities. These emails not only contribute to ongoing user education but also showcase Dropbox’s commitment to continuous improvement.

Impact on User Onboarding and Engagement

The impact of Dropbox’s onboarding strategies through email is evident in the streamlined user onboarding process and increased user engagement. Users who receive the onboarding email series are more likely to explore and utilize Dropbox’s features, leading to a higher activation rate. The step-by-step guidance provided in the emails ensures that users feel supported and knowledgeable about the platform.

The communication of feature updates via email also plays a crucial role in user engagement. Users who are aware of new features or improvements are more likely to explore and use these additions, contributing to an ongoing and positive user experience. This, in turn, strengthens user loyalty and encourages long-term platform usage.

Dropbox’s case study is a testament to the effectiveness of strategic email marketing in guiding users through the onboarding process. By delivering targeted and educational content, Dropbox ensures that users not only activate their accounts but also become proficient and engaged users of the platform. This case study serves as a valuable example for businesses seeking to optimize their user onboarding strategies through effective email communication.

11. Moz: Amplifying Content through Email 

  • How Moz uses email marketing to promote valuable content.
  • Fostering engagement within the SEO and marketing community.
  • Case studies demonstrating successful content promotion through email.

12. Warby Parker: Focusing on Vision with Email 

  • Warby Parker’s email campaigns for eyewear promotions.
  • Building a vision-focused community through email.
  • Case studies showcasing successful brand building via email.

13. LinkedIn:  Connecting Professionals through Email 

  • LinkedIn’s email marketing strategies for user engagement.
  • Facilitating professional networking through email.
  • Case studies demonstrating successful email-driven connections.

14. Grammarly: Polishing Content and Engaging Users 

  • Grammarly’s email strategies for content promotion.
  • Encouraging user engagement and premium subscription upgrades.
  • Case studies illustrating successful content-focused email campaigns.

15. Chewy: Pawsitively Engaging Email Marketing 

  • Chewy’s personalized pet product recommendations through email.
  • Building customer loyalty through effective email campaigns.
  • Case studies demonstrating successful email-driven pet product promotions.

16. The New York Times: Breaking News through Email 

  • The role of email in delivering breaking news updates.
  • Subscription campaigns and reader engagement via email.
  • Case studies showcasing successful email-driven news delivery.

17. Harry’s: Grooming Success with Email 

  • Harry’s email marketing strategies for grooming product promotions.
  • Fostering a loyal customer base through email.
  • Case studies illustrating successful grooming product promotions via email.

18. Fitbit: Stepping Up Fitness Goals with Email 

  • Fitbit’s use of email to encourage fitness goal achievement.
  • Promoting accessories and driving product upgrades through email.
  • Case studies demonstrating successful fitness-focused email campaigns.

19. Nintendo: Gaming Success through Email 

  • Nintendo’s email marketing for game releases and exclusive offers.
  • Engaging the gaming community through email campaigns.
  • Case studies showcasing successful email-driven gaming promotions.

20. Adobe: Creating with Email Marketing 

  • Adobe’s email strategies for promoting creative software.
  • Providing valuable content and engaging their diverse user base.
  • Case studies illustrating successful email-driven creative software promotions.

21. Sephora: Beauty in Every Email 

  • How Sephora uses email for beauty product promotions.
  • Personalized recommendations and loyalty program communication via email.
  • Case studies showcasing successful beauty-focused email campaigns.

22. Target: Bullseye Email Promotions 

  • Target’s email marketing strategies for product recommendations.
  • Seasonal promotions and customer engagement via email.
  • Case studies demonstrating successful email-driven product promotions.

23. Ford: Driving Connections through Email 

  • How Ford uses email campaigns for automotive product launches.
  • Customer communication and brand loyalty through email.
  • Case studies illustrating successful automotive-focused email campaigns.

24. Groupon : Daily Deals, Daily Emails 

  • Groupon’s email marketing for daily deals and customer acquisition.
  • Creating a sense of urgency through limited-time offers via email.
  • Case studies showcasing successful email-driven daily deals promotions.

25. American Express: Exclusive Offers and Engaging Content 

  • American Express ‘ use of email for credit card promotions.
  • Delivering exclusive offers and engaging content through email.
  • Case studies illustrating successful email-driven credit card promotions.

In dissecting 25 potent Email Marketing case studies, the overarching theme is clear: email marketing is a dynamic force, shaping engagement, sales, and brand loyalty. From Amazon’s personalized recommendations to Uber’s strategic promotions, each case study paints a vivid picture of effective email strategies.

These stories emphasize the versatility of email marketing – from Spotify’s personalized music harmony to Airbnb’s onboarding finesse. Starbucks brews loyalty, Etsy showcases craftsmanship, and Zillow transforms real estate engagement. Dropbox guides seamless onboarding, while Trello excels in feature-centric campaigns.

The collective impact is unmistakable: well-crafted emails drive user engagement, conversions, and long-term loyalty. As businesses navigate the digital landscape, these case studies offer actionable insights and inspiration for optimizing email efforts. The key lesson is clear: personalized, strategic, and engaging emails aren’t just communication tools – they’re pathways to lasting connections with audiences.

In this ever-evolving email landscape, the journey continues. Adapting these successful strategies to unique contexts is the next frontier. With the right approach, email marketing becomes not just a channel but a symphony of engagement, loyalty, and growth. Here’s to mastering email marketing and orchestrating success in the digital realm.

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6 Practicable Email Marketing Case Studies to Inspire You

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CEO Avada Commerce

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We’d venture to say that transparency is hot right now, but not in email marketing.

Many brands show the number of their Twitter followers. They even blog about their audience growth and share their subscriber count as social proof.

However, no one talks about open, click rates, ROI, or impact on the bottom line. It seems to be taboo in the email marketing world. That makes it quite hard to find email marketing case studies.

We’d like to make it much easier for you to read stories about great email marketing campaigns, so we collected 6 practicable email marketing case studies . Below is the criteria for the case studies we compiled:

  • They are real case studies, not best-practice pieces
  • They include real data/ outcomes to impress you

Now, let’s explore!

1. Digital Marketer: increased open rates by 3X with subject lines

Is it possible to increase your open rates by 3X whenever you send a newsletter?

The answer is yes. Digital Marketer did.

case study on email marketing

A responsive, engaging email list of customers is the only bulletproof approach to building a sustainable business. If you only concentrate on Google and organic search, you may not be able to build a sustainable business.

Digital Marketer is considered one of the leading marketing blogs out there. The company boasts of making money once their emails arrive in recipients’ inboxes. However, they don’t do this only for the money - that would just drive email subscribers away.

Instead, they engage subscribers via email, teach them how to do a specific thing (i.e., increase Facebook ad conversions) and enhance trust.

Sending millions of emails per month helps Digital Marketer understand their customers and prospects. This allows the company to segment subscribers by interest, pinpoint the exact solutions they are looking for, and deliver awesome value that these subscribers will never find elsewhere.

As a result, they got impressive results with their email marketing campaigns . Just look at their statics:

case study on email marketing

We will analyze how Digital Marketer increased its email open rates by 3X right below:

1. Use proven email subject lines

Subscribers will not open all of your marketing emails, it’s the truth. Most of your audience are also subscribed to other email lists, too.

Therefore, you have to differentiate your email subject lines from the generic ones.

According to Richard Lindney - the author of the Digital Marketer case study - their successful email subject lines fall into one of the following four categories:

  • Direct or benefit-driven
  • Urgency or scarcity
  • Proof or credibility
  • Blind or curiosity

Let’s explore each of these subject lines!

1.1. Benefit-driven email subject lines

This type has only one purpose: to directly state the benefit that the recipient will get by opening the email. For example:

  • Catch these email templates…
  • Start building your landing pages for $1
  • 7 ways to write blog posts that convert

1.2. Urgency or scarcity-based email subject lines

If there is a need to act right now - let’s say, a discount that expires in a few hours - you may want to use this urgency subject line style.

It communicates urgency and motivates people to act immediately. If recipients fail to act now, they will miss out on something great. And people don’t want to miss out.

Actually, the fear of loss is much more powerful than the joy of gain . That’s why urgency subject lines often outperform direct or benefit-driven subject lines.

Digital Marketer recommends using urgency or scarcity-based subject lines to get more opens. Some examples include:

  • You’re going to miss this?!?
  • 85% off sale ends at midnight
  • Final Notice [just hours left]
  • Closing down soon!

Related topic : 7 Artificial Scarcity Creating Methods

1.3. Proof or credibility subject lines

We know that you have results you can share with prospects, and many people or businesses have benefited from your products and services. That’s why you should apply proof/ credibility subject lines now.

You can simply speak about other people’s success in your email subject line . Craft it in a way that will get your recipients to believe those results are possible for them , too.

This type is best written as a case study. And don’t forget that case studies are one of the 15 types of content to drive traffic, sales, and revenue for entrepreneurs.

Below are some of the proof/ credibility email subject lines that helped Digital Marketer boost their open rates by 3X:

  • This guy makes 6 figures per month?
  • Mom of two “makes” $10K in 4 days
  • 23,234 leads in less than 30 days

1.4. Blind or curiosity-based email subject lines

These email subject lines have a magic-like ability to make people open. After all, if you hint that you hold a secret, people will want to know it.

The curiosity gap is actually a robust copywriting technique that can dazzle your audience. It has been proved to lead to a 927% increase in clicks on a pricing page (Wow!).

Some of your recipients are lazy. If they get the idea behind your email, they will delete it or otherwise move on. Thus, use these subject lines to tease your recipients. Below are some typical examples:

  • Just one last thing to say…
  • Check out the letter inside…
  • Why he paid Facebook $30,500
  • 1,356,789 free clicks from…

2. Using Unicode symbols and personalization

2.1. Unicode symbols

To make emails outstanding, Digital Marketer suggests that you use Unicode symbols - emoticons, objects, etc.

case study on email marketing

Richard says that “ You should not overuse symbols in your subject lines, but don’t ignore them either. ” These symbols will add flavor to your email subject line. It might look funny, but humor is one of the common reasons why content gets opened, forwarded, and shared.

2.2. Personalization

People decide to join your email list, not because they love getting emails but because they feel they can benefit from them. According to a survey, 38% of responders opt-in to an email list to receive relevant emails that can improve their lives and business.

One of the most common methods to make your emails relevant is to personalize them. Now, let’s look at these two subject lines:

“ You will lose $3,000 in a week if… ”

“ John, you will lose $3,000 in a week if… ”

Obviously, the personalized version with the recipient’s name “John” will outperform the generic one. For more tips on personalization, please read our Complete Guide to Personalized Email Marketing for Business .

Note : To make personalization much easier, effective, and systematic, you should create opt-in forms to collect first name and email address, like AVADA Commerce does:

case study on email marketing

2. Dell: increased revenue by 109% with a GIF

Dell is faced with a unique problem.

The company was actually in the process of launching the XPS 12 Convertible Ultrabook, which is a laptop with a hinge design that enables it to transform into a tablet.

“ That sounds like a cool product. What is the problem, by the way? ” you may ask.

We will let David Sierk from the Email Strategy & Analytics department at Dell explain.

“ No one knows what a convertible is yet. It is not synonymous with products like the tablet is now or anything along those lines. ”

So, how did Dell solve this problem?

They innovated their way through the problem .

Instead of traditional email marketing tactics , Dell decided to create a GIF of the product that would complement their creative tagline, “ Go from dreaming to doing in a flip. ” The GIF showcased the convertible flipping from a laptop to a touchscreen tablet capable of running Windows 8.

This explained to customers exactly what the convertible was, as well as how it could impact their technological lives.

Besides, the GIF was paired with high-converting email copy:

“ XPS 12 Convertible Ultrabook - The power of an Ultrabook and the ease of a tablet combined into one beautifully designed machine. ”

“ Buy a select XPS 12 Convertible Ultrabook and get a $200 Dell Promo eGift Card to build your home entertainment system. ”

The results were really spectacular.

  • 6% increase in email open rate
  • 42% increase in click rate
  • 103% increase in conversion rate
  • 109% increase in revenue

Impressive, right?

So, what can you learn from this email marketing case study?

While some of you may think that the main message behind this case study is to start using more GIFs within your email campaigns , we disagree.

We think the best thing we can learn from Dell is the power of innovation .

The marketing team of Dell knew that simple text and images would not cut it. They also understood that linking to a Youtube video or some kind of product tour would likely yield a lower conversion rate. Hence, they tried to innovate their way out of the problem by using a GIF.

Do we recommend using GIFs in your email marketing campaigns?

Yes, absolutely. They are an amazing way to quickly convey your message and entertain readers.

However, if there’s one key takeaway from Dell’s success, it is that intelligent risk and innovation can lead to significant results.

If there is a marketing tactic that you’ve been dying to use but are afraid that it’ll eat dirt, give it a shot anyway. The worst that can happen is not that bad.

And who knows, you might even realize a 109% increase in revenue yourself!!!

3. Charity Water: increased donations by $800,000

Most companies, especially non-profit organizations and charities operate their email marketing campaigns under the “set it and forget it mindset.

After a donation or transaction has concluded, donors will often be sent to a thank-you page and receive a short “Thank You” email. This email generally does nothing other than to provide the donor’s transaction details, thank them for their purchase, and perhaps try and get them in on an upsell.

While there’s nothing inherently wrong with this approach, there is a better way.

Charity Water has been crushing it in their email marketing campaign by taking an unconventional approach to their follow-up emails. Rather than follow the traditional route, Charity Water has created an email marketing campaign designed to take their donors on a journey.

case study on email marketing

With any non-profit organization, there is a long road from the time a donation leaves the donors’ wallet to the time that the project is completed.

For starters, the donation has to be sent to partners in the field and used to source supplies, transportation, and permits for volunteers and staff. Then, projects can take from 6 to 18 months, depending on the scope and size of the work. And most non-profit organizations leave their donors out of this process completely.

But Charity Water didn’t do that.

The organization sends you regular email updates, which explain where to use your money and how much progress to be achieved on the project. They even show you photo updates from the project site, which country your donation is impacting, and regular information on progressions within the organization itself.

They make their donors a part of the story .

Perhaps the biggest takeaway that we’ve gleaned from Charity Water’s email marketing campaign is that you need to build a sustainable relationship with your audience through regularly connecting with and updating them.

You might think this will mean increasing the frequency of sending out emails.

However, things don’t stop there.

This is not just about delivering more emails and trying to sell them new products or services. It is about building an authentic relationship with customers for life.

We know that this seems a bit mystical and woo-woo, so let us give you a practical example of using this in your business. Suppose you’re running an online fitness company and you’re promoting the “8-Week Fat Loss Challenge 2.0.”

By learning from Charity Water, you could try out the following strategy:

At the beginning of the week, send one email presenting a challenge to all of your recipients (i.e., most weight loss, biggest athletic improvement, best diet, etc.)

At the end of the week, send a follow-up email showing the challenge winner and progress pics from other participants. Plus, finish the email with a tip or trick to help them get more out of your product.

After they’ve completed the 8-week challenge, send regular follow-up emails asking how they’re doing and providing exclusive free content.

This strategy will generate a deeper level of engagement with your audience and build a community around your brand. And if you execute it properly, it’ll lead to an increase in open rates, easy upsells, and lifelong loyalty.

Related topic : Email Marketing for Non-profits: The Essential Guide!

4. Dropbox: created a $10 billion empire

A trend that we’ve noticed among many of the A+ players in the email marketing game is that they’re reducing their focus on fancy copy and increasing their focus on generating incredible designs .

Of course, long-form copy works great for email marketing. If you run a company built around your personality, we recommend you focus on well-written email copy.

Nevertheless, suppose your company’s success isn’t contingent on your consumers buying into you as a brand leader. In that case, creating beautiful and straightforward designs to sell products is a good way to go.

Let’s look at a typical email marketing case study for this - Dropbox .

Dropbox is a wildly common online storage service that has skyrocketed in growth and become an empire worth $10 billion. That is worth almost as much as Snapchat and even more than the GDP of many countries!

Something that has made Dropbox outstanding for years and helps them reach their impressive wild levels of success is the great simplicity behind everything they do.

From the signup process to the navigation and layout of their website, everything runs simply. One of the most typical examples of this simplicity in action lies in their “ Baby come back ” email.

case study on email marketing

We know it seems like a stretch to actually appreciate a company for sending an email after someone has canceled their subscription. However, by combining poignant and straightforward cartoons with a tongue-in-cheek emoticon, as well as some very simple copy, Dropbox admirably accomplishes this goal.

Dropbox basically ignores its copy and focuses almost on the design of the cartoon. Their email copy is short and product-based, instead of the long-form, benefit-focused copy you see from most companies.

Implementing this concept is quite straightforward.

Step out on a limb with your upcoming campaign and focus on design instead of copy.

If you’re not the artistic type, consider hiring an outside contractor with a proven track record as well as an eye for design, who can help you develop a campaign that catches your customers’ eyes.

Try your best to limit your copy to 100 words or less, and let the images within the article speak for themselves.

5. Hammock: increased open rates by 48% with less content

The typical rule of blogging and sending marketing emails is that you will get more traffic and, ultimately, more revenue if you deliver more content. More emails and more posts mean more traffic.

Well, while this isn’t wrong, the reality is that most businesses really don’t care about traffic. They care about their revenue. They would take 10 visitors/ 5 leads over 50 visitors/ 2 leads any day.

That’s the thought process Hammock had in mind when they decided to stop sending too much email content. Hammock is a B2B company creating marketing content and media for its clients, and collaborates with them to develop content strategies. They reduced emails to once every 2 weeks and reduced email content to about 350 words per email. To bring focus to these changes, Hammock decided to rename it “The Idea Email.”

case study on email marketing

The results?

Hammock realized a 48% increase in open rates , but more importantly, a significant increase in their lead quality. The right customers started contacting them after reading their emails. And that is really the entire purpose of an email marketing campaign.

Be intentional with email content . The first thing that Hammock did was cut the copy down to 350 words, which was really difficult despite their dedication to a minimalist approach. They recommend focusing on cutting email copy down to make it more targeted and less about the product.

Test subject lines and assess necessary changes . Hammock writes 3 headlines for each newsletter, and all of them are tested for every send. Which one has the highest open rate in the first hour is applied for the rest of the list.

Establish a repeatable editorial process . Often, the writing process of Hammock is done by Lavey and Rex Hammock - the founder and CEO, and they ensure it is engaging. Once the article is written, it’s handed off to other members to edit. It’s essential that the process of developing the idea is repeatable.

6. Doggyloot: increase CTR by 750% by personalizing emails

“Personalized” emails don’t always have to target a person. Email marketers can “animalize” them and see amazing results.

That’s what Doggyloot did.

The marketing team at Doggyloot segments and personalizes their emails based on “doggy data,” not people data. For instance, subscribers receive emails customized to the size of their dogs. Someone with a Chihuahua is offered different products than someone with a Rottweiler.

With its dog birthday emails, Doggyloot got:

  • Open rate: 28.1%
  • CTR (click-through rate): 750% higher than the company’s average
  • Contributes up to 16% of total daily revenue

Besides, we’ll describe some tactics Doggyloot used to power its campaigns. You can learn something useful here, for sure.

1. Collect new subscribers

Doggyloot’s homepage is dedicated to generating subscribers. Its headline and subheadline emphasize the value of joining their list:

  • Headline: “ Daily deals for dogs and their people ”
  • Subheadline: “ Discover chews, toys, treats, and more at up to 75% off ”

The first question is “How big are your dogs?” greets visitors as soon as they arrive in the sign-up process. Once they register, the website reveals current flash sales.

2. Personalize by “style”

Since it doesn’t make sense to offer a 10-pound bone to a 5-pound dog, Doggyloot segments its email lists into 3 groups:

  • Small dogs (under 20 pounds)
  • Medium dogs
  • Large dogs (over 40 pounds)

The team uses this data to choose products for promotional emails. In a typical campaign, they send the same email template to every subscriber, and the products vary by the size of the dog. For instance, only the email for owners with a large dog will offer a 3-foot duck chew.

As a result, the promotional emails targeted to large dog owners have a CTR 410% higher than the company’s average.

3. Happy dog birthday email

Wishing someone’s dog a happy birthday seems bizarre, but not at Doggyloot.

As the company has the birthday of a subscriber’s dog, they schedule an automated email to send about 2 weeks before the date. This email features birthday-related products, treats, and toys under a “happy birthday” header.

case study on email marketing

4. Emphasize urgency to abandoners

The company earns amazing results with cart abandonment emails. By automatically reaching customers who add items to a cart and leave, Doggyloot earned an additional day’s worth of revenue per month.

case study on email marketing

This abandonment email reaches subscribers about 1 hour after they leave the website. It aims to win a sale with the following features:

More urgency . The subheadline mentions that the items in the shopper’s cart are “almost sold out.”

Clear CTA . Two large CTA buttons encourage recipients to “restore my cart.”

Product images . Products from the shopper’s cart are featured with a lower “Doggyloot price” and higher “retail” price.

Final thoughts

When it comes to creating a valuable and memorable experience for your email subscribers, there are some experts and case studies for us to learn from.

We hope these 6 practicable email marketing case studies have helped you a lot. Keep learning from the best till you become one of the best.

So, what is your favorite email marketing case study? Please leave a comment so that we can talk about it together. Thanks for reading and have a nice day!

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