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Key points:

  • Medical students face several obstacles when it comes to studying: The sheer volume of information you’re required to learn, quickly forgetting what you’ve studied, holding onto old study habits that aren’t working, and staying on track with classwork and exam prep. 
  • There are scientifically proven methods you can use to study more efficiently, deeply encode the material into your long term memory, and have more confidence in what you do know. 
  • Over the past 50 years, scientists have been studying how the brain works, and specifically how it processes memories. We now know—based on the results of empiric data—that specific study techniques are not helpful for long term learning. The good news? We also know which study techniques WILL help you study stronger. 
  • Spaced repetition and interleaving are two key study techniques for medical students to deepen their brain's encoding and improve recall of the information they're learning. 
  • Besides classroom time and clinical time, your schedule in medical school will be packed with studying. Most medical students report that they study 3–4 hours per day. 

Most students enter medical school without a good idea of how they’ll approach the required studying and quickly realize the study methods they've used so far in their education aren't going to work in medical school. There's simply too much material! There has been no set of books specifically for medical school , and students have been left on their own to find the best material that supplements the lectures. 

The main problems that medical students face include 

  • The sheer volume of information you’re required to learn 
  • Quickly forgetting what you’ve studied 
  • Holding onto old study habits that aren’t working
  • Staying on track with classwork and exam prep 

Many students purchase various tomes written for medical specialists or use post graduate and college textbooks for some subjects, but then find that only about 5% of the content directly applies to their studies. Some buy various help-books filled with outlines of what is most important to learn but find them impossible to assimilate. Many buy Q&As for the USMLE Step exams and then cram to pass these tests.

Studying in medical school is the biggest source of stress for many students. There are scientifically proven methods you can use to study more efficiently, deeply encode the material into your long term memory, and have more confidence in what you do know. 

Traditional study methods that don’t work in medical school

Many well-known methods of learning have been passed down through generations of educators. We use them ourselves and teach them to the next generation—it's probably how you were taught to study! But it's not optimal for how your brain processes memories. 

Our evidence-based approach to learning medicine is detailed in our 32-page Studywise guide. It's free! Download now.

Over the past 50 years, scientists have been studying how the brain works, and specifically how it processes memories. We now know—based on the results of empiric data—that specific study techniques are not helpful for long term learning. 

There are six common studying mistakes medical students make 

  • Read and reread the study material; highlight and re-highlight it until you know it.
  • Study one topic at a time. Move on to the next topic once you’ve mastered the first one.
  • Study at the same time and place each day, in a location free of distractions.
  • Find your learning style and study accordingly.
  • Use practice questions to confirm your mastery after extensive study.
  • Cram before exams.

How to study in medical school 

Through empiric testing, scientists have discovered two study techniques that are proven to help your brain remember more of what you learn: spaced repetition and interleaving. 

Spaced repetition

Spaced repetition (or retrieval) is your secret key to successfully learning everything you need to in medical school. This is because the repeated retrieval of a memory progressively spaced out over weeks to months can make that memory easily recalled for years. 

How do you do spaced repetition? 

It’s all about how often you bring concepts back into your study sessions to quiz yourself on it—even if you know the material well. Once you’ve comprehensively studied a concept—meaning you fully understand it—you should review the Q&As or Flashcards for that concept. Depending on how correctly and easily you answer the question on that concept, you should “shuffle” it back into your study material to revisit the concept in 2 days, 10 days, 2 weeks, 10 weeks, etc. Each time you revisit the concept, your memory of it is stronger. Coming back to it at progressively longer intervals will strengthen your memory retrieval of the concept, making it easier to remember it on exam day or in the clinical setting. 

You don’t have to create and manage a crazy study calendar to implement spaced repetition on your own. There are several tools and apps out there that will do it for you. MedStudy’s Personal Trainer takes the Core books and Qbank+ questions and serves you weekly study plans. It automates spaced repetition for you so you automatically see concepts at perfect intervals to strengthen your long term memory of the content. 


Interleaving is combining multiple topics into the same study session. So you don’t want to just study biochemistry until you master it. You want to study concepts from several topics together, which is proven to enhance not only the encoding but also the cognitive processing involved with learning. 

How many hours a day do you study in medical school?

Most medical students report that they study 3–4 hours per day. Besides classroom time and clinical time, your schedule in medical school will be packed with studying. If you understand how your brain processes memories, you can optimize your study habits to recall information faster. You may even be able to cut down on the study time, and you’ll definitely feel more at-ease walking into exams. 

What is the best way to study in medical school?

If you’re relying on any of the 6 study mistakes we mentioned above, you really should look into reading the free StudyWise guide . This 32-page guide is written by a doctor—Tony Hannaman, MD, who voraciously studied learning science in order to help doctors he works with to cut down on their time spent studying. 

The best ways to study in medical school are: 

  • Review material daily. You can skip a day here and there, but you should spend at least some time every day reviewing the material. Stay consistent! 
  • Spaced repetition.  Get progressively longer intervals of time between each review of a particular concept. You can automate spaced retrieval via apps like Personal Trainer or Anki. 
  • Interleaving. Study multiple topics in every session—a great way to do this is to align what you're studying with the classes you're taking. Interleaving will help your brain create connections between the concepts and improve your recall. 
  • Practice tests. Q&As are a powerful study tool for spaced repetition and also to get your brain used to the exam-like environment. If you get Q&As wrong, remind yourself that the process of searching for possible answers—generation—helps you remember the answer better once you find it—even if you guess wrong the first time.
  • Use visuals. Get creative! Concept maps , drawing out notes, and using illustrations while you study are all proven ways to create connections in your mind—therefore enhancing your memory of the concept. 
  • Switch up your study environment. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking you need complete silence or consistent time or any other strict rule about where, when, and how you study. The truth is, your brain unconsciously processes environmental cues in ways that actually help us to retain and recall information. It turns out that varying our study environment aids in the retention of new information.
  • Join a study group. Study groups can be a great source of encouragement and increased confidence in the material. Through lively discussion and laughter, you’ll actively deepen and clarify your own understanding of subject material. 
  • Ask for help. Med school is incredibly difficult. If you’re struggling with the material, studying, or anything else, be sure to reach out for help. You’re never alone! 

This is a great video from Zach Highley , a medical student in PA, that describes a few study methods he uses in medical school. 

There you have it! The 19 best tips for how to study in medical school. Now that you know which study methods to leave in the past (ahem, rereading and highlighting!) you can start your study journey off on the right foot!

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How Medical Schools Review Applications

New section.

You know the time and effort you put into your medical school and secondary applications, but what happens after you click submit? Here is what the process looks like for medical school admissions officers and staff.

What are admissions officers looking for?

While expectations, missions, policies, and requirements are unique to each medical school, many schools look for students who demonstrate an ability to handle challenging coursework and have the personal attributes needed to work with people. It’s important for applicants to show that they’ve done well in upper-level science courses, and “doing well on the MCAT ® exam shows that you can handle medical school coursework,” says Irene Tise, admissions officer in the Office of Medical Student Admissions at Wake Forest School of Medicine.

Lori Nicolaysen, former assistant dean of admissions at Weill Cornell Medical College, adds that they “seek students who have also demonstrated exceptional personal initiative. Such initiative may take the form of leadership, creativity, research, community service, motivation, or other life experiences.”

Mickey Foxwell, MD, former associate dean for admissions at University of Maryland School of Medicine says, “Each applicant needs to be as sure as possible that this is what they want to do with their life. That motivation can be demonstrated through academic achievement and also through exposure to clinical medicine and community service. Does the applicant know what it’s like to take care of someone? Does the applicant have an idea about the advantages and disadvantages of a career in medicine?”

Schools also look for evidence that an applicant has demonstrated good judgment, compassion, and selflessness — qualities every physician should embody. Applicants can show evidence through their involvement in extracurricular activities, letters of evaluation, and their personal statement.

What happens when my application is received?

Each medical school has its own nuanced process for reviewing applications. For example, “Weill Cornell invites all applicants to complete the secondary application,” Ms. Nicolaysen shares. “Once the file is complete (including secondary application, letters of evaluation, and MCAT scores), the application is moved to screening. A number of experienced admissions committee members serve as screeners. Although Weill Cornell has fourth-year medical students on the admissions committee, the students do not screen applications.”

Dr. Raquel D. Arias, associate dean of admissions at Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California, explains, “In order to give every candidate a fair review of their personal qualities and accomplishments, a single screener evaluates all candidates with a particular MCAT score at our school. This controls for the inevitable influence that this important test has on the process. An admissions officer reads every application submitted to the school.” (There is no automated filter.)

At Wake Forest School of Medicine, Ms. Tise explains, “Because of the large number of applications we receive, we use a formula that separates and groups applicants based on their primary AMCAS ®  application. The groups are: 1) Proceed and send a secondary application, (2) Hold for MCAT score or other extenuating circumstances and notify candidates, and (3) Risk, based on academics.

Those candidates in the ‘risk’ category are reviewed individually by the associate dean and an executive committee of five faculty and admissions committee members. From there, a decision is made to either proceed with the application process or reject the application.” Typically, after secondary applications are submitted, the associate dean and a committee review the applications and place candidates into interview pools. Because of the large number of applicants, only a small percentage is asked to interview.

How do reviewers decide whom to interview?

Medical schools consider each applicant’s academic proficiency, whether they are likely to thrive in the culture of the institution, and if their experiences, attributes, and goals are in line with the school’s mission and goals. Inevitably, medical schools receive many more qualified applicants than they can interview and matriculate. The decision to interview one student over another can be very difficult to say the least.

“It is incredibly challenging because there are so many admirable candidates,” Ms. Nicolaysen explains. “Ultimately, the committee screeners attempt to identify the best qualified applicants from diverse academic and personal backgrounds whom we deem most likely to build a dynamic learning environment at Weill Cornell and to become leaders in medicine.”

Dr. Foxwell adds, “At University of Maryland, outstanding grades and MCAT scores do not guarantee that an applicant will be invited to interview. Just as important are extracurricular activities and life experiences, essays and personal comments in [the] AMCAS [program], and letters of recommendation.”

Dr. Arias says, “The path to becoming a physician is unique to each applicant; therefore, we do not mandate any particular course of study. We have no preference for a particular major (or minor). Evidence of the personal attributes of integrity, adaptability, language skills, collaboration, and a commitment to service are evaluated with an eye toward the development of physician scientists. We infer the desired applicant qualities from both the content of the application and the care with which it is delivered. Every aspect of the application is important. Applicants who speak in their own voice, without ‘spin,’ is especially valued.”

Additionally, some public medical schools also may consider an out-of-state applicant’s ties to the state or institution if non-state residents are not typically considered for matriculation. (For more information, check with individual medical school websites or consult the AAMC  Medical School Admission Requirements™ .)

What are some common mistakes applicants make?

The same tips you might have received for undergraduate or job applications hold true for medical school applications. Always tell the truth and be sure to mention activities and volunteer, research, or work experiences that are most important, and if possible, occurred within the last few years. “Take your AMCAS essay questions seriously,” counsels Ms. Tise. “These essays are not creative writing exercises. You may start off with a descriptive experience, but move quickly into how and why you want to become a physician and how this experience helped determine that. Also, proofread carefully. There are no excuses for punctuation and grammatical errors. We know you are applying to several schools, but be careful to include the correct name in secondary materials.

“Redundant information is a waste of space. Inconsistencies can call an applicant’s authenticity into question,” cautions Ms. Nicolaysen. “We advise not including high school activities or activities in which your participation was minimal. Also, try to avoid boasting or exaggerating.”

Dr. Foxwell advises that “Applicants must begin to think like professionals. If a photograph is requested in a secondary application, make it a good one, not one that may call your professionalism into question.”

What advice does the review committee have?

“Do your homework. Know what schools are looking for, and work closely with your advisor,” cautions Dr. Foxwell.

Your application needs to be complete and truthful. When it comes to your personal statement, Ms. Tise recommends, “There is no secret checklist or formula. Remember, you are the applicant, and we want to know why you think you are a good one.”

Furthermore, Ms. Nicolaysen advises applicants, “Before submitting your application, ask some trusted mentors, friends, or family members to give you feedback about your experiences and essays. You might ask them questions like, ‘How would you describe me based on what you read? Did my essay hold your attention? Was anything confusing? Did you notice any typos?’.”

Most importantly, relax. Most applicants have one or two items that they wish they’d changed or perhaps a mistake they think they might have made. If you have further concerns or anxiety over the application process, check out the  Aspiring Docs fact sheet  on helpful tips for dealing with application anxiety.

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Reddit Premed: True or False? (2022)

Reddit Premed

Congratulations on your decision to pursue a career as a physician. While the road ahead of you may be long, you can expect the opportunity to help others achieve greater health and wellness and excellent monetary compensation for your efforts. 

Although you’re probably excited about medical school and everything that follows, you may also be experiencing some anxiety. In particular, prospective med school applicants may worry that they don’t have the grades or test scores needed to earn a spot at a prestigious institution. And unfortunately, the internet is full of rumors and personal anecdotes encouraging these fears. 

In particular, applicants who turn to Reddit’s Premed forum may find themselves confronted with horror stories about the process of applying to schools. Instead of finding guidance to help them on their journeys, prospective MDs may start to reconsider their chosen path out of a mistaken belief that they don’t have the skills or experience to succeed. 

The good news is that a lot of what you read online isn’t true. Not only do medical schools accept a wide array of applicants, but they also actively seek out a diverse pool of students from different backgrounds and walks of life. 

Wondering what your odds are of getting into a great medical school? Start by checking out some of the top Reddit premed myths and then find out what you can do to boost your odds of acceptance.

Table of Contents

True or False No. 1: You Won’t Get into Medical School If You Aren’t at the Top of Your Class

It’s no secret that medical schools are competitive, and not everyone who aspires to a career as a doctor is guaranteed to achieve their dreams. However, that doesn’t mean only the most exceptional students should apply. 

While it’s true that around 60 percent of medical school students are rejected the first time they apply, many of them go on to be accepted in future years. Moreover, 40 percent of applicants do get into med school — a number representing far more than the handful of students who sit at the top of a given class. 

Rather than getting discouraged by the medical school admissions stats, it’s best to focus on aspects of the application process that you can control. Invest your energy into performing well in your classes, studying for the MCAT, and writing exceptional application essays. 

The goal is to look at the big picture instead of worrying that one aspect of your applicant profile isn’t up to snuff. 

Answer: False. Every year MedEdits works with students who were told they had no shot of being accepted to medical school. 

Related Article: Medical School Acceptance Rates, Admissions Statistics + Average MCAT and GPA for every Medical School

True or false no. 2: you need an mcat score over 520 to get into medical school.

Speaking of MCAT scores, it’s easy to get down on your odds of admission if you go by Reddit. In fact, many posters in the Premed forum have suggested that you need to earn a 520 on the test to be admitted to a good medical school. Fortunately, this claim is something of an exaggeration. 

In fact, over the last few years, the average MCAT for med school attendees was 511. In other words, many of the students accepted to medical schools scored well below the 520 threshold.

While you clearly don’t have to earn a 520 or higher to become a doctor, it’s worth noting that average MCAT scores are on the rise. In fact, the mean score for 2020-2021 was 511.5. If you’re worried about how your MCAT scores stack up to the competition, it may be worth taking the exam a second time or signing up for an MCAT preparation course. 

However, those with lower scores shouldn’t give up on their dreams of practicing medicine. It’s important to note that admissions officers consider a wide range of factors when making admissions decisions, including extracurriculars, essays, and overall grade point average.

Answer: False. Every year MedEdits works with students who have 510s who are accepted to medical school. In this year alone, we have had several students with MCATs below 510 who were accepted to allopathic medical schools in the US!

True or False No. 3: You Need a Sky-High GPA

Undergraduate GPA has a significant impact on grad school admissions in numerous fields, so it’s no surprise that medical schools put a strong emphasis on this stat. However, Reddit rumors that suggest you need a 4.0 to become a doctor are something of an exaggeration. 

Among students who matriculated at medical schools in 2019-2020, the average overall GPA was 3.72, with students earning 3.8 in their non-science courses. It’s important to remember that these numbers represent average scores, so many students successfully got into med school with lower GPAs.

Additionally, there are steps you can take to boost your odds of admission. If your GPA is low based on less-than-stellar scores during the early part of your college career, don’t be afraid to explain this issue to admissions officers. Take ownership of the situation and describe how it was a learning experience on your academic journey. If all else fails, you may want to consider retaking some courses in which you earned lower marks. 

It’s also worth noting that other factors can compensate for a lower GPA. If you did great on the MCATs, then admissions officers will likely take this into account when making decisions. Similarly, impressive extracurriculars can send an otherwise mediocre application to the top of the pile.

Answer: False. Every year MedEdits works with students who have upward trend GPAs who are accepted to medical school!

True or False No. 4: You Need a Million Extracurriculars

Extracurriculars are unquestionably important for medical school applicants. However, that doesn’t mean you need to participate in every activity your college offers. Instead of signing up for dozens of activities, aim to choose just a few extracurriculars and devote more time to them. In general, the quality of your activities matters far more than the quantity in the eyes of admission officers.

Additionally, the Reddit Premed community often suggests that students need to have the perfect extracurricular profile to get into med school. While shadowing doctors or working in a lab can undoubtedly boost your profile, there’s no one right answer when it comes to extracurriculars. 

Instead, the goal is to create a narrative that shows admissions officials why you have the drive and integrity to succeed as a physician. 

Answer: False. MedEdits students who are accepted to medical school tend to have extracurricular depth rather than breadth.

VIDEO: How Many Hours of What Extracurriculars do you Need for Medical School?

True or False No. 5: Only Certain Topics Are Appropriate for Personal Statements

When it comes to creating a narrative, personal statements play an important role in the application process. However, a common Reddit myth is that there are specific topics applicants should use or avoid to boost their chances of getting into school. 

While it’s true that certain subjects may be considered trite or overused, that doesn’t mean there are hard and fast rules for crafting application essays. This piece of writing is your chance to speak directly to an admissions committee, so it’s important to be open, honest, and personal. In other words, focus on saying something meaningful rather than creating an essay that looks similar to the ones you see online. The goal is to show schools why they need you to be part of their community. 

Answer: False. There are only a few topics that are off limits and MedEdits students who are accepted to medical school have written about topics considered “trite” by Reddit premed standards.

Read: How to Write a Great Medical School Personal Statement

MedEdits Medical Admissions Founder and Chairwoman, Jessica Freedman, MD


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Reporting by Nathan Layne, Gabriella Borter and Soren Larson in Bethel Park, Pennsylvania; Additional reporting by Katharine Jackson, Sarah N. Lynch, Richard Cowan, Caitlin Webber, Nandita Bose, Ismail Shakil, Joseph Ax, Andrew Hay and Kanishka Singh; Writing by Frank McGurty, Scott Malone and Michelle Nichols; Editing by Lisa Shumaker, Howard Goller and Lincoln Feast.

Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles. , opens new tab

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Washington-based correspondent covering campaigns and Congress. Previously posted in Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo and Santiago, Chile, and has reported extensively throughout Latin America. Co-winner of the 2021 Reuters Journalist of the Year Award in the business coverage category for a series on corruption and fraud in the oil industry. He was born in Massachusetts and graduated from Harvard College.

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Helen Coster is a U.S. Presidential Election Correspondent at Reuters, where she writes a mix of spot news, enterprise and analysis stories, with a focus on the Republican Party and conservative media. Prior to 2024 she covered the media industry for Reuters, and was also a Senior Editor on Reuters’ Commentary team. A graduate of Princeton University, she has reported from six countries, including Pakistan, India, and Greece.

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A Typical Week for First-Year Medical Students

Hear from med student, Kevin Yang, about what an average week for a first year med student looks like. As an incoming student rep, I have the pleasure of contacting the incoming class of medical students. After their initial elation, they pose a myriad of questions. The most popular of those questions: “What is life like in medical school? Like, what does a normal week look like for you?” Since these questions come up quite frequently, I figured I’d break it down for you. So, my friends, here’s what a typical week looks like for first-year medical students:

[ Read Next: First-Year Medical School Student (M1) Guide ]

Saturday & Sunday

Kevin Yang is a fourth-year osteopathic medical student with an interest in psychiatry. He has been working for Kaplan since 2012 in teaching/tutoring/mentoring for the SAT, ACT, MCAT, and USMLE. In his spare time, he enjoys reading science fiction and fantasy novels, and he also has interest in writing, computers, and video games.

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What Would Persuade Biden to Step Aside? Here’s What He’s Said.

The president has insisted he is committed to running, but his list of scenarios in which he might reconsider has grown.

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President Biden gestures as he speaks from behind a lectern with a presidential seal on it. He is flanked by two teleprompters. In the background is a blue backdrop that says “N.A.A.C.P.”

By Zach Montague

Reporting from Washington

  • July 17, 2024

Ever since President Biden’s listless performance at a debate last month, he has faced the same question: What would it take for him to consider dropping out of the race?

While Mr. Biden has insisted that he is staying in, he has offered a number of scenarios in which he might withdraw — all while denying that any of them are even remotely likely.

Mr. Biden’s statements offer a bit of insight into his mind-set as he faces the biggest crisis of his presidency.

Here is a look at his comments:

He Would Listen to His Doctor

In an interview with Ed Gordon of BET News, the president said he might reconsider running for re-election if his doctors advised it.

“If I had some medical condition that emerged, if somebody, if doctors came to me and said, you got this problem and that problem,” Mr. Biden said, according to an excerpt the network released on Monday.

After his halting debate performance, Mr. Biden has faced scrutiny about his age and health , including his consultations with a leading neurologist and Parkinson’s disease expert.

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How Hard Is It To Get Into Medical School? (Reddit’s Opinion)

If you’re wondering how hard it actually is to get into medical school then Reddit’s a pretty good place to go.

The communities’ unfiltered and candid opinion? Something that can be valuable for prospective students weighing up their options!

To help you filter through all the noise, I’ve curated (based on my own judgment as an actual med student), what I feel is the best input when it comes to answering the question.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • How hard it is to get into med school
  • How hard it is to get into DO school
  • Why med school is so hard to get into

Ready to learn more? Let’s go.

How hard is it to get into medical school? Reddit’s best opinions…

Clearly, medical school is hard to get into. But every student sees it differently.

I’ve attempted to sum up the main factors why it may/may not be hard below…

It differs by country

Probably around 9/10 on the hardness scale. Canadian schools being 11/10. – dodolol21

One thing to consider, as the user above points out, is that the process of getting into med school varies depending on where you’re applying.

Some countries are more competitive than others.

But there are “easier” options

Caribbean School.. do you have a pulse and a checkbook? – HyrumBeck

Caribbean Schools ( just like European ones ) do have the stigma of taking students with lesser stats.

Even if a lot of graduates go on to successfully work as doctors internationally!

Related : How Hard Is It To Get Into Saba Medical School? (Explained!) [2021]

The prereqs are tough (and many people give up)

It’s fairly rigorous. Getting an adequate GPA and MCAT score on top of having all of the extracurriculars in place can be difficult for many people, and of all of the applicants every year, ~60% get rejected from every school they applied to. While a ~40% acceptance rate seems high, you have to take into account that that’s 40% of a fairly self-selected group of students. The vast majority of premeds don’t make it to the application at all and switch to another career route. – tummy

It’s obvious that grade point averages (GPA) and MCAT (the med school admissions test) scores are going to come up in an article on how difficult it is to get into medical school.

That said, many students underappreciate how tough it actually is to come out with high scores for both!

Throughout undergrad, they typically get discouraged.

It’s easier with high stats

Honestly I don’t think it’s as hard as people make it out to be. If you cut out all applicants with a <3.4 GPA and <66th percentile MCAT, about 70% of remaining applicants will make it into at least one school. – byunprime2

This one is pretty straightforward. It’s much harder if you fail to meet the GPA and percentile MCAT cut-offs.

To know what those are, you’ll want to pay close attention to the yearly admission statistics of the schools you intend on applying for.

It’s easier if you apply “smartly”

About half the applicants get at least one acceptance. Considering that a solid 20% have low stats and another 15-20% apply poorly (late, bad school list) I don’t think it’s overly hard. Apply early and apply smart and broad with 3.5/507+ – should have an 80%+ chance of acceptance. – Bubba_Gump2020

Things like applying late or applying for schools you have little chance at make for many wasted applications.

You need to tailor your application to schools you see yourself fitting. The best way to do that is through research.

Certain factors can play in your favor

Depends on a lot of factors. Your race, who you know, etc. Some people get in with pretty terrible scores, others are rejected with stellar exam results and high grades. – mycuspidvalve

While it’s true most med schools have a strong commitment to diversity , you can’t take your socioeconomic or minority status as a given you’ll get accepted.

It can be an advantage in certain cases but you’ll still need to work hard.

There may be an in-state advantage

Getting in is difficult, but once you’re in, you’re in. State medical schools also depend a lot on your state of residence. The state schools are usually always heavily biased toward in-state students and reserve a certain number of seats for them. This can be good/bad depending on what state you live in. – Darkfire757

Anecdotally, the bias appears real. But in-state applicants also usually benefit from reduced fees too. Without being able to pay for medical studies, it can be hard to get in!

But it’s mainly just a numbers game

Getting into a specific med school is much harder. Even if you are choosing an average med school, getting into a specific school is hard from purely a numbers standpoint. There are thousands of applicants for a few hundred spots, even if you are qualified, there is a chance factor that you won’t be chosen due to the numbers game. – Anonymous

This is another reason for tailoring your application to those where you have the best chance of getting in.

You figure that out by looking at acceptance rates, stat averages, the number of places, etc.

Related : Easiest Medical Schools To Get Into In Florida (3 Examples)

And sometimes down to luck

T10s and T20s can honestly be a major crapshoot. There are more applicants than there are seats for those positions. Sometimes great students are overlooked and other times an under-qualified one really fits the schools mission and connects with the school and gets accepted. – Pooker__

But it’s also hard because you can seemingly do everything right and still not make the cut (more on this later).

T10 and T20 refer to the “top ranked” 10/20 med schools in the US.

How hard is it to get into DO school? Reddit’s best opinions…

Whereas allopathic (MD) schools are notoriously tricky to get into, there’s an idea that osteopathic (DO) schools could be easier.

Let’s take a look and see whether Reddit feels that’s true…

Potentially easier as they accept lower stats

DO schools have slightly less rigorous requirements because they’re tailored towards non-traditional applicants (veterans, people changing careers, etc.) but they are extremely competitive as well (504-505 average and 3.4 GPA on average). In the U.S. DOs practice medicine in all 50 states and learn osteopathic manipulation on top of traditional medicine. – renaturedprotein

As you can see, you still have to work hard at undergrad (and beyond) to gain acceptance into DO schools.

But hard as they expect other commitments

I disagree that DO schools are “easier” to get into all around – yes their MCAT/GPA requirements are lower but I think they force you to work harder in other ways. My interview for the school I was admitted to (a DO school) was much more intensive and required pretend patient interactions with actors, as well as a lot of emphasis on the reasons behind pursuing medical education and the kind of stuff I had worked on in health-fields while in college. It isn’t simply “easier” – they give you more leeway in some areas and expect more in others. – Anonymous

DO schools often have just as great expectations of their applicants too. Even if the stats may be lower than those going for MD, the process has its own complexities and challenges.

And schools have reputations to keep up

They are not easy. Especially when you get to the more established DO schools. They will be more forgiving than MD schools if one aspect of your app fall poor, but they cannot and will not accept students with lackluster apps. The students and their performance reflect on the school and they don’t want student who can’t perform well in med school. – blue20_02

DO schools are just as competitive as allopathic ones in their quest to recruit top talent. They’re not going to let just anyone in. That would damage their reputation.

Getting in has varying degrees of difficulty (not all schools are equal)

Not all DO schools are equal. Someone applying to TCOM, Michigan, Heritage, PCOM, etc will have to try much harder than someone applying to ARCOM or KCOM. The older more distinguished ones and the ones attached to state schools (receiving state funding) are not the same as the brand new low quality ones. The resources and support are on different levels even if there is lack of prestige. – stresseddepressedd

As it is with allopathic schools, no one DO school has the same application process.

Some may favor students with lower stats, others may have a slight in-state bias.

It’s down to you to research each school and figure all that out.

Why is it so hard to get into medical school?

As for theories on why it’s so hard to get into medical school, Reddit offers some interesting input.

Feel free to follow through to the threads to read the discussions in their broader context.

The question of supply and demand

The reason doctor’s salaries are consistently high is because the medical schools strongly restrict admissions. They are basically restricting supply. If we opened twice the number of medical schools and still kept the same standards, medical expenses would fall significantly. – IanArcad

This is true in every country. Physicians are expensive to train and the process is lengthy.

This isn’t your everyday training program.

The MCAT on the other hand required a year and a half of classes and cramming 5 subjects into my head on my own in 10 weeks before the test. It was infinitely more difficult and time consuming than the LSAT or the bar exam (though the three day, all essay bar exam takes the cake as a test of endurance). – jendet010

In a discussion over if it’s easier to get into law school than med, this user comes up with a very good point.

The MCAT, the admissions exam most med schools will rank applicants on, is definitely no walk in the park.

Related : Why Is The MCAT So Hard? (Important Questions Answered!)

The process can be overwhelming

Get good grades. Forget about research, volunteering, or anything else until you have a stable grade foundation. Bad grades are near impossibile to fully recover from, whereas research and volunteering can be fixed last minute senior year or in a gap year if needed. (Obv not for MD PhD) Moreover, it is WAY MORE EXPENSIVE to fix GPA than it is to fix any other part of your app. You have to pay an extra year of rent to get more research or volunteering in? Thats 15k. If you have to do an SMP, thats 70k. It pains to see freshman and sophomores post about being overwhelmed and how their GPA is tanking as a result. Having a 3.7+ GPA opens you up to SO many schools and high GPA MCAT combos put you in contention for scholarships. It makes life easier. – KingofMangoes

Yes, a high GPA and MCAT is the key to making getting in easier.

Prioritize it above everything else.

The obstacle of picking the wrong major

I’ll go ahead a add my mistake of doing a hard major. I am the first person in my family to go to college and medical school. I had no idea what I was doing. Majoring in biochemistry was a terrible idea. I struggled there and think it got in my way much more harm it helped. Do something that will get you good grades. That’s all that matters. – Stefanovich13

I’ve written about this trap extensively here; What’s The Easiest Pre Med Major? (Read This First! ).

The lack of clarity in terms of admissions

Med school is unfortunately very unpredictable. Many very qualified applicants don’t get in anywhere because their stats are too high for low tier schools but they aren’t interesting/unique enough for top schools. Or there could be many other reasons. – Code_Moo

Again, it’s important to recognize that sometimes luck plays a part in how easy/hard it is to make it into medicine.

Admissions processes are transparent to an extent, but there’s also a whole load of guesswork.

The task of staying motivated

You just have to have some way to keep yourself motivated. I’m about to be a 4th year Bio Major at UC Irvine in California. Going in with a full-ride scholarship, I thought I had a pretty good chance of getting straight A’s with an easy path to Med School. But there are just a lot of times in the past three years where I’ve lost sight of my goal, and my grades have slipped a couple of times… I think as long as you have a good friend to remind you of your goal or you can keep yourself motivated, you’ll be fine. There are a lot of distractions in college, though, so you better decide what your values are before you head in. – AzureSky

This certainly rings true. You have to stay motivated (both before and during med school) if you ever hope to make it as a doctor.

As I’ve said many times on this site, studying can be a grind.

But it’s a grind that gets easier with discipline.

I got into medical school: Reddit’s stories

But if you’re feeling discouraged reading all that (and downhearted about your chances), don’t. Reddit has some great success stories too.

As evidenced here…

Perseverence wins in the end

I applied to medical school 4 times before being accepted. The first two times, I was not a good candidate, and knew it. I didn’t even get an interview. I decided to go to graduate school and got a masters degree in physiology. The courses for that program were the medical school courses. While the medical school operated on a pass/fail system, the graduate school operated on a letter grade system. A ‘B’ was considered passing in graduate school, while anything lower (B- and below) was considered failing. In order to get a ‘B’ in these med school classes, you had to be in the top half of the course. In other words, in order to pass graduate school courses, you had to beat the majority of the medical students. I lost half of my graduate school class that year, and actually had a little survivor guilt. The third time I applied, I had passed all of my graduate school classes and was now tutoring the medical students in their classes. I was interviewed, but still didn’t get in. I was getting ready to cut bait and get my PhD, but I sat with the director of admissions to ask for advice (from someone who was notorious for not giving advice). She told me that if I didn’t apply one more time, I’d be giving up a year too soon. I applied again, my name came up for discussion, and I was in with no issues. – angmarsilar

Like any worthwhile goal, medicine is hard. But, as this scenario shows, if you really want it, you’ll find a way.

You might have to put up with years of rejection first. Perseverance is key.

Success built on targeting specific schools

I ended up getting 3 interviews, out of 25+ applications. One from a top 15 school, another from a top 40, and one from my state school, which is pretty damn good. I just got into my state school, rejected from the top 40, and waiting to hear from the top 15. I made an A list of the schools I would love to go to, and that I thought would be a perfect fit. What I found interesting was that I got interviews at 3 out of 8 schools on that list. I think this might show that when you do your research, and can write essays that target the school, you stand out more. – u/yayprocrastination

I fully recommend reading through the thread here.

You could really learn from the mistakes of this repeat applicant. They spent 10 years in the process!

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Born and raised in the UK, Will went into medicine late (31) after a career in journalism. He’s into football (soccer), learned Spanish after 5 years in Spain, and has had his work published all over the web. Read more .

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Top 10 r/MedicalSchool Posts From Reddit Everyone Should Read

If you're considering medical school, it's important to get all the information you can about the experience and value. This article compiles the top Reddit posts about medical school.

Sep 10, 2021

If you're in medical school or have plans to attend, the r/medicalschool subreddit can be an excellent forum to ask questions, share experiences and enjoy some quality memes to which you and fellow classmates can relate.

If you're in need of advice, here's a sneak peek at some of the top r/medicalschool posts that can help.

1. Don't forget that you're intelligent and capable

In one  post , user thinkingbell955 shared a tweet that reads: 

"Medical students are a bunch of above average people who often feel below average while in med school and forget that they're intelligent and capable. I just want to remind them all that they're smart and got into med school for a reason, don't forget that."

It can be easy to get discouraged while in medical school. The coursework can be grueling, and you'll be surrounded by intelligent peers. But it's important to remember that you've earned the right to be where you are.

2. Research schools and professors

Getting a degree from a prestigious school can add a little flair to your diploma, but many former medical school students felt like it wasn't worth it.

In one  post , user YerAWizardGandalf shared a Facebook post from Humans of New York where a medical school student talked about a demoralizing experience with a professor. Many commenters agreed with the assessment and recommended researching medical schools and residencies, including experiences from current and past students, to make sure you have a good experience.

3. It's a long way to the top

As a medical student and resident, you'll be doing a lot of work with little or no compensation beyond experience. User Bojnglz shared a  meme  highlighting this discrepancy. All jokes aside, your experience as a medical student and resident will be rigorous, and you won't start seeing the return on your investment for a while.

But ultimately, the hard work and effort can be worth it, according to commenters.  

4. There are options if you change your mind about your career path

It may feel like you have to stick with your original plans for medical school, residency and your career. But depending on your specialty and situation, you may have options.

In one  post , user Syq shared their experience of needing to drop out of medical school before residency due to health concerns and talked about their success in finding a good job anyway. They wrote:

"You can get jobs consulting, in pharma, medical devices, insurance companies, research, EMR and tech companies, medical writing (like epocrates or prescription inserts), data analytics, government affairs, compliance, startups, business, product management, project management."

So if you find yourself second-guessing your career path, know that you're not stuck. 

5. Seek balance whenever possible

Medical school is a lot of work , but if you're not careful, you could end up burning out or experiencing negative effects on your health. 

In one  post , user turnt_burrito shared a graphic showing what they thought would make them productive (hard work) versus what actually does: hard work, time off, sleep, healthy eating and exercise.

6. Avoid the politics and drama

User clancywiggumMD shares their official advice to first-year medical students in one r/medicalschool  post . Whether it's discussions about political or other hot-topic issues in the classwide group chat, drama caused by other students or arguments between classmates on social media, stay out of it. 

Many commenters agreed with the advice, including user noemata1: "One of my medical school anatomy professors gave me this advice for medical school and beyond. Exact same words that you've said. Well said and that advice is indeed sound."

7. Don't focus too much on the future

As a medical school student, it can be easy to get caught up in focusing on working toward your future. But in one  post , user Ehansaja shares a quote from Grey's Anatomy encouraging medical professionals to remember to live in the present.

In one comment, user EmoMixtape shared that an attending surgeon told them that life isn't going to stop while you're pursuing your career. Another Redditor Fumblesz admitted that it can be challenging with so little time, but a conscientious effort can make a difference even if it's small.

8. Research the need for your interests

Medical school requires a lot of time and money, so it can be disappointing to graduate and have a hard time finding a good job. For example, in one  post , user LevophedUp shared that a workforce study forecasts that there will be an oversupply of emergency medicine doctors by 2030. 

If you're going into emergency medicine, you may have a hard time finding and keeping a job in that specialty.

Regardless of which specialties you're pursuing, it's important to do your due diligence to determine what the job market will look like, especially if you're planning to live in a specific area.

9. Learn to take the difficulties of a health profession in stride

As a medical professional, you'll run into things that are unique to your field, and it can be easy to get discouraged. User aestrild shared some encouraging stickers they created in one  post . Examples include, "I called it normal, and it was," "I didn't get peed on today," and "I ordered a d-dimer, and it was negative."

One of the best things about forums like r/medicalschool is the community and the camaraderie you can develop with other people in your situation. Take advantage of that camaraderie to help take the challenging aspects of a health profession in stride.

10. The path is arduous but worth it for many

Medical school is grueling, and it's not for everyone. But for many health professionals, the rewards of the career are worth it.

On one  post , user jjarms22 commented:

"The decision to become a doctor is huge, and you really need to take some serious time to reflect on what you value most in life, and ultimately if it is worth it...You're going to have to be honest with yourself and figure out if your desire and motivation for being a doctor are worth the sacrifice. Would you be content in life not being a doctor? Is it worth the time, debt, and stress? Only you can answer that question. Your reasons have to be strong enough to fuel your motivation through this very long marathon."

is there homework in medical school reddit

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Ben Luthi is a personal finance and travel writer based in Salt Lake City, UT. He loves helping people better understand their finances. When he's not traveling, Ben enjoys spending time with his kids, hiking, and watching films. His work has been featured in U.S. News & World Report, The New York Times, MarketWatch, Fox Business, and many other publications.

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Can anyone that does the homework in college become a doctor etc?

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On average, how many hours do you dedicate to medical school each week (MS1's).

  • Thread starter Filibuster
  • Start date Nov 18, 2007

is there homework in medical school reddit

Average Hours per week for an MS1

  • Total voters 365

Full Member

  • Nov 18, 2007

Long Dong

My middle name is Duc.

Filibuster said: I'm just curious as to how much time your average MS1 puts into medical school during a typical week. Click to expand...

Are you including class/lab time as well? Or just time you spend studying on your own?  


I don't know about everyone else, but I spend almost 40 hours a week just in class and with my preceptor. I'm just realizing how much that sucks.  

My intention of the poll was everything medically related. Including preceptors, small group, time watching or attending lectures, creating presentations (PBL again), dissection. Also, required activities only. For example, if you choose to shadow a surgeon and scrub in, but it's not part of the curriculum then I wouldn't count that.  



  • Nov 19, 2007
ericana_83 said: I don't know about everyone else, but I spend almost 40 hours a week just in class and with my preceptor. I'm just realizing how much that sucks. Click to expand...

Finally, no more "training"

  • Nov 20, 2007

Let's see... T/W/F - Class from 8AM to 5PM (sometimes 6). Two hours of break between those two, so 7 hours. --> 21 hours M/Th - Usually 5 hours of class. --> 10 hours Study habits: 4 hours a night M-Th --> 16 hours Weekend - Try to shoot for 15 hours done over friday to sunday. Goal is to treat Saturday or Sunday like a regular school day and the other day as a half-day. Friday I try for 2 hours. Anything else is bonus. Adding a few extra fudge hours for those days I stay past 5PM or when I have 6 hours of class on M/Th, that adds up to 63-64 hours. On the test weeks I have coming up, I up that to 80 hours. Argh.  


Still training.

wow. That bites. We have class from 9-12 and complain the one day a week we have another class from 1-3. When do you study?  

geogil said: wow. That bites. We have class from 9-12 and complain the one day a week we have another class from 1-3. When do you study? Click to expand...


I go to an old-school state institution that grades solely based on Z-score and on the curve. Gunner heaven. It is mathematically mandatory that some students will fail each exam. 10% honors, 20% high pass. I hate it and that probably colors the class but the IN-CLASS schedule is this: MW 8-12, 1-4 (7 hours) T, R, F 8-12 (4). Fridays 1-4 during anatomy core (I will leave that out). One day at least T, R, F is preceptorship from 1-4 (3) We occasionally had anatomy lab on Saturday and have all of our exams on Saturday, which is usually only twice a month but we did go four weeks in a row in Oct/Nov. Exams are 8AM-1PM (5 hr). Labs on Saturday were 9-12. Overall required time is about 34 hours per week with no out of class time counted, slightly higher over the anatomy core. My average study schedule (earns me a pass safely but no more usually) is about 3 hours a day during the week with 5 hours on each weekend day, a total of 25 hours out of class. So in total I average 59-60 hours a week, which, quite sadly, I'm sure is nowhere near the top of my class. On weekends when my girlfriend comes into town I will do nothing (about once every 5 weeks), but on weeks before exams I have regularly put in an extra 6 hours during weekdays or gone 8-10 on a single weekend day. I haven't heard of a ****ter schedule myself, to be honest. I live with a med student who goes to the private school in my town and he seems to do fairly well, while skipping at least some class with regularity (3-4 days a week) and only being at school a max of 3-5 hours a day. His school grades 70%+ pass, very simple, which may contribute to the difference in atmosphere between our schools.  



The village idiot.

  • Nov 24, 2007

i study less than 30 hours a wk. god bless true P/F!!!  


.666k member

  • Dec 2, 2007

All those who study less than 30 hours are wasting too much time on SDN  

wanabdoc said: All those who study less than 30 hours are wasting too much time on SDN Click to expand...


  • Dec 3, 2007

We're probably just getting more out of those 30 hours  

alwaysaangel said: No one is really doing 30+ hrs of FOCUSED studying per week. If you are then there's something very wrong with your style of studying. Click to expand...
Law2Doc said: I'd have to disagree with both these statements. There are absolutely people who spend as much time focused on med school as a long houred full time job. Which is well over 30 or even 45 hours. I know quite a few folks who, with class time, are topping 80. (And yes, they are focused, not playing with computers or videogames or TV). Everyone studies differently, and different things work for different people. There will be some people who will have to study 30-45+ hours just to pass and some who have to study 30-45+ hours to do well (and who are matching into amazing programs). Some people find certain things more effective than others. There are definitely folks for whom if they don't do a sixth pass of the material before the test, they simply don't have the material down. Doesn't mean there is something wrong with their style of studying -- it may in fact be the very best style for that particular person. Also doesn't mean someone else whose brain is wired differently can't do it in less or more. The key in med school is to keep your eyes on your own plate, and not worry about what anyone else is doing. If something works for you, it works. If it doesn't, change it up. It's silly to assume that what you are doing is what everyone else is, or to deny the existence of more disciplined study efforts, so if you are not putting in 30-45 hardcore hours, it really doesn't mean someone else in the class isn't. Also yet it also doesn't mean you should if you are doing well. And honestly, when you get to boards and to the wards, you may wish you spent more than the < 30 you claim is all that is necessary. Passing your courses is the immediate goal, but really learning the info can pay dividends as well. Click to expand...
  • May 7, 2008
alwaysaangel said: I didn't say its what I'm doing. Personally, I'm a non-focused studier. I grew up watching TV while doing homework (not letting my kids do that!) so I can't study without noise. I'm probably at my desk 60-80hrs/week but I'm usually doing more than just studying. Click to expand...

Occams Razor

Occams Razor

Hickam schmictum.

Does dreaming about pathways, test questions, and dissections count?  



Membership revoked.

  • Dec 24, 2012

I put in 169 hours per week..........  


I worked about 70ish hours a week. Sat and Sun all day every weekend, except for one or two times. I did make straight A's first semester-whatever that means to you.  



Crux terminatus.

all together, including labs/lecture videos, about 35 hours a week.  

Long Dong said: When I was a first year M-F 5 hours/day and a 8 hour session on Sat. By 8 pm on Sat it was party time. So about 33 hours a week. This is studying time alone outside of the classroom and pbl/labs. Click to expand...
GalenAgas said: Is that really a picture of you with the tattoo? Click to expand...


  • Dec 25, 2012

lol @ the guys claiming they average 90 hours of work during the MS1 year. That's 13 hours of work/day for 50 weeks.  

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    Spaced repetition and interleaving are two key study techniques for medical students to deepen their brain's encoding and improve recall of the information they're learning. Besides classroom time and clinical time, your schedule in medical school will be packed with studying. Most medical students report that they study 3-4 hours per day.

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    The Biden campaign has attacked Donald J. Trump's ties to the conservative policy plan that would amass power in the executive branch, though it is not his official platform. By Simon J. Levien ...

  13. Global IT Outage Live Updates: Microsoft and CrowdStrike Issues Affect

    Airlines, banks and broadcasters were among the companies around the world reporting disruptions, citing technical issues. Adam Satariano, Derrick Bryson Taylor and Remy Tumin Airlines, health ...

  14. So what is day-to-day like in Med School? Homework? Studying?

    Homework assignments in the M3 year are basically short presentations. Exams are multiple choice. There's a lot of physical work involved in the M3 year. If you're on surgery and an attending tells you to hold something like a retractor, you might be holding that something for 5 hours straight even if you have an itch and your mask is fogging up.

  15. Parkinson's Expert Visited the White House Eight Times in Eight Months

    Dr. Cannard did not respond to repeated requests for comment. In a statement released at 9:40 p.m. on Monday, Dr. Kevin O'Connor, the White House physician, confirmed that Dr. Cannard had seen ...

  16. What a First-Year Medical School Student Can Expect

    The first year also usually consists of the anatomy lab, where med students spend months dissecting cadavers and mastering the anatomy of the human body. Anatomy is a course many med students ...

  17. How Medical Schools Review Applications

    Each medical school has its own nuanced process for reviewing applications. For example, "Weill Cornell invites all applicants to complete the secondary application," Ms. Nicolaysen shares. "Once the file is complete (including secondary application, letters of evaluation, and MCAT scores), the application is moved to screening.

  18. Reddit Premed: True or False? (2022)

    Table of Contents. True or False No. 1: You Won't Get into Medical School If You Aren't at the Top of Your Class. True or False No. 2: You Need an MCAT Score Over 520 to get into Medical School. True or False No. 3: You Need a Sky-High GPA. True or False No. 4: You Need a Million Extracurriculars.

  19. r/medicalschool

    If you are currently in medical school, or are looking for a Reddit community for applying to medical school, this is the place for you. On Reddit. Established 2009. 578K Members. Community Topics. View details for Students. Students. 36 communities for Students. View details for Medical School.

  20. Will there be a lot of writing in medical school? : r/premed

    5. incompleteremix. • 1 yr. ago. None of that in preclinical. you will be writing lots of patient notes in clinicals though so... 6. [deleted] • 1 yr. ago. No but being a doctor require A LOT of writing and paperwork (although most of its electronic and not "paper" anymore 😂) 3.

  21. After assassination attempt, Trump and Biden seek calm, unity

    Donald Trump arrived on Sunday in Milwaukee, where he will be formally nominated as the Republican presidential candidate later this week after surviving an assassination attempt that has ...

  22. A Typical Week for First-Year Medical Students

    There you have it, a week in the life of first-year medical students. Despite our relatively few in-class hours, medical school does take up a frighteningly large proportion of your time. That being said, between studying (about 30-40 hours per week), class, and clinical work, there are little pockets of completely free time to be discovered ...

  23. What Would Persuade Biden to Step Aside? Here's What He's Said

    "I mean, if the Lord Almighty came down and said, 'Joe, get out of the race,' I'd get out of the race," he said. "The Lord Almighty's not coming down," President Biden said.

  24. How Hard Is It To Get Into Medical School? (Reddit's Opinion)

    It differs by country. Probably around 9/10 on the hardness scale. Canadian schools being 11/10. - dodolol21. One thing to consider, as the user above points out, is that the process of getting into med school varies depending on where you're applying. Some countries are more competitive than others.

  25. How to Realistically Get Into Harvard Medical School

    Have a 517+ MCAT score. Have research (publications not required, just some evidence of research productivity) Have > 200 hrs clinical exposure. Have > 200 hrs nonclinical volunteering. (note: of the last two, people who get into the Really Top Schools seem to have hundreds, if not even 1000s of hours of these).

  26. Transferring U.S Medical Schools : r/medicalschool

    Transferring med schools is a rarity instead of a regularity. There has to be compatibility between programs to enable the transfer. The other option is waiting until youre an MS3 on clinical rotation years where the location may be more flexible. As an aside, i lived a few hours away from my wife for most of first 2 years of med school.

  27. Medical School Rankings

    PD rankings are here: pd rankings 2021 med - Google Search Look at the first result on reddit. (I can't post the reddit link directly, or SDN turns brings the full, very long, webpage here.) ... all you need to do is google "xxxxx medical school Mckinsey linkedin. If there are 5+ profiles, the school is considered prestigious. Click to expand

  28. Top 10 r/MedicalSchool Posts From Reddit Everyone Should Read

    If you're in need of advice, here's a sneak peek at some of the top r/medicalschool posts that can help. 1. Don't forget that you're intelligent and capable. In one post, user thinkingbell955 shared a tweet that reads: "Medical students are a bunch of above average people who often feel below average while in med school and forget that they're ...

  29. Can anyone that does the homework in college become a doctor etc?

    2M subscribers in the college community. The subreddit for discussion related to college and collegiate life.

  30. On average, how many hours do you dedicate to medical school each week

    I live with a med student who goes to the private school in my town and he seems to do fairly well, while skipping at least some class with regularity (3-4 days a week) and only being at school a max of 3-5 hours a day. His school grades 70%+ pass, very simple, which may contribute to the difference in atmosphere between our schools.