WTO / Business / Proposals / 15 Winning RFP Response Templates (Word | PDF)

15 Winning RFP Response Templates (Word | PDF)

A Request for Proposal that an organization (government agency or large enterprise) creates to mention the specification of their project. The RFP explains the customer requirements and the evaluation criteria on which the vendor’s proposal will be assessed.

According to Ganesh Shankar of RFPIO, the chance of securing an RFP is under 5 percent. Yet companies continue to do so. Why ? Because responding to an RFP and securing the project means business, it means profit . Therefore, it’s crucial that you and your team waste no time or energy in responding to RFPs. In short, you want to maximize your opportunity.

To do this, both you and your team need to know exactly what you’re doing and when responding to an RFP. Only then can you increase the probability of securing one for your company over the competition. Each response to an RFP will be different, so there is no one way to reply to one. As such, we have created a set of basic guidelines designed to set you on the right track and a winning RFP.

Understanding a Request for Proposal (RFP)

If you’re new to this, no worries, we’ll get you up to speed in no time. When you make a response to an RFP, you’re telling the prospective client that you can satisfy their needs. You’ve got what it takes to complete their project, and do it within the time frame specified. In basic terms, the issuer of the RFP has a project they’d like to complete and are looking for the perfect vendor to do it, and you want to be that vendor.

ACME Animation is eager to work with you and your staff in addressing the challenges presented in the RFP’s Executive Summary .

Now, say that you’ve read the RFP, and you know you can do this, but knowing that is not going to be enough. Here is the thing: You know you can do this, and do it well, but the prospective client has no idea of your capabilities. So, think of your proposal as a persuasive essay in a way. You’re in it to win it, so you must persuade them to choose your company.

Since the issuer of the RFP doesn’t know that you are capable, you’ll have to step up to the plate and demonstrate your value, your worth.

Can you increase the ROI or return of investment for the client? If so, then let them know. Here, you’re showing the prospective client that you ‘get’ them, you relate to them, and you understand their company and the needs presented in the RFP. Remember, the client is handing off a nice sum of money for this project, and they want to be certain you are aware of them and what they do.

If you have no idea how to persuade someone in writing, it may not hurt to review articles that relate the art of persuasive writing, such as here. While a proposal is not a persuasive essay, much can be gleaned from these articles, such as how to target your audience and persuade them to select you above your competition.

Free RFP Response Templates

Editable RFP Response Template 01 for Word File

Your essential steps to a good RFP response are:

How to Respond to the RFP

Make sure this rfp is for you.

Drawing up a response to an RFP can take up to 2 days or more, depending on the project you’re bidding on. If you and your team don’t take the time to look into RFP, you may waste those days and accidentally passing up an RFP that would suit you better.

To help you out, we’ve outlined a few considerations to make before you settle on a certain RFP:

  • Does the project suit you, and what can you do?
  • Are you familiar with this type of project, or is this your first time?
  • Are you already familiar with this industry, or are you new to it?
  • Check out the deadlines and project milestones, can you meet them without stressing?

Do you know what the issuer of the RFP requires, and can you meet those requirements? In other words, you’re going through the RFP’s, looking for the perfect fit, where both you and the prospective client will be satisfied with the result. You only want the RFP that won’t overwhelm your current resources, one where you absolutely know you’ll be able to complete on time and do it well. After all, you’re trying to build a good reputation in the industry, so you must know that you’ll be able to complete the project. For instance, below, ACME Animation has read and understood a requirement of the RFP.

They have written a brief and concise statement concerning the requirement:

Read and understood. ACME Animation accepts the time frame of the 10, one-hour tutorials to be completed within a 5-month time frame. Each of the 10 tutorials is to be one hour in length, have a monochrome color pallet, and include title and credits.

Do you completely understand the content

First, take a good look at the introduction of the RFP . Here, you’ll get a good idea of what is expected of you and your team. Next, review the components and requirements. Be honest here, no matter how fat, plump and juicy the payoff is, if you can’t understand the components or meet their requirements, why bother? In the following example, ACME Animation does indeed understand the content of the RFP and has included a statement as to why they are the best.

As you can see, we’ve a solid history of creating video tutorials for some of the largest corporations in America. Our customer satisfaction score has been consistent, staying between 8.9 out of a possible score of 10. We firmly believe that it is our clients who make us who we are, and are determined to continue providing the best Animated tutorials possible. Indeed, our customers define who we are; they are the measure of our success. We are your vendor of choice due to our customer-centric approach.

What are the deliverables and relevant dates

In an RFP, deliverables are items that must be delivered to the client. These deliverables can be tangible, such as a bearing wall, or they can be intangible such as a digital project plan. In short, a deliverable is anything a client asks for, and you promise to deliver to them. Take time to discuss the deliverables and milestones listed in the RFP with your team. Examine the acceptance criteria for each deliverable closely so you can be certain your deliverable has the criteria necessary for acceptance. Do you have what it takes to deliver and do it on time? If so, then you can now move on to the rest of the RFP.

ACME Animation agrees to provide Thompson Services International, with a team of 7 highly trained animators in order to complete their 10, 1-hour training videos to be completed 5 months from the date of the agreement.

Read the entire RFP

Reading an RFP might not be the most pleasant task in the world, but it’s necessary. Keep in mind, even though you are secure in the idea that you have what it takes to complete the project, know what the main deliverables are, as well as crucial dates, as the document itself might just have deliverables within that were not listed on the deliverables list.

Also, when going over the requirements, make special notes of any penalties involved if you make a misstep, or do not deliver on time. Pay particular attention to the issuer’s award process as well. Here, they’ll describe in detail how each proposal will be evaluated, along with the contract, which will be awarded. Plus, this is the time for you and your team to formulate your ways and means, to come up with questions to ask the issuer, all within your response date.

Gather your team

Now that you’re aware of the basics, have read through it, and are still confident that you can achieve the results the issuer wants, it’s time to get down to brass tacks: Assemble your team and delegate responsibilities. Always remember to include one person who is responsible for seeing that every member of the team completes their part. If you don’t have a team, then it’s up to you to ensure you assess the content and create a time table for yourself.

Don’t forget the visuals

Never downplay the power of visual communication in your response. Visuals are a great way to spice up your document as well as back up your claims. Indeed, visuals can go a long way in winning that RFP. If this is your first response, then know that visuals include the use of bulleted lists, graphs, charts, and tables. Also, dividing your document up with neatly placed headings and subheadings will create a professional, easy to read document. Don’t forget your company’s logo, as well as photos of those who will be working on your team with you. Call-out boxes are not required but can add a nice touch to the overall document.

The Editing Process

Once you and your team are confident that you’ve got a document you’re satisfied with, the next task is editing. Don’t be afraid to cut out distracting information, or unnecessary imagery. Remember the purpose of the response, and keep centered on 100 percent compliance with the RFP, anything less makes the response document useless. If they didn’t ask the question, don’t answer it, stick to the program.

Here are a few more considerations to watch out for during the final edit:

  • This is about the issuer, not the client.
  • Go through each paragraph, ensuring that the response benefits the client
  • Answer all their inquiries, never leave a mandatory item out
  • Keep responses brief and concise
  • Keep the language simple, no techy talk or jargon
  • Use the language of their industry, not yours
  • Hire a professional proofreader, if possible

RFP response template (word)

RFP Response Template for Word

RFP response sample

RFP Response Sample

RFP Response template for information technology

RFP Response Sample Template for Information Technology

Subject Matter Expert (SME)

The better your SME’s, the better chance you have of locking down that project. Top SME’s are loaded with all the information you’ll need, and if they don’t currently have that knowledge, they’ll go through hoops to get it. These are the professionals who provide the proper information to your team regarding the proposal, and it’s that information you’ll use to craft a proposal that will persuade the issuer to choose your company above the competition. A good SME has initiative, is proactive, and never settles for second best. A good SME knows that the business thrives on the profits brought in by such projects, so they always put the RFP response first.

Essential Tips

Given below are the tips you can consider:

  • When it comes down to persuading them to pay attention to you, it always helps to state the problem first, then present your solution.
  • Incorporate their industry lingo in your proposal. Show them that you can speak their language. This, in turn, will help to generate trust in your abilities to meet their needs.
  • Never respond to an RFP using intuition alone. All responses should be based on logic, facts, and being honest with yourself, whether you can or cannot.
  • Never use the same basic proposal outline. Always keep it fresh by composing a new proposal for each new RFP you come across.

A proposal from a foundation will differ greatly from a proposal to a government RFP.

  • The ability of a group to work cohesively together as a team when responding to an RFP is critical. There can be no weak links.
  • Your finished proposal should include what you will accomplish, and a detailed outline of how you intend to accomplish it.
  • While going over the RFP, being honest with yourself can hold off a world of pain.

Take note of the key deliverables. Can you actually deliver them, and on time? If you cannot, then simply admit it and move on to the next RFP on the list. After all, the reputation of a business is everything, and if you win this project and can’t complete it as promised, you risk damage to your reputation.

  • Don’t load your proposal with high tech gibberish. Keep in mind that your issuer may have no idea what those 10 dollar words mean. Just lay it all out in plain English.
  • No one on the team wants to rush a deadline. To do so would do nothing but to risk creating a sloppy mess. Right from the start you and your team should be aware of the deadline. The process should be marked by milestones that should be completed and completed on time. The process should strive to be a smooth one.
  • In the proposal, show the issuer that you are more than capable of delivering what they want.
  • Crafting a compelling proposal is key when it comes to persuading the issuer to choose you over the competition. Keep in mind that it’s about the issuer and not you. Your proposal revolves around the prospective client, and what you can do for them.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, composing a response to RFP is a complex issue. While not all responses to RFP’s are the same, they all utilise the same logic and process. When you incorporate the basics, such as answering all mandatory questions, showing the client how your proposal is more beneficial to them than the competition, using jargon-free language, All that you need to do, is to incorporate your own company’s data. As such, both new and seasoned response teams find it advantageous to use a proposal template to aid in the organization and crafting of the response proposal. By utilizing a proposal template specific to RFP’s, you can easily see where you left off, make margin notes to see what to add, and keep the proposal neat and tidy while you develop it. Remember, no two RFPs will be alike, so follow the basic considerations, while integrating your company’s own data in response to the needs and wants of the issuer, edit, and proofread.

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How to Write a Proposal Cover Letter: Examples + Free Template

Posted by: Cinthya Soto

Proposal cover letters are brief overviews that introduce the more in-depth content of a proposal. Cover letters are normally the first page of a proposal, making them the first impression you will give and your first opportunity to convince the reader to work with you. These letters directly communicate with the client and set the stage for the following proposal details.

If your proposal cover letter is not convincing enough, the reader might not read your entire proposal and choose a competitor. That’s why understanding the do’s and don’ts of proposal cover letter writing is crucial. 

In this blog, we’ll teach you how to structure and write a proposal cover letter, what makes a good and a bad proposal, and we even provide a free downloadable template for your firm to use. 

What Is a Proposal Cover Letter? 

A proposal cover letter is a letter that accompanies an RFP response or bid submission. Its primary purpose is to introduce the proposal, explain its relevance to the recipient, and persuade the reader of the value and credibility of what’s being offered. It sets the tone for the entire proposal, so make sure it’s well-crafted. 

The cover letter needs to be persuasive and blow your prospect away because it provides a first impression. Since it’s often the first thing the recipient will see, it plays a key role in the recipient’s decision to even consider reading the full proposal. 

The cover letter is frequently the initial opportunity for your proposal to align with the reader’s objectives. While it goes on top of the proposal, it shouldn’t be confused with an executive summary that outlines the main highlights of your proposal. 

Why Your Proposal Cover Letter Matters 

Your proposal cover letter is made up of the most important paragraphs you’ll ever write because it’s the section everyone will read. That’s why it’s essential to nail it, or you stand the chance of losing the project. A cover letter helps busy clients decide if they’re interested in reading the complete proposal. Therefore, having a winning proposal cover letter is equally important as the actual proposal. 

The proposal cover letter gives you a chance to leave clients with a memorable first impression. While proposals lean towards factual information, cover letters offer a more personal touch. Establishing an emotional connection from the beginning significantly increases the likelihood of the reader engaging with your entire proposal. 

What Should Be on a Proposal Cover Letter? 

Though the specifics of your proposal may vary based on the nature of your offer and your sector, the proposal cover letter should consistently stick to the following structure: 

Contact Information 

It’s essential to include your contact details, including your name, email, and phone number, as well as your organization’s information such as its name, email, phone number, website, and even its social media handles. For bonus points, include the link to your LinkedIn profile in the heading too so the reader can get a deeper understanding of who you are. 

Make these details easy to find by placing them at the top or bottom of the cover letter, ensuring they’re in a bold and easy-to-read font so potential clients have no problem finding them. Using the company’s letterhead for the letter not only ensures the inclusion of this information but also gives a professional touch. 


This is your chance to introduce your company and what you do. It’s your first opportunity to make a positive impression and establish a connection with the reader. 

Begin with a concise statement about your company. This could be your mission statement, a brief history, or an overview of what makes your organization unique. This is your chance to highlight areas where your company excels, which helps you establish credibility. 

Additionally, highlight your primary areas of specialization or the main services/products you offer. This will give the reader a clear understanding of your role and what you do. 


Often, decision-makers are drowned in proposals, and they might not have the time or patience to go through every detail initially. A concise summary ensures that they can quickly understand your proposal’s primary objectives and value.

You should provide details about your value propositions at a high level and connect how they meet your client’s requirements. By summarizing how your proposal addresses the client’s specific challenges or needs, you can instantly resonate with them, emphasizing that your solution is tailored to their situation.


Continuing to the offer, this is where you should further explain how you can provide a personalized solution. Clarify to the client the unique value your solution brings to solve their problem. 

Having captured your potential client’s interest, you now have to focus on keeping it. Achieve this by highlighting the clear benefits that directly compellingly address their challenges, making it easy to understand. 

While you’ll be mentioning how your work will benefit the prospect, you should also explain what they will win from choosing to work with you. 

Here are some tips on how you can accomplish this: 

  • Select the three to five primary attributes of your solution 
  • Explain their advantages for your client in a concise statement 
  • Be straightforward– This is what we provide. This is how it solves your issue 


In situations where multiple firms submit proposals, having strong and relevant references can set you apart from competitors. It offers an added layer of reassurance to prospective clients about your experience and competence. Essentially, relevant references help the client understand why they should choose you over others. 

References also show the prospective client or partner that others have trusted you and that you’ve delivered results. By showcasing references from satisfied clients or partners, you demonstrate that you have been trusted in the past, which can solve any insecurity or concerns the potential client might have. 


Visuals aren’t a must for proposal cover letters. However, they can enhance its impact by emphasizing crucial information. If you have a designer on your team, you can incorporate graphics that highlight the key points of the letter. 

Some examples of what this might look like: 

  • Highlighting a customer satisfaction quote in a different font to make it stand out 
  • Using callout boxes to draw attention to your key value propositions (especially helpful for busy teams skimming the page) 
  • Using the company letterhead
  • Including the signature from a senior person at your company 


Similar to introductions, many cover letters tend to focus more on the body content than the concluding paragraph. However, ending on a powerful note is as crucial as creating a compelling start. It’s recommended to conclude your cover letter by highlighting a significant benefit and the value your project will offer to the company. 

Additionally, when wrapping up your proposal cover letter, always encourage them to continue by reading the complete proposal.

How to Write a Proposal Cover Letter 

Now that you know the structure to follow on the proposal cover letter, it’s time to go into the details of how to write a proposal letter. 

Powerful First Sentence 

Starting with a powerful opening sentence can grab the reader’s attention immediately, encourage them to continue reading, and make your proposal stand out among the endless others they may have received. It’s beneficial to use impactful verbs and straightforward wording to ensure your initial sentence remains engaging and brief.  

Demonstrate You Understand the Problem 

In any proposal, it’s essential to demonstrate to your client that you understand the problem they’re facing. Highlight their goals and the reasons behind your collaboration. Present the company’s challenges in an easily comprehensible manner. Dedicate a section to focus on the company’s concerns, and later in the cover letter, you can introduce the proposed solutions. 

Offer to Discuss the Proposal Further 

Before ending your cover letter, you should stress your readiness to dive deeper into the proposal and address any questions or concerns the reader might have. Additionally, this serves as a chance for you to propose a face-to-face meeting with the potential client to further increase your chances of landing the project. 

Thank the Issuer for the Opportunity 

In the cover letter, you have the opportunity to express gratitude to the proposal’s recipients. Recognizing their participation in the process and expressing appreciation for the opportunity not only demonstrates courtesy but also signals to all reviewers that you’ve closely read the RFP guidelines. 

Persuasive Closing

After completing the structure and details of your proposal cover letter, end with a persuasive closing demonstrating your understanding of the next steps. Clients want to understand how you’ll assist them in achieving their objectives and the next steps for moving forward. This demonstrates to them that you can simplify the process by detailing the necessary steps to advance. 

As mentioned earlier, you’ll want to encourage the reader to read the entire proposal. However, you should also mention the opportunity to discuss the proposal further. Some examples of what this might look like include: 

  • “We look forward to the opportunity to discuss our proposal further.” 
  • “Once you’ve had an opportunity to review our proposal, please don’t hesitate to reach out and follow up with any questions.” 
  • “Our team will be following up in a week for an update and see if there are any additional ways we can support your team. “


Don’t forget to include a signature! But who signs it? Who signs the proposal cover letter varies based on different factors. The person who has the relationship with the client is in charge of the strategy, and probably carried out the research leading to the proposal is typically the one that should sign the proposal cover letter. 

However, it’s recommended that you have the proposal cover letter signed by the individual with the highest authorization level, ideally someone the client knows. 

Otherwise, you should consider having the executive director of your organization sign the cover letter and include their contact details for professionalism. People to consider for signing the proposal cover letter include: 

  • Executive director 
  • Account manager  
  • Executive of executives 
  • CEO (a strategy used by small firms or when the RFP represents a large portion of a responder’s annual revenue) 
  • Someone with a senior title 

What Makes a Good Proposal Cover Letter?

So, now we know how to structure a proposal cover letter and how to write one, but how can we make it stand out? Here are some tips you should follow to craft a good proposal cover letter. 

Capture Reader’s Attention Early 

Within the framework of a proposal, the first paragraph is the best chance you have to catch your reader’s interest. This means the introduction is one of the most essential parts of your proposal cover letter. It’s crucial to catch the reader’s attention immediately, so think of an engaging way to introduce yourself and your company. You can do this by finding a way to relate to them or showing that you understand their needs. 

Mirror Clients’ Words and Phrases 

When writing a proposal cover letter, it’s essential to align your language with the client’s terminology to show that you understand their needs. Failing to do so might not only display a lack of alignment and agreement. 

Prioritize the Prospect 

A common mistake is making a proposal letter about yourself. Clients aren’t focused on your achievements or your professional journey. They want to understand how you’ll assist them in reaching their objectives. Therefore, the cover letter should focus on how you plan to help the client in reaching their objectives.

If you do want to mention special company achievements, make sure they are relevant to your client’s objectives and provide value. 

Get Straight to the Point

Keep it simple. Be clear and avoid any uncertainty. Being unclear can break trust quickly. So, gather all your information before writing, so you don’t sound unsure. Make sure what you write is accurate. You’re the expert. Write confidently and avoid wasting your client’s (or your) time by putting unnecessary information in your proposal cover letter. The goal is to have clients read to the conclusion and sign. 

Stand Out From the Competition

The proposal cover letter shows that you understand the client’s worries. It helps you be different from others and encourages clients to read your entire proposal. After reading the cover letter, they can then look at the more detailed parts.

Moreover, the proposal cover letter is your first chance to highlight your value proposition and what makes your offer unique compared to others. For the cover letter, you should focus on how you can distinguish yourself from competitors.  You don’t want to “sound” the same as the competition. 

RFP Cover Letter Mistakes to Avoid 

Now that we’ve seen what makes a cover letter good, let’s take a look at what makes a cover letter bad. Here are the proposal cover letter mistakes to avoid. 

Repeating the Executive Summary 

Avoid repeating content from the executive summary within your proposal cover letter. Each document — the executive summary, proposal, and cover letter — should be separate. Repetitive information can damage the impact of your message and possibly bore or discourage the reader. 

Not Utilizing the Right Software 

When creating RFP responses, you need to manage digital assets while keeping everything accurate and up to date. With the right software, like a DAM system , you can store and manage all your project images, videos, and other media in one place. This makes it easy to find and incorporate the most relevant and impressive visuals into your RFP to make it more compelling.

With a DAM, you can quickly search, access, and integrate assets from the software directly into your RFP documents. This means that with the right DAM integrations for your industry, you can create documents in seconds with pre-designed templates. 

Additionally, a DAM helps ensure that all images and media used are in line with your brand guidelines and accessed by the right people. 

TIP: Want to know more ways a digital asset management (DAM) system can help you create RFP responses and win more clients? Read our Ultimate DAM Guide now. 

Not Reading the RFP Multiple Times

Overlooking details is the first challenge in the RFP response process. The data presented by the client within the RFP serves to guide and inform your proposal. Hence, it’s crucial to carefully review the RFP multiple times to ensure all essential elements are seen and there is no critical information missing. 

Moreover, if you don’t follow the client’s RFP guidelines, they’ll most likely ignore your response, and all your effort will be lost to those who did thoroughly read the RFP.

Not Understanding the Client’s Needs 

This might seem like a general mistake, but it’s a big one. If you don’t understand what the client wants, your whole response won’t matter. For this reason, you need to read the RFP carefully to know what the client looking for. Don’t send a proposal that’s missing details or doesn’t match what they need. 

Making the Length Too Long 

Your cover letter should always be one page unless you’re dealing with a long proposal of 100+ pages. If you do end up with a longer cover letter, it might be because you are including too much detail. Instead of describing every detail of your proposal (save that for the executive summary), focus on the top three aspects that will catch the reader’s attention. This will leave the reader wanting to know more, encouraging them to read the entire proposal.  

Proposal Cover Letter Examples 

It’s time to take a look at good proposal cover letter examples to help you further understand what is expected. 

Construction Proposal Letter Example 

Here is a construction RFP response cover letter example that works: 

Sample construction proposal letter

Source: Examples   

Architecture RFP Cover Page Example

Here is an architecture RFP cover page example that works: 

Sample architecture rfp cover page

Source: Utley Strategies 

Engineering Cover Letter for a Proposal 

Here is an engineering cover letter example that works: 

Sample engineering cover letter for a proposal

Free Cover Letter for Proposal Template 

Below, you can download a FREE proposal cover letter template made for the AEC industry from OpenAsset partner and proposal writing guru, Rachelle Ray. Just enter your name and email for immediate access.

AEC Cover Letter Template

Responding to an RFP? The downloadable RFP cover letter sample has the structure you need for a proposal cover letter that wins more clients. 

How to Create Quality Proposal Cover Letters Every Time 

Creating quality proposal cover letters every time isn’t an easy task. However, as the #1 DAM for AEC and Real Estate, OpenAsset can help you find, share, and use the digital assets you need to create high-quality AEC proposals quickly and easily. 

With dozens of integrations and useful features, OpenAsset makes it easy to share and manage the heavy amounts of digital assets needed to create winning proposals . 

Get your free downloadable proposal cover letter template today. And if you’d like to learn more about our DAM technology, you can reach out to one of our digital asset experts today to schedule a demo . 

Get OpenAsset DAM Insights

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How to Create Winning Proposals

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How to Write a Standout RFP Response

Learn how to craft an RFP response that will catch the requester’s attention and win their business.

How to create an RFP response

You know your team is great at what you do. You have the chops, the experience, and the enthusiasm. You’re confident you’d deliver great work on a project.

But first, you have to convince the client.

How do you do it? In various industries, companies will issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) when they have a need. It’s a formal document that details their project and invites potential service providers or vendors to submit proposals for solutions.

Winning that business means writing a successful response to the RFP: one that makes your company stand out, shows that you understand the challenge, and highlights why you’re a good fit.

What is an RFP response?

An RFP response is a document that a vendor or service provider prepares in response to an RFP. It’s a comprehensive proposal that outlines how the supplier’s product or service can successfully meet the requester’s needs.

An RFP is a structured way to gather information from various suppliers and compare offerings. Successful RFP responses present information in a corresponding fashion. Typically, they include information like proposed solutions and deliverables, the thinking behind the strategy, pricing, and details about your company including past experience. The ability to effectively write an RFP response is crucial to show you truly understand the client’s needs and can deliver valuable solutions to solve their problem.

RFP Response - Cover

Try this tome:

RFP Response

How to respond to rfp: outline and sections.

A wide variety of sectors use requests for proposals, so projects could include items like software development, marketing services, construction, information technology, website creation, and much more.

While each requester may ask for different types of RFP responses, speaking broadly, many seek similar information and structure. You should expect to include the following nine key sections when responding to an RFP:

  • Introductory letter
  • Table of contents
  • Executive summary
  • Solution, process, and deliverables
  • References and social proof

1. Cover page

The cover page of your RFP response serves as your first impression. It should reflect your brand identity with your firm’s style, color, and logo, and it should also include the logo of your prospective client.

RFP Response Cover Page

2. Introductory letter

Just like a cover letter for an individual job application, RFP response cover letters are typically letters addressed to the RFP requester and signed by you.

Successful letters are centered on your potential client: proving that you deeply understand their needs and project requirements, showing your company is experienced and uniquely suited to serve them, and sharing at a high level how you’ll help them reach their goals. Tonally, think friendly, confident, professional, and enthusiastic.

Add your branding—including your company name and logo, as well as your contact information—at the top of this and every page, as requesters are often reading through a stack of responses.

3. Table of contents

Give your reader a very brief overview of the sections to come, including the page numbers, so they can easily navigate the document.

4. Executive summary

Write a concise summary of your RFP response. Successful executive summaries stay focused on the RFP’s specifications, recap the problem your client is trying to solve, highlight the key points of why your company and solution are the best fit for those s needs, and emphasize your unique value proposition. Consider the format, too: bullet points and bold lead-ins allow easy scanning, for example.

5. Solution, process, and deliverables

This is the meat of your RFP response, detailing your approach, specific solutions, process, and deliverables.

First, present your overall approach to the project—the strategy that will guide your execution. What’s the creative through-line or unique lens you’ll bring to the client’s problem? A bold strategy statement can help you differentiate from other RFP respondents.

Next, list your solutions, each under their own header. Depending on the proposal, these header categories might be something like “Phase 1, Phase 2, and Phase 3” for a project that unfolds over time, or “Creative, Email, and Social” for a marketing campaign.

RFP Response Solution Phases

After that, explain your process: Describe what you’ll do as part of each solution, and be sure to explain why and how you believe these actions will help the client solve their problem. Call back to specific verbiage in the RFP as you concisely discuss the benefits and features of your solutions, explaining why they will address the client’s needs. Remember that the focus should always remain on the specifications in the RFP and the prospective client.

RFP Response Process

Visuals like charts or mockups can also help illustrate complex ideas. Ideas for visuals include venues or previous setups for event RFPs, mockups for ad-creative RFPs, and type treatments that align with your brand identity and the project’s needs.

Finally, include a list of specific deliverables for each solution. Again here, bullet points or numbered lists are easy to scan—while also making clear what is not included. Depending on the RFP, some companies choose to include information like the start and completion dates for each deliverable, quantity (think X number of social posts), and the team members assigned.

Note: Save pricing details for the next section. Here, you want your reader to remain focused on your compelling strategy—which can help start making the sale before dollar signs even appear.

By the time your client gets to this section of the proposal, you’ve already explained your strategy and your plan to execute it. Now, explain what it costs.

RFP Response Pricing

Your pricing section should clearly show the total cost of each solution. Depending on the specifics of the RFP and how you or your company works, you’ll either break that down by deliverable or by time spent.

List each of your solutions and their related deliverables or hours, with the rate and number of units for each. Then, add up the deliverables and provide a total for each solution. At the end, include a grand total for all solutions combined—the full cost of your plan, which should reflect the budget the client provided in the RFP.

Note: Avoid the temptation to offer a slew of plans, combinations, and options. You risk overwhelming the client by putting the onus on them, who is looking to you to present an informed strategy. Go in strong by providing a clear recommendation. Once you’ve attracted the client’s interest, you can make tweaks to solutions or packages later if needed.

7. References and social proof

Including testimonials from past clients enhances your RFP response by providing tangible evidence that the product or service being marketed works effectively in the real world. These testimonials serve as social proof, demonstrating to the prospective client that your solutions have been successful for others and are likely to be successful for them too.

When selecting testimonials to include, opt for ones that are relevant to the project at hand. Highlight specific impressive results and emphasize your clients’ satisfaction with your product or service. Consider including short case studies that showcase notable achievements and illustrate how your company’s solutions have addressed similar challenges faced by the prospective client.

While some companies choose to include this section earlier in their RFP responses, placing it towards the end allows you to focus first on demonstrating how your company can help the client. This approach gives you the opportunity to go into more detail about your successful track record and the benefits of working with your company after you’ve garnered interest based on your proposed strategy.

8. About us

In this section, you’ll highlight your qualifications, philosophy, and relevant experience. Describe how your experience and skills directly relate to the project’s requirements and the client’s needs.

Start by briefly highlighting why your company’s unique benefits and solutions make you the right choice.

RFP response about us

You may also include references, testimonials, or short case studies that underscore your company's successful track record. Choose clients and studies that are relevant to this project, and highlight specific impressive results as well as your clients’ satisfaction. Some companies also include brief bios for each team member who will be involved, which is an elegant way to name-drop previous clients and success stories throughout their careers.

RFP response case studies

While some companies include this section earlier in their RFP responses, others prefer to focus first on how they can help the client—and go into more detail later once they’ve garnered interest based on their strategy. By placing this section at the end, you may give yourself a bit more space for information like case studies and team bios—rather than rushing through to get to the meat of your proposal.

9. Appendix (i.e. compliance statement, licenses, and any other related extras)

If needed, an appendix can serve as a sort of “miscellaneous” section. Depending on the type of RFP, some responses may require you to include proof of certifications, licenses, or other technical specifications. Others may benefit from inclusion of compliance statements around items like cybersecurity or personally identifiable information.

Avoid the temptation of going too long with the appendix, as it shouldn’t include any extraneous information. It simply serves as a catchall bucket for required or relevant information that doesn’t easily fit elsewhere.

After reading your compelling proposal, your reader may be ready to become your client. You may choose to include your boilerplate terms and conditions (which should align with industry standards and remain fair to both parties). In addition to project deliverables, pricing and scope, these terms may also include information about warranties, intellectual property, dispute resolution, and more.

5 tips for writing a winning RFP response

While every RFP is different, there are several “rules” that apply to writing successful responses. Here, two experts share their dos and don’ts.

1. Qualify the opportunity

Before crafting an RFP response, it’s crucial to ensure that your company qualifies for the deal being offered. While it can be tempting to pursue every opportunity that comes your way, investing time and resources into RFP responses for deals you’re unlikely to win can hinder your success rate.

Qualifying the opportunity means asking yourself: Does this deal align with our expertise, resources, and capabilities? Is the scope of work within our wheelhouse?

By taking the time to assess whether the opportunity is a good fit for your company, you can focus your efforts on pursuing deals where you have a competitive advantage and are more likely to succeed. This strategic approach not only maximizes your chances of winning but also ensures that you allocate your resources effectively.

2. Read the RFP very carefully, multiple times.

Quality RFP responses take work, and it would be a shame for your firm to be thrown into the “toss” pile because you missed a simple requirement.

“The good thing about RFPs is that they are generally extremely prescriptive—so the RFP will often tell you exactly how they would like you to structure your response and what to include,” says Anjie Zheng, Managing Editor of Strategic Proposals at a transit technology company.

That prescriptiveness is helpful—and consider it a mandate, not a friendly suggestion. If you fail to include requirements stated in the RFP, the requester may simply disqualify you in favor of other hopeful vendors who followed the directions.

“Read through the RFP several times, very carefully, to make sure you’ve checked every box,” Zheng says.

3. If you’re not sure, ask.

Still unclear on a point or two, even after multiple careful reads of the RFP? Don’t be afraid to ask one round of questions, says Michael Steele, Founder and CEO of technical marketing agency, Flywheel Digital .

“Don’t overwhelm the client, but it’s perfectly fine to get clarity on a few things to make sure you’re not leaving anything to chance,” Steele says. “If you do one thing and they meant another, you’re dead in the water. And if they balk at responding to questions or don’t give you helpful answers, it's a good indicator that they probably already have a specific vendor in mind anyway.”

“ If you do one thing and they meant another, you’re dead in the water. And if they balk at responding to questions or don’t give you helpful answers, it's a good indicator that they probably already have a specific vendor in mind anyway. ”

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4. Use visuals and compelling language to keep your reader interested.

RFP responses tell a story, and you should avail yourself of any tactics you’d use in other formats to tell a good story.

“Think about RFP writing as you would think of any piece of content. Who's your target audience and what do they care about?” Zheng says. “Try to speak to them specifically by including information that you believe will be helpful and a tone of voice that’s appropriate.”

Think beyond text, too, she adds. Use diagrams, graphics, and other visuals to break up the text and draw your reader in—because giant, uninterrupted blocks of text can make a reader’s eyes glaze over.

5. Stay at the right altitude.

The requester wants to understand your company’s approach and why you’re the right vendor for the job. Yes, you should describe your strategies—but there’s no need to dive into the minutiae. In fact, getting too detailed in your response could hurt you.

“You run the risk of one person reading it and saying, ‘Oh, I don’t like that particular plugin, so maybe they’re not a good fit,’” Steele says. “People get caught up in those details sometimes, even though they’re easily changed. So stay focused on the overall picture: your approach and why you're the right partner.”

RFP response example

Let's dive into an illustrative example of a winning RFP response using the recommended outline in the Tome RFP response template . This template not only guides you through each step of the proposal process but also serves as a prime example of how to structure your response effectively.

Cover Letter

[Your Company Logo]

[Your Company Name]

[Your Company Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

[Phone Number]

[Email Address]

[Client's Company Logo]

[Client's Company Name]

[Client's Address]

[Contact Person's Name]

[Contact Person's Title]

[Contact Person's Email Address]

Dear [Client's Name],

We are thrilled to submit our proposal in response to your request for [specific project or service] outlined in your recent RFP. At [Your Company Name], we are committed to delivering innovative solutions that exceed our clients' expectations and drive tangible results. With our extensive experience in [industry/sector], we are confident in our ability to address your unique needs and objectives.

Executive Summary

Our proposed solution aims to [brief overview of proposed solution]. By leveraging our [unique approach/methodology], we will [key benefits/outcomes]. With a focus on [client's specific goals], our comprehensive strategy is designed to deliver measurable results and propel your organization forward.

Solution Overview

Phase 1: Discovery and Analysis

  • Conduct thorough market research and analysis to identify key opportunities and challenges.
  • Engage stakeholders to gather insights and align project objectives with organizational goals.

Phase 2: Strategy Development

  • Develop a customized strategy tailored to address the client's specific needs and objectives.
  • Collaborate with internal and external stakeholders to refine the strategy and ensure alignment with best practices and industry standards.

Phase 3: Implementation and Execution

  • Execute the strategy with precision and efficiency, leveraging cutting-edge tools and technologies.
  • Monitor progress and make adjustments as necessary to optimize performance and achieve desired outcomes.

Case Studies and Testimonials

Client Success Story: [Client Name]

Challenge: [Brief Description of Client's Challenge]

Solution: [Description of Solution Implemented]

Results: [Quantifiable Results Achieved]

Testimonial: "[Client Testimonial]"

Project Timeline and Deliverables

Phase 1: Discovery and Analysis (Month 1-2)

  • Conduct market research and analysis
  • Stakeholder engagement sessions
  • Deliverable: Market research report

Phase 2: Strategy Development (Month 3-4)

  • Strategy brainstorming sessions
  • Strategy refinement workshops
  • Deliverable: Comprehensive strategy document

Phase 3: Implementation and Execution (Month 5-6)

  • Execution of strategy
  • Performance monitoring and optimization
  • Deliverable: Implementation report

Team and Expertise

Our dedicated team of experts brings a wealth of experience and expertise to this project:

[Team Member 1]: Project Manager - [Brief Bio/Experience]

[Team Member 2]: Strategy Consultant - [Brief Bio/Experience]

[Team Member 3]: Implementation Specialist - [Brief Bio/Experience]

Pricing and Budget

Total Project Cost: $XX,XXX

Phase 1: Discovery and Analysis - $X,XXX

Phase 2: Strategy Development - $X,XXX

Phase 3: Implementation and Execution - $X,XXX

Thank you for considering [Your Company Name] for this opportunity. We believe that our tailored approach, experienced team, and proven track record make us the ideal partner for [client's project or service]. We are eager to discuss our proposal further and explore how we can contribute to the success of your organization.

By utilizing the RFP response template as a guiding example, you can create a persuasive and well-structured proposal that effectively addresses the client's needs and positions your company as the ideal choice for the project.

Using Tome to create RFP responses

Your style is dynamic—and your RFP responses should be, too. Tome’s impressive RFP response template is designed to spotlight the solutions you bring, and is easily customizable to fit your unique business.

Additionally, Tome’s generative AI helps you get to a first draft faster—create pages, text blocks, and visuals in seconds with prompts. Get a result that’s optimized for any screen size and immersive like an Instagram Story. Explore more of Tome's features and sign up for free.

rfp response cover letter template word

Submit bids faster and help prospects see why you’re the right business choice.

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5 RFP Response Templates & Best Practices to Win Your Next RFP Proposal

5 RFP Response Templates & Best Practices to Win Your Next RFP Proposal

Written by: Raja Mandal

rfp response cover letter template word

Receiving an RFP (Request for Proposal) is a golden ticket to enter into a new business relationship with a potential client.

Because it's a formally solicited proposal, you're probably competing with other vendors on their shortlist.

To attract your prospect’s attention and win them over, your RFP response needs to stand out and showcase the benefits of your product, service or solution.

However, sending an outstanding response to an RFP can be time-intensive. You must address all of the client's needs while keeping it unique and visually appealing. That's where an RFP response template comes into play. It helps you create a strong pitch in less time without missing anything important.

In this guide, we will explore five professionally designed RFP response templates. We'll also share some best practices to ensure that your next proposal instantly makes an impression and creates a lasting impact.

Ready to win the deal? Let's dive in!

Table of Contents

What is an rfp response, how to respond to an rfp, 5 rfp response templates you can use, 10 best practices & tips for winning rfp proposals, rfp response faqs.

  • An RFP response is a document you send to a potential client in response to a request for proposal (RFP).
  • To respond to an RFP, review the RFP carefully, analyze and plan, collaborate with your team, draft the proposal, share it with your team and review and submit the proposal.
  • Some of the best practices for an RFP response include identifying decision-makers, asking questions, using compelling visuals, maintaining consistent branding and keeping it concise.
  • Visme's RFP response templates are the best way to send a response proposal that helps you stand out from the crowd and secure more wins.
  • Sign-up for a free account in Visme and respond to your RFPs confidently!

As the name suggests, an RFP response is the formal reply or proposal submitted by a vendor to answer an RFP (request for proposal). It includes detailed information about how the vendor proposes to meet the organization's needs, including methodologies, timelines, costs and other relevant information.

The RFP response is the vendor's opportunity to demonstrate expertise, understanding of the client's needs and the value they can deliver. A well-crafted RFP response can mean the difference between winning a contract and losing it to another vendor.

RELATED : 8 Professional Bid Proposal Templates to Win New Clients

Did you know that organizations win an average of 44% of their RFPs ? But these wins don't happen by chance. To join the companies in these ranks, you need to learn how to respond to an RFP. It's a valuable skill every business owner or marketer should possess.

An RFP is more than just a document. You want to treat it as your opportunity to present your expertise and unique selling points in a comprehensive and compelling manner.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to respond to an RFP:

Made with Visme Infographic Maker

1. Review the RFP Document Carefully

The first and most crucial step is to read and comprehend the RFP. Take your time to assess the client's requirements, objectives and evaluation criteria.

Here are some common evaluation criteria that clients may consider when reviewing your RFP response:

  • Relevance to Requirements: Judge how well your proposal matches the client's needs and goals.
  • Technical Expertise: Ensure that your proposal demonstrates a strong grasp of the necessary technical elements for effective implementation.
  • Cost Effectiveness: Examine whether your proposal offers favorable value to its cost, considering how well your pricing matches the expected benefits.
  • Impact and Benefits: Clearly articulate the advantages of choosing your solution.

Additionally, you can study the client’s industry and business processes, products and services and other critical aspects that may help you at this stage.

2. Analyze and Plan the Response

Once you understand the RFP clearly, it's time to analyze and plan your response. Break down the requirements into components that need addressing.

For instance, if the RFP is for a website redesign, you can divide the requirements into content, functionality and appearance.

Then consider how your company can meet these needs while providing value to the client. Develop a defined strategy and structure for your response, ensuring each section enhances your chances of winning the bid.

Furthermore, assess potential risks and challenges associated with the project, such as regulatory hurdles, resource limitations, or tight deadlines. Develop strategies to mitigate these risks and address them in your proposal.

3. Collaborate with Your Team

Gather your team members who will work together on the project and brainstorm ideas for fulfilling the deliverables outlined in the RFP. Leverage each team member's expertise to generate solutions and strategies. This collaborative session will help generate insights and ideas for your proposal.

Effective team collaboration has always been a challenge, especially in a remote work setting. Use V isme’s free online whiteboard tool to collaborate and brainstorm with your team in real time.

Browse through the wide range of whiteboard templates or create your own whiteboard. And the best part? You’ll get access to all of Visme’s features, graphics and tools while using the whiteboard.

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15 Online Brainstorm Whiteboard Templates to Maximize Your Meetings

4. Create the First Draft

Begin working on the proposal after considering the ideas discussed in the brainstorming session. Clearly explain your strategy, addressing each requirement in a well-structured manner. Utilize language to showcase your value and how it aligns with the client's goals.

Structure the response to mirror the RFP's sections and requirements. Here’s what to include in your proposal:

  • Executive Summary: Brief overview of your proposal and how it addresses the client's needs.
  • Company Overview: Background information on your company, including history, mission, and relevant experience.
  • Detailed Solution/Methodology: Address each of the client's requirements and explain how you'll meet or exceed them.
  • Project Timeline: Provide a detailed timeline, including key milestones.
  • Pricing: Offer a clear and detailed breakdown of costs.
  • Team Details: Introduce the main team members who'll be working on the project and highlight their qualifications.
  • References/Case Studies: Demonstrate your experience by sharing success stories or testimonials from similar projects.

Looking to present research and insights that demonstrate your understanding of the client's industry? Use Visme’s 30+ data visualization tools , including radial gauges, progress bars and population arrays. Visualize industry-specific information, such as market trends, challenges, competition analysis and potential opportunities your proposed solution could address.

To visualize larger data sets, you can use Visme’s 20+ charts and graphs , such as pie charts, area charts , bar graphs , Venn diagrams and more.

5. Share the Draft with Your Team

Before you finalize your proposal, share the draft with your team. It's important to encourage communication and welcome their input and feedback. Incorporating insights from your team members will help improve the clarity and effectiveness of your proposal.

Once you create your draft proposal in Visme, download it in PDF, PNG or JPG format to share via email or use offline. Or, share it directly with your team via email or generate a shareable link to share it anywhere on the internet.

6. Review and Revise

Take the time to carefully review your draft by paying attention to its structure, content and grammar. Ensure it flows well, is error-free and is easy for others to understand. Refine it as needed to ensure that it is concise, engaging and effectively addresses all of the client's requirements.

Involve your team members in the design process of the proposal. Any feedback, suggestions or improvements from your team members will only enhance the proposal's quality and value.

Visme’s collaborative design features will help you streamline this process and save a lot of time in the process. The tool has cutting-edge collaboration features, such as live editing, commenting, annotating and version control.

Invite your team members via email and ask them to give their feedback and input. Additionally, use the workflow feature to assign particular sections to the relevant subject matter specialists on your team.

Here’s a video that clearly explains how to utilize Visme’s amazing collaboration features.

7. Submit the Proposal

Once you have reviewed and revised your proposal, it's time to submit it.

Follow the submission guidelines provided in the RFP document, including any required attachments or supporting materials. Be mindful of the deadline. Present your proposal in a professional manner, ensuring that it is well-organized and free of errors.

This professional approach will convey a sense of competence and commitment to your client's needs.

8. Follow Up with the Client

After submitting your proposal, consider following up with the client for feedback. This demonstrates professionalism and a commitment to improvement. Use any feedback you receive as an opportunity to learn to enhance RFP responses. Continuously strive for growth by seeking opportunities for improvement.

Here are the five RFP response templates you can use to create your own. These templates are easy to use and customizable so that you can use them for any industry or business type.

If you’re not sure which template to use or want to save time creating a first draft, use Visme’s AI Document Generator . In the template gallery, click the Generate with AI option, follow the instructions from the chatbot and choose one of the suggested styles. Once generated, customize your RFP response to match your brand and finalize the content with your team.

1. General RFP Response Template

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This is a general RFP response template that you can use for almost any industry. It includes all the essential elements of an RFP response, including the company overview, mission statement, previous projects, scope of work, delivery timeline and pricing.

The complementary color combination of yellow and green gives the template a fresh and inviting feel that will appeal to your customers. The high-quality and relevant images also demonstrate professionalism.

Pair this RFP response template with a cover letter for better personalization. Browse the Visme template gallery for a variety of RFP cover letter examples.

2. Automobile Industry RFP Response Template

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Explicitly designed for automobile vendors and manufacturers, this template caters to the intricacies of the auto world. It captures everything from detailing your company's experience in the sector to car redesigns, manufacturing processes, quality assurance and aftermarket support.

Detailed icons representing automotive elements make the template more industry-specific, giving your proposal an authentic touch.

Though the template is focused on business-to-government (B2G) service providers, you can make the necessary changes to fit any business type.

3. Marketing Consultancy RFP Response Template

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When it comes to design, "less is more". And all the pages in this document embody that philosophy. With its sleek, subtle and carefully crafted minimalistic design, the RFP response template appeals to the modern and sophisticated clientele.

However, with Visme, you are not limited to a few color options. Customize the template with any color you want using the color dropper tool . You can choose from the pre-made color palettes, copy and paste a HEX code or use the color wheel to choose a custom color that communicates your brand voice .

4. Technology Tools RFP Response Template

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While creating any RFP response is challenging, it is even more so when the client has specific technology requirements. This is because your RFP needs to strike a balance between demonstrating technical proficiency and emphasizing the value of the proposed solution.

And you need to put all of the information in a single, concise document while getting the aesthetics right. This RFP response template is an excellent example of how to do just that.

The design is clean and simple but still emphasizes certain aspects of the proposal, such as quality assurance, customer support, competitive pricing and more.

5. Construction Project RFP Response Template

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If you are a contractor, builder or developer in the real estate industry, add another tool to your belt with this construction project RFP response template.

The template covers all bases. Everything a potential client may want to know is included, from company background, case study, and pricing structure to the nitty-gritty of the proposed solution.

If you share the RFP response with your client online, you can take advantage of Visme's interactive features .

Include clickable pop-ups, hover effects and special effects that make your proposal unique. You can create a button with a link that opens a separate page and takes the reader to your website for more information about your company.

And the best part is you don’t need any design or technical skills to create this type of interactive experience. Download the document in HTML5 format to preserve all the interactivity you incorporated.

Developing winning RFP responses is becoming increasingly challenging due to the competitive nature of the marketplace.

Follow these RFP response best practices to respond more confidently and win more bids.

If you are looking for more information on the proposal-writing process, read our comprehensive guide to writing a proposal or watch the video below. These resources provide practical insights and step-by-step guidance, making the proposal-writing process even more intuitive.

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Now, let's dive into the best practices that can make your RFP response stand out.

1. Analyze Previous Successful Proposals

Exploring successful proposals from the past can provide valuable insights.

By understanding what appealed to those who issued the proposals in the past, you can adapt your strategy to align with their preferences. Analyzing these victories reveals regular patterns, preferred solutions and presentation styles that were well received.

Utilizing this knowledge enhances your proposal and strengthens your competitive advantage in responding to RFPs.

2. Identify Key Decision Makers

Understanding the people who will assess your proposal is an excellent strategic approach to creating the RFP response. These individuals usually have their own preferences, challenges or areas of interest.

Customize your response to connect with them by understanding their roles, backgrounds and priorities. This focused approach demonstrates your attention to detail. It also enhances the chances of your proposal meeting the expectations and needs of those making the final decision.

3. Ask Questions

Proactively seeking clarity shows that you are thorough and genuinely interested in the project. Before creating your proposal, ensure you understand all the details mentioned in the RFP. If there are any uncertainties or sections that need to be clarified, feel free to contact the organization or person who issued them.

Put together a list of RFP questions to ask the client. Asking questions will ensure that your proposal perfectly matches their expectations and help establish open communication, which builds trust right from the start.

4. Use an RFP Response Template

A winning RFP response is all about making the best first impression. Using professionally crafted templates can significantly enhance the quality of your proposal presentation and impress your audience.

Explore Visme's extensive library of RFP response and other proposal templates and customize them according to your client's needs. These templates give your content a polished appearance, ensuring it catches the reader's eye. In addition to their visual appeal, the templates provide a structured framework highlighting key points and making the proposal easy to navigate.

Many professionals have enjoyed the benefits of Visme's versatile templates. Dave, a Co-Founder, shared his experience:

“Visme also has a full suite of digital asset templates that make it easy to build whatever needs to be created for clients. Their attentive customer service is outstanding. Kind of refreshing these days.”

5. Use Compelling Visuals

Do you want to know the secret to making your RFP response more impactful and memorable? Incorporate visuals!

Visuals are powerful tools that can help you stand out from the crowd. Moreover, they can break up the monotonous text flow and make your response more readable.

Another advantage of visuals is that they can help you speed up decision-making. By visualizing your solutions, you can give decision-makers a snapshot of what's in store if they choose your proposal over others.

Here are some examples of visuals that you can use in the RFP response:

  • Product Visualizations: If you propose a tangible product, showcase its design, features, and benefits through high-quality images or renderings.
  • Prototypes and Mockups: For innovative solutions or software, display prototypes or mockups illustrating how your proposal would function in practice.
  • Process Flowcharts: If your proposal involves a complicated process, break it down into a process flowchart . This simplifies understanding and showcases your expertise in managing complex tasks. Videos or Animated Graphics: Engage your audience with videos or animations that provide an immersive experience of your proposal.

Visme comes with various visual assets such as icons, high-res images, 3D animated graphics, shapes and more. Use these visuals to supplement your text and make your proposal more visually appealing.

Also, if you are looking for a custom graphic not found elsewhere, use Visme's AI Image generator. This tool's advanced image generation capabilities help you create any graphic you want, including paintings, abstracts, icons, illustrations and even real-life images.

6. Keep it Concise

When writing proposals, focus on essential details and keep them short. Avoid making them too long with unnecessary information. Use only the words you need to explain your concepts clearly. This helps your proposal be easier to understand and more effective.

Use Visme's AI writer to enhance this precision further. It can help you write high-quality content for your proposals, create layouts, improve your own content and more. Just explain to the tool what you want to generate, and watch the magic happen.

7. Include Testimonials and Case Studies

When crafting an RFP response, it's crucial to incorporate case studies and testimonials from clients who have utilized your products or services. These testimonials serve as evidence to assure potential customers that your offering is top-notch and worth raving about.

You can use Visme’s case study templates to write a compelling case study and include it in your RFP response template. Here's an example of a case study template you can use to write your draft:

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8. Maintain Consistent Branding

A well-crafted RFP response can be an excellent opportunity to show off your brand personality . It's one of the few times you'll have a captive audience, so take full advantage of it by creating a memorable experience for your potential customer.

Incorporate all the branding elements in the proposal that make your brand unique. Ensure your response is consistent with the rest of your brand's materials, including any advertising or collateral you've created in the past.

Visme's brand design tool makes it super easy for you to include these elements in your RFP response template.

Using this tool, you can create and save all your branding assets, such as the company logo , brand colors and brand fonts and apply them to your design with just one click.

And the best part is, if you are designing the document with a team, anyone can use these elements to create branded documents in Visme.

Read our guide to creating a branding kit in Visme or watch the video below to learn more about these amazing features.

9. Focus on Building Relationships

Even if you don't win the deal this time, keep open lines of communication with the client to pave the way for future opportunities. This demonstrates your company's professionalism, long-term commitment and dedication that go beyond just a one-time transaction.

With time, these relationships can potentially result in collaborations or referrals, giving you an advantage over your competitors.

10. Keep Your RFP Response Updated

Visit your RFP response periodically and update your company's latest achievements, new services or products and current industry trends. This will always keep you prepared for any future requests for proposals and minimize the risk of missing out on presenting critical business information.

Visme's dynamic fields feature is a game-changer for businesses that create frequent RFP responses or similar documents. Rather than getting bogged down with the repetitive input of information, you can save crucial data points, like dates, contact information, financial metrics and more, just once.

Once saved, the dynamic fields ensure that every subsequent project—previously created and new—automatically gets updated with this information. This feature saves time and reduces the chances of errors or inconsistencies across multiple documents.

So, while refining and updating your RFP responses, Visme can make the process smoother and more streamlined.

To ensure that you have all your questions answered in this article, we’ve created this detailed RFP response FAQ section. Go through them carefully before you jump right into creating your own.

How to Respond to an RFP?

To respond to an RFP, carefully review the document's requirements, gather necessary information, draft a clear and concise proposal highlighting your solution, qualifications, and pricing, and submit it by the specified deadline.

What Makes a Great RFP Response?

A great RFP response is clear, concise, and tailored to the client's needs. It demonstrates an understanding of the project, showcases relevant expertise, provides a feasible solution and offers competitive pricing.

What Is the Most Important Part of an RFP?

The most important part of an RFP is the "Scope of Work" or "Specifications" section. This section outlines the project's requirements and expectations and guides the response's content and direction.

What is the RFP Response Summary?

The RFP response summary is the executive summary that follows the cover letter and precedes the bulk of your proposal. It’s an overview that explains what your proposal offers and how it solves the client’s problem. It includes a value proposition that engages the client into wanting to read the proposal fully and select your bid over others.

What Should You Not Include in an RFP?

An RFP (Request for Proposal) should not include vague questions or statements. Instead, be clear, concise and provide just enough detail in the statement of work.

Also, avoid making contradictory requirements. Double-check all the requirements and make sure they are correct before sending out the RFP.

How Long Should an RFP Take?

Going through all RFP process steps takes anywhere between two weeks and two months, depending on the RFP’s complexity, the number of prompted vendors and their overall responsiveness.

What Should You Not Do When Responding to an RFP?

When responding to an RFP, avoid generic responses, overlooking essential requirements, providing incomplete answers and missing the submission deadline.

Q. What is the Win Rate of RFP Response?

The win rate of RFP responses can vary widely based on industry, competition and proposal quality, but on average, organizations win 44% of their RFPs.

Q. How Do You Win A Difficult RFP?

To win a difficult RFP, you must ask the client or procurement manager for clarification regarding unclear sections in their RFP. Take note of all vague or conflicting information in the RFP, with page numbers, and either send an email or request a pre-bid meeting. Create a relationship with the client to better understand what they require. Then prepare a personalized response that answers all their questions.

Q. Why Do RFPs Fail?

An RFP can fail for a number of reasons, including:

  • A vendor list that is too long or not well-chosen
  • Poorly defined and written service requirements
  • Lack of prioritization in the requirements list
  • Missing awarding criteria for vendors
  • No set timeline or end date for response acceptance

Create Impressive Proposals & Documents with Visme

Now that you know how to respond to an RFP and the ten best practices to help you secure the deal, it's time to implement these tips.

Writing a good RFP answer is like opening the door to success in business. When crafted well, it can create a strong impression on your clients and help you win more bids.

Choose your favorite RFP response template from the list and customize it using Visme's free online proposal maker. Also, to run a business successfully, you'll need to create a variety of proposals and other documents such as reports, presentations, contracts, agreements and many more.

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About the Author

Raja Antony Mandal is a Content Writer at Visme. He can quickly adapt to different writing styles, possess strong research skills, and know SEO fundamentals. Raja wants to share valuable information with his audience by telling captivating stories in his articles. He wants to travel and party a lot on the weekends, but his guitar, drum set, and volleyball court don’t let him.

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How to Create a Winning RFP Response Template (Plus, PDF Example)

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If you’re like the average proposal team, you may submit around 162 RFP responses annually. That’s more than 3 proposals every week—a pace that could overwhelm even the most seasoned professionals. 😅

To keep up with this high volume, having an RFP response template isn’t just a convenience, but a necessity. Instead of grappling with formatting every time, it helps you streamline your RFP response process, so you can focus on customizing answers and consistently deliver winning proposals.

Read on to learn what makes a good response in the first place, how to build a well-structured template from scratch, and more ways to save hours (and effort) in your submission cycle.

But, if you’re already in a time crunch, download this RFP response template to use right now. Here’s how to get started:

What is an RFP Response Template?

  • Key Components to Include
  • How to Customize Your Winning Template
  • RFP Response Template (PDF Example)
  • Other Tools to Speed up Your Process

An RFP response template is a document that you can complete in order to speed up your response process. Within the template, you’ll store repeatable answers (and requirements) to answer your buyer’s most frequently asked questions. It’ll help you spend less time writing from scratch—and more time customizing to your buyer’s specific needs.

Think of it as a shortcut to quickly capture recurring information, so you can focus on adding special details that make your prospective client feel valued and understood.

Why use this approach? Because an RFP template…

Provides a Structured Framework for Consistency

Using a template makes it easy to present your information in a consistent, uniform manner. A predefined format is particularly important when multiple team members create a proposal as it helps maintain a consistent look and feel throughout the response— instead of appearing as a class art project . 🎨

Helps You Complete an RFP, To the Right Standards

Different requests for proposal might have similar requirements between clients in your industry. By mapping out common sections in advance, you can simply fill in the client company and modify information as needed. This allows your team to quickly follow a repeatable process that ensure key details don’t get overlooked.

Saves Time to Focus On Client Customization

A template can significantly speed up the drafting process. Instead of reinventing the wheel every time, your team can focus on customizing content for the current RFP. Plus, a quicker turnaround time allows you to submit multiple RFPs in a timely fashion, which is essential in today’s competitive market.

How to Build Your Template (7 Components)

Now that you’re sold on the idea of an RFP template, you’re probably wondering what goes into developing one. The seven key components of almost any response include:

  • Cover letter
  • Executive summary
  • Company qualifications
  • Proposed solution
  • Pricing details
  • Success stories
  • Terms and conditions

These components are vital in crafting an effective RFP response. They help lay out a solid plan for managing and discussing the solution while building trust with the client. Let’s look at each in detail:

1. RFP Cover Letter

Like an executive summary (see below), a strong proposal cover letter sets the stage for the rest of your proposal by demonstrating your commitment to meeting the client company needs from the onset.

As the first impression, your RFP cover letter should be professional, engaging, and showcase your company’s interest in the project. So, make sure to include details about your understanding of the requirements, how your company can specifically help the client, and your eagerness to work with them.

2. Proposal Executive Summary

An executive summary serves as a brief overview of your proposal, which highlights your company’s strategic approach (and unique expertise) in addressing the primary problem. It should introduce a high-level view of your win themes and demonstrate why your solution is a good fit, clearly and concisely.

Keep in mind—a potential client may review multiple RFPs, so make sure your executive summary gets right to the point by focusing on the competitive advantage that sets your company apart.

3. Company Qualifications

Think of this section as a general overview of your company. It’s your chance to give a little background to your company’s history, share your core values ( to emphasize why you’d make a great partner ), introduce team members involved, and highlight your qualifications for the evaluation criteria.

Since RFPs are notorious for asking tons of questions— hundreds even —it can be a good idea to answer them in this section through a table format. This’ll make it easy for the evaluator to run through each ( and add a score ). As a bonus, it’s also easier for you to track which questions your SMEs still need to answer if left blank. 🤫

4. Proposed Solution

It’s time for your implementation plan. In this section, you’ll expand on your company’s unique approach to solving the client’s problem by outlining the scope of work, project timeline, and other parties involved.

The goal here is to instill confidence in your company’s ability to execute efficiently and effectively. So, make sure to:

  • Be detailed about the key deliverables and services included in a project summary ( as well as anything that will be excluded to avoid misunderstandings later on ).
  • Be realistic in your proposed timelines, and ensure that the client understands the various stages of the project and how your team will work together to achieve the desired outcomes.
  • Be specific about your tailored solution to show the client you value their business and want to go above and beyond meeting their needs— not just meet the RFP requirements .

5. Pricing Details

“ How much will this cost? ” is a top question for prospective clients. When creating proposals, it’s important to provide transparent pricing and payment terms, so the client understands the cost structure and overall value of the proposed contract. In this section, you should:

  • Break down the total cost into categories, such as labor, materials, and overhead expenses.
  • Explain any discounts, promotions, or incentives that may be available to the client (just remember to resist the urge to undersell yourself).
  • Think like a negotiator by NOT providing the lowest price from the get-go. Instead, submit a quote with a 10% higher gross margin to leave wiggle room for negotiation.
  • Clearly outline your payment terms , such as your billing schedule and accepted method of payment, to prevent any disputes or misunderstandings later in the project.

6. Success Stories

The purpose of this section is to back up your claims with proof in your response template. By presenting your company’s accomplishments through success stories, you build trust and credibility with the client, which reassures them that they are making the right choice.

So, highlight past projects that demonstrate your ability to deliver on the proposed scope of work. If possible, share testimonials from past clients that fall into a similar business category, industry, or pain point, so that those stories resonate with the RFP issuer.

7. Terms and Conditions

This is where you cross the T’s and dot the I’s by including comprehensive terms and conditions that establish a solid foundation for a successful partnership. In this section, your aim is to:

  • Outline the contractual terms and conditions that both parties will adhere to—detailing the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of each.
  • Address any potential risks or issues that may arise during the project and provide solutions or contingencies to mitigate these concerns.
  • Plan for the worst case scenario by protecting your company with a termination clause.

What is an example of a good RFP response?

A good RFP response focuses on the customer, not your company.

For example, this response successfully highlights a compelling benefit:

Our project management team is agile and can tailor our proven process to your needs with the main steps remaining consistent: build, test, and deliver value. We can save you time by deploying this software for you, as we’ve saved other clients 2,000 working hours annually.

But it doesn’t put the customer first. Instead, a better response would be:

With [number of customers], your time should go toward providing [client’s main service]––not software deployment. By handling this process for you, we can save you 2,000 hours annually, so you can focus more on what you do best [client’s mission statement] .

4 Steps to Customize Your Winning Response

Once you’ve got the key components down, you might be tempted to get right into writing your RFP response. But even with a handy template, there are some important steps you’ll want to follow.

  • Research the client to better understand their needs
  • Collaborate with SMEs to write the best possible content
  • Use graphics to capture the attention of decision-makers
  • Edit the proposal to make it clear, compelling, and concise

1. Research the Client to Understand Their Needs

Thoroughly researching the client ( and their industry ) can help you tailor your response to their specific goals, pain points, and expectations. To gather this insight:

  • Study the RFP document several times before jumping to respond, making note of formatting requirements, submission guidelines, and evaluation criteria
  • Speak directly with the key decision makers to find out what they care about most ( if you don’t have a direct line to the client, hop on a call with the sales person assigned to the account )
  • Do extra homework by seeing what you can dig up from their website, marketing collateral or recent press releases about the client’s company.
  • Scope out the competition to see who you might be up against ( including the incumbent ), and where you have the upper hand going into the RFP process .

Gaining this deep understanding of the client’s needs will enable you to customize your proposal and demonstrate your ability to provide a solution that is uniquely suited to their requirements.

2. Collaborate With Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)

Whether you’re a proposal team of one or eight, don’t forget to draw on the knowledge of other team members in your organization when developing an RFP response. SMEs can offer insights, expertise, and unique perspectives through the entire process, ensuring an accurate and well-rounded proposal.

But they aren’t always the easiest to collaborate with ( especially when they ignore your emails 😟). When working with SMEs, consider this approach to increase the likelihood of their participation:

  • Host a kickoff meeting: Get them excited about the opportunity by sharing details about the potential client and deal size—and how their answers can help your company win the RFP.
  • Take the first pass: Do SMEs a favor by writing a first draft of the answers. They’ll appreciate you making the task a lighter lift, whether it’s filling in the blanks or reviewing for accuracy.
  • Give them guidelines: Share your content plan for the sections that belong to them. Plus, provide RFP response examples they can use as a guide for structuring their answers.
  • Cater to their communication style: Some SMEs are responsive to email, others prefer to hop on a call. Find out what each SME prefers and collaborate accordingly.

3. Use Graphics to Enhance the Proposal

Your RFP response shouldn’t just read well—it should look good to your prospective client, too. 🤩 So, loop in your graphic designer in your final pass, to bring your proposal to life.

After all, visuals help communicate complex information, highlight key points, and make your proposal more persuasive and eye-catching. In your structure of a proposal , consider incorporating:

  • Pie charts or bar graphs to highlight stats like business growth, year-over-year projections, or success data.
  • Comparison tables to break down which features you offer compared to your top competitors—or if you dare, the incumbent.
  • A timeline graphic to bridge the gap between where the client is now and where your company can take them based on your action plan.

4. Make the Proposal Clear, Compelling, and Concise

Having put so much work into crafting a detailed proposal, the last thing you want is to fall down on sloppy mistakes at the finish line. 🏁 After all, proofreading can increase the likelihood of winning business because it shows your company pays attention to details ( i.e. cares about quality work ).

So, use online editing tools like Grammarly or the Hemingway App to perform a quick spelling and grammar check. Read the RFP response out loud to catch awkward phrasing or inconsistencies. And, if possible, ask a team member who’s not involved to read it with fresh eyes.

By the time you’re finished, the final proposal should be:

  • Clear: There aren’t any over-complicated words or jargon that might leave the evaluator confused.
  • Compelling: The proposal is full of details personalized to the prospective client.
  • Concise: You get straight to the point—there aren’t run-on sentences or super long paragraphs.

How can I tailor my RFP response to fit the client’s specific needs?

Start by researching the client and industry. This will help you understand the client’s needs and the context of the project. Then, collaborate with your team to brainstorm win themes and develop a content plan. Finally, customize your proposal to the RFP’s specific requirements.

Example RFP Response Template ⬇️

Looking for a quick way to get started? Download this RFP response template to create high-quality proposals faster . ( You don’t even need someone skilled in Adobe to use this repeatable template .)

✨ Tip: If you use Loopio, you can upload your own proposal template , directly within the platform.

Next Steps: Speed Up Your RFP Response Process With These Tools ✨

Want to decrease your turnaround time for your next RFP response? Now that you’ve got your template planned out, and you know how to write an RFP response , here’s two other tools we recommend that can save hours ( and effort ).

RFP Response Software

RFP response software tames RFP writing chaos by auto-suggesting answers from past RFPs, assigning questions to SMEs, streamlining content upkeep, and more—so you can create quality proposals faster.

Generative AI

Stuck on the blank page? You can use generative AI for RFP responses to build a custom content plan, summarize an executive bio, and whip up a speedy first draft of your RFP answers.

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Ai rfp software: 5 ways that loopio uses artificial intelligence, 51 fascinating rfp statistics on the state of bidding in 2024, proposal team structure: research reveals top roles and when to hire.

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Stand out from your competitors with our rfp cover letter template.

Your RFP Cover Letter is the first thing that the contracting authority will read when looking at your proposal. You only get one opportunity to make a good first impression, so you better make it count.

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Why download the template.

Our template is designed to help you win contracts.  You can adjust the design, personalizing the branding for your business, and adding in the relevant information according to your RFP.

Our dedicated  RFP Cover Letter blog  contains useful tips and advice on making a lasting impression, helping you stand out from your competitors.

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Hudson Outsourcing LLC is a global provider of bid writing consultancy. Our services help businesses grow far and wide.

Our Bid Writing Consultants have over 60 years of collective bidding experience.  Our capabilities include RFP writing for local, municipal, state, and federal government solicitations. We are also well versed in writing bids for private sector contracts. Our services have helped to secure over $3billion for our 1,000+ clients across the globe.

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RFP Cover Letter: The Dos and Don’ts

Table of Contents

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You’re not alone if you feel like completing RFPs is a never-ending process. Time, research and planning all take an organized effort from your team. There are myriad documents to assemble and requirements to meet. But, just when you think you’re finally finished, you may realize that you’re forgetting that all-important ‘first impression’: your RFP cover letter. Cover letters are often not on the list of the issuer’s requirements, so they’re easy to forget. Some people also feel uneasy writing cover letters because they’re so different, both in purpose and tone, from the rest of the bid. But, as with the icing on the cake, the cover letter tops off your information-full RFP with a personalized touch. 

Your RFP cover letter’s objectives are:

  • To thank the company for the opportunity to bid.
  • To provide a short explanation of who your company is.
  • To quickly summarize why your company is qualified to meet the requirements of their RFP.

In this article, we share some notions of what to do (and what not to do) when writing your RFP cover letter. 

Do: Match Your Style to the RFP

As the cover letter is the first page of your RFP package, tailor the formatting to align with the issuer’s requirements. Issuers typically include a specific formatting guideline they ask responses to follow, including font and font sizes. For example, if the issuer requires the response to be in Times New Roman in 12-point font, implement the same into your cover letter. 

Don’t use any fonts meant for party invitations (i.e., Comic Sans, Scripts, or any that reflect handwriting). If the issuer does not list a requirement, select a font that’s clear, professional and easy to read (i.e., Roboto, Arial).

Don’t: Write a Lengthy RFP Cover Letter Introduction

Your response is filled with many pages detailing, defining and fulfilling a complete scope of work. The procurement manager will be spending all of their time reviewing and comparing your response to others with similar information. Don’t overburden the reader by writing a long, overly detailed cover letter. 

Rather, impress them with a quick, smart and to-the-point RFP cover letter not exceeding one page in length. Your team has put together the perfect set of responses to all of the questions of the RFP. So, leave that information to speak for itself within the remainder of the document.

Need help writing an RFP Executive Summary

Do: Follow All the Rules of Business Letter Formatting Etiquette

Although the RFP cover letter is an introduction to your fun and exciting team, this isn’t the place to go rogue by using perfume-infused paper. Rather, stick to proper business letter formatting . However, you may introduce a visual of your business logo using your letterhead. This also adds a pop of color to the sea of black-and-white information that follows.

We then recommend applying formalized business letter etiquette rules such as:

  • Include the issuer’s business name, address and contact information.
  • Insert the final date of when your response was completed.
  • Address the letter to the key person at the organization who’s reviewing your bid. Don’t address your letter “To Whom It May Concern” or the like. If the RFP doesn’t list a contact person, take the extra step and contact the organization to ask for the contact name(s). This little bit of effort shows the reader that you’re invested in creating a relationship with them. As simple as it is, the person on the other end of the RFP will likely continue reading your full introduction letter.

Do: Be Compelling 

When writing RFP cover letters, it’s easy to come off as sounding impersonal or even repetitive. But don’t fall into this trap! Introduce your company’s compelling personality by directly engaging the customer.

Do follow these steps when crafting your letter:

  • Thank the issuer for the opportunity to bid. But not right away! Avoid starting the opening line in your RFP cover letter using any “Thank you for…” statements. Instead, be creative and address a fact about your potential client. For example, “ Our team recognizes the impact DigitalSolutions Inc. made by upgrading the software solutions for the University of Neptune. “ Now, you’ve gained the attention of the reader. Because you’ve directly addressed a successful project they completed in the past, they’ll pay attention when you discuss continuing that success in the future.
  • Reiterate the details of their RFP. Next, address their pain point(s). This should quickly sum up the details of their RFP and state that your business is prepared to resolve that need.
  • Explain why your organization is qualified to respond. By now, you’ve done your homework on your potential client. So, use this part of the RFP cover letter to state why your team is uniquely situated to deliver solutions. Remember, it’s not a sales pitch; it’s an alignment pitch.
  • Provide a short list of deliverables.  This should acknowledge your inclusion of their requested main requirements. Don’t get into too much detail.
  • Close the cover letter. Close your RFP cover letter with a call to action. A simple sentence letting the team know that you’re happy to provide them with any additional information is usually a safe bet. Then finish with a handwritten signature. This small step is the sprinkle on the cake that tops off the total investment you put into the bid.

Final Thoughts

Remember, the RFP cover letter should be the icing on the cake, and you want the reader to enjoy it. And you should also enjoy creating it. After all, your team dedicated their hard work, time and resources to crafting a perfect response for that customer. Your company is more than just a black-and-white response; use this area to your advantage and convey your commitment and personality! Just know that the more you engage, the more memorable you’ll be.

You Don’t Have to Go It Alone

At The Bid Lab, we work with clients who don’t have the time, resources, or experience to manage, write and build their bids. So whether you’re still learning the RFP process basics, looking for the perfect RFP recipe , or trying to avoid making common mistakes , The Bid Lab has your back. (Yes, even if you’re looking for non-RFP ways to expand your business altogether.) After all, we’re experts on both sides of the equation. We know how to write an RFP and how to respond to an RFP. Bids and RFPs are our business – all day, every day! So reach out for a free consultation by calling 1-844-4BIDLAB or emailing [email protected].

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Sample RFP Response Cover Letter





[Recipient’s Name]

[Recipient’s Company Name]

[Recipient’s Company Address]

Dear [Recipient’s Position] ,

I am writing to submit our proposal in response to the Request for Proposal (RFP) issued by [Recipient’s Company Name]. As the Sales Manager of [Your Company Name], I am proud to present our comprehensive solution tailored to meet the needs outlined in the RFP.

Our team at [Your Company Name] has carefully reviewed the requirements outlined in the RFP and has developed a solution that aligns perfectly with your objectives. With over [number of years] years of experience in the industry, we understand the importance of delivering results-driven solutions that exceed expectations.

Our proposal includes a detailed overview of our approach, methodology, and deliverables, as well as a breakdown of costs and timelines. We have also included case studies and client testimonials that highlight our track record of success in similar projects.

At [Your Company Name], we are committed to providing exceptional customer service and building long-lasting partnerships with our clients. We believe that our solution not only meets the requirements outlined in the RFP but also provides added value that sets us apart from the competition.

Thank you for considering our proposal. We are confident that our solution will deliver the results you are looking for and look forward to the opportunity to discuss our proposal in more detail.

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Entry Level Sales Representative Cover Letter

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Financial Sales Representative Cover Letter

Field Sales Representative Cover Letter

Counselor Cover Letter with No Experience

Furniture Sales Representative Cover Letter

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Sales Representative Cover Letter with No Experience

Electronics Sales Representative Cover Letter

Employment Administrator Cover Letter

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Partner Sales Representative Cover Letter

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Professional Sales Representative Cover Letter

International Sales Representative Cover Letter

Beginner Sales Representative Cover Letter

Sales Representative Resume Cover Letter

Counseling Psychologist Cover Letter

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Proposal templates, formats and tools: Create better RFP responses faster

Justin Flor

Responding to requests for proposals (RFPs) can be stressful. There are so many questions to answer. For instance, what information should you include? How do you make your RFP response memorable? What are the best proposal templates to use? How do you make your business stand out from competitors that offer similar solutions?  What should your proposal design look like? Where will you find the time to gather all the necessary information?

These questions are common. And, in this article, we’ll answer them as we cover these topics:

Investing in an RFP strategy

5 strategies to improve your rfp roi, the best proposal templates, excellent rfp response examples, recommended rfp outline, an inside look at proposal management software, tips and tools for proposal writing and design, rfp response best practices from experts.

  • How to use your response toolkit

Naturally, everyone understands the potential value of winning an RFP. Unfortunately, far too often, businesses don’t concern themselves with the cost.

On average, most organizations spend 30 hours on every RFP response, and their win rate is only 10%. In other words, they respond to 10 RFPs, spending a total of 300 hours, before they win a single deal.

rfp response cover letter template word

That’s a significant investment of time and money. And in some cases, it’s a gamble that doesn’t pay off.

The average cost of responding to an RFP

Let’s estimate the cost of creating an RFP response. It’s fair to assume that the RFP response work is done mostly by a proposal manager . On average, according to recent data from glassdoor.com , they average around $106,000 per year. Using that figure, we can quantify just how costly the proposal process really is.

Broken down by hour, proposal managers earn about $50.00. If they were the only proposal team members involved in the process, it would cost $1,500.00 to respond to an RFP.

However, you also must consider that many of those hours are worked by subject matter experts (SMEs) as well as executive reviewers and approvers. Typically, these experts and executives earn substantially more than proposal managers. With this in mind, it’s easy to create a picture of the true cost of creating proposals and responding to RFPs.

Additionally, when sales and marketing efforts are included to calculate the total cost, most organizations spend thousands more to win a single deal.

Mark Vignolo, Manager of Sales and Engineering at Viewpoint , faced this problem first-hand.

“Common RFPs we received had 200-300 questions, all listed in Excel. Issues really started to show up when we had to split those questions out to different people.” Mark said. “We tended to lose a lot of time just handing it off and bringing the information back.”

Fortunately, there are tried and true strategies for increasing the return on investment for responding to RFPs.

To improve RFP ROI, you must reduce proposal response time (efficiency) and increase proposal wins (effectiveness).

Here are the primary ways to accomplish those goals:

  • Use proven proposal templates — RFP response templates give you a head start and a format to follow as you customize your proposal to meet your customers’ needs.
  • Learn from RFP response examples — Sometimes, instructions in a template can’t paint the full picture. In that case, seeing a completed proposal example for a service similar to yours is helpful.
  • Improve consistency with a response to RFP outline — An RFP outline ensures you include all the crucial elements of a proposal in the first draft. Consequently, it helps you avoid rework as the RFP deadline rapidly approaches.
  • Leverage proposal management software with RFP automation — Proposal management software is transformative when it comes to speeding up your proposal process . Specifically, it centralizes your proposal content library, improves SME and executive collaboration, empowers RFP automation and streamlines workflows.
  • Explore proposal tools to improve writing, design and messaging — There are a lot of great (and affordable) RFP response tools that speed your proposal timeline while improving your chances of winning the RFP.

Thanks to the knowledge and experience of our founders, internal RFP experts, customers and independent research, we put together a list of the best proposal templates, RFP response examples, proposal formats and tools you can use to simplify your RFP process.

Beyond the tools covered here, we can also learn how to create a successful RFP response process from customer stories .

The quickest way to consistently create RFP responses that work is by following a successful proposal template. Proposal templates offer a strong foundation to start from when building your proposal.

However, customization is crucial. No two RFPs are ever exactly the same, therefore, no two RFP responses should be identical. Remember, the organization you’re responding to has unique needs and challenges. Make sure you tailor your proposal messaging to best showcase how your business is the perfect fit to help them meet their goals.

Free marketing proposal template

Hubspot has dozens of free proposal templates geared toward any sort of organization. This marketing proposal template stands out as comprehensive and very well put together. 

It includes:

  • Tips such as adding proposed team member headshots along with their titles and profiles
  • A pricing calculator to help you avoid mathematical errors
  • Step-by-step, fill-in-the-blank template for creating a proposal that engages your leads and demonstrates why it’s important for the client to use your company as a tool for success
  • Proven, actionable messaging strategies that improve client conversion rates (and why what you’re saying is important)

5-page proposal template

This proposal template, created by consultant Jonathan Stark , is built for entrepreneurs, but it’s perfect for almost any organization. It was designed to “show you how to write proposals in a fraction of the time, increase your close rate and stop leaving money on the table.”

Jonathan Stark, the consultant who created the template, reports that he has closed “well over seven figures of business with this exact template.”

  • How to structure the proposal
  • How many options to provide
  • Why you should focus on benefits, not deliverables
  • How to anchor your prices to the outcome, not your hours
  • What pricing terms to include
  • What to negotiate — and what not to negotiate!

Additional RFP response templates

These sites also offer free proposal templates:.

  • OpenOffice – Proposal and RFP response templates in Word and Office Suite compatible programs
  • Proposable.com – Free downloadable proposal templates that are heavily designed and primarily focus on vendors who provide professional services
  • Smartsheet – Offers RFP response templates in Word, Google docs and PDF
  • Fedmarket – If you’re pursuing federal opportunities, this template is designed for government RFP opportunities and popular in the federal contracting world

If you’ve found a proposal template you like, but still need some inspiration for filling it out, look no further. These five RFP response examples come from five different industries. However, each of them is memorable thanks to their content or their format. For inspiration, explore these proposal examples and make note of the things that you liked or didn’t like. Then, add those to your proposal template.

LCG Pence Construction education construction RFP response example

While this proposal example doesn’t include all of our recommended RFP outline sections, it stands out for its professionalism and use of visual elements. Indeed, the cover page, table of contents and cover letter provide a good introduction. And, later in the proposal, the company provides bios with photos, project plans and charts to reinforce their expertise.

5by5 website design and development proposal example

The messaging in this proposal is what stands out. Indeed, the proposal is friendly, approachable and inspiring. In addition, 5by5 does a great job of highlighting key information like their business culture, a project timeline and straightforward pricing.

JanPro Cleaning Systems proposal example

This proposal example is very easy to read and includes bullet-pointed lists, short paragraphs and company branding. In addition, the company provides its standard cleaning contract to speed the closing process if selected.

KnowInk RFP response example for polling services

This proposal is a good example of a winning bid because we know this company went to contract with the customer. Government proposals tend to be fairly dry and visually uninteresting, so KnowInk stood out by using modern graphics in their brand colors. This sample RFP is heavily redacted due to the sensitive details included, but it still offers a good example of a proposal format that wins.

There is no one-size-fits-all proposal outline because some industries have particular requirements. However, there are key elements almost every proposal should have.

Below is a standard proposal outline along with professional tips and ideas to keep in mind while you’re writing. To create your outline, review the RFP and jot down a few ideas for each of these sections. Then, you can quickly work from your outline to create focused messaging that resonates with your prospect.

1. RFP cover letter

First things first — introduce yourself. Your RFP cover letter offers the buyer a first impression of your company. In addition, it can be used to create or deepen your connection with the customer, reinforce your expertise and quickly highlight your key differentiators. In the cover letter section of your RFP outline, you should include space for these main components:

  • Greeting and introduction
  • Summary of RFP needs
  • Your qualifications and differentiators
  • Thank you and closing

rfp response cover letter template word

2. Executive summary

Executive summary best practices.

  • Keep your message customer-centric
  • Leverage your knowledge library
  • Make sure it makes sense without the help of the proposal
  • Follow instructions exactly

rfp response cover letter template word

Ultimately, the executive summary helps the buyer decide if they’re going to continue reading, quickly skim your proposal or forget about it entirely.

More info: How to write a winning RFP executive summary—er, briefing (with template)

3. About us

The about us section — also known as the management overview — explains your story and qualifications. Brag about yourself a little. Set yourself apart from the competition by being creative about your strengths.

You aren’t small; you’re adaptive. You aren’t inexperienced; you bring a fresh new perspective. Be proud of your accomplishments. This is your time to shine, to show the client what makes you unique.

Without tooting our own horn, we think the About page on our website can give you a good idea of how to handle this section. Just like on a website, the about us section of your proposal is all about demonstrating your strengths and how those strengths will benefit the reader.

4. Answers to RFP questions

Specific customer questions and your responses are what make RFPs such a useful tool for comparing vendors. So, in this section, you’ll work to create winning RFP responses with your proposal team.

Pay attention to the content and length of your answers. While you want your answers to be thorough and customer-centric, you don’t want to make reading this section a chore. It’s always a good idea to check your proposal content library for similar questions you’ve answered in the past to save time.

5. Project schedule

Lay out the contract schedule using milestones and key dates. This will help the client visualize where they’ll be in the future.

What will their world look like? Detail when you will finish certain tracks of work and what outcomes the client can expect. Don’t get into specifics just yet—you can sort that out in the implementation plan.

6. Contract details

How will you manage the contract in terms of supervision, communication and quality assurance? What will you need from the customer to succeed? Will you conduct status meetings? How often? What sort of specific information will you report? Will the customer’s main contact transition to a customer success representative?

Use this section to reassure your customer that you have a strong process in place. Give them the outline of your plan to keep them engaged and satisfied.

7. Implementation plan

Here’s where you can sort out the details of your onboarding and roll-out plan. The work plan should tie into the overall schedule summary and will likely include some assumptions and time estimates. A matrix is a great way to display this information. Some people like to use week 0, week 1, etc. instead of specific dates. That is especially helpful if you don’t have a firm start date mandated. Just try to be as specific as possible. Other details to cover include:

  • Risks or potential problems
  • Location of the work or team (on-site, off-site)
  • Project staffing (by name or job title)

You can’t expect to close a deal without working through the price. That’s where your proposal budget comes into play.

When creating a proposal budget, you must consider five key factors:

  • Research and development
  • Travel costs
  • Operational expenses
  • Profit margin

9. References and case studies

Key time-saving features of rfp response software.

RFP management software  is designed to make the proposal process more efficient and effective. There are a number of key features that make that possible. For example, an intelligent proposal content library to store RFP responses, a customized proposal template library, collaborative workflow tools and more.

We know that, sometimes, seeing is believing. So, below we’ll explore these features and provide an inside look at how they work in Responsive.

Proposal content management We’ve all heard that content is king. But it’s not enough to just create it; we have to be able to find it, update it and collaborate to optimize it. RFP software can help:

Your RFP system centralizes your RFP knowledge and answers , making it easy to find and update past responses. It also tracks edits, sends reminders to update responses and provides key RFP data.

Proposal template library Store and reuse your most successful proposals so you can quickly create consistent, winning RFP responses.

Collaborate with your proposal team and SMEs RFP response software is cloud-based. Consequently, version control becomes a thing of the past. Multiple stakeholders and SMEs can work on answers at the same time, making it easy to collaborate on proposals .

Manage the proposal process For proposal managers, RFP software makes tracking progress easy. RFP management dashboards provide real-time updates on each task. These are visible to contributors as well so they always know what to do next.

Ultimately, the important thing is that RFP Software should streamline the RFP process ⁠— saving you time and winning more bids.

In addition to RFP software, there are a lot of RFP response tools available to make your messaging more effective and your proposal process more efficient. Below you’ll find some of my favorites.

Guides to creating great content

10 simple edits that will instantly improve any piece of writing Let’s start with some basic guidelines for writing any kind of content. Hubspot created this post to serve as a quick reference and reminder for writers. It explores how to make your content readable, relatable and engaging.

A writing GPS: The step-by-step guide to creating your next piece of content This infographic, by the talented Ann Handley, walks through the writing process. From setting goals to reviewing, it provides guidance to ensure your final proposal achieves your goals and is error-free.

801 power words that pack a punch and convert like crazy Sometimes, simple word substitution makes a big difference. Rather than digging through a thesaurus, start with this post from SmartBlogger about power words. It offers a list of words that are impactful and leave a lasting impression.

Proposal design tools

Just like we dress for success, we should likewise ensure our proposals are both professional and visually appealing. Including photos and infographics engages the reader and illustrates your value and data.

Free resources for photos

  • Unsplash — A constantly growing collection of free photos
  • PicJumbo — Another great collection of photos including a wide range of subjects
  • Hubspot — Hubspot put together an exhaustive list of free stock photo sites
  • Gratisography – Unique and quirky photos
  • Smithsonian Open Access — 2.8 million historic, iconic public domain photos

Free resources for proposal infographics and editing

  • Canva — Free resource to create proposal templates and infographics
  • Venngage — Source for easy-to-create infographics 
  • Piktochart — Create attractive charts to illustrate powerful data

Of course, all of the above proposal templates, tools and RFP response format examples won’t do any good if you don’t know how to use them to create compelling content that helps you win new deals.

That’s why we’ve compiled advice from sales and marketing experts to help you develop proposals that win.

Be thorough, but simple

“Companies spend a substantial amount of time and energy creating an RFP that will level the playing field for their potential vendors and garner the exact information they need to reach a decision. Give them what they ask for. When we prepared our RFP responses, we were thorough, but simple. We made our pitch early and often, providing only the necessary details to illustrate why our company could add more value than our competitors. Including information outside of the set guidelines may cause your proposal to be bypassed.”

— Tom Gimbel, CEO, LaSalle Network

Address the challenges your prospect wants to overcome

“Instead of focusing on what you have to offer your prospect, your proposals should focus on the key problems your prospect wants to solve. In particular, the beginning portions of your proposals should address the challenges your prospect wants to overcome. This will effectively turn your proposals into working documents that outline specific client objectives—a powerful tool.”

— Marc Wayshak, founder of Sales Strategy Academy and best-selling author of Game Plan Selling

Don’t confuse your reader

“Acronyms, technical slang and other jargon will turn your reader off faster than a sleazy pitch. Don’t confuse your reader by trying to sound smart, that’s bad for sales and bad for you.”

— Mary Cullen, founder and president of Instructional Solutions and internationally recognized business writing trainer and executive writing coach

How to use your new RFP response toolkit

Feeling overwhelmed? Don’t worry. We covered a lot — from RFP response templates to proposal format advice, expert tips and more. But putting it all together is easier than you might think.

  • First, select the RFP response template that works best for your situation
  • Then, use the formatting advice to customize the content in the most effective way possible
  • Next, evaluate which tools and technology will best support your RFP response process
  • Finally, look over the expert tips and advice to ensure your proposal content is compelling, and persuasive and positions your organization to win

Not too bad, right? Now, you have all the tools and resources to efficiently and effectively respond to your next RFP.

  • Bids and tenders: Best practices and process
  • Understanding AI RFP software
  • How to choose a proposal management solution

Ready to see Responsive in action?

Find out why leading response teams across the world turn to Responsive for their Strategic Response Management and RFP software needs.

Learn more about RFP software

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Cover Letter For RFP Template

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A - Sample RFP Cover Letter (MS Word)


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  2. Free Cover Letter Templates

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  1. RFP Response Cover Letter Guide & Tips

    Sample proposal cover letter - Insight Public Sector to Education Service Center (ESCO) This proposal cover letter example introduces Insight Public Sector's response to ESCO's RFP for technology software, equipment, services and solutions. The letter fits on a single page, reaffirms the company's qualifications, and uses colorful ...

  2. A Winning formula for Your RFP Response Cover Letter

    A Request for Proposal (RFP) response cover letter is simply a letter included at the beginning of your proposal that explains why you are bidding and how your solution solves the problem the customer is facing. ... make sure you check out our free cover letter template below. Related Posts . 5 Books to Help You Write Better Proposals. Proposal ...

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    A Request for Proposal that an organization (government agency or large enterprise) creates to mention the specification of their project. The RFP explains the customer requirements and the evaluation criteria on which the vendor's proposal will be assessed. According to Ganesh Shankar of RFPIO, the chance of securing an RFP is under 5 percent.

  4. How To Write an Effective RFP Response (With Example)

    How to write an effective response to an RFP in 5 steps. If you need to write an effective response to an RFP, here are five steps you can review to help you develop your proposal response structure: 1. Write a formal cover letter. Writing a formal cover letter at the beginning of your response to an RFP is important to help your company make a ...

  5. 6 Tips to Write a Killer RFP Cover Letter: Template, Examples, Tips

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    Keep it simple. Include the issuing company's name and related RFP reference information (number and/or name). Add your business name, logo, and the date you're submitting the bid. Don't include marketing lines about your company or product in the bid answers. Do create a visually pleasing and simple format.

  8. Template: RFP Cover Letter

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  9. How to Write a Proposal Cover Letter: Examples + Free Template

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  10. Here's What to Include in RFP Cover Letter

    The same is true when responding to Request for Proposal (RFP) opportunities. A successful RFP response establishes its tone immediately through a well-thought-out cover letter. RFP cover letters include an overview detailing why your organization is best suited to meet the issuer's needs. An effective cover letter for a bid proposal sets ...

  11. How to Write a Standout RFP Response (With Template)

    1. Cover page. The cover page of your RFP response serves as your first impression. It should reflect your brand identity with your firm's style, color, and logo, and it should also include the logo of your prospective client. 2. Introductory letter.

  12. 5 RFP Response Templates & Best Practices to Win Your Next RFP Proposal

    An RFP response is a document you send to a potential client in response to a request for proposal (RFP). To respond to an RFP, review the RFP carefully, analyze and plan, collaborate with your team, draft the proposal, share it with your team and review and submit the proposal. Some of the best practices for an RFP response include identifying ...

  13. How to Create an RFP Response Template (PDF Example)

    RFP Cover Letter. Like an executive summary (see below), a strong proposal cover letter sets the stage for the rest of your proposal by demonstrating your commitment to meeting the client company needs from the onset. As the first impression, your RFP cover letter should be professional, engaging, and showcase your company's interest in the ...

  14. Write a Stellar Proposal Cover Letter

    To write a proposal cover letter with nary a wasted word, you first need to understand its strategic significance in the overall proposal. ... Feel free to use the proposal cover letter example below as a template for your next letter. ... Helping businesses improve and scale their RFP response process for greater efficiency. The time and ...

  15. Free RFP Cover Letter Template

    Hudson Outsourcing LLC is a global provider of bid writing consultancy. Our services help businesses grow far and wide. Our Bid Writing Consultants have over 60 years of collective bidding experience. Our capabilities include RFP writing for local, municipal, state, and federal government solicitations. We are also well versed in writing bids ...

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    The RFP cover letter takes very little time to compose (especially if you use our template below) and offers you one more way to stand out from your competitors. The RFP cover letter can also be ...

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    Bids and RFPs are our business - all day, every day! So reach out for a free consultation by calling 1-844-4BIDLAB or emailing [email protected]. Download the Template. RFP cover letters should be the icing on the cake of your RFP. So don't overlook the dos and don'ts of documents with a personal touch.

  18. Sample RFP Response Cover Letter

    Cover Letter Templates @Template.net. Free. Employment Associate Cover Letter. Military Employment Cover Letter. Customize and Download this "Sample RFP Response Cover Letter". Enhance this design & content with free ai. "Sample RFP Response Cover Letter" is in editable, printable format.

  19. How to Write a Proposal Cover Letter (Examples + Templates)

    Dear Mrs. Lee and Members of the Selection Committee, Also, remember to include the recipient's job title and the company's address to give an even more professional touch to your proposal cover letter. And then catch their attention by writing a captivating first sentence of your proposal cover letter.

  20. Create Better, Faster RFP Responses With Proposal Templates

    Smartsheet - Offers RFP response templates in Word, Google docs and PDF; ... Your RFP cover letter offers the buyer a first impression of your company. In addition, it can be used to create or deepen your connection with the customer, reinforce your expertise and quickly highlight your key differentiators. In the cover letter section of your ...

  21. Cover Letter For RFP Template

    Download. Business in a Box templates are used by over 250,000 companies in United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, South Africa and 190 countries worldwide. Download your Cover Letter For RFP Template in MS Word (.docx). Everything you need to plan, manage, finance, and grow your business.

  22. DOC Appendix 1

    This is in the format of Appendix 1 - Proposal Covering Letter and RFP Compliance Table Comply Desirable Criteria Yes. No Proposal contents are sequenced as follows: Title Page. Table of Contents - including page numbers. Proposal Covering Letter - (Please use sample provided in Appendix 1) Response to Evaluation Factors; Program Delivery ...

  23. A

    A - Sample RFP Cover Letter (MS Word) A - Sample RFP Cover Letter (MS Word) Document. A - Sample RFP Cover Letter (MS Word) (32 KB) Follow USAID. Facebook. X. YouTube. Linkedin. Flickr. Instagram. United States Agency for International Development. 1300 Pennsylvania Ave, NW. Washington DC 20004. Footer menu. Contact; White House; USA.gov;