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Unlocking PhD Salaries and Opportunities

PhD Salaries

The pursuit of a PhD represents a pinnacle of academic achievement, epitomizing years of rigorous study, research, and expertise in a specific field. For many, this educational journey is a labour of love, driven by a passion for knowledge and a desire to contribute to the global pool of understanding. However, as one nears the end of this formidable academic odyssey, questions about what lies beyond the ivory tower become increasingly pertinent.

Among the myriad concerns that occupy the mind of a PhD candidate nearing graduation, one that often looms large is the financial aspect. What can one expect in terms of compensation and career opportunities after investing so much in education and research? Understanding the salary landscape for PhD holders is crucial not only for financial planning but also for making informed decisions about the direction of one’s career.

PhD salaries encompass a wide spectrum of earnings based on fields, regions, and industry choices. In academia, postdocs start at around $40,000 while tenured professors can earn $90,000 and above. Private sector salaries often range from $70,000 to well over $150,000, influenced by specialization and experience.

In this article, we delve into the multifaceted world of post-PhD salaries, exploring the diverse factors that influence earnings. From the impact of one’s field of study and geographic location to the varying opportunities within academia, private industry, and public sectors, we aim to provide insights that can assist both current PhD candidates and those navigating their early careers post-doctorate.

Join us on this exploration as we unravel the intricacies of salary expectations for those who have achieved the esteemed PhD, shedding light on the possibilities that await beyond the academic threshold. Through comprehensive analysis and a global perspective, we endeavour to empower individuals to navigate their professional journey with clarity and confidence.


How different fields influence phd salary expectations:, how cost of living and job demand in specific regions impact salaries:, variations in phd salary based on working in academia, private sector, government, or non-profit organizations:, typical salary range for postdocs in various fields:, salary expectations for entry-level faculty positions:, salaries increase with experience and tenure:, phd salary ranges in private companies related to different fields of study:, potential salaries in public service or non-profit organizations:, comparing salaries in different countries and regions for phd holders:.

  • International Factors Affect PhD Salary - Exchange Rates and Cost of Living:

Salary Comparison Table for PhD Holders

Importance of networking for better job opportunities and salaries:, encouraging ongoing skill development to stay competitive in the job market:, advice on negotiating salaries and benefits effectively:.

  • Before We Conclude....

Embarking on the path of a PhD is a significant intellectual and academic commitment, representing a scholarly voyage of deep exploration and expertise acquisition in a specialized area of knowledge. It is a journey marked by tireless research, critical analysis, and the creation of original contributions to the academic community. Graduating with a PhD is a hallmark moment, but it also raises important questions about the practical implications of this significant achievement.

Take, for instance, Dr. Sarah, who recently completed her PhD in Environmental Science. After years of devoted research on sustainable agricultural practices, climate change, and environmental policy, she now finds herself standing at the crossroads of academic and professional life. Like many PhD holders, Sarah is eager to apply her expertise and make a tangible difference in her field, but she is also keenly aware of the financial considerations that come with this next step.

This article seeks to address the crucial and often intricate matter of post-PhD salaries. It aims to unravel the enigma surrounding the financial aspect of life after the doctorate, a subject that is of paramount importance to those who have invested years in pursuit of advanced education. The purpose here is to shed light on the salary expectations that individuals with a PhD can anticipate across various sectors, fields of study, and global locations.

Just like Sarah, countless PhD graduates stand on the verge of a new phase in their careers. Understanding the earning potential, salary ranges, and factors that influence compensation is instrumental in making informed decisions. This article endeavours to provide a comprehensive guide, offering insights into the diverse avenues available for Ph.D. holders, and empowering them to navigate the professional landscape with foresight and financial prudence.

Factors Influencing PhD Salary

The field of study significantly impacts post-PhD salaries. For instance, a PhD holder in Computer Science might find higher-paying opportunities compared to someone in Sociology. This is due to the demand for specific skill sets and expertise in the job market. Let’s consider Dr. Alex, a PhD holder in Artificial Intelligence. As the tech industry continues to expand rapidly, professionals with expertise in AI are in high demand, often commanding lucrative salaries in both academia and the private sector.

Geographical location plays a pivotal role in determining PhD salaries. The cost of living, job demand, and regional economic conditions all influence compensation levels. For example, Dr. Emily, a PhD holder in Economics, might find higher-paying opportunities in urban centres like New York City or London due to the higher cost of living and increased demand for economists in financial hubs.

The industry or sector in which a PhD graduate works also heavily impacts their salary. Those in academia, while contributing to knowledge and education, may generally have different salary expectations compared to their counterparts in the private sector. For instance, Dr. Michael, with a PhD in Business Administration, may choose to work in a corporate role, often leading to higher remuneration and additional benefits compared to a position in a non-profit organization focused on social impact.

PhD Salaries in Academia

Postdoctoral positions are a common starting point for many PhD holders aiming for an academic career. Salaries can vary based on the field and location. For example, Dr. Ahmed, who completed his PhD in Biology and secured a postdoc position at a research institution, can expect a salary range of approximately $40,000 to $60,000 per year. However, in specialized fields like biomedical research, postdocs may earn higher, sometimes up to $70,000 annually.

As a PhD graduate progresses to an assistant professor position, the salary range increases. For instance, Dr. Sarah, who recently transitioned to an assistant professor role in Psychology at a reputable university, could expect a salary between $60,000 to $90,000 annually. This range may vary based on factors such as the university’s prestige, geographic location, and the demand for expertise in the field.

As faculty members gain experience and achieve tenure, their salaries typically increase. Dr. Johnson, who has been a tenured professor in Computer Science for over a decade, might earn a salary ranging from $90,000 to well over $150,000 annually, depending on the university’s profile and the region’s cost of living. Full professors, having extensive experience and research contributions, may even earn higher, especially in renowned institutions or in high-cost-of-living areas.

PhD Salaries Outside Academia

In the private sector, salaries for PhD holders can vary widely based on the industry and field of study. For example, Dr. Michael, who holds a PhD in Data Science, might secure a position in a tech company and command a salary ranging from $90,000 to $120,000 per year, given the high demand for data science expertise. On the other hand, Dr. Laura, with a PhD in Marketing, might find positions in consumer research or advertising agencies, earning a comparable salary range in a different industry.

PhD graduates often find fulfilling opportunities in government agencies or non-profit organizations. In these sectors, salaries may vary based on the role, responsibilities, and level of experience.

For instance, Dr. Patel, with a PhD in Public Health, might join a government health department and earn a salary ranging from $60,000 to $100,000 annually, depending on the specific position and location. Similarly, Dr. Nguyen, with a PhD in Education, could work for a non-profit focused on educational development, earning a salary in the range of $50,000 to $80,000 per year.

International Perspective

Salaries for PhD holders can vary significantly on a global scale. For instance, a PhD holder in Computer Science in the United States might earn an annual salary ranging from $70,000 to $150,000. In contrast, in India, a PhD holder in a similar field may earn a range of approximately $10,000 to $30,000 per year. The variation is influenced by factors such as the country’s economic development, demand for specialized skills, and cost of living.

International Factors Affect PhD Salary – Exchange Rates and Cost of Living:

Exchange rates and cost of living are crucial factors affecting salaries for PhD holders in different countries. Consider Dr. Anderson, a PhD holder in Environmental Engineering. If she relocates from the United Kingdom, where she earns £50,000 annually, to Switzerland, a country with a higher cost of living and strong currency, her equivalent salary might be around CHF 80,000. However, despite the seemingly higher salary, the increased cost of living might offset the apparent financial advantage.

Approximate salary comparison table for PhD holders based on working in academia, private sector, government, or non-profit organizations:

Field of WorkJob TypeApproximate Salary Range (Per Year)
AcademiaPostdoctoral Position$40,000 – $70,000
AcademiaAssistant Professor$60,000 – $90,000
AcademiaTenured/Full Professor$90,000 – $150,000+
Private SectorEntry-Level Position$70,000 – $100,000
Private SectorMid-Level Position$100,000 – $150,000
Private SectorSenior-Level Position$150,000+
GovernmentEntry-Level Position$60,000 – $90,000
GovernmentMid-Level Position$90,000 – $120,000
GovernmentSenior-Level Position$120,000+
Non-Profit OrganizationsProgram Manager$50,000 – $80,000
Non-Profit OrganizationsDirector$80,000 – $120,000
Non-Profit OrganizationsExecutive Director$120,000+

Please note that these figures are approximate and can vary based on several factors including location, experience, specific organization, and field of study.

Tips for Maximizing Salary Potential

Networking is paramount for advancing in any career. Dr. Rodriguez, a PhD holder in Finance, attended industry conferences, where she met professionals and academics. Through these connections, she was introduced to job openings that weren’t publicly advertised. Networking helped her secure a position as a financial consultant with a significantly higher salary than she initially anticipated.

Continuous learning and skill development are essential to stay competitive. Dr. Chen, a PhD holder in Artificial Intelligence, regularly took online courses to enhance his programming and machine learning skills. His dedication to staying updated with the latest technologies made him an attractive candidate for a leading tech company, and he was able to negotiate a higher salary based on his specialized expertise.

Dr. Davis, a PhD holder in Business Administration, stressed the importance of negotiation. When offered a position as a senior researcher in a biotech company, he researched industry salary standards and prepared a compelling case for a higher salary and additional benefits. Through effective negotiation, he secured a salary 15% higher than the initial offer, along with flexible work hours.

Before We Conclude….

Please visit my article category RESEARCH CAREERS for various career opportunities for PhD candidates before and after completion of PhD.

Here’s a tabular format listing prominent companies across various domains along with their respective URLs for PhD related career opportunities:

Technology and ITGoogle
Biotechnology and PharmaPfizer
Johnson & Johnson
Finance and EconomicsGoldman Sachs
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Morgan Stanley
Federal Reserve
World Bank
ConsultingMcKinsey & Company
Boston Consulting Group (BCG)
Bain & Company
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)
Aerospace and DefenseNASA
Lockheed Martin
Northrop Grumman
Raytheon Technologies
Energy and EnvironmentExxonMobil
General Electric (GE) Renewable Energy
Siemens Energy
Automotive and TransportationTesla
Ford Motor Company
General Motors (GM)
Uber Technologies
Healthcare and Medical DevicesJohnson & Johnson
Siemens Healthineers
GE Healthcare
Education and ResearchHarvard University
Stanford University
MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
University of Oxford
ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology)
Non-Profit and Social ImpactWorld Health Organization (WHO)
United Nations (UN)
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement
Oxfam International

Please note that URLs and job opportunities may change over time, so it’s advisable to visit the respective company websites for the most up-to-date information on job openings and careers.

In this comprehensive exploration, we have dissected the various dimensions of salary expectations after obtaining a PhD. We started by understanding the factors influencing salaries, both within academia and beyond. From field of study and location to industry choice, these factors play a crucial role in determining one’s earning potential. We then examined the diverse salary landscapes in academia, private industry, government, and non-profit sectors. Furthermore, we emphasized the international perspective, shedding light on how salaries differ on a global scale. Lastly, we provided valuable tips on maximizing salary potential through networking, skill development, and effective negotiation.

Armed with the insights presented in this article, we encourage all aspiring and current PhD candidates to delve deeper into the salary landscapes of their respective fields. Further research, consultations with career advisors, and networking within their communities can provide a clearer picture of what to expect post-PhD. Knowledge is the cornerstone of success, and by acquiring a comprehensive understanding of salary expectations, individuals can confidently steer their career paths towards prosperity and fulfilment.

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Doctorate in Healthcare Administration Salary: 8 Top-Paying Jobs

The U.S. healthcare system is large and complex, made even more complicated by pandemic-related challenges and aging Baby Boomers. From patient safety to risk management and service quality, there is ample room for innovation and improvement, and the people prepared to lead the charge have terminal degrees in healthcare, particularly doctorates in healthcare administration (DHA). 

Without question, the nation’s healthcare systems need fresh yet practical solutions to help solve real-world healthcare dilemmas, gaps and problems. Leaders with a DHA can amplify their careers, both in responsibility and lifetime earning potential. For example, a DHA qualifies professionals for C-Suite positions, which according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average annual salary for chief executives was $197,840 as of May 2020, with the potential to earn much more. 

The Current Demand for Professionals with a DHA

Job outlooks in healthcare administration are on the rise, with the BLS projecting the industry to increase 18% from 2016-2026. The growth is due to a variety of factors, including the COVID pandemic. 

“COVID shook up leadership in healthcare,” said Dr. Gail Frankle, DHA program chair at Franklin University. “The old-style leaders retired while people who were able to pivot were innovative and called on their teams to step up to the plate and weather the storm. Now those innovative leaders can see their own potential and are earning doctorate degrees.”

And that’s a good thing, considering healthcare administration is on the rise and earning a terminal degree prepares leaders to make logical, relevant connections between classroom learning and real-world efficiencies and effectiveness.  

Advance your career in Healthcare Administration while you advance patient care. Download your free career guide.

Income potential for professionals with a dha.

Financial compensation for healthcare professionals with a DHA can be substantial, with reporting the salary for the top-paid 10% of CEOs at $308,000 in 2021. Without question, earning a DHA can present sizable income opportunities compared to professionals with a bachelor’s or master’s degree alone. 

phd director salary

But while earning a DHA can present lucrative opportunities, the program isn’t a fit for everyone.

“You’re not a good fit for a doctor of healthcare administration program if you’ve never worked in healthcare. You need to come with some background,” said Frankle. “Earning a DHA is not a way to break into the industry. When I talk to a student, I want to know what they want to do for a career and what they’re willing to sacrifice. The program is not for everybody.” 

The Best-Paying Jobs for DHAs

phd director salary

What are the best-paying jobs a professional can get with a DHA? Fortunately, there are many. Let’s look at some of the top professions for DHA graduates and how much they can expect to make on a yearly basis.

Hospital CEO | Average Salary (Bureau of Labor and Statistics): $197,840

Hospital CEOs are responsible for everything that goes on within a hospital and are very management-oriented. CEOs meet frequently with other hospital executives and boards of directors to ensure things go as planned and on budget. 

Hospital CFO | Average Salary (Payscale): $198,000 

Hospital CFOs carry the primary responsibility for the quality of their institutions' financial reports, ensuring accuracy in financial statements and working with budgets to oversee how money is being spent.

Hospital COO | Average Salary (Payscale): $144,774 

As a liaison among executive personnel members of each hospital department, Hospital COOs ensure that one department's activities do not interfere with another and confirm adherence to stated missions and guidelines. 

Director of Operations | Average Salary ( ): $176,885

A director of operations plans, directs, coordinates, and manages people and policies of a medical operation, which may include formulating policies, monitoring budgets, overseeing programs and assessing patient satisfaction. 

Professor | Top 10% of Earners ( EMSI ): $160,000

Professors share research-supported information with students in a variety of academic, medical or business settings with the goal to inform or instruct people in the healthcare field.

Consultant | Average Salary Plus Commission ( P ayscale ): $170,000

Consultant positions can vary greatly, but they typically act as an analyst, learning about a healthcare-related oranization’s operations to improve efficiencies by identifying problem areas and proposing solutions.

Adjunct Faculty | Top Earners ( Payscale ): $129,000

Public health is a rapidly growing field and colleges are seeking DHAs to become tenured professors of public health, healthcare administration and public policy.

Community Health Director | Average Salary ( ): $140,000

A community health director may not make as much as other professions in the field; however, the role presents opportunities to make a difference and serve a community, providing a clear track to build a career in Washington, D.C., or as a manager of a federal team.

Earning a DHA Will Help You Land The Job and Salary You Want

While a professional’s salary is always determined by a combination of factors, earning a DHA clearly gives job candidates increased earning potential across their lifetime and access to a wider range of positions. A great place to start is Franklin University because the program is very student-focused, providing exemplary support so students achieve their goals.

“The student is always our focus at Franklin. Everyone who comes into this program is given a variety of advisors who stay with them throughout their coursework and our instructors are phenomenal,” said Frankle. “We want our students to graduate and have successful careers.” 

Franklin University’s program is 100% online and features a relevant curriculum plus a variety of electives that allows students to customize their program. Some students even complete their degree in three years, including dissertation. 

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Doctorate (PhD), Education Degree

Doctorate (PhD), Education

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Laboratory Director Salary in the United States

Laboratory director salary.

How much does a Laboratory Director make in the United States? The average Laboratory Director salary in the United States is $190,877 as of August 27, 2024, but the range typically falls between $170,229 and $221,333 . Salary ranges can vary widely depending on many important factors, including education , certifications, additional skills, the number of years you have spent in your profession. With more online, real-time compensation data than any other website, helps you determine your exact pay target. 

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Percentile Salary Location Last Updated
10th Percentile Laboratory Director Salary $151,431 US August 27, 2024
25th Percentile Laboratory Director Salary $170,229 US August 27, 2024
50th Percentile Laboratory Director Salary $190,877 US August 27, 2024
75th Percentile Laboratory Director Salary $221,333 US August 27, 2024
90th Percentile Laboratory Director Salary $249,062 US August 27, 2024

Associate Director, Laboratory

Sonora Quest - CASPER, WY


Christus Health - CORP CHRISTI, TX


Scientific Director, Neuropathology Core Laboratory Faculty Position


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Job Description for Laboratory Director

Laboratory Director leads and directs the strategic design, management, and implementation of laboratory operations. Establishes and approves operating policies and procedures to guide the design of projects. Being a Laboratory Director estimates the time and resources needed to complete projects. Orders and inspects materials and equipment and maintains detailed and accurate inventory of lab supplies. Additionally, Laboratory Director manages costs by maintaining vendor relationships and implementing process improvements. Typically responsible for acquiring funding. Requires a master's degree. Typically reports to top management. The Laboratory Director manages a departmental sub-function within a broader departmental function. Creates functional strategies and specific objectives for the sub-function and develops budgets/policies/procedures to support the functional infrastructure. To be a Laboratory Director typically requires 5+ years of managerial experience. Deep knowledge of the managed sub-function and solid knowledge of the overall departmental function. (Copyright 2024 View full job description

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  • DIRECTOR SINGLE SITE - LABORATORY Christus Health - CORP CHRISTI, TX Description. Summary. The Director Laboratory is responsible for organizing, planning, directing, evaluating and providing general oversight for all labora... - Just Posted
  • ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR, LABORATORY Sonora Quest - CASPER, WY Primary City/State. Casper, Wyoming. Department Name. Gen Lab-WyMC Central. Work Shift. Day. Job Category. Lab. Join our team and make a positive impact in... - 4 Days Ago
  • Scientific Director, Neuropathology Core Laboratory Faculty Position CEDARS-SINAI - ARCO PLAZA, CA Cedars-Sinai Medical Center (CSMC) in Los Angeles has an outstanding faculty opportunity for a Director for the Neuropathology Core Laboratory in conjuncti... - Just Posted
  • DIRECTOR, LABORATORY OPERATIONS, BIOANALYTICAL IQVIA - INDIANAPOLIS, IN We are seeking a Director, Laboratory Operations, Bioanalytical to join Q² Solutions, IQVIA’s laboratory business in Indianapolis, IN.We hire passionate in... - 1 Day Ago


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Laboratory Director Pay Difference by Location

Laboratory Director salary varies from city to city. Compared with national average salary of Laboratory Director, the highest Laboratory Director salary is in San Francisco, CA, where the Laboratory Director salary is 25.0% above. The lowest Laboratory Director salary is in Miami, FL, where the Laboratory Director salary is 3.5% lower than national average salary.

City, State Compared to national average

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Job Title Experience EDUCATION Salary Compared to This Job
0 - 2 Bachelors - 69.8%
2 - 4 Bachelors - 61.3%
4 - 7 Bachelors - 51.6%
7 + Bachelors - 32.0%
5 + Bachelors - 37.0%

Level of Education for Laboratory Director

Jobs with different levels of education may pay very differently. Check the Laboratory Director salary of your education level.

  • Laboratory Director Salaries with a Master's Degree or MBA
  • Laboratory Director Salaries with a JD, MD, PhD or Equivalent

Laboratory Director Salary by State

Geographic variations impact Laboratory Director salary levels, due to various factors, such as cost of living, industries, market demand and company budgets. Click below to see pay differences between states.

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Skills associated with Laboratory Director: Resource Management , Operational Policy Development , Scientific Study Reports , Laboratory Supply Management ... More

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Jobs with a similar salary range to Laboratory Director : Director Of Lab Operations

Laboratory Director Salary in United States

Salaries for Medical Director with a JD, MD, PhD or Equivalent

According to our 100% employer reported salary sources the median salary for a Medical Director with a JD, MD, PhD or Equivalent is $321,815 - $338,544 . Please try our salary wizard to explore how other factors like location, Years of experience and number of direct reports can impact your base pay and bonus.

Degree Level % of user with this level of education
High School 1%
Associates 1%
Bachelors 4%
Masters 6%
Doctorate 88%
Medical Director with the following degree Will likely fall in this salary range
Master's Degree or MBA $319,682 - $336,175
JD, MD, PhD or Equivalent $321,815 - $338,544


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    PhD salaries encompass a wide spectrum of earnings based on fields, regions, and industry choices. . ... Director: $80,000 - $120,000: Non-Profit Organizations: Executive Director: $120,000+ Salary comparison table for PhD holders.

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  8. 1,000+ PhD Director Jobs, Employment August 30, 2024|

    PhD Director jobs. Sort by: relevance - date. 1,000+ jobs. Senior Director Higher Education Research. American Dental Education Association 3.7. Hybrid work in Washington, DC 20001. 7th St + L St. Typically responds within 3 days. $124,000 - $133,000 a year. Full-time. Monday to Friday. Easily apply.

  9. Medical Director

    The average Medical Director salary in the United States is $329,066 as of August 27, 2024, ... Medical Director Salaries with a JD, MD, PhD or Equivalent ; Medical Director Salary by State. Geographic variations impact Medical Director salary levels, due to various factors, such as cost of living, industries, market demand and company budgets. ...

  10. Salaries for Clinical Research Director with a JD, MD, PhD or

    According to our 100% employer reported salary sources the median salary for a Clinical Research Director with a JD, MD, PhD or Equivalent is $155,634 - $166,416.Please try our salary wizard to explore how other factors like location, Years of experience and number of direct reports can impact your base pay and bonus.

  11. Doctorate in Healthcare Administration Salary: 8 Top-Paying Jobs

    Financial compensation for healthcare professionals with a DHA can be substantial, with reporting the salary for the top-paid 10% of CEOs at $308,000 in 2021. Without question, earning a DHA can present sizable income opportunities compared to professionals with a bachelor's or master's degree alone.

  12. Doctorate (PhD) Salary

    Doctorate (PhD) - Salary - Get a free salary comparison based on job title, skills, experience and education. Accurate, reliable salary and compensation comparisons for United States

  13. 20 of the Highest Paying PhD Degrees (Plus Salaries)

    20. Immunology. National average salary: $182,342 per year Immunologists with a Ph.D. study infectious diseases and create public health policies related to disease transmission and prevention. A background in a relevant degree program related to immunology is typically a prerequisite for this area of study.

  14. Research and Development Director

    The base salary for Research and Development Director ranges from $201,694 to $259,231 with the average base salary of $229,643. The total cash compensation, which includes base, and annual incentives, can vary anywhere from $227,289 to $324,575 with the average total cash compensation of $269,290. Similar Job Titles:

  15. Salary: Director Of Graduate Program in United States 2024

    The estimated total pay for a Director of Graduate Programs is $121,584 per year in the United States area, with an average salary of $74,370 per year. These numbers represent the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary Total Pay Estimate model and based on salaries collected from our users.

  16. Doctorate (PhD), Education Salary

    Doctorate (PhD), Education - Salary - Get a free salary comparison based on job title, skills, experience and education. Accurate, reliable salary and compensation comparisons for United States

  17. PhD Laboratory Director jobs

    University of Florida 4.2. Gainesville, FL 32603. Typically responds within 3 days. $90,000 - $110,000 a year. Full-time. Monday to Friday + 2. Easily apply. Provide direction to the nPOD assistant director and administrative assistant on how to integrate data systems. Maintain budgets and provide forecasting.

  18. Laboratory Director

    The base salary for Laboratory Director ranges from $170,229 to $221,333 with the average base salary of $190,877. The total cash compensation, which includes base, and annual incentives, can vary anywhere from $177,271 to $236,928 with the average total cash compensation of $201,547. Similar Job Titles:

  19. Salary: Phd in United States 2024

    Total pay range. $104K - $188K/yr. $138K/yr Median total pay. Pay breakdown. $77K - $139K/yr Base pay. $26K - $49K/yr Additional pay. The estimated total pay for a Phd is $138,390 per year, with an average salary of $103,230 per year. These numbers represent the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary Total Pay Estimate ...

  20. Salary range (base only) for director and up : r/biotech

    ADMIN MOD. Salary range (base only) for director and up. April 2022: landed as a Global Director in Medical Affairs with a base in $230-245k range, with $90-110k sign on and with targeted 25% annual bonus and $25% RSU. Location NJ, big pharma. Update: thanks everyone for your great feedback, I want to quickly summarize the numbers I have thus far.

  21. Salaries for Medical Director with a JD, MD, PhD or Equivalent

    Medical Director Salaries by Degree Level Master's Degree or MBA JD, MD, PhD or Equivalent $317,500 $320,000 $322,500 $325,000 $327,500 $330,000 $332,500 $335,000 $337,500 $340,000. Medical Director with the following degree. Will likely fall in this salary range. Master's Degree or MBA. $318,974 - $335,430.

  22. Salary: Phd Graduate in United States 2024

    The estimated total pay for a PhD Graduate is $176,794 per year in the United States area, with an average salary of $117,520 per year. These numbers represent the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary Total Pay Estimate model and based on salaries collected from our users. The estimated additional pay is $59,274 per ...