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mfa creative writing kentucky

Andrew Milward

Associate Professor

Department of English

College of Arts and Sciences

251 Patterson Office Tower

Lexington KY 40506-0027

(859) 257-0178

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Situated in historic Lexington and surrounded by the awesomeness of thoroughbred horse farms and bourbon distilleries, the University enjoys a rich literary heritage dating back to 1947, when Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist A.B. Guthrie first offered courses in fiction. Graduates of the English Department include Gurney Norman, Frank X Walker, Bobbie Ann Mason, Rebecca Gayle Howell, Wendell Berry, Kayla Rae Whitaker, Maurice Manning, Bianca Spriggs, Patrick O’Keefe, Holly Goddard Jones, and James Baker Hall. The MFA Program in Creative Writing builds upon that rich history by offering students access to a diverse faculty in fiction, poetry, and creative non-fiction.          

Master's Program Description

The MFA in Creative Writing is a two-year program with a flexible and interdisciplinary approach, combining a studio/research curriculum. The UK MFA in Creative Writing places equal emphasis on fostering the artistic process of the MFA student, as well as his or her literary study and related creative or scholarly work. 

Master's Application Requirements

  • The statement of purpose should discuss your creative interest, the specific genre(s) you would like to pursue, and how your interests and goals fit with the department. It should be 1-2 pages, single spaced.
  • ​The writing sample should be creative work, not analytical prose, 15-20 pages, double-spaced.
  • Three letters of recommendation

Assistantship application   (optional - you may upload a blank document, if you do not intend to apply for assistance)

The GRE is not required for admission to this program.

Applicants must meet the Graduate School admission requirements .

Application Deadlines

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mfa creative writing kentucky

M.F.A. Creative Writing

a group of students pose with a professor in a hallway Code Title Hours Required Courses Introduction to Creative Writing Studies3 Graduate Rhetoric and Writing3 Reading as a Writer3 Graduate Writing Workshop9 or  Writing Memoir and Autobiography or  Advanced Poetry Writing or  Advanced Fiction Workshop Internship3 Thesis Research and Writing6 Electives Literature course3 Select 6 additional hours 6 Select a concentration12 Total Hours48

Students may take the six hours of elective courses from any of the concentration courses so long as they have not counted them as part of the core or secondary concentration. In order to earn TESL certification as a secondary concentration, students must complete one TESL course as one of their free electives.

Composition & Rhetoric Concentration

Course List
Code Title Hours
Select 12 hours from the following:12
Advanced Composition
Editing and Publishing
Composition Theory and Practice in Writing Instruction
Theories of Rhetoric and Persuasive Writing
Writing and Technology
Special Topics in English
Advanced Directed Study
Total Hours12

Literature Concentration

Course List
Code Title Hours
Select 12 hours from the following:12
The British Novel
American Novel
American Poetry
Southern Literature
Women's Literature
Studies in American Literature
Studies in British Literature
Studies in World Literature
Studies in Genre
Seminar in British Writers
Seminar in American Writers
Special Topics in English
Advanced Directed Study
Total Hours12

Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) Concentration

Course List
Code Title Hours
Select 12 hours from the following:12
Linguistic Analysis
Psycholinguistics and Sociolinguistics
TESL Practicum
Integrated Teaching English as a Second Language
Seminar in Teaching English as a Second Language
Advanced Directed Study
Total Hours12

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Program Requirements

WKU Graduate School

Program Description & Admission

Program description:.

WKU's three-year residential MFA program in creative writing will prepare students for lives as writers of novels, short fiction, creative nonfiction, scripts, and poetry and related pursuits such as teaching, literary editing, and publishing. Our students also complete a secondary concentration in literature, composition/rhetoric, or teaching English as a second language in order to give them additional options for employment after graduation. The program of study consists of 48 credit hours of graduate course work, culminating in rigorous comprehensive exams and the completion of a publishable creative thesis in fiction, poetry, scriptwriting, or creative nonfiction.

Students begin the program of study with Introduction to Creative Writing Studies, which introduces them to the history and trends of creative writing as an academic discipline, creative writing pedagogy, the business and culture of creative writing, and literary citizenship. Along with three standard creative writing workshops where students will hone their craft, they will also take Reading as a Writer to discuss the techniques and history of the craft of creative writing and learn to apply various literary techniques to their own poetry, literary fiction, creative nonfiction, and scriptwriting.

In terms of career preparation, we recognize that many students may not be able to become full-time writers on graduation, so we have developed pieces that will prepare them for supplementary employment. All students will tutor in our Writing Center, take a course in the pedagogy of composition and rhetoric, and normally teach four undergraduate classes before graduation to prepare them for possible teaching jobs and/or make them more attractive candidates for Ph.D programs.  Students will complete course work in one of three secondary concentrations that are more career related: the literature concentration will prepare them for teaching jobs; the composition/rhetoric track will prepare them for work as composition teachers, editors, and professional writers; the teaching English as a second language track will prepare them for work in a high-demand field in this country or abroad. 

Students will also enroll in one literature elective and two free elective courses in the English Department that will allow them to explore additional interests and customize their programs to suit their individual needs. Finally, students will complete two internships related to creative writing and/or their career interest to give them real-world experience outside of the classroom so that they may better position themselves for professional work and create opportunities for community engagement.

For more information about MFA program requirements, click  here .

Admission Requirements:

Applicants should write a one- to two-page letter of application in which you explain why you want to study in the MFA program at WKU and how that experience will help you with your academic and career goals.  At the end of your letter, please list contact information for three references who could support your application to our program.

Applicants should have completed a minimum of four undergraduate English courses beyond general education requirements with a GPA of at least 3.0. At least two of the courses should be upper-level English courses.  Undergraduate creative writing courses are highly recommended.              

Applicants should have a minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.0.

Finally, a great deal of importance will be placed on the creative writing sample as well as the application letter applicants submit. Applicants should submit up to 20 pages of prose fiction or non-fiction; 10-15 pages of poetry; or a one-page, double-spaced film treatment AND 30-40 pages of script (either a single script, multiple short scripts, or an act from a longer script).  This writing sample will be evaluated by the MFA faculty.

The MFA admissions committee will consider a limited number of applications from highly qualified individuals who wish to enter the program on a part-time basis. However, those part-time students will not be eligible for funding from the English Department.

Application Process:

All application materials should be submitted electronically to The Graduate School at WKU by February 1, 2021 . Within three days of completing The Graduate School's online application, applicants will be directed to submit letters of application/statements of purpose and writing samples to  [email protected] .

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Eastern Kentucky University Home

Academic Catalog

Creative writing, master of fine arts (m.f.a.) bluegrass writers studio.

EKU Campus

General Information

A studio-academic, terminal degree program, the Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing equips students with the training necessary to become regularly publishing writers. Workshops, contemporary literature courses, and residencies focus on advanced craft, contemporary literature, publishing, the literary marketplace, and professional development.

MFA graduates are qualified for careers in college and university-level teaching, contract and freelance writing, digital content creation, editing, and publishing.

Graduates of the program regularly publish poetry and prose in national literary journals, publish their book-length works with regional and national presses, and have been named finalists or winners of several notable literary and scholarly awards such as The Annie Dillard Award for Creative Nonfiction, The Fulbright Scholars Program, The PEN/Bellwether Award for Socially Engaged Fiction, and others.

The program is regularly ranked among the top low-residency MFA programs in the country, and it has twice been named Best Low-Res MFA Program by Intelligent.com (2022, 2023).

Admission Requirements

Applicants to the MFA in Creative Writing program (Bluegrass Writers Studio) are required to submit a portfolio of work in their desired concentration (poetry, fiction, or creative nonfiction) to the MFA Program Director. The writing sample should consist of up to 15 pages of poetry or 20 pages of prose. The portfolio should also include a Statement of Purpose that addresses the applicant’s reasons for applying. Though applicants are not required to have completed an undergraduate bachelor’s degree in English or Creative Writing, it is recommended applicants with such preparation have either a minor in English and/or significant outside preparation or experience in literature and writing. In lieu of that, applicants should be prepared to complete additional hours to remove any deficiency in their preparations for graduate study.

Applicants must also meet the general requirements of the Graduate School. Applicants with a cumulative undergraduate GPA of less than 2.50 are required to complete the GRE and achieve satisfactory scores of 150 or higher on the Verbal and 4.0 or higher on the Analytical Writing sections of the exam. The MFA Program Director reserves the right to waive certain departmental requirements in the event that a writing sample is exceptional.

Program Requirements

CIP Code: 23.1302

Students must complete 48 hours in the program, including 12 hours of summer residency, as well as an approved creative thesis. Students must also deliver a craft presentation and thesis reading at their final summer residency.

Each fall and spring, full-time students register for one, asynchronous contemporary literature course (ENW 810, 3 cr. hrs.) and one synchronous workshop (ENW 820, 6 cr. hrs.) that meets live, online, one day per week. Each summer, full-time students attend two sessions of in-person, domestic or international residency (ENW 801, 3 cr. hrs. for each session)

The Bluegrass Writers Studio Domestic Summer Residency is held in Richmond/Berea/Lexington, Kentucky and begins, annually, the first Friday after the July 4 th holiday. Session one runs for 8 days. Session two runs for 7 days. A keynote address and reception is held at the mid-point of the residency.

The Bluegrass Writers Studio International Summer Residency is held in Lisbon, Portugal in partnership with Disquiet International. The first session begins, annually, in late June and runs for two weeks with several off-days built into the schedule. The second session begins the Monday after the end of the first session and runs eight days.

At both residencies, students can expect workshop choices in several genres and to learn from award-winning and best-selling visiting authors, resident faculty, and visiting writing industry professionals. Students can also expect to attend professional development panels, readings, receptions, and other events.

Course List
Code Title Hours
Required Courses
Students must complete four sections of the following: 12
Summer MFA Residency
Students must complete four sections of the following: 12
Topics in Creative Writing: (three-hour course)
Students must complete three sections of the following: 18
MFA Writing Workshop (six-hour course)
Students must complete three sections of the following:6
MFA Writing Workshop ((Thesis))
Exit Requirements
MFA Creative Wrtg Comp Present ((presentation and thesis reading))0
Total Hours48

Topic must vary in each section. Course content is not to be repeated.

Exit Requirement

After completing 24 credit hours, students will submit a Thesis Prospectus in which they describe the book-length project they will complete for their creative thesis. They will also form their thesis committee which will consist of a Thesis Director and Second Reader they choose. The third and final member of the student’s thesis committee, the Moderator, is assigned by the program director. In conjunction with the Thesis Director, the student will set deadlines for drafts of the thesis and a final date by which the thesis will be submitted to the committee for scoring.  

Additional Exit Requirements

At their final summer residency, either domestic or international, the student will deliver a public presentation on craft and a public reading from their thesis, both of which will be followed by an oral defense proctored by a member of the resident faculty. Students may complete these requirements once they have filed their Thesis Prospectus with the MFA Program Director, completed a minimum of 39 credit hours, and been approved to do so by the MFA Program Director.  

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Spalding University Launches Kentucky’s First School of Writing

New 2-semester Master of Arts in Writing program also set to begin, pending approval, joining school's flagship MFA terminal-degree program

Tulip poplar tree and downtown sky from Masion courtyard

Nineteen years after launching the state’s first Master of Fine Arts in Writing program, Spalding University is announcing another first: the creation of a new School of Creative and Professional Writing , the first and only school of writing in Kentucky.

Building on the success of the university’s nationally distinguished MFA in Writing program , the newly formed School of Creative and Professional Writing incorporates Spalding’s two existing graduate writing programs—the MFA and a post-baccalaureate certificate in creative writing—as well as a newly created Master of Arts in Writing program , currently pending approval from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

Kathleen Driskell, the current MFA program director and an award-winning poet , steps into the role of Chair of the School of Creative and Professional Writing.

Together, the three programs create a three-tiered offering for writers seeking graduate education in writing in one, two or four semesters, all offered in a low-residency format.

“With our existing programs in creative writing, Spalding is already one of the most innovative and affordable graduate writing programs in the U.S.,” Driskell said. “With the addition of the MAW and our new status as a school of writing, Spalding becomes one of the most innovative, comprehensive and affordable low-residency graduate writing schools in the country.”

Related Links:

  • Naslund-Mann Graduate School of Writing
  • School of Writing Faculty and Directors
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Here’s a summary of the three programs:

  • One semester: The 15-credit-hour Post-baccalaureate Certificate in Creative Writing is earned in a single semester of creative writing study.

The new Master of Arts in Writing offering addresses the need for writing mastery, a key for advancement in nearly all workplaces. With completion possible in about a year, and total tuition of about $20,000, the MAW degree lowers barriers of cost and time for students for whom the MFA may be out of reach. Additionally, MAW students may opt to matriculate into the MFA program, allowing Spalding students to earn a master’s degree on the way to completing the terminal MFA, and for about the same costs as the MFA program alone.

The School of Creative and Professional Writing expects to admit its first MAW students for its Fall 2019 semester, which begins in November.

“The MAW meets the needs of writers who want advanced writing study but don’t necessarily need or want the terminal degree,” Driskell said. “At the same time, our MFA students will continue to receive the most rigorous and extensive terminal creative writing instruction possible while also gaining further opportunities to be enriched by Profession of Writing lectures and the option to participate in a Professional Writing workshop during their studies.”

Like the MFA, the Master of Arts in Writing and the post-baccalaureate certificate programs are offered in a low-residency format, in which each semester begins with a residency course conducted on campus or abroad, followed by an independent study course that the student completes from home while working one-on-one with a faculty mentor.

Students in the certificate and MAW programs meet the same admission standards as MFA students, and students in all three programs attend the same residencies and are taught by MFA faculty. This arrangement allows both certificate and MAW students to advance seamlessly into the MFA program if desired. Tuition in the 2019-20 academic year for programs in the School of Creative and Professional Writing is expected to be $585 per credit hour.

For writers who have not been admitted to the MFA program, the School of Creative and Professional Writing also offers a standalone three-credit-hour course, ENG605: Advanced Creative Writing, in which the student works one-on-one with a faculty mentor. ENG605 is completed from home and does not include a residency component.

Alumni of the MFA in Writing program include a former poet laureate of Kentucky, nationally bestselling authors, feature film scriptwriters, and winners of prestigious awards in every area of writing that the program offers.

Application deadlines for programs in the School of Creative and Professional Writing are Aug. 1 for entry in the fall (November) semester and Feb. 1 for entrance in spring (May) and summer (July) semesters.

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Bluegrass Writers Studio Low-Res MFA

Kentucky, united states.

Bluegrass Writers Studio is Eastern Kentucky University’s Low-Residency MFA is Creative Writing Program. The studio-based, 48-hour terminal degree program offers concentrations in the writing of fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, and hybrid genres. Students take courses in foundational and contemporary literature and craft and participate in live, online workshops.

Every July, students attend a domestic residency in Richmond, KY or an international residency in Lisbon, Portugal where they meet and work with award-winning writers, agents, editors, and other writing professionals. Travel stipends and honorariums available.

Students also gain valuable skills reading for, and editing, on our national literary journal, Jelly Bucket and are eligible for internships with the University Press of Kentucky.

The program culminates with a book-length thesis that candidates complete under the direction of a core faculty member.

Core Faculty: Julie Hensley, Nancy Jensen, R. Dean Johnson, Carter Sickels, and Young Smith

Recent Visiting Writers: Jericho Brown, Gabriel Bump, Ayse Papatya Bucak, Camille Dungy, Kayleb Rae Candrilli, Kate Gale, Silas House, Rebecca Gayle Howell, Holly Goddard Jones, Ada Limon, Lee Martin, Karen Salyer McElmurray, Oliver de la Paz, Nahid Rachlin. Ian Stansel, Ira Sukrungruang, Julie Marie Wade

mfa creative writing kentucky

Contact Information

521 Lancaster Avenue Bluegrass Writers Studio Richmond Kentucky, United States 40475-3102 Phone: (859) 622-3091 Email: [email protected] creativewriting.eku.edu

Bachelor of Arts in English/Literature +

Undergraduate program director.

At the undergraduate level, the department offers a Bachelor of Arts in English with the option of an emphasis in literature, technical writing, or creative writing. These options share a common core with additional courses to fit the particular emphasis. All three of these options include enough elective hours to pursue a minor, a second major, or simply to indulge one's interests. The department also offers a Bachelor of Arts in Teaching which qualifies its graduates for certification to teach English at the secondary level.

The Department of English and Theatre publishes Jelly Bucket, a nationally-distributed literary journal, The Chaffin Journal, a literary journal, and is associated with Storytelling, A Critical Journal of Popular Narrative, a critical scholarly journal, which originated in the Department but is now published by Heldref Publications in Washington, DC.

EKU also offers a student literary journal, Aurora.

Minor / Concentration in Creative Writing +

Master of fine arts in creative writing +, graduate program director.

The mission of the Bluegrass Writers Studio is simple: to help our students fulfill the dream of becoming better writers--with more focus, speed, and support than self-study can typically provide. Through our courses and residencies, we also present rare opportunities to connect with accomplished writers, agents and editors.

We offer an education in craft and form, and workshops that provide focused feedback on your writing. Your progress through the program culminates in a guided thesis project in the genre of your choice. The Bluegrass Writers Studio also offers unique benefits not often found in one program, including:

REAL-TIME WORKSHOPS. Because we believe you can learn as much from your peers as your mentors, students and professors regularly engage each other's writing in real-time online audio sessions, much like a traditional workshop. Of course, you also get valuable written feedback, as with any other low-residency program.

OPPORTUNITIES TO CROSS GENRE. We believe students learn from jumping out of their comfort zones, so we don't limit you to a single genre. We regularly offer workshops in fiction, nonfiction, poetry, novel writing, and even "hybrid" courses. Of course, students are also welcome to keep their studies focused on one genre.

CRAFT COURSES. Essential to any writer's development is a deeper understanding of craft and contemporary literature, so we offer you opportunities to delve into the study of both.

DYNAMIC RESIDENCIES. Our domestic and international Summer Residencies give you a chance to interact and learn from many artists and writing professionals. Our domestic residency (18 days in early July) offers workshops, craft lectures, professional panels, and readings that put our students in touch with contemporary writing as both a craft and a profession.

OVERSEAS EXPERIENCE. Our unique overseas Summer Residency experience, one of the hallmarks of our program, provides a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for student writers to be immersed in another culture, become steeped in history, and see their home culture and sense of identity in a new light. Our Summer Residency is held for three weeks (late June/early July) in Lisbon, Portugal in conjunction with Dzanc Books' Disquiet International program.

DEDICATED CORE FACULTY. Our five core faculty members are all full time, tenured or tenure-track assistant and associate professors who hold office on the Eastern Kentucky University campus. Our MFA students therefore benefit from the continuity, professionalism and centrally-located efficiency of our program.

AN ATMOSPHERE FRIENDLY TO POPULAR/GENRE FICTION. As with most other programs, we are deeply engaged with creative writing as a form of transformative literary art. We are very much a program of literary writers; however, we are also open to students interested in writing popular forms such as immersion creative nonfiction and literary genre. Overall, we are dedicated to helping all our students reach their highest level of achievement.

EDITING OPPORTUNITIES. Our in-house literary magazine, Jelly Bucket, is a journal that seeks material nationally and internationally, and is produced entirely by the Bluegrass Writers Studio. Editing positions are available for fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, and as editor-in-chief. Each issue also features a text-as-art/book arts project.

AFFORDABILITY AND CONCISION. The Bluegrass Writers Studio is one of the most affordable MFA programs in the country. Our single purpose is helping you improve your writing, and students who attend full time (including Summer Residencies) normally complete the degree in two years.

Julie Hensley

JULIE HENSLEY’s stories and poems have appeared in many journals, including Hayden’s Ferry Review, Indiana Review, Phoebe, Quarterly West, Redivider, and Ruminate. Her work is regularly anthologized and has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Her first novel, Landfall (Ohio State University Press), was selected as the winner of the 2007 Everett Southwest Literature Award. She's the author of the chapbook The Language of Horses (Finishing Line Press) and Viable (Five Oaks Press), a book of poetry. The recipient of the Berry College Award for Emerging Voices in Southern Fiction, Hensley holds an MFA from Arizona State University. Before joining the faculty at Eastern Kentucky, she directed the creative writing program at Cameron University and served as the visiting writer at Prescott College.


R Dean Johnson

R DEAN JOHNSON is the author of Delicate Men: Stories (Alternative Book Press) and Californium (forthcoming-Plume). His essays and stories have appeared in several national literary journals, including Ascent, Natural Bridge, New Orleans Review, Santa Clara Review, and The Southern Review. His fiction has previously been nominated for the Pushcart Prize anthology and excerpts from his novel manuscript, Californium, have been anthologized in Tribute to Orpheus (Kearney Street Books) and Paradigm, Volume One (Rain Farm Press). Editor of the anthology Teachable Moments: Essays on Experiential Education (University Press of America), he holds an MA in English from Kansas State University and an MFA in Creative Writing from Arizona State University. Previously, he has taught at Prescott College, Cameron University, and Gotham Writers’ Workshop.


Dr. Young Smith

YOUNG SMITH is the author of In A City You Will Never Visit, a collection of poems published by Black Zinnias Press of San Francisco in 2008. He has received fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Kentucky Arts Council, as well as a Tennessee Williams Scholarship for Poetry from the Sewanee Writers’ Conference. His poems have appeared in Poetry, Beloit Poetry Journal, The Iowa Review, Pleiades, Crazyhorse, The Harvard Divinity Bulletin, American Literary Review, Arts & Letters, The Midwest Quarterly, The New Orleans Review,on the Poetry Daily web site, and in other publications. He is an associate professor of English and former director of the low-residency MFA program at Eastern Kentucky University.


Nancy Jensen

NANCY JENSEN is the author of the national bestselling novel The Sisters (St. Martin’s Press, 2011), which was selected by the Independent Booksellers Association as the #1 Indie Next Pick for December 2011 and included by Kirkus Reviews on its list for Best Fiction of 2011. She has been awarded an Artist Enrichment Grant from the Kentucky Foundation for Women and an Al Smith Fellowship from the Kentucky Arts Council. Her first book, Window: Stories and Essays, was published by Fleur-de-Lis Press in 2009. Nancy shares her home with seven rescued cats and her dog Gordy, who is her partner on a pet therapy team with Pawsibilities Unleashed of Kentucky. When she isn’t writing or enjoying the company of her furred family, she teaches as a member of the core MFA faculty of the Bluegrass Writers Studio at Eastern Kentucky University.


Evan Massey

EVAN J MASSEY earned his MFA in Creative Writing from Virginia Tech where he studied under the likes of Matthew Vollmer, Evan Lavender-Smith, and Carmen Gimenez. An Editorial Assistant at Seneca Review, he has served as writer-in-residence at the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts and has received a scholarship to Bread Loaf’s Environmental Writers’ Conference where he studied under Kazim Ali. He was the nonfiction reader for The Pinch and Portland Review reading series. His work can be found in Colorado Review, Hunger Mountain, Bat City Review, The Pinch, Gulf Coast, DIAGRAM, The Rumpus, Willow Springs, Southern Indiana Review, Portland Review, Quarterly West, and others.


Publications & Presses +

Jelly Bucket

Visiting Writers Program +

Steve Almond

Julianna Baggott

Jericho Brown

Ayse Paptya Bucak

Gabriel Bump

Joyce Carol Oates

Justin Cronin

Kim Edwards

Silas House

Jason Howard

Sam Lipsyte

Maureen McHugh

Eric Nguyen

Alissa Nutting

Chris Offutt

Jeff Parker

Matt Rasmussen

Glen Retief

J. Allyn Rosser

James Sallis

Alysia Li Ying Sawchyn

Ira Sukrungruang

Kevin Wilson

Laurie Block

Jennifer Currin

Rigoberto Gonzalez

Kelly Braffett

Lauren Grodstein

Beth Ann Fennelly

Tom Franklin

Robert Olmstead

Denise Duhamel

Frank X Walker

Eileen Casey

Sena Jeter Naslund

Amanda Eyre Ward

Megan Abbott

Connie May Fowler

Melissa Pritchard

Will Lavender

Kristen Iversen

Sarah Gorham

Jeffrey Skinner

Joanie Mackowski

Josh Gaylord/Alden Bell

Gwenda Bond

Sonja Livingston

Jim Tomlinson

Christopher Cokinos

Marc Fitten

Anne Panning

Margaret McMullen

Charles Rafferty

Cecilia Wolloch

Rick Hilles

Nancy Reisman

and more...

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Western Kentucky University Fully Funded MFA in Creative Writing

Western kentucky university.

Western University based in Bowling Green, KY offers competitive support for most MFA students, renewable each academic year for three years. The MFA program tracks fiction, poetry, creative non-fiction, and scriptwriting. The MFA program gives students more time to hone their craft, develop as teachers and tutors, and gain valuable experience that will lead to increased opportunities in the job market. This MFA degree is a fully funded MFA program in creative writing offering generous assistantships, which will allow MFA students to gain valuable experience in tutoring and teaching.

  • Deadline: Feb 01, 2025 (Confirmed)*
  • Work Experience: Any
  • Location: North America
  • Citizenship: Any
  • Residency: United States

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Crystal Wilkinson, a recent fellowship recipient of the Academy of American Poets, is Kentucky’s Poet Laureate. She is the award-winning author of Perfect Black, a collection of poems , and three works of fiction— The Birds of Opulence , Water Street and Blackberries, Blackberries . She is the recipient of a 2022 NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Poetry, a 2021 O. Henry Prize, a 2020 USA Artists Fellowship, and a 2016 Ernest J. Gaines Prize for Literary Excellence. She has received recognition from the Yaddo Foundation, Hedgebrook, The Vermont Studio Center for the Arts, The Hermitage Foundation and others. Her short stories, poems and essays have appeared in numerous journals and anthologies including most recently in The Atlantic, The Kenyon Review , STORY , Agni Literary Journal, Emergence , Oxford American and Southern Cultures .   Praise Song for the Kitchen Ghosts , a culinary memoir, is forthcoming from Clarkson Potter/Penguin Random House. She currently teaches at the University of Kentucky where she is Professor of English in the MFA in Creative Writing Program.

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  • Women and the Black Rural Landscape

The Birds of Opulence cover

A lyrical exploration of love and loss,  The Birds of Opulence  centers on several generations of women in a bucolic southern black township as they live with and sometimes surrender to madness. The Goode-Brown family, led by matriarch and pillar of the community Minnie Mae, is plagued by old secrets and embarrassment over mental illness and illegitimacy. Meanwhile, single mother Francine Clark is haunted by her dead, lightning-struck husband and forced to fight against both the moral judgment of the community and her own rebellious daughter, Mona. The residents of Opulence struggle with vexing relationships to the land, to one another, and to their own sexuality. As the members of the youngest generation watch their mothers and grandmothers pass away, they live with the fear of going mad themselves and must fight to survive. Crystal Wilkinson offers up Opulence and its people in lush, poetic detail. It is a world of magic, conjuring, signs, and spells, but also of harsh realities that only love-and love that's handed down-can conquer. At once tragic and hopeful, this captivating novel is a story about another time, rendered for our own. The first title featured in Wiley Cash's Book Club!

Water Street cover

The residents of Water Street are hardworking, God-fearing people who live in a seemingly safe and insulated neighborhood within a small Kentucky town: “Water Street is a place where mothers can turn their backs to flip a pancake or cornmeal hoecake on the stove and know our children are safe.” But all is not as it seems as the secret lives of neighbors and friends are revealed in interconnected tales of love, loss, truth, and tragedy.  In this critically acclaimed short story collection, Crystal Wilkinson peels back the intricate layers that form the fabric of this community and its inhabitants—revealing emotionally raw, multifaceted tales of race, class, gender, mental illness, and interpersonal relationships. The thirteen succinct stories offer fragmented glimpses of an overarching narrative that emerges, lyrical and fierce. Featuring a new foreword and a new afterword which illuminate Wilkinson’s artistic achievement, this captivating work is poised to delight a new generation of readers. This new edition features a new foreword and afterword from Marianne Worthington and Jacinda Townsend.

Blackberries, Blackberries cover

As the title implies, this beautifully written collection bursts with stories reminiscent of blackberries-–-small, succulent morsels that are inviting and sweet, yet sometimes bitter. Crystal Wilkinson provides an almost voyeuristic glimpse into the lives of her characters: Two misfit teenagers seek stolen moments of love and acceptance in the cloak of night (“Hushed”); a woman spends every waking hour obsessed with dying yet ironically watching her loved ones pass away before her (“Waiting on the Reaper”); a wife confronts her husband’s mistress in a diner over potato skins and cornbread (“Need”); and a pious young woman’s torment erupt in a violent and unsuspecting resolution (“No Ugly Ways”). The stories in this award-winning collection are terse and transient, like snippets taken from random dreams, thoughts, or conversations. Wilkinson is able to embed a vibrancy into each stunningly descriptive and evocative tale. Infused with humor, sadness and honesty, this provocative and haunting work features a new foreword and a new afterword by nationally acclaimed authors Nikky Finney and Honorée Jeffers.

Birds of Opulence

  • Ernest Gaines Award for Literary Excellence
  • Judy Gaines Young Award
  • Weatherford Award in Fiction
  • Appalachian Book of the Year
  • Named Southerner of the Year by Southern Living Magazine, Birmingham, AL, December 2016.

Water Street , (short story cycle) Toby Press, 2002, 2005 . Paperback University Press of Kentucky, February 2017 (reprint). Paperback.

  • United Kingdom’s Orange Prize (currently known as the Women's Prize for Fiction) :  Long List Finalist
  • Hurston/Wright Legacy Award:  Short List Finalist

Blackberries, Blackberries (short stories) , Toby Press, 2000. University Press of Kentucky, February 2017 (reprint). Paperback.

  • Chaffin Award for Appalachian Literature:  Winner
  • Today’s Librarian Magazine:  Best Debut Fiction
  • Explore the Campus Beautiful
  • Make a Gift
  • More Information

Bluegrass Writers Studio™

a graphic of the number 3 online degres ranking for the Bluegrass Writers Studio

Low-Residency MFA in Creative Writing

Quality, affordability, flexibility.

Offering one of the most affordable and progressive low-residency programs in the nation.

  • A close-knit and supportive writing community
  • Devoted to your creative and professional success
  • Supportive of both literary and literary genre writing

Bluegrass Writers Studio™ at EKU is an innovative and exciting choice for your studies:

  • Online workshops (conducted with live audio, via online communication platform)
  • Intensive residency workshops
  • International literary and cultural experiences
  • Web-based courses in contemporary literature

A building where a creative writing event was hosted.

Summer residency programs in Lisbon, Portugal and Richmond, Kentucky provide intensive, culturally enriching writing experiences:

  • Work with nationally known visiting writers
  • Participate in workshops, readings, and author socials
  • Network with faculty, visiting writers, and peers

Contact us for more information about Bluegrass Writers Studio.

Bluegrass Writers Studio

521 Lancaster Ave Beckham 100 Richmond, KY, 40475-3102 Phone: 859-622-6263 Fax: 859-622-3156 Email: [email protected]

Connect with Bluegrass Writers Studio

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Editor’s Top Selections – Best Creative Writing MFA Programs

mfa creative writing kentucky

Created by CreativeWritingEDU.org Contributor

Editors Choice Best Master of Fine Arts Badge

Once few and far between, master’s degrees aimed specifically at teaching creative writing have ballooned to meet demand in recent years. As of 2022, there were more than 300 of them.

Each MFA offers a distinctive experience and comes with its own theories and techniques for fanning the creative spark in students.

  • Some come with exquisite and carefully curated libraries exhibiting the finest selection of literature for study.
  • Others offer a fully-funded education , covering tuition and offering a stipend to give you the free time you need to write to your fullest potential.
  • Many have well-known authors serving as guest lecturers or even permanent presenters, offering a kind of access to genius you can’t find anywhere else.

It’s nice to have choices, but having choices also means making hard decisions. We’re here to help take some of the pain out of that process by presenting our own select choices for the very best universities offering MFA Creative Writing programs today.

How We Made Our Selections for the Finest Creative Writing MFA Programs

Schools that only teach creative writing at the master’s level have made a conscious choice to focus on a high level of training in the craft of writing. It’s completely appropriate to hold them to high standards.

It’s notoriously difficult to weigh any kind of artistic education program against another, however. Every writer is different. The process and program that you will get the most out of may be completely different from what the next author would benefit from.

So we look at the kinds of factors these degrees deliver that don’t revolve around process. Regardless of how an advanced level of creative writing is being taught, there are just some things that offer a better education no matter how they are applied. In our view, those include:

Top-notch Instructors With Genuine Writing and Publication Expertise

There’s no substitute for professors who have been there and done that in creative writing. Competition for top writers to teach at creative writing MFA programs is intense, and for good reason: when you are trying to master the muse, you want to hear about it from someone who already has.

But literary success is no guarantor of teaching ability. You wouldn’t want to be in a class taught by brilliant sci-fi author Harlan Ellison, for example, who has a whole section on his Wikipedia entry titled “Temperament.” Mentoring and the gentle art of delivering critical feedback to boost and not hinder students are key skills.

So, the best MFA in creative writing degrees employ professors with the rare combination of literary and academic talent—which is what you will find at each of the schools on this list.

The Resources To Support Your Writing Vision

Writers only float in a sea of ideas. The top MFA programs in creative writing have the resources to fill that ocean:

  • Expansive libraries for conducting research
  • Endowments to help fund student fellowships
  • Visiting writer and other lecture and reading series to develop broad visions and connections
  • School-run or affiliated literary journals or publishers to open up publication opportunities
  • International or other off-campus programs to broaden your literary experiences
  • Calm and inspiring writing residency options to put you in the right frame of mind to write
  • Small class sizes and workshops to foster intimacy and feedback

Although not all these programs will check every one of those boxes, each of them has a wealth of different resources to offer to help get students off the ground in both their creative exercises and their publishing careers.

A Track Record of Educational Success in Creative Writing

Most MFA programs are quick to acknowledge that you can’t teach talent—but you can foster and hone it.

That leads to demonstrable results in the form of graduates who have attracted top-dollar publishing deals, industry awards and recognition, and who have gone on to critical acclaim or even become instructors themselves.

This kind of reputation is golden in the literary world and all of these schools will have people sitting up and taking note when their name pops up in your author bio.

Strong Publishing Industry and Literary Community Connections

When you produce successful writers and hire well-known authors to instruct classes, important industry connections are an asset included in the deal. Those industry ties prove to be among the most important characteristics of the best creative writing MFA programs.

Each of these programs has developed connections to major publishers, agencies, and trade groups that help lay the groundwork for you to launch your writing career. There is fierce competition to land book deals in the publishing industry today. Every editor receives stacks and stacks of submissions and query letters; even the best authors have trouble making it out of the slush piles without a recommendation or introduction.

These schools have the kind of connections that will help get you introduced to decision-makers in big agencies and book publishers. Who you know still isn’t as important as how good your writing is, but with these programs, you’ll get the best of both worlds.

Diverse and Original Coursework in Foundational and Advanced Writing Skills

A Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing puts a clear stamp on your work. It’s designed to get the best out of your native skill and polish it to the finest shine.

That means both ironing out the fundamentals of the writing craft and developing new and advanced skills. All of these degrees have a wide range of courses and workshops that offer a deep background in the knowledge and skills required for solid plotting, character development, and essential technical expertise as a writer. But they also go far beyond those to help you seek new sources of inspiration and experience. Exploring the poetry of science fiction; diving into post-apocalyptic writing; focusing on the art of telling a joke; comparing Western and Eastern literary forms and storytelling… all these kinds of classes and more offer you an edge in taking your writing to the next level with a degree from these schools.

Helping You Choose From Among the Finest Creative Writing MFA Programs in the Nation

All those features are what make these programs the best. But the real question you need to answer is which one will actually be the best for you ?

We can help you figure that out, too. Although each of these schools comes in on top of the pack of master’s-level creative writing programs in the country in general, each also has unique features that will determine how they fit in with your personal goals and style.

So for each listing, we give you plenty of additional information to help you make your decision. That includes data on:

You’ll also get a thumbnail sketch of what makes the school a great one, outlining many of the supporting facts behind the criteria we evaluated them on. But you’ll also get some of the highlights, the things that really make them stand out, such as:

  • Whether the school also offers undergraduate and doctoral degrees
  • Which concentration or specializations are offered
  • The formats in which the program is available
  • Whether the school is public or private
  • Rankings by respected third-party evaluators like The Princeton Review
  • Exemplary student-published literary magazines
  • Super low student-to-faculty ratios
  • Unique workshops or internship opportunities offered
  • Generous fellowship opportunities

It’s easy access to the kind of information that will help make your decision easy… all in one place.

State-By-State: Top Selections for the Best Creative Writing Master of Fine Arts (MFA) Programs in the U.S.

Competition to get into these elite MFA creative writing programs can be stiff. But if you are determined to get the finest graduate education in creative writing available today, then choosing from among these schools offers your best chances.

Find the Best MFA Creative Writing Programs in Your State


District of Columbia


Mississippi, new hampshire, north carolina, pennsylvania, rhode island, south carolina, university of arizona (public).


university of arizona

MFA in Creative Writing (on-campus)

Fully funded through graduate teaching assistantships

Also offers: BA in Creative Writing (on-campus)

  • Both programs allow students to focus on fiction, nonfiction, or poetry
  • MFA program is ranked among the top programs in the nation
  • Fully funded MFA offered through graduate teaching assistantships
  • MFA features unparalleled opportunities to write and research at the US-Mexico border through the Southwest Field Studies on Writing Program

The University of Arizona offers a BA and MFA in Creative Writing, both of which are part of one the top-ranked creative writing programs in the nation! Choose the BA in Creative Writing and you’ll learn from award-winning writers as you refine your skillset in writing, research, critical thinking, and literary analysis and explore the genres of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry (you’ll choose one genre as a focus after your first year of study). You’ll also be encouraged to take a variety of courses in professional and technical writing, the study of literature, writing and publishing, writing and community, and language, making this a truly well-rounded course of undergraduate study. The University of Arizona’s MFA in Creative Writing has been producing award-winning writers for 50 years and is regarded as one of the top programs of its kind in the nation. This fully funded, three-year program features your choice of fiction, poetry, or nonfiction concentration and a dynamic classroom experience that includes a world-class faculty and small, workshop-style courses.

University of Arkansas (Public)


Fayetteville, AR

university of arkansas

MFA in Creative Writing & Translation (poetry, fiction, literary translation) (on-campus)

Fully funded MFA with absolutely no tuition costs for students accepted into the program

  • Highly selective program admits up to five students each year in each genre (poetry, prose, and literary translation)
  • Outstanding opportunities to learn from established writers through the Walton Reading Series
  • Consistently ranked among the top MFA programs in the country by Poets & Writers
  • Named among the “Top Five Most Innovative” programs of its kind by Atlantic Monthly

The University of Arkansas’ MFA in Creative Writing & Translation is a unique course of graduate study that’s personalized with your choice of concentration in poetry, fiction, or literary translation. This program is among the nation’s oldest MFA programs, yet never fails to impress with its dynamic, forward-thinking curriculum. In fact, it was named among the “Top Five Most Innovative” programs of its kind by Atlantic Monthly ! For more than 50 years, the university’s MFA in Creative Writing & Translation has produced some of the country’s top writers – and it’s little wonder why. The robust curriculum of this program is built on a solid foundation of coursework in craft and literary studies and complemented with a superb, student-centered learning environment that boasts small class sizes and a dedicated faculty.

University of California-Davis (Public)


uc davis

Also offers: BA in English-Creative Writing emphasis (on-campus)

  • Full funding guaranteed in the second year of the MFA program in exchange for undergrad teaching positions
  • Ranked among the top five public universities in the nation by the Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education
  • MFA students choose a single genre – fiction, nonfiction, or poetry, or a multi-genre focus

The University of California – Davis offers both an undergraduate and graduate program in creative writing that are designed to inspire the emerging or established writer! Focused on the mastery of craft with a solid foundation in literary traditions, the BA in English with a Creative Writing emphasis is designed to expand your knowledge and refine your writing skills in preparation for a variety of careers in areas like publishing, marketing, journalism, advertising, and more. The innovative Creative Writing MFA program features a nice blend of studio and literature courses in your choice of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, or multi-genre. In the second year, you’ll teach creative writing courses to undergrad students as you prepare to become a successful practitioner in your own right. All students of the MFA are guaranteed full funding in their second year!

University of California-Irvine (Public)


mfa creative writing kentucky

MFA in English-Creative Writing (Fiction, Poetry) (on-campus)

Full funding available through graduate teaching assistantships

  • UCI named a Fulbright Hispanic-Serving Institution (HIS) Leader
  • Your choice of poetry or fiction concentration/emphasis
  • Superb student engagement and feedback through the Graduate Writers’ Workshop

The University of California – Irvine is home to the esteemed MFA in English with a Creative Writing emphasis, an exciting course of graduate study that allows students to explore poetry or fiction through dynamic workshops and seminars. Designed to bring together a talented group of writers with plans on a writing-intensive career, the MFA program is rich in close mentorship from accomplished visiting writers. This highly selective program admits just 12 new students each year to ensure one-on-one guidance and support from the program’s faculty. This program is built on the Graduate Writers’ Workshop, a group that meets each quarter to share and critique one another’s writing. Throughout the course of the program, students participate in the Graduate Writers’ Workshop and attend graduate-level seminars.

San Diego State University (Public)


San Diego, CA

san diego state university

  • Competitive graduate teaching associate positions available
  • Exciting Fulbright Fellowships available to study in places like Austria, Brazil, and Poland.
  • Your choice of focus in fiction, poetry, or cross-genre

San Diego State University’s MFA in Creative Writing offers is innovative, personalized, and designed to arouse your creative skillset. As one of the oldest MFA Creative Writing programs in the nation, this course of graduate study enjoys a long history of producing skilled, inspired writers. But don’t expect a stale, rote curriculum. Instead, you’ll immerse yourself in a dynamic program that includes your choice of concentration in fiction, poetry, or cross-genre as you work toward producing a manuscript of your original work. Students of this program also enjoy studying under internationally acclaimed visiting writers from around the world, and many students receive Fulbright Fellowships to study in places like Austria, Brazil, and Poland.

California College of the Arts (Private)

San Francisco, CA

california college of the arts

MFA in Writing (on-campus)

Also offers: BA in Writing and Literature (on-campus)

  • Superb faculty of accomplished scholars, writers, poets, and playwrights
  • Outstanding internship opportunities with Bay Area literary organizations available

For aspiring and emerging writers, the California College of the Arts offers a BA in Writing and Literature and an MFA in Writing! The BA offers a foundation in literature and critical inquiry and dynamic workshops in prose, poetry, drama, screenwriting, graphic novels, improvisation, and more. You’ll refine your skills in literary journalism, hybrid narratives, lyric essays, and much more as you conduct close readings and analyses of writing across time. BA students learn from acclaimed authors through the HearSay Reading Series… they contribute their talents to Humble Pie , the undergraduate journal… and they enjoy outstanding internship experiences with Bay Area literary organizations. The MFA program is offered at the Writers’ Studio, where students participate in workshops, readings, and craft talks and learn from accomplished authors through the famed Tuesdays Talk series. Here students explore nonfiction, fiction, and poetry in a close, supportive atmosphere that naturally elicits creativity and inspiration.

Saint Mary’s College of California (Private)


saint mary's college california

MFA in Creative Writing (Creative Non-Fiction, Fiction, Poetry, Book Manuscript) (on-campus)

Also offers: BA in English – Creative Writing (on-campus)

  • Ranked among the top five regional universities in the West by U.S. News & World Report
  • All MFA students receive partial funding and opportunities to apply for teaching fellowships, assistantships, and paid internships
  • Exciting selection of undergraduate internship opportunities available
  • Two-year MFA also includes the option of completing a third year in an additional genre or taking a fifth semester Book Manuscript Intensive course

Saint Mary’s College offers both undergraduate and graduate programs for the creative writer in a supportive private school setting that’s heralded for its academic rigor and plentiful hands-on learning experiences. The BA in English with a Creative Writing emphasis offers a foundation in the creative writing process and options to focus on a specific genre of creative writing like poetry, fiction, nonfiction, dramatic writing, or screenwriting. All students of this program also participate in the Creative Writing Reading Series, which includes attending events and meeting with visiting writers. On-campus internship opportunities include working with the Office of Marketing and Communications or the Center for Writing Across the Curriculum and contributing to riverrun , the undergraduate literary journal, while off-campus internship opportunities include organizations and publications like Counterpoint Press, Diablo Magazine , No Starch Press, Sierra Magazine , and more! The MFA in Creative Writing is a two-year course of study that features an award-winning faculty (including visiting writers in residence); opportunities to contribute to the MFA journal, MARY: A Journal of New Writing ; and your choice concentration in creative nonfiction, fiction, or poetry. Students may also complete a third year in an additional genre or take a fifth semester Book Manuscript Intensive course.

Western Colorado University (Public)


Gunnison, CO

western colorado university

MA/MFA in Creative Writing (low-residency)

  • Supportive, student-centered learning environment features an average class size of just 16
  • BA students gain valuable experience by editing a book published by Western Press Books and preparing their own work for submission
  • MFA offers convenient and flexible online study complemented with one-week on-campus residencies
  • MFA offers your choice of one of five genre concentrations: nature writing, genre fiction, poetry, publishing, or screenwriting

Western Colorado University is home to not one, but two creative writing programs that are designed to meet you wherever you are in your career. The BA in English with a Creative Writing emphasis is ideally designed for emerging writers who seek a comprehensive course of study delivered within a supportive community. Students of this program enjoy a strong foundation in English literature traditions, theory, and criticism with advanced courses in poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and scripts. You’ll also enjoy flexing your creative skills by contributing to WordHorde, the Creative Writing student organization, and lending help to other students through the Writing Center. Before you graduate, you’ll edit a book published by Western Press Books and prepare your own work for submission. The MFA Creative Writing program here provides an advanced course of study in one of five genres: nature writing, genre fiction, poetry, publishing, or screenwriting. This program comes complete with a dedicated faculty of award-winning writers and a low-residency model that delivers outstanding convenience and flexibility.

Western Connecticut State University (Public)


Danbury, CT

western connecticut university

MFA in Creative and Professional Writing (low-residency)

  • Outstanding record of graduate success: 87% of all graduates go on to publish books and/or work full-time as professional writers
  • Convenient and flexible program features a low-residency model that combines online study with dynamic residencies, either on-campus or abroad
  • Competitive graduate assistantships available

Western Connecticut State University offers the MFA in Creative and Professional Writing, which comes complete with a dynamic curriculum that’s delivered in a low-residency model for outstanding convenience and flexibility. We love this program because it offers a comprehensive graduate course of study in multiple genres (students here take workshops and course in all genres and styles), thereby preparing students as well-rounded, versatile writers who find success in both creative and professional writing fields. We also love this program’s exciting residency opportunities that now include options to study in Dublin, Ireland (during the Bram Stoker Festival) and at the Highlights Foundation Retreat Center in the Poconos!

Fairfield University (Private)


Fairfield, CT

fairfield university

MFA in Creative Writing (poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, screenwriting) (low-residency)

Also offers: Major in English-Creative Writing concentration (on-campus)

  • Options to focus the MFA on poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, or screenwriting
  • Ranked among the top national universities by U.S. News & World Report
  • Low-residency model features dynamic, engaging residencies on Ender Island in Mystic, CT

Fairfield University’s MFA in Creative Writing offers your choice of focus in poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, or screenwriting and a low-residency model that’s sure to fit well into your busy schedule. The program’s flexible and challenging curriculum is ideally designed to allow students to design a course of study that best aligns with their professional goals and personal interests. It’s also home to the CT Writing Project, which is home to outstanding opportunities to learn from visiting writers; attend writers’ retreats; and more. Choose Fairfield for your creative writing master’s program and you’ll enjoy opportunities to complete an internship in journalism, public relations, business writing, publishing, and more.

District of Columbia - DC

American university (private).

Washington, DC

american university washington dc

  • Competitive Merit Awards (tuition and stipends) available
  • Exciting opportunities to study in an intimate learning environment that encourages constructive feedback and support
  • Your choice of focus on a single genre or multiple genres

American University’s MFA in Creative Writing has been producing the next generation of creative writers for more than 30 years! The only program of its kind in our nation’s capital, the MFA in Creative Writing is your opportunity to explore the art and craft of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. The flexible design of this program allows students to pursue a single genre or multiple genres, and the tightknit, supportive learning environment encourages superb guidance and feedback from peers and faculty. Students of this program contribute to Folio , the College of Arts and Sciences’ nationally recognized literary journal and Café MFA , the online journal of the Creative Writing program.

Florida State University (Public)

Tallahassee, FL

florida state university

Also offers: Major in Creative Writing (on-campus)

  • Ranked among the top national public universities by U.S. News & World Report
  • Home to a nationally and internationally renowned, award-winning faculty
  • Superb internship opportunities available

Florida State University offers both undergraduate and graduate programs in creative writing within one of the top writing programs in the country! Just some of the reasons why emerging creative writers flock to FSU include an award-winning faculty (many are recipients of the Pulitzer Prize, the National Book Award, the Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship and more)… opportunities to complete a teaching apprenticeship program through graduate teaching assistantships… and an Editing Internship, your chance to gain valuable, hands-on experiences with a magazine, newspaper, publishing house, television station, marketing firm, nonprofit organization, and more. FSU’s English Department is also home to the Southeast Review , a national literary magazine, and The Kudzu Review , the undergraduate literary magazine, both of which are great sources of hands-on learning experiences.

Florida International University (Public)


North Miami, FL

florida international university

  • Program graduates have published 200+ books
  • Ranked among the Best Colleges in the nation for social mobility and innovation by U.S. News & World Report
  • Home to a dedicated faculty of award-winning, working writers

Florida International University’s MFA in Creative Writing is where you’ll advance your understanding of professional standards and expectations as you hone your creative skillset in your chosen genre. Ideal for future endeavors in teaching, editing, publishing, the arts, and more, this illustrious program of study comes complete with an intimate learning environment; a curriculum of seminar-style courses, workshops, and form and theory courses; outstanding, one-on-one mentoring; and a dedicated faculty of award-winning, working writers. As you progress throughout the program, you’ll work toward the completion of a publishable, book-length creative thesis.

Stetson University (Private)

stetson university

MFA in Creative Writing (low-residency)

  • Program features a concentration in poetry and prose in the expanded field
  • Outstanding guidance and mentorship found here – residency workshops include a low, 5:1 student-to-faculty ratio
  • Exciting, low-residency model features online study combined with two residencies annually
  • Named among the nation’s Best Colleges by U.S. News & World Report

Stetson University’s MFA in Creative Writing offers an outstanding course of graduate study that’s delivered in a low-residency format to accommodate your busy schedule. Choose this program and you’ll enjoy intensive, dynamic mentorship and engagement marked by small workshop groups, individual mentoring sessions, craft lectures, translation workshops, and more. This program is innovative and dynamic, allowing students to explore the many political, social, aesthetic, and cultural factors that are reflective of your work. The low-residency model features online courses that are complemented with two, ten-day residencies where students gather to learn from accomplished writers and exchange their work with faculty mentors. Residencies are held at the Atlantic Center for the Arts in New Smyrna Beach, Florida, and at various international locations! Past residencies were held in Buenos Aires, Argentina and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil!

Georgia State University (Public)

Atlanta, GA

georgia state university

MA/MFA in English-Creative Writing concentration (on-campus)

Also offers: BA in English-Creative Writing (on-campus)

  • Ranked among the top innovative universities in the nation by U.S. News & World Report
  • Also offers: PhD in English, Concentration in Creative Writing, which is ranked among the top programs of its kind in the nation by Poets & Writers
  • Exciting international exchange and study abroad programs available to places like England, France, Italy, Germany, and China

Two creative writing programs, one world-class university—Georgia State University is where emerging writers head for outstanding instruction and inspiration! Choose the BA in English with a Creative Writing concentration and you’ll complete undergraduate study in British and American literature and culture alongside courses focused on the craft and art of creative writing and the poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction genres. The MA/MFA in English with a Creative Writing concentration features your choice of focus on poetry or fiction and a superb curriculum that prepares students for further study at the PhD level or for careers in a variety of writing-intensive fields. We love the English Department’s award-winning faculty of poets, and authors and the exciting opportunities to hone your craft by contributing to the award-winning Five Points: A Journal of Literature and Art and the student-edited literary magazine, New South .

University of Idaho (Public)


university of idaho

  • Fully funded MFA for all students through graduate teaching assistantships
  • Ranked among the top 8% best colleges in the nation by the Princeton Review
  • Ranked among the top 15% of American National Universities by U.S. News & World Report
  • Three MFA students are awarded fellowships to write in residence at the Taylor Ranch Research Station in the Frank Church Wilderness Area of the Selway-Bitterroot Mountains

The University of Idaho’s creative writing programs are part of the Department of English’s vibrant community where you can always find inspiration in the form of literary readings, scholarly lectures, conferences, student gatherings, and more. The BA in English with a Creative Writing emphasis boasts engaging courses in fiction, creative fiction, and poetry; esteemed professors who offer one-on-one mentorship; and outstanding opportunities to flex your creative writing skillset and gain valuable, hands-on experiences. The MFA offers a fully funded, three-year course of graduate study in nonfiction, poetry, and fiction. We love the mix of genre workshops, technique studios, and traditional seminars that provide students with an outstanding blend of study in the craft. And the practicum in literary magazine and editing production provides students with an expanded skillset upon graduation.

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (Public)


university illinois urbana champaign

MFA in Creative Writing (Fiction, Poetry) (on-campus)

Fully funded program

Also offers: BA in Liberal Arts and Sciences-Creative Writing (on-campus)

  • Also offers a PhD in Writing Studies
  • Fully funded MFA offered through full tuition waivers, guaranteed teaching assistantships, and fellowships
  • MFA features your choice of focus on fiction or poetry and extensive study in literary publishing and editing

Two creative writing programs at one nationally renowned university – the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign is where you want to be! The undergraduate creative writing major, which is one of the oldest programs of its kind in the country, is built on small, workshop-style courses in poetry, fiction, and nonfiction that are ideally designed to prepare students for exciting careers in a number of fields or for future graduate study. Students of this program edit and publish the Montage Arts Journal , the university’s undergraduate literary arts journal, which offers outstanding, hands-on learning experiences. The MFA Creative Writing program is a three-year, rigorous course of study in creative writing and literature that offers students the option of specializing in fiction or poetry. You’ll study under the program’s distinguished and dedicated graduate faculty as you take four workshops in your chosen genre and work toward producing a book-length, publishable manuscript. You’ll also receive extensive, hands-on experience in literary editing and publishing in this fully funded graduate program!

Northwestern University (Private)


Evanston, IL

northwestern university

MFA in Creative Writing (program is combined with a simultaneous MA in English) (low-residency)

Fully funded through fellowships and graduate assistantships

  • MFA is fully funded through fellowships and graduate assistantships
  • MFA allows students to work in one genre (poetry, fiction, or creative nonfiction) and also explore a second genre

Northwestern University’s creative writing programs are home to an accomplished faculty of award-winning authors and offered in a supportive, creative community where inspiration naturally flourishes. The Creative Writing major enjoys an outstanding record of graduate success and a reputation as one of the finest undergraduate programs of its kind in the nation. Through this program, you’ll explore poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction, as well as other courses that explore hybrid genres. Students of this program enjoy a lively curriculum that includes learning from guest writers-in-residence through the Annual Writers’ Festival; participating in the Undergraduate English Association; and contributing their talents to the award-winning student literary magazines, Helicon and Prompt. The MFA + MA in Creative Writing and English program is a unique dual graduate program that provides students with the opportunity to pursue both creative and critical writing. This program boasts intimate classes; close mentorship from a renowned faculty of writers; and a variety of writing workshops in poetry, fiction, or creative nonfiction. And while students of this program are admitted in one genre, they enjoy opportunities to explore a second genre. This program is fully funded through fellowships and graduate assistantships. During the program’s two funded summers, students serve as part-time editorial assistantships for the prestigious online literary journal, TriQuarterly !

School of the Art Institute of Chicago (Private)

Chicago, IL

school of the art institute of chicago

MFA in Writing (low-residency)

Also offers: BFA in Writing (on-campus)

  • Named as “the most influential art college in the United States” by a Columbia University’s National Arts Journalism survey
  • Consistently ranked among the top graduate fine arts programs in the nation by U.S. News and World Report
  • BA program emphasizes writing across genres, including interdisciplinary and hybrid genres
  • Low-residency MFA combines online study with engaging, on-campus summer residencies

Whether the BFA or MFA is what you seek, the School of the Art Institute of Chicago has what you need! The BFA features a dynamic course of study that emphasizes writing across genres, including interdisciplinary and hybrid genres, and producing a creative project of your choice. Students also enjoy the many immersive, hands-on learning experiences available here that include contributing to Mouth , the student-run literary journal and F newsmagazine , the award-winning student newspaper; attending readings and workshops through the Visiting Writer and Artist Lectures; and attending Publishing Panel presentations. The low-residency MFA is a three-year program that’s designed for 21 st century artists and writers. This flexible program engages students and prepares them across various teaching platforms, with much of the curriculum focused on writing and studying other artists’ writings. The low-residency model features online study complemented with three, consecutive summer residencies where you’ll connect with your peers on campus to create and critique work.

Indiana University-Bloomington (Public)

Bloomington, IN

indiana university bloomington

Fully funded program through fellowships and teaching assistantships

  • Highly selective MFA enrolls just eight students each year (four in fiction, four in poetry)
  • Outstanding reputation for its focus on a diverse student body
  • Fully funded program offered through fellowships and assistantships

Indiana University – Bloomington’s MFA in Creative Writing features three years of fully funded graduate study at IU’s flagship campus! This dynamic program is focused on honing craft concepts and workshopping original student poetry and fiction under an award-winning faculty as you work toward the completion a book-length manuscript in the genre of your choice. This highly selective program enrolls just eight new students each year (four in fiction, four in poetry) to ensure an intimate learning environment of top emerging writers.

University of Notre Dame (Private)

Notre Dame, IN

university of notre dame

Fully funded through tuition scholarships and fellowships

  • Consistently ranked among the top 25 institutions of higher learning in the nation by esteemed publications like U.S. News & World Report, Forbes , and Niche
  • Exciting study abroad experiences available to the University College Dublin, Oxford, Cambridge, the University of East Anglia, Trinity College (Dublin), St. Andrews (Scotland), and Galway, Ireland
  • All students of the fully funded MFA program gain teaching, editorial, and publication experience

The University of Notre Dame offers both an undergraduate and graduate program in creative writing – your opportunity to explore and refine your craft within a world-renowned university. The Major in English with a Creative Writing concentration allows students to study the many ways in which literature shapes the human experience. Through small class sizes (just 15-17 students), students here connect with one another and engage with the distinguished faculty while honing their critical thinking, public speaking, and writing skills. The creative writing faculty, which is ranked among the best in the nation, teaches 15-20 creative writing classes ranging from fiction to poetry to nonfiction prose to playwriting/screenwriting. Students here often round out their undergraduate experience by engaging in internship, service learning, and study abroad experiences and by contributing to the university’s student-run publications. Notre Dame’s MFA in Creative Writing boasts a two-year, fully funded course of study that’s marked by a rigorous, self-directed learning experience and a diverse, international body of students. All students of this program gain teaching, editorial, and publication experience; participate in outreach programs with community partners; engage with visiting writers and artists; and conduct their own reading series.

University of Kansas (Public)


Overland Parks, KS

university of kansas

MFA – Tracks in Fiction, Poetry, Playwriting (on-campus)

Also offers: BA, BGS (Bachelor of General Studies) Literature, Language and Writing-option to earn a Creative and Analytical Writing certificate (on-campus)

  • Also offers: PhD in Creative Writing
  • Competitive graduate teaching assistantships available for MFA students
  • Home to an esteemed faculty of published authors
  • BA/BGS in Literature, Language and Writing offers a nice selection of afternoon, evening, online, and hybrid courses
  • MFA offers concentrations in fiction, poetry, or playwriting

The University of Kansas boasts both undergraduate and graduate programs for the creative writer! The innovative BA/BGS in Literature, Language and Writing provides students with a versatile foundation in technical writing, editing, marketing, writing, and authoring, while the Creative and Analytical Writing certificate provides a deep dive into the craft of creative writing. Just some of the highlights of the BA/BGS in Literature, Language and Writing include an outstanding selection of afternoon, evening, online, and hybrid courses… an experienced, published faculty… and unmatched student engagement and mentorship. The MFA program features a three-year course of study and options to focus on fiction, poetry, or playwriting. You’re sure to love learning from the widely published faculty here that have been recipients of distinctions like the Hugo Award, the Gertrude Stein Award, the Nebula Award, and more. The MFA is ideally positioned within a university that’s home to esteemed centers like the J. Wayne & Elsie M. Gunn Center for the Study of Science Fiction (dedicated to research and education in science fiction) and the Project on the History of Black Writing (research unit focused on literary recovery work in black studies).

Western Kentucky University (Public)


Bowling Green, KY

western kentucky university

  • Ranked among the top public universities in the nation by U.S. News & World Report
  • Competitive MFA teaching assistantships available
  • MFA tracks include fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, or scriptwriting; secondary concentration in literature, composition & rhetoric, or teaching English as a second language
  • Exciting undergraduate experiential learning opportunities available

Western Kentucky University offers both undergraduate and graduate programs in creative writing to meet students wherever they are in their academic and professional journey! The undergraduate Creative Writing program features a curriculum that’s grounded in the study of literature and marked by an exciting blend of courses in creative nonfiction, fiction, play/screenwriting, and poetry. Learning outside of the classroom is also standard fare here. You’ll find students learning from esteemed, visiting writers through the Readers Series; contributing to Zephyrus , the school’s literary publication; connecting with their peers through the English Club, the annual Senior Reading, and through the many open-mic nights and coffeehouse gatherings; and attending the annual Undergraduate Conference on Literature, Language, and Culture. The MFA in Creative Writing features a three-year course of study; tracks in fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, and scriptwriting; and secondary areas in literature, composition & rhetoric, or teaching English as a second language.

Eastern Kentucky University (Public)


Richmond, KY

eastern kentucky university

  • Low-residency model offers optimal convenience and flexibility for working adults
  • Superb summer residency offered in Lisbon, Portugal
  • Real-time online workshops ensure superb engagement and communication with faculty and peers

Eastern Kentucky University’s MFA in Creative Writing – Bluegrass Writers Studio features a low-residency model that’s designed with flexibility and convenience in mind. Students of this program study in a close-knit, supportive community alongside other emerging writers in both literary and genre-writing. The Bluegrass Writers Studio is an innovative program that offers students an optimal blend of online courses and workshops complemented with intensive residency workshops and unparalleled international literary and cultural experiences. The program’s Domestic Summer Residencies, which are held in Richmond and in Lisbon, Portugal, are rich in intensive workshops, lectures, and readings and focused on individual writing.

McNeese State University (Public)

Lake Charles, LA

mcneese state university

Also offers: BA in English-Writing (on-campus)

  • All MFA students are offered teaching assistantships that include a partial tuition waiver and stipend
  • Ranked as one of the top regional universities in the South by U.S. News & World Report
  • MFA in Creative Writing is the oldest program of its kind in Louisiana and one of the oldest in the southeast
  • Option to add an MA in English to the MFA in Creative Writing without adding any additional hours or costs

McNeese State University offers both undergraduate and graduate programs in creative writing, making it a sure bet for emerging writers like you! The BA in English with a Writing concentration offers a firm foundation in classic and contemporary literature alongside courses and hands-on learning experiences designed to hone your creative writing skills and elevate your knowledge and skills in the areas of editing, rhetorical writing, and technical writing . Students of this program enjoy small class sizes and a highly engaging learning environment that’s marked by high-quality instruction from a widely published, dedicated faculty. The MFA in Creative Writing is the oldest programs of its kind in Louisiana and among the oldest in the southeast! Offering outstanding, hands-on instruction through a host of creative writing programs, this program is where poetry and fiction writers flock to elevate their creative writing skills and produce a book-length manuscript. McNeese’s MFA is one of the only programs in the country to offer students the opportunity to concurrently earn an MA in English without adding any additional hours or costs!

University of Baltimore (Public)


Baltimore, MD

mfa creative writing kentucky

  • Named as one of the most distinctive programs of its kind in the nation by Poets & Writers Magazine
  • Competitive graduate fellowships and teaching assistantships available
  • Your choice of focus in fiction, nonfiction, or poetry
  • Exciting internship and study teaching opportunities available

The University of Baltimore’s MFA in Creative Writing is one of the top programs of its kind in the nation and a dynamic, inspiring hub for emerging writers in the genres of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Students of this program hone their creative voice and elevate their skillset in writing , editing, and publishing as they gain valuable, hands-on experience through internships and student teaching opportunities. Just some of the places where students here intern include the Baltimore City Paper , Baltimore Magazine , Baltimore Jewish Times , and Baltimore Style Magazine !

Johns Hopkins University (Private)


johns hopkins

MFA in Writing Seminars-Creative Writing (on-campus)

Fully funded through teaching fellowships

Also offers: Major in Writing Seminars-Creative Writing concentration (on-campus)

  • Fully funded MFA features a generous teaching fellowship
  • The Writing Seminars program is the second-oldest creative writing program in the country
  • BA program features a focus on fiction and poetry
  • Home to a nationally and internationally renowned faculty and acclaimed visiting writers

John Hopkins University offers both an undergraduate and graduate program in their famed Writing Seminars program! Undergraduate students here enjoy a solid liberal arts framework that’s complemented with courses in fiction and poetry and seminars on literature and the history and technique of poetry and prose. The Writing Seminar’s MFA program offers an advanced exploration of fiction and poetry. This program boasts a nationally and internationally renowned faculty; acclaimed visiting writers; and a curriculum that’s rich in intensive literary seminars and small workshops. Students complete a first-year portfolio and then round out their graduate course of study with a second-year thesis. This highly selective, fully funded program includes a generous teaching fellowship!

Hampshire College (Private)

Amherst, MA

mfa creative writing kentucky

MFA in Writing for Film and Television (low-residency)

  • Student-designed learning environment features personalized, independent work, close collaboration with faculty, and exciting hands-on experiences
  • MFA in Creative Writing features your choice of focus on poetry, fiction, or nonfiction
  • MFA Writing for Film and Television combines online study with weeklong residencies at the college’s Boston or Los Angeles campus
  • Hampshire is part of the Five College Consortium that allows students to explore academic offerings at Amherst College, Mount Holyoke College, Smith College, and the University of Massachusetts Amherst

Hampshire College offers no less than three, outstanding creative writing programs for emerging and practicing writers alike! The Major in Creative Writing offers a well-rounded exploration of fiction, literary journalism, and poetry through dynamic, workshop-style courses that feature intensive writing, active reading, and constructive feedback. Students of this program enjoy engaging with their peers and sharing ideas through writers’ coffeehouses; learning from acclaimed visiting writers; and flexing their creative skillset through one of the school’s publications. The low-residency MFA in Writing for Film and Television offers a convenient and flexible blend of online courses with week-long residencies at the Boston or Los Angeles campus at the beginning of each semester. This program features an esteemed faculty of filmmakers, producers, and screenwriters and the opportunity to produce a professional-caliber portfolio of original feature, pilot, and short screenplay samples. The Creative Writing MFA program is one of the longest-running programs of its kind in the nation. Some of the highlights of this program include an esteemed, published faculty; two award-winning literary journals; and close ties with the Boston publishing community.

Boston University (Private)

mfa creative writing kentucky

  • Ranked among the top 5% of all creative writing programs in the nation by The Atlantic for the distinction of its faculty and alumni
  • Superb opportunity to study and travel abroad through the Global Fellowship
  • Small cohorts ensure an outstanding, student-centered learning environment

Boston University’s MFA in Creative Writing is built on the university’s legacy of academic excellence and the Creative Writing Program’s reputation as one of most prestigious programs of its kind in the country! This program features your choice of fiction or poetry and a one-year course of study that’s highlighted by creative writing workshops and literature courses. It’s designed in small cohorts that accept just ten fiction writers and eight poets annually, and it’s fully funded, covering all tuition costs and offering a stipend for all students. All students of this program teach at least one course and fulfill a foreign language requirement during their MFA. Students are also eligible to receive a Global Fellowship for travel and study anywhere outside of the U.S. upon successful completion of their coursework and submission of their thesis.

University of Michigan-Ann Arbor (Public)


Ann Arbor, MI

university of michigan

Also offers: Major in Creative Writing and Literature (on-campus)

  • Outstanding study abroad opportunities available (University of Michigan has the most students studying abroad among the Big Ten universities)
  • Ranked among the top public national universities by U.S. News & World Report
  • Highly selective, fully funded MFA program accepts just nine poets and nine fiction writers annually
  • Undergraduate major in Creative Writing and Literature includes your choice of focus on fiction/creative nonfiction, poetry, or digital storytelling

Whether you’re interested in pursuing undergraduate or graduate study in creative writing, the University of Michigan – Ann Arbor has what you’re looking for! Undergraduate students in the Creative Writing and Literature program study fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction (and choose a focus on fiction/creative nonfiction, poetry, or digital storytelling) in a student-centered learning environment that features dedicated faculty mentors and small, engaging writing seminars. Whether your plans include graduate study or a career in an area like education, editing, journalism, publishing, or beyond, this program is designed with you in mind! The fully funded Creative Writing MFA program features two years of study and options to focus on fiction or poetry. We love the program’s esteemed faculty of published poets and fiction writers and the many opportunities to learn from acclaimed writers through the Zell Visiting Writers Series. This highly selective program accepts just nine poets and nine fiction writers annually.

Western Michigan University (Public)

Kalamazoo, MI

western michigan

MFA in Creative Writing

Also offers: BA in English-Creative Writing option (on-campus)

  • Superb record of student success: 9 out of 10 students are employed and working quickly in their fields upon graduation
  • Outstanding study abroad opportunities – more than 100 programs in 40 countries available
  • Engaging workshop-style courses ensure outstanding opportunities to hone your creative skillset

Western Michigan University is home to both BA and MFA programs in creative writing for the emerging writer! The BA in English with a Creative Writing option is built on a foundation in British and American literature and the English language and complemented with dynamic, creative writing workshops that vary from introductory to advanced. Students of this program explore writing poetry, plays, fiction, and creative nonfiction alongside focused study in news, feature, and professional writing. The MFA in Creative Writing program offers a streamlined path to writing-intensive careers in poetry, fiction, or drama or future PhD study within prestigious programs.

University of Minnesota-Twin Cities (Public)

Minneapolis, MN

university of minnesota twin cities

  • Fully funded program through teaching assistantships and/or fellowships
  • Exciting program features an exploration of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction
  • Consistently ranked among the top graduate creative writing programs in the country

The University of Minnesota – Twin Cities offers an esteemed MFA in Creative Writing – a three-year course of graduate study that features a dynamic deep dive into writing, language, and literature, along with study in a related field. This exciting program, which has long been ranked among the top ten graduate creative writing programs nationally, offers a well-rounded exploration of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. In fact, students of this program are encouraged to experiment and write across genres as they work toward honing their own creative voice. Housed within the flagship institution of the University of Minnesota System, which enjoys a reputation as being among the most prestigious public research universities in the nation, this program comes with full funding for all MFA students and exciting opportunities to conduct research, intern with major corporations and organizations, and study abroad.

Hamline University (Private)

Saint Paul, MN

hamline university

MFA in Creative Writing (on-campus)  

Also offers: BFA in Creative Writing (on-campus)

  • BA in English-Creative Writing concentration (on-campus)
  • Exciting, undergraduate faculty-led research opportunities available
  • Home to a nice variety of internship experiences
  • Superb faculty of accomplished writers
  • MFA features your choice of focus on poetry, fiction, or creative nonfiction

Hamline University is home to three different creative writing programs that are designed to meet you wherever you are in your career! Offering two undergraduate creative writing programs – one in creative writing and the other in English with a creative writing concentration, Hamline offers students the opportunity to hone their creative writing skillset and prepare for exciting careers in publishing, journalism, marketing, business, education, and beyond! The BFA in Creative Writing provides students with a well-rounded exploration of poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, literary traditions, textual analysis, and the opportunity to refine your skillset in any number of genres. The BA in English with a Creative Writing concentration offers a journey in literature as you explore the process of writing a novel, script, or other creative work. We love their undergraduate creative writing programs here because they come complete with exciting opportunities to participate in faculty-led research; contribute to one of the many student-led publications like Runestone , the award-winning undergraduate online literary magazine; and complete internships with major names like Graywolf Press, the Minnesota Historical Society, and the Loft Literary Center. The MFA in Creative Writing boasts an in-depth course of study that’s marked by your choice of focus in poetry, fiction, or creative nonfiction; an esteemed faculty of accomplished writers; and a curriculum that prepares you for in-demand teaching and publishing careers.

Augsburg University (Private)


augsburg university

MFA in Creative Writing (Teaching, Translation, Publishing) ( low-residency )  

  • MFA program features a low-residency model that combines convenient, flexible online study with summer residencies
  • Exciting study abroad opportunities to Denmark and Iceland for undergraduate students
  • Undergraduate creative writing students may qualify for the MFA Masterclass option – an opportunity to participate in a single summer residency that includes a creative writing workshop

Augsburg University’s undergraduate and graduate programs in creative writing are exactly what emerging and practicing writers are looking for! The BA in English with a Creative Writing concentration offers a nice blend of both English literature and the creative writing process. Through this course of study, students explore the craft under the guidance of a dedicated faculty of working writers. Students also enjoy plenty of opportunities to flex their creative skillset outside of the classroom, with opportunities to participate in the Many Voice Project – a series that brings together students, professors, and staff to explore successful communication among diverse readers and writers; contribute to Thó Win Magazine , the campus literary, visual, and musical arts publication; and study abroad to Denmark and Iceland. The low-residency Creative Writing MFA program offers students a deep dive into writing in multiple genres and features a convenient and flexible format that blends online study with summer residencies. Students of this program hone their skillset in fiction, nonfiction, poetry, screenwriting, and playwriting over the course of three years to prepare for exciting careers in fields like teaching, publishing, and translation. Are you an undergraduate creative writing student with future graduate study in your sights? You may qualify for the MFA Masterclass option, which allows undergrad students to enroll in a single summer residency that includes a creative writing workshop.

University of Mississippi (Public)

University, MS

the university of mississippi

MFA in English (on-campus)  

  • Also offers: Ph.D. in English with Creative Writing Concentration
  • Outstanding visiting scholars and creative writers - past visitors have included filmmaker, Spike Lee, Pulitzer Prize winner Jeffery Eugenides, and National Book Award winner Mark Doty
  • MFA in English named among The Atlantic Monthly’s “Top Five Up and Coming Programs”

Creative writing is part of the fabric of the University of Mississippi, and it shows! The BA in English with a Creative Writing emphasis boasts a curriculum that brings together study in literature from all time periods and through diverse perspectives, along with a close examination and exploration of the craft of creative writing. The MFA in English, which has been consistently ranked among the top programs of its kind in the nation, offers your choice of concentration in poetry & fiction or creative nonfiction. This highly selective program (accepting between 6-8 students each year) is supportive, engaging, and fully funded!

Washington University in Saint Louis (Private)

St. Louis, MO

washington university in st louis

Fully funded program available through fellowships

Also offers: BA in English-Creative Writing concentration (on-campus)

  • Small, student-centered learning environment boasts first-year seminars of 15 or fewer students
  • Highly competitive program accepts just 15 students (five each in fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction)
  • Fully funded MFA program is offered through fellowships

Regardless of where you are in your academic journey or your career, Washington University in St. Louis has the creative writing program for you! The BA in English with a Creative Writing concentration brings together emerging writers in a small, student-centered learning environment that boasts engaging poetry and fiction writing workshops. Small, first-year seminars of 15 students or less transition nicely to second semester workshops that take students to the next level in their writing journey and guide them to become outstanding readers and critics of literature. Interested in adding an international dimension to your undergraduate creative writing program? Many students study abroad at some of the top universities like Oxford, Edinburg, Trinity College in Dublin, the King’s College in London, and the University of Sydney. The Creative Writing MFA is a two-year program that allows students to refine their craft in fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction. A distinguished, world-renowned faculty oversees dynamic and engaging workshops and craft courses, while the school’s reading series brings some of the most acclaimed authors and poets to the department for unmatched learning opportunities.

New England College (Private)

Manchester, NH

new england college

  • Low-residency MFA features a studio/research academic model that combines online study with on-campus residencies at the beginning of each semester
  • MFA features your choice of track in poetry, fiction, nonfiction, writing for stage and screen, or dual genre
  • MFA students may also pursue specialized study in areas like translation, editing & publishing, new media, performance, or cross-genre/hybrid forms
  • Competitive MFA teaching assistantships and scholarships available

New England College offers both a BA and MFA in Creative Writing to meet students wherever they are in their academic journey and career path! The BA in Creative Writing is supported by a dedicated faculty of published writers who are committed to providing students with close mentorship and support, while the program’s focus on individual transformation encourages students to explore many areas and genres. Through this program, students complete genre workshops in fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction and courses focused on literary movements for a well-rounded course of study. The Creative Writing MFA is offered in a low-residency model that combines convenient and flexible online study with lively residencies at the beginning of each semester. Students here pursue a highly individualized program that features close mentorship by an award-winning faculty of writers and their choice of track in poetry, fiction, nonfiction, writing for stage and screen, or dual genre. Students may also pursue additional study in areas like translation, editing & publishing, new media, performance, or cross-genre/hybrid forms.

Rutgers University-Camden (Public)


rutgers graduate school

  • Competitive teaching assistantships available
  • Multi-genre approach to learning includes workshops in your choice of genre (fiction, poetry, or nonfiction) and at least one other genre
  • Exciting opportunities to complete a writing residency at the Rutgers University Pinelands Field Station
  • Exciting study abroad opportunities available

Rutgers University – Camden offers an MFA in Creative Writing that features an in-depth exploration of the theory and practice of writing for poets, fiction writers, and nonfiction writers. This dynamic course of graduate study allows students to focus their work on a single genre yet still explore other genres. An outstanding faculty of esteemed writers and poets guides this esteemed program. Students here enjoy superb inspiration from a host of visiting writers and poets; they contribute to the university’s award-winning literary magazine, StoryQuarterly ; and they participate in inspiring writing residencies at the Rutgers University Pinelands Field Station. And if your academic goals include an international experience, you’ll be pleased to know that students here often study abroad in Europe, Asia, and South America.

Rutgers University-Newark (Public)


rutgers university

  • Home to an outstanding, award-winning faculty of writers
  • Program enjoys exciting connections to big regional names for superb learning experiences
  • Fully funded, highly selective program accepts 14-16 full-time students per year—half in Fiction and half in Poetry

Rutgers University – Newark offers an established, dynamic, and nationally ranked MFA in Creative Writing that features your choice of fiction or poetry writing track. We love the many connections this program has to big names like the Newark Museum, the New Jersey Historical Society, and the New Jersey Performing Arts Center, all of which offer students unique opportunities for hands-on learning experiences. This fully funded course of study provides students with an unmatched opportunity to explore their craft, while the esteemed, award-winning faculty (many of whom are the recipients of awards like the Guggenheim, the National Endowment of the Arts, National Book Awards, and more) ensure outstanding support and mentorship.

Monmouth University (Private)


West Long Branch, NJ

monmouth university

MA/MFA in Creative Writing Dual Degree (on-campus)

  • Ranked among the best regional universities in the North by U.S. News & World Report
  • Exciting undergraduate internship experiences available
  • Exciting MFA course options include opportunities to study themes like thrillers, romance, and fantasy

Whether you’re seeking an undergraduate or graduate creative writing program, Monmouth University has what you need! The BA in English with a concentration in Creative Writing features a well-rounded liberal arts core alongside an in-depth exploration of creative writing, including fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Students of this program enjoy studying under esteemed visiting writers; contributing to The Monmouth Review ; and completing exciting internship opportunities with big names like Penguin, Random House, and St. Martin’s Press, and with organizations like the National Geographic Society and the Monmouth County SPCA. The MA/MFA is an innovative and unique dual degree in Creative Writing that boasts a published, award-winning faculty; outstanding course options in fiction, nonfiction, and poetry; and exciting options to explore themes like thrillers, romance, and fantasy. Students of this program begin by completing the 30-credit MA in English with a Creative Writing concentration and then complete an additional 18 credits of intensive creative writing study that culminate in a book-length creative thesis.

Columbia University in the City of New York (Private)


New York, NY

columbia university city of new york

MFA in Writing (Nonfiction, Fiction, Poetry, Literary Translation) (on-campus)

  • Home to an outstanding, internationally acclaimed faculty of writers and editors
  • Major in Creative Writing offers your choice of poetry, fiction, nonfiction, or multi-genre concentration
  • MFA offers your choice of fiction, poetry, or creative nonfiction concentration

Columbia University in the City of New York is where you’ll find both undergraduate and graduate programs in creative writing! These outstanding courses of study are housed in the famed School of the Arts, which enjoys a legacy of unmatched literary creation. Did you know that J.D. Salinger enrolled in a short story course here in 1939? Choose the Major in Creative Writing and you’ll study under an acclaimed, world-class faculty as you elevate your creative skillset in poetry, fiction, nonfiction, or multi-genre (combination of two genres). This program comes complete with writing workshops at all levels and exciting seminars that are sure to inspire and excite. The esteemed MFA Writing program is renowned for its faculty of acclaimed writers and editors; its focus on literary instruction; and its artistic and literary diversity. Students of this program choose a concentration in fiction, poetry, or creative nonfiction. They study in intimate workshops (just 7 to 12 students) and regularly present their work, receive constructive feedback from their peers, and meet with faculty for one-on-one conferences.

Sarah Lawrence College (Private)

Bronxville, NY

sarah lawrence college

Also offers: Major in Writing (on-campus)

  • Home to one of the largest writing faculties in the country
  • Workshop-style courses offer unmatched support, guidance, and constructive feedback
  • Exciting research and teaching opportunities available to MFA students
  • MFA concentrations in poetry, creative nonfiction, or speculative fiction

Whether you’re interested in an undergraduate or graduate degree in creative writing, Sarah Lawrence College has what you need to prepare for an exciting career or future graduate school! One of the first things you’ll notice is the vibrant artistic and writing community at Sarah Lawrence. It’s home to one of the largest writing faculties in the country; an outstanding selection of courses in fiction, nonfiction, and poetry; and engaging workshop-style courses that offer unmatched support and guidance. Thanks to a prime location near NYC, creative writing students enjoy access to opportunities in a vibrant, second-to-none arts and culture scene. The MFA program here boasts a dedicated faculty of distinguished writers; concentrations in fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, or speculative fiction; and a versatile curriculum that allows students to explore writing that transcends genres. Some of the features of the MFA we’re particularly fond of include frequent meetings with faculty; small, intimate classes; and exciting graduate teaching and research opportunities.

Syracuse University (Private)

Syracuse, NY

syracuse university

  • Highly selective MFA program admits just six poets and six fiction writers annually
  • Outstanding record of student success – 94% of graduates are employed or in graduate school within six months of graduation
  • Ranked among the best national universities by U.S. News & World Report

Syracuse University offers a BA and MFA in Creative Writing and a storied legacy of producing acclaimed writers. From Stephen Crane to Joyce Carol Oates, Syracuse has long been where emerging and practicing writers flock for intensive study and unmatched inspiration! The BA program offers a balanced blend of literary study, workshop-style writing courses, and craft classes in creative nonfiction, fiction, and poetry. The renowned MFA in Creative Writing program is a three-year, highly selective course of graduate study that admits just six poets and six fiction writers each year.

Pratt University-Main (Private)


Brooklyn, NY

pratt university

  • BFA features your choice of specialization in fiction, poetry, or nonfiction
  • MFA boasts exciting opportunities to participate in guided fieldwork residencies with an outside community organization, nonprofit, or activist group
  • MFA offers superb faculty mentoring

Pratt University boasts a BFA and MFA in Writing – your pathway to outstanding careers in publishing, editing, journalism, marketing, business, education, and beyond! Undergraduate creative writing students here study in a studio-based learning environment that includes specializing in fiction, poetry, or nonfiction and exploring contemporary genres like playwriting, screenwriting, children’s book writing, and young adult writing. The MFA in Writing program offers a highly rigorous, engaging program of study that’s built to address the needs of today’s contemporary writer in changing times. Some of the features of this program that you’re sure to love include The Writing Studio, a weekly critiquing forum; outstanding, one-on-one faculty mentoring; and guided fieldwork residencies with an outside community organization, nonprofit, or activist group.

North Carolina State University at Raleigh (Public)


Raleigh, NC

nc state university

  • Outstanding, student-centered learning environment features a low, student-to-faculty ratio of just 15:1
  • Named the top public university in North Carolina by Money Magazine
  • MFA in Creative Writing is the only one of its kind in the Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill region
  • MFA is fully funded through graduate teaching assistantships

North Carolina State University at Raleigh is home to both an undergraduate and graduate degree in creative writing! The BA in English with a Creative Writing concentration features a solid English foundation alongside courses in several genres, including fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and screenwriting. Intensive writing workshops here are designed to create an engaging, tightknit learning environment where students are encouraged to hone their creative voice. The MFA in Creative Writing boasts a two-year intensive course of graduate study that’s rich in workshops and interdisciplinary coursework and culminates in a final thesis of your original work. Students of this graduate course of study apprentice under master writers and learn from an experienced faculty of working writers and poets.

Warren Wilson College (Private)


Asheville, NC

warren wilson college

  • Home to the first and one of the most prestigious low-residency MFA programs in the nation
  • Originally founded in 1976 by Ellen Bryant Voigt, and in residence at Warren Wilson College since 1981
  • Superb faculty of award-winning authors and poets (many of whom are recipients of the Pulitzer Prize, Guggenheim and MacArthur Fellowships, National Book Awards, and more)
  • Low-residency MFA effortlessly combines individualized mentorship with on-campus residencies for maximum convenience and flexibility
  • MFA features a superb standard student-to-faculty ratio of just 3:1

The MFA Program for Writers at Warren Wilson College enjoys a national reputation as a top-ranked MFA program and features a prime learning environment that’s marked by extensive one-one-one exchanges between faculty mentor and student as well as on-campus residencies every six months. Well regarded for its craft-based rigor as well as its fostering of a supportive and noncompetitive environment, the MFA Program for Writers at Warren Wilson College prepares its graduates for a lifetime of writing.

Warren Wilson College’s undergraduate program in Creative Writing is designed to allow students to focus their undergraduate course of study on two genres (choose from fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry). It’s also home to the Writing Studio, a place where students hone their creative voice and explore new ideas and techniques. Outstanding student and faculty feedback and exciting opportunities to engage in hands-on learning round out this comprehensive course of study.

The undergraduate program benefits from presence of Warren Wilson’s highly-regarded MFA program through twice-yearly visits by MFA Writers in Residence: faculty members who provide a class and reading. They also have the opportunity to attend January residency lectures and readings and work with MFA Mentors as part of an undergraduate “Residency Class.”

Miami University-Oxford (Public)

miami university oxford

  • Outstanding record of student success – 96% of all graduates are employed or continuing their education
  • Ranked among the top 50 public universities in the nation by U.S. News & World Report
  • Fully funded MFA provides graduate teaching assistantships to all MFA students; non-teaching assistantships may also be available

Miami University – Oxford is home to both a BA and MFA in Creative Writing – your opportunity to refine your creative skillset and become a successful writer in any number of fields! The BA program boasts a full-time creative faculty of eight award-winning writers who provide unmatched learning opportunities for a select group of students (usually between 20-25) in fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, and screenwriting. Intensive, engaging workshop-style courses ensure outstanding collaboration, communication, and constructive feedback, while visiting authors offer readings and craft talks that are guaranteed to inspire. The MFA brings some of the most talented, emerging writers from across the country to participate in a close-knit, rigorous course of study in creative nonfiction, poetry, fiction, multimedia, and performance writing. Some of the highlights of this program include four, practice-oriented workshops and seminars in literature; close mentorship from faculty; and the opportunity to create a publishable, full-length work of fiction, poetry, or creative nonfiction by the end of the program. This fully funded program provides graduate teaching assistantships to all MFA students; non-teaching assistantships may also be available. And each year, two MFA students are awarded creative writing internships in China!

Kent State University at Kent (Public)

kent state university

Northeast Ohio MFA in Creative Writing (on-campus)

  • Program is a superb consortium of four universities - Kent State University, Cleveland State University, the University of Akron, and Youngstown State University
  • The program is marked by outstanding faculty guidance and mentorship
  • Students enjoy exciting opportunities to participate in regional and national events and programs
  • Full and partial funding opportunities available

Kent State University’s Northern Ohio MFA in Creative Writing (NEOMFA) offers a superb course of graduate study for the emerging creative writer! This program is a consortium program between Kent State, the University of Akron, Cleveland State University, and Youngstown State University. It boasts an award-winning faculty of fifteen and unmatched opportunities to hone your craft in plays, poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction. This program brings together a diverse group of students for superb instruction, hands-on learning, faculty mentorship, and individual attention. Students here enjoy access to exciting programs and events like the Juniper Institute of Massachusetts, the Imagination Writers Conference in Cleveland, and the annual Association of Writers and Writing Programs Conference.

University of Oklahoma-Norman Campus (Public)


university of oklahoma

MA in English-Creative Writing (on-campus)

  • Competitive graduate teaching assistantships available
  • Versatile and flexible programs give students the freedom to choose courses and create a personalized course of study that best reflects their personal interests and career goals
  • Option to round out your program by creating a thesis of your original work in fiction, poetry, or creative nonfiction

The University of Oklahoma Norman is home to the esteemed MA in English with a Creative Writing emphasis – a superb graduate course of study for those with a love of creating the written word! We love the flexible and versatile design of this program that gives students the freedom to choose courses that best reflect their personal interests and professional goals. As a student of this program, you’ll work alongside a departmental advisor to design a personalized program of study. You’re also sure to appreciate the tightknit, engaging academic environment here that features small, seminar and pro-seminar courses and close mentorship from an internationally recognized faculty. You’ll also enjoy the option of rounding out your creative writing graduate program by creating a thesis of your original work in fiction, poetry, or creative nonfiction.

Eastern Oregon University (Public)


La Grande, OR

eastern oregon university

MFA in Creative and Environmental Writing (low-residency)

Also offers: BA/BS in English-Writing (on-campus, online)

  • Outstanding, student-centered learning environment features small class sizes and a low, student-to-faculty undergraduate ratio of just 17:1
  • Flexible BA/BS degree offers your choice of on-campus or online study
  • Low-residency MFA blends convenient, online study with on-campus summer residencies
  • Specialty, one-of-a-kind Wilderness, Ecology, and Community MFA program, which connects students to the Pacific Northwest’s rich tradition of writers

Eastern Oregon University is where emerging creative writers flock for unmatched academic opportunities at the undergraduate and graduate level! The BA/BS in English – Creative Writing program boasts small class sizes; superb support from a dedicated faculty; and an opportunity to complete your degree 100% online! The online program features a fully online course delivery and options to study on a part- or full-time basis for outstanding convenience and flexibility. The MFA in Creative and Environmental Writing offers an in-depth exploration of the craft; a low-residency curriculum model that ensures superb convenience for working adults; genre focus options in fiction, poetry, or young adult literature; and a superb opportunity to specialize your program through the one-of-a-kind Wilderness, Ecology, and Community program, which connects students to the Pacific Northwest’s rich tradition of writers such as Gary Snyder, William O. Douglas, Kathleen Dean Moore, Annie Dillard, Robert Michael Pyle, and more.

University of Oregon (Public)


university of oregon

Each MFA student is offered a teaching appointment in return for a full tuition waiver and stipend.

  • Opportunity to fully fund your MFA through a teaching appointment
  • Ranked a top-tier public research university and the top public university in Oregon by U.S. News & World Report
  • Highly selective program accepts just 10 students annually – five in poetry, and five in fiction

The University of Oregon’s MFA in Creative Writing features two years of study; your choice of focus in poetry or fiction; and a rich curriculum that’s highlighted by engaging, workshop-style courses and craft seminars. This rigorous course of study, which is one of the oldest and most distinguished programs of its kind in the nation, boasts unmatched opportunities to hone your craft and enjoy career success in a variety of fields. This highly selective program admits just 10 applicants each year (five in fiction and five in poetry) to ensure an intimate, highly engaging graduate experience.

University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus (Public)


Pittsburgh, PA

university of pittsburgh

Also offers: BA in Writing (Fiction, Poetry, Nonfiction) (on-campus)

  • Ranked as the top university in the Northeast U.S. by the Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education
  • Outstanding opportunities to learn from esteemed, visiting writers through the Pittsburgh Contemporary Writers Series
  • MFA features your choice of focus in fiction, nonfiction, or poetry

The University of Pittsburgh is home to a BA in Writing and an MFA in Writing, both of which are housed in the university’s famed Writing Program – a large and diverse community of artists who explore both traditional and emerging media. It’s where you’ll find students lending their talents to esteemed literary journals and digital publications and where visiting writers come to educate and inspire through the Pittsburgh Contemporary Writers Series. At the graduate level, the Writing Program admits nine students across the genres each year for a fully funded course of study in fiction, nonfiction, or poetry. We love the many exciting opportunities to expand your college experience through internships and study abroad experiences to places like London, Sydney, Berlin, Dublin, Paris, and Madrid.

Cedar Crest College (Private)


Allentown, PA

cedar crest college

Pan-European Creative Writing MFA (low-residency)

  • Options to focus on poetry, fiction, nonfiction, or travel writing
  • Home to the first pan-European graduate-level writer’s program offered by an American university
  • MFA boasts an award-winning internationally acclaimed faculty of writers
  • Exciting European residencies are complemented with online study for a flexible, versatile course of study

Cedar Crest is where you’ll find a superb course of graduate study in creative writing that comes complete with your choice of poetry, fiction, nonfiction, or travel writing focus… a low-residency model that delivers outstanding flexibility and convenience… and an unmatched opportunity to be inspired as you travel across Europe! The MFA in Creative Writing features an in-depth exploration of the craft of creative writing that culminates in the creation of your own original work of literature. Choose a focus (or two) and learn to refine your skillset under the guidance of an award-winning faculty of writers. This truly unique course of study brings together talented writers from around the world for three, 15-day intensive workshops held in superb European locations that are sure to spark your creativity. Residencies here are held in July and rotate between Dublin, Ireland; Barcelona, Spain; and Vienna, Australia. You’ll complete the rest of your program requirements through convenient online study.

Brown University (Private)


Providence, RI

brown university

MFA in Literary Arts (on-campus)

Also offers: BA in Literary Arts (on-campus)

  • Outstanding, student-centered learning environment features a low, 6:1 student-to-faculty ratio
  • Superb record of student success – 96% of all graduates are employed or in grad school within six months of graduation
  • Home to exciting, dynamic creative writing workshops for outstanding, hands-on learning

Brown University’s undergraduate and graduate programs in Literary Arts offer a deep dive into the craft of writing. Choose the undergraduate program and you’ll develop your skills in one or more genres through four creative writing workshops and six, reading-intensive courses. This unique course of undergraduate study (it’s one of just a few in the nation) is where emerging writers in fiction, poetry, electronic writing (hypertext), and mixed media gather to elevate and refine their creative skillset. The MFA program welcomes just 12 graduate student writers annually for an in-depth exploration of creative writing and a choice of focus in fiction, poetry, or digital-cross-disciplinary. This innovative program is focused on student-centered learning and features a rigorous curriculum that’s delivered by a faculty of internationally acclaimed writers.

University of South Carolina-Columbia (Public)

Columbia, SC

university of south carolina columbia

Also offers: BA in English-Writing concentration (on-campus)

  • Fully funded, highly selective MFA program accepts just eight students annually – four poets and four fiction writers
  • Ranked among the nation’s institutions with the best first-year experience by U.S. News & World Report
  • Highly versatile BA allows students to create a personalized program through their choice of writing courses

The University of South Carolina – Columbia’s BA and MFA programs are designed to inspire the emerging writer for an exciting pathway to careers in publishing, journalism, editing, marketing, business, and beyond! The BA in English with a Creative Writing concentration features a core of literature courses that are complemented with creative writing courses. Under the guidance of a faculty advisor, you’ll create a personalized course of study that best matches your personal interests and professional goals. We love the small class sizes and the superb faculty that’s dedicated to your success. The fully funded MFA program here is chocked full of features that are sure to align with your career goals. You’ll appreciate the intimate learning environment that comes complete with an award-winning faculty of writers, world-class visiting writers, and plenty of exciting opportunities to flex your creative skillset through hands-on experiences. The highly selective Creative Writing MFA accepts just four poets and four fiction writers each year and caps workshops at just 12 students for a truly engaging, dynamic program of study. Interested in pursuing education after you graduate? You’ll love the MFA program’s signature writing outreach program, Split P, which allows MFA students to hone their teaching skills in local public elementary schools.

Vanderbilt University (Private)

Nashville, TN

vanderbilt university

  • Ranked among the top 15 MFA programs in the country by Poets and Writers magazine
  • All MFA students receive a three-year, 12-month funding package
  • Highly selective MFA accepts students in poetry and prose

Vanderbilt University offers emerging and practicing writers their choice of an undergraduate or graduate-focused course of study in creative writing, both of which are built on the university’s longstanding reputation as a world-renowned institution. Both programs are delivered in small, seminar-style classes that encourage creativity, collaboration, and outstanding constructive feedback. The Creative Writing MFA program, which has been part of Vanderbilt’s fabric for nearly a century, features a three-year, fully funded course of graduate study that brings together emerging writers of fiction and poetry. This highly selective program is home to just 18 students at any time (nine in poetry and nine in prose), which ensures a truly tightknit, supportive learning environment. Just some of the unique opportunities available to students of the MFA include serving on the editorial board of the Nashville Review ; studying under distinguished, visiting writers-in-residence; and teaching introductory creative writing workshops.

University of Texas at Austin (Public)

university of texas austin

New Writer’s Project – MFA in Creative Writing (on-campus)

Michener center for writers – mfa in writing (on-campus).

*Both MFA options are fully funded  with absolutely no tuition costs for students accepted into the programs

  • Home to the Oxford Summer Program – an exciting exploration of life and literature at Oxford University in England
  • Features two, world-class MFA programs – one in creative writing and one in writing – both offer fully funded programs of study
  • Outstanding opportunities to learn from esteemed, working authors, attend events, and become immersed in the writing community, both on-campus and throughout Austin

The University of Texas at Austin plays host to both undergraduate and graduate programs in creative writing that are expertly designed to inspire and prepare emerging writers for a host of outstanding professional opportunities in fields like marketing, publishing, business, editing, education, and beyond! The Major in English with a Creative Writing concentration features a solid foundation in British, American, and world literature alongside focused courses in the art and craft of creative writing. The New Writer’s Project – MFA in Creative Writing and the Michener Center for Writers – MFA in Writing boast fully funded programs of study that are delivered in tightknit learning environments under close faculty mentorship. The three-year studio MFA in Creative Writing program features opportunities to study and practice fiction and poetry and connect with students and faculty of its partner MFA program, the Michener Center for Writers. This MFA in Writing program features a three-year program of study that admits writers in a primary genre (fiction, poetry, playwriting, or screenwriting) yet also provides them with ample opportunities to study a second genre. While the MFA in Creative Writing offers teaching experiences, the MFA in Writing funds students through fellowships alone, thereby requiring no teaching requirements.

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Public)


Blacksburg, VA

virginia tech

  • Exciting, study abroad opportunities include a faculty-led trip to London (offered through an exchange program with Loughborough University)
  • Fully funded MFA provides equal funding to all students
  • MFA program has been consistently ranked among the top 30 programs in the nation by Poets & Writers magazine
  • Highly selective MFA program admits just 4-5 students annually in each genre (fiction and poetry)

Virginia Tech is home to both a BA and MFA in Creative Writing and a rich learning environment that opens the door to a superb exploration of your creative interests. The BA program features an examination of major writers and literary traditions and a faculty of published writers that provide unmatched support and guidance as you work toward producing a portfolio of your own creative work. Explore your interests by choosing among the program’s more than 100 English courses (you’ll have 36 credits of free electives to personalize your course of study); study modern and contemporary literature; and dive deep into playwriting, nonfiction, or writing fiction for young people! The three-year, fully funded MFA features your choice of focus in poetry or fiction, a faculty of esteemed, published writers and scholars, and plenty of opportunities to explore your craft across genres.

Hollins University (Private)


Roanoke, VA

hollins university

Also offers:

  • BA in Creative Writing (on-campus)
  • Superb undergraduate record of success – 95% of all graduates are employed or in graduate school within a year of graduating
  • MFA program features a personalized curriculum and outstanding faculty support
  • Hollins’ Creative Writing MFA has one of the highest publishing records of any graduate school in the nation
  • Hollins University has long been called “Pulitzer U” for its award-winning faculty and alumni

Hollins University’s Jackson Center for Creative Writing is where you’ll find exciting pathways to rewarding, writing-intensive careers in a variety of fields! Hollins’ multi-genre approach allows students to study and explore their craft in poetry, fiction, and nonfiction while also gaining a valuable foundation of knowledge in literature. Creative writing here is supported by a faculty of esteemed, award-winning writers and scholars and marked by outstanding, hands-on learning experiences both within and outside the walls of the classroom. At the undergraduate level, you’ll choose from a Major in Creative Writing or an English Major with a concentration in Creative Writing, while at the graduate level, you’ll have the opportunity to pursue the two-year MFA program, which is home to a versatile and personalized curriculum and the type of support that creates the most successful writers. This small program enrolls just 20-24 students at any given time, thereby keeping the learning environment small and highly engaging. This program includes funding opportunities that include travel and research funding.

University of Washington-Seattle Campus (Public)

Seattle, WA

university of washington

MFA in Creative Writing (Poetry, Prose) (on-campus)

  • Fully funded MFA – students funded through teaching assistantships, fellowships, and through the Amazon Literary Partnership
  • Home to an esteemed faculty of award-winning authors
  • Highly selective MFA program admits just 8-10 students annually

Creative writing is part of the fabric of the University of Washington – Seattle’s English Department, long offering outstanding courses of undergraduate and graduate study to produce competent, talented writers with skills that transcend career fields. The English major with a Creative Writing option is your opportunity to grow as a communicator and artist! This program features a small, student-centered learning environment that’s marked by writing workshops that are designed to spark your creativity and hone your skills. The MFA in Creative Writing is a two-year program of poetry and prose that boasts an outstanding faculty of award-winning writers (many of whom have been awarded fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation, the MacArthur Foundation, and the National Endowment for the Arts). This highly selective, fully funded course of study admits just 8-10 students each year, thereby ensuring outstanding support and collaboration. Students here participate in literary seminars and workshops and round out their graduate study by completing a creative manuscript of original work.

University of Washington-Bothell Campus (Public)


Bothell, WA

MFA in Creative Writing and Poetics (on-campus)

  • Versatile and flexible MFA encourages writing across the genres and exploring hybrid genres
  • Evening courses accommodate the lives of today’s busy, working students
  • Lively, on-campus gatherings bring together students, faculty, and renowned writers and artists

The University of Washington (Bothell campus) offers an esteemed MFA in Creative Writing and Poetics – a program rich in exploration and discovery. This uniquely structured program is structured according to areas of inquiry instead of genres, which allows students to explore and experiment across genres. You’re free to hone your craft here as you see fit, with experimentation with hybrid genres encouraged. Each year, students meet at the Fall Convergence, which brings together internationally renowned writers and artists. And the school year closes with the Spring Festival, a place for students to share their thesis work and get inspired by a student-nominated speaker. This program features evening courses that are designed to accommodate the busy lives of working students.


  1. MFA Creative Writing

    mfa creative writing kentucky

  2. English Department's MFA in Creative Writing welcomes sixth class

    mfa creative writing kentucky

  3. MFA Creative Writing

    mfa creative writing kentucky

  4. MFA Creative Writing

    mfa creative writing kentucky

  5. MFA Creative Writing

    mfa creative writing kentucky

  6. Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing

    mfa creative writing kentucky


  1. Little Careys Galop

  2. George Reese plays Kentucky Waltz

  3. 1993 Blue Grass Stakes

  4. The Rutgers Alum Cultivating Creative Writing Connections

  5. Novel with MA/MFA Creative Writing

  6. City, University of London: What's different between MA Creative Writing and MFA Creative Writing?


  1. Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Creative Writing

    Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Creative Writing. Situated in historic Lexington and surrounded by the awesomeness of thoroughbred horse farms and bourbon distilleries, the University enjoys a rich literary heritage dating back to 1947, when Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist A.B. Guthrie first offered courses in fiction.

  2. Creative Writing

    The MFA in Creative Writing is a two-year program with a flexible and interdisciplinary approach, combining a studio/research curriculum. The UK MFA in Creative Writing places equal emphasis on fostering the artistic process of the MFA student, as well as his or her literary study and related creative or scholarly work.

  3. MFA Creative Writing

    M.F.A. in Creative Writing. Welcome to the virtual home of the MFA program in creative writing at Western Kentucky University. We know that there are a lot of choices for students who wish to study creative writing at the next level, but allow us just a moment to tell you about our program because we believe we're building something special ...

  4. M.F.A. Creative Writing

    The MFA in Creative Writing also makes you eligible to teach in English, Composition, and Creative Writing-related programs at the college and university level as an adjunct, instructor, and visiting or tenure-track professor. The Bluegrass Writers Studio is a low-residency program, meaning all fall and spring semester workshops are taken ...

  5. MFA in Creative Writing

    All MFA students in Creative Writing must complete: 24 hours of coursework, to be divided as follows: 12 hours of writing workshops at the 500 or 600 level (some combination of English 580, 581, 582, and 686) 9 hours of graduate course in literature, rhetoris, writing, or linguisitics at the 500 or 600 level.

  6. Creative Writing, Master of Fine Arts (0478)

    Creative Writing, Master of Fine Arts (0478) The MFA program provides students pursuing vocations in creative writing the opportunity to acquire the background and knowledge required to be leading citizens of what Vachel Lindsay calls the "Republic of Letters.". The program prepares students for lives as writers of novels, short fiction ...

  7. MFA in Creative Writing

    Jump to Application Information. The MFA degree in Creative Writing promotes a combination studio/academic course of study. Degree candidates hone their skills as writers and grow as artists through rigorous application of craft, under the tutelage of our distinguished faculty of Creative Writing and our impressive series of visiting writers.

  8. Master of Fine Arts

    As the flagship program of the Naslund-Mann Graduate School of Writing, it's also sister to three additional low-residency programs: the 35-credit Master of Arts in Writing (MAW), 15-credit graduate certificate in writing, and the post-master's certificate. At a substantial 65 credits, the MFA program creates space for creative writers to ...

  9. Program Description & Admission

    Program Description: WKU's three-year residential MFA program in creative writing will prepare students for lives as writers of novels, short fiction, creative nonfiction, scripts, and poetry and related pursuits such as teaching, literary editing, and publishing. Our students also complete a secondary concentration in literature, composition ...

  10. Creative Writing, Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.) Bluegrass Writers Studio

    Applicants to the MFA in Creative Writing program (Bluegrass Writers Studio) are required to submit a portfolio of work in their desired concentration (poetry, fiction, or creative nonfiction) to the MFA Program Director. ... Kentucky and begins, annually, the first Friday after the July 4 th holiday. Session one runs for 8 days.

  11. Spalding University Launches Kentucky's First School of Writing

    26 Feb 2019. Nineteen years after launching the state's first Master of Fine Arts in Writing program, Spalding University is announcing another first: the creation of a new School of Creative and Professional Writing, the first and only school of writing in Kentucky. Building on the success of the university's nationally distinguished MFA ...

  12. Master's Programs

    Visit the Bluegrass Writers Studio for an inside look to our M.F.A in Creative Writing. You can also check out our degree requirements in the University's Graduate Catalog or request more information on our MFA in Creative Writing by contacting: Robert Dean Johnson, Director 382 Case Annex 521 Lancaster Avenue Eastern Kentucky University

  13. University of Kentucky MFA Program in Creative Writing

    University of Kentucky MFA Program in Creative Writing, Lexington, Kentucky. 1,100 likes. The official page of University of Kentucky's MFA Creative Writing program.

  14. MFA, BFA and Other Creative Writing Degrees in Kentucky

    POTTER COLLEGE OF ARTS AND LETTERS. Accreditation: SACSCOC. Degree: Master - MFA. Public School. Creative Writing (fiction, poetry, creative non-fiction, scriptwriting) Kentucky has a long and rich history in the literary arts. Its distinguished authors have made major contributions to social, artistic, and religious.

  15. AWP: Guide to Writing Programs

    Undergraduate Program Director R.Dean Johnson Director, Associate Professor MFA in Creative Writing 521 Lancaster Ave Richmond Kentucky, United States 40475 Email: [email protected] URL: creativewriting.eku.edu. At the undergraduate level, the department offers a Bachelor of Arts in English with the option of an emphasis in literature, technical writing, or creative writing.

  16. Fully Funded MFA Programs in Creative Writing

    Here is the list of 53 universities that offer fully-funded MFA programs (Master's of Fine Arts) in Creative Writing. University of Alabama (Tuscaloosa, AL): Students admitted to the MFA Program are guaranteed full financial support for up to 4-years. Assistantships include a stipend paid over nine months (currently $14,125), and full payment ...

  17. MFA programs nurture new writers

    MFA programs nurture new writers. Jason Howard. February 1, 2016. 10 min read. Lifestyle. Writer Jayne Moore Waldrop, a graduate of the low-residency MFA in Creative Writing program at Murray State University, checks out the inventory at Wild Fig Books in Lexington, owned by fellow Lexington writer Crystal Wilkinson and poet and artist Ron Davis.

  18. Western Kentucky University Fully Funded MFA in Creative Writing

    Western University based in Bowling Green, KY offers competitive support for most MFA students, renewable each academic year for three years. The MFA program tracks fiction, poetry, creative non-fiction, and scriptwriting.

  19. Crystal Wilkinson

    She currently teaches at the University of Kentucky where she is Professor of English in the MFA in Creative Writing Program. Contact Information. [email protected]. 1229 Patterson Office Tower ... 2000. University Press of Kentucky, February 2017 (reprint). Paperback. Chaffin Award for Appalachian Literature: Winner; Today's ...

  20. Home

    Bluegrass Writers Studio. 521 Lancaster Ave Beckham 100 Richmond, KY, 40475-3102 Phone: 859-622-6263 Fax: 859-622-3156 Email: [email protected]

  21. My experience applying to 15 of the best Creative Writing MFA ...

    In late 2019 I applied to around 15 of the best Creative Writing MFA's in the United States. All of these programs have less than a 3% acceptance rate--the most competitive among them less than 1% (yes, they received over 1000 applicants and accepted less than 10).

  22. Best MFA Creative Writing Programs Online and On-Campus

    Eastern Kentucky University's MFA in Creative Writing - Bluegrass Writers Studio features a low-residency model that's designed with flexibility and convenience in mind. Students of this program study in a close-knit, supportive community alongside other emerging writers in both literary and genre-writing.

  23. MFA Creative Writing Programs: Is Low Residency for You?

    MFA in creative writing is considered a "terminal degree" in creative writing, which means that you're allowed to teach at accredited MFA programs once you have a degree. Students complete most coursework online under the guidance of a series of mentors—typically a faculty member. During the twice annual "residency," an intensive 6 ...