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Using The 5 Senses In Writing: Examples To Inspire You

Using the 5 senses in writing can deeply immerse readers in scenes and stories by creating more vivid imagery in their minds. It’s a skill that can elevate books to a higher level. In simple terms, it is writing that employs the five sense to create mental images for the reader.

But so often we writers find ourselves lured into the trap of relying on sight and sound. Relying on a narrow range of sensory language isn’t always enough to bring a story to life. We can inject so much more into our stories simply by utilizing sensory details in our writing.

In this guide, we’ll take a look at our sensory organs, why we use vivid writing, look at a bunch of illustrative 5 senses examples, and ways we can use each sense to elevate our stories to the next level. 

Many people experience things through smell, touch, and taste. It’s our job as authors to use the five senses in writing to enrich our tales and  prose  with vivid imagery, which is often used to help the reader feel immersed and engaged. 

In fact, the oft-forgotten 5 senses are some of the most powerful forms of description, things that can enrich a story and give it life. Here’s how you can master it.

What Are The Five Sensory Organs?

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Before we dive into looking at the 5 senses in a writing context, let’s look at what the five sensory organs are:

  • Special receptors in the skin that enable us to touch and feel

Combined, our five senses enable us to learn, experience and create memories. Pepsi Max, for example, always reminds me of my history lessons in college—I’d drink a can during every lesson. Think of songs too. They have an incredible ability to transport us back to moments in our past. Let’s explore things in more detail.

Now, something you may be wondering about is whether or not there are more than the 5 classic senses. It is, in fact, believed that there is more than touch, taste, sound, sight, smell. These golden 5 were defined by Aristotle because he could relate them to sensory organs. They are sometimes known as the “five senses folk model”.

But it depends on the manner in which you define a sense.

Newer approaches look at the number of sensory organs we have. And many academics now counter the sixth sense as the  vestibular  system. This relates to the inner ear and the impact it has on our balance and vision.

But other academics have gone further than this. Some tweak the definition to include sensory receptors. Now the skin, for instance, has at least four sensory receptors, relating to pain, temperature, touch and body awareness (otherwise known as proprioception).

So when someone asks how many senses do we have, it’s all a matter of definition. You can check out this awesome video below by SciShow which explains things in more detail.

Perhaps the main one of the five senses, sight often receives information first and therefore forms our initial judgements.

When it comes to using sight in writing, our stories and characters are often guided by this prime form of description. We describe what our characters see.

However, it would be nigh impossible to describe every aspect of a scene, and even if you did achieve it, nigh impossible to read.

Some of the most acclaimed writers, Charles Dickens, in particular, approached it by picking the right details. The little things that tell us everything. Let’s look at an example of the sense of sight in writing from Great Expectations :

“There was a bookcase in the room; I saw, from the backs of the books, that they were about evidence, criminal law, criminal biography, trials, acts of parliament, and such things. The furniture was all very solid and good, like his watch-chain. It had an official look, however, and there was nothing merely ornamental to be seen. In a corner, was a little table of papers with a shaded lamp: so he seemed to bring the office home with him in that respect too, and to wheel it out of an evening and fall to work.”

This is Jagger’s office. Though he doesn’t feature, we’ve gleaned much about who he is from details like the types of books upon the shelves and the paper-filled table, suggesting he lives a busy, professional life.

Colour is another fantastic tool when it comes to sight. Dickens was known for using colours to portray emotions or themes, such as red for frustration or anger, black for death, white for purity or goodness. Using colour, particularly with themes and the premise , can add extra layers to a story.

We explore some more 5 senses examples below to give you some ideas when it comes to sight.

Writing Prompt

Stand in the middle of your bedroom. Look all around you. Make notes of every little detail you see. Colours, shapes. Crumbs or dust on the floor. The more attentive you can be the better.

Pick out things that could relate to characterisation. The books on a shelf perhaps—what kind of books are they? Are there empty glasses beside your bed, dishes too? All of this helps to build interesting imagery, as well as contribute to other elements of the story, in this instance, characterization .

Sound is incredibly important when it comes to using the 5 senses in our writing. Dialogue dominates many stories, but so often little attention is paid to how characters sound when they talk. It’s strange when you think about how unique people sound, and a person’s voice makes such a difference to how we form views of them.

Something I learned not so long ago is that ducks don’t quack. They tend to grunt or even cackle. It’s easy to assume how things sound, but sometimes what we assume is wrong.

It’s always worth taking the time to research. In doing so you may find new and original ways to describe the sound. Using metaphors and similes, particularly if the sound is unusual, is a great way to bring clarity to descriptions.

Another often overlooked thing is silence. Silence is an excellent tool to set the tone or build an atmosphere or tension . A noiseless forest. A still, foggy street. Eerie.

Either using yourself or ideally, your character, place yourself in a location in which things are happening around you—a park, for instance. Close your eyes and listen.

Make a note of every little sound you hear, from tweeting birds to jackhammers digging up roads. If you can, make a note of how different sounds make you feel. Do fireworks startle you, for instance? Then think about why they could startle you or your character.

Of all the five senses, touch is, in my view, one of the most powerful yet underrated ones. If you can convey touch in an effective way, you’ll reap the rewards.

The scope of this sense depends on the nature of the scene, but imagine, for example, walking barefoot through a forest. The softness of moss between your toes, the cool slime of mud, the pokes and scratches of sticks and stones. Such details can draw readers deeper into the story.

We’ll look at some sensory writing exercises below, but as a brief writing prompt now, close your eyes and pick something up. Describe how that object feels. What features does it have? The texture? Sturdiness? Width? Weight?

These little details can make all the difference when it comes to incorporating the 5 senses in your writing.

Taste is the more neglected one out of the five sensory organs when it comes to writing. Just like all of the senses, using taste can enrich your story immensely.

How many times have you said the phrase, “It tastes like …”. So many of our memories are tied to tastes. Like I said before, Pepsi Max always reminds me of history classes in college. Which tastes trigger memories for you?

If this happens to us, it happens to your characters too. It’s a great thing to include within your characterization process.

Like smell, taste can serve as a trigger for memories. For example, a husband who shared a love for apple turnovers baked by his deceased wife is reminded of her whenever he eats one.

Taste can also trigger emotions. There’ve been times when I’ve eaten food that tasted so good I bounced with glee in my chair.

A fun one. Head down to your kitchen and finding something to eat that has a bit of texture. Close your eyes, take a bite. Focus closely as you chew, as the food rolls around your mouth, over your tongue and down your throat. How does it taste? How does it make you feel?

We, at last, arrive at smell, though its place is no reflection on its importance when it comes to using the 5 senses in our writing.

The power of smells cannot be underestimated. We smell things all of the time and those scents help to shape our impressions. What can you whiff right now?

A smell helps us to form a judgement on things, such as whether something’s okay to eat. And crucially, smells can trigger vivid memories and emotions, vital tools to any writer.

Here’s one of my favorite 5 senses examples for using smell in writing from James Joyce’s Ulysses :

“ Mr Leopold Bloom ate with relish the inner organs of beasts and fowls. He liked thick giblet soup, nutty gizzards, a stuffed roast heart, liverslices fried with crustcrumbs, fried hencods’ roes. Most of all he liked grilled mutton kidneys which gave to his palate a fine tang of faintly scented urine.”  

How do you describe the smell of rain in creative writing?

Similar to the task above which involves a trip out to a busy place, like a park, sit down and have a good sniff. Another good place to try is a coffee shop. Lots of smells of roasting coffee and baking cakes in there.

Importantly, think about where those smells lead you in your mind. Do they trigger memories? Do associated words pop into your mind? From your character’s perspective, this is what their experience would be like too.

So, as we’ve seen above, this style of descriptive writing employs the five sense to create mental images for the reader.

Using the 5 senses in writing is crucial for creating vivid, engaging narratives. When we incorporate sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell, we activate the reader’s sensory experiences which can help make the story more immersive and memorable.

Neuroscience supports this approach. Studies show that sensory details engage the brain’s sensory cortex, enhancing emotional and cognitive processing ( Fischer & Zwaan, 2008 ). This means readers are not just passively reading but actively experiencing the text, which boosts retention and emotional connection.

On top of this, sensory-rich descriptions can trigger mirror neurons, which help readers empathize with characters’ experiences ( Iacoboni, 2009 ). This empathy can deepen their engagement and investment in the story, making it more impactful.

Renowned authors like Ernest Hemingway and Gabriel García Márquez skillfully use sensory details to create vivid imagery and evoke strong emotions. Their works demonstrate how sensory descriptions can transform simple narratives into powerful, lasting experiences. Below, we look at some examples of the five senses in writing to help illustrate how powerful this approach can be.

So, incorporating the five senses in writing is not just a stylistic choice but a scientifically-backed method to enhance reader engagement, emotional response, and memory.

Let’s move on to look at some 5 senses examples. As we’ve seen above, vivid imagery is often used to help the reader feel immersed in the story. So in this section, I’ve provided some descriptive writing examples from some bestselling books that make great use of the 5 senses.

“The tearing of flesh, as though a butcher were yanking meat from a flank. The bubbling of liquids and the soft rasping of the cutting tools.” Tooth & Nail , Ian Rankin

“Stars spun across his vision and his head felt as if it were about to burst… With difficulty, Hanno undid the chinstrap and eased off his helmet. Cool air ruffled his sweat-soaked hair.” Hannibal: Fields of Blood Ben Kane

“A cold wind was blowing out of the north, and it made the trees rustle like living things. All day, Will had felt as though something were watching him, something cold and implacable that loved him not.” A Game of Thrones, George RR Martin

“It was dark and dim all day. From the sunless dawn until evening the heavy shadow had deepened, and all hearts in the City were oppressed. Far above a great cloud streamed slowly westward from the Black Land, devouring light, borne upon a wind of war; but below the air was still and breathless, as if all the Value of Anduin waited for the onset of a ruinous storm.” The Return Of The King , JRR Tolkien.

This last one for me is a great example of a descriptive paragraph using the five senses. From the off, you not only get a vivid image of the setting (dark, dim, sunless dawn), but you can feel what it’s like to be there on an emotional level (hearts in the City were oppressed). Our senses are further teased with the description of a “still and breathless” air. 

If you’d like to find more sensory description examples, I recommend doing this simple exercise:

Pick up any book that you see, one ideally that you don’t mind marking with a pen or highlighter. Next, scan the pages, looking for descriptive scenes. Whenever you see a sentence that refers to any of the five senses, highlight it in some way.

The benefit of doing this is that you get examples from a variety of different writers, each with their own clever way of making their exposition more immersive.

Something you may notice is that many of them employ metaphors and similes to help you build a visual image in your mind. This is a very effective way of using the 5 senses in writing. You could say things like:

  • The water smashed into the ground like the tide hitting a rocky coast
  • A squeal filled the air like a pig fearing slaughter
  • It smelled like an overflowing latrine pit sat in the baking sun

If you’re looking for more 5 senses examples for your writing, one of the best things you can do is to read books that pay particular attention to this. One of the standout books that explore this is Blindness by José Saramago.

There’s no shortage of sensory language examples out there for you to study. From books to writing guides like this, there are plenty of helpful resources you can learn from. 

I wanted to provide you with a few examples of a descriptive paragraph that uses the five senses. Examine how they elevate the scene by drawing you deeper. Each little detail paints a more vivid picture, such that you can almost feel yourself there, experiencing it yourself. This is a real skill when it comes to creative writing, but it’s definitely one you can learn and master. 

Let’s look at our first 5 senses paragraph example:

The mud of the road sucked at her tattered leather boots, a quagmire after incessant rains. Autumn circled like a hawk. The wind grabbed at her woollen green cloak and homespun dress. The hand-me-downs from her cousins never fitted, always too wide at the waist and short of length. She pulled her cloak tight about her, bundling it around her hands to keep away the biting chill.

The ringing gave way to those crashes and bangs, each one coming with the beat of his heart. His eyes flickered open. Slate-grey clouds hung above. Dust hovered in the air, rocks and debris showered down upon him. He raised his throbbing head and looked around. Men and women, hands over their ears, cowered down behind the crenellations of the wall, fear etched upon their faces, consuming their eyes, paralyzing their bodies. A few defiant individuals continued to loose arrows. For many, it was the last they shot. The Karraban thunder smashed the parapets to bits, obliterated siege engines, battered the cliff behind them and knocked from it great chunks of rock that tumbled down to crush those below. The ringing in Jem’s ears eased enough for him to hear the screams. They became the backdrop to the rumbling of the Karraban thunder. Only one thought entered Jem’s mind: flee.

The bells rang loud and panicked across Yurrisa. Hidden in the shadows of the abandoned warehouse, Edvar and the others lay in wait. He peered through a crack in a boarded window at the cobbled street. Echoing along it came a shout. Another. Steps rushed toward him, and into view burst a group of soldiers, breaths billowing mist in the cold morning air.

Laughter rippled from the table behind Edvar. The three men were tanners, the least difficult of all working men to identify: stained clothes and hands and stinking of a peculiar cocktail of rotten flesh and mint. They rubbed themselves with the latter to mask the stench of the former. Nobody could bear their presence long enough to tell them it didn’t work.

As you can see, these examples use each of the five senses to great effect. If you’re curious where these came from, I pinched them from Pariah’s Lament .

Something I’ve done to improve my use of the 5 senses in my writing is to include them within the planning process. It’s good to save it until the end when you’ve plotted out your story or chapter, however.

What I do is read over the plan and try and place myself in the scenes. Working my way through each sense, I list everything that pops into my head.

  • It’ll be unlikely that you need to spend too much time on sight , but taking the time to consider things in detail can provoke new and unique ideas. What little details can be included? Remember the power of specificity.
  • Next, onto sounds . Like sights, it’s unlikely you’ll need to spend too much time on this but it’s always helpful to consider the likes of characters’ voices and any usual sounds that could be featured.
  • Smells . When it comes to smells a good starting point is to list everything that comes to mind, even mere whiffs, which can be the most telling of all. Smells can provoke memories and emotions too, like the smell of perfume could remind a character of their dead lover, and that leaves you open to describe emotions.
  • What can your character touch or feel? How does the hilt of the sword feel in your character’s fingers? How does the touch of a vivacious woman feel to your lonely character? What information can be gleaned from the manner of a handshake?
  • Lastly, what tastes , if any, can you include? Is your character eating? Can they taste blood after being punched in the cheek? Do they enter a room where the smell is so foetid they can taste it?

Here are a few useful exercises to get into the swing of using the senses. The more you practice, the more it’ll become ingrained in the way you write.

  • One place, one sense . As the title suggests, think of a place and describe everything you can using just one sense. Challenge yourself. Pick a sense you feel you struggle with. Or do one sense, then a different one.
  • Walk and write . Take a notepad and write five headings: sight, sound, touch, taste, smell. The next time you go out, even if it’s just to the shop on the corner, write down everything you experience. The touch of the rain or breeze, how the pavement feels underfoot, snippets of passing conversation you hear, the whistle of birds, how that warm and crispy sausage roll tastes. *Warning* You may look odd stopping all the time.
  • Close your eyes and pick something up.  This one was mentioned above, but it’s a powerful tool. Jot down everything you can think of.
  • Pick your favourite food and eat!  This one’s a bit more fun. Take chocolate for example. Savour each bite and write down everything, from taste to texture, the sounds of it breaking in your mouth, and importantly, how it makes you feel.
  • Pick something alien and try to use sensory descriptions. This is a great way to challenge your use of the 5 senses because you have to create everything from scratch and to a whole new level of detail. So if you’re a sci-fi writer, this could be a great way to learn how to describe a spaceship in writing. 

Write A Short Story With The 5 Senses

One of the most effective ways that you can sharpen your sensory description writing is to write a short story with the 5 senses. 

The way it works is simple. Plan out your story—characters, plotting, theme—and then when it comes to the writing, you’re only permitted to use the five senses. 

It can help to think of a story in which you’d likely use the sensory organs more than usual. Let’s look at a few writing prompts:

  • Your protagonist awakens in a dark cave. It’s cold and damp. They must figure out what’s happened and find their way out.
  • Your protagonist is fleeing through a forest. What are they running from? What awaits them up ahead?
  • Your character is upon a ship and is knocked overboard. How do they survive in the turbulent waves?

These are just a few prompts that are specifically designed to help you use the five senses in your writing. Trust me, an exercise like this will have your skillset sharpened in no time.

5 Senses Writing Prompts

Here are some 5 senses writing prompts that may help you get started:

  • You’re at home, watching TV. You catch the scent of something. Something that makes you mute the TV, look around, stand up. What is it you smell?
  • For three days you’ve been travelling alone through the woods. You’re two days from your destination. Tired, weary. And you’re pretty sure something is following you. The sun has long since set. The embers are dying in your fire. And you begin to hear sounds close by…
  • You’ve just started a new job. The office is big, labyrinthine. On your way back from lunch on your first day, you get lost. You open a door with stairs leading down. You follow them. Get further lost. And the steps give way. You awake in darkness to the sound of something growling. You reach for your phone, turn on the torch…

There are a few examples of sensory language-based writing prompts for you. See where they take you.

You can never have enough adjectives to help you describe the five senses. Below, you can find a pretty simple list, but it serves as a great starting point. From there you can add some of your own 5 senses examples. You can also head here to discover more adjectives to to help you describe people and places.

adjectives for the five senses in writing

Sometimes we wish to enrich our descriptions of static objects. These items may not have much about them. Think of a black box, for example. On the face, it looks plain and boring. However, in exploring the box with our 5 senses, we can zoom in on the cracks and chips along the edges, at the roughness of the surface, at the smell of what’s inside the box.

Here are some tips to help you describe something using the 5 senses:

  • Show, Don’t Tell – Instead of stating that a character is nervous, describe their sensory experiences. For instance, “Her palms felt clammy, and the bitter taste of anxiety coated her tongue as the cold draft whispered through the room.” This allows readers to feel the character’s emotions.
  • Use Metaphors And Similies – Employ relatable similes and metaphors to create a strong visual image. Instead of saying “the garden was nice,” try “the garden burst with vibrant purples and reds, each flower a delicate brushstroke of nature’s artistry, filling the air with a sweet, earthy fragrance.”
  • Engage All Senses – Ensure that your description covers more than just sight. For example, in a market scene, describe the “crisp, tangy scent of fresh apples,” the “hustle and bustle” of vendors calling out, the “rough, textured skin” of a mango, the “sweet, juicy taste” of a ripe peach, and the “kaleidoscope of colors” from different stalls.
  • Be Specific – Specific details can make a description more authentic and engaging. Rather than saying “the room smelled bad,” describe the “stale scent of old socks and sour milk lingered in the air.”
  • Incorporate Sensory Memories – Tap into common sensory experiences that readers can relate to. For example, “The crackling fireplace brought memories of cozy winter nights, with the smoky scent of burning logs and the warmth of the flames on their faces.”

By applying these tips, you can create rich, multi-sensory descriptions that immerse readers in your narrative, making scenes and emotions more relatable, especially when it comes to describing static objects.

Sometimes just describing how someone looks isn’t enough. We have to hone in on their features, like their coarse, unkept beard, or the smell that follows them round. Here are some great pieces of advice for describing people using the five senes:

  • Auditory Cues – Describe the person’s voice and other sounds associated with them. For instance, “His deep, gravelly voice resonated like a distant thunderstorm, each word punctuated by a contagious, hearty laugh that filled the room.” This provides an auditory element that can make the character more memorable.
  • Tactile Descriptions – Use touch to convey aspects of the person. For example, “His handshake was firm and calloused, a testament to years of hard labor, while the fabric of his worn flannel shirt was soft from countless washes.” This adds a tactile dimension to your description.
  • Olfactory Imagery – Incorporate scents associated with the person. For instance, “She carried the faint aroma of lavender and vanilla, a soothing blend that lingered in the air long after she left the room.” This can evoke strong sensory associations and enhance the reader’s connection to the character.
  • Gustatory Elements – While taste is less commonly used, it can be effective in specific contexts, especially in romance scenes . For example, “The kiss tasted of peppermint and coffee, a surprising combination that left a lingering warmth.” This can add a unique and intimate layer to your description.

By integrating these sensory elements, you can create a well-rounded and vivid portrayal of a person, making them more real and relatable to your readers.

If you’d like to learn more about sensory language and using these details in your writing , I recommend checking out my in-depth guide here. You can find a bunch more examples to help you further.

Thank you so much for checking out this guide on using the 5 senses in writing. I genuinely hope it’s been of use to you. Below, I’ve included some more guides on writing as well as places you can find extra 5 senses examples that you may find useful.

I may not have a sensory details generator on my site, but you can check out this  random fantasy name generator tool  to help with character creation

Learn more from my  fantasy writing podcast

And to help you make your notes about the 5 senses, check out my guide to  notebooks for writers

Check out my free  book description generator  here

If you’d like to learn more about  words that begin with the letter E  that you can use to describe someone, check out this guide. You can find words to help you describe someone in a positive or negative way, complete with definitions.

Below, you can find answers to some commonly asked questions when it comes to sensory descriptions, as well as more 5 senses examples.

“The icy wind rattled the ancient shutters upon the windows, stirring a shudder and setting every hair on her body on edge.”

This sentence uses sensory language to describe not just how the setting looks (from the rattling ancient shutters we see it’s an old possibly abandoned house), and crucially, we get a sense of how it feels to be in that setting, which is the main objective. It feels eerie, we feel the cold. We’re spooked. 

What Are The 5 Senses In Writing?

Sensory description in fiction writing requires a writer to utilise the 5 senses – sight, sound, touch, taste and smell.

Incorporating the senses into your writing is simple. First, focus on what your characters can see in the scene. Then, one by one, think about what they can hear, smell, feel and taste. Assort your various descriptions and pick out your most powerful few.

The five senses are often used to draw a reader deeper into the scene, to feel closer to the characters. Writers do this by adding extra details focusing on the likes of touch and smell. This vivid writing that appeals to the senses can help immerse readers in our tales.

The best way is to pick up your favourite book and highlight any sentences or paragraphs that utilise the 5 senses. You’ll then have a bank of sensory details examples to call upon whenever you need them.

A sensory description is one that includes sight, sound, touch, smell and taste. Exploring sensory language examples gives you a greater ability to immerse your readers in the story and experience what the characters feel.

If you have any questions or need more examples of the 5 senses in writing, please contact me.

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descriptive essay using five senses

When writing about the senses, authors should be careful to avoid FILTER words (saw, heard, felt, smelled, tasted) that detract from the scene. Don’t say, “I saw the sparkling water.” Instead, make it more vivid. Leave out “saw.” We know you saw it because you are describing it to us. Tell us instead more of WHAT you are seeing. “The sparkling water bubbled as a creature from below made its way to the surface.” Same goes with using “heard,” “felt,” “smelled,” and “tasted.” Omit those words and describe those senses so people can experience what the character is experience.

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Terrific points! Thanks for taking the time to share!

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Thanks for the link!

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Examples of Descriptive Writing Using the 5 Senses


What is Descriptive Writing?

Descriptive writing uses details and the five senses to describe a person, place, thing, or event. Proper word choice and the use of adjectives are very important for the reader to create a picture in their mind. Similes and onomatopoeia (sound words) are some other examples of descriptive writing.

Basic Sentence: The leaf fell off the tree.

Detailed Sentence: The yellow leaf fell off the big tree.

Descriptive Writing: SWOOSH! The smooth yellow leaf floated down from the enormous oak tree.

Using the 5 Senses

Using the five senses is one of the best ways to incorporate descriptive writing. Describing sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch will enable the reader to envision the words and better understand the writing. Although it may be difficult to use all five senses, even just using a few will enhance the reader’s experience.

Grab your FREE 5 Senses Charts!


It’s fun to choose one topic and describe it in depth. Look at the list below for some examples of descriptive writing ideas for kids to try.

  • Food – pumpkin pie, ice cream, hot chocolate
  • Animal – dog, bird, elephant
  • Season – winter, spring, summer, fall
  • Holiday – Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas
  • Place – zoo, island, school
  • Event – birthday, parade, sporting event

Winter by Mrs. Sutton

Cold harsh wind engulfs me like a tornado.

White fluffy snow falls from the sky.

WHOOSH! The sound of the sled as it races past.

The smell of logs burning in the fireplace.

Sweet hot cocoa hits my tongue.


Autumn is Here by Mrs. Sutton

Bright vibrant red and yellow leaves.

The sound of leaves rustling in the wind.

Cool crisp air surrounds me.

The sweet smell of pumpkin pie as the warmth enters my mouth.


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How to write a captivating descriptive essay that paints a vivid picture in the reader’s mind.

Write descriptive essay

Have you ever wanted to transport your readers to another world with your writing? To paint vivid images in their minds, evoke powerful emotions, and create a lasting impact? If so, mastering the art of descriptive writing is an essential skill that you simply cannot afford to overlook. Crafting a captivating descriptive essay requires more than just a basic understanding of language – it demands the ability to engage all five senses, to create a sensory symphony that envelops the reader.

Join us on a journey of exploration and discovery as we delve into the nuances of descriptive writing. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of composing a descriptive essay that will leave your audience spellbound. From selecting a compelling topic to employing effective literary devices, we will equip you with the tools and techniques necessary to bring your writing to life.

Along the way, we will share invaluable tips and tricks gathered from seasoned writers who have mastered the art of description. You will learn how to harness the power of strong verbs and sensory details, infuse your writing with emotion, and create a narrative that lingers in the minds of your readers. So, whether you aspire to become a novelist, a poet, or simply want to enhance your overall writing skills, this guide is your passport to unlocking the secrets of captivating descriptions.

Choose the Perfect Topic for Your Descriptive Essay

Choose the Perfect Topic for Your Descriptive Essay

When it comes to crafting a descriptive essay, the topic you choose plays a vital role in the overall success of your writing. A well-chosen, engaging topic allows you to capture the attention of your readers and transport them into the world you are describing. In this section, we will explore the various factors to consider when selecting the perfect topic for your descriptive essay.

First and foremost, it’s important to choose a topic that you have a genuine interest in. When you are personally invested in the subject matter, it will naturally shine through in your writing. Whether it’s a place you love, a person you admire, or an experience that left a lasting impression on you, selecting a topic that resonates with you will give your descriptive essay an authentic and enthusiastic voice.

In addition to personal interest, it’s crucial to consider the audience you are writing for. Think about who will be reading your essay and what they might be interested in. Are you writing for nature enthusiasts? Foodies? Travel enthusiasts? Tailoring your topic to suit the preferences of your target audience will help to ensure that your descriptive essay is relatable and engaging to them.

Another important factor to consider when choosing a topic is the availability of descriptive elements. A good descriptive essay is characterized by vivid and sensory details that bring the subject to life. Consider whether your chosen topic has plenty of descriptive elements that you can explore and describe in your writing. For example, if you choose to write about a specific place, consider whether it has interesting sights, sounds, smells, and textures that you can vividly portray in your essay.

Lastly, it’s essential to select a topic that allows for a unique and fresh perspective. Avoid choosing overused or cliché topics that have been covered extensively. Instead, find a unique angle or approach to a common subject that will make your essay stand out. This could involve focusing on a specific aspect or moment within a broader topic, or showcasing a lesser-known aspect of a well-known subject.

By considering your personal interest, the preferences of your audience, the availability of descriptive elements, and a unique perspective, you can choose the perfect topic for your descriptive essay that will captivate your readers and make your writing truly memorable.

Create an Outline for Your Essay

Developing a clear and organized outline is an essential step in the process of crafting a well-written descriptive essay. By creating an outline, you can effectively structure your thoughts and ensure that your essay follows a logical progression. It serves as a roadmap for your writing, allowing you to focus on the main ideas and supporting details that you want to include.

Before beginning your outline, take some time to brainstorm and generate ideas. Consider the main aspects or features of the subject you are describing and think about the specific details that you want to highlight. This brainstorming process will help you establish a strong foundation for your outline and guide your writing throughout the essay.

When creating your outline, start by identifying the main sections or paragraphs of your essay. Each section should focus on a different aspect or feature of the subject. Within each section, include the specific details, examples, or evidence that you want to incorporate to support your description.

Remember to maintain a logical progression throughout your outline and essay. Start with an engaging introduction that provides some background information and sets the tone for your essay. Then, move on to the body paragraphs, which should present the main ideas or features of the subject in a clear and organized manner. Finally, conclude your essay with a thoughtful and concise summary that reinforces the main points and leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

Additionally, consider the order in which you present your ideas within each section. You may choose to present them in a chronological or spatial order, depending on the nature of the subject. Experiment with different arrangements and see which one flows best for your essay.

An outline acts as a roadmap for your essay, allowing you to navigate through the writing process with clarity and organization. By investing time in creating a solid outline, you can ensure that your descriptive essay is well-structured, coherent, and engaging.

Use Sensory Details to Bring Your Writing to Life

Engaging all five senses in your writing is essential to creating vivid and immersive descriptions. By incorporating sensory details, you can transport your readers into the world you are portraying, evoking emotions and allowing them to experience what you are describing.

Instead of simply stating that something is loud, show how the sound reverberates through the air, making your reader’s eardrums vibrate. Instead of writing that a room is cozy, describe the soft texture of the cushions, the warm glow of the fireplace, and the aroma of freshly baked cookies hanging in the air.

When you focus on sensory details, your writing comes alive. Paint a picture with words, allowing your readers to see, hear, smell, taste, and touch the world you have created. Use colorful and descriptive language to appeal to the senses, creating a more immersive and engaging experience for your audience.

Don’t be afraid to get creative and experiment with different sensory details. Think about the atmosphere, the different elements present, and how they affect the senses. How does the rain feel on the skin? How does the scent of flowers linger in the air? These small details can make a significant impact on the reader’s experience.

By incorporating sensory details into your writing, you can elevate your descriptive essay from a mere collection of words to a vibrant and captivating piece of art. So next time you sit down to write, remember to engage all five senses to bring your writing to life.

Organize Your Essay with Clear and Cohesive Paragraphs

When it comes to writing a descriptive essay, it is important to organize your thoughts and ideas in a clear and coherent manner. A well-structured essay not only helps the reader understand your message, but it also showcases your ability to convey information effectively.

One way to achieve this is by using clear and cohesive paragraphs. Each paragraph should focus on a specific aspect or idea related to your topic, providing detailed descriptions and supporting evidence. By dividing your essay into paragraphs, you create a logical flow that guides the reader through your thoughts.

To ensure the clarity and cohesiveness of your paragraphs, it is important to start each one with a clear topic sentence. This sentence should introduce the main idea of the paragraph and serve as a guide for the reader. From there, you can provide supporting details, examples, or evidence that further develop the main idea.

In addition to topic sentences, it is important to use transitional words and phrases to create a smooth transition between paragraphs. These words and phrases help the reader understand the connection between your ideas and how they relate to each other. Some examples of transitional words and phrases include “however,” “in contrast,” “similarly,” and “on the other hand.”

Furthermore, organizing your paragraphs in a logical order can greatly enhance the clarity and cohesiveness of your essay. Consider the most effective way to present your ideas, whether it be in a chronological order, a spatial order, or by importance. This will help the reader follow along easily and understand the progression of your thoughts.

Finally, it is important to conclude each paragraph in a way that summarizes the main points and leads into the next paragraph. This helps to maintain a strong flow throughout your essay and ensures that your ideas are well-developed and connected.

In conclusion, organizing your essay with clear and cohesive paragraphs is essential for conveying your ideas effectively. By using topic sentences, transitional words and phrases, logical order, and effective conclusions, you can create a well-structured essay that engages the reader and showcases your descriptive writing skills.

Show, Don’t Tell: Use Vivid Language and Examples

Show, Don't Tell: Use Vivid Language and Examples

When it comes to writing a descriptive essay, it’s important to remember the old adage: “show, don’t tell.” This means that instead of simply stating facts or describing something in a straightforward manner, you should use vivid language and examples to bring your writing to life. By using descriptive language, you can create a more engaging and immersive experience for your readers.

One way to bring your writing to life is by using vivid language that appeals to the senses. Instead of simply saying that something is “big,” you can use more descriptive words like “enormous” or “massive.” Similarly, instead of saying that something is “beautiful,” you can use words like “stunning” or “breathtaking.” By choosing words that evoke strong emotions and sensory experiences, you can paint a more vivid picture in the minds of your readers.

In addition to using vivid language, it’s important to provide specific examples to support your descriptions. Instead of making broad statements about a person, place, or thing, try to include specific details that help to illustrate your point. For example, instead of saying that a beach is “peaceful,” you could describe the sound of the waves crashing against the shore and the feel of the warm sand between your toes. By providing specific examples, you can help your readers to better visualize and understand what you are describing.

To further enhance your descriptive writing, you can also incorporate figurative language, such as metaphors and similes. These literary devices can add depth and richness to your descriptions by comparing one thing to another in a creative and imaginative way. For example, instead of simply saying that a sunset is “beautiful,” you could compare it to a painting that is “a fiery masterpiece, with colors that dance across the sky.”

Overall, when writing a descriptive essay, it’s important to use vivid language and examples to bring your writing to life. By creating a sensory and emotional experience for your readers, you can make your writing more engaging and memorable. So, instead of telling your readers what something is like, show them through your use of descriptive language and specific examples.

Revise and Edit Your Essay for Clarity and Conciseness

After completing the initial draft of your detailed composition, it is imperative to carefully review and modify it for clear and precise language. By revising and editing your essay, you can enhance the overall quality of your writing and effectively convey your ideas to the reader.

Begin by carefully reading through your essay, identifying any areas where your language may be unclear or confusing. Look for opportunities to rephrase sentences or clarify ideas, making sure that your message is easily understandable. By using precise vocabulary and avoiding unnecessary jargon or ambiguous terms, you can improve the clarity of your essay.

It is equally important to ensure that your writing is concise and to the point. Review each sentence and paragraph, considering whether any redundant or repetitive information can be eliminated. Aim for brevity, expressing your thoughts in a concise and straightforward manner. Remove any unnecessary qualifiers or excessive adjectives that may detract from the clarity of your essay.

Pay attention to the organization and flow of your essay as well. Check that your ideas are presented in a logical order and that your paragraphs transition smoothly from one to the next. Consider whether any information can be rearranged or added to improve the overall coherence and comprehension of your essay.

After revising for clarity and conciseness, it is crucial to proofread your essay for grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and punctuation errors. Read through your essay multiple times, checking for any typos or inconsistencies. Consider using online tools or asking a peer to provide feedback to catch any errors you may have overlooked.

By revising and editing your essay for clarity and conciseness, you can enhance the impact of your writing. Ensure that your ideas are effectively communicated and easily understood by making precise language choices and eliminating any unnecessary or confusing information. Take the time to carefully review your essay, and you will be rewarded with a polished and well-crafted piece of writing.

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How to Write a Descriptive Essay | Example & Tips

Published on July 30, 2020 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on August 14, 2023.

A descriptive essay gives a vivid, detailed description of something—generally a place or object, but possibly something more abstract like an emotion. This type of essay , like the narrative essay , is more creative than most academic writing .

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Table of contents

Descriptive essay topics, tips for writing descriptively, descriptive essay example, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about descriptive essays.

When you are assigned a descriptive essay, you’ll normally be given a specific prompt or choice of prompts. They will often ask you to describe something from your own experience.

  • Describe a place you love to spend time in.
  • Describe an object that has sentimental value for you.

You might also be asked to describe something outside your own experience, in which case you’ll have to use your imagination.

  • Describe the experience of a soldier in the trenches of World War I.
  • Describe what it might be like to live on another planet.

Sometimes you’ll be asked to describe something more abstract, like an emotion.

If you’re not given a specific prompt, try to think of something you feel confident describing in detail. Think of objects and places you know well, that provoke specific feelings or sensations, and that you can describe in an interesting way.

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The key to writing an effective descriptive essay is to find ways of bringing your subject to life for the reader. You’re not limited to providing a literal description as you would be in more formal essay types.

Make use of figurative language, sensory details, and strong word choices to create a memorable description.

Use figurative language

Figurative language consists of devices like metaphor and simile that use words in non-literal ways to create a memorable effect. This is essential in a descriptive essay; it’s what gives your writing its creative edge and makes your description unique.

Take the following description of a park.

This tells us something about the place, but it’s a bit too literal and not likely to be memorable.

If we want to make the description more likely to stick in the reader’s mind, we can use some figurative language.

Here we have used a simile to compare the park to a face and the trees to facial hair. This is memorable because it’s not what the reader expects; it makes them look at the park from a different angle.

You don’t have to fill every sentence with figurative language, but using these devices in an original way at various points throughout your essay will keep the reader engaged and convey your unique perspective on your subject.

Use your senses

Another key aspect of descriptive writing is the use of sensory details. This means referring not only to what something looks like, but also to smell, sound, touch, and taste.

Obviously not all senses will apply to every subject, but it’s always a good idea to explore what’s interesting about your subject beyond just what it looks like.

Even when your subject is more abstract, you might find a way to incorporate the senses more metaphorically, as in this descriptive essay about fear.

Choose the right words

Writing descriptively involves choosing your words carefully. The use of effective adjectives is important, but so is your choice of adverbs , verbs , and even nouns.

It’s easy to end up using clichéd phrases—“cold as ice,” “free as a bird”—but try to reflect further and make more precise, original word choices. Clichés provide conventional ways of describing things, but they don’t tell the reader anything about your unique perspective on what you’re describing.

Try looking over your sentences to find places where a different word would convey your impression more precisely or vividly. Using a thesaurus can help you find alternative word choices.

  • My cat runs across the garden quickly and jumps onto the fence to watch it from above.
  • My cat crosses the garden nimbly and leaps onto the fence to survey it from above.

However, exercise care in your choices; don’t just look for the most impressive-looking synonym you can find for every word. Overuse of a thesaurus can result in ridiculous sentences like this one:

  • My feline perambulates the allotment proficiently and capers atop the palisade to regard it from aloft.

An example of a short descriptive essay, written in response to the prompt “Describe a place you love to spend time in,” is shown below.

Hover over different parts of the text to see how a descriptive essay works.

On Sunday afternoons I like to spend my time in the garden behind my house. The garden is narrow but long, a corridor of green extending from the back of the house, and I sit on a lawn chair at the far end to read and relax. I am in my small peaceful paradise: the shade of the tree, the feel of the grass on my feet, the gentle activity of the fish in the pond beside me.

My cat crosses the garden nimbly and leaps onto the fence to survey it from above. From his perch he can watch over his little kingdom and keep an eye on the neighbours. He does this until the barking of next door’s dog scares him from his post and he bolts for the cat flap to govern from the safety of the kitchen.

With that, I am left alone with the fish, whose whole world is the pond by my feet. The fish explore the pond every day as if for the first time, prodding and inspecting every stone. I sometimes feel the same about sitting here in the garden; I know the place better than anyone, but whenever I return I still feel compelled to pay attention to all its details and novelties—a new bird perched in the tree, the growth of the grass, and the movement of the insects it shelters…

Sitting out in the garden, I feel serene. I feel at home. And yet I always feel there is more to discover. The bounds of my garden may be small, but there is a whole world contained within it, and it is one I will never get tired of inhabiting.

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The key difference is that a narrative essay is designed to tell a complete story, while a descriptive essay is meant to convey an intense description of a particular place, object, or concept.

Narrative and descriptive essays both allow you to write more personally and creatively than other kinds of essays , and similar writing skills can apply to both.

If you’re not given a specific prompt for your descriptive essay , think about places and objects you know well, that you can think of interesting ways to describe, or that have strong personal significance for you.

The best kind of object for a descriptive essay is one specific enough that you can describe its particular features in detail—don’t choose something too vague or general.

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Caulfield, J. (2023, August 14). How to Write a Descriptive Essay | Example & Tips. Scribbr. Retrieved August 21, 2024, from

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A descriptive essay is the most creative of all essay types. It involves the use of sensory descriptors and impactful narratives to depict an object, person, or even something abstract like an emotion. This type of essay is administered by teachers and professors to gauge your understanding of language. 

In this article, we will guide you through everything there is to know about descriptive essays. This includes the descriptive essay definition, some descriptive essay topics, and various examples. To help you in your essay-writing process, we have also included an outline of a descriptive essay. 

But let’s start from the beginning: What is a descriptive essay?

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What is a descriptive essay?

A descriptive essay is a highly creative form of writing which describes an object, person, location, experience, emotion, or situation. It makes use of vivid imagery and different figures of speech to create a beautiful and immersive experience for the reader.

This type of essay is often assigned in creative writing courses in schools or colleges. It does not involve the presentation of arguments or information. It just involves creatively expressing yourself with the help of various language devices. 

Unlike a narrative essay which involves telling a story, a descriptive essay only focuses on one particular object or idea. Although most essay topics are non-fictional, descriptive essay topics can either be fictional or non-fictional. 

Let us look at a few examples of topics for a descriptive essay.

Descriptive essay topics

Since writing a descriptive essay is a creative form of writing, it can cover a wide range of topics. These topics can range from practical experiences such as “My Grandpa’s Couch” to thought experiments such as “Living in a world with no concept of time”. 

Here are a few more descriptive essay topics:

  • Exploring a ghost town
  • A starry night in the mountains
  • A day in the life of an explorer
  • Trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art
  • Wandering through the Swiss meadows 
  • My childhood home
  • Memories of grandma’s farm
  • Experiencing euphoria for the first time
  • My description of utopia
  • My most treasured possession

Descriptive essay structure

Since descriptive essays are highly creative in nature, the descriptive essay structure is much more fluid as compared to most academic essay types. Although they do follow a general structure, there is no specific descriptive essay format. It serves more as a guideline than a hard and fast rule. 

Descriptive essays generally don’t revolve around proving a point or making an argument. The goal is to simply provide a vivid and detailed description of a particular subject.   

Let’s study the basic structure of a descriptive essay:

1. Introduction

Wondering how to start a descriptive essay? Like all essay types, the introduction of a descriptive essay is composed of three key elements: A hook, some background information, and a thesis statement. 

However, the thesis statement of a descriptive essay is different from the thesis statements of most academic essays. It simply makes a claim regarding the subject of your choosing.

Here’s an example of a descriptive essay introduction: 

  • Background information
  • Thesis statement

The last day of school—a momentous occasion that marks the culmination of a year’s worth of hard work and growth. Excitement hangs in the air as students gather for one final day of shared experiences and unforgettable memories. The hallways buzz with chatter and laughter, mingling with the anticipation of summer freedom. It’s a day of mixed emotions, as the promise of lazy days ahead clashes with the bittersweet farewell to teachers and classmates who have become like family. The last day of school is a mosaic of emotions, a snapshot of a moment that holds the weight of an entire academic journey, and a prelude to the new adventures that lie just beyond the horizon.

2. Body paragraph 

A descriptive essay usually has three body paragraphs. However, the length and number of paragraphs may vary depending on the complexity and scope of your essay topic. 

A body paragraph comprises of a topic sentence that focuses on a particular aspect of the subject. The topic sentence is elaborated upon by sensory, contextual, and emotional descriptors. Each paragraph ends with a transition sentence that provides context for the next paragraph.  

Let’s understand this better with the help of an example: 

  • Topic sentence
  • Description
  • Transition sentence

Classrooms brim with finality and accomplishment. Doodles and scribbles now grace once-neat desks, testifying to idle daydreams and shared laughter. Colorful displays and academic achievements adorn the walls, silently witnessing each student’s growth. Empty lockers echo the countless exchanges and whispered secrets they once held. Yearbooks circulate like cherished artifacts, pages filled with smiling faces and heartfelt messages. Laughter and hugs fill the hallways as friends make promises to keep in touch and embark on summer adventures. The last day of school etches indelible memories, a tapestry of nostalgia and celebration that encapsulates the joy, camaraderie, and growth of their academic journey.

3. Conclusion

The conclusion of your essay should begin with the restatement of your thesis statement along with its broader implications. You can then provide a quick summary of all the important aspects mentioned in the body paragraphs. 

Finally, you can end your essay with a powerful statement or a clincher. This can include anything from a powerful lesson to a thought-provoking quote. The goal is to leave the reader with something to think about.

Here’s an example: 

  • Restated thesis statement
  • Summary of body paragraphs
  • Concluding statement

As the final bell echoes through the hallways and students scatter in all directions, school leaves behind a lingering sense of closure and anticipation. It is a day filled with mixed emotions—a blend of nostalgia for the memories created, gratitude for the knowledge gained, and excitement for the new chapter that awaits. The last day of school symbolizes a milestone in each student’s journey, marking the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. It is a time to reflect on the growth, challenges overcome, and friendships forged along the way. The last day of school is not an end, but rather a stepping stone towards new horizons, where each student will continue to learn, explore, and thrive.

Now that we’ve understood how to structure a descriptive essay, let’s figure out how to write it!

How to write a descriptive essay

In order to write a perfect descriptive essay you must effectively make use of multiple creative writing devices. These creative writing devices include figures of speech, imagery, sensory and emotional descriptors, as well as evocative language.  

If you find the essay writing process challenging, we’re here to equip you with essential tips on writing a descriptive essay. Let’s take a look at how to write a descriptive essay: 

1. Use figures of speech

Literary devices such as similies, metaphors, and imagery are creative devices that describe an object or a person in a figurative sense. These creative devices add an element of interest to your essay, making it more vivid, vibrant, and colorful. 

The use of figures of speech can turn an otherwise boring piece of writing into a masterpiece. Take a look at the following example:

On that spot stood an old banyan tree with thick bark and intertwining branches.

Although this example is a good start, it can be made much more interesting with the use of figures of speech.

On that spot stood an old banyan tree with its resolve as strong as iron. Its arms intertwined as they reached for the skies, yearning for the sun.  

The use of literary devices such as personification and metaphor makes the banyan tree in the second example come to life. This is how you can make your writing more vivid, descriptive, and poetic.

2. Use your senses

Sensory descriptors are one of the most important aspects of a descriptive essay. The key is to make the reader experience what you’ve experienced. This means appealing to all five senses of the reader. 

Although the visual aspect is important, you should also focus on how something sounds, feels, and smells. The experience of touching, smelling, or feeling something is more evocative than simply viewing it. 

Some sensory descriptors are used in a literal sense:

The smell of rain in July takes me back to my childhood. The pitter-patter reminds me of my mother’s footsteps, bringing us delicious snacks. 

They can also be used metaphorically:

The beautiful, cold gaze of the moon stunned us all.

3. Use evocative language

It is a good idea to use strong, evocative language that conveys an intense action or emotion. Creative use of words is an important factor in writing a descriptive essay since passive language leads to a dull, boring essay.  Let’s take a look at the following sentences: 

The 100-meter race was completed by Usain Bolt in under 10 seconds.

Usian Bolt whizzed through the 100-meter race in under 10 seconds!

The use of the word “completed” indicates no action and the use of passive voice makes the example dull. On the other hand, the phrase “whizzed through” indicates speed and intensity which makes the second example much more interesting to read.

Now that we’ve understood the different methods of writing a descriptive essay, let’s understand its outline.

Descriptive essay outline

The outline of a descriptive essay is less structured compared to most academic essay types. It merely serves as a guideline that you can use to flesh out your essay. It also helps you develop a coherent structure and logical flow for your topic sentences. 

In order to help you further develop your essay, we’ve created an outline for your reference. The following descriptive essay outline revolves around the nostalgia experienced when going through an old diary.

Turning the Pages of Time

I. Introduction

A. Hook: Engaging opening sentence to grab the reader’s attention.

B. Background: Briefly explain the significance of finding your old diary and the memories associated with it.

C. Thesis statement: Clearly state the main idea of the essay, highlighting the emotional journey of rediscovering your old diary.

II. The discovery

A. Setting the scene: Describe the circumstances and location where you stumbled upon your old diary.

B. Initial emotions: Express the range of emotions that flooded your mind upon finding the diary.

C. Anticipation: Share the anticipation and curiosity about what lies within the pages of the diary.

III. The diary’s contents

A. Opening the pages: Describe the physical act of opening the diary and the smell and texture of the pages.

B. Memories unfolded: Reflect on the memories and experiences captured in the diary entries.

C. Emotional impact: Discuss the emotional response evoked by reading your own words and reliving past moments.

IV. Nostalgic reflections

A. Time traveling: Explain how reading the diary transported you back to the time and place when the entries were written.

B. Reconnecting with your past self: Describe the process of reconnecting with your past self and reevaluating your thoughts and experiences.

C. Lessons and insights: Highlight any valuable lessons, self-discoveries, or personal growth revealed through the diary’s contents.

V. Resonating with present self

A. Relevance to current life: Discuss how the insights and reflections from the diary still resonate with your present self.

B. Perspective shifts: Explain any shifts in perspective or newfound understanding that arose from revisiting the diary.

C. Appreciation: Express gratitude for the diary and its role in preserving and enriching your personal history.

VI. Cherishing the rediscovery

A. Preservation: Discuss the steps you took to preserve and protect the diary after finding it.

B. Future reflections: Share your intentions and plans for continuing the habit of journaling or preserving personal memories.

C. Closing thoughts: Reflect on the lasting impact of finding your old diary and the value of personal reflection and self-expression.

VII. Conclusion

A. Recap: Summarize the emotional journey of rediscovering your old diary.

B. Significance: Emphasize the personal and emotional significance of reconnecting with your past self through the diary.

C. Closing remarks: Conclude with a reflection on the power of personal artifacts and the importance of preserving one’s history.

Now that we have taken a look at the descriptive essay structure let’s look at an example.

Descriptive essay example

To help you better understand the process of descriptive essay writing, we’ve constructed an example. The following example revolves around an imaginary situation. It describes the writer’s voyage through the cosmos.

Exploring the Cosmos

As the rocket engines ignited, the powerful thrust propelled us into the vast expanse of space. The vibrations rattled through the cabin, merging with the palpable anticipation that filled the air. We were embarking on a remarkable journey through the cosmos, leaving behind the familiarity of Earth and venturing into the unknown.

Outside the small window, the twinkling stars grew brighter, casting a mesmerizing glow on the infinite darkness. The view was awe-inspiring as if we were floating amidst a sea of diamonds, each one beckoning us to explore its mysteries. The depth and grandeur of space stretched out before us, reminding us of the minuscule nature of our existence in the universe.

As we traversed through the cosmic void, weightlessness engulfed our bodies, releasing us from the Earth’s gravitational pull. Every movement became a ballet, effortlessly gliding from one corner of the spacecraft to another. The sensation was both exhilarating and disorienting as if the boundaries of physical limitations had dissolved.

The silence in space was profound, a symphony of tranquility. Without the interference of atmospheric sounds, we were left with the gentle hum of the spaceship’s systems and the rhythmic beating of our own hearts. It was a humbling reminder of the vastness and serenity that lay beyond our home planet.

Farther into our journey, celestial bodies came into view, captivating us with their sheer beauty. The fiery hues of neighboring planets illuminated the darkness, displaying their own distinct personalities. We marveled at the majestic rings of Saturn, a delicate masterpiece encircling the giant planet, and the crimson swirls of Jupiter, a tempestuous giant with its own cosmic dance.

Time seemed to lose its grip on the vastness of space. Hours felt like mere moments as we traveled through light-years, witnessing the unimaginable beauty of celestial phenomena. We were reminded of the sheer magnitude of the cosmos, a testament to the wonders that lie beyond our earthly confines.

Eventually, the time came for us to return to our home planet. As we reentered Earth’s atmosphere, the fiery descent illuminated the sky, marking our triumphant return. The journey through space left an everlasting mark on our souls, forever changing our perception of our place in the universe.

Our journey was more than a physical exploration; it was a voyage of wonder and introspection. It taught us the fragility and interconnectedness of all things and ignited an insatiable curiosity to continue unraveling the mysteries of the cosmos. We were forever transformed by the immensity and beauty that awaited us beyond our pale blue dot in the vast expanse of space.

After writing the essay, it’s important to edit and proofread it, which is a not easy. If you find essay editing challenging, you can consider taking the help of an essay editing service .  

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of a descriptive essay, how to conclude a descriptive essay, how long should a descriptive essay be, what are the five parts of a descriptive essay, what are the two types of descriptions.

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Descriptive Essay – Best Tips & Examples

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Amanda Green was born in a small town in the west of Scotland, where everyone knows everyone. I joined the Toastmasters 15 years ago, and I served in nearly every office in the club since then. I love helping others gain confidence and skills they can apply in every day life.

So, your professor asked you to write a five-paragraph essay to describe a topic. How do you get started? A descriptive essay is the kind of written paper that gives a vivid image of any subject. It should be clear, illustrative, and free from bias.

My guide will show you how to write a descriptive essay using the best tips and examples. Learn how to give a vivid picture of something and leave an impression on your readers.

What Is a Descriptive Essay?

descriptive essay using five senses

A descriptive essay belongs to a genre of essays that creates a vivid reading experience for readers. It aims to describe a person, process, event, place, object, or concept.

When describing a person, you can write about their personality, appearance, behavior, and mood. But when your topic of choice is an event, consider what happened, who was there, and where it took place.

This essay usually appeals to the five senses: sight, touch, smell, hearing, and taste. For example:

Not descriptive : Jane should cut her hair.

Descriptive : Jane’s hair is long and strawberry blonde.

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However, not all descriptions are descriptive essays. Descriptions are just simple paragraphs or sentences with no firm structure. A descriptive essay should include an introduction, at least three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

What Makes a Good Descriptive Essay?

The basis of an excellent descriptive essay isn’t your topic but how you write it. Make sure the following components are included in your writing.

An Interesting Introduction

The introductory paragraph introduces your topic and other contexts that the reader needs to understand your work. Keep it clear to your audience that the essay is meant to focus on description instead of arguments or persuasion.

For example, if you’re writing an essay about climate change, don’t try to argue why climate change is real. Instead, focus on vivid descriptions of the phenomenon. Provide a little background information while keeping it concise.

The most important part of your descriptive essay is the thesis statement. This sentence is the key to strong writing. It summarizes your paper and provides a purpose to it.

Keep your essay objective but interesting. Add a hook statement that will grab the reader’s attention. Then, provide additional details about what you will explain or describe in the following paragraphs.

Detailed Body Paragraphs

After providing the descriptive essay thesis statement, it’s time to practice your critical thinking skills and dive deeper into the body paragraphs.

Writing on academic levels will require you to cover at least three points with formal descriptions. But when writing about a personal experience or any form of creative writing, you can use literary images and tell a story with only one body paragraph.

Every body paragraph should have a topic sentence. When writing about a place, the first body paragraph can discuss its architectural style. For instance, you can say, “The Sydney Town Hall is a manifestation of Victorian architecture.”

Then, support your topic sentence with more descriptions. Ask yourself, how does The Sydney Town Hall represent Victorian architecture?

This part is where you include sensory details. For example, “The Sydney Town Hall has a sophisticated brick and stone structure.” You can add factual information to your body paragraphs, such as “It is inspired by the French Second Empire Hôtel de Ville in Paris.”

Include transitional devices to connect each sentence and let the paragraphs flow smoothly without jumping from one idea to another.

When you gather data from another writer’s work, cite them appropriately. Check the citation style recommended by your professor so you can credit their work and avoid plagiarism.

Short Conclusion

Your entire essay wouldn’t be complete without a good-quality conclusion. Once you’ve painted a memorable image of something through the paragraph, tie it all together in one paragraph.

This part of the essay contains the last few lines that provide meaning to your thesis statement. Use it to leave an impression on your readers.

Your approach to the conclusion should be clear and concise. What is the initial purpose of your work? What is the importance of the details you provided throughout the paper? Reflect on these questions and prepare the audience for the clincher statement.

Finish the entire essay with a thought, quote, or question.

Descriptive Essay Tips

Now that you know the parts of a descriptive essay, here are some tips for writing an essay of this type.

Be Specific With Your Topic of Choice

As a professional writer, the subject matter for your descriptive essays should be specific and clear. Before looking for a topic and creating an essay outline, try setting an objective for your paper. Why do you want to describe an event to your readers vividly?

Once you’ve found your purpose, determine which event, object, person, or idea you want to give a vivid picture of. If it’s a college essay, check the requirements of the professor.

Use Figurative Language

You can make complex descriptions of your topic in non-literal ways. Incorporating figurative language in the essay writing process will give you a creative edge when discussing even the simplest thing.

Understanding similes, metaphors, hyperboles, and other figures of speech are a few descriptive essay writing skills you should master for a flawless essay. Consider this example.

Instead of : We ran fast.

Try : We ran like greased lightning.

“We ran like greased lighting” is more interesting and will stick in your readers’ minds. This is an example of hyperbole, as it indicates an exaggerated statement or claims not taken literally.

However, if you’re producing academic writing, avoid excessive use of figurative language. For example, you should never use metaphors or an analogy to base the foundation of your content.

Keep your abstract writing to an occasional concept sprinkled into your text. Not every sentence requires a figure of speech.

Use Your Senses

Descriptive essay writing will require you to use your five senses. This type of essay will help you explore your sense of taste, sight, touch, smell, and sound.

For example, when describing your favorite life memory, a complete description may include the appearance of the buildings, the laughter of your friends, the smell of the flowers, and the taste of ice cream during that day.

Try creating a table divided into five senses and list each sensation or feeling associated with your topic. These details will help you support your thesis before outlining them.

Here’s an example of a part of an essay about fear with an in-depth physical description.

Instead of : Cameron feels scared.

Try : In a complete state of silence, Cameron curled her hands into tight fists as the room started smelling like his late grandmother’s perfume.

Make an Outline

Whether it’s a narrative essay or an argumentative essay, all kinds of essays require a specific format to guide the entire process. Once you’ve got your senses right, it’s time to look for suitable descriptive essay outlines.

Essay outlines are vital because they simplify the essential components of your paper. They organize your ideas, save time, and prevent writer’s block.

The most common is a five-paragraph essay format, which includes an essay introduction, a strong thesis statement, three body paragraphs, and your conclusion. This format is also the standard essay for college students.

Below is a descriptive essay outline sample about camping.

  • Introduction paragraph: Camping is challenging because of situations we can’t control.
  • Body paragraph 1: Bad weather
  • Body paragraph 2: Wildlife encounters
  • Body paragraph 3: Equipment failure
  • Concluding paragraph: Restate points

Choose the Right Words

The essay writing process is trickier when trying to make memorable descriptions of experiences, objects, or persons. Essay writers may be tempted to use adjectives and adverbs, but these parts of speech aren’t always the best options.

For example, instead of saying “very bad,” some strong word choices include “terrible” or “awful.” It’s also much better to detail what makes the subject matter “very bad.” Consider the sentences below.

Instead of: Jessica ran swiftly.

Try : Jessica swiftly ran across the street to chase her cat.

Review Your Essay

Take a break from your writing once you have completed your descriptive essay. This will allow you to clear your mind and return to the paper with a fresh pair of eyes.

Once you’re ready, it’s time to copy-edit and proofread your work. Read your work aloud and have a friend or family member give feedback. Make one round of edits for each error. Start with clarity issues, then focus on spelling and grammatical errors.

If your descriptive essay cites other papers or describes historical events, make sure you’re using reliable sources. Fact-check your work, then scan the essay for plagiarism.

If this is a lot of work, consider hiring essay editing and writing services. These editors will fine-tune your writing and help you produce a good-quality paper.

Ideas for Descriptive Essay Topics

descriptive essay using five senses

There is no limit on what topic you can use for your descriptive essay assignment. As long as you can provide sensory details about the subject, then it’s possible! Here are some essay topic ideas for you.

Describing Objects

  • Something I can’t sleep without
  • Research tools
  • My anti-stress doll
  • Family treasures
  • Why I prefer Apple over Android
  • What’s in my bag

Describing a Place

  • The best vacation
  • My hometown
  • My favorite restaurant
  • Best park to walk your dog
  • Dream destination
  • The newest museum in town
  • My favorite part of the house

Describing a Person

  • My mother is the best
  • Favorite celebrity
  • People I miss
  • The writer of my favorite book
  • A person I look up to
  • The best dance
  • Why I love my boyfriend

Describing Memories, Hobbies, Behavior, etc.

  • My idea of a perfect date
  • When I discovered my passion
  • Favorite childhood memory
  • The first day of school
  • Graduation day
  • My first crush
  • What annoys me
  • How I passed the examination
  • Baking a cake
  • Preparing for a first date
  • Writing my first short story
  • My dream job
  • My gym routine
  • A pet peeve
  • My best friend’s traits
  • An emotion I hate feeling

Template for Descriptive Essay

Follow this descriptive essay structure when writing a descriptive essay.

Paragraph 1/Introduction

  • Topic sentence or thesis statement
  • Attention-getter
  • Explain why the topic is interesting or essential

Paragraph 2

  • First description of the topic using vivid language
  • Add human senses details

Paragraph 3

  • Second description using descriptive language
  • Include actual details

Paragraph 4

  • Third detailed description of the topic
  • Use descriptive writing that appeals to any sense

Paragraph 5/Conclusion

  • Summarize your topic and why it is important

Start Writing a Descriptive Essay

Hopefully, my guide has shown you the correct format for a descriptive essay and the best tips for writing one. This essay describes or summarizes any topic, whether a person, place, object, or idea.

Writing a descriptive essay is easy if you consider your five senses and sprinkle some figures of speech. Don’t forget to take a break after writing, then come back to edit and proofread.

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How To Write A Descriptive Essay

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Our ability to be part of the physical world is made possible through our five senses: touch, sound, taste, sight, and smell. Therefore, it’s not surprising that description, a form of writing that draws upon the five senses, often plays an important role in the writing we do, whether in school or on the job. For example, in a marketing class you might describe how an advertisement uses sensory details to entice its audience to a spa; as a witness to a crime, you might have to describe a suspect to law enforcement; as a doctor or nurse you might have to describe changes in a patient over the course of a treatment.

What is a Descriptive Essay?

A descriptive essay is a text that describes a person, place, thing or an event using the five senses. The main goal of descriptive writing is to create a vivid and moving picture in the reader’s mind. You actually want to make the reader feel like they are part of what’s going on.

The purpose of this essay is quite clear: you are required to express your feelings about a particular subject or object, and describe its significant features. In most cases, students are required to describe events, places, objects, animals or people. You have to compile the information as the best descriptive essays are full of details. For example, names, dates, physical characteristics, background information and sensory information. That can help you to implant the main point in your reader’s mind. You have to brainstorm for the details and group them into specific categories.

Most often the purpose of descriptive writing is to create a dominant impression for the reader. All of the details and language you use should contribute to creating this dominant impression, that single image and emotion you wish to create for the reader. Typically, in descriptive writing the dominant impression will be expressed in a thesis statement . For your writing to succeed, you would use description to evoke the five senses.

The Characteristics of a Descriptive Essay

  • Characters. Just like a narrative essay , a descriptive essay also needs characters, it needs people. The reader needs to know who are the people that are in the events, or who is the person you’re going to be describing.
  • The plot. The plot is the events, what happened.
  • The setting. When and where are the events happening? Knowing that, the reader can put some context.
  • The theme. The theme needs to run throughout the entire essay, and it’s the main idea.
  • Structure. Structure has to do with the paragraphs. They must be clearly defined: an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
  • Creative use of language. Synonyms, metaphors, similes etc.

The Structure of a Descriptive Essay

Descriptive writing describes a person, a place or a thing. The structure of a descriptive essay is the same as in a narrative essay. In a paragraph you’re going to have a topic sentence, several supporting details, and a conclusion. In an essay you’re going to have an introduction that includes a thesis statement. You’re going to have at least three paragraphs of supporting details, and you’re going to have a concluding paragraph.

The Introduction

The introduction paragraph of your descriptive essay would, like other openings of academic writing , introduce the subject and provide a thesis at or near the end of the paragraph.

The Main Body

Next would come a series of body paragraphs that build the dominant impression with descriptive details. Methods of organizing these body paragraphs vary, depending on the subject and your approach to it. Sometimes, descriptive paragraphs have a spatial arrangement (top to bottom, front to back, small to large, inside to outside, and so forth).

The paragraphs could employ a climactic arrangement, such as most to least important, most to least familiar, from the dramatic to the mundane, and so forth. Chronological arrangement might flow from the newest to oldest, from past to present and future, or even in a stream of consciousness or random chronological pattern. Often, the assignment you receive will suggest or imply an organizational pattern.

The Conclusion

With most academic essays, the conclusion paragraph of a descriptive essay should do more than merely summarize and restate the thesis. A strong conclusion also provides a sense of closure by telling the reader the overall importance of the discussion. Whatever the subject, descriptive writing provides one of the most creative assignments you receive in school.

writing a descriptive essay

How to Write a Descriptive Essay

These are the steps you need to take to write a descriptive essay:

  • Choose a topic. You can write about someone that you know or a fictional character from a story or a book; you can write about a place or a thing, but choose a topic that you have a lot to write about, so you have enough details for it.
  • Brainstorm your ideas using your five senses. This will help you structure your essay and remind you to include all the sensory details. Write down as many details that you can think of for the topic, based on each sentence.
  • Write the introduction. The introduction is the first paragraph, and you want to attract the reader’s attention with the hook. So, you can start your introduction with an interesting fact about your topic or you can ask a rhetorical question. You can also share a humorous short story that captures your audience. After writing the hook, you can include some background information about your topic.
  • Write the main paragraphs. A second paragraph describes your topic in details. So, use the sensory details you brainstormed earlier in complete and meaningful sentences. Use show and tell technique and figurative language. A good descriptive essay is always organized, so if you’re describing a place or an event, try to get a very clear picture of the topic in your mind. Choose a wide angle shot, that means describe your topic in general then zoom in and take a close-up picture to further describe your topic. When describing a person, for example, you might begin with a physical description, followed by how that person acts, then feels.
  • Write the conclusion. The last paragraph is the conclusion. It wraps up the whole essay. It simply ties all the thoughts together. Don’t be afraid to share your feelings about the topic, but remember not to add any new details in the conclusion.
  • Finally, edit your writing.

5 Techniques for Descriptive Writing

All the above can be done using three techniques: sensory details, show and tell, figurative language, dominant impression, and spatial order.

Sensory Details

Sensory details use the five senses, sight, smell, taste, sound, and touch to add depth of detail to writing. If you want to bring your story to life, then use them right so the reader can actually see the beach, hear the birds, smell the flowers, taste the ice cream or feel the breeze.

In a descriptive essay we show, we don’t tell; we want to try to show the reader, not tell them about something or someone. We use specific details that paint a picture in the reader’s mind. We add specific details by using sensory details. We use our senses to help us write the description. Our senses include sight, smell, sound, and feeling. They also include taste, but sometimes, unless you’re writing about a restaurant, it’s hard to add taste into the description. So, what you want to do is walk into the scene that you’re going to describe and close your eyes at first and use all your senses.

Show and Tell

The second technique is show and tell. It is showing the reader the actions and feelings instead of telling. Don’t tell the reader ‘the girl was scared’, show her actions and feelings instead: she was biting her nails and her hands were shaking. Don’t tell the reader it was fall, but show the reader actions and feelings during the fall: e.g., the dry orange leaves crunched under my feet.

Figurative Language

The third technique is figurative language. This is when you describe something by comparing it to something else. So, instead of saying ‘she ran fast’, write ‘she ran as fast as lightning’. This is a simile to compare the girl to a lightning, and this is memorable because it makes the reader look at the girl running from a different angle.

Dominant Impression

To get an idea of what to say about the scene, you need to have a dominant impression. You’re describing one thing. That one thing is your main point. This becomes your topic or thesis statement. You might describe a room, a place, a person or some other thing. Use your senses to add specific details to support your topic or thesis statement: what do you do, see, hear, smell, feel, taste?

Spatial Order

We use spatial order to organize our ideas. Descriptive writing organizes the details by moving through space. Once you’ve generated a lot of ideas using your senses, form all your ideas into complete sentences, add some transitions to make your sentences or paragraphs flow together nicely, and check to make sure you’ve described everything. Check all your senses; did you describe something using each sense? And as always proofread, spell check, and have someone else read your essay.

writing a descriptive essay

Some Useful Tips

Here are some tips on how to write a descriptive essay:

  • Write about something that you have personally experienced or you personally know. It’s very difficult to write about something that you have no experience of or you don’t have any knowledge of, so when you’re choosing your topic, choose a topic that you have information on. this will really help you while you’re writing.
  • When writing a descriptive essay, write it in the first person not the third person. Use pronouns such as ‘I’ and ‘me’.
  • In the introduction, tell the reader exactly what you’re going to do.
  • Be creative. Use similes, describe everything, use metaphors, alliteration etc.
  • Another thing to do is to avoid redundancy. This is very common when you are trying to find adjectives that describe something very basic, like the sky. Just get right to the point, use simple words, but describe them in a different way, make a simile or a metaphor.
  • Finally, the last thing you can do is to emphasize overlooked items. Good descriptive writers focus on something that is not really seen often.  

Example: Describing a Person

Here we will discuss the simplest yet most valuable tips on how to write a good descriptive essay about a person. The description of a person won’t just include the appearance, but would also consider other elements, such as character, interests, achievements, and how this person influences you.

  • First, you have to form an outline. A good introductory sentence is very important to hook your reader’s attention. After your introductory sentence, give some general information about the person. Choose the people you know well enough to write an essay about them. However, if you decide to consider a famous celebrity or a politician for instance, please ensure that you research and have a lot of information about the person whom you are going to describe.
  • Summarize your main idea in a thesis statement pointing to the information that should make dominant impressions in your reader’s mind. A thesis statement is written at the end of the introduction, mainly a single sentence that describes the whole idea of an essay.
  • Then, you may organize the points in your outline. Group your points into individual body paragraphs. Each body paragraph should come with a topic sentence. Support your opinions with some details. Finally, write your conclusion. Restate your main ideas. Rephrase the key details in each paragraph. Do not include a new idea or opinion in your conclusion.

A descriptive essay is an essay where you describe an event, and experience, an object or even a person. The purpose of a descriptive essay is to allow the reader to imagine what you are talking about. For the reader to be able to literally visualize and follow you along your writing journey, when you’re writing a descriptive essay it’s like writing a picture instead of drawing a picture. So, the words that you choose, and how you choose to position your words, the reader can create a picture instead of seeing one.

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What is a descriptive essay?

The descriptive essay is a genre of essay that asks the student to describe something—object, person, place, experience, emotion, situation, etc. This genre encourages the student’s ability to create a written account of a particular experience. What is more, this genre allows for a great deal of artistic freedom (the goal of which is to paint an image that is vivid and moving in the mind of the reader).

One might benefit from keeping in mind this simple maxim: If the reader is unable to clearly form an impression of the thing that you are describing, try, try again!

Here are some guidelines for writing a descriptive essay.

  • Take time to brainstorm

If your instructor asks you to describe your favorite food, make sure that you jot down some ideas before you begin describing it. For instance, if you choose pizza, you might start by writing down a few words: sauce, cheese, crust, pepperoni, sausage, spices, hot, melted, etc. Once you have written down some words, you can begin by compiling descriptive lists for each one.

  • Use clear and concise language.

This means that words are chosen carefully, particularly for their relevancy in relation to that which you are intending to describe.

  • Choose vivid language.

Why use horse when you can choose stallion ? Why not use tempestuous instead of violent ? Or why not miserly in place of cheap ? Such choices form a firmer image in the mind of the reader and often times offer nuanced meanings that serve better one’s purpose.

  • Use your senses!

Remember, if you are describing something, you need to be appealing to the senses of the reader. Explain how the thing smelled, felt, sounded, tasted, or looked. Embellish the moment with senses.

  • What were you thinking?!

If you can describe emotions or feelings related to your topic, you will connect with the reader on a deeper level. Many have felt crushing loss in their lives, or ecstatic joy, or mild complacency. Tap into this emotional reservoir in order to achieve your full descriptive potential.

  • Leave the reader with a clear impression.

One of your goals is to evoke a strong sense of familiarity and appreciation in the reader. If your reader can walk away from the essay craving the very pizza you just described, you are on your way to writing effective descriptive essays.

  • Be organized!

It is easy to fall into an incoherent rambling of emotions and senses when writing a descriptive essay. However, you must strive to present an organized and logical description if the reader is to come away from the essay with a cogent sense of what it is you are attempting to describe.

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Our ability to be part of the physical world is made possible through our five senses:  touch, sound, taste, sight and smell. So it’s not surprising that description, a form of writing that draws upon the five senses, often plays an important role in the writing we do, whether in school or on the job. 

Real-World Description

In a marketing class you might describe how an advertisement uses sensory details to entice its audience to a spa.

As witness to a crime you might have to describe a suspect to law enforcement.

As a doctor or nurse you might have to describe changes in a patient over the course of a treatment.

Dominant Impressions

Most often, the purpose of these descriptions is to create a dominant impression for the reader. All of the details and language that you use should contribute to creating this cumulative effect.

A dominant impression is the single image and emotion you wish to create for the reader, word-by-word, detail-by-detail. Take, for instance, the aftermath of a flood.  Let's say that you need to describe the devastation of a 100-year flood as a means to discuss decision-making in community planning land use.  

For your writing to achieve its purpose, you would use description to evoke the five senses as your strive to create this dominant impression of the damage endured by an existing community to spur your reader to action:

  • Sight :  The shops and restaurants of the town's main commerce corridor stand empty, their goods washed out into the street.
  • Hearing : Rushing waters made it difficult for those in need of help to be heard.
  • Touch : Yards have become mud fields, pulling at the feet of those trying to survey the damage.
  • Taste : Displaced community members are reliant upon canned food as they shelter in the high school gymnasium.
  • Smell : Mold has already taken root across the town, it's distinctive smell permeating the air.

Body Paragraph Structures

The introduction paragraph of your descriptive essay would, like openings of other types of academic writing, introduce the subject and provide a thesis at or near the end of the paragraph. Next would come a series of body paragraphs that build the dominant impression with descriptive details. Methods of organizing these body paragraphs will vary depend on the subject and your approach to it.

Organizing Descriptive Paragraphs

Spatialtop to bottom, front to back, small to large, inside to outside, and so forth
Climaticmost to least important, most to least familiar, dramatic to the mundane, general to detailed, abstract to concrete
Chronologicalnewest to oldest, past to present and future,  stream of consciousness (random chronological pattern)
Implied (by assignment) Implies a descriptive response that moves from light to dark, foreground to background, or vice versa.

Figurative Language

Language can be divided into two categories: literal and figurative . With literal language you mean exactly what you say: "That orange plant is a pumpkin." In this sentence, the word "pumpkin" has its literal meaning: a North American squash with a thick shell associated with Halloween. However, if you wrote "Because of her cold, Michelle's head felt like a pumpkin with nostrils," you don't really mean that Michelle's head feels like a squash. You used figurative language to evoke the stuffed-up, heavy feeling often produced by a head cold.

Figurative language is important in descriptive writing because it evokes the five senses--sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell--from the reader's memory. Three common types of figurative language for doing this are similes, metaphors, and personifications .

Simile : If you recognize the root word of "similar," that's because a simile says that one thing is similar to another in an important way. To make this comparison, a simile uses the words like, as, than, seems, or as if . Examples:

  • Tonight's moon is brighter than the end of a flashlight.
  • His face looked as beat up as an old running shoe.
  • Taking drugs is like flushing your brains down a toilet.
  • The old chain saw bucked up from the limb as if possessed by demons.
  • She lives in a neighborhood so quiet even the houses seem asleep.

Metaphor : Metaphors also show how two dissimilar things can share an important trait. However, instead of saying something is like something else, the metaphor says that it is something else. Examples:

  • Theodore is a hog when it comes to cheese pizza.
  • When catching mice, our old cat is a bolt of cold fury, striking without warning.
  • One of my favorite Elvis Presley lyrics is "I'm just a hunka hunka burning love ."

Personification : In this type of description, you give objects and abstractions human qualities in order to help them come alive for your reader's senses. Examples:

  • Fate wriggled its way into our lives and soon we grew apart.
  • At the end of the drag race, his hot rod was barely breathing .
  • Her kiss left my lips dumbstruck with an ache no other woman could satisfy.

Just Close Your Eyes

Whatever the subject,  descriptive writing provides one of the most creative assignments you receive in school. Nobel Prize-winning novelist William Faulkner once described his writing technique this way to students: “I close my eyes and write down everything I see.” Maybe you won’t win a prize, but writing to describe is your chance to use the power of words to let others glimpse what only you can see.

Image Still for Video: Using “like” and “as”: An Effective Writing Center 2-minute video

Using “like” and “as”: An Effective Writing Center 2-minute video

These two words might seem interchangeable, but deciding which to use in certain situations can improve your writing’s clarity.

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Descriptive Essay Writing

Descriptive Essay Examples

Barbara P

Amazing Descriptive Essay Examples for Your Help

Published on: Jun 21, 2023

Last updated on: Jul 23, 2024

Descriptive Essay Examples

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Descriptive Essay: Definition, Tips & Examples

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Descriptive essays are very commonly assigned essays. This type of essay enhances students' writing skills and allows them to think critically. 

A descriptive essay is often referred to as the parent essay type. Other essays like argumentative essays, narrative essays, and expository essays fall into descriptive essays. Also, this essay helps the student enhance their ability to imagine the whole scene in mind by appealing senses.

It is assigned to high school students and all other students at different academic levels. Students make use of the human senses like touch, smell, etc., to make the descriptive essay more engaging for the readers. 

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Examples make it easy for readers to understand things in a better way. Also, in a descriptive essay, different types of descriptions can be discussed. 

Here are some amazing examples of a descriptive essay to make the concept easier for you. 

Descriptive Essay Example 5 Paragraph

5 paragraphs essay writing format is the most common method of composing an essay. This format has 5 paragraphs in total. The sequence of the paragraphs is as follows;

  • Introduction
  • Body Paragraph 1
  • Body Paragraph 2 
  • Body Paragraph 3
  • Conclusion 

Following is an example of a descriptive essay written using the famous 5 paragraph method. 

5 Paragraph Descriptive Essay

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Descriptive Essay Example About A Person

Descriptive essays are the best option when it comes to describing and writing about a person.  A descriptive essay is written using the five human senses. It helps in creating a vivid image in the reader’s mind and understanding what the writer is trying to convey. 

Here is one of the best descriptive essay examples about a person. Read it thoroughly and try to understand how a good descriptive essay is written on someone’s personality.

Descriptive Essay Example About a Person

Descriptive Essay Example About A Place

If you have visited a good holiday spot or any other place and want to let your friends know about it. A descriptive essay can help you explain every detail and moment you had at that place. 

Here is one of the good descriptive essay examples about a place. Use it as a sample and learn how you can write such an essay. 

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Descriptive Essay Example for Grade 6

Descriptive essays are frequently assigned to school students. This type of essay helps the students enhance their writing skills and helps them see things in a more analytical way.

If you are a 6 grader and looking for a good descriptive essay example, you are in the right place.  

Descriptive Essay Example for Grade 7

Here is one of the best descriptive essay examples for grade 7. 

Descriptive Essay Example for Grade 8

If you are looking for some amazing descriptive essay examples for grade 8, you have already found one. Look at the given example and see what a well-written descriptive essay looks like. 

Descriptive Essay Example for Grade 10

Essay writing is an inevitable part of a student's academic life . No matter your grade, you will get to write some sort of essay at least once. 

Here is an example of a descriptive essay writing for grade10. If you are also a student of this grade, this example might help you to complete your assignment.

Descriptive Essay Example for Grade 12

If you are a senior student and looking for some essay examples, you are exactly where you should be. 

Use the below-mentioned example and learn how to write a good essay according to the instructions given to you. 

Descriptive Essay Example College

Descriptive essays are a great way to teach students how they can become better writers. Writing a descriptive essay encourages them to see the world more analytically.

Below is an example that will help you and make your writing process easy.

College Descriptive Essay Example

Descriptive Essay Example for University

Descriptive essays are assigned to students at all academic levels. University students are also assigned descriptive essay writing assignments. As they are students of higher educational levels, they are often given a bit of difficult and more descriptive topics. 

See the example below and know what a descriptive essay at the university level looks like. 

Short Descriptive Essay Example

Every time a descriptive essay isn't written in detail. It depends on the topic of how long the essay will be.  

For instance, look at one of the short descriptive essay examples given below. See how the writer has conveyed the concept in a composed way. 

Objective Descriptive Essay Example

When writing an objective description essay, you focus on describing the object without conveying your emotions, feelings, or personal reactions. The writer uses sight, sound, or touch for readers' minds to bring life into pictures that were painted by words.

Here is an example that you can use for your help. 

Narrative and Descriptive Essay Example

A narrative descriptive essay can be a great way to share your experiences with others. It is a story that teaches a lesson you have learned. The following is an example of a perfect narrative descriptive essay to help you get started.

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How to Start a Descriptive Essay? - Example

If you don't know how to start your descriptive essay, check this example and create a perfect one. 

How to Start a Descriptive Essay - Example

Subjective Descriptive Essay Example

It is a common concept that a descriptive essay revolves around one subject. Be it a place, person, event, or any other object you can think of. 

Following is one of the subjective descriptive, easy examples. Use it as a guide to writing an effective descriptive essay yourself. 

Writing a descriptive essay is a time-consuming yet tricky task. It needs some very strong writing, analytical, and critical thinking skills. Also, this is a type of essay that a student can not avoid and bypass. 

But if you think wisely, work smart, and stay calm, you can get over it easily. Learn how to write a descriptive essay from a short guide given below. 

How to Write a Descriptive Essay?

A writer writes a descriptive essay from their knowledge and imaginative mind. In this essay, the writer describes what he has seen or experienced, or ever heard from someone. For a descriptive essay, it is important to stay focused on one point. Also, the writer should use figurative language so that the reader can imagine the situation in mind. 

The following are some very basic yet important steps that can help you write an amazing descriptive essay easily. 

  • Choose a Topic

For a descriptive essay, you must choose a vast topic to allow you to express yourself freely. Also, make sure that the topic you choose is not overdone. An overdone will not grab the attention of your intended audience. Check out our descriptive essay topics blog for a variety of intriguing topic suggestions.

  • Create a Strong Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is the essence of any academic writing. When you select the descriptive essay topic, then you create a strong thesis statement for your essay.  

A thesis statement is a sentence or two that explains the whole idea of your essay to the reader. It is stated in the introductory paragraph of the essay. The word choice for creating the thesis statement must be very expressive, composed, and meaningful. Also, use vivid language for the thesis statement.  

  • Collect the Necessary Information

Once you have created the thesis statement and are done writing your essay introduction . Now, it's time to move toward the body paragraphs. 

Collect all necessary information related to your topic. You would be adding this information to your essay to support your thesis statement. Make sure that you collect information from authentic sources. 

To enhance your essay, make use of some adjectives and adverbs. To make your descriptive essay more vivid, try to incorporate sensory details like touch, taste, sight, and smell.

  • Create a Descriptive Essay Outline

An outline is yet another necessary element of your college essay. By reading the descriptive essay outline , the reader feels a sense of logic and a guide for the essay. 

In the outline, you need to write an introduction, thesis statement, body paragraphs and end up with a formal conclusion.

Proofreading is a simple procedure in which the writer revises the written essay. This is done in order to rectify the document for any kind of spelling or grammatical mistakes. Thus, proofreading makes high-quality content and gives a professional touch to it. 

You might be uncertain about writing a good enough descriptive essay and impress your teacher. However, it is very common, so you do not need to stress out. 

Hit us up at and get an essay written by our professional descriptive essay writers. Our essay writing service for students aims to help clients in every way possible and ease their stress. Get in touch with our customer support team, and they will take care of all your queries related to your writing. 

You can always enhance your writing skills by leveraging the power of our AI essay writing tools .

Place your order now and let all your stress go away in a blink! 

Barbara P (Literature)

Barbara is a highly educated and qualified author with a Ph.D. in public health from an Ivy League university. She has spent a significant amount of time working in the medical field, conducting a thorough study on a variety of health issues. Her work has been published in several major publications.

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descriptive essay using five senses

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How to write a descriptive essay

Published September 27, 2020. Updated April 21, 2022.

Descriptive Essay Definition

A   descriptive essay  is a type of paper where the writer describes an experience, person, place, or object (the essay topic) in great detail .  

Overview of a Descriptive Essay

A descriptive essay is written in order to have the reader experience a person, place, object, event, or thing just as the writer did. In a   descriptive essay,  the writer uses several descriptions to communicate what the topic was like to the reader. These descriptions usually relate to the five senses (sight, touch, sound, smell, taste). These essays also use descriptive language, such as similes, metaphors, personification, hyperbole, onomatopoeia, and emotive language. A descriptive essay should have an introduction, body, and conclusion.

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This page will cover the following points:

Key takeaways

What is description, five senses, descriptive language, possible topics for a descriptive essay, what is a descriptive essay, parts of an essay.

  • Describe your topic using the five senses: sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste.
  • Use descriptive language, such as similes, metaphors, personification, hyperbole, onomatopoeia, and emotive language.
  • Remember: a descriptive essay is still an essay and should have a thesis or argument that brings your ideas together.
  • A descriptive essay should have an introduction, body, and conclusion.

How do you describe someone or something?

My Aunt Tilly wears sundresses with flowers, drinks sweet ice tea, smells like magnolias, and calls everyone ‘darlin.’’

This sentence describes a person. You see what Aunt Tilly wears, you know what she drinks, you have an idea of what she smells and sounds like. All of those descriptions involve the senses.

After finishing that physics exam, I feel like I was put through a wood chipper!

This sentence is comparing one thing – a physics exam – to another thing – being put through a wood chipper. That kind of comparison is called a simile. What does that tell you? Being put through a wood chipper sounds pretty violent: you go in whole and come out in little pieces.

My cat starts demanding to speak to the manager when her dinner is late.

This sentence shows an animal doing a human action: demanding to speak to the manager. This is called personification – when we give human attributes to non-human things (including animals).

All of these are techniques used in descriptive writing.

To help you write a descriptive essay, this guide will:

  • walk you through different description techniques
  • list some descriptive topics you can write about
  • show what a descriptive essay needs in order to be an essay
  • take you through the parts of a descriptive essay, with a sample

Ready to dive in?

The five senses are:

Writing what you SEE is the easiest and most common kind of descriptive writing using the five senses. The further down the list you go, the more difficult and less common the description. But the more evocative it is as well, because the reader needs to use more imagination to understand.

Look at the following descriptions about a pair of slippers:

My favorite slippers are brown suede with shearling inside.

When I walk down the hall wearing my favorite slippers, each step whispers “shhh, shhh, shhh.”

My feet feel cuddled by a cloud when I wear them.

My old slippers smell like my sixth-grade gym locker room.

I’m sure my slippers would taste like rancid corn chips.

Each of those descriptions gives you some idea about the slippers. The first description of what they look like is pretty straightforward – and a little boring, isn’t it?

But as you read down the list of descriptions, they become more interesting because the senses they’re using are not as common. What do you imagine about slippers that taste like rancid corn chips?

As you write a descriptive essay, try to work in as many of the five senses as you can.

In addition to using the five senses, you can also use descriptive language.

A simile is a figure of speech comparing two things using the words “like” or “as”:

The crow was cawing, loud as a scream.

The water in the stream was flowing slowly, like an old man out for a stroll.

A metaphor is a figure of speech that describes one thing as another, without using the words “like” or “as”:

The children in the playground were a gaggle of geese, squawking and running everywhere.

Grandma’s cotton candy hair was arranged in an elaborate pouf.


Personification is a figure of speech giving human qualities to non-human things:

In late winter, the trees cry maple syrup tears.

The baby deer skittered on the frozen pond like a girl just learning to ice skate.

Hyperbole is an overly exaggerated statement:

I hugged him like I wanted to fuse our two bodies into one.

Christmas was three days away, an eternity for young Emily.


Onomatopoeia is a word that sounds like what it’s describing:

We walked along the gravel, our shoes crunching down the path.

The bag of cement landed on the ground with a definitive thump.

Emotive language

Emotive language is deliberately using certain words to elicit an emotional response.

Look at these two sentences:

The intimidating coach told us how we were going to execute the next play.

This sentence tells you what happened. If you remove the word “intimidating,” would you feel afraid of that coach? No, you’d have no reason to. There is no emotion attached to that sentence.

The coach barked directions for the next play, stabbing her finger in the air for emphasis.

This sentence, however, shows you what happened. The fact that the coach barked orders gives an impression of harsh, loud words. Stabbing her finger for emphasis also sounds scary. You don’t need the word “intimidating” in this sentence since the words convey that emotion already.

Now that we’ve discussed different techniques for describing, where could you apply them? What kinds of descriptive essays can you write?

Describe a person

  • Describe a person who inspires you
  • Describe your favorite book character

Describe a place

  • Describe your ideal vacation
  • Describe your dream home

Describe a situation

  • Describe your proudest moment
  • Describe a time you felt paralyzed by fear

Describe an event

  • Describe your happiest birthday party
  • Describe the first time you spoke in public

Describe a behavior

  • Describe how you acted during a breakup
  • Describe a child having a tantrum

A descriptive essay is definitely an essay, with all of the requirements that any essay has: a topic, organization, flow, information, etc.

While you could just ramble on and on describing a person you love, if your writing doesn’t have a point, if it’s not organized, and if it doesn’t conclude, then it’s not an essay.

Depending on what you’re describing, you can choose different ways to organize your essay. For example, if you’re describing a person, you might want to describe them physically first, then emotionally, intellectually, or psychologically. Start with the outside, and work your way in.

If you’re describing a place, you might want to organize your writing spatially. A room could be described from one side to the other. A town could be described as if you were walking or driving through it.

If you’re describing an event or a situation, you might want to describe it chronologically. First this happened, then this, then that.

Every essay you write will have three parts: an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.

Think of the organization of an essay like this:

  • Intro – Tell your reader what you’re going to write about.
  • Body – Write about it.
  • Conclusion – Tell them what you wrote about.

Let’s go through each of those parts for a descriptive essay. Each part will include a sample.


You want to begin your essay with a hook. A hook is an interesting opening that “catches” your reader’s attention and makes them want to read more. Your hook is usually the first sentence. It doesn’t have to be about what you’re describing – that comes a little later – but it needs to be connected to your topic somehow.

After you’ve hooked the reader, you want to give some context, or background information. Think of each sentence in your intro as a stepping stone. Each sentence brings you closer to your thesis statement.

Once you’ve given some context, write a thesis statement, which tells the reader exactly what they’re going to read about. Think of it like a map to the rest of your essay.

Sample introduction

Can you identify the hook, background information, and thesis statement in this sample?

I grew up in the suburbs, surrounded by formulaic houses on streets laid out in a grid with trees evenly spaced on the sidewalks. As a child of the suburbs, I dreamed of traveling. To where? Basically, anywhere on Earth but there. I wanted to see the world in all its diverse wonder. My dream came true when I turned 20 and got to sail in the Caribbean.

A typical essay will have between one and three body paragraphs, although you can write as many as you need (or as many as your teacher assigns you). Regardless of how many body paragraphs you have, they will all be organized in a similar manner.

Start with a topic sentence to show your reader what is coming up. This is a general sentence that gives an overview of that paragraph. It should also logically connect to the thesis statement.

The substance of a descriptive body paragraph is, of course, the descriptions. Whatever you’re describing, it goes here.

End a body paragraph with a sentence that summarizes what you wrote or that leads into the next paragraph.

Sample body paragraphs

Can you identify the topic sentences in each body paragraph? Can you identify the different kinds of description? Which sentences include description using the five senses? Which use descriptive language like similes, personification, and onomatopoeia?

My family and I flew into the St. Vincent airport and were met by my father’s friend, Jack, who was going to take us around the island on his sailboat. We would be sailing for a week: four adults in a 50-foot schooner. As soon as we exited the airport, my sunglasses fogged up from the heat and humidity. A sheen of perspiration covered my bare arms. I took a deep breath, inhaling the smell of palm trees and hibiscus. Jack drove us out to the marina, where we caught our first glimpse of our new accommodations.

The sailboat was tied up to a pier, floating on water of a color I thought only existed through Instagram filters. The boat itself was rocking gently, like a baby in a bassinet. When I first looked at the vessel, I wondered how four adults would fit into this floating contraption. Once we stepped inside, though, I saw how well organized the space was. There was room for all of us to move about comfortably, even if it was unsettling at first to walk on a floor that was also moving. Jack told us how to untie the lines and off we went, into the Caribbean Sea.

The first day, we sailed partway around the island, then found an anchorage in time for sunset. The sky changed from blue to yellow to orange and pink, and finally to gray. The moon was like a spotlight, creating twinkling sparkles on the water. Our anchorage was next to a small island, a rock covered with trees that came to life as the sun set. An orchestra of sounds erupted from the island, peeps and chirps and whistles filling the salty air around us. We ate dinner in the cockpit, feeling the boat rocking gently with the rising and falling of the swell.

This is how your essay ends and the last impression your reader takes away.

Conclude your essay by reminding the reader of your thesis statement (in the introduction). Then, summarize main points from your essay.

If you want, end with a closing statement: an idea that you want your reader to walk away with.

Sample conclusion

Can you identify the sentence that returns to the thesis statement? Can you identify the summary of the main points? Can you identify a closing statement?

I had wanted something different than my cookie-cutter suburb, and that year, my dream came true. I sailed in the Caribbean, feeling the wind in my hair and the water on my skin; seeing colors I didn’t believe existed; smelling green vegetation; and hearing birds, insects, and frogs living their best lives. I confirmed that travel is something I needed in my life. That sailboat in St. Vincent was just the beginning.

Example descriptive essay on  Sailing in St. Vincent’s

If you would like the downloadable version, open the  descriptive essay example .

Before you turn in that paper, don’t forget to cite your sources in APA format , MLA format , or a style of your choice.

Published August 19, 2020

By Halina Stolar. Halina has a Master’s degree in teaching and taught English as a Second Language and writing for almost 15 years overseas. She now works as a freelance writer and geeks out over grammar for fun.

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A Feast for the Senses: Using Sensory Details in Descriptive Writing

Demme Learning · November 11, 2022 · Leave a Comment

Two teenage students, a boy and girl, write at their desks.

One of the hardest parts of writing is perfecting the art of description. Adding vivid descriptions, or what writers call sensory details, is what brings the reader’s experience of a scene, character, or feeling to life within a piece of writing. But it’s certainly not an easy skill to master.

While students love reading pieces that contain these engaging descriptions, they often have a hard time creating and adding them in their own writing. In this blog post, we’ve highlighted a few ways to help you explain what sensory details are and get your students inspired to write more meaningful descriptions.

What Are Sensory Details?

Sensory details are descriptive words used within a piece of writing to evoke a mental image and an emotion and/or sensation for the reader. When a writer uses rich, descriptive language that appeals to the reader’s five senses, it transports them into the scene. Not only does this help the reader become more engaged with the text, but it also increases their comprehension.

Think of it this way: have you ever listened to someone give a dull, monotonous presentation or speech? It was pretty hard to pay attention, right? At some point as they droned on, your eyes likely glazed over and your mind began to wander. Unfortunately, you probably didn’t take much—if anything—away from the presentation. You may not even remember what it was about!

In the same sense, if you read something that’s vague and boring, what happens? You probably either:

A: Get confused and frustrated. B: Start daydreaming as you read. C: Stop reading it entirely.

Writers who don’t include good descriptive words or imagery risk losing their readers because they can’t get a clear understanding of the characters, setting, or plot. So, when teaching your students descriptive writing , be sure to have them practice using vivid language and sensory details that will grasp their reader’s attention.

Examples of Sensory Details

To give you a better idea of how sensory details add interest, emotion, and clarity to a piece of writing, let’s compare a few sentences that use vague descriptions versus vivid ones.

  • Sentence 1 : The ice cream was very cold. (vague)
  • Sentence 2 : The green, minty ice cream was so cold, I felt a stabbing pain behind my right eye. (vivid)

The second sentence does a much better job of engaging the reader’s senses. The readers might almost be able to taste and smell the mint ice cream or feel an excruciating brain freeze. This helps them relate to what the character is going through.

  • Sentence 3 : My dog was scared of the storm. (vague)
  • Sentence 4 : My 120-pound Rottweiler trembled anxiously in the corner as the lightning crashed and thunder rumbled outside. (vivid)

While the description in the third sentence does communicate a point clearly, it still leaves the reader with questions. What kind of dog? What kind of storm? The details provided in the fourth sentence allow the reader to visualize the scene much better. It also elicits more of an emotional response as you picture a massive, seemingly fearless dog cowering in a corner. This is why using sensory details makes such a big difference in writing.

Two preteens stretch gooey, green and orange slime between their hands.

4 Steps to Teach Students to Use Sensory Details

Want your student to use better descriptions and sensory language in their writing? Try these four steps to help them understand how to come up with strong sensory details.

1) Discuss the Five Senses

Our five senses help us experience the world around us. With your students, work through the following steps to develop words and descriptions using their five senses as a starting point.

  • Talk about sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste.
  • Collect words from your students that fall within each category. They will likely suggest that something can look pretty or ugly, sound loud or quiet , feel hard or soft , smell good or bad , taste yummy or gross .
  • This is a great way to help them identify weak, unimaginative descriptions.

Talk about why it’s difficult to come up with sensory words in this manner. As you share your story, help them grasp the idea that writing with your senses means taking time to see, hear, feel, smell, or taste what you’re trying to write about.

2) Experience the Five Senses

This is where the lesson gets fun. Gather some objects your students can experience with each of their senses, such as:

  • Sweet, salty, sour, or bitter foods for them to taste
  • Various textured objects that are interesting to touch
  • Noise-making items to listen to
  • Fragrant or aromatic things to smell
  • Objects that are colorful and interesting to look at

For example, let’s say you gathered some slime, a fork, and a rock to help them experience their sense of touch. Let children take turns closing their eyes and feeling an item. Remind them to focus only on the sense of touch.

Next, hide a bell, rattle, squeaky toy, or other noise-making items in a box or bag. Have students close their eyes as you produce one of the sounds. Then, make a list together of specific words to describe it. Try this again with the other noise-making objects.

Now that you’ve experimented with different senses of touch and sound, repeat this exercise to explore more senses.

3) Pull Out the Thesaurus

A thesaurus is a writer’s best friend. Not only can this tool help your students find synonyms for repeated words and phrases that keep cropping up in their writing, it can also help them find robust words to use as sensory details.

Teach your students (or review) how to use the thesaurus . Then, ask them to look over their list of descriptive words from Step 2 and find a powerful synonym for each one. For example, perhaps they’d replace the word “rough” with “jagged,” “ringing” with “tinkling,” and “sour” with “tart.”

Once your students are done finding new words in the thesaurus, have them compare their list with the one they made at the very beginning (Step 1). They will likely agree that the new words describe the way an object looks, feels, smells, tastes, and sounds much better than the original ones, which will ultimately help their reader form a mental picture.

A student writes in a notebook with a red pencil.

4) Practice Using Sensory Details

Now that your students have a collection of engaging words to draw from, invite them to create a poem or narrative containing sensory details! If you want to ease them into the writing process, consider starting with a descriptive writing prompt instead. Here are some ideas you can use:

Descriptive Writing Prompts for Elementary Schoolers

Do you have a younger student? Try out these prompts to get them started with sensory details!

  • Main Street, USA: Your pen pal and her parents are thinking of moving to your hometown. Describe your town or city, especially the sights and scenery it offers to curious visitors.
  • Surfing and Snowflakes: Would you rather spend a day catching waves by the beach or throwing snowballs at your best friend? Describe your favorite season, including the activities that make it so appealing to you.
  • Pet Detective: Do you have a pet dog, cat, lizard, hamster, or turtle? Describe what it looks like. How does it behave? Does it make any sounds? Does it have a smell? Use as many sensory details as you can. If you don’t have a pet, write about another animal you’re familiar with.

Descriptive Writing Prompts for Middle Schoolers

Choose from these engaging prompts to get your middle school student excited to write!

  • Happy Birthday: Birthdays are celebrated in many different ways. Describe birthday festivities in your house, including the food, gifts, and favorite family traditions.
  • Welcome to the 22nd Century: Describe a car or house in the future. Which familiar items are missing? What new technology has developed, and how does it contribute to our well-being, comfort, or convenience?
  • Dare to be Different: Think of the most unusual person you have known: their personality, physical qualities, etc. Then, try to capture this amazing person on paper.

Descriptive Writing Prompts for High Schoolers

Does your teenage student need some extra help with sensory details? Here are a few simple prompts for them to practice.

  • Places and Spaces: Where’s the place that you feel most at ease? Is it in your bedroom? Sitting on a dock by the water? Under a certain tree at the park? In your grandma’s kitchen? Put yourself there in your mind (or even go there if you can) and describe what it’s like.
  • Making Memories: Some of the best memories are made when families plan a special day together. Describe a family vacation or outing that was especially memorable for you. Where did you go? What did you do? What was it like?
  • Inside Your Mind: Do you remember a certain dream or nightmare you had? It likely involved some strange or silly things. Describe everything you recall from the dream so the reader feels like they were in it with you.

Using sensory details is an incredibly important skill for students to master in order to make their writing more interesting and understandable. Hopefully, this blog post will leave you with some good takeaways to help your student enhance their descriptive writing.

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Students learn how descriptions that make use of their five senses can improve their writing.

Students will

senses, descriptions, descriptive writing, adjectives

Explain to students that they are going to use all five senses as they write a descriptive paragraph. Ask students to list the five senses, and write them -- and -- on a chalkboard or chart as students respond.

students can create their own 5-column charts.

Provide each student with a Hershey's Kiss candy. Ask them to use all five senses to observe the candy's characteristics. Then have students work individually or in small groups to write down their observations. In the column headed for example, students might write:

When students have written their observations for each of the senses, gather them together and let them share what they have written. Create a master list of their responses.

Next, choose one sense and model writing a paragraph that describes the candy from that perspective. Then have students complete a paragraph of their own.

Distribute to each student a different item. Ask students to use their five senses as they write a paragraph describing that item. Assess students on how well they describe the item and on whether they included characteristics for at least four of the five senses in the description.

Submitted by Joanna Wolanski, Evergeen Elementary School in Collegeville, Pennsylvania

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