Use this tool to add tone marks to pinyin or to convert tone number (e.g. hao3) to tone marks.

Although you can use the red buttons to add tone marks, we highly recommend you use the number method (e.g. hao3) for speed and placement of the accent above the correct vowel. [Hint: Type "v" for "ü"] Note: You do not need to use this tool to enter pinyin in this dictionary.

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Top 10 Most Popular Chinese Websites (UPDATED)

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Our original article on the top 10 most popular Chinese websites, was posted back in 2014 by the lovely Bethany. Although many of the pages in our original list are still some of the ‘most popular Chinese websites’, so much has changed online in the last few years, that it was time for the ‘Top 10 Most Popular Chinese Websites v2.0’.

This time, we’re not going to give you ‘10’ websites, we’re going to give you 10 categories of websites.

not only has China’s technology changed, but Written Chinese has developed too with new apps, tools, team members, and thoughts and so we wanted to add some more information (and a video) in order to help you utilize and enjoy Chinese websites!

It is also fair to add that many people have now moved over from websites to their respective app versions, keep your eyes peeled for ‘popular app’ blog post!

Don’t be put off by many of these sites being in Chinese, even if you’re a beginner you can learn to navigate the sites by using a translator or dictionary to learn new characters. If you’re using a web browser, you can translate the characters using the Written Chinese online dictionary

With China’s “Great Firewall” blocking many websites, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube, you may wonder what Chinese people use to navigate the internet.  Below are the top ten Chinese websites and what kind of services they provide.

1. Search Engines

Baidu 百度 (bǎi dù).

Baidu 百度 (bǎi dù) is still the most popular search engine in China.  It is also an excellent place to download pictures, music, and watch TV shows.  Because of copyright concerns, however, a lot of this material is not available in other countries.

chinese websites

Bing 必应 ( bì yìng)

Qi Lu, Microsoft’s Online Services President translated Bing into Chinese as 必应 (bì yìng) meaning ‘likely to answer’. Bing’s simplistic design includes a dictionary that translates many languages.

2. Social Networks

Qq 腾讯网 (téng xùn wǎng).

QQ 腾讯网 (téng xùn wǎng) is well known for its instant messaging service that is similar to ICQ or MSN messenger. The website offers other services as well, such as email, news, music, shopping, and games.  Once you have created a QQ account, you can also register for “QQ Zone”, something similar to Facebook where you can post things on a wall that your friends can read.

Although people still use as a source of news and information, Tencent is now more widely known (and used) for its mobile apps such as WeChat (China’s popular messenger service).

chinese websites

Weibo 微博 (wēi bó)

Weibo 微博 (wēi bó) is China’s version of Twitter.  Users can create a public account that their friends “follow” and posts follow the same 140-character limit.  Chinese celebrities are very popular people to follow on Weibo. Weibo accounts can be viewed on the web and on the very-popular mobile version.

Weibo now has a new feature called 长微博 (cháng wēi bó, basically ‘long blog’) that allows users to now post longer articles with images.

Zhihu 知乎 (zhī hū)

In classical Chinese, 知乎 (zhī hū) means ‘do you know?’ and is a question and answer style set, similar to It’s frequently used to ask experts specialized questions on a variety of topics.

3. News and Email

These are the three most popular news sites that also include email in China.

Sina 新浪网 (xīn làng wǎng)

Sina 新浪网 (xīn làng wǎng) is the most formal of the three and is the choice for broadcasting government-related news. Although dense with information, there are sections that cover entertainment, fashion, finance and sports articles. There’s also an amusing GIF section and featured videos.

chinese websites

NetEase 网易 (wǎng yì)

NetEase 网易 (wǎng yì) was once well known for its blogging service, but since the advent of Weibo, it has waned in popularity. NetEase is more accessible than Sina as far as information consumption is concerned. As well as local and national news, NetEase covers health advice, household and tourism.

Sohu 搜狐 (sōu hú)

Sohu 搜狐 (sōu hú) is most well known for its Chinese-input method, Sogou .  Sogou has an enormous word database that constantly adjusts to new slang and emerging words in science and technology-related fields. 凤凰网 ( fèng huáng wǎng) 环球网 ( huán qiú wǎng), the paper 澎湃新闻 ( péng pài xīn wén).

The Paper 澎湃新闻 ( péng pài xīn wén) has a more contemporary method of providing news and is easier to read than other more traditional news sites.

4. Shopping

chinese websites

Taobao 淘宝网 (táo bǎo wǎng)

You can find anything you want on Taobao 淘宝网 (táo bǎo wǎng) and likely it is very cheap!  Packages come through the 快递 (kuàidì) or express delivery service in a matter of days.  Other online markets, such as Amazon, have a hard time competing with the success of Taobao.

JD 京东 (jīng dōng)

Although Taobao is still extremely popular, other sites such as 京东 (jīng dōng) , have also popped up recently as a more reliable source of genuine products. People are now using to buy fresh food , such as vegetables, fruits, meat and seafood.

Amazon 亚马逊 (yà mǎ xùn) 亚马逊 (yà mǎ xùn) has also become more popular lately, due to it’s handy ‘pay on delivery’ service. You can now order from and get fast delivery from the USA and other western countries.

Youku 优酷 (yōu kù)

Essentially, Youku 优酷 (yōu kù) is China’s version of YouTube.  It is very popular for watching Chinese dramas, music videos, and other popular videos of the day. There are more and more shows and films from the UK, USA and Korea and Youku have recently started to add an inexpensive subscription for access to brand new movies and unreleased tv series’.

chinese websites

iQIYI 爱奇艺视频 ( ài qí yì shì pín )

There are now many more websites for watching TV shows and movies that are becoming more and more popular. Some shows may not be available on Youku, but you can bet they’ll be on iQIYI 爱奇艺视频 (ài qí yì shì pín). You can watch some of our favorite shows, such as iSupermodel !

芒果TV 芒果TV ( máng guǒ TV)

芒果TV (máng guǒ TV) not only includes tv shows and movies but also music videos, documentaries, and educational shows. Mango TV is owned by one of the most famous Chinese TV channels, 湖南卫视 Hunan TV.

Biliblil 哔哩哔哩 ( bì li bì li)

Bilibili 哔哩哔哩 ( bì li bì li) is a video website almost exclusively for anime and animation. It has recently become well known for Chinese vloggers uploading their own lifestyle, travel, cooking and advice vlogs .

QQ Video  腾讯视频 ( téng xùn shì pín)

腾讯视频 ( téng xùn shì pín) is another member of the Tencent family, where you can stream a whole host of movies, tv shows and animations from China and abroad. If you use the app, you can download the shows and watch them offline!

Like many western websites and tools, Dropbox is also blocked in China. However, there is a Chinese version named (百度云) becoming more and more popular, especially to share media such as TV shows. People often share their content on Baidu so that others can download movies and other things more difficult to access in China.

Use these sites and apps to find new, trending music in China. Most have a good database of music from all over the world, including lesser-known artists. Some allow you to download tracks and play them offline.

NetEase Music 网易云音乐 (wǎng yì yún yīn yuè)

Small shrimp music 虾米音乐 (xiā mǐ yīn yuè).

chinese websites

QQ Music QQ音乐 (QQ yīn yuè)

Yinyue tai 音悦台 (yīn yuè tái), the himalayas fm 喜马拉雅fm (xǐ mǎ lā yǎ fm), dragonfly fm 蜻蜓fm (qīng tíng fm), 7. travel and tourism, ctrip 携程 ( xié chéng).

携程 (xié chéng) is the most popular Chinese website for booking flights, hotels, group tours, and other travel services. You can view the site in multiple languages, great if you’re traveling around China!

chinese websites

去哪儿? 去哪儿? (qù nǎr)

As more and more Chinese people are travelling abroad, their website options to compare prices are also increasing. also has an English version named .

AliTrip 飞猪 (fēi zhū)

With a flying pig as its logo,  飞猪 (fēi zhū )  Alitrip is not only one of China’s popular websites for booking flights and hotels, it’s also a popular mobile app.

Travel Guides

Ma feng wo 马蜂窝 (mǎ fēng wō).

马蜂窝  (mǎ fēng wō) is a travel search engine, which provides the user with suggestions for accommodation, restaurants and even how to get wifi. There are tons of reviews from people who have tried and tested these recommendations.

chinese websites

QYER 穷游网 (qióng yóu wǎng)

Search for a city and view a mini guide for that place. There are ‘top 10s’ for each category, such as places to stay, places to eat and places to visit, etc.

8. Entertainment  & Life

My wonderful colleague, Chamcen, let me into what I believe to be (until now) a secret for most non-Chinese people. Sites similar to Groupon that offer discount codes and offers are becoming more prevalent in China and here are two to have a look at: dian ping (大众点评团) and Mei Tuan (美团). Because who doesn’t like a BOGOF now and again!

The following sites provide suggestions and reviews for restaurants, services, movie tickets, SPA and salons, take-out and group-purchases, just to name a few!

Dian Ping 大众点评 (dà zhòng diǎn píng)

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Mei Tuan 美团网 (měi tuán wǎng)

Nuo mi 糯米网 (nuò mǐ wǎng).

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For maps in China, try these two options. 高德地图 is a clean easy-to-read map, with obvious symbols to indicate metro stations and areas of interest. There’s also a slight 3D look so that you can tell where buildings are.

Baidu Maps 百度地图 (bǎi dù dì tú)

Gaode maps 高德地图 (gāo dé dì tú), 10. recipes and cooking.

chinese websites

Xia Chufang 下厨房 (xià chú fáng)

Follow user-added recipes with clear ingredient lists and pictures of each recipe step.

You can search for recipes by meal time, ingredient, occasion and consumer.

Have any other favorite Chinese websites? Please leave a comment below.

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Top 10 Chinese Websites You'll Want to Visit

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Every country has its own favorite websites, but it seems like certain global titans are big everywhere – you’ve got your Googles, YouTubes, Spotify’s, Reddits, Wikipedias, etc. Except, that is, in China.

For a variety of reasons, the Chinese web functions almost like an intranet. You’ve probably read about some of the foreign sites that are blocked here, but you may not know about the hugely popular Chinese sites and services that are essentially unheard of elsewhere.

Today we’ll take a look at the most popular sites, whose user bases often dwarf their more famous Western counterparts, and even the efforts of certain services (namely Weixin) to expand internationally.

chinese websites

Baidu is China’s most popular search engine and has made a serious effort to basically become the Chinese-language version of Google. They’ve got their own map system, image search, news service and even "bǎi dù bǎi kē (百度百科)", an online encyclopedia that’s China’s closest equivalent to Wikipedia.

Though they generally tend to copy Google and aren’t always the most innovative company around (see the “ Baidu Eye” headset that came out soon after Google Glass was released), lately they’ve developed a nice string of hardware products, including a cool, affordable WiFi controlled camera that stores video in the cloud.

chinese websites

Dianping is sort of like the Yelp of China, but a lot more useful and multi-functional.

Basically it’s a much more evolved Yelp, and one of the most innovative Chinese web services out there. Everyone uses Dianping; group chat discussions of where to eat are a never-ending stream of Dianping links or screenshots.

Their app is very well-designed, as well, and it’s something I hope makes its way to the States soon!

chinese websites

Sina, known in Chinese as 新浪 (lit. “ new wave ”) is kind of an all-purpose Chinese internet platform and company, perhaps best known for its once-ubiquitous Weibo microblogging platform.

Sina is sort of like a Chinese Yahoo!, if I had to make a comparison, because of the wide variety of functions it serves: news, blogging, email, etc.

It’s about as mainstream as it gets on the Chinese web, and they’ve done a great job catering to overseas Chinese with relevant Chinese-language content, developing dedicated sites for North America and Europe.

Sina is also a great resource for reading practice if you’re at that level. Their NBA section , for instance, has some strong writers and has provided me hours upon hours of not-so-boring character study time.

chinese websites

Sometimes you’ve just gotta love when China goes ahead and copies something so directly that it’s just hilarious.

That’s basically the idea behind YouKu, whose name was chosen because of its pinyin resemblance to YouTube (it literally means “excellent and cool”, but sounds a bit awkward by my reckoning).

It serves a similar purpose as a full-service video platform, but also has cool stuff like authorized streaming versions of US shows with Chinese subtitles, which is actually a really interesting way to learn Chinese because you see direct Chinese translations of natural English phrases (instead of the other way around).

chinese websites

Jingdong is a bit like the Amazon of China, with a focus on electronics but a gradually growing selection of other products as well. 

Like a lot of Chinese e-commerce sites, their hallmark has always been a superbly streamlined purchasing process: usually, you can order a product in 3-4 clicks, and while you can use the ubiquitous AliPay payment system, you can just as easily pay cash to the delivery guy upon receipt of the product. 

It’s so easy that it’s hard not to buy the occasional extra USB flash drive or space heater – which is exactly what they want!

When I was working in an office full-time and found that I needed something small (extra phone charger, new mouse, or even some new socks), it was preposterously easy to hop on and order it. Most of the time I would literally forget about it until it arrived a day or two later, but I’d just pay the guy in cash.

chinese websites

Often described at the eBay of China, Taobao is actually something much more: a cultural phenomenon. The sheer variety of stuff available is absolutely unbelievable, and it has made life in urban China much more convenient. 

Let’s look at it this way first: Taobao and its sister site Tmall (which is basically the same thing but limited to more established sellers and brands) oversaw  US$272 billion in transactions  in fiscal 2014 – that’s larger than the GDP of the Philippines, Finland or even Hong Kong.

More to the point, Taobao has enabled China to leapfrog the West in many ways and become a global e-commerce leader. 

I know tons of people, for instance, that don’t even go grocery shopping anymore. They order all their food on Taobao every day and it’s waiting outside their apartments before they get home from work. 

In recent years the amount of imported food on Taobao has exploded, as well, and you can get goodies like cheese, South American coffee and even hard-to-find spices there. 

In short it’s kind of the best thing ever, and they do a great job making the purchasing experience easy if you have AliPay.

7. CTrip (携 程,   xié chéng) - China’s Best Travel Site

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It may not be wildly innovative, but CTrip (literally “to go the distance,” with a bit of poetic license on my part) is a well-made, useful and reliable travel website, quite an accomplishment for a homegrown Chinese site.

Best of all, it has a top-shelf English version (as well as German, French, Vietnamese and Russian localizations, among others) that usually has the same prices as its Chinese counterpart, another rarity here in China.

Their mailing list is a great way to find out about random last minute ridiculously cheap deals to domestic destinations, and with air travel becoming increasingly popular and affordable within China, CTrip is a must-have travel resource if you’ve had enough of the super-authentic-but-I’m-kinda-over-it long haul train thing.

chinese websites

"fèng huáng (凤凰)", known by its web address iFeng or in English as Phoenix Television, is a Hong Kong-based group of television stations that maintains an increasingly popular website targeted primarily at the Mainland.

A general news site for the most part, iFeng has made inroads in China by sharing occasionally controversial news and insights that its Mainland counterparts are often unwilling to, all without drawing too much attention or scorn from the authorities.

iFeng has also developed a nice mobile app and is becoming something of a new media empire, definitely one to look out for in the future

chinese websites

A Chinese, and way less sketchy version of Craigslist, TongCheng (meaning “same city” in Chinese) is a well-designed tool for connecting people living in the same city.

Its relatively simple, clean design is a rarity among Chinese sites, and it's remarkably easy to use – I bought my bike and my current go-to electric guitar on there, and for people with limited Chinese reading skills, it doesn’t take much time or effort to find what you need and get the contact details of the person who has it.

It’s also an important resource for small businesses in rural China who may not have the resources or funds to set up their own site.

Seems simple enough, but Wall Street sees a lot of potential: Last October TongCheng’s IPO on the NYSE went for over US$150 million, surprising a lot of investors and giving the company some resources to grow with.  

It remains to be seen what the site can do to continue turning a profit, but I can attest to its usefulness. It’s really the best place if you need something cheap and don’t mind second-hand stuff, though I maintain that, in Shanghai at least, the best way to get something for really cheap is from bitter expats having moving-away sales on Craigslist!

10. WeChat (微信, wēi xìn )

chinese websites

WeChat aka WeiXin is basically the mac-daddy of all Chinese-built web services.

It’s an app that often gets called the Chinese WhatsApp, but over the last 2-3 years it has completely changed the everyday experience of life in China – I’m not exaggerating.

At its core, WeChat is a messaging platform, but it also offers voice messages, voice/video calls, and a Facebook-like social networking service. It has basically made phone calls, text messages and other social networks obsolete.

Everyone and everything is on WeChat, and it’s now the center of every Chinese company’s social media marketing strategy as well. You can do your online shopping, your banking, your cloud storage and even finding new friends via their crazy radar feature , which lets you find users in your vicinity.

WeChat is attempting to eat the functionality of every other app or web service, and they’re succeeding.

It’s fed in part by the preponderance of super-cheap smartphones (we’re talking ~US$40 for a phone running a bootleg version of Android OS) and the increasing availability of cheap data plans. Even migrant worker can afford to buy a cheap handset, download WeChat and chat away to their hearts content. It’s so ubiquitous that when I go back to the States it takes me some time to adjust to the fact that people actually send text messages there.

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Mandarin Zone

Top 10 Most Popular Chinese Websites

Planning to live or work in China? Understanding which websites are essential can make a huge difference in your daily life. Whether you’re searching for information, entertainment, or shopping, this guide will introduce you to the top 10 most popular Chinese websites, helping you navigate China’s digital environment with ease.

1. Baidu – The Chinese Google;          2, QQ  –  Popular social website 3, Dianping – A Way Better Yelp;       4,  Sina – News and More 5, YouKu –  Chinese YouTube;           6, Jingdong – Amazon of China 7, Taobao – eBay of China;                 8. CTrip – China’s Best Travel Site 9, IFeng – News Platform;             10. 58TongCheng – Help your life in China

1, Baidu ( 百度  b ǎ i d ù, )  – The Chinese Google 

2, qq ( 腾讯  téng xùn, )  – the most popular social website in china.

Explore More : Sign up for our Chinese language classes to master the language of QQ and connect with locals effortlessly. Mandarin zone is the best website to learn Chinese characters

3, Dianping ( 点评  di ǎ n p í ng, )  – A Way Better Yelp

It is a must-have application web, it helps you to enjoy life in China like Native. How to use Dianping app more effectively? Just contact us and we will help you save more  SaveMoney in China

4, Sina ( 新浪 x ī n l à ng, ) – News and More

5, youku ( 优酷  y ō u k ù, ) – chinese youtube, 6, jingdong ( 京东  j ī ng d ō ng, ) – amazon of china, 7, taobao ( 淘宝  t á o b ǎ o, ) – ebay of china, 8, ctrip ( 携程  xi é ch é ng, ) – china’s best travel site, 9, ifeng/fenghuang ( 凤凰  f è ng hu á ng, ) – news platform, 10, 58tongcheng (58 同城 t ó ngch é ng, ) – help your life in china, share this story, choose your platform, related posts.

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Top 50 Best Chinese Websites

Top 50 Best Chinese Websites

8 Sep 2021 | | 6 min read

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The benefits of low costs, broad categories, and fast delivery by online Chinese merchants are increasing the number of individual consumers and businesses worldwide.

The world has ranked China as the most attractive market for many years. However, it has a different digital system from the West. It might be useful to learn some of the popular local channels if you consider entering the China market. For example, you may want to form a partnership with a local player or perhaps target Chinese customers for your services through advertisement. So, we rounded up China’s top 50 online websites across a variety of industries.

1. Best Chinese Websites for Online Shopping/ eCommerce

2. best chinese websites for online wholesale product sourcing, 3. best chinese websites for education, 4. best chinese websites for films/movies, 5. best chinese websites for novels, 6. best chinese websites for china news, 7. best chinese websites for flight booking, 8. best chinese websites for car selling, 9. best chinese websites for online games, 10. best chinese websites for discounts buying.

Taobao, founded by Alibaba Group, is China’s Amazon, accounting for 78% of the Chinese domestic consumer market for online shopping. With over 170 million registered users, it has become the primary e-commerce site for people in China.



Operated by Chinese e-commerce giant, offers a wide selection of authentic, high-quality Chinese products at competitive prices and delivers them to customers’ doors speedily and dependably.

Adhering to the same core values of authenticity and reliability that define the shopping experience at, aims to provide consumers worldwide with an innovative and robust e-commerce platform through close cooperation with domestic suppliers in China.


Tmall, a professional online integrated shopping platform, integrates thousands of brands and manufacturers to provide one-stop solutions between merchants and consumers. It provides 100% quality-guaranteed products, 7-day after-sales service with no reason to return, and high-quality services such as shopping points rebates.


1.4 Banggood

Banggood is one of the oldest online Chinese sites. Since 2006, they have grown to offer tons of products, including some of the best Chinese brands like Xiaomi and Huawei.

➪ is a new generation B2C online store of Suning Appliance Group. On January 25, 2010, Suning Appliance announced at its Nanjing headquarters that their B2C online shopping platform “Suning Tesco” would officially launch on February 1 and be independently purchased and operated.


2.1 Alibaba

Launched in 1999, Alibaba is one of the leading platforms in China for global wholesale trade, where they serve millions of buyers and suppliers worldwide. Alibaba brings you hundreds of millions of products in over 40 major categories, including consumer electronics, machinery, and apparel.



2.2 AliExpress

AliExpress is a part of Alibaba, China’s biggest online shopping company. The site hosts a wide variety of products, including automobiles, cell phones, computer hardware & software, electronics, beauty, lighting, shoes, and jewelry. Buyers can order as low as one item and enjoy fast delivery and full tracking services.


DHgate is one of China’s oldest and biggest B2B online marketplaces for items produced in China. The platform mainly connects small and medium suppliers with buyers overseas; users can order Chinese produced goods directly through the site.


2.4 LightInTheBox

LightInTheBox, along with its sister site MiniInTheBox, ships to more than 200 countries worldwide. It sells products across three core categories: clothing, small gadgets, and home and garden. The company was founded in 2007, and by 2013, it was on the New York Stock Exchange. In 2013, it was even listed on the New York Stock Exchange.


2.5 Gearbest

After AliExpress and DHgate, Gearbest is probably the third most popular Chinese website for wholesale products. Gearbest specialises in electronics and has the most up-scale electronics products such as drones, action cameras, and more.


3.1 Zuoyebang

As the largest K12 online education platform in China, Zuoyebang offers a comprehensive suite of services, including the Zuoyebang Super App, Zuoyebang Live Courses App, and the Zuoyebang Oral Arithmetic App. Zuoyebang currently has over 800 million users with over 50 million daily and over 170 million monthly users.



VIPKid is an online teaching and education platform providing one-on-one English courses for Chinese children between four to fifteen. All its teachers are based in North America and must be certified by the company before teaching on the platform.


3.3 GoGokid

GoGokid, founded by Chinese tech giant ByteDance, is a brand new one-on-one English learning platform for children ages four-twelve. It aims to foster students to learn the English language as a tool, not as a goal, and to become individuals with creative and critical thinking skills.


3.4 Yuanfudao

Yuanfudao is the largest online live course platform, servicing primary and secondary school students in China to help improve their test scores. The platform connects students with tutors who live stream through the app. Students can choose one-on-one tutoring services or join a group class.


3.5 Zhangmen 1to1

Zhangmen is an online tutoring platform that provides tutoring courses to students from eight to eighteen years old. Through the online and mobile apps of Zhangmen 1to1, primary and middle school students can select top teachers who have graduated from China’s first-class universities such as Tsinghua, and Peking University for personalised, one-on-one tutoring sessions and teaching is offered for subjects like math, English, physics, chemistry, etc.


4.1 iQiyi Movies

iQiyi is owned by Baidu, the largest Chinese search engine company. This site offers various full-length and copyrighted contents, including full movies, TV shows, animation, documentaries, music…etc.

Iqiyi Movie

You can also find Hong Kong (Cantonese) and Taiwan movies. Many are currently trending movies.

➪ is China’s national CCTV Movie Channel. The site provides columns like movies, videos, movie rankings, movie stars, blogs, etc. It boasts more than 10,000 HD movies with three extra movies added daily.


4.3 Sohu Movies

Sohu Movie is one of China’s most popular streaming movie websites. The site provides thousands of movies and TV series for free. Even some of the latest American movies and TV shows are available legally. But all those movies are only available for Mainland China.


4.4 Youku Movies

Everyone knows Youku in China, a similar video site like YouTube. Its movie channel hosts numerous Chinese and foreign movies, including many top blockbusters.


4.5 QQ Movies

If you know a bit about China, you must hear of QQ, the most widely used instant messenger in China. Its movie channel – QQ Movie – is one of the most visited movie sites. It has channels including movies, dramas, shows, documentaries, and cartoons.


5.1 Jinjiang Literature City

Jinjiang Literature City was established in 2003 and is the largest female literature base in the world. It has 650,000 online works, including travel, love, film and television, urban love, and other types. It has 7 million registered users, 500,000 registered authors, 12,000 contracted authors, of which 3,000 have published works. Nearly 10,000 new users register every day, and 750 new works are published every day.

Jinjiang Literature City


5.2 Qidian Chinese Website

As the largest original online literature website in China, Qidian Chinese website has a diverse content of works, including fantasy and martial arts. It also is suitable for a wide range of user groups.


5.3 Chuangshi Chinese Website

Chuangshi Chinese Website is a fully open online literature platform that integrates reading, creation, interactive community, and copyright operation, carefully built by a senior team in the online literature industry.


5.4 Zongheng Chinese Website

Zongheng is a large-scale Chinese original reading website under Baidu Literature. After years of hard work, Zongheng has achieved remarkable results with an inventory of more than 160,000 books, a daily independent IP of more than 2.6 million, and a PV of more than 60 million, making it a domestic first-class professional website for original Chinese literature.


5.5 Hongxiutianxiang

Hongxiutianxiang is one of the world’s leading digital rights operators for female literature. This site provides high-quality reading services covering novels, prose, essays, poems, lyrics, scripts, diaries, and other genres. It is a huge influence in female literary writing and publishing, such as romance and workplace novels.


6.1 People’s Daily Online

People’s Daily Online is a large-scale information platform constructed by People’s Daily – one of the world’s top ten newspapers. It is also one of the largest comprehensive medias on the Internet. As a leading key news website in China, it upholds “authority and strength generated from people”.

People's Daily Online


6.2 Xinhua Net

Established on November 7, 1997, as an online news provider of the Xinhua News Agency, it was officially named Xinhua Net on March 10, 2000, where it began around-the-clock news release with leading online public opinion at home and setting a good image of China abroad as its main task.


6.3 China Daily

It serves more than 330 million readers worldwide and is a default choice for people who read about China in English. The group plays an important role as a channel for information exchanges between China and the rest of the world.


6.4 offers broad access to up-to-date news about China, with searchable texts of government position papers and a wealth of basic information about Chinese history, politics, economics, and culture.



CCTV NEWS is the English language news channel of China Central Television (CCTV), the nation’s largest national broadcasting network. The channel grew out of CCTV International and launched on September 25, 2000. Its wide range of coverage includes newscasts, in-depth reports, and commentary programs, as well as a host of feature presentations.



With more than 1.4 million hotels in 200 countries and regions, they’ve built an extensive hotel network to give customers a fantastic choice of accommodation. Their far-reaching flight network has over 2 million individual flight routes connecting with more than 5,000 cities around the globe.



Qunar’s search scope covers over 4190 online travel agencies, 770,000 hotels, 180,000 flight routes, 500,000 vacation routes,10,000 tourist attractions, 242,000 daily group-buying deals, and many more. The total number of activated users for Qunar’s mobile app hit 460million by the end of September 2014.


7.3 Travelgo

Travelgo is a leading provider of leisure travel in China. It was founded in 2004 and is headquartered in Suzhou, China. It started in 2004, and its headquarters are in Suzhou, China. The industry has acknowledged Travelgo’s rapid growth and innovative business models. In 2014, it obtained more than RMB 2 billion investment from Tencent and Ctrip.


7.4 China Highlights

China Highlights is one of the best China tour companies that specialises in customised and creative China tours. China Highlights boasts a “Personal Trip Advisor,” which is a specific customer service individual who is specifically assigned to your booking to make sure you have all your questions answered.


7.5 Spring Airlines

Since the beginning of operations, Spring Airlines has maintained the overall average passenger load factor at about 95%, offering fares 30% lower than the market price of the same route. Despite rapid expansion, the company’s goal remains simple: offer safe, punctual, cost-effective, personalised, and friendly travel for all.


8.1 Autohome

Autohome Inc. is the leading online destination for automobile consumers in China. Autohome provides professionally produced and user-generated content, a comprehensive automobile library, and extensive automobile listing information to consumers covering the entire car purchase and ownership cycle.



Since PCauto launched in July 2002, it has developed into one of the largest automobile portals in China. It provides the latest product information on various domestic and international automobiles through its local guides and directories.

➪ provides new car quotations, pictures, model information, forums, information, and so on. Xcar is the world’s largest automotive-themed community, including 85 mainstream brand model clubs.


Cheshi provides car quotations, buying guides, regulations, model introductions, used cars, insurance, forums, market analysis, price reduction information, etc., for dealers and consumers across the country.


8.5 Bitauto

As a leading automobile Internet company in China, Bitauto provides professional and rich information and shopping guide services for Chinese automobile users, as well as effective marketing solutions for automobile manufacturers and automobile dealers.


9.1 Tencent Games

Established in 2003, Tencent Games is the largest online game community in China and the digital entertainment platform with the most users worldwide. More than 800 million users enjoy Tencent game products every day to become a world-renowned game development and service operator.

Tencent Games


9.2 NetEase Games

NetEase Games was established in 2001, leading the MMORPG game market in China. After more than twenty years of rapid development, NetEase has become one of the seven largest game companies in the world. As a leading Chinese game website and company, NetEase has always been at the forefront of the independent development of online games.


9.3 Perfect World

Perfect World is the first game company in China to develop a 3D game engine. As a global game developer, publisher, and operator, Perfect World Games has a layout in client games, mobile games, console games, VR games, and cloud games.


9.4 Lilith Games

Lilith Games started in May 2013, and its headquarters are in Shanghai, China. It is a world-renowned game developer and publisher committed to creating fun games for global players.


9.5 4399 Small Games

4399 Games is China’s leading web game platform. Its products have won the love of users with high levels of playability and interest, real and refreshing combat sense, exquisite art graphics, dazzling combat effects, and stable technical support.


10.1 Chinabrands

Chinabrands is a leading drop shipping company that offers one-stop e-shopping for consumers worldwide. It boasts a product lineup of electronics, fashion, home, and outdoor, among many other categories. They also offer discounts and flash sales from time to time.



Shein specialises in fashion, especially women’s, although there are some menswear, children’s items, and accessories available. Consumers get free standard shipping for orders over $49. Express shipping costs $12.90 but is free for orders above $99. It allows free returns for all orders.


10.3 GeekBuying

Founded in 2012, Hong Kong-based GeekBuying prides itself by offering top-tier products at unbeatable prices. It also specialises in electronics and home appliances such as smartphones, TV boxes, computers, etc. It has warehouses in the U.S., China, UK, France, and Germany.


10.4 Made-In-China is an online B2B e-commerce platform connecting “China Suppliers” with global purchasers. Its online store provides affordable and reliable items, including home décor, personal accessories, electronic gadgets and kitchen appliances, home household appliances, and more.


10.5 DealeXtreme

Established in 2004, this Chinese website classifies itself as an extreme service since they claim to offer an extreme advantage to their customers. At DealeXtreme, they sell about any product at an affordable price.


With the key to China’s digital realm in hand, you’ve opened the door to endless possibilities. But why stop here? Delve into the intricacies of China’s social media landscape through our guide on the top 10 platforms ( ). And if you find yourself navigating specific industries, rest assured—our expertise is at your service.

In the ever-changing landscape of global business, entering the Chinese market isn’t just an option; it’s a necessity. Envision a single click ushering in a world of opportunities, effortlessly guiding you into the heart of the world’s most populous nation. This isn’t merely a journey; it’s a collaborative effort, and with the assistance of AI, we present you with a one-click solution to facilitate your China market entry.

Picture the synergy of technology and ambition laying the groundwork for your success. China awaits, and with our support, it’s not just about getting ready—it’s about fostering a connection with a nation that holds immense potential. Embrace the future; your venture into China begins with a humble click, and we’re here to make sure it’s a remarkable journey, shaped by collaboration and respect.

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Digital marketing is more popular than ever in China, and companies are coming up with interesting strategies to take advantage of. Check out more here:

What is the digital marketing process?

One of the reasons digital marketing has changed the way businesses promote and market their products and services is the ease with which they can be accessed at nearly any time. Digital marketing has four major advantages over traditional marketing methods: measurability, cost, speed, and engagement.

Is Digital Marketing done differently in China?

Yes, you need to apply brand localisation in your digital marketing effort when entering the China market digitally. For example, seven major dialects are spoken throughout the country, which affects how people communicate. So, the strategies you use to get ahead in one region eg Top Tier 1 cities may not work elsewhere, even if it has similar circumstances or demographics. Check out this blog for localisation :

What are the most popular social media in China?

There is no doubt that social media has become inseparable from Chinese people’s daily lives. According to Hootsuite ‘s We Are Social report, the total number of active social media users in China has reached 930.8 million in 2021, which is 64.6% of the total population. Therefore, understanding  Chinese social media  and having an effective social media strategy is essential for brands to be successful in the Chinese market.


Top 10 Chinese Social Media Networks are: Wechat Weibo Douyin Bilibili Xiaohongshu Zhihu Douban Toutiao QQ

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6. 凤凰网

7. 新华网

8. 人民网

9. 中华网

10. 中国网

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Home » Web Tutorials » SEO » Top 10 Chinese Websites by Alexa Rank

Top 10 Chinese Websites by Alexa Rank

China is one of the leading country in web development initiatives. You can feel the growth of internet evolution in front of your eyes when you are in China. With the huge population base, a popular website in China can easily become one of the top most site globally. Here is the list of top 10 Chinese websites by Alexa rank which indicates how web based companies took advantage of the growth in China.

#10 – was a search engine platform owned by the popular Tencent Holdings Limited. During 2013, Tencent invested in Sogou search engine platform of Now the site is redirected to

No 10 – – Search Engine

#9 –

Once part of the Taobao, Tmall was moved out as a separate company in 2010. This is a business to consumer online retail platform owned by Alibaba Group. Alipay is the preferred online payment system used on

No 9 – – B2B Online eCommerce Platform from Alibaba Group

#8 –

Weibo is a Twitter equivalent microblogging platform in China. It was launched by Sina Corporation on August 2009. It is also a NASDAQ listed company having more than 500 millions of registered users in China. Alibaba Group owns 32% of holdings in Sina Weibo.

No 8 – – Microblogging Platform from Sina Corporation

#7 –

360 Safeguard is an antivirus software developed by Qihoo 360. There are versions available for both Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac OS X. 360 Safeguard offers security from malware programs and viruses. It also offer security patches for Microsoft Windows, mobile phones and a separate browser.

No 7 – – Internet Security Company

#6 –

Sina Corporation is a NASDAQ listed online media company in China offering multiple services including social networking. Sina Weibo is the popular microblogging platform offered by Sina Corp. And the other services are Sina Mobile, Sina Online and

No 6 – – Online Media and Social Networking

#5 – Inc. is a NASDAQ listed company offering variety of web based services to billions of Chinese users. The services include the popular Sogou search engine and game information portal. is the subsidiary portal of Inc. for offering online multiplayer games.

No 5 – – Search Engine and Gaming

#4 –

Hao123 is a online web directory portal from Baidu. It has a Thai and Portuguese versions.

No 4 – – Web Directory Listing Portal from Baidu

#3 –

Taobao is the online marketplace for buying low cost items. This is a C2C platform which means consumer sells products to other consumers. Anyone in China can open a Taobao store by following the guidelines on the site and start selling items. Taobao was founded by Alibaba Group on May 2003 and is one of the largest ecommerce companies in the world.

No 3 – – C2C Online eCommerce Platform from Alibaba Group

#2 –

Before WeChat, it was QQ used to occupy everyone’s mobile phone for instant messaging service. Still QQ instant message service is being used by millions of people along with many other services from the parent company Tencent Holdings Limited.

No 2 – – Instant Messaging Service

#1 –

Baidu is the largest search engine in China having more than 60% of the market share. With Google is being officially blocked in China, Baidu is the one of the largest source of information for billion of Chinese population. It was incorporated in January 2000 and was listed in NASDAQ-100 index during December 2007. Besides search engine, Baidu also offer many other services like Hao123 for web directories, Baidu Maps, Baidu TV, etc.

No 1 – – Largest Search Engine Website in China

Top 20 Chinese Sites – Table

Below is the summary along with global and China Alexa rank of top 20 websites in China.

1baidu.comBaidu4Search engine
2qq.comTencent QQ9Instant messaging service  owned by Tencent
3taobao.comAlibaba Group13Consumer to consumer online shopping marketplace
4hao123.comHao12317Web directories owned by Baidu
5sohu.comSohu18Search engine and gaming Corp19Web Portal
7360.cnQihoo 36020Internet security and antivirus software
8weibo.comSina Weibo21Microblogging platform
10tmall.comAlibaba Group23Business to consumer ecommerce retail platform
11soso.comSoso.com31Search engine
13tianya.cnTianya Club74Internet forum
15cnzz.comUmeng.com64Online statistical analysis provider
16so.comQihoo 36089Search engine
17zhihu.comZhihu103Q & A website
18gmw.cnGuangming Daily55Newspaper
19youth.cnChina Youth Network102Youth news
21china.comGuoguang Holdings147Newspaper
23csdn.netCSDN162Chinese Software Developer Network
24youku.comYouku85Video hosting website
25alipay.comAlibaba Group127Online payment solution

Above is only the top 20 list. Besides that there are many other popular sites in China like CCTV, Xinhuanet, Aliexpress, Alibaba, JD, Chinadaily, WeChat , 163, etc.

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Editorial Staff at WebNots are team of experts who love to build websites, find tech hacks and share the learning with community.

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This was exciting to know that some of those Chinese websites are listed on Nasdaq. WOW. Nice information.

Going forward, it looks 7 out of top 10 in most of the things will be from China.


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Top 5 Chinese Search Engines & How They Work

China’s online marketplace is massive, but its search engines are unique. Here’s what you need to know to get started.

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In 2021, China surpassed one billion internet users , making it the biggest online market in the world.

But as global businesses seek to gain a foothold in this rapidly growing digital economy, they face a unique set of challenges, including optimizing their websites for the world’s most populous nation.

Unlike in the rest of the world, where Google is the undisputed king of search engines, it went down from 3.56% in June 2022 to just 2% of the Chinese market in July 2024.

Bing, its main global competitor, fared slightly better, with an 11.47% market share.

However Chinese internet users still need a means of finding products and information on the web.

If they’re not using the search engines popular in the rest of the world, what are they using?

Domestic search engines, designed in China for use in China, of course.

To help you enter the Chinese online market or attract new customers from the East, this piece will cover the top five search engines in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and give you tips for using them to reach your goals.

But before we get to that, it’s important to get some background information.

The Internet And Censorship In China

Though it has supported simplified and traditional Chinese searches since 2000, Google did not officially join the Chinese mainland market until 2006.

At this time, the country had just 137 million internet users.

Just four years later, the search engine giant abandoned the country in favor of Hong Kong to avoid Chinese censors .

In response, the Chinese government banned Google search sites in all languages.

This was all set in motion by an internet explosion in 2009.

Worried about the impacts of unrestricted access to information, the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the Circular on Computer Pre-Loaded Green Internet Filter Software .

This required a web filter on all devices made or sold in China to block access to certain sites , including news, streaming, and social media sites, among others. More sites are added to this list every year and if you’re worried your domain is included, you can check here .

But where there’s a will, there’s always a way, and enterprising and tech-savvy Chinese citizens have turned to use virtual private networks (VPNs) to access restricted sites.

Surprisingly, while there are numerous VPNs on the list of blocked sites, their use is not illegal .

And while this workaround exists, it’s simply not a significant means of driving traffic to Western sites from the Asian country.

Google To Return To China?

It’s hard to imagine the world’s biggest search engine would completely forgo the world’s biggest online market and there have been hints it intends to return at some point.

In a 2018 letter obtained by the New York Times , hundreds of Google employees signed a letter objecting to working on a censored Chinese version of the search engine, which was being built in secret.

However, just one year later, Karan Bhatia, a vice president of government affairs and public policy at Google testified before a Senate Judiciary Committee that the project had been terminated.

But that hasn’t silenced murmuring that the company plans to get back into the Chinese market. If it does, it will be in for stiff competition from homegrown search engines that are already well-entrenched.

But more on that in a bit.

First, let’s talk about how the Chinese online marketplace and the Asian giant’s unique customer journey.

How Chinese Consumers Shop Online

The first thing every ecommerce company that wants to do business in China needs to understand is that the way Chinese consumers use the internet is very different from what most non-Chinese companies are used to.

For one thing, while mobile internet surpasses usage on computers in most countries, it does not dominate search traffic in the way it does in China.

In 2020, almost every Chinese internet user ( 99.9% ) accessed the web via their smartphone.

By comparison, 32.8% accessed the internet via desktop and only 28.2% on laptop computers. Thus, any company entering the online marketplace in the country would be wise to focus its efforts on the mobile market.

Chinese consumers also rarely visit company or brand websites, preferring instead single-entry points where numerous brands are represented. Instead of searching for specific products, they tend to perform extensive research and read (often automated) recommendations before making a purchase.

Social media and influencers also have a strong influence on purchasing decisions.

On- and off-line sales channels tend to be more integrated with the PRC, while the line between entertainment and shopping is fuzzy.

Chinese users can often click on items they like in social media posts and buy them in a linked online store.

Additionally, Chinese merchants place an emphasis on customer service, which contributes to high levels of purchasing loyalty.

What Search Engines Is China Using?

While cultural differences exist from country to country, and sometimes region to region everywhere in the world, Chinese norms are often quite unfamiliar to Western companies. And that includes the search engines used.

So, what sites are the Chinese using to find things on the internet? Here are the top five:

1. Baidu – China’s Answer To Google


Much like “to Google” has become a standard verb meaning to look something up online, in China people “ Baidu ” something.

It controls more than 50% of the search engine market in the PRC and even brings in some users from other countries, including the U.S. and Japan.

Baidu got its start with funding from Silicon Valley in 2000 , initially as just a homepage that allowed companies to bid on ad space. Since then, it has expanded not just into search, but also artificial intelligence and a number of internet-related products and services.

What You Need To Know

Baidu only indexes sites that use simplified Chinese characters.

That means if you don’t have a Mandarin website, you won’t show up.

It also prefers websites that are hosted on Chinese servers.

To host a website in the PRC, you must have an Internet Content Provider License.

Search engine position is determined by homepage and Baidu’s rankings still include meta keywords , partially due to image AI that is not as advanced as Google’s.

That means image alt texts and metadata are important to ensuring its image understanding.

HTTPS is also included as a ranking signal and it seems to take loading speed, content quality, and content prominence into account as well.

It’s also important to note that Baidu does not handle JavaScript well , so all content and links should be in plain HTML on both mobile and desktop versions of your site.

2. Haosuo – Secure Search

Screenshot from Haosou, July 2024

Also known as Qihoo 360 Search and , Haosuo comes in at #3 in the Chinese domestic search engine market. Launched in 2012, it went through a series of domain changes, operating as,, and

Backed by one of China’s largest internet providers (Qihoo 360), it became Haosuo in 2016.

This change came with a simplified interface and an increased focus on mobile experiences.

The Qihoo 360 browser comes preinstalled on most Chinese computers, making it the Internet Explorer of China. No word on whether it’s used primarily by technologically challenged seniors, though.

Known for its security features, any Chinese businesses recommend their employees use Haosuo, making it a powerful player in B2B marketing.

Also, this cybersecurity emphasis appears to be reflected in rankings, with sites with higher authority and trustworthiness seeming to be ranked higher.

There is less competition on 360 Search, which often means a lower cost-per-click on paid ads.

A unit based in Hong Kong may also make it easier for foreign companies to advertise on this platform.

3. Sogou – Search-Dog

Soguo - Search Dog

Initially launched in 2004, Sogou (literally “search dog”) holds the second spot in the domestic Chinese search market, claiming a 4.83% share.

In September 2021, it completed a $3.5 billion merger to become a subsidiary of Tencent, a technology company with gaming, social media, and entertainment interests.

Sogou’s search algorithm places a high value on original content and site authority.

Like Baidu, it favors websites that use simplified Chinese and those hosted on Chinese servers.

Backlinks are an important ranking factor, with the emphasis seemingly on quantity rather than quality. Meta descriptions don’t seem to be as important, but title tags are vital.

Because of its connection to Tencent, Sogou is the default search engine for QQ Browser, QQ Messenger, and WeChat, all major apps in the Chinese market.

4. Shenma – The First Name In Mobile

Screenshot from, July 2024

A venture between ecommerce giant Alibaba and UC Web, Shenma claims 1.74% of the Chinese market.

It is the default search engine on the UC web browser, which is one of the most used browsers.

What differentiates Shenma from the competition, and most search engines for that matter is that it is mobile-only.

Calling itself the “experts in mobile search,” Shenma is a combination search engine and app store.

Shenma’s link with Alibaba allows it to include direct links to product pages.

It’s widely used for home goods, clothing, and books, as well as apps.

Products that are listed on Taobao or Tmall (Alibaba shopping properties) are given priority, which improves placement in search results.

5. Youdao – The Translation Search Engine


A division of Chinese internet technology company NetEase, Youdao operates more like an online education platform than a traditional search engine.

It allows users to search websites, images, news, and perhaps most importantly to foreign users, Chinese-to-English entries.

Youdao can translate Mandarin into more than 20 languages.

It is the biggest translation tool and online dictionary in the PRC, providing example sentences and word usage help.

More than half of Youdao’s users are 24 or younger.

Primarily used by students and high-income individuals, it offers opportunities for foreign companies looking to sell international products in China.

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Top 15 Chinese eCommerce websites (Updated 2024)

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eCommerce has revolutionized the way people shop, and it has become a pervasive part of daily life across the world.   As of 2023, e-commerce's average penetration rate (i.e., the share of sales made online) was around 20% globally and is expected to be 25% by 2027 .

When it comes to eCommerce prominence, China is in a league of its own. The middle kingdom boasts an impressive 47% share of e-commerce sales , surpassing the nearest runner-up (Singapore) by almost 15 percentage points.

What's more, the vast majority of Chinese eCommerce transactions (around 80%) occur on eCommerce marketplaces , which offer merchants simple tools to manage their stores and customers a convenient and safe shopping experience. In this article, we'll take a closer look at this fascinating landscape and explore the top 15 Chinese eCommerce websites, most of which are marketplaces, along with a few examples of brand eCommerce websites.

This article was updated with the latest data from December 2023. In the previous iterations of this article, we used Alexa Rating to benchmark these platforms. Unfortunately, Alexa Ranking discontinued its service in 2022. So since 2021, we use SimilarWeb's data.

While the absolute numbers from SimilarWeb should be taken with a grain of salt, the relative size of the eCommerce platforms should be quite accurate. It's worth noting that SimilarWeb's metrics only measure website performance, and do not account for traffic from mobile apps or mini-programs. So, although SimilarWeb provides valuable insights, we must keep in mind that it may not provide a complete picture of an eCommerce platform's overall performance.

1. Taobao (淘宝)

  • Website:
  • Estimated Monthly Traffic: 275.6M
  • Rank: #105 Global, #6 in China

Taobao is the largest C2C platform in China, having been founded in 2003 and solidifying its position as the nation's biggest marketplace in 2005 after fierce competition with eBay. Taobao's significance in the Chinese e-commerce market was cemented by the introduction of AliPay, one of the country's two major payment systems.

Taobao also transformed the "Singles Day" shopping event into China's largest shopping festival, and indeed the largest in the world. However, rapid expansion came at a cost: for years, Taobao was the "Wild West" of Chinese e-commerce, plagued with a plethora of counterfeit goods, dubious quality, and even fraudulent activity. Thankfully, Taobao recognized the severity of the issue and implemented a series of measures to successfully tackle the majority of these problems. As a result, Taobao remains a major player in the Chinese e-commerce market and a trusted platform for millions of shoppers.

In recent years, Taobao has been focusing on live-streaming e-commerce, allowing sellers to showcase products through video and connect with customers in real time.

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2. Douyin (抖音)

  • Website:
  • Estimated Monthly Traffic: 231.6M
  • Rank: #120 Global, #7 in China

Douyin, also known as “TikTok for China” in Western countries, was originally a short video social platform, developed and launched by the company ByteDance in 2016. In March 2018, Douyin introduced a shopping cart feature together with live streaming and live stream sales functions. Fast-forward to 2023, and Douyin’s eCommerce Sales have surpassed RMB 2 trillion, a more than 60% YoY growth.

During the pandemic, the "live streaming + eCommerce" new retail format took China by storm. In October 2020, Douyin announced that third-party products are no longer eligible to be used in the live-streaming shopping.

Apart from these protective measures, the secret of Douyin eCommerce’s success is the platform's strong user base and highly intelligent algorithm system. Its "interest-based e-commerce" uses Douyin's algorithm and data analysis technology to recommend products that match users' interests and needs.

Another aspect of Douyin’s model is combining social interactions and shopping in one medium. Users can easily complete a shopping experience by watching videos, sharing products, placing orders, and making purchases. Douyin's interest-based eCommerce is becoming an important trend in the development of eCommerce in the future.

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3. Pinduoduo (拼多多)

  • Website:
  • Estimated Monthly Traffic: 354.4M
  • Rank: #152 Global, #9 in China

Pinduoduo is a relative newcomer to the e-commerce industry, having been founded in 2015. Despite its short history, it has quickly become the world's fastest-growing company, with a remarkable annual growth rate of up to 50%, catching up with the user base volume of Alibaba and JD.

Pinduoduo is a vibrant platform that has introduced several eCommerce innovations, such as team purchases, social commerce programs, and a C2M business model, which allows consumers to directly influence the manufacturers and products they offer. It is also the largest marketplace for agricultural produce in China, connecting Chinese farmers with urban consumers.

However, as Pinduoduo has entered the space near the top of the Chinese eCommerce market, it has faced intense competition from established players like Taobao and JD, and its growth rate has slowed down. It remains to be seen how this monumental standoff will play out in the coming years.

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4. Xiaohongshu (小红书)

  • Website:
  • Estimated Monthly Traffic: 151.5M
  • Rank: #156 Global, #10 in China

Xiaohongshu (Little Red Book) is a unique platform in that it began as a community of reviewers where people could share their reviews of travel, restaurants, events, and shopping. The focus on shopping reviews was a key starting point for the platform's evolution into a fashion, beauty, and lifestyle marketplace. Today, Xiaohongshu operates as a 100% app-based platform, with the desktop version of their website serving essentially as a link to their app download page.

We have a more detailed article about Revealing the Strategy Behind Chinese Social Commerce App Xiaohongshu How can eCommerce companies use the Chinese app Xiaohongshu for their business? What is the best strategy? Read on to learn the answers! Xiaohongshu's strategy on our website.

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5. JD (京东)

  • Website:
  • Estimated Monthly Traffic: 133.4M
  • Rank: #213 Global, #12 in China

Another big contender in the Chinese market is JD has been around for almost thirty years, starting as a computer equipment seller. The SARS epidemic of 2003 forced the company to take significant losses and shift its business model to online - something that would define its current success.

Gradually expanding into CD, DVD, electronic appliances, and finally into a wide range of goods, JD became one of the biggest retail platforms it is today.

JD is keen on exploring new technologies, including autonomous, AI-driven vehicles and drones. While most of the innovations are still in development, JD already owns the biggest drone delivery infrastructure in the world. has also been expanding its logistics network and investing in technology to improve delivery services.

The company has been actively partnering with international brands to bring more imported products to Chinese consumers. If you’re interested in selling through the platform, we also have a detailed guide on An Alternative to Tmall: How to Sell on In this third article about TMO's China eCommerce Insights 2018 we will dive into the Ins and Outs of and for who it will be an alternative to Tmall how to start selling on JD .

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6. TMall (天猫)

  • Website:
  • Estimated Monthly Traffic: 81.1M
  • Rank: #286 Global, #17 in China

TMall is a well-known online marketplace in China that specializes in business-to-consumer (B2C) sales. It was created as a spin-off of the C2C platform Taobao in 2011 and quickly established itself as one of the largest e-commerce platforms in China and globally. According to previous benchmarks using Alexa ratings, TMall was once the most popular website in China and the third most popular in the world.

One area in which TMall differentiates itself is its strict approach to counterfeit goods. To combat this issue, TMall requires a relatively high entry deposit and annual fees, with stores that maintain high ratings eligible for partial refunds.

TMall Global is a branch of TMall that is dedicated to helping foreign brands establish their presence in China. It is now the largest cross-border marketplace in China, offering foreign brands access to the Chinese market. How to Sell in China Online with Tmall Global Cross-Border (Updated 2024) Tmall Global is one of the central channels to enter Cross Border eCommerce in China. Here are the main things you need to know to start. For more information on the entry process, check out our recent article .

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7. 1688 (Alibaba, 阿里巴巴)

  • Website:
  • Estimated Monthly Traffic: 41.5M
  • Rank: #823 Global, #44 in China

1688 (when said in Chinese, these numbers sound similar to Alibaba) is a platform, services domestic B2B sales. Most of the merchants on the platform are factories and manufacturers, selling their products in bulk. 1688 is the largest wholesale platform in China.

Technically, one does not have to be a big enterprise to buy in 1688 – it is used by small businesses and even individual buyers who are looking for good deals and are ready to buy in a relatively larger amount.

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8. SMZDM (什么值得买)

  • Website:
  • Estimated Monthly Traffic: 29.8M
  • Rank: #1.7K Global, #61 in China

SMZDM - the name is a Chinese phrase that can be translated as “What's Worth Buying” (什么值得买) was created by Beijing company Worth Buying Technology in 2015. The website is a combination of eCommerce and a "consumer encyclopedia", building content the same way Wikipedia does. Portal provides real-time information on quality online shopping deals and original shopping guides. Its goal is to become the "first stop for quality consumption" in the minds of consumers. The content represented on the platform covers multiple areas from electronics, home life, fashion, and sports, to tourism, cars, and credit cards.

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9. Meituan (美团)

  • Website:
  • Estimated Monthly Traffic: 9.5M
  • Rank: #5.1K Global, #131 in China

Meituan started as a group buy site that was founded in 2010. After a series of successful consolidations with other services, Meituan became the biggest deal-of-the-day group buy company in China, accounting for about 60% of the market.

The company diversifies its offers into all kinds of services: from hotel and ticket bookings to bike rentals. It also places a huge importance on customer service and a convenient refund policy.

Meituan merged with Dianping in September 2020, securing its position at the top even more. The company was renamed to Meituan-Dianping.

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10. Dianping (大众点评)

  • Website:
  • Estimated Monthly Traffic: 7.8M
  • Rank: #8.2K Global, #199 in China

Technically not an eCommerce marketplace, Dianping still plays an immense role in the Chinese online ecosystem as the biggest review website. Every service can be reviewed – from restaurants and spas to pet shops and wedding services (although food is by far the most popular topic).

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11. Amazon China (亚马逊中国)

  • Website:
  • Estimated Monthly Traffic: 3.4M
  • Rank: #12.3K Global, #328 in China

Amazon’s history of trying to enter the Chinese market goes back as far as 2004 when the Chinese branch was established. Fast forward 15 years – the international giant announced its withdrawal from the Chinese domestic market. Amazon still keeps its presence in China concerning the cross-border market, electronic books, logistical, and cloud hosting services (AWS).

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12. Vipshop (唯品会)

  • Website:
  • Estimated Monthly Traffic: 2.5M
  • Rank: #16.4K Global, #393 in China (previously started operating in 2008 and based its success on the model “Deep discounts - limited time offers – Quality guarantee”. Up until a few years ago, it was getting closer to the top of Chinese eCommerce, getting to third place after TMall and JD.

Recently, has been investing in artificial intelligence and data analytics to enhance its personalized shopping experience and has expanded its product offerings beyond fashion and beauty.

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13. VMall (华为商城)

  • Website:
  • Estimated Monthly Traffic: 3.5M
  • Rank: #16K Global, #397 in China

VMall is an example of an eCommerce platform developed and operated by one brand – in this case, Huawei. It is focused on Huawei products – mobile phones, laptops etc, but also partners with smaller, less prominent brands, that do not compete with Huawei directly, but can enrich the catalog.

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14. Suning (苏宁)

  • Website:
  • Estimated Monthly Traffic: 3.8M
  • Rank: #17.4K Global, #447 in China

Suning started as a chain of domestic appliances stores but ended up expanding its offer to all sorts of everyday items – from babycare products to books. Suning has one of the strongest logistical systems in China with 10.000 physical stores, and 100.000 employed truck drivers. It also operates the country's biggest state-of-the-art warehouse served by fully automated unmanned robots.

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15. Dangdang (当当)

  • Website:
  • Estimated Monthly Traffic: 1.9M
  • Rank: #26.4K Global, #661 in China

Similar to JD, Dangdang started its path to success by selling electronics and digital goods. Later it moved to include other categories – from snacks to apparel and beauty products, and in recent years focused on improving its logistics and delivery services.

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With this, we conclude our list of the 15 prominent Chinese eCommerce marketplaces eCommerce websites. The Chinese landscape is very dynamic. Even if the list of players is more or less settled, the battle for the few several lines is not over – we witnessed an amazing rise of Pinduoduo almost to the very top a couple of years before and a similar success story from Douyin this year. We will keep updating this list regularly to keep you up to date with the latest developments in this exciting ecosystem.

If you are interested in becoming a part of this ecosystem and entering the Chinese market – we’d be happy to share our experience to make your future story a resounding success. Feel free to start a conversation on the Contact Us page of our website.

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This site is updated daily and there are articles that are appropriate for elementary to advanced learners. You can toggle between simplified and traditional characters, and if you highlight a character or word, the definition and pinyin will appear to the right of the text. You can sort articles by HSK level or by topic.

The Chairman’s Bao is a great everyday resource, but of course, it’s particularly useful if you’re studying for the HSK. The ability to sort by HSK level means you can really focus on reading everything at the level you’re attempting to master. I’m a huge fan.

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FluentU turns clips from authentic Chinese media— TV shows, movies, news segments and more —into personalized language lessons. You’ll learn common words, phrases and expressions as they’re actually used by native speakers.  

Each FluentU video comes with interactive subtitles in Chinese, pinyin and English . You can toggle each language on and off as needed. As you’re watching, just hover over or click on any unfamiliar words to see their translation, grammatical information and more.

FluentU Chinese Clip

You can review your new vocabulary with the program’s multimedia flashcards and test your knowledge with personalized quizzes .

The expansive video library is organized by topic and difficulty, so you can easily find what you need no matter your level or interests. You can also download the FluentU app for  iOS or Android and try it out with a free 2-week trial .

learn chinese websites

Each grammar point is presented concisely, with several example sentences to show different use cases and even exceptions. You can literally look up almost any grammar point you encounter in Chinese and find an entry on this website.

On top of this, they also have an index of top Chinese grammar textbooks , with the grammar points listed down by chapter as a preview in case you want to get the book. Another useful page would be their reading tools section , which includes browser extensions for reading Chinese online.

learn chinese websites

What’s more, each level has multiple pathways. So whether you want to focus on reading skills, business Chinese, Chinese culture or simple vocabulary, you can choose the pathway that’ll help you achieve your goals faster.

You can also add multiple pathways to your dashboard, so you’re not limited to working through only one at a time. When starting out, ChineseClass101 will recommend a certain pathway for whichever level you’ve chosen or been placed into after taking a test.

For an in-depth review of ChineseClass101, click here . 

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The podcasts are made specifically for Chinese learners, so the audio is a little slower and clearer than if they were chatting informally with a friend—it’s a great way to get accustomed to authentic speaking and accents.

Chinese Voices is also an excellent tool for cultural immersion. In the podcast, Chinese students discuss the joys and challenges of their everyday lives. It’s probably the best window into life in Beijing that you’ll get as a Mandarin Chinese learner, at least until you’re prepared to listen to and read native-level materials.

learn chinese websites

The lessons are all video-based. After watching the video lesson, you can download PDF lesson notes, test yourself with flashcards, take a quiz and listen to an audio review where you’re prompted to repeat after the native speaker twice.

Yoyo Chinese currently offers three Chinese reading courses and three conversational courses. The conversational courses are Beginner, Intermediate and Upper Intermediate, and the character courses are Character I, Character II and Character Reader.

In other words, it’s easy to see progress in your speaking, listening and reading all with this one website.

learn chinese websites

Each video series is spoken in Chinese and takes breaks in between to explain important vocabulary or grammar topics. By learning with CCTV Learn Chinese, you improve your vocabulary, grammar and listening comprehension skills even as an absolute beginner.

Their “Growing Up with Chinese” series is one of the most popular and features 100 episodes. It teaches 300 of the most common Chinese phrases and has a host to explain each one to learners after listening to a conversation.

learn chinese websites

Even though many of the websites on this list have their own built-in dictionary functions, a dedicated dictionary is essential to truly mastering reading and writing in Chinese. The YellowBridge dictionary is the best in part due to the sheer number of features it offers.

For each character you look up, you’ll get a stroke order animation, a list of different possible pronunciations and meanings, character frequency ranking and a whole host of other information. There’s also a thesaurus (a great resource once you’re doing your own writing), and you can look up the etymology of characters and words. There are also example words for all of the characters.

While the main attraction is the dictionary, there’s even more to YellowBridge. You’ll find a flashcard functionality, lessons about stroke order and HSK study guides.

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Each lesson starts with a conversation you won’t understand. The lesson then introduces new words, sentences and grammar through having you repeat the native speaker and build sentences. At the end of the 30-minute lesson, you listen to the conversation again and can understand everything!

The Chinese course consists of five levels. Every level has 30 lessons, each lasting 30 minutes. Therefore, it’s extremely doable to complete an entire course in just one month at 30 minutes a day.

With the website, you can also access reading lessons, complete roleplay speaking challenges, practice with digital flashcards, earn badges for each lesson completion, test your knowledge in speed games and more.

Here’s a review of Pimsleur if you want to know more about the program. 

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The foundation of the Rocket Languages method is to listen to audio lessons. This is a fabulous way to get used to understanding Chinese. Since it’s not video-based, it’s also great for listening while you’re doing something else (say, commuting or cleaning up around the house).

The pronunciation tool allows you to focus on getting your pronunciations to sound native, another one of Rocket Language’s major advantages.

Learn about the pros and cons of Rocket Languages here . 

learn chinese websites

Chinese idioms are a bit like vocabulary words; some are common, some are obscure. Some, like 马马虎虎 (ma ma hu hu, meaning “so so; mediocre”), are taught in the most basic Chinese lessons. It’s that much more interesting, though, to know that the idiom refers to a story about a painter who was so careless that you couldn’t tell if his painting was of a horse or of a tiger.

That’s why Chinese-Tools’ Chengyu story database is so useful. These stories have been simplified and rewritten for Chinese learners, but they provide enough of the basic Chengyu story for you to understand the idiom. The stories come with annotated Chinese, pinyin and English definitions.

These stories are like Chinese fairy tales. So not only are you getting reading practice with the story, but you’ll also get really important cultural information and have some common ground with Chinese native speakers.

learn chinese websites

Their grammar page is extremely in-depth and is organized by level. They have grammar topics from level A1 (absolute beginner) to level C1 (advanced).

They also have topics organized by HSK level. Simply scroll to the bottom of the page to find grammar lessons for HSK levels one through five.

You can also choose grammar lessons with specific characters or simply work your way through their list of tags, keywords, parts of speech and functions.

learn chinese websites

There’s an animated tool that shows you how to write individual characters, while worksheets provide guidance on effective learning methods and help you build good writing habits. One big advantage to Arch Chinese is that you can use the pre-made vocabulary lists, so you don’t have to spend a lot of time figuring out what to learn. You can just focus on learning.

A great starting point is Arch Chinese’s radical list. This will lay the groundwork for learning and understanding Chinese characters in a way that’s more than just rote memorization.

Arch Chinese also has a tone drill app that lets you practice tones both individually and as part of multi-character words. This is a fabulous way to internalize not only the individual tones, but also how the tones change as they are paired with other syllables as part of words.

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From HSK (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi) test preparation to beginner Mandarin courses, Udemy has a little something for everyone.

Great courses to start out with are the “Chinese Language for Beginners: Mandarin Chinese HSK 1-3” course and the “College Mandarin Chinese Course On Your Own: Beginning Level” course.

The purpose of MOOCs is to give learners as close to an in-class experience as possible —regardless of where they are. Many are structured like university courses and follow a syllabus, and others actually have start and end dates and are filled with tests, quizzes and homework assignments.

On Udemy, you get the best of both worlds— a structured Chinese course you can complete at your own pace.

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This collection of Mandarin MOOCs includes courses like Mandarin Chinese Level 1, Mandarin Chinese Level 2, Mandarin Chinese Level 3, Mandarin Chinese Essentials, Mandarin Communication and Mandarin Chinese for Business.

Each course is free and self-paced, meaning you work through the course on your own time and don’t have to stick to a schedule or syllabus from a teacher. However, if you’d like to receive a verified certificate at the end of the course, you only have to pay a small fee.

learn chinese websites

Offered by Shanghai Jiao Tong University, this course is structured just like a university class but you can enroll for free. The class does have start and end dates, however, so if you’re unable to enroll at the moment, you can always check back for new offerings.

The course is five weeks long and by the end of it, learners will know 150 words, 20 language points and how to handle five real-life situations in Chinese. It takes approximately 10 hours to complete and follows a syllabus.

  • Using the website actually advances your Chinese skills. That may sound obvious, but it can be easy to pick a website that’s more entertaining than effective. Look for websites that have strong philosophies behind their learning tools and positive testimonials from users. 
  • It’s focused on specific learning goals. A website that’s great for learning characters but nothing else is a better choice than something that’s mediocre at everything.

Look for structured websites that can help you target your specific language weakness. Even broad, comprehensive language sites should be easy to navigate and offer different tools for different skills. 

  • A good website is cost-effective . That doesn’t always mean free—it just means that the price is reasonable compared to value. The great thing about websites is that they’re usually quite accessible and offer a range of pricing plans. Generally speaking, it’s not necessary to spend as much money on a website program as you would on, say, a private tutor.

Does this inspire you to move your Mandarin Chinese language skills forward with a couple of great websites?

Now you know exactly where to start—with these 16 best Chinese learning websites!

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Sportsbooks differ on settling bets for USA-China gold medal tie

Take a look at the facts and figures from a memorable Olympics, including the American women's dominance in Paris. (1:11)

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The United States was a heavy betting favorite to claim the most gold medals at the Olympics, a race that would come down to the final event and end in a tie.

The U.S. entered the Olympics with -600 odds to win more gold medals than any other country at ESPN BET. China had the second-best odds at +350.

The U.S. women's basketball team held off France 67-66 in the gold medal game Sunday, giving the Americans their 40th gold medal and tying them with China for the most at the games. The U.S. garnered approximately 64% of the money wagered on the gold medal market at ESPN BET.

Sportsbooks took varying approaches to settling bets on the gold medal market. ESPN BET, DraftKings and FanDuel each settled gold medal bets with a "dead heat" rule, generally meaning half the amount of the bet is paid out at the odds offered.

BetMGM included a tiebreaker in its gold medal betting rules and deemed the U.S. the winner due to winning more silver medals than China. Sportsbooks Prime Sports and the South Point in Las Vegas elected to pay out bets on both the U.S. and China, although South Point sportsbook director Chris Andrews acknowledged on social media that the amount bet on the market was relatively small.

Basketball was the most popular event with bettors at most sportsbooks. The top-five most-heavily bet Olympic events were all basketball at DraftKings and Caesars Sportsbook, with the U.S. men's dramatic semifinal win over Serbia attracting more money wagered than any other event.

The largest Olympic upset, according to ESPN BET odds, was Italy's Alice D'Amato winning the women's balance beam at 80-1. American Simone Biles was an odds-on -175 favorite in the event.

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The 7 Best Historical Sites in Bangkok, Thailand

Immerse yourself in the historical sites of Bangkok, which contrast beautifully against the backdrop of this bustling Asian metropolis.

best historical sites bangkok thailand

Once a small village, now one of the most populous urban areas in the world, Bangkok, Thailand, has long been a top tourist destination. Beyond its striking food scene, over-the-top nightlife offerings, and buzzy night markets, Bangkok’s historical sites also offer an array of diverse experiences to inspire.

1. Temple of the Reclining Buddha 

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The Temple of the Reclining Buddha, also known as Wat Pho in Thai, is one of the largest temple complexes in Bangkok. It is home to over 1,000 Buddha statues, the country’s most extensive collection. The complex’s crown jewel is the 46-m-long gold-plated Buddha , which visitors can cycle through and feast their eyes on.

Wat Pho is Bangkok’s oldest temple complex; it is even older than the city itself, and historians believe that King Rama I first ordered the temple’s construction in the 1600s. At one point in the temple’s history, a French Star port occupied the southern section. However, after the 1688 Siege of Bangkok, the French were expelled from the city. The battle marked the beginning of a transition away from French military occupation in the city.

The famed reclining Buddha statue was built in the temple complex in 1832, during the reign of Thailand’s King Rama III. The giant statue signifies the Buddha’s entry into Nirvana and the end of all reincarnations. The temple also houses 108 bronze bowls representing the Buddha’s 108 auspicious traits. Visitors can donate coins in these bowls to bring themselves good luck. Today, the massive statue is one of Thailand’s most visited historical sites.

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The temple complex was once one of Thailand’s earliest educational centers as the first public university. The site remains the educational headquarters for traditional Thai medicine and massage. Interested parties can take classes here to learn ancient techniques. The school also offers massage services to visitors for a fee.

2. China Town 

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Chinatown is one of Bangkok’s premier attractions. The main artery of this vibrant neighborhood is Yaowarat Road, which, by night, illuminates itself into a lively swarm of food, sweat, and surprises. Bangkok’s Chinatown is akin to stepping back in time, as the area has not changed much in the last 50 years. At one point, Bangkok’s entire Chinese population lived in this part of the city.

The Chinese first arrived in Thailand as traders in the 16th century. The area exists because, after the Grand Place was built in 1782, the Thai government ordered the Chinese to be expelled from the palace walls, which meant they had to settle in other areas of the city. And so Chinatown was born.

This city area has more than just excellent nightlife and food; it also has streets and alleyways lined with Art Deco architecture from the 1920s and 30s. The Art Deco stems from aggressive initiatives to modernize the city under the reigns of Rama V and Rama VI.

Chinatown also includes Bangkok’s oldest Cinema, Sala Chalermkrung. It opened in 1933 as a movie theater and is now the National Thai Traditional Dance Theatre.

3. The Grand Palace 

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Right in the heart of lively Bangkok lies an expansive and impressive building complex (and tourist delight) known as the Grand Palace. Initially erected in 1782 when King Rama I decided to move the capital to this strategic location of the Chao Phraya River, the palace covers 218,000 square meters (over 2.3 million square feet) of real estate. Originally it was built to be not only a residence for the King but also the site for all administrative purposes of the Crown. Although it is no longer a residence for any royals, it is one of Thailand’s most popular tourist attractions.

The most noteworthy building in the complex is the Temple of the Emerald Buddha, Wat Phra Kaew. The Emerald Buddha, more likely made of jadeite than emerald, has long been a beloved icon. The first mention of the Emerald Buddha appears in a 15th-century text, and legend shows that it has long been a source of protection.

The Emerald Buddha found its final resting place at the Grand Palace due to King Rama’s military prowess. He captured the Emerald Buddha from Laos, giving it as a gift to the Thai ruler before him, King Taksin. After King Taksin’s dethronement, King Rama enshrined the Emerald Buddha at the Grand Palace.

4. Chatuchak Weekend Market 

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This flourishing, frenzied market is one of the largest in the world and has been operating for over 70 years. Catering to over 200,000 tourists each weekend, the Chatuchak Weekend Market is a labyrinth of food, textiles, and artisan goods.

Also known as the JJ Market, the long-standing market was the brainchild of Thailand’s third prime minister, Field Marshal Plaek Phibunsongkhram. He believed local economies would find prosperity by creating flea markets and set his sights on Bangkok. The market opened as the city’s first in 1942 and changed locations several times throughout its history. The market found its final resting place in Chatuchak in 1982.

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With over 15,000 stalls in 27 different zones, the market caters to every type of consumer. The stalls range from simple to high-end. It is best to get to the market early in the morning due to the heat and the fact that most vendors believe the first sale of the day is lucky, so they may be more willing to negotiate.

Speaking of bartering—it is common practice at the market, but keep in mind that prices are already low, and with the market’s vastness, it can sometimes be challenging to find stalls again if you’re not careful… Enjoy a famous coconut ice cream and bring your cash for ease; you will indeed find treasures.

5. Wat Arun 

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Wat Arun Ratchawararam Ratchawaramahawihan, or Wat Arun, is a magnificent Buddhist temple in Bangkok. It is on the other side of the river from the Grand Palace and once housed the famed Emerald Buddha. While not home to the most current iteration of the temple, the site has long housed a temple that dates from as early as the 17th century Ayutthaya Period.

Known as the “Temple of the Dawn,” it is a temple honoring the Hindu God of Dawn Aruna and is home to a beautiful prang. A prang is a common shrine element found in Hindu and Buddhist architecture. Akin to a spire, Wat Arun’s prang was built by King Rama II in the early 19th century. The prang is the highest in all of Bangkok at 82m (269 feet) and is covered in exquisite porcelain and glass. If you are lucky enough to be there at sunrise or sunset, the light reflects off these beautiful tiles to create a magical sparkle.

Something that makes a visit to this temple unique is that visitors are permitted to climb it. You can climb up to the middle level of the grand pagoda and take in a breathtaking view of the Chao Phraya River, the Grand Palace, and Wat Pho on the opposite side.

6.  Erawan Shrine 

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Erawan Shrine is one of Bangkok’s more unusual attractions. It is located outside a hotel and was originally built in 1956 to encourage good karma for its opening. This idea stems from the belief many Thais have that each piece of land houses a god or deity. The structure first appeared as a spirit house while the hotel was constructed.

The hotel’s construction had been subject to several problematic mishaps, so one of the contractors decided to pay a visit to an astrologer to fix the problem. After this visit, the shrine was built to appease the gods and to allow the hotel to open under more auspicious circumstances. The hotel still stands today as an outpost of the Hyatt brand, although it has since been renovated.

The shrine is now a popular place of worship for both Thais and foreign visitors. A golden statue of Phra Phrom, the Thai representation of Brahma, sits inside the shrine. The Hindu God of creation, Phra Phrom, beckons thousands of visitors to the shrine daily, seeking blessings. Often, the shrine is filled with local dance troupes hired by those whose quest for blessings has been answered.

The Phra Phrom statue is made from a combination of plaster, gold, bronze, and other metals, and it is often covered in ceremonial offerings such as garlands.

7. Phra Sumen Fort

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The Phra Sumen Fort is located inside one of the capital’s oldest districts within the serene Santi Chai Prakan Park on the banks of the Chao Phraya River. It is a remnant of Bangkok’s watch towers and one of only two remaining of the original 14 set up to protect Rattanakosin, the old city. The fort is named after Mount Meru: a Hindu , Jain , and Buddhist cosmological fixture. In these three faiths, Mount Meru is considered the center of the universe.

King Rama I ordered the construction of the watchtowers in 1783 to protect the city from a river invasion, but the Phra Sumen Fort never saw usage during a battle. The fort, constructed of beautiful white stucco, is an interesting architectural landmark initially used to store ammunition and canons.

Thailand considers the fort a national monument and renovated it to its full glory in 1982, adding a museum to the top floor to celebrate Bangkok’s 200-year anniversary. The government completed further renovations in 1999.

A visit to the fort allows tourists a unique peek into Bangkok’s military and defensive past.

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Who Was Buddha and Why Do We Worship Him?

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By Allison Kimsey MA English Ed, MA Secondary Ed, BA Journalism Allison is a teacher and writer who earned a journalism degree from the University of Arizona and worked in one of the largest newsrooms in the southwestern United States before entering education. After earning her master's from Columbia University, she moved internationally to teach in Southeast Asia, where – when she’s not writing – she’s teaching students how to write. She’s a traveler and a seeker who loves to see how other people live in this wild world. Oh, and she loves dogs, particularly her little Yorkie.

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What sanctions 85% of russia’s oil finds buyers in china and india.

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Vazeyskaya oil field in Siberia, Russia (Photo: Shepard Sherbell/Corbis SABA)

As the war triggered by Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022 wages on with increasing ferocity, Moscow's oil exports - subject to U.S. and Western sanctions - continue to find their way in incremental volumes to China and India, according to fresh industry research.

In late 2022, the U.S. and its allies slapped a price cap of around $60 per barrel for cargoes of Russian crude to access western services needed for shipping, including insurance and tankers. The idea was to limit both Russian crude volumes as well as Moscow's earnings from the sale of oil on the global market.

But according to the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA) , nearly two years on Western sanctions appear to be having little impact courtesy of China and India - two of the world's biggest importers of crude oil.

In July , China bought 47% of Russia's crude exports by volume, followed by India which accounted for 37%. Buyers in the European Union took in 7% and Turkey 6%.

It seems 2024 is also following an oil trading pattern that was well established last year between Moscow and Beijing, and Moscow and Delhi in particular. India's imports from Russia make up for a remarkable 40% of its total oil purchases on the global market.

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For context, prior to the Russia-Ukraine war, Delhi's imports of Russian crude were less than 1% of its total intake. Now its a monthly oil trading partnership between Delhi and Moscow worth in the region of nearly $3 billion or 1.85 to 1.95 million barrels per day.

'Shadow' Tanker Fleets

According to physical trading sources in Singapore and Mumbai, Russia's Urals crude typically trades up to 5-10% below the Brent crude price. The discount serves as an incentive for buyers.

But the wider sale prices are still nowhere near the cap Westerns nations envisaged. That's largely thanks to fleets of dark or 'shadow' tankers, i.e. tankers with unclear ownership structures created through various entities that make it difficult to pin down who actually owns or controls them, as well as compel them to follow Western sanctions.

CREA noted that: "81% of the total value of Russian seaborne crude oil was transported by 'shadow' tankers, while tankers owned or insured in countries implementing the price cap accounted for 19%.

"Russia's reliance on tankers that are owned or insured in G7 countries has fallen due to the growth of 'shadow' tankers. This subsequently impacts the coalition's leverage to lower the price cap and hit Russia's oil export revenues."

While there have been calls to curb the influence of 'shadow' tankers, this has proven very difficult in practice. For its part, CREA suggested: "Sanction-imposing countries should ban the sale of old tankers to owners registered in countries that do not implement the oil price cap policy.

"This would help limit the increase of 'shadow' tankers used to transport Russian fossil fuels which has been observed since their full-scale invasion of Ukraine."

Not Just Oil

But oil isn't the only Russian fossil fuel export that is finding its way to China and India. With both nations being major consumers of coal , inevitably Moscow's coal has also ended up on their shores.

"From December 5, 2022 until the end of July 2024, China purchased 45% of all Russia's coal exports followed by India (18%). Turkey (10%), South Korea (10%) and Taiwan (5%) round off the top five buyers list," CREA said .

Gaurav Sharma

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    1. Baidu - The Chinese Google; 2, QQ - Popular social website 3, Dianping - A Way Better Yelp; 4, Sina - News and More 5, YouKu - Chinese YouTube; 6, Jingdong - Amazon of China 7, Taobao - eBay of China; 8. CTrip - China's Best Travel Site 9, IFeng - News Platform; 10. 58TongCheng - Help your life in China.

  7. Top 50 Best Chinese Websites

    Learn about the most popular online platforms in China across various industries, such as e-commerce, education, entertainment, and more. Enlybee provides a comprehensive list of Chinese websites with brief introductions and links.

  8. China Daily Website is the largest English portal in China, providing news, business information, BBS, learning materials. The Website has channels as China, BizChina ...

  9. Top 10 Chinese Portal Websites

    1. 腾讯网. Alexa rank: 7. is China's most visited Chinese portal launched by Tencent. It offers a variety of services including news, interactive communities, entertainment products and other basic services. 2. 新浪网.

  10. Top 10 Chinese Websites by Alexa Rank

    Here is the list of top 10 Chinese websites by Alexa rank which indicates how web based companies took advantage of the growth in China. Top 10 Chinese Websites by Alexa Rank #10 - was a search engine platform owned by the popular Tencent Holdings Limited. During 2013, Tencent invested in Sogou search engine platform of ...

  11. Top 5 Chinese Search Engines & How They Work

    Here are the top five: 1. Baidu - China's Answer To Google. Screenshot from Baidu, July 2024. Much like "to Google" has become a standard verb meaning to look something up online, in China ...

  12. Manufacturers, Suppliers, Exporters & Importers from the

    Find quality Manufacturers, Suppliers, Exporters, Importers, Buyers, Wholesalers, Products and Trade Leads from our award-winning International Trade Site. Import & Export on

  13. CGTN

    Get the news as it breaks and go behind the day's top stories, from politics, business, culture and sports to nature, travel and technology. CGTN delivers a Chinese perspective on global news through innovative use of the latest media tools.

  14. Top 15 Chinese eCommerce websites (Updated 2024)

    Taobao (淘宝) Website: Estimated Monthly Traffic: 275.6M. Rank: #105 Global, #6 in China. Taobao is the largest C2C platform in China, having been founded in 2003 and solidifying its position as the nation's biggest marketplace in 2005 after fierce competition with eBay.

  15. China leading websites by total visits 2024

    Mar 15, 2024. In February 2024, was the most visited website in China, with around 195.7 million visits registered during that month. Being among the country's most important internet ...

  16. Ranking Global Chinese Web Sites ---- 中文百强网

    At,we provide scientific ranking of global Chinese web sites.Every week we search and study Chinese web sites globally,and list the best 100 sites on our web site,utilizing advanced analyzing technology.You can also find updated news and other useful information about global Chinese web sites here.

  17. The Complete Reference to China/Chinese Related Web Sites

    About China, you name it, we have it! 8,500+ links to China/Chinese related. Web sites, and update everyday. Last updated: Last Updated: 06/26/2012 17:39:32. If your site is listed by us, please put this logo in your page to remind your users an easy way to find your site. If you want to link to our site, please put the logo on your homepage ...

  18. 16 Best Chinese Learning Websites for 2024

    Learn Chinese online with these websites that cover reading, grammar, listening, speaking and more. Find out which sites are best for your level, goals and interests.

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  20. Four Seasons Hotel Moscow 5* official website of Moscow

    A few steps from the Kremlin and Red Square, - Four Seasons Hotel Moscow 5*, the heritage of history is perfectly combined with modern design. Discover a refurbished version of the legendary 1930s Moskva Hotel to enjoy panoramic views of iconic landmarks, personalized service at restaurants and spas, and an unforgettable experience for yourself and your loved ones in the heart of the capital.

  21. Ancient Chinese Coinage Web Site

    Ancient Chinese Coinage Web Site. · more books ·. · coins for sale ·. Starting from 2003 this project is frozen (all content is still here, enjoy browsing it!). Now the project is developed as ZENO.RU - Oriental Coins Database. More than 70,000 coins, new possibilities - you are welcome!

  22. Sportsbooks differ on USA-China gold medal tie

    With the U.S. and China finishing with 40 gold medals each at the Paris Olympics, Sportsbooks took varying approaches to settling bets on the gold medal market. ESPN BET, DraftKings and FanDuel ...

  23. China Star

    China Star,410 N Main St, Moscow, PA 18444, Take Out, Dine In, Home About Me Order Online Gallery Contact. Chinese Restaurant. Order Online. about us. TEL 570-881-5033 TEL 570-881-3397. We Catering for Party Orders Tuesday Closed Wed.-Thur. 10:30am-9:30pm Fri. & Sat. 10:30am-10:30pm.

  24. How the U.S. 4 New EDCA Sites in the Philippines Challenges China's

    The U.S. expansion of the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) in the Philippines, with the addition of four new sites, represents a significant str...

  25. The 7 Best Historical Sites in Bangkok, Thailand

    The Chinese first arrived in Thailand as traders in the 16th century. The area exists because, after the Grand Place was built in 1782, the Thai government ordered the Chinese to be expelled from the palace walls, which meant they had to settle in other areas of the city. And so Chinatown was born.

  26. What Sanctions? 85% Of Russia's Oil Finds Buyers In China ...

    "From December 5, 2022 until the end of July 2024, China purchased 45% of all Russia's coal exports followed by India (18%). Turkey (10%), South Korea (10%) and Taiwan (5%) round off the top five ...