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Internship and final examination - rules and forms

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The final examination consists of preparing and discussing an original thesis on topics related to the university course. This work summarises and illustrates the results obtained by the student following a period of internship .

The  Master’s Degree internship  may be carried out at a research laboratory of the University of Padua or, on the basis of special agreements, at companies or public and private bodies where the student may carry out a period of  research activity consistent with their university course .

During this period, students will be assisted by a Thesis Supervisor (and a possible Thesis Co-Supervisor) who will follow them through the preparation of the thesis and approve the content of the final paper.

In the event that the internship is carried out at an external body or company, the student will identify, in addition to the university thesis supervisor, a company tutor who will assist them in the facility at which the internship will take place.

At the beginning of the internship the Traineeship and Graduation Committee assigns each trainee a Co-Examiner with the task of analizing carefully the progress of the thesis. The student is required to adhere strictly to the confidentiality criteria agreed with the contacts of the university and non-university facilities when disseminating the results of research connected with their work. For further information and insights please consult the  Code of Ethics  and the  University’s Patent Regulations

Before commencing the period devoted to the final examination,  the student must have gained 30 CFU , except for cases duly authorized by the Traineeship and Graduation Committee .

The internship implies a total commitment of  1025 hours  (LM Biologia Marina and LM Marine Biology) - 1050 hours (LM Biologia Evoluzionistica) over a period of  at least 9 months and gives the student 42 CFU (LM Biologia Evoluzionistica) - 41 CFU (LM Biologia Marina and LM Marine Biology). Exceptions to this duration may be granted by the Degree programme Board on an exceptional basis, upon reasoned request of the Thesis Supervisor.


For the internship to be activated, the student must send,  at least 15 working days before the start date  of the internship, the following forms to the  Biology Department’s Academic Office ([email protected]) :

  • The  Master’s Degree Internship Application ;
  • Self-certification of Enrolment with Examinations (downloadable from the Uniweb personal page, by accessing “Didattica” → “Autocertificazioni” /Teaching → Self-certifications);
  • the  Education and Guidance Project  on the University internship page  in the personal area for students (attention: select “Progetto Formativo - Nuovo Progetto”/ Training Project - New Project, in the dedicated space enter the VAT no./tax identification number of the chosen body or company and choose “Stage Libero”/Free Internship);

The  Internship Activation Form  must be completed with the following information in the different fields: a. Tasks to be performed: enter the topic of the thesis specifying the techniques that will be adopted during the internship; b. Functional area: select “Altro – specificare” (Other - specify) from the drop-down menu; c. Office/Service/Operational Unit/Department: specify the facility where the activity will take place, in the following fields indicate its address; d. Company tutor: indicate the person in charge at the external body, or the lecturer in charge of the laboratory for internships within the University; e. Duration (months): indicate the period for which the student will attend the facility for the internship. f. Timetable: indicate the time slots in which the student will carry out their activity; g. Days of the week: e.g. Monday to Friday; h. Start Date and End Date: indicate the period during which the internship is intended to be carried out,  in any case not exceeding 12 months in total ; i. Academic tutor: indicate the Thesis Supervisor supervising the thesis work.

With regard to the  Education Project , students will have to follow the  new signature submission methods , which are described below:

1. Students must download the Project from the Unipd Careers Platform in  PDF/A format ;

2. Students must have the Project  in PDF/A format electronically signed , preferably in PAdES format, by the host body (for internships outside the university) or by the laboratory manager (for internships within the university). If the company does not have an electronic signature, please send the downloaded education project to  [email protected]  pointing out that the body is not in possession of the electronic signature; it will be the office’s task to contact the body to obtain the signature;

3. Students must send the Project signed by the company tutor, in PDF/A format, to the Biology Department’s Academic Office  ([email protected]) . The Academic Office will upload the document to the  E-Sign Platform ;

4. Via the E-Sign Platform, students can generate their  electronic signature  and sign the document;

5. Once the signature has been acquired, the Biology Academic Office sends the Projects to the  Rector’s Delegate  (Prof. L. Dalla Valle) who will sign all the forms via the U-Sign Platform;

6. Once all the signatures have been obtained, the document is complete and the traineeship can be started on the date indicated in the Project.

The education project must be completed paying particular attention to the correct filling in of all required mandatory fields and must be downloaded in PDF/A format.

Please note that any changes made to the project once downloaded will delete the PDF/A format, so before sending it to the company, or to the laboratory manager, check and if necessary save it again in the format indicated.  Once downloaded and signed, the Education Project cannot be modified, so please pay attention when filling it in.

Only if the tutor belongs to the Department of Biology , interns must also send the following documents:

  • The  intern identification form  
  • Certificate of the course “ General training - basic course on worker safety”  accessible at the link:  by clicking on “Area sicurezza” (Safety area) and then “Formazione generale” (General training) (authentication via Single Sign On will be required) provided by the university, after passing the relevant final test;
  • Certificate of the course “ Specific training in health and safety protection for workers employed in laboratory activities - High risk class ” accessible at the link:  by clicking on “Area sicurezza” (Safety area) and then “Formazione specifica – attività a rischio alto” (Specific training - high risk activities) (authentication via Single Sign On will be required) prepared by the university, after passing the relevant final test.


Students requiring access to the Biology Department’s facilities (Laboratories of the Vallisneri building), under the Thesis Supervisor’s instructions, must fill in the appropriate forms to be requested to the Academic Office.


At the end of the internship, students must send to the Academic Office:

  • the  certificate of completion of master’s degree internship  duly completed and signed


Internships are possible through  Erasmus+  mobility, which has two sub-programmes, the Erasmus+ study and the Erasmus+ traineeship,

For both programmes students must submit the same forms except for the  Education and Guidance Project , which will be replaced by the  Learning Agreement .

Upon completion, a copy of the  Transcript of Records  or  Short Evaluation Report for Thesis Work  must also be handed in to the Academic Office.

Roles and Committees


The following roles and committees are involved in the final degree examination:

1) The Traineeship and Graduation Committee , which carries out all the technical formalities provided for by the Regulations, including the assignment of a Co-Examiner (possibly at the proposal of the thesis supervisor) for each student at the beginning of the Internship period and the composition of the Master’s Degree Committee.

2) The Thesis Supervisor , whose function is to monitor the student while preparing their thesis, to approve the content of the final paper and to express a detailed and independent assessment of the student’s cultural background.

The Thesis Supervisor must be a lecturer at the University of Padua.

The Thesis Supervisor is appointed by the Traineeship and Graduation Committee on the recommendation of the student, as indicated in the rules below. The internship may be carried out at facilities at the university and outside it but always under the responsibility of a Thesis Supervisor, defined as above.

3) The Thesis Co-Supervisor is an optional figure, indicated by the Thesis Supervisor, with the function of assisting the Thesis Supervisor in guiding the student during the internship. They may be a lecturer who does not meet the requirements indicated for the Thesis Supervisor or a person with qualified scientific and/or technological skills, proven by at least three years of post-graduate experience, or alternatively, a person who has passed the entrance exam and is enrolled in a PhD program. Maximum 2 Co-Supervisors.

Their appointment by the Traineeship and Graduation Committee takes place when the student is admitted to the final examination. It remains the sole responsibility of the Thesis Supervisor to evaluate the student’s performance during the internship. The Thesis Co-Supervisor’s name will appear together with that of the Thesis Supervisor on the title page of the thesis.

4) The Co-Examiner is normally a lecturer involved in the Degree Programme, has the task of reviewing the progress of the thesis and is in charge of assessing the student’s skills and actual technical and cultural growth during the traineeship. The Co-Examiner will be assigned at the time of the student’s thesis admission and communicated to the student by e-mail. The student is required to make contact with the assigned Co-Examiner and to discuss their research activity with them periodically (STARTING FROM THE DEGREE DISSERTATIONS OF JULY 2022)

5) The Master’s Degree Committee consists of a President and at least four Commissioners, including the Thesis Supervisor and the Co-Examiner. This Committee, appointed by the Director of the Department of Biology, is proposed in advance by the Traineeship and Graduation Committee.

The final assessment, which will take into account the entire course of study and the competences, knowledge and skills acquired, and the announcement will be carried out by the Master’s Degree Committee. The Thesis Co-Supervisor, if any, may be part of the Master’s Degree Committee as an invited member without voting rights.

In the event of the excused absence of the Thesis Supervisor or Co-Examiner, the student’s assessment and proposed grade must be drawn up in writing by the person who actually supervised the student and then forwarded to the President of the Master’s Degree Committee.


University degree thesis

Since 2007, part of the degree and PhD theses of the University of Padua are directly available online at  which gives access to the Padua@thesis and Padua@research databases.

By consulting them, you will be able to obtain information that will help you in your choice of degree internship.

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Start and conclusion of Master’s thesis activities

Selecting a supervisor.

During the second year of his/her Master’s degree, and at least 6 months before the start of the graduation session in which he/she intends to participate, each student must:

  • personally contact individual lecturers to identify possible topics for their thesis;
  • identify the topic of greatest interest for him/her among the available options and express his/her interest to the lecturer who proposed it; the lecturer then becomes a student’s thesis supervisor ;
  • fill in the Form to begin Master's Thesis activities, have it signed by the supervisor and e-mail it to the Co-ordinator of the Degree Programme, who will reply to confirm acknowledgement and keep the form.

The date of submission specified on the form must be the same (neither earlier nor later) as the date of beginning of the activities. The form must be completed even if the activities are carried out at a company . The thesis activities cannot begin until the President has signed the form.

If thesis activities are carried out abroad in the framework of an official student mobility programme (e.g. Erasmus+), the student must follow a specific procedure in order to start his/her thesis, without prejudice to the validity of all the other information on this page.

Possible thesis activities

Master’s thesis activities must be “ experimental ”, including not only instrumental laboratory activities, but also design, modelling and computer simulation activities. The content must be original and not related, in whole or in part, to that of one’s Bachelor’s thesis. Only “compilation” activities are excluded.

Organising, filing and archiving the thesis

Before taking the final examination, the “Master’s Degree Thesis” must be completed. The thesis must be written in English, according to the following criteria in terms of content organisation and layout :

  • Guidelines for the thesis preparation

The Master's thesis must be submitted exclusively in digital format , by uploading it in UNIWEB within 3 days before its defense

Final discussion of the thesis

The final defense of the thesis will be carried out by using a PowerPoint or PDF presentation , which must be uploaded to the STEM-DII e-learning platform by 12:00 noon on the day prior to the defense . Unless otherwise specified, the duration of the presentation will be 10/12 minutes and the presentation will be followed by some questions from the Graduation Committee.

Before commencing his/her presentation, each candidate must make a few bound hard copies of their thesis available for inspection by the Committee. The copies will then be collected by the candidate at the end of the proclamation ceremony.

A final graduation grade is awarded in accordance with the procedures approved by the Faculty of Engineering Council on 25 March 2010 .

A proclamation ceremony will take place approximately every 4 candidates.

It is recommended that you strictly observe the procedures and deadlines for the submission of your thesis and final presentation. Failure to follow the procedure and respect the deadlines will create issues and cause delays in the Graduation Committee’s work , potentially even resulting in the candidate being unable to graduate .


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Thesis and graduation

The study track in Management Engineering includes a thesis project, which consists of the preparation of a paper related to a specific in-depth study of a topic covered in the master's degree. The student may develop the thesis on the project he or she developed during the internship, or on a topic proposed by the lecturer or the student himself or herself.

The thesis project will be supervised by a professor from the University of Padua with whom the student will define the structure of his or her thesis project and its scope.

In order to graduate, it is necessary to register on Uniweb within the deadlines set for each graduation period. The procedure involves several steps and requires approval of the thesis title by the thesis supervisor. In addition, it is also necessary:

to have taken all the exams stipulated in your study plan at least fifteen days before the beginning of the graduation call, 

to have paid the tuition fees, and to comply with the dates and manner of delivery of the thesis.

to pay the tax stamp included in the graduation application to approve your academic records 

Please note that once you register for graduation, your study plan cannot be changed anymore. Students are advised to revise their study plan on time to have it in order when registering for graduation. 

The registration as well as graduation periods and the necessary steps to successfully register on Uniweb are indicated on the University webpage .

Please note that information on your graduation date, time and place can be found on the respective website of the DTG . Check for the abbreviation "LM-IG" and download the document. 

Modality to deliver the thesis

Students are requested to upload their thesis on Uniweb in the section "Diploma Attainment". The file of the thesis shall be in format PDF/A and be given the following name: “Last name_first name.pdf”. Once the thesis has been uploaded by the student, the supervisor will approve it to conclude the submission. The thesis has to be uploaded at least 2 days before the graduation date.

Do not wait to upload the thesis on the last day before the deadline! Please note that first the student has to register for graduation before being able to upload the thesis document (see above).

How to produce a PDF/A document

Microsoft Office : From the "Save As" menu item, change the default format by selecting the PDF format (*.pdf). To make sure that the selected format is PDF/A, click on the "Options" button and make sure that "PDF/A compliant" is selected. This function is available only in Windows (not MacOS) versions of the operating system. Open Office : from the "File" menu item click on "Export to PDF". In the PDF Options dialog box select the "PDF/A-1" item and then click on "Export". For other options on how to create a PDF/A see the guide  here  (Italian only)


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Courses in Molecular Biology

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  • Master in Sanitary Biology
  • Artificial Intelligence and Thesis Writing

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Applying for graduation

The undergraduate student must complete the on-line Graduation Application (via the Uniweb system), which involves the student entering the title of the thesis and its subsequent approval by the lecturer by computer only.

The complete online graduation application procedure can be found by following the path: - “Studentesse e Studenti” (Students) - “Gestione carriera studenti” (Student career management) - “Laurearsi” (Graduation) - “Domanda di laurea” (Graduation Application).

Students are also required to check the deadlines for submitting their final dissertation to the Biology Department’s Academic Office for the period in which they intend to graduate, as indicated in the graduation notices for each period .  

Regulations for the final exam for the Master Degrees in Molecular Biology and Sanitary Biology (D.M. 270/2004)

The final examination consists of preparing and discussing an original thesis on topics related to the university course. This work summarises and illustrates the results obtained by the student following a period of internship, and gives the student a total of 35 ECTS (CFU).

Master’s Degree internship

The Master’s Degree internship may be carried out at a research laboratory of the University of Padua or, on the basis of special agreements, at companies or public and private bodies where the student may carry out a period of research activity consistent with their university course .

During this period, students will be assisted by a Thesis Supervisor (and a possible Thesis Co-Supervisor) who will follow them through the preparation of the thesis and approve the content of the final paper.

In the event that the internship is carried out at an external body or company, the student will identify, in addition to the university thesis supervisor, a company tutor who will assist them in the facility at which the internship will take place.

The student is required to adhere strictly to the confidentiality criteria agreed with the contacts of the university and non-university facilities when disseminating the results of research connected with their work. For further information and insights please consult the Code of Ethics and the University’s Patent Regulations

The internship implies a total commitment of 875 hours over a period of at least 6 months . Before commencing the period devoted to the final examination, the student must have passed all the first year exams.


Starting the internship: formalities and forms (starting from a.y. 2023-2024)

Start date of the internship: from November 1st until February 28th

Requirements: enrolment to the second year, having passed all the first year exams

Application submission: from October 1st until October 15th

Start date of the internship: from March 1st until October 31st

Requirements: enrolment to the second year, having failed maximum 3 exams of the first year

Application submission: from February 1st until February 15th

Nomination of the Co-Examiner

The Thesis Supervisors are kindly asked to indicate the names of 3 possible Co-Examiners in the application form. The Traineeship and Graduation Committee may select one of the 3 suggested names or, at its own discretion, somebody else.

Necessary documents for starting the internship

For the internship to be activated, the student must send, at least 15 working days before the start date of the internship, the following forms to the Biology Department’s Academic Office ([email protected]) :

  • The Master’s Degree Internship Application ;
  • Self-certification of Enrolment with Examinations (downloadable from the Uniweb personal page, by accessing “Didattica” → “Autocertificazioni” (Teaching → Self-certifications);
  • the Education and Guidance Project on the University internship page  in the personal area for students (attention: select “Progetto Formativo - Nuovo Progetto” (Training Project - New Project), in the dedicated space enter the VAT no./tax identification number of the chosen body or company and choose “Stage Libero” (Free Internship);

The  Internship Activation Form must be completed with the following information in the different fields: a. Tasks to be performed: enter the topic of the thesis specifying the techniques that will be adopted during the internship; b. Functional area: select “Altro – specificare” (Other - specify) from the drop-down menu; c. Office/Service/Operational Unit/Department: specify the facility where the activity will take place, in the following fields indicate its address; d. Company tutor: indicate the person in charge at the external body, or the lecturer in charge of the laboratory for internships within the University; e. Duration (months): indicate the period for which the student will attend the facility for the internship. f. Timetable: indicate the time slots in which the student will carry out their activity; g. Days of the week: e.g. Monday to Friday; h. Start Date and End Date: indicate the period during which the internship is intended to be carried out, in any case not exceeding 12 months in total ; i. Academic tutor: indicate the Thesis Supervisor supervising the thesis work.

With regard to the Education Project , students will have to follow the new signature submission methods , which are described below:

1. Students must download the Project from the Unipd Careers Platform in PDF/A format ;

2. Students must have the Project in PDF/A format electronically signed , preferably in PAdES format, by the host body (for internships outside the university) or by the laboratory manager (for internships within the university). The Academic Office of the Department of Biology will initiate the electronic signature procedure for the intern and for approval by the Degree Programme Internship Officer (NB if the company does not have an electronic signature, please send the downloaded education project to [email protected] pointing out that the body is not in possession of the electronic signature; it will be the office’s task to contact the body to obtain the signature);

3. Students must send the Project signed by the company tutor, in PDF/A format, to the Biology Department’s Academic Office ([email protected]) . The Academic Office will upload the document to the E-Sign Platform ;

4. Via the E-Sign Platform, students can generate their electronic signature and sign the document;

5. Once the signature has been acquired, the Biology Academic Office sends the Projects to the Rector’s Delegate (Prof. Giovanni Vazza) who will sign all the forms via the U-Sign Platform;

6. Once all the signatures have been obtained, the document is complete and the traineeship can be started on the date indicated in the Project.

The education project must be completed paying particular attention to the correct filling in of all required mandatory fields and must be downloaded in PDF/A format.

Please note that any changes made to the project once downloaded will delete the PDF/A format, so before sending it to the company, or to the laboratory manager, check and if necessary save it again in the format indicated.  Once downloaded and signed, the Education Project cannot be modified, so please pay attention when filling it in.

Only if the tutor belongs to the Department of Biology , interns must also send the following documents:

  • The intern identification form  
  • Certificate of the course “ General training - basic course on worker safety” accessible at the link: by clicking on “Area sicurezza” (Safety area) and then “Formazione generale” (General training) (authentication via Single Sign On will be required) provided by the university, after passing the relevant final test;
  • Certificate of the course “ Specific training in health and safety protection for workers employed in laboratory activities - High risk class ” accessible at the link: by clicking on “Area sicurezza” (Safety area) and then “Formazione specifica – attività a rischio alto” (Specific training - high risk activities) (authentication via Single Sign On will be required) prepared by the university, after passing the relevant final test.

Request of badge activation for access to the laboratories of the Vallisneri building

Students requiring access to the Biology Department’s facilities, under the Thesis Supervisor’s instructions, must fill in the appropriate forms to be requested to the Academic Office.

Documents at the end of the internship

At the end of the internship, students must send to the Academic Office the certificate of completion of master’s degree internship  duly completed and signed.

Internship during Erasmus programme –Double Degree

Internships are possible through Erasmus+ mobility, which has two sub-programmes, the Erasmus+ study and the Erasmus+ traineeship, or through the Double Degree

For both programmes students must submit the same forms except for the Education and Guidance Project , which will be replaced by the Learning Agreement .

Upon completion, a copy of the Transcript of Records or Short Evaluation Report for Thesis Work must also be handed in to the academic office.

Students must verify that the tutor of the foreign company completes and sends via email the student evaluation form

Thesis Supervisor, Thesis Co-Supervisor, Co-Examiner

The Thesis Supervisor can be:

- a full Professor or Researcher of  the Degree programme Board of Molecular Biology - a full Professor or Researcher of the Biology Department - a full Professor or Researcher of the University of Padua.

The thesis subject and the Thesis Supervisor will be evaluated by the Traineeship and Graduation Committee.

The Thesis Co-Supervisor is an optional figure, with the function of assisting the Thesis Supervisor in guiding the student during the internship. They may be professors or a person with qualified scientific and/or technological skills, proven by at least three years of post-graduate experience, or alternatively, a person who has passed the entrance exam and is enrolled in a PhD program. Maximum 2 Co-Supervisors.

In the event that the internship is carried out at an external body or company, the company will identify, in addition to the university Thesis Supervisor, a company tutor who will assist them in the facility at which the internship will take place.

The  Co-Examiner  is nominated by the Traineeship and Graduation Committee preferentially among the Faculty of the Course. The Thesis supervisor will suggest the names of three possible Co-Examiner. The Co-examiner will be part of the examination board with the task of analyzing carefully the progress of the thesis. The student is required to make contact with the assigned Co-Examiner and to discuss their research activity with them periodically, for a maximum of 3 meetings during the internship period.

How to write the thesis and to obtain the Master’s degree (DM 270)

The final examination consists of an original thesis written by the student under the guidance of a Thesis Supervisor, based on the experience gained during the traineeship. It gives the student 35 ECTS (CFU). The thesis must be written and discussed exclusively in English for the LM Molecular Biology, in English or Italian for the LM Biologia Sanitaria.

The thesis will be discussed before a Master’s Degree Committee, evaluation the entire course of study and the competences, knowledge and skills acquired by the student. The presentation an discussion of the thesis must be exclusively in English for the LM Molecular Biology, in English or Italian for the LM Biologia Sanitaria.

The students completing their internships, or part of it, abroad, can write the thesis in English, including a broad summary in Italian.   For those students it is not necessary prior notice. For the LM Biologia Sanitaria, based on specific deliberations of the Teaching Committee, it is possible to write the thesis in English even if it is written in Italy, on the following conditions:

  • adequate request motivation of the student, addressed to the President of the Traineeship and Graduation Committee;
  • favourable opinion of the Thesis Supervisor, directly demanded by the Traineeship and Graduation Committee   

The Traineeship and Graduation Committee is responsible for the evaluations of those requests.

Discussion and Announcement:

The student who has passed all the exams and the ECTS of the program, excluded the ones referring to the final examination, discusses the thesis before a Master’s Degree Committee.

The Master’s Degree Committee, appointed by the Director of the Department of Biology, consists of a President and at least four Commissioners, including the Thesis Supervisor and the Co-Examiner. The final assessment by the Master’s Degree Committee will take into account the entire course of study and the competences, knowledge and skills acquired by the student.

Thesis characteristics:

  • A maximum of 80 pages (40 two-sided sheets) including Figures, Tables and Bibliography:
  • Abstract (maximum 200 words) in either Italian or English language
  • Bibliography (maximum 35 references)

The final graduation mark is determined by the Master’s Degree Committee by adding up:

a. the weighted average grades of the examinations of the compulsory educational activities and free-choice activities, weighted for the relevant ECTS credits and related to 110ths;

b. the grade increment, also expressed in 110ths.

The maximum grade increment is 12 points, distributed as follows:

0 to + 4 points awarded by the Thesis Supervisor;

0 to + 4 points awarded by the Co-Examiner;

0 to + 4 points awarded by the Master’s Degree Committee

Therefore, the points awarded during the final examination are between 0 and +12. Fractions of 0,5 points are allowed.

If the Thesis Supervisor deems it appropriate, they shall inform the Master’s Degree Committee, as soon as it has been set up, of their intention to propose the student for honours. The honours proposal will be accepted if the student has a weighted average grade not inferior to 102/110. The final evaluation of the Master’s Degree Committee will take into consideration the entire course of studies, the competences, knowledge and skills acquired by the student.

The University offers the opportunity to enter the curriculum vitae into the database of AlmaLaurea and the University of Padua.

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  • Italiano ‎(it)‎ English ‎(en)‎ Français ‎(fr)‎ Italiano ‎(it)‎

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Frontespizio della tesi e consegna / Thesis cover page and submission

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Il frontespizio dell'elaborato finale deve riportare nella parte alta il nome del Dipartimento di riferimento del corso di studio e il nome del corso di studio stesso. Qualora il relatore della tesi non sia afferente al Dipartimento di riferimento, caso comune nei corsi di studio in cui ci sono contributi significativi di più Dipartimenti, si riportano sia il nome del Dipartimento di riferimento che il nome del Dipartimento del relatore.

The title page of the final dissertation must show, at the top, the name of the Department of reference and the name of the course of study itself. If the thesis supervisor does not belong to the reference department, a common case in courses of study where there are significant contributions from more than one department, both the name of the reference department and the name of the supervisor's department are given.

Modello Frontespizio LMLLA (d.m. 270/04)

Modello Frontespizio LSLME (d.m. 509/99)

Modello Frontespizio LL/LS Vecchio Ordinamento Quadriennale


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  4. PhD Thesis Showcase

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  1. Final dissertation and thesis submission

    Final dissertation and thesis submission. THESIS SUPERVISOR REQUEST: what is it? It is the first fundamental step: having a thesis supervisor. By this procedure a professor will accept to be your supervisor. You will graduate later when the supervisor agrees the thesis is complete by a further application in Uniweb.

  2. PDF Master's thesis guidelines_14 Feb_2019

    In the middle: The title of the thesis At bottom left: The name of the thesis supervisor and underneath this to further right, the name of the graduate student and finally academic year on the bottom and at the center.

  3. Topic and Supervisor Choice

    Topic and Supervisor Choice Check the "Related Documents" section below for "Master's Thesis Guidelines" - Feb 23, 2024 Timeline for online process of choosing a dissertation topic and supervisor for student enrolled in 2022/23: from 15 February 2024: the thesis proposals will be available here; from 1 March 2024: the thesis proposals will be eligible.

  4. Thesis: Requirements, Layout and Submission

    Writing your thesis Line spacing: 1.5 Margins: 2 cm of lower, upper, and right margin. 3 cm of left margin. Font: Times New Roman 12. UniPD

  5. PDF Final Paper and Master's dissertation guidelin

    How to get started TABLE OF CONTENTS: Once the topic of your final paper/master's dissertation has been defined with your supervisor, it is useful to build a table of contents that will serve as a guide and outline for drafting.

  6. Thesis

    A copy of the thesis is deposited (mandatory in the case of PhD thesis, at the author's choice for other types of dissertation) into Padua Thesis & Dissertation Archive or into Padua Research Archive (IRIS), University of Padua's institutional repositories , with a procedure integrated into the academic degree application.

  7. Internship and final examination

    During this period, students will be assisted by a Thesis Supervisor (and a possible Thesis Co-Supervisor) who will follow them through the preparation of the thesis and approve the content of the final paper.

  8. Start and conclusion of Master's thesis activities

    Selecting a supervisor During the second year of his/her Master's degree, and at least 6 months before the start of the graduation session in which he/she intends to participate, each student must: personally contact individual lecturers to identify possible topics for their thesis; identify the topic of greatest interest for him/her among the available options and express his/her interest ...

  9. home page

    Graduation In order to graduate, it is necessary to register on Uniweb within the deadlines set for each graduation period. The procedure involves several steps and requires approval of the thesis title by the thesis supervisor. In addition, it is also necessary:

  10. How to formalise the attribution of the thesis topic

    The process consists of the following steps: contact the supervisor of choice based on the research area of interest (see DFA Research Groups for useful information) and make arrangements for the attribution of a thesis proposal; access the thesis portal ( ), select your study program and choose the thesis topic ...

  11. PDF Guide for thesis application procedure

    Password: your password 2nd step: Thesis title approval by the supervisor Go to Degree "Procedi con il processo di inserimento titoli tesi" - go to insert the thesis title clic on "Tesi di laurea" write twice the Titolo tesi - thesis title in English

  12. Corsi di Studio in Biologia Molecolare : Graduating

    The Thesis Co-Supervisor is an optional figure, with the function of assisting the Thesis Supervisor in guiding the student during the internship. They may be professors or a person with qualified scientific and/or technological skills, proven by at least three years of post-graduate experience, or alternatively, a person who has passed the ...

  13. Graduation

    Final ExaminationThe final examination consists of a thesis written by the student under the guidance of a supervisor. It includes a period of field research and/or laboratory activity and/or internship in professional companies, both public and private.The thesis will be discussed in front of a Commission appointed by the Department Director.

  14. PDF Master's Thesis Guidelines_2024.pptx

    Master's Thesis guidelines and procedure For students enrolled in 2022/23


    The student must submit the thesis work on Uniweb at least ten working days before the day of the discussion. The thesis work will be definitively approved by the supervisor.

  16. Frontespizio della tesi e consegna / Thesis cover page and submission

    If the thesis supervisor does not belong to the reference department, a common case in courses of study where there are significant contributions from more than one department, both the name of the reference department and the name of the supervisor's department are given.

  17. PDF Thesis Internship and Final Examination Regulations

    The final degree grade is established by the Thesis Degree Board (10 points), based on the Supervisor's proposal (max 5 points) and the Examiner and the Chair of the Board (max 5 points). When appropriate, the Thesis Discussion Degree Board can propose the student for honors. The score of the Thesis Degree Board (five members) is the sum: 1 ...

  18. PDF Master Candidate Supervisor Deepak Kumar Yadav Prof. Eleonora Dallan

    University of Padova Academic Year 2022/2023 Acknowledgement I am immensely grateful to my thesis supervisor, Professor Eleonora Dallan, for her constant motivation, guidance, and unwavering support throughout the thesis project.

  19. PDF Final dissertation dates Master's degree courses

    * time for the application in Uniweb ** Please note that the deadline for the supervisor's approval is the same.



  21. PDF Master's Thesis guidelines and procedure February 17th 2023

    1 to 3 points: if the thesis is assessed sufficient (one discussant) 4 to 6 points: if the thesis is assessed good (one discussant) 7 to 9 points: if the thesis is assessed very good (two discussants) 10 points: if the thesis is assessed Excellent (two discussants) Warning: two discussants don't trigger automatically a score of 7 points or more.

  22. Thesis Defence and Diplomas

    The student must defend her/his thesis in the presence of committee of at least five members, among whom the supervisor (Italian keyword: "relatore") and the member assigned to this thesis (Italian keyword: "controrelatore"). The student can use Powerpoint slides, bringing an USB pendrive. The defence lasts approximately 25 minutes and is followed by the President of the commision ...

  23. Naviga UNITESI

    Caratterizzazione multi-omica degli aspetti molecolari del cancro gastrico correlati alla risposta alla chemioterapia neoadiuvante. 2021/2022 PEROTTI, NICOLA.