Where Science and Spirituality come together.

5300 experiences from all over the world in many languages., all are welcome, with your help, nderf has over half a million readers a month to spread the word of love, peace and global unity., nderf nde definition:, "a lucid experience associated with perceived consciousness apart from the body occurring at the time of actual or threatened imminent death.", in search of immortality, 11/26/2021 - the bigelow contest, officially known as the bics contest, is the first contest of its kind to explore if there is evidence for consciousness outside of the body. over 1,000 people from around the world participated in this contest. just over two hundred essays were allowed to proceed to convince the judges that "yes" consciousness can, and does, exist separately from the body - even after death. many questions were explored, such as: what is consciousness; what evidence is convincing how do we know a distinguished panel of judges evaluated the bics essays and constituted one of the most stringent and scholarly peer-reviews conceivable. dr. pim van lommel , one of the leading researchers in the world on consciousness, and dr. jeff long , founder of nderf and media personality, brought home significant prizes. dr. van lommel was awarded the number 2 prize and dr. long was in the runner-up group. (click the links above to read these papers) for the nde community, this is one of the highest public affirmations of the validity of nde, as well as other types of paranormal experiences that are actually "normal." a hearty congratulations for these life-time achievement awards in moving humanity forwards.

NDE Explained

The perfect mix of science, community, spirituality and service.

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Jody Long, JD

Jeffrey long, md.

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If enough people read about love, peace and hope; maybe they can change to become more loving, compassionate people who truly live their lives without fear.

We can then change the world to become a better place like heaven on earth - as above, so below.

the world research foundation

Jody Long is a retired attorney, formerly licensed in Washington, New Mexico, Louisiana, and the Navajo Nation. Critical thinking, intense curiosity, and being a book reader extraordinaire, helps discern truth and allows for crucial commentary on a wide range of subjects from spirituality, history, economics, social organization, and power structures.

She is webmaster for the Near Death Experience Research Foundation (NDERF) for 20+ years and provides support and a forum for NDErs and those who want to know about the afterlife. She has several decades of experience researching paranormal and related phenomena. She is also webmaster for After Death Communication Research Foundation (ADCRF) www.adcrf.org and the other consciousness experience website which is everything that is not an NDE or ADC (OBERF) www.oberf.org

Jody helped with "Evidence of the Afterlife," the New York Times best selling NDE book. She has written "From Soul to Soulmate: Bridges from Near Death Experience Wisdom" and "God’s Fingerprints: Impressions of Near Death Experiences," which was the first book of its genre published in mainland China.

the world research foundation

Jeffrey Long is a medical doctor specializing in the practice of radiation oncology, using radiation to treat cancer in London,Kentucky.

As a scientist, Jeff founded NDERF in 1998. He wanted to know if NDEs were real by directly asking the NDErs themselves. The answer is a resounding YES! As a result of his research, he is the author of the New York Times Best Seller, "Evidence of the Afterlife: The Science of Near-Death Experiences." As a leading NDE researcher and a medical doctor, Jeff has appeared on national media including O'Reilly Factor, NBC Today, ABC with Peter Jennings, the Dr. Oz Show, the History Channel, the Learning Channel, and National Geographic. He has also appeared on Fox News Houston and at the New York Academy of Sciences, was an NDE expert in the movie "After Death." Dr. Long, author of "Near-Death Experiences: Evidence for their Reality" published in the medical journal, "Missouri Medicine" and is now listed in the National Library of Medicine. This is a big deal for establishing the credibility of NDE with scientists and the medical community. You can download and read the free article by clicking here .

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For those who want to know

God and the Afterlife expands upon Dr. Long’s findings about the afterlife and is the first deep scientific exploration of NDE accounts that encounter God or spiritual beings. He shares accounts from NDErs who meet God. What he discovers is that these testimonials share unique similarities that provide overwhelming evidence that God is real.

the world research foundation

Read some of the best NDEs.

This is a feel-good book with some of the most profound NDEs ever submitted to NDERF. This book was written to share NDEs with people who enjoy reading books or who don't have access to a computer.

the world research foundation

Love & Relationships

Love is the number one idea described by the NDErs and learning about love through relationships is the number one reason we come to earth. This book puts the two concepts together to help learn to apply them in our own lives.

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Takes NDE Research to a whole new level!

“There is currently more scientific evidence to the reality of near death experience (NDE) than there is for how to effectively treat certain forms of cancer,” states radiation oncologist Dr. Jeffrey Long in his groundbreaking book Evidence of the Afterlife.

Touching Comments

We want to thank our readers by sharing some of the most heart-felt comments.

Just a thank you for continuing to post near death surveys on your website. As a spiritual seeker who also is dealing with cancer, these accounts are very comforting. I check for new postings regularly and always enjoy reading all the new postings as soon as they are available on the Website. I found Dr. Long's book to be an excellent source of information that was both analytically presented and inspiring. I've survived cancer a number of times and am prayerfully optimistic this will again be the case at age 64. However, I'm confident that a loving Creator awaits us to experience Atonement in Love once we lay our bodies down. Thanks to many NDE accounts of the marvelous love that awaits us, my fear of dying has diminished.

the world research foundation

Thanks Jody. You know, what you and Jeff do with this website is extraordinarily important and useful. I cannot overstate how important NDE stories have been to me since losing my son three years ago. I have read many hundreds of stories on your website, and refer people to it frequently.

the world research foundation

Just wanted to write and say how much your website has meant to me. I have been interested in NDEs for a long time. The first one I heard about on a BBC documentary resonated with me so much. I have just read Amy C NDE 4720 and was awash with tears. Happy tears , tears of relief! I have always worried about many of life's big questions and have been trying to grow on a spiritual level. I have been able to do so by reading as many NDEs as I can and learning from these peoples experiences. What you are providing people in your website is a gift. I have read your book "Evidence of the Afterlife" and want to thank you for that too. I now truly believe our time here on earth is given to us as a way for us to grow spiritually. I am a much calmer and happier person because of this knowledge. As a teacher I respect the nature of learning and look forward to a future where I am always learning and growing. Thank you for being a part of that.

the world research foundation

More From Our Readers

the world research foundation

So many of these experiences are clearly from people who are unsure or in some manner insecure about telling their story. I wish these was some way I could reach them just to send a short message of thanks for posting. Not to breach their privacy or make their ego swell. Just to feel I can close the circle, let them know they really help, their experience in print is a powerful message. - R

the world research foundation

Thank you for the suggestion and your time. Many blessings to you and thanks again for the work you do - L

the world research foundation

Thank you, I really love your sites. Thanks for all of the hard work you do to get this information out there to the world. It's helped me so much!! :) Blessings to you... - R

the world research foundation

I love your site. It has been such an inspiration to me over the years. I found John K's STE in the exceptional accounts section so uplifting. Like him, I am a monk in a monastery. I wonder if there's any way you could forward my thanks to him? Really a wonderful account. Thanks for all your work here. Bravo! - A

the world research foundation

I just had to express my gratitude for this website I absolutely love it! I look forward to reading all the new stories every week. I too had an out of body experience when I was 7 yrs old so I understand. It also helps clarify things for me now. I just can't thank you enough. – L

the world research foundation

Both my wife and I read your book and were very moved. We have gone to your website often over the past few years and have found great comfort in the postings from those who wrote about their NDEs. I just wanted to reach out and encourage your work in this area. You are well appreciated. -S

the world research foundation

I wanted to thank you for your wonderful site. I have been following your messages for years. Many are uplifting to me and I am sure others. I can imagine that the people who have spoken of their NDE's are very relieved and happy to find that they have a place to share. – M

the world research foundation

Thank you so much for the NDERF website. I found it thankfully due to an article in "Share International" by Patricia Pitchon. I have for quite a long time had an interest in NDE's , the many accounts on your website have given me a much deeper understanding of the nature of the Universe and of our role on the physical plane. It is also profoundly comforting. I have told several people about the website in hope of spreading the knowledge further. Your website has a huge positive effect on my life, I am so grateful, - K

the world research foundation

Thank you so much for your site. It has given me a lot of comfort over the past few months. I've read so many stories and find them all fascinating and reassuring. While I haven't had an NDE, so many of the experiences sound familiar to me. It doesn't make sense, but that's the best way to describe the feeling I get when reading the stories. - Z

the world research foundation

I am contacting you because you have the most beautiful stories on your site. I cannot wait to read them every Monday morning when I get up because they usually get updated over a weekend. - E

Please share your NDE with us.

We have two other websites devoted to other aspects of consciousness experiences. ADCRF www.adcrf.org is for after death communications (ADC). OBERF www.oberf.org is for all other experiences that are not an ADC or an NDE, such as spiritually transformative event, power of prayer, out of body experience, meditation experiences, premortal existence, precognitive dreams, etc.

Privacy: We do not share your private information or your e-mail address with anyone under any circumstances without your permission. We purposely do not keep your information on the website in a database as an added precaution to keep it away from hackers. We forward any e-mail from others to you and then it is up to you if you wish to respond. We have nothing for sale here. We also do not use cookies.

Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine

Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine

Faim's mission is to create a revolution in worldwide healthcare., steven a. ross.

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Steven A. Ross

Steven A. Ross, Ph.D.

Steven A. Ross, Ph.D., is co-founder and CEO of the World Research Foundation. For more than 45 years he has researched and lectured around the globe in all areas of health, philosophy, spirituality, and subtle energy subjects. He has delivered more than 250 lectures and presentations to various governmental agencies, hospital associations and the public.

Ross has been interviewed on more than 150 radio programs and 15 regional and national television programs. He has been an expert witness for the City of Los Angeles and acted as a consultant for the insurance industry. He is the curator of the World Research Foundation Library consisting of 20,000 books dating to the 1400s.

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Raptor Research Foundation

Research Foundation

An international scientific society whose primary goal is the accumulation and dissemination of scientific information about raptors., join us in charlotte, nc for the 2024 rrf annual conference, announcements.

Our newest journal issue is all about caracaras! You can read a press release highlighting one of the papers here.


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Charlotte, NC, USA

October 21st-26th, 2024.

Mark your calendar and get ready to join us in Charlotte, NC in conjunction with the Carolina Raptor Center for an event you won't want to miss!


The Journal of Raptor Research (JRR) is an international scientific journal dedicated entirely to the dissemination of information about birds of prey. Established in 1967, JRR has published peer-reviewed research on raptor ecology, behavior, life history, conservation, and techniques. JRR is available quarterly to members in electronic and paper format.

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The Raptor Research Foundation advances the science, conservation, and understanding of birds of prey.

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The Raptor Research Foundation has 13 awards and grants annually available to members and non-members of RRF. Each award or grant has different submission requirements and deadlines. Applicants should carefully read the submission requirements before applying.

Our members include the world’s leading raptor specialists, as well as professional scientists, educators, wildlife managers, conservationists, students and amateur raptor enthusiasts.

The Raptor Research Foundation is dedicated to the accumulation and dissemination of scientific knowledge about raptors. Join today and help us resolve raptor conservation issues on an unprecedented international scale.

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World’s 100 largest philanthropic foundations list

lista delle 100 fondazioni filantropiche più grandi al mondo per capitale list of 100 largest philanthropic foundations by assest for 2020 economia sociale social economy

This list is the result of a research, carried out by ARCO’s Social Economy Unit about the top 100 largest philanthropic foundations in the world by total assets; it is based on up to date financial data concerning the period 2016-2018. The sources mostly used, are the financial statements published by the foundations and the Foundation Centre database. We included the country where the foundation was established, the founding year and the official website. The objective is to provide a complete list of the largest philanthropic foundations in the world.

At the first place there is the Dutch Stichting INGKA Foundation. It has been established by the founder of IKEA, Ingvar Kamprad and its philanthropic activity underpins on the support to architectural and interior design innovation. Recently it extended its philanthropic agenda to the fight against poverty in developing countries. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation comes after Stichting INGKA at the second place. The US foundation mainly acts in the field of medical research, fight against AIDS and malaria, reduction of extreme poverty and education. Third, the Lilly Endowment, dedicated to community development, education, and Christianity. The majority of the foundations are from USA, followed by European ones, mostly from UK. We did not take consortium into account.

Latest update: March 2024.

Table: Fundation, Country, Assets ($), Fiscal Year End Date

  • Stichting INGKA Foundation , Netherlands, $ 58.597.476.970, 31/08/2016
  • Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation , USA, $, 31/12/2022
  • Lilly Endowment , USA, $40,801,432,198, 31/12/2022
  • The MasterCard Foundation , Canada, $29.234.312.000, 31/12/2022
  • Wellcome Trust , UK,  $ 26.541.698.728,37, 30/09/2023
  •   Howard Hughes Medical Institute , USA, $, 31/08/2022
  • Novo Nordisk S/A, Denmark, $ 12.138.344.674.500, 31/12/2023
  • Ford Foundation , USA,  $ 16.383.378.000, 31/12/2022
  • Robert Wood Johnson Foundation , USA,  $ 13.837.817.000, 31/12/2022
  • Silicon Valley Community Foundation (CA), USA,  $ 13.822.021.000, 31/12/2022
  • J. Paul Getty Trust , USA,  $ 12.545.917.000, 30/06/2023
  • William and Flora Hewlett Foundation , USA,  $ $12.455.788.000, 31/12/2022
  • The Church Commissioners for England , UK,  $ 11.437.425.164, 31/12/2022
  • Kamehameha Schools , USA,  $ 11.621.172.512, 01/06/2022
  • Foundation to Promote Open Society (NY), USA,  $ 10.600.000.000, 31/12/2022
  • The Garfield Weston Foundation, UK,  $ 10.502.913.726,85, 05/04/2023
  • Bloomberg Philanthropies (NY), USA,  $ 8.931.075.194, 31/12/2017
  • W.K. Kellogg Foundation , USA,  $ 8.769.327.728, 31/08/2022
  • David and Lucile Packard Foundation , USA,  $ , 31/12/2022
  • J ohn D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation , USA,  $ 8.355.647.000, 31/12/2022
  • Andrew W. Mellon Foundation , USA,  $ 8.189.889.000, 31/12/2022
  • Gordon Betty Moore Foundation , USA,  $ 8.278.661.283 , 31/08/2022
  • The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust , USA,  $ 8.221.675.612, 31/03/2018
  • The Pew Charitable Trust , USA,  $, 30/06/2023
  • Conrad N. Hilton Foundation (CA), USA,  $ 6.344.648.829, 31/12/2022
  • Rockefeller Foundation , USA,  $ 6.279.385.000, 31/12/2022
  • Robert Bosch Stiftung, Deutschland,  $ 5.945.596.828,04 , 31/12/2023
  • Tulsa Community Foundation , USA,  $ 5.818.575.000, 31/12/2022
  • Walton Family Foundation Inc (AR), USA,  $ 5.687.544.544, 31/12/20122
  • Greater Kansas City Community Foundation (MO), USA,  $ 5.001.726.548, 31/12/2022
  • The Simons Foundation (NY), USA,  $ 4.955.110.238, 31/12/2022
  •   The California Endowment , USA,  $ 4.318.845.000, 31/03/2023
  • Realdania , Denmark,  $ 4.300.000.000, 31/12/2022
  • The Chicago Community Trust (IL), USA,  $, 30/09/2022
  • Robert W. Woodruff Foundation Inc. (GA), USA,  $ 4.077.464.650, 31/12/2022
  • Carnegie Corporation of New York (NY), USA,  $, 30/09/2022
  • The Kresge Foundation , USA,  $ 4.041.565.416, 12/06/2022
  • Foundation For The Carolinas (NC), USA,  $ 3.878.555.918, 31/12/2022
  •   Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation , Portugal,  $ 3.721.711.184,88, 31/12/2022
  • Charles Stewart Mott Foundation (MI), USA,  $ 3.663.290.955, 31/12/2022
  • The Duke Endowment t (NC), USA,  $ 3.620.000.000, 31/12/2022
  • Laura and John Arnold Foundation (TX), USA,  $ 3.533.120.981, 31/12/2022
  • The Oregon Community Foundation (OR), USA,  $ 3.466.661.000, 31/12/2022
  • The Annie E. Casey Foundation (MD), USA,  $ 3.432.551.534, 31/12/2022
  • The Columbus Foundation and Affiliated Organizations (OH), USA,  $, 31/12/2022
  • The James Irvine Foundation (CA), USA,  $ 3.245.582.018, 31/12/2022
  •   William Penn Foundation , USA,  $ 3.236.819.790, 31/12/2022
  • Richard King Mellon Foundation (PA), USA,  $, 31/12/2022
  • Cummings Foundation Inc. (MA), USA,  $ 3.168.598.888, 31/12/2022
  • John Templeton Foundation (PA), USA,  $ 2.941.369.919, 31/12/2022
  • The New York Community Trust (NY), USA,  $ 2.933.076.201, 31/12/2022
  • Margaret A. Cargill Foundation (MN), USA,  $ 2.928.976.768, 31/12/2022
  •   The Moody Foundation (TX), USA,  $ 2.906.642.000, 31/12/2022
  • The JPB Foundation (NY), USA,  $ 2.884.777.601, 31/12/2022
  • The Nemours Foundation (FL), USA ,  $ 2.774.227.208, 31/12/2022
  • Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation (MO), USA,  $ 2.737.053, 31/12/2022
  • Marin Community Foundation (CA), USA,  $ 2.700.000.000, 30/06/2022
  • The McKnight Foundation (MN), USA,  $ 2.566.351.000, 31/12/2022
  • John S. and James L. Knight Foundation (FL), USA,  $ 2.529.635.008, 31/12/2022
  • Houston Endowment Inc. (TX), USA,  $ 2.334.442.325, 31/12/2022
  • California Community Foundation (CA), USA,  $ 2.287.671.000, 30/06/2023
  • The Edna McConnell Clark Foundation (NY), USA,  $ 2.223.354.953, 30/09/2020
  • Doris Duke Charitable Foundation (NY), USA,  $ 2.207.775.573, 31/12/2022
  • Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (NY), USA,  $ 2.056.912.312, 31/12/2022
  • The Heinz Endowments (PA), USA,  $, 31/12/2022
  • Barr Foundation (MA), USA,  $ 1.929.105.176, 31/12/2022
  • The Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation (NE), USA,  $1.922.627.251, 31/12/2022
  • The Wyss Foundation (DC), USA,  $ 1.835.101.160, 31/12/2022
  • Boston Foundation Inc. (MA), USA,  $ 1.769.513.000, 30/06/2023
  • M. J. Murdock Charitable Trust (WA), USA,  $ 1.757.097.736, 31/12/2022
  • The San Francisco Foundation (CA), USA,  $ 1.718.317.000, 30/06/2023
  • The Wallace Foundation n (NY), USA,  $ 1.669.140.187, 31/12/2022
  • The Michael and Susan Dell Foundation (TX), USA,  $ 1.641.983.369, 31/12/2022
  • Druckenmiller Foundation (NY), USA,  $ 1.608.603.488, 30/10/2022
  • Bat Hanadiv Foundation No. 3 (NY), USA,  $ 1.505.539.049, 31/12/2022
  • The Anschutz Foundation n (CO), USA,  $ 1.477.444.170, 31/12/2022
  • Annenberg Foundation (CA), USA,  $ 1.471.012.146, 31/12/2019
  • Otto Bremer Foundation (MN), USA,  $ 1.436.282.731, 31/12/2022
  • Communities Foundation of Texas Inc. (TX), USA,  $ 1.433.704.000, 30/06/2023
  • Lumina Foundation (IN), USA,  $ 1.413.211.168, 31/12/2022
  • W. M. Keck Foundation (CA), USA,  $ 1.370.447.360, 31/12/2022
  • The Starr Foundation (NY), USA,  $ 1.351.331.495, 31/12/2021
  • Rockefeller Brothers Fund Inc. (NY), USA,  $ 1.351.225.045, 31/12/2022
  • Shimon ben Joseph Foundation (CA), USA,  $ 1.335.087.353, 31/12/2022
  • The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation Inc. (OK), USA,  $ 1.332.667.871, 31/12/2021
  • Surdna Foundation Inc. (NY), USA,  $ 1.320.656.848, 31/12/2021
  • The Pittsburgh Foundation (PA), USA,  $ 1.291.404.891, 31/12/2022
  • The Ahmanson Foundation (CA), USA,  $ 1.198.575.686, 31/12/2022
  • The Joyce Foundation (IL), USA,  $ 1.167.846.391, 31/12/2022
  • The Wolfson Foundation , UK,  $,52, 31/03/2023
  • George Lucas Family Foundation (CA), USA,  $, 31/12/2022
  • The Henry Luce Foundation Inc. (NY),USA,  $ 1.070.353. 319, 31/12/2022
  • Hartford Foundation for Public Giving (CT), USA,  $ 1.057.794.917, 31/12/2022
  • The California Wellness Foundation (CA), USA,  $ 1.019.736.613, 31/12/2022
  • The Brown Foundation Inc. (TX), USA,  $ 1.004.415.123, 30/06/2023
  •   Hall Family Foundation (MO), USA,  $, 31/12/2022
  • The J. E. and L. E. Mabee Foundation Inc. (OK), USA,  $ 754.241.961, 31/08/2022
  • Kimbell Art Foundation (TX), USA,  $ 727.527.886, 31/12/2022
  • Eli & Edythe Broad Foundation (CA), USA,  $711.649.194, 31/12/2022

Disclaimer: This list is provided by ARCO. Arco is not responsible for wrong or incomplete data. To suggest any modifications or integrations, please contact us .

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An Early Look at Black Voters’ Views on Biden, Trump and Election 2024

Black voters are more confident in Biden than Trump when it comes to having the qualities needed to serve another term.

A Majority of Latinas Feel Pressure To Support Their Families or To Succeed at Work

Many juggle cultural expectations and gender roles from both Latin America and the U.S., like doing housework and succeeding at work.

Asian Americans, Charitable Giving and Remittances

Overall, 64% of Asian American adults say they gave to a U.S. charitable organization in the 12 months before the survey. One-in-five say they gave to a charity in their Asian ancestral homeland during that time. And 27% say they sent money to someone living there.

All Race & Ethnicity RESEARCH >

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U.S. Surveys

Pew Research Center has deep roots in U.S. public opinion research. Launched as a project focused primarily on U.S. policy and politics in the early 1990s, the Center has grown over time to study a wide range of topics vital to explaining America to itself and to the world.

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International Surveys

Pew Research Center regularly conducts public opinion surveys in countries outside the United States as part of its ongoing exploration of attitudes, values and behaviors around the globe.

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Data Science

Pew Research Center’s Data Labs uses computational methods to complement and expand on the Center’s existing research agenda.

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Demographic Research

Pew Research Center tracks social, demographic and economic trends, both domestically and internationally.

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All Methods research >

Our Experts

“A record 23 million Asian Americans trace their roots to more than 20 countries … and the U.S. Asian population is projected to reach 46 million by 2060.”

A headshot of Neil Ruiz, head of new research initiatives and associate director of race and ethnicity research.

Neil G. Ruiz , Head of New Research Initiatives

Key facts about asian americans >

Methods 101 Videos

Methods 101: random sampling.

The first video in Pew Research Center’s Methods 101 series helps explain random sampling – a concept that lies at the heart of all probability-based survey research – and why it’s important.

Methods 101: Survey Question Wording

Methods 101: mode effects, methods 101: what are nonprobability surveys.

All Methods 101 Videos >

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Signature Reports

Race and lgbtq issues in k-12 schools, representative democracy remains a popular ideal, but people around the world are critical of how it’s working, americans’ dismal views of the nation’s politics, measuring religion in china, diverse cultures and shared experiences shape asian american identities, parenting in america today, editor’s pick, who are you the art and science of measuring identity, electric vehicle charging infrastructure in the u.s., 8 in 10 americans say religion is losing influence in public life, how americans view weight-loss drugs and their potential impact on obesity in the u.s., most americans continue to say their side in politics is losing more often than it is winning, immigration & migration, how temporary protected status has expanded under the biden administration, key facts about asian americans living in poverty, latinos’ views on the migrant situation at the u.s.-mexico border, migrant encounters at the u.s.-mexico border hit a record high at the end of 2023, what we know about unauthorized immigrants living in the u.s., social media, 6 facts about americans and tiktok, whatsapp and facebook dominate the social media landscape in middle-income nations, how teens and parents approach screen time, majorities in most countries surveyed say social media is good for democracy, a declining share of adults, and few teens, support a u.s. tiktok ban.

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ABOUT PEW RESEARCH CENTER  Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research. Pew Research Center does not take policy positions. It is a subsidiary of  The Pew Charitable Trusts .

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WCRF International

Preventing cancer. Saving lives

We examine how diet, weight and physical activity can affect your risk of developing and surviving cancer. Our prevention and survival work is helping people to live longer, happier and healthier lives – free from the devastating effects of cancer.


Meet prof elio riboli.

We have convened a new Science Expert Committee and appointed a new Chair to oversee all our research work.

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UK food policy

How to tackle obesity in the UK with a change of government


Proven ways to reduce your cancer risk


How countries tackle obesity and sedentary living

New findings published.

Four papers and an editorial evaluate evidence to improve colorectal cancer survival

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Global Cancer Update Programme

Our flagship global research programme looks at international research on cancer, diet and activity

Our mission

How diet, weight and physical activity affect your risk of developing and surviving cancer

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Funding Cutting-Edge Research to Find Cures for Mental Illness

The Brain & Behavior Research Foundation is committed to alleviating the suffering caused by mental illness by awarding scientific research grants that will ultimately enable people to live full, happy and productive lives.

100% of Donations for Research Goes to Research

100% of your contributions for research are invested in our grants to scientists thanks to the generous support of two family foundations which cover our operating expenses.

Research Selected by World-Renowned Scientists

We only award grants to scientists whose research is reviewed and selected by our world-renowned Scientific Council.

Our Mission

Match Challenge

1 in 5 of Us Lives With a Mental Illness

$12.5M Awarded to Addiction Research since 1987

$5.9M Awarded to ADHD Research since 1987

$19.3M Awarded to Anxiety Disorders Research since 1987

$20.7M Awarded to Autism Research since 1987

$35.4M Awarded to Bipolar Disorder Research since 1987

Borderline Personality Disorder

$1.8M Awarded to BPD Research since 1987

$100.9M Awarded to Depression Research since 1987

$3.4M Awarded to Eating Disorders Research since 1987

$1.2M Awarded to OCD Research since 1987

$12.2M Awarded to PTSD Research since 1987

$162.5M Awarded to Schizophrenia Research since 1987

$62.9M Awarded to Other Brain-Related Illnesses or Projects Covering Multiple Illnesses

Grants are awarded three times/year. Total dollars awarded are updated annually.

The Latest Research Discoveries

Linkages Between White Matter Injuries in Multiple Sclerosis and Co-Occurring Depression Are Analyzed by Researchers

Posted: Thursday, August 15, 2024

Linkages Between White Matter Injuries in Multiple Sclerosis and Co-Occurring Depression Are Analyzed by Researchers

Functional Connectivity Signature for Cocaine Use Disorder and Response to rTMS Brain Stimulation Therapy Is Identified

Posted: Thursday, August 8, 2024

Functional Connectivity Signature for Cocaine Use Disorder and Response to rTMS Brain Stimulation Therapy Is Identified

Digital App May Significantly Boost Ability to Detect Autism at ‘Well-Child’ Pediatric Visit

Posted: Thursday, August 1, 2024

Digital App May Significantly Boost Ability to Detect Autism at ‘Well-Child’ Pediatric Visit

Accelerated Brain Stimulation Therapy Achieves Large Symptom Reduction in Treatment-Resistant Bipolar Depression Patients

Posted: Thursday, July 25, 2024

Accelerated Brain Stimulation Therapy Achieves Large Symptom Reduction in Treatment-Resistant Bipolar Depression Patients

Key figures.

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Since 1987, the Foundation has awarded more than $450 million to fund more than 6,500 grants to more than 5,400 leading scientists around the world.

the world research foundation

More than 18% of adults in the U.S. experience mental illness in a given year.*

* Source: National Institute of Mental Health

the world research foundation

Just over 20 percent of children, either currently or at some point during their life, have had a seriously debilitating mental disorder.*

*  Source: National Institute of Mental Health

the world research foundation

More than 450 million people around the world live with mental illnesses.* 

*  Source: World Health Organization

News and Events

Meet the Scientist - November 2024

Intergenerational Effects of Adversity on Mind-Body Health: Pathways Through the Gut-Brain Axis

Meet the Scientist - October 2024

Toward Brain-Based Prediction of Recovery: How Neuroimaging Can Help Combat the Substance-Use Epidemic.

Meet the Scientist - September 2024

New Diagnostic Tools to Predict Symptom Improvements in Personality Disorders

ADVICE ON MENTAL HEALTH:  Warning Signs & What to Look For: Anxiety and Depression in Childhood

ADVICE ON MENTAL HEALTH: Warning Signs & What to Look For: Anxiety and Depression in Childhood

‘Brains Within Brains’: Organoid Experiments Show How Pathologies  Emerge in the Developing Brain

‘Brains Within Brains’: Organoid Experiments Show How Pathologies Emerge in the Developing Brain

A RESEARCHER’S PERSPECTIVE: What Can We Do When Medicine is Not Enough in the Treatment of Schizophrenia?

A RESEARCHER’S PERSPECTIVE: What Can We Do When Medicine is Not Enough in the Treatment of Schizophrenia?

Meet the Scientist - June 2021

What We Are Learning About Brain Biology and Borderline Personality Disorder

How to Deal with Holiday Stress during Covid-19

How to Deal with Holiday Stress during Covid-19

How Brain Circuits Function in Health and Disease: Understanding Brain-wide Current Flow

How Brain Circuits Function in Health and Disease: Understanding Brain-wide Current Flow

Meet the Scientist - August 2020

An Update on Treatment of Bipolar Depression

How to Get a Good Night Sleep When Stressed

How to Get a Good Night Sleep When Stressed

Meet the Scientist - May 2020

Using Neuroscience to Evaluate and Guide Treatment for Pediatric Mood Disorders

Awarding grants for scientific research, 100% of every donation for research goes to research, world-renowned scientists.

100% of every dollar donated for research is invested in our research grants. Our operating expenses are covered by separate foundation grants.

The Brain & Behavior Research Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, our Tax ID # is 31-1020010.

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WCRIF - The World Conferences on Research Integrity

Remembering Susan Zimmerman

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We are deeply saddened by the passing of our friend and distinguished colleague Susan Zimmerman on the 7th February 2023. Susan was a cherished member of the international research integrity community and the Governing Board of the World Conference on Research Integrity Foundation.

Susan was visionary. She was a formidable champion for the responsible conduct of research in Canada and globally. She forged new paths for ensuring the integrity of research and promoting responsible practice. Susan was instrumental in shaping our international conferences and initiatives since the World Conference on Research Integrity in Montreal in 2013. A glimpse of her contributions is captured in our Oral History Project. Susan was an advocate for trustworthy research and this made a difference. She shifted the focus from investigating research misconduct to addressing breaches of research integrity, which was a pioneering means of ensuring trust and excellence in research.

Susan was insightful and articulate. She could gracefully cut through swirls of discussion to get to the essence of ideas and arguments, and had a gift for shedding light on complex questions from various angles. At the same time, she was warm, compassionate, and witty.

Susan’s friends from the World Conference on Research Integrity community have loving memories of being with her. Strolling along Copa Cabana in Rio de Janeiro, enjoying dinner in London, sharing ideas in Hong Kong, spotting kangaroos in Canberra, riding along canals in Amsterdam. We will miss her dearly.

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Research Moves Us Forward

Your gift to research gives people who have breast cancer longer, healthier lives.

The Breast Cancer Research Foundation is dedicated to ending breast cancer by advancing the world’s most promising research.

This year, BCRF is the largest private funder of breast cancer research—and metastatic breast cancer research—worldwide and is the highest-rated breast cancer research organization in the country.


One-third of our research program is dedicated to metastasis.


BCRF explains this form and highlights our MBC investment.


Explore how BCRF researchers are working to end disparities.

Thriver stories

Research Is the Reason

Nasreen is grateful to research for the fact that her metastatic breast cancer has responded well to treatment.

From Our Blog

a portrait of keiko and tomomi standing next to each other smiling against a light pink background

Research Is the Reason We Survived

a conceptual image illustrating inflammatory breast cancer of a woman holding her breast against a pink background with a bright red spot over the breast, illustrative of inflammation because the hallmark of inflammatory breast cancer is a red rash

Inflammatory Breast Cancer: All About This Rare Form

2023's Black & Yellow for Pink Lemonade Stand at Acrisure Stadium

5 Reasons to Take the Pink Lemonade Stand Challenge This Summer

Dense Breast Tissue: What It Means and What to Know

Dense Breast Tissue: What It Means and What to Know

Dr. Fayanju is uncovering the factors that contribute to racial disparities in breast cancer outcomes, treatment, and more

Closing Racial Disparities in Breast Cancer Through Data with Dr. Lola Fayanju

a photo illustration of a doctor writing on a pad with images of computers, pills, and more that evoke artificial intelligence overlaid

How AI Can Innovate Breast Cancer Drug Development, Clinical Trials, and Data Analytics

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Breast Cancer Research Foundation 28 West 44th Street, Suite 609, New York, NY 10036

General Office: 646-497-2600 | Toll Free: 1-866-346-3228 [email protected]  | BCRF is a 501 (c)(3) | EIN: 13-3727250

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Uncharted Territories: The Promise of Deep Tech for India and UAE

The Role of Iran in India’s Strategic Outreach in West Asia

The Role of Iran in India’s Strategic Outreach in West Asia

Hope in the Horizon: India’s Youth and Global Futures (Vol. 1)

Books And Monographs

Hope in the Horizon: India’s Youth and Global Futures (Vol. 1)

The Ethical and Security Implications of Genetic Engineering

The Ethical and Security Implications of Genetic Engineering

Maternal mortality in India’s urban slums

Maternal mortality in India’s urban slums

Biosecurity blueprint for India

Biosecurity blueprint for India

Japan’s AI defence policy: Navigating cultural and bureaucratic impediments

Japan’s AI defence policy: Navigating cultural and bureaucratic impediments

All updates.

Avian flu alert: Understanding the circulating influenza virus H5N1's threat

Avian flu alert: Understanding the circulating influenza virus H5N1's threat

Addressing climate change challenges for transgender individuals and sex workers

Addressing climate change challenges for transgender individuals and sex workers

The message from the UK riots: The government needs to keep its ear to the ground

The message from the UK riots: The government needs to keep its ear to the ground

Surya Ghar: The tyranny of small details

Surya Ghar: The tyranny of small details

Surrounded by the flames

Surrounded by the flames

Nepal’s latest coalition reshuffle

Nepal’s latest coalition reshuffle

Initiatives, adaptation and resilience, climate change and development, eurasian studies, green transitions, international trade and finance, maritime studies, quad and beyond, strategic studies.

BIMSTEC and Disaster Management: Future Prospects for Regional Cooperation

BIMSTEC and Disaster Management: Future Prospects for Regional Cooperation

Atmanirbhar Bharat: Missing a focus on air pollution and climate change

Atmanirbhar Bharat: Missing a focus on air pollution and climate change

A green tomorrow: A roadmap for India's public expenditure

A green tomorrow: A roadmap for India's public expenditure

India’s energy profile: View from the South

India’s energy profile: View from the South

The Global Governance of the Energy Transition: Lessons for the Indo-Pacific and Latin America

The Global Governance of the Energy Transition: Lessons for the Indo-Pacific and Latin America

Shusha Declaration: The Turkic states chart a course for cooperation

Shusha Declaration: The Turkic states chart a course for cooperation

Russia, North Korea and the East Asian Security Order

Russia, North Korea and the East Asian Security Order

What ails the Plastics Treaty negotiations: It’s not India

What ails the Plastics Treaty negotiations: It’s not India

Solar solutions: Transforming rooftops into green energy hubs

Solar solutions: Transforming rooftops into green energy hubs

Mexico and India: Divergent paths, similar outcomes

Mexico and India: Divergent paths, similar outcomes

India-Uzbekistan trade poised for continued growth

India-Uzbekistan trade poised for continued growth

The proliferation of drones in naval warfare

The proliferation of drones in naval warfare

An evolving IOR and dilemmas in Sri Lanka’s security calculus

An evolving IOR and dilemmas in Sri Lanka’s security calculus

Bridging borders: Strengthening India-Sri Lanka economic integration

Bridging borders: Strengthening India-Sri Lanka economic integration

Time for Pax Indica?

Time for Pax Indica?

Two Decades of the Quad: Diplomacy and Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific

Two Decades of the Quad: Diplomacy and Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific

The US Biosecure Act: An impetus to strengthen India’s pharma sector

The US Biosecure Act: An impetus to strengthen India’s pharma sector

Expanding Contours of India's Maritime Security

Expanding Contours of India's Maritime Security

Session with journalists from the indo-pacific, diplomat diaries i interaction with sardor mirzayusupovich rustambaev, ambassador of the republic of uzbekistan to india, changing geopolitics of global communication.

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The Yerevan Dialogue aims to serve a platform bringing together policymakers, academics, civil society, and the private sector to deliberate and devise solutions to critical challenges of our times. ...

Raisina Dialogue

The Raisina Dialogue is India’s premier conference on geopolitics and geoeconomics committed to addressing the most challenging issues facing the global community. ...

Cape Town Conversation

Cape Town Conversations will serve as an annual South Africa-based platform that brings  together key stakeholders and new voices. It is designed as a common platform where  established and emerging actors convene for a global conversation on contemporary issues of  global governance —identifying new challenges, ...

The Energy Transition Dialogues

The Energy Transition Dialogue is a platform that aims to convene both domestic and international stakeholders to critically assess prevailing narratives surrounding inclusive energy transitions. The Dialogue gathers thought-leaders, policymakers, and experts from the private sector, financial services and civil society to deliberate and devise ...


CyFy is India’s flagship event for global digital debates. As data becomes the new currency and Internet continues to dissolve national boundaries — CyFy is fast emerging as an indispensable marketplace of ideas where tomorrow’s issues are decided today. ...

CyFy Africa

CyFy Africa brings together ministers, journalists, ethicists, civil society, as well as technology leaders and entrepreneurs to curate Africa-centred conversations around data, innovation, gender, norms and new media. CyFy is informed by African experiences and contexts — capturing the continent’s success with emerging technologies and ...

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#BangladeshCrisis: What's next for Sheikh Hasina and the country?

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बांग्लादेश में तख़्तापलट, सत्ता परिवर्तन और हिंदुओं पर हमला..आगे क्या?

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US Elections 2024; Donald Trump Vs Kamala Harris; PM Modi in Russia; Bangladesh Protests

US Elections 2024; Donald Trump Vs Kamala Harris; PM Modi in Russia; Bangladesh Protests

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BTW I checked a site http://www.gettransfer.com , I filled two placed and boarding date and time, I got few quotes from drivers, they willing to drive between these two place overnight. Do you think it's reliable? Check it out and share your feeling? 8 got one quotes is just R15000 for three peoples is seems within my budget

We are facing same problem but the date is 6th of july.

Please share the details about taxi with us , if you confirm your booking.

Tripadvisor staff removed this post because it did not meet Tripadvisor's forum posting guidelines with prohibiting self-promotional advertising or solicitation.

I was unable to find taxis bc I didn’t understand any sites >_< we did communicate with one guy that would drive us and charged us $500 for a vehicle that fit 4, but the payment arrangement was unusual and we decided not to do it.


Yes the driver just speak and type Russian however I put it to my Google translate app so it's look works do far. You can choose the English speaker one, it shows who can speak English on list, very clear.

This post has been removed at the author's request.

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  1. World Research Foundation

    The World Research Foundation Network. …is a collection of libraries, universities, clinics and research facilities located around the world. The main portion of WRF's own holdings is located in our two-story library in Sedona, Arizona, USA. Comprised of over 30,000 volumes, the library features information on all forms of health therapies ...

  2. About WRF

    The World Research Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Since its inception in 1984, WRF has established a unique, international, health information network, so that people could be informed of all available treatments around the world, and so that they could have the freedom to choose based on complete and in-depth information.

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    Near Death Experience Research Foundation the largest collection of Near Death Experiences (NDE) in over 23 Languages. With thousands of full-text near death experiences posted. Share your near death experience, research, spiritually transforming events, consciousness studies, extensive information and research.

  4. WRF Library, Sedona, AZ

    The World Research Foundation Library Network is a collection of libraries located around the world. The main portion of WRF's own holdings is located in Sedona, Arizona, USA. (928) 284-3300 [email protected]

  5. Steven A. Ross

    Steven A. Ross, Ph.D. Steven A. Ross, Ph.D., is co-founder and CEO of the World Research Foundation. For more than 45 years he has researched and lectured around the globe in all areas of health, philosophy, spirituality, and subtle energy subjects. He has delivered more than 250 lectures and presentations to various governmental agencies ...

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    Our members include the world's leading raptor specialists, as well as professional scientists, educators, wildlife managers, conservationists, students and amateur raptor enthusiasts. The Raptor Research Foundation is dedicated to the accumulation and dissemination of scientific knowledge about raptors. Join today and help us resolve raptor ...

  8. World's 100 largest philanthropic foundations list

    This list is the result of a research, carried out by ARCO's Social Economy Unit about the top 100 largest philanthropic foundations in the world by total assets; it is based on up to date financial data concerning the period 2016-2018. The sources mostly used, are the financial statements published by the foundations and the Foundation Centre database.

  9. Pew Research Center

    ABOUT PEW RESEARCH CENTER Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research. Pew Research Center does not take policy positions.

  10. The Stiff Person Syndrome Research Foundation

    The Stiff Person Syndrome Research Foundation envisions a world where all people with Stiff Person Syndrome (SPS) receive a prompt diagnosis, compassionate care, effective treatments, and a cure. We exist to raise awareness of SPS and to support research for better treatments and a cure for SPS while strengthening our community through ...

  11. Cancer Prevention Organisation

    World Cancer Research Fund International examines how diet, weight and physical activity affect your risk of developing and surviving cancer. As part of an international network of charities, we have been funding life-saving research, influencing global public health policy and educating the public since 1982. Media;

  12. Alternative Therapies

    World Research Foundation 5309 Via Donte Marina del Rey, CA 90292. Phone: (310) 827-0070 Email: [email protected]. Facebook; X; RSS; The information contained herein is based upon data from various published sources and merely represents health literature as summarized by researchers and contributors. The World Research Foundation makes no ...

  13. Brain and Behavior Research

    Research Selected by World-Renowned Scientists. 1 in 5 of Us Lives With a Mental Illness. Addiction. $12.5M Awarded to Addiction Research since 1987. ... The Brain & Behavior Research Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, our Tax ID # is 31-1020010. Sign Up for News.

  14. WCRIF

    She was a formidable champion for the responsible conduct of research in Canada and globally. She forged new paths for ensuring the integrity of research and promoting responsible practice. Susan was instrumental in shaping our international conferences and initiatives since the World Conference on Research Integrity in Montreal in 2013.

  15. Breast Cancer Research Foundation

    The Breast Cancer Research Foundation is dedicated to ending breast cancer by advancing the world's most promising research. This year, BCRF is the largest private funder of breast cancer research—and metastatic breast cancer research—worldwide and is the highest-rated breast cancer research organization in the country. Learn More Donate.

  16. Observer Research Foundation

    ORF provides independent analysis on security, strategy, economy, development, energy and resources.

  17. What is Project 2025? Wish list for a Trump presidency, explained

    It is common for Washington think tanks of all political stripes to propose policy wish lists for potential governments-in-waiting. The conservative Heritage Foundation first produced policy plans ...

  18. Waves That Heal, The

    Email: [email protected]. PR / Fundraising. Mailing Address: World Research Foundation. 5309 Via Donte. Marina del Rey, CA 90292. Phone: (310) 827-0070. Email: [email protected]. The information contained herein is based upon data from various published sources and merely represents health literature as summarized by researchers and contributors.

  19. NIZHNy Novgorod to Samara

    Answer 21 of 77: Help! I have a back to back game Fromm NIZHNy Novgorod July 1st-9pmgame to Samara july2nd-6pm game. I've looked into flights and they are a bit over my budget. Does anyone know where to rent a vehicle? I'm sure it's cheaper than two flight tickets...

  20. Timeline of Samara

    1932 - Botanical Garden State University established. [ 8] 1935. Samara renamed "Kuybyshev" (after Valerian Kuybyshev ). [ 9] Cathedral of Christ the Savior demolished. 1941 - National government relocated to Kuybyshev from Moscow. [ 10] 1942 - Football Club Krylia Sovetov Samara formed.

  21. Health Books for Sale

    PR / Fundraising. Mailing Address: World Research Foundation 5309 Via Donte Marina del Rey, CA 90292. Phone: (310) 827-0070 Email: [email protected]

  22. History of Samara

    The foundation of the Samara small town in the Samara natural boundary occurred in 1586 by decree of Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich on the bank of the Samara River near its confluence with the Volga under the direction of Prince G. O. Zasekinand the Streletsky heads of the "comrade" (deputy governor) Yelchaninov and Streshnev. The purpose of the fortress is the protection of shipping on the Middle ...

  23. Dmitry Azarov

    Dmitry Igorevich Azarov (Russian: Дмитрий Игоревич Азаров; born 9 August 1970), is a Russian politician and systems engineer. He served as the 4th Governor of Samara Oblast from 2018 to 2024. Azarov is a member of the bureau of the supreme council of the United Russia party. In July 2022, Azarov fell under international sanctions related to his party's support for the ...

  24. World Research News

    The World Research News article archive; many of the articles which have been published in past issues of the World Research News printed newsletter. ... World Research Foundation P.O. Box 20828 Sedona, AZ 86341. Phone: (928) 284-3300 Email: [email protected]. PR / Fundraising. Mailing Address: World Research Foundation 5309 Via Donte Marina del Rey ...