script presentation bahasa melayu

Tips Membuat Pembentangan Yang Hebat dan Berkesan

What are you made of.

Tees, Sweats, Totes

Tips Membuat Pembentangan Yang Hebat dan Berkesan

Ramai diantara kita sebagai pelajar IPT khususnya yang menghadapi masalah ketika dalam sesi pembentangan atau presentasi. Presentasi atau pembentangan adalah suatu perkara yang biasa dilakukan ketika masih belajar mahupun ketika sudah berkerja. Tetapi tidak semua orang menyukainya. Kerana apabila menyebut tentang pembentangan, apa yang bermain di fikiran adalah bercakap di depan khalayak ramai. Mungkin 2 orang, mungkin 5, mungkin juga 10 malah mungkin juga 100 orang. Hampir 70% hingga 90% mempunyai masalah bercakap di khalayak ramai. Perasaan malu, takut dan sebagainya sering berlegar – legar di kotak minda. Saya pasti jika diletakkan pistol dikepala sekali pun masih belum tentu lagi kita akan bercakap di khalayak ramai. Jadi kita sebagai pelajar khususnya harus melatih diri kita agar tampil berani dan tidak kekok untuk berbicara di khalayak ramai.  Jika di dalam kelas ianya merupakan satu proses pembelajaran yang patut kita semua lalui, dan dengan latihan tersebut kita dapat mengadaptasikan segala pengetahuan tau pengelaman kita itu bila bekerja kelak.  Malah ia boleh dijadiakn sebagai nilai tambah bagi diri seseorang apabila memasuki alam pekerjaan.

Dalam menjadi seorang pembentang yang baik kita perlu ada persiapan yang rapi tentang apa yang ingin kita sampaikan dalam pembentangan kita, jadi ianya amat memerlukan kita agar melakukan sedikit persiapan terhadap presentasi kita.  Apakah sebenarnya presentasi atau pun pembentangan? Secara logiknya, maksud pembentangan ialah menyampaikan sesuatu perkara kepada orang lain. Umpama kita menyampaikan berita kepada kawan kita. Yang membezakannya ialah, pembentangan di lakukan secara formal dan disampaikan kepada kumpulan yang lebih besar Antara tips untuk menjadi pembentang yang baik adalah:

1 : Pembukaan Yang Menarik Perhatian.

Pembukaan sesuatu pembentangan agak penting. Jadikannya formal dan jangan lupa salam. Salam pembukaan. Cuba selitkan pantun. Cuba buat kelainan, seperti, mula-mula sekali pantun, baru salam. Cuba pakai perkataan salam yang baru sepert ”Salam 1 Malaysia”. Suara meyakinkan. Pastikan pembukaan menarik perhatian. Kalau tidak, tidak bergunalah pembentangan itu. Cuba dekatkan diri dengan penonton. Ceritakan sedikit tentang diri sendiri seperti ”Saya hanyalah manusia biasa seperti kamu juga yang hanya mahu menyampaikan idea baru”. Buat penonton rasa macam kamu kawan mereka.  Pembukaan memang sangat penting dalam persembahan “slide”, mulakan dengan memperkenalkan diri dan terangkan serba sedikit tentang apa yang hendak di persembahkan. Jangan campurkan isi persembahan dalam pembukaan. Selepas itu pastikan ia dilakukan dengan kreatif agar menarik minat penonton untuk menonton perbentangan kita itu.  Kita juga boleh menggunakan sesuatu gambar yang menarik bagi mencuri perhatian para audien, jika kita sedia maklum ramai diantara pembentang yang hebat akan menggunakan gambar terlebih dahulu sebelum mereka memulakan presentasi mereka.

2 : Penuh Keyakinan

Keyakinan merupakan kunci kejayaan pada setiap pembentangan. Ia adalah untuk memberi keyakinan pada penonton, bahawa pembentangan ini mempunyai ilmu yang padat dan untuk menunjukkan pada pensyarah bahawa kita telah membuat kajian yang banyak dalam hal yang berkaitan dengan pembentangan.  Dalam kehidupan kita, rasa kepercayaan diri adalah modal untuk mencapai kesuksesan dalam hal apapun. Rasa percaya diri boeh dimaksudkan sebagai keberanian dalam diri sehingga seseorang mampu melakukan sesuatu yang dianggapnya benar.  Jika kita sudah ada keyakinan diri yang tinggi sudah semestinya segala isi yang kita ingin sampaikan itu akan disampaikan dengan amat baik sekali.  Pastikan kita mempunyai keyakinan diri yang tinggi jika ingin membuat sebuah pembentangan yang hebat.  Apabila kita sudah ada keyakinan yang tinggi kita tidak akan mempunyai rasa takut atau segan lagi ketika berucap.

3 : Penampilan Yang Bersesuaian.

Bagi saya penampilan yang baik juga adalah sesuatu yang amat perlu dititikberatkan oleh seseorang pembentang, ini kerana penampilan atau perwatakan yang menarik ianya mampu untuk menarit minat audiens dalam mendengar ucapan kita.  Sebagai contoh, walhal dalam pembentangan dalam kelas juga pensyarah amat mengalakkan kita agar tampil dalam pakaian yang menarik dan kemas.  Aspek pemilihan pemakaian rasanya amat penting untuk kelihatan lebih mantap di hadapan penonton. Bagi persembahan berkumpulan, kita digalakkan memakai pakaian yang sama contohnya jika berkemeja putih semua berkemeja putih. Sama juga jika memakai blazer.

4 : Bahasa Dan Suara Yang Jelas, Fasih dan mudah difahami

Kita tak memerlukan suara seperti Yuna dan Anna Raffali untuk menjadi yang terbaik dalam pembentangan. Apa yang penting ialah suara yang cukup jelas dan tegaskan suara dibahagian tertentu yang mempunyai maklumat penting dan jangan memberi pembentangan laju macam kapal terbang. Fokus dan bertenang agar memperoleh fokus. Gunakan bahasa yang mudah difahami oleh orang ramai jangan sesekali menggunakan ayat yang boleh mengelirukan audiens kita.  Percakapan yang fasih merupakan sesuatu perkara yang amat penting dalam sesuatu pembentangan, jika kita tidak mampu bercakap dengan fasih sudah semestinya pembentangan kita itu akan menjadi kurang sempurna.  Bagi mereka yang mempunyai loghat negeri yang pekat amat penting bagi anda untuk melatih atau membiasakan diri anda ketika berucap.  Jika kita selalu membiasakan diri dalam bercakap bahasa melayu yang fasih lama-kelamaan kita boleh bertutur dengan baik tanpa loghat negeri tersebut.

5 : Informasi

Untuk membentangkan sesuatu perkara, perkara mudah sahaja tentang apa yang korang ingin bentangkan masih tidak mencukupi. Cari informasi tentang tajuk pembentangan dengan maksima mungkin di dalam internet, buku dan mana-mana rujukan yang boleh didapati. Kita mesti tahu peralatan yang hendak digunakan semasa pembentangan.  Pastikan diri kita sudah menguasai semua tentang apa yang ingin kita bentangkan.  Jika kita sudah menguasai tentang segala maklumat tajuk pembentangan kita maka ianya akan membuatkan sesi pembentangan kita akan menjadi lebih mudah dan kita boleh meyakinkan audiens tentanf informasi yang ingin kita sampaikan.

6 : “Eye Contact Dan Body Language”

Tidak dinafikan, penggunaan “eye contact dan body language” mempunyai pengaruh yang besar terhadap kejayaan sesuatu pembentangan. Hubungan “eye contact” tidak semestinya tertumpu pada seseorang penonton sahaja, cuba kita tumpukan pada semua penonton yang ada.  Sesetengah pelajar sekarang apabila membentang mereka hanya membaca slide atau nota tanpa menghiraukan audiens.  Perkara ini amat penting untuk dipratikkan apabila kita berucap, eye contact yang baik mampu memberi satu interaksi langsung bila berhadapan dengan audiens.  Dengan bahasa badan yang baik juga membolehkan audiens akan tertaarik dengan pembentangan kita.

7 : Penutup

Ini adalah bahagian terakhir dalam sesi pembentangan. Jika kita memulakan pembentangan dengan pembukaan yang menarik, pastikan kita lakukan penutup lebih baik lagi. Bahagian penutup kebiasaannya akan menggunakan semula objektif pembentangan tersebut.   Biarpun penutup , anggaplah benda ini sebagai salah satu aspek penting. Ulang balik apa isi-isi penting dalam pembentangan korang tadi agar penonton boleh imbas kembali apa yang kita bentangkan dan akhirilah pembentangan dengan penuh keyakinan agar apa yang kita bentangkan tu terus kekal dalam ingatan mereka.  Setiap pembentangan perlukan kesimpulan. Ini penting kerana tujuannya untuk mengingati semula apa yang telah dibentangkan sepanjang sesi pembentangan tersebut. Biasanya rumusan adalah dalam bentuk point. Mulakan dengan isi kandungan pembentangan, huraikan dan buat sedikit kesimpulan. Sebaiknya sertakan contoh semasa membuat kesimpulan tersebut. Berikut adalah perkara – perkara yang biasa dilakukan ketika sesi terakhir iaitu penutup pembentangan.

Dalam kita menjadi pembentang yang baik amat penting untuk kita membuat latihan atau praktis mengenainya.  Dalam kelas merupakan satu sesi pembelajaran yang amat baik untuk kita praktiskan dalam menjadi pembentang yang baik.  Gunakan peluang yang diberi oleh pensyarah untuk kita menyampaikan apa yang kita ingin sampaikan. Jadi, tidak perlulah kita teragak – agak lagi untuk melakukan sesi pembentangan. Tetapkan pada minda kita, bahawa kita mampu menyampaikan sesi pembentangan yang lebih baik dari masa ke semasa.

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How to generate Malay text-to-speech

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AI Studios offers a free text-to-speech trial with realistic AI voices. It's an online tool that instantly converts text into natural-sounding audio.

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DeepBrain AI's Malay TTS services are completely safe. Copyrights for works produced by DeepBrain AI's TTS belong to the customer.

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Skrip Presentasi | Panduan Utama Untuk Melibatkan Audiens Anda di 2024

Jane Ng • 05 April, 2024 • 8 min merah

Bagaimana Anda bisa mengatur presentasi PowerPoint sehingga menarik perhatian audiens? ini adalah topik hangat! Apakah Anda sedang mencari contoh presentasi skrip? Setiap presentasi yang berkesan dimulai dengan satu halaman kosong dan tekad seorang penulis untuk menciptakan sesuatu yang luar biasa. Jika Anda pernah menatap kanvas kosong yang mengintimidasi, tidak yakin bagaimana mengubah ide Anda menjadi naskah yang menawan, jangan takut. 

Dalam postingan blog ini, kami akan memandu Anda tentang cara menulis yang sempurna naskah presentasi itu akan memukau audiens Anda. Selain itu, kami akan memberi Anda tips praktis dan contoh nyata yang membantu Anda memulai perjalanan Anda dalam menyusun naskah presentasi yang menarik.

Pelajari cara menulis naskah presentasi dengan AhaSlides, hari ini!

Mengapa Naskah Presentasi yang Ditulis dengan Baik Penting?

Cara menulis skrip presentasi, kiat pakar untuk menulis naskah presentasi yang menarik.

  • Contoh Skrip Presentasi 
  • Pengambilan Kunci

Pertanyaan Umum (FAQ)

Ikhtisar - naskah presentasi.

  • Deskripsi presentasi
Mengapa Naskah Presentasi yang Ditulis dengan Baik Penting?Itu penting karena itu adalah tulang punggung presentasi Anda, memastikan struktur, melibatkan audiens Anda, dan meningkatkan kepercayaan diri Anda.
Cara Menulis Skrip PresentasiStruktur garis besar, Ciptakan pembukaan yang kuat, Kembangkan poin-poin penting, Gabungkan alat bantu visual, Gunakan transisi dan rambu-rambu, Rangkum dan akhiri dengan dampak, Carilah umpan balik, dan revisi.
Kiat Pakar Untuk Menulis Naskah Presentasi yang MenarikLibatkan audiens dengan fitur interaktif, gunakan bahasa percakapan, tekankan poin-poin penting, dan jawab pertanyaan potensial.
Contoh Skrip Presentasi Contoh detail dari a

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Mulai dalam hitungan detik.

Dapatkan template gratis untuk presentasi interaktif Anda selanjutnya. Daftar gratis dan ambil yang Anda inginkan dari pustaka template!

Skrip presentasi yang ditulis dengan baik adalah tulang punggung penyampaian Anda, memastikan struktur, melibatkan audiens, meningkatkan kepercayaan diri, dan memberikan kemampuan beradaptasi.

  • Skrip presentasi yang bagus memberikan struktur dan kejelasan pada pesan Anda.
  • Itu membuat audiens Anda terlibat dan membantu mereka memahami ide-ide Anda. 
  • Ini juga memastikan konsistensi dan pengulangan, terutama saat menyajikan beberapa kali. 
  • Naskah presentasi yang baik memberikan kemampuan beradaptasi dan kesiapan, memungkinkan Anda menyesuaikan dan menangani situasi yang tidak terduga. 

Selain itu, bagi banyak presenter, saraf dan Glossofobia dapat menjadi rintangan yang signifikan untuk diatasi. Naskah yang ditulis dengan baik memberikan rasa aman dan percaya diri. Seperti jaring pengaman, ini memastikan bahwa Anda memiliki poin utama dan detail pendukung di ujung jari Anda. Ini meningkatkan kepercayaan diri Anda dan mengurangi kecemasan, memungkinkan Anda menyampaikan presentasi yang lebih halus.

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Lalu bagaimana cara membuat script presentasi?

Sebelum menulis naskah presentasi, Anda perlu mengetahui latar belakang, minat, dan tingkat pengetahuan audiens Anda. Kemudian tentukan dengan jelas tujuan presentasi Anda. Memiliki tujuan yang jelas akan membantu Anda tetap fokus saat menulis naskah.

1/ Garis Besar Strukturnya

Mulailah dengan pengantar yang menarik perhatian, diikuti dengan poin utama yang ingin Anda sampaikan, dan akhiri dengan ringkasan atau ajakan bertindak yang kuat.

Sebagai contoh:

  • Pendahuluan - Naskah pendahuluan untuk presentasi harus merupakan hubungan yang ramah dan pribadi dengan topik. 
  • Poin Utama - Manfaat "topik"
  • Transisi - Gunakan frasa seperti "Sekarang mari kita lanjutkan ke" atau "Selanjutnya, kita akan berdiskusi". 
  • Kesimpulan - Rekap poin-poin penting dan ajakan bertindak.

Anda dapat mempertimbangkan untuk menggunakan poin-poin atau judul untuk mengatur ide-ide Anda dalam setiap bagian.

2/ Buat Pembukaan yang Kuat

Menyusun pernyataan pembuka yang kuat sangat penting untuk menarik perhatian audiens dan menentukan suasana keseluruhan presentasi Anda. Berikut adalah beberapa elemen kunci yang perlu dipertimbangkan saat membuat pernyataan pembuka yang berdampak:

  • Pikat Penonton: Mulailah dengan hook menawan yang langsung menarik perhatian penonton
  • Tetapkan Relevansi: Komunikasikan relevansi dan pentingnya topik Anda kepada audiens. Soroti bagaimana hal itu berkaitan dengan kehidupan, tantangan, atau aspirasi mereka.
  • Buat Koneksi Emosional: Tarik emosi audiens Anda dan ciptakan rasa resonansi atau empati. Terhubung dengan keinginan, tantangan, atau aspirasi mereka untuk menjalin hubungan pribadi.

3/ Kembangkan Poin-Poin Penting

Saat mengembangkan poin-poin penting dalam naskah presentasi Anda, penting untuk memberikan informasi pendukung, contoh, atau bukti yang memperkuat pesan Anda. Inilah cara Anda dapat memperluas setiap poin utama:

Informasi pendukung:

  • Sajikan fakta, data, atau pendapat ahli yang mendukung poin utama Anda.
  • Gunakan sumber yang kredibel untuk memperkuat argumen Anda dan memberikan konteks.
  • Gunakan bukti untuk mendukung klaim Anda dan meningkatkan kredibilitas.

Urutan Logis atau Alur Narasi

  • Atur poin utama Anda dalam urutan logis untuk memfasilitasi pemahaman.
  • Pertimbangkan untuk menggunakan alur naratif untuk membuat alur cerita menarik yang menghubungkan poin-poin utama Anda.

script presentation bahasa melayu

4/ Memasukkan Alat Bantu Visual

Memasukkan alat bantu visual secara strategis ke dalam presentasi Anda dapat secara signifikan meningkatkan pemahaman, keterlibatan, dan penyimpanan informasi.

  • Contoh: Jika Anda mendiskusikan fitur produk baru, tampilkan gambar atau video pendek yang menunjukkan fungsinya saat Anda menjelaskan setiap fitur.

5/ Sertakan Transisi dan Rambu Penunjuk

Menyertakan transisi dan rambu-rambu membantu memandu audiens Anda melalui ide-ide Anda dan memastikan mereka dapat dengan mudah mengikuti alur pemikiran Anda.

Anda dapat menggunakan bahasa yang ringkas dan menarik untuk memperkenalkan materi pelajaran yang akan datang.

  • Contoh: "Selanjutnya, kita akan menjelajahi yang terbaru..."

Atau Anda dapat menggunakan pertanyaan untuk berpindah antar bagian atau menarik perhatian audiens.

  • Contoh: "Tetapi bagaimana kita mengatasi tantangan ini? Jawabannya terletak pada..."

6/ Ringkas dan Simpulkan

  • Rekap poin utama Anda untuk memperkuat pesan utama secara ringkas.
  • Akhiri dengan kesimpulan berkesan yang meninggalkan dampak abadi atau ajakan bertindak untuk audiens Anda.

7/ Mintalah Umpan Balik dan Revisi

  • Bagikan skrip Anda dengan kolega, teman, atau mentor tepercaya untuk umpan balik yang membangun.
  • Setelah Anda membuat revisi berdasarkan umpan balik, berlatihlah menyampaikan naskah revisi Anda.
  • Perbaiki dan sempurnakan naskah Anda sesuai kebutuhan melalui sesi latihan dan umpan balik tambahan.

Libatkan Penonton

Tingkatkan partisipasi dan keterlibatan audiens dengan memanfaatkan fitur interaktif seperti Sesi tanya jawab , jajak pendapat langsung, kuis dan kegiatan kecil melalui AhaSlides . Dengan memanfaatkan elemen interaktif ini, Anda dapat mengubah presentasi Anda menjadi pengalaman yang dinamis dan menarik bagi audiens Anda.

Anda juga dapat meminta umpan balik dari audiens Anda skala peringkat or skala likert !

Gunakan Bahasa Percakapan

Tulis naskah Anda dengan nada percakapan agar lebih mudah didekati dan dihubungkan. Hindari jargon dan terminologi rumit yang mungkin mengasingkan audiens Anda.

Tahu Takeaways Kunci Anda

  • Identifikasi pesan utama atau takeaway utama yang Anda ingin audiens Anda ingat.
  • Buat skrip Anda di sekitar poin-poin penting ini untuk memastikan poin-poin tersebut ditekankan selama presentasi.

Atasi Potensi Pertanyaan atau Kekhawatiran

Dengan secara proaktif menjawab pertanyaan atau permasalahan potensial dalam naskah presentasi Anda, Anda menunjukkan ketelitian, kredibilitas, dan komitmen tulus untuk memenuhi kebutuhan audiens Anda. 

Pendekatan ini membantu menumbuhkan kepercayaan dan memastikan bahwa presentasi Anda memberikan informasi yang jelas dan komprehensif, membuat audiens Anda merasa puas dan terinformasi.

script presentation bahasa melayu

Contoh Skrip Presentasi

Berikut contoh naskah presentasi tentang “Kekuatan Komunikasi Efektif”: 

Slide 1[Slide menampilkan judul: "Kekuatan Komunikasi Efektif"]
Slide 2[Menampilkan kutipan: "Masalah terbesar dalam komunikasi adalah ilusi..."]
TransisiMari kita mulai dengan memahami mengapa komunikasi yang efektif itu penting...
Slide 3[Slide menampilkan judul: "Membangun Koneksi yang Kuat"]
Slide 4[Slide menampilkan poin-poin penting tentang mendengarkan secara aktif]
TransisiSalah satu aspek mendasar dari komunikasi yang efektif adalah mendengarkan secara aktif...
Slide 5[Slide menampilkan judul: "Komunikasi Non Verbal"]
Slide 6[Slide menampilkan poin-poin penting pada isyarat non-verbal]
TransisiTahukah Anda bahwa sebagian besar komunikasi sebenarnya bersifat non-verbal...
Slide 11[Slide menampilkan judul: "Membuka Kekuatan Komunikasi Efektif"]
Kesimpulan Terima kasih atas perhatiannya hari ini. Ingat, kekuatan komunikasi yang efektif...

Pengambilan Kunci 

Kesimpulannya, menyusun naskah presentasi yang ditulis dengan baik sangat penting untuk menyampaikan presentasi yang sukses dan berdampak. Dengan mengikuti langkah-langkah dan tips yang diuraikan dalam panduan ini, Anda dapat membuat skrip yang melibatkan pemirsa, mengomunikasikan pesan Anda secara efektif, dan meninggalkan kesan abadi.

Ingat, menggabungkan elemen interaktif dapat meningkatkan keterlibatan audiens secara signifikan dan membuat presentasi Anda lebih berkesan. AhaSlides, dengan jangkauan luas kami template dan fitur interaktif seperti pertanyaan, jajak pendapat , dan aktivitas, menyediakan platform yang kuat untuk melibatkan audiens Anda secara aktif dan menciptakan pengalaman presentasi yang interaktif dan dinamis.

Bagaimana Anda menulis naskah untuk presentasi?

Berikut adalah langkah-langkah bagaimana menulis naskah presentasi yang efektif: Gambarkan strukturnya, termasuk pengantar yang menarik perhatian, poin utama, dan kesimpulan yang kuat.  Ciptakan pembukaan yang kuat yang memikat penonton, membangun relevansi, dan menciptakan hubungan emosional.  Kembangkan poin-poin kunci dengan informasi pendukung dan urutan logis.  Memasukkan alat bantu visual strategis untuk meningkatkan pemahaman.  Gunakan transisi dan rambu-rambu untuk memandu audiens Anda.  Ringkas dan simpulkan dengan dampak .  Mencari umpan balik, merevisi, dan berlatih untuk presentasi yang dipoles.

Bagaimana Anda memulai contoh skrip presentasi?

Berikut ini contoh bagaimana Anda dapat memulai skrip presentasi: - "Selamat pagi/siang/malam, hadirin sekalian. Terima kasih telah hadir di sini hari ini. Nama saya_____, dan saya senang mendapat kesempatan untuk berbicara dengan Anda tentang_______. Selama _______ berikutnya, kita akan menjelajah [sebutkan secara singkat poin-poin penting atau tujuan presentasi]." Kalimat pembuka harus bertujuan untuk menarik perhatian audiens, membangun kredibilitas Anda, dan memperkenalkan topik yang akan Anda diskusikan. 

Bolehkah membaca naskah untuk presentasi?

Meskipun secara umum disarankan untuk menghindari membaca langsung dari naskah, ada situasi di mana hal ini dapat bermanfaat. Untuk presentasi formal atau kompleks seperti pembicaraan akademis atau teknis, naskah yang dibuat dengan baik akan memastikan keakuratan dan membuat Anda tetap pada jalurnya.  Namun, dalam banyak kasus, gaya percakapan dengan catatan atau prompt lebih disukai. Ini memungkinkan fleksibilitas, spontanitas, dan keterlibatan audiens yang lebih baik. 

Jane Ng

Seorang penulis yang ingin membuat konten yang praktis dan berharga bagi audiens

Kiat untuk Terlibat dengan Polling & Trivia

bintang buletin

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Malaysian text to speech

Easily convert text to speech in Malaysian, and 100 more languages. Try our Malaysian text to speech free online. No registration required. Create Audio

Text to speech Malay voices help you create videos and audio materials in Malay language quickly. Convert Malay text to voice in minutes, much faster than recording the audio yourself. Narakeet makes it easy to use the best Malay text to speech online voices, including Google text to speech Malay and Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services, without any programming knowledge. Upload a Word document or a Powerpoint presentation, and our Malaysian voices turn create a text to speech conversion of standard Malay for you.

Narakeet has 19 Malaysian text to speech male and female voices. Play the video below (with sound) for a quick demo.

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Text to Speech Malay Voices

In addition to these voices, Narakeet has 700 text-to-speech voices in 100 languages .

For more options (uploading Word documents, voice speed/volume controls, working with Powerpoint files or Markdown scripts), check out our Tools .

Malaysian voice over

Text to speech Malay online is much faster and more convenient than hiring Malay voice talent. Malay voice generators can produce lots of different audio and video content types, and our Malay voice reader will help you engage your audience. Here are some things you can easily create with Narakeet:

  • Malay text to speech YouTube videos
  • Text to voice Malay language lessons
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  • Malay TTS voice messages
  • TTS Malay social media stories
  • Text to speech Bahasa Malaysia audiobooks
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Narakeet helps you create text to speech voiceovers , turn Powerpoint presentations and Markdown scripts into engaging videos. It is under active development, so things change frequently. Keep up to date: RSS , Slack , Twitter , YouTube , Facebook , Instagram , TikTok


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Malaysian Malay Text to Speech & Malay Accent Generator

Convert text to speech to Malaysian Malay AI voices that sound like native speakers. Try Malaysian Malay text to speech online. No signup required.


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Text to speech languages, voices, & accents

Trusted by individuals and teams of all sizes, malaysian malay voice generator samples.

Listen to the most conversational, and unique Malay text to speech voices.


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Malaysian malay text to speech features.

Enjoy flawless, natural-sounding Malaysian Malay AI voices with PlayHT’s industry-leading speech synthesis. Human-like rhythm and conversational Malaysian Malay voice overs that are indistinguishable from humans.

[object Object]

Malaysian Malay Text to Speech Library

The PlayHT voice library features over 900 premium AI TTS voices. From distinctive characters and even accents.

[object Object]

Real-time Malaysian Malay TTS Generation

Convert text to speech with one of the fastest Malaysian Malay text to speech APIs in real time. Create voice overs for your audio content on-the fly.

Additional Text to Speech Languages

Additional Text to Speech Languages

PlayHT’s AI voice generator converts text into high-quality, natural-sounding speech in over 142 other languages. From English, Japanese, and Spanish, to Chinese, our AI voice is indistinguishable from a native speaker.

[object Object]

Malay TTS Accents

PlayHT is one of the very few text to speech converters that offers Malaysian Malay TTS accents.


About Malaysia

Malaysia, located in Southeast Asia, comprises two regions separated by the South China Sea: Peninsular Malaysia and East Malaysia on Borneo. With a population of around 33 million, its history includes Malay kingdoms, British colonization, and independence in 1957. Kuala Lumpur, the capital, is known for the Petronas Twin Towers and vibrant markets. Malaysian culture is a blend of Malay, Chinese, Indian, and indigenous influences. Key landmarks include the Batu Caves, Mount Kinabalu, and the Perhentian Islands. The official language is Malay.

About Malaysian Malay

Malay, or Bahasa Malaysia, is the official language of Malaysia and is spoken by about 18 million people. It belongs to the Austronesian language family and uses the Latin script. Malay has been influenced by Sanskrit, Arabic, Portuguese, Dutch, and English, reflecting Malaysia's diverse history of trade and colonization.

The most conversational text to speech voice samples

Listen to AI voices that are indistinguishable from humans.

Ultra realistic text to speech voice samples

Listen to AI Voice performances created using PlayHT

Get Started with Malay Text to Speech API

PlayHT has pioneered conversational AI Malay Text to Speech (TTS) and this makes the voices very native sounding.

What is Malaysian Malay Text to Speech?

Text to speech (TTS) is a technology that reads aloud digital text—the words on computers, smartphones, and tablets. Using TTS, you can listen to books, articles, and websites without having to read them on a screen. It's like having someone read to you.

This technology is vital for accessibility, helping people with visual impairments access written content through audio. It's also integrated into navigation systems and virtual assistants for seamless human-machine interaction.

Improving naturalness in synthesized speech is an ongoing goal. Researchers use machine learning and neural networks to refine algorithms and enhance speech quality. The aim is to make synthesized speech sound more like human speech, reducing the gap between the two.

How Malaysian Malay Text to Speech Works

Here's a step-by-step tutorial for using Malay text to speech on PlayHT:

Sign Up or Log In

Create a new account or log into your existing PlayHT dashboard to access the TTS studio.

Enter Your Malaysian Malay Text

Once logged in, you can type, paste, or upload your text directly into the text box.

Choose a Malaysian Malay Voice

Choose from the best Malay AI voices or 900+ other conversational AI voices. You’re sure to find the perfect voice for your project.

Custom Malay Voice

Clone your voice to create a custom sounding Malaysian Malay text to speech voice. It only takes 30 seconds.

Move sliders to adjust tone, speed, and style to get the perfect speech output your project demands.

Generate & Download

Whenever you are ready, you can download a high quality Malay MP3 audio file of your natural-sounding Malay speech.

Malaysian Malay Text to Speech Use Cases

Unlock premium synthesized speech tailored to almost every use case. With PlayHT's diverse array of AI text to speech voices and accents, ensuring your content is not just read aloud, but also enjoyable to listen to.

Malay AI Voice overs

Empower content creators with PlayHT's TTS for Malaysian Malay AI voice overs, allowing them to generate realistic and expressive voice overs for various applications such as animation, gaming, and storytelling, adding depth and authenticity to multimedia projects.

Audio Articles and Accessibility

Enhance accessibility and inclusivity by using PlayHT's TTS for Audio Articles and Accessibility, converting written Malay content into audio formats such as podcasts and audiobooks, making it easier for individuals with dyslexia and other reading challenges to access and enjoy the content effortlessly.

Google Docs & Email

Listen to your Google Docs, email, or any website in Malay . Professionals and students that have to read a lot at school or work, can blaze through their reading and save minutes on every article. It all adds up.

Conversational AI

Create lifelike virtual Malaysian Malay assistants that engage users in natural dialogue, enhancing user experiences across platforms like chatbots, virtual agents, and smart speakers.

E-Learning and Training

Create Malay E-Learning, training, or educational content that sounds conversational and engaging. Improve accessibility and engagement for students and employees of all abilities.

IVR Systems

Integrate PlayHT's Malaysian Malay TTS into IVR Systems to deliver clear and natural-sounding prompts and messages, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of customer interactions by providing easy-to-understand voice guidance.

YouTube and TikTok Videos

Create YouTube and TikTok Malaysian Malay TTS videos that sound native. Your listeners will not be distracted by a robotic voice or be able to distinguish it from human narration.

Elevate Your Content with Malaysian Malay Text-to-Speech

Try the best Malay text to speech app that's indistinguishable from a native speaker.

Who can benefit from Malaysian Malay text to speech?

Convert text to speech in perfect Malaysian Malay pronunciation and intonation.

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The history of the Malay language, from Pallava to Jawi to modern Malay, simplified

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So recently, there’s a huge uproar about teaching SJK students khat , or calligraphy in Jawi script . We won’t go into too much detail about that, since a lot have been written about it (MalaysiaKini actually did a pretty comprehensive explainer on that). But here’s a basic version of what happened:

Plans of teaching khat got leaked out, some education groups and people got miffed and protested, people got divided and poured out their strong opinions against each other, politicians scrabbled around trying to put out the fires, and recently, the issue got settled with a sort of “if you want to learn, can, if don’t want also can”.

Right. So pretty much another day in democratic Malaysia Baru. Being the scholars that we are, we decided to look past the burning buildings and see what’s the deal with Jawi , how it came to be, and how come we’re still keeping it around when we have these convenient Latin letters (commonly known as Rumi ). After all, we’re pretty sure most of us see instances of it every day…

Very helpful, Teresa. Img from HarakahDaily.

…but how many of us actually know the history behind it ? Well, that’s what we’ll be talking about today, starting with the (perhaps) surprising fact that…

Before Jawi, Bahasa Melayu was written in Rencong and Indian-based scripts

[ Update 22 Aug: One of our readers, Araduas Rasis Razali, pointed out to us that Rencong may not have been derived from Indian based-scripts after all, being considered an original Malay invention. This article had been changed to reflect that. ]

While many might equate the history of the Malays with the keris, Sultans, mountain princesses, and trade with the Arabs, the history of the Malay language started way before that . The history is a bit fuzzy, as not much interest was given towards the history of the Malay language until roughly the colonial times, and most of what we know today came from surviving relics, like tombstones and stone inscriptions (Batu Bersurats, if it helps).

Wahlao. Ancient khat on cave walls? Not really. Img from CleanMalaysia.

Like many other languages, Malay went through several evolutions before becoming what it is today. Before the 7th century , the Malay language was termed as Ancient Malay or Proto-Malay (aka Melayu Purba). This was a prehistoric time, and so far no written records have been found of this kind of Malay, leading to the belief that at this point, it’s a purely oral (spoken) language , with no written script .

The people in the Malay archipelago then made contact with Indian traders , and consequently their religion and language. Having received heavy influence from Sanskrit as well as ideas found in Hindu-Buddhism , Ancient Malay evolved into what is known as Old Malay (Melayu Kuno). It seemed to rise to prominence sometime between the 7th and 13th century , during the height of the Srivijayan empire.

Part of the ruins in Lembah Bujang, Kedah, showing that Hindu Buddhism once was there. Img from PakatPakatKalih Blogspot.

According to a source, Sanskrit at that time was seen as an atas kind of language , being the language of scholars. So even though several concepts already have Ancient Malay terms, they were replaced by adapted Sanskrit words . It is believed that some prefixes and suffixes in modern-day Malay gained its roots here, like adding ‘-ku’ at the end of words to denote possession (‘keretaku’ = my car, ‘buahku’ = my fruit, etc), plus other prefixes like ‘ber-‘ and ‘di-‘, although their spellings were different in Old Malay (‘mar-‘ and ‘ni-‘, respectively).

Several inscriptions in Old Malay have been found over the years, and they seem to use scripts adapted from Indian scripts , like Kawi , which looks something like this…

Sample Kawi script. Img from Wikipedia.

and Pallava .

Sample Pallava/Pallawa. Img from TripAdvisor.

Another script called Rencong , believed to be an original Malay writing system , was also used at this time.

Sample Rencong. Img from Wikipedia.

Old Malay reigned popular up until the early 13th century, when…

Trade with the Islamic world brought Islam, as well as the Jawi script

Arab traders praying on a beach in Malacca, probably. Painting from e-foliopengajian's Blogspot.

While we stated rough dates for the previous transitions, they were never sudden changes. The dates were estimates for the timeframes when each version of Malay probably became widely used. Jawi was said to have become popular starting the 13th century with the arrival of Islam, although some might argue that Islam in the region precedes the Jawi script , with tombstones and historical sailing logs that suggest Islamic practice as early as the 8th century .

Jawi script is derived from Arabic, but with a difference: it has six additional characters added/adapted to represent sounds in Malay not found in Arabic , i.e. /c/, /ng/, /v/, /g/, /ny/ and /p/. As for why people would switch to a whole different writing system, it has something to do with learning Islam .

Original Arabic letters...

[ Okay, side note. The Arabic character with the ‘y/i’ sound actually has two dots underneath it , but writer realized too late so too lazy to edit. Without the dots, it’s a not-commonly encountered additional character in Jawi that carries the sound of either ‘a’ or the ‘e’ in ’emak’, usually used for loanwords. Don’t @ us about this please. End of side note. ]

In the beginning, there were efforts to learn Islam from its two main sources: the Al-Quran , the main text of Islam, and the Hadith , which is a collection of sayings and behaviors of the Prophet Muhammad. These were mostly in Arabic back then, so to read them you need to know Arabic letters . Plus, in Islam, the correct Arabic pronunciation of certain prayers and phrases is important, something that the existing Sanskrit-based scripts cannot accurately portray .

To solve both problems of inaccurate pronunciation and unfamiliarity with the Arabic script, the Jawi script was introduced. This isn’t really a phenomenon unique to Malaysia, actually. For example, the Chinese language has their own version of ‘Jawi’ commonly caller Xiao’erjing , used by Muslim minority groups in parts of China.

With the introduction of the Jawi script and a generous helping of Arabic and Persian vocabulary , Old Malay morphed into Classical Malay . This form of Malay is different from its previous version in many ways, like having longer, more complicated sentences , the usage of ‘pun’ and ‘lah’ , a change in grammar and sentence style influenced by Arab, and the popularity of sentence starters like ‘hatta’, ‘alkisah’, and ‘adapun’. This is the kind of Malay you see in Sultanate historical dramas.

Or maybe in films that feature Hang Tuah. Img from ymkarenmmc2017's blogspot.

The Malay language and Islam became really popular in the region, and some had credited Jawi as the catalyst for that. At its height, it was used by both the common folk and for official affairs , no longer being limited to just Islamic classrooms. The Sultans of that time were even said to write letters to foreign monarchs in Jawi . With the booming trade, Malay and Jawi became the lingua franca of the region, but Jawi soon fell out of popularity when…

Westerners introduced the Roman script to the archipelago

It’s unclear when people started romanizing Malay, but sources would point to sometime after Malacca fell to the Portuguese . A teaching document suggests that the first angmoh to romanize Malay was a person named Duarte Barbosa in 1516, but it didn’t say much else. He was said to have accompanied Magellan on his circumnavigation of the world, but another friend of Magellan named Antonio Pigafetta was credited with the first ever romanized dictionary of Malay .

Pigafetta’s dictionary contained about 400 words . However, as can be seen in this sample…

Part of a paper on Pigafetta's dictionary. Img from Alessandro Bausani's paper.

…his spelling seems to be based on the sound of the words in Italian, instead of a transliteration from Jawi. Over the years, as Malaya changed hands, several other dictionaries and spelling systems for Malay in Roman script were published, but the spellings differ quite significantly , by time and region based on who’s colonizing.

Of interest was the case of Malaysia vs Indonesia spelling : after the Anglo-Dutch treaty of 1824 , Malaya went under the British , while Indonesia went under the Dutch . In the early 1900s, it was said that Malaya standardized its spelling for official use using the Wilkinson spelling system , while Indonesia used the van Ophuijsen spelling system , which spelled Malay words according to Dutch sounds.

The commonly seen difference was that the van Ophuijsen system uses ‘j’ for ‘c’ and ‘y’ sounds: ‘jari’ in Malaya was spelled ‘tjari’ in Indonesia, ‘nyawa’ was spelled ‘njawa’, etc. Oh, and ‘u’ sounds are written as ‘oe’. Like this:

Old Indonesian ad with that van Ophuijsen spelling in play. Img from Kaskus.

Several improvements to the system happened after that, perhaps notably by a Malay scholar named Za’ba , who among other things identified the six vocal sounds used in Malay and set down several rules in transliterating Jawi words into Rumi , the Roman script.

Sometime in 1967, Malaysia and Indonesia got together and standardized their spelling systems, and since then, the spelling system for Malay words in Malaysia had been maintained by the Dewan Bahasa and Pustaka (DBP) .

So with the Rumi script in place and more vocabulary added to the language over the years from various colonizers, Classical Malay turned into the modern Malay we know today. And unlike Kawi, Pallava and Rencong, which can barely be seen today, Jawi is still being used in modern day Malaysia . However…

Although it’s still being used, some fear that Jawi will soon be forgotten

Some, like this record of sale for a female Batak slave to a British, can give more insight into our history. Img from the British Library.

Academically, there might still be value in learning the Jawi script . Jawi did make up a huge part of Malaya’s history, and in the 700 or so years when Jawi was the belle of the ball, thousands of historical documents were written in it . Even (perhaps) the most recognizable historical document we have, the Declaration of Independence , was written in Jawi. However, at least 4,000 of these historical documents are still waiting to be researched and/or transliterated into Rumi.

With the improvements in spelling Malay words in Rumi over the years, Jawi had not been neglected by Malay scholars, with more rules added for spelling with it to remove ambiguity. But although both systems are still being used today, Jawi is considerably less popular. Sometime in the 1960s the National Language Act 1963/67 was implemented, and it effectively established the Rumi system as the official writing system for Malay, although it’s not wrong if people want to use Jawi.

“The script of the national language shall be the Rumi script: provided that this shall not prohibit the use of the Malay script , more commonly known as the Jawi script , of the national language,” – Section 9 of the National Language Act .

Today, Jawi is still being taught in schools, most noticeably in the subject of Pendidikan Islam , where the official textbooks are written almost entirely in Jawi. However, there is a concern that Jawi is becoming less and less popular , particularly among the younger generation. It must be noted, however, that we are unable to find the exact statistics to back this statement. Regardless of that, to fix the perception, some state governments and NGOs have tried using the script more in banners and signboards , and by holding campaigns to rekindle the people’s interest in the script.

You might think this is in Iraq, but it's actually Kelantan. Img from notremalaise's blog.

Regardless of how people may see Jawi, it can’t be denied that it is a significant part of Malaysia’s history , but whether or not it will still be relevant in Malaysia’s future… that’s not really something we can say for certain.

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  • bahasa melayu
  • classical malay
  • islamization
  • modern malay
  • romanized script

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11 Best Tips On How To Introduce Yourself In Malay

Picture of Siti Sarah binti Yahaya

  • , February 9, 2021

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Knowing the pronouns , basic greetings , and question words of a newly acquired language is absolutely crucial. Just as important, being able to introduce yourself is a basic form of self-expression, individuality, and recognition. Introducing yourself in another, foreign language, however, is much of a different case. In today’s blog, you’ll be exposed to some new words and phrases – the ones you’ll use to introduce yourself in Bahasa Malaysia. If you’re learning Malay and want to know how to introduce yourself in Malay, then stick around and keep your screen time going!

Introduce Yourself In Malay – Is It Easy?

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The first thing you should know in the lesson of Malay self-introduction is the fact that Bahasa Melayu is straightforward and easy to acquire and master. Having said that, don’t worry too much about screwing up when you introduce yourself in Malay. The Malay locals would already be impressed as you attempt to speak in their native tongue, so you can push that concern away.

There are several important words you’ll learn in this lesson. Each of the words resembles a specific part, referring to who you are, what you do, and what’s your favorite pastime. If you want to find out how to say all these in the Malay language, keep on scrolling!

Common Phrases When Introducing Yourself In Malay

Let’s dive into some fundamental phrases you need to know in order to introduce yourself in English. Now we’ve all known that Malay is an easy, uncomplicated language. If you’re a native English speaker or you’ve understood how English works, you’ll probably get the hang of the Malay language as well.

1. Sila perkenalkan diri anda (Please introduce yourself)

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Before introducing yourself to the Malaysian community or if you’re new to some Malay companies and agencies, you may hear this phrase a lot. Sila perkenalkan diri anda simply means please introduce yourself in English. I’ll provide you with the literal translation of this phrase:

Sila – Please

Perkenalkan – introduce, diri – self, anda – you/your.

By now, you’ll see and learn the necessary vocabulary you need to know so that you can use it later when introducing yourself to the local Malays. As you can see, perkenalkan is indicated to mean the English word, introduce . The word kan at the back of perkenalkan is actually a suffix, as perkenal already means introduce in Bahasa Malaysia. However, when used in a phrase, usually it’s accompanied by the suffix -kan . The other words like sila , diri and anda is quite self-explanatory. Their meanings are precisely the same as their English counterparts.

If you’re taking a Malay course or just started working in Malaysia, you’ll be hearing this phrase a lot, especially in job interviews. It’s normally said by other people as this specific phrase is imperative – it’s a form of instruction where people want you to introduce yourself.

2. Pengenalan diri (Self-introduction)

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Compared to the imperative phrase before, this particular term is mostly used in Malay written contexts. A common practice you’d see in Malaysia’s primary schools on the first day of school – the first-day lesson would be writing a page of their biodata, explaining who they are. In short, primary school kids often write their pengenalan diri on the first day of school. The English translation to this term is quite clear too. Pengenalan is a noun, which is identical to its English equivalent, introduction . Plus, the word self is translated as diri . So, if you want to say myself in Bahasa Malaysia, it becomes diri saya (as you guess it, saya means I/me/my in Malay).

3. Nama saya (My name is)

This is the start of the most important part of today’s lesson. Let me quickly translate this phrase for you.

Nama = Name

That’s it? How about the word is ? In Bahasa Melayu , there’s no equivalent to the helping verb is because the words in Malay are already sufficient in carrying and showing the meaning of the English auxiliary verb, is .

So, if you want to introduce yourself by saying ‘I am Annie’, you can simply use this phrase – Nama saya Annie . There you go, the first key aspect in introducing yourself in Malay!

4. Umur saya X tahun (I am X years old)

This next part teaches you how to show your age through words. Let’s say you just meet a local friend and want to send him information pertaining to your age. You can do that by simply saying “ Umur saya 30 tahun “, which translates to ‘ My age is 30 years old ‘. Here’s the breakdown to show what each word actually means:

Tahun = Years old

The direct translation of the above phrase is “my age is X years old”. If you want to precisely say “I am X years old”, you can opt the word umur out and just say “ Saya 30 tahun “. But still, both ‘ Umur saya 30 tahun ‘ and ‘ Saya 30 tahun ‘ mean the same, so feel free to use either one!

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5. Saya suka (I like/I like to)

If you want to include your pastime in your self-introduction, you can use this particular phrase. It can also be used to signify your favorite food and color.

Saya suka berenang = I like swimming/to swim

Saya suka warna merah = i like red colour, saya suka nasi lemak = i like nasi lemak, 6. saya seorang (i am a + occupation).

Next, if you want to inform people of your job, you can easily follow this tip:

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Saya seorang guru = I am a teacher

Saya seorang atlet = i am an athlete, saya seorang pemasar digital = i am a digital marketer.

If you’re wondering what seorang means, it’s the equivalent to the English ‘ a ‘. To make it even more clear for you, se in Bahasa Melayu means one, while orang means person. So, logically, when combined together, the word indicates a person. As you use seorang in a sentence like the ones above, it figuratively means you’re this type of person.

Hence, typically, when an English sentence has its singular auxiliary verb that’s followed by an article ( am + a ), its Malay translation is seorang .

In any case, if somebody asks you what do you do, it’s adequate for you to answer “ Saya atlet “. This is a new lesson you should keep in mind – when you’re answering someone’s inquiry about your job, simply say “ Saya + your job” (however this only applies in a casual, informal context). Don’t worry about the meaning because it means exactly as the English “I’m a + job”.

7. Saya ingin menjadi (I want to be + ambition)

You can also use this phrase to tell people your aspiration.

Saya ingin menjadi seorang jurutera = I want to be an engineer

Saya ingin menjadi seorang penterjemah profesional = i want to be a professional translator, saya ingin menjadi seorang usahawan yang berjaya = i want to be a successful entrepreneur.

Since Bahasa Melayu is straightforward, you might be able to guess which means which.

Ingin = Want

Menjadi = to be, seorang = a.

*pro tip : the word ingin has a synonym in Malay, which is mahu .

8. Saya tinggal di (I live in/at)

In English, people are commonly confused with the option of using in or at when referring to a certain place. In Bahasa Melayu, you can slip the concern out of your mind. If you want to make references to the place you live, either the house, city or state, you use saya tinggal di .

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Saya tinggal di Kuala Lumpur = I live in Kuala Lumpur

Saya tinggal di 30, jalan desa ria, taman anggerik = i live at 30, jalan desa ria, taman anggerik, 9. saya lahir di (i was born in/at).

This one is exactly the same as the previous example. If you want to refer to the hospital, city or state you’re born in/at, its Malay equivalent is just di.

Saya lahir di Selangor = I was born in Selangor

Saya lahir di hospital langkawi = i was born in hospital langkawi, 10. saya lahir pada (i was born on).

If you want people to know when is your birthday, you can tell them when you were born.

Saya lahir pada 30 Mac = I was born on March 30th

Saya lahir pada 2 disember = i was born on december, 2nd, 11. saya boleh bertutur dalam x bahasa (i can speak in x languages).

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Finally, if you want to let others know that you’re bilingual, trilingual, or quadrilingual, you can use this particular phrase.

Saya boleh bertutur dalam empat bahasa = I can speak in four languages

How to introduce yourself in malay.

So, as you have learned all the necessary phrases, you can now introduce yourself in Malay.

: . : Please introduce yourself.
: : My name is Adam.
I am 20 years old and I was born in Hospital Kuala Lumpur.
Currently, I live in Malacca.
I like to play football and I want to be a professional football player.
I can speak in 3 languages; Malay, English, and Japanese.

Learn Bahasa Melayu Today!

If you’re in search of an app to learn this particular language, Ling App might just be what you’re looking for. Learn all the different phrases, common words, vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structures in Ling. It’s one of the best gamification apps in 2021 made just for you. Seize this opportunity and get Ling App installed on your smartphones today!

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    1. Sila perkenalkan diri anda (Please introduce yourself) Before introducing yourself to the Malaysian community or if you're new to some Malay companies and agencies, you may hear this phrase a lot. Sila perkenalkan diri anda simply means please introduce yourself in English. I'll provide you with the literal translation of this phrase: