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R Programming Project 1
github repo for rest of specialization: Data Science Coursera
For this first programming assignment you will write three functions that are meant to interact with dataset that accompanies this assignment. The dataset is contained in a zip file that you can download from the Coursera web site.
Although this is a programming assignment, you will be assessed using a separate quiz.
The zip file containing the data can be downloaded here: [2.4MB] Description: The zip file contains 332 comma-separated-value (CSV) files containing pollution monitoring data.
Part 1 ( pollutantmean.R )
Part 2 ( complete.r ), part 3 ( corr.r ).
SUSANKI commented Jul 30, 2020
Thank u so much, It's a little bit complicated for me @-@
Sorry, something went wrong.
Cyberclip commented Sep 14, 2020
Here it says when I try to do part 1 that there's no package named 'data.table', what should I do?
harshit229 commented Oct 7, 2020
use rstudio
Romeroc3 commented Dec 27, 2020 • edited Loading
Thank you very much for this assignment information. I am currently doing my case study on the refugee situation and I need to study data science to analyze the data. Interestingly, the idea for the research came spontaneously when I read in preparation for lesson. These free essay examples got me interested more in migration and globalization issue. Therefore, I decided to do a little research, but I lack the skills to do a high-quality analysis of big data.
kennethwoanyah commented Feb 3, 2021
@SUSANKI yep, complicated for me too . lol. Works perfectly though.
flaviaouyang commented Feb 18, 2021
you need to install the package. install.packages(data.table)
Bell-016 commented Feb 23, 2021
I am very frustrated with this course. I took it assuming it will explain things from the beggining for a beginner, but the first assignment to me is unreadble, I would never give this answer because I felt I never learn this things you used for your answer.
utamadonny commented Mar 16, 2022
i run the corr.R and it return "Error in eval(bysub, parent.frame(), parent.frame()) : object 'ID' not found"
Rushield commented Apr 9, 2022
Bruh this course is just annoying because it ain't show us how to do those things, even understanding your simplified code in a week 2 is damn hard.
emcdowell28 commented Dec 15, 2022
You and me both. I've been using multiple other online textbooks to try and gain any kind of fundamental understanding of this material. I don't usually struggle with things like this, but nothing makes me feel more unintelligent than being tested over things we haven't even been taught yet.