
The Best Online Creative Writing Courses: 12 Things to Look For

Sean Glatch  |  April 11, 2024  |  Leave a Comment

best online creative writing courses

Are you looking for the best online creative writing courses? You may have found some promising classes online, but you may also be unsure if the course is actually good. How can you know you’ll benefit from the course without spending your money first?

The good news is, there are creative writing courses out there for everyone, and they’re sure to improve your writing. Even better news, the best online creative writing courses share many of the same qualities.

If you want to learn how to write creatively, or if you simply want to improve your everyday writing, the best online creative writing courses can transform your writing abilities. Let’s explore what you might learn in creative writing classes, and how they help writers of all skill levels.

The Best Online Creative Writing Courses: Contents

What do you do in a creative writing class?

  • Reputable Instructor
  • Clear Course Description
  • Promise of a Great Experience
  • Constructive Feedback
  • Focus on Craft
  • Respect Your Creative Autonomy
  • A Writing Community
  • Motivate You to Write
  • Jumpstart a Writing Habit
  • Broaden Your Literary Horizons
  • Offer a Healthy Creative Outlet
  • Give You Next Steps

How to Make the Most of Online Creative Writing Courses

Every online creative writing class is unique, and different courses emphasize different things. We have classes that are entirely generative, meaning the focus is on writing new poems, essays, stories, or making headway into a novel or memoir project. Other courses might have more of a workshop component, in which you share your work with the class and receive feedback on how to improve your writing.

Some online writing courses also focus on specific skills or types of writing. You might take a class focused entirely on learning the tools for revision, or on learning the elements of fiction writing so you can later employ them in a story or novel.

In short, the best online writing courses typically include the following:

  • Lectures and discussions on a topic of creative writing craft.
  • Assignments that help you generate new work or revise old work.
  • Opportunities to give and receive feedback with your fellow classmates.
  • Feedback on your work from the instructor, who themselves is a successfully published author of the type of writing you’re producing.
  • A weekly video call. Some courses, including ours, are entirely text-based and asynchronous, but many classes meet at least once a week on Zoom.

In addition to all of this, you will make new friends and connections in the best online creative writing classes. Writing is often a lonely experience for writers, and the bonds you make in creative writing workshops can last a lifetime.

12 Things to Look For In the Best Online Creative Writing Courses

The best online creative writing courses will sharpen your writing skills, help you find your confidence, and introduce you to new communities of writers. How do they do it? Here’s 12 things to look for to make sure you’re spending your money on the right online writing class. 

1. The Best Online Creative Writing Courses Have a Reputable Instructor

Your course is only as good as the instructor who teaches it. For online writing classes to teach you the craft, they need to have reputable, trustworthy instructors. A great instructor will also be empathetic, community-oriented, adaptive to your writing needs, and a great writer themselves.

A great instructor will also be empathetic, community-oriented, adaptive to your writing needs, and a great writer themselves.

Do some research on the course instructor: they should have a terminal degree in their field (M.A., M.F.A., Ph.D., etc.), as well as a significant publication history. A reputable instructor will make all the difference in your course: as part of their education, the instructor should have undergone dozens of writing workshops, submitted to countless literary journals, and had their work scrutinized by critics and book lovers alike.

In order for an instructor to help you develop your creative writing skills, they need to be successful on their own. The best instructors are what make the best online creative writing courses.

2. The Best Online Creative Writing Classes Have a Clear Course Description

What does the course teach you, and what will you learn week by week? In addition to listing a reputable instructor, the course description should tell you exactly what you’ll gain from taking the course.

In addition to listing a reputable instructor, the course description should tell you exactly what you’ll gain from taking the course.

Be sure you know exactly what you’re getting out of your online creative writing course, including what you might learn and write in the process. Consider what will help you the most as you embark on your writing journey: entering a course with certain goals or learning objectives will help you make the most of the course’s lectures and writing assignments.

There should be no ambiguity: if you’re paying for the course, you deserve to know exactly what you’re paying for. And, if you have questions, ask the program administrator before you enroll. They should be happy to hear from you!

woman taking the best online creative writing classes

3. The Best Online Creative Writing Classes Promise a Great Experience

The best online creative writing courses prioritize one thing: YOU! Your learning, your goals, and your writing should be at the center of your experience. And, your course should guarantee that experience.

The best online creative writing courses prioritize your learning, your goals, and your writing.

Creative writing classes can be a risk, since they probably won’t confer university credit and you probably haven’t interacted with that instructor before. You want to be confident that your learning is guaranteed, otherwise you’ll only waste your time, money, and creativity.

Before you enroll in an online writing course, look to see if the program administrators have a student promise . Your experience in the course should be the number one priority of the instructor and administrators; otherwise, you’re better off looking elsewhere for the best online creative writing courses.

4. The Best Online Creative Writing Courses Offer Constructive Feedback

In addition to useful lectures and assignments, creative writing courses give you access to helpful, instructional feedback. Most instructors hold Masters or Doctoral degrees in English or creative writing and, as a result, they have ample knowledge of what works in literature, as well as tons of experience in giving feedback.

Creative writing courses give you access to helpful, instructional feedback.

In the best online creative writing classes, an instructor will both inspire you to write and guide you towards being a better writer. Their feedback will cover the many aspects of great writing. For example, your instructor might comment on:

  • Unclear language
  • Ideas that need to be expanded
  • Sentences that are too wordy or passive
  • Opportunities to use more engaging vocabulary
  • Places to improve writing structure
  • Grammar and spelling corrections

Finally, an instructor will tell you what you are already doing well in your writing. When you write a really great metaphor , use interesting word choice, or find a moment of great insight, your instructor will tell you—highlighting the creative writing skills you have already mastered.

5. The Best Online Creative Writing Courses Focus on Craft

You might be wondering how creative writing classes are different from high school English. The big difference is that, where a typical English class focuses on basic grammar and literacy skills, creative writing classes focus specifically on craft.

Creative writing classes focus specifically on craft: the elements of language and storytelling that make a work of prose or poetry successful.

What is creative writing craft? Craft involves the elements of language and storytelling that make a work of prose or poetry successful. Focusing on craft is how creative writing classes primarily improve your writing.

Your writing class might focus on the structure of a short story, the different types of literary devices , the importance of effective word choice , or the elements of storytelling . A writing class should break down successful works of literature into the components that make it work, giving you the tools to practice your own creative writing skills.

Additionally, craft-focused writing helps you with everyday writing. From improving your vocabulary to structuring an email, the creative writing practice translates to improved writing in every aspect of your life.

journaling in an online creative writing course

6. The Best Online Creative Writing Classes Respect Your Creative Autonomy

One of the benefits of creative writing classes is the perspective you get from different writers. No two writers are working on the same projects, and in your course, you’re likely to work with students of different genres and writing styles.

your creative authority should be respected no matter how new you are to creative writing.

With so many different writing philosophies in one class, the new ideas you encounter can help strengthen your own writing. But in the worst-case scenario, a student or instructor might try to force their writing philosophy onto you. This is always unfair, as there is no one-size-fits-all writing advice, your creative authority should be respected no matter how new you are to creative writing .

For example, let’s say you’re writing a poem about your childhood cat, and the instructor thinks it should be a poem about your experiences growing up. No matter how many times you explain you want this poem to be about your cat, the instructor keeps telling you to write more about your childhood. By ignoring your goals for the poem, the instructor is not respecting your creative autonomy, because they think they know your writing needs better than you do.

No matter where you are in your writing journey, you are a writer, and you deserve respect and compassion as such. Every writer is on a constant journey of growth and discovery; your instructor and course should acknowledge and respect that. In your course, you will encounter many different ideas, but you should also encounter the freedom to accept or reject those ideas. It’s your writing: you get the final say!

7. The Best Online Creative Writing Courses Foster a Writing Community

A creative writing course fosters a creative writing community . This community gives you the motivation to create, as it creates a safe environment to experiment, take risks, and grow in your writing practice.

A writing community gives you the motivation to create, as it creates a safe environment to experiment, take risks, and grow in your writing practice.

For even the most solitary of writers, writing doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Participating in a community of word enthusiasts can jog your creativity and give you useful feedback on your work. Additionally, the feedback you provide other writers in the community also helps you learn. It’s a self-fulfilling, self-sustaining process, where members of a writing group can continuously grow, improve, and fine-tune their love of the craft.

In fact, well-known authors throughout history have been a part of valuable writing communities, such as The Beat Poets, Stratford-on-Odeon, and other famous writing groups .

When you enroll in creative writing classes, you also take part in a writing community. Foster relationships, make new writing friends, and forge your own writing group—it may one day be famous, too!

8. The Best Online Creative Writing Classes Motivate You to Write

Writing is a skill that you can only develop through practice. For anyone just starting on our writing journeys, the best online creative writing classes keep you motivated and accountable.

The best online creative writing classes keep you motivated and accountable.

Every instructor works differently, but you can expect the following in a creative writing class:

  • Creative writing prompts
  • Daily journaling assignments
  • Helpful revisions
  • Inspirational readings
  • Ideas to combat writer’s block
  • Different opinions on how to write creatively

Some courses are even designed to motivate you, such as our course Write Your Novel! The Workshop With Jack . Sometimes, the biggest struggle is simply to begin, and creative writing courses help you do that.

9. The Best Online Creative Writing Classes Jumpstart a Writing Habit

The best online creative writing courses will get you into a writing habit. By combining lectures with thought-provoking assignments, one of the primary goals of a writing course is simply to get you writing.

You’ll gain the most from your creative writing courses if you block out the time to write every day.

To make the most of your creative writing classes, try to find time to write every day. It’s best to write at the same time every day, but if your schedule doesn’t allow this, sneak time where you can.

Here are some ways you can steal time as a writer:

  • Journal for 15 minutes before you go to bed.
  • Write while you wake up with your morning breakfast or coffee.
  • Keep a journal on your phone during work and lunch breaks.
  • Write on your commute to and from work. If you’re driving, consider keeping an audio journal, where you write by speaking into your phone’s recording device.
  • Write on your phone while running on the treadmill.
  • Put pen to paper while taking a bath.

These ideas won’t work for everyone, and it all depends on your schedule and lifestyle. Nonetheless, you’ll gain the most from your creative writing courses if you block out the time to write every day, no matter how brief that time is. And, your course should help you find the time to write!

10. The Best Online Creative Writing Courses Broaden Your Literary Horizons

You need to read great writing to produce great writing. The best online creative writing courses will introduce you to great literature, giving you additional opportunities to explore the writing craft.

The best online creative writing courses will introduce you to great literature, giving you additional opportunities to explore the writing craft.

In creative writing classes, you might read both classic and contemporary literature. As writers, it’s good to have knowledge of both worlds. Classic literature introduces you to the bedrock of modern writing, including the devices and rhetorical strategies that make for effective poetry and prose.

Contemporary literature, on the other hand, gives you a glimpse into today’s literary zeitgeist. It’s important to understand today’s publishing landscape and the type of work that’s being published, even if you don’t intend to write like contemporary authors.

In fact, it’s better if you don’t try to write like anyone else! Reading other writers shows you what works in literature and what doesn’t, giving you opportunities to experiment with form and style. But, at the end of the day, your writing is for you, not for publishers or particular writing schools.

Use your creative writing classes as opportunities to explore literature, experiment with words, and discover what you’d like to write yourself.

reading in a creative writing course online

11. The Best Online Creative Writing Classes Offer a Healthy Creative Outlet

Creative writing classes offer a healthy outlet for your creativity and emotions.

A healthy writing space can supplement your emotional health and wellbeing.

How is that so? With a space to put thoughts to paper, many writers inevitably reach breakthroughs about their own feelings and experiences. This is true regardless of whether you write poetry, fiction, plays, articles, or creative nonfiction.

Now, even the best online creative writing courses can’t replace the benefits of therapy. But, a healthy writing space can certainly supplement your emotional health and wellbeing. Between the prompts, community, and writing habits that a creative writing class fosters, you’re sure to come away from your course with renewed emotional health.

12. The Best Online Creative Writing Courses Give You Next Steps

Your education doesn’t end at the end of your course. If anything, the best online creative writing courses are only the beginning of your writing journey!

The best online creative writing courses are only the beginning of your writing journey!

The best online creative writing courses give you opportunities for continuous growth. Those opportunities can take many forms, such as: a list of literary journals to submit to, further readings on a topic of interest, future creative writing classes, or even simply the instructor’s email.

If you’re ready to move on to the next level of your career, your instructor should provide you with next steps. And if you crave more learning, ask the instructor!

A creative writing course is much like life: the more you put into it, the more you get out of it. Being an active participant will teach you as much about creative writing as the instructor will, because engaging with language is how you grow as a writer. Actively working with suggestions and ideas, keeping a daily writing practice, and offering other students constructive feedback will all boost your creative writing skills.

A creative writing course is much like life: the more you put into it, the more you get out of it.

Additionally, do your research before you enroll in the course, or you might end up taking a class that isn’t suited to your needs. Look up the instructor for the course, their teaching style and previous publications, and how much experience they have as a writing coach. If they don’t seem well suited towards your learning style, they might develop your creative writing skills, and they won’t be worth the cost.

Find the Best Online Creative Writing Courses at Writers.com!

Are you looking for a writing community? Are you ready to get writing? Check out some of the upcoming courses at Writers.com , the oldest creative writing school on the internet.

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Sean Glatch

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Creative Writing

A haven for writers of all genres and ambitions

September 23, 2024

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Imbue your writing with imagination and range.

Craft writing that is distinct and well-developed..

Stories are timeless and eternal. They are touchstones, formed by time and place, which reflect upon the human experience. Creative writing is an asset in all professional fields throughout diverse positions. The ability to craft intriguing, memorable prose remains one of the most enduring forms of human expression. Learn to conceive and develop integral elements of a story, including plotline, characters, symbolism, setting, and atmosphere.

Our Approach to Online Learning

Optimize your time with a mode of study that allows you to explore content and complete tasks at your own pace.


Our interactive content includes videos from instructors at the University of Chicago as well as materials that enable you to learn through real-world examples.


Throughout the program, the teaching assistant will serve as a valuable resource to clarify any questions and provide feedback on your work.

Meet Your Instructor

Instructor Sarah Terez Rosenblum, MFA

Sarah Terez Rosenblum, MFA

Sarah Terez Rosenblum’s work has appeared in literary magazines such as The Normal School, Prairie Schooner (shortlisted for the publication’s Summer 2020 Creative Nonfiction Prize), Diagram , Brevity, Third Coast , and Carve. In 2022, Rosenblum was shortlisted for StoryQuarterly ’s annual fiction contest. She has written for sites that include Salon, The Chicago Sun-Times, The Satirist, and Pop Matters .

Pushcart Prize-nominated, she earned an MFA in Creative Writing from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Rosenblum is a creative coach and developmental editor. She also teaches creative writing at Story Studio, where she was voted 2022 Teacher of the Year, and at the University of Chicago Writer’s Studio. Rosenblum’s novel, Herself When She’s Missing , was called “poetic and heartrending” by Booklist . 

Unique Program Features

Live sessions and workshops.

Engage in live sessions and workshops that provide the opportunity to pose questions and exchange ideas.

Practical application

Practice specific craft points and explore the drafting process through weekly writing exercises.

Personalized guidance

Receive feedback from your instructors about the development of your writing.


Learning Outcomes

  • Reveal character through action.
  • Establish setting through characters’ physicality.
  • Write dynamic scenes.
  • Create dialogue that reveals character and furthers plot.
  • Recognize and use imagery and symbolic language.


After completing the course, you will be able to:

Create a strategy for your organization that makes use of AI to accomplish business goals

Build a team for success in an AI world

Choose the best areas for early-stage development and understand how to scale AI solutions

Earn a certificate of completion from the University of Chicago and become part of the UChicago network

Course Modules

Introduction to writing and crafting character.

  • Things to Consider
  • Before Writing
  • Introduction to
  • Description
  • Internal Response

Point of View

  • Introduction to Point of View
  • First Person
  • Third Person
  • Less Common Points of View: Second Person
  • Less Common Points of View: First Person Plural
  • Focalization
  • Writing Practice

Setting and Mood

  • Starting with Setting
  • Creating Setting
  • Analysis of Setting in The Road
  • Introduction to Workshop
  • Introduction to Plot
  • Basic Plot Arcs
  • Denouement and Resolution
  • Conflict and Tension
  • Change and Imagery
  • The Hero’s Journey
  • Introduction to Dialogue
  • Dialogue and Action
  • Creating Tension with Dialogue
  • Dialogue and Subtext
  • Issues in Dialogue

Voice and Tone

  • Introduction to Tone and Voice
  • Authorial Voice and Character Voice
  • Finding Your Voice
  • Strong Story Starts
  • Writing Practice: Drafting

Imagery, Symbolism, and Theme

  • Introduction to Imagery and Theme
  • Figurative Language
  • Systems of Imagery: “In the White Night”
  • Building Your Own Systems of Imagery
  • Writing Practicen

Time Movement and Literary Magazines

  • Simple Scene Movement
  • Introduction to Flashbacks
  • The Mechanics of Flashbacks
  • Writing Practice: Submitting Your Work
  • Writing Practice: Beyond this Course

This course is designed for:

Individuals with diverse aspirations, backgrounds, and skills interested in exploring writing in an easily accessible way

Learners from all walks of life with curiosity and enthusiasm toward writing, communication, literature, and the art of crafting a story

Experienced writers looking to hone their skills and elevate their expression.

Participant Experiences

Enroll now to receive a 10% tuition reduction

Flexible Payment Options Available


Any discounts will be applied at checkout.

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Payment Date Amount Due
Immediately US$1,600

Pay in 2 installments

Payment Date Amount Due
December 28, 2023

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Class Central's Top Creative Writing Courses

We've picked the best online courses to learn Creative Writing from the Class Central catalog.

Some courses are concise and get you up to speed in no time, others will be more comprehensive.

Creative Writing

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All Creative Writing Courses

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Discover the art of crafting compelling plots, from structure and scene-building to character development and revision techniques. Enhance your storytelling skills and bring your narratives to life.

  • 5 hours 50 minutes
  • Free Online Course (Audit)

Creative Writing: The Craft of Setting and Description

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  • 7 hours 25 minutes

Creative Writing: The Craft of Character

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Creative Writing: The Craft of Style

Enhance your writing style through metaphor, imagery, and word choice. Learn revision techniques to create compelling stories and polished prose.

  • 7 hours 44 minutes

I'm Brandon Sanderson, and I write stories of the fantastic: fantasy, science fiction, and thrillers. Learn about plot, wordbuilding, short stories, character, and publishing.

  • Free Online Course

Develop your storytelling skills across short story, narrative essay, and memoir genres. Master techniques for plot, character, setting, and style through analysis and peer evaluation. Create a substantial original piece in your chosen genre.

  • 26 weeks, 1 hour a week
  • Paid Course

Learn to write engaging Fiction, Poetry, Drama, & Creative Non-Fiction and become the successful writer you want to be

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Writing a Book: Creative Writing Skills for Beginners

Writing a Book: Creative writing skills: Novel/Nonfiction book writing: Punctuation: Outlining: Fantasy world building

  • 1 day 5 hours 53 minutes

Develop Blockbuster Story Ideas that Sell! (Writing Mastery)

Proven methods to unleash your creativity and brainstorm bestselling, high concept book and movie ideas

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A full creative writing course: create engaging characters, use a 3 act narrative structure and write smart dialogues.

Creative Writing Bootcamp: Start a Brand New Story

Energetic bootcamp with best-selling author Myla Goldberg. Five engaging exercises to generate story ideas, develop characters, craft dialogue, and create vivid settings. Ideal for writers seeking inspiration and new approaches.

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Creative writing courses

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Short and part-time courses with Oxford University

Need an extra push to finish your novel, poem or play? Want to explore new genres? Whether you're a beginner wondering where to start, or an experienced writer looking to extend your craft, we have a course for you.

Short courses

Our  short courses in creative writing  include in person and online live-time weekly classes, day and weekend schools and flexible online courses.

Courses cover all genres: fiction, poetry, memoir, creative nonfiction, drama, writing for young adults and critical reading. There are courses for beginners and options for those with experience. Class sizes are kept small to maximise interaction between you, your classmates and your tutor.

Credit earned from some of our short courses is transferable towards our  Certificate of Higher Education  – a part-time undergraduate course in which you study a main subject discipline, but also undertake study in other academic subjects.

  • View all short courses in creative writing
  • Ways to study: how our short courses work

Summer schools

Join us for one of our Oxford  creative writing summer courses , and spend a week or longer immersed in your craft. Accredited and non-accredited options are available; courses take place at Rewley House and at Oxford's historic colleges.

  • Creative writing summer courses

Part-time Oxford University qualifications

From undergraduate level to advanced postgraduate study.

  • The  Undergraduate Diploma in Creative Writing  is a two-year part-time course that helps you to strengthen your ability in four major areas of literary activity — prose, poetry, drama and analytical reading — while letting you specialise in the genre of your choice. Choose from two study options: regular in-person meetings in Oxford or mostly online, with a summer school in Oxford.
  • The  Certificate of Higher Education  is a flexible, part-time programme which lets you study a main subject discipline (such as creative writing) while also undertaking study in other academic subjects. Ideal for lifelong learners, you can study what you want, when you want, how you want. The credits you obtain from taking short online courses, weekly classes and attendance at the Oxford University Summer School for Adults all count towards your final award.
  • Delve deeper into creative writing with our MSt in Creative Writing – a two-year, part-time master's programme offering a unique combination of high contact hours, genre specialization, and critical and creative breadth, delivered in a clustered learning format of five residences, two guided retreats and one placement over two years.

Student spotlights

Charles bush.

online course in creative writing

Charles Bush published his debut young-adult novel thanks to the skills and experience gained from completing the Undergraduate Certificate of Higher Education.

Tahmina Maula

Tahmina worked as a senior manager in education before taking a career break to undertake the Undergraduate Diploma in Creative Writing.

Daisy Johnson

While studying the MSt in Creative Writing Daisy worked on a collection of short stories which would later become her debut book.

Upcoming courses

Advanced creative writing (online).

  • Mon 09 Sep 2024 – 22 Nov 2024

Advanced Writing Lives (Online)

Fiction by victorian women: george eliot, elizabeth gaskell (online), critical reading (online).

  • Wed 11 Sep 2024 – 22 Nov 2024

Literary Theory: An Introduction (Online)

Part-time award programmes.

Part-time creative writing award-bearing courses for those looking to gain an Oxford qualification.

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Undergraduate Diploma in Creative Writing (from 2025)

Mst in creative writing, undergraduate certificate of higher education (from 2025).

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Creative writing courses delivered straight to your inbox

Whether you’re a new writer or a published author, there’s no such thing as a writer who can’t learn something new about their craft. Reedsy Learning’s online writing courses make it easy for anyone, regardless of skill level, to improve their craft, build better routines, and pursue the creative writing life they’ve always longed for.

Learn from the best in the business

Our online writing courses are taught by professionals, including bestselling fantasy author Ben Galley and former Simon & Schuster editor Kate Angelella. Topics include:

We’ve got you covered on all these topics and more. Each 10-part course is delivered to your inbox, making these the most convenient creative writing courses on the internet. By saving both time and money, you’ll be able to reinvest in your dreams and get one step closer toward making them a reality.

How much does it cost?

Every writing course we offer is free. At Reedsy, we believe that knowledge shouldn’t be limited to those who can afford to pay for it — if you want to be a great writer, we want to help you achieve that.

Reviews for Reedsy’s free online writing courses

“I'm hooked. As a writer just starting out, this course was exactly what I needed. The lessons were short and sweet, so I wasn't intimidated when I opened my emails.” — Amy S.

“A very comprehensive course, especially considering that it's been delivered fully in an email format. I felt like I was there in the classroom with the teacher.” — Lucy T.

“These writing courses manage to cover a lot of ground in a minimal amount of time and space.” — Aisha P.

“The information you provided was exceptional. So much packed into one bite-sized email each day is definitely what time-strapped people need when trying to jump the hurdles that keep them from writing. These lessons have helped me push through several roadblocks that have kept my writing books closed and my pens in the box.” — Paul D.

“The lessons are short and divided into smaller topics, which makes it so much easier to keep track of what you’re learning.” — Cindy L.

“I am a short fiction and poetry writer who’s been writing for 50+ years. I found these courses to be invaluable as a refresher and a source of new insights. Thank you!” — Steve M.


How to Write a Novel

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Creative Writing

About this program.

Have you longed to explore your creative potential?

Embrace the unknown and start your journey here. As part of one of the largest Creative Writing programs in Canada, you can learn the essentials of excellent writing and put them into practice. Whether you aspire to write a novel or short story, explore poetry, pen a script or screenplay, or explore other writing styles, we have the courses you need to improve your skills.

Class sizes and writers workshops are kept small to ensure you receive the individual attention you need to help your writing thrive, whether you take your class in-class or online. 

Courses in the genres listed below can be applied to the Certificate in Creative Writing

  • Creative Non-Fiction
  • Escritura Creativa en Español
  • Literary Fiction
  • Multi-genre
  • Poetry and Songwriting
  • Popular Fiction
  • Stage and Screenwriting
  • U of T Summer Writing School
  • Writing for Children

Course Spotlight

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English and Creative Writing

English and Creative Writing

The Franklin College Department of English and Creative Writing is committed to the careful study of the individual expression and cultural values found in English, American, and world literature.

The department is one of Franklin College’s most exciting intellectual communities. Our faculty of dedicated teacher-scholars share with students their expertise in, and enthusiasm for, literature from a variety of genres, periods, and cultures—works drawn from the traditional canon to the works of emerging artists, from Greek tragedy to graphic novels, from Shakespearean sonnets to postmodern poetry. Small class sizes mean professors get to know their students and can engage with them in intense debates and deep analyses of literary works that continue outside the classroom.

Our dedicated faculty of practicing writers and scholars guide students in small classes and workshops that cover a variety of genres, as well as provide students with frequent out-of-class opportunities to exercise and hone their craft. Creative writing students can expect a rigorous yet collegial environment that allows for engaged learning, collaboration and experimentation.

  • Explore This Page
  • Why English and Creative Writing?
  • Major Handouts & Course Catalog
  • Writers' Series

Meet Our People

Why english and creative writing at franklin college.

online course in creative writing

Dynamic classroom experiences.

Our professors use a variety of approaches that focus on how language and literary forms recreate both individual experiences and the large, impersonal forces that shape cultures and historical periods. In so doing, we seek in our classes to understand the many varieties of the human condition. In addition to taking courses with our award-winning faculty, our creative writing students benefit from the creative writing program’s reading series, which brings talented poets, fiction writers, memoirists, and playwrights to teach and study with them each year.

Experiences beyond the classroom.

Not only do English and creative writing majors learn a great deal in the classroom, they also take part in activities related to the disciplines. Such activities regularly include working on the editorial board of the college literary journal, the   Apogee  (founded in 1961); attending performances and creative-writing readings; and participating in other events in and around Franklin, Indianapolis, Bloomington, Louisville, and elsewhere in the region.

Global engagement.

With opportunities to study abroad during entire semesters, during the college’s four-week Immersive Term, or over the summer, English majors have recently taken courses in England, France, Spain, Costa Rica, Germany, Uganda, Japan, and elsewhere.

Interdisciplinary commitment.

In keeping with the college’s strong interdisciplinary character, English and Creative Writing majors frequently choose to pursue a second major or a minor in disciplines such as  elementary education ,  French ,  history ,  multimedia journalism ,  political science ,  philosophy ,  psychology ,  religious studies,  or  Spanish . Recent English courses have been cross-listed in  theatre  and the liberal arts program, and students may count an upper-level course in  French  or  Spanish  literature toward their English degree.

Connecting passion with work.

Our faculty advisers are committed to helping students find careers in fields that excite them. Recent graduates have used their English degrees to pursue rewarding careers in teaching, publishing, health care, marketing, business, the performing and creative arts, communications, technical writing, and non-profit management. Others have gone on to graduate programs in English, law, divinity, library science, and counseling.

Spark your imagination.

Program handouts.

  • English Major Handout
  • Creative Writing Major Handout

Courses of Study

Students who choose to study english and creative writing at franklin college can pursue two different majors — english and creative writing. both are also available as a minor. in addition, we offer an additional minor in professional writing..


Immerse yourself in literature, history and the human condition as a Franklin College English major.

Creative Writing

Experiment with language and style, developing a unique voice.

Creative Writing

Carlson-stauffer visiting writers’ series.

The English and Creative Writing department is proud to sponsor the Carlson-Stauffer Visiting Writers’ Series, which brings nationally recognized authors to campus. All events are free and open to the public.

Series Background

The series is named for two beloved professors emerita, Kathy Carlson and Emily Stauffer, both of whom retired in spring 2015. Together, their combined service at Franklin College spanned close to 70 years. The series began in 2015 and has allowed the department to host dozens of writers from across the country. Writers hold a publicly open reading. Typically, they also interact with creative writing students at a meal, visit creative writing classes to conduct a masterclass in their genre, and/or offer feedback on students’ writing.

Participating Writers

Visiting writers have been poets, fiction writers, YA authors, writers of non-fiction, and multi-genre writers. Some notable names include:

  • Marcus Wicker, 2015
  • Maggie Messitt, 2016
  • Jamaal May, 2017
  • David Tomas Martinez, 2018
  • Terrance Hayes, 2019
  • Nafissa Thompson-Spires, 2019
  • Ross Gay, 2019
  • Adrian Matejka, 2020 (and 2023)
  • Brooke Lauren Davis (’15) — YA novelist and alumna
  • Samantha Fain (’20) — poet and alumna
  • Eugene Gloria, 2021
  • Dan Chaon, 2022
  • Saundra Mitchell, 2023
  • Angela Jackson-Brown, 2023
  • Matthew Minnicucci, 2023
  • Brittany Means, 2024
  • Monica McClure, 2024

This fall (2024), the department will welcome back Samantha Fain (’20) to celebrate the release of her latest poetry collection,  Are You There .

On Nov. 28, 2023, the department welcomed poet Matthew Minicucci for his second visit in our series. Matthew read from his fourth poetry collection, Dual, which was released by Acre Books. The event was held at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 28, 2023 in the B.F. Hamilton Auditorium. A book signing followed the reading.

“I believe that you get a sense of belonging and that you matter. Personally, I enjoy the conversations with professors and other faculty members and getting to know them.”

Emmarae Arensdorff ’22

Emmarae Arensdorff ’22

Express your creativity through apogee, our annual literary journal., apogee is franklin college’s student-run literary magazine that accepts previously unpublished work in poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, drama, and visual art. apogee is an annual publication published in late spring. submissions are open during the summer and fall..

Questions about  Apogee ? Contact our Faculty Advisor.

Emily Banks photograph

Learn more about English and Creative Writing at Franklin College

Our mission.

By honing a diverse set of reading and writing skills, the English and creative writing department’s majors and minors recognize the artistic achievements, insights, and possibilities inherent in literature to create their own meaningful work as they prepare for professional positions, graduate study, and civic engagement.

Student Learning Outcomes

Students in English and Creative Writing will be able to:

  •     Read and communicate effectively through creative and expository writing.
  •     Make arguments about texts using literary terms, techniques, history and movements.
  •     Access, analyze and synthesize complex information, using diverse perspectives.
  •     Solve unstructured problems individually as well as collaboratively.

Our Faculty

In addition to their commitment to the classroom, faculty in the English and creative writing department maintain active scholarly agendas, publishing their research and presenting at major national and international conferences on a wide variety of topics, including the intersections of narrative theory and gender theory; the limitations of humanity in Shakespeare’s  Richard II ; modernist irony as a response to colonial exhibitions; flipped classroom pedagogy; landscape and medieval gender roles; feminist readings of global modernism; and deforestation in contemporary Anglophone Caribbean literature. In addition, our creative writing faculty have won awards and national attention for their work.


Introductory courses provide students with an understanding of different creative genres, as well as the fundamentals of creative writing processes, literary citizenship and the contemporary literary landscape. Students learn to read like writers, engaging in literary analysis to appreciate the nuances of text construction. In later courses, students perform genre-specific studies, closely studying, deploying and sharpening particular writing techniques, and engaging in significant revision and experimentation as they hone their unique voices and join ongoing literary conversations.

As creative writers, we untangle texts and cultural contexts to discover new strategies for reading and writing, with students interrogating both the worlds of the texts they read and write, and their own world, understanding how texts communicate, shape and move all of us. Through guided practice, students gain confidence, empathy, and practical critical writing and thinking skills that allow them to make powerful contributions to the world.

Meet the talented professionals who will help guide you on your creative journey.

Emily Banks, MFA, Ph.D.

Emily Banks, MFA, Ph.D.

Katie Burpo, M.F.A.

Katie Burpo, M.F.A.

Susan Crisafulli, Ph.D.

Susan Crisafulli, Ph.D.

Richard Erable, Ph.D.

Richard Erable, Ph.D.

Anna James, Ph.D.

Anna James, Ph.D.

George Phillips, Ph.D.

George Phillips, Ph.D.

Department of english and creative writing.

101 Branigin Blvd. Franklin, IN 46131 Johnson Center for Fine Arts


Monday - Thursday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Fridfay, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.



Sva newsletters, continuing education, continuing education.

A superhero like figure shoots a gun. A red target is placed over his chest.

Building Fictional Worlds

Creative director, visual artist, writer, editor

The School of Visual Arts online courses are hosted in Canvas, our College-wide learning system. Most computers (5 years old or newer recommended) can access the course(s) without a problem. The courses work with Windows (Windows 7 and newer), Macintosh (Mac OSX 10.10 and newer), and Linux (chromeOS). Participants will need a minimum screen size of 800x600 (the average size of a netbook) and good broadband (Minimum of 512kbps) Internet connection to participate in the online courses.

One business day after completing registration, you will receive a confirmation email from the Registrar’s Office which includes a schedule, username and password .

Didn’t get the confirmation email?

  • Search for an email with subject line: “Your SVA Class Schedule” - sometimes the email goes to spam or junk.
  • Search an alternate email address that you might have used to register.
  • Reach out to [email protected] to request for the confirmation email to be resent.

Steps to Access Your Online Course

  • Login to myid.sva.edu
  • Select the Canvas LMS icon
  • The Canvas application is your online classroom. Here you can find your Zoom links and course materials such as supply lists, discussion boards, recorded lectures, etc. You will use Zoom for live video meetings. Your instructor will show you around how their particular course is organized.
  • For more information on Canvas, please visit the online courses section of the SVAIT User Guide.

Don’t see your course in Canvas?

  • You should see your course on your Canvas dashboard by 5:00 PM one day before the first class session.
  • If you are still having trouble finding your course through Canvas, please reach out to [email protected]

Issues logging in?

Trying to access the Adobe Creative Suite?

  • Please reference the SVA User Guide here for further instruction.

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Fall Quarter

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  • Student Login Username Password Remember my password --> Submit Forgotten Username/Password New Student Account Setup Existing Student Account Setup ? Close This form is for current or former Stanford Continuing Studies students who do NOT already have a student login. Click here if you already have a student login account and have forgotten your username or password.


  • Join Email List Sign up
Code Course Title Qtr Days Format Status
FA M Live Online Registration opens at 8:30 am (PDT)
FA W Live Online Registration opens at 8:30 am (PDT)
FA Flex Online Registration opens at 8:30 am (PDT)
FA T Live Online Registration opens at 8:30 am (PDT)
FA Flex Online Registration opens at 8:30 am (PDT)
FA Flex Online Registration opens at 8:30 am (PDT)
FA S On-campus Registration opens at 8:30 am (PDT)
FA Th Live Online Registration opens at 8:30 am (PDT)
FA Flex Online Registration opens at 8:30 am (PDT)
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FA M On-campus Registration opens at 8:30 am (PDT)
FA MW Live Online Registration opens at 8:30 am (PDT)
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FA Flex Online Registration opens at 8:30 am (PDT)
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FA MW Live Online Registration opens at 8:30 am (PDT)
FA S On-campus Registration opens at 8:30 am (PDT)
FA M Live Online Registration opens at 8:30 am (PDT)
FA Flex Online Registration opens at 8:30 am (PDT)
FA Th Live Online Registration opens at 8:30 am (PDT)
FA Flex Online Registration opens at 8:30 am (PDT)
FA W Live Online Registration opens at 8:30 am (PDT)
FA Flex Online Registration opens at 8:30 am (PDT)


Online creative writing.

The flexibility of the online format makes it easy to take Continuing Studies Creative Writing courses taught by instructors from Stanford's writing community. These courses are designed to fit into your schedule. You can log into our classes from any computer with Internet access, anywhere and at any time.   Our online creative writing courses are presented in a clear, straightforward format and contain the elements you look for in a live class, including writing lessons and exercises, as well as feedback from an experienced instructor and fellow students.   Courses are open to all adults, and we encourage all levels of writers to enroll. Whether you are just starting to write, or finishing up your novel, you will find a course suited to your level of experience. Students will benefit from sharing their work with an eclectic community of writers—writers from many locations, with diverse backgrounds and writing styles.   We keep class sizes small to ensure you get the individual attention you need. With limited spots available, classes fill quickly. So we encourage you to register today.   To learn more about our online Creative Writing courses,  read the FAQs  and  view student testimonials .


online course in creative writing


  1. The 10 Best Online Creative Writing Classes of 2023

    online course in creative writing

  2. Creative Writing (Structured Online Course for Writing Better, for

    online course in creative writing

  3. Top 6 Creative Writing Courses Online With Certificates in [year]-

    online course in creative writing

  4. Top 9 Recognized Online Creative Writing Courses in [year]-

    online course in creative writing

  5. Top 11 Free Creative Writing Courses for Beginners

    online course in creative writing

  6. Creative Writing Courses: Best Online Classes for Writers

    online course in creative writing


  1. Best Creative Writing Courses Online with Certificates [2024]

    In summary, here are 10 of our most popular creative writing courses. Creative Writing: Wesleyan University. Write Your First Novel: Michigan State University. Introduction to Psychology : Yale University. Script Writing: Write a Pilot Episode for a TV or Web Series (Project-Centered Course): Michigan State University.

  2. Creative Writing Specialization [5 courses] (Wesleyan)

    Specialization - 5 course series. This Specialization covers elements of three major creative writing genres: short story, narrative essay, and memoir. You will master the techniques that good writers use to compose a bracing story, populated with memorable characters in an interesting setting, written in a fresh descriptive style.

  3. Online Courses: Creative Writing

    Stanford Continuing Studies' online creative writing courses make it easy to take courses taught by instructors from Stanford's writing community. Thanks to the flexibility of the online format, these courses can be taken anywhere, anytime—a plus for students who lead busy lives or for whom regular travel to the Stanford campus is not possible.

  4. 10 Best Creative Writing Courses for 2024: Craft Authentic Stories

    15 hours. Best University-level Creative Writing Course (Wesleyan University) 5-6 hours. Best Course to Find Your Voice (Neil Gaiman) 4-5 hours. Best Practical Writing Course With Support (Trace Crawford) 12 hours. Best Course to Overcome Writer's Block: 10-Day Journaling Challenge (Emily Gould) 1-2 hours.

  5. The Best Online Creative Writing Courses: 12 Things to Look For

    7. The Best Online Creative Writing Courses Foster a Writing Community. A creative writing course fosters a creative writing community. This community gives you the motivation to create, as it creates a safe environment to experiment, take risks, and grow in your writing practice.

  6. The Best Online Courses in Creative Writing

    A course by Fred Van Lente. Learn to create professional scripts for comic books and graphic novels featuring scene descriptions, characters, and dialogue. 5352. 95% (111) Buy. Learn Creative Writing in Domestika, the largest community of creatives. Improve your skills with online courses taught by leading professionals.

  7. edX

    Learn creative writing with online courses delivered through edX to advance your career today.

  8. Creative Writing Online Course

    This course is designed for: Individuals with diverse aspirations, backgrounds, and skills interested in exploring writing in an easily accessible way. Learners from all walks of life with curiosity and enthusiasm toward writing, communication, literature, and the art of crafting a story. Experienced writers looking to hone their skills and ...

  9. Creative Writing: The Craft of Style

    There are 4 modules in this course. Your style is as unique and distinctive as your face, your voice, except that you can choose it, you can can work on it, enhance it. In this course we will introduce aspiring writers to the art of putting pressure on written language. We will study the use of metaphor and imagery, and demonstrate how clarity ...

  10. 400+ Creative Writing Online Courses for 2024

    Learn Creative Writing, earn certificates with paid and free online courses from University of Michigan, Johns Hopkins, UC Irvine, UC Berkeley and other top universities around the world. Read reviews to decide if a class is right for you.

  11. Online Course

    Joined June 2021. Reneé Bibby is an American speculative fiction writer and director of the Writers Studio Tucson, where she teaches beginner and advanced creative writing workshops. Her writing is often grounded in the uniqueness of the climate and culture of the Western United States. She explores concepts like grief, loneliness, heartache ...

  12. Creative Writing Courses

    Our online creative writing courses are presented in a clear, straightforward format and contain the elements you look for in a live class, including writing lessons and exercises, as well as feedback from an experienced instructor and fellow students. Courses are open to all adults, and we encourage all levels of writers to enroll.

  13. Creative Writing

    Whether you're just beginning to write or putting the finishing touches on your first novel, our on-campus and online writing courses offer expert instruction, individual attention, and supportive feedback at all levels, in all genres of creative writing. Please visit The Writer's Spotlightpage to learn more about our online Writing Certificates.

  14. Online courses in creative writing

    Diploma in Creative Writing. Our two-year, part-time Undergraduate Diploma in Creative Writing allows you to strengthen your ability in four major areas of literary activity — prose, poetry, drama and analytical reading — as well as the chance to specialise in the medium of your choice. You can now opt to take this course mostly online.

  15. Creative writing courses

    Our short courses in creative writing include in person and online live-time weekly classes, day and weekend schools and flexible online courses. Courses cover all genres: fiction, poetry, memoir, creative nonfiction, drama, writing for young adults and critical reading. There are courses for beginners and options for those with experience.

  16. Margaret Atwood Teaches Creative Writing

    Teaches Creative Writing. Learn how the author of The Handmaid's Tale crafts vivid prose and hooks readers with her timeless approach to storytelling. Explore the art of creative writing with acclaimed novelist Margaret Atwood, author of The Handmaid's Tale, in her online class.

  17. Top Creative Writing Courses for Beginners [2024]

    In summary, here are 10 of our most popular creative writing courses. Creative Writing: Wesleyan University. Write Your First Novel: Michigan State University. Introduction to Psychology : Yale University. Sharpened Visions: A Poetry Workshop: California Institute of the Arts. English Composition I: Duke University.

  18. Writing • Reedsy

    Our online writing courses are taught by professionals, including bestselling fantasy author Ben Galley and former Simon & Schuster editor Kate Angelella. Topics include: We've got you covered on all these topics and more. Each 10-part course is delivered to your inbox, making these the most convenient creative writing courses on the internet.

  19. Creative Writing

    Embrace the unknown and start your journey here. As part of one of the largest Creative Writing programs in Canada, you can learn the essentials of excellent writing and put them into practice. Whether you aspire to write a novel or short story, explore poetry, pen a script or screenplay, or explore other writing styles, we have the courses you ...

  20. English and Creative Writing

    In addition, our creative writing faculty have won awards and national attention for their work. Requirements. Introductory courses provide students with an understanding of different creative genres, as well as the fundamentals of creative writing processes, literary citizenship and the contemporary literary landscape.

  21. Building Fictional Worlds

    Students who work with traditional tools (pencil and ink on paper) will need a scanner to turn their work into JPG or PDF files. All students with an active registration in this course will be given free access to the Adobe Creative Cloud. This course is fully online and offered through synchronous sessions during the listed course hours.

  22. Best Writing Courses Online with Certificates [2024]

    Choosing the right writing course depends on your current skill level and career aspirations. Beginners should look for courses that cover the basics of grammar, composition, and writing techniques.Those with some experience might benefit from intermediate courses focusing on specific genres, such as creative writing, technical writing, or business writing.

  23. 14 Best Graphic Design Schools in 2024: Online & On-Campus

    Whether through on-campus programs or online courses, finding the right graphic design school is essential for success in the field, as it can significantly influence your career trajectory. Top graphic design programs focus on developing both creative and practical skills, preparing students for the real-world challenges of the design industry.

  24. Creative Writing Courses

    Our online creative writing courses are presented in a clear, straightforward format and contain the elements you look for in a live class, including writing lessons and exercises, as well as feedback from an experienced instructor and fellow students. Courses are open to all adults, and we encourage all levels of writers to enroll.