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Business Analytics Capstone Projects

The University of Montana’s Master’s of Science in Business Analytics prepares graduates for successful careers at the intersection of business, statistics, and computing.

Submittable Off-the-Shelf Plan Analysis by Mary Anderson

Submittable Off-the-Shelf Plan Analysis

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Search Engine Optimization Reporting Tool

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Visualizing Agricultural Data to Drive Policy

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Updating Embedded Analytics Through Amazon QuickSight by Chris McLoy

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Chris McLoy

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Small Business Online Sales Analysis by Kristi Moore

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Injection Drugs in Montana

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SpectrUM Discovery: Admissions and Gift Shop Sales Report by Aspara Rodriguez

SpectrUM Discovery: Admissions and Gift Shop Sales Report

Aspara Rodriguez

Analysis to identify any patterns within its admissions and gift shop sales data for the SpectrUM Discovery and subsequent recommendations to determine if there are any areas for improvement.

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Stock Price Risk Analysis and Forecast by Alistair Bernhard

Stock Price Risk Analysis and Forecast

Alistair Bernhard

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Social Media Engagement for 2020 Presidential Candidates

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A New Angle on Analytics by Aspen Runkel

A New Angle on Analytics

Aspen Runkel

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Scraping for Jobs: An Exploration in Data Engineering & Dashboarding

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The Yellowstone River, How Much? by Ross Stokes

The Yellowstone River, How Much?

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Exploring peak shaving for the University of Montana’s energy demand

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Analysis of Recidivism for Montana Department of Corrections by Taylor Toepke

Analysis of Recidivism for Montana Department of Corrections

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Business Analytics

Business analytics specialization,  “in the 21 st century, it’s not what you know that matters—it’s how you use what you know that will determine your success in business and in life.”.

– Geoffrey Garrett, Former Dean of The Wharton School

Wharton’s online Business Analytics Specialization  arms managers and leaders with the tools needed to break away from the pack. Learn how to turn data into a competitive advantage for your organization, and in the process develop valuable skills that can help you reach new levels of success in your career.

The Business Analytics  online program provides an introduction to big data analytics for all business professionals, including those with no prior analytics experience. You’ll learn how data analysts describe, predict, and inform business decisions in the specific areas of marketing, human resources, finance, and operations, and you’ll develop basic data literacy and an analytic mindset that will help you make strategic decisions.

Why Enroll in a Business Analytics Online Program?

  • Organizations that leverage customer behavioral insights outperform peers by 85% in sales growth and more than 25% in gross profit. 1
  • In 2018, 62.5% of leading blue-chip firms in banking, insurance, credit, and asset management said that their organization had appointed a Chief Data Officer (CDO) 2
  • By 2021, 69% of employers expect candidates with data science and analytics skills to get preference for jobs in their organizations 3

Program Details

Start Dates:  Start Immediately

Duration: 4 weeks per course

Commitment: 2-3 hours per week

Program Format: 100% Online

Program Tuition: $79/month


Watch the video to learn about the power of this Wharton Certificate.

Video transcript.

Georff Garrett: “Hi, I’m Geoff Garrett, Dean of the Wharton School, and I’m thrilled to introduce Wharton’s Business Analytics Specialization—the first comprehensive set of online courses to teach you how to use big data to make better business decisions. In the 21 st Century, it’s not what you know that matters; it’s how you use what you know that will determine your success in business and in life. No business school is better placed than Wharton to help you take charge of information, not be overwhelmed by it. Because no one does data and analysis better than the Wharton School. Our search is cutting edge, but we always have our eyes firmly focused on practical uses in the real world of business. Questions like, how can analytics help you predict the future better? And how can analytics help you make better business decisions? That’s what Wharton’s Business Analytics Specialization is all about. No surprise from Wharton, we’ll teach you how to use financial analytic tools, but we’ll also show you how to manage people through people analytics. We’ll help you understand customers and markets through customer analytics. And we’ll help you master logistics and supply chains through operation analytics. The principles you’ll learn are simple, but they’re so powerful. These courses will feature some of Wharton’s most acclaimed professors, all leaders in their fields. Major corporations take full advantage of their expertise; in this specialization, you can too. Nothing could be more valuable to your business education than the Wharton Business Analytics Specialization. Enroll now. You won’t regret it.”

Business Analytics Certificate Program Courses

leadership 21st Century - Looking through Telescope


$79/month Duration: 4-6 weeks (5-6 hours/week)

In this course, Wharton’s top marketing professors will provide an overview of key areas of customer analytics: descriptive analytics, predictive analytics, prescriptive analytics, and their application to real-world business practices including Amazon, Google, and Starbucks to name a few.

Full Course Description

Managing Motivating Talent - Gears


$79/month Duration: 4 weeks (2-3 hours/week)

Recent extraordinary improvements in data-collecting technologies have changed the way firms make informed and effective business decisions. The course on operations analytics, taught by Wharton’s leading experts, focuses on how data can be used to profitably match supply with demand in various business settings.

Managing Global Firm - Working at Computer


$79/month Duration: 4 weeks (1-2 hours/week)

For the first time in history, business leaders can make personnel decisions based on deep analysis of data. In this course, Wharton’s top professors and pioneers in the field of people analytics will explore the state-of-the-art techniques used to recruit and retain great people, and demonstrate how these techniques are used at cutting-edge companies.

Strategic Management Competitive Corporation Strategy - Puzzle


$79/month Duration: 4 weeks (3-5 hours/week)

Accounting Analytics explores how financial statement data and non-financial metrics can be linked to financial performance.  In this course, taught by Wharton’s acclaimed accounting professors, you’ll learn how data is used to assess what drives financial performance and to forecast future financial scenarios.

Digital Marketing Specialization


$79/month Duration: 4 weeks (4-5 hours/week)

The Business Analytics Capstone Project gives you the opportunity to apply what you’ve learned about how to make data-driven decisions to a real business challenge faced by global technology companies like Yahoo, Google, and Facebook. At the end of this Capstone, you’ll know how to use data effectively to address business challenges of your own.

Ready to get started? Enroll Now

Key certificate program takeaways.

In the Business Analytics online program, participants will learn how to:

  • Take full advantage of analytics to create effective data-driven business decisions
  • Model future demand uncertainties and predict outcomes of competing policy choices
  • Use hard data to make soft-skill decisions about hiring and talent development
  • Analyze financial data to forecast events, optimize operations, and determine strategy
  • Devise a plan of action for collecting, interpreting, and optimizing data

Business Analytics Faculty

The online Business Analytics Specialization is led by some of the foremost experts on statistical and operations analysis. Their research has been published in leading journals, including the Journal of the American Statistics Association, Marketing Science, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management , and the Journal of Consumer Research , and they have been quoted or featured in outlets like The Economist , New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post. They have also authored books on business analytics such as Customer Centricity  and The Customer Centricity Playbook .

Faculty research interests include:

  • Performance measurement
  • Marketing analytics
  • Revenue management
  • Sales forecasting
  • Operations strategy
  • Organizational behavior

Christopher D. Ittner, PhD

EY Professor of Accounting; Chairperson, Accounting Department, The Wharton School

Research Interests: Cost accounting, intangible assets, performance measurement

See Faculty Bio

Ron Berman, PhD

Assistant Professor of Marketing, The Wharton School

Research Interests: Online marketing, entrepreneurship, marketing analytics, search engine marketing, game theory, industrial organization

Anheuser-Busch Professor of Management Science; Professor of Operations, Information and Decisions; Department Chairperson, The Wharton School

Research Interests: Service operations, stochastic processes, the control of queueing systems

Sergei Savin, PhD

Associate Professor of Operations, Information, and Decisions, The Wharton School

Research Interests: Capacity and patient flow management in health care operations, diffusion models for new products and services, revenue management

Senthil Veeraraghavan, PhD

Professor of Operations, Information, and Decisions, The Wharton School

Research Interests: Empirical operations management, operations analytics, operations management, operations strategy, pricing and revenue management, service operations management, supply chain management

Eric T. Bradlow, PhD

The K. P. Chao Professor; Professor of Marketing; Faculty Director, Wharton Customer Analytics Initiative; Chairperson, Wharton Marketing Department; Professor of Economics; Professor of Education; Professor of Statistics, The Wharton School

Research Interests: Marketing research methods, missing-data problems, psychometrics

Raghuram Iyengar, PhD

Miers-Busch, W’1885 Professor, Professor of Marketing; Faculty Co-Director, Wharton Customer Analytics Initiative (WCAI), The Wharton School

Research Interests: Pricing, social influence, social networks

Matthew Bidwell, PhD

Associate Professor of Management, The Wharton School

Research Interests: Human resource management, knowledge workers, worker mobility

Peter Fader, PhD

Frances and Pei-Yuan Chia Professor; Professor of Marketing, The Wharton School

Research Interests: Lifetime value of the customer, sales forecasting for new products, behavioral data

Martine Haas, PhD

Research Interests: Global collaboration, teamwork, knowledge sharing, information-technology use, human and intellectual capital

Brian Bushee, PhD

Geoffrey T. Boisi Professor of Accounting, The Wharton School

Research Interests: Corporate disclosure, institutional investors, stock market anomalies

Cade Massey, PhD

Practice Professor, Operations, Information and Decisions, The Wharton School

Research Interests: People analytics, judgment under uncertainty, organizational behavior

The Wharton School is accredited by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) and is authorized to issue the IACET CEU.

The Wharton School is accredited by IACET

M.S. in Business Analytics Capstone

MSBA student smiling presenting chart to group of 4 peers

Gain Real-World Experience and Address Business Challenges

In the Capstone Project for Georgetown McDonough’s M.S. in Business Analytics (MSBA) program, you’ll apply the concepts, methods, and tools learned in the program to a challenging business analytics problem with a local, national, or global organization.

Over the course of two semesters, you’ll work with Georgetown’s faculty advisors and a group of other MSBA students to:

  • Define an organizational challenge.
  • Collect and analyze necessary data.
  • Assess possible courses of action.
  • Make a recommendation to the organization.
  • Present actionable insights to partners and McDonough faculty.

As you move through the Capstone Project, you’ll hone your skills with analytics tools, business functions, computing and technology, and value-based data analytics. Your experience from the Capstone Project will help you to stand out from other applicants as you seek to establish or advance your career.

“Graduates are going to show readiness to use data science in real life. They will be able to add this to their resume, show it to employers, and even use it to start a career. The Capstone Projects will be drawn from real-world problems and may be conducted with both industry and academic partners.” Sudipta Dasmohapatra, MSBA Academic Director and Professor

MSBA Curriculum

The curriculum for Georgetown McDonough’s MSBA program includes a total of 18 courses, and each course lasts seven weeks. Part of the curriculum is a two-course Capstone Project, which will begin mid-residency and end with a final project presentation to a partner company/organization prior to graduation.

Selected Capstone Partner Organizations

We have some great partner organizations for you to work with on your projects. Below are just a few of the groups our students have worked with.

  • Capco Consulting
  • Dovel Technologies
  • Deloitte Consulting
  • Gray Associates
  • Marriott International
  • The Census Bureau
  • US Green Building Council
  • Virtus Investment Partners

Capstone Project Timeline

Rather than moving toward a prescribed outcome, the Capstone Project and its goals should mimic the workplace by emerging organically from insights based on the data collected. To pace the Capstone Project appropriately, student groups adhere to the following timeline of project milestones.

Project MilestoneTiming of Milestone
Kick-off the project with your company/organizationMonth 1
Define the scope of the project and prioritize your objectivesMonth 1
Conduct a background review and collect dataMonth 1-2
Integrate, explore, and analyze your data develop an analytical planMonth 2
Provide preliminary Report/Slides to InstructorAt the end of Capstone Course I
Analyze data and build modelsMonths 3–4
Validate models and create final deliverables including dashboards, apps, etc.Months 4–5
Report on the final projectBy the end of month 5
Final presentation to your company/organizationAt the end of Capstone Course II

Project Advisors

The Capstone Project will be overseen by the program leadership including the program manager. Other relevant MSBA and Georgetown faculty experts will serve as project mentors, as needed.

  • Faculty Team: Professors Sudipta Dasmohapatra and Gregory Lyon

Professor Sudipta Dasmohapatra

Sudipta Dasmohapatra is the academic director of the M.S. in Business Analytics (MSBA) and professor of the practice at the McDonough School of Business. She has worked with numerous industry partners and government and non-profit organizations on a variety of business analytics projects.

She has over 10 years of experience consulting in analytics and data science and served on the advisory boards of two strategic analytics start-up firms— Vertaeon, Inc. based in Atlanta, and Kloutics, Inc., based in Pune, India. She joined the board of the Statistical and Mathematical Sciences Institute (SAMSI), an NSF-funded math and statistics institute, in July 2018 as the associate director of diversity. She holds a Ph.D. from The Pennsylvania State University.

Professor Gregory Lyon

Dr. Lyon is the Assistant Director for the Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA) and Assistant Teaching Professor in Business Analytics at the McDonough School of Business. He has served as a data science consultant for projects ranging from survey research to global workforce development to regulatory compliance and has taught programming, analytics, and data science to students of all levels, including graduate students and working professionals. Dr. Lyon also holds multiple certifications in cloud computing and analytics including AWS cloud architecture (SAA-C02) as well specialized AWS cloud certifications in machine learning (MLS-C01) and data analytics (DAS-C01). Prior to Georgetown, he earned his Ph.D. at Rutgers University and was a postdoctoral researcher in data science and survey research at Tufts University.

Capstone Partnership Opportunities

The McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University is always seeking additional partners for the MSBA Capstone Project. The MSBA program accepts proposals each spring for additional Capstone Project partner organizations.

“These Capstone Projects will be conducted with industry, government, or academic partners in any field you can imagine, from healthcare to retail to financial services to education. The Capstone Project teams will consist of student members who will be carefully selected into their teams based on the needs of the project.” Sudipta Dasmohapatra, MSBA Academic Director and Professor

By becoming a partner for an MSBA Capstone Project, your company can provide a real-world learning experience for Georgetown students while working through data-driven solutions to your unique challenges.

Download a PDF  for more details about the benefits of a Capstone Project partnership.

For more information about how organizations can get involved with Georgetown University, visit

Contact Our MSBA Team

[email protected] Call Today:  (202) 729-9995

business analytics capstone project pdf

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Top Business Analytics Projects to Sharpen Your Skills and Build Your Business Analytics Portfolio

Business analytics is the tool used by professionals to make sound business decisions. It fosters the profitability of a business and helps increase a business’s market value. This is why business owners are keen on employing business analysts or business intelligence analysts to help achieve their objectives. 

With the increase in demand for such professionals, you will need to develop cutting-edge skills to land a position. If you don’t want to get certified yet, you should consider completing business analytics projects. These projects will help you gain hands-on experience and showcase to employers your expertise and skill level in business analytics .

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5 skills that business analytics projects can help you practice.

Completing business analytics projects can set you apart from other job applicants. These projects will help you develop real-world experience. Whether your focus is on customer relationship management, financial management, human resources, marketing, or supply chain management, these projects will be invaluable to your growth. 

  • SQL. SQL is a popular coding language used in databases. Through it, analysts and developers write queries to retrieve data from transaction databases. Data scientists and data analysts also rely on the coding language. After retrieving data from the databases, business analysts present the data visually to stakeholders. 
  • Statistical Languages. Working on business analytics projects will expose you to statistical languages such as R and Python. Analysts rely on R for statistical analysts and Python for programming. A combination of these languages can help you work easily with big data sets.
  • Statistical Software. These projects are also quite beneficial in helping you build skills in statistical software. Through the projects, you will become familiar with SAS, SPS, and Excel. 
  • Data Visualization . A significant part of business analytics involves data visualization . As part of the projects, you will not only learn how to fetch data from different databases but also present them to stakeholders. This means you will get to familiarize yourself with data visualization tools and techniques. 
  • Machine Learning. As you work on the projects, you will encounter many instances where machine learning is vital . You should expect to use business intelligence tools for curating friendly user interfaces and augmented analytics to receive accurate insights. 

Best Business Analytics Project Ideas for Beginners 

Being a beginner in the field of business analytics does not mean you cannot pursue projects to boost your portfolio. There are plenty of beginner-friendly business analytics project ideas to help you grow your skills in business analytics. Below we curated a list of the best beginner project ideas to jumpstart your career.

Data on Employee Performance and Resignation

  • Business Analytics Skills Practiced: Data Visualization, Machine Learning 

In this project, you will provide a company with data that can explain why employees are resigning. The goal is to take these results and use them to improve the business environment. You can take into account the employee’s distance from home, work culture, or job role. You should evaluate each factor with the relationship to resignation. 

Forecasting Sales of a Mall During December

  • Business Analytics Skills Practiced: Machine Learning, Data Visualization

A mall features a variety of shops and stalls that see high traffic during the holiday season. In this project, you should be able to determine which is the most popular product and how to ensure the shop does not run out of stock. You should check the current inventory and the customer segmentation to ensure you can forecast the sales properly. 

Predicting the Success of a Product

In this project, you can rely on your analytical skills to determine if a particular product will sell well in a specified market. For instance, you can focus on the entertainment industry. With thousands of hours of content being disseminated daily, it is quite challenging to establish which song or movie will do well. You will need to make use of historical data and models to make predictions. 

Predicting Sales for an Upcoming Car Design

This project involves taking a deep dive into customer needs and wants. You can work on a project to determine if a new car design, color, or shape will appeal to the target audience. There is a wide variety of cars available in the market to help you determine the most popular vehicle. 

Customer Segmentation

  • Business Analytics Skills Practiced: Machine Learning, Data Visualization, Statistical Languages

In this project, you will deal with a wide customer base of an organization. The main aim of the project is to provide the best customer segmentation to the business leader, development, and marketing team to design campaigns. You should check on the spending ability of the customers and the most popular products. 

Best Intermediate Business Analytics Project Ideas 

If you have confidence in your business analytics skills and would like to take on new challenges, you should pursue intermediate business analytics projects. These mid-level projects will open you up to new horizons in business analytics. They can also help in landing a well-paying job position in tech or other fields. 

Project Management and Business Analysis

  • Business Analytics Skills Practiced: Machine Learning

You can get plenty of ideas by reading this paper on project management and business analytics. The paper covers lessons from A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge and A Guide to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge . The latter provides a comprehensive guide in the elicitation process, also referred to as enterprise analysis. 

The above-mentioned books are instrumental to improving your project management skills and informing you on best practices in the industry. You will start with identifying the organizational problem and finish by defining systems capabilities. 

Human Resources

  • Business Analytics Skills Practiced: Data Visualization 

This project involves automating processes, multidimensional analysis, self-service access, and recruitment methods. Your goal is to find ways to improve recruitment and retainment for a company while remaining within a set budget. This project will help you develop analytical skills in establishing the sensitive areas of a business that can lead to potential losses.

Business Analytics Capstone

  • Business Analytics Skills Practiced: Data Visualization

If you have a computer science or business degree, you should consider working on this capstone project. This project-based course will help you learn real-world applications for data-driven decision making. By working on this project, you will familiarize yourself with using data to optimize businesses, maximize value, and make operations efficient. 

This capstone project will take business professionals through challenges faced by global companies such as Yahoo and Google. You will learn how to use data for addressing business challenges. It’s a curated project by Yahoo to help you master how to make data-driven decisions after complete evaluation. 

Sales Conversion Optimization

  • Business Analytics Skills Practiced: Machine Learning, Statistical Software, Statistical Programming

This is a great project to work on Return on Investment. Through this project, you will be able to develop campaign strategies that will positively impact business operations. You will also optimize the budget to be more impactful by utilizing methods such as email blasting and social media marketing.

Optical Character Recognition

  • Business Analytics Skills Practiced: Machine Learning, Statistical Programming

You can choose to work on optical character recognition, which deals with converting text in images to typed text. You can find open-source project templates for creating optical character recognition software with Python and Swift. You can program an application that turns handwritten documents into typed ones. 

Advanced Business Analytics Project Ideas

These advanced business analytics project ideas can take your expertise to a professional level. These projects feature advanced concepts such as pattern matching, forecasting, sentiment analysis, graph analysis, and neural networks. Find out more about the business analytics project details and the skills you will gain below.

Credit Risk Classification Analysis

  • Business Analytics Skills Practiced: Machine Learning, Statistical Programming 

In this project, you can choose to focus on a particular financial organization or simply generalize. However, the more specific, the easier it will be to analyze the credit risk. You will start by analyzing the historical data of the customer, financial information, and loan purpose. 

You should check on factors like age, gender, marital status, job type, and income in your project. This classification tool should inform the business on the best cause of action when issuing credit or loans. 

Sales Data Exploration and Reduction

This project will help inform business leaders on the best course of action when it comes to remaining profitable. You can take a deep dive into the project to make it advanced by including the products or services that will generate more value or a higher ROI. You can also add customer segmentation to the project to help the leaders identify the target audience. 

Music Sales in America

  • Business Analytics Skills Practiced: Data Visualization, Machine Learning

This project involves assessing factors in music sales like genre, popular artists, and sales distribution. The project will require you to work with Tableau for data visualization. By the end of the project, you will be familiar with top musicians, data mining, data visualizations, and machine learning concepts. 

University Fundraising

  • Business Analytics Skills Practiced: Statistical Programming, Data Visualization

To complete this project, you will need to include the degree that attracts the most funds, gift donors, and pledge deals. It is best to present this data individually in Excel or a similar tool. Your project should display your ability to conduct in-depth research, data analysis, data visualization, and statistical programming. 

Exploring Aircraft Hardware Suppliers

  • Business Analytics Skills Practiced: Machine Learning, Data Analysis, Statistical Programming

This is an excellent advanced project idea in business analytics that tackles the demand and supply of aircraft hardware. In the project, you will be expected to create a menu, explore orders, minimum purchases, forms of payment, and customer preferences. To make it more complex, you can also feature the shopping time. 

Business Analytics Starter Project Templates

To complete the named business analytics projects, you do not need to start from scratch. There are exceptional template samples that can help you work on your projects seamlessly. Find a list of business analytics starter project samples below. 

  • Business Analyst Template Toolkit . Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned business analyst, this template toolkit provides templates to address your needs. You will find about 12 sample templates, work samples, and guidebooks. Each of these templates can be customized to fit your needs. 
  • Software Requirements Documentation Template . This template features business requirements, rules, reports, user interfaces, and data requirements. It also comes with the process flows, use cases, service level agreements, business continuities, and data security plans. 
  • Attribute Metadata Template . Data features entities and attributes. Entities are identifiable classes of people or things, and attributes are characteristics that give further descriptions. You can rely on this template for the names, attributes, data types, values, and definitions of entities. You can also add extra segments like risk, priority, complexity, stability, and status. 
  • Business Analysis Plan Template . This template will help you develop a reliable business analysis plan. Through this template, you can document your business planning activities regarding the project.
  • Templates for Business Analysts . Tech Canvas features several business analytics templates to provide a solid structure to use in your organization. For example, they feature a strategy analysis template, solicitation and collaboration template, requirement analysis template, and Pareto analysis template. 

Next Steps: Start Organizing Your Business Analytics Portfolio

A lady holding papers with graph drawings. To succeed in business, you cannot underestimate the power of big data, business analytics, and business intelligence.

A well-curated portfolio might be what you need to get to the next level in your career. After you have amassed solid real-world skills from the business analytics projects, you need to know how to present them for job applications. The tips we list below will guide you to designing a winning resume.

Pinpoint Your Achievements 

Use your portfolio for marketing your skills and experience. Always try to capture the recruiter’s attention from the onset by displaying your best work. Often hiring managers receive hundreds of applications, so it’s important for you to highlight your achievements to showcase your skills. 

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"Career Karma entered my life when I needed it most and quickly helped me match with a bootcamp. Two months after graduating, I found my dream job that aligned with my values and goals in life!"

Venus, Software Engineer at Rockbot

Key in Relevant Information 

Align your portfolio to the job requirements and description. Use these job sections to guide you in adding relevant information to your portfolio. You will gauge the skills and experience needed, which will help you curate the best-suited portfolio. 

Make It Simple 

You must present a straightforward portfolio. Your portfolio should have concise documents which are organized. Keep it updated so that it can be easier for the employer to track your progress over the years. 

Business Analytics Projects FAQ

Yes, a well-curated business analytics portfolio can lead to a well-paying career. As a professional, consider aligning your documents according to the job requirements. This will significantly increase your chances of employment. 

No, you do not need to learn how to code to complete a business analytics project. However, having basic knowledge of software programming can be highly beneficial. You will have a broad understanding of the technical side of the business.

There are four different types of business analytics. There are descriptive, diagnostic, prescriptive, and predictive.

No, business analytics projects are not difficult to complete. As long as you have the motivation and experience to complete a project, you will be able to see it through. Ensure you have a strict schedule to help you remain consistent. 

About us: Career Karma is a platform designed to help job seekers find, research, and connect with job training programs to advance their careers. Learn about the CK publication .

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Capstone Business Data Management Project done under IIT Madras


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This repository contains the project work completed as part of the B.S. in Data Science and Applications program, specifically for the course "Business Data Management." The project involved collaborating with a local business to address their operational challenges using data analysis.

  • Roll no. : 21F1005923

Project Description

Students enrolled in this course were required to partner with a local business and apply data analysis techniques to help solve real-world business problems. It is important to note that only primary data collection was allowed for this project.

Project Flow

Project Flow

The project followed a structured workflow comprising the following key phases:

  • Project Proposal : Students proposed their project ideas.
  • Mid-term Submission : An update on data collection and cleaning progress.
  • Final Submission : The comprehensive analysis and insights.
  • Viva Voce : Presentation of the project and findings.

Detailed guidelines and evaluation criteria can be found here .

Repository Structure

The repository structure is organized as follows:

  • Submitted data : Contains project documents, including the proposal, mid-term submission, final report, and final presentation in PowerPoint format.

Submission Phases and Evaluation Criteria

Here is an overview of the submission phases and their respective evaluation criteria:

Proposal Submission

  • Length: Approximately four to five pages
  • Evaluated for 100 marks, scaled down to 20
  • Pass mark: At least 50/100
  • Must include at least 2 problem objectives

Mid-term Submission

  • Length: About 8 to 10 pages
  • Plagiarism: Must be less than 20%

Final Submission

  • Length: Approximately 18 to 20 pages
  • Evaluated for 100 marks, scaled down to 40
  • Cumulative score of 40/80 required for viva voce
  • Presentation using Google Slides or PowerPoint (max 10 slides)
  • Cumulative score of 50/100 needed to pass the course

For further details, please refer to the respective project documents in the "BDM Capstone Project Submitted Files" folder.


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  1. PDF MIT Analytics Capstone Project Overview

    Capstone Project Overview This required 24-unit course provides the practical application of business analytics and data science problems within a real company Teams of 2 students, matched with company projects, work with companies to define an analytics project and scope Faculty advisors are assigned to each team and in some cases, PhD

  2. PDF Business-Analytics-Capstone/Business Analytics Project.pdf at main

    You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window.

  3. Business Analysis capstone project from Coursera.

    Business-Analytics-Capstone Made as a part of business analytics specialization on coursera from Wharton School. Project involves developing a strategy and formulating measures to evaluate the effects of proposed strategies.

  4. PDF 2020 Analytics Capstone Projects

    We welcome you to the Master of Business Analytics (2020 MBAn) Capstone Project application process. This document will outline what is required to propose an analytics project for your ... The Analytics Capstone Project reflects MIT Sloan's commitment to action learning. In building a portfolio of proposals from which our students will ...


    PDF | On Jan 1, 2018, Ravichandu Ummadisetti and others published BUSINESS ANALYTICS A CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT ON Hierarchical Classification of Skin Cancer Images | Find, read and cite all the ...

  6. Business Analytics Capstone

    There are 5 modules in this course. The Business Analytics Capstone Project gives you the opportunity to apply what you've learned about how to make data-driven decisions to a real business challenge faced by global technology companies like Yahoo, Google, and Facebook. At the end of this Capstone, you'll be able to ask the right questions of ...

  7. Business Analytics Capstone Projects

    Business Analytics Capstone Projects . The University of Montana's Master's of Science in Business Analytics prepares graduates for successful careers at the intersection of business, statistics, and computing. Printing is not supported at the primary Gallery Thumbnail page. Please first navigate to a specific Image before printing.

  8. Analytics Capstone

    What is the Analytics Capstone? The rigor of the MIT Sloan Master of Business Analytics program prepares students for careers that apply and manage modern data science to solve critical business challenges. The Analytics Capstone Project is a core component of this program, giving students real-world experience solving data challenges from ...

  9. What is Capstone?

    Unique Analytics Capstone Project Model. Ideas Made to Matter—that's what Sloan cares about, and it's what we embody in the MBAn program. Our students represent the top potential in the analytics field, and we make sure that their ideas and their solutions have meaningful impact for our business partners. A highlight of the Master of ...

  10. PDF Business-Analytics-Capstone-Project-Template.pdf

    You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window.

  11. Business Analytics Specialization Online

    BUSINESS ANALYTICS CAPSTONE. $79/month Duration: 4 weeks (4-5 hours/week) The Business Analytics Capstone Project gives you the opportunity to apply what you've learned about how to make data-driven decisions to a real business challenge faced by global technology companies like Yahoo, Google, and Facebook.

  12. PDF Master of Science in Business Analytics

    student of the MS in the Business Analytics program. It is a culminating piece of work which gives the student the opportunity to apply business analytics contemporary models, theories, and technologies to real-world problems. The Capstone is a year-long endeavor that makes students experience real-world analytics using organizational big data.

  13. PDF Capstone project

    Capstone project - Business Analytics Program Collection. The primary goal of the following capstone project is to build new data tables from an existing data archive, that has captured years of software testing. The project objective is being tested and carried out through the use of Python programming language. The archival

  14. PDF MIT Analytics Capstone Project Overview

    Capstone Project Overview vThis required 24-unit course provides the practical application of business analytics and data science problems within a real company vTeams of 2 students, matched with company projects, work with companies to define an analytics project and scope vFaculty advisors are assigned to each team and in some cases, PhD students

  15. Business Analytics Capstone Project

    Business Analytics Capstone Project - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. GYF faces a major threat from ad blocking software as most of its revenue comes from advertising. The proposed strategy has three parts: 1) Build better targeted ads that are less likely to be blocked and more relevant to users.

  16. Business analytics capstone wk 4 final pdf

    It is mandatory. business analytics capstone project week problem exercise methods and tools (optional) use this space for to answer the questions set out in. Skip to document. ... Business analytics capstone wk 4 final pdf. It is mandatory. Course. Business Administration (BUS 1102) 200 Documents. Students shared 200 documents in this course.

  17. MSBA

    Gain Real-World Experience and Address Business Challenges. In the Capstone Project for Georgetown McDonough's M.S. in Business Analytics (MSBA) program, you'll apply the concepts, methods, and tools learned in the program to a challenging business analytics problem with a local, national, or global organization.

  18. Business Analytics Capstone Project

    Business Analytics Capstone Project - Template - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. The document presents a framework for a business analytics capstone project on developing a strategy to address problems presented by ad-blockers. The strategy involves 3 steps: 1) Researching existing alternative models ...

  19. Business Analytics Capstone Project Template

    Business-Analytics-Capstone-Project-Template - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. The proposed strategy aims to address the problem of increasing ad blocker usage affecting GYF's revenue by focusing on three pillars: 1) Working with advertisers to create inspiring, value-adding content rather than ...

  20. GitHub

    University of Pennsylvania Wharton Specialization Certificate in Business Analytics: Capstone Project Topics analytics business-intelligence data-analytics data-analysis strategy business-solutions business-analytics

  21. Business Analytics Projects for Beginners and Experts

    Business Analytics Capstone. Business Analytics Skills Practiced: Data Visualization; If you have a computer science or business degree, you should consider working on this capstone project. This project-based course will help you learn real-world applications for data-driven decision making. By working on this project, you will familiarize ...

  22. PDF Capstone Project Examples

    All Capstone Business Projects should be completed in a total-organization framework that considers the impact on other departments and on a company's position and competitive . strength in the marketplace. The following are examples typical of past OEMBA Capstone Business Projects: • Business plan for a new start-up venture, or product

  23. GitHub

    The project followed a structured workflow comprising the following key phases: Project Proposal: Students proposed their project ideas.; Mid-term Submission: An update on data collection and cleaning progress.; Final Submission: The comprehensive analysis and insights.; Viva Voce: Presentation of the project and findings.; Detailed guidelines and evaluation criteria can be found here.