• Thesis writing

Writing a thesis is a process during which you refine your text so that the final version is as polished as possible for publication.

Thesis template

The prepared thesis template facilitates writing, because it has already taken into account issues related to, among other things, the layout (for example, the logo) and accessibility.

In the degree programmes conducted in Finnish Bachelor’s theses are written in Finnish and in the degree programmes conducted in English Bachelor’s theses are written in English. You are able to apply change the language of your Bachelor’s thesis

If you have reasons to deviate from this rule, you are able to apply the change of language in Pulmu. The decision will be made by the director of school on the recommendation of the head of studies.

Visual Illustration and Formatting of the Text

The thesis template contains instructions for visual illustrating and formatting the text.

Thesis Writing and Academic Style

You can receive guidance for your process from language teachers in the Language Centre’s text workshops, whose timetables and other information can be found on the page Language and communication studies – Text workshops

Follow these general guidelines to create a well-structured formal text:

  • Organize the text into coherent chapters by dividing the chapters into a two or three-level hierarchy (i.e. headings and sub-headings), if needed.
  • Divide the text into paragraphs so that there is one topic per paragraph. A paragraph has a topic sentence which is further described and explained by several supporting sentences and a concluding sentence. Write reasonably long paragraphs and clear sentences. A paragraph is longer than one sentence.
  • Link the paragraphs together with a phrase or an adverb to maintain continuity of argument. Remember also to link the individual sentences within a paragraph.
  • Write both main clauses and subordinate clauses and link them with appropriate linking words. Vary sentence length; if you want to make a point, keep the sentence length short. If you want to focus on specific actions or events, use verbs. On the other hand, if you discuss general concepts and want to achieve a higher degree of abstraction, use noun forms.
  • Pay attention to the overall academic style and choice of words. Aim for precise and unambiguous expression. Avoid using unnecessary foreign words and phrases as well as clichés, figures of speech, fashionable expressions, or colloquial expressions. Instead of using phrasal verbs or prepositional verbs, use single verbs with Latinate origins (e.g. carry out -> conduct, go down -> decrease, look into -> investigate).
  • Due to the nature of academic writing, use cautious language for argumentation such as modal adverbs (e.g. may, can) and modal adverbs and adjectives (e.g. perhaps, probably; probable, possible).
  • Illustrate your text with images, tables, graphs, and formulas.
  • Follow grammar standards such as guidelines related to punctuation.

You can find more writing tips on the following websites:

Regardless of the reporting format, the author follows the academic writing guidelines. When writing, the author should pay attention to the following general recommendations:

  • Thesis language is formal and it conforms to academic style conventions; the author has limited possibilities of breaking the established ways of presentation.
  • Academic style entails high abstraction level which is why concepts always need to be defined and explained.
  • It is important to distinguish between facts and opinions; the author’s own subjective statements are based on beliefs and attitudes.
  • Maintaining objectivity, explicitness and neutrality in your writing is essential.
  • What really matters is explorative research approach and meaningful content.
  • Managing formal style and standard language increases credibility.

The three most used tenses in academic writing are present simple, past simple and present perfect. These tenses can be used both in active and passive voice.

Past simple tense is used to

  • describe the progress of one’s work, i.e., what and how the study was conducted
  • describe the goals, stages, and results of the work in the chapter of discussion
  • write the abstract

Present simple tense is used to

  • define the goals and purpose of the thesis in the introduction
  • refer to literary sources in the theoretical background
  • refer to nonverbal illustrations such as tables, graphs and figures
  • draw conclusions and to propose a topic for a follow-up study in the chapter of conclusions

Present perfect tense is used to

  • introduce a new topic
  • point out a research gap
  • bridge previous research related to your research

There are no explicit guidelines on the use of active and passive voice; this may vary depending on field specific practices or the actual reporting format. For example, in the fields of technology, it is common to use passive voice in reports whereas in the fields of culture and business active voice is often recommended. This is especially the case if the text deals with the author’s personal choices, conclusions or interpretations.

  • active and passive voice can both be used
  • avoid using I and we (introduction ok)
  • avoid addressing the reader as  you
  • use passive voice in process descriptions
  • use impersonal pronouns (it, there, one)

The thesis is organized into main chapters and corresponding subsections. Create descriptive and self-explanatory headings and sub-headings that are structured in a parallel manner. For example, headings such as  Theory  and  General  convey very little information for the reader. A concise, easy-to-read table of contents gives the reader a clear overview of the work at a glance and also helps focus on specific areas of interest.

The most recommended and common way to cite a source is paraphrasing. Paraphrasing refers to changing the wording of a text so that it is significantly different from the original source without changing the meaning. Effective paraphrasing is a key academic skill needed to avoid the risk of plagiarism and your understanding of a source.

A direct quotation, which follows the original text verbatim, needs to be used with consideration. Choose a direct quotation in case you want to give extra weight to a particular piece of information by emphasizing the authority of the source. Direct quotations are short and to the point and possible omissions are marked by two dashes (– –). Direct quotations are always linked to the rest of the text.

In each way of quoting, it is mandatory to mark the sources as in-text references in the text and in the list of references.

An abstract is a self-contained one-page text that provides the reader with a summary of a larger work. The abstract is written in complete sentences and it is organised into paragraphs. The abstract briefly describes the background, goals, theory, methods and materials used, key results, conclusions, and development proposals and/or topics for follow-up studies.

Linguistic features of an abstract: complete sentences, simple past tense, impersonal passive voice, absence of negatives, avoidance of abbreviations.

  • At the beginning of the thesis
  • Finishing the thesis
  • Research Ethics
  • Reference guidelines from 1 August 2024
  • Reference guidelines (FORMER)

Search for degree programme

Open university programmes.

  • Open university Flag this item

Bachelor's Programmes

  • Bachelor's Programme for Teachers of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Agricultural Sciences Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Applied Psychology Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Art Studies Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Biology Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Chemistry Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Computer Science (TKT) Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Cultural Studies Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Economics Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Education: Class Teacher (KLU, in Swedish) Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Education: Class Teacher, Education (LO-KT) Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Education: Class Teacher, Educational Psychology (LO-KP) Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Education: Craft Teacher Education (KÄ) Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Education: Early Education Teacher (SBP) Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Education: Early Education Teacher (VO) Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Education: General and Adult Education (PED, in Swedish) Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Education: General and Adult Education (YL and AKT) Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Education: Home Economics Teacher (KO) Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Education: Special Education (EP) Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Environmental and Food Economics Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Environmental Sciences Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Food Sciences Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Forest Sciences Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Geography Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Geosciences Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in History Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Languages Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Law Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Logopedics Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Mathematical Sciences Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Molecular Biosciences Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Pharmacy Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Philosophy Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Physical Sciences Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Politics, Media and Communication Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Psychology Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Science (BSC) Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Social Research Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Social Sciences Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Society and Change Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in the Languages and Literatures of Finland Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Theology and Religious Studies Flag this item
  • Bachelor's Programme in Veterinary Medicine Flag this item

Master's and Licentiate's Programmes

  • Degree Programme in Dentistry Flag this item
  • Degree Programme in Medicine Flag this item
  • Degree Programme in Veterinary Medicine Flag this item
  • International Masters in Economy, State & Society   Flag this item
  • Master ́s Programme in Development of health care services Flag this item
  • Master's Programme for Teachers of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Agricultural Sciences Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Agricultural, Environmental and Resource Economics Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Area and Cultural Studies Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Art Studies Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Atmospheric Sciences (ATM) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Changing Education Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Chemistry and Molecular Sciences Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Computer Science (CSM) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Contemporary Societies Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Cultural Heritage Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Culture and Communication (in Swedish) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Data Science Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Economics Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Education: Class Teacher (KLU, in Swedish) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Education: Class Teacher, Education (LO-KT) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Education: Class Teacher, Educational Psychology (LO-KP) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Education: Craft Teacher Education (KÄ) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Education: Early Education (VAKA) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Education: General and Adult Education (PED, in Swedish) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Education: General and Adult Education (YL and AKT) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Education: Home Economics Teacher (KO) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Education: Special Education (EP) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in English Studies Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Environmental Change and Global Sustainability Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in European and Nordic Studies Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Finnish and Finno-Ugrian Languages and Cultures Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Food Economy and Consumption Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Food Sciences Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Forest Sciences Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Gender Studies Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Genetics and Molecular Biosciences Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Geography Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Geology and Geophysics Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Global Politics and Communication Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in History Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Human Nutrition and Food-Related Behaviour Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Integrative Plant Sciences Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Intercultural Encounters Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in International Business Law Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Languages Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Law Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Life Science Informatics (LSI) Flag this item
  • Master's programme in Linguistic Diversity and Digital Humanities Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Literary Studies Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Logopedics Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Materials Research (MATRES) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Mathematics and Statistics (MAST) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Neuroscience Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Particle Physics and Astrophysical Sciences (PARAS) Flag this item
  • Master's programme in Pharmaceutical Research, Development and Safety Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Pharmacy Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Philosophy Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Politics, Media and Communication Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Psychology Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Russian, Eurasian and Eastern European Studies Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Scandinavian Languages and Literature Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Social and Health Research and Management Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Social Research Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Social Sciences (in Swedish) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Society and Change Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Theology and Religious Studies Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Theoretical and Computational Methods (TCM) Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Translation and Interpreting Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Translational Medicine Flag this item
  • Master's Programme in Urban Studies and Planning (USP) Flag this item
  • Master’s Programme in Global Governance Law Flag this item
  • Nordic Master Programme in Environmental Changes at Higher Latitudes (ENCHIL) Flag this item

Doctoral Programmes

  • Doctoral Programme Brain and Mind Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Atmospheric Sciences (ATM-DP) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Biomedicine (DPBM) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Chemistry and Molecular Sciences (CHEMS) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Clinical Research (KLTO) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Clinical Veterinary Medicine (CVM) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Cognition, Learning, Instruction and Communication (CLIC) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Computer Science (DoCS) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Drug Research (DPDR) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Economics Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Food Chain and Health Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Gender, Culture and Society (SKY) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Geosciences (GeoDoc) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in History and Cultural Heritage Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Human Behaviour (DPHuB) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Integrative Life Science (ILS) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Interdisciplinary Environmental Sciences (DENVI) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Language Studies (HELSLANG) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Law Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Materials Research and Nanoscience (MATRENA) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Mathematics and Statistics (Domast) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Microbiology and Biotechnology Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Oral Sciences (FINDOS) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Particle Physics and Universe Sciences (PAPU) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Philosophy, Arts and Society Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Plant Sciences (DPPS) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Political, Societal and Regional Changes (PYAM) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Population Health (DOCPOP) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in School, Education, Society and Culture Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Social Sciences Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Sustainable Use of Renewable Natural Resources (AGFOREE) Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Theology and Religious Studies Flag this item
  • Doctoral Programme in Wildlife Biology (LUOVA) Flag this item

Specialist training programmes

  • Multidisciplinary studies for class teachers (teaching in Finnish) Flag this item
  • Multidisciplinary studies for class teachers (teaching in Swedish) Flag this item
  • Non-degree studies for special education teachers (ELO) Flag this item
  • Non-degree studies for special education teachers (LEO) Flag this item
  • Non-degree studies for special education teachers (VEO) Flag this item
  • Non-degree studies in subject teacher education Flag this item
  • Spe­cific Train­ing in Gen­eral Med­ical Prac­tice Flag this item
  • Specialisation Programme in Clinical Mental Health Psychology Flag this item
  • Specialisation Programme in Neuropsychology Flag this item
  • Specialisation Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Environmental Health and Food Control (old) Flag this item
  • Specialisation Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Equine Medicine (old) Flag this item
  • Specialisation Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Food Production Hygiene Flag this item
  • Specialisation Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Infectious Animal Diseases (new) Flag this item
  • Specialisation Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Production Animal Medicine (old) Flag this item
  • Specialisation Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Small Animal Medicine (old) Flag this item
  • Specialisation Studies in Community and Hospital Pharmacy (for B.Sc.Pharm.) Flag this item
  • Specialisation Studies in Community and Hospital Pharmacy (for M.Sc.Pharm.) Flag this item
  • Specialisation Studies in Industrial Pharmacy (for B.Sc.Pharm.) Flag this item
  • Specialisation Studies in Industrial Pharmacy (for M.Sc.Pharm.) Flag this item
  • Specialist Training in Dentistry Flag this item
  • Specialist Training in Hospital Chemistry Flag this item
  • Specialist Training in Hospital Microbiology Flag this item
  • Specialist Training in Medicine, 5-year training Flag this item
  • Specialist Training in Medicine, 6-year training Flag this item
  • Specialist's Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Environmental Health and Food Control Flag this item
  • Specialist's Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Equine Medicine (new) Flag this item
  • Specialist's Programme in Veterinary Medicine, general veterinary medicine Flag this item
  • Specialist's Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Infectious Animal Diseases (new) Flag this item
  • Specialist's Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Production Animal Medicine (new) Flag this item
  • Specialist's Programme in Veterinary Medicine, Small Animal Medicine (new) Flag this item
  • Trainer Training Programme in Integrative Psychotherapy Flag this item
  • Training Programme for Psychotherapists Flag this item


Bachelor’s theses and maturity tests, thesis and maturity test in master's and licentiate's programmes, information seeking and management for thesis writers, digital accessibility – what all students should know, plagiarism detection and using ouriginal, thesis commissions, the undergraduate awards, get your master's thesis written grant.

Bachelor's thesis

General information.

Bachelor students get guidance to the thesis work from the faculty’s researchers. The hole thesis process is in updated Laturi -system. You start the process there, guidance, plagiarism detection (Turnitin Similarity), reviewing and publishing takes place in Laturi -system. More information in the Laturi -guidebook.

Students can read previously published bachelor's theses at the Pegasus library. The bachelor student is also required to complete a maturity test. The maturity test is a written exam which evaluates the students command of the research topic and proficiency in Finnish, Swedish or English.

  • Faculty of Education and Psychology

The bachelor's thesis is part of the intermediate studies in the major subject. The thesis can be written independently or in pairs. In a pair or group work, it must be possible to identify and assess each student's independent share in the thesis. A bachelor's thesis is usually a theoretical work, in which you familiarize yourself with previous research and literature on your chosen topic. In some cases, however, the topic may be such that it is already possible to use empirical data at the bachelor stage.

A significant part of the bachelor's thesis consists of information retrieval from various sources. For this reason, it is advisable to attend an information retrieval course organized by the library at the very beginning of your work on the thesis. You can find more information on the information retrieval courses on the Peppi study guide and on the Oulu University library webpages .

The composition of a bachelor's thesis is supported through seminar work. During the academic year, you will be required to participate in a seminar where you will be presenting your research plan and, finally, your completed thesis. You should also act as an opponent to a bachelor's thesis plan and to a near-final thesis of another group member. The thesis group meets regularly during the academic year. The purpose of seminar work is to support the completion of bachelor's theses and to familiarize students with scientific discussion and argumentation.

  • Bachelor's thesis seminars 2022-2023 (Peppi study guide)
  • Assessment of theses (pdf)
  • Thesis template (word) and instructions (pdf)
  • APA-manual (6th edition) (external webpage)
  • Submitting Bachelor's thesis and graduation (webpage)

The theme of the module is public understanding of science and the reporting of biochemical research using different methods and for different audiences. During the course students will learn on a general level about different fields of biochemistry and their specific questions, orientation of biochemical research and organization of research into projects. Practical exercises will contain presenting of a given subject in different forms, which may be a talk, a short article, a poster, a press release or a research proposal. A literature report will be written as well as a popularized presentation of it. In addition the course is linked to the module Ruotsin kieli (Swedish language).

Students should be able to execute a project to produce a thesis type of output, be well aware of current research trends in biochemistry, be able to critically select knowledge from the literature, be able to discuss and debate scientific results, and be able to choose and evaluate proper form of presenation for each purpose.

  • Faculty of Science

Follow the general instructions above.

  • Faculty of Technology
  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Oulu Business School

Health Sciences

For further information and guidelines for the Bachelor's thesis in health sciences, please contact your thesis supervisor.

Computer Science and Engineering

Significance of bachelor’s thesis.

A bachelor’s thesis is a personal and public thesis that is part of a bachelor’s degree in engineering. The work is by nature a study or planning task that demonstrates mastery of one's own field, readiness for scientific thinking and qualifications for applying the acquired knowledge during studies in working life. Bachelor’s thesis work also orientates the student for structuring, processing and documentation of information.

Composition of bachelor’s thesis

There are two ways of completing bachelor’s thesis in Computer Science and Engineering degree programme:

  • Group work (max 3 students)
  • Independend thesis study (Topics can be inquired from supervisors, research groups or companies: ictrekry , Aarresaari , see also website: Job opportunities )

In the case of group work the individual contribution of each author must be clearly mentioned in the thesis. An independent thesis study is done as an individual work in the same way as a diploma thesis, and group work is not allowed in this option.

The scope of all methods is 8 cr. The bachelor's thesis is always graded on a pass / fail scale, regardless of the method of completion. In a course-type bachelor's thesis, the evaluation is performed by the person in charge of the course and in an independent dissertation by the supervisor. The supervisor of the bachelor's thesis may be a person who has completed a Master's degree in engineering.

The ACP and ESP projects can also be completed as a normal course without a bachelor’s thesis. In this case, a grading scale of 1-5 is used. Do note that ACP is a compulsory course in the applied computing module, which is why it must be completed either as a bachelor's thesis or as a normal course if you choose that field of study.

In addition to the actual thesis, the bachelor's thesis also includes a 2 ECTS course in Technical Communication (900060A). In order to graduate, the student must also pass a written maturity test (521008A Computer Science and Engineering, The Maturity Test for Bachelor's Degree).

Bachelor’s thesis process

Bachelor's thesis can be started at the end of bachelor's studies. Typical start time is the third year of studies.

Below are the steps related to thesis work explained in more detail:

1. Choose completition method (Independend study or group work). Register for Bachelor´s Thesis Course 523991A. The course is organised in periods 3 and 4. All students doing bachelor´s thesis have to participate the lectures, exercises and seminars of this course. Note: Applied Computing Project I (521041A) course (ACP) and Embedded Software Project (521275A) course (ESP) no longer exist.

2. If independent study was chosen, the student must then find a topic and supervisor for the work. In addition, another person working in the IT research unit who has a master's degree in engineering may also be a supervisor.

3. Agree with the supervisor the topic, schedule and guidance of the work. Bachelor's thesis completed as project courses are scheduled, planned and implemented in accordance with the schedules and instructions of the course.

4. Start the thesis process at Laturi . Instructions can be found in the Laturi Guide . It is also worth checking out the thesis guide of the Library of the University of Oulu .

5. Write a short research plan in Laturi. The plan is max. one A4 in length. The plan should include: 1. The purpose of the work 2. Methods/material/devices/software to be used 3. Expected results.

6. When the work is almost completed, a maturity test is taken as an electronic exam at the Examinarium. The time of the maturity test is agreed with the supervisor.

7. The finished work should be in Laturi at least one week before the last Degree Program Committee meeting before planned graduation. See the schedule below.

8. The finished thesis have to be delivered also to [email protected] no later than one week before the committee meeting under the title “Bachelor's Thesis in Computer Science and Engineering”. If the work has been done in a group, only one of the group members needs to submit the thesis.

9. The diploma application will be done via graduation system in student´s desktop in Peppi when all the credit points included in the degree are displayed in Peppi. An up-to-date PSP approved by a tutor teacher (or education designer) is also needed before you can fill the diploma application. The education planner can be reached at [email protected] .

Note: the application for a diploma will be processed after the deadline of submitting the application. This means that as long as you have submitted your application on time, that is enough, and your application will be processed after that. You will receive an automatic email when your application is processed.

10. The electronic diploma can be downloaded on graduation ceremony ( publiikki ) day (not the graduation date). You will get an email about this. See the timetable below. You can participate the Diploma Conferment Ceremony if you want. Bachelors attend to the next months ceremony, starting with those graduating in August 2024. A paper copy of the electronic degree certificate will be given in the ceremony.

Timetable for graduation Spring 2024 & Autumn 2024

Deadline for Bachelor´s thesis in LATURI Master´s or Bachelor's thesis in TUTO meeting Deadline for the degree certificate application Graduation date Graduation ceremony, the electronic degree certificate is downloadable
7.6.2024 14.6.2024 23.6.2024 30.6.2024 No Ceremony (you can join the ceremony on 29.8.2024)
21.6.2024 28.6.2024 24.7.2024 31.7.2024 29.8.2024
7.8.2024 14.8.2024 24.8.2024 31.8.2024 12.9.2024
6.9.2024 13.9.2024 23.9.2024 30.9.2024 10.10.2024
9.10.2024 16.10.2024 24.10.2024 31.10.2024 14.11.2024
8.11.2024 15.11.2024 23.11.2024 30.11.2024 12.12.2024
10.12.2025 17.12.2024 24.12.2024 31.12.2024 23.1.2025

Instructions for writing a bachelor’s thesis

The bachelor's thesis is documented in the same way as the master's thesis, but it is usually a shorter, 20-40 page long entity.

The bachelor's thesis can be done as a group working in courses 521041A and 521275A. In this case, there can be at most three persons in the group. The group size should be also taken into account in the scope. . For example, in groups of three, the scope of work must correspond to all students doing work corresponding to 8 ECTS. As a result, the written part is made longer, closer to the diploma thesis. The work of three people should aim at 40-50 pages. This means demonstrating greater familiarity with the topic of the work, for example, a broader literature review, implementation, or evaluation of the results of the work. Each member of the group must participate in the implementation and writing of the thesis equally. Therefore, the bachelor's thesis prepared as a group work must clearly indicate the share of each student's own work, either in written or tabulated format.

It is recommended to use the writing guide for master's thesis also for writing a bachelor's thesis:

  • CSE masters thesis guide

Document templates for thesis can be found here:

  • CSE Bachelors Thesis template

For Latex template see Overleaf . All thesis works must be compiled using above mentioned templates. Works created in other way will not be accepted.

Instructions also in Laturi-guide of Oulu University .

Other important issues

  • Studies are compiled into PSP compliant entities. If there have been no changes to the studies to be included in the degree since the last PSP approval, there is no need to get PSP approved separately. A diploma cannot be compiled if a student does not have an approved PSP. Update your PSP with your tutor teacher every year to ensure graduation process will be fluent and on time. If you have any questions, please contact the education designer at [email protected] .
  • Theses are public. The degree of publicity is determined during the upload phase. You can choose whether the thesis can only be read from the library terminals or whether the work is public online.
  • Copyrighted material may not be published in the thesis without proper permission. For example, images copied from articles can only be published with a permission from the original author.
  • The supervisor evaluates and grades the work in Laturi. Make sure the instructor has the time needed for the assessment within the graduation schedule.
  • Registration to graduation ceremony is done at the same time as applying for a degree in Peppi´s graduation service. No separate invitation will be sent to those who have registered. You can get more information about the ceremony from the study administration service point. You can find dressing instructions for the ceremony in ceremony guide .

Instructions for bachelor’s thesis supervisors

  • The supervisor creates a maturity test in the Exam system as a so-called personal exam. The student must visit the system once before a personal exam / maturity test can be created. Instructions for taking the electronic exam can be found here: instructions for the student , instructions for the teacher .
  • The maturity test code is: 521008A Tietotekniikka, Kypsyysnäyte / Kandidaatin tutkinto / Computer Science and Engineering, The Maturity Test for Bachelor’s Degree.
  • When the bachelor's thesis is completed, the supervisor accepts it in Laturi. The thesis must be accepted at least 3 business days before the Committee meeting . Laturi then sends automatically message to Academic Affairs Service Team about the acceptance so that the credit points can be registered.
  • Information to be included when accepting the thesis in Laturi: supervisors´ names and research units, student's name, thesis title in Finnish and English, thesis language and that it is a bachelor's thesis. In addition, the message must state whether the work has been done as an independent work / group work. Information about pass/fail.

Information Processing Science

The studies include a Bachelor’s thesis of 7 credits for students aiming for a Bachelor’s degree and a Master’s thesis of 30 credits for students aiming for a Master’s degree.

Bachelor’s thesis, 7 credits (811383A)

The Bachelor’s thesis that is part of the Bachelor of Science degree demonstrates that the student is intimately familiar with the subject matter of their thesis and has the ability to conduct academic communications. The thesis may contain an empirical section and a written research section, or just an essay based on literature. The Bachelor’s thesis is assessed as passed or failed.

Thesis Supervisors and Topics

Template for Theses

Electronics and Communications Engineering

The instructions of Bachelor's thesis and how to apply for a Bachelor's seminar be found in the Moodle workspace .

Biomedical Engineering MHSc

In the field of biomedical engineering there isn´t any bachelor´s programme, only master´s programme in which the student must complete master´s thesis .

Medical and Wellness Technology

The degree programme of Medical and Wellness Technology follows General instructions on publication of the theses prepared in the degree programmes at the Faculty of Medicine .

Basically the instructions and steps to be taken are the same as in master´s phase of the Medical and Wellness Technology .

However, kindly contact Anna Maijala(at)oulu.fi for more information and possible additional instructions.


Bachelor´s thesis, physical sciences, subject teacher training, fsci, computational biology and data-analysis, mathematical sciences, process and environmental engineering, industrial engineering and management, subject teacher training, chemistry, architecture, geosciences, mining engineering and mineral processing, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, subject teacher training, fhum, information studies, cultural anthropology, german language and culture, swedish language, finnish language, saami culture, science communication, ma, saami language, history of sciences and ideas, subject teacher training, learning sciences, primary teacher education, learning, education and technology, music education, special education, intercultural teacher education, early childhood education, education science and educational psychology, education and globalisation, business analytics msc (tech), digitalisation, computing and electronics, biomedical engineering msc (tech), epidemiology and biomedical data science, economics and business administration bsc, international business management (bsc eba), international business management (msc eba), financial and management accounting (msc eba), business analytics (msc eba), marketing (msc eba), finance (msc eba), economics (msc eba), economics and business administration msc.

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Submitting and publishing your thesis: Submitting your thesis to evaluation / Tampere University

  • Good to know before the submission
  • Submitting your thesis to evaluation / Tampere University
  • Submitting your thesis / TAMK
  • PDF/A guide

Visibility of your thesis

All theses will be submitted and archived in electronic form. According to the open science statement of the Tampere University all theses will be available online unless prohibited by the term of an external publisher.

When submitting your thesis in Trepo you have to choose the visibility of your thesis:

  • Open access through the internet (recommendation of the University)
  • Limited access in the library's theses access point (Linna, Hervanta, Arvo) with no printing or saving possibilities (minimum requirement for all theses)

Make sure, your thesis is in PDF/A –format when submitting the thesis!

Take a look at PDF/A guide If you have problems contact [email protected] .

Submitting your thesis to evaluation

This instruction concerns submitting bachelor's theses, master's theses, master's theses (medicine), master's-level thesis in optional studies and licentiate theses.

Note! All bachelor's theses will be archived in Trepo starting from 1st of August 2019.

When your thesis is ready

  • Read these instructions carefully and start the submission process using the links in phase 3.
  • Check the instructions for PDF/A conversion , if needed.
  • Note! Only thesis in PDF/A format with the right cover sheet proceeds in the evaluation process.
  • Name the PDF/A file with your name (SurnameForename.pdf, in case of thesis with two authors: SurnameSurname.pdf)
  • Go to website https://trepo.tuni.fi/submit . Login with Haka Login with your tuni user account. The student must be registered as present in order to submit a thesis on Trepo .
  • My thesis will be published online according to the recommendation of the University.
  • My thesis will be accessible in the library's theses access point with no printing or saving possibilities. The metadata of my thesis will be available online.

Publishing permission : Give the permission for publishing your thesis in Trepo institutional repository by ticking Proceed to submit the Thesis and choosing Next . Note, the permission for online publishing comes according to the collection you choose.

  • Upload file(s): Choose the file from your computer in File . Leave the box File Description empty . The file will be uploaded as you click Next .
  • Do the submission only once.
  • Add all the authors in Tekijä / Author field.
  • Send an email to [email protected] and write the names and email addresses of the authors who has been contributing to this thesis.
  • Keywords: You can add keywords to describe the content of your thesis. The program suggests keywords from YSO - General Finnish ontology for the PDF you just uploaded. Please tick the words you like to use. You can also add other keywords on the line under the box. The text prediction recommends the appropriate keywords from the YSO-ontology. If you would like to use (also) other than YSO-words please add them on the next row of the form called Vapaat asiasanat – Free keywords. You may also prefer not to use keywords at all and skip the rows Keywords and Free keywords.
  • Abstract : you can add the abstract of your thesis only if it can be published on the Internet. You can also add the abstracts in other languages if the abstracts are included in your thesis.
  • Name of the orderer or commissioner . Write here the name of the orderer or commissioner if the work was commissioned and there is permission to disclose their name.
  • After filling in all the boxes, click Next .
  • Review Submission : Check the filled information. You can correct possible mistakes by clicking the Correct one of these -text. If the information is correct, click Complete submission.

After the submission

  • In case one of your thesis examiner is not a member of the Tampere University , you have to send her/him as an email attachment the exact same pdf/A -version of your thesis as you submitted to Trepo. The examiners who are not members of the Tampere University do not have  access to Trepo's submissions collections.
  • Examination process of a licentiate thesis follows the guidelines of the faculty: See the Student's Guide: Examination process of a licentiate thesis
  • When your thesis has been approved in the faculty, library will move your thesis to the collection you chose, either open access in the Internet or only accessible in the library’s theses access point. Please notice that it will take three to six weeks from the faculty’s approval to the publishing in Trepo.
  • The Bachelor’s theses will be stored for 10 years. After that they will be removed from Trepo. All the other theses are stored permanently.
  • Students can order a printed version of their thesis at their own expense from a printing office they prefer.

Visual instructions for submitting the thesis

Visual instructions for submitting the thesis:

  • Instructions for the student
  • Instructions for the examiner

Article based thesis

The principle of publicity applies even if the thesis or parts of it are published as an article. Article based thesis will be processed same as the other theses. Some tips:

  • If the journal and your co-authors allow, you may give permission to publish your thesis online, in which case your thesis will be published online in Trepo, the institutional repository of Tampere University. Please, remember to add the citation of your article in your thesis. The citation must include the DOI of the article if available.
  • Make sure you are using the correct version of the article (pre print, post print, publisher's version) for online publishing.
  • Publishers often have an online form for asking the permission or you can apply for it through the Copyright clearence center. Remember to ask the permission to publish your article as a part of your thesis. All journals do not allow the online publication of articles. Please email the publishers’ permission to the library: [email protected].
  • Your thesis should have a different title than the forthcoming article because all the metadata of the theses will be published online through the library's databases.
  • If your article is still in draft phase and has not been submitted to a journal, it is not recommendable to give permission to publish the thesis online.
  • For more information on article permissions, see Publishing a dissertation at the Tampere University: Article permissions
  • << Previous: Good to know before the submission
  • Next: Submitting your thesis / TAMK >>
  • Last Updated: Aug 26, 2024 4:11 PM
  • URL: https://libguides.tuni.fi/theses

bachelor's thesis suomeksi

Email: [email protected] P. 0294 520 900

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E-thesis / University of Helsinki

Digital dissertations and theses at the University of Helsinki

This site describes how to search dissertations and theses written at the University of Helsinki. You can also read instructions about submitting and publishing theses. You can find more information about the services related to digital theses and dissertations here .

Browse or search dissertations and theses

You can search for digital theses and dissertations in the Helsinki University Digital Repository Helda .

  • Browse digital master's theses in Helda
  • Browse digital doctoral dissertions in Helda
  • Forthcoming public examinations of doctoral dissertations
  • Search digital and printed theses in the Helka Library Catalogue

How to publish your doctoral dissertation

Please read the instructions how to fill in the doctoral dissertation form and publish your doctoral dissertation in the digital repository Helda.

How to submit your master's thesis

Submitting of master's thesis for evaluation is done either in the new or old E-thesis, depending on the faculty. In the Faculty of Science, submitting is done either in the new or old system, depending on the degree programme. See detailed instructions on this page .

The following faculties will use the old E-thesis until 31.12.2024. Please read the instructions how to submit your master's thesis (or equivalent like licentiate thesis in veterinary medicine and thesis in advaced studies in medicine) for evaluation and instructions how to publish your thesis. Please read the faculty specific instructions below.

  • Veterinary Medicine

The following faculties will switch to using the new E-thesis on 1.8.2024:

  • Agriculture and Forestry
  • Biological and Environmental Sciences
  • Educational Sciences
  • Social Sciences

How to submit your bachelor's thesis

Please read the faculty specific instructions how to submit your bachelor's thesis for evaluation.

  • Swedish School of Social Science

Instructions for examiners of master's theses

Please read the examiners instructions for using the E-thesis system for evaluating master's and bachelor's theses.

Contact information

  • Evaluation of master's and bachelor's theses
  • Teaching and Learning Services
  • [email protected]
  • Doctoral dissertations, availability and publishing of dissertations and theses
  • Helsinki University Library
  • [email protected]
  • © HULib 2012-2020


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Bachelor's thesis

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cover image

The Bachelor’s thesis is the final thesis of the Bachelor’s degree and is included  in intermediate  specialisation  studies.  The  teacher  of  the  thesis  seminar  or  another  person assigned  by  the  head  of  the  degree  programme  is the  supervisor  of  the  thesis.  During the thesis project, the supervisor provides students with the possibility to present the progress of their  thesis  and  receive  feedback.  The  supervisor  may  also  request  a progress report from the student. Bachelor’s theses are public documents.

Degree programmes may issue specific guidelines for the thesis, taking into account e.g. the partner university's thesis requirements for double degree programmes.

Some degree programs use bachelor's thesis forms. Please find links below (use only the forms on this page - for example, forms found through search engines may not be up to date):

  • School of Energy Systems LES: Application for Bachelor's Thesis Topic

In other degree programs, the thesis process does not require the use of similar forms.

Commissioned thesis

If you do your thesis in cooperation with an external party, for example a company, please provide your commissioner with an information packet on the bachelor's thesis. It opens up the specific features of the Bachelor's thesis:  Information to the commissioner of a Bachelor's Thesis .

  • Thesis template - Word
  • Thesis template – LaTeX  (for LaTeX users)

Guidelines for writing a Bachelor's thesis

The Bachelor’s thesis is the final thesis for the Bachelor's degree. The Bachelor’s thesis and related seminar are part of the compulsory intermediate studies of a student’s specialisation field. It requires students to apply their knowledge and skills to solve a research problem related to their field of study. The work requires an active and independent approach from students. The student bears the responsibility for the work, its progress and conclusion.

Students start the project by signing up for the thesis course or seminar according to their degree programme’s instructions. Degree programmes may issue their own, more detailed instructions to complement the university's guidelines and publish them in the eLUT student website or Moodle.

After completing the thesis, students will

  • be familiar with the basic concepts and methods of scientific research
  • be able to organise their own work and set their own goals and schedules
  • be able to search for, critically evaluate, utilise and interpret sources
  • define a research problem
  • report on their research according to scientific practice and the practices of their own field.

The supervisor of the Bachelor’s thesis supports the student in independent work, scientific thinking and the development of research skills. The supervisor lets students present the progress of their work and gives feedback on it.

The supervisor is also the examiner who assesses the Bachelor’s thesis. The head of the degree programme may also appoint another teacher from the degree programme as the examiner. The examiner must have a Master’s degree.

The university expects students to know and observe the ethical principles of academic studies and therefore instructs students in following good scientific practice.

Plagiarism is strictly forbidden. Citations and references must be made in accordance with established scientific practice. If the degree programme or examiner require nothing else, the thesis should employ the author-date referencing style – also known as Harvard referencing. If regardless of the supervisor’s instruction the thesis contains plagiarised material, the thesis will receive a failing grade. Moreover, the matter will be brought to the rector's attention.

Supervisors employ the Turnitin software to verify the originality of the text, give feedback and guide the student. The university requires that final theses be checked with Turnitin before grading. Further information on Turnitin and originality verification is available Turnitin -page.

Please note that any kind of personal - for example political or religious - statements can not be included in a scientific work. 

For additional information on the responsible conduct of research, see the LUT Code of Conduct .

Students may write their Bachelor’s thesis in Finnish, Swedish or English. The section below regarding the abstract gives instructions on the language of the maturity test.

The thesis typically includes the following parts in the following order:

  • table of contents
  • list of symbols and abbreviations
  • introduction
  • discussion/processing
  • conclusions
  • appendices.

The degree programmes or schools issue more detailed instructions on the formalities and writing of theses for their fields of study. However, all title pages and abstracts must be formulated as follows:

The title page contains the following information:

Lappeenranta - Lahti University of Technology LUT Degree programme Name of author Title of thesis Bachelor’s thesis and year Supervisor 

On the title page, write the information above as follows (example): LUT School of Energy  Systems; NOT Name of school: LUT School of Energy Systems

Abstract/maturity test

Students include an abstract in their work. It is also the maturity test for the degree. The examiner of the thesis assesses the maturity test along with the entire thesis.

The abstract should start with the following information:

  • type of document (abstract)
  • title of thesis
  • name of author
  • name of school (LUT Business School / LUT School of Energy Systems /LUT School of Engineering Sciences)
  • degree programme
  • supervisor of thesis.

The abstract is a public document.

Students who have received their compulsory education in Finland in either Finnish or Swedish write their maturity test in the language of their compulsory education. The examiner reviews the maturity test to verify the student’s knowledge of the field of study and the clarity of the language. The language will not be separately assessed by a language expert unless the thesis supervisor so requires for a special reason. The examiner gives the maturity test and its content (K1) and the language (K2) either a passing or a failing grade. In addition to the abstract in Finnish or Swedish, the degree programme may require an English abstract in the Bachelor's thesis.

Students who have received their compulsory education abroad or in a language other than Finnish or Swedish in Finland write an abstract in English as their maturity test. In such cases, the maturity test is given a passing or failing grade only in terms of the content (K1). Although examiners do not grade the language, the abstract must be clear and coherent.

More detailed instructions are available in the Maturity test -page.

Thesis template

A thesis template produced for LUT students guides in Bachelor’s thesis writing. Template is available in the beginning of this page.

The Bachelor's thesis is a public-access final thesis. Students publish their finished work by uploading it and its abstract(s) into the LUTPub database administrated by the LUT Academic Library. 

The Bachelor’s thesis is evaluated on the scale excellent (5), very good (4), good (3), satisfactory (2), passable (1) and failed (0). Students may not rewrite an approved Bachelor's thesis.

Schools define their own assessment criteria for Bachelor’s theses. The criteria may include e.g.

  • the problem-setting, objectives, definitions and delimitations of the thesis
  • the relationship to previous research
  • the research approach, methods and material used in the work
  • the schedule of the research and time management
  • the results and their analysis
  • the organisation and coherence of the work
  • the profoundness of the work
  • the reliability of the work
  • the language and layout of the work
  • an independent approach and application. 

Students dissatisfied with their grade may request a correction to the grade within 14 days of having received knowledge of it. The request is made in writing, addressed to the university's degree board and submitted to Records Services.

  • pages for students writing a thesis  
  • LibGuides , a portal with instructions and information provided by the library  

Ethical guidelines for students

Turnitin guides

  • for students
  • for supervisors  

Bachelor's thesis

Submitting bachelor's thesis.

There will be no separate technical review of the work. The students are responsible for ensuring that the work complies with the writing guidelines .

When your thesis is finished, submit it to your supervisor for feedback and possible suggested corrections. When you have revised your text and your supervisor has given you permission to submit your thesis in Moodle, follow your supervisor’s instructions for plagiarism check in Moodle. The thesis version submitted in Moodle must be the same version you will submit in Osuva and to your supervisor. Submit your thesis in the Osuva publications archive and e-mail the same file to your supervisor. This will start the 30 day review period. The examiner will now conduct a review of your thesis. You will be notified about the grade after the review is completed.

Plagiarism detection

The plagiarism detection software is a part of the quality system of education and research. The use of the software is not a separate form or method of instruction or grading but an aid in instructing and grading thesis writers.

All theses (bachelor's and master's theses as well as licentiate and doctoral theses) written for the University of Vaasa are checked against plagiarism with this software before they are accepted. An entry of the check will be added on the student's transcripts of records. The software in use is called Turnitin.

Students submit their theses for the plagiarism check ( in Moodle ) at the latest when they give their theses in for grading.

All theses submitted for grading are checked for originality with Turnitin. Once a thesis has been checked, the supervisor will give the student permission to save the thesis in the electronic publication archive Osuva.

Bachelor's thesis evaluation

The reviewer of a Bachelor’s thesis is the teacher (supervisor) of the thesis. The reviewer shall provide their statement within 30 days of the submission of the work for review (Degree Regulations of the University of Vaasa, Section 16).

The thesis will be graded on a separate review form using a scale from 0 to 5 (failed, sufficient, satisfactory, good, very good, excellent). The approved Bachelor’s thesis is included in the major grade.

Bachelor thesis evaluation form

Bachelor's thesis evaluation rubrics

Timetable for Graduation 2023-2024

Apply for graduation in Peppi at least 28 days before the intended graduation day. Ask the International Education Specialist to check your studies well before that.

Application for certificate and all grades registered

Certificate submitted

11.8.2023 25.8.2023
15.9.2023 29.9.2023
13.10.2023 27.10.2023
10.11.2023 24.11.2023
4.12.2023 18.12.2023
15.12.2023 29.12.2023*
12.1.2024 26.1.2024
9.2.2024 23.2.2024
13.3.2024 27.3.2024
12.4.2024 26.4.2024
3.5.2024 17.5.2024
17.5.2024 31.5.2024
5.6.2024 19.6.2024
28.6.2024 31.7.2024**

*The degree certificates are prepared in the following month (January 2024) **The degree certificates are prepared in the following month (August 2024)

Special cases

Students cannot make changes to their work after it has been returned for evaluation and archiving. However, if you notice parts of the work that require little repairs or refinements (the error may be a typing mistake, a naming error, an error in siding, a paragraph change, etc.) that generally do not affect the job's review but are more cosmetic, you can contact Tritonia or Education Services and ask them to add to your work the so-called errata, i.e. a change list, where you can announce the corrected parts in your work. No changes can be made to the reviewed and approved thesis file itself.

Background material

With commissioned theses, the commissioner may demand a thesis or parts of it to remain non-public in order to protect business or professional secrets. In this case, those parts of the work that contain such secrets are not integrated into the master’s thesis, but annexed to the thesis as background material. The background material must conform to the general guidelines on writing master’s thesis and must be left for assessment at the same time and in as many copies as the master’s thesis. The background material is not bound together with the master’s thesis but submitted separately with its own title page and titled BACKGROUND MATERIAL. However, general, non-specific information about the background material should be incorporated in the text of the master’s thesis if possible.

The minimum requirements for the actual master’s thesis are that it specifies the theoretical framework, research methods, material and its analysis, and has a list of references. It must be an independent, readable whole. Background material is evaluated together with the actual master’s thesis but is not made public. After the assessment, the background material is archived and kept in a secure place at the school. The use of background material as the main source must be agreed upon with the thesis supervisor beforehand.

Anonymisation  of science is more preferred.

Online thesis workshop

Come and try the thesis workshop! In the workshop, we solve thesis-related problems together, overcome writer’s blocks, give and get peer support and share tips. You will make progress with your thesis, and get tips on, for example, time management and information searching. You can also stay online and just write your thesis. 

Thursdays at 16-17 online ,  Zoom link   (password: 070149) Contact: Ray Ohtonen, Study Psychologist | Niina Sorvari, Information Specialist Opinnäytetyöpaja | Thesis workshop - Tritonia - Vaasan tiedekirjasto

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Open Repository Theseus - the theses and publications of the Universities of Applied Sciences on the Internet

Theseus is a service provided by Arene ry - the Rectors' Conference of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences. Theseus gives you online access to theses and publications from Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences. You can read and utilize entire theses and publications in your own research and development work - or just get acquainted with those.

You can browse material by clicking on the ‘Browse material’ heading in the right-hand menu. If you wish to save your thesis or publication, proceed to Submission page .

Universities of Applied Science

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bachelor's thesis suomeksi

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bachelor's thesis suomeksi

AI-enhanced web development 

Browse material.

Student Guide

Bachelor's Programme in Business

Programme main page, writing your bachelor's thesis.

To earn your Bachelor of Science (Economics and Business Administration) degree, you are required to write a bachelor’s thesis in accordance with the instructions given by your major. The associated bachelor’s thesis seminar will help you in the writing process, as will your designated thesis advisor. Please note that you must be enrolled as an attending student for the right to study which relates to the bachelor’s thesis you are writing.

Credits awarded for the bachelor’s thesis and seminar

The structures of both the bachelor’s thesis and the related bachelor’s thesis seminar have changed as of 1 August 2022. Previously, students were awarded 2 credits for attending the bachelor’s thesis seminar, but now the workload of the seminar is included in the 10 credits given for the bachelor’s thesis.

If you are studying according to the 2020–2022 curriculum or earlier, but are taking part in the Bachelor's thesis and seminar course after 1 August 2022, to make up for the credit difference, you must earn 2 more credits towards the electives or some other study module in your degree.

How to write and submit my bachelor’s thesis?

  • You will find the seminar in your personal study plan or on the programme pages under Curriculum.
  • Register for the bachelor’s thesis seminar on Sisu.
  • Take part in the seminar work and write your bachelor’s thesis.
  • Write your maturity essay (instructions further down on this page).
  • Submit your thesis as a single PDF/A file containing the cover page and thesis abstract. See below for details on preparing the file.
  • Practice saving the thesis in the correct format before the deadline date, because if you encounter any problems, you will not have time to fix them on the day your thesis is due.
  • Submit the same file to both systems.
  • You have to be enrolled as an attending student for the right to study to which the bachelor’s thesis and maturity essay relate.
  • The abstracts of bachelor's and master's theses to be saved from January 1, 2024 will always be openly published in the Aaltodoc publication archive together with other metadata of the theses. Read more about theses as public documents here .
  • Further information about publishing theses here .

How to format your thesis for submission

  • Use the thesis template for all Aalto University Schools that can be found here . The first page of the submitted file should be the cover page, while the next should be the thesis abstract page. Use the same language in the cover page and abstract as you have in the bachelor’s thesis.
  • Please note that the maturity essay is a separate element of the bachelor’s degree, evaluated against a specific set of criteria. You cannot use the thesis abstract of your bachelor’s thesis as your maturity essay. Read more about the maturity essay below on this page.
  • Save your file as an archival PDF/A file. Suitable formats: PDF/A-1a, -1b, -2a and -2b. Do not use any other file format.

Cover page and abstract templates (Word) in Finnish and in English are available under the instructions.

Instructions for converting a file to PDF/A compliant version here

How do I submit my bachelor’s thesis and maturity essay for evaluation?

For the schedule for thesis evaluation, see the page Graduation. You can submit your thesis and maturity essay for evaluation even before you have completed all your studies.

  • Department of Management Studies
  • Department of Accounting and Business Law
  • Department of Marketing
  • Department of Economics
  • Department of Information and Service Management
  • Department of Finance
  • You must keep track of the progress of your maturity essay evaluation: your thesis advisor will evaluate the contents, while a language teacher will evaluate your skills in your language of primary and secondary education. For details on keeping track of the evaluation process, see the thesis submission workspace of your department.
  • If you need to make corrections to your maturity essay, make them as instructed in the feedback given.
  • If you write your maturity essay in Swedish (language of education Swedish) inform about that to your supervisor and your major's planning officer so it will be sent for language check.
  • Submit your bachelor’s thesis to eAge for archiving. Click here to go to eAge .
  • Remember to check your spam folder, because sometimes eAge messages end up there.

If the thesis and maturity essay are the last study attainments you need to complete to graduate, you can then request for graduation as a Bachelor of Science (Economics and Business Administration), see more information on the page Graduation. Instructions for requesting graduation are here .

What if I notice an error in my bachelor’s thesis after I have submitted it?

  • Ask for your eAge form to be returned to you by emailing to [email protected] .
  • Correct the error in your thesis.
  • Submit the corrected version to the MyCourses workspace no later than on the deadline date.
  • Once you get your eAge form back, replace the thesis file with the corrected one and resend the form.
  • If you had submitted the earlier version of the thesis separately to your thesis advisor, send the corrected version also to the thesis advisor.
  • Suspend the thesis evaluation process by sending an email to the planning officer of your programme or to [email protected] .
  • Let the thesis advisor evaluate your thesis and then follow the instructions given in item 3 below.
  • If you wish to correct an error in your thesis after its evaluation, you can append an errata document to your thesis as instructed below.

Turnitin - an aid for skilful writing and prevention of plagiarism

Student Guide illustration, applications, instructions and guidelines

Errors in approved theses are corrected on an errata page

Instructions on the use of errata page

Maturity essay

You must write what is called a ‘maturity essay’ as part of your thesis process. The maturity essay is obligatory for a bachelor’s degree and for a master’s degree. The purpose of maturity essay is:

  • to demonstrate conversance with the subject area of your thesis, and
  • to demonstrate, if necessary, your proficiency in the language of your primary and secondary education.

You only need to demonstrate your language proficiency once: in connection with the first maturity essay you complete.

The maturity essay at the bachelor’s level

For your maturity essay at the bachelor’s level, you will write an executive summary or a media advisory. You can choose whichever one you want.

Instructions for writing a maturity essay

Language of the maturity essay.

The maturity essay is written in Finnish or Swedish or in some cases in English. The maturity essay is an obligatory part of the thesis process for all students regardless of their language of education. Read more about the language of education here .

Write your bachelor’s-level maturity essay in Finnish or Swedish , if one of these languages was your language of education.

  • The language of education is usually the one shown as your mother tongue on your school-leaving certificate from upper secondary school.
  • If you did not complete the upper secondary school syllabus, but completed an international track of upper secondary studies in Finland or the equivalent of Finnish upper secondary studies abroad, then your language of primary and secondary education is the one shown as your mother tongue in your certificate from comprehensive school.

Write your bachelor’s-level maturity essay in English , if your language of education cannot be determined.

  • If neither Finnish or Swedish is shown as your mother tongue on your upper secondary or comprehensive school certificate, then the language of education is most likely undefined in your case.
  • You must apply for determination of your proficiency requirements regarding the national languages. The requirements must be determined before you write your maturity essay.
  • Read more about determining your language proficiency requirements of the page Exemptions from language requirements .

Maturity essay assignment

Write a one-page specialist text based on your thesis. In an analytic and reflective manner, discuss the results or findings of your research as well as their significance. Pay close attention to your choice of genre (see instructions below), your headings and your text’s readability and linguistic clarity. Note as well that your maturity essay must function as an independent piece of writing without references to your thesis.

Option 1: Executive summary

The goal of the summary is to support executive decision-making. In contrast to your thesis abstract, your objective here is to persuade readers to ‘buy’ your research results, convincing them that your research has benefits and practical applications for economic life and/or for business.

Give a clear structure to your text and use headings that describe the contents: present your results or findings and their benefits, substantiate the benefits and target them at the right target audience, then propose a solution for the problem you noted.

Option 2: Media advisory

The aim of a media advisory (or press release) is to present the key findings and significance of your research in such a way that the document may serve as a news item and be published in a newspaper, magazine or on social media. Your task is to raise interest in your thesis topic and show the newsworthiness of your findings.

Write the advisory in the ‘inverted pyramid’ news style, providing the target group with the most important information at the top of the text and then proceeding to the less important. The advisory should have an attention-grabbing headline, its opening should encapsulate the essential matter, and it should have a few subheadings outlining the discussion paragraphs.

Thesis template and file instructions

Use a Calibri or Calibri-equivalent font for writing your maturity essay. Use font size 11, 1.15 line-spacing and set all margins at 2 cm. You may use these guidelines as a template in English or in Finnish .

Remember to include your name and student number in the file. When your maturity essay is finished, convert it to a PDF file and give the file a name in the form Firstname_Lastname_studentnumber_Maturity_essay.

Maturity essay submission and approval

Submit the maturity essay file in the MyCourses learning environment at the same time as you submit your bachelor’s thesis for approval. Instructions on submitting the thesis and maturity essay are available above on this page.

Your thesis advisor will examine the content of your thesis for your conversance with the topic, and a proofreader will check the language of your thesis. You need to follow the progress of the content and language reviews yourself: see the directions in the MyCourses space for your major.

Feedback about the page

  • Published: 17.5.2022
  • Updated: 1.8.2024
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LUTPub is the publication repository of the LUT University.

LUTPub includes Bachelor's and Master's theses, licentiate theses, doctoral dissertations and their abstracts. In addition, publications, research datasets, teaching and presentation materials are stored in the LUTPub.

LUTPub replaces the Doria publication repository in LUT University and acts as an repository for the parallel saved publications.


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Taking the car out of the countryside: understanding opposition to climate policy in rural finland .

bachelor's thesis suomeksi

The impact of credit rating changes on Nordic bank stocks 

Recovery of fine chemical products from agricultural wastes .

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Cloud-based integration platforms : exploring the challenges and opportunities 


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UTUPub is the open institutional repository of the University of Turku. It replaces the previously used Doria repository. UTUPub collections consist of graduate theses from the university; dissertations, licentiate theses, master's theses, and abstracts of the master's theses. In addition to theses other publications published by the faculties and departments of the University of Turku are stored in the repository.


Select a community to browse its collections.

Theses on this collection are freely available online.

Theses in this collection have only abstract. The author of the thesis has not allowed to publish the fulltext of the thesis online.

This collection contains abstracts of theses accepted at the University Turku. Author of the thesis has not allowed that fulltext of thesis is published. A paper copy of the thesis is at the University of Turku library where it can be read.

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bachelor's thesis suomeksi

Effect of Cold on Renal Metabolism in Adult Humans: Perspective in Relation to Obesity. 

Exploring the representation and implementation of sustainable development in finnish universities' strategies , neet-nuorten kokemuksia työvoimapalveluista, sosiaalitoimesta ja kelasta , interaction of source credibility and readers’ prior beliefs in the sourcing and validation of social media posts , short-term value growth of the acquirer in strategic m&a: evidence from nasdaq helsinki , all of dspace.


Thesis collection: Aalto Thesis Database

Aalto thesis database.

  • For students: Publicity of a thesis and publishing your thesis
  • Theses from other universities

Aalto Thesis Database is a remote desktop connection to Aaltodoc publication archive. Via Aalto Thesis Database you can read documents with restricted access:

  • master’s theses
  • licentiate theses
  • doctoral theses

Please note, that you cannot open locked bachelor’s theses files via Aalto Thesis Database. You can access the locked bachelor’s theses files on the public workstations at the Aalto University Harlad Herlin Learning Centre. Aalto University staff can access the bachelor’s theses by logging in to Aaltodoc with Aalto credentials.

Where can I find the Aalto Thesis Database?

All visitors at the harald herlin learning centre.

  • Public Windows workstations.
  • Aalto University students, faculty and staff members log in to the workstations by using Aalto credentials.
  • Other customers log in using a shared username and password.
  • Open the Aalto Thesis Database from the workstation’s Start menu.
  • See the Learning Centre’s contact details and opening hours from our web page. I Harald Herlin Learning Centre

Aalto students

  • IT Windows classrooms on campus and
  • via the virtual desktop connection (VDI) by connecting to a Windows workstation at a classroom. I How to use Aalto Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (Instructions: IT Services)

Aalto faculty and staff

  • Download the application from the Aalto Windows Workstation Selfservice Portal. I Software SelfServicePortal
  • After download is completed you can find the Aalto Thesis Database from the workstation’s Start menu.


  • The copyrights of the thesis belongs to the author.
  • You are not allowed to download or send the file from the service.
  • You are not allowed to copy the content.
  • You are not allowed to modify the content.

How to open the theses files?

  • Access to the Aaltodoc archive from the Aalto Thesis Database main page.
  • Find the thesis information from Aaltodoc.
  • Click on the Access to electronic archive copy link to get to the loading page of the thesis file.
  • Open the thesis by clicking the thesis file name.
  • You can read the thesis on the screen or print it to paper.

The Aalto University students, faculty and staff members may print the theses on paper for personal study and research:

  • Select SecurePrint from the printer list.
  • Find PrintingPoint devices on campus to print the file on paper.
  • If the size of the file is big it it preferable to print the thesis in two or more parts.

Request the thesis file from the Learning Centre

You can also make a request for the thesis file by email from the Learning Centre:

  • Only private customers can make requests.
  • Our email address is oppimiskeskus [at] aalto.fi.
  • Please mention the author’s name, title of the thesis and the year of publication in your request.
  • << Previous: Aaltodoc
  • Next: For students: Publicity of a thesis and publishing your thesis >>
  • Last Updated: Sep 2, 2024 10:32 AM
  • URL: https://libguides.aalto.fi/theses


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  1. Bachelor's thesis

    The stages of a bachelor's thesis process are outlined below: Responsibilities of students during a BSc thesis process. Responsibilities of supervisors/examiners during a BSc thesis process. 1. consider potential topics in advance (for example, in the spring of their second year with the teacher tutor) 2.

  2. Thesis at TAMK (student's guide)

    1.1 Thesis. The thesis is an independent study performance in your studies. Its scope within bachelor's degrees is 15 credits (cr) and 30 cr in master's degrees. The thesis is graded separately on the degree certificate. The thesis process includes contact teaching, seminars, thesis supervision and independent work.

  3. Bachelor's theses and maturity tests

    Maturity tests for bachelor's degrees. A maturity test is a scholarly text related to the field of your thesis, such as a part of the thesis or its abstract, or another piece of written work defined in the curriculum of your degree programme. Before undertaking a maturity test, you must complete the native-language studies required for your ...

  4. Thesis writing

    Thesis template. The prepared thesis template facilitates writing, because it has already taken into account issues related to, among other things, the layout (for example, the logo) and accessibility. In the degree programmes conducted in Finnish Bachelor's theses are written in Finnish and in the degree programmes conducted in English ...

  5. Theses

    The accessibility of digital environments corresponds to physical accessibility. All students should take accessibility into consideration, particularly when drawing up public documents, such as theses. On this page you will find information on digital accessibility and how to create an accessible thesis document.

  6. Bachelor's thesis

    A Bachelor's thesis is a small-scale research project of the student's own study field. The scope of the thesis and thesis-related seminar work is about 8-10 ECT. Typically, the length of the thesis is about 20-40 pages, but more detailed instructions and learning objectives are written in the curriculum of each degree programme.

  7. Submitting and publishing your thesis: Submitting your thesis to

    Open Access: Bachelor's thesis - Submissions. My thesis will be published online according to the recommendation of the University. Access in the library's theses access point: Bachelor's thesis - Submissions Submissions (Limited access) My thesis will be accessible in the library's theses access point with no printing or saving possibilities.

  8. Thesis

    Thesis. JOIN.bsc Bachelor's Thesis and Seminar is a 10-credit study module that is completed during one study term (fall, spring, or summer) in the third year of studies. The work is divided across two periods to allow time for planning, conducting research, reading literature, writing & revising multiple drafts, and giving a thesis presentation.

  9. Thesis

    Electronical archieving of the thesis work. Add the PDF file of your thesis to the Thesis sheet. You can add the image file of the cover page on the sheet Thesis cover. The cover picture will be shown in the Aaltodoc publication archive together with the metadata of your thesis. Submit your thesis by clicking Submit in the Case details sheet.

  10. E-thesis / University of Helsinki

    When the bachelor's thesis has been evaluated, it will be archived in the E-thesis system. The archived bachelor's theses can be read only in the premises of the Helsinki University Library. The bachelor's theses, abstracts or metadata are not published in the open digital archive Helda. The evaluation statements are archived in the ...

  11. E-thesis / University of Helsinki

    Submitting of master's thesis for evaluation is done either in the new or old E-thesis, depending on the faculty. In the Faculty of Science, submitting is done either in the new or old system, depending on the degree programme. See detailed instructions on this page. The following faculties will use the old E-thesis until 31.12.2024.

  12. Thesis

    Publicity of a thesis. Rights and responsibilities of students and supervisors during a thesis process. Tampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK) constitute the Tampere Universities community. Our areas of priority in research and education are technology, health and society. Tampere University: +358 (0)294 5211.

  13. Bachelor's thesis

    The Bachelor's thesis is a public-access final thesis. Students publish their finished work by uploading it and its abstract(s) into the LUTPub database administrated by the LUT Academic Library. The Bachelor's thesis is evaluated on the scale excellent (5), very good (4), good (3), satisfactory (2), passable (1) and failed (0).

  14. Thesis

    The thesis process takes place once each academic year. The Bachelor's Thesis must be written in English. Detailed instructions on the thesis are provided in special info sessions attended by all thesis students. All thesis materials are available on the MyCourses workspace of the thesis group. It should be noted that the grade given for ...

  15. Bachelor's thesis

    A Bachelor's thesis is an independent scientific final project, the subject for which is agreed with the teacher responsible for the thesis. For a Bachelor's thesis to be accepted, it must be reviewed in a Bachelor's thesis seminar and corrected based on the feedback received. Right from the start, please note that the Bachelor's thesis must also meet the requirements for originality ...

  16. PDF Bachelor's/Master's thesis

    The abstract should have the same layout as the rest of the thesis but the spacing is 1. The title is ABSTRACT written in uppercase letters and font size 12. The degree programme, potential specialisation, thesis author(s) and thesis title are written below the title. The word Bachelor's thesis or Master's thesis, number of

  17. Home

    Theseus is a service provided by Arene ry - the Rectors' Conference of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences. Theseus gives you online access to theses and publications from Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences. You can read and utilize entire theses and publications in your own research and development work - or just get acquainted with ...

  18. Home

    Briefly about theses in Aalto University. Information of all registered theses (printed and electronic) can be found in Aalto-Primo | Aalto-Primo. From year 2020 we have archived theses only in electronic format. Most of the printed archive copies of older technology and business and economics theses have been scanned into electronic format.

  19. Thesis

    Thesis template and file instructions. Use a Calibri or Calibri-equivalent font for writing your maturity essay. Use font size 11, 1.15 line-spacing and set all margins at 2 cm. You may use these guidelines as a template in English or in Finnish. Remember to include your name and student number in the file.

  20. Home

    Suomeksi; In English; Login; Toggle navigation Home; JavaScript is disabled for your browser. Some features of this site may not work without it. ... (3911) metadataOnly (18) Type of thesis Master's thesis Master's thesis Bachelor's thesis Bachelor's thesis Doctoral dissertation Licentiate thesis Author Saunila, Minna (61) Ritala, Paavo (59) ...

  21. Home

    UTUPub is the open institutional repository of the University of Turku. It replaces the previously used Doria repository. UTUPub collections consist of graduate theses from the university; dissertations, licentiate theses, master's theses, and abstracts of the master's theses. In addition to theses other publications published by the faculties ...

  22. LibGuides: Thesis collection: Aalto Thesis Database

    Aalto Thesis Database is a remote desktop connection to Aaltodoc publication archive. Via Aalto Thesis Database you can read documents with restricted access: Please note, that you cannot open locked bachelor's theses files via Aalto Thesis Database. You can access the locked bachelor's theses files on the public workstations at the Aalto ...


    Löydä kaikki bachelor's thesis:n Suomi käännökset, kuten kandi, kandidaatintutkielma ja monet muut. To support our work, we invite you to accept cookies or to subscribe. ... Samantapaisia käännöksiä ilmaisulle "bachelor's thesis" suomeksi. bachelor substantiivi. Finnish. kandidaatti; kandidaatin tutkinto; poikamies;