Tourism Teacher

What is cultural tourism and why is it growing?

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Cultural tourism is big business. Some people seek to embark on their travels with the sole intention of having a ‘cultural’ experience, whereas others may experience culture as a byproduct of their trip. We can argue that there is some form of cultural tourism in most holidays (even when taking an all-inclusive holiday you might try to local beer, for example).

But what do we mean by the term ‘cultural tourism’? What’s it all about? In this post I will explain what is meant by the term cultural tourism, providing a range of academic definitions. I will also explain what the different types of cultural tourists are, give examples of cultural tourism activities and discuss the impacts of cultural tourism. Lastly, I will provide a brief summary of some popular cultural tourism destinations.

What is cultural tourism?

Cultural tourism is the act of travellers visiting particular destinations in order to experience and learn about a particular culture . This can include many activities such as; attending events and festivals, visiting museums and tasting the local food and drinks.

Cultural tourism can also be an unintentional part of the tourism experience, whereby cultural immersion (with the local people, their language, customs, cuisine etc) is an inevitable part of a person’s holiday.

Cultural tourism definitions

It has been suggested that tourism is the ideal arena in which to investigate the nature of cultural production (MacCannell, 1976). Tourism provides endless opportunities to learn about the way other people live, about their society and their traditions. Whether you are attending the Running of the Bulls Festival in Pamplona , visiting the pyramids in ancient Egypt , taking a tour of the tea plantations in China or enjoying the locally brewed Ouzo on your all-inclusive holiday to Greece, you will inevitably encounter some form of cultural tourism as part of your holiday experience.

The World Tourism Organisation (WTO) (1985) broadly define cultural tourism as the movements of persons who satisfy the human need for diversity, tending to raise the cultural level of the individual and giving rise to new knowledge, experience and encounters. Cultural tourism is commonly associated with education in this way, some describing it more narrowly as educational cultural tourism (e.g. Bualis and Costa, 2006; Harner and Swarbrooke, 2007; Richards, 2005).

Although a common, more specific definition has not been agreed amongst academics due to the complexity and subjectivity of the term, there do appear to be two distinct viewpoints. The first focusses upon the consumption of cultural products such as sites or monuments (Bonink, 1992; Munsters, 1994), and the second comprises all aspects of travel, where travellers learn about the history and heritage of others or about their contemporary ways of life or thought (MacIntosh and Goeldner, 1986).

Csapo (2012) pertains that the umbrella term of cultural tourism can encompass a number of tourism forms including heritage (material e.g. historic buildings and non-material e.g. literature, arts), cultural thematic routes (e.g. spiritual, gastronomic, linguistic), cultural city tourism, traditions/ethnic tourism, events and festivals, religious tourism and creative culture (e.g. performing arts, crafts).

Types of cultural tourists

In attempt to understand the scope of cultural tourism academics have developed a number of typologies, usually based upon the tourist’s level of motivation.

Bywater (1993) differentiated tourists according to whether they were culturally interested, motivated or inspired.

Culturally interested tourists demonstrate a general interest in culture and consume cultural attractions casually as part of a holiday rather than consciously planning to do so.

Culturally motivated tourists consume culture as a major part of their trip, but do not choose their destination on the basis of specific cultural experiences, whereas for culturally inspired tourists culture is the main goal of their holiday. 

A more complex typology was proposed by McKercher and Du Cros (2002), who defined tourists based upon the depth of the cultural experience sought, distinguishing them in to one of five hierarchical categories. 

The first is the purposeful cultural tourist for whom cultural tourism is their primary motive for travel. These tourists have a very deep cultural experience. 

The second category is the sightseeing cultural tourist for whom cultural tourism is a primary reason for visiting a destination, but the experience is more shallow in nature.

The serendipitous cultural tourist does not travel for cultural reasons, but who, after participating, ends up having a deep cultural tourism experience, whilst the casual cultural tourist is weakly motivated by culture and subsequently has a shallow experience. 

Lastly, the incidental cultural tourist is one who does not travel for cultural tourism reasons but nonetheless participates in some activities and has shallow experiences. 

Adapting this theory, Petroman  et al (2013) segments tourists based upon their preferred cultural activities.

The purposeful cultural tourist, described as according to Mckercher and Du Cros (2002), enjoys learning experiences that challenge them intellectually and visits history museums, art galleries, temples and heritage sites that are less known.

The tour-amateur cultural tourist is akin with the sightseeing cultural tourist above and they often travel long distances, visit remote areas, enjoy tours and wandering through the streets.

The occasional cultural tourist plays a moderate role in the decision of travelling and enjoys an insignificant cultural experience, their preferred activities being to visit attractions and temples that are easy to reach and to explore, although not to the extent that the tour-amateur cultural tourist does.

The incidental cultural tourist plays a small or no role in the decision to travel and enjoys an insignificant cultural experience, whilst visiting attractions that area within easy reach and heritage theme parks.

The last segment is the accidental cultural tourist, who plays a small or no role in the decision to travel but enjoys a deep cultural experience. This tourist type is diverse and as such has no preferred activities attributed to it. 

Importance of cultural tourism

Cultural tourism is important for many reasons. Perhaps the most prominent reason is the social impact that it brings.

Cultural tourism can help reinforce identities, enhance cross cultural understanding and preserve the heritage and culture of an area. I have discussed these advantages at length in my post The Social Impacts of Tourism , so you may want to head over there for more detail.

Cultural tourism can also have positive economic impacts . Tourists who visit an area to learn more about a culture or who visit cultural tourism attraction, such as museums or shows, during their trip help to contribute to the economy of the area. Attractions must be staffed, bringing with it employment prospects and tertiary businesses can also benefit, such as restaurants, taxi firms and hotels.

Furthermore, for those seeking a deep cultural experience, options such as homestays can have positive economic benefits to the members of the community who host the tourists.

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Personally, I think that one of the most important benefits of cultural tourism is the educational aspect. Tourists and hosts alike can learn more about different ways of life. This can help to broaden one’s mind, it can help one to think differently and to be more objective. These are qualities that can have many positive effects on a person and which can contribute to making them more employable in the future.

Cultural tourism activities

Whether a tourist is seeking a deep cultural experience or otherwise, there are a wide range of activities that can be classified as cultural tourism. Here are a few examples:

  • Staying with a local family in a homestay
  • Having a tour around a village or town
  • Learning about local employment, for example through a tour of a tea plantation or factory
  • Undertaking volunteer work in the local community
  • Taking a course such as cooking, art, embroidery etc
  • Visiting a museum
  • Visiting a religious building, such as a Mosque
  • Socialising with members of the local community
  • Visiting a local market or shopping area
  • Trying the local food and drink
  • Going to a cultural show or performance
  • Visiting historic monuments

Impacts of cultural tourism

There are a range of impacts resulting from cultural tourism activities, both good and bad. Here are some of the most common examples:

Positive impacts of cultural tourism

Revitalisation of culture and art.

Some destinations will encourage local cultures and arts to be revitalised. This may be in the form of museum exhibitions, in the way that restaurants and shops are decorated and in the entertainment on offer, for example.

This may help promote traditions that may have become distant.

Preservation of Heritage

Many tourists will visit the destination especially to see its local heritage. It is for this reason that many destinations will make every effort to preserve its heritage.

This could include putting restrictions in place or limiting tourist numbers, if necessary. This is often an example of careful tourism planning  and sustainable tourism management.

This text by Hyung You Park explains the principles of heritage tourism in more detail.

Negative impacts of cultural tourism

Social change.

Social change is basically referring to changes in the way that society acts or behaves. Unfortunately, there are many changes that come about as a result of tourism that are not desirable.

There are many examples throughout the world where local populations have changed because of tourism. Perhaps they have changed the way that they speak or the way that they dress. Perhaps they have been introduced to alcohol through the tourism industry or they have become resentful of rich tourists and turned to crime. These are just a few examples of the negative social impacts of tourism.

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Globalisation and the destruction of preservation and heritage.

Globalisation is the way in which the world is becoming increasingly connected. We are losing our individuality and gaining a sense of ‘global being’, whereby we more and more alike than ever before.

Globalisation is inevitable in the tourism industry because of the interaction between tourists and hosts, which typically come from different geographic and cultural backgrounds. It is this interaction that encourage us to become more alike.

Standardisation and Commercialisation

Similarly, destinations risk standardisation in the process of satisfying tourists’ desires for familiar facilities and experiences.

While landscape, accommodation, food and drinks, etc., must meet the tourists’ desire for the new and unfamiliar, they must at the same time not be too new or strange because few tourists are actually looking for completely new things (think again about the toilet example I have previously).

Tourists often look for recognisable facilities in an unfamiliar environment, like well-known fast-food restaurants and hotel chains. Tourist like some things to be standardised (the toilet, their breakfast, their drinks, the language spoken etc), but others to be different (dinner options, music, weather, tourist attractions etc).

Loss of Authenticity 

Along similar lines to globalisation is the loss of authenticity that often results from tourism.

Authenticity is essentially something that is original or unchanged. It is not fake or reproduced in any way.

The Western world believe that a tourist destination is no longer authentic when their cultural values and traditions change. But I would argue is this not natural? Is culture suppose to stay the same or it suppose to evolve throughout each generation? 

Take a look at the likes of the long neck tribe in Thailand or the Maasai Tribe in Africa. These are two examples of cultures which have remained ‘unchanged’ for the sole purpose of tourism. They appear not to have changed the way that they dress, they way that they speak or the way that they act in generations, all for the purpose of tourism.

You can learn more about what is authenticity in tourism here or see some examples of staged authenticity in this post.

Culture clashes

Because tourism involves movement of people to different geographical locations cultural clashes can take place as a result of differences in cultures, ethnic and religious groups, values, lifestyles, languages and levels of prosperity.

Read also: Environmental impacts of tourism

The attitude of local residents towards tourism development may unfold through the stages of euphoria, where visitors are very welcome, through apathy, irritation and potentially antagonism when anti-tourist attitudes begin to grow among local people. This is represented in Doxey’s Irritation Index, as shown below.

culture tourism essay

Tourist-host relationships

Culture clashes can also be exasperated by the fundamental differences in culture between the hosts and the tourists.

There is likely to be economic inequality between locals and tourists who are spending more than they usually do at home. This can cause resentment from the hosts towards the tourists, particularly when they see them wearing expensive jewellery or using plush cameras etc that they know they can’t afford themselves.

Further to this, tourists often, out of ignorance or carelessness, fail to respect local customs and moral values. 

There are many examples of ways that tourists offend the local population , often unintentionally. Did you know that you should never put your back to a Buddha? Or show the sole of your feet to a Thai person? Or show romantic affection in public in the Middle East?

Cultural tourism destinations

Whilst many would argue that cultural tourism is ingrained to some extent in travel to any country, there are some particular destinations that are well-known for their ability to provide tourists with a cultural experience.

Cultural tourism in India

It is impossible not to visit India and experience the culture. Even if you are staying in a 5 star Western all-inclusive hotel in Goa, you will still test Indian curries, be spoken to by Indian workers and see life outside of the hotel on your transfer to and from the airport.

For most people who travel to India, however, cultural tourism is far more than peeking outside of the enclave tourism bubble of their all-inclusive hotel.

Thousands of international tourists visit the Taj Mahal each year. Many more people visit the various Hindu and Buddhist temples scattered throughout the country as well as the various Mosques. Some visit the famous Varanassi to learn about reincarnation.

Most tourists who visit India will try the local dal, eat the fresh mutton and taste chai.

All of these activities are popular cultural tourism activities.

Cultural tourism in Thailand

Thailand is another destination that offers great cultural tourism potential. From the Buddhist temples and monuments and the yoga retreats to homestays and village tours, there are ample cultural tourism opportunities in Thailand .

Cultural tourism in Israel

Israel is popular with religious tourists and those who are taking a religious pilgrimage, as well as leisure tourists. I visited Israel and loved travelling around to see the various sights, from Bethlehem to Jerusalem . I’m not religious in any way, but I loved learning about the history, traditions and cultures.

Cultural tourism in New York

New York is a city that is bustling with culture. It is world famous for its museums and you can learn about anything from World War Two to the Twin Towers here.

Many would argue that shopping is ingrained in the culture of those who live in New York and many tourists will take advantage of the wide selection of products on offer and bargains to be had on their travels to New York.

You can also treat yourself to watching a traditional West End show, trying some of the famous New York Cheesecake and enjoying a cocktail in Times Square!

Cultural tourism in Dubai

Dubai might not be the first destination that comes to mind when you think of cultural tourism, but it does, in fact, have a great offering.

What I find particular intriguing about Dubai is the mix of old and new. One minute you can be exploring the glitz and glamour of the many high-end shopping malls and skyscrapers and the next you can be walking through a traditional Arabian souk.

Cultural tourism: Conclusion

As you can see, there is big business in cultural tourism. With a wide range of types of cultural tourists and types of cultural tourism experiences, this is a tourism sector that has remarkable potential. However, as always, it is imperative to ensure that sustainable tourism practices are utilised to mitigate any negative impacts of cultural tourism.

If you are interested in learning more about topics such as this subscribe to my newsletter ! I send out travel tips, discount coupons and some material designed to get you thinking about the wider impacts of the tourism industry (like this post)- perfect for any tourism student or keen traveller!

Further reading

Want to learn more about cultural tourism? See my recommended reading list below.

  • Cultural Tourism – A textbook illustrating how heritage and tourism goals can be integrated in a management and marketing framework to produce sustainable cultural tourism. 
  • Deconstructing Travel: Cultural Perspectives on Tourism – This book provides an easily understood framework of the relationship between travel and culture in our rapidly changing postmodern, postcolonial world.
  • Re-Investing Authenticity: Tourism, Place and Emotions – This ground-breaking book re-thinks and re-invests in the notion of authenticity as a surplus of experiential meaning and feeling that derives from what we do at/in places.
  • The Business of Tourism Management – an introduction to key aspects of tourism, and to the practice of managing a tourism business. 
  • Managing Sustainable Tourism – tackles the tough issues of tourism such as negative environmental impact and cultural degradation, and provides answers that don’t sacrifice positive economic growth.
  • Tourism Management: An Introduction – An introductory text that gives its reader a strong understanding of the dimensions of tourism, the industries of which it is comprised, the issues that affect its success, and the management of its impact on destination economies, environments and communities.
  • Responsible Tourism: Using tourism for sustainable development – A textbook about the globally vital necessity of realising sustainable tourism.

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UN Tourism | Bringing the world closer

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  • Tourism and Culture Synergies

The UNWTO report on   Tourism and Culture Synergies   highlights the symbiotic relationship between tourism and culture and the interdependency of the two sectors. The report, undertaken through a survey of UNWTO member states and expert opinion, affirms that cultural tourism plays a major role in global tourism today. It also reveals that the sub-sector, in keeping with the changes to tourism as a whole, has been transformed by changing lifestyles, new forms of culture and creativity, and evolution and innovation in technology.

ISBN : 978-92-844-1897-8

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Tourism Essay for Students and Children

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500+ Words Essay on Tourism

Tourism Essay – Tourism is a major economic activity that has developed significantly over the years. It’s an activity that can be recognized in both developed and developing nations. In general terms, tourism is the movement of a person from one place to another to visit and mesmerize the beauty of that place or to have fun. Moreover, the concept of traveling is considered a luxury and only people with higher income can afford this luxury.

Tourism Essay

The Growth of Tourism

Earlier our ancestors used to travel by sea routes as it was a convenient and most affordable medium but it was time taking. Due to, technological advancement we can now easily travel to any place without wasting time we can travel thousands of miles within a few hours. Technological advancement has shrunk the earth into a global village. Besides, the modern modes are much safer than the modes that our predecessors used.

Effect of Tourism on a Country

For any country, tourism generates a lot of money especially a country like India. Due to the Taj Mahal (one of the seven wonders of the world) every year the government raise a huge sum of revenue. Also, because of tourism other industries also bloom. Such industries include transportation, wildlife, arts and entertainment, accommodation, etc.

Moreover, this ultimately leads to the creation of job and other opportunities in the area. But there are some drawbacks too which can affect the lifestyle and cultural value of the country.

Importance of Tourism

Traveling is a tiring and difficult thing and not everyone is able to travel. But at the same time, it’s a fun activity that takes your tiredness away. Travelling adds flavor to life as you travel to different places that have a different culture and lifestyle. Also, it’s an easy way to learn about the culture and tradition of a place. Besides, for many areas, tourism is their main source of income.

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India- A Tourist Attraction

The Taj Mahal is not the only destination in India that attract tourist. Likewise, there are hundreds of tourist destination that is spread over the Indian plateau. India has a large variety of Flora and Fauna. Besides, the equator divides the geographical land of India into almost two equal halves that make India a country where six seasons occurs.

Moreover, in almost every city of India, there is a historical monument made by the rulers in their time period.

Benefits of Tourism

Tourism not only benefits the government but also the people that live in the local area. It also creates a business as well as employment opportunities for the local people which ultimately help the government to earn income.

Benefits Due to Tourism

As we know that tourism contributes a lot to the revenue of the country. Also, the government uses this income for the growth and development of the country. Likewise, they construct dams, wildlife sanctuaries, national parks, Dharamshala and many more.

In conclusion, we can say that tourism is a very productive activity both for the tourist and the government. As they support each other simultaneously. Also, the government should consider improving the conditions of the country as more and more number of tourist visit their country.

Above all, tourism is one of the fastest-growing industry in the world that has changed the scenario of the world.

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Essay on Tourism

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  • Feb 7, 2024

How to Ace an Essay on Tourism_-07

Essay writing holds importance in various competitive exams like IELTS , TOEFL , UPSC or in general as part of your school curriculum. Being prepared for essay writing is crucial as it tests your command over English, grammar, your clarity of thoughts and how to present them in a meaningful way. Tourism and travel is one such frequently asked topic for which you should be prepared. This blog explores a few essay on tourism samples which will assist in writing on the topic of tourism.

This Blog Includes:

What is tourism, benefits of tourism, samples for essay on tourism, essay for 250 words, sample essay on tourism for 300 words, sample essay on tourism for 800 words.

Tourism, literally speaking, is the act of travelling to a place for your pleasure or business. The tourism industry is one the biggest industries in the world and is a major source of foreign exchange for any country. Tourism helps to develop a country through the generation of jobs, creation of attractions, restaurants, entertainment, better services in a community, diversification of the economy and cross-cultural diversity. However, recently the tourism industry has been greatly affected due to the pandemic. With the world being shut down, travel was completely restricted and even with everything slowly going back to normal, people are hesitant to travel. Still, the tourism industry remains important for the national economy and would bounce back. 

Plenty of employment is generated by the tourism industry and so it alleviates poverty and sustains development. Local handicrafts and cultural activities are all benefitted by tourism. It plays a significant role in promoting international understanding as well as national integrity. One more loftier goal of tourism is to provide a sense of relief and relaxation to people when they feel tired and exhausted from the same monotonous work routine. For many people, it is a way of escape. May be sometimes, all they need is a weekend getaway. A lot of sectors such as aviation, transport, handicraft and horticulture are also benefitted from tourism. It contributes significantly to the GDP of a country as well as to its economic development. Through tourism, the culture and heritage of a country get promoted in foreign as well.

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Here we have structured some of the most efficient ways to write an essay on tourism. There are multiple samples related to the essay on tourism, all written in various sub-topics and ranging from different word limits.

Things have now started looking bright for the Indian tourism industry. However, the Indian tourism industry has been hit by pollution. The effluents emitted by the Mathura Refinery have led to the decolourization of the Taj Mahal in Agra. The condition of many of our monuments is deteriorating due to the negligence of the concerned authorities. On the other hand, beaches have become the dumping grounds of garbage and waste left by tourists. The natural environment and heritage sites remain a source of attraction as long as these are not damaged beyond control from their degradation or pollution. Massive tourist traffic, unless regulated, creates these mal-effects. The tourist carrying capacity of a resort needs to be matched to minimise the inconveniences of local people during the period of tourist rush. Youths of the host area are also to be saved from cultural alienation by blindly imitating the lifestyle of foreigners during days of reckless massive tourism. Planning for adopting a sequence of steps like a survey of the existing position of services, facilities needed by tourists and measures for the development of healthy and sustainable tourism, has become a dire need. At the national level, an apex body has to take stock of the status and trends of tourism in comparison with neighbouring countries. It will help appraise the future needs, the nature of various incentives for alluring tourists and the gaps to be removed for better provision as well as management of the infrastructure.

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In the era of globalization, tourism has started playing a vital role in the development of economies. Nowadays, tourism makes significant contributions to the economy of a nation; however, it has some drawbacks too. The two major advantages of tourism are the augmentation of the national economy and the generation of employment for local people. Firstly, tourists use a wide range of services which includes hotel bookings, tourist guides, food and transportation. This results in additional income which in turn contributes to the nation’s economy. For example, tourism increases the consumption of domestic products which have a significant impact on the overall GDP growth of the country. Secondly, tourism creates a significant number of job opportunities as without people tour operators, restaurants, hotels and transport services cannot operate. Hence, tourism brings significant benefits such as a boost in the national economy and employment for local people. However, there are various disadvantages associated with tourism such as the destruction of popular destinations and the rise in criminal and illegal activities. Firstly, the massive influx of tourists to places like historical monuments and pilgrimage centres causes significant damage to these age-old structures. In addition, to cope with the demand of tourists/tourism national resources are overexploited. Secondly, as tourists carry valuable items with them such as cash, jewellery and other expensive items, they may become the targets of thieves and other anti-social elements. Hence tourism also has many disadvantages which can be eliminated by the government if they ensure proper security measures and timely maintenance of popular tourist spots. To conclude, in spite of the fact that tourism has certain disadvantages such as destructive effects on monuments and an increase in criminal activities it has a very constructive effect on a nation’s economy and gives a plethora of new job opportunities for locals. I personally believe that the advantages of tourism outweigh its disadvantages.

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As an industry the impact of tourism is manifold. The tourism industry nourishes a country’s economy, stimulates the development process and restores the cultural heritage. This industry enjoys a major advantage over other industries of having a unique product that might differ from state to state. For example, Goa is renowned for its sunny beaches and colonial charms, palaces that are reminders of the princely era. During the 1960s great emphasis was placed on tourism as a source of foreign exchange-earners. Tourism is the one industry that earns foreign exchange for a country without exhausting natural resources and without actually exporting any material goods. The income from tourism has tended to increase at a higher rate than merchandise export in a number of countries. There is now almost a continuous flow of income from richer countries to the not-so richer and developing ones, raising the latter’s export earnings and rate of economic growth. For example in countries like India and Spain, tourism is the single largest earner of foreign exchange. According to official Spanish sources, in 1981 there were more visitor arrivals in Spain (40 million) than the actual population of the country (36 million). Tourism is thus the most important source of income for many countries. Development and improvement of infrastructure facilities is another important benefit offered by the tourism industry. Infrastructural facilities such as airports, roads, water supply and other public utilities may be widely shared by the other sectors of the economy. Development of new infrastructure and improvement in the existing infrastructure may confer benefits upon the resident population which they may have not enjoyed otherwise. Further­more, the provision of infrastructure may provide the basis or serve as an encouragement for greater economic diversification. A variety of secondary industries may be promoted which may not serve the needs of tourism. Thus, indirectly, tourist expenditure may be responsible for stimulating other economic activities of a country. Tourism development greatly benefits the underdeveloped regions of a country. These economically backward regions mostly have places of high scenic beauty, which if developed for the tourism industry, will help to bring a lot of prosperity to the local people. Money spent by tourists helps to improve the health of every business in that region. For example, roads constructed for use by tourists provide local people access to the market centres as well. Earlier, there were many backward areas but due to tourism development, these places got international recognition. For example, Khajuraho, a few years back was considered a remote and unknown small village, but today, it is an internationally famous tourist place of interest and also generates employment for hundreds of local people in hotels, restaurants, travel agencies, handicraft shops etc. Without tourism development, Khajuraho would have remained a remote and unknown village till today. The tourism industry is a highly labour-intensive service industry that generates employment for highly skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled labourers in sectors like hotels, restaurants, travel agencies, tourism offices, shops etc. One additional room in a hotel helps at least 8 to 9 people in getting jobs. Not only that, tourism creates employment outside the industry as well, for example, the basic infrastructure like roads, airport, water supply etc. The construction industry creates jobs for thousands of both skilled and unskilled workers. Tourism remains basically a cultural phenomenon. Tourism has always stood as a unique vehicle for cultural promotion. In the past, travel was based on cultural interest. Even today a large number of people travel to foreign countries to learn about their culture and tradition. Tourism indirectly preserves the environment by discouraging large scale industrialisation in places where natural beauty has to be kept intact. It thus helps a country to restore its ancient monuments and archaeological treasures. Most of the developing countries which possess an ancient civilization can benefit greatly from tourism. Tourists visiting these countries have a great urge to become acquainted with ancient civilizations. As a result of cultural shopping, which forms an important part of any tourist itinerary, local handicraft is still surviving. Tourism has also given a new lease of life to the traditional customs, costumes, festivals and dances which generates employment for the weaker section in the remote areas of the country. Hence, tourism can contribute unique benefits to a nation by exploring its cultural heritage and can serve indirectly to improve the individual cultural levels of both national and foreign tourists. Tourism plays an important role in promoting international goodwill. It creates awareness and appreciation of other countries cultures and traditions and makes possible cultural exchange and enrichment. Tourism can be a vehicle for international understanding by way of bringing diverse people from different cultures and traditions face to face. The best way of getting to know another country is to go there and when a vast number of people travel, the prejudices, barriers and suspicions that exist between different countries breakdown the narrow, rigid boundaries that keep people away from each other, naturally tend to shrink and a positive move towards better international understanding begins to operate. Tourism can greatly enrich and promote friendship between different countries in the world. Tourism, thus, develops not only the economic condition of a country by earning foreign exchange for it, but also plays a vital role in its social, cultural and regional development and in promoting goodwill and friendship among all nations of the World.

Related Reads:- 

1- What is tourism in 100 words?

Tourism, literally speaking, is the act of travelling to a place for your pleasure or business. The tourism industry is one the biggest industries in the world and is a major source of foreign exchange for any country. Tourism helps to develop a country through the generation of jobs, creation of attractions, restaurants, entertainment, better services in a community, diversification of the economy and cross-cultural diversity. However, recently the tourism industry has been greatly affected due to the pandemic. With the world being shut down, travel was completely restricted and even with everything slowly going back to normal, people are hesitant to travel. Still, the tourism industry remains important for the national economy and would bounce back. 

2- How do you start a tourism essay?

You can use the below mentioned lines for the introduction on Tourism Essay:-

In the era of globalization, tourism has started playing a vital role in the development of economies. Nowadays, tourism makes significant contributions to the economy of a nation; however, it has some drawbacks too. The two major advantages of tourism are the augmentation of the national economy and the generation of employment for local people…..

3- What is a famous quote about tourism?

“Not all those who wander, are lost”.

Hope this blog helped to gain insight about writing an essay on tourism. Book a one on one session with Leverage Edu experts to get a divisive strategy and preparation tips to crack competitive examinations!

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Sonal is a creative, enthusiastic writer and editor who has worked extensively for the Study Abroad domain. She splits her time between shooting fun insta reels and learning new tools for content marketing. If she is missing from her desk, you can find her with a group of people cracking silly jokes or petting neighbourhood dogs.

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Tourism Essay Titles

IELTS Essay Questions for the Topic of Tourism and Travel. All essay questions below are reported by IELTS candidates and seem to have been repeated over the years. Regardless of the years the questions were reported, you could get any question below in your test. You should, therefore, prepare ideas for all questions given below. The topics below could appear in both GT and Academic IELTS Writing Task 2.

Tourism and Travel IELTS Essay Questions

Tourism is an important industry in many countries. What benefits do you think tourism brings to individuals and society? (2017, 2021 reworded)
As a result of tourism and the increasing number of people travelling, there is an growing demand for more flights.
What problems does this have on the environment? What measures could be taken to solve the problems? (2020, 2023)
Eco-tourism usually involves people visiting remote areas. Some people think this will have a negative impact on local cultures and communities. What problems can result from eco-tourism?  What measures can be taken to protect local culture and communities? (2024)
With more people choosing to watch travel programs on TV and social media, fewer people will be willing to pay the costs of traveling abroad. To what extent do you agree?
Some people believe that to protect local culture, tourism should be banned in some areas, while others think that change is inevitable and banning tourism will have no benefits. Discuss both sides and give your opinion. (2022, 2023)
As a result of tourism, some historical buildings and sites are being damaged beyond repair. What could be done to prevent this? (2019, 2021)
Some people think that when a person travels into a different culture they should adapt to the local practices and customs. To what extent do you agree? (appears most years in the test)
The development of tourism contributed to English becoming the most prominent language in the world. Some people think this will lead to English becoming the only language to be spoken globally. What are the advantages and disadvantages to having one language in the world? (most years – this also appears under the category of languages)
Many people around the world now take regular international flights. Do the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages to the environment? (2022)
Raising the cost of international flights is the best way to reduce air pollution. Do you agree?

Reported essay questions are from students who have taken their IELTS test. That means questions may have appeared more frequently than have been reported. These questions may vary slightly in wording and focus from the original question. Also note that these questions could also appear in IELTS speaking part 3 which is another good reason to prepare all topics thoroughly.

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Responsible Tourism IELTS Essay

In recent years tourists have paid attention to preserving both the culture and environment of the places they visit. However, some people think that it is impossible to be a responsible tourist. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. You should write at least 250 words.

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Nowadays It is not only Large Companies That can Make Films – Sample Answer 1

It is argued that there is no chance for tourists to take responsibility in protecting the environment and culture of host countries. However, I disagree with this view and believe that this is a worthy aim that can be achieved by various ways.

Firstly, if everyone was equipped with the knowledge of cultural diversity and the vital importance of the environment, they would be more aware of their behavior. For example, children should be educated to avoid throwing rubbish into surroundings or touching fragile historical objects in museums when they travel abroad. Besides that, western holiday-makers who flock to tourist destinations in Asian countries should wear suitable clothes because they are insensitive to local youngsters there. This could prevent children from copying negative attitudes such as rowdiness and outbound tourists may set a good example of good manners.

Secondly, it is possible to promote cultural differences through both local and international media in order to reduce the risk of having unintentionally offensive actions to indigenous practices. The clearest example of this is that cow which is an edible animal in most countries is a sacred animal and is worshiped in festivals in India. Without such knowledge, tourists may bring with them cow meat and this could leave a bad impression on locals. ie lt s xpress

Finally, local authorities could enact and enforce strict rules on protecting the environment and core traditional value, which could act as a deterrent. In Singapore, for example, throwing away garbage, even a small thing like chewing gum could be fined severely and this rule is widely-known in many nations. As a result, every tourist coming to this country abides by rules and makes efforts to preserve historical sites as well as natural scenery.

In conclusion, I would contend that sustainable tourism development could be achieved through education, media, and laws, and tourists could definitely become culpable for the environmental and cultural problems.

In recent years tourists have paid attention IELTS Essay – Sample Answer 2

Tourism is a unique human activity, experienced by millions of people worldwide every year. As people differ in their attitude towards almost everything in life, the same applies also to tourism; where some treat tourism globally as the focus of their act without scrutinising the other related activities pertaining to it. Hence, the term ‘responsible tourism” emerged; in order to pay a sufficient attention of the tourist to the local cultural values of the destination country, and – more globally – to the environment. From my point of view, tourism must be labelled as a “responsible activity”; even if it is mandatory to issue as many local and international legislations to make it so.

While making tourism, should the tourist carry his culture with him to the foreign country? Obviously, the answer is “No”. If the tourist insists on doing this, he will sure subject himself to great dangers especially in communities with intolerant local citizens. One of the best examples of this is the “Thump Up” sign which is greatly practised in many countries; where this sign is USA means “OK or very good”; while it is considered as very crude and impolite in Greece (which is a famous touristic destination). Thus, it is crucial to teach the tourists a list of common practices that they must refrain from doing, explaining the reasons behind this. ieltsxpress

When it comes to the environment, it is indeed very unfortunate to find that the touristic areas are those with the greatest pollution and litter output! A few years ago, it was really surprising that an international campaign of volunteers aimed to clean the Himalayas from the trash left by the climbers.

In conclusion, tourism should be dealt with in the same way as freedom; that it must be “responsible”, respecting both the local cultural and environmental values of each society.

IELTS Writing Task 2 – Tourism

All around the world, tourism is losing its glitter, due to the lack of responsibility by the government, tourists and local people. Some people consider taking responsibility in tourism by each individual is essential for the better environment, preserving cultures and improving the economy, whereas others think, this cannot be achieved in reality. In my opinion, tourism responsibility is required for better future of the world and this can be achieved with proper implementation.

People travel to different places but never show any attention or responsibility towards its improvement. To make this world a better place to live in, one should take it as one’s responsibility. First of all, the government should take a step, releasing more funds towards tourism and for providing much security. For instance, we find filthy guest houses, restrooms and no cleaning of surrounding places. People travel to enjoy the beauty of nature, but if they find this kind of dirty places, their enjoyment which lead to a bad memory. Even, local people and tourists who travel should obey the guidelines and policy of tourism for a better world.

However, there are some people who think when it comes to implementation of this; it is like a day dream which cannot come into reality. It is difficult for poor and developing countries to utilise more funds towards tourism. On the other hand, it is difficult to provide security and neatness at tourist spots unless every tourist shows attention as his responsibility. For instance, if there are sign boards which shows ‘please use right direction, danger at left direction’, they use only left and if there are any dustbins with ‘please use me’ , they do not use them at all. Thus it is very difficult to make it into reality.

In conclusion, better tourism can be achieved only if every individual takes the responsibility towards tourism. One should think, how much one is contributing, instead of just arguing and blaming the government. But the government should take the first step in achieving this. With this, not only it increases blissfulness of tourists but also increases economy of the country.

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To Protect Local Culture, Tourism Should be Banned in Some Areas, or Banning Tourism will have no Benefits? - IELTS Essay

To Protect Local Culture, Tourism Should be Banned in Some Areas, or Banning Tourism will have no Benefits? - IELTS Task 2 Band 9 Sample Essay

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Model Essay 1

The debate surrounding tourism and its impact on local culture presents a conundrum: while some advocate for restrictions to preserve cultural integrity, others argue that change is a natural progression, rendering such bans futile. This essay contends that while protective measures are essential, they should be balanced to foster cultural exchange and economic development.

Opponents of tourism argue that it frequently leads to the dilution of local traditions, as cultural practices are commodified to meet tourist expectations. For instance, at various historical landmarks, traditional ceremonies are often transformed into mere spectacles for visitors, thus eroding their authentic cultural significance. This perspective emphasizes the need for stringent regulations or even prohibitions on tourism in particularly sensitive regions to protect the authenticity of local cultures. Advocates of this stance are convinced that such preventive measures are indispensable for maintaining the unique cultural identities of communities in an increasingly globalized world, thereby preventing the complete assimilation into a homogenized culture.

On the other hand, proponents of tourism argue that cultural exchange is not only inevitable but also immensely beneficial. They posit that being exposed to diverse cultures promotes a deeper understanding and appreciation, potentially leading to the reinforcement and preservation of cultural heritage, rather than its degradation. Furthermore, tourism acts as a vital economic engine, providing substantial income and creating numerous employment opportunities for local communities, thus contributing to their sustainable development. The example of Bhutan serves as an ideal model, demonstrating how controlled tourism practices can result in significant economic advantages without sacrificing the country’s cultural integrity. This approach highlights tourism’s capability to positively influence both economic growth and the conservation of cultural heritage, assuming it is implemented with careful consideration and respect for the local environment and traditions.

In conclusion, while the protection of local culture is paramount, outright bans on tourism might not be the most effective strategy. A nuanced approach, recognizing the benefits of cultural exchange and economic development, offers a more sustainable path forward. By embracing controlled and respectful tourism, we can ensure the protection of cultural heritage while benefiting from the global interconnectedness it brings.

Model Essay 2

The discourse on the intersection of tourism and local culture is polarized, with one camp arguing for stringent measures to protect cultural sanctity, while the other heralds tourism as a catalyst for cultural exchange and economic growth. This essay posits that an equilibrium between conservation and openness can preserve cultural identities while embracing the benefits of globalization.

Critics of unrestricted tourism contend that it dilutes local cultures, transforming sacred traditions into tourist attractions. This commodification, they argue, undermines the authenticity of cultural expressions and rituals, making them performative rather than genuine. For example, in many indigenous communities, rituals and dances with deep spiritual significance are often repackaged for entertainment, losing their original context and meaning. This viewpoint underscores the importance of imposing limitations on tourism in culturally sensitive areas to prevent the erosion of distinct cultural identities, suggesting that such protective measures are vital for communities to maintain their heritage in the global village.

In contrast, tourism advocates argue that interaction between cultures is both inevitable and beneficial, promoting mutual respect and understanding. They highlight tourism’s role as an economic lifeline, generating revenue and employment for locals. Through the lens of sustainable tourism, practices can be designed to both celebrate and preserve cultural heritage while fostering economic development. The strategy employed by countries like Japan, where cultural sites and practices are thoughtfully integrated into the tourism experience, showcases how tourism can enhance cultural appreciation without compromising authenticity. This perspective emphasizes the potential of well-managed tourism to serve as a bridge between economic advancement and cultural preservation.

In conclusion, while the protection of cultural integrity is paramount, an outright ban on tourism is not the sole solution. A balanced approach, encouraging responsible tourism that respects and uplifts local cultures, can forge a path toward sustainable development. Cultivating an environment where cultural heritage thrives alongside tourism requires innovative policies that prioritize both preservation and progress.

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Tourism Essay

500+ words essay on tourism.

Tourism is an incredible way to showcase India’s rich and magnificent history, culture and diversity. Its magnificent monuments attract a large number of tourists from all over the world. The natural surroundings, the architectural masterpieces, the music, dance, paintings, customs and languages all make India a tourist paradise. The tourism industry occupies a unique place as it is one of the major emerging segments of the Indian economy. It brings huge foreign exchange and generates employment. This essay on tourism will help students to understand India as a destination for tourists.

Students can also go through the CBSE Essays to get the list of essay topics. It helps them in improving their writing skills. Moreover, they can participate in various essay writing competitions conducted in schools.

India as a Tourism Paradise

India has made a unique place on the world tourism map because of its rich natural and cultural diversity. In India, tourism is the third-largest industry in which about ten million people are employed directly or indirectly. Its visitor-friendly traditions, varied lifestyles, cultural heritage, colourful fairs and festivals are attractions for tourists. From ancient times, the rulers in different parts of India built luxurious palaces, wonderful temples, evergreen gardens, high forts and tombs. India is very rich in natural and cultural landscapes for tourism. The beautiful beaches, wildlife, national parks, sanctuaries, snow cover, rivers, mountain peaks, technological parks, and centres of pilgrimage are some of the tourist attractions in India. Heritage trains, yoga, meditation, Ayurveda, Siddha and natural health resorts also attract tourists in great numbers.

The beauty of the cultural heritage and natural sites makes India a tourist paradise. We respect our guests and treat them as God. That is why we developed a cultural tradition where ‘Atithi Devo Bhava’ (Guest is God). India is the centre of spiritualism. The spiritual destinations are attracting a huge number of domestic and international tourists to India. Indian handicrafts, particularly jewellery, carpets, leather goods, and brass work, are the main shopping items for foreign tourists.

Benefits of Tourism

In the era of globalisation, travel and tourism activities have increased significantly. Promoting tourism not only creates jobs, drives exports, and generates prosperity across the world but also leads to several intangible benefits. It acts as a cultural adhesive that can be wielded as a powerful tool for global peace and integrity. It also helps people of far-flung areas to promote their culture and norms and provides the opportunity for a country to showcase various facets of its natural and cultural heritage across the world. Tourism also creates incentives for the conservation and preservation of the natural and cultural heritage of countries. They can help meet the cost of the conservation of archaeological and historic sites and prevent the deterioration or disappearance of these sites.

Tourism activities are considered to be one of the major sources of economic growth. It can be regarded as a mechanism for generating employment as well as income in both formal and informal sectors. The speedy growth of tourism causes an increase in household incomes and government revenues. Central and State Governments are taking a number of initiatives to promote tourism in India.

The travel and tourism industry has witnessed substantial growth in the recent period. It has immense potential for further expansion in the tourism sector on account of the vast natural and cultural heritage in India. There are several challenges in the tourism industry. Alleviation of these challenges will be essential for the industry to realise its full potential. The measures put in the tourism sector today will shape the tourism of tomorrow.

Students must have found this tourism essay useful for improving their essay writing skills. They can get the study material and the latest update on CBSE/ICSE/State Board/Competitive Exams, at BYJU’S.

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Tourism: Current and Future Trends Essay

Introduction, tourism trends, importance of understanding demographic trends, opportunities and challenges, facility management, perspective.

The modern tourism and hospitality business is significantly being influenced by demography, and it is posited that it will characterize the future of the area. Current demographic patterns will influence the demand for tourism and the choice of the workforce, which will impact how the industry operates, is structured, and how it will develop in a sustainable manner.

Furthermore, the tourism sector has to know what, why, how, and when something will occur, the repercussions, and the strategies that should be employed to exploit the benefits and play down the risks that these changes will bring. Tourism is quickly gaining a global dimension as people have a higher purchasing power, allowing them to tour cross-border destinations.

The World Travel & Tourism Council report shows that there were one billion international tourists in 2012. It also found that the global tourism and travel industry earned $2.057 trillion in direct global contribution to the gross domestic product in the same year, and it is estimated that this figure will grow to $3.0 trillion in 2022 (Fuller, 2013).

The industry has as well shown remarkable growth in the United States, as it accounted for $438.6 billion of the gross domestic product in 2012, and expectations are that it will rise to $628.5 billion in 2023.

This growth is attributed to a considerable change in customer demographics with a rising population of baby boomers and middle-class segments who can afford to travel for leisure. Moreover, statistics show that Asians form a significant proportion of travelers in modern-day tourism.

These changes have necessitated the need to study trends in tourist demographics in order to anticipate a swing in client preferences and develop products that meet these tastes. This is a discussion of current and future trends of tourist demographics and the challenges and opportunities they present to the tourism industry.

Travel and leisure patterns have changed over the years in several ways. For example, international tourism is gaining popularity as people desire to see more than what their country has to offer.

Records show that most of the guests who visit the United States are from Western Europe and Asia as shown in 2007 documentations where, 45.6% of all the arrivals were from Western Europe, while 26.9% were from Far East Asia (U.S. Department of Commerce, 2007). Furthermore, it is reported that in the same year, the average age of male leisure travelers was 42 years while that of females was 38 years.

The proportion of visitors from Western Europe and Asia was 43.2% and 26.6% respectively in 2010, which illustrates that the number of European tourists fell while that of Asians rose over the three year period. In addition, the average age of male travelers was 42 years and that of females was 37 years (U.S. Department of Commerce, 2010).

The rise in the number of Asian guests is an indicator that these countries are significantly impacting the global tourism industry as countries like China and India record a strong middle class, which is estimated to be approximately 600 million people in 2015. Experts also predict that, by 2030, the middle-class population in China will have grown by about two billion people.

Indonesia also anticipates that about 60 million people will join this group in the next couple of years (Fuller, 2013). Consequently, it is believed that there will be a higher demand for leisure travel, as the middle class is considered a strong indicator of travel intent, ability, and desire.

Additionally, analysts argue that baby boomers will form a critical component of the tourism industry, as it is projected that they will have a higher disposable income, and will be more youthful and determined to travel than their predecessors (Boksberger, Sund, & Schuckert, 2009). The above statement is explained by the fact that it is estimated that this age group will own about 60% of the nation’s wealth in the United States by 2015.

In addition, they will account for 40% of total spending in the same period and it is assumed that they will spend a substantial amount of time traveling after retirement (Deloitte, 2010).

Though boomers are likely to catapult the travel sector, the younger populace aged between 20 and 50 years is also keen on traveling albeit on cheaper budgets. Moreover, players in the business should also focus on this market because it has shown a desire to tour and are flexible to participate in a range of fun activities.

It is apparent that demographic trends in the tourism industry in the United States and globally will change extensively in the next few years. This change means that service providers must develop product offerings that appeal to the changing clientele in order to attract repeat customers.

Consequently, it will be essential to understand the cultural differences that come with these changes and efforts made to ensure that visitors feel comfortable while on vacation.

Some of these efforts include sensitizing staff to tolerate the different cultures, offering meals from different parts of the world, and employing multi-lingual tour guides. Besides that, it is essential to make sure that the leisure activities provided are suitable for the diverse market segments. Additionally, it will be vital to develop sustainable strategies that help businesses attract and retain different groups.

The current and future demographic trends of travelers present several opportunities for the hospitality industry for players who can package the products to take advantage of the expectations of the different segments. For instance, senior tourists are likely to be thrilled by cruise- related activities because they are, quiet, and are less risky.

In contrast, generation x and y may be more inclined to engage in precarious and social activities such as excursions. It is also imperative to consider the changing factors such as more holiday periods, intention to combine leisure travel with work, shorter vacations, preference for a participatory vacation and discretionary tourism, among other factors.

Secondly, younger travelers have access to information, which influences their choice of destinations and activities. They have become sophisticated clients who want value for money so they are deemed to be experience-oriented rather than destination-oriented. There is an opportunity to transform the market by offering customized holidays and providing personalized services, allowing visitors to take on a more active role during their trips.

All this information can be posted online to make it easily accessible and where possible allow for electronic booking, which has become a favorite travel option for the tech-savvy.

The shift in tourism demographics also creates prospects for forging alliances to derive synergy from each other. For instance, the middle class and affluent travelers would prefer to have an airport and hotel transfer services rather than having to arrange their own transport. Moreover, they would like tour operators to plan their itinerary and they are willing to pay a premium to avoid the inconveniences that come with self-planning for a vacation.

This new demand requires players to work together to ensure they deliver top-notch services to create delight and attract repeat business and referrals.

Unfortunately, the demographic changes have a downside. For example, the surge in baby boomer population comes with additional costs as this age group may require special treatment because of its fragile nature.

As a result, service providers with limited resources may opt to steer away from this market, and miss out on the returns that it can generate. On the other hand, a swell in the number of international visitors means that firms have to invest heavily in hiring and training multicultural staff to increase customer satisfaction. Lastly, there may be a need to forge partnerships to derive synergy; however, it is not easy to do so with competitors.

The process of management of a hospitality facility has multiple layers and very complicated infrastructure. Like any other type of business tourist business is oriented towards the maximization of revenue potential. This is done through the representation of new branches and services to the facility and exploring the range of benefits and activities the facility can provide for the customers.

This is why the statistical knowledge of the needs of potential clients is crucial. The success of the facility management lies in the accurate monitoring of the kinds of tourists using the services of the facility and the modern cost policy.

Contemporary customers have access to the information, which influences their expectations of the quality of services distributed by the facilities; this is why training a qualified staff is an important part of the management success.

The modern world is tightly connected to the technologies and the Internet. This is why every contemporary hospitality facility has to be equipped with a powerful IT team and the best software needed to provide predictive management based on diagnostics and planning.

It is highly important to keep an eye on all the modern newly developed trends within the business and quickly adopt all the changes, because the potential customers are most likely to be interested in the most modern services, so their choices of the facilities will be based on their levels of preparation for the season and on their abilities to please even the most spoiled customers.

There are various types of people traveling, and they have various demands, yet the hospitality facilities have to offer certain types of services that will never stop being popular. Such services are good, comfortable and clean accommodations, diverse and fresh meals, and a broad range of beverages. These are the aspects of the facility management that need the most of attention.

The tourism and hospitality sector is growing at a remarkable rate locally and globally. Analysts attribute this growth to demographic changes such as a strong global middle class, a rise in the number of senior tourists, and a rise in the number of international travelers. This shift means that the sector needs to understand current patterns, anticipate future trends, and understand the opportunities and challenges that they present.

Nevertheless, the most important thing for tours and hotel operators is to formulate strategies and tactics that will grow their competitive advantage because only those that can foresee and plan for new trends will survive in the trade.

Boksberger, P., Sund, K., & Schuckert, M. (2009). Between Past, Present and Future – Implications of Socio-demographic Changes in Tourism, Trends and Issues in Global Tourism , 29-36. Web.

Deloitte. (2010). Hospitality 2015: Game Changers or Spectators ? 1-26. Web.

Fuller, E. (2013). Impact of the World’s Travel/Tourism Industry Adds Up To More Than A Walk On The Beach, Forbes . Web.

U.S Department of Commerce. (2007). Profile of Overseas Travelers to the United States: 2007 Inbound . Web.

U.S Department of Commerce. (2010). Profile of Overseas Travelers to the United States: 2010 Inbound . Web.

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IvyPanda. (2024, February 19). Tourism: Current and Future Trends.

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IvyPanda . (2024) 'Tourism: Current and Future Trends'. 19 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "Tourism: Current and Future Trends." February 19, 2024.

1. IvyPanda . "Tourism: Current and Future Trends." February 19, 2024.


IvyPanda . "Tourism: Current and Future Trends." February 19, 2024.

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Talk abut a Turkish delight.

Turkey is the most promiscuous country on the planet, according to an amorous analysis of the world’s sexual habits.

The average Turk has slept with more than 14 people according to World Population Review , putting the naughty nation well above the United States.

“The average number of sexual partners can vary significantly from country to country, as cultural norms can have a significant impact on the number of people someone has sex with,” the website declared, saying the figures were comprised after compiling “datasets from multiple third party sources.”

Turkey’s top spot may surprise some, given that more than 99% of residents are Muslim and the country is widely conceived to have traditional views when it comes sex and relationships.

World Population Review pulled data from multiple third party sources to come up with their list.

But the list was full of sultry surprises.

Countries thought to have more liberal views on sex, such as Brazil and France, were surprisingly low down on the list.

The average Brazilian has bedded 9 people, putting the nation in 25th place.

France, meanwhile, was far from frisky, clocking in 29th position. Citizens of that country have slept with an average of 8.1 people.

After Turkey, Australia took second place on the lusty list, with the average Aussie having sex with more than 13 people over the course of their lifetime.

Neighboring New Zealand came in at third, followed by Iceland and South Africa.

The United States scored 13th place, with World Population Review saying Americans sleep with an average of 10.7 people over the years.

That has us tied with Canada, which also clocked the exact same stat.

A woman putting a ring on a man's hand

The World Population Review’s data jibes with research released last year by NapLab, which also found that Americans had slept with 10.7 people over the course of their lifetime.

The least promiscuous countries in the World Population Review’s list were China and India, with citizens sleeping with 3.1 and 3.0 people respectively.

The Top 10 Most Promiscuous Countries

Turkey (14.5 people)

Australia (13.3)

New Zealand (13.2)

Iceland (13.0)

South Africa (12.5)

Finland (12.4)

Norway (12.1)

Italy (11.8)

Sweden (11.8)

Switzerland (11.1)

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Ethan Crumbley’s Parents Were Just Part of a Much Bigger Problem

A collage showing a diagram of a handgun and photo of a hand resting on someone’s shoulder.

By Elizabeth Spiers

Ms. Spiers, a contributing Opinion writer, is a journalist and digital media strategist.

James and Jennifer Crumbley never anticipated that their then-15-year-old son, Ethan, would use the 9-millimeter Sig Sauer handgun Mr. Crumbley had bought — ostensibly as an early Christmas present — to kill four students at a Michigan high school. At least that’s the argument their lawyers made in court before Ms. Crumbley, last month, and Mr. Crumbley, almost two weeks ago, were convicted of involuntary manslaughter in separate trials. Prosecutors argued that the Crumbleys did not do enough to secure the gun and ignored warning signs that Ethan was planning to use it.

After every mass shooting by a teenager at a school, there is an instinct to look to the shooter’s parents to understand what went wrong. In the case of the Crumbleys, this seems obvious: Ethan left disturbing journal entries fantasizing about shooting up the school, and stating that he had asked his parents for help with his mental health issues but didn’t get it. His father said the family had a gun safe but the safe’s combination was the default factory setting, 0-0-0.

One factor that’s gotten less attention, however, is how the Crumbleys’ attitudes and actions reflect an increasingly insidious gun culture that treats guns as instruments of defiance and rebellion rather than as a means of last resort.

I’ve been thinking about this case a lot because I grew up in the 1980s and ’90s in a rural part of the Deep South where almost everyone I knew had guns in the house, unsecured, and mental illness was stigmatized and often went untreated. Church was considered a superior venue for counseling, and only “crazy” people sought professional help. If the evidence for criminal negligence is a failure to lock up a gun and ignoring signs of mental illness, many of the adults I grew up around would have been (and still would be) vulnerable to the same charges as the Crumbleys.

It’s convenient and comforting for many people to believe that if it had been their child, they’d have prevented this tragedy. But prison visiting rooms are full of good, diligent parents who never thought their kid would be capable of landing there.

My parents didn’t own a gun safe, but kept guns hidden away from us, which, like many gun owners at the time, they thought of as “secured.” The men in my family were all hunters and the guns they kept were hunting rifles, not AR-15s. (You can’t feed a family with deer meat that’s been blown to bits.) I knew my parents kept a handgun, too, but it was never shown to us, or treated as a shiny new toy.

Gun culture was different then. It would have never occurred to my parents to acquire an entire arsenal of guns and display them prominently around the house, as some people now do, or ludicrously suggest that Jesus Christ would have carried one . They did not, as more than a few Republican politicians have done, send out Christmas photos of their children posing with weapons designed explicitly to kill people at an age when those children likely still believed Santa existed. Open carry was legal, but if you were to walk into the local barbecue joint with a semiautomatic rifle on your back emblazoned with fake military insignia, people would think you were creepy and potentially dangerous, not an exemplar of masculinity and patriotism.

All of these things happen now with regularity, and they’re considered normal by gun owners who believe that any kind of control infringes on their Second Amendment rights. Children are introduced at a young age to guns like the Sig Sauer that Ethan Crumbley used. They’re taught to view guns as emblematic of freedom and the right to self-defense — two concepts that have been expanded to include whatever might justify unlimited accumulation of weapons.

“Freedom” is short for not being told what to do, even though the law very much dictates how and when guns should be used. “Self-defense” is often talked about as a justifiable precaution in the event of home invasion, though home invasions are as rare as four-leaf clovers and do not require an arsenal unless the invader is a small army. (It’s also worth noting that basic home security systems are far less expensive than many popular guns, which suggests that at the very least, some gun owners may be intentionally opting for the most violent potential scenario.) Most important, too many children are taught that guns confer power and can and should be used to intimidate other people. (Relatedly, any time I write about gun control, at least one gun owner emails to say he’d love to shoot me, which is not exactly evidence of responsible gun ownership.)

Mass shooters often begin with a grievance — toward certain populations, individuals they feel wronged by, society at large — and escalate their behavior from fantasizing about violence to planning actual attacks. A study from 2019 suggests that feeling inadequate may make gun owners more inclined toward violence. In the study, gun owners were given a task to perform and then told that they failed it. Later they were asked a number of questions, including whether they would be willing to kill someone who broke into their home, even if the intruder was leaving. “We found that the experience of failure increased participants’ view of guns as a means of empowerment,” wrote one researcher , “and enhanced their readiness to shoot and kill a home intruder.”

The study hypothesized that these gun owners “may be seeking a compensatory means to interact more effectively with their environment.”

Good parents model healthy interactions all the time. If their kids are struggling with a sense of inferiority or are having trouble dealing with failure, we teach them self-confidence and resilience. Parents who treat guns as a mechanism for feeling more significant and powerful are modeling an extremely dangerous way to interact with their environment.

What’s particularly hypocritical here is that the most strident defenders of this culture skew conservative and talk a lot about what isn’t appropriate for children and teenagers. What they think is inappropriate often includes educating kids about sex, about the fact that some people are gay or transsexual and about racism. It’s a perverse state of affairs: Exposing children to simple facts is dangerous, but exposing them to machines designed to kill is not. You can’t get your driver’s license until you’re a teenager, or buy cigarettes and alcohol until you’re 21, but much earlier than that, kids can, with adult supervision, legally learn how to end someone’s life.

Parents can’t ensure that their child won’t ever feel inferior or disempowered, or even in some cases become delusional or filled with rage. Teenagers do things that their parents would never anticipate every day, even if they’re close and communicative. Some develop serious drug habits or become radicalized into extremism or take their own lives.

One thing parents can ensure is that their children cannot get access to a gun in their house. The only foolproof way to do that is to ensure that there’s no gun in the house to begin with. Barring that, parents can make sure they are not reinforcing a toxic gun culture that says that displaying and threatening to use lethal machines is a reasonable way to deal with anger or adversity. That message makes the idea of killing someone seem almost ordinary.

That doesn’t prevent school shooters; it primes them.

Elizabeth Spiers, a contributing Opinion writer, is a journalist and digital media strategist.

Source photographs by CSA-Printstock and John Storey, via Getty Images.

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