• Grades 6-12
  • School Leaders

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Free IEP Goal Bank With More Than 110 Goals

All the goals you need, when you need them.

When given up to 10 objects, [STUDENT] will count and state how many objects there are (verbally, pointing).

There are as many IEP goals as there are students. But the longer you teach special education, the more you’ll find yourself searching for just the right reading comprehension goal for a student with a learning disability or a behavior goal for a kid who has ADHD. That’s where an IEP goal bank, also known as a goal database, comes in.

IEP Goals 101

IEP goals should be specific enough to be implemented by anyone who reads them. They should address aspects of the general curriculum but at the student’s functional level. And the goals should be actionable and measurable.

Set goals SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, recorded, timely) colorful sticky notes on cork bulletin board.

The goals should also include the accuracy and number of trials that the student needs to complete to show mastery. The accuracy and number of trials will depend on the student’s ability, strengths, and skills. (Typical accuracy and trials are 80% 4-out-of-5 trials.)

Finally, the goals should include the level of support the student needs. Should they be demonstrating the skill independently, or do they need a few prompts or maximum support? Build that into the goal too.

So, a finished goal might be: When given a pile of coins (all one type), Jaime will count the coins and find the total with no more than two prompts with 70% accuracy in 3 out of 5 trials.

Flow chart featuring a formula for writing IEP goals for your goal bank.

IEP Goals for Your Database

A lot of thought goes into each IEP goal, so here are more than 100 goals that every special education teacher should have in their bank.

Reading Comprehension IEP Goal Bank

Reading comprehension is a skill that many students struggle with it. Choose a goal that helps students reach the next level of reading comprehension so they can understand and enjoy what they read.

  • When given a story at their reading level, [STUDENT] will use a storyboard or story map to outline the story’s main elements.
  • When given a nonfiction text at their reading level, [STUDENT] will select and use the appropriate graphic organizer to identify key information.
  • When given a paragraph at their reading level, [STUDENT] will apply the RAP strategy ( R eading a single paragraph, A sking oneself to define the main idea and supporting details, P utting the information into the reader’s language).

Reading IEP Goal Bank

  • When given a passage at their reading level, [STUDENT] will use an outline strategy to summarize the content or retell the story.
  • When given a text at their reading level, [STUDENT] will read and demonstrate literal knowledge by answering five literal questions.
  • [STUDENT] will demonstrate understanding of text using total communication (AAC devices, PECS, verbalization, sign language) to answer five literal questions about the text.
  • When presented with a passage at their reading level, [STUDENT] will use context clues to identify the meaning of unknown words.
  • When given a passage at their instructional level, [STUDENT] will make a prediction and read to confirm or adjust their prediction with information from the text.
  • When given a text at their reading level, [STUDENT] will identify the main idea and two supporting details.

Math IEP Goal Bank

  • Given a sentence, [STUDENT] will combine background knowledge with information from the text to infer the author’s meaning.
  • Given a passage at their reading level, [STUDENT] will answer five inferential questions.
  • After reading a passage with visual supports (e.g., highlighting), [STUDENT] will answer literal questions with minimal assistance.
  • After reading a passage at their reading level, [STUDENT] will identify the author’s purpose for writing.
  • Given a list of author’s purposes and a text, [STUDENT] will select the correct author’s purpose for writing.

Math IEP Goal Bank

Students may be working on numeracy or word problems. Whatever their focus, choose a math goal that helps them progress.

  • [STUDENT] will identify a one- or two-digit number (verbally, pointing, written).
  • [STUDENT] will rote-count from 1 to 25 (or higher).
  • [STUDENT] will skip-count by 2, 3, 5, 10 to 50 (verbal or written).

When given up to 10 objects, [STUDENT] will count and state how many objects there are (verbally, pointing).

  • Given 10 addition problems, [STUDENT] will independently add single-digit numbers with (or without) regrouping.
  • [STUDENT] will independently subtract a single-digit number from a double-digit number with (or without) regrouping.
  • Given 10 subtraction problems, [STUDENT] will independently subtract double-digit numbers from double-digit numbers with (or without) regrouping.
  • [STUDENT] will independently tell time to the half hour (or quarter hour, etc.) on an analog clock (verbal or written).
  • [STUDENT] will independently identify the next dollar amount when given a price, determine how much is needed to make a purchase, and count out the necessary amount using school money.
  • Given a quarter, dime, nickel, and penny, [STUDENT] will identify the coin and value.
  • Given a random amount of coins (all one type or mixed), [STUDENT] will independently count the coins.

independent problem solving iep goal

  • When given two-digit (or three- or four-digit) numbers, [STUDENT] will round to the nearest tens (or hundreds or thousands).
  • Given two numbers (pictures, groups of items), [STUDENT] will determine which number is greater than/less than/equal to by selecting or drawing the appropriate symbol.
  • Given data and a graph (bar, pie), [STUDENT] will complete the graph to display the data.
  • Given a graph (bar, pie, line), [STUDENT] will answer three questions about the data.
  • [STUDENT] will identify the numerator and denominator in a fraction.
  • When given a picture of a shape divided into parts, [STUDENT] will color the correct number of sections to represent the fraction given.

Math IEP Goal Bank

  • [STUDENT] will solve one-step word problems using addition and subtraction (or multiplication and division).
  • [STUDENT] will independently solve 15 multiplication facts (up to 9).
  • Given a fact-fluency tracker, [STUDENT] will track mastery of multiplication facts up to 12.
  • Given a problem-solving checklist, [STUDENT] will use the checklist to solve a one-step or two-step word problem.

Writing IEP Goal Bank

Here are writing IEP goals for organization, fluency, and editing.

  • Given a topic, [STUDENT] will write a sentence that accurately addresses the topic.
  • Given a word bank, [STUDENT] will select the appropriate words to complete a sentence or paragraph about a topic.
  • [STUDENT] will use a keyword outline to write a paragraph with at least [number of] sentences, including an introduction/topic sentence and conclusion sentence.

Writing IEP Goal Bank

  • [STUDENT] will dictate a response to a question and use talk-to-text to communicate at least three sentences about a topic.
  • [STUDENT] will write a three-paragraph essay about a topic that includes a clear introductory sentence, main idea, supporting details, and conclusion.
  • [STUDENT] will select and use the appropriate graphic organizers to organize ideas in response to a writing topic.

Writing IEP Goal Bank

  • When given a paragraph to revise, [STUDENT] will add transitional words and phrases to connect ideas in sentences (or paragraphs).
  • When given a prompt, [STUDENT] will maintain writing for [amount of time] as measured by observation and student writing output.

Behavior IEP Goal Bank

Everything we see in school is behavior, from working to engaging in class to maintaining self-control and managing emotions. If a student has an IEP for ADHD, an emotional disability, autism, or other categories, they may be working on behavior goals to improve their ability to succeed in school.

  • Given a self-monitoring checklist, [STUDENT] will demonstrate self-regulation during [# of sessions] across [# of months].

Behavior IEP Goal Bank

  • Given a token board, [STUDENT] will follow class rules to earn [# of tokens] for each 30-minute period in special and general education settings.
  • Given a self-regulation strategy (e.g., zones of regulation), [STUDENT] will identify when they are moving from green to red, and apply a self-regulation strategy to maintain their self-regulation.
  • Given support and a visual model, [STUDENT] will implement an organizational system for their locker/desk/backpack/binder.

Behavior IEP Goal Bank

  • Given scripts and reminders, [STUDENT] will manage frustration and disruptions to their routine during classroom activities.
  • Given a social story, [STUDENT] will be able to adjust to new routines and procedures in the classroom.
  • By the end of the IEP, [STUDENT] will manage conflicts, independent of teacher support, 4 out of 5 occurrences over a ___ time period.
  • Given a work assignment, [STUDENT] will initiate work tasks as measured by observation and work completion.
  • Given a work assignment, [STUDENT] will complete work tasks as measured by observation and work completion.
  • Given a token board and visual or rules, [STUDENT] will follow rules and earn tokens throughout the total school environment.

Social Skills IEP Goal Bank

Social skills may not seem academic, but how students engage with others can be an important outcome for students who have deficits in this area. Here are goals that can support their progression in forming relationships with peers and adults.

  • During unstructured class time, [STUDENT] will engage in respectful conversation with peers (maintain personal space, use respectful voice).
  • During unstructured class time or play time (e.g., recess), [STUDENT] will engage with peers (participate, share, follow rules, take turns) for > 10 minutes with minimal adult prompting.

Social Skills IEP Goal Bank

  • During a preferred activity, [STUDENT] will invite a peer to join in during recess.
  • During a preferred activity, [STUDENT] will engage in appropriate conversation (ask appropriate questions, respond to questions, take turns) for > five turns.
  • When frustrated or involved in a conflict, [STUDENT] will resolve the conflict without aggression, but will apply a problem-solving strategy (walk away, tell a teacher).
  • [STUDENT] will demonstrate five back-and-forth exchanges with peers during structured play activities.

Social Skills IEP Goal Bank

  • [STUDENT] will engage in appropriate turn-taking with peers in classroom discussion.
  • [STUDENT] will decrease inappropriate verbal comments to once per day (or week) or less as measured by teacher observation and behavior checklist.
  • Given a pre-activity checklist, [STUDENT] will identify one peer they would like to engage with and how they are going to engage (e.g., ask a question, invite to play).

Social-Emotional Skills Goal Bank

Identifying and managing feelings is another important school outcome for students who have deficits in this area. Here are goals that help students advance in social-emotional skills.

  • [STUDENT] will work cooperatively with peers in small-group settings (e.g., share materials, engage in conversation, accept others’ ideas).

Social-Emotional Skills Goal Bank

  • [STUDENT] will identify appropriate social rules and expectations for various social situations.
  • [STUDENT] will refrain from interrupting others.
  • [STUDENT] will identify emotions presented in picture form.

Social-Emotional Skills Goal Bank

  • [STUDENT] will engage in communication with others by asking questions when provided with the opportunities.
  • [STUDENT] will increase or maintain conversation about a preferred or nonpreferred topic.
  • Given a strategy and visual prompts, [STUDENT] will identify the signs of anxiety and apply a strategy to address feelings of anxiety in real and simulated situations.
  • Given a picture scale, [STUDENT] will identify the level of anxiety they are feeling.

Executive Functioning Goal Bank

Executive functioning skills are skills like planning, working memory, attention, problem-solving, mental flexibility, and self-regulation that help kids be successful in school. Students with poor executive functioning have a hard time with time management, organization, getting started with or finishing work, and connecting past experiences with current actions. (Know any kids like this?)

  • Given visual cues, [STUDENT] will implement an organizational system for organizing their backpack (locker, binder).
  • Given a task and a list of materials, [STUDENT] will gather the needed items to complete the task.

Executive Functioning Goal Bank

  • [STUDENT] will arrive at class with necessary materials (paper, pen, computer).
  • [STUDENT] will use a checklist (visual schedule) to independently complete classwork.
  • [STUDENT] will respond appropriately to oral commands.
  • [STUDENT] will ask for clarification and further explanation when needed.
  • [STUDENT] will request desired objects or instructional materials and equipment using [picture prompts, sign language, AAC device, etc.].

Executive Functioning Goal Bank

  • [STUDENT] will express needs, wants, and feelings using [picture prompts, sign language, verbalization, etc.].
  • [STUDENT] will create a daily visual schedule (or checklist or to-do list) and complete it.
  • By the end of the IEP, [STUDENT] will demonstrate the ability to follow multiple-step directions (two or three steps) with minimal (1 or 2) adult prompts.
  • By the end of the IEP, [STUDENT] will refer to their checklist for task completion to finish assigned work.

Self-Advocacy IEP Goal Bank

Self-advocacy goals are for skills from decision-making to goal attainment, asking for help, and self-advocacy. These are important skills that students need to develop, especially as they transition into independent living, college, and career.

  • [STUDENT] will effectively communicate their needs and preferences in the classroom by [raising their hand, writing a note].
  • [STUDENT] will use a communication notebook to write questions and concerns to the teacher one time per week.
  • [STUDENT] will identify a goal, create a list of steps to achieve the goal, and work through the steps.
  • Given a task that involves a choice (e.g., the school lunch menu, a list of books) [STUDENT] will select between the options available.
  • Given a challenging situation to solve, [STUDENT] will define the problem and come up with two possible solutions.
  • [STUDENT] will create a list of three personal strengths and three areas for improvement.
  • [STUDENT] will actively participate in the development of their IEP goals and accommodations.
  • [STUDENT] will identify one IEP goal and three objectives to support that goal.
  • When faced with an academic challenge, [STUDENT] will seek assistance by raising their hand or using the classroom procedure for seeking help.
  • [STUDENT] will advocate for accommodations and/or modifications in the classroom using an appropriate time, tone of voice, and language.
  • [STUDENT] will demonstrate understanding of their learning preferences using a checklist, verbal communication, or another method of communication.
  • [STUDENT] will engage in positive self-talk daily with and without teacher support.
  • By the end of the IEP, [STUDENT] will learn and apply two self-advocacy strategies.
  • By the end of the IEP, [STUDENT] will demonstrate the ability to ask for help when needed.
  • By the end of the IEP, [STUDENT] will identify and communicate two environmental requirements (e.g., “I need a movement break”).
  • By the end of the IEP, [STUDENT] will engage in three conferences and/or meetings where the student will communicate their educational needs.
  • [STUDENT] will explain and advocate for testing accommodations through the classroom teacher, testing center, school counselor, etc.
  • [STUDENT] will reflect on their academic progress and will determine which accommodations are supporting their learning.

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Examples of IEP accommodations including proving pencil grips and extended allotted test time.

140+ IEP Accommodations Every Special Ed Teacher Should Bookmark

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Independent Functioning IEP Goals Examples

independent problem solving iep goal

Independent functioning IEP goals are a cornerstone in the educational journey of special education students, focusing on critical life skills like safety, hygiene, food preparation, social interactions, and more. A student’s goals are created by the IEP team to cater to the unique needs of each student, ensuring that they acquire essential skills for independent living. These examples are suitable for various ages, but many would be appropriate for the older grade levels.

The Role of the IEP Team in Setting Goals

The IEP team, comprising special education teachers, parents, and sometimes occupational therapists, plays a pivotal role in developing independent functioning IEP goals. These goals are tailored to the student’s ability level and are aimed at promoting independence in various aspects of life. Special education services should provide the learning opportunities to help students achieve the specific skills referred to in the life skills IEP goals. 

Keep in mind, IEP goals should always be SMART IEP goals to ensure they are measurable IEP goals to meet the individual students’ needs. 

Safety Skills in Independent Functioning IEP Goals

Safety is a primary concern, and IEP goals often focus on teaching students to recognize and respond to safety cues in their environment. This could include understanding traffic signs for safe community navigation or identifying expiration dates on food for health safety. Here are five examples of goals in this area:

  • Recognizing Traffic Signs : By the end of the school year, the student will correctly identify and explain the meaning of 10 common traffic signs with 90% accuracy in three consecutive trials, as measured by teacher observation and quizzes.
  • Identifying Expiration Dates : The student will independently check and verbalize the expiration dates of food items during classroom activities, achieving 100% accuracy for 5 consecutive instances by the end of the semester, as monitored by the teacher.
  • Emergency Response Skills : Within six months, the student will demonstrate the ability to dial emergency services and communicate their location and nature of the emergency in role-play scenarios, as observed by the teacher in four out of five attempts.
  • Fire Safety Skills : The student will correctly demonstrate the steps to take during a fire drill, including evacuation routes and meeting points, in all scheduled drills throughout the school year, as recorded by the teacher.
  • Understanding Personal Safety Cues : In one academic year, the student will identify and respond appropriately to 5 different personal safety scenarios (e.g., stranger danger, unsafe environments) with 80% accuracy, as assessed through role-play and teacher observation.

Hygiene and Self-Care Skills

Hygiene and self-care are critical components of independent functioning IEP goals. These goals might include tasks like dressing independently, maintaining personal hygiene, or managing personal belongings. Achieving these goals often involves direct instruction and the use of visual supports. Here are five example of goals in this area:

  • Independent Dressing : Over the next four months, the student will independently select and put on appropriate clothing for the day in under 10 minutes, with 90% success rate, as recorded by the teacher and parent.
  • Personal Hygiene Routine : By the end of the semester, the student will independently complete a personal hygiene routine (including teeth brushing and hand washing) every morning, as reported by parental confirmation and teacher observation.
  • Managing Personal Belongings : Within the school year, the student will organize and manage their personal belongings in their locker or backpack with no more than one reminder per day, as monitored by the teacher.
  • Bathroom Hygiene Skills : The student will independently follow a bathroom hygiene routine, including proper handwashing, with 95% accuracy for 30 consecutive days, as observed by teacher and school staff.
  • Self-Care During Illness : By the end of the academic year, the student will demonstrate knowledge of basic self-care practices when ill (like tissue use, hand sanitizing) and verbalize when to seek adult help, in 4 out of 5 instances, as assessed by the teacher.

Food Preparation and Nutrition

Food preparation and nutrition are essential life skills. IEP goals in this area aim to teach students how to prepare simple meals, understand basic nutrition, and practice food safety. These skills are crucial for students’ health and independence. Here are examples:

  • Simple Meal Preparation : In six months, the student will independently prepare three different simple, healthy meals using safe cooking practices, as observed and assessed by the teacher in practical sessions.
  • Understanding Basic Nutrition : By the end of the school year, the student will identify healthy food choices versus unhealthy ones for all main meals with 85% accuracy, as measured by a teacher-made assessment tool.
  • Safe Food Handling : Over the course of the school year, the student will demonstrate proper food safety techniques, including washing hands before cooking and storing food at correct temperatures, in 90% of classroom cooking activities.
  • Reading Food Labels : Within three months, the student will accurately read and interpret nutritional labels on food packages for calorie content and allergens in 4 out of 5 trials, as measured by teacher assessments.
  • Grocery Shopping Skills : By the end of the semester, the student will create a grocery shopping list for a healthy meal, locate items in a store, and understand the total cost, in 4 out of 5 practical trials, as monitored by the teacher or caregiver.

Developing Effective Communication Skills

Communication skills are integral to independent functioning. IEP goals might focus on helping students to express their needs, understand others, and engage in effective communication in various settings. This could involve using language skills, visual cues, or even alternative communication methods. Check out these examples:

  • Expressing Needs : Within six months, the student will accurately express their needs or wants in complete sentences in 8 out of 10 observed instances, as recorded by teacher observation.
  • Understanding Others : By the end of the school year, the student will demonstrate improved listening skills by summarizing what others have said in 4 out of 5 conversational exchanges, as measured by teacher and peer feedback.
  • Using Visual Communication Aids : Over the next four months, the student will effectively use visual communication aids (like picture cards) to express their needs in 90% of daily interactions, as tracked by the teacher.
  • Initiating Conversations : In the next three months, the student will initiate appropriate conversations with peers and adults in 75% of social opportunities, as observed and recorded by school staff.
  • Understanding Nonverbal Cues : Within this academic year, the student will correctly interpret and respond to nonverbal communication cues in social interactions in 80% of instances, as measured by role-play assessments and peer feedback.

Social Skills and Emotional Regulation

Social skills and appropriate emotional responses are vital for successful interactions. IEP goals might include learning to interpret social cues, engage in appropriate behavior in social settings, or use appropriate coping strategies for emotional regulation. Here are a few examples:

  • Interpreting Social Cues : By the end of the semester, the student will correctly interpret and respond to common social cues (like facial expressions and body language) in 85% of interactions, as recorded by teacher observation.
  • Appropriate Behavior in Social Settings : In the next six months, the student will demonstrate appropriate behavior (e.g., waiting their turn, respecting personal space) in social settings in 9 out of 10 instances, as measured by teacher and peer observations.
  • Using Coping Strategies : Throughout the school year, the student will use taught coping strategies (like deep breathing, counting to ten) to manage emotions in 80% of challenging situations, as monitored by teacher and school counselor.
  • Developing Friendship Skills : Within nine months, the student will initiate and maintain a reciprocal conversation with a peer for at least 5 minutes in 4 out of 5 opportunities, as observed by the teacher.
  • Handling Social Conflicts : By the end of the school year, the student will demonstrate appropriate strategies to resolve common social conflicts in 4 out of 5 role-play scenarios, as assessed by the school counselor.

Executive Functioning Skills

Executive functioning skills such as task initiation, time management, and problem-solving are crucial for independent living. IEP goals in this area might focus on helping students plan and complete tasks, organize their work, and make appropriate decisions. Read this ideas to help you get started:

  • Task Initiation : Within the next four months, the student will independently begin assigned tasks within 5 minutes of instruction in 80% of classroom activities, as recorded by the teacher.
  • Time Management : By the end of the semester, the student will effectively use a planner or digital tool to manage their time for schoolwork, completing assignments on time in 90% of cases, as observed by the teacher.
  • Problem Solving Skills : In six months, the student will independently solve simple daily problems (like what to do if they forget their lunch) with minimal adult intervention in 85% of occurrences, as recorded by teacher observation.
  • Organizing School Work : Throughout the school year, the student will maintain an organized binder or digital folder for classwork with all materials correctly filed in 95% of school days, as monitored by the teacher.
  • Decision Making in Real-life Scenarios : By the end of the school year, the student will demonstrate the ability to make appropriate decisions in real-life scenarios (like choosing appropriate clothes for weather) in 4 out of 5 instances, as observed by the teacher and family members.

Academic and Classroom Task Management

Managing academic and classroom tasks is also a focus of independent functioning IEP goals. These goals aim to enhance the student’s ability to handle homework assignments, participate in classroom activities, and use tools like graphic organizers effectively. Here are examples:

  • Homework Completion : Over the next three months, the student will complete and submit homework assignments on time for all academic tasks with 90% accuracy, as recorded by the teacher.
  • Participation in Classroom Activities : In the next six months, the student will actively participate in classroom discussions and group activities in 4 out of 5 opportunities, as observed by the teacher.
  • Using Graphic Organizers : By the end of the semester, the student will independently use graphic organizers to plan and write essays in English class with 85% accuracy, as assessed by the teacher.
  • Following Classroom Routines : Throughout the school year, the student will follow classroom routines using a  self-regulation checklist  with minimal reminders in 95% of school days, as monitored by the teacher.
  • Managing Classroom Materials : In four months, the student will independently gather and organize necessary materials for classroom tasks in 9 out of 10 instances, as observed by the teacher.

Transition Plans for Future Independence

As students approach the end of their school years, IEP goals often include transition plans. These goals are designed to prepare students for post-school life, focusing on skills required for employment, further education, or living independently. Here are five examples:

  • Employment Skills : By the end of the school year, the student will demonstrate basic job-related skills (like punctuality, following instructions) in a school-based work experience setting in 90% of opportunities, as observed by the teacher and work supervisor.
  • Independent Travel Training : Over the next six months, the student will learn and demonstrate the ability to use public transportation independently, including planning routes and paying fares, in 4 out of 5 trials, as measured by teacher and caregiver observations.
  • Post-School Education Planning : In the next academic year, the student will research and identify three potential post-secondary education options that match their interests and skills, as documented in their transition plan.
  • Independent Living Skills : By the end of the school year, the student will demonstrate the ability to perform three independent living skills (like laundry, budgeting, apartment searching) with 85% accuracy, as measured by practical assessments and family feedback.
  • Community Participation Skills : Within the next nine months, the student will participate in three different community activities or events, demonstrating appropriate social and communication skills, as observed by the teacher and community members.

Occupational Therapy and Additional Support

Occupational therapy and additional support play a significant role in achieving independent functioning IEP goals. Therapists and special education teachers work together to provide the necessary supports, using tools like task cards and step-by-step instructions to facilitate learning.

More Helpful IEP Goal Examples

For more insights and examples of IEP goals, explore these resources:

  • Self-Advocacy IEP Goals
  • Social-Emotional IEP Goals
  • Executive Functioning IEP Goals
  • IEP Transition Goals
  • Prevocational IEP Goals
  • Study Skills IEP Goals
  • How to Write SMART Annual Goals
  • Occupational Therapy IEP Goals

Independent functioning IEP goals are tailored to equip special education students with the necessary skills for a self-reliant and fulfilling life. These goals, crafted with care and precision, cover a wide range of skills, ensuring that each student is prepared for the challenges of daily living and future endeavors.

independent problem solving iep goal

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Maximize Special Education with the Ultimate IEP Goal Bank: Achieve Measurable Results

Struggling with IEP goals? Our IEP goal bank is your answer, offering SMART objectives ready to be tailored to your students’ IEPs. Here, you find the right mix of specificity and measurability to pave your students’ educational path.


Unlocking the Power of SMART IEP Goals

SMART IEP goals are the bridge that connects students’ diverse learning needs to their full potential for academic success. IEP Goals bolster the effectiveness of the IEP process. Diverse learning needs.

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What are SMART IEP goals?

SMART IEP goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound objectives that guide the educational journey of students with diverse learning needs.


Goal Bank - Kindergarten goals focus on a standards-aligned learning progression for both Math and ELA.​

Goal Bank - First grade goals focus on a standards-aligned learning progression for both Math and ELA.​

Goal Bank - Second grade goals focus on a standards-aligned learning progression for both Math and ELA.​

Goal Bank - Third grade goals focus on a standards-aligned learning progression for both Math and ELA.​

Goal Bank - Fourth grade goals focus on a standards-aligned learning progression for both Math and ELA.​

Goal Bank - Fifth grade goals focus on a standards-aligned learning progression for both Math and ELA.​

The Essence of Specificity in IEP Goals

The specificity of iep goals can be likened to the lens of a telescope. it brings the stars closer, making them appear clearer and more attainable. in the context of ieps, specificity brings clarity to the education process, facilitating clear communication among all stakeholders involved in the education process, from educators and parents to the students themselves., this specificity allows for targeted intervention strategies, which are crucial for addressing the unique needs of each student. for instance, if a student struggles with initiating a conversation with peers, a specific goal might involve providing a verbal prompt to assist them. this specific goal creates a direct pathway to address the particular objectives outlined in the iep., moreover, specificity in iep goals enables precise measurement of progress, ultimately enhancing the engagement of parents in the iep process. when parents understand the goals their child is working towards, they are more likely to be actively involved in their child’s education, further enhancing the support system for the student’s educational progress., iep goal bank for middle school.

With a free account, you can easily print your favorite goals with just one click! We are thrilled to see that more than 55,000 special education teachers use our website every month to find IEP goals and aligned teaching materials.

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Goal Bank - Sixth grade goals focus on a standards-aligned learning progression for both Math and ELA.​

Goal Bank - Seventh grade goals focus on a standards-aligned learning progression for both Math and ELA.​

Goal Bank - Eighth grade goals focus on a standards-aligned learning progression for both Math and ELA.​

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General Education Curriculum Focused IEPS

When a child has been identified as having a disability, the first step in creating their Individualized Education Program (IEP) is to evaluate the child's disability and assess the child's present levels.


Comprehensive free IEP goal bank to support students

Our Comprehensive IEP goal bank supports students' diverse learning needs by providing pre-written goals is three major academic areas as well as communication, language development, and social skills growth.

Making IEP Goals Measurable

The adage, ‘What gets measured, gets managed,’ is particularly applicable in the context of IEP goals. When goals are measurable, they become more than mere aspirations. They become concrete objectives that can be tracked, managed, and adjusted as necessary.

Measurable IEP goals express objectives in quantifiable terms, define success criteria, and identify baselines and target levels using the IEP goal formula. For example, a goal might involve a student being able to answer WH questions with a specific level of accuracy within a certain time frame.

To ensure the efficacy of these measurable goals, a data collection plan is crucial. This plan outlines the tools and frequency of data collection and analysis, providing a structured method for tracking progress over time. With this system in place, educators and parents can objectively assess a student’s performance over time, ensuring that the student is on the right track towards achieving their IEP goals.

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Aligning Goals with Individual Capabilities

Creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment hinges on aligning IEP goals with the capabilities of each student. This approach goes beyond merely setting goals; it’s about understanding the student’s abilities, skills, and areas of need, and then tailoring the goals to suit these unique factors.

This process involves considering the student’s preferred learning styles, interests, and motivators when developing goals. For example, if a student has a strong interest in art, an IEP goal could involve using picture cues to make learning more engaging and accessible for them.

Moreover, engaging the student and parents in the goal-setting process ensures that the IEP goals are not only appropriate but also resonate with the student’s aspirations. By setting realistic expectations and differentiating instructional strategies, the IEP goals can be aligned with the student’s capabilities, nurturing their growth and potential.

Perfect IEP Team Meeting Data Tracking

Teach tastic designed short-term objectives are used to measure progress on annual goals in eight-week or quarterly intervals..


Comprehensive IEP Goal Bank: A Resource for Every Need

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Social Skills and Emotional Growth

IEP goals for social skills and emotional growth focus on fostering positive peer interactions and emotional well-being. These goals can include:

Improving emotional regulation and self-control

Fostering empathy and perspective-taking abilities

Developing effective communication skills

Building and maintaining positive relationships

Resolving conflicts in a peaceful manner

Demonstrating appropriate social behavior in different settings  

Imagine never worrying about finding materials that do not align with your student's IEP goals again!

After using TeachTastic Publishing's line of IEP Goal Driven Teaching Materials, imagine a future where you no longer have to spend hours searching for appropriate teaching materials that align with your student's learning goals. Instead, you can easily find differentiated and scaffolded materials that are formatted for easy iep goal data tracking and standards-aligned for general education progression.

Imagine never having the difficult task of finding materials that align with your student's IEP goals again! IEP Goal Bank

IEP Goal Vault

Our smart goals and objectives bank is perfect for special education teachers who are looking for standards-based content to help them excel in the classroom.

Teaching Resources

With intentional IEP goals as a foundation, our extensive library of teaching materials will help you be able to find the right resources for your students and save valuable time in the process.

Special Education Lesson Plans

Our line of special education lesson plans provides scaffolded and differentiated teaching materials that are aligned with IEP standards, so you can plant the seeds for success from day one!

Special Education jobs just got easier!

Special Ed is the hardest position in any school district. Special Education teachers are responsible for ensuring that all students with disabilities make progress. Progress, in general, is not that difficult but when faced with state standards and creating well written smart ieps there needs to be a lot more thought. This is where TeachTastic iep can help.

With our state standards aligned IEP goal workbooks and teaching materials, every special education teacher will be expertly prepared for an iep meeting. articulate their needs, set goals, and create action plans that are realistic and achievable.

Comprehensive iep goal banks: a resource for every need.

In the realm of special education, one size does not fit all. Each child is unique, with their strengths, challenges, and learning styles. Comprehensive free IEP goal bank caters to this diversity, offering a rich resource for educators to find goals and objectives that align with their students’ unique needs.

These goal banks, also known as a goal bank, provide pre-written goals that cater to various areas of development, from communication and language development to academic excellence and social skills growth. Whether it’s improving reading comprehension, enhancing mathematical problem-solving skills, or fostering positive social interactions, these goal banks have a resource for every need.

Additionally, these goal banks undergo regular updates, guaranteeing that educators can access the most recent and efficacious goals for enhancing their students’ learning journey. With these resources, educators can create a roadmap for success that is as unique as the students they serve, ensuring that every child has the opportunity to reach their full potential.  IEP Goal Bank

Communication and Language Development

These goals range from improving vocabulary and word retrieval skills to enhancing sentence structure and grammar. For example, an IEP goal might involve a student being able to describe two objects using a verbal cue or a picture cue. These goals ensure that students are equipped with the necessary communication tools to express their thoughts, feelings, and ideas effectively.

While academic excellence is important, it’s not the only measure of success. Social skills and emotional growth play a crucial role in a student’s overall development, shaping their ability to form relationships, navigate social situations, and manage their emotions.

IEP goals for social skills and emotional growth focus on fostering positive peer interactions and emotional well-being.

Demonstrating appropriate social behavior in different settings

For instance, an IEP goal might involve a student being able to identify and manage their emotions in a healthy way.

In addition, these goals take into account the student’s age and developmental stage. This ensures that the objectives are appropriate and achievable, setting the stage for the student’s successful social and emotional development.

Academic Excellence Across Subjects

These goals are designed to address individual needs in each subject area within the general education curriculum, including:

improving reading comprehension and answering questions accurately in English

employing mathematical strategies in Math

identifying and describing two objects using appropriate grade-level vocabulary to address spatial concepts in Math

Furthermore, these goals extend beyond traditional academic subjects. They also address other essential skills, such as social skills and emotional growth. By focusing on the holistic development of the student, these IEP goals ensure that students are equipped with all the skills they need to succeed not just in school, but in life.

Tailoring IEP Goals to Specific Learning Challenges

Every student with a learning disability has unique challenges and strengths. To address these unique needs, IEP goals need to be tailored to specific learning challenges such as dyslexia, ADHD, and autism. These custom goals provide targeted objectives and structured activities to address the specific challenges faced by these students.

For instance, for a student with dyslexia, an IEP goal might involve improving reading fluency or enhancing reading comprehension. Similarly, for a student with ADHD, an IEP goal might involve improving focus and organization through structured activities. And for a student with autism, an IEP goal might focus on improving social interaction and communication skills.

By tailoring IEP goals to specific learning challenges, educators can provide more effective support and enhance educational outcomes for these students.

Structured Activity Goals for ADHD Management

For students with ADHD, structured activities offer significant benefits by aiding in the development of essential skills such as:


time management


impulse control

IEP goals for ADHD management focus on improving these skills through structured activities. For instance, a goal might involve a student being able to complete a difficult task with minimal distractions or maintain focus for a specific period of time.

To ensure the efficacy of these goals, regular and systematic review of a child’s progress is crucial. By monitoring and documenting the student’s progress, educators can ensure that the student is making progress towards their goals and make necessary adjustments as needed.

Autism-Focused Objectives for Enhanced Interaction

For students with autism, developing social interaction and communication skills can be particularly challenging. To address these challenges, autism-focused IEP goals aim to enhance these skills.

These goals focus on improving social communication skills, including:

Understanding and using nonverbal cues effectively

Responding appropriately in social situations

Initiating and maintaining a conversation with a peer

Responding appropriately to a verbal question

Moreover, these goals also consider the unique learning styles and interests of students with autism. By incorporating visual aids and structured activities, educators can effectively engage these students and enhance their learning experience.

Addressing the Unique Needs of Students with Dyslexia

Students with dyslexia often encounter difficulties in areas such as reading comprehension, vocabulary, spelling, and language skills. To address these challenges, IEP goals for students with dyslexia focus on enhancing reading and writing skills. These goals may involve improving reading fluency, enhancing reading comprehension, and fostering phonemic awareness. For example, a specific goal could involve reading text at the appropriate grade level with a designated level of precision, enhancing reading fluency by a specific number of words per minute, or mastering particular phonological awareness abilities.

Additionally, these goals also consider the unique learning styles and interests of students with dyslexia. By incorporating multi-sensory teaching methods, educators can effectively engage these students and enhance their learning experience.

Incorporating Assistive Technology in IEP Goals

In the digital age, technology has become an essential tool for learning. For students with disabilities, assistive technology can play a crucial role in supporting their communication, learning, and accessibility.

Assistive technology provides tools and devices that can improve reading and writing skills, enhance communication, and support learning across various subjects. For instance, text-to-speech software can assist students with reading challenges, while speech-to-text software can support students with writing difficulties.

Beyond merely offering tools, assistive technology also involves equipping educators with the knowledge to use these tools effectively in supporting their students. By providing professional development for educators in areas such as assistive technology and differentiated instruction, schools can ensure that all students have the tools and support they need to succeed.

Strategies for Tracking and Assessing IEP Goal Progress

The journey towards achieving IEP goals is not a one-time event but a continuous process. To ensure that students are on the right track, it’s crucial to implement strategies for tracking and assessing IEP goal progress.

These strategies include using data logs and progress reports. Data logs provide a systematic approach to collecting and organizing data, ensuring accurate documentation of a student’s progress. On the other hand, progress reports provide a comprehensive overview of a student’s progress, including a detailed breakdown of each IEP goal, a graphical representation of student progress, and a summary detailing the student’s progress.

In addition, these strategies incorporate collaborative reviews with the IEP team. By working together, the team can:

Evaluate progress

Make necessary adjustments to goals and strategies

Ensure that the student receives the necessary support to achieve their IEP goals.

Utilizing Data Logs and Progress Reports

Data logs and progress reports are crucial tools for monitoring IEP goal progress. By providing a systematic and uniform approach to collecting and organizing data, these tools ensure accurate and objective documentation of a student’s progress.

Data logs should include:

Quantifiable IEP goals and objectives


Work samples

Tests relevant to the goal being monitored

This ensures that the data is clear and the log is easily navigable.

On the other hand, progress reports provide a comprehensive overview of a student’s progress. These reports should include:

A detailed breakdown of each IEP goal

A graphical representation of student progress

A comprehensive log of collected data points

A summary detailing the student’s progress

By regularly reviewing these logs and reports, educators can ensure that students are making progress towards their goals and make necessary adjustments as needed.

Ensuring Equal Access Through Appropriate Goals

In the realm of special education, equality is not about providing the same resources to all students; it’s about ensuring that all students have the tools and support they need to succeed. By developing appropriate and measurable IEP goals, educators can ensure equal access and opportunities for students with disabilities.

These goals are aligned with academic standards, provide a roadmap for student growth, and customize supports and accommodations to individual needs. For instance, accommodations under Section 504 aim to eliminate barriers to a student’s access to full participation in school activities and provide equal opportunities.

Additionally, by including all stakeholders in the IEP process - educators, parents, and students - these goals ensure a comprehensive consideration of all perspectives and needs. This collaborative approach ensures that all students, regardless of their unique abilities and challenges, have the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an IEP goal bank?

An IEP goal bank is a resource designed to help users locate specific academic or behavioral goals used in special education software. It allows users to find individual goals within specific content areas and strands.

What is an example of a good IEP goal?

A good example of an IEP goal is: "The student will improve working memory skills by being able to remember and follow multi-step directions in 80% of classroom tasks." This goal is specific and clearly defines the desired skill or behavior.

What is the IEP goal for managing money?

The IEP goal for managing money is for the student to determine if they can purchase an item based on its cost and their budget, with 80% accuracy, in 4 out of 5 opportunities, by month, year.

SMART IEP goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound objectives that guide the educational journey of students with diverse learning needs. These goals help ensure a targeted and effective approach to education for each student.

How do comprehensive IEP goal banks support students' unique learning needs by grade level?

Comprehensive IEP goal banks support students' unique learning needs by providing a variety of pre-written goals covering different developmental areas. These goals cater to communication, language development, academics, and social skills growth, ensuring a well-rounded approach to individualized education.

IEP Goal Formula

Setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals ensures students have clear benchmarks for success. 

Description: Specify the target date by which the goal should be achieved.

As Measured By

Detail the method or tool used to measure the student’s progress toward the goal.

Student Will

Clearly define what the student is expected to accomplish.

Accuracy Level

State the proficiency standard or accuracy rate the student is expected to achieve.


IEP Goal Bank & Goal Writing Resources

Browse our FREE Common Core aligned IEP goal bank! Find socio-emotional and academic goals and objectives in reading, writing, and mathematics for your students, along with sample baselines, assessment ideas, and modification ideas!

Socio-Emotional Goal Bank

Strengths and skills focused socio-emotional goals with intervention ideas

Mathematics Goal Bank

Common Core aligned IEP goals for word problems, computation, and number sense

Reading Goal Bank

Common Core aligned goals for decoding, fluency, inferencing, and comprehension

Writing Goal Bank

Common Core aligned goals for fluency, facts, word problems, & number sense & more

Tips for Writing IEP Goals

  • Tip #1: Limit Your Goals
  • Tip #2: Find Key Standards
  • Tip #3: Look at the Assessments
  • Tip #4: Serve the Whole Student
  • Tip #5: Listen to the Family

Don’t overload the goals! IEP goals are supposed to be what you work on in addition to the state standards. The goals are what you focus on in interventions– and you can’t focus on everything at once! 

My rule of thumb is up to two goals per subject area:

  • A reading comprehension and a procedural reading (decoding/fluency/level) goal
  • A math problem solving and procedural (number sense, addition, etc) goal
  • A writing content (narrative, paragraph, etc) and procedural (spelling, fluency, typing) goal
  • A self-regulation or advocacy goal
  • One other socioemotional goal as needed.

Those ten goals would enable you to provide support across all key subjects and on socioemotional skills! For students with fewer needs, I do even fewer goals. 

If a student has related services, conference with the providers and combine your goals! Students are going to grow more if you are all rowing in the same direction– and focusing on the same key skills! Find ways to combine your goals.

When it comes to actually writing the goals, work from key standards. What are the standards that 1) hit on students’ areas of need; and 2) are worth working on again and again and again all year long? 

All of the goals in Spedhelper’s goal banks have been carefully chosen to reflect key standards. Don’t like our goals? Steal the standards and write your own!

Focus goals on students’ key areas of need– the areas where they are the most below grade level. And think about the bigger picture– what are the deficits that are likely to compound and keep them from accessing the general education curriculum?

Don’t limit yourself to academic goals! Students need more than content knowledge to succeed in school. Think about socioemotional needs too. Does the student stand up for themself? Can they request accommodations as needed? Do they have impulse control strategies to draw on?

All of us (me included!) have socioemotional needs. Our goal is for our students to become successful, independent learners….. what socio-emotional skills are there that might help them get there?

This is the biggest one! The law says parents need to be involved. Don’t make parent participation a check box! Talk to the family before the IEP and get to know what goals they want to see for their child! 

Families know their children better than we ever will so draw on them as a resource. They might not be able to give you a writing goal– but they are really likely to have amazing ideas on self-advocacy goals and organization goals!

Letters, Sounds, and Sight Words Goals

reading 2

Fluency & Decoding Goals

Non-fiction comprehension goals.

reading 3

Fiction Comprehension Goals

Spelling goals, grammar & complete sentences goals, paragraphs & narratives goals, writing fluency goals, number sense goals.

writing 2

Addition & Subtraction Goals

Multiplication & division goals.

writing 1

Word Problem Goals

School safety goals, classroom success goals, self-regulation goals, self-advocacy goals, need teaching resources or case management tools check out the store.

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K-5 Custom Goal Creator for Academic Goals

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IEP Writing Success Kit: MEGA Bundle with PreK-5 Special Education Assessments and Goals

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Encoding Sounds Assessment for IEPs and Progress Monitoring

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Accommodations & Modifications Matrix for IEPs

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Executive Functioning IEP Goals: A Complete Guide and Goal Bank

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Executive functioning refers to a set of skills that are involved in planning, organizing, initiating, completing tasks, and regulating behavior. These skills are crucial for academic and social success, and individuals with executive functioning difficulties may struggle with daily life activities. For more in depth information on executive functioning coaching and outcomes, our Chief Clinical Officer, Dr. Jordan Wright has published a white paper that you can download it here .

IEP Goals for Executive Functioning

Individualized Education Program (IEP) goals are designed to address the specific needs of each student with a disability. When it comes to executive functioning, IEP goals may include:

  • Planning and organizing : The student will be able to independently create and follow a daily schedule or task list, including prioritizing tasks and breaking them down into smaller steps.
  • Initiation : The student will be able to start and complete tasks without excessive prompting or assistance from others.
  • Attention and focus : The student will be able to sustain attention and focus on a task for a specified period of time, and minimize distractions.
  • Time management : The student will be able to accurately estimate how long a task will take and manage their time effectively to complete it with limited prompting.
  • Self-regulation : The student will be able to recognize and control their own emotional responses, impulses, and behaviors in a variety of situations.
  • Problem-solving and decision-making : The student will be able to identify problems, generate and evaluate potential solutions, and make informed decisions.

These goals can be tailored to the individual needs of the student and may be adjusted over time as progress is made .

Utilize the SMART IEP Goal Model

When developing IEP goals for executive functioning skills, it is important to utilize the SMART goal model for increased success and accountability. Using this framework ensures that  the goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. SMART goals help to clarify what the student should achieve, how progress will be measured, and by when.

To help get your Special Education/IEP team get started, we’ve put together a SMART goal bank with executive functioning IEP goals for each age group. As always, you will need to modify these goals based on the student’s individual needs and your school’s resources.

After developing your IEP goals , you and your team will want to make sure you are properly tracking and monitoring the IEP SMART goals. For more information on how to do this successfully, check out our recent blog .

Example Executive Functioning IEP Goals for Primary Students

  • By the end of the school year, the student will demonstrate improved organization skills by independently creating and maintaining a daily schedule with at least 3 tasks to complete per day, with no more than 1 reminder needed per week.
  • By the end of the trimester,  the student will improve their time management skills by completing in-class assignments within the given time frame, with no more than 1 reminder needed per week.
  • After 9 weeks, the student will improve their ability to follow multi-step directions by accurately completing classroom tasks requiring at least 2-3 steps, with no more than 1 reminder needed per week.
  • By the end of the school year, the student will demonstrate improved working memory skills by recalling and following through on at least 2 multi-step directions given within a 5-minute period, with no more than 1 reminder needed per week.
  • By the end of the school year, the student will improve their self-monitoring skills by checking their work for errors before turning it in, with no more than 1 reminder needed per week.
  • By the end of the school year, the student will demonstrate improved attention and focus by remaining on-task for at least 5 minutes during independent work time, with no more than 1 reminder needed per week.
  • By the end of the school year, the student will improve their ability to shift focus and transition between tasks by independently switching to a new task when instructed to do so, with no more than 1 reminder needed per week.

Example Executive Functioning IEP Goals for Intermediate Students

  • By the end of the school year, the student will demonstrate improved planning and prioritization skills by creating and following through on a weekly schedule with at least 5 tasks to complete per week, with no more than 1 reminder needed per week.
  • By the end of the school year, the] will improve their time management skills by completing in-class assignments and homework within the given time frame, with no more than 1 reminder needed per week.
  • By the end of the trimester, the student will improve their ability to follow multi-step directions by accurately completing classroom tasks requiring at least 4 steps, with no more than 1 reminder needed per week.
  • By the end of the school year, the student will demonstrate improved working memory skills by recalling and following through on at least 3 multi-step directions given within a 10-minute period, with no more than 1 reminder needed per week.
  • By the end of the quarter, the student] will improve their self-monitoring skills by checking their work for errors and making appropriate revisions before turning it in, with no more than 1 reminder needed per week.
  • By the end of the school year, the student will demonstrate improved attention and focus by remaining on-task for at least 10 minutes during independent work time, with no more than 2 reminders needed per week.
  • By the end of the school year, the student will improve their decision-making skills by accurately identifying at least 3 solutions to a problem presented in class and choosing the most appropriate solution, with no more than 1 reminder needed per week.
  • By the end of the school year, the student will demonstrate improved emotional regulation skills by using at least 3 appropriate coping strategies when feeling frustrated or upset in class, with no more than 1 reminder needed per week.

Example Executive Functioning IEP Goals for Middle School Students

  • By the end of the school year, the student will demonstrate improved organization skills by independently creating and maintaining a weekly schedule with at least 5 tasks to complete per week, with no more than 1 reminder needed per week.
  • By the end of the school year, the student will improve their time management skills by completing in-class assignments and homework within the given time frame, with no more than 1 reminder needed per week.
  • By the end of the school year, the student will improve their ability to follow multi-step directions by accurately completing classroom tasks requiring at least 5 steps, with no more than 1 reminder needed per week.
  • By the end of the school year, the student will demonstrate improved working memory skills by recalling and following through on at least 4 multi-step directions given within a 15-minute period, with no more than 1 reminder needed per week.
  • By the end of the school year, the student will improve their self-monitoring skills by checking their work for errors and making appropriate revisions before turning it in, with no more than 2 reminders needed per week.
  • By the end of the trimester, the student will demonstrate improved attention and focus by remaining on-task for at least 15 minutes during independent work time, with no more than 2 reminders needed per week.
  • By the end of the school year, the student will improve their decision-making skills by accurately identifying at least 4 solutions to a problem presented in class and choosing the most appropriate solution, with no more than 1 reminder needed per week.

Example Executive Functioning IEP Goals for High School Students

  • By the end of the school year, the student will demonstrate improved organization skills by independently creating and maintaining a daily and weekly schedule with at least 5 tasks to complete per day and 10 tasks per week, with no more than 1 reminder needed per week.
  • By the end of the school year, the student  will improve their ability to follow multi-step directions by accurately completing classroom tasks requiring at least 6 steps, with no more than 1 reminder needed per week.
  • By the end of the school year, the student will demonstrate improved working memory skills by recalling and following through on at least 5 multi-step directions given within a 20-minute period, with no more than 1 reminder needed per week.
  • By the end of the school year, the student will demonstrate improved attention and focus by remaining on-task for at least 20 minutes during independent work time, with no more than 1 reminder needed per week.
  • By the end of the school year, the student will improve their decision-making skills by accurately identifying at least 5 solutions to a problem presented in class and choosing the most appropriate solution, with no more than 1 reminder needed per week.
  • By the end of the school year, the student will demonstrate improved emotional regulation skills by using at least 4 appropriate coping strategies when feeling frustrated or upset in class, with no more than 1 reminder needed per week.  

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Creating Effective IEP Goals for Problem-Solving Skills in Middle School Students

Creating Effective IEP Goals for Problem-Solving Skills in Middle School Students


Problem-solving skills are essential for students in special education, as they navigate through academic, social, and emotional challenges. Developing these skills empowers students to overcome obstacles, make informed decisions, and fosters independence.

Understanding Problem-Solving Skills

Problem-solving skills involve a series of steps that help students identify, analyze, and resolve issues they may face in various situations. These skills impact students’ learning, social interactions, and overall wellbeing by promoting critical thinking, effective communication, and emotional regulation.

The Role of Specialists

Different specialists play an essential role in supporting the development of problem-solving skills in students:

  • Speech-Language Pathologists help students develop communication skills, essential for discussing and resolving problems.
  • Social Workers support students in navigating social situations and understanding the impact of their decisions on relationships.
  • Psychologists assist students in developing healthy coping mechanisms and emotional regulation to handle challenging situations.
  • School Counselors guide students in making informed decisions and setting realistic goals for problem resolution.

IEP Goals for Problem-Solving Skills

Here are some specific SMART IEP goals to improve problem-solving skills in middle school students:

Goal 1: Identify Problems

By [date], the student will accurately identify the problem in various scenarios with 80% accuracy across 5 consecutive sessions.

Strategies and Activities: Role-play scenarios, guided discussions, and collaborative group activities.

Goal 2: Assess Problem Size

By [date], the student will categorize problems as small or big in 90% of presented situations across 5 consecutive sessions.

Strategies and Activities: Sorting tasks, scenario analysis, and comparing problem sizes.

Goal 3: Generate Solutions

By [date], the student will brainstorm at least three possible solutions for a given problem with 85% accuracy across 5 consecutive sessions.

Strategies and Activities: Brainstorming sessions, mind mapping, and group collaboration.

Goal 4: Evaluate and Choose the Best Solution

By [date], the student will evaluate each proposed solution’s pros and cons and select the most appropriate resolution with 80% accuracy across 5 consecutive sessions.

Strategies and Activities: Pros and cons lists, role-playing, and guided reflections.

Implementing and Measuring Progress

Implement these IEP goals by collaborating with specialists, incorporating strategies into daily routines, and providing ongoing feedback. Measure progress through data collection, observations, and assessments to ensure students are progressing towards their goals.

Developing effective IEP goals for problem-solving skills is crucial in helping middle school students succeed in special education. By applying these goals and strategies, educators can foster independence, confidence, and growth in their students. We invite you to explore more resources at Everyday Speech Sample Materials and engage in the conversation.

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10 Organization IEP Goals for Real Life

Written by:

  Rebekah Pierce

Filed under: Organization , Executive Functioning , IEPs

Published:  March 27, 2022

Last Reviewed: February 26, 2024

READING TIME:  ~ minutes

This article is designed to be utilized with the utmost professional integrity and ethical consideration. It is imperative to acknowledge that directly copying and pasting example goals into student’s IEPs from any external source, including ours, undermines the individualized nature of IEP planning and does not serve the best interests of students.

This resource aims to inspire the development of IEP goals that address executive functioning needs, not a substitute for the detailed, student-centered IEP goal setting process. Educators and IEP teams are urged to use this as a tool for ideation, basing final goals on student assessments and collaborative IEP team insights.

If you’re a teacher or parent of a child that struggles with organization, then you know that writing Individualized Education Program (IEP) goals can be a daunting task. Don’t worry – we’re here to help!

In this post, we’ll give you some tips on how to write effective organization IEP goals – and some helpful resources you can use in the process.

What is Organization?

Simply put, organization is how we put information together in our brain to complete tasks quickly, effectively, and efficiently. It’s how we arrange our environment (as in, our stuff!) and the ways in which we provide order to the activities, items, and tasks around us.

As is the case with most other executive functioning skills, organization is closely tied to other skills. For example, students who struggle with organization often struggle with other areas of executive functioning, like planning, prioritization, and task initiation.

You’ll know your child struggles with organization in particular if you notice any of the following. He or she:

  • Leaves required materials at home and forgets necessary items
  • Is unable to maintain a clean, tidy workspace and play area
  • Does not return items back to where they belong
  • Has trouble telling a story with a clear beginning, middle, and end
  • Is unable to label pictures or items in sequential order
  • Does not keep homework and other documents in good condition
  • Has difficulty creating lists and outlines

Organizational skills are vital because they can help limit distractions and stress. If you’re organized, you’re less likely to suffer from academic challenges, behavioral difficulties, and other problems. Helping your child become more organized can enable them to get more done in less time (aka, more free time!) and to complete tasks more effectively with better outcomes.

Sample IEP Goals for Organization

Most people begin to develop organizational skills earlier in life, getting better at organizing as other possibilities increase. You might need to teach your child skills like sorting and categorizing, putting things in the right place, gathering materials to complete a task, using remainder and organization systems, and how to reorganize as needed.

These IEP goals are example areas to target.

Adaptive Goals

  • By the end of the school year, the student will spend 5 minutes before each class to write down and check for the notes and materials needed for that class 100% of the time, according to teacher observation.
  • By the end of the school year, the student will spend 5 minutes at the end of class to write down assignments and make sure all required materials are in his backpack 100% of the time, according to teacher observation.

Social Goals

  • By the end of the school year, when given scenarios of social conflicts, the student will demonstrate problem solving and organization skills by identifying the problem and generating two solutions appropriate to the situation in 4/5 trials, as measured by data collection.
  • By the end of the IEP term, in a conversation with peers, the student will tell stories with clear beginnings, middles, and ends 4 out of 5 times, based on teacher observation.

Reading Goals

  • By the end of the IEP term, the student will use organizational information from tables of contents, illustrations, glossaries, indexes, and other text features to assist in the comprehension of how a text is organized.
  • By the end of the school year, the student will correctly identify the sequence of events, beginning, middle, and end of a story 100% of the time, according to teacher observation.
  • By the end of the IEP term, the student will use pre-reading strategies like skimming for organization to get an idea of a text’s meaning, 100% of the time, according to teacher observation.
  • By the end of the IEP term, the student will take notes in math class by using graphic organizers 90% of the time, according to teacher observation.

Writing Goals

  • By the end of the school year, when given an assignment, the student will organize his writing to address the audience and purpose in chronological and logical sequences (sequence, place, importance), 90% of the time, according to teacher observation.
  • By the end of the school year, the student will demonstrate organization by developing a beginning, middle, and end in a written piece and by using transition words, 100% of the time, according to rubrics.

Tips on Setting Goals for Organization

Not sure where to start as you’re writing organization IEP goals? Here are some tips.

Start With a Skills Assessment

Before you start trying to write or tackle any organization goals, it’s essential that you have your child complete a skills assessment. This will rule out whether it’s organization that’s the problem – or another executive functioning skill that needs some work.

In many cases, it’s more than one area that needs some work.

You can find a helpful resource that will allow you to weed out the problem areas by having your child take the Executive Functioning Assessment . If there’s more than one issue that needs work, focus on the one that’s causing the most difficulty first as you write your goals.

Work on Communication

Many of the skills and behaviors related to organization have to do with foundational language skills. Does your child respond well to instructions? Can he copy down information for the future? If he can’t articulate what being organized actually means, it’s going to be hard to provide him with the skills he needs to be organized in the first place.

Inspire Motivation

If your student lacks the motivation to get and stay organized, teaching him or her organizational skills will be all the more challenging. Work with your student to establish a strong “why.” It might be extrinsic motivation at first (a reward system), but over time, that motivation should shift inward.

Use Checklists and Systems

Checklists are beyond helpful when it comes to helping a child stay organized. Often, it’s not that a child doesn’t want to stay organized – he or she simply lacks the skills and resources to know-how.

Using things like weekly organization checklists and lists of what needs to be prepared the night before school can be immensely helpful in getting over these roadblocks. Using the OHIO Rule is another effective way to teach your child to be more organized (it involves only handling an item once – things like homework and email fit nicely into this system).

Find an organizational system that works well for you and your student – and stick to it. Whether it’s the Ohio Rule, reminder cards like you’ll find in the Real Life Executive Functioning Workbook (coupon code LSA20 for 20% off at checkout), or the GTD System , there’s something out there for everyone.

Use Visuals

Set your child up for success by planning ahead for organization. If you know your child has difficulty remembering necessary homework items and supplies, create an at-home workstation. Set up a dry erase board on which your child can write assignments and have a cubby where your child can pick up new supplies.

In the Real Life Executive Functioning Workbook , you can find some helpful visuals that will allow your child to set “designated places” for all the things they need to keep organized.

How to Address Each Goal

The most important thing to keep in mind when setting – and addressing – IEP goals for organization?

Don’t get too carried away.

There may be lots of different areas you want to improve upon with your child, but you won’t get anywhere by throwing everything at them at once. Pick one or two areas that need improvement and focus on them first.

The Executive Functioning Assessment will give you a solid idea of where your child is at and what can be done to improve. You’ll also be able to tap into clear strategies that will help you come with an effective solution.

It’s not just for parents and teachers but also for administrators and teven the student herself! It’s easy to integrate into your IEP writing process.

Get Organized Yourself! Start Today

You can’t write clear, effective goals if you aren’t organized yourself. So get started by writing down a list of every skill and weakness you need to target in your student. By having a clear idea of what you need to focus on, you’ll write goals that are effective and measurable.

Not sure where to start? Give your child the Executive Functioning Assessment and use the Real Life Executive Functioning Workbook as a guide. You’ll be at it in no time.

In order to create achievable IEP goals related to organization, start by considering these tips. Having a well-defined plan with measurable objectives is the key to success, so make sure you take the time to set up your goals in a way that will be effective for your child.

Looking For More Executive Functioning IEP Goal Ideas?

Visit our EF IEP Goal Resource Hub or check out our other skill-specific IEP goal articles:

  • 8 Impulse Control IEP Goals
  • 8 Attentional Control IEP Goals
  • 8 Self-Monitoring IEP Goals
  • 10 Problem Solving IEP Goals
  • 10 Working Memory IEP Goals
  • 9 Emotional Control IEP Goals
  • 7 Cognitive Flexibility IEP Goals
  • 10 Organization IEP Goals
  • 12 Task Initiation IEP Goals
  • 10 Time Management IEP Goals
  • 15 Planning IEP Goals

Further Reading

  • Amy Sippl: Executive Functioning Skills 101: All About Organization
  • Amy Sippl: 7 Organization Skills To Teach Your Teen
  • Rebekah Pierce: Using The GTD (Getting Things Done) System To Help Improve Executive Functioning
  • Amy Sippl: Organization Skills: Long-Term Strategies And Supports For Diverse Learners

About The Author

Rebekah pierce.

Rebekah is a New York writer and teacher who specializes in writing in the education, gardening, health, and natural food niches. In addition to teaching and writing, she also owns a farm and is the author of the blog J&R Pierce Family Farm .

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Life Skills Advocate is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Some of the links in this post may be Amazon.com affiliate links, which means if you make a purchase, Life Skills Advocate will earn a commission. However, we only promote products we actually use or those which have been vetted by the greater community of families and professionals who support individuals with diverse learning needs.

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