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Definition of assignment noun from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary

  • Students are required to complete all homework assignments.
  • You will need to complete three written assignments per semester.
  • a business/special assignment
  • I had set myself a tough assignment.
  • on an assignment She is in Greece on an assignment for one of the Sunday newspapers.
  • on assignment one of our reporters on assignment in China
  • The students handed in their assignments.
  • The teacher gave us an assignment on pollution.
  • Why did you take on this assignment if you're so busy?
  • He refused to accept the assignment.
  • assignment on

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what is the root word for assignment

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assignation (n.)

early 14c., assignacioun , "appointment by authority," from Old French assignacion (14c., Modern French assignation ), from Latin assignationem (nominative assignatio ) "an assigning, allotment," noun of action from past-participle stem of assignare / adsignare "to mark out, to allot by sign, assign, award," from ad "to" (see ad- ) + signare "make a sign," from signum "identifying mark, sign" (see sign (n.)).

The meaning "action of legally transferring" (a right or property) is from 1570s; that of "a meeting by arrangement, tryst" is from 1650s, especially for a love-affair; assignation-house (1849) was an old euphemism for "brothel."

Entries linking to assignation

early 13c., signe , "gesture or motion of the hand," especially one meant to express thought or convey an idea, from Old French signe "sign, mark," from Latin signum "identifying mark, token, indication, symbol; proof; military standard, ensign; a signal, an omen; sign in the heavens, constellation."

According to Watkins, literally "standard that one follows," from PIE *sekw-no- , from root *sekw- (1) "to follow." De Vaan has it from PIE *sekh-no- "cut," from PIE root *sek- "to cut" He writes: "The etymological appurtenance to seco 'to cut' implies a semantic shift of *sek-no- 'what is cut out', 'carved out' > 'sign'." But he also also compares Hebrew sakkin , Aramaic sakkin "slaughtering-knife," and mentions a theory that "both words are probably borrowed from an unknown third source."

It has ousted native token . By c. 1300 as "an indication of some coming event." The meaning "a visible mark or device having some special meaning" is recorded from late 13c.; that of "miraculous manifestation, a miracle demonstrating divine power" is from c. 1300. In reference to one of the 12 divisions of the zodiac, from mid-14c.

The sense of "inscribed board with a characteristic device attached to the front of an inn, shop, etc.," to distinguish it from others is recorded from mid-15c. The meaning "indicator, token or signal of some condition" (late 13c.) is behind sign of the times (1520s). The meaning "conventional mark or symbol in place of words" (in music, mathematics, etc., as in plus sign) is by 1550s. In some uses, the word probably is a shortening of ensign . 

word-forming element expressing direction toward or in addition to, from Latin ad "to, toward" in space or time; "with regard to, in relation to," as a prefix, sometimes merely emphatic, from PIE root *ad- "to, near, at."

Simplified to a- before sc- , sp- and st- ; modified to ac- before many consonants and then re-spelled af- , ag- , al- , etc., in conformity with the following consonant (as in affection , aggression ). Also compare ap- (1).

In Old French, reduced to a- in all cases (an evolution already underway in Merovingian Latin), but French refashioned its written forms on the Latin model in 14c., and English did likewise 15c. in words it had picked up from Old French. In many cases pronunciation followed the shift.

Over-correction at the end of the Middle Ages in French and then English "restored" the -d- or a doubled consonant to some words that never had it ( accursed , afford ). The process went further in England than in France (where the vernacular sometimes resisted the pedantic), resulting in English adjourn , advance , address , advertisement (Modern French ajourner , avancer , adresser , avertissement ). In modern word-formation sometimes ad- and ab- are regarded as opposites, but this was not in classical Latin.

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updated on September 28, 2022

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Prefixes are words that you add to beginning of root words. When prefixes are added they modify the meaning of the root words. Example: the root word "ject" means to throw. You will commonly come across the prefixes in- and re- being add to "ject". They create the words "inject" (to put into) and "reject" (to throw out). In this case the prefix gave the root words direction.

Suffixes are similar to Prefixes in that they modify the meaning of words, but they are added to the end of the root words. Example: the root "bio-" means life. The words "biography" (story of life) and "biology" (study of life) are examples of suffixes modifying the roots.

Exercises for understanding prefixes, suffixes, and roots of words. We use them in a wide range of activities to help you master them.

Prefix Worksheets

Explaining Prefixes Find the meanings of the prefixes. Match the prefix with how it modifies root words.

Adding Mixed Prefixes Add prefixes to roots to make words that make sense. Add the prefix that makes the most sense to the root words. This is a very open activity.

List of English Prefixes A great reference for teachers and students alike. You will find list of commonly used Prefixes of the English Language. Note that many prefixes have several methods for changing the mean of the root words that they are added to.

Adding Long Prefixes These words consist of more letters than other forms. The prefix in this set are up to five letters long. This makes for some very long words to be formed.

Prefixes a-, ad- Worksheet One prefix takes things away, the other add them. We introduce two prefixes that changes the entire mood of each word. Typical to atypical is a big difference.

Prefixes ab-, be- Worksheet A prefix that moves things away and one that moves things through. This one is focused all on one page. These exact prefixes have been used at a wide grade level range on several national assessments.

Adding Prefixes - dis-, non-, and super- These prefixes either lower, level, or heighten things. We work with words that we add one of three prefixes to. The prefix will either heighten or lower the root word.

Prefixes en-, ex- Into or out of something. We add two prefixes that really change the intensity or dynamics of words they modify.

Adding Prefixes - mid-, mis-, re- In the middle, out of, or occurring again. You could also step the skill level up on this one and have them define the words.

Prefixes out-, pro- These can be confusing. Read them out loud. Two prefixes that in most cases modify words in the same way, they usually height the action of the words that are modified.

Prefixes in-, pre-, and re- Before, during, or after. See how the word meanings are skewed by the addition of prefixes. Some of these change drastically as a result of the prefix.

Prefixes semi-, under- These are less than prefixes! Get it? We work with specific prefixes that modify words to mean either half or less than. Somewhat depressing prefixes, wouldn't you say?

Understanding Prefixes Find the meanings of the modifiers. See if you can find the meaning of the prefixes that are presented to you.

Prefixes and Numbers We use bi-, tri-, and quad- in sentences. The worksheet asks you to infer that bi- means two, tri- means three, and quad- means four.

Under- and Sub- Prefixes Below or less than. ou might need to think long and hard with these exercises.

The Prefix Circle Find where the prefix is hidden. We give you a large list of words that each contain a prefix. Now go find all the prefixes and circle them!

Suffix Worksheets

Suffix Change Up This is a really comprehensive worksheet. This worksheet covers a diverse skill set with suffixes. We ask you to spell and tense correctly. The last step is to create your own words.

Derivational Suffixes These types of suffixes modify meanings and parts of speech. Use the derivational suffixes and see how the meanings are changed. Derivational suffixes always change the syntax of the word it modifies.

Inflectional Suffixes These don't change the meaning of the words they modify. Inflectional suffixes are interesting because they don't change the meaning of a word when added to a word. They usually change the tense of the word.

Roots and Suffixes We really like this sheet, so do teachers. Work with the suffixes you are given and spell them correctly. Then it's time to get creative and work towards a quad-word fest, if you will.

The Suffix Match Meet the suffix and how it modifies the meanings of words. Match the suffixes to their meanings. These are very commonly used suffixes.

Match the Suffix Meanings Another matching task for you. You will find these to some of the most commonly used suffixes. Now tells us what they mean and how they modify words.

Suffixes -ful and -less These examples either complete or lessen what they modify. We work with two directly opposite suffixes and ask you to use them in sentences.

Suffixes -able versus -ible These give roots the power to do something. These two suffixes account for the large majority of spelling errors in the English Language.

Circle the Suffix Worksheet Find the suffixes in the words. We want you to find the suffixes within the set of words for us.

Root Word Worksheets

Root Words Activity We really like this one. You will too! This is a great worksheet set. It is neat to see how if you understand the meaning of the prefix and root word, it's easy to figure out the meaning of the completed word.

Adding To Root Words We work on spelling. Students determine how to spell new words properly after introducing suffixes to them.

Suffix Additions to Root Words Spelling once again. We work more with spelling words properly after a root word and a suffix meet.

Find The Root Words For some of these, you would think that they don't have roots. Ditch the suffixes and find the root words in every sentence we present you with.

Searching For Root Words Go on a root safari! Remove all the suffixes and find just to root words for each instance.

Joining Words Put roots and suffixes together and then tell what you made. These can take some time. Join the word root and the suffix and then define the combined word.

Make a Word This one guides it really well. We form new words and spelling by adding roots and suffixes.

The Root Word Slide Find roots and then create a bunch of words with roots. First find the root word. Then you will be given a root and we want you to run off and make as many new words as you can by adding prefixes and suffixes.

Underline and Build Off of the Roots These are a bit higher level roots. We ask you to quickly locate root words. Then we want you to go all Ninja on root words and form as many new words as you can think of.

What are Prefixes, Suffixes, and Root Words?

Teachers are often looking for a way to enhance their students' vocabulary. There are various effective ways to achieve this goal, and an efficient one is teaching affixes.

In English grammar, a word attached to a base word to modify its meaning is known as affixes. There are numerous words with affixes attached, but we are often (un)aware of them.

What Are Prefixes?

Prefixes are letters that, when added to the beginning of a word, change a word's meaning. For example, the word "agree" means to have the same opinion on something. However, adding the letters 'dis' before the word 'agree' becomes 'disagree.' Disagree means to have a different opinion on something, the exact opposite of the word agree. Hence, the 'dis' is a prefix here. Some prefixes examples are:

Remember this…

1. Some prefixes have the same meaning but are not interchangeable. Some of these prefixes include "non," "un," "il." Adding them before a word would make the word's meaning opposite. However, you can't use "non-" in place of "un-." Non-happy is not a word; the correct word is unhappy.

2. Adding a prefix must not alter the spelling of the base word. Even if it results in repetition of letters. For example: un-attached to 'natural' becomes 'unnatural'.

3. Some words might look like a prefix is attached to them, but that's not so. For example, reach is a word on its own. You cannot break up the word into "re-" and "-ach" as these words alone do not hold any meaning.

What Are Suffixes?

Suffixes are letters that, when added to the end of a word, change a word's meaning.

For example, the word "agree" is a verb that means to have the same opinion on something. However, if we add the letters 'ment' after the word 'agree,' it becomes 'agreement.' Agreement is a noun that means the act of agreement. Hence, the '-ment' here is a suffix. Here are some examples of suffixes:

Remember this...

1. Some suffixes might also hold the same meaning but are not interchangeable. For example, the suffix "-er" and "-or" both are added to show the person who does the work. One example is the word 'worker.' However, the word 'workor' is wrong.

2. Adding a suffix at the end of a word sometimes alters the base word's spelling. For example, when "-al" is added to the word "globe," you drop the "e," becoming 'global' instead of "globeal."

3. Some words might also look like a suffix is attached to them when that's not the case. For example, proceed is a word on its own. It cannot be broken up into "proce-" and "-ed" as these words alone do not hold any meaning.

What Is a Root Word?

A root word is the base word to which affixes (prefixes and suffixes) are attached to alter the word's original meaning.

For example, 'agree' is the root word for words like 'disagree' where a prefix is attached and 'agreement' where a suffix is attached. Both the prefix and the suffix attached to the word alter its original meaning.

Common Latin and Greek Root Words in English

Numerous words that we use with ease today in our daily life have been derived from Latin and Greek. Such root words cannot stand alone themselves. These words only make sense with an affix attached.

The Importance of Root Words

When inferring a word's meaning, root words can be of great help. Just by knowing what a root word means, students can identify the alteration made to that word by attaching affixes. They can then guess the meaning of the altered word and attempt comprehension questions easily.

Common Examples

Here are some commonly used prefixes and suffixes with meanings and examples. Notice how some root words' spellings change while others remain the same.

Root Words With Both Prefixes and Suffixes Examples

Some root words can have both prefixes and suffixes attached to them at the same time, modifying their meaning severely. Some examples are as below:

Importance of all Teaching This

Students' are often more eager to learn a concept when it is practical for them. Affixes in English grammar are one of such relatable concepts.

1. They are widely used in writing as well as speaking. Many of the commonly used words have either a prefix, a suffix, or a combination of both in it, as discussed above.

2. They can increase your students' word bank. Several prefixes and suffixes can attach to a single root word, tweaking its meaning every time. Now your students will have various words to include in their writing.

3. Learning this can improve your students' comprehension skills. Students might often struggle with unknown words in their reading comprehension. When students know what a root word is, they can quickly identify the attached affixes and comprehend a word's meaning.

4. Knowing this also assists students in understanding a word's context. This knowledge can come in handy in comprehension but also in writing. Students will better understand which word is more appropriate in which context.

Prefixes and suffixes are used ubiquitously. Your students might also be using them in routine, but its identification can help them out in written and verbal English.

They might get all of this jargon mixed up. However, daily reading practice while actively identifying basic examples can help them improve their comprehension. With time, they will learn that prefixes are attached to a root word's beginning, whereas suffixes are attached at the end of a root word.


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Root words worksheets

Identify the root words.

Many words are formed from a root word and a suffix. In these vocabulary worksheets, students deconstruct each word into its suffix and root word. Students write the suffix and root/base word in separate columns.

what is the root word for assignment

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Meaning of assignment in English

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  • It was a plum assignment - more of a vacation really.
  • He took this award-winning photograph while on assignment in the Middle East .
  • His two-year assignment to the Mexico office starts in September .
  • She first visited Norway on assignment for the winter Olympics ten years ago.
  • He fell in love with the area after being there on assignment for National Geographic in the 1950s.
  • act as something
  • all work and no play (makes Jack a dull boy) idiom
  • be at work idiom
  • be in work idiom
  • housekeeping
  • in the line of duty idiom
  • short-staffed
  • undertaking

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what is the root word for assignment

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Synonyms of assignment

  • as in lesson
  • as in appointment
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Thesaurus Definition of assignment

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • responsibility
  • undertaking
  • requirement
  • designation
  • appointment
  • authorization
  • installment
  • installation
  • destination
  • emplacement
  • investiture
  • singling (out)

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • dethronement

Synonym Chooser

How does the noun assignment contrast with its synonyms?

Some common synonyms of assignment are chore , duty , job , stint , and task . While all these words mean "a piece of work to be done," assignment implies a definite limited task assigned by one in authority.

When is it sensible to use chore instead of assignment ?

While the synonyms chore and assignment are close in meaning, chore implies a minor routine activity necessary for maintaining a household or farm.

When is duty a more appropriate choice than assignment ?

Although the words duty and assignment have much in common, duty implies an obligation to perform or responsibility for performance.

When might job be a better fit than assignment ?

The synonyms job and assignment are sometimes interchangeable, but job applies to a piece of work voluntarily performed; it may sometimes suggest difficulty or importance.

When could stint be used to replace assignment ?

In some situations, the words stint and assignment are roughly equivalent. However, stint implies a carefully allotted or measured quantity of assigned work or service.

When can task be used instead of assignment ?

The meanings of task and assignment largely overlap; however, task implies work imposed by a person in authority or an employer or by circumstance.

Thesaurus Entries Near assignment


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“Assignment.” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus , Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/assignment. Accessed 19 Apr. 2024.

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What is the suffix of assignment?

User Avatar

the ending of the word assignment is suffix


From the word assignment, the root word is "assign" and the suffix is "ment"

Suffixes are words or letter added to the END of the root word or base word.

Anonymous ∙

Add your answer:


What is the suffix for 'delicious?

The Answer Here Is Undelicious,I Knew This When My teacher Said It When It Was About To Check My Assignment. (I Hope I Helped)

What is the root word of missionary?

"Mission" is a root word. It has neither a suffix nor a prefix. Transmission and missionary are words with a prefix or suffix attached to the root word "mission."

Is neglectful a prefix or suffix?

Neglectful combines "neglect" with the suffix "-ful".

Does 'population' have a suffix in it?

Yes, the suffix is tion

Is innovation have a suffix?

Yes, innovation does have a suffix. Its suffix is -tion.

What does assignment mean and what's the suffix?

What is the process of assigning a value to a variable called.

That is called "assignment".That is called "assignment".That is called "assignment".That is called "assignment".

What is the suffix of the undoing?

The suffix for undo is to not do.

What is the opposite of assignment?


Does dimension have a suffix?

Yes, dimension does have a suffix. The suffix is -ion.

What is the suffix of through?

There is no suffix in the word through

What is a suffix of duration?

The suffix is -tion. This suffix means the process of.


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  1. assignment

    assignment (n.)late 14c., "an order, request, directive," from Old French assignement "(legal) assignment (of dower, etc.)," from Late Latin assignamentum, noun of action from past-participle stem of Latin assignare / adsignare "to allot, assign, award" (see assign). The meaning "appointment to office" is mid-15c.; that of "a task assigned (to ...

  2. Assignment Definition & Meaning

    The meaning of ASSIGNMENT is the act of assigning something. How to use assignment in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Assignment.

  3. Assignment

    assignment: 1 n an undertaking that you have been assigned to do (as by an instructor) Types: show 6 types... hide 6 types... school assignment , schoolwork a school task performed by a student to satisfy the teacher writing assignment , written assignment an assignment to write something classroom project a school task requiring considerable ...

  4. What is the root word of assignment?

    What is the root word of assignment? Updated: 8/28/2023. Wiki User. ∙ 14y ago. Best Answer. The word assign is a verb (assign, assigns, assigning, assigned). The noun forms for the verb to ...

  5. Root Words

    A root word is the fundamental unit of a word. A root word has nothing added at the beginning or the end. While some root words are standalone words in English, others need a prefix (like "anti-" or "un-") and/or a suffix (like "-able" or "-ist") to create a meaningful word.

  6. assignment noun

    1 [countable, uncountable] a task or piece of work that someone is given to do, usually as part of their job or studies You will need to complete three written assignments per semester. She is in Greece on an assignment for one of the Sunday newspapers. one of our reporters on assignment in China I had given myself a tough assignment. a business/special assignment

  7. Root Words: Definition, Lists & Examples

    One common root word in English is terr, which comes from the Latin word terra, which means "earth.". Using different prefixes and suffixes, the root word terr can become terrain, territory, extraterrestrial, and subterranean, among others. More root word examples include civ ( civilization, civic ), audi ( inaudible, audience ), and port ...


    ASSIGNMENT definition: 1. a piece of work given to someone, typically as part of their studies or job: 2. a job that…. Learn more.

  9. assignment

    Students are required to complete all homework assignments. You will need to complete three written assignments per semester. a business/special assignment ; I had set myself a tough assignment. on an assignment She is in Greece on an assignment for one of the Sunday newspapers. on assignment one of our reporters on assignment in China

  10. assignation

    word-forming element expressing direction toward or in addition to, from Latin ad "to, toward" in space or time; "with regard to, in relation to," as a prefix, sometimes merely emphatic, from PIE root *ad-"to, near, at.". Simplified to a-before sc-, sp-and st-; modified to ac-before many consonants and then re-spelled af-, ag-, al-, etc., in conformity with the following consonant (as in ...


    ASSIGNMENT definition: a piece of work or job that you are given to do: . Learn more.

  12. ASSIGNMENT definition and meaning

    7 meanings: 1. something that has been assigned, such as a mission or task 2. a position or post to which a person is assigned.... Click for more definitions.

  13. Prefix, Suffix, and Word Root Worksheets

    These exact prefixes have been used at a wide grade level range on several national assessments. Adding Prefixes - dis-, non-, and super-. These prefixes either lower, level, or heighten things. We work with words that we add one of three prefixes to. The prefix will either heighten or lower the root word.

  14. Root words worksheets

    Identify the root words. Many words are formed from a root word and a suffix. In these vocabulary worksheets, students deconstruct each word into its suffix and root word. Students write the suffix and root/base word in separate columns. Worksheet #1 Worksheet #2 Worksheet #3 Worksheet #4. Worksheet #5 Worksheet #6.

  15. Root Words

    Online Etymology Dictionary is not exactly about root words, but sometimes useful in figuring out how the root got embedded in the word in the first place. Teacher Resources. Instant Vocabulary by Ida Ehrlich -- Organized around259 keys to word building, this book is an amazing resource if you want to teach root words to your students. Each key ...


    ir-. What is the suffix of irresponsible? -ible. What is the root of impatiently? patient. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Adding a prefix to a root word _____ change the spelling of the root word., This prefix spelling rule _____ apply to suffixes., What is the prefix of irrelevant? and more.


    ASSIGNMENT meaning: 1. a piece of work given to someone, typically as part of their studies or job: 2. a job that…. Learn more.

  18. ASSIGNMENT Synonyms: 97 Similar and Opposite Words

    Synonyms for ASSIGNMENT: task, job, duty, project, mission, chore, responsibility, function; Antonyms of ASSIGNMENT: dismissal, discharge, firing, expulsion ...

  19. PDF Root words quiz

    The root word in operation is operate; 'tion' is a suffix. 5. What is the root word in undecided? The correct answer is: B. The root word in undecided is decide; 'un' is a prefix. 6. What is the root word in distressing ? The correct answer is: B. The root word in distressing is stress; 'dis' is a prefix and 'ing' is a suffix. 7.

  20. What is the suffix of assignment?

    More answers. exylouv ∙. Lvl 2. ∙ 1y ago. From the word assignment, the root word is "assign" and the suffix is "ment". Suffixes are words or letter added to the END of the root word or base ...

  21. Using Strategies and Word Patterns: The Code Book Assignment

    noun. It comes before a verb. people who break codes. Only a small fraction of the information flowing around the world is securely encrypted, and the remainder is poorly encrypted, or not encrypted at all. This is because the number of Internet users is rapidly increasing, and yet few of these people take adequate precautions in terms of privacy.

  22. Language Arts 800, Assignment 9, Quiz 1 Review Flashcards

    Language Arts 800, Assignment 9, Quiz 1 Review. Get a hint. inflection. Click the card to flip 👆. affix that gives grammatical meaning such as tense or number. Click the card to flip 👆. 1 / 13.