World Environment Day Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on world environment day.

World environment day Essay – Our environment is one of the most important aspects to survive on this planet. Moreover, it is the only thing that can make life sustainable. Without it, we cannot survive even a single day. For instance, our skin will burn, the lungs will get ruptured, our blood pressure would rise.

World Environment Day Essay

Furthermore, we will not have food and water to survive. And this will also be possible because of the imbalance of heat and atmospheric pressur e. Thus it is important that we should take care of the environment. Also, abandon all the exploitation that we are causing it.

World Environment Day

World Environment on 5th June every year. People from more than 100 countries celebrate this day. Furthermore, the world environment day is run by the United Nations Environment Programme(UNEP). Since the year 1973. Above all the main purpose of celebrating this day was to spread awareness. The awareness was about the conservation of our environment.

Moreover to also take various preventive measures to avert the effects of Global warming. Since we all know that Global warming is the root cause of the ruin of our environment. Therefore it is our duty to protect our environment. And stop all the exploitation that is destroying it. Because in the end, it is our basic need for our survival and our generations ahead.

What do we do on World Environment Day?

On the world environment day, we all take a day off from our work. And join various campaigns to spread awareness about environment protection. Moreover, we all plant small saplings in a barren land so that it may grow and flourish in the land area after some years. Also, we take part in various processions to make people aware of this day. So that they may also take part in protecting our environment.

Furthermore, in schools, the teachers teach the students the methods to plant a tree. The school provides buses to take the students to the jungles. There they come to know about the different types of plants. And the types of vegetation in which they survive. Also, the students have to bring a sapling from their homes and plant them inside the ground. This helps them in getting practical knowledge. Further, it also creates an emotional attachment to the environment.

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World Environment Day 2019

The theme for world environment day 2019 is ‘ Air Pollution’ . Furthermore this year China was the host country for this day. Air pollution is one of the major causes of Global Warming. Because of which many hazardous Consequences are arising. The problem is reaching a point where people are not able to breathe properly.

Moreover, disease like lung cancer is affecting even the minors. As a result, is a major threat to the people living in urban areas. To reduce the risk of air pollution China is establishing various air purifiers in their ecosystem. With the help of these people are at least getting pollution-free air to breathe.

In addition, it is also taking mandatory measures like population reduction, banning the use of plastic, and planting trees in every community. This can help to avert the ruining of the environment caused in the past years.

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  • World Environment Day Essay


Significance of World Environment Day

World Environment day is celebrated on the 5th of June every year. More than 100 countries Worldwide join in the celebration of the World Environment day. It was started by the United Nations Environmental Program in the year 1973 and has been continuing till now. The main purpose of celebrating this day is to spread awareness about the Environment.

What is Environment?

Scientifically speaking, everything around us constitutes our Environment. Both living and non-Types of the Equation of the Motion living things make up our Environment. The living or biotic components include plants, animals and microbes, while the non-living or abiotic components include air, water, soil and so on.

Why is the Environment in Danger?

The Environment is in danger because of the high levels of pollution. All the major components of the Environment such as the hydrosphere, the atmosphere, the biosphere, all are trapped with pollutants. The rising level of pollutants is destroying the normal Environmental conditions.

This type of pollutants can be natural (for example volcanic eruptions, forest fires etc) or manmade (pollutants released from industries, emissions from cars). It is mainly man made pollution that has caused rapid destruction of the Environment. The major forms of pollution are air pollution, water pollution and soil pollution.

Why is it Necessary to Save the Environment?

The Environment is one of the most important tools for our survival on planet Earth. The Environment nurtures us and helps us survive. We cannot imagine life without air, water and soil. The biotic components like plants and animals are also important survival tools. Plants help purify the air around us. We get food from plants and animals.

All the components of the Environment are dependent on each other in a web of relations known as the ecological web. It is necessary to maintain this web in balance because if one component collapses then the entire web will crumble destroying all life forms. This is why we must choose to work towards preserving the Environment and undoing the damage we did.

What do we do on World Environment Day?

The main purpose of the World Environment day is to spread awareness about the current conditions of the Environment. On this day people come together to join in efforts to improve our life. Every year there is one theme or Environmental problem which is focused upon and a pledge to combat that problem is taken that year. For example for the year 2019, the theme was air pollution.

Organizations all around the World come together on this day, to take small steps to improve our future. Schools and offices encourage workers and students to plant trees or clean up some local land. These small efforts can leave a big impact on the Environment.

To improve the Environmental conditions the government and the international organizations must come together to fight the problems and save our Environment. Introducing stricter laws, condemning the use of plastics and planting more trees can help to curb pollution and help save the Environment. This can help spread awareness and help people lower the gravity of the pollution levels around them.

World Environment Day reminds us to consolidate our planet and ensure that the Environment is conserved at all costs. It illuminates the causes that cause the most damage in our Environment. For example, industries and industries play a major role in polluting. They reduce the amount of air we breathe and the water we consume.

Therefore, this Day serves as an eye-opener for many citizens who are unaware of all this. In other words , it spreads awareness to ordinary people about the current situation. In addition, it also encourages the community from different communities and communities to play an active role in celebrating this Day.

In addition, it also encourages them to be active in developing Environmental protection measures. Not only that, but it also encourages everyone to keep their Environment safe and clean so that everyone has a clean, green and prosperous future.

Eight Simple Things that can help to Protect the Earth

Reduce, reuse, and recycle - Reduce is the waste that you throw away. Follow the three "Rs" to conserve natural resources and a landfill.

Volunteers - Volunteer to clean up your community. You can take part in protecting your water Environment, too.

Education - As you further your education, you can help others understand the value and importance of our natural resources.

Save water - The water you use is low, decreases the flow and polluted water eventually seeps into the sea.

Shop wisely - Buy a small plastic bag and carry a reusable shopping bag.

Use durable lights - Energy-efficient lamps reduce greenhouse gas emissions. And turn off the light when you leave the room!

Plant a tree - Trees provide food and oxygen. They help save energy, clean the air, and help fight climate change.

Do not send chemicals into our water - Choose non-toxic chemicals at home and in the office.


FAQs on World Environment Day Essay

1. What is the history of World Environment Day?

World Environment Day is one of the major annual events organized by the United Nations (UN) to raise awareness of the importance of nature. The United Nations General Assembly established World Environment Day in 1972, which was the first Day of the Stockholm Convention on Human Nature. In 1974, the theme for World Environment Day was 'Only One World'. From there, different countries will be celebrating. World Environment Day began in 1974 in the United States. It is one of the largest and most important events organized by the UN with new and relevant themes every year.

2. What is the 2021 World Environment Day theme?

This year's theme for World Environment Day is' Reflect. Recreate. Give it back, as this year marks the beginning of the Tenth Anniversary of the United Nations Convention for the Restoration of Nature. Pakistan is a global event Day to highlight the importance of ecosystem recovery this year. On World Environment Day, the United Nations is urging people to bring about changes in their way of life to preserve and protect the Environment. This is a generation that can make peace with nature.

3. What is the significance of World Environment Day?

The idea of ​​celebrating World Environment Day is to focus on the importance of nature and to remind people that nature should not be taken lightly. This Day is celebrated around the World in honoring and appreciating all that nature has given to humanity and pledging to protect it. Every year, this Day is celebrated to recognize what nature has done for us, while at the same time reminding us how pollution, Environmental degradation, and climate change are increasing as a result of our activities.

4. What do you mean by World Environment Day?

World Environment Day is a major awareness campaign launched by the United Nations in the early 70s which is celebrated around the World on June 5 every year to raise awareness of the Environment around us. This year, the World Health Organization (WHO) has joined forces with the United Nations. It will be active in the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration with other partners such as the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

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Jun 5, 1973 ce: world environment day.

On June 5, 1973, the world first celebrated World Environment Day.

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A close up of a queen butterfly on a flower.

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A close up of a queen butterfly on a flower.

On June 5, 1973, the world first celebrated World Environment Day. The date was chosen by the United Nations to honor the 1972 UN Conference on the Human Environment , a landmark summit in conservation and environmental awareness.

The UN calls World Environment Day “the biggest day for positive environmental action.” It is a day for public outreach as well as personal responsibility—an “opportunity to care for the Earth and become agents of change.”

Every year, World Environment Day is hosted by a different city or region , with a different theme. Kigali, Rwanda, hosted the 2010 World Environment Day, with the theme “Many Species. One Planet. One Future.” In 2018, India hosted World Environment Day, with the theme "Beat Plastic Pollution."

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  • Report Writing On Environment Day

Report Writing on Environment Day

A report can be written on any event or happening that took place in the recent past. This article will discuss how to write a report on Environment day.

Environment day is celebrated worldwide on 5th June to create awareness among people about protecting the environment. The first-ever Environment Day was held in 1973. Environment Day acts as a platform that helps create awareness about various issues that have adverse effects on the environment, like global warming, overpopulation, pollution, and crime against wildlife.

The environment plays an integral role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem we live in. Most people don’t understand the importance of the environment and end up damaging it with their various activities. If we continue to degrade the environment, in the long run, the adverse effects will affect human beings too. So, to protect the environment, one should focus on sustainable development. In this way, the demands of human beings will be met without overexploiting the natural resources of the environment.

Now that you know the importance of preserving the environment and about Environment day, take a look at the following sample reports to learn how to write one on your own.

Report on Environment Day Celebration in School

On the 5th of June 2021, DAV Jalandhar organised Environment Day celebrations. The main aim of the event was to increase awareness among students about the importance of the environment and the need to protect it. Students were asked to prepare projects, make models or decorate the class with Environment Day as the theme. A small cultural event was organised by the students on the occasion of Environment Day. The Principal of the school gave a speech on what role the environment plays and why it is important for people to take initiatives to save the environment. Then, as a special drive for Environment Day, the Principal announced that students would be planting fifty different trees in the school park. A sit and draw competition was organised, and students were asked to draw anything related to the environment. The first three winners were given certificates and prizes. The District Magistrate was invited as the chief guest of this event. He delivered a speech on how important it is for the future generations to take care of the environment and preserve it. The events of the day came to an end with the Principal and the District Magistrate giving away prizes to the winners of the sit and draw competition. The projects and models made by the senior students were kept in the Art Gallery of the school for the rest of the students and teachers of the school to see while they visit it.

Delhi Public School, Bhubaneswar organised Environment Day celebrations on June 5, 2021. The Principal and Vice Principal of the school, along with the other faculty members, participated in the program in full spirit.

The aim behind organising the Environment Day was to create awareness among people about the importance of keeping the environment clean as well as saving it. And for this purpose, the school administration had decided to conduct a “Plant 100 trees” drive. Mr. Akhil Agnihotri, the District Magistrate, was invited as the chief guest for the event. He, along with the Principal of the school, planted five trees in the school premises. The students of classes 11 and 12 were given one tree each to plant in the school garden. The students of classes 11 and 12, along with the respective teachers, planted various trees including Sal, Mahogany and Eucalyptus in the school garden.

Students of the junior classes were asked to make posters, banners and pamphlets on the theme of Environment Day. All the students participated in the program with much enthusiasm. The Principal also announced that the three best posters would be selected and kept in the School Board for the year, and the students would be given prizes and certificates for the same. After the trees were planted, the District Magistrate gave a speech on how our environment helps us in our daily life, and why we should all work together to protect the environment. He also shared alarming facts about the changes that might happen in the future due to degradation of the environment. Finally, after the speech, as promised by the Principal, the three best poster makers were given prizes and certificates by the District Magistrate. The Principal thanked everyone for their presence and concluded the day’s programme.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is report writing.

When formal detailed accounts are written on any given topic based on some specific information, then it is known as report writing.

How to write a report on environment day?

A report on environment day can be written by mentioning when and where the celebrations took place, the cultural events organised on that day, and special guests if any.

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World Environment Day

The United Nations designated 5 June as World Environment Day to highlight that the protection and health of the environment is a major issue, which affects the well-being of peoples and economic development throughout the world. The celebration of this day provides us with an opportunity to broaden the basis for an enlightened opinion and responsible conduct by individuals, enterprises and communities in preserving and enhancing the environment. 

The theme of the 2024 World Environment Day is “ land restoration, desertification, and drought resilience .”


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Designation of this Day

The year 1972 marked a turning point in the development of international environmental politics, with the first major conference on environmental issues, known as the  Conference on the Human Environment , or the Stockholm Conference. Later that year, on 15 December, the General Assembly adopted a resolution ( A/RES/2994 (XXVII) ) designating June 5 as World Environment Day and urging "Governments and the organizations in the United Nations system to undertake on that day every year world-wide activities reaffirming their concern for the preservation and enhancement of the environment, with a view to deepening environmental awareness."



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Essay On Earth Day – 10 Lines, Short And Long Essay For Kids


Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay On Earth Day For Lower Primary Classes

5 lines on earth day for children, 10 lines on earth day for kids, a paragraph on earth day for children, short essay on earth day in english for children, long essay on earth day for kids, interesting facts about earth day for kids, what will your child learn from the earth day essay.

Parents teach their children that this planet is the only planet where life is possible. But how many of us have stressed the value of the earth to them? Did we teach our kids that the earth is home to various natural resources that we can use the way we please? Or have we explained to children how much the world provides for us, for which we should be grateful? Therefore, it is essential to convey the significance of Earth Day to them through activities like writing an essay on World Earth Day in English if we want them to protect our planet. Every year on April 22, Earth Day is observed to raise awareness of the changes on the planet and promote environmental protection. We shall discuss why we should celebrate Earth Day through an essay on earth day for classes 1, 2 and 3.

Essay writing follows a particular pattern. Below are some key points to remember when composing an essay. These points are outlined below:

  • Always start your essay with an introductory paragraph.
  • Remember to divide the essay into paragraphs covering a different idea or topic.
  • Ensure that you include an impactful conclusion.
  • Have pointers about what we can do to protect and save the earth.

Here are a few lines on Earth Day for children. They can use this as a reference to compose their own essays.

  • Every year on April 22, the world observes Earth Day.
  • The earth is essential to our existence. There is currently no planet outside earth where life may exist.
  • Earth Day is marked to raise awareness about protecting the environment and preventing pollution, deforestation, population increase, war, etc., from harming the planet.
  • In particular, schools observe this day. Students frequently participate in speaking engagements, debates, painting contests, and other similar events to express their viewpoints.
  • Earth is our home, so we should do everything we can to protect it from the threats humans have caused.

Here is a 10-line essay about Earth Day for kids. This essay for classes 1 and 2 can use as a template or guide.

  • The planet earth is home to millions of people and numerous plant and animal species.
  • Earth Day draws attention to the issues like global warming and the depletion of natural resources.
  • The significance of environmental protection for human survival is highlighted by World Earth Day.
  • Oceans and land on earth provide a home for numerous animals. We must save this planet.
  • World Earth Day first gained international recognition in 1990.
  • The first Earth Day was observed on April 22, 1970.
  • Many programmes are conducted in schools and colleges to celebrate Earth Day.
  • The most crucial thing, regardless of how you choose to observe Earth Day, is to do something to save our world. Each little bit counts!
  • Earth is supposed to be 4.5 billion years old. Earth Day celebration is the perfect reminder to humanity to check their actions and stop further damage.
  • In 2022, we celebrated Earth Day on the theme ‘Invest in our Planet’.

Earth Day is a significant day that is celebrated throughout the world. Here is a short paragraph on Earth Day for children.

The annual World Earth Day is observed on April 22. Gaylord Nelson first proposed the idea of World Earth Day in 1970. The Oil Explosion severely harmed the aquatic and terrestrial environments in Santa Barbara in 1969. Following this tragic occurrence, he decided to mark a day honouring nature. Another trigger was the student’s anti-war movement around that time. Initially only popular in the United States, this day’s celebration has since spread worldwide. It is widely observed in more than 193 nations around the world. Activities to protect the environment are part of the event. Skits and short dramas are performed during Earth Day celebrations in schools and colleges.

Older children are required to write a slightly longer essay. Here is a short essay within 200 words.

Every year on April 22, the world observes World Earth Day and raises awareness of the need to conserve the environment. More living space is required due to the expanding population. This is the primary cause of deforestation, increase in traffic and concrete jungle growth. All these factors led to introducing a particular day for the world to honour our planet. Senator Gaylord Nelson from Wisconsin had long been concerned about the deteriorating environment in the United States, and he proposed the idea of Earth Day. The first Earth Day was observed on April 22, 1970. World Earth Day first gained international recognition in 1990. The world will commemorate World Earth Day’s 53rd anniversary on April 22, 2023. The 2022 Earth Day was observed under the banner of “Invest in our planet”. Skits and short dramas are performed during Earth Day celebrations in schools and colleges.

Here is a long essay describing the history and importance of Earth Day. This is an essay for class 3.

The only planet where life exists is earth. It’s special and the only place we have to live, and it will put our very existence in peril if we can’t keep it safe. Numerous factors are necessary for life on earth. There must be land, water, soil, forests, and air for life to exist on earth. But unregulated resource consumption, deforestation, pollution, climatic shifts, and other factors have seriously harmed the earth’s environment. Earth has enough resources to feed us all, but careless resource extraction has poisoned the land, the water, and the climate while drastically reducing biodiversity. Earth Day is an important day for humanity. The day enforces the importance of planet earth by addressing the problems like deforestation and global warming so that humans review their way of conduct.

What Is The History Of Earth Day?

People first became aware of the dire state of our planet around 1970 and started making efforts to protect it. The first Earth Day celebration took place on April 22, 1970. US Senator Gaylord Nelson primarily inspired the idea for Earth Day. He demanded action in support of the environment alongside activists, students, environmentalists, and the general public. More than 190 nations now observe World Earth Day on April 22 every year.

Importance And Significance Of Earth Day

We must realise that we cannot survive without the presence of mother nature. Here are some of the reasons why Earth Day is important:

  • Earth Day serves as a reminder that sustainable living is necessary for ecological balance now more than ever.
  • It allows us to consider how crucial it is to preserve ecosystems, nature, and other forms of life.
  • Earth Day serves as a warning to alert us to global warming. The temperature increase has brought on global catastrophes and extreme climate shifts.
  • On Earth Day, we are reminded to act right away to stop the harmful effects of climate change.
  • A better society could result from economic changes brought about by sustainability, which is at the heart of the Earth Day celebration.

How Is Earth Day Celebrated?

Here are some earth day activities you can do to celebrate and honour the day:

  • Earth Day gathering or event: This is a fantastic method to increase public awareness of environmental issues and engage everyone in honouring our planet.
  • Planting a tree or creating a garden: This is another way to enhance the appearance of school grounds and neighbourhoods while benefiting the environment.
  • By recycling whatever you can: Your surrounding should be equipped with recycling containers, and everyone should be encouraged to utilise them.
  • Walk/Bike days: This is a great way to reduce pollution and emissions.
  • Solar power:  Solar energy is a clean, renewable resource that can be used to power homes and businesses.

Here are some exciting and essential earth day facts for your kids

  • Protesters against the Vietnam War inspired Earth Day.
  • The date of April 22 was chosen for Earth Day to draw in more college students, who were known to be politically engaged at the time.
  • 20 million Americans observed the inaugural Earth Day in 1970.
  • An official theme song was composed for Earth Day.

By writing an essay on Earth Day, kids will understand our planet’s problems and try to be sensible in their actions to stop further damage. Writing will give them a new perspective, and they will know the format of addressing such essays.

1. Why Do We Celebrate Earth Day?

The purpose of Earth Day is to honour the planet and its resources while raising awareness for the need to safeguard them.

2. How Many Countries Participate In Earth Day?

Around 190 countries participate in it.

3. Who Was The First Person To Celebrate Earth Day?

The Earth Day concept came into action in 1970 through the efforts of Senator Gaylord Nelson.

Writing an essay on Earth Day will allow kids to see the problems of our planet in a new light, and they will strive to bring some changes by adopting a sustainable outlook.

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5 and 10 Lines on World Environment Day in English for Students

world environment day essay for class 7

  • Updated on  
  • Jun 4, 2024

Lines on World Environment Day in English for Students

Lines on World Environment Day: In 1972, the United Nations designated June 5 as the official date to celebrate World Environment Day. This day aims to draw attention towards the plethora of problems our planet is facing, like deforestation, pollution , biodiversity loss, and ozone layer depletion. Therefore, the annual observation of World Environment Day serves as a reminder to acknowledge individual and collective responsibility towards Earth . As the day is approaching, schools have started organizing related activities such as the Environment Day quiz. Here are samples of how to write a few lines on World Environment Day in English for students. 

Also Read: Samples of Lines on Save Environment for Students

5 lines on World Environment Day for Class 3, 4, and 5

  • World Environment Day is celebrated every year on June 5. 
  • It aims to raise awareness about the importance of reversing the impact of human actions on the environment.
  • On this day, schools organize activities such as tree plantation and clean-up drives to encourage students. 
  • We can help by following the 3 Rs, recycling, reducing, and reusing.
  • Let’s work together on this World Environment Day and make our Earth clean and healthy.

10 lines on World Environment Day for Class 3, 4, and 5

  • It was first observed on June 5 1993 in Switzerland.
  • The day is dedicated to remembering the importance of taking care of our beloved planet Earth. 
  • It is organized by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) .
  • The theme of World Environment Day in 2024 is  “Our land. Our future. We are #GenerationRestoration.” 
  • People all over the world come together to plant more trees, save water, defeat deforestation, and fight climate change. 
  • Schools organize related competitions and lines such as Earth Day quizzes. 
  • It is a day to recognize that even small actions and taking individual responsibility can lead to big changes. 
  • We can start with something small, like saying no to plastic, practising the 3Rs, and using eco-friendly products. 
  • On this World Environment Day, let’s take the responsibility to protect our planet and its resources. 

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  1. World Environment Day Essay & Speech Ideas for Students

    world environment day essay for class 7

  2. Essay on Environment Day

    world environment day essay for class 7

  3. Earth Day Essay For Kids: Importance of Earth Day

    world environment day essay for class 7

  4. Essay on World Environment Day: 100, 200, and 300 words

    world environment day essay for class 7

  5. Speech essay about world environment day

    world environment day essay for class 7

  6. World Environment Day Essay Competition

    world environment day essay for class 7


  1. World Environment Day Essay for Students

    Get the huge list of more than 500 Essay Topics and Ideas. World Environment Day 2019. The theme for world environment day 2019 is ' Air Pollution'. Furthermore this year China was the host country for this day. Air pollution is one of the major causes of Global Warming. Because of which many hazardous Consequences are arising.

  2. World Environment Day Essay

    World Environment Day was instituted by the United Nations with the objective to minimise human interference on the environment. In 1974, the first World Environment Day was held with the theme "Only One Earth". Since 1974, the day has been celebrated every year with a specific environmental theme. This essay on World Environment Day will ...

  3. Essay on World Environment Day: 100, 200, and 300 words

    The establishment of World Environment Day was a response to the surging need to address global environmental issues like global warming, ozone layer depletion, melting of glaciers, etc. The first World Environment Day was observed on 5th June 1973. In this year, the theme was "Only One Earth". Keeping up with this practice, each year a ...

  4. World Environment Day Essay for Students

    Essay on World Environment Day -World Environment Day is a day that encourages us all to become activists and take positive steps in improving air quality, reducing waste etc. ... equations, & laws of class 11 & 12th chapters. JEE Main Important Chemistry formulas Apply. As per latest 2024 syllabus. Chemistry formulas, equations, & laws of ...

  5. World Environment Day Essay

    Significance of World Environment Day. World Environment day is celebrated on the 5th of June every year. More than 100 countries Worldwide join in the celebration of the World Environment day. It was started by the United Nations Environmental Program in the year 1973 and has been continuing till now. The main purpose of celebrating this day ...

  6. World Environment Day Essay

    The World Environment Day essay aims to address these concerns. Keeping all these questions in mind, the United Nations has launched a campaign to appreciate and be grateful for the resources in the environment, as well as raise awareness regarding the environment for people. So, every year, the 5th of June is widely celebrated as World ...

  7. World Environment Day Essay

    The 5th of June every year is celebrated as the world environment day all across the globe. It was an initiative started by the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) in 1973. It has been celebrated ever since and every year the festival is introduced with a unique theme. All the countries of the world get the chance to host the festival.

  8. World Environment Day Essay & Speech Ideas for Students

    The theme for World Environment Day 2023 is "#solutions to plastic pollution". This day was first designated by the UN General Assembly on 5 June 1972 and was first celebrated on 5 June 1974. We as humans have shattered the normal balance of Earth which is slowly making our environment unfavourable for our survival.

  9. World Environment Day

    On June 5, 1973, the world first celebrated World Environment Day. The date was chosen by the United Nations to honor the 1972 UN Conference on the Human Environment, a landmark summit in conservation and environmental awareness. The UN calls World Environment Day "the biggest day for positive environmental action.".

  10. Our Environment Essay

    Essay on Our Environment - Read and learn about the essay on Our Environment 100, 200 and 500 words for students is shared by subject experts on ... World Environment Day is celebrated on June 5 every year. All living and nonliving things represent the environment on Earth. ... Physics formulas, equations, & laws of class 11 ...

  11. Report Writing on Environment Day

    A report on environment day can be written by mentioning when and where the celebrations took place, the cultural events organised on that day, and special guests if any. Report writing on Environment day: Environment day is celebrated on the 5th of June every year. Each year, the theme is different from the previous year's.

  12. Speech on World Environment Day

    World Environment Day is the biggest international day celebrated every year on June 5th. It was an initiative by the United Nations along with many other countries. It was first established in 1973. Our environment is the only place where life could sustain. It is our responsibility to safeguard our living space.

  13. Essay on Save Environment: Samples in 100, 200, 300 Words

    Essay on Save Environment in 300 Words. Our environment is a very precious thing which provides us with clean air, fresh water, fertile soil, and a diverse range of ecosystems that support countless species, including humans. However, our actions over the years have only shown that we aren't grateful. This has led to environmental degradation ...

  14. World Environment Day

    World Environment Day in India. World Environment Day (WED) is celebrated annually on 5 June and encourages awareness and action for the protection of the environment.It is supported by many non-governmental organizations, businesses, government entities, and represents the primary United Nations outreach day supporting the environment. [1] [2]First held in 1974, it has been a platform for ...

  15. Essay on Earth Day in 150, 250, and 450 words

    Essay on Earth Day 450+ words. Earth Day is celebrated on April 22 all over the world. It began in the year 1970 as a day to demonstrate the importance and support of the environment for living beings. The day afterward has grown into the massive contribution of people to the preservation of nature.

  16. Earth Day Essay

    500 Words Essay On Earth Day. April 22 is recognised as World Earth Day to show support for the planet's health and promote public awareness of the problem. Over 190 nations have celebrated it since 1970. The signing of the Paris Agreement this year has increased the importance of World Earth Day. This agreement has been signed by about 120 ...

  17. Essay On World Environment Day

    The United Nations declared that the 5th of June would be celebrated as World Environment Day in 1972. Accordingly, it has been celebrated on the same day globally in about 142 countries. The main goal of this day is to create awareness of why it is important to protect and conserve the environment. ADVERTISEMENTS.

  18. World Environment Day

    5 June. The United Nations designated 5 June as World Environment Day to highlight that the protection and health of the environment is a major issue, which affects the well-being of peoples and economic development throughout the world. The celebration of this day provides us with an opportunity to broaden the basis for an enlightened opinion ...

  19. The Environment

    Here we present 10 lines on environment essay for class 1 and 2 kids. ... 'World Environment Day' is celebrated every year on June 5. We must never forget that it is an individual and a collective responsibility to preserve our environment so that we and our future generation can lead a happy and healthy life. There are so many ways we can ...

  20. World Environment Day Speech for Students

    Also Read: Essay on World Environment Day. Also Read: World Environment Health Day 2023. 10 Lines on World Environment Day for Children. Here are 10 lines on World Environment Day for school children. Feel free to use them in your speech or writing topics. World Environment Day raises awareness about environmental conservation.

  21. Key Messages

    Description. All over the world, ecosystems are threatened. From forests and drylands to farmlands and lakes, natural spaces on which humanity's existence depends are reaching a tipping point. This is why World Environment Day 2024 focuses on land restoration, halting desertification and building drought resilience under the slogan "Our Land.

  22. Essay On Earth Day

    Here is a 10-line essay about Earth Day for kids. This essay for classes 1 and 2 can use as a template or guide. The planet earth is home to millions of people and numerous plant and animal species. Earth Day draws attention to the issues like global warming and the depletion of natural resources.

  23. 5 and 10 Lines on World Environment Day in English for Students

    5 lines on World Environment Day for Class 3, 4, and 5. World Environment Day is celebrated every year on June 5. It aims to raise awareness about the importance of reversing the impact of human actions on the environment. On this day, schools organize activities such as tree plantation and clean-up drives to encourage students.