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116 Satire Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Satire is a form of humor that uses irony, sarcasm, and ridicule to criticize or mock something or someone. It is often used in literature, film, and television to highlight social issues, political corruption, or human behavior in a humorous way. If you are looking for some inspiration for your next satire essay, here are 116 topic ideas and examples to get you started:

  • The absurdity of beauty standards in the fashion industry
  • The ridiculousness of reality TV shows
  • The hypocrisy of politicians
  • The silliness of celebrity culture
  • The irony of social media influencers
  • The farce of online dating
  • The stupidity of conspiracy theories
  • The absurdity of fad diets
  • The hilarity of parenting memes
  • The ridiculousness of gender reveal parties
  • The satire of self-help books
  • The irony of motivational speakers
  • The absurdity of corporate culture
  • The silliness of office politics
  • The farce of team-building exercises
  • The stupidity of corporate jargon
  • The hilarity of customer service
  • The ridiculousness of fast food culture
  • The irony of diet culture
  • The absurdity of fitness trends
  • The satire of health and wellness influencers
  • The ridiculousness of beauty gurus
  • The silliness of lifestyle bloggers
  • The farce of travel influencers
  • The stupidity of influencer marketing
  • The hilarity of Instagram filters
  • The ridiculousness of TikTok challenges
  • The irony of YouTube drama
  • The absurdity of social media addiction
  • The satire of internet trolls
  • The ridiculousness of online shopping
  • The silliness of subscription boxes
  • The farce of product reviews
  • The stupidity of sponsored content
  • The hilarity of online dating profiles
  • The ridiculousness of dating apps
  • The irony of hookup culture
  • The absurdity of wedding planning
  • The satire of bridezilla behavior
  • The ridiculousness of bachelor parties
  • The silliness of gender reveal parties
  • The farce of baby showers
  • The stupidity of parenting advice
  • The hilarity of mom bloggers
  • The ridiculousness of dad jokes
  • The irony of helicopter parenting
  • The absurdity of tiger moms
  • The satire of soccer moms
  • The ridiculousness of stage moms
  • The silliness of dance moms
  • The farce of beauty pageants
  • The stupidity of child beauty contests
  • The hilarity of school fundraisers
  • The ridiculousness of PTA meetings
  • The irony of school lunches
  • The absurdity of school dress codes
  • The satire of standardized testing
  • The ridiculousness of college admissions
  • The silliness of fraternity culture
  • The farce of sorority recruitment
  • The stupidity of student loans
  • The hilarity of dorm life
  • The ridiculousness of college parties
  • The irony of campus protests
  • The absurdity of student activism
  • The satire of campus politics
  • The ridiculousness of academic conferences
  • The silliness of academic journals
  • The farce of peer-reviewed research
  • The stupidity of academic tenure
  • The hilarity of department meetings
  • The ridiculousness of faculty retreats
  • The irony of student evaluations
  • The absurdity of graduation ceremonies
  • The satire of commencement speeches
  • The ridiculousness of alumni newsletters
  • The silliness of class reunions
  • The farce of homecoming events
  • The stupidity of school mascots
  • The hilarity of sports rivalries
  • The ridiculousness of cheerleading competitions
  • The irony of sports scholarships
  • The absurdity of athletic endorsements
  • The satire of sports betting
  • The ridiculousness of fantasy football
  • The silliness of sports talk radio
  • The farce of sports documentaries
  • The stupidity of sports scandals
  • The hilarity of sports movies
  • The ridiculousness of sports biographies
  • The irony of sports memoirs
  • The absurdity of sports autobiographies
  • The satire of sports journalism
  • The ridiculousness of sports commentary
  • The silliness of sports podcasts
  • The farce of sports radio
  • The stupidity of sports websites
  • The hilarity of sports blogs
  • The ridiculousness of sports fans
  • The irony of sports fandom
  • The absurdity of sports memorabilia
  • The satire of sports collectibles
  • The ridiculousness of sports merchandise
  • The silliness of sports apparel
  • The farce of sports equipment
  • The stupidity of sports nutrition
  • The hilarity of sports medicine
  • The ridiculousness of sports psychology
  • The irony of sports sociology
  • The absurdity of sports management
  • The satire of sports marketing
  • The ridiculousness of sports sponsorship
  • The silliness of sports branding
  • The farce of sports advertising
  • The stupidity of sports endorsements
  • The hilarity of sports promotions

These are just a few examples of satire essay topics that you could explore in your writing. Remember, satire is meant to be funny and thought-provoking, so feel free to be creative and push the boundaries of conventional humor. Good luck with your writing!

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Exploring 60+ Creative Satirical Essay Topics: Beyond Comedy

satirical essay topics

  • Post author By admin
  • November 8, 2023

Explore a world of wit and humor with our satirical essay topics. From societal absurdities to playful parodies, find inspiration for your next laughter-inducing masterpiece.

Imagine being able to express your opinions, critique the world, and entertain your audience, all while having a good laugh.

That’s the magic of satirical essays. These essays provide a unique platform where humor meets social commentary, and where you can make a powerful point with a touch of wit and sarcasm. However, the success of a satirical essay hinges on the topic you choose.

So, whether you’re aiming to tickle funny bones or provoke deep thoughts, this article is your guide to the world of satirical essay topics.

We’ll explore ideas that are not only hilarious but also thought-provoking. Get ready for a journey through the realm of satire as we uncover the perfect subjects to fuel your creativity and captivate your readers.

Table of Contents

The Art of Satire

Satire is like a secret doorway into the world of wit and wisdom, where humor becomes a tool for unveiling the absurdities of life.

It’s an art form that has been around for ages, tickling our funny bones while nudging us to think deeper. So, what’s the deal with satire, and how does it weave its magic?

At its core, satire is like a sly social commentator. It puts society, individuals, or even entire systems under a magnifying glass, exposing their quirks, flaws, and idiosyncrasies. But here’s the twist – it does all this while making us laugh, cringe, and nod in agreement.

Satire is a versatile beast, lurking in literature, theater, TV shows, and the wild world of the internet. You can stumble upon it in essays, short stories, cartoons, or even stand-up comedy.

No matter the form, satire’s mission remains constant: to challenge the norms and jolt us into questioning our reality.

What makes satire special is its talent for confronting the unmentionable. It deals with the tough stuff – the controversial, the uncomfortable, and the thought-provoking – all wrapped up in a hilarious package. It’s like delivering bitter medicine with a sweet coating.

Mastering the art of satire demands a sharp mind and a good grip on society’s quirks. It involves using humor as a Trojan horse, smuggling important messages behind the laughter.

Satirists are the word acrobats, using irony and sarcasm to create a gap between words and meanings, inviting us to read between the lines.

Satire isn’t just about teasing others; it’s also a way for creators to turn the humor microscope on themselves and their own society. It’s a bit like saying, “We’re all in this together, folks. Let’s laugh at our shared absurdities.”

In the end, satire is a waltz between laughter and contemplation. It’s a potent tool that can hold a mirror up to the truth, challenge the powerful, and kickstart change.

So, the next time you giggle at a satirical piece, remember, it’s not just humor; it’s an artful invitation to see the world from a different angle.

Finding the Perfect Satirical Essay Topic

So, you’re gearing up to dive into the world of satirical essays, armed with humor and a desire to make a point. But there’s one small challenge: what on earth should you satirize?

Finding the perfect satirical essay topic can feel like hunting for buried treasure in a vast sea of ideas. But don’t worry; we’re here to make the search more exciting than daunting.

Explore Life’s Quirky Side

Let’s start with the everyday oddities that often go unnoticed. Satire thrives on the absurdities of life. So, consider topics like “The Chronicles of Awkward Elevator Encounters” or “The Epic Saga of Misplacing Car Keys.”

Roast Society’s Foibles

Satire is a powerful tool for poking fun at societal flaws. Delve into topics like “The Unbelievable World of Clickbait Headlines” or “The Drama of Oversharing on Social Media.”

Mock Trends and Hypes

Trends and fads come and go, but their absurdity lingers. Satirical essays can take a hilarious spin on subjects like “The ‘Instant Celebrity’ Recipe” or “The Quest for the Ultimate Superfood.”

Expose Hypocrisy

Nothing’s quite as amusing as uncovering double standards. Consider topics like “The Eco-Warrior with a Private Jet” or “The ‘Healthy Living’ Guru Who Sneaks Midnight Snacks.”

Satirize Celebrity Culture

Celebrities and public figures are a satirist’s playground. Create essays like “A Day in the Life of a Paparazzo” or “The Politician’s Guide to Perfecting the Fake Smile.”

Twist Timeless Tales

Classic stories and fairytales can get a satirical makeover. Imagine “Snow White’s Reality TV Dilemma” or “The True Story Behind ‘Jack and the Beanstalk.'”

Tease Technology

Our tech-infused lives offer endless satirical material. Think about subjects like “The Smartphone Addiction Chronicles” or “The Comedy of Online Dating Fails.”

Skewer Schooling

Educational systems have quirks worth exploring. Consider topics like “The Art of Mastering Procrastination in College” or “The Confessions of a Self-Help Guru’s Ghostwriter.”

Roast Pop Culture

Pop culture is a goldmine for satire. Delve into topics like “The Art of Reality TV Editing” or “Decoding Celebrity Baby Names.”

Reflect on Human Quirks

Sometimes, the best satirical essays explore the oddities of human behavior. Think about subjects like “The Secret Language of Passive-Aggressiveness” or “The Science of Cringe-Worthy Moments.”

Remember, the key to a fantastic satirical essay is to mix humor, irony, and a dash of social critique. Seek out the absurd in the ordinary, and don’t be afraid to push the boundaries of creativity.

With the right topic in your sights, you’re on your way to crafting a satirical masterpiece that’s not only entertaining but also thought-provoking, leaving your readers chuckling and pondering the world around them. Happy satirizing!

Satirical Essay Topics

Check out satirical essay topics:

Social Issues

  • The “Selfie Olympics”: A Humorous Take on Self-Obsession
  • “Smart” Appliances: How Your Toaster Is Plotting Against You
  • The Art of Ghosting in Modern Dating: A Guide for Cowards
  • “Influencer” Starter Kits: A Satirical Look at Vanity in a Box
  • “Political Correctness” Gone Mad: The Absurdity of Language Policing
  • The Faux Philanthropist: Exposing Fake Social Activism
  • Instagram Filters: The Gateway Drug to Plastic Surgery
  • The Chronicles of “Healthy” Fast Food Chains
  • “Inspirational” Quote Overload: When Motivational Messages Lose Their Meaning
  • The Irony of “Cancel Culture”: Who’s Next in Line for Erasure?

Technology and Digital Age

  • The Amazon Echo: Is Your Virtual Stalker Also a Comedian?
  • The Satire of Social Media “Influencers” Selling the Impossible
  • The Comedy of Clickbait: When Everything Is “Mind-Blowing”
  • GPS Devices: Helping You Get Lost Like a Pro
  • The Hilarity of Internet Trolls: A Deep Dive into the Art of Anonymity
  • The True Cost of “Free” Apps: Selling Your Soul for Candy Crush
  • The Mystery of “Smart” Home Devices: Are They Plotting World Domination?
  • The Ridiculous World of Internet Challenges: From Cinnamon to Tide Pods
  • The Irony of Virtual Reality: Escaping the Real World to Do the Same Things
  • The Evolution of “Face Filters”: From Cute Animals to Unrecognizable Humans

Education and Learning

  • The Art of “Wikipedia Scholar” Degrees
  • Group Projects: Where Slackers Become the Best Magicians
  • The Science of Fake Homework Excuses: A Comprehensive Study
  • The Irony of “Learning Styles”: Are You a Visual, Auditory, or Kinesthetic Liar?
  • The Satire of “No Child Left Behind”: How We Left Them All Behind
  • The Comedy of “Participation Trophies”: Everyone’s a Winner (Except Not Really)
  • Teachers’ Lounge Conspiracy Theories: What Really Happens in There
  • The Mystery of Library “Silence” Zones: The Noisiest Places on Campus
  • The Chronicles of “Extra Credit” Hustlers: Masters of the Brown-Nosing Arts
  • “Back to School” Sales: How to Convince Kids That Pencils Are Fashion Statements

Pop Culture

  • Celebrity Fragrances: Smelling Like You Could Be Famous
  • The Comedy of Reality TV: Where Non-Celebrities Act Like Celebrities
  • The Hilarity of Award Show Speeches: From “Genuine” Tears to Thanking Your Dog
  • The Mystery of Viral Internet Challenges: Surviving the Stupidity
  • The Absurdity of Tabloid Headlines: Alien Babies and Celebrity Reincarnations
  • “Trendy” Diets: From the Cabbage Soup Cleanse to the Twinkie Diet
  • The Satirical Take on Superhero Films: When Spandex Saves the Day
  • The Comedy of “Real Housewives” Shows: Unreal Lives in Expensive Houses
  • Celebrity Social Media Feuds: The Battle for the Most Retweets
  • “Cool” Urban Legends: Bigfoot’s Hipster Cousin and the Loch Ness Hipster

Environmental Issues

  • The Comedy of Earth Day Parades: Marching for the Planet with Plastic Signs
  • The Irony of “Eco-Friendly” Disposable Diapers: Breaking Down in a Million Years
  • The Green Guilt Trip: How Your Neighbor’s Solar Panels Shame You
  • The Chronicles of the “Green” Car Owner: Driving a Gas Guzzler with a Green Sticker
  • “Zero-Waste” Instagram Accounts: How to Produce Tons of Trash for Likes
  • “Organic” Fast Food: Because Deep-Fried Organic Is Healthier, Right?
  • The Absurdity of “Recycling” Electronics: Sending Your Old Laptop to a Landfill
  • The Hilarity of “Farm-to-Table” Restaurants: How Far Is That Farm, Really?
  • “Eco-Friendly” Water Bottles: Saving the Earth, One Plastic Bottle at a Time
  • The Satire of “Vegan” Junk Food: Tofu Hot Dogs and Deep-Fried Kale Chips

Political Issues

  • Political Campaign Slogans: Promising Everything, Delivering Nothing
  • The Comedy of Political Debates: Where Civility Goes to Die
  • Political “Spin Doctors”: Turning Scandals into Inspirational Stories
  • The Absurdity of Political Ads: Making Promises You Know Won’t Be Kept
  • The Mystery of Bureaucratic Jargon: Translating “Government Speak” into English
  • Election Promises vs. Reality: A Satirical Look at Broken Pledges
  • The Irony of Campaign Fundraising: How the Poor Donate to the Rich
  • Presidential Twitter Wars: When World Leaders Act Like Teenagers
  • Political Conventions: Where Balloons Are the Highlight of the Evening
  • The Satire of Political Polls: Predicting the Future with a Magic 8-Ball

The Recipe for a Perfect Satirical Essay

Satirical essays are a unique and entertaining form of writing that allows you to explore and critique various aspects of society, culture, and human behavior with a humorous twist.

Crafting the perfect satirical essay requires a blend of wit, humor, and keen observation. Whether you’re an experienced satirist or just dipping your toes into this literary art form, here’s the recipe for creating a deliciously satirical essay:

Choose a Target

Start by identifying your target, which is the subject of your satire. It can be a social issue, a cultural phenomenon, a common behavior, or any aspect of society that you find intriguing or absurd.

Your target should be something you have strong opinions about, as satire involves commentary.

Understand Your Audience

Consider your audience’s sensibilities and preferences. Satire should be funny and thought-provoking, but it should also resonate with your readers. Know what will make them chuckle or nod in agreement.

Develop a Strong Thesis

Your satirical essay should have a clear thesis statement that conveys your central message or criticism. This statement will guide your entire essay and help your readers understand the purpose of your satire.

Embrace Exaggeration

Exaggeration is a key ingredient in satirical writing. Amplify the flaws, quirks, or absurdities of your target to an extreme degree. Push it to the limit to create humor and emphasize the point you’re making.

Employ Irony and Sarcasm

Irony and sarcasm are your trusty companions in satire. Use them to highlight the gap between appearances and reality, between what’s said and what’s meant. Witty one-liners and clever wordplay can add an extra layer of humor.

Employ Parody

Parody involves mimicking or imitating a particular style, genre, or individual to create humor. You can parody well-known personalities, famous works of literature, or iconic brands. This approach adds a layer of recognition for your readers.

Use Hyperbole

Hyperbole is an extravagant exaggeration used for emphasis. It’s an effective tool for satirists. Make the ordinary extraordinary, and the absurd even more ridiculous with the use of hyperbole.

Employ Ridicule

Ridicule is the act of mocking or making fun of your target. It’s a fundamental component of satire. Create amusing caricatures, funny situations, or absurd scenarios to ridicule your subject.

Craft a Catchy Title

Your essay’s title is your first chance to grab your readers’ attention. Make it catchy, clever, and relevant to your subject matter. A well-crafted title sets the tone for your satire.

Provide Real-World Examples

Support your satire with real-world examples, anecdotes, or observations. These give your essay authenticity and make your critique more relatable.

Maintain Consistency

Stay consistent in your satirical approach throughout the essay. Your humor, tone, and style should remain constant from start to finish.

Offer a Resolution or Alternative

A good satirical essay doesn’t just point out flaws; it suggests improvements or alternative solutions. Offer a thought-provoking resolution or present an absurd alternative to highlight the flaws in the existing system or behavior.

Revise and Edit

Like any other type of writing, satirical essays benefit from revision and editing. Review your work for clarity, coherence, and grammatical correctness. Ensure that your humor is sharp and your message is clear.

Seek Feedback:

Share your essay with friends or colleagues and ask for their feedback. A fresh perspective can help you refine your satire.

Don’t Cross Boundaries

While satire encourages humor and exaggeration, be mindful not to cross into offensive or hurtful territory. Your satire should be amusing and thought-provoking, not mean-spirited.

Incorporate these ingredients into your satirical essay recipe, and you’ll be on your way to creating a delicious, thought-provoking, and entertaining piece of satirical writing.

Remember, the goal is not just to make your readers laugh but also to make them think. Happy satirizing!

What is a good topic for satire?

When it comes to crafting a satirical essay, choosing the right topic is essential. A good satirical topic should be timely, relevant, and capable of shedding light on the hypocrisy, absurdity, or foolishness prevalent in a particular person, group, or institution.

Here, we present a handful of excellent topics ripe for satirical exploration:

The Social Media Obsession

Satire can delve into our incessant phone-checking habits and the constant updates on our lives. Explore the addictive nature of likes and followers in the digital age.

The Political Circus

Politics is a treasure trove of satirical material. Unveil the world of empty promises made by politicians or their peculiar fascination with fundraising over serving constituents.

The Cult of Celebrity

Delve into the worship of celebrities and society’s fixation on every move they make. Expose the extremes of idolizing famous figures.

Commercialized Holidays

Highlight the shift of holidays from meaningful family and friend gatherings to consumerist extravaganzas. Satirize the overwhelming emphasis on shopping.

The Wellness Mania

Poke fun at the relentless pursuit of healthy eating and exercise, sometimes taken to the point of neuroticism. Examine society’s obsession with wellness.

These topics serve as a starting point, and there are numerous other excellent options for satirical essays. The key lies in selecting a topic that seamlessly combines humor with thought-provoking insights, fostering essential conversations about pertinent issues.

In the realm of satire, humor is the vehicle, but reflection is the destination.

What is a satirical essay?

Satirical essays are a unique genre that employs humor, irony, exaggeration, and various literary devices to critique individuals, groups, or institutions.

Their purpose is to reveal hypocrisy, absurdity, or foolishness, all while prompting readers to view essential issues from a fresh perspective.

Let’s explore the defining features of a satirical essay:

Humor with a Purpose

Satirical essays are inherently humorous, but this humor serves a greater objective. It isn’t merely for laughter’s sake; it’s a powerful tool used to underscore the essay’s subject.

Masters of Irony and Sarcasm

Satire relies heavily on irony and sarcasm, two potent instruments. Irony involves using words in a way that contradicts their actual meaning, while sarcasm is a form of irony that expresses contempt or criticism.

Exaggeration for Effect

Satirical essays often amplify the flaws and shortcomings of their subjects. This amplification serves to sharpen the essay’s point and portray the subject in an even more ludicrous light.

Laser-Focused on Specifics

These essays are not vague musings. They pinpoint particular individuals, groups, or institutions, enhancing their effectiveness in conveying a message.

Clever and Witty Execution

A successful satirical essay should be clever and witty. Without these qualities, it risks losing its humor and impact.

In the world of satirical essays, humor is the vehicle, but enlightenment is the destination. These essays serve as a remarkable means to provoke reflection on crucial issues, all while bringing a smile to the reader’s face.

What is a good satire example?

In the world of literary satire, some timeless classics have managed to tickle our funny bones while offering profound insights.

These masterpieces don’t just amuse us; they make us ponder the follies of human nature and society. Here are a few of these gems:

1. Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift (1726)

Swift takes us on a whimsical journey with Lemuel Gulliver through lands like Lilliput, Brobdingnag, and more. But beneath the fantastical adventures lies a clever satire on the quirks of humanity, politics, and society.

2. Candide by Voltaire (1759)

Voltaire’s story follows the eternal optimist Candide, who explores the world and encounters a string of misfortunes. Through Candide’s misadventures, Voltaire uses satire to skewer the notion of unbridled optimism and reflect on the harsh realities of our world.

3. Animal Farm by George Orwell (1945)

Orwell’s allegorical tale is a biting critique of the Russian Revolution and the emergence of Stalinism. As a group of farm animals rebel against their human overlords to create their society, Orwell uncovers the corrupting influence of power.

4. Catch-22 by Joseph Heller (1961)

Heller’s novel hilariously underscores the absurdity of war and the bureaucratic maze of the military. Captain John Yossarian, a U.S. Air Force bombardier feigning insanity to avoid more bombing missions, embodies the dark comedy that ensues in wartime.

5. A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole (1980)

Toole paints a satirical portrait of Southern culture and the elusive American Dream through the comical misadventures of Ignatius J. Reilly. A lovable yet exasperating character, Ignatius dreams of becoming a writer while wrestling with his own eccentricities.

These works are just a sampling of the rich tapestry of satire in literature. They remind us that humor can be a powerful tool for reflecting on society and uncovering truths in the quirkiest and most unexpected ways.

In the enchanting world of satire, the boundaries are as limitless as your creativity. Satirical essay topics offer a stage where humor, irony, and cleverness intertwine, allowing us to dive headfirst into the quirks of human behavior, the baffling peculiarities of society, and the intricacies of our ever-evolving world.

These topics spark laughter, but they do much more – they beckon us to think. Satirical essays act as a mirror, reflecting back the contradictions, paradoxes, and absurdities we often overlook.

They prod us to question the norms, to challenge established norms, and to perceive the world from a fresh angle.

So, whether you’re composing a satirical essay to entertain, to shed light on social issues, or just for the sheer joy of wit, remember that satire transcends humor – it’s an art form that inspires contemplation.

It’s a delightful nudge that reminds us humor can be a powerful instrument for change, and that even the weightiest of subjects can benefit from a sprinkle of humor.

So, let your imagination soar and your pen dance merrily, because who knows, amid the chuckles, you might uncover profound truths that were hiding in plain sight.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of a satirical essay.

A satirical essay aims to criticize and ridicule societal issues, individuals, or institutions using humor, irony, and exaggeration. Its purpose is to entertain, make readers think, and shed light on the absurdities of our world.

Can I use satire to discuss serious topics?

Absolutely! Satire is a powerful tool to address serious issues indirectly. It allows you to critique and challenge the status quo while keeping your readers engaged through humor.

How do I maintain a balance between humor and critique in a satirical essay?

Balancing humor and critique in a satirical essay is key. Ensure that your humor supports your critique and doesn’t undermine the seriousness of the issue you’re addressing. Clever wit and well-crafted irony can help maintain this balance.

Is it essential to use real examples in a satirical essay?

While using real examples can enhance the impact of your satire, it’s not always necessary. You can create fictional scenarios and characters to highlight the absurdities

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150 Best Satire Essay Topics Ideas for Students

Satire, a literary genre with a long history, stands as a timeless conduit for social critique and commentary, cleverly spotlighting societal discrepancies and inconsistencies. Through comedy, sarcasm, overstatement, and mockery, satirists unmask the follies of individuals, institutions, and social norms, an art traced from the plays of the ancient Greek playwright Aristophanes to the wit of contemporary satirists such as John Oliver and Trevor Noah. This powerful genre impels us to engage, reflect, and question our world.

Satire’s magic is in its ability to make audiences laugh while provoking introspection. It turns convoluted or awkward subjects into engaging and digestible conversations, leading to significant dialogues on meaningful issues. It’s a genre that can take a shot at the status quo, underscore injustices, and bring those in positions of authority to account.

Satire Essay Topics Ideas

This blog post is your guide through the captivating realm of satire. We aim to spark your interest and inspiration with a selection of potentially captivating satire essay topics, discuss the advantages of satirical writing, and share insights on crafting compelling satire. We’ll also offer a glimpse at renowned satirical works from different epochs. This article will be a treasure for students keen on writing a satire essay, or those simply fascinated by this impactful literary genre. So, get ready to plunge into the universe of satire and explore its potency as a vehicle for critique and commentary.

Unique and Original Satire Essay Topics

The Politician’s Guide to Scandal Management

The ‘Family Values’ Hypocrisy of Politicians

The Democratic Socialists’ Summer Camp

The Undemocratic Democracy: The Electoral College System

The Gun Control Debate: America’s Deadly Obsession

The Wall Street Lobbyist’s Handbook to Bribery”

The Senate Gym: A Hotbed of Corruption and Misconduct

The Twitter Diplomacy of World Leaders

The Global Warming Hoax: A Conspiracy Theory

The New Normal: Pandemics, Panic, and Political Incompetence

Social Issues

The Rise of Influencer Marketing: The Death of Authenticity

The Privilege of ‘Positivity’: The Toxicity of Forced Optimism

The Fad of Cultural Appropriation: When Ignorance Meets Arrogance

The Online Review Culture: The Emperor’s New Clothes

The Social Justice Warrior Handbook: The Tyranny of Good Intentions

The Cancel Culture Conundrum: The Absurdity of Outrage Culture

The Parenting Paradox: The Pressure to Raise Perfect Kids

The Selfie Generation: The End of Real Connection

The Self-Help Industry: The Myth of Instant Happiness

The Identity Politics Game: The Failure of Intersectionality

Pop Culture

The Cult of Celebrity: The Worship of Fame and Fortune

The Kardashians: The Reality TV Royalty

The Superhero Industrial Complex: The Over-saturation of the Comic Book Genre

The Disneyfication of Society: The Monopoly of the Mouse

The Emojis: The Dumbing Down of Communication

The Meme Culture: The Rise of Memes as a Political Weapon

The ‘Art’ of Reality TV: The Devaluation of Culture

The Gaming Industry: The Addiction of Virtual Reality

The Algorithmic Apocalypse: The Dehumanization of Personalization

The Music Industry: The Commercialization of Creativity

The Student Loan Scam: The Debt Trap of Higher Education

The Standardized Test Myth: The Failure of ‘One Size Fits All’ Education

The ‘Gifted’ Label: The Privilege of Intelligence

The Helicopter Parent Handbook: The Path to Failure and Resentment

The Extracurricular Overload: The Pressure to Be a Renaissance Kid

The STEM Delusion: The Imbalance of Technical Education

The College Admissions Myth: The Illusion of Meritocracy

The Humanities Crisis: The Undervalued Importance of the Arts

The Teacher’s Survival Guide to Burnout

The Virtual Classroom: The Erosion of Human Interaction and Social Skills

Funny Satire Essay Topics

The downside of living in a utopian world

The absurdity of reality TV shows

The irony of social media addiction

The fallacy of fad diets and their impact on health

The foolishness of conspiracy theories

The irony of political correctness and cancel culture

The ridiculousness of celebrity culture

The farce of the beauty industry

The inanity of astrology and horoscopes

The hilarity of sports fandom

Example: Satirizing the absurdity of reality TV shows could involve mocking the shallow, manufactured drama and the characters’ lack of self-awareness. You could poke fun at the contrived nature of shows like The Bachelor by creating a parody version with contestants who are blatantly insincere and only interested in fame.

Satire Essay Topics about High School

The flaws of standardized testing

The hypocrisies of school dress codes

The satire of school lunch programs

The folly of helicopter parenting

The absurdity of the popularity contest that is high school

The impracticality of homework assignments

The irony of abstinence-only sex education

The ridiculousness of school zero-tolerance policies

The farce of the “cool kid” mentality

The satire of school safety procedures

Example: Satirizing the flaws of standardized testing could involve exaggerating the absurdity of the test-taking process and the stress it causes. You could create a fake test that is intentionally confusing and impossible to pass, highlighting the flaws of a system that prioritizes testing over actual learning.

Satire Essay Topics for College

The paradox of college debt

The irony of college majors with limited job prospects

The satire of fraternity and sorority culture

The idiocy of campus parking systems

The farce of political correctness on campus

The ridiculousness of college social hierarchies

The satire of college athletics

The stupidity of safe spaces

The mockery of college administration bureaucracy

The humor of the struggle for independence and individuality

Example: Satirizing the paradox of college debt could involve mocking the absurdity of paying exorbitant fees for a degree that may not lead to a high-paying job. You could create a fictional college that charges students for every little thing, such as using the restroom or sitting in a chair, highlighting the absurdity of the current system.

Satire Essay Topics for Business

The folly of corporate jargon

The satire of office politics and bureaucracy

The inanity of team-building exercises

The humor of business buzzwords

The irony of company mission statements

The farce of employee evaluations

The stupidity of company dress codes

The ridiculousness of mandatory training sessions

The mockery of the 9-5 workday

The humor of the cubicle culture

Example: Satirizing the folly of corporate jargon could involve creating a fictional company that takes buzzwords to the extreme, using nonsensical phrases like “synergistic value propositions” and “innovative paradigm shifts” to describe everyday tasks. This would highlight the absurdity of using fancy language to mask the mundane.

History Satire Essay Topics

The irony of war as a solution to conflict

The farce of imperialism and colonialism

The absurdity of monarchy and aristocracy

The inanity of historical revisionism

The satire of historical heroes and villains

The stupidity of historical myths and legends

The hilarity of historical fashion trends

The irony of historical religious fanaticism

The fallacy of historical nationalism

The ridiculousness of historical beauty standards

Example: Satirizing the farce of imperialism and colonialism could involve creating a fake empire that takes over ridiculous territories, such as a beach or a coffee shop. You could exaggerate the absurdity of the concept of empire and highlight the negative impact it has on the colonized people.

Information Technology Satire Essay Topics

The fallacy of online security and privacy

The humor of the “tech bro” culture

The satire of social media algorithms

The stupidity of tech startup culture

The irony of virtual reality

The farce of e-commerce and online shopping

The ridiculousness of tech conferences and expos

The inanity of tech jargon and buzzwords

The parody of tech job interviews

The mockery of tech support and customer service

Example: Satirizing the fallacy of online security and privacy could involve creating a fake tech company that sells “invisibility cloaks” to protect users from online tracking. You could highlight the absurdity of relying on technology to protect one’s privacy when in reality, it’s impossible to be completely anonymous online.

Media Satire Essay Topics

The irony of clickbait journalism

The farce of reality TV news shows

The stupidity of sensationalist news coverage

The satire of news media bias

The ridiculousness of infotainment

The inanity of celebrity gossip news

The humor of viral internet memes

The fallacy of social media news feeds

The mockery of fake news and propaganda

The irony of censorship and freedom of speech

Example: Satirizing the irony of clickbait journalism could involve creating a fake news website that uses outrageous headlines and misleading content to attract clicks. You could exaggerate the absurdity of the tactics used by news media to increase website traffic.

Trending Satire Essay Topics

The fallacy of fashion trends

The farce of health and fitness fads

The stupidity of meme culture

The irony of cancel culture

The satire of internet challenges

The ridiculousness of influencer culture

The inanity of selfie culture

The humor of food trends

The mockery of pet trends

The absurdity of cryptocurrency and NFTs

Example: Satirizing the absurdity of cancel culture could involve creating a fictional society that cancels everything and everyone for the most minor of offenses. You could exaggerate the absurdity of the concept of cancel culture and its negative impact on free speech and public discourse.

Money Satire Essay Topics

The irony of wealth inequality

The farce of corporate greed

The inanity of luxury consumerism

The satire of economic growth and GDP

The stupidity of get-rich-quick schemes

The fallacy of the American Dream

The ridicule of tax loopholes and havens

The humor of the stock market

The absurdity of big bonuses and salaries

The mockery of charity culture and philanthropy

Example: You’re penning a biting satire, tearing down the sheer ridiculousness of luxury consumerism. You set the stage with an outrageous, imaginary shopping channel, where patrons shell out for ludicrously pricey and nonsensical items. A golden toilet seat glitters under the studio lights, diamond-studded shoelaces sparkle with each close-up camera shot, and the audience eats it all up. The scene you create serves as a magnifying glass, amplifying the absurd extravagance and the surplus enjoyed by society’s top echelons. Through your cleverly scripted dialogue and product descriptions, you emphasize their apparent indifference towards the struggles of those not born into such opulence. Imagine the impact and the conversations your piece could trigger!

Medicine Satire Essay Topics

The fallacy of alternative medicine

The farce of medical malpractice lawsuits

The stupidity of pharmaceutical advertising

The irony of the healthcare industry

The satire of medical insurance and coverage

The ridiculousness of health fads and diets

The inanity of medical jargon and terminology

The humor of medical school and education

The absurdity of cosmetic surgery and enhancements

The mockery of medical misinformation and scams

Example: Satirizing the farce of medical malpractice lawsuits could involve creating a fake law firm that specializes in suing doctors for the most ridiculous reasons, such as a patient’s dissatisfaction with the doctor’s handwriting or accent. You could exaggerate the absurdity of the legal system and its negative impact on healthcare professionals.

Nature Satire Essay Topics

The fallacy of climate change denial

The irony of environmental activism

The inanity of organic and natural products

The farce of eco-tourism

The satire of wildlife conservation

The ridiculousness of pet ownership

The humor of gardening and landscaping

The absurdity of urban development and sprawl

The mockery of deforestation and habitat destruction

The stupidity of plastic waste and pollution

Example: Satirizing the irony of environmental activism could involve creating a fake organization that protests against the use of paper and encourages the use of electronic devices, despite the negative impact on the environment caused by electronic waste. You could highlight the absurdity of the contradictions and hypocrisy of some environmental activists.

Guidelines for Penning a Successful Satire Essay

If you’ve set on creating a satire essay, consider the following tips and pointers to keep your work thought-provoking, engaging, and inoffensive:

Topic Selection: Your topic must be pertinent and fascinating but steer clear of subjects that could be too sensitive or contentious. Satire aims to entertain while discussing societal problems, so consider your audience’s sensibilities. Thus, be careful when choosing satire topics on social issues .

Harness Humor: Satire thrives on the use of exaggeration, irony, and overstatement. Weave these elements into your narrative to add humor and appeal.

Strike the Balance: Satire walks the tightrope between comedy and insult. Tread carefully to avoid offending your readers, particularly when your topic tiptoes around sensitive issues.

Clarity and Simplicity: Satire can be intricate, but your message should be crystal clear. Employ straightforward language, evading complex jargon or technical terms.

Include Examples: Illustrate your points with real-life scenarios or examples to ensure your audience can relate to and understand your points.

Maintain the Tone: Satire should be lighthearted and jocose, but your tone must align with your topic and audience. Avoid using sarcasm or irony that might appear harsh or spiteful.

Proofread and Refine: Like all writing, it’s vital to proofread and polish your essay to make it clear, succinct, and compelling. Spend time to revise your piece, making necessary alterations before submitting or publishing.

By adhering to these pointers, you’re set to create a vibrant, enlightening satire essay that amuses, informs, and prompts your readers to think.

Read also:  Free Example of Satire Essay

Seeking Assistance with Your Satire Essay: The Benefits of Engaging Professional Essay Writers

Crafting a satire essay can be an exhilarating journey but also poses challenges that demand creativity and skill. If you’re grappling with your satire essay topic selection or racing against time, don’t lose hope – assistance is within reach.

At EssaysWriters, we provide premier essay writing services that can help you write the ideal satire essay. Our seasoned writers, proficient in satirical techniques like exaggeration, overstatement, and irony, can whip up compelling, unique satire essay topics sure to captivate your audience.

Don’t let the rigors of writing a satire essay weigh you down. Reach out to EssaysWriters today, and discover how we can aid you in creating a top-notch essay that’ll engage your audience and secure your academic success.

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IvyPanda. (2024, February 29). 60 Satire Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/satire-essay-examples/

"60 Satire Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 29 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/satire-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '60 Satire Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 29 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "60 Satire Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 29, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/satire-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "60 Satire Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 29, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/satire-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "60 Satire Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 29, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/satire-essay-examples/.

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Crafting Wit and Wisdom: A Guide to Satire Essay, Topics and Examples


Table of contents

  • 1 Definition of satire and its historical background
  • 2 Elements of a Satirical Essay
  • 3 Choosing a Topic
  • 4 Analyzing the Subject Matter for Potential Angles of Satire
  • 5 Writing the Essay
  • 6 What is a Satirical Essay: Examples of Satirical Essays
  • 7 Fine Line Between Satire and Offensiveness
  • 8 Concluding Thoughts: The Art of Writing the Satire Essay

In this insightful article, we delve into the realm of satire essays, a unique form of writing that blends criticism with humor.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • Unveiling the essence of satire essay, its history, and types like Horatian and Juvenalian.
  • Exploring the vital elements of a satirical essay, emphasizing a robust thesis, and the use of irony and sarcasm.
  • Navigating the process of choosing engaging topics, including 50 hand-picked suggestions.
  • Detailed guidance on structuring your satirical essay for maximum impact.
  • Learning from examples of renowned satirical essays.
  • Understanding the delicate balance between satire and sensitivity.

Join us as we explore these facets of satire essay writing, equipping you with the knowledge to create compelling, thought-provoking academic essays .

Definition of satire and its historical background


Satire, a literary genre known for its clever blend of humor and critique, has a rich history and diverse forms. Originating in ancient times, satire has been used to expose follies and vices in society, individuals, and institutions. The two main types of satire are Horatian and Juvenalian. Horatian satire, named after the Roman poet Horace, is characterized by a light-hearted and humorous tone, aiming more to amuse than to condemn. In contrast, Juvenalian satire, inspired by the Roman poet Juvenal, is more severe and abrasive, often expressing indignation and moral outrage.

The role of humor, irony, and exaggeration in satire cannot be overstated. These elements are tools for satirists to entertain, provoke thought, and challenge the status quo. For instance, exaggeration can highlight the absurdity of a situation, while irony can reveal contradictions and hypocrisies.

When considering topics for satire, it’s important to choose ones that resonate with the audience and remain relevant. Satire essay topics can range from light-hearted social commentary to more biting political criticism. The key is to select a subject that offers ample scope for humor and insightful critique. A satirical essay becomes an impactful tool for social commentary and change by selecting and handling these topics.

Elements of a Satirical Essay

A satirical essay is a unique fusion of humor and criticism woven to convey a thought-provoking message. Central to its success is a robust, clear thesis statement. This serves as the essay’s cornerstone, encapsulating the satirical argument. The thesis should be forthright and reflect the writer’s stance on the subject matter, whether it’s tinged with mockery, a critical edge, or a humorous slant.

The employment of rhetorical devices like irony, sarcasm, and parody is integral to the essence of a satirical essay. Irony stands out as a potent tool. It enables writers to express one thing while implying something else, often the opposite. This juxtaposition of the literal and the intended meaning adds layers to the satire, enriching its impact. Sarcasm, a variant of verbal irony, is adept at mocking or expressing disdain. On the other hand, parody involves imitating a subject or style to expose its flaws and absurdities.

A satirical essay is a clever blend of humor and critique, anchored by a clear, strong thesis and brought to life with the strategic use of rhetorical devices like irony, sarcasm, and parody. The choice of topic is crucial, as it needs to lend itself to satirical treatment, allowing the writer to lampoon the subject while engaging and enlightening the reader.

Choosing a Topic

The best topics for a satirical essay are those that resonate with your audience and remain relevant over time. Current events, social behaviors, and cultural phenomena are fertile grounds for satire. While choosing, consider what things to write a satire about that would engage and provoke thought in your readers. The effectiveness of your satire will depend on the relevance and universality of the topic selected.

When considering satire ideas, the topics should be chosen for their potential to be viewed through a satirical lens. This could involve turning a critical eye on societal norms, political policies, or even everyday absurdities. Funny satire topics revolve around current events, popular culture, or universal human behaviors, offering a wealth of material for insightful yet humorous critique.

Satirical essay ideas should aim to entertain, provoke thought, and encourage reflection. Topics to satirize can range from the mundane to the controversial, each offering a unique opportunity to highlight inconsistencies, hypocrisies, or the humorous side of life.

Here are some current and timeless topics that work well for satirical essays.

  • The Perpetual Pursuit of the Perfect Body Image
  • The Digital Detox: Escaping Social Media’s Grip
  • The Billionaire Space Race: A New Playground for the Rich
  • Fast Fashion Frenzy: The Race to the Bottom of Your Closet
  • The Automation of Everything: When Robots Take Over Daily Tasks
  • The Evolution of the Coffee Culture: From Bean to Obsession
  • The “Influencer” Lifestyle: Reality vs. Instagram
  • The Political Tug-of-War: A Satirical Look at Partisan Politics
  • The Self-Help Paradox: More Books, Less Clarity
  • The Tech Disconnect: Smartphones and the Illusion of Connection
  • The Art of Procrastination in the Digital Age
  • The College Admissions Arms Race: A Game of Prestige and Pressure
  • The Corporate Buzzword Bingo: Synergy, Leverage, and Disruption
  • The Quest for Immortality: Silicon Valley and the Fountain of Youth
  • The Satire of Surveillance: Living in a Panopticon
  • The Cult of Productivity: Doing More, Enjoying Less
  • The Modern Dating Scene: Swiping Left on Romance
  • The Vegan Revolution: Meatless Mondays and Beyond
  • The Age of Misinformation: Navigating a Post-Truth World
  • The Gig Economy Grind: Freedom or Freelance Frenzy?
  • The Generation Gap: Baby Boomers vs. Millennials vs. Gen Z
  • The Reality TV Paradox: Fame, Fortune, and Fabrication
  • The Luxury of Minimalism: Spending More to Have Less
  • The Endless Streaming Cycle: From Binge-Watching to Burnout
  • The Battle Against Aging: Creams, Serums, and Unrealistic Expectations
  • The Festival of Fads: Detoxes, Cleanses, and Other Health Mysteries
  • The Tyranny of the Tidy: Marie Kondo and the Quest to Declutter
  • The Irony of Connectivity: Lonelier in a More Connected World
  • The Mirage of the “Perfect” Family on Social Media
  • The Paradox of Choice in the Modern Consumer Society
  • The DIY Disaster: When Pinterest Dreams Face Reality
  • The Pursuit of Happiness Through Retail Therapy
  • The Sacred Rituals of the Morning Routine YouTube Gurus
  • The Mock Election: Satirizing Political Campaign Promises
  • The Superhero Syndrome: The Oversaturation of Comic Book Movies
  • The Great Organic Odyssey: Is It Really Better?
  • The Exotic Pet Epidemic: From Tigers to Tarantulas
  • The High Seas of Hobby Collecting: From Stamps to Sneakers
  • The Dystopia of Driverless Cars: Are We There Yet?
  • The Parable of the Paperless Office: More Paper Than Ever

Analyzing the Subject Matter for Potential Angles of Satire

Once you’ve selected a topic, the next step is to analyze it for satirical potential. Begin by identifying the subject’s inherent absurdities, hypocrisies, or contradictions. This critical examination allows you to uncover potential angles for satirical commentary. For example, in political satire, you might focus on discrepancies between a politician’s words and actions. In cultural satire, you could highlight the extremes of societal trends. This stage is vital as it sets the foundation for your satirical approach, shaping the direction and tone of your essay.

Remember, the goal is to provoke thought and discussion by presenting familiar issues in a new, humorous light. Your analysis should strike a balance between humor and insight, ensuring that your satire resonates with the audience while offering a fresh perspective on the topic.

Writing the Essay

Writing a satirical essay involves a strategic combination of humor, criticism, and a well-structured satirical essay outline . Begin with an engaging introduction that captures the essence of your satire. This could include an anecdote, a surprising fact, or a bold statement setting your essay’s tone. The introduction should culminate in a clear, concise thesis statement that encapsulates your satirical stance.

As you move into the body of your essay, each paragraph should focus on a specific aspect or example of your topic. This is where you can showcase different types of satire, such as irony, exaggeration, or parody, to strengthen your argument. Use vivid and descriptive language to paint a clear picture for your readers. Incorporating real-life examples or referencing satirical essay examples can illustrate your points. Balancing humor with factual information is important, ensuring your essay is entertaining and informative.

Consider using various rhetorical strategies to enhance your satire when developing your argument. Techniques like hyperbole can exaggerate your topic’s absurdities, while irony can highlight contradictions and inconsistencies. Sarcasm can add a sharp edge to your critique. Remember, the goal is to provoke thought and encourage a deeper understanding of the subject matter through humor.

In the concluding paragraph, summarize the main points of your essay, reinforcing your satirical message. The conclusion should echo your thesis and leave a lasting impression on the reader. A well-crafted conclusion will tie all your ideas together, emphasizing the significance of your satire and its impact on the reader’s perception of the topic.

Throughout your essay, maintain a consistent tone and style. The best satire essays are those that blend wit with wisdom, using humor as a tool to shed light on serious topics.

What is a Satirical Essay: Examples of Satirical Essays


The satirical essay genre blends humor with incisive social commentary. This essay leverages wit to critique everything from political policies to societal norms, often revealing underlying truths in an entertaining and thought-provoking way.

A classic satire essay example is Jonathan Swift’s “A Modest Proposal ,” a pinnacle of Juvenalian satire. Swift’s essay, known for its biting and ironic tone, suggests that the impoverished Irish could alleviate their financial woes by selling their children as delicacies to the wealthy. This preposterous idea is not a whimsical musing but a sharp indictment of the brutal British policies towards the Irish and a comment on the apathy of the Irish people to their own plight.

This essay is a prime illustration of how to start a satire essay. Swift adopts a grave and sincere tone to advance an absurd proposition. This stark contrast between his tone and the ludicrousness of his proposal accentuates the absurdity of the situation he critiques. This strategic use of irony, where the true intent is veiled behind an opposite statement, is common in satirical essays. It allows writers to deliver powerful critiques in an engaging and impactful manner.

Another form of satire is Horatian satire, deriving its name from the Roman poet Horace. This type of satire differs from the abrasive Juvenalian style. A more playful, lighthearted approach characterizes Horatian satire. It tends to poke fun at human foibles and follies without aiming to cause distress or provoke significant change. It’s a more subdued and humorous satire, intending more to amuse than agitate.

For authors drafting a satirical essay, the choice of satire type is vital. It should align with both the subject matter and the intended message.

By analyzing seminal works like Swift’s “A Modest Proposal,” writers can learn to employ satire, creating works that are not just humorous but also insightful and thought-provoking. Effective satire has the power to be an influential tool for social commentary and change, making it a valuable and enduring form of literary expression.

Fine Line Between Satire and Offensiveness

Navigating the delicate boundary separating satire from offensiveness is paramount. While satire wields the potential for profound impact, it teeters on the edge of insensitivity. Responsible satirists know their audience and the broader context, ensuring their work critiques without inflicting harm. When addressing sensitive subjects, a delicate equilibrium is required. Satire becomes a tool for enlightenment rather than alienation or offense, using humor to shed light on societal issues without causing undue distress.

Concluding Thoughts: The Art of Writing the Satire Essay

In summary, the art of satire is a powerful yet intricate tool, merging humor with sharp social observation. Its core objective is to question established norms and provoke self-reflection. To write an effective satire essay, one must balance insightful critique with an approach that avoids offending. This genre requires a delicate touch, using wit and irony to make a point. An essential aspect of crafting a satirical piece involves creating a well-structured outline that supports the satirical thesis while engaging the reader. The creators and consumers of satire need to appreciate its significant potential to influence and its inherent responsibility towards society. Satire is not a literary device but a call to use its capabilities with wisdom and consideration.

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some ideas for a satirical essay

some ideas for a satirical essay

How to Write a Satire Essay: Examples, Outline and Topics


Ever wondered how to craft those hilarious yet thought-provoking satire essays that leave readers chuckling and pondering? Well, you've come to the right place!

Have you ever found yourself chuckling at the absurdities of life and thought, 'Hmm, there's definitely an essay in that'? Ever pondered how humor could be used to shed light on societal quirks and injustices? If so, you're already on your way to mastering the art of satire writing.

In this guide, you'll learn the ins and outs of writing satire essay examples. We'll cover everything from choosing the perfect topic to mastering the satire techniques. So, grab your pen, and let's have some fun being funny together.

What is a Satire Essay

A satire essay blends humor with social commentary to critique societal issues, human behavior, or institutions. Unlike traditional essays, it aims to entertain while highlighting life's absurdities.

This genre of writing uses wit, irony, sarcasm, and exaggeration to expose flaws and contradictions in society, targeting politics, popular culture, social norms, and human nature. It also addresses serious topics humorously, sparking conversation, inspiring change, and drawing attention to important social issues.

Satire essays come in various forms, from biting political critique to playful social commentary. Whether it's through clever wordplay, absurd scenarios, or biting satire, the goal of you as an essay writer is to entertain, enlighten, and challenge readers to see the world in a new light.

Who Said Essays Have to Be Dull?

Order our witty satire essays and transform your writing from dull to delightful.

Types of a Satire Essay

Learning how to write a satire essay requires you to understand its different forms, each with its own unique style and approach to humorously critiquing society. Whether you ask us to write my essay or tackle it yourself, understanding its different types can help you choose the best format for conveying your message effectively. Here are some common types:

Types of a Satire Essay

  • Juvenalian Satire : This type of satire is harsh, bitter, and angry, focusing on exposing societal injustices, hypocrisy, and corruption.
  • Horatian Satire : Named after the Roman poet Horace, this satire is lighthearted, playful, and witty, aiming to amuse while gently poking fun at human folly and societal absurdities.
  • Menippean Satire : This satire is complex and unconventional, combining prose, verse, and various literary genres to critique society from multiple angles.
  • Political Satire : Political satire humorously highlights the absurdities of politics, aiming to provoke thought and inspire change through parody and humor.
  • Social Satire : Social satire critiques broader societal issues and cultural norms, such as relationships, consumerism, and technology, to prompt reflection on societal absurdities.
  • Literary Satire : Literary satire uses literary conventions to critique traditions, genres, and authors, often through parody and metafiction.
  • Visual Satire : Using images, cartoons, and caricatures, visual satire conveys satirical messages through humor and symbolism, often seen in political cartoons and memes.

25 Satirical Essay Topics

The topic you choose sets the stage for your humor and social commentary. From politics to pop culture, there's no shortage of informative essay topics that are also ripe for satirical critique. Here are 25 distinctive satirical essay ideas to inspire your satire:

  • The Absurdity of Celebrity Culture : Explore the obsession with fame and the cult of celebrity.
  • The Folly of Fashion Trends : Poke fun at the ever-changing world of fashion and beauty standards.
  • The Myth of Perfect Parenting : Satirize the pressure to be a perfect parent in the age of social media.
  • The Madness of Modern Technology : Lampoon our addiction to smartphones and social media.
  • The Dystopia of Dating Apps : Examine the pitfalls of online dating and hookup culture.
  • The Hilarity of Health Trends : Satirize the latest wellness fads and diet crazes.
  • The Chaos of College Admissions : Explore the absurdities of the college application process.
  • The Paradox of Political Correctness : Critique the complexities of navigating political correctness in today's society.
  • The Irony of Environmental Activism : Satirize the contradictions inherent in environmental activism and green living.
  • The Comedy of Corporate Culture : Examine the quirks and absurdities of office life and corporate culture.
  • The Farce of Fashion Weeks : Lampoon the extravagance and pretentiousness of fashion weeks around the world.
  • The Lunacy of Reality TV : Poke fun at the manufactured drama and shallowness of reality television.
  • The Nonsense of Self-Help Books : Satirize the industry of self-help books and motivational seminars.
  • The Ridiculousness of Social Justice Warriors : Critique the extremes of social justice activism and virtue signaling.
  • The Comedy of Conspiracy Theories : Explore the bizarre world of conspiracy theories and their believers.
  • The Absurdity of Gender Stereotypes : Satirize traditional gender roles and societal expectations.
  • The Hypocrisy of Holistic Healing : Examine the contradictions of alternative medicine and holistic healing practices.
  • The Parody of Political Campaigns : Poke fun at the theatrics and absurdities of political campaigns and election cycles.
  • The Comedy of Class Reunions : Lampoon the nostalgia and awkwardness of high school reunions.
  • The Folly of Fast Food Culture : Satirize the excesses and consequences of fast food consumption.
  • The Madness of Memes : Explore the cultural significance and absurdity of internet memes.
  • The Farce of Fashion Magazines : Critique the unrealistic beauty standards and consumerism promoted by fashion magazines.
  • The Hilarity of Home Renovation Shows : Poke fun at the exaggerated transformations and drama of home renovation reality shows.
  • The Paradox of Patriotism : Satirize the contradictions of nationalism and patriotic fervor.
  • The Comedy of Cults and Communes : Examine the absurdities of fringe religious movements and utopian communities.

How to Write a Satire Essay: Outline Guide

Creating a solid satirical essay is like serving up a delicious dish of humor with a side of social commentary. But where do you start? How do you take your witty observations and turn them into a compelling satire essay? Fear not! In this section, we'll break down how to write a satire essay outline step by step, starting with crafting the perfect thesis statement.

How to Write a Satire Essay: Outline Guide

Start with a Thesis Statement 

Writing a satire essay thesis statement is about encapsulating your satirical take on a particular issue or topic in a clear and concise manner. Your thesis statement should capture the essence of your satire – the target of your humor and the underlying message you're trying to convey.

For example, let's say you want to write a satire essay about the obsession with social media. Your thesis statement might be something like: 'In a world where likes and retweets reign supreme, social media becomes the ultimate stage for showcasing our most curated selves, blurring the lines between reality and virtual validation.'

This thesis statement sets the stage for your satire by highlighting the absurdity of our social media-driven culture and the disconnect between our online personas and real-life experiences. It presents a clear viewpoint that you'll then explore and dissect throughout your essay with humor and wit.

So, next time when crafting your thesis statement or asking us to write my thesis , remember to:

  • Identify the specific issue or topic you want to satirize.
  • Express your satirical take on the issue in a clear and concise manner.
  • Ensure your thesis statement sets the tone for the rest of your essay and guides your readers toward your humorous critique.

Explain Your Idea in the First Body Paragraph

Now that you know how to start a satire essay and lay the foundation with your thesis statement, it's time to dive into the first body paragraph. Begin by expanding on the central idea introduced in your thesis statement. Keep the tone light and playful, but also ensure that your satire is rooted in truth and relevance.

Continuing with our example thesis statement about social media obsession, the first body paragraph might delve into the ways in which social media platforms have become integral parts of our daily lives. You could discuss the addictive nature of scrolling through feeds, the pressure to curate the perfect online persona, and the impact of social media on mental health and self-esteem.

Use descriptive language and vivid imagery to paint a picture of the absurdities inherent in the topic you're exploring. Highlight contradictions, hypocrisies, or ironies that underscore the satirical angle of your essay.

For instance, you might describe the lengths people go to for the perfect selfie or the absurdity of chasing virtual likes and validation. You could share personal anecdotes or humorous observations to bring the topic to life and engage your readers' imaginations.

Add More Layers in the Second Body Paragraph 

Building upon the groundwork laid in the first satire essay paragraph, this section allows you to explore additional facets of the topic and further develop your satirical critique. Start by identifying specific examples, scenarios, or observations that illustrate the absurdities or contradictions inherent in the topic you're satirizing.

Here, you might focus on the ways in which social media distorts our perceptions of reality and fuels a culture of comparison and envy. You could discuss the phenomenon of "FOMO" (fear of missing out) and the pressure to present a flawless image online, even if it's far from authentic.

You might also share stories of people going to extreme lengths to capture the perfect Instagram photo or the impact of cyberbullying and online harassment on mental health.

As you write the second body paragraph, strive to maintain a balance between humor and substance. Use humor to engage your readers and keep them entertained, but also provide meaningful commentary that prompts reflection and critical thinking.

Wrap Up with Impact 

As you wonder how to end a satire essay, remember to summarize the key points you've made about the topic at hand.

For example, in our satire essay about social media obsession, the conclusion might reiterate the pitfalls of seeking validation through likes and retweets, emphasizing the importance of authenticity and genuine human connection in a digital age.

Reflect on the broader implications of the topic you've explored and offer insights or suggestions for addressing the issues raised in your satire. This could involve proposing alternative approaches or solutions in a humorous manner, providing a sense of closure and hope amidst the laughter.

Finally, consider the overall impact of your satire essay and the emotions it evokes in your audience. Did you succeed in entertaining, enlightening, and provoking thought? Did you strike the right balance between humor and substance? Now that you know how to write a conclusion for an essay , reflect on your writing process and consider how you can continue to refine your skills as a satirist.

Handy Tips and Tricks

Before you begin making funny comments about society, let's talk about some easy tips to help you start. Writing a satire essay is all about being funny, using irony, and being a bit smart. If you need some assistance, you can ask us to help me do my essay . But for now, let's take a closer look at how you can improve your skills.

  • Pick Your Focus : Satire works best when you make fun of something specific in society that you find funny or annoying.
  • Try Different Things : Use different ways to be funny, like making jokes, using irony, or exaggerating things.
  • Keep an Eye Out : Pay attention to what's happening around you for ideas. Satire often comes from real-life events or how people act.
  • Look at Things Differently : Try writing from different viewpoints, like pretending to be a silly politician or a funny commentator.
  • Have Fun : Remember, satire is all about having a good time and making people laugh. So, enjoy yourself and don't take it too seriously.

Satire Essay Examples

Through humor and wit, these satire essay examples offer insightful critiques of their respective subjects, demonstrating effective techniques for crafting satirical commentary.

4 Satire Essay Examples from World Literature

Satire is a popular tool in world literature, where famous writers use humor and irony to poke fun at society and human foolishness. Let's look at some well-known satire essay examples from literature and see how they work:

  • 'Gulliver's Travels' by Jonathan Swift : Swift's 'Gulliver's Travels' is a political satire masterpiece. Through Lemuel Gulliver's wild adventures, Swift mocks 18th-century British society and human nature. One famous episode is Gulliver's visit to Lilliput, where tiny inhabitants squabble over silly things like how to crack an egg. Swift uses these absurdities to show the silliness of politics and people.
  • 'Don Quixote' by Miguel de Cervantes : Cervantes' 'Don Quixote' pokes fun at chivalric romance. The main character, Don Quixote, is a delusional knight who goes on crazy quests to revive chivalry. Through his funny adventures, Cervantes criticizes the exaggerated ideals of honor and love. The book shows how fantasy can clash with reality in funny ways.
  • 'Animal Farm' by George Orwell : Orwell's 'Animal Farm' is a powerful satire on totalitarianism. Animals rebel against humans on a farm, but soon, pigs take over and become dictators. Orwell uses the animals to represent political figures and ideas, showing the hypocrisy of authoritarian rule.
  • 'Candide' by Voltaire : Voltaire's 'Candide' is a sharp satire on Enlightenment optimism. The main character, Candide, faces tragic and absurd situations but still believes everything is great. Through Candide's crazy adventures, Voltaire mocks the blind optimism of his time, revealing the harsh truths of human suffering and foolishness.

Final Words

Give yourself a pat on the back – you made it to the end of our writing adventure! With your sense of humor and a fresh understanding of life's funny quirks, you're all set to let your creativity loose on the page.

Just a friendly reminder: Satire isn't just about making jokes – it's a way to start conversations, question the status quo, and maybe even shake things up a bit. So, don't hold back! Try out different styles, go where your imagination takes you, and most importantly, be yourself.

Bored of the Same Old Essays?

Time to shake things up! Inject some humor into your academic life with our side-splitting satire essays.

How to Write a Satirical Essay?

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How To Write a Satire Essay?

20 February, 2021

13 minutes read

Author:  Richard Pircher

As a high school or college student, you definitely have your fair share of assignments. From carrying out backbreaking research on late historical figures to writing endless essays, school work can be a tad draining. However, one assignment that always seems to have students in a fix is the satire essay.

Satire Essay

Writing an essay on satire is one of the hardest tasks you’d come across in high school or college. This kind of essay typically requires a vast knowledge of the subject matter and a great sense of humor. 

This leads us to the big question: how do you write a Nobel prize-worthy satirical essay? Let’s find out. 

What Is a Satire Essay? 

Satire is a literary device or genre employed by a significant number of professional authors. This genre is particularly aimed at criticizing a person or group of persons for their vices, wrongdoings or shortcomings. 

Usually, satire is used to shed more light on significant political or cultural issues within a society. A satire essay is a type of essay that employs devices such as sarcasm, humor and irony to mock a particular person, situation or ideology. Basically, it pokes fun at certain people or situations in an elite and sarcastic manner. 

How to Write a Satire Essay: Writing Tips

satirical essay

Wondering how to write a satire essay? Even though it may seem like a daunting task, writing a satire essay can be a seamless process once you apply the following tips: 

Choose an original and relevant topic

So you need to write a satire essay. The first step to take is to choose your topic. In some cases, your teacher or professor may assign a topic to you, but more often than not, you’d need to come up with a topic of your own. 

In this case, decide the area you want your essay to focus on. You could focus on a political or social situation, depending on what you want. 

However, it is advisable to choose a topic that you’re familiar with. This way, it will be easier to dig up facts and evidence to support your point of view. 

Consider your audience 

Your audience is the focal point of your essay. As such, it’s very important that you consider them at every stage of the writing process. Is your essay aimed at high school students or college professors? 

Would it be read by professionals or just your fellow students? Identifying and considering your audience will help to determine the appropriate tone for your essay. 

If your target audience is mostly made up of fellow students and friends, you can get away with using a casual tone. However, if you expect professionals to read your work, it’s advisable to go for a more formal tone in your essay. 

Add lots of humor 

What makes a satire essay so interesting? Is it the topic or the author’s writing style? Well, the major spice of any satire essay is the generous use of humor. You want to make your audience laugh at the ridiculousness of a particular person or situation. As such, the best way to achieve this aim is by applying devices like irony, sarcasm and hyperbole. 

When used tactfully, these devices can have the desired effect on readers. 

Stick to plain facts

Inasmuch as satirical essays employ devices like humor and exaggeration, it’s important to stick to plain facts when writing your essay. Adding incorrect theories or outright lies to your essay would only render it invalid in the court of public opinion. 

As such, it’s important to only state facts that can be backed up by strong evidence. For further credibility, cite your source after stating figures, theories or opinions. 

This would assure your audience that your essay is credible. If you can’t find facts or evidence to support a particular argument, then it is advisable to avoid including it in your essay. 

Use the ELP format

The ELP format is a great way to ensure that your satire essay is professional and of stellar quality. ELP is an acronym for ethos, logos and pathos. 

These three elements form a significant part of your essay and can either make or mar your work. But how and when do you employ them in your essay?

Ethos informs the readers about the issue at hand and their pre-existing beliefs. As such, this tool should be used in the introductory part of the essay to lay a foundation for the readers. 

Logos provides the audience with pure facts and figures, thereby adding credibility to your work. 

Pathos, just like the term implies, would evoke the appropriate feelings and emotions in your audience. Whether you’re trying to evoke sadness, sympathy or anger, using this tool the right way would help you achieve your aim. 

Be tolerant 

Even though a satire essay is often riddled with sarcasm and irony, it’s important that you use these devices without making any offensive statement. 

Your audience will definitely be made up of people from different walks of life. As such, you don’t want to make remarks that may be deemed to be discriminatory or offensive to a particular sect. 

Knowing the boundary between satire and being outrightly offensive is a delicate art that requires practice and a keen understanding of human psychology. However, to ensure that your essay is in no way offensive, you could ask for second opinions from your colleagues or teacher. 

How to Find Original Topics

With how difficult satire essays are, you’d think no one would be writing them. However, a quick Internet search would show you an abundance of already-written satire essay topics. In fact, choosing a topic that has not already been written by someone else can be a daunting task. 

If you’re trying to find original satire essay ideas or topics, here are a few tips that may help you: 

Find major political or cultural events

If you look around you, you’d definitely find a wide range of interesting political or cultural events that would make for a brilliant topic. Go through published articles, media publications and the news to find resources for your dream topic. 

Brainstorm interesting ideas

Once you’ve gone through the resources listed above, you can then go on to brainstorm any ideas you may have come up with. Ensure that your topic is interesting and witty enough to catch the attention of your readers. 

70 Satire Essay Topics 

Struggling to find original satire essay topics that would interest your audience? Well, here are some sample topics on different subject matters that would definitely inspire you:

  • The royal family and Princess Diana: a mystery that never got solved
  • What would today’s world look like if the Holocaust had never happened? 
  • The best American presidents in history vs Donald Trump: a tale of two worlds 
  • How World War II should have turned out
  • What was so special about Attila the Hun anyway? 
  • More than just his height: a review of Abraham Lincoln’s policies 
  • The real truth behind Thanksgiving: why was it created? 
  • Adolf Hitler and the Holocaust: a not so shocking tale of his prejudice 
  • The never-ending cold war between Catholics and Protestants: how it all started
  • Why slave trade should have been abolished before it even started
  • Trump: analyzing why political leaders should steer clear of social media 
  • Politicians and broken promises: a match made in heaven
  • Is political correctness the perfect cure for all modern ailments? 
  • The gun-slinging citizen: an analysis of the legalization of guns and fire-arms in the United States 
  • Freedom of speech and what happens after you make your speech in today’s world
  • How to deal with electoral loss: handy tips from the best losers
  • Pro-life VS Pro-Choice: the never ending moral argument between conservatives and liberals 
  • How to satisfy the United States’ healthcare needs
  • Why the death penalty should have died many centuries ago

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  • Saving for the kids’ college: the bane of every married couple 
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  • Analyzing Robinhood’s lifestyle: is it okay to steal from the rich and give to the poor? 

Satire Essay Examples 

Still not sure how to write the perfect satire essay? Well, in this case, you can always refer to a well written satire essay example. Here are some satire essay examples that would definitely set you on the right track:



Write a Satire Essay with HandMadeWriting

With these few tips and examples listed above, you can now go on to draft your very own satire essay. However, if you’d rather not go through the hassles of writing it yourself, you can hire HandMadeWriting essay writer services. 

With us, you are guaranteed a stellar, well-written satire essay that would definitely impress your teacher and audience. 

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Satire Essay Topics

When you have to write a satire essay, you should first have a clear understanding of what satire is. It seems common knowledge, but this is exactly why so many people misunderstand the notion and are 100% sure about their misconception. Putting it briefly, we tend to contrast satire to humor in the sense of humor being a more lighthearted laugh as opposed to satire being more mean-spirited, so to say. It is not entirely accurate. The dictionary describes satire as a kind of humor that points out somebody’s or something’s flaws and mocks them, often by means of hyperbole.

Obviously, when you are writing a satirical essay, you should target an event or a person known to your readership, so the best way is to focus on a well-known celebrity or a politician, a related event or a tendency. When picking a topic for your satire essay, you should keep in mind your readership and the fact that your primary goal is to entertain them.

For you to have a better idea of what a satire essay topic may sound like, here are some examples for your consideration:

  • How important have social media grown to be in our lives
  • Money for nothing: How hard work does not translate to better payment
  • What can be better than Obamacare, and How will our government come up with it
  • Federal budget: What we should and should not spend more money on
  • Oklahoma’s “warm” welcome back for Kevin Durant
  • When is the middle ground between the Chinese government and Dalai Lama
  • Why do we see more teen moms these days
  • High school bullying continuing as office harassment
  • Expectations from men and women at the office
  • The fun and consequences of harassing your employees
  • The many stress factors of the upper class
  • Social media platforms are the best place to make new friends
  • How to convince someone when you know you are lying
  • Several better uses for your time than school
  • Video games as means for developing valuable social and professional skills
  • Can any publicity be worse than zero publicity?
  • How to annoy people into getting what you want from them
  • The magical switch between an introvert and an extrovert
  • How to flunk your exams and have fun doing it
  • Why do we still believe politicians?
  • How to confront terrorism with comic books
  • How comic books promote certain professions
  • What all this gun control talk is really about
  • How denial is the best way to confront global warming
  • How to look on the bright side of life when you are homeless
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  • The art of being right when you know you are wrong
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some ideas for a satirical essay

Home — Essay Types — Satire Essay

Satire Essay Examples

Satire essay topics and satire essay ideas are boundless, allowing for creative expression in various formats and lengths. However, it's crucial to maintain a delicate balance, ensuring that humor does not transform into rudeness. Satire should be a lighthearted, even nurturing approach to highlighting the absurd or inappropriate aspects of a subject. The ultimate goal is to shed light on why something is shameful or incorrect.

To achieve this, writers often employ literary devices such as irony, allegory, hyperbole, and metaphors to invite the audience to read between the lines. Satire frequently conveys a message different from its surface meaning, so it's important to choose words carefully when using irony. The essence of satire lies in its ability to provoke thought and laughter simultaneously.

As you brainstorm satirical essay ideas and satirical essay topics, consider subjects that can be approached with a touch of wit and humor, while still highlighting important issues or absurdities in society. By doing so, you can create thought-provoking and entertaining pieces that captivate your audience while delivering a meaningful commentary on the world around us.

Popular Topics for Satire Essays

Explore a diverse array of thought-provoking and humorous subjects that serve as perfect topics for satire essays. These topics offer ample material for crafting witty and insightful satirical pieces.

  • The Absurdity of Social Media Influencer Culture
  • The Perils of Modern Dating Apps
  • Corporate Jargon and Buzzword Overload
  • The Bizarre World of Celebrity Obsession
  • Analysis of The Television Show "The Office"
  • The Ridiculousness of Fashion Trends
  • Over-the-Top Fitness and Diet Fads
  • The Hilarity of Political Campaign Promises
  • The Exaggerated Culture of Political Correctness
  • The Comedic Side of Student Loan Debts
  • The Presentation of Products to Consumers in The Onion Magnasoles: Rhetorical Analysis"
  • The Quirks of Office Politics and Office Etiquette

Satire Topics for High School Students

When seeking inspiration for satire essay topics, high school students or anyone else can benefit from exploring satire essay samples.These examples of satire topics for high school students can provide valuable insights into effective satirical techniques and help generate fresh and engaging ideas.


  • The Inexplicable Popularity of SparkNotes and CliffsNotes
  • The Dramatic Overanalysis of Shakespearean Sonnets in English Class
  • The Misadventures of Students Trying to Interpret Symbolism in Classic Novels
  • Comparing The Construction of Satire Through Naiveté
  • The Puzzling Fascination with Cliffhangers in Young Adult Fiction
  • The Chronicles of the Overused Book Report Clichés
  • The Hilarious World of High School Student Council Elections
  • The Absurdity of School Cafeteria Politics and Lunchtime Alliances
  • The Bizarre Election Promises Made by Class President Candidates
  • The Satirical Take on History Class and Revisionist History
  • The Comedy of Errors in Mock United Nations Debates
  • The Comedic Chronicle of Historical Misinterpretations in Textbooks
  • The Secret Lives of Historical Figures: A Satirical Exposé
  • The Time-Traveling Adventures of History Class: When Studying the Past Gets Weird
  • The Great Historical Conspiracy Theories: Aliens, Time Travelers, and Other Explanations
  • The Absurdity of Students Reenacting Historical Battles with Water Balloons

These satire topics provide a humorous take on various aspects of high school life, making them relatable and entertaining for high school students.

Remember, satire is a powerful tool for social commentary and humor, so it's essential to use it responsibly and thoughtfully. By staying within the bounds of humor and wit, you can create compelling satire essays that entertain and enlighten your audience without resorting to negativity or insult.

Writing a satirical essay presents a unique challenge that stands apart from other forms of writing. This genre requires not only a deep understanding of the subject matter but also a keen sense of humor and the ability to see the world through a critical, often ironic lens. Satirical essays aim to highlight the absurdities, hypocrisies, and flaws in society, politics, or human behavior, using humor as a tool to provoke thought and encourage change.

Writing a satirical essay stands in sharp contrast to drafting research or proposal essays, each distinguished by their unique objectives and stylistic approaches. While research essays are anchored in a thorough investigation, presenting findings with academic rigor, and proposal essays outline detailed plans for future projects or studies, satirical essays carve out a niche that relies on wit, irony, and humor to critique and reflect upon societal norms, policies, and human behaviors.

Unlike research essays, which aim to contribute new knowledge to a specific field through systematic inquiry and analysis, satirical essays use exaggeration and satire to underscore the absurdity and flaws within those very topics or in broader societal issues. Where proposal essays are structured to persuade or seek approval for initiatives with logical argumentation and evidence-based benefits, satirical essays skewer proposed solutions or existing conditions, highlighting their shortcomings or the ironic realities that underpin them.

The essence of a satirical essay lies in its ability to disguise critique within humor, making it a unique vehicle for social commentary. It challenges readers to question and reconsider the status quo, using laughter as a tool for reflection, rather than straightforward persuasion or the presentation of empirical research. This distinct difference sets satirical essays apart, making them not just a form of entertainment but a powerful medium for conveying complex critiques in an accessible and engaging manner.

What is a Satire Essay

Satire is a literary technique that employs humor, irony, and sarcasm to criticize or mock various aspects of society, politics, or human behavior. If you’re looking for inspiration for your satire essays , consider exploring satire essay examples and existing satire essays on various topics.

Contrary to popular belief, a satire essay is not about getting angry or bitter as you write about politics or some social issues that must be explained. The trick here is to explore existing satire essay topics that would help you come up with ideas. If you have never written satire in the past, you may be already provided with a topic to start with. In simple terms, a satire essay must criticize some subject by making it in a smart way where you talk about issues like procrastination or being too greedy. It has to be fun and not turn into a sort of bullying. Always show due respect as you structure things, as it will help you provide an excellent paper.

The Art and Power of Satire

Satire is a versatile and influential form of expression, frequently employed by writers and comedians to address serious issues indirectly. Let’s examine how it works, why it’s so popular, and explore some satire writing examples for a better understanding.

Understanding Satirical Elements

Satire typically utilizes the following elements:

  • Exaggeration : Satire often takes real-life situations and exaggerates them to absurd proportions. This technique draws attention to the flaws or absurdities of the subject.
  • Irony : Irony is a cornerstone of satire. It involves saying one thing but meaning another, creating a humorous contrast.
  • Sarcasm : The use of biting humor and cutting remarks is a trademark of satire. Sarcasm is a potent tool for satirists to convey their message.
  • Parody : Satire often mimics the style of its subject matter, creating a humorous imitation that highlights the subject’s flaws.

Satire has been a potent tool throughout history, addressing issues from politics to social norms. Its effectiveness lies in its ability to entertain and provoke thought simultaneously.

5 Satire Writing Examples

  • The “Smart” Home Assistant:   

In this satire piece, imagine a world where smart home assistants have become so intelligent that they start giving unsolicited advice, judging your life choices, and offering condescending remarks. It humorously highlights the overreliance on technology and the invasion of privacy in the digital age.

  • The “Healthy” Fast Food Chain:

Explore a fictional fast-food restaurant that claims to serve healthy alternatives, but in reality, their salads are drenched in more calories than a burger, and their smoothies are packed with sugar. This satire pokes fun at the deceptive marketing tactics used by some food establishments.

  • The “Eco-Friendly” Space Travel Company:

Imagine a future where space tourism companies claim to be eco-friendly while launching rockets that spew massive amounts of pollution into the atmosphere. This satirical piece highlights the hypocrisy of industries that prioritize profit over environmental concerns.

  • The “Innovative” Social Media Platform:

Create a satire of a fictional social media platform that constantly introduces new features, each more intrusive and time-consuming than the last. This piece satirizes the addictive nature of social media and the never-ending quest for user engagement.

  • The “Superhero” Government Agency:

Craft a story about a government agency tasked with solving everyday inconveniences rather than addressing real issues. This satire highlights the bureaucracy and inefficiency often associated with government institutions.

These satirical essay examples provide a glimpse into the world of satirical writing, where humor and wit are used to comment on various aspects of society, culture, and human behavior.

How to Start a Satire Essay

Speaking of satire essay structure , you must remember that it should resemble the rules of creative writing or narrative papers.

Here is what you can do as you are about to start with a satire essay:

  • Introduction with a strong sentence hook where you introduce a fictional person or a problem. 
  • Talk about why it’s bad and explain things by providing several examples that we all know well. 
  • Talk about how to avoid the problem by using some ideas why this or that is wrong. 
  • Tell a story or provide another example by making things fun. 
  • Provide a conclusion paragraph by explaining why something is wrong or pose a moral lesson. 

Remember, satire is all about using humor and irony to critique and comment on various aspects of society or human behavior. These prompts should inspire you to create a satirical essay that engages and amuses your readers while offering a unique perspective on the chosen topic. Explore free critical analysis essays to improve your understanding of satire and enhance your writing skills further

Prompts for a Satirical Essays

Social Media and Technology:

  •  The Social Media Obsession: Explore the absurdities of our society’s obsession with social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. How has it affected our lives, self-esteem, and relationships?
  • The Endless Quest for the Perfect Selfie: Explore the humorous side of our society’s obsession with taking the perfect selfie. How far are people willing to go for that flawless Instagram post?

Health and Wellness:

  • The Ridiculous World of Fad Diets: Satirize the never-ending cycle of fad diets and weight loss trends. Are these diets truly effective, or are they just empty promises?
  • The Fast-Food Frenzy: Take a humorous approach to the culture of fast food, addressing issues like overindulgence, health consequences, and the strange allure of the drive-thru.

Society and Cultural Trends:

  • The Culture of Political Correctness: Explore the concept of political correctness and how it sometimes goes to extremes, leading to hilariously awkward situations and language policing.
  • The Fantasy of Reality TV: Explore the surreal world of reality television and the way it blurs the line between real life and scripted entertainment. How does it shape our perceptions of reality?

How to Write a Satire Essay

Here are the steps to help you write a satire essay effectively:

Steps to Write an Satire Essay

Satire Essay Writing Checklist

Take a look at our checklist for a satire essay and explore our free examples of satire essays . It’s always much better to find out what good satire essay structure must be like!

  • You introduce your topic by explaining why a certain problem exists.
  • You provide at least one example of a problem in real-life or describe a fictional character.
  • Make sure that there is no anger or offense.
  • You keep your tone in a narrative and follow an explanatory way.
  • You provide a moral lesson in the final paragraph by explaining things as to “why and how”.
  • You edit and proofread your satire essay by checking for logical words and transitions between the paragraphs.

Remember that satire is a form of social commentary, and while it is humorous, it should still convey a message or critique a particular aspect of society or the subject you’re addressing. Use your creativity and wit to craft a compelling satire essay that effectively communicates your perspective while entertaining your readers. Think about exploring satire books in classic literature to see what modern subjects can be suitable. 

10 Free Satire Essay Examples

Funny satire essay examples.

Satire it’s a powerful form of expression that allows writers to poke fun at the quirks and absurdities of our world while delivering insightful social criticism. But satire doesn’t always have to be serious or solemn; it can be downright hilarious! These humorous satirical essay examples are crafted with the sole purpose of making you laugh out loud while offering a satirical take on various aspects of society, culture, and human behavior. 

Famous Satirical Essay Examples 

Famous satirical essay examples showcase the remarkable ability of satire to address serious issues indirectly. Through humor, irony, and sarcasm, these essays provide a lens through which we can examine the absurdities of society, politics, and human behavior. They invite us to question the status quo and see the world through a new and often amusing perspective

These topics provide a starting point for creating famous satirical essays that engage with timeless themes while offering fresh and humorous perspectives on contemporary issues.

Modern Satirical Essay Examples

Modern satirical essay examples capture the spirit of our digitally interconnected world. From social media antics to the challenges of remote work, these essays take a humorous look at the experiences and dilemmas of the 21st century. They highlight the ways technology, politics, and culture intersect in our daily lives

Satire essay examples like the ones mentioned above demonstrate how humor can be a powerful vehicle for social commentary. Satire’s ability to entertain while prompting critical thinking makes it a unique and valuable form of expression.

In conclusion, exploring free satire essays and satire essay examples can be both enlightening and entertaining. It reminds us of the power of humor in addressing serious issues and encourages us to view the world with a more critical eye. So, next time you come across a satire essay, remember that beneath the humor lies a deeper message waiting to be discovered.

Satire on Bullying

Bullying is a prevalent issue in society, especially among young people. It can have serious consequences for the victims, including emotional and psychological trauma. Satire, as a form of humor that uses irony and exaggeration to criticize and ridicule societal issues, can be a powerful…

Voltaire’s Use of Satire in Candide

Voltaire’s novel, Candide, is a classic example of satire. Through the use of wit, humor, and irony, Voltaire challenges the prevailing ideas of his time and criticizes the societal norms and institutions of the 18th century. This essay will explore how Voltaire uses satire in…

Religious Satire in Huck Finn

One of the most debated aspects of the novel is the use of religious satire, particularly in relation to Christianity. In this essay, we will explore the religious satire present in the novel and examine its significance in the context of the story. Huck’s Relationship…

Satirical Elements in WALL-E

WALL-E, a 2008 animated film by Pixar, is often celebrated for its heartwarming story and stunning visuals. However, beneath its surface, the film also contains a number of satirical elements that comment on modern society. Through its portrayal of consumerism, environmental degradation, and human reliance…

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What’s Wrong with Illegal Immigration: Satire

Illegal immigration is a topic that has been widely debated for decades. It refers to the act of entering a country without proper authorization or overstaying a visa. Illegal immigration is a significant issue, and it affects various aspects of society. From economics to security,…

The Satirical and Hopeful Message of Wall-E

Wall-E is a 2008 Pixar film that tells the story of a lonely robot that cleans up the trash-covered Earth while dreaming of finding love. Through its satirical portrayal of contemporary society, modern technology, and capitalism, Wall-E offers a thought-provoking commentary on the current state…

The High School Circus: A Satirical Perspective

High school, the place where young minds are nurtured, friendships are forged, and the foundations of adulthood are laid. Or at least, that’s what they want you to believe. In reality, high school is more like a three-ring circus where the clowns wear backpacks, the…

The Absurdity of Poverty: A Satirical Examination

Imagine a world where the richest 1% of the population holds more wealth than the bottom 90%. Oh wait, that’s not just imagination; that’s reality! In our modern society, poverty has become an art form, a masterpiece of absurdity that leaves us all scratching our…

The Absurdity and Hypocrisy of Dress Codes

One of the most common forms of dress codes is for students in primary and secondary schools. These dress codes often impose restrictions on clothing, such as prohibiting tank tops, shorts, or clothing with offensive or provocative language or imagery. The consequences for breaking the…

The Absurdities of Social Media Culture: A Satirical Reflection

The rise of social media has transformed the way we communicate, consume information, and interact with others. While social media platforms have undoubtedly opened up opportunities for connection and communication, they have also given rise to a new culture that is often absurd, superficial, and…

What is a satire essay?

Although you might have seen rude satirical essay examples, this kind of writing stands for polite fun. The idea of satire is to expose the moral sides of a topic. The most popular satire topics will revolve around politicians, absurd situations, human greed, or even Instagram stars. Most importantly, satire essays should not be insulting or angry in any case!

How to write a satire essay?

The most satire essay examples you will encounter will have a structure that starts with an engaging statement, a famous quote, or an anecdote. You may even tell a story you have seen in person by turning it into a narration. Choose funny satire topics with a light-hearted approach and keep things educational. It has to teach a good lesson!

What makes a satire essay effective?

A satire essay is a piece of writing that uses humor, irony, sarcasm, and exaggeration to criticize or mock a particular subject, such as societal issues, individuals, or institutions. The primary goal is to entertain and provoke thought while highlighting the flaws or absurdities of the subject.

What topics can I satirize in my essay?

You can satirize a wide range of topics, including social issues, politics, popular culture, trends, and human behavior. The key is to choose a subject that you find interesting and that has room for satire.

How do I come up with satirical ideas?

Observe the world around you, paying attention to absurdities, contradictions, and hypocrisy. Satirical ideas often arise from everyday situations and human behavior.

How do I know if my satire essay is successful?

A successful satire essay entertains the reader, makes them think, and effectively critiques the subject. If your essay achieves these goals, it can be considered successful.

The most popular topics for Satire Essay

  • Christopher Columbus
  • Homelessness
  • Illegal Immigration
  • Competitive Sports
  • Global Warming
  • Climate Change
  • School Uniform
  • Freedom of Speech
  • Donald Trump

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Writing a Satire Essay: Guide and Examples

Satire has many forms that can be used to write works practically about any topic. Knowing where to start can be tricky if you have never encountered similar tasks at school before. But there’s no need to worry! Our team has developed this helpful guide for such an occasion. We will explain the basics of satirical essays and provide valuable tips on making them.

This article will also provide plenty of topic ideas on popular themes to make your work less stressful. You’ll also get to check out several satire essay examples that can serve as an inspiration for your work. Use our guide to make your paper come out great!

😁 The Basics of Satirical Essays

🔎 types of satire, 📝 writing a satire essay.

  • 💡 Best Satirical Topics
  • 🤩 Satire Essay Examples

📎 References

The American historian Barbara W. Tuchman states, “Satire is a wrapping of exaggeration around a core of reality.” This quote perfectly describes this exciting and controversial genre. But what is the definition of satire anyway? It’s the art of making something ridiculous, laughable, or discrediting. Satire is one of the oldest literary genres, dating back to Ancient Greece and the rhetorician Quintallian . It has different types, but their purpose is largely the same.

You can use satire to make fun of political ideologies, excessive militarism, or the pitfalls of modern society.

That’s precisely what many authors like George Orwell, Terry Pratchett, Joseph Heller, and Jaroslaw Hasek did in their works. They give a funhouse mirror look at real or fictional concepts and, sometimes, a mix of both.

Satire is moral outrage transformed into comic art. – Philip Roth.

Every essay type has an essential role, and this one is no exception. A satire essay serves the same purpose as its larger counterparts. It lets you poke fun or criticize things you find absurd. A paper can ridicule anything from the agony of bureaucratic procedures and nonsensical laws to the media climate and pop culture scene. It allows you to voice your opinion on these matters in a lighthearted and fun way.

Essentially, you can use three types of satire in your essays. Check them out before approaching a new piece of writing. This way, you’ll better select the most suitable for your subject and writing style .

Writing a satirical essay has much in common with other examples of this genre. You need an introduction, body paragraphs , and a conclusion. This section outlines the steps that will help you in this process. Read on to learn how to perfect your satire essay!

Four key steps you need to write a satire essay.

  • Step 1 : Select a topic. Find a subject that’s preferably already ridiculous or ironic. Your goal is to make it look even more exaggerated. Political c artoons are an excellent place to find a suitable theme for your essay.
  • Step 2 : Make your point through a hyperbole. Keep in mind that a hyperbolizing doesn’t necessarily mean lying. Instead, exaggerate the facts to highlight how absurd they are. For example, you can talk about how Norway’s economy is thriving thanks to the sheer amount of salmon they consume yearly.
  • Step 3 : Present your ideas through irony . This literary device uses words and phrases to tell the opposite of what they mean. It allows you to show a disconnect between someone’s expectations and what happens in reality.
  • Step 4 : Make it humorous. Keeping up a light tone can be challenging. But you should still do your best, as humor is a great way to get people to side with you and accept your position on an issue. It can win people over faster than weighted and meticulously explained opinions.

💡 Best Satirical Topics for an Essay

A satirical essay can be about any theme you like, from literary works to global events. To keep you from losing your head in this sea of possibilities, we’ve decided to present some of the funniest and most engaging topics for your writings.

But before we get started, here are some ideas on how you can come up with a cool satirical topic for your paper:

✅ Personal Experiences. Reflect on the moments from your life that struck you as odd or downright hilarious. Maybe it’s when you mistook a raccoon for your neighbor’s cat. Funny experiences often harbor unique insights that, when shared, can resonate with others due to their unexpected humor.

✅ Social Norms and Expectations . Explore instances when societal norms clash with reality. Let’s imagine your coworkers dressed in regular clothes to work while you and your friend dressed in Halloween outfits. By dissecting these contradictions, you can craft a story that entertains and subtly challenges societal norms.

✅ Current Events and Trends . Take a satirical lens to recent happenings, whether it’s an obsession with a new TikTok trend or an outfit from Rihanna or Doja Cat that other influencers are rushing to copy. Amplify the absurdity of these events to highlight their often-overlooked humorous side while satirizing the public’s reactions surrounding them.

✅ Everyday Life Observations . Delve into the nuances of daily life that typically go unnoticed. It could be the funny habits of your soulmate or people’s behavior on public transportation or elevators. By magnifying these quirks, you can reveal the hilarity and peculiarity of the routines we take for granted.

School and Education Satire Topics

  • How to master Google search for your academic pursuits.
  • The art of procrastination : How to avoid studying until the last minute.
  • How to ace an exam without studying.
  • The myth of a perfect student and how it wrecks the lives of collegegoers.
  • A satirical look at the pitfalls of contemporary American education .
  • College application essays: The most needless thing and how to ace it.
  • Why you should spend years earning a degree you’ll never use.
  • Group projects and how to survive them.
  • Funny utopian school: Where homework is banned and recess is eternal.
  • The unfair world of homework assignments.

Technology and Social Media Satire Topics

  • The Me generation: How social media raises an army of narcissists .
  • Informational addiction: Truth or even scarier truth?
  • Why you should post everything online.
  • Artificial Intelligence : Our doom or salvation?
  • The virtues of being a social media star.
  • Social media and its effect on your personal life.
  • How to wreck your life with Facebook .
  • TikTok and the modern media contagion.
  • Top 10 apps that ruin your life.
  • How to live one day without technology and stay sane.

Historical Satire Topics

  • A satirical look at the rise and fall of the Roman Empire .
  • The Third Reich’s WWII propaganda: A study in ridiculousness.
  • Fighting for peace: A short look at the arms race.
  • “Let them eat cake” and other phrases that changed history.
  • Historical influence of satire on the American Dream perception .
  • How the Cold War shaped American satire of the late 20th century.
  • Medieval gun control: Unsheathing the hilarity of sword registry laws.
  • The rise of authoritarianism and political satire.
  • 1812 and the folly of Napoleon .
  • Slavery in the land of the free.

Tips to help you come up with a satirical essay topic.

Politics and Government Satire Topics

  • The wonderful world of the two-party system.
  • Political promises: A study in honesty and integrity.
  • A satirical look at the theatrics of political ads .
  • The department of bureaucratic ballet: A satirical look at the government’s efficiency.
  • How the US bureaucracy became the monster everybody loves to hate.
  • A crash course in gaining political power without the fuss of democracy .
  • Political dodgeball: Avoiding questions made easy.
  • Ingenious solutions: How politicians promise to solve everything with catchy slogans.
  • How to survive your next Thanksgiving dinner .
  • How political division brings a country together.

Social Issues Satire Topics

  • Ten ways to avoid pressing social issues and feel good about yourself.
  • Why pulling yourself by the bootstraps no longer works.
  • Eating your way to a healthier life.
  • The luxury guide to poverty: How to embrace destitution with style.
  • How to become an effective cyberbully.
  • The selfie pandemic: A guide to self-obsession.
  • Unemployment reality shows: Who wants to be a broke millionaire?
  • Remaining private in a globally connected world.
  • How to become a cut-throat millionaire.
  • The great overpopulation and its humorous consequences.

Literature Satire Topics

  • How to bore your audience while looking important.
  • Outdated language: Making dictionaries cool again.
  • Crafting complex plots with just simple literary techniques .
  • A masterclass in confusing storytelling.
  • How to write a novel that people won’t buy.
  • The art of long-winded narrative in Stephen King novels.
  • Endings that made you throw books out the window.
  • Breaking the fourth wall and hilarious in-text solutions.
  • How to talk about books without reading them.
  • A guide to nonsensical plot twists.

🤩 Fantastic Satire Essay Examples

As we all know, theory is good but practice makes perfect. This is why we want to offer you these satire essay examples. Carefully reading through them will help you understand the elements they use and what makes them work. We suggest that you also try your hand at writing essays on these topics – compare them to our samples and see where you can improve!

  • Failed Leadership Can Only Be Whipped by Satire George Orwell used Animal Farm to critique totalitarian regimes that oppress the masses. The work pokes fun at many authoritarian movements, from fascism to communism, with a strong and charismatic leader usurping the top position and gaining full power. But most prominently it’s an attack on the October Revolution and the rise of Joseph Stalin as the leader. On a broader scale, Animal Farm serves as a satire of communism that ultimately didn’t meet the high expectations that the USSR’s citizens anticipated. Each character symbolizes a class or type of individual with strong and weak character traits. The novel’s antagonist, Master Jones, represents the bourgeoisie that exploits workers to death. The animals, a.k.a the proletariat, revolt and overthrow his iron rule. While things seem better for a while, thanks to the efforts and philosophy of a pig called Old Major, everything quickly turns for the worse. That soon results in many tragic events and the farm falling into the hands of another pig named Napoleon. He usurps the prime position much like Joseph Stalin did from Leo Trotsky . Any mentions of his political rival are met with brutal retaliation. Pretty soon, nobody remembers the original ideas that spearheaded the revolution. Ultimately, the pigs take over the farm and start to resemble humans. It is a masterful allegory of the oppressed becoming the oppressors. Animals become rulers of the farm, but most live in the same squalor they started with. Of course, nobody who is “ more equal than others ” ever complains.
  • Political Satire and Stephen Colbert Political satire has been around almost since the dawn of American independence. Over the past couple of decades, it has become a favorite subject of many shows, including the subject of this essay — Stephen Colbert . His The Colbert Report is a prime example of how to criticize the political climate with the right amount of humor and heart. Colbert’s approach to satire pulls no punches as he famously mocked former President George Bush Jr. during a White House Correspondent Dinner. He criticized Bush’s actions, lifestyle, beliefs, and foreign policy decisions. He especially criticized the decision to invade Iraq in 2003, which resulted in hundreds of thousands of casualties. Stephen Colbert used an ironic approach to discuss such issues to draw attention to them. While this was done lightheartedly, many people sided with Colbert. That allowed him to influence public opinion without being directly involved in politics. And Colbert always encouraged his viewers to do the right thing. Even though The Colbert Report ended in 2014, the man himself remains popular with American audiences. His current Late Night Show with Stephen Colbert enjoys millions of subscribers on YouTube and hundreds of millions of views. His previous program is still popular, with new people discovering it daily.

Thank you for reading our article. Hopefully, it helped you create a perfect satire essay. And if you need to find more ideas for your work, try out our essay topic generator !

❓ Satirical Essay FAQ

What is a satire essay.

A satirical essay sheds light on the absurdities of comical aspects of life. They are often used to criticize or make fun of a concept, a person, or a trend. This type of writing utilizes literary devices of irony and hyperbole to emphasize its message. Political satire is the most popular type in this field.

How to Start a Satire Essay?

Like any essay, it should start with an introduction. Here, you explain the theme of your work and what you want to shed light upon, be it a person, an event, or a concept. A good intro starts with a hook sentence for readers. Make it fun and engaging, and they’ll likely continue reading your satirical essay.

How to Write a Satire Essay?

First, find the right topic to make the subject of your essay. Second, use hyperbole and irony to point out the ridiculous aspects of the theme. You can check out examples of satirical papers to understand how these literary devices work. Finally, make the writing full of humor to drive your point home.

  • What is Satire? || Definition & Examples. – Evan Gottlieb, Oregon State University
  • 7 Satire Techniques With Tips. – Indeed
  • The Process for Setting up a Satire Essay. – Loudoun County Public Schools
  • What Is Satire? How to Use Satire in Literature, Pop Culture, and Politics—Plus Tips on Using Satire in Writing. – MasterClass
  • Satirical Writing. – Del Donno, Lone Star College-University Park
  • How to Write Satire. – Alex Baia
  • 4 Ways to Come Up With a Great Essay Idea. – Oxford Royale Academy
  • How to Use Satire, Sarcasm, and the Power of Contrast to Expand Your Writing Repertoire. – Dawn Bevier, Medium
  • Writing Satire Is Harder Than You Think. – Jeff Goins, Writer
  • Choosing a Topic. – The On-Campus Writing Lab & The OWL at Purdue and Purdue University
  • How it works
  • Top Writers
  • TOP Writers

How To Write A Satire Essay

This article will guide you on how to write a satire essay in detail and will explain what a satire essay is as well as show you some examples. The text uses satire to make you understand its main objective. Assignments on this topic are known to be the most challenging for most students. In these kinds of essays, students need to show their expertise in content and subject area. Similarly, they should use humor to point absurdities found in our real-life situations . Although satire essays are full of humor, there are those without or minimal instances of humor. Most of them are expressed in a serious tone which shows that readers should take them seriously.

How To Write A Satire Essay

There are advantages of writing these kinds of essays more so to those individuals wishing to master the art of writing. Once you have learned how to infuse irony, humor, and hyperbole, you will discover them not only being fun but also easy to write.

  • Learning your Task

It’s crucial for you to understand every aspect of your writing assignment. You should be in a position to point out the following:

If your homework intends to satirize a given cultural topic

  • The length of the essay

Our formatting guide will help you select the right format to use while writing your assignment. You might be in a dilemma not knowing whether to write your paper in first, second or third person point of view. For those who have never read satire essays before, you should consider reading the work of Jonathan Swift’s A Modest Proposal who is well known for these types of pieces. If you are wondering where to find them, then consider the site “The Onion” which usually deals with the topics in politics.

While writing your assignment, incorporating satire enables you to write the essay in a first person’s point of view. This makes you point out issues in the society especially those concerning society and culture. Using an example where this article points women’s demeaning which is being explained by Trump’s Hollywood tapes leaked information (“Satire Essay,” 2019). Meme proposing that female gender should not oppose what amen say suggest that they are annoyed by his utterances. This is clearly shown through the work of E.L. James’s Fifty Shades of Gray showing a romantic relationship between female and male where the male is in total control and the woman is expected to submit to him.

Topics of Satire Essay

When writing a satire essay on any topics, it’s good to point out the significant events of culture and politics. The most common ideas you should consider while writing:

  • Border Walls
  • Hillary Clinton
  • Donald Trump
  • Barack Obama
  • Immigration reform

A list of satirical topics is endless and if you are unsure of what to select contact our support team who are ready to help you any time.

Brainstorming of Any Satirical Essay

Any good essay writing process begins with brainstorming. Brainstorming is a useful tool for all essay writers that plays a significant role even in writing a satirical essay (“Satire Essay,” 2019). While there are familiar writing outlines employed in the initial stages of planning, there are other methods that work perfectly well when it comes to satire writing tasks. One of the tools that are commonly used and we like most is the use of a bubble map. A bubble map is a simple tool that would be used starting from elementary schools onwards. The tool associates words in line with your topic of interest. For instance, if you decide to write a bubble map for any prominent figure in the society say, Donald Trump, you will diversify and use words like businessman, father, married, adulterer, divorced, New York City, orange, billionaire, bombastic, real estate, and home alone.

You can see from the above bubble map how those words bring out elements that are associated with Donald Trump. When it comes to descriptive essays on a dog, there would be some words in the middle like the name of that given dog (“Satire Essay,” 2019). When using the bubble map, you should be aware that the words you choose should not be your own words you decide to use while writing your essay. The words used should aid in exposing an issue and further directs on the ways of approaching it satirically.

Thesis Statements in Satire Essays

After deciding on the right topic, you should then come up with a good thesis statement for your essay. You may be wondering what a thesis statement is. Thesis Statement is merely a road map of your piece that is always one or two sentences. It helps your readers understand the primary objective of your essay. Regardless of your essay type, the structure of your thesis statement always remains the same except in satire essay where it differs slightly. In satire essays, it is different unlike situations when one is proposing a real idea.

Below are some examples of Thesis Statements:

To ensure the safety of your jewelry, you need to be conspicuous on it, ensure valuable jewelry is stored in a vault or deposit box that is safe, also, do not travel with excessive jewelry than (Author: Kim Kardashian-West)

Having a successful marriage is extremely simple: you have to identify your second wife while married to your first wife and have more children with her before you get married. (Author: Brad Pitt)

From the above examples, it is clear that the most satirical element in the essay is the individual writing it. Also, the target audience can be part of the satire. When Jimmy Carter wrote to Trump a letter informing him not to worry of offending women is satirical in a way since both Jimmy and Trump are respected figures in the United States of America.  The case of Bill Clinton is writing a letter to Barrack Obama to guide him on how to be a good husband while in the White House is Irony in itself. This is because Obama is well known for his excellence in family matters and he is perceived to be an excellent husband too. On the other hand, Bill had a lousy legacy as he had an affair outside marriage while in office. Finally, criticisms of Maddona of Lady Gaga of publicity or even Peter Rose Criticizing Tom utilize all aspects of double-satire.

Resources for Satirical Essays

A wide range of satirical essays is based on events happening in the current century. Though citing them directly may not be compulsory at the moment, it is essential for you to know the real facts and issues that are associated with a given situation (“Satire Essay,” 2019). It is even ironical for you to identify the satiric news sites. In this modern time, this would be much more difficult to notice concerning political context. To avoid all these troubles, you need to be careful while selecting your topic and ensure your sources are unbiased and academically reliable.

It can be difficult finding a reliable source for your essay. To be sure you have the right sources, use the sources that are not more than three years old and from reputable publishers like newspapers, magazines, and .com and .org websites. However, you are free to use sources for more than three years old, but you should inform your readers of any change of information in the concerned period.

Additionally, you might have been discouraged to use sources like Wikipedia, Britannica, and Encyclopedia while doing your writing assignments. The advice is good as these sources are not regarded as reliable sources in the scholarly world. However, do not allow the ban to prevent you from using the references (“Satire Essay,” 2019). They can give an excellent overview of your topic and give you resources you can research for further information.  Google scholar is another great search engine that gives you an opportunity to limit the kind of resources you want to look at. With the above search engine, you can find either academic or scholarly articles and would support you in finding the best academic and scholarly writing.

Other generic sites like CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC are also good sources of information while writing satire essays. Also, you can make use of other local and major networks as they are good sources of news. The above news channels have programs that are not sources but are both social and political commentary. While using these shows, you need to be careful as they sometimes present information to the readers in a biased way or give unreliable information. As you write be aware of possible biased information especially when selecting your sources.

Citing your Sources

If you decide to incorporate all your resources in your satirical essay, you will have to cite all academic sources to back-up any claim you make on certain political styles. If your essay is based on actual dates, rare facts, and figures, you need to cite all your sources. In such cases, you will be directed on the formats to use, or you will have to decide on your own . The most commonly used academic citation styles for undergraduate students are the American Psychology Association (APA), modern language association (MLA), and Turabian or Chicago. Unless in your assignment there are clear instructions on the type of format to use, go for the writing style you understand best.

Examples of Satire Essays

As a student, it’s easy for you to digest a concept if you are given an example. Thus, our model will not only help you understand how you can write an amazing satirical essay but will also help you master how you can format your essays correctly. On our site, you will get an excellent satirical essay. Just fill in the order form.

We hope that after reading our article on satire and using our provided examples, you will be more confident than before to confront any satire essay throughout your academic journey. Even after reading our article and examples you might still encounter challenges right from topic selection to completing your essay . Remember Tutoriage writing service is here for you. We have a complete team of tutors ready to help you in any challenge you encounter in your writing process from topic selection to writing a flawless piece. To get more insight, go to our website.

some ideas for a satirical essay


50 Satire Essay Topics For High School Students

The popular American author Sarah Cooper once said satire makes people learn something more than being lectured. While it can be the gospel truth, another undeniable fact is that satire might not be a cakewalk for many, especially when students do not choose the right topic. When students in high school are assigned Satire Essays to write about, they begin their search for a topic that can be interesting enough to be mocked and informative enough to be written about. 

While most high schoolers look for hypocrisy and irony in their topics, a smart idea can also be to look into the flaws of the system and very subtly mock it, proving your point. Hence, if you are a high school and are on a quest to search for the ideal satire topics for your essay, read below to understand and get an idea about how and what to present in that essay. 

Satire Essay Topics For High Schoolers

Usual essays can be super helpful for high schoolers, especially when they are written for scholarships. However, satire essay topics can be humorous and enlightening at the same time. When writing these kinds of essays, the students need to analyze the speech and many other factors carefully. However, the first crucial aspect of writing a satirical essay is choosing the right topic. Hence, here are 50 topics that students can choose from, as per their needs and liking. 

Generic Topics:

  • Why every music superstar should spend more money on flashy jewelry and car
  • History is the lesson, not the teacher
  • Was Alexander the Great genuinely great?
  • Why storytelling is a boring thing
  • Social class separation – The $30,000 dress and high-end designers
  • No Need For A Best Friend When You Can Have A Pet
  • Social Media Platforms Are The Better Option For Making Friends
  • Reasons To Connect With Your Parents On Social Media
  • Do rats sometimes find themselves in a “man race”?
  • How a TV is the best babysitter for your toddler

Social Topics:

  • Child labor’s advantages- A satire on how children tailors benefit the fashion industry
  • When money becomes a serious issue – Get the currency eliminated
  • Curbing overpopulation
  • How global warming benefits humanity
  • People should use the ocean as their dumping site
  • How police brutality benefits society
  • Homelessness is not that bad
  • Why Social Media Is Important In A Student’s Life
  • Why The Upper Class Experience More Stress Than The Lower Class
  • Can Comic Books Promote Certain Careers?

Topics related to School:

  • How To Excel In School Without Studying
  • Guidelines On How To Fail Your Exams
  • How Mathematics Can Become Your Favorite Subject In School
  • My Least Favorite Subject
  • Should teachers also be wearing uniforms?
  • Why Getting A College Education Is Not Important
  • Why School Boards Should Get Abolished
  • Reasons Why High School Proms Should Get Abolished
  • High school bullying continues as office harassment
  • Why school kids give the best advice about finance

Political Topics:

  • Annual Budget: What we should and should not spend more money on – A Satirical Take
  • Revising the freedom of speech law – Let all say whatever they want to say
  • Why North Korea needs press freedom
  • Why do people believe their politicians?
  • Why Russia is America’s best friend
  • The best president in the history of America: Is it Donald Trump?
  • Top 10 Reasons Why Brexit Is Good For Britain
  • Exercising Your Rights To Vote In Fun Ways
  • Ways Of Confronting Terrorists With Peace Messages
  • Is the free press truly free anymore?

Medicine and Science Topics

  • Why does almost everybody get a cold during the winter months?
  • Why people should do away with minerals and vitamins
  • Did the aliens build China’s Great Wall?
  • The role of polythene bags in environmental pollution
  • Simple solutions to soil erosion
  • What will happen when oil will be more important than water
  • Is The Cure For HIV/AIDS A Myth?
  • Is music the cure for many diseases?
  • Why Plastic Surgery Is A Good Idea If Your ID Got Stolen
  • Why Moving To Space Should Be On Everyone’s Mind

How to write an exceptional satirical essay? Tips and tricks explored 

Much like creative writing and essays, satirical essays can be fun and entertaining to write an essay that provides facts and is humorous at the same time, it is often stressful for the students, as they can find it overwhelming to share their thoughts with a spin of humor. At such times, the following tips and tricks can come in super handy:

  • Choose a topic in which you have vast knowledge, as you might want to include some hilarious examples to prove your point. 
  • To create an essay that would be great, you would like to choose a topic you are passionate about as it will be encouraging for you to pour in your own thoughts on the paper.
  • Think about angles that you can use to poke fun at the topic chosen. These should be elements that can be exaggerated and made fun of in the satire.
  • The tone and language should be considered as per the audience. Hence, know your teachers and their interests well before crafting your satirical piece.
  • Hyperbole can be your best friend in satire. This figurative language can help you add humor and over-exaggerate a fact to a point that it looks funny.
  • Sarcasm can be super effective if you wish to entertain the readers by helping them build a picture in their minds. 

High Schoolers should not forget that they should have the utmost fun while creating this assignment. While it might seem daunting at first, these are generally presentation topics can be rewarding and enlightening for the kids. It is often said that a human’s wit shows their intelligence level too. Hence, take your time and have some fun while creating the satirical essay. Nonetheless, writing a good satirical essay requires the use of vibrant humor blended with intelligence and a great vocabulary. Therefore, never fall short of these basic elements, and you will have a great essay presented in no time!

some ideas for a satirical essay

Sananda Bhattacharya, Chief Editor of TheHighSchooler, is dedicated to enhancing operations and growth. With degrees in Literature and Asian Studies from Presidency University, Kolkata, she leverages her educational and innovative background to shape TheHighSchooler into a pivotal resource hub. Providing valuable insights, practical activities, and guidance on school life, graduation, scholarships, and more, Sananda’s leadership enriches the journey of high school students.

Explore a plethora of invaluable resources and insights tailored for high schoolers at TheHighSchooler, under the guidance of Sananda Bhattacharya’s expertise. You can follow her on Linkedin

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How to write a satire essay

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There is no such a student who has never been assigned to write a college satire essay when getting education. I am not an exception! Despite the fact that I have never had serious problems with academic writing before and I have a great sense of humor, I must admit that the satirical essay turned out not as easy as ABC. It wasn't much fun-I had to pull an all-nighter to choose a favorite topic on some social issues that would be interesting to most people in America; search for the relevant information everywhere, including media; find good examples, and finally write my work according to a certain structure. To tell the truth, the thought to order the ready satire essay from professional writers has crossed my mind because this kind of task seemed to be the most difficult one in my life. I had neither time nor the knowledge about its distinctive features. However, I decided not to email custom writers and take this challenge on my own as I didn't get used to giving up. Now, I am here sharing my personal satire writing experience with everyone who is just going to deal with this kind of the written task.  

A Complete Guide on How to Write a Satire Essay

Before I got started with my essay, I have checked a large number of funny satire essay examples belonging to different categories. While reading, it seemed to me that I would cope with this assignment easily. However, I was mistaken. In general, essay structure looked like the one other essays have but at the same time, I understood that this kind of paper has its own distinctive features and peculiarities. I had to check a lot of guides on how to write a satire essay before I got started with mine. All of them said that it's very important to find interesting controversial satire essy topics about some political, cultural, social issues. Usually knowing language on a good level is very helpful so it is better to attend English Courses if you don't have enough knowledge. Due to the fact that I didn't know much about the two last spheres, I decided to write about the famous Donald Trump. You will be able to check my piece of writing later. Before you look at the satire paper itself, you should have a clear picture of how your paper must look like in terms of structural elements. I would like to share my personal experience in structuring the satire paper in accordance with the required instructions given by my school teacher. Now, I am going to tell you how to write a satire essay the right way.  

  • An Introduction I think that all of you know that the first steps you should take are to think of a killer title, which I had to change for several times after having finished and to write an introduction. I've understood that if you want to attract the reader's attention, you need to start either with the intriguing question that your reader would like to answer, or some figures.

For example, if you are going to craft an essay about the well-known politician, - find some interesting facts about his/her life and career, start your work with some shocking information. Don't forget to include a powerful thesis statement at the end of your introduction. Write just 1-2 sentences keeping in mind that they must be informative and strong, expressing the main idea, and explaining to the reader what you are going to discuss in your work. I had to rewrite my introduction 3 or 5 times until I made it perfect. Every time when rereading I tried to imagine that I was a reader. This trick will help you to understand how the paper beginning sounds, whether it is able to hook or not.

  • The Main Body The process of writing the main body took me much time - a day or two if to be exact. This is due to the fact that this is a part where you are expected to provide all information on the chosen subject.

First, I had to find all the relevant materials and select those which could add some value to my paper. I used a lot of different information sources, including the Internet, published and electronic books online, magazine articles, blog posts, and a lot of various publications. I have checked every place where I could find something about Trump. I chose interesting pieces of information, gathered them like a puzzle, made sure that the main part of my essay was creative, original, and logical. Remember that it is better to stick to the 5-6 paragraph structure, which means that the main body will take the major part of your work-3-4 paragraphs. Use thematic essay examples while writing your task. The exact volume will depend on the number of facts you are going to use in your paper. The most difficult thing is to present the facts so that the reader feels where exactly you have used exaggerations, hyperbole, and another language device to poke fun.

  • The Conclusion As any other kind of academic paper, a satire essay should end with the brief conclusion. I wrote a short summary of all the ideas that I have included in the main body, and then added a couple of sentences explaining the reader my point of view and the reasons why I consider my work valuable for the today's generation. Can't come up with a thought-provoking conclusion? Rely on StudyCrumb's essay conclusion generator and get a nice ending made in seconds.

Check Good Satire Essay Examples Before You Get Started

Have you wanted to see my satire essay? Here, you are! Have a closer look at the piece of writing I have submitted and got an A-grade! 

Want a similar satire paper? Contact StudyCrumb and get professional writing help from experts. 

Top-20 A-Grade Satire Essay Topics for You to Choose From

  • The smartest human of all the times.
  • Childish labor helps businesses to flourish.
  • D. Trump is the most famous President who is free in his self-expression.
  • H. Clinton always takes right decisions.
  • Trump and Putin have “friendly” relationships.
  • Are the US citizens happy with the President selection?
  • Comment on cultural differences and their influence on relationships between students.
  • Media: the best invention or the worst thing ever?
  • Today, people learn about their lives from the morning newspapers.
  • All harmful things have a great taste.
  • The best president in the US history.
  • Doing nothing is fashionable today.
  • A robot works better than real people.
  • Politicians and comedians have much in common.
  • Money values in the modern society.
  • Fast food – fast weight.
  • Satire in English literature.
  • A family business is the worst thing that may happen to the family members.
  • Living alone is much better than with anyone else.
  • Boring teacher-bored students.

Choose one of the above-mentioned satire essay topics, follow the tips for writing a satire essay, and I guarantee that you’ll get a high score! Never give up and treat the satire essay assignment as a fun thing to do demonstrating your unique sense of humor! Good luck!


Daniel Howard is an Essay Writing guru. He helps students create essays that will strike a chord with the readers.

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The eccentric billionaire has become a symbol of anti-establishment sentiments that have swept the United States in the recent years. Having crushed the orderly number of forecasts of numerous experts, and the results of opinion polls, a candidate from the Republican Party Donald Trump won the presidential elections in the United States. The man who promised to "drain the Washington swamp" won. But will the hopes of his supporters be justified, when Trump as the 45th president of America will take decisions in the White House? While the United States was counting votes in the presidential election, and the scales were becoming more confident in favor of Donald Trump, the website of the state migration service in neighboring Canada was working intermittently. These disruptions seem to have arisen from the fact that many Americans have decided to examine the conditions of moving to the land of the maple leaf. The number of requests in Google about how to move to Canada, also sharply increased. According to one of the pre-election polls, 28% of Americans considered the option of leaving for Canada in the event of Trump's victory. They said that the US residents had a threat to go to Canadians - this is almost traditional national fun for the presidential elections. But it is unlikely that this "fun" was so serious before. Several American celebrities - from B. Streisand and Cher to Samuel L. Jackson and Whoopi Goldberg – threatened that if Trump would become their President, they would "choose freedom": go to Spain, to South Africa, or to Jupiter. In the information battles of the pre-election race against Donald Trump heavy artillery was used. The main caliber was hit in two directions. First: Trump is a misogynist and a womanizer. Second: Trump is a puppet of the Kremlin. Donald Trump himself played along with his critics on the "Russian" direction saying "I think I will get along well with Vladimir Putin. I just think so”. Trump shared his thoughts when he announced his intention to become a president. A few months later, he said that if he would be elected, it is unlikely that there will be problems in relations with Russia. Trump gratefully accepted the praise addressed to him by Putin: "It's always an honor to be praised by a man so respected in his own country and abroad. I always believed that together, Russia and the United States could defeat terrorism and restore peace. We could also trade with each other, not to mention other benefits." The businessman and showman, producer and politician are 4 in 1 and all these personalities are in one "great and terrible person" Trump. The showman, perhaps, is the key word in this series. Donald for many years was an active organizer of the Miss USA competitions. His cameo can be seen in several movies and television series. Trump entered the history of the American show business as the host and co-producer of the reality show The Apprentice on the NBC channel. So, after the Hollywood actor Ronald Reagan, a TV star appeared in the White House. Trump is a one hundred percent challenge to the system, which it must respond to in order to get out of the current state, where Trump appeared.

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Satirical proposal ideas/ satire essay topics, bob cardens.

  • August 2, 2022
  • Essay Topics and Ideas , Samples

This article covers a list of over 170 best Satirical Proposal Ideas and Satire Essay Topics for you to go through and select te best that fits your interest.

What You'll Learn

Satirical Proposal Ideas

A satire essay is a piece of creative writing in which you use irony and humor to criticize other people’s vices or follies. It’s especially common in light of current political and social events.

A satirical essay contains facts about a specific topic but presents them in a humorous manner.

Satire Essay

A satire essay, also known as a satirical essay, is a type of writing that attempts to analyze a topic in a humorous manner. Often, this means making fun of a subject, and while the facts are usually correct, they are presented in an exaggerated manner to make the audience or reader laugh.

A satire essay is often interesting and entertaining to write, as well as hilarious and entertaining to read. You’re giving your reader facts as well as a sarcastic and entertaining take on the subject. Of course, this usually implies that you must have an opinion on the subject.

However, this is what makes a satirical essay one of the best ways to write; you get to share your own point of view and put your own spin on your work. This means that, in addition to being entertaining and humorous, this writing style can also be educational and thought-provoking.

Related: How To Write A Satire Essay

How to Write a Good Satire Essay

Of course, you’ve come here to learn how to write good satire. You’ve come to the right place! To write a good satirical essay, you must follow several important steps. Let’s go over them now so you can get started.

Consider satirical topics for your essay

The first step in writing a satire essay is to come up with a topic . This may take some time, and it is not a step to be taken lightly.

After all, in order to produce your best work, you must select a topic about which you are passionate and know enough to form an opinion and create a humorous analysis.

Plus, picking a topic that interests you will make it much easier to share your personal thoughts!

This can include current events in the news or that have gone viral, for example. Some of the best topics are ones to which you and others can relate.

Create Funny Satire Topics for Readers

Of course, one thing to keep in mind when selecting satire essay topics is to think about something that is actually funny .

It will be extremely difficult to discuss a topic if there is no humorous element to make fun of. Consider angles that will be interesting and humorous to your readers, and you will find writing your satire essay simple and enjoyable.

Consider what is ironic or humorous about this topic.

You could also start with a random (even serious) topic and look for ways to change it to make it humorous – make exaggerations, play with context, mix the unmixable, and so on.

It may be beneficial to consider old good human nature, current strange societal trends, amusing self-deprecation, and so on.

Consider your target audience.

Before you begin writing, you should consider who will be reading your essay. The tone and language you use will be very different depending on the audience who will be reading your satirical topics.

If you are writing for your classmates, for example, you may be able to write less formally than you would for a professor or academic professional.

While the quality of your argument and essay outline will be similar, the speech that you use will differ.

Exaggeration can be accomplished with hyperbole.

Hyperbole will be used in good satire topics. This is figurative language that will generate humor, and the reader will not take it literally.

In other words, hyperbole is the creation of phrases that overstate and exaggerate a point in order to emphasize your point of view. For example, consider the phrase “I’m so hungry I could eat a horse.”

This is hyperbole, emphasizing the fact that the person is extremely hungry. Of course, no one would eat a horse, but it is used to emphasize a point.

Add sarcasm to your writing

Sarcasm is an excellent piece of language to use in your satiric essay. This is not only an effective way of conveying your point of view in writing, but it is also a way to entertain your audience and help them form an image of what you are discussing.

You will be able to mock a situation by using language that means the inverse of what you want to say.

A good satire essay necessitates the use of intelligent and vibrant humor. Using a rich and exquisite vocabulary or imitating the formal style of newspapers also creates a contrast with the humorous tone, enhancing the overall effect.

Play Around

Remember that your assignment should be enjoyable! While it may appear difficult to begin writing and considering satire or presentation topic ideas , it can be a rewarding project to complete.

This is especially true if it is on a topic of interest to you. So, take your time and try to enjoy the process in order to create good satire topics that you can be proud of.

Satirical Essay Topics

Best political satire topics.

  • What is this Brexit everyone is talking about?
  • Please, lower the voting age and see what happens!
  • Everyone in the US should listen to politicians. (one of the very funny satire subjects)
  • Donald Trump really stands out from the previous US presidents.
  • Russia is perhaps American’s most loyal ally.
  • Solving the problem of illegal immigration in the United States.
  • Freedom of speech is clearly overrated.
  • Here are the fun ways to exercise your constitutionally-protected voting rights.
  • Trump’s government didn’t really Make America Great Again!
  • The 5 reasons people still have faith in politicians today.

Best Technology and Science Satirical Topics

  • Robots are already conquering our planet and enslaving us.
  • Electric vehicles are definitely not better than petrol cars.
  • Here’s how Facebook helped me learn new things.
  • Best apps to embarrass yourself with in front of your classmates.
  • The art of arriving late at an interview (with examples).
  • Let’s face it: robots are hard-working, unlike humans. (one of the best satire essay topics)
  • Trust me, Google can save your life one day!
  • A computer hacker can be your best friend.
  • 5 apps that are ruining your social life right now.
  • Use public Wi-Fi networks, they’re completely safe!

Best Satire Example in Literature

  • Roman and Greek forms of literature are basically the same.
  • What have I learned from Romeo and Juliet?
  • Let’s be honest: religion changes literature.
  • Why I can’t understand any of the works of Shakespeare. (one of the best satirical topics)
  • Discussing the modern methods of language: any changes?
  • Which is worse nowadays, crappy music or crappy literature?
  • I’d rather read the Washington Post than read another work by Shakespeare.
  • Reading a good book beats listening to the latest tunes.
  • We definitely need to censor some of the current literary masterpieces.
  • Television versus literature: who’s the winner?

Topics for a Satire Essay for College Students

  • Every school has its social pyramid, which you need to learn to navigate to survive.
  • Who uses chalkboards nowadays?
  • 5 ways to better use your time instead of going to school.
  • 7 things school will never teach you. (one of the best satire speech topics)
  • Don’t be afraid of dropping out of school!
  • Here is what I learned from flunking my exams.
  • My least favorite subjects in school (with explanations).
  • Why you should never connect with your parents on Facebook.
  • Why teachers should quit giving their students homework.
  • High school proms should be banned in the entire United States.

You can also check out Good Argumentative Essay Topics On Human Trafficking With Prompts

Social Issues Satirical Topics

  • The teen mom phenomenon is on the rise; here is why!
  • Why people lie all the time and why it’s a good skill to master.
  • The 5 reasons why you want to be as annoying as possible.
  • Being a vegan versus eating meat: a sincere approach.
  • Let’s legalize and deregulate marijuana and see what happens.
  • Poverty is everywhere around us, not just in third world countries.
  • Why gun control will never work in the United States.
  • Make healthcare free for everyone, but don’t expect me to pay for it!
  • Sustaining a healthy relationship is like taking a second job.
  • How to get away with criticizing your boss (tips included).

As you continue, thestudycorp.com has the top and most qualified writers to help with any of your assignments. All you need to do is  place an order  with us. (Satirical Proposal Ideas/ Satire Essay Topics )

Satirical proposal ideas/ satire essay topics

Satire Ideas on Sports

  • Tiger Woods won’t win another Major, and here is why!
  • This is the hardest record to break in sports, but you won’t guess why!
  • Real Madrid is the best football club in the world, but not for long.
  • Let’s make a hall of fame for steroid users.
  • Soccer games should be closed events because of all the fighting.
  • Women are better athletes than men – and there is scientific evidence.
  • College athletes deserve to get paid for their efforts.
  • Why you can’t call playing a video game sport.
  • All jerseys of all sportspeople should have ads on them.
  • Athletes make for very poor role models, that’s for sure!

Satirical Love Topics

  • Love really exists, and there is proof to this claim!
  • When not to use your most popular pickup line. (one of the best topics for satires)
  • The 3 conversation starters that work every time.
  • You never know when you’re in love, until it’s too late.
  • There should be an age limit on love: pros and cons.
  • I love more than one person. Is this even possible?
  • How to break up with somebody over text messages.
  • Here is how you win an argument with your wife every time.
  • All men should become stay at home dads.
  • Why do you care? After all, love is blind!
  • How much does an average wedding cost? You’ll be surprised!

Satirical Topics about the Environment

  • Global warming is not real.
  • Alternative energy is overrated, and here is why!
  • It’s fun living on a planet without an ozone layer.
  • The 3 best water conservation methods you can use in a desert.
  • Housing projects or environmental conservation?
  • Don’t brush your teeth! You’ll prevent global warming.
  • 3 endangered species you don’t even know exist.
  • Soon, we will need oil more than we need water.
  • Let’s cut all the trees and see if the ozone layer really disappears.
  • Recycling does nothing to protect the environment in real life.

Satirical Topics about School

  • Facebook is the best place to make friends in school.
  • Dropping out of school may not be such a bad idea after all.
  • Let’s face it: getting a college education is no longer important.
  • How to avoid doing your homework and not get a bad grade (with tricks).
  • I don’t know why, but Physics is my favorite class.
  • Do we really need to graduate school?
  • Here is why I absolutely hate school uniforms.
  • Why good grades don’t really matter nowadays.
  • Standardized tests don’t reflect the intelligence of students.
  • Teachers need to stop with all the homework!

Business Satirical Topics

  • Money doesn’t make you happy, but it’s good to have it!
  • My role model in business (and why).
  • Get a virtual assistant so you don’t have to do the boring stuff.
  • Selling a used car is trickier than you think!
  • 3 ways to grow your company without much effort.
  • Every business has its risks.
  • Every business should have a pet as a mascot. (the best of all the satire topic ideas)
  • I want to have my own bank.
  • Is religion a business these days?
  • Children will give you the best financial advice, always!

Satirical Argument Essay Topics

Topics for a satirical essay that is argumentative can be a little tricky.

The benefit of choosing this type of essay is writing from both perspectives to prove your point. The options below will help you get started.

  • The gun laws have made Australia the safest place on earth
  • America can become Russia’s new best friend
  • Women are better than men in every field
  • Why juggling being a mom and going to work is the easiest thing ever
  • Why is animal testing not the most fun for them?
  • Beauty first, brains second. Why do you think that is justified?
  • Every lost item can be found when your mom is looking for it
  • Why never pick sides between your wife’s and mother’s fight
  • Why having a pet is better than having fake friends?
  • No news is good news until you post about it on social media
  • Why is the feminist movement overrated?
  • Babies are cute as long as they are not yours
  • Eating babies look cute as long as they do not poop

Satire Essay Topics on Social Media

Social media-related topics for a satire essay can be quite catchy as most people will relate to them.

It is a smart direction to go in when writing this type of challenging essay.

Make this process easier by choosing one of the topics suggested below:

  • Why blocking your family on social media is justified?
  • The benefits of adding your parents on Facebook
  • How does social media make me a brilliant student?
  • How to stalk your boyfriend if he is not on social media?
  • How is Google able to save your life?
  • Why are online friends way better than real-life friends?
  • Benefits of marrying a stranger on the internet
  • Here is why I rejected my dad’s friend request on Facebook
  • I followed instructions by a complete stranger online and how it changed my life
  • Gossip is the currency of social media
  • How to save yourself from the TikTok virus?
  • Understanding how the cloud works: how did all of my data fly to the clouds?
  • Why do social media jargons make you a better fit for your job?

Modern Satire Essay Topics

Modern satirical essay topic ideas can be quirky and much fun to work with. Spice up your essay and writing skills by utilizing the suggestions listed below:

  • How are teen moms conquering the world?
  • High-income group people are more stressed than the lower-income ones?
  • Why should most men become home dads?
  • How to win an argument with your wife?
  • How can you survive a day without your smartphone?
  • Why breaking up via text can save your life
  • What makes divorce more expensive than a wedding
  • How to manipulate your girlfriend into breaking up with you
  • Why your grandpa needs a new iPhone right now?
  • Why to not love charity?
  • How I met your mother on Instagram?
  • How to not flirt with your English literature teacher?
  • A guide to making your first date awkward
  • A guy’s valuable insight on girls’ makeup
  • How to escape back into the friendship zone?

You can also check out Best Persuasive Essay Topics

Satire Essay on Controversial Topics

Writing on a controversial topic ? You have an excellent chance of making your audience interested in reading your work.

You can take inspiration from some of the best controversial satire topics for an essay:

  • Why is freedom of speech not a necessity?
  • What makes Trump stand out among the previous presidents?
  • Comics can be a great way to confront terrorist
  • Why is every Muslim not a terrorist?
  • How, if legalized, steroids can help athletes?
  • Why are women better drivers than men?
  • How legalizing abortion can solve half the world’s problems?
  • Which type of cancer is the best one?
  • Ten reasons why Britain can justify making the decisions it did with Brexit
  • The benefits you can enjoy if your parents are getting divorced
  • How racism actually gives all of us a reason to bond
  • Why is dating five girls better than dating one?
  • Why does animal cruelty not make you cruel?

Satire Essay Topics on Celebrities

Writing a satirical essay is challenging yet fun, especially when you are writing one on a celebrity.

Who would not want to read a spin on the lives of these renowned personalities? Do your best by picking from the hilarious options below:

  • Why is being homeless better than being a celebrity?
  • Why staying married to Kanye is a good idea if you wake up as Kim one day?
  • Why should Miley Cyrus be every teen’s role model?
  • The compilation of Trump’s best pieces of advice
  • Smoking is cool as long as celebrities do it
  • How to plan a Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas wedding but on a budget?
  • What makes Chris Brown the perfect feminist?
  • How are celebrities setting the most realistic beauty standards for teenagers?
  • Why is Bill Gates, not your dad?
  • How to be as happy as Kanye West?
  • Why writing a song about your ex like Taylor Swift can make your life better?
  • Why are you not dating Megan Fox right now?

Satirical Essay Topics on Global Warming

Are you out of satire essay ideas for an issue as serious as global warming?

Well, tackling such matters with humor is one of the best ways to make people realize their contribution to it.

Look at the examples mentioned in the list here:

  • Why should you consider global warming a joke?
  • You can still clean your environment without recycling. Here is how
  • Skipping brushing in the morning can be quite effective in controlling global warming
  • Why would it be fun to live on a planet with no Ozone layer
  • What makes spilling waste in the water worth it?
  • The obvious choice between housing projects and environmental policies
  • Human efforts of planting trees while exponentially increasing the rate of deforestation are commendable
  • Let’s be a little honest; do we actually need the ozone layer?
  • Why should the rising temperatures all over the world not bother you?
  • How global warming helps when you are feeling cold?
  • How to pollute the environment without damaging the ozone layer?
  • Global warming might be the best way to die

Satirical Essay Topics on Drugs

Worry no more! Read through the options and select the one you like the most:

  • Little drugs never hurt anybody
  • You would have come up with an essay topic yourself if marijuana was legalized
  • You cannot sneeze when you are unconscious
  • Drugs; the breakfast for champions
  • Why does Xanax make a perfect dinner?
  • How drug addiction is better than sex
  • Temporary relief is always better than permanent health damage in the long run
  • What is better than escaping reality
  • Weed is a plant that makes me a florist, not a druggie
  • Life is short; why waste it being sober?
  • I am regulating the economy by purchasing drugs. Am I a hero yet?
  • How are drugs not cool if Justin Bieber does it too?

As you continue, thestudycorp.com has the top and most qualified writers to help with any of your assignments. All you need to do is  place an order  with us. (Satirical Proposal Ideas/ Satire Essay Topics)

Satirical Essay Topics on Texting and Driving

Do you want to make a difference through your work? Writing an essay on a social issue like this can help you in this regard.

The suggestions below are to give you a head start. Let’s begin.

  • I am not texting while driving. Am I normal?
  • How not texting while driving can still make you cool?
  • I believe in the art of multitasking, so what if it can kill?
  • Why texting while driving is an absolute necessity?
  • I left my phone at home. How will I drive to work?
  • There is no arguing the fact that texting makes driving a lot less boring.
  • I do not own a phone. Can I still drive?
  • Why does texting while driving makes you the ideal driver?
  • Name a better combo than texting and driving
  • Why blame texting while driving? Everybody has got to die anyways
  • How to go to heaven with texting while driving?
  • Where is the fun in driving with no texting in between?
  • Why is getting a ticket unfair if all you were doing was texting while driving
  • Of course, we have to text while driving; the other person might die if we reply late
  • Why is giving up your life worth it for texting while driving?
  • How is texting while driving the best extreme sport for you?

You can also check out Expository Essay Topics Ideas

Related FAQs

1. what are the different ways to write satire.

The different techniques that are commonly used in satire are:

  • Irony: Gap between what is said and what is meant
  • Hyperbole: A literary term for exaggerating a particular event or person
  • Vivid Language: Colourful or descriptive language to provide a clearer representation of a situation or individual
  • Parody: Conscious imitation of a serious issue for a satiric purpose

2. What is a good way to start a persuasive essay?

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3. What is the difference between Juvenalian and Horatian satire?

“A modest proposal” is a Juvenalian satire. Classical literature differentiates between Horatian and Juvenalian satire. While Horatian satire is often light-hearted, optimistic, funny or self-deprecating, Juvenalian satire is sometimes not so funny, dark, pessimistic and very abrasive.

4. What are the 3 rules of satire?

If you’re trying your hand at writing satire, here are a few satire writing tips:

  • Your satire does not need to be vicious or obscene. …
  • Try to appear to be serious while delivering satire, as it can be really funny. …
  • Another trick is to take things further than they have already gone. …
  • See if you can turn things around. …
  • The best satire seems light and airy but packs a real punch underneath.

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The Satire Essay Explained (+101 Satire Topics)

some ideas for a satirical essay

Table of Contents

The easy-to-understand satire definition, best satirical techniques to use, why satirical essay topics really matter, your can learn a lot from satire examples, 101 satire topics (updated for 2023).

What is a hyperbole? How do you make effective us of satirical humor? These are things you need to learn before you even think about starting to write a satire essay. The good news is that we will cover all these things in this blog post. We will then give you a list of the best 101 satirical essay examples. All the topics are original and you can use any of them in your next paper.

Before you start looking for topics to satire (or read our excellent list of 101 topics), you need to understand what a satire really is and what it is intended to do. The satire is a genre of literature that uses humor, ridicule, irony and exaggeration to criticize people, corporations, government, or even society. The purpose of the satire essay is to make the reader laugh. Even though the paper is humorous and sarcastic, remember that you must all stick to facts (and most often provide references for said facts at the end of the essay). The good news is that you can put your own spin on the issue being discussed. In other words, the satire essay is quite opinionated in its format. If all this sounds too puzzing, we advise you to contact literature assignment helper .

Now that you know what is satire and what is not – and how satire works – let’s talk about some satirical techniques. Even a satirical essay on obesity will make people laugh if you use the right techniques. Or you can write a satire in a sentence, if you have a brilliant idea and know how to use these techniques right:

  • Hyperbole (works with almost all satire subjects) – Basically, the hyperbole is the technique you use to exaggerate something and emphasize it in a way that is not meant to be taken literally. For example, “I’ve told you a million times” and “This weighs a ton” are both hyperboles people use all the time. Here is another, funnier example: “That joke is so old, the last time I heard it I was riding a dinosaur.”
  • Irony – You can’t learn how to write a satirical essay without learning how to use irony effectively. Irony is a figure of speech that you use to convey the correct meaning using a construct that usually means the opposite. In other words, you’ll use irony to reveal an outcome that is not what your audience was expecting. Remember that irony is often subjective and that its effectiveness depends on the expectations of your audience. Here are two simple examples of irony: “The police station got robbed yesterday” and “The pilot had a fear of heights.”
  • Parody – this is a literary construct that imitates an original work or a quote (it can be a speech or a press release, of course) with the clear intention of making fun on it. You can make fun of anything in the text, from its author to its subject.

You are slowly becoming a master of satire. Congratulations! Now it’s time to talk about the importance of satirical essay topics. As you can imagine, the subject of your essay is very important. You need to choose a subject that you can make fun of. This is why you see so many political satires everywhere. But politics is not the only thing you can write a satire about. There are dozens of other satire topics. And truth be told, you can get dozens of satire ideas simply by reading the news every day. But what do funny satire topics mean for you? Well, they are extremely important because they have the potential to earn you bonus points. Come up with an amazing topic and your professor will be impressed as soon as he or she reads the title. Here is a tip: write a satirical essay on texting.

Don’t worry about satire topics too much though, because you will find 101 original ones after this section. Focus on improving your writing instead. And what better way to do so than reading some good examples of satire? Before you start on your satire project ideas, spend a couple hours reading satirical works by renowned authors. There are even online satirical publications like The Onion and The Daily Mash that are chock full of excellent examples. Read as many sarcastic examples as possible and analyze the way the author uses hyperboles, irony and even parody to make fun of the target. Now it’s time to show you our ultimate list of topics to write satire about.

We’ve split the 101 topics across 10 categories. Keep in mind that these topics are absolutely free to use. You can change them to suit your needs of use them as they are.

Best Political Satire Examples

  • What is this Brexit everyone is talking about?
  • Please, lower the voting age and see what happens!
  • Everyone in the US should listen to politicians. (one of the very funny satire subjects)
  • Donald Trump really stands out from the previous US presidents.
  • Russia is perhaps American’s most loyal ally.
  • Solving the problem of illegal immigration in the United States.
  • Freedom of speech is clearly overrated.
  • Here are the fun ways to exercise your constitutionally-protected voting rights.
  • Trump’s government didn’t really Make America Great Again!
  • The 5 reasons people still have faith in politicians today.

Best Technology and Science Topics

  • Robots are already conquering our planet and enslaving us.
  • Electric vehicles are definitely not better than petrol cars.
  • Here’s how Facebook helped me learn new things.
  • Best apps to embarrass yourself with in front of your classmates.
  • The art of arriving late at an interview (with examples).
  • Let’s face it: robots are hard-working, unlike humans. (one of the best satire essay topics)
  • Trust me, Google can save your life one day!
  • A computer hacker can be your best friend.
  • 5 apps that are ruining your social life right now.
  • Use public Wi-Fi networks, they’re completely safe!

Best Satire Example in Literature

  • Roman and Greek forms of literature are basically the same.
  • What have I learned from Romeo and Juliet?
  • Let’s be honest: religion changes literature.
  • Why I can’t understand any of the works of Shakespeare. (one of the best satirical topics)
  • Discussing the modern methods of language: any changes?
  • Which is worse nowadays, crappy music or crappy literature?
  • I’d rather read the Washington Post than read another work by Shakespeare.
  • Reading a good book beats listening to the latest tunes.
  • We definitely need to censor some of the current literary masterpieces.
  • Television versus literature: who’s the winner?

Topics for a Satire Essay for College Students

  • Every school has its social pyramid, which you need to learn to navigate to survive.
  • Who uses chalkboards nowadays?
  • 5 ways to better use your time instead of going to school.
  • 7 things school will never teach you. (one of the best satire speech topics)
  • Don’t be afraid of dropping out of school!
  • Here is what I learned from flunking my exams.
  • My least favorite subjects in school (with explanations).
  • Why you should never connect with your parents on Facebook.
  • Why teachers should quit giving their students homework.
  • High school proms should be banned in the entire United States.

Social Issues Topics

  • The teen mom phenomenon is on the rise; here is why!
  • Why people lie all the time and why it’s a good skill to master.
  • The 5 reasons why you want to be as annoying as possible.
  • Being a vegan versus eating meat: a sincere approach.
  • Let’s legalize and deregulate marijuana and see what happens.
  • Poverty is everywhere around us, not just in third world countries.
  • Why gun control will never work in the United States.
  • Make healthcare free for everyone, but don’t expect me to pay for it!
  • Sustaining a healthy relationship is like taking a second job.
  • How to get away with criticizing your boss (tips included).

Satire Ideas on Sports

  • Tiger Woods won’t win another Major, and here is why!
  • This is the hardest record to break in sports, but you won’t guess why!
  • Real Madrid is the best football club in the world, but not for long.
  • Let’s make a hall of fame for steroid users.
  • Soccer games should be closed events because of all the fighting.
  • Women are better athletes than men – and there is scientific evidence.
  • College athletes deserve to get paid for their efforts.
  • Why you can’t call playing a video game sport.
  • All jerseys of all sportspeople should have ads on them.
  • Athletes make for very poor role models, that’s for sure!

Love Topics

  • Love really exists, and there is proof to this claim!
  • When not to use your most popular pickup line. (one of the best topics for satires)
  • The 3 conversation starters that work every time.
  • You never know when you’re in love, until it’s too late.
  • There should be an age limit on love: pros and cons.
  • I love more than one person. Is this even possible?
  • How to break up with somebody over text messages.
  • Here is how you win an argument with your wife every time.
  • All men should become stay at home dads.
  • Why do you care? After all, love is blind!
  • How much does an average wedding cost? You’ll be surprised!

Satire Topics About the Environment

  • Global warming is not real.
  • Alternative energy is overrated, and here is why!
  • It’s fun living on a planet without an ozone layer.
  • The 3 best water conservation methods you can use in a desert.
  • Housing projects or environmental conservation?
  • Don’t brush your teeth! You’ll prevent global warming.
  • 3 endangered species you don’t even know exist.
  • Soon, we will need oil more than we need water.
  • Let’s cut all the trees and see if the ozone layer really disappears.
  • Recycling does nothing to protect the environment in real life.

Satirical Topics About School

  • Facebook is the best place to make friends in school.
  • Dropping out of school may not be such a bad idea after all.
  • Let’s face it: getting a college education is no longer important.
  • How to avoid doing your homework and not get a bad grade (with tricks).
  • I don’t know why, but Physics is my favorite class.
  • Do we really need to graduate school?
  • Here is why I absolutely hate school uniforms.
  • Why good grades don’t really matter nowadays.
  • Standardized tests don’t reflect the intelligence of students.
  • Teachers need to stop with all the homework!

Business Topics

  • Money doesn’t make you happy, but it’s good to have it!
  • My role model in business (and why).
  • Get a virtual assistant so you don’t have to do the boring stuff.
  • Selling a used car is trickier than you think!
  • 3 ways to grow your company without much effort.
  • Every business has its risks.
  • Every business should have a pet as a mascot. (the best of all the satire topic ideas)
  • I want to have my own bank.
  • Is religion a business these days?
  • Children will give you the best financial advice, always!

We lave hundreds of ideas for any kind of essay. If you happen to write a paper based on an argument, feel free to use our argumentative essay topics .

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  1. 012 Satirical Essay Topics Example ~ Thatsnotus

    some ideas for a satirical essay

  2. Satire Essay On Texting

    some ideas for a satirical essay

  3. Step-By-Step Guide on Writing Satirical Essays

    some ideas for a satirical essay

  4. 💋 Satire essay. Satire Essay About High School. 2022-10-18

    some ideas for a satirical essay

  5. Best Satire Essay Topics ~ Thatsnotus

    some ideas for a satirical essay

  6. 008 Topics Write Satirical Essay ~ Thatsnotus

    some ideas for a satirical essay


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  1. 150 Satire Essay Topics Ideas (Funny and Interesting)

    150 Satire Essay Topics Ideas. As a student, you are required to write a variety of different essays and articles for school and college. Of course, this means writing about lots of interesting topics and subjects, but it also means writing in different styles too. If you study English or any of the social sciences, changes are you will have to ...

  2. 116 Satire Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    If you are looking for some inspiration for your next satire essay, here are 116 topic ideas and examples to get you started: The absurdity of beauty standards in the fashion industry. The ridiculousness of reality TV shows. The hypocrisy of politicians. The silliness of celebrity culture.

  3. Exploring 60+ Creative Satirical Essay Topics: Beyond Comedy

    A successful satirical essay should be clever and witty. Without these qualities, it risks losing its humor and impact. In the world of satirical essays, humor is the vehicle, but enlightenment is the destination. These essays serve as a remarkable means to provoke reflection on crucial issues, all while bringing a smile to the reader's face.

  4. 150 Engaging Satire Essay Topics to Make You Laugh and Think

    Funny Satire Essay Topics. The downside of living in a utopian world. The absurdity of reality TV shows. The irony of social media addiction. The fallacy of fad diets and their impact on health. The foolishness of conspiracy theories. The irony of political correctness and cancel culture.

  5. 256 Satirical Essay Topics & Satire Essay Examples [2024]

    A satirical essay is a composition written about a particular subject using irony or sarcasm. Usually, the topics are related to politics, society, or money. The primary goal of any satire is to use humor creatively to make fun of foolish human behavior and criticize topical issues. You can find examples of satire in numerous books, poems, and ...

  6. 60 Satire Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    The Use of Satire in Jonathan Swift's "Gulliver's Travels". The Satire of Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale. The Symbolic Political Satire in the Novel Animal Farm. 271 Slavery Topics and Essay Examples 82 Philosophy of Education Essay Topic Ideas & Examples.

  7. Guide to Satire Essay, Topics and Examples

    Satirical essay ideas should aim to entertain, provoke thought, and encourage reflection. Topics to satirize can range from the mundane to the controversial, each offering a unique opportunity to highlight inconsistencies, hypocrisies, or the humorous side of life. ... Here are some current and timeless topics that work well for satirical ...

  8. Satire Essay Topics: 350+ Satirical Ideas to Write About

    Satirical Essay Ideas on Social Issues. Social issues offer a meaningful context for satirical critique. You can criticize modern trends, cultural phenomena or public opinions. ... Let's take a look at some additional satire paper topics and ideas for your essay. Satire Essay Topics on Love. Love is another powerful source of inspiration for ...

  9. Satire Essay Made Easy: Your Step-by-Step Guide

    Here are 25 distinctive satirical essay ideas to inspire your satire: The Absurdity of Celebrity Culture: ... Let's look at some well-known satire essay examples from literature and see how they work: 'Gulliver's Travels' by Jonathan Swift: Swift's 'Gulliver's Travels' is a political satire masterpiece. Through Lemuel Gulliver's wild adventures ...

  10. How To Write a Satire Essay?

    Choose an original and relevant topic. So you need to write a satire essay. The first step to take is to choose your topic. In some cases, your teacher or professor may assign a topic to you, but more often than not, you'd need to come up with a topic of your own. In this case, decide the area you want your essay to focus on.

  11. 111 Satire Essay Topics List (Funn & Easy) for school: Examples, Ideas

    For you to have a better idea of what a satire essay topic may sound like, here are some examples for your consideration: How important have social media grown to be in our lives. Money for nothing: How hard work does not translate to better payment. What can be better than Obamacare, and How will our government come up with it.

  12. Free Satire Essay Examples. Best Topics, Titles GradesFixer

    Voltaire's novel, Candide, is a classic example of satire. Through the use of wit, humor, and irony, Voltaire challenges the prevailing ideas of his time and criticizes the societal norms and institutions of the 18th century. This essay will explore how Voltaire uses satire in…. Candide Satire.

  13. Writing a Satire Essay: Guide and Examples

    First, find the right topic to make the subject of your essay. Second, use hyperbole and irony to point out the ridiculous aspects of the theme. You can check out examples of satirical papers to understand how these literary devices work. Finally, make the writing full of humor to drive your point home.

  14. Satire Essay: Main Rules, Topics, Examples

    When writing a satire essay on any topics, it's good to point out the significant events of culture and politics. The most common ideas you should consider while writing: Brexit. Border Walls. Hillary Clinton. Mike Pence. Donald Trump. Barack Obama. Tim Kaine.

  15. 50 Satire Essay Topics For High School Students

    The popular American author Sarah Cooper once said satire makes people learn something more than being lectured. While it can be the gospel truth, another undeniable fact is that satire might not be a cakewalk for many, especially when students do not choose the right topic. When students in high school are assigned Satire Essays ... <a title="50 Satire Essay Topics For High School Students ...

  16. 101 Irresistible Satire Story Ideas To Inspire Your Next Project

    11. "The Secret Joys of High School Lessons": A humorous, satirical piece about the pure joy and valuable life skills taught in high school lessons. 12. "The Amazing Life of Teen Moms": A satire piece presenting the glamorous side of teenage pregnancy and the exciting journey of teen moms. 13.

  17. Satire Essay: Writing Guide + Good Example

    Discover what a satire essay is and what difficulties you will face when getting started. Find out how much time people usually spend writing satirical essays. Learn the tips on how to write the great satire work quickly and effectively. Have a look at a good satire essay example for completing an A-grade satire essay.

  18. Satirical Proposal Ideas/ Satire Essay Topics

    Satire Essay. A satire essay, also known as a satirical essay, is a type of writing that attempts to analyze a topic in a humorous manner. Often, this means making fun of a subject, and while the facts are usually correct, they are presented in an exaggerated manner to make the audience or reader laugh. A satire essay is often interesting and ...

  19. Free List of 101 Satire Topics (Updated for 2023)

    Love really exists, and there is proof to this claim! When not to use your most popular pickup line. (one of the best topics for satires) The 3 conversation starters that work every time. You never know when you're in love, until it's too late. There should be an age limit on love: pros and cons.

  20. Satire Definition: How to Write Satire + Examples

    The essay's satire is effective precisely because of its shock value. Swift first describes the plight of Ireland, particularly the suffering of its many beggars and hungry citizens. ... It gave me some structural ideas for a collection of poems and epistles in the vein of Horace and Juvenal. I've previously published a parody of Voltaire ...

  21. Irresistible Satire Essay Topics And Prompts

    This blog details some of the most popular satire essay topics of different categories that students can pick for their projects, presentations, and assignments. +44 7546 546381 [email protected] . Order Now Pay 50% Upfront ... Ideas for Satire Essay On History.

  22. 150 Great Satirical Essay Topics To Write About

    Topics for a satirical essay that is argumentative can be a little tricky. The benefit of choosing this type of essay is writing from both perspectives to prove your point. The options below will help you get started. The gun laws have made Australia the safest place on earth. America can become Russia's new best friend.

  23. List of Good Topics to Write a Satirical Essay and Make an Impact

    A Modest Proposal, by Jonathan Swift, is one of the most famous satirical essays about the complete lack of empathy by the rich class towards the poor oppressed class in 18th century Ireland. He proposes a 'modest solution' for the poor who cannot afford to tend and feed their children. He suggests that these children be fed to the rich ...