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PhD Admission Guide

Gain admission to your dream school, guide to phd admission.

While some students swear off further education after undergrad, some love the thrill of intellectual discovery and research. For these students, graduate school is a natural choice. Graduate degrees are separated into “professional” and “academic” categories. Professional degrees are JDs and MDs, while academic degrees are PhDs (literally “Doctorates of Philosophy” regardless of what field you actually study).

Whether or not you need to pursue a PhD depends entirely on what career you wish to have. Some require higher education, while many others do not. In this guide we’ll go over how to apply to PhD programs, what they are looking for, and how the application process works. This guide is focused on the US and Canada; Europe has a system which is simultaneously similar and very different.

What PhD Programs Look For

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PhD programs want to make sure you are prepared academically for the rigors of the program, and that you have a concrete research goal in mind. PhD programs culminate with each student answering a research question they devise, contributing new knowledge to the world in the process. 

Thus these programs seek to evaluate your intellectual ability, research goals, previous research experience, and how you will contribute to their program. To determine this, they ask for the following:

Letters of Recommendation

We’ll go through each of these in turn, and explain what graduate programs are looking for from each.

Your GPA in undergrad is the single most important factor in PhD admissions. If your GPA is too low your application will be dismissed out of hand. While there are no hard limits, we suggest a minimum GPA of 3.5 for serious contention, especially at top schools. If your GPA is below 3.0 then you will likely not get admitted into any PhD programs.

The reason for this is that PhD programs are a lot of work. Being intelligent is necessary, but is far from sufficient alone. Everyone in PhD programs is intelligent, and everyone is also willing to do the work. Your GPA is seen as the primary indicator of your willingness and ability to do academic work to a high standard, and your preparation for the rigors of a PhD program.

Along with your overall GPA, schools request your major GPA. This is your GPA when calculated only using courses in your major. This is usually expected to be higher than your overall GPA. Your major GPA should be over 3.5.

While taking harder courses in undergrad is a great experience, they can also harm your overall GPA. Of course, the best approach is to take very hard classes and do well in them, but this is not always possible. We recommend taking a blend of courses, so you are never overloaded, and able to give each the attention it needs to do well.

Academic Preparation

Your GPA and transcript is also used to judge your academic preparation for the program. You should have a solid grounding in the field, and have taken advanced courses as well. Taking graduate level courses in undergrad can exemplify this. 

Some PhD programs also require research languages. This is more common in the social sciences and humanities, but all students will benefit from knowing other languages well enough to do research in them. You should look up language requirements when researching programs to apply to.

The Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) is a standardized test meant for students who intend to apply to graduate programs. Both MA and PhD programs ask for GRE scores. Much like the SAT or ACT in college exams, the test is meant to be a standardized measure of academic preparation and logical skill.

The test consists of six sections. The first is writing, next are two on verbal reasoning, then two on quantitative reasoning, and finally a research or experimental section, meant to test new questions. The entire test is offered on the computer, with one minute breaks after each section, and a ten minute break after the third section. While there is also a paper-based test, almost all testing is now done on a computer. Due to the pandemic, both testing centers and at-home testing are offered. The GRE is a multi-stage test, and how well you do on earlier sections determines the difficulty of later sections and questions. 

The verbal sections each consist of 20 questions, to be answered over 30 minutes. The whole is scored on a scale of 130-170. The quantitative section is scored the same, and consists of two 20 question sections, each of which should be completed in 35 minutes. The writing section is scored from 0-6. For this section, you write an essay on a given issue in 30 minutes, and offer a response critiquing a provided argument for 30 minutes.

Your total score from the GRE is given from 130-170. While the exact scores you need to enter graduate school vary, higher is better. In addition, some programs only care about your verbal score, while others only care about your quantitative score. How much weight each program puts on GRE scores varies greatly.

We recommend studying for the GRE for some time before testing. You can take the GRE up to five times per year, but must wait at least 21 days between testing dates. Only scores from the past 5 years will be released or considered by graduate programs.

Curriculum Vitae

This is akin to a resume, but is dissimilar enough that the two cannot be used interchangeably. The purpose of a CV is, like a resume, to detail what you have accomplished academically and in your career. It is far more focused on academics however, and is widely used for academic careers.

We recommend finding a template for a CV online, or asking your college’s advisors for help in creating one. If you already have a resume, then you will easily be able to convert it into a CV.

What admissions officers are looking for in your activities is primarily signs of research. This should be in whatever field you intend to pursue a PhD in. Publications are also incredibly valuable. All of academia runs on publication, and getting an early start helps your career at every step.

You should try to do research while still in undergrad. What this looks like depends entirely on what field you are pursuing. While the research does not have to exactly line up with what you wish to pursue, it should teach you skills which are cross applicable. Higher level academic research has its own set of methods and language which must be learned, and students who are already familiar with the forms and structures of research have a leg up in graduate school. 

Publication is not required, but is nice to see. If you have completed a master’s degree, you should have some publication history; of your thesis if nothing else. Speak with your academic advisors about getting your work published.

Each graduate school you apply to will ask for an essay. You will be able to use the same basic form for each, but will need to edit it to be about the particular program you are applying to. Most schools only require a single essay, although some programs ask for a second on diversity.

The purpose of this essay is to explain your research interests, what you have studied, your intended area of specialization, and what your focus will be on. Every PhD student is asking and trying to answer a very specific research question. This question forms the basis of their dissertation, and will be the focus of your life for several years if you are accepted.

Thus the essay is the most important part of your application. Your grades and GRE are required to see if you are academically ready for graduate school, but the essay lets readers know if you are a match for their program, and serious about your research.

Your essay should begin by stating which program you are applying to, and why. Next, go through your previous academic experience in the field, both coursework and research. You don’t have to go through every class, but cover the ones most relevant to your desired research topic.

You should discuss any prior research you have done in the field. If you completed a thesis for your undergraduate degree or a master’s program, cover that here. If you have any publication credits, cover those as well. This should relate directly to the field you are trying to enter. If you wish to pursue lab work, discuss your previous experiences; if instead you are pursuing field work, talk about your experiences there.

Next you should talk about the research you specifically wish to pursue through a PhD. You don’t need to have an exact research question worked out, but it is helpful to have some idea; you should at least know the subfield you will be focusing on. The more specific you are, the better. Having some discussion of methodology can be nice, but is not always necessary.

If there are any ongoing research projects ongoing at the school you wish to work on, cover those next. You should discuss how these projects specifically relate to your own research interests. Finally, you should talk about which professors you wish to work with. Professors take on graduate students to advise, and you ideally want one with a specialization at least tangentially related to your field of interest. The more closely related the professor’s studies are to your own, the better.

You will be able to leave much of this essay the same for each school you apply to, changing only the name of the program, the research projects, and the professors you wish to work with. 

This essay should be a page and a half to two pages long, single spaced. You should go into sufficient detail for those reading it to understand the research you want to pursue. These essays are reviewed by the faculty who run the department, and they make the admissions decisions for PhD programs. There are many more applicants than there are spaces, and admissions rates are low. The more specific and detailed you are in this essay, the better the faculty will understand your research aims, and the better your chances will be.

Diversity Statements

Not all programs ask for these, but you will likely be able to reuse the same essay for those that do. The purpose of the diversity statement is to see what unique points of view and experiences you will be able to contribute to the program. PhDs are about learning, and the more viewpoints and ideas within a program, the broader the experience will be.

If you are a member of an underrepresented group, an immigrant, come from an underprivileged background, or come from an area which is generally underrepresented, we suggest discussing that in this essay. You should not write an essay about your interactions with members of these groups, or a study abroad experience.

Above all, this essay should be authentic to you and your experience. The goal is to show how your background has shaped you as a person, and how it impacts your view of the world.

As with college applications, letters of recommendation are required for PhD admissions. These tell admissions committees who you are as a student and researcher, and give their opinion on how you will perform when doing graduate level work. Academic fields are small and often insular, and the professors writing your letters will often be known by those reading them, either by reputation or in person.

Programs ask for two to four letters. These should primarily come from professors who know you and your work well. If you had a thesis advisor, they should write one of your letters. If you’ve worked doing research for some time, then a mentor or lab director can also be a good source of a letter, even if they haven’t taught you in class. Letters should not come from non-academic sources, unless you have worked professionally in that field. 

While you have the option to read the letters that are written for you, you should always waive that right. If you don’t trust your writers to craft good letters for you, then you shouldn’t be asking them for letters. Asking to see letters is considered a sign of lack of trust, and is gauche. Many professors will decline to write letters if you insist on seeing them.

You should ask for letters well in advance of when they are due; we recommend at least a month or two. If you are asking non-tenured faculty for a letter, more leeway is recommended, as they have more on their plate, and are often more stressed. You may need to send a reminder as deadlines approach. You should also share a copy of your essay with letter writers, so they know exactly what subfield you intend to pursue, and can discuss this in their letters.

Finally, you should be aware of politics when asking for letters. Some professors do not like each other at all. If you are seen as the protege of a professor who others detest, this can impact your admissions chances. Always discuss which schools and programs you are applying to with your letter writers. You should also discuss your choices of writers with an advisor (for example a thesis advisor) familiar with the field. Academic politics are incredibly petty, but if you plan to pursue a PhD you need to be aware of the game, and how it is played.

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If your application passes the first review, you will be invited to do an interview. This will be with faculty in the program you are applying to. This is to further get to know you, and to understand your research objectives. 

You should be able to clearly explain what you want to research, and how this program will help you do so. The people talking to you will all be familiar with the field, though not necessarily your specific subfield. They are looking for your ability to communicate and explain your view. Be prepared to answer some questions about the specifics of your goals, though it’s ok if you don’t know everything right now.

Interviews are generally in person, though due to the pandemic, virtual interviews have become more common. This is also your chance to ask any questions you have about the program you were unable to find answers to online. You can practice for this interview with an advisor or mentor; many schools have career centers which hold mock grad school interviews as well.

When and How to Apply to Grad School

There is no unified platform for PhD applications. Instead you must apply to each program individually, through the school’s website. This will mean filling out information multiple times, but they fortunately don’t ask for much. Once you have your documents in order, the rest is personal, demographic, and contact information.

You will need to pay to have your GRE scores sent to each school you apply to. Even though this is all electronic, they still charge dearly for it. 

Applications are generally due in December or January, with interviews held over the next few months. Applications open in September or October. We recommend getting your applications in before the due date, though most programs don’t use rolling admissions. Each program sets their own deadlines, so you should track when each of your applications is due carefully to make sure nothing gets overlooked.

Paying for Grad School

PhD programs are for the most part fully funded. This means you will not be paying tuition, and will also get funding to live on. This funding is generally contingent on academic standing, and doing work TAing, teaching, or on ongoing research projects (or most commonly, all of the above). Many grad students also work full or part time to support themselves. 

While you will not need to take on additional debt to pay for graduate school, you will not be well paid either. While the exact amount graduate students receive varies by school and program, it is generally in the range of $20-30,000 annually. This goes towards food, housing, and supplies.

While you are in a PhD program, you will not have to make payments on any government loans you took out to pay for undergrad, though they will continue to accrue interest. Making payments on them during grad school is difficult, but will greatly cut down on the amount you need to pay back later.

There are also outside scholarships available to help pay for graduate studies. While the amounts offered by these vary, most are small. They can help greatly with paying for the necessities however, and applying to them is usually worth the time investment.

Grad School Admission FAQ

Now we’ll answer some of the most common questions about applying to PhD programs.

Can older students apply?

Yes. Many professionals return to school for a PhD long out of undergrad. We suggest taking some courses at a local university in the field you plan on entering before you do this however. Academic research advances quickly, and this will familiarize you with the latest developments. Further, this will introduce you to professors who can provide you with letters of recommendation.

What are my odds of acceptance?

This depends on both your field and program. Generally, however, it is quite difficult to gain admissions to a PhD program, and admission rates hover around 10%. Only the best students get accepted, and this is even more the case at the top schools and programs.

When should I start thinking about applications?

When you choose your major, you should decide what level you want to reach within that field. Some majors lend themselves to PhDs if you want to work in that field, while others allow employment at various levels.

Where should I apply?

You should find programs with professors who are dedicated to your particular subfield. A prestigious institution which does not focus on your area is far less useful, regardless of how famous its name is. You are looking for someone who will be able to advise you, and help you perform worthwhile research. Further, professors are looking for students studying fields similar to their own when they admit graduate students.

How long are PhD programs?

Generally programs last 4-5 years, though this can vary based on field. The exact structure of the programs also varies a lot based on field and program.

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  • PhD Entry Requirements

Written by Chris Banyard

To study for a PhD, you will need to meet certain entry requirements before the application process.

This is generalised guidance for most PhD programmes – you should check the specific PhD requirements and eligibility criteria for each programme you apply for.

Additionally, there may be certain circumstances in which a special case could be made for an applicant who doesn’t meet the standard PhD requirements. You should discuss this with the potential PhD supervisor or admissions administrator.

On this page

Qualifications and academic eligibility.

Standard PhD requirements in the UK are a Bachelors degree with at least an upper second class honours degree (2.1). You may also need a Masters degree with a Merit or Distinction grade. All your previous qualifications must be in a field of study relevant to the PhD you are applying for.

Typically, Arts and Humanities PhDs are more likely to require a Masters degree. For Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) PhDs, an undergraduate degree may be sufficient. This depends in the individual degree programme.

Masters Degree Grades
Percentage Masters grade
70%+ Distinction
60-69% Merit / Commendation
50-59% Pass
40-49% Borderline Pass / Fail

What if I have a Masters, but my undergraduate degree is in a different subject or field?

A Masters degree usually supersedes a Bachelors, meaning that the undergraduate degree grade is less significant.

What if I have different qualifications?

International equivalents to these degrees may be accepted – the research institution you apply to will assess their suitability.

Atypical qualifications

A special case may be made if an applicant does not have a typical formal qualification. For example, if you have extensive professional experience in a relevant area, it might make up for a lack of previous academic qualification. However, this is down to the discretion of the PhD supervisor and / or university, and they might ask you to undertake extra study.


A research institution will only admit students who they believe will complete the PhD to a high standard and within the time limit. Prospective doctoral researchers should also have a demonstrable interest in the area of study.

This is usually evaluated via the application process. A PhD supervisor will consider aspects of the application to determine whether you show enough competency and dedication for a PhD:

  • Research proposal
  • PhD interview

In most circumstances, a PhD student will need to be a resident of the country in which the research is being completed at the time of study, or hold a relevant visa.

International students (including EU, EEA and Swiss nationals) require a Student Route visa to study a PhD in the UK.

Similar visa requirements may be needed to study a PhD in other countries. Typically, in order to qualify for a visa for PhD study you will need to:

  • Be studying full-time
  • Have confirmation of enrolment before applying for a visa
  • Have enough monetary support for the full length of study

The documentation you will need depends on your country of study. Always check the specific requirements for each country. Take a look at our international PhD study guide for more information.

If your PhD is not conducted in your first language, you may need to provide evidence of your proficiency. This is usually through a language test such as TOEFL or IELTS .

There may be some exceptions to this, such as if you have already studied an English-language degree in a native English-speaking country, for example.

Can I complete the language proficiency tests later?

Language proficiency tests usually need to be completed before the PhD start date. In some cases, it may be possible to receive an offer of enrolment for a PhD without the language proficiency, but this is normally conditional upon passing the test before the PhD start.

Other graduate entry tests

Some universities may require prospective students to take a graduate entry test in order to be eligible for a PhD. These are more common in the USA , Canada , and Australia for PhD applications.

This may be a general test or a subject-specific one. Also, some tests are more widely accepted than others. You should always check the particular PhD requirements.

Ready to apply for a PhD?

Head over to our course listings to find the latest PhD opportunities and learn how to apply.

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Top PhD Entrance Exams


  • Updated on  
  • Apr 25, 2023

JMI Entrance Exam

Whether one belongs to Science , Commerce or Humanities field, a PhD can be pursued in an array of fields and specialised domains. Usually, students interested in academics sign up for a doctoral program to acquire the knowledge and skills required to excel in their respective areas of study. While study abroad PhD pathways exempt students from appearing in entrance exams to pursue their chosen course, universities in India have specified several tests as one of the prime requirements to apply for a doctoral degree. Thus, PhD entrance exams hold great importance for the students willing to take on this road. Read this article to know about the leading entrance exams for PhD and some helpful tips to ace them with flying colours! 

This Blog Includes:

Ph.d. admissions: quick updates, ph.d. specializations , ugc net exam, csir-ugc net exam, tifr gs exam, list of universities in india offering phd, how to apply for phd course in india, phd entrance exams for studying abroad, [bonus] pursuing phd abroad , phd scholarships for indian students in india & abroad, syllabus for phd entrance exams, job prospects after phd.

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18 August 2022 10 April 2023
Shiv Nadar University Ph.D. programMay 10, 2023July 2023
JMI New Delhi Ph.D.
Dec 22, 2022April 20, 2023
IIIT Sri City Ph.D. programJan 16, 2023
NIT Jamshedpur Ph.D.
April 12, 2023May 15, 2023
SGT University Ph.D.
May 2023July 15, 2023
IIIT Raichur Ph.D. in
Computer Science & Mathematics
May 31, 2023
JIPMER Ph.D. ProgramMarch 6, 2023April 6, 2023
IIT Dharwad Ph.D. ProgramMarch 29, 2023April 26, 2023
IIT Goa Ph.D. ProgramApril 13, 2023May 12, 2023
AIIMS Jodhpur Ph.D. ProgramFeb 2023March, 2023
NIFFT Ranchi Ph.D. programsMarch. 2023April, 2023
ANU Gujarat Ph.D. in
Architecture and Design
June 2023 (Tentative)
Calcutta University Ph.D.
in the Pure Mathematics program 
July 2023 (Tentative)
Noida International University Ph.D. program Jan 2023

Also Read: Part Time Ph.D.: Admissions & Best Ph.D. Programs

Before moving on to the top Ph.D. entrance exams, let’s first take a look at the plethora of specializations that fall under the domain of this degree. The following table elucidates some of the popular Ph.D. courses that are commonly pursued by graduates. 

  • Police Administration
  • Biotechnology
  • Public Administration
  • Renewable Energy
  • Political Science
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Mathematics
  • Computer Science
  • Electronics
  • Physical Education
  • Total Quality Management
  • Cosmetology
  • Rural Development
  • Sustainable Development
  • Women Studies
  • Social Work
  • Technology Policy
  • Agriculture
  • Sports Science
  • Home Science
  • Mass Communication
  • Labour and Social Welfare
  • Linguistics
  • Management Studies
  • Hospitality Management
  • Library Science
  • Nanotechnology
  • Biochemistry
  • Horticulture
  • Bioinformatics
  • Fashion Technology
  • Business Administration
  • Disaster Management
  • Human Rights
  • Entrepreneurship

List of Top PhD Entrance Exams

Whether you are opting for a PhD in IIT , IIM , or any other higher education institution in the country, there is generally a specified entrance exam that one needs to qualify. To help you understand some of these tests, below we have elaborated the top PhD entrance exams that you must know about:

  • UGC Net Exam
  • CSIR-UGC NET exam
  • Joint Graduate Entrance Examination for Biology and Interdisciplinary Life Sciences (JGEEBILS)
  • DBT JRF Biotech  Entrance Test
  • TIFR Graduate School Admission Entrance Test
  • NIMHANS PG/PG Diploma/Superspeciality/PhD online entrance test
  • JNU PhD Entrance
  • NIPER PhD Entrance Exam
  • University of Hyderabad PhD Entrance Exam
  • GTU PhD Entrance Exam
  • NBRC PhD Entrance Exam
  • BITS PhD Entrance Examination
  • AIIMS PhD Entrance Exam
  • IISC PhD Entrance Exam
  • NDRI PhD entrance exam
  • Babasaheb Bhim Rao Ambedkar University Lucknow – PhD Admissions Test
  • Guru Jambheshwar University GJUST – PhD Entrance Test
  • BARC PhD Admission Test
  • Combined Vidyavaridhi (PhD) Entrance Test – (CVVET)
  • ISM Dhanbad PhD Admission Test 
  • Indian Veterinary Research Institute Bareilly PhD Admission Test
  • BINC Bioinformatics National Certification BINC  Examination
  • RMAT Aligarh Muslim University R-MAT – PhD Entrance Exam
  • Symbiosis PhD Entrance Exam
  • Jamia Millia Islamia New Delhi – PhD Admission Test
  • Jamia Hamdard New Delhi PhD Admission Test
  • Kurukshetra University PhD Entrance Exam
  • PhD Entrance Exam of NMIMS University Mumbai
  • DU PhD Entrance Exam
  • IGNOU PhD Entrance Exam
  • Pondicherry University Entrance Exam
  • University of Pune PhD in Management Entrance Exam
  • Symbiosis University Ph.D entrance examination

Must Read: How to get a Complete PhD Funding?

Many Indian universities ask candidates for their UGC NET scores in order to apply for PhD degrees. University Grant Commission (UGC) NET Exam is the national level exam, conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) twice a year (in the month of June and December). It is one of the major PhD entrance exams and aims to determine the eligibility of aspirants for the posts of Assistant Professor only or Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) or both.

The UGC NET syllabus table below shows the Exam Pattern of Paper 1 and Paper 2:

UGC NET PaperMaximum MarksNo. of Questions
Paper 150100
Paper 2100200

Another important mention in our list of PhD entrance exams is CSIR-UGC NET, i.e. Council of Scientific and Industrial Research University Grants Commission National Eligibility Test. Commonly referred to as CSIR NET, it is a national exam conducted by NTA twice a year (in the month of June and December) to choose candidates for awarding JRF and determining their eligibility for appointment of lecturers in Indian universities and colleges. Further, those wanting to apply for the fellowship need to register for a PhD course at a recognised institution while one needs to have attained a doctoral degree in order to apply for the lecturership through this exam. CSIR-UGC NET Exam is conducted for the following subjects:

  • Chemical Sciences
  • Earth, Atmospheric, Ocean and Planetary Sciences
  • Life Sciences
  • Mathematical Sciences
  • Physical Sciences 

The question paper segments for this PhD entrance exam into 3 sections, i.e. Section A (considered common section and questions are related to General Aptitude, Graphical Analysis, Logical Reasoning , and Numerical ability), Section B (questions are for Engineering Sciences, questions from Mathematics and Engineering Aptitude included as well) and Section C (high stature questions which evaluate the candidate’s knowledge of scientific concepts and their application). 

Located in Mumbai, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) is a deemed university which offers various PhD and various integrated programmes. Featuring amongst the popular PhD entrance exams, the TIFR GS (Graduate School) test is organised for the institute’s offered postgraduate programs in several specialisations in Science. The integrated M.Sc-PhD course offered by TIFR includes an array of specialisations such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics as well as research-oriented programs in the field of Computer science, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics. 

TIFR GS Exam Pattern for Mathematics

TIFR GS exam pattern for Mathematics is divided into two parts. The total duration of the exam is 3 hours (1.5 hours each per section). Negative marking is there for each wrong answer in both sections.

Part Types of QuestionsNumber of Questions
1Objective (True/False)30

TIFR GS Exam Pattern for Physics and Chemistry

TIFR GS exam pattern for Physics and Chemistry is not prescribed by TIFR. As per the availability of information from the official website, both subjects will contain MCQs which students need to complete in 3 hours. Negative Marking is there for each wrong answer in both subjects.

TIFR GS Exam Pattern for Computer and System Sciences

TIFR GS Exam pattern for Computer and System Sciences will contain MCQs and students have to complete the exam in 3 hours. The paper will be divided into 3 parts

AMathematical Aptitude
BComputer Science
CSystems Science

Among these three sections, students have the choice of doing only one. Negative Marking is there.

Searching for PhD entrance exams? Don’t forget to check out PhD After MBA !

All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS)New Delhi 
National Institute of TechnologyPunjab
Institute of Microbial TechnologyChandigarh 
IITsVarious Locations 
PEC University of TechnologyPunjab
Amity School Of Engineering And TechnologyUttar Pradesh
SRM UniversitySonipat 
Jamia Millia IslamiaDelhi 
Chandigarh UniversityChandigarh 
Jawaharlal Nehru UniversityDelhi 
Jamia HamdardDelhi 
University of Petroleum and Energy Studies Dehradun 
University of Delhi Delhi 
Birla Institute of Technology Science Pilani 
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University Delhi
Symbiosis International UniversityMaharashtra
Osmania UniversityTelangana
ICAR Indian Veterinary Research Institute BareillyUttar Pradesh
University of Hyderabad Hyderabad 
Indian Institute of ScienceBangalore 
Vellore Institute of TechnologyTamil Nadu

Know About the Commonwealth Scholarship- UG, PG, PhD

There are various universities in India where students can apply for a PhD and take PhD entrance exams. These institutes provide a variety of research degrees. Each university in India has a set number of seats available. Some of these universities make their selections based on PhD entrance exams, interviews, and research proposals.

  • The PhD application process is offered in both online and offline formats in India.
  • To apply to a university, applicants must obtain or download the application form and prospectus for their individual courses by writing to the institution or obtaining the same online from the university’s official website.
  • For some universities, the PhD application forms must be delivered to the university’s official address before the deadline, together with the relevant documentation.
  • When it comes to the fee structure for a PhD programme, the average or tentative course fee is between INR 20,000 and INR 90,000 every year (varies from course to course and university to university).

There are two main entrance exams that all candidates have to give in order to get admission to top universities in the world- IELTS and GRE. Here are some common requirements that PhD candidates have to fulfil in order to admission-

  • Research Proposal
  • English Language Tests like IELTS and TOEFL
  • GRE- Graduate Record Exam

Other than the top PhD entrance exams, we have compiled a list of our major blogs on pursuing PhD abroad that you must check out:

  •   Maulana Azad National fellowship  
  • Prime Minister Fellowship for Doctoral Research
  • Fulbright-Nehru Doctoral Research Fellowships
  • Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund Scholarships
  • Physical Research Laboratory Junior Research Fellowship
  • Google PhD Scholarships
  • ICHR Junior Research Fellowships (JRF)
  • Raman-Charpak Fellowship
  • MEXT Scholarship
  • ICSSR Doctoral Research Fellowship

Know More About PhD Scholarships in UK for Indian Students

PhD is offered a wide range of courses from Engineering to Natural Sciences to Fine Arts. Most Indian and foreign entrance exams have two papers- one for General Studies and Research and the other is subject specific. The subject-specific papers can either be objective or subject in nature depending upon the exam and conducting authority. Here are the syllabus and topics covered in the general studies and research paper for all PhD entrance exam-

  • General Knowledge
  • Research Methodology
  • English Comprehension
  • Quantitative Aptitude
  • Maths 
  • Environmental Studies 
  • Teaching Aptitude
  • Communication Skills

Following the completion of a PhD, one should assess his or her potential and look for positions that match his or her specific talents and expertise. Following a PhD, candidates may pursue one of the following careers:

  • Editor & Critic
  • Human Services Worker
  • Independent Consultant
  • Philosophical Journalist
  • Industrial R&D Lab professionals
  • Senior Research Scientist
  • Lecturer & Professor
  • Author & Writer

The model PhD Entrance Test Pattern is divided into two parts: Part A comprises of study questions in numerical ability, language skills, and logical thinking. Part B consists of technical questions about the subjects.

Yes, you can pursue a PhD without having to pass the NET or JRF if you pass the written tests and interviews at the various institutions or institutes.

A small proportion of students earn their PhDs in two years, while a small percentage of outstanding students accomplish it in 12 months. It’s difficult to stress how unusual and impressive this is, but it’s always possible. The key to a fast-track PhD is to develop a solid academic CV before you begin.

No, there is no age limit for seeking a PhD in general.

In an official Notice from MHRD dated 27 August 2018, the applicants from SC/ST/OBC (Speaking from Non-Creamy layers)/University category shall be permitted to relax by a 5 percent mark (from 50 percent to 45 percent).

Two components are included in the PhD entrance test pattern: Part A: Research issues in numerical capacity, linguistic skills and logical thinking are generally addressed. Part B: Technical issues linked to disciplines are discussed.

No, it does not. Your 12th class is important if you wish to take UG entrance examinations, certain colleges require admission tests. Although admittance is based on class 12 iare your post graduationn several universities. The issues in your PhD admissions are your postgraduation. In the postgraduate period, the qualifying standards for Phd have been 50%.

Cracking any of the above-mentioned PhD entrance exams can turn out to be a difficult task for many. An alternative option to these tests is to apply for a doctoral degree abroad which can further provide you with international exposure into your chosen field of interest. Reach out to our Leverage Edu experts and we’ll help you in finding a suitable course and university as per your preferences and aspirations. Not only for this, but our head coaches will also assist you in drafting a perfect application that can get you successfully shortlisted. Follow us on Facebook , Instagram , and LinkedIn .

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Is a Science Ph.D. a Waste of Time?

Don’t feel too sorry for graduate students. it’s worth it..

What does a doctorate do for you these days?

Photo by Christopher Furlong/Getty Images.

Few people spend 11 years in college. Most stay for four or five before the urge to leave campus and earn a salary kicks in. Barring a thesis defense meltdown, I’ll be one of about 50,000 graduate students across the United States and Canada to get a Ph.D. in science this school year. After seven years in graduate school, I’m left wondering if the time and effort was worth it. What do scientists do these days, anyways?

According to several recent reports, not much. The problem, stated last month in the Washington Post , is that academic jobs have all but disappeared . A 2011 report in Nature concurs : “People who have trained at great length and expense to be researchers confront a dwindling number of academic jobs, and an industrial sector unable to take up the slack.” A 2010 article in the Economist subtitled “Why doing a PhD is often a waste of time” is even more damning of doctorates . To be fair, that article targeted all Ph.D.s, but the reporter made science doctorates seem particularly worthless, writing that she “slogged through a largely pointless PhD in theoretical ecology.” After crunching the numbers and talking to about a dozen people with science doctorates, though, I’ve concluded that for everything these accounts get right, they get just as much wrong. In short, science Ph.D.s are just about the last group of people the media should be worrying about. Let me explain.

Almost everyone agrees that academic jobs in the sciences are scarce. Over the past 40 years, the number of doctorates pumped out by universities each year in the United States has increased while the number of academic positions has declined. There are more people with Ph.D.s and fewer professorships. As Nature reported, in 1973 about 55 percent of people with doctorates in the biological sciences got stable academic jobs ; in 2008, the National Science Foundation pegged that number at 14 percent. Across all scientific fields, NSF data suggest that only about 23 percent of Ph.D.s land tenure or tenure-track positions at academic institutions within three to five years of finishing grad school . If you assume that every science Ph.D. wants a career in academia, this seems like a dismally low employment rate. But academic jobs aren’t as coveted by people trained in science as you might think.

A 2012 study examined the career preferences of more than 4,000 biology, chemistry, and physics Ph.D. students at top-ranked American universities. When asked to ignore actual job availability and rate a range of careers, only about 50 percent gave an academic research career the highest rating; more than 40 percent gave top marks to research jobs in the private sector, while about 30 percent thought working for a startup would be pretty great. (The numbers add to more than 100 percent because the students were allowed to give high marks to multiple occupations.)

Although it’s unknown how these preferences translate into the careers people actually pursue, the implication is that only about half of doctoral science students are really gunning for academic positions. NSF data support this. In 2010, about 50 percent of new science Ph.D.s went on to do postdoctoral research at a university —the contract job long considered a necessary step for landing a professorship.

There have almost always been more doctorates than academic positions , and Ph.D.s, unlike J.D.s and M.D.s, have a long history of pursuing a range of careers after their training. A science Ph.D. is still an attractive credential outside of the university. According to a 2008 survey by the NSF (a summary is available here ), there were about 662,600 work-ready science Ph.D.s in the United States, and only 11,400 of those people were unemployed. That’s an unemployment rate of 1.7 percent .

Of course, some of those jobs have disappeared since the NSF survey was taken. The pharmaceutical industry, the Washington Post reported, has cut scores of chemists. Even so, the American Chemical Society told me the unemployment rate among its Ph.D. members is 3.4 percent this year, down from 3.9 percent last year . During these rough economic times, the unemployment rate of scientists in one of the hardest hit fields is less than half the national average . Why? Because scientists learn more in graduate school than how to peer into microscopes and pour chemicals ever so carefully from one Erlenmeyer flask to another. As one biologist told me, the statistics and computer programming she learned during her degree can be applied just about anywhere. More generally, scientists know how to solve complex problems, and finishing a doctoral dissertation shows that you can get things done.

A mathematician who graduated in 2010 told me he was hired by the investment bank Goldman Sachs after a short search. Many of his colleagues, he said, have doctorates in math, physics, or computer science; his bonus can be a multiple of his salary. A biologist was offered a position as a medical writer seven days before graduating last year. A chemist got a job at a battery company two years ago after a short stint as a postdoctoral researcher, doubling his salary. Even the Economist , despite its disdain for “pointless” Ph.D.s, likes to hire scientists. As the ad for their science-writing internship reads , “Our aim is more to discover writing talent in a science student or scientist than scientific aptitude in a budding journalist.”

The employment rate of science Ph.D.s makes the Washington Post’s claim that “the jobs aren’t there” seem strange, almost as strange as the paper’s statement that a science Ph.D. “can leave graduates buried in debt”—it almost never does. The majority of science doctoral students receive government grants, university stipends, teaching assistantships, or research fellowships through their adviser’s grants that cover living expenses and pay tuition. In a study of people who earned Ph.D.s in 2010, about 75 percent of life sciences, physical sciences, and engineering doctoral recipients had zero education-related debt .

Still, if you pursue a doctorate in the sciences purely for future financial gain, seven years of lost wages—the average amount of time science Ph.D.s spend in graduate school —might not be worth it. This income loss is especially true for scientists who stay in academia after graduating. Postdoctoral fellowship positions pay 30-year-olds with more than a decade of higher education about $40,000 a year, and they don’t guarantee an academic job. And in 2008, the median salary of fully employed science Ph.D.s, the NSF reported, was about $100,000 a year. (Chemical and computer engineers, in case you were wondering, make the most.) That’s a great salary, of course, but much less than what people with MBAs and M.D.s earn.

But focusing on this hypothetical financial loss ignores why many graduate students pursue a Ph.D. in the first place: intellectual curiosity. The biggest perk of graduate school in science is getting paid to learn. Many of the people I spoke to missed the intellectual and logistical freedom of graduate school—being able to set their own hours and pursue a wide range of academic activities. Nobody expressed regret about working toward a science Ph.D.; graduate school, most said, was a lot of fun. I’d have to agree.

Near the end of writing my dissertation, there were many 80-hour weeks and vending-machine dinners. Much of the time, science is a slog. But there were also the four months I took off in the middle of my degree to intern at a magazine, and the eight months I spent on exchange in a lab in London stimulating brains with magnets. (Not to mention weekday afternoon pints at the grad-student pub, guest lectures by the likes of Stephen Pinker and Daniel Dennett, and paid trips to Europe for conferences.)

You might argue that if I leave academia to, say, teach high school or become a journalist, I’ve wasted my laboratory training. This argument is ridiculous. Since the Ph.D.’s inception in 18 th century Germany , the product of a doctoral education has been a dissertation—a body of research that, in a small way, moves a field forward. There’s nothing wrong with contributing to science and then moving on. The work won’t disappear. Dissertations are published, and doctorates last a lifetime.

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Minimum Qualifications for admission to Full-time PhD Programmes

Table 1 defines the minimum qualifications required for admission to full-time Ph. D. programmes at IIT Delhi. Please note:

These are Institute minimum requirements and any Department/Centre/School operating through their DRC/CRC/SRC can specify higher short-listing criteria than what is specified here.

This table includes most of the degrees, but each DRC/CRC/SRC is free to specify the qualifications and disciplines acceptable for admission to their programmes.

Candidates in the final year of their programmes and who expect to complete all their qualifying degree requirements before the date of registration are also eligible to apply for admissions. For short-listing purposes, their performance until the preceding semester (preceding year if their programmes are year based) would be considered but their admission would be provisional, subject to their meeting the minimum eligibility criteria after their final qualifying examination results are announced. In any case, all admissions are provisional at first and it is confirmed only after all certificates and previous records are duly checked and verified, a process which may take a few weeks into the starting semester.

Table 1: Minimum Qualification for Admission to full-time PhD Programmes

Qualifying DegreeMinimum performance in qualifying degree for General/OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) category studentsQualification through national level examination requirements
M.Tech./M.E./M.D. or equivalent60% marks or 6.00 CGPA on a 10-point scaleNil
M.Sc./MBA/M.A./M.B.B.S. or equivalent60% marks or 6.00 CGPA on a 10-point scaleQualified GATE/ CSIR/ UGC/NET/ICAR/ICMR/ DST-INSPIRE Fellowship
B.E./B.Tech. or equivalent70% marks or 7.00 CGPA on a 10-point scaleQualified GATE/CSIR/ UGC NET/ICAR/DST-INSPIRE Fellowship

Exemptions, relaxations and clarifications:

For SC/ST/PwD category candidates , the minimum performance in the qualifying degree (S. No. 1 & 2 in Table 1) is relaxed from 60% to 55% (CGPA relaxed from 6.00 to 5.50).

For SC/ST/PwD category candidates , the minimum performance in the qualifying degree (Sr. No.3 in Table 1) is relaxed from 70% to 65% (CGPA relaxed from 7.00 to 6.50).

Qualifying degree performance is computed by aggregating performance over all the semesters/years of the qualifying degree, as per the credit or weightage system approved in the institution/ board where the degree has been completed.

Requirement of qualification in GATE / National Exam is waived for the following categories of applicants:

Currently registered students in Centrally Funded Technical Institutes (CFTIs) pursuing B.Tech./B.E./ Integrated M. Tech/ Integrated M.Sc. Programmes (or any other programme of minimum four year duration, admission to which is on the basis of JEE), who have completed 6 semesters or more, and have CGPA of 8.00 or above (on a 10 point scale). Such students must obtain a CGPA of 8.00 or above at the time of graduation, and before they formally register for the Ph.D. programme (80% aggregate marks, if marks are the primary mode of evaluation);

Graduates of CFTIs (in the programmes marked under (i)) with a final graduation CGPA of more than 8.00 (80% aggregate marks, if marks are the primary mode of evaluation);

M.A or M.Sc. graduates from IITs with CGPA 8.00 or above.

For purposes of shortlisting, the primary method of evaluation (i.e., CGPA/CPI, or aggregate percentage, whichever is appropriate) followed by the institution where candidate has obtained his/her qualifying degree will be used by IIT Delhi for determining whether the candidate meets the final shortlisting requirements.

For assistantship purposes only (and not for qualification), candidates with M.B.B.S. qualification will be considered equivalent to M. Tech., for admission to Ph.D. programme in Centre for Biomedical Engineering;

For candidates with M.A. degree in English, a 5% relaxation in marks or 0.5 relaxation in CGPA may be permitted for admission to the Ph.D. programme in Humanities and Social Sciences;

Candidates holding an MBA degree are eligible for applying to the Ph.D. programme in the Department of Management Studies.

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Ph.D. Programmes

Noida 28 Jul 2024 PET Date: 31 Jul & 09 Aug 2024 (Last of the Jul 2024 Session).Only those who qualify for PET will appear for Interview on the same date
Lucknow ---------- PET Date : 01st August 2024 (July 2024 session): Only those who qualify for PET will appear for Interview on the same date.
Jaipur ---------- Ph.D Application - July 2024 Session
Gurugram (Manesar) ---------- PET Date 13 August 2024. Only those who qualify for PET will be called for Interview.
Gwalior ---------- Last Date To Apply Is 30th Jun 2024
Greater Noida 10 Jul 2024 PET Dates : 24Jun 2024 & 15 July 2024 Only those who qualify for PET will appear for Interview on the same date
Mumbai ---------- Last Date To Apply Is 30th Jun 2024
Raipur ---------- Last Date To Apply Is 30th Jun 2024
Kolkata 10 Jul 2024 Last Date To Apply Is 10th July 2024
Ranchi 30 Dec 2023 Last Date To Apply Is 30th December 2023
Patna ---------- Last Date To Apply Is 30th December 2023
Mohali ---------- Last Date To Apply Is 30th December 2023
RICSSBE NOIDA ---------- Ph.D Application - July 2024 Session

phd with 50 percent marks

Eligibility Criteria for Admission :

Candidates seeking admission to the Ph.D. Program, whether full time or part time, shall have to possess requisite percentage of marks / grade point average in qualifying examination as indicated below:

  • The required minimum qualification for admission to a Ph.D Program shall normally be a two years Master’s OR M.Phil Degree from any accredited Indian or Foreign University in the relevant field. She/he must have obtained either a minimum of 50% marks or Equivalent Grade in the M.Phil degree or a minimum of 55% marks or Equivalent Grade in the Master’s Degree (for all disciplines except Engineering and Technology), however, overall 60% at all academic levels will be desirable.
  • The required minimum qualification for admission to a Ph.D Program shall normally be a two years Master’s OR M.Phil Degree from any accredited Indian or Foreign University in the relevant field. She/he must have obtained 55% marks or Equivalent Grade in the Master’s or M.Phil Degree (applicable for all PhD programs except in Engineering and Technology).
  • The required minimum qualification for admission to a Ph.D Program is a) Master’s from a recognised Indian or Foreign University/ Institute in the relevant field with minimum 55% marks or Equivalent CGPA OR b) A four years Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised Indian or Foreign University/ Institute in the relevant field with minimum 75% marks or Equivalent CGPA
  • Applicants who have successfully completed their first year degree course (Undergraduate course) by 04/June/1986, irrespective of the duration, shall be treated at par with those who have completed a three year first degree course. Those who hold a two year first degree and had enrolled for this course after 04/June/1986, will be required to undergo a further one year bridge course. UGC notification dated 17/August/2015
  • For Ph.D. Programs under the Engineering & Technology Domain, eligibility criteria will be as per eligibility mentioned against each program.
  • Applicants with M. Tech / M.E./M.S. qualification in relevant disciplines with excellent academic record with minimum CGPA of 6.0 on a 10 point scale or equivalent or 60% marks and with 60% aggregate in Xth , XIIth and B.Tech/B.E. will be considered eligible for admission in Ph.D. Programs in Engineering and Technology.
  • Applicants with M.B.B.S. degree or equivalent in relevant discipline with excellent academic record with minimum CGPA of 5.5 on a 10 point scale or equivalent or 55% marks may be considered eligible for admission to Ph.D. Programs in the relevant field .
  • Applicants with Chartered Accountancy (CA) Qualification from 'The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India' (ICAI)/ Cost and Works Accountancy of ICWAI/ Company Secretary of ICSI with a minimum 55% marks or equivalent grade may be considered eligible for admission to Ph.D. Programs in the relevant field .
  • Foreign/ NRI applicants / Applicants with a Masters’ degree from a foreign university must apply with an equivalence certificate of AIU along with the Online Application Form.

Exemption from PhD Entrance Test/Written Test Only those candidates who have successfully cleared in the relevant field an All India National Level Competitive Examination like NET of UGC / CSIR / ICAR (ASRB), ICAR-AICE-JRF/SRF (PhD) / GPAT / ICMR / GATE / DST - INSPIRE within the last 2 years* of the PhD session (Jan or July) they are applying in at Amity Noida, shall be exempted from the written test of the Ph.D. Selection Process and they will be required to appear for the Interview round only. For consideration of exemption they must timely submit scanned copy of the issued certificate (and not score card) along with the application form or later via mail but not later than two days prior to the PET date. Exempted Candidates will receive a message of exemption on their admission microsite/ admit card prior to PET and those who do not receive such a message will be required to appear for PET (Ph.D. Entrance Test).

Only those candidates who have successfully cleared an All India National Level Competitive Examination like NET of UGC / CSIR / ICAR (ASRB) / GPAT / ICMR / GATE / DST - INSPIRE  within the last   3  years *  of the PhD session (Jan or July) they are applying in, at Amity, shall be exempted from the written test of the Ph.D. Selection Process and they will be required to appear for the Interview round only. For consideration of exemption they must timely submit scanned copy of the issued certificate (and not score card) along with the application form or later via mail but not later than two days prior to the PET date. Exempted Candidates will receive a message of exemption on their admission microsite/ admit card prior to PET and those who do not receive such a message will be required to appear for PET (Ph.D. Entrance Test).

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PhD can be pursued directly after a 4-year bachelor's degrees and 75% marks: UGC

So far, a candidate for the National Eligibility Test (NET) needed a master's degree with a minimum of 55% marks.

April 21, 2024 07:05 pm | Updated April 22, 2024 06:52 am IST - New Delhi

Image used for representative purpose only.

Image used for representative purpose only. | Photo Credit: AFP

Students with four-year undergraduate degrees can now directly appear for NET and pursue PhD , according to University Grants Commission (UGC) Chairman Jagadesh Kumar.

To pursue a PhD with or without a Junior Research Fellowship (JRF), the candidates will require a minimum of 75% marks or equivalent grades in their four-year undergraduate course.

"The candidates with four-year undergraduate degrees can now directly pursue PhD and appear for NET. Such candidates are allowed to appear in a subject in which they want to pursue a PhD irrespective of the discipline in which they have obtained the four-year bachelor's degree," Mr. Kumar told PTI .

"The candidates having passed a four-year or eight-semester bachelor's degree programme should have a minimum of 75% marks in aggregate or its equivalent grade on a point scale wherever the grading system is followed," the UGC chairman said.

A relaxation of 5% marks or its equivalent grade may be allowed for those belonging to SC, ST, OBC (non-creamy layer), differently-abled, economically weaker sections and other categories of candidates as per the decision of the UGC from time to time, he added.

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Students with 4-year bachelor's degrees, 75% marks can get direct PhD entry: UGC

Moreover, students with 75% aggregate marks or equivalent grades can now directly pursue a phd, offering new paths for academic progression..

Business Today Desk

  • Updated Apr 21, 2024, 7:46 PM IST

phd with 50 percent marks

Moreover, students with 75% aggregate marks or equivalent grades can now directly pursue a PhD, offering new paths for academic progression. These alterations represent a notable change in the eligibility criteria for these exams, offering increased opportunities for eligible candidates.

"The candidates with four-year undergraduate degrees can now directly pursue PhD and appear for NET. Such candidates are allowed to appear in a subject in which they want to pursue a PhD irrespective of the discipline in which they have obtained the four-year bachelor's degree," Kumar told PTI.

"The candidates having passed a four-year or eight-semester bachelor's degree programme should have a minimum of 75 pc marks in aggregate or its equivalent grade on a point scale wherever the grading system is followed," the UGC chairman said.

He also mentioned that a relaxation of five percent marks or its equivalent grade may be permitted for candidates belonging to SC, ST, OBC (non-creamy layer), differently-abled, economically weaker sections, and other categories as decided by the UGC.


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Getting a PhD in Your 50s and 60s: The Ultimate Guide

There’s a significant rise in the number of mature students returning to university to complete postgraduate degrees. You plan to be one of them. But you find yourself asking if it is feasible to start getting a PhD in your 50s and 60s. 

It’s never too late getting a PhD in your 50s and 60s because there’s no age limit in the pursuit of higher education. To give you a head start on this exciting new endeavor, we present to you the ultimate guide to getting a PhD in your prime years.

It is critical to know what to expect, such as the challenges and benefits of reviving an academic existence as a mid- or late-career student, so you can plan for the years ahead. Read on to find out how.

Why You Should Pursue a PhD at a Later Stage in Life

Why would anyone in their right mind regurgitate a period of woe and misery in their golden years when they should already be relaxing? Well, many people, not just nerds, love studying. 

There’s an entire population dedicated to life-long learning. They form the bulk of those going back to school to complete degrees that were halted mid-life due to the untimely arrival of kids, financial downfall, death in the family, or other unfortunate circumstances. These mature students don’t need a reason to return to school. Their passion drives them.

For others, the purpose is economical. Those in the middle of their career embark on a PhD to change its direction, improve their prospects, upgrade their qualification set, or to accrue further knowledge. In fields like teaching and research, a doctorate is a veritable advantage.

Nina Grunfeld , founder of Life Clubs , a network that helps people achieve life changes, explains that many, particularly women, want to return to study because they’re disgruntled or have a desire to improve themselves, revive their career, or discover new passions.

“A milestone age is often a trigger,” Grunfeld adds.

“At the Open University , favored by many part-time learners, numbers of postgraduate students over the age of 45 have been increasing steadily for the past three years, with the greatest rise (32%) in students over 65.”

Others undertake a PhD to crown a significant achievement or just to prove they can do it. This writer’s friend did it to slap her diploma in the face of her wealthy future sister-in-law, who denigrated her economic status. Education, after all, is one of the world’s greatest equalizers. 

Most crave a PhD for the prestige the three letters can add to their names. If, however, you have a natural yearning for knowledge and in-depth study of a subject you’re passionate about, the heck with your age. Go for it!

Reasons Not to Get a PhD

Thoroughly assess your reasons for pursuing a PhD, because although it’s fulfilling academically, it’s also a huge financial commitment. If you’re dissatisfied with your current job, or you think it would just be fun to be a student again, neither will give you the strength to withstand the rigors of extreme study.

On the other hand, if you’re sure that gaining this qualification will fit in with your life goals, then forge ahead!

The Benefits of Pursuing a PhD

Do you want a research doctorate, or do you want to teach? Both are the standard reasons for undertaking PhD studies. Once completed, a PhD will make you an expert in your chosen field, possibly even beyond borders!

Apart from aspects previously mentioned, especially beneficial for older people is the fact that learning builds new neural connections that improve cognitive ability, memory function, and problem-solving ability. Education is also good for boosting one’s spirit. Classroom or online learning is a social endeavor that breaks isolation and fosters social connections. 

According to the American Council on Education , social connection with teachers and peers is one of the reasons mature students over 50 pursue higher learning.

There are retirement communities (some located on campus) that partner with colleges and universities to offer residents post-secondary courses. Most of these are on the East Coast, but there are a couple in California and Florida.

Political scientist Chris Blattman explains how a PhD intangibly molds an individual: “A PhD program doesn’t just teach you, it socializes you. It gradually changes what you think is interesting and important, the peer group you compare yourself to, the value you place on leisure and family over career, and the kind of life you will value when you emerge.”

How Long Does It Take to Complete a PhD Program?

Most full-time students can complete theirs in five to six years. Part-timers can take as long as eight to 10 years. Students with a master’s degree complete their PhD in four or five years.

Some programs, like the MACRM (Master of Arts in Public Policy with Certificate in Research Methods) at the University of Chicago’s Harris Public Policy , offer a combination of methods. This master’s program provides intense and applied research training plus the option of a PhD at the end.

Study Methods

Studying for a PhD here is different compared to Europe. Our students are usually in direct contact with their professors. They’re expected to do a lot of teaching and marking, which encroaches on their free time off-campus. The earlier you accept this, the better you’ll cope and adopt solutions.

According to the World Economic Forum , the USA had the most doctoral graduates in 2017: 71,000. Germany and the UK followed, with 28,000 each.

In 2016, about 14% of all doctoral recipients were over age 40, per the National Science Foundation . Educators see increasing enrollment in doctoral programs by students in their 40s and 50s.

At Cornell University , women drive the trend . “The number of new female doctoral students age 36 or older was 44% higher in 2015 than in 2009,” says Barbara Knuth , senior vice provost and dean of the graduate school.

What Are the Requirements?

Generally, a PhD applicant should have completed a relevant undergraduate degree. Ideally, he should have also secured a master’s degree (with substantial research) in a related subject. Thankfully, this is optional here. Most PhD programs in the US, unlike in the UK, don’t require a master’s degree for admission. Students can move straight to doing a PhD with an undergraduate degree.

Here’s a sample of PhD requirements from the University of California, Berkeley , a public research university regarded as one of our most prestigious. This is a list of their graduate programs and application deadlines. We chose Berkeley as an example, because it had the highest number of top-ranked doctoral programs nationwide, according to a National Research Council report .

Required documentation includes, but isn’t limited to official transcripts, course descriptions from previous institutions attended, proof of language proficiency, references, and cover letters.

How to Apply

For admission to your chosen institution, visit its website. Check its rankings, course listings, faculty, and requirements specific to your field of study. Talk to other students and professors, learn about your desired department, and uncover the social scene.

Deadlines for applications to PhD programs are usually between December and February. You’ll get an answer by April. Most institutions recommend that you apply way in advance to give both parties plenty of time for arrangements. They require international students to have a TOEFL score of around 90, but this varies depending on the institution.

In Europe, students choose their PhD subject area before they apply. Here, potential PhD students can take up to a year or two deciding on their research subject while attending classes at a graduate level. Students normally apply to more than one institution—and separately because there’s no central organization that processes applications.

Students in Europe are expected to apply with existing knowledge of the subject via a master’s degree. They begin PhD studies right away. Here, universities accept that students don’t have an in-depth understanding of their subject and permit them to decide later.

Tips to Get a (Slight) Advantage

Get the best quality general research pre-training possible. Apply to as many top schools as you can. Visit all the institutions that accepted you. Narrow down your choices according to fit and quality.

Applying to many places is crucial because the admissions process is competitive and random. Whittling 100 promising candidates down to 30 is subjective. Even outstanding candidates might not be admitted.

Institutions are more likely to admit you if you demonstrate a good fit with their faculty. That’s why you have to research the faculty and their work, and explain how you fit in. Mention in your cover letter the staff members you see as complementary to your research. Note that deciding committees in politics programs take cover letters more seriously than their counterparts in economics.

Strive to gain entry into one of the top 10 schools in your field because it gives you a better chance at an academic job. This is true in economics, the most hierarchical field in social science.

Which University Should You Attend?

Rankings shouldn’t be the main deciding factor, but they’re an excellent indicator of educational expertise. To choose the best from the 4,000 nationwide, see this list of our best universities in 2020 and how they feature in worldwide rankings. The top five are Stanford University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, California Institute of Technology, Harvard University, and Princeton.

How to Choose the Right Institution

Consider these factors.

Your field of study, their programs, specialties, facilities, and faculty rating. Your choice depends on your preferred career and the course credit you’ve accumulated. 

If you’re certain about your field of interest and feel confident it will sustain you for the entire program, you’ll have a greater chance of getting accepted.

Researching their specialties will tell you if they’re appropriate for your area of study. See what areas they’ve worked in, their study focus, what they’ve published, and how well their work has been received. Also, investigate the quality of their student-faculty, as a postgrad study is collaborative and intense. You need to have the right people in your group.

What is the university best known for? Choose one renowned in the field you’re interested in to ensure you have the appropriate experts on hand to help you. Evaluate the kinds of research projects done in the university.

Choosing a venue depends on your circumstances. Staying near your home allows you to work part-time while studying. Most PhDs require only occasional visits to the university, so you may opt to take the course far from home, then travel when necessary. Alternatively, you could move closer to your university for greater immersion into the social scene and a closer connection to the student community.

If you choose to study away from home, contact your chosen university’s accommodation office first. Many university towns have student accommodation in place, but spots tend to go quickly, so apply early. Next, research on- and off-campus accommodation. Check online local listings and bulletin boards for private rentals.

Social Life

Check out student life on social media. What organizations do they have? Are they the sort you would want to join?

Staff/Student Ratio

The more staff available to each student, the better.

Choose From These Categories of Institutions

  • Public Universities (aka state colleges)—open to anyone who qualifies. They’re funded by state governments. Being larger, they can accommodate many students and offer a wide variety of degree programs. Some offer scholarships.
  • Private Non-Profit Colleges —their tuition is much higher than that of state universities or community colleges, but they don’t profit from it. As they’re smaller, they offer specific courses and specialized degrees. They receive funds only from tuition fees and donations.
  • Private For-Profit Colleges —similar to non-profits in course study and general cost, but they’re set up as a business. This affects the type of degree programs offered.
  • Liberal Arts Colleges —offer one expansive area of study rather than specific degree tracks. As they’re smaller, instructors give you more attention. Though most focus on undergraduate education, some offer good postgraduate degree programs too. Campus culture is quite different from that of a traditional university.
  • Online Postgraduate Colleges —perfect for those juggling jobs and family as it offers flexibility in assignment completion. Most coursework and classroom discussions are held online, but you may have to go to a physical classroom part of the time, especially as you get closer to graduation. An online degree is as valuable as one you physically attend.

Ask Your Intended University These Questions

  • What are my chances of finding a job after graduation? See the career prospects below.
  • How flexible is your program? This depends on the subject area. The Humanities and the Arts offer a greater degree of flexibility than science-oriented ones. North American institutions offer slightly less flexibility than their European counterparts. See whether you can pick and choose components, or if the whole program is indelibly fixed from beginning to end.
  • What research resources are available? Decent computer networks and an equipped library are not enough. Serious research requires office-based administration support, reprographic services, and essentials of a proper business center. Disregard any institution that lacks support.
  • How versatile is your department? Some departments prefer one research method. Others favor newer ones, non-traditional teaching styles, or a radical approach. Extensive departments offer a wider spectrum of methods and potential areas of study. You may thrive better with a broader tradition of research methodologies or value the security of knowing what is expected of you.
  • What are your non-academic amenities? Also, check out other facilities, like leisure programs, for maintaining a work/life balance. Small universities in remote towns offer lesser cultural or social options.

How to Get Into a Top Institution

Entry into the top 10 or 15 schools is extremely competitive. Focus on getting exceptional recommendations, experience, grades, and GRE scores. Most departments appoint a small committee of four to six faculty members for admissions. The committee changes every year, so results are hard to predict.

Work on research projects with professors. Try before you commit. Become a research assistant (RA) in your department or secure RA jobs with professors in top departments in your area. This will help with references and your statement.

How to Fund Your Studies

The cost of traditional programs can vary between $20,000 to $60,000 per year. Shorter programs are cheaper. If a PhD is going to drown you in debt, think twice. Attend an institution with full funding if you can. This is often a barter deal: free tuition in exchange for research and teaching.

Another reason for applying in advance is to give plenty of time to arrange funding. Deadlines for application for funding can be as early as December for studies beginning in the fall. Many students can get part or full funding through scholarships, fellowships, bursaries, loans, and government assistance. Help is also available for parents, such as childcare subsidies, single-parent grants, bursaries, and free school meals for children.

Some PhD students will receive a university stipend with an assistantship position, but this varies between institutions and between departments within institutions. This is an example from Cornell University . Many government schemes like The Fulbright Program offer scholarships.

You can also obtain bursaries from abroad. An example is the Postgrad Solutions Study Bursaries in the UK, open to all nationalities. In Canada, senior citizens can have their tuition waived for one undergraduate and graduate degree.

What to Do After Admission

Once you’ve secured funding and accommodation, these are the next steps:

Find a Supervisor

Write your research proposal if you’re self-proposing your PhD. Then find an institution and a supervising academic to support you during your research. Choose those with whom you’ll work well. To achieve this, you must network and meet people in your field of research.

Apply for an Assistantship

Doctorate assistantships are advertised on university websites and wherever academic jobs are advertised. Applications for these are very competitive, so apply for several.

Clarify Duties in Your Department

While researching and writing, many PhD students take on additional responsibilities, such as helping professors and lecturers with their classes or marking and evaluating undergraduate work. These extra tasks may be paid or not.

Prepare for Your Dissertation Early

A dissertation is a means to contribute new knowledge, theories, or practices to your field. Introduce an entirely new concept, develop it, and defend its worth. Your dissertation should be around 70,000 to 100,000 words.

Your subject area will determine if you have to write your dissertation while attending classes or do so after research completion. Regardless, preps always help at crunch time.

You are expected to defend your dissertation with a public presentation. Afterward, you will have a private session with the dissertation committee to evaluate if you’ve earned your doctorate. This is why it’s important to have a positive relationship with faculty, peers, and supervisors.

Career Prospects 

What type of job can you expect after graduation?

Traditionally, graduate school hones students to become future scholars and live an intellectual life, produce innovative research, and become professors at four-year institutions. Fulfilling research careers are plentiful, but there are other ways PhD recipients can use their degrees to benefit society. For instance, they can pursue alternative academic careers in K-12 administration or the nonprofit sector.

The top 10 to 20 schools staff the top 100 to 200 universities. So PhDs outside the top 30 schools are unlikely to lead to careers in research universities, though this varies by discipline. Graduates of lower-ranked programs can work for the government or at teaching universities, international institutions, and think tanks. Job satisfaction rates are usually high.

If you aim to teach in a business department in a community college or a four-year school, an MBA may be enough. You need a doctorate, however, for a full-time job at a four-year teaching-focused school. Community colleges may hire you full-time with just a master’s, but you’ll be competing against those with doctorates.

Jobs should properly compensate you for the time spent completing your PhD. Ask your targeted institutions what the employment rate is for their graduates and their links to prospective employers. Institutions with strong ties to private companies offer more chances of future employment.

Ultimately, it boils down to your chosen subject matter. Some PhD courses like law will definitely enhance your career. Non-vocational fields like Greek mythology, however, are less likely to improve your future earning capacity or alter your career trajectory. Intellectually, of course, the reward is priceless.

Advantages of Being an Older Student

The obvious one is that your decision to return to university is likely the result of planning over several years, not a rushed, uneducated hack at the dartboard. This gives you ample time to choose your field of study.

Your work experience, professionalism, people skills, and ability to manage multiple commitments will prove invaluable throughout your studies. Course tutors also treat older students differently than their younger, undergraduate counterparts—in a good way.

Keeping Up With the Young Ones

Despite there being no age barriers in a PhD entry, age makes a difference somewhat on campus. The gap in the life experience of a young adult and a mature student is vast. The ramifications for the latter have to do with social life, interactions during class discussions and group projects, and how older students are treated by professors and non-academic staff.

For an Equal Footing…

Join organizations, societies, and sports clubs. These aren’t exclusive to undergraduate students. Not all activities are drunken, drug-crazed meet-ups. Being a part of a campus association could benefit your career development in the way of learning a unique skill or developing a new interest.

Maintaining a Balance

Many mature students return to school juggling study with family and work commitments. This makes prioritizing studies challenging. Some, especially working moms, feel guilty about not giving everyone equal attention. So they study part-time or employ creative means to manage their time.

Avenues of Support

As a mature student, you may wonder how you’ll cope with the demands of scholastic life as you’ve been out of academia for many years and can’t remember the last time you wrote an essay.

Fear not. Most universities run workshops on topics like researching, essay writing, referencing, and library use—usually at the start of the academic year. Approach your university for help with matters off-limits to family and friends. Ask your tutor for advice. Your cohort group is also a source of support and shared experiences.

The Value of Networking 

Although a PhD elevates academic achievement, it doesn’t guarantee employment in your field. Networking adds value to your career and provides growth opportunities. Relationships ease career transitions needed to pursue better opportunities. Give back by sharing your connections and expertise.

Ageism and Sexism in Academia

US universities may not be perfect, but education-related discrimination is minimal compared to many countries. Be thankful for this, and take advantage of the privilege. To illustrate what women PhD applicants have to deal with in other countries, in China , you cannot apply for a PhD after age 40.

In the Philippines, admissions departments ask invasive questions and request antiquated requirements, such as copies of marriage certificates. These are requested from both foreign and local applicants but ONLY WOMEN. You may think this requirement is from a patriarchal provincial college, but it’s an item from actual requirement lists from two of the country’s Ivy League universities, which are supposed to be progressive.

The pursuit of a PhD is a life-changer. We trust the pathways we presented will help you make the right choice based on your needs and preferred course of study. Good luck with your aspirations in higher education, which will hopefully lead to your dream career. The fulfillment will surely be unparalleled. 

A Scottish student in her 50s encapsulates the postgraduate sentiment impeccably: “There is value to being an older PhD student, and there is value to universities having us. There just needs to be more of us.”

  • PhD Studies: Three Reasons Why It’s Never Too Late to Get a PhD
  • The New York Times: Taking On the PhD Later in Life
  • The Independent: Real late starter—age is no obstacle if you’re motivated
  • World Economic Forum: Which countries have the most doctoral graduates?
  • The World University Rankings: Best Universities in the United States 2020
  • The World University Rankings: World University Rankings 2020
  • Berkeley Graduate Division: Graduate Programs & Deadlines to Apply
  • Berkeley News: National Research Council ranks UC Berkeley’s PhD programs among nation’s best
  • Thesis Rush: Can You Get A PhD Without Masters? Let’s Find Out!
  • Senior Living Blog: University-Based Retirement Communities
  • Inside Higher Ed: Receiving Your Doctorate to Work at a Community College?
  • Quora: What is the lowest accepted GPA for Harvard admission?
  • How to apply for a Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary
  • Save the Student: 10 ways American unis are different from UK unis
  • Postgrad: PhD in UK
  • Postgrad: PhD in USA
  • Postgrad: Graduate School USA
  • Postgrad: How To Get A PhD
  • Postgrad: Studying for a PhD—the basics
  • Postgrad: 5 Steps to Getting Ready for Postgrad Study in the USA
  • Postgrad: Common PhD Myths
  • Postgrad: What? Where? Why? When? How? Is A Phd Right For Me?
  • Postgrad: 5 Things To Ask When Looking For A Phd
  • Postgrad: What Are the Different Types of Postgraduate University in the US?
  • Postgrad: PhD Studentships

Hey there, my name is Anja, I’ve seen and supported my mom’s incredible transformation in her fifties. Seeing how my mom “awakened” and took full control over her life really impressed me. I got inspired and started dreaming about how we could inspire more people, especially women, to open up and create a second life for themselves. That’s how the idea of came to life…

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NEP 2020: UGC proposes revised norms for PhD admission

The candidates who have cleared m.phil course with at least 55% marks in aggregate or a candidate whose m.phil dissertation has been evaluated and recommended for award of the degree may be admitted to phd programme.

Under the New Education Policy (NEP)-2020, those holding four-year undergraduate degrees with a minimum CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) of 7.5 with 1-year/2-semester master’s degree programme (after 4-year undergraduate degree) with at least 55% marks in aggregate will be eligible for admission to PhD programmes, according to revised norms proposed by the University Grants Commision (UGC).

Under the NEP-2020, universities and colleges will now offer 4-year undergraduate degrees with multiple exit and entry options (For Representation)

Under the NEP-2020, universities and colleges will now offer 4-year undergraduate degrees with multiple exit and entry options. Other eligibility criteria are 2-year/4-semester master’s degree programme or a candidate seeking admission after a 4-year/8-semester bachelor’s degree with research should have a minimum CGPA of 7.5/10.

The candidates who have cleared M.Phil (Master of Philosophy) course with at least 55% marks in aggregate or a person whose M.Phil dissertation has been evaluated and recommended for award of the degree may be admitted to the PhD programme in any institution on a provisional basis even before the viva voce or final defence.

The UGC has proposed a relaxation of 5% of marks, from 55% to 50%, or an equivalent relaxation of grade may be allowed for those belonging to SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer)/differently-abled, economically weaker section (EWS) and other categories of candidates as per the decision of the commission from time to time.

These regulations may be called University Grants Commission (Minimum Standards and Procedure for Award of PhD Degree) Regulations, 2022. Every degree-granting autonomous college and every affiliated college are allowed to offer PhD programmes.

Programme duration

PhD programme shall be for a minimum duration of two years excluding course work and a maximum of six years. Extension beyond the above limits will be governed by the relevant clauses as stipulated in the statute/ordinance of the individual institution concerned but not beyond more than two years.

Women candidates and “Persons with Disabilities” (more than 40% disability) may be allowed a relaxation of two years for a PhD in the maximum duration. In addition, women candidates may be provided maternity leave/child care leave for up to 240 days once in the entire duration of PhD.

For student exchanges, provided that they contribute significantly to the completion of the thesis, leave of absence may be granted from the second year onwards.

Admission procedure

All universities shall admit PhD scholars through a National Eligibility Test (NET) or National Entrance Test or an entrance test conducted at the level of individual universities. The admission shall be based on the criteria notified by the institution, keeping in view the guidelines/norms in this regard issued by the UGC and other statutory bodies concerned and taking into account the reservation policy of the central/state government from time to time.

Sixty percent of the total vacant seat of the academic year shall be filled from NET/JRF qualified students and the remaining forty percent through the university/common entrance test qualified students on the basis of interviews conducted by the concerned institute. However, in case of an unfilled vacancy in either of the category, candidates from another category can be requisitioned to fill the vacant slots in the order of merit reservation norms.

The syllabus of the entrance test shall consist of questions that test research/ analytical/ comprehension/quantitative aptitude. The entrance test shall be conducted at the centre(s) notified in advance by the organisation conducting the examination.

Qualifying marks in the entrance test will be 50% provided that a relaxation of 5% of marks (from 50% to 45%) shall be allowed for the candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layers)/differently-abled category in the entrance examination conducted by the universities.

The university/college shall maintain the list of all the registered PhD scholars on its website on a year-wise basis. The list shall include the name of the registered candidate, the topic of their research, the name of their supervisor/co-supervisor, date of enrolment/registration.

Thrust areas of research

Proposed area of research is socially relevant/locally need-based/ nationally important/globally significant/create value to the society or in cutting edge areas or contribute to new/additional knowledge in the areas of emerging concerns worldwide.

Allocation of research supervisor

Eligibility criteria to be a research supervisor, co supervisor, number of Ph.D. scholars permissible per supervisor etc. A PhD scholar has to obtain a minimum of 55% of marks or its equivalent grade in the UGC 10-point scale (or an equivalent grade/CGPA in a point scale wherever grading system is followed) in the course work in order to be eligible to continue in the programme and submit the thesis.

Research advisory committee

There shall be a research advisory committee or an equivalent body for a similar purpose as defined in the statutes/ordinances of the institution concerned for each PhD scholar. The research supervisor of the scholar shall be the convener of this committee. It is aimed to review the research proposal and finalise the topic of research.

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Govt proposes to allow pursuing PhD after bachelor’s degree, one-year master's

Ugc may implement a common entrance for phd admission, and in such a scenario it will be binding on individual universities..

phd with 50 percent marks

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Students with 4-year bachelor's degrees, 75% can directly pursue PhD: UGC chief

The candidates with four-year undergraduate degrees can now directly pursue phd and appear for net. such candidates are allowed to appear (for tests) in a subject in which they want to pursue a phd irrespective of the discipline in which they have obtained the four-year bachelor's degree.

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Students with 4-year bachelor's degrees, 75% can directly pursue PhD: UGC chief

  • Four-year undergraduate degree holders now eligible for NET and PhD, per UGC Chairman
  • UGC relaxes NET eligibility criteria, allows four-year degree holders to pursue PhD directly
  • UGC-NET exam this year to be offline, scheduled for June 16; application process open till May

Students with four-year undergraduate degrees can now directly appear for NET and pursue PhD, according to University Grants Commission (UGC) Chairman Jagadesh Kumar. To pursue a PhD with or without a Junior Research Fellowship (JRF), the candidates will require a minimum of 75 percent marks or equivalent grades in their four-year undergraduate course.

So far, a candidate for the National Eligibility Test (NET) needed a master's degree with a minimum of 55 percent marks. The exam this year will be conducted in offline mode instead of a Computer-Based Test. Tests for all subjects will be conducted on June 16.

"The candidates with four-year undergraduate degrees can now directly pursue PhD and appear for NET. Such candidates are allowed to appear (for tests) in a subject in which they want to pursue a PhD irrespective of the discipline in which they have obtained the four-year bachelor's degree," Kumar told PTI.

"Candidates having passed a four-year or eight-semester bachelor's degree programme should have a minimum of 75 percent marks in aggregate or its equivalent grade on a point scale wherever the grading system is followed," the UGC chairman said.

A relaxation of five percent marks or its equivalent grade may be allowed for those belonging to SC, ST, OBC (non-creamy layer), differently-abled, economically weaker sections and other categories of candidates as per the decision of the UGC from time to time, he added. UGC-NET is an exam to determine the eligibility of Indian nationals for the "award of Junior Research Fellowship and appointment as assistant professor", "appointment as assistant professor and admission to PhD" and "admission to PhD only" in Indian universities and colleges.

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File photo of the UGC building in New Delhi | Manisha Mondal | ThePrint

New Delhi: Students who have completed a four-year undergraduate course will be eligible for direct admission to a doctorate programme, the University Grants Commission (UGC) said in its revised PhD regulations notified earlier this week.

The new PhD regulations — “University Grants Commission (Minimum Standards and Procedures for Award of PhD Degree) Regulations, 2022” – says a candidate should have a minimum of 75 percent marks in “aggregate or its equivalent grade on a point scale wherever the grading system is followed”.

In case the candidate does not have 75 percent marks in a four-year undergraduate program, she has to pursue a one-year master’s programme and score at least 55 percent.

The new admission rules further say, “A 1-year master’s degree programme after a 4-year bachelor’s degree programme or a 2-year master’s degree programme after a 3-year bachelor’s degree programme or qualifications declared equivalent to the master’s degree by the corresponding statutory regulatory body, with at least 55% marks in aggregate or its equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed.”

No more publishing in peer-reviewed journals 

The UGC has removed the clause, “publishing paper in a peer-reviewed journal”, as mandatory for a PhD.

PhD regulations of 2016 had said that PhD scholars “must publish at least one (1) research paper in a refereed journal and make two paper presentations in conferences/seminars before the submission of the dissertation/thesis for adjudication”.

Talking about this, UGC chairperson Professor M. Jagadesh Kumar said, “Publication of research papers in peer-reviewed journals may not be mandatory anymore, but it does not mean PhD scholars should stop doing that altogether.”

He added: “Focussing on high-quality research will lead to publications in good journals, even if it is not mandatory. It will add value when they apply for employment or post-doctoral opportunities.”

Part-time PhD allowed with clause 

For a PhD, individual institutions can also hold their own entrance tests to admit students, the new rules state. The candidate then need not write the National Eligibility Test (NET) or similar exams. The “entrance test shall consist of 50 percent research methodology and 50 percent subject specific,” the rules say.

The commission was  planning on reserving 40 percent seats for students who qualified through NET, but that clause did not make it in the final notification as there was no consensus.

Apart from this, the commission has also allowed candidates to pursue a PhD through part-time mode, “provided all conditions are fulfilled”.

As per the rules, the institute will require a “No Objection Certificate (NOC)” from the appropriate authority in the organisation where the candidate is employed.

The NOC should clearly mention that she is permitted to pursue studies on a part-time basis. “His/her official duties permit him/her to devote sufficient time for research; if required, he/she will be relieved from the duty to complete the course work,” the new rules say.

The regulations are applicable with immediate effect from the date of notification. Any PhD registered after 1 July, 2009 shall be governed by the regulations of 2009 or 2016, the notification further adds.

Also read: Only 34% Indian schools have internet access, less than 50% have functional computers, shows data

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Is Your Academic Profile Good Enough For The Top Six IIMs? Here's What Data Has To Say

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Academic Profile Required To Get A Call From IIM Ahmedabad

The following table encapsulates the academic profiles of 500+ IIM Ahmedabad current students/graduates. The rows capture the percentage of individuals under any one of five percentage ranges across 10th, 12th and graduation.

Over the past two years, IIM Ahmedabad has shortlisted candidates based on their CAT performance (70% weight) and application profile (30% weight). Work experience has only been introduced as a selection criteria for the PGP batch of 2020-2022 at IIM A and will therefore not be included in the analysis of this report. An important point to note for IIM A aspirants is that from 2020 onward, IIM Ahmedabad will give greater weight (35%) to a candidate's profile. Read IIM A's latest selection criteria here .

IIM Academic Profile - IIM Ahmedabad Academic Profile Requirements


  • Nearly 90% of IIM A students/graduates possess more than 90% marks in Class 10th. On the other end, only a handful of the 500+ individuals from IIM A have scores below 80% in 10th and/or 12th.
  • Over 30% of individuals who made it to IIM Ahmedabad had 90+% marks in both 10th and 12th, while only 7% of them have between 80-89.9% marks in both 10th and 12th.
  • When it comes to graduation, more than half the individuals from IIM A included in this report have acquired over 80% marks during their graduation.
  • Nearly 10% of the 500+ individuals included in this report possessed less than 70% marks in graduation, which though not a huge number, is indicative that IIM A has been more forgiving of lower graduation scores in the past few years. It is likely that candidates with a lower graduation score had a stellar CAT percentile, thereby offsetting any adverse impact caused to their application by their under-graduation performance. Also, not a single student/graduate included in this report has less than 70% marks in 10th or less than 60% marks in 12th.


  • Data suggests that if you're a candidate with less than 80% marks in 10th and/or 12th, and/or less than 60% marks in graduation, chances of you making it to IIM Ahmedabad are significantly lower than the rest of the applicants. A score below 70% in 10th or 12th is almost certainly not good enough for a shortlist from IIM A.
  • If you're nervous that your 70% score in graduation is going to be an obstacle in your IIM A dream, then you will be relieved to know that more than a quarter of over 500+ IIM A students/graduates have had scores similar to yours and still made it to the institute, though they most likely had stellar SSC and HSC scores.
  • Given that IIM Ahmedabad gives 65% weight to a candidate's CAT performance, an above average profile of 80+/80+/70+, along with work experience and an excellent CAT score can significantly improve your chances of being shortlisted by IIM Ahmedabad for their AWT-PI round.

Academic Profile Required To Get A Call From IIM Bangalore

The following table encapsulates the academic profiles of 500+ IIM Bangalore current students/graduates. The rows capture the percentage of individuals under any one of five percentage ranges across 10th, 12th and graduation.

Over the past few years, IIM Bangalore has been the only IIM to assign more than half - 60 per cent to be exact - of the weight in the selection criteria to candidates' overall profiles. This has made IIM Bangalore one of the toughest business schools to get admission to, and every year, even CAT 99+ percentilers miss out on a call from the institute. The following table explains why. Read IIM B's latest selection criteria here .

IIM Academic Profile - IIM Bangalore Academic Profile Requirements

  • Nearly 85% of students/alumni at IIM B possess 90% or above marks in class 10th. On average, students admitted to IIM Bangalore have a better Class 10th track record as compared to Class 12th, which is explicable by the fact that over the past few years, IIM Bangalore has given a fifth of the total selection criteria weight to Class 10th marks, and only half of that to Class 12th marks. Class 10th marks also contribute to 10% of the total weight for IIM B's final shortlisting process.
  • Nearly 40% of individuals from the recent batches at IIM Bangalore have 90+% marks in both 10th and 12th, but only 7% have 80-89.9% marks in both 10th and 12th, which is a testament to the importance that IIM B gives to academic excellence and consistency.
  • Almost no individual with less than 80% marks in 12th has made it to IIM Bangalore.
  • Over 40% of all current students/recent graduates at IIM Bangalore have 90% marks in graduation. In IIM Bangalore's recent selection criteria over the past few years, graduation marks account for a fifth of the total weight to get selected for the WAT-PI rounds, and 10% of the total weight for the final shortlisting process.
  • Only 20% of students who've studied/are studying at IIM Bangalore have scored below 80% in graduation, and only 14% have scored below 70% in graduation. Almost no student with less than 60% marks in graduation has made it to IIM Bangalore.
  • IIM Bangalore has been known as the IIM that maintains a balanced focus on a candidate's entire academic profile, thereby making it one of the toughest business schools to get into. The data above proves IIM B's inclination towards selecting only the most stellar profiles within the vast applicant pool.
  • Scored between 70-80% in graduation? All is not lost. You can still get a call from IIM Bangalore, though your chances are slim and you'll require an extraordinary 10th/12th profile, as well as work experience to enhance your application. However, anything below 70% in graduation is almost a guarantee of not receiving a call from IIM Bangalore.
  • Screwed up in 12th but did exceedingly well in 10th? Chances are, with a balanced overall profile, you'll still stand a good chance of getting shortlisted by IIM Bangalore for the WAT-PI round. However, a below average Class 10th performance, i.e., < 80%, severely diminishes your chances of an IIM B call.
  • Given that CAT scores account for 40% of weight while calculating composite scores, it takes a combination of a great CAT performance and at least an 80+/80+/80+ profile to be somewhat certain of an IIM Bangalore call, with the latter being the more important factor for a shortlist.

Academic Profile Required To Get A Call From IIM Calcutta

The following table encapsulates the academic profiles of 500+ IIM Calcutta current students/graduates. The rows capture the percentage of individuals under any one of five percentage ranges across 10th, 12th and graduation.

Over the past few years, the lion's share of the weight in IIM Calcutta's selection criteria has been the CAT performance of candidates, with 56% of the weight being assigned to CAT scores in the calculation of the composite score. In 2019, IIM Calcutta introduced the Bachelor's degree marks as an additional criterion and increased the weight for Class 12th marks. While computing the composite score, candidates with greater than 60% marks in graduation will receive full marks, and candidates with 80% or above marks in both 10th and 12th will receive full marks. Read IIM Calcutta's latest selection criteria here .

IIM Academic Profile - IIM Calcutta Academic Profile Requirements

  • Only 4% of students/graduates of recent batches at IIM Calcutta have scored above 90% in graduation. It'll be very pleasing for IIM C hopefuls to note that a whopping 45% of students who made it to IIM Calcutta had less than 80% marks in graduation, which is generally the range of graduation percentage that most aspirants fall in.
  • 20% of individuals from the recent batches at IIM Calcutta possess 90+% marks in both 10th and 12th, while 13% of them possess 80-89.9% marks in both 10th and 12th.
  • Almost no individual with less than 80% marks in std. 10th made it to IIM Calcutta. Similarly, very few individuals with less than 80% marks in std. 12th managed to make it to Joka .
  • 50% of students/graduates of IIM Calcutta have more than 90% marks in 10th and/or 12th, and nearly 100% of all individuals of the recent/current batches scored above 80% marks in 10th.
  • Not a single student/graduate of IIM Calcutta has scored below 60% marks in 10th or 12th, and only a handful of individuals have scored below 60% marks in graduation.
  • The most significant inference that can be drawn is that IIM Calcutta is one of the few IIMs that does not require you to have a stellar graduation score to even get shortlisted for the WAT-PI round. Data suggests that even applicants with less than 70% marks in graduation have made it to IIM Calcutta, and in significant numbers at that.
  • While it is acceptable to have a below average graduation score, data suggests that if you have scored below 80% in 10th and/or 12th, chances of receiving an IIM Calcutta call are significantly diminished. With 56% weight assigned to a candidate's CAT score, the only saving grace for a below average SSC/HSC performance is a high CAT score.
  • Given that the IIMs are the most elite management institutes in the country, and are even counted amongst the best in the world, candidates with poor academics will find it difficult, if not impossible, to find a seat at IIM C. If you have below 60% marks in 10th and/or 12th and/or graduation, even a high CAT score may not be enough to get a shortlist call.

Academic Profile Required To Get A Call From IIM Lucknow

The following table encapsulates the academic profiles of 500+ IIM Lucknow current students/graduates. The rows capture the percentage of individuals under any one of five percentage ranges across 10th, 12th and graduation. Read IIM Lucknow's latest selection criteria here.

IIM Academic Profile - IIM Lucknow Academic Profile Requirements

  • Despite graduation marks being one of the most important selection criteria at IIM L for the past three years, over 3/4th of individuals from recent/current batches at the institute have graduation marks in the range of 70-89%, with over 35% of them with a 70-79% graduation score. Additionally, nearly 90% of these individuals have scored between 60-89% marks.
  • Over 25% of individuals from recent/current batches at IIM Lucknow have 90+% marks in both 10th and 12th, while 10% of those from IIM Lucknow possess 80-89.9% marks in both 10th and 12th.
  • The bulk of individuals from IIM Lucknow have scored between 80-100% marks in HSC, with nearly 70% of them scoring between 80-89.9% marks in 12th. Only a handful of them have scored below 80% marks in HSC, which is explicable by the fact that HSC scores make up 10% of the overall weight in IIM L's selection criteria.
  • Not a single student/graduate from IIM L has scored below 60% marks in 10th or 12th.
  • Have a graduation score between 60-79%? So do 50% of all individuals who have recently graduated from or are currently studying at IIM Lucknow, and they still made it! Though a below average graduation score is not desirable, especially since the other 50% of IIM L students/recent graduates have scored between 80-100% in graduation, one can balance it out with work experience, HSC scores, and most importantly, a high CAT score, which carries 60% weight in the WAT-PI shortlisting process.
  • Data suggests that if you've scored below 80% in 12th, your chances of getting into IIM Lucknow are severely diminished, though not zero. However, a score below 60% in either 10th, 12th and/or graduation is almost a guarantee of not getting a shortlist from IIM Lucknow.

Academic Profile Required To Get A Call From IIM Indore

The following table encapsulates the academic profiles of nearly 500 IIM Indore current students/graduates. The rows capture the percentage of individuals under any one of five percentage ranges across 10th, 12th and graduation.

In the past few years, IIM Indore has given the maximum weight to a candidate's academic profile compared to all other IIMs in the same bracket. In 2019, IIM Indore will assign nearly 3/4th of the total weight to a candidate's 10th and 12th marks. The weight was the same for these components in 2018 as well. There is no weight for a candidate's graduation marks or work experience. Read IIM Indore's latest selection criteria here .

IIM Academic Profile - IIM Indore Academic Profile Requirements

  • Nearly 85% of IIM Indore students/recent graduates have 90%+ marks in std. 10th, while 65% have 90%+ marks in std. 12th. In the recent batches at IIM Indore, no student/graduate has scored below 70% marks in either 10th or 12th, and only a handful of individuals have lower than 80% marks in either 10th or 12th.
  • Over 40% of individuals from the recent batches at IIM Indore possess 90+% marks in both 10th and 12th, while 7% of them possess 80-89.9% marks in 10th and 12th. This is most likely a result of the heavy weight that IIM Indore lays on candidates' past academic track record, which will continue to be the trend in 2019 as well.
  • A whopping 40% of students/recent graduates at IIM Indore have scored between 70-80% marks in graduation, and nearly 75% of these individuals have scored between 70% and 90% marks in graduation. In the recent batches, no student/graduate at IIM Indore has scored below 60% marks in graduation, and only 10% have scored 90%+ marks in their graduation.
  • It is imperative that candidates hopeful of a call from IIM Indore possess at least 80+% marks in both 10th and 12th to have a fairly decent chance of being shortlisted by the institute. Given that nearly 75% of the weight is assigned to the candidate's 10th and 12th marks, candidates with a great SSC and (especially) HSC profile stand a good chance of getting an IIM I shortlist even with a relatively lower CAT percentile (subject to them meeting sectional cut-offs).
  • Data suggests that candidates with less than 80% marks in 10th and/or 12th have a significantly lower chance of making it to IIM Indore than those in the 80-100% marks bracket.
  • Graduation marks have no impact on the IIM Indore WAT-PI selection process, so a below-average graduation score will not be a hindrance in at least the shortlisting process. IIM Indore appears to be a haven for those who could not perform academically during their under-graduation, as is evident from the major chunk of students in the 70-80% marks bracket.

Academic Profile Required To Get A Call From IIM Kozhikode

The following table encapsulates the academic profiles of 500+ IIM Kozhikode current students/graduates. The rows capture the percentage of individuals under any one of five percentage ranges across 10th, 12th and graduation.

Over the past few years, IIM Kozhikode has been one of the few IIMs to have changed the selection criteria with each passing year. In 2017, IIM K included work experience and graduation score as a selection criteria with an aggregate of 15% weight, which was removed in 2018 and the weight for CAT was increased to a massive 75%, with only HSC scores and academic/gender diversity included in the criteria. In 2019, however, IIM K will calculate the composite score of a candidate by taking into account SSC and HSC marks, as well as academic/gender diversity. The weight for CAT has been reduced by a massive 30 percentage points, and a candidate's academic profile will play an equally important role in being shortlisted for the WAT-PI process at IIM Kozhikode. Read the latest IIM K selection criteria here.

IIM Academic Profile - IIM Kozhikode Academic Profile Requirements

  • Despite HSC marks being the only selection criteria based on academic history, more than half of the recent graduates/students at IIM Kozhikode have HSC scores in the 70-89.9% bracket, which is most likely the result of the immense weight that IIM K lays on a candidate's CAT performance. This trend is likely to be altered in 2019 due to the inclusion and increase in weight for SSC and HSC scores in IIM K's selection criteria. We expect the data for the next batches to be skewed towards higher HSC and SSC percentages.
  • Only 15% of students/recent graduates at IIM Kozhikode have 90+% marks in both 10th and 12th, which is the lowest across all the IIMs included in this report. Nearly 13% of individuals have 80-89.9% marks in both 10th and 12th.
  • Nearly half of the students/recent graduates at IIM Kozhikode have a graduation score in the 60-79% bracket, which is explicable by the fact that in 2018 and 2017, IIM K had little to no weight for graduation scores. Despite this, only a minuscule percentage of individuals from IIM K have scored below 60% marks in graduation.
  • Not a single student/alumni at IIM K in the recent years has scored below 70% marks in 10th, and only a handful have scored below 70% marks in 12th.
  • IIM Kozhikode is one of the few IIMs which does not give any weight to graduation scores, so those with below-average (or worse) graduation scores but good 10th and 12th scores can breathe a sigh of relief, at least till 2019. However, if trends suggested in the data are to be believed, those with less than 70% marks in graduation may find it tough to make it to IIM K, despite Bachelor's degree marks not being a part of the criteria.
  • Data suggests that to have a fairly good chance of getting an IIM K shortlist (subject to CAT scores), a candidate must have at least 80+% in both 10th and 12th, and a 90+% score in std. 10th improves your chances of a shortlist. This is also backed by the fact that IIM K will give double the weight to a candidate's SSC score compared to their HSC score for admissions to the PGP batch of 2022.

Got into an IIM or know someone who got into an IIM with a profile that conflicts with data in this report? Let us know in the comments below!

You should also read the following:

Is Your Profile Good Enough For SPJIMR, FMS, MDI and XLRI?

Is Your Academic Profile Good Enough For IIFT, NMIMS, And SIBM Pune?

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Aniket Singh

In this analysis, state board marking patterns has not been taken into consideration. How the state board marking pattern is analysed by IIM while selecting for call.

16 Dec 2019, 10.27 AM

+Read Replies (1)

phd with 50 percent marks

Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

Hi, The scores of 10th and 12th across all boards have been taken into consideration!

8 Jan 2020, 12.20 PM |

phd with 50 percent marks


Excellent work and and the data collected is very organized and apt. Can you please make a similar article for FMS too?

16 Dec 2019, 01.19 PM

Here you go!

8 Jan 2020, 12.17 PM |

phd with 50 percent marks


Got 87.4%in 10th,82.0%in 12th,pursuing btech civil currently in 3nd year

Very valuable info provided most relevant and needed without any sugar coating

16 Dec 2019, 11.43 PM

Thank you, Chinmoy!

phd with 50 percent marks

Great list! This must have taken a lot of work... Thanks

17 Dec 2019, 07.28 PM Edited

Glad you liked the report! And, you're welcome!

phd with 50 percent marks

Anirban Sen

MBA aspirant.Capable of CAT.

Can you please do some research on NITIE Mumbai ?

19 Dec 2019, 11.56 AM

phd with 50 percent marks

Sidharth Sunil

is this for general category

8 Jan 2020, 11.34 AM

Hi Sidharth, Students from all categories have been considered in this report.

8 Jan 2020, 12.21 PM |

Have you taken the state board percentage into consideration while analysing the above data? As we know that there is large scale variation in the state-wise marking patterns for 10th and 12th board, some of the IIM consider the different approach to select the state board candidate and it has been clarified by IIM B in my RTI application that they have different marking pattern for state board applicant. I am sure that the above data is not exactly applicable for state board candidates profile.

21 May 2020, 04.47 PM

phd with 50 percent marks

rahul agarwal

I have Scored 85% in 10th , 94% in 12th and 59% in graduation . What are my chances of getting into IIM- Indore , Lucknow , Kozikode ?

13 Aug 2020, 01.44 PM

phd with 50 percent marks

Abhishek Arun

Hi I have 72%in 10th and 68%in 12th and currently doing bcom if do well on CAT will I get a call from IIMC.

10 Sep 2020, 07.04 PM

phd with 50 percent marks

Pushan Srivastava

I have scored 79.8 in my 12th standard. will I fall into <70-79> bracket or <80-89> bracket?

13 Dec 2020, 11.17 PM

phd with 50 percent marks

saakshi sak

can you please the updated version, please (this same content)

21 May 2021, 10.16 AM

+Read Replies (2)

phd with 50 percent marks

Debayan Purkayastha

Yes, we will do that soon once we have the data.

21 May 2021, 05.11 PM |

phd with 50 percent marks

Please do the updated version as criteria changed a lot for last 2 years

11 Jun 2021, 11.29 PM |

Can you please release this exact same content but the updated 2021 . (Especially 12th std % ) . Please????

30 Jun 2021, 11.52 AM

phd with 50 percent marks

jidesh senthil

My overall percentage is 10th - 51% & 12th - 50.5%, so this is really a very low academics background. I haven't seen anyone get into IIMs with below 60% in 10 or 12th. I need to know the minimum criteria to be qualified. Because even I get a CAT score of >99 to 100 percentile. Will I be able to get into IIMs?

18 Apr 2022, 03.34 PM

phd with 50 percent marks

I am studying for cat 2022 and I want to go to top iims but my 10th percentage is 88.71% ,12th percentage is 88.40% and graduation (B.pharm) cgpa is 9.71/10 so around what percentile is needed to get shortlisted by them?

16 Jun 2022, 02.25 PM

phd with 50 percent marks

Ayush Shrivastava

Hey great insights here. Is it possible that the team could probably do an updated article with new research on this based on data from 2022 or 2023. As now in the last 4 years the selection criterias for all these BSchools have been updated.

15 May 2023, 05.17 AM

phd with 50 percent marks

Thang Haokip

Hi. I belong to ST category and I scored 54.83 in 10th. 59.6 in 12th and 67.44 in graduation. Do I have the chance to get into the Top 6 IIM's Or old IIM's? If so. What are the steps that I need to take to be shortlisted?

29 Sep 2023, 02.17 AM Edited

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UGC introduces direct PhD entry for four-year degree holders via NET

UGC introduces direct PhD entry for four-year degree holders via NET

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  • Updated On Apr 22, 2024 at 02:46 PM IST

<p>To pursue a PhD with or without a Junior Research Fellowship (JRF), the candidates will require a minimum of 75 per cent marks or equivalent grades in their four-year undergraduate course.</p>

  • Published On Apr 22, 2024 at 02:41 PM IST

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Ugc’s 50% rule for m.phil & phd: an assault on higher education, postgraduate students who had applied to du for m.phil & phd claim that the ugc’s ‘50 percent’ criteria is unfair. .

Video Editor: Abhishek Sharma

Postgraduate students who had applied to Delhi University for M.Phil and PhD are upset with a recent notification by the University Grants Commission (UGC).

In 2016, a rule passed by the UGC had made it mandatory for candidates to secure 50 percent in a written exam to qualify for the interview. But the DU administration decided to use the benchmark of 50 percent this year.

Merit list of students who had made it to the interview had been put out already. Now, the students who were called for the interview are protesting the retrospective implementation of the UGC regulations.

phd with 50 percent marks

Postgraduate students sat on a hunger strike for a day on 1 August 2018 outside DU campus.

(Photo: The Quint)

phd with 50 percent marks

Fifteen students who had applied for M.Phil and Ph.D sat on a hunger strike on 1 August 2018.

phd with 50 percent marks

Students are now demanding roll-back of the ‘50 percent’ criteria.

phd with 50 percent marks

After protests by students, the DU administration has postponed the admission process.

Is the ‘50 percent’ criteria fair.

My interview was scheduled for 25 August 2018 but the announcement about the ‘50 percent rule’ came on 23 August. I had studied so hard but now all my efforts have been wasted due to this notification.

For those who have not been able to get 50 percent marks, the notification means that they will have to spend another year preparing for the exam.

I had got 87 out of 188 marks and my overall rank was 19th while, category-wise I stood at 5th position. I had managed to get these marks despite negative marking. Due to this notification, I’ll have to take a drop for another year.

Few Eligible Candidates Across Departments

It’s a setback for those who were hopeful of pursuing further studies from DU and had started working on research proposal.

Around 58 departments have been affected by this rule. In some departments, not a single student is eligible. In my opinion, students are being deprived of their rights, and this is another blow to higher education.

For subjects such as Geology, Botany, Persian and Statistics, not a single student has been able to cross the 50 percent mark.

A statement by a forum of students, called ‘Against UGC Farman’ , issued on 29 July stated:

Enforcement of the UGC Gazette which sets 50 percent minimum in entrance test to be eligible for interview is a violation of the Constitution.

Students Direct Ire at BJP-led Govt

Following the outcry by students, RJD leader and Rajya Sabha MP Manoj Jha has also written a letter to HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar. Referring to the new regulation as ‘anti-student’ and ‘anti-social justice’, Jha has asked for a review of the decision to implement the ‘50 percent criteria’.

Though the admission process has been postponed in all departments, candidates are blaming the govt for implementing policies that are hurting the interest of students:

Postgraduate students who had applied to DU for M.Phil & PhD claim that the UGC’s ‘50 percent’ criteria is unfair. 

If you look at the way this government has tried to scrap the fellowship for M.Phil and PhD and reduced the number of seats at many institutes, it seems that the Modi government is trying to destroy higher education thereby, allowing the entry of private players.

New commission to replace UGC will be autonomous: Javadekar


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PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) All Subjects Admission Open 2024

About Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy)

Ph.D. complete shape is Doctor of Philosophy and according to Wikipedia, "A Doctor of Philosophy is the maximum not unusual place degree at the very best instructional level offered following a route or have a look at. Ph.D. is offered for programs throughout the entire breadth of instructional fields. Because it's far an earned studies degree, the ones reading for a Ph.D. are required to produce authentic studies that expand the limits of understanding, commonly withinside the shape of a thesis or dissertation, and protect their paintings towards specialists withinside the field. The crowning glory of a Ph.D. is mostly a requirement for employment as a college professor, lottery sambad researcher, or scientist in lots of fields"

It is a flexible degree that equips graduates with in-intensity understanding on the subject they pick to have a look at approximately and will increase their process scope with the aid of using a lot. A Ph.D. route prepares college students for the studies they're interested in pursuing with the aid of using introducing them to all of the crucial studies-associated subjects, which offer them publicity to all of the crucial studies methods, ethics, quotation techniques, and more.

Ph.D. is a doctoral program with a length of 3 to 5 years that offers a variety of research techniques and specializations and a number of those specializations consist of English, Microbiology, Psychology, and more. Graduates of this direction have a huge style of activity possibilities withinside the international of studies. Ph.D. graduates often work as consultants, researchers, professors, and R&D enterprise experts.Ph.D. is a broadly used acronym for a program this is supplied at a doctorate level. The phrase Ph.D. stands for Doctor of Philosophy. Depending upon the place of specialization, the suffix for the name changes. For instance, if one is pursuing a doctorate in Bioscience, the route might be referred to as Ph.D. in Bioscience.

Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy) Highlights

Doctor of Philosophy
Course Duration of Doctor of Philosophy [Ph.D.] is 3 to 5 Years.
No age limit
55% in Post Graduation
Employment Roles

Professor, Principal Scientist, Research Associate, etc.

Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy) Eligibility Criteria

Students who need to pursue a Ph.D. program must have the specified eligibility criteria. The distinctive eligibility criteria for pursuing a Ph.D. are given below.

  • Students who have a master's degree are eligible for admission into the Ph.D. programs. For a few subjects, college students must have a Masters in Philosophy (M.Phil) for Ph.D. Although a few universities ask for a particular percent in master’s degree to be eligible for admission in Ph.D.
  • If the student desires to take admission to a good university, he/she has to qualify for the country-wide stage examinations just like the National Eligibility Test for Lectureship (NET) carried out through NTA. Final year college students also can practice for admission however they need to put up copies in their qualifying degree certificates.
  • Final admission is obtainable on the premise of an interview. If the university takes admission on the premise of the written take a look at an interview, students need to seem for both.
  • If applicants need to pursue Ph.D. withinside the subject of Engineering and Technology, he/she has to qualify Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) with precise marks. Also, for admission in Ph.D. In engineering, applicants must entire his/her degree in M.Tech/M.E in any engineering branch.

Admission Procedure for Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy)

Admissions in a few universities/institutes are obtainable on the basis of college students' merit withinside the entrance exam however admission method of the unique university/institute can also add range as consistent with its policies and regulations. In general, the admission method of Ph.D. is noted below.

  • The application method of Ph.d. is to be had each online and offline.
  • If a candidate is making use of a university, he/she has to download the software shape online from the respectable internet site of the college.
  • Ph.D. programs are provided as Full time and Part-time in diverse disciplines of engineering, arts, management, commerce, science, humanities, finance, law, medicinal drug, and IT.
  • Candidates can pick between Full Time and Part-Time.
  • Candidates have to have a master’s diploma for admission to Ph.D. Some universities provide admission to the students who've secured not less than 55 percent or equal to their master’s degree.
  • In a few cases, doing a Masters in Philosophy (M.Phil) is a prerequisite to starting a Ph.D. course.
  • The admissions in a Ph.D. program are achieved via an entrance check on the university level.

The top entrance exam for Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy)

  • UGC NET Exam
  • AIIMS Ph.D. Entrance Exam
  • AIMA Ph.D. Entrance Exam
  • NIPER Ph.D. Entrance Exam
  • IISC Ph.D. Entrance Exam
  • JNU Ph.D. Entrance Exam
  • GITAM Ph.D. Admission Test
  • CSIR- UGC NET Exam
  • BARC Ph.D. Exam
  • NDRI Ph.D. Entrance Exam

Types of Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy)

Full-Time Research Scholars

Government/ Semi-Government Fellowship Recipients

Ph.D. students who fall beneath neath this class are presented monetary help beneath neath Government/ Semi-Government fellowship schemes.

Institute studies Scholars with Teaching Assistants

Aspirants falling beneath neath this class of Ph.D. students are presented Institute Teaching Assistantship as designated by the MHRD.

  • Self-financed Candidates (Indian/ Foreign)

Indian self-financed applicants have presented a seat in doctoral programs presented at institutes relying on their music documents and experience. Such applicants have presented admission in Ph.D. programs presented by the institute by taking element withinside the regular admission method for Ph.D. publications however such applicants do now no longer get hold of any monetary help from the institute.

Foreign self-financed applicants have presented admission thru the embassy in their respective country handiest when they get the vital 'no objection certificate' from MHRD, Govt of India, and different vital approvals from India's Ministry of External Affairs.

Sponsored Candidates  Aspirants falling beneath neath this class of Ph.D. students are backed by (recognized) Research and Development organizations to do full-time studies on the involved institute.

Study Leave Candidates  Aspirants falling beneath neath this category are given look at going away via way of means of Government institutes/ companies/ academic institutes for a time period of fewer than 3 years to carry out studies work at the required institute. A letter of going away supplied via way of means of the candidate's institute/ corporation is vital to steady admission as a Ph.D. student in this category.

ICCR Awardees  Foreign applicants who're backed via way of means of their respective authorities are provided a seat in a Ph.D. route beneath neath the Indian Council of Cultural Relations (ICCR) award holders’ class in the event that they had been provided a scholarship via way of means of their authorities.

Part-Time Research Scholars

Candidates who are seeking admission beneath neath element-time studies students at an institute are presented admission beneath neath the below-referred categories:

  • Research Assistants
  • Institute staff/ Faculty
  • Project Staff
  • External Sponsored Candidates

Top Programmes in Different Streams For Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy)  

Here are some of the Doctor of Philosophy guides that might be offered in exceptional streams.

Ph.D. Courses in Science

  • Ph.D. in Applied Sciences
  • Ph.D. in Chemistry
  • Ph.D. in Basic and Applied Sciences
  • Ph.D. in Clinical Research
  • Ph.D. in Mathematical and Computational Sciences
  • Ph.D. in Environmental Science and Engineering
  • Ph.D. in Mathematics
  • Ph.D. in Bioscience
  • Ph.D. Biotechnology
  • Ph.D. in Zoology
  • Ph.D. in Science
  • Ph.D. Zoology
  • Ph.D. in Bioinformatics
  • Ph.D. in Physics
  • Ph.D. in Applied Chemistry and Polymer Technology

Ph.D. Courses in Humanities and Social Sciences

  • Ph.D. in Psychology
  • Ph.D. in Humanities
  • Ph.D. in Public and Economic Policy
  • Ph.D. in English
  • Ph.D. in Physiology
  • Ph.D. in Humanities and Life Sciences
  • Ph.D. Geography
  • Ph.D. in Arts
  • Ph.D. in Economics
  • Ph.D. in Public Policy
  • Ph.D. in Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Ph.D. in Social Sciences
  • Ph.D. in International Relations and Politics
  • Ph.D. in Literature
  • Ph.D. in Social Work

Ph.D. Courses in Engineering

  • Ph.D. in Engineering
  • Ph.D. in Computer Science Engineering
  • Ph.D. in Electronics and Communication Engineering
  • Ph.D. in Production Engineering
  • Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering
  • Ph.D. in Marine Biotechnology
  • Ph.D. in Information Technology
  • Ph.D. Program in Quantitative Techniques
  • Ph.D. in Civil Engineering
  • Ph.D. in Aeronautical and Automobile Engineering
  • Ph.D. in Engineering and Technology
  • Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering
  • Ph.D. in Ceramic Engineering
  • Ph.D. in Genetic Engineering

Ph.D. Courses in Commerce

  • Ph.D. in Commerce
  • Ph.D. in Statistic
  • Ph.D. in Commerce and Management
  • Ph.D. in Accountancy
  • Ph.D. in Banking and Finance
  • Ph.D. in Business Economics
  • Ph.D. in Accounting and Financial Management
  • Ph.D. in Commerce Management

Ph.D. Courses in Business and Management

  • Ph.D. in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
  • Ph.D. in Marketing
  • Ph.D. in Management
  • Ph.D. in Human Resource Management
  • Ph.D. in Business Administration
  • Ph.D. in Aviation Management
  • Ph.D. in Operation Management
  • Ph.D. in Renewable Energy
  • Ph.D. in Disaster Management
  • Ph.D. in Organisation Behaviour

Ph.D. Courses in Law

  • Ph.D. in Law
  • Ph.D. in Legal Studies
  • Doctor of Laws
  • Ph.D. in Law and Governance
  • Ph.D. in Constitutional Law

Medical Ph.D. Courses

  • Doctorate of Medicine (MD) in Biochemistry
  • Doctorate of Medicine in Forensic Medicine
  • Doctorate of Medicine in Cardiology
  • Ph.D. in Physiotherapy
  • Ph.D. in Pathology
  • Ph.D. in Medicine
  • Doctorate of Medicine in Homoeopathy
  • Ph.D. in Psychiatry
  • Ph.D. in Hospital Administration
  • Ph.D. in Radiology
  • Ph.D. in Neurosciences
  • Ph.D. in Medical Physics
  • Ph.D. in Immunology
  • Ph.D. in Paramedical Sciences

Syllabus for Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy)

The course and topics for a Ph.D. degree rely on the specialization that aspirants determine to pursue. There are over 1000 courses wherein college students can select to specialize and therefore, for information on the route topics, aspiring college students have to seek approximately Ph.D. route info online.

Listed below are a few subjects that the students get a threat to study: 

  • Research Methodology
  • Ethics of Interviewing for a research course
  • How to write down a research proposal
  • Introduction to social media as a research tool

Skills That Make You The Best Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy) Graduate

Ph.D. graduates want to have skills so that it will assist them to achieve their expert lives. These talents do not simply assist the students to achieve their studies process, when they have finished their research, aspirants will want those skills to make certain that they achieve their workplace. Some of those skills include:

  • Quantitative Analysis Skills
  • Research Skills
  • Analytical Skills
  • The Ability to Work Under Pressure
  • Interpersonal Skills

Scope Of Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy)

In today’s world, there's immense scope for college students who have a Ph.D. degree. After finishing the degree, college students ought to tune their ability and practice for the roles on the premise of their expertise/interest. If you understand approximately your interest area, you could without a doubt get an excellent job.

Ph.D. degree holders have the possibility to turn out to be lecturers/professors, human offerings workers, novelists/writers, journalists/editors/critics, philosophical journalists, researchers, scientists, unbiased consultants. From the monetary zone to the general public zone, Ph.D. holders are actually everywhere. In general, a maximum of the Ph.D. holders turns out to be university professors, commercial R&D lab professionals, and start-ups mentors.

Some Job Opportunities After completing the Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy) In Few Famous Streams

Today, Ph.D. isn't always confined to the sphere of academics, it has a scope withinside the company international as well. Some famous Ph.D. specializations, in conjunction with the professional opportunities, are noted withinside the desk below:  

 (Doctor of Philosophy)
Ph.D. Mechanical 

Engineering Research Scientist, Executive Engineer, Mechanical Design Engineer, Professor.

Ph.D. Marketing
Marketing Manager, Deputy Manager, Marketing Executive, New Product Manager.
Ph.D. Psychology
Clinical Psychologist, Research Psychologist, Professor, Therapist.
Ph.D. Mathematics
Cashier, Finance Manager, Accountant, Loan Counsellor, Professor
Ph.D. Economics
Banker, Professor, Accounter, Economists, Financial Managers.
Ph.D. Biology
Microbiologist, Professor, Research Biologist.
Ph.D. Chemistry
Chemical Researcher, Junior Scientist, Forensic Chemist, Medical Technologist.
Ph.D. Computer Science
Software Developer, Hardware Engineer, Website Developer, Network Engineer.

Government Jobs After completing the Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy)

Defense Research and Development Organisation 
Research Associate
National Institute of Plant Genome Research
Senior Researcher
DRDO (Defense Research & Development Organization)
Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Engineer, Aeronautical Engineer, Senior Mechanical Design Engineer
HPCL (Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited)
Senior Engineer Officer
Ministry of Civil Aviation
Young Professionals
Research Associate
AIIMS New Delhi
Senior Research Fellow, Project Coordinator
Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
Chief Advisors, Assistants

Top Placement Companies For Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy) Graduate

  • Aditya Birla Group
  • Mahindra & Mahindra
  • Tata Administrative Service (TAS)
  • Hindustan Unilever
  • Reliance Industries
  • Bank of America
  • McKinsey & Company
  • Johnson & Johnson
  • Bennet Coleman and Co
  • Hewlett Packard (HP)
  • JW Marriott
  •  Brillio
  • TresVista 
  • Future First
  • Quark Software
  • Daffodil Software

Live Application Form 2024

phd with 50 percent marks

Karnataka State Open University - KSOU

  • Mysore, Karnataka

phd with 50 percent marks

Central University of Gujarat - CUG

  • Gandhinagar, Gujarat

phd with 50 percent marks

The Glocal University - GU

  • Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh

phd with 50 percent marks

S.R.M Institute of Science and Technology - SIST

  • Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu

phd with 50 percent marks

Karnataka State Law University - KSLU

  • Hubli, Karnataka

phd with 50 percent marks

Biju Patnaik University of Technology - BPUT

  • Rourkela, Odisha

Offered Course

Admission Open 2024
Doctor of Philosophy in Dramatics
Doctor of Philosophy in Indian Theatre
Doctor of Philosophy in Dance
Doctor of Philosophy in Yoga
Doctor of Philosophy in Zoology
Doctor of Philosophy in Life Science (Zoology)
Doctor of Philosophy in Life Science Botany
Doctor of Philosophy in Thin Films
Doctor of Philosophy in Physics
Doctor of Philosophy in Nuclear Physics
Doctor of Philosophy in Materials Science
Doctor of Philosophy in Kinematics
Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Thermodynamics
Doctor of Philosophy in Biophysics
Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Physics
Doctor of Philosophy in Veterinary Surgery and Radiology
Doctor of Philosophy in Veterinary Public Health and Epidemiology
Doctor of Philosophy in Veterinary Physiology
Doctor of Philosophy in Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology
Doctor of Philosophy in Veterinary Pathology
Doctor of Philosophy in Veterinary Parasitology
Doctor of Philosophy in Veterinary Microbiology
Doctor of Philosophy in Veterinary Medicine
Doctor of Philosophy in Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics
Doctor of Philosophy in Veterinary Extension Education
Doctor of Philosophy in Veterinary Biochemistry
Doctor of Philosophy in Veterinary Anatomy and Histology
Doctor of Philosophy in Animal Science
Doctor of Philosophy in Animal Nutrition
Doctor of Philosophy in Animal Husbandry Extension Education

phd with 50 percent marks

Gurugram University - GU

phd with 50 percent marks

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Arunodaya University - AU

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AURO University of Hospitality and Management - AUHM

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Americans see many federal agencies favorably, but Republicans grow more critical of Justice Department

A view of the National Mall in Washington. (Getty Images)

Americans continue to express positive views of several departments and agencies of the federal government. But there are partisan differences in many of these attitudes.  

Most of these partisan gaps are similar to those seen last year, but Republicans and Democrats have grown further apart in their opinions of the Department of Justice. Republicans’ evaluations of the department have turned more negative.

A chart showing that Republicans’ views of the Justice Department have become less favorable; little change among Democrats.

Today, a majority of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents (56%) say they have an unfavorable opinion of the Justice Department, up from 50% last year. A third have a favorable opinion of the DOJ, while 11% say they are not sure.

By contrast, 55% of Democrats and Democratic leaners have a favorable impression of the DOJ. About a third of Democrats (32%) say they have an unfavorable opinion and 12% are not sure. Views among Democrats are similar to those measured a year ago.

Republicans’ evaluations of the Department of Homeland Security have also turned more negative over the last year: 41% now have a favorable view, down from 47% in 2023.

Pew Research Center regularly conducts surveys to gauge the public’s attitudes about the federal government, including government agencies and departments. For this analysis, we surveyed 9,424 adults from July 1 to 7, 2024.

Everyone who took part in this survey is a member of the Center’s American Trends Panel (ATP), a group of people recruited through national, random sampling of residential addresses who have agreed to take surveys regularly. This kind of recruitment gives nearly all U.S. adults a chance of selection. Surveys were conducted either online or by telephone with a live interviewer. The survey is weighted to be representative of the U.S. adult population by gender, race, ethnicity, partisan affiliation, education and other factors. Read more about the ATP’s methodology .

Here are the questions used for this analysis , the topline and the survey methodology .

Many federal agencies are viewed positively overall

A diverging bar chart showing that large majorities of Americans see the National Park Service, U.S. Postal Service and NASA favorably.

On balance, Americans view 13 of 16 federal agencies we asked about more favorably than unfavorably, according to our survey of 9,424 adults conducted July 1-7. Of those 13 agencies, 10 have net favorable ratings of 15 percentage points or more.

Topping the list are the National Park Service (76% favorable), the U.S. Postal Service (72%) and NASA (67%).

Smaller majorities have favorable impressions of other agencies, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (55% favorable), the Department of Transportation (53%) and the Social Security Administration (53%).

Americans have mixed views of the Department of Education (44% favorable, 45% unfavorable, 11% unsure) and the Department of Justice (43% favorable, 44% unfavorable, 13% unsure).

The least popular federal agency of the 16 asked about is the Internal Revenue Service. Half of Americans have an unfavorable opinion of the IRS, while 38% have a favorable view.

The agencies that are viewed favorably in our recent online surveys were also among the most favorably viewed in past Pew Research Center surveys conducted by telephone. However, because of differences in question wording and survey mode, the specific percentages in recent web surveys and past telephone surveys are not directly comparable. (Refer to the drop-down box below for more.)

This survey is the second time Pew Research Center has measured the public’s attitudes about federal government agencies on our online American Trends Panel . We previously did so in 2023 . Earlier surveys measuring views of federal agencies, including polls fielded in 2020 and in 2019 , were conducted by telephone.

The findings in our 2024 and 2023 web surveys are not directly comparable with those past telephone surveys for two reasons:

  • The web surveys use different question wording than past telephone surveys. Online survey respondents receive an explicit “not sure” response option. Telephone respondents, by contrast, had to volunteer that they did not have an opinion about an agency. This change generally results in a larger share of respondents declining to offer an opinion.
  • Surveys conducted online and by telephone often produce different results because respondents sometimes answer similar questions differently across modes. This is called a “ mode effect .”

These two factors mean that point estimates (for instance, the share of respondents who express a favorable opinion about a single agency in our new survey and in a prior phone survey) should not be directly compared to measure change over time. Doing so would conflate question wording and mode differences with change over time.

Despite this limitation, some broad comparisons can be made. For example, if a wide partisan gap is evident for one agency that was not apparent in past surveys – whereas the partisan gap has remained relatively stable for other agencies – that change is likely not only a result of the transition to online polling from phone polling.

Republicans have mostly negative views of CDC, Department of Education

Diverging bar charts showing wide partisan differences in views of most federal agencies, but Americans in both parties view National Park Service, U.S. Postal Service and NASA favorably.

There are wide partisan gaps in Americans’ views of several federal agencies.

Democrats and Democratic leaners hold consistently favorable views of all 16 agencies asked about.

Republicans and GOP leaners express more unfavorable than favorable views for 11 of the 16 agencies.

The partisan divisions in favorability are deepest for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (78% favorable among Democrats vs. 33% among Republicans) and the Environmental Protection Agency (73% vs. 32%).

There are also wide partisan gaps over the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Education, the FBI, the Department of Transportation, the IRS and other agencies.

In contrast, clear majorities of both Democrats and Republicans give positive ratings to the National Park Service (80% vs. 75%, respectively), the U.S. Postal Service (76% vs. 68%) and NASA (74% vs. 62%).

Among Democrats, the CDC and EPA receive some of the highest net favorability ratings

A dot plot showing that Democrats feel more favorably than unfavorably toward 16 federal agencies; Republicans have net favorable views of only 5 agencies.

A large majority of Democrats (78%) rate the CDC favorably, while just 12% see the agency unfavorably. That amounts to a 66-point net advantage for the CDC.

For the EPA, 73% of Democrats see the agency favorably – 61 points more than the share who see it unfavorably.

Democrats view the IRS least favorably of the 16 federal agencies. They are only 13 points more likely to view it favorably than unfavorably (50% vs. 37%).

Republicans are much less favorable than Democrats toward most agencies

The agencies that Republicans feel most favorably toward are the National Park Service (67-point net favorability), NASA (45 points) and the Postal Service (41 points).

While it is not possible to make direct percentage point comparisons to past surveys due to a shift in survey mode, Republicans are more likely today than in the past to have substantially more negative than positive views of several agencies.

Republicans’ negative opinions of the CDC, in particular, appear to reflect a shift related to the coronavirus pandemic . Past Center surveys showed that Republicans were especially critical of the CDC’s handling of the outbreak.

Note: This is an update of a post originally published March 30, 2023. Here are the questions used for this analysis , the topline and the survey methodology .

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Andy Cerda is a research analyst focusing on politics at Pew Research Center .

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  7. PDF Ministry of Education University Grants Commission New Delhi ...

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  9. Amity University

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  14. NEP 2020: UGC proposes revised norms for PhD admission

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