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Chinese Character and Calligraphy Worksheets for Kids

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homework mandarin character

"With the help of Calligrapher, in merely three days, I have mastered writing my own name."

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Commonly-used Character Lists

Find a vocab list.

  • Enter (or copy & paste) Chinese characters into the Chinese character box. The system will automatically provide the English definition and Pinyin for the characters. You can edit the definition and Pinyin as needed.
  • Optionally, for each character entry, click the image icon to upload or look up an image for the character
  • Enter the title of the new worksheet, such as Chinese Writing Homework #1 . The title will be shown at the top of the generated worksheets. The title is required to save the list to the server for future use.
  • You can change the default worksheet settings as you like to find the format you prefer. The settings are self-explanatory.
  • Click the Print button to generate the worksheets. The generated PDF will be shown in a separate browser window.
  • You can also click the Save button to save the character list, including the customized definition and Pinyin, to the server for future use.
  • Instead of entering the characters into the character box, you can also generate a worksheet by loading a character list from your Saved Vocab Lists or finding one from the vocab lists shared by the Chinese teaching and learning community. The Chinese characters from the list will be copied into the character box and the definitions and Pinyin will be populated for you.

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Chinese Worksheet Generator

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GoEast Mandarin

Printable PDF worksheets & homework activities for kids


Help your kids learn Chinese with words described with Pinyin & Hanzi characters, colored pencils, and carefully illustrated pictures.

  • Designed by a team of professional Mandarin teachers and curriculum designers
  • Used among other course materials in our online Chinese courses for children .
  • All in PDF format, ready to print

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PDF worksheets for Chinese characters

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GoEast offers Chinese language courses for kids

We teach Mandarin to kids through stories and activities, including characters, grammar & speaking.

  • For kids aged 3 to 12 years old
  • All language levels
  • Learning by doing & play

Online Mandarin Chinese

Why worksheets & homework activities?

Worksheets are great practice for kids after class. You can print them out on your own and let your child write on the characters on the worksheet. By following the correct stroke order, your child can learn the Chinese Hanzi characters better. We also find that many kids love the process of writing characters, and so do adults. It’s relaxing!

It’s always good to mix sources for your child’s Chinese language study. This is why it’s good to, aside taking a language course for kids at GoEast, watch Chinese movies for kids, apps for kids, or read from Chinese books for kids. This isn’t just more fun, it’s also educationally sound. These layers of different skills are applied together. And this is also why adding worksheets to the mix is educational.

homework mandarin character

homework mandarin character

With Free Chinese Worksheets

16+ Chinese Worksheets for Beginners PDF Printables

Want to learn Chinese?

At ChineseClass101, you start speaking Chinese in minutes… with our audio/video lessons made by real teachers.

And, guess what? You can also get FREE Chinese worksheets . So you can practice what you’ve learned in our lessons.

How? Just sign up for a Free Lifetime Account and you can access all of our printable Chinese beginner worksheets below. They’re yours to download, print, and use as much as you want.

homework mandarin character

16+ Printable Chinese Worksheets at ChineseClass101

How to Use ChineseClass101’s Worksheets

Just download our Chinese worksheets PDF files and print them out! Then, practice writing out words and phrases on the provided lines on the inside. It’s as simple as that.

How the Chinese alphabet worksheet works:

The first thing any beginner should learn is the alphabet. However, most schools can take a week to teach you the alphabet. But, with these worksheets, you can learn the alphabet in an hour or less!

Just practice writing out the characters inside the worksheet. You’ll even get a chance to practice writing a few simple words. Once you’re done with the alphabet worksheet, feel free to move on to the other Chinese worksheet PDFs.

Here’s how the Chinese writing worksheets work:

In the first part, you’ll get the Chinese word and its meaning, and your job is to write the word in Chinese.

In the second part, you get the Chinese word without any translations. Your job is to write the English translation here.

The third part will test your ability to recall the Chinese words. Here, you only get the English translation. Your job is to try and remember the Chinese word and write it out on the provided line.

By the end, you’ll remember the words because you’re tested on them in multiple ways: 1) recalling the meaning of the Chinese word and 2) recalling the Chinese word from the English translation.

You can also print out several copies of the Chinese worksheet PDFs in order to get extra practice.

5 Reasons Why You Should Learn with Worksheets

  • They’re 100% FREE at ChineseClass101.
  • You get practice writing in Chinese.
  • You get to remember Chinese much better.
  • You’ll be able to speak and understand more Chinese as a result.
  • You’ll never learn if you don’t practice.

You’re here because you want to learn Chinese, right?

Well, If you want to learn and speak flowing Chinese, you can’t just passively read or listen to Chinese and hope it sticks. A few words may stick but you will forget a majority of what you hear and learn. And you’re probably already well aware of how quickly you forget what you learn, right? Let’s change that.

So, if you want to truly learn Chinese, you’ll need to practice. Repeated practice is what cements the Chinese into your brain. And that’s where our Chinese worksheets for beginners come in.

Not only will you learn words, phrases, and Chinese grammar, but you also get a chance to practice what you’ve learned and cement these words into your head. The worksheets are designed to teach and test you, so that you end up remembering the Chinese better.

Best of all? They’re free for ChineseClass101 members. So, download the printable Chinese worksheets, print them out and start practicing Chinese.

The result? You’ll know and speak more Chinese. And of course, you’ll be able to write as well.

How to Get FREE Access

If you’re an existing ChineseClass101 user, you already have access! Just log in and download.

If not, to get free access to all of the Chinese worksheets above, you must sign up for a Free Lifetime Account at ChineseClass101.

Here’s how you sign up and get the PDFs

What’s chineseclass101.

New to ChineseClass101? Welcome!

ChineseClass101 is the fastest, easiest, and most fun way to learn Chinese.

You learn Chinese with fun audio/video lessons made by real teachers. Just press play on a lesson, absorb a conversation and start speaking in minutes. We’ll guide you from lesson 1, to 2, to 3… until fluency.

  • Online Chinese Learning Program
  • 16+ Years of Teaching Languages (Since 2005)
  • Teaching 34 Languages with our Time-tested System
  • Over 2+ Billion Lessons Downloaded to Date
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These Chinese worksheet PDFs are a free bonus for our members and anyone interested in learning Chinese. So, if you’re interested in learning Chinese, sign up for a FREE Lifetime Account today.

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HSK 1 Course A - Beginner Mandarin Chinese

  •   Getting Started (7:20)
  •   Getting the answer keys
  •   Getting the audio files (2:49)
  •   Completing activities with a language partner (1:15)
  •   Learning vocabulary using Quizlet and other resources
  •   Joining our chatroom
  •   Grammar Reference Cheatsheet
  •   Language Player
  •   Refer a Friend
  •   HSK1.01 Warm-Up & Vocabulary (10:39)
  •   HSK1.01 Pronunciation 1.1.1 - Pronouncing the vowels o and e
  •   HSK1.01 Pronunciation 1.1.2 - Understanding the 4 tones and the neutral tone
  •   HSK1.01 Pronunciation 1.1.3 - Chinese Syllables
  •   HSK1.01 Pronunciation 1.1.4 - Pronouncing two 3rd tones together

  HSK1.01 Activity, Assignment and Project

  •   HSK 1.01 Language Player Activities
  •   HSK1.02 Warm-Up & Vocabulary (4:29)
  •   HSK1.02 Pronunciation - Putting tone marks on the right letter
  •   HSK1.02 Pronunciation - Pronouncing iu, ui and un
  •   HSK1.02 Activity, Homework and Project
  •   HSK 1.02 Language Player Activities
  •   HSK1.03 Warm-Up & Vocabulary (10:09)
  •   HSK1.03 Grammar 1.3.1 - Asking "what" with 什么 (4:41)
  •   HSK1.03 Grammar 1.3.2 - Expressing "to be" with 是 (3:12)
  •   HSK1.03 Grammar 1.3.3 - Asking yes or no questions with 吗 (3:39)
  •   HSK1.03 Pronunciation - Pronouncing j, q and x
  •   HSK1.03 Pronunciation - Pronouncing zi, ci and si
  •   HSK1.03 Pronunciation 1.3.2 - Pronouncing ü and ue
  •   HSK1.03 Pronunciation 1.3.3 - Pronouncing the character 不
  •   HSK1.03 Pronunciation 1.3.4 - Omitting the 2 dots on ü
  •   HSK1.03 Activity, Homework and Project
  •   HSK 1.03 Language Player Activities
  •   HSK1.04 Warm-Up & Vocabulary (8:17)
  •   HSK1.04 Grammar 1.4.1 - Asking who and which with 谁, 哪 (6:08)
  •   HSK1.04 Grammar 1.4.2 - Expressing "of" with 的 (4:28)
  •   HSK1.04 Grammar 1.4.3 - 呢 - Part 1 (Expressing "What About") (3:25)
  •   HSK1.04 Pronunciation 1.4.1 - Pronouncing zhi, chi, shi and ri
  •   HSK1.04 Pronunciation 1.4.2 - Pronouncing n and ng consonants
  •   HSK1.04 Pronunciation 1.4.3 - Pronouncing the character 一
  •   HSK1.04 Activity, Homework and Project
  •   HSK 1.04 Language Player Activities
  •   HSK1.05 Warm-Up & Vocabulary (8:12)
  •   HSK1.05 Grammar 1.5.1 - Asking "how many" with 几 (2:55)
  •   HSK1.05 Grammar 1.5.2 - Counting from 1 to 99 (5:27)
  •   HSK1.05 Grammar 1.5.3 - Expressing change with 了 (2:30)
  •   HSK1.05 Grammar 1.5.4 - Asking age with 多大 (3:19)
  •   HSK1.05 Pronunciation 1.5.1 - Pronouncing er and using erhua
  •   HSK1.05 Activity, Homework and Project
  •   HSK 1.05 Language Player Activities
  •   HSK1.06 Warm-Up & Vocabulary (7:54)
  •   HSK1.06 Grammar 1.6.1 - 会 - Part 1 (Expressing “know how to") (3:05)
  •   HSK1.06 Grammar 1.6.2 - Describing things with Adjectives (3:16)
  •   HSK1.06 Grammar 1.6.3 - Asking "how" with 怎么 - Part 1 (2:24)
  •   HSK1.06 Activity, Homework and Project
  •   HSK 1.06 Language Player Activities
  •   HSK1.07 Warm-Up & Vocabulary (7:31)
  •   HSK1.07 Grammar 1.7.1 - Telling dates - Part 1 (4:38)
  •   HSK1.07 Grammar 1.7.2 - Omission of 是 "to be" when expressing age and time (2:36)
  •   HSK1.07 Grammar 1.7.3 - Expressing consecutive actions 去 + location + V - Part 1 (2:59)
  •   HSK1.07 Activity, Homework and Project
  •   HSK 1.07 Language Player Activities
  •   HSK1.08 Warm-Up & Vocabulary (8:47)
  •   HSK1.08 Grammar 1.8.1 - Expressing "to want" with 想 (2:16)
  •   HSK1.08 Grammar 1.8.2 - Asking "how much" with 多少 (3:22)
  •   HSK1.08 Grammar 1.8.3 - Expressing quantities with measure words 个 and 口 (3:33)
  •   HSK1.08 Grammar 1.8.4 - Expressing amounts of money (3:05)
  •   HSK1.08 Activity, Homework and Project
  •   HSK 1.08 Language Player Activities
  •   This course isn't finished yet! Please proceed to Course B.

➊ Pair Activity

Please complete this activity with a language partner , (preferably a native speaker).

  • greeting them in Chinese

Also try typing to them in Chinese via instant messaging. See instructions on how to type Chinese characters on various devices .

  • Write Chinese characters on this PDF worksheet attached.
  • Complete Lesson 1 in the Workbook . For answer keys, see this YouTube video on how you can obtain them from the publisher.
  • You can learn the vocabulary using our flashcard sets Quizlet

➌ Watch Expansion Videos (Highly Recommended)

Launch to Language Player ( Web , iOS , Android ) and create an account, then select “Chinese” as your target language. From the Media section, open any video that interests you, and watch with the help of bilingual subtitles. We recommend spending at least 5 hours watching videos on Language Player for each unit. Below are some usage tips:

  • Tap on any word in the subtitles that you do not understand.
  • Save the word by tapping on “save word.”
  • Review saved words, go to Me > My Words.
  • Note that a paid Pro account is required to play beyond the first 10 lines of each video.

➍ Project (Optional)

Creating a Chinese greeting card that says either "你好!" or "对不起!"

You can either do a digital card or a physical card. Here are some ideas on Pinterest .

If you decide to do a digital card, check out the online graphic design tool Canva .


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Teach Kids Mandarin Chinese at Home: Starter Kit Including Free Printables

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Last Updated on June 21, 2024 by Bilingual Kidspot

Teach kids Mandarin Chinese at Home

How can I introduce the Chinese language to my child?  Is it possible to teach kids Mandarin Chinese myself if I don’t speak the language, and am a non-native speaker?  Yes it is possible!

This post will give you an introduction of the Chinese language , Chinese characters, and show you how you can teach kids Mandarin Chinese at home from ground zero.

It includes free printable materials for you to keep and use to assist you on your language learning journey.

I would like to introduce Amanda, also known as Miss Panda , who is here to share her expertise on teaching kids Mandarin Chinese. This is the first post of a series of Learn Chinese For Kids  on Bilingual Kidspot. Make sure you check out the other lessons!

An Introduction to Mandarin Chinese

Did you know that Chinese Mandarin is the most spoken language in the world? Let’s take a look at six fast facts about Chinese language. This will help you have a general understanding of Chinese language before you dive in.  When I refer to Chinese I mean Mandarin Chinese, the official language of China and Taiwan.

1. Chinese is NOT one of the most difficult languages in the world.

“Chinese is one of the most difficult languages in the world” is a statement with no research support.  Learning how to speak Chinese is actually quite easy.  Do you know that if you can count from one to ten in Chinese you can use the combination of these numbers to count all the way to 99 in Mandarin?  Are you surprised?


2. Chinese is a tonal language

Mandarin Chinese has 4 tones plus a neutral tone.  It technically has a total of 5 tones, but because people often disregard the fifth you might hear Chinese native speakers say, “Chinese language has 4 tones.”


Mandarin Chinese is not the only tonal language spoken by Chinese.  Many of the other Chinese languages spoken in different regions in China are tonal as well.

For example: Cantonese, which is spoken in Canton province and its neighboring area as well as Hong Kong (Hong Kong Cantonese) has 9 tones.

Hokkien, which is used in Fujian province and neighboring areas, has 7 tones.

3. Chinese characters are not as complicated as they look.

If you understand how a character is put together you will find it quite fun.

There are three important elements to Chinese characters –  image, meaning and sound.  

Is this information new to you?  If so, you will find the following interesting.

Chinese characters are divided into 6 categories.  The first Chinese character formation category is the drawing of things or animals.  These characters are in the “pictogram group.”  Chinese characters in the pictogram group are like pictures, and they are the most well-known group of Chinese characters for non-native speakers and beginners.  Young Chinese children find these characters easy to remember.


Many of the picture words are used like “roots” in Romance languages.  These are called Chinese “radicals.”

A Chinese radical is a component of a Chinese character.  All Chinese characters are listed under different radicals in a traditional Chinese dictionary as an index, which provides a way to look the character up.

Radicals are like Lego pieces or building blocks for Chinese characters.

Among the remaining five Chinese character formation categories, the “phonetic-semantic compound group” is the most important.   Chinese characters in this group make up about 80% of all Chinese characters.  A phonetic-semantic compound character has one part that indicates its pronunciation and another part that indicates its meaning.

4. There are two Chinese writing systems:  Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese.

Traditional Chinese is used in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and many overseas Chinese communities.  Simplified Chinese is used in China and Singapore. Traditional Chinese characters are the foundation of Chinese writing.

Simplified Chinese characters are formed based on traditional Chinese characters and some are transformed from Chinese cursive calligraphy styles.

The simplification process of Chinese characters started in Mainland China in the 1950s.  Simplified Characters have fewer strokes.  Let’s look at the picture below for a comparison.


5. Chinese is a language with no verb tenses and no verb conjugation.

In general, since there are no verb tenses in Chinese you just add the time, date, or certain part of the day to the sentence to indicate if the action or event occurred in the past, present, or future.  Doesn’t that make things easier?  Do I see a smile?  In addition to the verb tenses, the singular form of a noun in Chinese is almost always the same as the plural form.


6. Raising a bilingual child requires consistent language input and practice no matter what language you choose to teach your child.

Second language acquisition is similar to first language acquisition in this way.  We need to consistently provide our young learners plenty of target language input .  

Speaking to your child and listening to Chinese songs and nursery rhymes , playing games , reading stories with hands-on activities, gestures, and movement work wonders for young children. Learn with your child together on this bilingual adventure.

Recommended: Chinese Cartoons for kids Chinese Nursery Rhymes and Songs

How do I pronounce Chinese words?

Here Pinyin comes to the rescue!  Pinyin is the romanization of Chinese writing and has become an international standard system.  “Pin Yin” literally means “spell” “sound” in Chinese.  Pinyin is not used to replace the Chinese characters but it gives a way to connect the Chinese language with the world.  Classic Chinese books aren’t typically written in exclusively Pinyin, however,  Pinyin is a great tool to help beginners learn how to pronounce Chinese.

A craftsman must sharpen his tools if he wants to do his work well. ~ Confucius

Now that you have an overall basic understanding of the Chinese language let’s move on to the materials that you can download to use right away to start your Chinese language fun with your little one!

15 Basic Chinese Expressions – Printable

Basic Chinese expressions that you can use every day with your bilingual child:

Hello! How are you? Very good! Thank you! You are welcome. Excuse me./ I am sorry. It’s/that’s alright. Time to eat breakfast. Time to eat lunch. Time to eat dinner Time to have snack. Wash hands. Are you ready? I am ready. Time to go to bed.

You can Download your FREE Printables here .

10 Chinese Character Cards – Printable

Visual tools for your bilingual home:

Included are the following high frequency words: One, two, three, up, down, person, big, small, door, fish.

Note to non-native Mandarin Chinese speaking parents:

  • Read the Pinyin on the printable notes for a pronunciation guide.
  • Listen to the audio tracks that go with the notes.
  • Display the character cards on your language play wall to introduce Chinese writing.

Raising a bilingual child requires consistency

Be playful, smile, and remember that every little step counts!

In the comment section below please share with us:

What is one tiny step you will take today for your bilingual child with the knowledge and materials you have received here on how to teach your kids Mandarin Chinese?

Amanda Miss Panda

This is the first post of our Learn Chinese for Kids Series. FIND MORE CHINESE LESSONS WITH PRINTABLES HERE.


Bilingual Kidspot

Bilingual Kidspot is a website offering practical advice for parents seeking to raise bilingual or multilingual children; with inspiration, support and strategies based on experience as a parent, and as a teacher of a foreign language to children.

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Bilingual Kidspot offers practical advice for parents seeking to raise bilingual kids and little global citizens. Created by an educator, and mother of bilingual kids, it is a place that provides inspiration, tools, and support; with strategies based on experience as a parent, and as a teacher of a foreign language to children.

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How to Raise a Bilingual Child

Content on this website belongs to Bilingual Kidspot. Unauthorised use and/or duplication of any of this material without permission is prohibited. Instead share an excerpt with a link to the original page giving credit to Bilingual Kidspot or contact us to discuss partnership opportunities.

Chinese Character Worksheets

Here are over 500 Chinese Character worksheets that I created to help my kids learn Chinese. We are using Sagebooks so the worksheets go along with Sagebooks but anyone can use these worksheets.

Tips to be green and save green:

  • To save ink, print in fast mode with black ink only.
  • Print on both sides of the paper.
  • Print on recycled paper.
  • Make these reusable with sheet protectors and save paper.
  • Conserve! Don’t print the sheets for characters your child already knows!

Tracing Sheets

Sagebooks Tracing Worksheets with Stroke order diagram box 1 book1 simplified chinese

Character Search

Chinese character search worksheets

Tip: Save paper and ink!

Use clear sheet protectors to make your worksheets reusable. Wet or dry erase markers wipe right off!

Chinese character worksheets in binder

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It feels desperately alone


Homeschool Chinese: Writing Chinese Characters

homework mandarin character

Want your child to speak and use Chinese based on   state-adopted curriculum ?   Better Chinese Plus   is the home version of our state-adopted program with video and personalized instructions. The learning pathway provides a clear alignment with the ACTFL proficiency standards. Each lesson is powered by patented technologies to help your child more effectively learn characters, vocabulary, and expressions. Each video lesson is moderated by at least 2 teachers with different styles. Each lesson practice is individualized by AI to ensure acquisition of language skills. Our program leverages technologies to provide the most effective hybrid solutions for your child. You can add physical books to remind them what they are learning as well as empowering them with what they know. Connect with a BC+ Sherpa to further help your child through structured guidance. Sign-up for 14 days for free. Learn, retain, and enjoy learning Chinese anytime!

  • chinese education ,
  • chinese language ,
  • Homeschool Chinese ,
  • Learning Chinese ,


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I’m working through My First Chinese Words with my 6yo and 7yo. My 6yo gets overwhelmed writing the characters – too much, she says. Would you recommend I still insist on it? Or can she wait a year until she’s in 2nd grade?


When my son first started, we didn’t insist that he work on characters. Even now, after a year of study, our focus is on conversation and building vocabulary. The characters he knows he has become familiar with over time. It is amazing how much he can remember without the character practice. If there are particular characters that our teacher feels he should now, he will ask that he practice writing them 10x each. However, he doesn’t expect this regularly. Our ultimate goal is that they both enjoy learning the language.

Esther Lee

Kids definitely get overwhelmed with writing the characters, so just choose a couple to start off with. You can even just start off with 1. Since each of the Chinese characters is a pictogram, sometimes it helps to give the kids a bit of background of how the word was developed. We have a DVD collection called the Magical Chinese Characters that uses animation to tell a short story of how a Chinese character was developed. It helps to make the Chinese characters a bit more approachable and memorable in terms of what to write.

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Use this tool to add tone marks to pinyin or to convert tone number (e.g. hao3) to tone marks.

Although you can use the red buttons to add tone marks, we highly recommend you use the number method (e.g. hao3) for speed and placement of the accent above the correct vowel. [Hint: Type "v" for "ü"] Note: You do not need to use this tool to enter pinyin in this dictionary.

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150 Common Chinese Character List [Free PDF]

homework mandarin character

If you are new to Chinese characters and want a place to start, you’re at the right place. Our 150 most common Chinese characters list will help you get started on your journey. 

MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) created an algorithm that calculated the most often seen Chinese characters in written Chinese in order of how frequently they are used.

Jump to the list now.

This post may include affiliate links. That means if you click a product link below and then purchase a product, Written Chinese will take a small commission to keep the site and dictionary running. (Don’t worry, it’s at no extra cost to you!)

Chinese Characters, a Quick Overview

There are tens of thousands of Chinese characters, but since the symbols that make up written Chinese has developed over thousands of year, the exact number is unknown. In 2004, the 异体字字典 (yì tǐ zì zì diǎn) Chinese Dictionary included a record 106,230 Chinese characters, but only a small amount of those are used today.

In modern-day schools, children are expected to learn 3500 characters , but many know more than 5000 by the time they graduate. In mainland China, students learn simplified characters, while traditional Chinese characters are used in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macao.

Difference Between Characters and Words

One character doesn’t make one Chinese word. A word is usually made up of 2 or more characters, so learning these 150 characters means you actually know many more words.

For example, in #11 in this Chinese character list, 这 can be combined with several other characters in the list to make words. For example, 这个, 这里, 这样, 这么, and 这些.  

If you’ve looked at the new HSK 2021 system , over 9 levels, you’ll study 3000 characters which equate to 11092 words.

You can download our Chinese character list as a PDF and excel spreadsheet so you can study later and record your learning. We’ll also send you some tips and instructions on how to start learning.

150 Most Common Chinese Characters

No.Simplified CharacterPinyinEnglish
3shìto be
6zàiat / in
8yǒuto have
9I / me
10he / him
18shàngabove / up
19so as to
21and / with
22dàoto arrive
24zhīof / it
25shuōto say
32huìable to
33éryet / but
34in / at / than
40to get
47xíngto go/OK
49to send out
50guòto pass
52yòngto use
53zuòto do
57chéngto become
61zhǒngtype of
65jīngto pass
67xuéto study
71fēnto divide
72dāngregard as
73dìngto set
74zhěone who (is)
75jìnto enter
80dòngto move
84to rise
86to manage
90kànto see
94qiánin front/ago
104kāito open
107使shǐto use
122to hold
126jiànto meet
131guānto close
133xiāngeach other
138wènto ask
139děngto wait
140yóudue to

Track your studies with this free common Chinese characters list in a printable PDF and excel!

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20 Most Common Chinese Characters in Detail

Here are the first 20 most common Chinese characters from the list to get you started. I’ve provided definitions for each character, as well as radical breakdowns, example sentences, and common bigrams.

The first character to learn is (de), often used as a possessive particle with a neutral tone. It might seem quite an odd character to begin with, but you will use this one so often, better learn it now.

Common Bigrams

你的 / 您的 (nǐ de)/ (nín de) yours

我的 (wǒ de) my / mine

别的 (bié de) else / other

Example Sentences

我们的书包是一样的 。 (wǒ men de shū bāo shì yī yàng de) Our bags are the same.

homework mandarin character

More about 的 (de)

(yī) is an ideograph character, meaning that it is an abstract idea of the number 1.

一个 (yī gè) a /an

一些 (yī xiē) some / a few

一种 (yī zhǒng) a kind of

我有一个孩子 。(wǒ yǒu yī gè hái zi) I have one child.

她有一点不高兴 。(tā yǒu yī diǎn bù gāo xìng) She is a little unhappy.

homework mandarin character

More about 一 (yī)

(shì) is commonly found to mean ‘is’ or ‘are’ in a Chinese sentence. It can also be used as ‘yes’.

不是 (bú shì) no

但是 (dàn shì) but / however

他是老师吗 ?(tā shì lǎo shī ma) Is he a teacher?

homework mandarin character

More about 是 (shì)

The origins of the (bù) character are that it depicts a bird flying up towards to the sky and out of sight. The horizontal stroke 一 shows that the sky is the limit, preventing the bird from going any further. 

不同 (bù tóng) different

不是 (bú shì) not / no

我不知道 。(wǒ bù zhī dao) I don’t know.

他不认识这个字 。(tā bù rèn shi zhè ge zì) He can’t read this word.

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More about 不 (bù)

不 (bù) can sometimes be confusing because there is a tone change when it is found in conjunction with another character. 

  • Learn more about tone changes in our article.  
  • Learn the basics about Chinese tones here .
  • Learn more about saying ‘no’ in Chinese .

Although (le) can be used in a few different ways, it is most commonly used as a particle to indicate that something is completed.

到了 (dào le) to arrive

别忘了你的东西 。(bié wàng le nǐ de dōng xi) Don’t forget your stuff

homework mandarin character

More about 了 (le)

To learn more about how to use 了 (le), take a look at our article The Complete Guide to Chinese Modal Particles , where you’ll find a whole section just on 了 (le) and its uses.

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𠂇 (zuǒ) left-hand

丨 (gǔn) line

土 (tǔ) earth

The second is based on an older version of the character:

才  (cái) just now

In the development of  在  (zài),  才  (cái) represented a pillar and beam of a house. When 才 (cái) ‘house’ was together with  土  (tǔ) ‘the earth,’ this stood for survival or to ‘exist’.

现在 (xiàn zài) now

正在 (zhèng zài) in the process of

我正在回办公室 。(wǒ zhèng zài huí bàn gōng shì) I’m coming back to the office.

他不在家 。(tā bú zài jiā) He’s not home.

homework mandarin character

More about 在 (zài)

Learn more about using the character 在 in our article, The Different Uses of 在 zai in Chinese .

人 / 亻 ( rén )

When used as a radical, 人 (rén) is also found on the side in the form of 亻, such as in 们 (men), 任 (rèn) and 化 (huà).

人 (rén) is a pictograph of a man’s legs, although the original character showed a man picking wheat from the fields.

女人 (nǚ rén) woman

男人 (nán rén) man

这女人很漂亮 。(zhè nǚ rén hěn piào liang) The women is very beautiful.

你是哪里人 ?(nǐ shì nǎ lǐ rén) Where are you from?

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More about 人 (rén)

Learn how to talk about people in our article, What Should We Call Friends and Family Members in Chinese?

月 (yuè) moon

𠂇 (zuǒ) left hand

Early depictions of 有 (yǒu) show a hand holding a piece of meat. The image of meat was similar to that of the moon 月 (yuè) and as ‘man’ began to focus on ‘reaching the moon’, the image became the hand holding the moon.

没有 (méi yǒu) don’t have

还有 (hái yǒu) still

这里有家超市 。(zhè lǐ yǒu jiā chāo shì) Here is the supermarket.

homework mandarin character

More about 有 (yǒu)

Learn more with these 10 Essential Chinese Sentence Patterns Every Beginner Should Know .

The earliest form of 我 (wǒ) showed 2 spears but now shows a hand 手 (shǒu) grasping a spear 戈 (gē). The suggestion is that a man holding a spear is a metaphor for his own ego, or ‘I’.

我们 (wǒ men) us

我来试一下 。(wǒ lái shì yī xià) Let me try.

homework mandarin character

More about 我 (wǒ)

Learn how to use pronouns in our article, You & Me. This & That: Pronouns in Chinese .

人 / 亻 (rén) man / person

他们 (tā men) they / them

其他 (qí tā) other

他的 (tā de) his

他是我的男朋友 。 (tā shì wǒ de nán péng you) He’s my boyfriend.

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More about 他 (tā)

homework mandarin character

Learn Chinese characters, fast.

Practice writing, watch courses and study flashcards from your favorite text books. 


文 (wén) literature

辶 (chuò) walk

这个 (zhè ge) this one

这样 (zhè yàng) this kind of

这些 (zhè xiē) these

这是你的书 。(zhè shì nǐ de shū) This is your book.

homework mandarin character

More about 这 (zhè)

人 (rén) person

一个 (yī gè) a / an

个人 (gè rén) individual/personal

小女孩不要这个玩具了 。(xiǎo nǚ hái bù yào zhè ge wán jù le) The little girl doesn’t want the toy.

homework mandarin character

More about 个 (gè)

Learn more about measure words in the article,  Weighing Up Chinese Measure Words .

The line down the ‘middle’ of 中 (zhōng) suggests symmetry and something ‘central’. Additionally, the origins of this character is a square target 囗 (wéi) hit in the center with an arrow, now simplified with the single line | (gǔn). 

中国 (zhōng guó) China

其中 (qí zhōng) among

他回到了中国大陆 。(tā huí dào le zhōng guó dà lù) He came back to mainland China.

homework mandarin character

More about 中 (zhōng)

為 (wèi) the traditional character of 为 (wèi) was originally the image of a female monkey. It was ‘borrowed’ for the character ‘because’ and then modified to two claws’.

因为 (yīn wèi) because

为了 (wèi le) in order to

他这么认为么 ?(tā zhè me rèn wéi me) Does he think so?

homework mandarin character

More about 为 (wèi)

Learn more in our Chinese conjunctions article .

大 (dà) is an ideographic representing a person with their arms and legs stretched out conveying the idea of ‘big’. 

大学 (dà xué) university

大陆 (dà lù) mainland China

他多大了 ?(tā duō dà le) How old is he?

homework mandarin character

More about 大 (dà)

Learn more in Learn to Read with these 20 Chinese Pictographs .

In traditional Chinese culture, doors had two leaves, 門 (mén). Combined with the 亻 radical, it suggests multiples of people 们 (men).    

我们 (wǒ men) we / us / our

他们 (tā men) them

你们好吗 ?(nǐ men hǎo ma) How’re you?

homework mandarin character

More about 们 (men)

们 doesn't have a distinct sound, but is known as the 'fifth' tone. Learn more about it in our article, How to Use the 5th Chinese Tone .

The 来 (lái) character depicts a pictograph of wheat. Additionally, the traditional character 來 (lái) combines 木 (mù) the tree radical with the 从 (cóng) particle, meaning ‘from’.

出来 (chū lái) to come out

过来 (guò lái) to come over

晚上你过来吃晚饭吗 ?(wǎn shang nǐ guò lái chī wǎn fàn ma?) Will you come and have dinner tonight?

homework mandarin character

More about 来 (lái)

Learn more verbs in our article, 20 Practical Chinese Verbs You Need to Learn .

上 (shàng) is an ideograph of the horizon 一 with additional lines indicating ‘up’ from the ground.

上海 (shàng hǎi) Shanghai

身上 (shēn shàng) on the body

上海是个发达的城市 。(shàng hǎi shì gè fā dá de chéng shì) Shanghai is a developed city.

homework mandarin character

More about 上 (shàng)

Learn more about 上 (shàng) in our article, Let’s Get Abstract With Chinese Ideograms .

Although 以 (yǐ) is its own radical, it can be broken down further to explain its origins. The right-hand side of the character is 人 (rén) meaning ‘person’ or in this case mother. The origins of this character stem from a mother and baby connecting by an umbilical cord.

可以 (kě yǐ) can

所以 (suǒ yǐ) therefore / so / as a result of

你以前去过那里吗 ?(nǐ yǐ qián qù guò nà li ma) Have you been there before?

可以给我一杯水吗 ?(kě yǐ gěi wǒ yī bēi shuǐ ma) Can you give me a glass of water, please? 

homework mandarin character

More about 以 (yǐ)

玉 (yù) jade

囗 (wéi) boundary

The traditional character, 國 (guó) is composed of a boundary 囗 (wéi), land 一, mouth 口 (kǒu), and a spear 戈 (gē), all components that a country has. The simplified version 国 (guó) shows jade 玉 (yù), which represents the ‘king’ within a boundary 囗 (wéi), which is a more modern version of a country.

我喜欢中国 。(wǒ xǐ huan zhōng guó) I like China.

北京在中国的北部 。(běi jīng zài zhōng guó de běi bù) Beijing is in the north of China.

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More about 国 (guó)

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Phonetic script  (Hanyu Pinyin)

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  • Pinyin Chart

Chinese English Pinyin Dictionary

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Browse Dictionary

  • 功能 | gongneng | gong neng
  • 功能团 | gongnengqun | gong neng qun
  • 功能性 | gongnengxing | gong neng xing
  • 功能模块 | gongnengmokuai | gong neng mo kuai
  • 功能磁共振成像术 | gongnengcigongzhenchengxiangshu | gong neng ci gong zhen cheng xiang shu
  • 功能群 | gongnengqun | gong neng qun
  • 功能表 | gongnengbiao | gong neng biao
  • 功能词 | gongnengci | gong neng ci
  • 功能集 | gongnengji | gong neng ji
  • 功臣 | gongchen | gong chen
  • 功亏一篑 | gongkuiyikui | gong kui yi kui
  • 功课 | gongke | gong ke
  • 功过 | gongguo | gong guo
  • 功高不赏 | gonggaobushang | gong gao bu shang
  • 功高望重 | gonggaowangzhong | gong gao wang zhong
  • 加 | jia | jia
  • 加上 | jiashang | jia shang
  • 加之 | jiazhi | jia zhi
  • 加以 | jiayi | jia yi
  • 加来海峡 | Jialaihaixia | Jia lai hai xia
  • 加俸 | jiafeng | jia feng
  • 加倍 | jiabei | jia bei
  • 加值型网路 | jiazhixingwanglu | jia zhi xing wang lu
  • Chinese 1 - Syllabus
  • Chinese 2 - Syllabus
  • Chinese 3 - Syllabus
  • Chinese 1 - Curriculum
  • Chinese 2 -- Curriculum
  • Chinese 3 -- Curriculum
  • Chinese 1 - Homework 2019
  • Chinese 1 - Homework 2020
  • C1 Homework 2017-18
  • Chinese 2 - Homework 2019
  • Chinese 2 - Homework 2020
  • C2 Homework 2017-18
  • Chinese 3 - Homework 2019
  • Chinese 3 - Homework 2020
  • Chinese 3 - Homework
  • 陈玉婷
  • 中文四学生作品
  • 中文三学生作品
  • 中文二学生作品

​ 中文一

Chinese 1 homework, 六月 十日   星期一.

  • All Chinese assignments (the learning logs booklet, the character booklet and the character handouts) are due this Friday, if you haven't turned in.  ​
  • Quiz Next Tuesday:    Please write the second paragraph of your diary by memory. ​
  • ​Suggestions for videos watching:    Learn Chinese -- Daily Activities ; Talking about  Daily Activities  in Chinese;  Active Chinese-In The classroom .
  • C hinese songs:   Learn Mandarin  Daily Routine  in Chinese--Easy Song;  风告诉我  Fēng gàosù wǒ (The wind tells me.) 你知道我在等你吗? (Did you know that I was waiting for you?)  ​​

六月 十一日   星期二

六月 十二日   星期三, 六月 十三日   星期四, 六月 十四   星期五, 六月 三日   星期一.

  • Please do your 6/03 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz tomorrow:   Write the first 4 sentences of the second paragraph of your diary by memory.

六月 四日   星期二

  • Sub Teacher. No learning log homework. Please continue to work on writing and memorize your diary.

六月 五日   星期三

  • Please do your 6/05 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • No Quiz tomorrow. Quiz on ​​ Friday: Please write the second paragraph of your diary by memory.
  • Please see all the Dairy writing handouts below .
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六月 六日   星期四

  • Please do your 6/06 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • No Quiz tomorrow. Quiz on ​​ Friday: Please write the second paragraph of your diary by memory. ​

六月 七日   星期五

  • Please turn in your Chinese learning log booklet.
  • Please type and email the teacher your Chinese diary if you didn't do so in today's class.

五月 二十八日   星期二

  • Please do your 5/28 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz tomorrow:   Q: 你今天怎么样?Nǐ  jīntiān  zěnmeyàng? (How are you today?) A: 我今天很忙、很累。 Wǒ  jīntiān  hěn máng ,  hěn lèi. (I am very busy and tired today.)   

五月 二十九日   星期三

  • Please do your 5/29 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz tomorrow:   祝你新年快乐! Zhù  nǐ  xīnnián kuàilè (Wish you a Happy New Year!)

五月 三十日   星期四

  • Please do your 5/30 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz tomorrow:   Write the first paragraph of your diary by memory.

五月 三十一日   星期五

  • Please do your 5/31 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz tomorrow:   Write the first 2 sentences of the second paragraph of your diary by memory.

五月 二十日   星期一

  • Please do your 5/20 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz tomorrow:   Q:你平常早上几点起床? Nǐ píngcháng zǎoshang jǐdiǎn qǐchuáng (When do you usually get up in the morning?)  A:我平常早上七点起床。Wǒ  píngcháng zǎoshang qī diǎn qǐchuáng (I usually get up at 7 am.)

五月二十一日   星期二

  • Please do your 5/21 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz tomorrow:   Q:你喜欢早上洗澡还是晚上洗澡? Nǐ xǐhuān zǎoshang xǐzǎo háishì wǎnshàng xǐzǎo? (Do you like to take a shower in the morning or at night?)  A:我喜欢早上/晚上洗澡。 Wǒ xǐhuān zǎoshang/wǎnshàng xǐzǎo. (I like to take a shower in the morning/at night.)

五月二十二日   星期三

  • Please do your 5/22 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz tomorrow:   Q: 你平常 起床以后 洗澡 还是 睡觉以前 洗澡? Nǐ  píngcháng  qǐchuáng  yǐhòu  xǐzǎo  háishì  shuìjiào yǐqián xǐzǎo (Do you usually take a shower after getting up or take a shower before going to bed.)  A1:我平常 起床以后 洗澡。 Wǒ  píngcháng  qǐchuáng  yǐhòu xǐzǎo (I usually take a shower  after getting up.) A2: 我 平常 睡觉以前 洗澡。   Wǒ  píngcháng  shu ìjiào  yǐqián xǐzǎo (I usually take a shower before going to bed.)

五月二十三日   星期四

  • Please do your 5/23 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz tomorrow:   Q: 我打电话给你 的时候 , 你 正在 做什么?Wǒ  dǎ  diànhuà  gěi  nǐ  de  shíhòu  Nǐ  zhèng zài zuò shénme (What are you doing when I call you?)   A:  我 正在 学习中文。 Wǒ zhèng zài xuéí zhōngwén  (I am studying Chinese.)   

五月二十四日   星期五

  • Chinese Learning Log turned in day. 
  • Quiz next Tuesday:   Q:这个女孩在做什么? Zhè ge  nǚhái  zài  zuòshénme (   What is the girl doing?)  A: 她在一边听音乐,一边做功课。  Tā  zài  yībiān  tīng  yīnyuè,    yībiān  zuò gōngkè (   She is listening to music while doing homework.)

五月十三日   星期一

  • Please do your 5/13 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz tomorrow:  Q:我们几点 开始 上中文课? Wǒmen  jǐ diǎn  kāishǐ  shàng  zhōngwén kè (What time do we start Chinese class?) A:我们九点五分 开始 上中文课。 Wǒmen  jiǔ diǎn  wǔ fēn  kāishǐ  shàng  zhōngwén kè ( We start Chinese class at 9:05 AM.)
  • ​Suggestions for videos watching: I n the Classroom (Active Chinese ;   Chinese Classroom Expression ; 2 ; 请过来 ;   Classroom Expressions ; 我可以去上厕所吗 ? 老师的口令 ;  Learn Chinese Active Chinese_Make An Appointment ; 不客气 ; Making a Phone Call  (;  Growing Up with Chinese Lesson 16  Making a Phone Call.

五月十四日   星期二

  • Please do your 5/14 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz tomorrow:   但是 王朋昨天晚上帮她学习了。Dànshì  Wáng Péng  zuótiān  wǎnshang  bāng  tā  xuéxí le (But  Wáng Péng  helped her to study last night.)

五月十五日   星期三

  • Please do your 5/15 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz tomorrow:   Q:你喜欢学校的 餐厅 吗?Nǐ  xǐhuān  xuéxiào  de  cāntīng ma ( Do you like the school’s cafeteria?)   A: 我(不)喜欢学校的餐厅。   Wǒ  bù  xǐhuān  xuéxiào  de cāntīng    I (don’t)  like the school’s cafeteria.   

五月十六日   星期四

五月十七日   星期五.

  • Please do your 5/17 Chinese learning log.
  • Quiz next Monday:    Q:你喜欢学校的 餐厅 吗?Nǐ  xǐhuān  xuéxiào  de  cāntīng ma ( Do you like the school’s cafeteria?)   A: 我(不)喜欢学校的餐厅。   Wǒ  bù  xǐhuān  xuéxiào  de cāntīng    I (don’t)  like the school’s cafeteria.

五月六日   星期一

  • Please do your 5/06 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz tomorrow:  Q:  你预习中文第七课 ( 对话二 )了吗?Nǐ  yùxí  zhōngwén  dì qī kè  ( duìhuàèr)le ma(Did you preview Chinese Lesson 7 Dialogue 2?) A: 我还没预习第七课。 wǒ  hái méi  yùxí    dì qīkè (I haven't previewed the seventh lesson yet.)           

五月七日   星期二

  • Please do your 5/07 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz tomorrow:   Q:  你昨天做中文 功课 了吗?Nǐ  zuótiān  zuò  zhōngwén  gōngkè le ma (Did you do your Chinese homework last night?) A: 我昨天做中文功课了。 Wǒ  zuótiān  zuò  zhōngwén  gōngkè le  ( I did Chinese homework yesterday.)

五月八日   星期三

  • Please do your 5/08 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz tomorrow:   Q:  你昨天晚上听中文录音了吗?Nǐ  zuótiān  wǎnshàng  tīng  zhōngwén lùyīn le ma (Did you listen to the Chinese recording last night?)  A: 我 昨天晚上 听 中文 录音 了。Wǒ  zuótiān  wǎnshàng  tīng  zhōngwén  lùyīn le (I  listened to the Chinese recording last night.)         

五月九日   星期四

  • Please do your 5/9 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz tomorrow:   Q:你 平常 几点 到学校?Nǐ  píngcháng  jǐ diǎn  dào xuéxiào (When do  you usually get to / arrive at  school ?)   A:我平常早上七点半到学校。 Wǒ  píngcháng  zǎoshang  qī diǎn  bàn  dào xuéxiào (I  usually get to / arrive at  school at 7:30 AM.)

五月十日   星期五

四月二十九日   星期一.

  • Please do your 4/29 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Tomorrow:   Q: 你的第 一 节课是什么课? Nǐ  de  dì yī jié kè  shì shénmekè (What is your first period of class?)  A: 我的第一节课是中文课。 Wǒ  de    dì yī jié kè  shì  zhōngwén kè (My first period of class is Chinese.)
  • ​Suggestions for videos watching: I n the Classroom (Active Chinese) ;   Chinese Classroom Expression ; 2 ; 请过来 ;   Classroom Expressions ; 我可以去上厕所吗 ? 老师的口令 ;  Learn Chinese Active Chinese_Make An Appointment ; 不客气 ; Making a Phone Call  (;  Growing Up with Chinese Lesson 16  Making a Phone Call.

四月三十日   星期二

  • Please do your 4/30 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Tomorrow:   Q:她写字写得怎么样? Tā xiězì   xiěde  zěnmeyàng ( How does she write?)  A: 她写字写得很漂亮。  Tā  xiě zì  xiěde hěnpiàoliang (She writes (characters)beautifully.

五月一日   星期三

  • Please do your 5/01 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Tomorrow:   Q: 你觉得说中文难吗?Nǐ juédé shuōzhōngwén nán ma ? (Do you think/feel that speaking Chinese is hard?)   A: 我觉得说中文很容易。 Wǒ juédé shuō zhōngwén hěn róngyì (I think speaking Chinese is easy.)

五月二日   星期四

  • Please do your 5/02 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Tomorrow:   Q: 汉字有意思 吗? Hanzi    yǒu yisi  ma (Are Chinese characters are interesting?)   A: 汉字太有意思了!  Hanzi tai  yǒu yisi le!   ( …really interesting!)  汉字真有意思 ! Hanzi zhēn yǒu yisi !   ( …really interesting!)

五月三日   星期五

  • Please do your 5/03 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Next Monday:   Q: 你念中文念得很快还是很慢? Nǐ   niàn   zhōngwén   niànde   hěn   kuài   háishì   hěn  màn (Do you read Chinese quickly or slowly? )   A: 我念中文念得很慢。 Wǒ   niàn   zhōngwén   niàn  de  hěn  màn (I read Chinese slowly.  )

四月二十二日   星期一

  •  Please do your 4/22  Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz tomorrow:     Q:你 教 我 说中文 ,行吗?Nǐ  jiào  wǒ  shuō  zhōngwén    xíng ma (Could you teach me to speak Chinese, OK?)         A: 没问题,但是你得请我吃饭。 Méi wèntí,  dànshì  nǐ  dé i qǐng  wǒ chīfàn (No problem, but you have to treat me to dinner.)      

四月二十三日   星期二

  •  Please do your 4/23  Chinese Learning Log. 

四月二十四日   星期三

  •  Please do your 4/24  Chinese Learning Log. 
  • No Quiz tomorrow.

四月二十五日   星期四

  • No Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz tomorrow:  Q:你什么时候跟我见面?Nǐ shénme shíhòu gēn wǒ jiànmiàn (When will you meet with me?)  A: 我下课以后跟你见面 。Wǒ xiàkè yǐhòu gēn nǐ jiànmiàn (I will meet with you after class/school.)

四月二十六日   星期五

  • Please do your 4/26Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Next Monday:  Q:  你觉得写中文难不难?  Nǐ   juédé   xiě   zhōngwén   nàn  bùnán (Do you feel that Chinese Writing is difficult? )             A: 我觉得写中文不难/很难。    Wǒ   juédé   xiě  zhōngwén bùnán/hěn nán (I feel that Chinese Writing is not difficult/very difficult.)

四月十五日   星期一

  •  Please do your 4/15  Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Tomorrow:     Q:  你 今天有考试吗? Nǐ  jīntiān  yǒu kǎoshì ma (Do you have quizzes/tests today?) A:我今天有一个中文 考试 。 Wǒ  jīntiān  yǒu  yīgè  zhōngwén  kǎoshì (I have  a Chinese quiz today.)
  • ​Suggestions for videos watching:  Learn Chinese Active Chinese_Make An Appointment ; 不客气 ; Making a Phone Call  (;  Growing Up with Chinese Lesson 16  Making a Phone Call.

四月十六日   星期二

  •  Please do your 4/16  Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Tomorrow:     Q :  要是你方便的话, 你帮我练习说中文? Y àoshì    nǐ fāngbiàn dehuà     nǐ bāng wǒ liànxíshuōzhōngwén (If it’s convenient for you, (can) you help me practice speaking Chinese?)   A : 行,我帮你练习说中文。   Xíng,  wǒ bāng nǐ liànxí shuōzhōngwén (Ok, I will help you practice speaking Chinese.)
  • ​Suggestions for videos watching: Chinese Classroom Expression ; 2 ; 请过来 ;   Classroom Expressions ; 我可以去上厕所吗 ? 老师的口令 ;  Learn Chinese Active Chinese_Make An Appointment ; 不客气 ; Making a Phone Call  (;  Growing Up with Chinese Lesson 16  Making a Phone Call.

四月十七日   星期三

  •  Please do your 4/17  Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Tomorrow:     Q: 要是你方便的话,你教我写中文?   Yàoshì    nǐ  fāngbiàn  dehuà        nǐ  jiāo  wǒ  xǐe zhōngwén (  If it’s convenient for you, (could) you teach meto write Chinese?)   A: 行,我教你写中文 。xíng, wǒ  jiāo  nǐ  xǐe zhōngwén (OK, I (can) teach you to write Chinese.​)

四月十八日   星期四

  •  Please do your 4/18  Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Tomorrow:     Q: 要是你方便的话,你帮我复习中文第六课 ?  Yàoshì    nǐ fāngbiàn dehuà         nǐ bāng    wǒ fù xí zhōngwén dì    liù   kè    (If it’s convenient for you, (could) you help me review Chinese lesson 6?)   A: 行, 我帮你复习中文第六课 。xíng        wǒ bāng nǐ    fù xí    zhōngwén dì    liù   kè (OK, I (can) help you review the sixth Chinese lesson.)          

四月十九日   星期四

  •  Please do your 4/19  Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Next Monday:     Q: 要是你方便的话, 你帮我 准备 中文 考试 ?  Yàoshì   nǐ  fāngbiàn  dehuà,  nǐ  bāng  wǒ  zhǔnbèi  zhōngwén  kǎoshì  (If If it’s convenient for you, (could) you help me prepare for Chinese exam?   A: 行,我帮你准备中文考试。 X íng  wǒ  bāng  nǐ  zhǔnbè i  zhōngwén kǎoshì  OK, I (can) help you prepare for Chinese exam.

四月一日   星期一

  •  Please do your 4/1  Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Tomorrow:    Q: 我下午到您的办公室去,行吗? Wǒ xiàwǔ dào nín de bàngōngshì qù, xíngma ( I will go to your office this afternoon,  OK?)  A:  没问题,我在办公室等你。Méiwèntí, wǒ zài bàngōngshì děng nǐ (No problem, I will wait for you at the office.)

四月二日   星期二

  •  Please do your 4/2  Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Tomorrow:     Q: 老师,您明天早上有空儿吗?Lǎoshī, nín míngtiān zǎoshang yǒu kònger ma (Teacher, are you free tomorrow morning?)   A: 对不起,我明天早上要开会。 Duìbùqǐ, wǒ míngtiān zǎoshàng yào kāihuì  (Sorry, I am going to a meeting tomorrow morning.)  

四月三日   星期三

  •  Please do your 4/3  Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Tomorrow:     Q: 老师,您明天早上有空儿吗?Lǎoshī, nín míngtiān zǎoshang yǒu kònger ma (Teacher, are you free tomorrow morning?)   A: 对不起,我明天早上要上课。 Duìbùqǐ, wǒ míngtiān zǎoshàng yào shàngkè  (Sorry, I am going to teach/classess tomorrow morning.)  

四月四日   星期四

  •  Please do your 4/4  Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Tomorrow:     Please  write  the  following  6  verbs:   帮  bāng (to  help ),   教  jiāo (to  teach ),  学习  xuéxí (to study),   预习  yùxí (to preview),  练习  liànxí (to  practice ) ,  复习  fùxí   (to  review).
  • ​Suggestions for videos watching: 不客气 ; Learn Chinese Active Chinese_Make An Appointment ; 不客气 ; Making a Phone Call  (;  Growing Up with Chinese Lesson 16  Making a Phone Call.

四月五日   星期五

  • Today is Chinese Learning Log Turn-in Day. 

三月二十五日   星期一

  •  Please do your Mar 25  Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Tomorrow:    Q:您什么时候有空儿? Nín  shénme  shíhòu  yǒu  kònger ( When will you have time?)A:我 星期一下午一点 以后有空儿。  Wǒ  xīngqí yī  xiàwǔ  yì diǎn  yǐhòu  yǒu kòng’r  (I will be free/have time after 1:00 pm on Monday.)
  • Suggestions for videos watching:  当我们同在一起  Chinese Version  和  English Version :    请给我 ;     我要喝  ;   你家在哪儿 ?第十二课  我去图书馆 ; Drink ; ​第十二课  我去图书馆 ;   小朋友说中文 _Love爱 ; My First  Chinese Words ​​;   Lesson 5 Visiting  Friends; Lesson 5 Dialogue 1  Teacher Explanation; 

三月二十六日   星期二

  •  Please do your Mar 26  Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Tomorrow:    Q:您什么时候有空儿?Nín shénme shíhòu yǒu kònger ( When will you have time?) A: 我 星期一下午一点 以后有空儿。 Wǒ xīngqíyī xiàwǔ yìdiǎn yǐhòu yǒu kòng’r  (I will be free/have time after 1:00 pm on Monday.)
  • Suggestions for videos watching:  请给我 ;     我要喝  ;   你家在哪儿 ?第十二课  我去图书馆 ; Drink ; ​第十二课  我去图书馆 ;   小朋友说中文 _Love爱 ; My First  Chinese Words ​​;   Lesson 5 Visiting  Friends; Lesson 5 Dialogue 1  Teacher Explanation; 

三月二十七日   星期三

  •  Please do your Mar 27  Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Tomorrow:    Q:您什么时候有空儿?Nín shénme shíhòu yǒu kònger ( When will you have time?) A: 我星期三上午十点以前有空儿。 Wǒ xīngqí sān shàngwǔ shí diǎn yǐqián yǒu kònger( I will be free/have time before 10:00am on Wednesday.)
  • ​Suggestions for videos watching:  Learn Chinese:  Making a Phone Call  (;  Growing Up with Chinese Lesson 16  Making a Phone Call.

三月二十八日   星期四

  •  Please do your Mar 28  Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Tomorrow:    Q: 李友,你有事儿吗?Lǐyǒu, nǐ yǒu shìer ma (What's up?)  A: 老师, 我想问您几个问题 。lǎoshī, wǒ xiǎng wèn nín jǐgè wèntí (I would like to ask you a few questions.)​

三月二十九日   星期五

  •  Please do your Mar 29  Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Tomorrow:    Q:我下午到您的办公室去,行吗?Wǒ xiàwǔ dào nín de bàngōngshì qù, xíngma ( I will go to your office this afternoon,  OK?)  A :  没问题,我在办公室等你。 Méiwèntí, wǒ zài bàngōngshì děng nǐ (No problem, I w ill wait for you at the office.)

三月十八日   星期一

  •  Please do your Mar 18  Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Tomorrow:    我们 一起 回家吧 !   Wǒmen  yīqǐ  huí  jiā  ba  ( Let’s go home together!)

三月十九日   星期二

  •  Please do your Mar 19  Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Tomorrow:    A:  你常常给谁打电话?Nǐ chángcháng gěis héi dǎdiànhuà ( Who do you call often?)   B: 我常常给 妈妈 打电话 。  Wǒ  chángcháng  gěi  māmā  dǎ diànhuà (I often call my mother.)  
  • Suggestions for videos watching:  Learn Chinese:  Making a Phone Call  (;  Growing Up with Chinese Lesson 16  Making a Phone Call; Hello Mandarin-  phone conversation  by Jean Pai;

三月二十日   星期三

  •  Please do your Mar 20  Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Tomorrow:    A:  喂,请问, _______在吗?Wèi,    qǐng wèn _______     zàima  ( Hello.    May I ask “Is ___ there?)   B: 我就是。您是哪位? Wǒ  jiù shì.   Nín  shì  nǎ wèi (  This is s/he.  Who is this?)

三月二十一日   星期四

  •  Please do your Mar 21  Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Next Monday:    Q:你今天有时间吗?Nǐ  jīntiān  yǒu shíjiān ma? (Do you have time today?)  A:   我今天有时间。有事儿吗?  Wǒ  jīntiān  yǒu  shíjiān .  Yǒu shì  er ma? (I have time today.  Why?/What is it?/What’s the matter?)

三月二十二日   星期五

三月十一日   星期一.

  • Please do your Mar 11  Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Tomorrow:    A: 你想喝(点儿)什么?Nǐ xiǎng hē diǎn er shénme  (What would you like to drink?)    A:请给我一瓶可乐 。  Qǐng  gěi  wǒ   yī  píng  kě lè  ( Please give me a bottle of Coke.)
  • Suggestions for videos watching:    请给我 ;     我要喝  ;   你家在哪儿 ?第十二课  我去图书馆 ; Drink ; ​第十二课  我去图书馆 ;   小朋友说中文 _Love爱 ; My First  Chinese Words ​​;   Lesson 5 Visiting  Friends; Lesson 5 Dialogue 1  Teacher Explanation; 

三月十二日   星期二

  • Please do your Mar 12  Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Tomorrow:    Q:  你 今天 喝 了 几 瓶水 ? Nǐ   jīn tiān  hē  le   jǐ   píng  shuǐ  ( How many bottles of water did you drink today?)   A:我喝 了 三 瓶水 。 Wǒ  hē   le  sān  píng  shuǐ  ( I drank three glasses of water.)

三月十三日   星期三

  • Please do your Mar 13  Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Tomorrow:    A:  你昨天晚上几点睡觉? Nǐ  zuótiān  wǎnshàng  jǐ diǎn  shuìjiào   ( What time did you sleep last night?)   B:  我昨天晚上十二点才睡觉 。   Wǒ  zuótiān  wǎnshàng  shí'èr  diǎn  cái  shuìjiào  ( I didn't sleep until 12 pm last night.)

三月十四日   星期四

  • Please do your Mar 14  Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Tomorrow:    Q:昨天你和朋友一起做什么?Zuótiān nǐ hé péngyǒu yīqǐ zuò shénme (What do you do with your friends yesterday?)   A:昨天我们一起去看电影。 Zuótiān wǒmen yīqǐ qù kàn diànyǐng (Yesterday we went to see a movie together.)

三月十五日   星期五

  •  Please do your Mar 15  Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Tomorrow:    A: 你 常常和朋友一起做什么?   Nǐ  chángcháng  hé  péngyǒu  yīqǐ  zuòshénme ( What do you often do with your friends?  B:  我和常常和朋友一起去吃饭 。  Wǒ  chángcháng  hé  péngyǒu  yīqǐ   qù chīfàn (I often go to eat with my friends.)

三月四日   星期一

  • Please do your Mar 04  Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Tomorrow:    A: 你想喝(点儿)什么?Nǐ xiǎng hē diǎn er shénme  (What would you like to drink?)  B:我想喝一杯水。 Wǒ yào yì   bēi shuǐ  (I want a glass of water.)  ​

三月五日   星期二

  • Please do your Mar 05  Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Tomorrow:    A: 你想喝(点儿)什么?Nǐ xiǎng hē diǎn er shénme  (What would you like to drink?)  A:请给我一杯果汁。 Qǐng gěi wǒ  yībēi    guǒzhī ( Please give me a glass of juice.)

三月六日   星期三

  • Please do your Mar 06  Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Tomorrow:    Q: 可以给我一杯咖啡吗 ?     kě   yǐ  g ěi   wǒ   yī   bēi  kāfēi  ma (  Can (you) give me a cup of coffee?)  A: 好的 , 没问题。Hǎo de      méiwèntí (OK, no problem.)

三月七日   星期四

  • Please prepare for the District Writing Assessment which is scheduled tomorrow, Mar 8.
  • No Chinese learning log today.
  • Note: Today's PPT file will not be uploaded until tomorrow.

三月八日   星期五

  • District Writing Assessment Day.
  • Quiz next Monday for Chinese 1 Period 1 only:   Q: 可以给我一杯咖啡吗 ?     kě   yǐ  g ěi   wǒ   yī   bēi  kāfēi  ma (  Can (you) give me a cup of coffee?)  A: 好的 , 没问题。Hǎo de      méiwèntí (OK, no problem.) ​

二月二十五日   星期一

  • Please do your Feb 25  Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz tomorrow:   Q:谁很可爱 ? 谁很漂亮?Nǐ xiǎng hē diǎn ershénme (Who is lovely?  Who is pretty?)   A:我弟弟很可爱。我妈妈很漂亮。 Wǒ xiǎng hēchá  (  My younger brother is lovely. My mom is beautiful.)       
  • Suggestions for videos watching:    小朋友说中文 _Love爱 ; My First  Chinese Words ​​

二月二十六日   星期二

  • Please do your Feb 26  Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz tomorrow:   Q: 谁很帅?谁很酷? Shéi hěn shuài?     Shéi hěn kù  (Who is handsome? Who is cool?)   A:我爸爸很帅。我哥哥很酷。  Wǒ bàba hěn shuài.   Wǒ gēgē hěn kù (My dad is handsome. My older brother is cool.)

二月二十七日   星期三

  • Please do your Feb 27  Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz tomorrow:    Q: 你姐姐在哪儿工作? Nǐ  jiějie  zài nǎ'er gōngzuò ( Where does your older sister work?    A:  我姐姐在学校工作。  Wǒ jiějie zài xuéxiào gōngzuò  ( My older sister works at a school.)
  • Suggestions for videos watching:    你家在哪儿 ?第十二课  我去图书馆 ;    小朋友说中文 _Love爱 ; My First  Chinese Words ​​

二月二十八日   星期四

  • Please do your Feb 28  Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz tomorrow:    Q:你喜欢在哪儿看书? Nǐ xǐhuān zài nǎ'er kànshū  (Where do you like to read?)    A: 我喜欢在图书馆看书。 Wǒ xǐhuān zài túshūguǎn kànshū (I like to read in the library.)

三月一日   星期五

  • Please do your Mar 01  Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Monday:    A: 你想喝(点儿)什么?Nǐ xiǎng hē diǎn er shénme  (What would you like to drink?) B:我想喝茶。 Wǒ xiǎng hē chá (I would like to drink tea.)   ​

二月十五日   星期五

  • Please do your Feb 15  Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Homework during the mid-Winter Break:     Practice writing the Chinese Letter to a Pen Pal. (If you are absent today, please print out the files below to do the homework.)
  • Suggestions for videos watching: 新年好 ;   对面的女孩看过来 1        对面的女孩看过来 2     对面的女孩看过来 3;    找朋友 1 ;     找朋友 2; Chinese spoken 12:  Weekend  周末;  How to speak chinese in 10 hours - P 06  Hobby  ;  Learn Chinese - Speak Mandarin -  What's your hobby ;   Learn Mandarin with Claire -  Hobbies ​;  T alking about  weekend activities in Chinese  | HSK 2 - Lesson 2

homework mandarin character

File Size: 24 kb
File Type: docx
File Size: 16 kb
File Type: docx

二月六日   星期三

  • No Chinese Learning Log today. 
  • Quiz tomorrow:     Q: 这个周末你 想做什么? Zhè ge  zhōumò  nǐ  xiǎng  zuò shénme (What would you like to do this weekend?)  A:这个周末我只想睡觉。 Zhège  zhōumò  wǒ  zhǐ xiǎng shuìjiào (I just want to sleep this weekend.)

二月七日   星期四

  • Please do Feb 07 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz tomorrow:     A: 好久不见! 你好吗? !Hǎo jiǔ bújiàn!  Nǐ hǎo ma?  (Long time no see!   How are you?) B:  我很好。你怎么样?Wǒ hěn hǎo.  Nǐ zěnme yàng  (I am fine. How about you?)   A: 我也不错。 Wǒ yě  bùcuò.  (I am doing not bad/quite well, too.)

二月八日   星期五

  • Please do Feb 08 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Next Monday:   Lesson 4 Dialogue 2 Fill-in-blank Handout.  (We practiced doing the handout in class today. You can also download the file below.)
File Size: 53 kb
File Type: docx

一月二十八日   星期一    Teacher's Work Day   (No School)

一月二十九日   星期二.

  • Please complete your Jan 29 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz tomorrow:     Q : 你周末常常 玩电子游戏 吗 ?   N ǐ  zhōumò  chángcháng  wán  diànzǐ  yóuxì  ma   (Do you often play video games on weekends?)   A :我周末常常玩电子游戏,有的时候也看书。 Wǒ  zhōumò  chángcháng  wán  diànzǐ  yóuxì ,  Y ǒu de  shíhòu  yě  kànshū ( I  often  play video games on weekends. Sometimes, (I) read, too.)
  • Suggestions for videos watching:   Chinese spoken 12:  Weekend  周末;  How to speak chinese in 10 hours - P 06  Hobby  ;  Learn Chinese - Speak Mandarin -  What's your hobby ;   Learn Mandarin with Claire -  Hobbies ​;  T alking about  weekend activities in Chinese  | HSK 2 - Lesson 2

一月三十日   星期三

  • Please complete your Jan 30 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz tomorrow:     Q: 你现在 想做什么?Nǐ  xiànzài  xiǎng  zuò shénme   What do you want to do right now? A: 我现在 想 听音乐。Wǒ xiànzài xiǎng tīng yīnyuè (I would like to listen to music right now.
  • Suggestions for videos watching:   找朋友 ; Chinese spoken 12:  Weekend  周末;  How to speak chinese in 10 hours - P 06  Hobby  ;  Learn Chinese - Speak Mandarin -  What's your hobby ;   Learn Mandarin with Claire -  Hobbies ​;  T alking about  weekend activities in Chinese  | HSK 2 - Lesson 2

一月三十一日   星期四

  • Please complete your Jan 31 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Cancelled:     Q: 这个周末你 想做什么? Zhè ge  zhōumò  nǐ  xiǎng  zuò shénme (What would you like to do this weekend?)  A:这个周末我只想睡觉。 Zhège  zhōumò  wǒ  zhǐ xiǎng shuìjiào (I just want to sleep this weekend.)
  • Suggestions for videos watching     对面的女孩看过来 1        对面的女孩看过来 2     对面的女孩看过来 3;   找朋友 1 ;     找朋友 2; Chinese spoken 12:  Weekend  周末;  How to speak chinese in 10 hours - P 06  Hobby  ;  Learn Chinese - Speak Mandarin -  What's your hobby ;   Learn Mandarin with Claire -  Hobbies ​;  T alking about  weekend activities in Chinese  | HSK 2 - Lesson 2

二月一日   星期五

  • No Chinese Learning Log (Classroom Lighting issue). 

一月十四日   星期一

  • Please complete your Jan 14 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • No Quiz tomorrow. Practice writing the 3rd paragraph and the ending of your letter . You will be tested on those this Wednesday. The writing assessment day will be on  Thursday, January 17. You should be able to write the whole letter by memory on Thursday.

一月十五日   星期二

  • Please complete your Jan 15 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz tomorrow: The 3rd paragraph and the ending of your letter . 

一月十六日   星期三

  • Please complete your Jan 16 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Tomorrow, January 17: Chinese Writing Assessment.

一月十七日   星期四  Chinese Writing Assessment Day

  • Please complete your Jan 17 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • For your Chinese Oral Assessment, please check out these following  Quizlet links and practice reading, speaking and answering the 28 review questions:   Quizlet 28 Quesitons Review Link 1 ;   Link 2 (with pinyin) .

一月十八日   星期五

  • No Learning log homework.
  • Please prepare your Chinese Oral Assessment. 

一月七日   星期一

  • Please complete your Jan 7 Chinese Learning Log.
  • Please make sure that you can write the first paragraph and the first 4 lines of the second paragraph of your letter by memory. By the end of next week you should be able to write the whole composition by memory.
  • Quiz tomorrow:     Q:  你周末喜欢玩电子游戏吗 ? Nǐ  zhōumò  xǐhuān  wán  diànzǐ  yóuxì ma? (Do you like to play video games on weekends?)   A: 我周末喜欢 玩电子游戏 。 Wǒ  zhōumò  xǐhuān  wán  diànzǐ  yóuxì. (I like to play video games on weekends.)

一月八日   星期二

  • Please complete your Jan 8 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz tomorrow:     Q : 你周末喜欢做什么 ? Nǐ  zhōumò  xǐhuān  zuò  shénme ? ( What do you like to do on weekends?) A:我周末喜欢去看电影。 Wǒ  zhōumò  xǐhuān  qù  kàn  diànyǐng ( I like to go to see a movie on weekends.)

一月九日   星期三

  • Please complete your Jan 9 Chinese Learning Log. 

一月十日   星期四

  • Please complete your Jan 10 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz tomorrow:   Q : 你的家人周末喜欢做什么  Nǐ  de  jiārén  zhōumò  xǐhuān  zuò shénme ? ( What does your family like to do on weekends?)  A: 我的家人周末 常常 喜欢 看电 视 。 Wǒ  de  jiārén  zhōumò  chángcháng  xǐhuān  kàn  diànshì ( My family often like to watch TV on weekends.)

一月十一日   星期五

  • Please complete your Jan 11 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz next Monday:   The 1st and 2nd paragraphs of the letter writing.

一月二日   星期三

  • No Learning Log homework today.  
  • Please study the Chinese Writing Assessment handouts.
  • Check out the following  Quizlet links and practice reading, speaking and answering the 28 review questions:   Quizlet 28 Quesitons Review Link 1 ;   Link 2 (with pinyin) .

一月三日   星期四

  • Please complete your Jan 3 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz tomorrow:     Q : 你周末喜欢做什么?Nǐ  zhōumò  xǐhuān  zuòshénme? (What do you like to do on weekends?)      A:我周末喜欢上网。 Wǒ  zhōumò  xǐhuān  shàngwǎng. (I like to go online (web surfing) on weekends.)

一月四日   星期五

  • Please complete your Jan 4 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Please make sure that you can write the first paragraph and the first 2 lines of the second paragraph of your letter by memory. By the end of next week you should be able to write the whole composition by memory.

十二月十七日   星期一

  • Please complete your Dec 17 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz tomorrow:     Q:你明天有事儿吗?Nǐ míngtiān yǒu shìer ma? (Do you have anything to do tomorrow?)   A: 我明天没事儿。  Wǒ míngtiān méi shì er   (I have nothing scheduled tomorrow.)
  • Suggestions on video watching: 我喜欢中国菜  Mandarin Chinese 101;你 喜欢 吃中国菜吗;你喜欢 吃什么 Chinese 201; My Day ( 我的一天 ) | Chants | Chinese | By Little Fox;   问候语 ;   现在几点了 ? What  time  is it now? T ell Time in Mandarin Chinese  with Emma;  Telling the  Time in Mandarin  Chinese_Part1;   你几岁? ;  Growing up with Chinese : Age;   Chinese Zodiac Song  十二生肖歌;    生日快樂  Happy Birthday;    Days of the Week Song in Chinese : Days of the Week ;     星期歌 ; :  Chinese Month Song  月份歌:    Chinese Date  .      今天星期几? (Little Fox)

十二月十八日   星期二

  • Please complete your Dec 18 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • No quiz tomorrow.

十二月十九日   星期三

  • No Chinese Learning Log and quiz. 
  • Reminder: You will need to turn in your Chinese Character Booklet on January 2 when you return to the school.
  • 祝你圣诞快乐!新年快乐! 

十二月十日   星期一

  • Please complete your Dec 10 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz tomorrow (Please write the question):     Q:你喜欢吃什么菜? Nǐ  xǐhuān  chī  shénme cài  (What kind of food do you like?)  A: 我是英国人, 可是 我喜欢吃中国菜。Wǒ  shì  yīngguó rén ,   kěshì  wǒ  xǐhuān  chī  Zhōngguó cài.  (I am British but I like to eat Chinese food.)     
  • Suggestions on video watching: 我喜欢中国菜  Mandarin Chinese 101;你 喜欢 吃中国菜吗;你喜欢 吃什么 Chinese 201;   My Day ( 我的一天 ) | Chants | Chinese | By Little Fox;    问候语 ;     现在几点了 ? What  time  is it now? T ell Time in Mandarin Chinese  with Emma;  Telling the  Time in Mandarin  Chinese_Part1;    你几岁? ;  Growing up with Chinese : Age;   Chinese Zodiac Song  十二生肖歌;    生日快樂  Happy Birthday;     Days of the Week Song in Chinese : Days of the Week ;     星期歌 ; :  Chinese Month Song  月份歌:    Chinese Date  .      今天星期几? (Little Fox)

十二月十一日   星期二

  • Please complete your Dec 11 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz tomorrow (Please write the question):     Q:你认识他吗?Nǐ rèn shì tā ma (Do you know him?)   A:  我认识他。他是我的同学。  Wǒ rèn shì tā    Tā shì wǒ de tóngxué ( I know him. He is my classmate.)    

十二月十二日   星期三

  • The same as 12/11

十二月十三日   星期四

  • Please complete your Dec 13 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz tomorrow (Please write the question):     Q:为什么你 星期 日很忙?Wèishéme  nǐ  xīngqírì  hěnmáng (Why will you be busy on Sunday?)   A: 因为星期日是我的生日 。Yīnwèi  xīngqírì  shì  wǒ de sheng  rì. (Because Sunday is my birthday.)

十二月十四日   星期五

  • Please complete your Dec 14 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Monday:     Q: 你现在忙吗?Nǐ xiànzài máng ma (Are you busy right now?)  A: 我现在很忙 。  Wǒ xiànzài hěn máng  (I am busy right now.)  

十二月三日   星期一

  • Please complete your Dec 03 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz tomorrow (Please write the question):     Q:  现在 几点 了 ?  Xiàn zài  jǐ  diǎn  le ( What time is it (now)?)   A:   现在早 上七 点一刻 。 Xiànzài zhǎo shàng qī   diǎn yíkè.   ( It’s 7:15 am now.)
  • Suggestions on video watching:  My Day ( 我的一天 ) | Chants | Chinese | By Little Fox;    问候语 ;     现在几点了 ? What  time  is it now? T ell Time in Mandarin Chinese  with Emma;  Telling the  Time in Mandarin  Chinese_Part1;    你几岁? ;  Growing up with Chinese : Age;   Chinese Zodiac Song  十二生肖歌;    生日快樂  Happy Birthday;     Days of the Week Song in Chinese : Days of the Week ;     星期歌 ; :  Chinese Month Song  月份歌:    Chinese Date  .      今天星期几? (Little Fox)

十二月四日   星期二

  • Please complete your Dec 04 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz tomorrow (Please write the question):     A: 我们明天晚上见!  Wǒmen  míngtiān  wǎnshàng  jiàn (See you tomorrow night!)

十二月五日   星期三

  • Please complete your Dec 05 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz tomorrow (Please write the question):     Q: 我请你吃饭,怎么样?   Wǒ qǐng nǐ chīfà,  zěnmeyàng ( How about, I treat you to a meal?)  A:太好了!谢谢,谢谢! Tài hǎo le!  Xièxie,    xièxie! (That’s great!    Thank you, thank you!           

十二月六日   星期四

  • Please complete your Dec 06 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz tomorrow (Please write the question):     Q: 你喜欢吃中国菜,还是美国菜?Nǐ xǐhuān  chī  Zhōngguó c ài ,   hái shì  Méiguó cài (Do you like Chinese food or American food?)   A: 我喜欢吃中国菜。 Wǒ  xǐhuān  chī  Zhōngguó cài (I like Chinese food.  

十二月七日   星期五

  • Please complete your Dec 07 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz tomorrow (Please write the question):     Q: 你喜欢吃中国菜,还是美国菜? Nǐ xǐhuān  chī  Zhōngguó c ài ,   hái shì  Méiguó cài (Do you like Chinese food or American food?)   A: 我喜欢吃中国菜。W ǒ  xǐhuān  chī  Zhōngguó cài (I like Chinese food.  

十一月二十六日   星期一

  • Please complete your Nov 26 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz tomorrow:     Q : 明天是星期几?Míng tiān shì xīng qí jǐ (What day is tomorrow?)   A: 明天是星期二。   Míng tiān shì xīngqí' èr (Tomorrow is Tuesday.)
  • Suggestions on video watching:  Chinese Zodiac Song  十二生肖歌;    生日快樂  Happy Birthday;     Days of the Week Song in Chinese : Days of the Week ;     星期歌 ; :  Chinese Month Song  月份歌:    Chinese Date  .      今天星期几? (Little Fox)

十一月二十七日   星期二

  • Please complete your Nov 27 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz tomorrow (Answer the question with your real age):     Q1:你今年几岁?Nǐ jīn nián jǐ suì  (How old are you this year?)  A1:我今年 十五 岁 。Wǒ jīn nián shí wǔ suì      (I am  fifteen  years old this year.)
  • Suggestions on video watching:  你几岁? ;  Growing up with Chinese : Age;   Chinese Zodiac Song  十二生肖歌;    生日快樂  Happy Birthday;     Days of the Week Song in Chinese : Days of the Week ;     星期歌 ; :  Chinese Month Song  月份歌:    Chinese Date  .      今天星期几? (Little Fox)

十一月二十八日   星期三

  • Please complete your Nov 28 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz tomorrow (Please write the question):     Q: 你妹妹多大? Nǐ mèime iduō dà (How old is your younger sister?) A: 我妹妹十岁。    My younger sister is ten years old.

十一月二十九日   星期四

  • Please complete your Nov 29 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz tomorrow (Please write the question):     Q:  现在 几点 了 ?  Xiàn zài  jǐ  diǎn  le ( What time is it (now)?)   A: 现在 九点八分 了 。  Xiàn zài bā   diǎn jǐu fēn le. ( It is 9:08 now.)
  • Suggestions on video watching:   现在几点了 ? What  time  is it now? T ell Time in Mandarin Chinese  with Emma;  Telling the  Time in Mandarin  Chinese_Part1;    你几岁? ;  Growing up with Chinese : Age;   Chinese Zodiac Song  十二生肖歌;    生日快樂  Happy Birthday;     Days of the Week Song in Chinese : Days of the Week ;     星期歌 ; :  Chinese Month Song  月份歌:    Chinese Date  .      今天星期几? (Little Fox)

十一月三十日   星期五

  • No Learning Log.  Please work on the Tell Time Handout.
  • Quiz Monday:    Q: 现在几点了?  Xiànz ài  jǐ  diǎn  le (What time is it (now)?)   A:   现在 晚上十一 点 半了。 Xiànzài  wǎnshàng  shíyī  diǎn  bàn  le ( It’s 11:30 pm now.)
  • Suggestions on video watching:  Chinese Classroom Expressions  问候语 ;    现在几点了 ? What  time  is it now? T ell Time in Mandarin Chinese  with Emma;  Telling the  Time in Mandarin  Chinese_Part1;    你几岁? ;  Growing up with Chinese : Age;   Chinese Zodiac Song  十二生肖歌;    生日快樂  Happy Birthday;     Days of the Week Song in Chinese : Days of the Week ;     星期歌 ; :  Chinese Month Song  月份歌:    Chinese Date  .      今天星期几? (Little Fox)

十一月十九日   星期一

  • Please complete your Nov 19 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Tomorrow:     Q: 十一 月 九 日 是 星期 几 ?   (What day is November 9th?     A:十一月九日是星期 五 。(November 9th is Friday.)
  • Suggestions on video watching:   Days of the Week Song in Chinese : Days of the Week ;     星期歌 ; :  Chinese Month Song  月份歌:    Chinese Date  .      今天星期几? (Little Fox)

十一月二十日   星期二

  • Please complete your Nov 20 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Tomorrow:     Q: 你的生日是几月几日? Nǐ  de  shēngrì  shì   jǐ   yuè   jǐ  rì  ( When is your birthday?)   A: 我的生日是三月二十二日。 Wǒ  de  shēngrì  shì  ___  yuè  ___   rì (My birthday is _______.)

十一月二十一日   星期三

  • Please complete your Nov 21 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Next Monday (Please write your own birth year):     Q: 你是哪一年生的?Nǐ shì nǎ yī nián shēngde  (Which year were you born?) A:  我 是 二零零四 年 生的。 Wǒ  s hì  èr líng líng sì  nián  shéng de. ( I was born in the year of 2004  .)  

十一月十二日   星期一    Veterans Day

十一月十三日   星期二.

  • Please complete your Nov 13 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Tomorrow:     两千年 liǎng qiān  nián (year 2000)    、二零一八年 èr   líng  y ī bā  nián (Year 2018)  
  • Suggestions on video watching:   Chinese Date .

十一月十四日   星期三

  • Please complete your Nov 14 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Tomorrow:     Q:一年有几个月?Yì  nián  yǒu  jǐ ge yuè  How many months are there in a year?   A:一年有十二个月。Yī  nián  yǒu  shí'èr  gè yuè  (There are twelve months in a  year.)
  • Suggestions on video watching: Chinese Month Song 月份歌:   Chinese Date . 今天星期几? (Little Fox)

十一月十五日   星期四

  • Please complete your Nov 15 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Tomorrow:     Q : 几 月 几 日星期 几 ?   A:__月__日星期___。 (Thursday, November 22.)
  • Suggestions on video watching: Days of the Week Song in Chinese : Days of the Week ;     星期歌 ; : Chinese Month Song 月份歌:   Chinese Date . 今天星期几? (Little Fox)

十一月十六日   星期五

  • Please complete your Nov 16 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Tomorrow: Q:今天是几月几日星期几?  jīntiān shì jǐ yuè jǐ rì xīngqí   jǐ  (What date is today?)   A:今天是__月__日星期___。   jīntiān  shì    yuè     rì    xīngqí     (Today is ….)        

十一月五日   星期一

  • Please complete your Nov 05 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Tomorrow (write the question):     Q:  你做什么工作?  Nǐ zuò shénme gōngzuò? (What do you do?)  A: 我是 中文老师。Wǒ  shì  zhōngwén  lǎoshī.  (I am a Chinese teacher.)        
  • Suggestions on video watching:    Ask and answer  different Jobs  in Mandarin Chinese (with Emma)   What Does He Do? (他 做什么工作 ?)       ​

十一月六日   星期二

  • Please complete your Nov 06 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Tomorrow (write the question):     Q:   你 哥哥和姐姐做什么工作?  Nǐ g ēgē  hé  jiějiě  zuò  shénme gōngzuò ( What do your older brother and older sister do? )  A: 他们 都 是 英文 老师。 Tāmen  dōu  shì  yīngwén lǎoshī  (They are all English teachers.)

十一月七日   星期三

  • Please complete your Nov 07 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Tomorrow:   Q:   你 大哥 做什么工作?   Nǐ   dà  gē  zuò  shénme  gōngzuò (What does your oldest brother do? )  A:我大哥是经理。 Wǒ dàgē shì  jīnglǐ (My oldest brother is a manager.)     

十一月八日   星期四

  • Please complete your Nov 08 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • No Quiz Tomorrow.

十一月九日   星期五

  • No learning log this weekend.
  • No quiz next Tuesday.
  • Work on your Chinese character booklet if you haven't done much. You will need to turn in the day before Thanksgiving weekend for the teacher to review. The final due day to complete the whole booklet is at the end of the school year.

十月二十九日   星期一

  • Please complete your Oct 29 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Tomorrow:       Q: 这是谁的照片Zhè shì shéi de zhào piàn (Whoes picture is this)    A:这是我的照片。Zhè shì wǒ de zhào piàn ( This is my photo.)
  • Suggestions on video watching:     Ask and answer  different Jobs  in Mandarin Chinese (with Emma)   What Does He Do? (他 做什么工作 ?)       ​

十月三十日   星期二

  • Please complete your Oct 30 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Tomorrow:       Q:   你哥哥 做 什么 工作 ?  Nǐ  gēge  zuò  shénme  gōngzuò? (What does your older brother do?)  A:  我哥哥是 大学生 。    Wǒ  gēge  shì  dà xué shēng . ( He is a college student.)

十月三十一日   星期三

  • Please complete your Oct 31 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Tomorrow:       Q:   你 做 什么 工作 ?  Nǐ  zuò  shénme  gōngzuò? (What  do you do?) A:  我是 高中 生 。Wǒ  shì  gāozhōng shēng. (  He is a  high school  student.

十一月一日   星期四

  • Please complete your Nov 1 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Tomorrow:       Q:  你爸爸做什么工作? Nǐ bàba zuò shénme gōngzuò? (Wh at does your father do?)  A:我爸爸是律师。   Wǒ bàba shì lüshī. (My father is a lawyer.) ​

十一月二日   星期五

  • Please complete your Nov 2 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz next time:       Q:   你 妈妈做什么工作?  Nǐ  māma  zuò  shénme gōngzuò? ( What does your mom do?)   A: 我妈妈是医生。 Wǒ māma shì yīshēng.  (My mom is a doctor.)
  • Suggestions on video watching:    Ask and answer  different Jobs  in Mandarin Chinese (with Emma)   What Does He Do? (他 做什么工作 ?)   ; Chinese class: 你做什么工作 ?    ​

十月二十二日   星期一

  • Please complete your Oct 22 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Tomorrow:     Q:  你家有几口人? Nǐ  jiā  yǒu  jǐ  kǒu  rén ? ( How many people are there in your family? A:   我家有  __ 口人。Wǒ  jiā  yǒu __  kǒu  rén .   (There are ____    people in my family.
  • Suggestions on video watching:  我爱我的家 ​ ;   Learning Family Member Song ;  我的家 ;  Who is this? 这是谁 ; Chinese Classroom Expressions  问候语 ;   数一到十 ;  中文的 数字 1-20 ;  Learn numbers  in Chinese; 中文 数字  with Emma       Counting  1 to 10 in Chinese  ;     我 的朋友在哪裡        跟说唱音乐学中文数字 ;   ​                 中文 数字 Part 2   1-1000  。

十月二十三日   星期二

  • Quiz Tomorrow:     Q:  你家有几口人? Nǐ  jiā  yǒu  jǐ  kǒu  rén ? ( How many people are there in your family?  A:  我家有 __ 口人。Wǒ jiā yǒu__ kǒu rén.   (Thereare ____    people in my family.)     我家有爸爸,妈妈和我    Wǒ jiā yǒu bàba, māma hé wǒ .     (There are Dad, Mom…and me in my family.)

十月二十四日   星期三

  • Please complete your Oct 24 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Tomorrow:   Common Writing Pre-Assessment. (20 Minutes)

十月二十五日   星期四

  • Please complete your Oct 25 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Tomorrow:   Q:  你有 兄 弟姐妹吗? Nǐ  yǒu  xiōng  dì  jiě  mèi  ma (Do you have any siblings?)   A:    我有一个 哥哥 、 两个 姐姐、 三个 弟弟 、 四个 妹妹。 Wǒ  yǒu  yīge  gēge ,  liǎng  ge  jiějie ,  sān ge  dìdi ,  sì ge  mèimei . (I have an older brother, two older sisiters, 3 younger brothers and 4 younger sisters.)

十月二十六日   星期五

  • Please complete your Oct 26 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz Monday:   Q:  你 爸爸 有 几个儿子 ? 几个女儿? Nǐ  bàba  yǒu  jǐ  gè  er zi ? Jǐgènǚ’ér (How many sons and daughters does your father have?)     A: 我爸爸有两个儿子、两个女儿 。 Wǒ  bàba  yǒu  liǎng  gè  er zi,    liǎng  gè nǚ’ér  (My father has two sons and two daughters.)
  • Suggestions on video watching:    Ask and answer  different Jobs  in Mandarin Chinese (with Emma)   What Does He Do? (他 做什么工作 ?)       ​

十月十五日   星期一

  • Please complete your Oct 15 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Suggestions on video watching:  我的家 ;    Who is this? 这是谁 ;  Chinese Classroom Expressions  问候语 ;   数一到十 ;   中文的 数字 1-20 ;  Learn numbers  in Chinese; 中文 数字  with Emma       Counting  1 to 10 in Chinese  ;      我 的朋友在哪裡        跟说唱音乐学中文数字 ;   ​                 中文 数字 Part 2   1-1000  。

十月十六日   星期二

  • Please complete your Oct 16 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz tomorrow:    Q:  这个女孩子是谁?   Zhè ge nǚ hái zi shì shéi?    (Who is this girl?)  A:  这个女孩子是我。  Zhè ge nǚháizi shì wǒ.    (This girl is me).

十月十七日   星期三

  • Please complete your Oct 17 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz tomorrow:     Q:你有妹妹吗? Nǐ  yǒu  mèimei  ma  ( Do you have younger sisters?)    ​ A:  我没有妹妹。 Wǒ  méi  yǒu  mèimei   (I don’t have younger sister(s).)
  • Suggestions on video watching: Learning Family Member Song ;  我的家 ;  Who is this? 这是谁 ; Chinese Classroom Expressions  问候语 ;   数一到十 ;  中文的 数字 1-20 ;  Learn numbers  in Chinese; 中文 数字  with Emma       Counting  1 to 10 in Chinese  ;     我 的朋友在哪裡        跟说唱音乐学中文数字 ;   ​                 中文 数字 Part 2   1-1000  。

十月十八日   星期四

  • Please complete your Oct 18 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz tomorrow:     Q:  你 有没有 弟弟? Nǐ  yǒu  měi  yǒu  dìdi ( Do you have younger brothers?)   A: 我 没有 弟弟 。  Wǒ  méi  yǒu  dìdi  ( I  don’t have younger brothers.)        
  • Suggestions on video watching:   我爱我的家 ​ ;   Learning Family Member Song ;  我的家 ;  Who is this? 这是谁 ; Chinese Classroom Expressions  问候语 ;   数一到十 ;  中文的 数字 1-20 ;  Learn numbers  in Chinese; 中文 数字  with Emma       Counting  1 to 10 in Chinese  ;     我 的朋友在哪裡        跟说唱音乐学中文数字 ;   ​                 中文 数字 Part 2   1-1000  。

十月十九日   星期五

  • Please complete your Oct 19 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz next Monday:    Q: : 你 有 姐姐 吗 ? Nǐ  yǒu  jiějie  ma  Do you have older sisters?   A:  我没有 姐姐。   Wǒ  méi  yǒu  jiějie (I d on’t have older sister(s).      

十月九日   星期二

  • Please complete your Oct 9 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • No Quiz tomorrow.                 
  • Suggestions on video watching:  Who is this? 这是谁 ;  Chinese Classroom Expressions  问候语 ;   数一到十 ;   中文的 数字 1-20 ;  Learn numbers  in Chinese; 中文 数字  with Emma       Counting  1 to 10 in Chinese  ;      我 的朋友在哪裡        跟说唱音乐学中文数字 ;   ​                 中文 数字 Part 2   1-1000  。

十月十日   星期三   

  • Please complete your Oct 10 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz tomorrow:   Q:   这 是 谁 ?     Zhè  shì  shéi ?    (Who is  this?)     A:    这 是 我 。  Zhè  shì  wǒ .    (T his is me.)

十月十一日   星期四

  • Please complete your Oct 11 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz tomorrow:   Q:  这是谁?   Zhè shì shéi?   (Who is this?)     A:    这是我。  Zhè shì wǒ.    (This is me.)

十月十二日   星期五

  • Please complete your Oct 12 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Quiz on Monday 10/15:   Q:   这 个男孩子是 谁 ?      Zhè  ge  nán hái zi  shì  shéi ?  Who is  this?   A :   这 个男孩子是 我 。   Zhè  ge  nán hái zi  shì  wǒ .   T his boy is me.     
  • Suggestions on video watching:  Who is this? 这是谁 ;  Chinese Classroom Expressions  问候语 ;   数一到十 ;   中文的 数字 1-20 ;  Learn numbers  in Chinese; 中文 数字  with Emma       Counting  1 to 10 in Chinese  ;      我 的朋友在哪裡        跟说唱音乐学中文数字 ;   中文 数字 Part 2   1-1000  。

十月一日   星期一

  • Please complete your Oct 1 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Sentence Quiz tomorrow:    我不是老师。Wǒ bú shì lǎoshī.  (I am not a teacher.)                       
  • Suggestions on video watching:  你是老师吗 ?     您贵姓 ?   复韵母练习 1, 复韵母练习2  ;   Chinese Pinyin Chant .​

十月二日   星期二

  • Please complete your Oct 2 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Sentence Quiz tomorrow:   Write numbers 1-10 in Chinese.                 
  • Suggestions on video watching:   数一到十 ;   中文的 数字 1-20 ;  Learn numbers  in Chinese; 中文 数字  with Emma       Counting  1 to 10 in Chinese  ;      我 的朋友在哪裡        跟说唱音乐学中文数字 ​​

十月三日   星期三

  • Please complete your Oct 3 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Sentence Quiz tomorrow:   我也是中国人。  Wǒ yěshì zhōngguó rén  (I am Chinese, too.)           
  • Suggestions on video watching: Chinese Classroom Expressions  问候语 ;   数一到十 ;   中文的 数字 1-20 ;  Learn numbers  in Chinese; 中文 数字  with Emma       Counting  1 to 10 in Chinese  ;      我 的朋友在哪裡        跟说唱音乐学中文数字 ​​

十月四日   星期四

  • Please complete your Oct 4 Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Sentence Quiz tomorrow:     Q:   几个朋友?   Jǐ  gè  péng yǒu ( How many friends?)
  • ​​ Suggestions on video watching: Chinese Classroom Expressions  问候语 ;   数一到十 ;   中文的 数字 1-20 ;  Learn numbers  in Chinese; 中文 数字  with Emma       Counting  1 to 10 in Chinese  ;      我 的朋友在哪裡        跟说唱音乐学中文数字 ;   ​                 中文 数字 Part 2   1-1000 。

十月五日   星期五

  • No Chinese Learning Log. 
  • Sentence Quiz tomorrow:     Q:  你是哪国人?     Nǐ  shì  nǎ  guó rén ? ( What is your nationality?)    A:   我是 中 国人。  I am Chinese .             wǒ  shì   zhōng guó rén . (Please write the question.)
  • ​​ Suggestions on video watching: Who is this? 这是谁 ;  Chinese Classroom Expressions  问候语 ;   数一到十 ;   中文的 数字 1-20 ;  Learn numbers  in Chinese; 中文 数字  with Emma       Counting  1 to 10 in Chinese  ;      我 的朋友在哪裡        跟说唱音乐学中文数字 ;   ​                 中文 数字 Part 2   1-1000 。

九月二十四日   星期一

  • Please complete your Sept 24 Chinese Learning Log.  
  • No Quiz tomorrow.
  • Suggestions on video watching: 三十六个字 ;  你是老师吗 ?     您贵姓 ?   复韵母练习 1, 复韵母练习2  ;   Chinese Pinyin Chant .

九月二十五日   星期二

  • Please complete your Sept 25 Chinese Learning Log. (Please refer to the Chinese_Learning_Websites document below to find sites that can help you do the learning logs most effectively.
  • Sentence Quiz tomorrow:   先生,你叫什么名字? Nǐ jiào shénme míngzì?  (Mr. , what is your name?)
  • Suggestions on video watching:   你是老师吗 ?     您贵姓 ?   复韵母练习 1, 复韵母练习2  ;   Chinese Pinyin Chant .
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九月二十六日   星期三

  • Please complete your Sept 26 Chinese Learning Log. (Please refer to the Chinese_Learning_Websites document below to find sites that can help you do the learning logs most effectively.
  • Sentence Quiz tomorrow (only write the answer for the quiz):   Q:  小姐 , 请问您贵姓 ?  Xiǎo jiě ,  Qǐng  wèn  nín  guì  xìng?   (Miss, may I ask what is your honorable surname?)  A:  我 姓    ________ 。 Wǒxìng                               .    (My surname is ___.)
  • Suggestions on video watching:  你是哪国人 ?    你是老师吗 ?     您贵姓 ?   复韵母练习 1,       复韵母练习2  ;   Chinese Pinyin Chant .

九月二十七日   星期四

  • Please complete your Sept 27 Chinese Learning Log. (Please refer to the Chinese_Learning_Websites document below to find sites that can help you do the learning logs most effectively.
  • Sentence Quiz tomorrow (only write 我是学生  for the quiz):  
  • Suggestions on video watching:   Active Chinese  Introduction;   你是哪国人 ?    你是老师吗 ?     您贵姓 ?   复韵母练习 1,       复韵母练习2  ;   Chinese Pinyin Chant .

九月二十八日   星期五

  • Please complete your Sept 28 Chinese Learning Log. (Please refer to the Chinese_Learning_Websites document below to find sites that can help you do the learning logs most effectively.
  • Sentence Quiz Monday:   Q:  你是哪国人?   Nǐ shì nǎ guó rén?  (What is your nationality?)         A:  我是美国人。   Wǒ  shì __ guó  rén .    (I am American.)
  • Suggestions on video watching:   Active Chinese  Introduction;  你是哪国人 ?   你是老师吗 ?     您贵姓 ?  复韵母练习 1,       复韵母练习2  ;   Chinese Pinyin Chant .

九月十七日   星期一

  • Please complete your Sept 17 Chinese Learning Log.  
  • Suggestions on video watching regarding Chinese Compound Finals videos:   复韵母练习 1,    58汉语拼音复韵母ie,ve,er      59汉语拼音鼻韵母an,en,in    60汉语拼音鼻韵母un,vn    61汉语拼音鼻韵母ang, eng,ing,ong
  • The videos regarding Chinese greetings:   Song to learn greetings ,  What do you do ,  Chinese HSK 1 .   ​

九月十八日   星期二

  • Please complete your Sept 18 Chinese Learning Log.  
  • Chinese 1 Period 1, please complete the Compound finals handouts. (10 Points)  (Note: Period 2 will have the handout tomorrow.)
  • Suggestions on video watching regarding Chinese Compound Finals videos:   复韵母练习 1, 复韵母练习2  ;   Chinese Pinyin Chant .

九月十九日   星期三

  • Please complete your Sept 19 Chinese Learning Log.  
  • Quiz tomorrow: 你好 nǐ hǎo (hello) .
  • Suggestions on video watching :  你是老师吗 ?     您贵姓 ?   复韵母练习 1, 复韵母练习2  ;   Chinese Pinyin Chant .

九月二十日   星期四

  • Please complete your Sept 20 Chinese Learning Log.  
  • Quiz tomorrow, answer the question: Q: 你好!      NǐHǎo!        你叫什么名字?Nǐjiàoshénmemíngzì? (What is your name?                                 A:   我叫 ________ 。 Wǒ  jiào                            . (I am called/My name is___.)

九月二十一日   星期五

  • No Learning Log homework today.  
  • Quiz on Monday, Sept 24, write the question: Q: 你叫什么名字?Nǐjiàoshénmemíngzì? (What is your name?                                
  • Suggestions on video watching:   Story behind Chinese characters ;  三十六个字 ;  你是老师吗 ?     您贵姓 ?   复韵母练习 1, 复韵母练习2  ;   Chinese Pinyin Chant .

九月十日   星期一

  • Please complete your Sept 10 Chinese Learning Log.  For Listening and Speaking part of your learning log, you can check out the following links:   Growing up with Chinese .       你叫什么名字?     Or you can use the Chinese Learning Sites that you chose.
  • On an index card, use a Sharpie to write your Chinese name and number the stroke order of each character in you name. Please check out the Word document below and find your Chinese name. Copy and paste each character onto a Chinese dictionary website (you can find them on the Resources page) to find the stroke orders and the meanings of your Chinese name.

九月十一日   星期二

  • Please complete your Sept 11 Chinese Learning Log.  For Listening and Speaking part of your learning log, you can check out the following links: 你我他 ,    Growing up with Chinese .       你叫什么名字?      Or you can use the Chinese Learning Sites that you chose.
  • Use the Chinese dictionary websites on the resource page and find out the meaning of your name, If you haven't done so.
  • For Chinese 1 Period 2, turn in your Chinese name index card tomorrow, if you haven't. (For details, see above) 20 Points

九月十二日   星期三

  • Please complete your Sept 12 Chinese Learning Log.  For Listening and Speaking part of your learning log, you can check out the following links: Chinese Buddy- Song to learn greetings ;    你我他 ,    Growing up with Chinese .       你叫什么名字?      Or you can use the Chinese Learning Sites that you chose.
  • For some of you, I updated your Chinese names. Please check out the files below.

九月十三日  星期四

  • Please complete your Sept 13 Chinese Learning Log.  For Listening and Speaking part of your learning log, you can check out the following links: Chinese Buddy- Song to learn greetings ;    你我他 ,    Growing up with Chinese .       你叫什么名字? ;  Chinese Pinyin Lesson 1 .    Or you can use the Chinese Learning Sites that you chose.
  • For some of you, I updated your Chinese names. Please check out the files below. Let me know if there is anything you would like me to change.
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九月十四日  星期五

  • Please complete your Sept 14 Chinese Learning Log.  
  • ​Watch the  Chinese Pinyin Chant   and try to sing/chant the 21 Chinese Simple Initials several times.
  • Chinese song:  看我听我 .
  • Work on the Pinyin handout which is provided to you in class or download below.  Write an English word under each of the 21 Chinese initials that the English word's first syllable sounding are  the same as the initials.    (20 Points)  If you can't think of any English word, you can refer to the link here:
File Size: 232 kb
File Type: pdf

九月五日   星期三  

  • Bookmark the Chinese teacher's website.
  • Chinese Name: Email your teacher your Chinese name if you have one. (You can also write down on a piece of paper and bring it to me tomorrow or as soon as possible.) If you don't have a Chinese name, I will create one for you.
  • Gmail: Please send your Gmail Address to your Chinese teacher by filling out the following form. (If you don't have a gmail account, please create one.) You will need a gmail address to do some of your Chinese homework this 2018-19 school year.

九月六日   星期四

  • Search for two Chinese Learning Sites/YouTube Channels that you like.
  • Please ask your parents if you have a Chinese name already.

九月七日   星期五

  • Please click on the link below to fill out a Google Form to send me the two links of your favorite Chinese Learning Sites/YouTube Channels:
  • If you didn't turn in the receipt of Syllabus form or the student survey, you can download them below and turn them in next Monday.
File Size: 225 kb
File Type: pdf
File Size: 219 kb
File Type: pdf


Chinese Calligraphy

  • Collections
  • The Fine Print

HSK 3 Adjectives (Set 1)

This free worksheet collection contains 194 printable PDF pages for learning how to write 12 different HSK 3 adjectives in simplified and traditional Mandarin Chinese.

Preview image of HSK 3 Adjectives (Set 1) worksheet collection

120 Most Common Chinese Radicals Flashcard Set

Supercharge your Chinese characters by learning the most common radicals.

Preview image of 188 Printable Chinese Character Practice Writing Grids

188 Printable Chinese Character Practice Writing Grids

The new PDF with 188 printable Chinese character practice writing grids. Save 40% until June 30!

Subscribe to our newsletter

Sign up to receive email updates when we release new worksheets and flashcards.

Start with learning to write these 12 new Chinese vocabulary words using the small, medium or large Tracing Grids . Then move on to the Printable Flashcards for further practice at home or on the go. Next, test your memory of each Chinese character with the very fun Missing Strokes worksheets . Need a challenge? Try the Five Missing Strokes and Random Missing Strokes worksheets.

By now you should be a master of writing your newly learned vocabulary words in either simplified or traditional Chinese. Next, use the Character Search worksheets to help you distinguish the characters you just learned from other, similar looking Chinese characters.

Lastly, finish up with a Multiple Choice and a Matching activity . Now you’re ready to test your knowledge on the Final Quiz . Don’t worry! You’ve got this!

This worksheet collection contains the following Chinese vocabulary words.

Sample Worksheets

When you download this worksheet collection, you will receive one ZIP file which contains the following files in both simplified and traditional Mandarin Chinese. Below are examples of the types of worksheets included in the ZIP file.

Sample worksheet image

Related Collections

You may also be interested in these 5 worksheet collections which are related to the HSK 3 Adjectives (Set 1) worksheet collection .

Preview image of related worksheet collection

YellowBridge Chinese Language & Culture

Learn Mandarin  Mandarin-English Dictionary & Thesaurus

Word search.

  • Search by: 
  • 字 Character
  • 部件 Components

Chinese searches

  • Chinese handwriting recognizer. Click on the brush button to enter characters just by drawing them with the correct stroke order.
  • Stroke order animation. Sample . In addition to the headword on every page being animated, you can trace the correct stroke order inside a character outline as well as write the character using just your finger or a mouse depending on your device.
  • Your choice of simplified or traditional characters.
  • Wildcard matches for Chinese or pinyin (just enter * in place of zero or more Chinese characters or pinyin syllables).
  • Integrated with character dictionary and etymology.

English searches

  • Returns fewer, more relevant results compared to the competition.
  • Did you mean? suggestions for likely typos.
  • Words found even if entered in conjugated or plural forms.

All searches

  • Talking dictionary. Chinese and English on most current browsers.
  • Short phrases are parsed and the individual words translated.
  • Bilingual thesaurus provides synonyms, antonyms, and more!
  • Example sentences for both Chinese and English searches.
  • Sample result page for Chinese or English search.

Why choose us?

  • True Chinese-English and English-Chinese dictionaries with over 200,000 entries.
  • Designed for quick word exploration and understanding: thesaurus, word decomposition, sample sentences.
  • Desktop and mobile access with same URL.


  1. Chinese Character Writing Practice Sheets

    homework mandarin character

  2. Mandarin Homework Unit 4.3 Primary 1: Name:

    homework mandarin character

  3. Read and write Chinese characters

    homework mandarin character

  4. Character Writing Practice and Activities (Simplified Mandarin)

    homework mandarin character

  5. G3 Mandarin Homework AM 1

    homework mandarin character

  6. chinese character tracing (number one to ten) by M Store

    homework mandarin character


  1. doing my mandarin homework😩💔|| bc its due thrusday😍||#homework ||@Y-u-n-e-x

  2. HSK1 Lesson 8 Standard course Textbook audio (HSK1级标准教程 第8课 录音) Giáo trình chuẩn HSK1 Bài 8

  3. HSK1 Lesson 15 Standard course Textbook audio (HSK1级标准教程 第15课 录音) Giáo trình chuẩn HSK1 Bài 15

  4. HSK4 Lesson 2 Standard course Textbook audio (HSK4级标准教程 第2课 录音) Giáo trình chuẩn HSK4 Bài 2

  5. HSK1 Lesson 10 Standard course Textbook audio (HSK1级标准教程 第10课 录音) Giáo trình chuẩn HSK1 Bài 10

  6. HSK1 Lesson 11 Standard course Textbook audio (HSK1级标准教程 第11课 录音) Giáo trình chuẩn HSK1 Bài 11


  1. Chinese Character and Calligraphy Worksheets for Kids

    Learn Chinese: Color the Value, Numbers 1-10. Worksheet. Help children make the connection between Hindu-Arabic numerals, Chinese characters, Pinyin form, and quantities with this Chinese language coloring worksheet. Writing Chinese Characters: "Water". Worksheet. Learn how to write Chinese calligraphy in this "water" worksheet.

  2. Calligrapher: Chinese Character Worksheet Generator

    Preview your worksheets and adjust the colours. Print them! "With the help of Calligrapher, in merely three days, I have mastered writing my own name." —Anonymous. Subscribe to receive updates! Improve your handwriting by generating Chinese character practice PDF worksheets that are labelled with pronunciations (pinyin), translations ...

  3. 100 FREE beginner Chinese writing worksheets

    The new PDF with 188 printable Chinese character practice writing grids. Save 40% until June 30! Download Now → Subscribe to our newsletter Sign up to receive email updates when we release new worksheets and flashcards. Subscribe Animals. 21 Worksheets. Colors. 11 Worksheets. Directions. 8 Worksheets. Nature. 24 Worksheets ...

  4. Read and write Chinese characters

    Arch Chinese is a premier Chinese learning system crafted by Chinese teachers in the United States for Mandarin Chinese language learners at K-12 schools and universities. It offers a rich set of features with a slick and easy-to-use user interface and is designed specifically for English speakers who have little to no knowledge of Mandarin Chinese.

  5. Chinese Character Worksheets

    Optionally, for each character entry, click the image icon to upload or look up an image for the character; Enter the title of the new worksheet, such as Chinese Writing Homework #1. The title will be shown at the top of the generated worksheets. The title is required to save the list to the server for future use.

  6. Free printable Chinese character writing grids

    We have 188 printable Chinese character practice writing grids! Large grids, small grids, grid pyramids, bold grids, grids with guides, grids without guides, etc... We have grids that will cover all of your needs now and in the future. Download 188 Grid Worksheets Now!

  7. Chinese Worksheet Generator

    Generate Chinese Practice Sheets For Free ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Chinese Worksheet Generator is provided as a free educational service without ads. At the same time, it is necessary to pay hosting fees to keep this service up and running. Please consider supporting this project. Tip: Group characters into words using parentheses.

  8. WriteMandarin

    Chinese Radicals provide helpful hints to the meaning and sound of many characters. Learning the most common Chinese Radicals will help you memorize and recall Chinese characters faster! ... Learn how to write 10 HSK level 1 nouns in simplified or traditional Mandarin Chinese. 10 words. 192 pages. HSK 3 Words Nouns HSK 3 Nouns (Set 11) Learn ...

  9. Printable Chinese Worksheets

    Printable PDF worksheets &. homework activities for kids. Help your kids learn Chinese with words described with Pinyin & Hanzi characters, colored pencils, and carefully illustrated pictures. Designed by a team of professional Mandarin teachers and curriculum designers. Used among other course materials in our online Chinese courses for children.

  10. 16+ Chinese Worksheets for Beginners PDF Printables

    16+ Printable Chinese Worksheets at ChineseClass101. Take a look. Below is our collection of Chinese worksheets covering the alphabet, common words, phrases, and much more. Chinese Alphabet. Download. Top 25 Questions Worksheet. Download. Talk About Family. Download.

  11. HSK1.01 Activity, Assignment and Project

    Please complete this activity with a language partner, (preferably a native speaker). Practice: Also try typing to them in Chinese via instant messaging. See instructions on how to type Chinese characters on various devices. Homework. Write Chinese characters on this PDF worksheet attached. Complete Lesson 1 in the Workbook.

  12. Teach Mandarin Chinese to Kids at Home: Chinese Basics & Free Printables

    2. Chinese is a tonal language. Mandarin Chinese has 4 tones plus a neutral tone. It technically has a total of 5 tones, but because people often disregard the fifth you might hear Chinese native speakers say, "Chinese language has 4 tones.". Mandarin Chinese is not the only tonal language spoken by Chinese.

  13. Mandarin Teaching Tools

    Fillin the Blank Chinese Worksheet Maker Create your own custom fill-in-the-blank Chinese worksheets with an optional word bank for classroom and homework uses. 27. Fill in the Missing Strokes Chinese Worksheet Maker Create a Chinese worksheet for students to identify and fill in the missing character strokes or radicals. 28.

  14. Chinese Character Worksheets

    Here are over 500 Chinese Character worksheets that I created to help my kids learn Chinese. We are using Sagebooks so the worksheets go along with Sagebooks but anyone can use these worksheets. Tips to be green and save green: To save ink, print in fast mode with black ink only. Print on both sides.

  15. Classroom (Set 1) Chinese Writing Worksheets

    By now you should be a master of writing your newly learned vocabulary words in either simplified or traditional Chinese. Next, use the Character Search worksheets to help you distinguish the characters you just learned from other, similar looking Chinese characters. Lastly, finish up with a Multiple Choice and a Matching activity.

  16. Homeschool Chinese: Writing Chinese Characters

    Homeschool Chinese: Writing Chinese Characters As I eluded to in an earlier post (Homeschool Chinese: Vocabulary Homework), our Mandarin teacher provides the kids with homework to engage them in language activities on a daily basis. Their homework can involve creating flashcards, copying characters, working on projects, and/or writing and reading assignments.

  17. 150 Common Chinese Character List [Free PDF]

    If you are new to Chinese characters and want a place to start, you're at the right place. Our 150 most common Chinese characters list will help you get started on your journey.. MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) created an algorithm that calculated the most often seen Chinese characters in written Chinese in order of how frequently they are used.

  18. Arch Chinese

    1. Display Pinyin on top of the Chinese characters 2. Generate worksheets without any character hints (just the Pinyin and English definitions) 3. Create a blank writing box row for practice after each word 4. Display the stroke sequences of the characters 5. Highlight the radicals of the characters 6. Create traceable characters for each word to allow the user to trace . times 7.

  19. ( schoolwork in Chinese)

    Look up another word: 功课 ( gongke / gōngkè ) (English translation: "schoolwork") as Chinese character including stroke order, Pinyin phonetic script, pronunciation in Mandarin, example sentence and English meaning.

  20. 功课 : homework, assig... : gōng kè

    功课 definition at, a free online dictionary with English, Mandarin Chinese, Pinyin, Strokes & Audio. Look it up now!

  21. Chinese 1

    Please do your 6/03 Chinese Learning Log. Quiz tomorrow: Write the first 4 sentences of the second paragraph of your diary by memory. Suggestions for videos watching: Learn Chinese --Daily Activities; Talking about Daily Activities in Chinese; Active Chinese-In The classroom. Chinese songs: Learn Mandarin Daily Routine in Chinese--Easy Song; 风告诉我 Fēng gàosù wǒ (The wind tells me.)

  22. HSK 3 Adjectives (Set 1) Chinese Writing Worksheets

    By now you should be a master of writing your newly learned vocabulary words in either simplified or traditional Chinese. Next, use the Character Search worksheets to help you distinguish the characters you just learned from other, similar looking Chinese characters. Lastly, finish up with a Multiple Choice and a Matching activity.

  23. homework 什么意思? Mandarin Chinese-English ...

    Preparatory school work done outside school (especially at home). Hyphenation. home•work. Part of Speech. (名) noun. Matching Results. 家庭作业. jiātíng zuòyè. homework.