99 Scarlet Letter Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best scarlet letter topic ideas & essay examples, 📌 most interesting scarlet letter topics to write about, 👍 good research topics about scarlet letter, ❓ scarlet letter essay questions.

  • A Study of Guilt and Repentance in “The Scarlet Letter” by Hawthorne Thus, it is essential to determine how the author used the symbol of the scarlet letter to highlight the sinful person and identify whether it is possible to atone for the guilt or conceal it.
  • Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “The Scarlet Letter” Novel The theme of sin is depicted through emotional sufferings and experience of the main heroes of the novel: Hester Prynne, her husband Roger Chillingworth and Hester’s lover, Dimmesdale.
  • Critical Approach Analysis of “The Scarlet Letter” Generally, such important themes as legalism, guilt, immorality, and sin related in the novel may be discussed through the prism of historicism, and even the very title of the novel featuring the word “scarlet” or […]
  • Critical Analysis of The Scarlet Letter Hester gives birth to a child after having an affair while waiting for the arrival of the husband and conceals the identity of the child’s father.
  • The Scarlet Letter Soundtrack and Songs Explained The song illustrates how unprepared she is to receive that form of treatment from her fellow people and that she is not ready to go through all that alone.”Standing out in a crowd Where the […]
  • “The Scarlet Letter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne This begs the question, whether a human or the whole society has a right to take the function of God and to punish the sin.
  • ‘The Minister’s Black Veil’ and ‘The Scarlet Letter’ by Hawthrone The Scarlet Letter depicts the supposed sin committed by Hester Prynne as an act against the social and religious standards of the time.
  • The Scarlet Letter by Hawthorne Despite the many pieces of evidence of virtue, they look paltry compared to the description of weaknesses in the main character of the story, Dimmesdale.
  • Nathaniel Hawthorne “The Scarlet Letter” These lines are from the ‘Forest Walk’ chapter of the novel where Hester scolds her daughter, Pearl for questioning the burned “A” on the minister’s chest.
  • US History in The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne The book by Nathaniel Hawthorne titled The Scarlet Letter is considered the best work of his not in vain the contents and the topics touched upon in it raise much profound thinking and reveal the […]
  • Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “The Scarlet Letter” From Several Perspectives The story was written in the nineteenth century, but there is a great deal of information provided within the text about the earlier lives of the author’s ancestors, making it a somewhat historical novel in […]
  • Hawthorne’s Concept of Evil in “Rappaccini’s Daughter” and “The Scarlet Letter” The way that the community dealt with this transgression of marital bonds comprises the bulk of the story, in which it is finally revealed that the highly respected Reverend Dimmesdale was the father of the […]
  • “The Scarlet Letter”: A Darkened End For both Hester and for the townspeople, the mere presence of this letter appearing this one time on her dress is enough to mark her as something different from the rest of them and secluded.
  • The History Behind The Scarlet Letter: Way of Life of Early Colonists in Puritan-Influenced New England Once Hester’s secret was out, it was obvious to the entire village that Hester was not provided with the same degree of faith as the rest of the villagers and was therefore a greater sinner.
  • Characters in “The Scarlet Letter” and “Hamlet” Film Hester returns to Boston just before her death, in order to be buried in the same grave as Dimmesdale, with ‘A’ inscribed on their tombstone. Much to her son’s anger and disgust, she marries Claudius […]
  • Revenge & Shame in Hawthorne’s “The Scarlet Letter” The main goal of this paper is to analyze The Scarlet Letter to reveal the author’s idea of the frustration of revenge and victory over shame.
  • Puritans in “The Scarlet Letter” by Hawthorne As I read through the introductory part of the novel, the statements made by the narrator reinforced the idea that the Puritans were bad people. I was surprised at the obsession they had when it […]
  • “The Scarlet Letter” a Novel by Nathaniel Hawthorne This essay asserts that the role of the narrator in The Scarlet Letter functions more as social critic of the Puritanical values that founded the United States; the narrator of The Scarlet Letter represents Hawthorne’s […]
  • Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter: Resilience and Redemption The plot of the novel immerses the readers into the 17th century to demonstrate the environment of the Puritan era in America.
  • “The Scarlet Letter” and “The Young Goodman” by Hawthorne The application of imagery and symbolism in this piece of work begins with symbolization of the Old general depicts the reawakening of the characters upon being motivated by the actions of the other person.
  • Rev. Arthur Dimmesdale in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “The Scarlet Letter” Another man had returned out of the forest; a wiser one-” Dimmesdale finds it wise and peaceful to confess his sin. After giving his sermon, Dimmesdale stands on the scaffold and he tells the congregation […]
  • Nathaniel Hawthorne: Pearl and “The Scarlet Letter” The following is an analysis of the character Pearl in the story The Scarlet Letter where more focus is put on her character and what she represents/ symbolizes in the story.
  • Literature Aspects in “The Scarlet Letter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne Second, the Bay Colony of Massachusetts is likened to an island in the midst of wilderness, indicating that the place is undeveloped First, the market place is described.
  • Willingness to Judge: A Deconstructive Approach to Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter The truth is founded by a reading of the root of the reality in question where in every case the ensuing fact is an occulted form of the reading.
  • Throwing Stones at the Sinful Ones: The Two Stories Intertwined Though this can be explained by the cruel and uncompromising spirit of the ear, it is still hard to believe that the false morals and the environment created by the church influenced people so hard […]
  • The Scarlet Letter When examining the novel, it becomes clear that the writing style and the way in which the author delves into the Puritan way of life seemingly shows the double standards that existed at the time.
  • The Three Mental State of Hester Prynne in “The Scarlet Letter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • A History and Symbolism in “The Scarlet Letter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • The Use of Body Language and Facial Expressions in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “The Scarlet Letter”
  • The Value of Pearl in “The Scarlet Letter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • The Symbols of Romanticism in “The Scarlet Letter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • “The Scarlet Letter” as a Commentary on the American History
  • The Theme of Good Versus Evil in “The Scarlet Letter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • The Use of Motifs in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “The Scarlet Letter”
  • Appearance and Reality in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “The Scarlet Letter”
  • The Symbol of the Rosebush in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “The Scarlet Letter”
  • A Passionate Heart in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “The Scarlet Letter”
  • The Struggles of Pearl in “The Scarlet Letter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • The Symbol of Pearl for the Character Hester Prynne in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “The Scarlet Letter”
  • The Unchanged Character of Hester in Hawthorne’s “The Scarlet Letter”
  • The Use of Irony in “The Crucible” by Arthur Miller and “The Scarlet Letter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • The Use of Symbolism in “The Scarlet Letter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • A Tale of Human Frailty and Sorrow in “The Scarlet Letter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • The Functions of Physical Settings in “The Scarlet Letter”
  • The Sin of Adultery Portrayed in “The Scarlet Letter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • The Transformation of the Reverend Master Dimmesdale in Hawthorne’s “The Scarlet Letter”
  • The Sufferings of Reverend Dimmesdale in “The Scarlet Letter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • The Ways of the Puritans in “The Scarlet Letter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • A Criticism of the Puritan Tradition in “The Scarlet Letter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • Arthur Dimmesdale’s Self-Inflicted Torture in “The Scarlet Letter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • The Theme of Innocence in “The Scarlet Letter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • Comparing “Young Goodman Brown” and “The Scarlet Letter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • The Victims of Slavery in “The Scarlet Letter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • The Use of Literary Devices, Imagery, and Symbolic Elements in “The Scarlet Letter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • True Love in “The Scarlet Letter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • Alienation of Hester Prynne in “The Scarlet Letter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • An Analysis of Light and Darkness in “The Scarlet Letter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • Use of Color to Express Emotion in Hawthorne’s “The Scarlet Letter”
  • An Analysis of Chillingworth’s Ideas of Revenge in “The Scarlet Letter”
  • Hypocrisy and Conformity in “The Scarlet Letter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • The Symbolic Use of Nature in Hawthorne’s “The Scarlet Letter”
  • The Themes Punishment vs. Forgiveness Present in “The Scarlet Letter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • An Overview of the Concept of Sin in “The Scarlet Letter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • The Romantic Heroine in “The Scarlet Letter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • The Themes of Guilt and Adultery in “The Scarlet Letter” by Hawthorne
  • An Overview of the Concept of Tragic Hero in “The Scarlet Letter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • The Role of Romanticism in the Development of Characters in “The Scarlet Letter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • The Tragedy of Dimmesdale in “The Scarlet Letter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • What Influenced Nathaniel Hawthorne to Write “The Scarlet Letter”?
  • How Was Guilt Handled in “The Scarlet Letter,” “Red Badge of Courage,” and “The Crucible”?
  • Who Was the Protagonist in “The Scarlet Letter”?
  • How Has One Sin Affected the Lives of Four Individuals in “The Scarlet Letter”?
  • Is “The Scarlet Letter” a Protofeminist Novel?
  • How Did Hester Prynne Exhibit Feminism in “The Scarlet Letter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne?
  • Is Hester Truly Penitent for Her Crime in “The Scarlet Letter”?
  • How Does Sin Cause Characters to Act Differently in “The Scarlet Letter”?
  • How Does “The Scarlet Letter” Comment on Religion in America?
  • What Are the Roles of Chillingworth and Wilson Characters in “The Scarlet Letter”?
  • Why Does Dimmesdale Intervene on Pearl’s Behalf When Governor Bellingham Orders Her Removed From Hester’s Care in “The Scarlet Letter”?
  • How Do the Characters Live and Deal With the Effects of Sin in “The Scarlet Letter”?
  • How Does Transcendentalism Affect “The Scarlet Letter”?
  • What Is the Difference Between How Adultery Is Viewed Now and How It Was Viewed by Puritan Society in “The Scarlet Letter”?
  • How Is “The Scarlet Letter” Relevant to Today’s Teens?
  • Why Does Dimmesdale Keep Putting His Hand Over His Heart in “The Scarlet Letter”?
  • How Is “The Scarlet Letter” Embodied by Pearl?
  • Do People in the Community Believe Hester’s Punishment for Adultery Is Too Light or Too Strict in “The Scarlet Letter”?
  • What’s the Role of the Sets in “The Scarlet Letter”?
  • What Are the Motifs of Dimmesdale and Chillingworth’s Friendship in “The Scarlet Letter”??
  • Does Chillingworth Ever Forgive Hester in “The Scarlet Letter”?
  • What Is the Long-Term Effect of Sin in “The Scarlet Letter”?
  • Should Readers Pity Hester as a Character in “The Scarlet Letter”?
  • What Is the Role of Puritan Ethic in the Events of “The Scarlet Letter”?
  • Who Is More Racked by Guilt in “The Scarlet Letter”?
  • Should Dimmesdale Have Said Something When Governor Bellingham Took Pearl From Hester in “The Scarlet Letter”?
  • What Does the Prison Door Symbolize in “The Scarlet Letter”?
  • Does the Puritan Community See Hester’s Punishment as Too Strict or Too Lenient in “The Scarlet Letter”?
  • Is Pearl a Curse or a Blessing in “The Scarlet Letter”?
  • Does Hester’s True Identity Differ From What Society Attributes Her in “The Scarlet Letter”?
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IvyPanda. (2023, December 11). 99 Scarlet Letter Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/scarlet-letter-essay-examples/

"99 Scarlet Letter Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 11 Dec. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/scarlet-letter-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2023) '99 Scarlet Letter Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 11 December.

IvyPanda . 2023. "99 Scarlet Letter Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." December 11, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/scarlet-letter-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "99 Scarlet Letter Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." December 11, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/scarlet-letter-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "99 Scarlet Letter Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." December 11, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/scarlet-letter-essay-examples/.

The Scarlet Letter

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Chapters 13-16

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Character Analysis

Symbols & Motifs

Important Quotes

Essay Topics

Discussion Questions

One of the defining characteristics of Romantic literature is an appreciation of nature’s beauty and an association of the natural world with inspiration, authenticity, and freedom. How does The Scarlet Letter reflect these broader Romantic trends?

Although the novel takes place prior to the Salem witch trials, Hawthorne references the trials in the Introduction with the assumption that readers are already familiar with them. How does knowledge of these trials color the novel’s meaning?

Compare and contrast the scene of Hester’s punishment on the scaffold with Dimmesdale’s confession and death. What do these similarities and differences reveal about the novel’s characters or themes?

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The Scarlet Letter: Essay Questions, Topics, & Prompts

The Scarlett Letter is one of the key works of American literature.

Welcome to our article about The Scarlet Letter . This novel is a masterwork of Nathaniel Hawthorne and one of the most significant works of American literature. It was also the first novel that made an impact this big in Europe.

Here you’ll find everything you need to write The Scarlet Letter essay:

  • Basic info about the novel
  • Essay ideas and tips
  • 40 The Scarlet Letter essay questions for your assignment.

Let’s get started!

  • ️🗝️ Key Facts about the Novel
  • 📝 Essay Prompts & Ideas
  • 💡 40 Essay Questions

🗝️ The Scarlet Letter: Key Facts

Was written in1849
Was published in1850
Was written byNathaniel Hawthorne
GenreRomance, Historical Novel

Nathaniel Hawthorne was born in 1804 in Salem, Massachusetts. He was one of the first and most recognized American writers. Hawthorne made a huge impact on fiction and is also well-known for his use of allegory and symbolism.

The Scarlet Letter setting is Boston in the 1600s, which was the Puritan Bay Colony of Massachusetts . Puritan ideas supported strict religious beliefs. During that time, adultery was considered not only a sin but crime. So, those who failed at keeping up with the religious traditions were considered outcasts.

The Scarlet Letter: Short Summary

The Scarlet Letter tells a story about a woman named Hester. While her husband was away, Hester had an affair and had a baby with another man. The people from their town made her wear a scarlet letter A, which stands for Adulteress, on her clothes for the rest of her life as a punishment for her sin.

Here’s a summary of the main events of The Scarlet Letter :

1. Hester committed adultery with a priest Dimmesdale because her husband was away, and she thought he might have been already dead. 2. She gave birth to a child and named her Pearl. 3. Her husband Chillingworth arrived and decided to hide his identity. 4. Chillingworth was driven by revenge and tried to make Dimmesdale confess his sin by manipulating him. 5. Dimmesdale couldn’t bear his guilt and died after his confession. 6. Chillingworth died as he no longer had a reason to live. 7. Hester left Boston with Pearl and then came back again after many years. 8. Hester continued living in her old house and wearing the scarlet letter for the rest of her life.

📝 The Scarlet Letter: Essay Prompts & Ideas

If you are about to write The Scarlet Letter theme essay, here are some prompts for you!

The Scarlet Letter: Literary Analysis Essay

A literary analysis is a type of academic writing aimed at interpreting a piece of literature. An analytical essay about a literary work is also a kind of an argumentative essay. So, you should not summarize the work or conduct a rhetorical analysis.

To conduct a literary analysis, you need to:

  • Study the text;
  • Break down its themes;
  • Figure out the reason behind the author’s choices.

To write The Scarlet Letter literary analysis essay, make sure to analyze the language used, the author’s perspective, text structure, and literary devices.

The Scarlet Letter Literary Devices

Writers use literary devices to express ideas and meanings in their works.

The Scarlet Letter literary devices include:

  • Metaphors ;

You can analyze them separately but also altogether. If you are about to write about the literary devices in The Scarlet Letter essay, you can analyze how the author used them to express the religious idea in the novel.

Literary devices analysis might be too broad to analyze in an essay paragraph. However, it is a good topic for discussion in a research paper or term paper .

Irony in The Scarlet Letter

There are three kinds of irony:

  • situational,

The author expresses dramatic irony in The Scarlet Letter through Chillingworth and Dimmesdale. Chillingworth is driven by his revenge and desire to find a man who had an affair with his wife. It turned out that Dimmesdale, who he lived with, was the one.

Situational irony describes unexpected events. For example, when Dimmesdale decided to go on a scaffold to confess his sin. He believed that his confession could set him free and let him be together with Hester and Pearl. However, something unexpected happened. He died after his confession.

Verbal irony is when someone’s words do not match the real meaning behind them. The example is when Dimmesdale asked Hester to reveal who is Pearl’s father in front of everyone because he didn’t have the courage to do so.

Metaphors in The Scarlet Letter

A metaphor is a figure of speech where a word or expression is used to convey some meaning by comparison to something else.

For example, the expression “a black sheep” means a person who is disgracing a family.

Nathaniel Hawthorne used metaphors in The Scarlet Letter to convey his idea about sin, guilt, and purity. For example, in chapter 16, Hawthorne used the metaphor “a Black Man” to express Hester’s sin.

Allusions in The Scarlet Letter

An allusion is a reference to a thing, event, person, etc. It can be both direct and indirect.

Nathaniel Hawthrone used Biblical and historical allusions in The Scarlet Letter . One of the historical allusions refers to Anne Hutchinson , who was mentioned in the first chapter. She was an actual historical figure -a Puritan spiritual leader born in 1591.

One of the Biblical allusions is Pearl, who Nathaniel Hawthorne named after the pearl of great price in the Bible.

The Scarlet Letter Symbolism Essay

Symbolism in literature is a figure of speech to represent an idea through different things.

The picture contains a list of The Scarlet Letter symbols.

If you are about to write The Scarlet Letter symbolism essay, here are some of the main symbols in the novel.

  • The scarlet letter symbolism . The scarlet letter that Hester had to wear was supposed to symbolize her sin. However, the author refers to it as a “mystic symbol.”
  • Red and black symbolism . Hawthorne uses color symbolism too. Red symbolizes passion, while black – sin.
  • Pearl symbolism . Hester’s daughter Pearl also served as a symbol in the novel. In the 19 th chapter, the author referred to Pearl as “living hieroglyphic.”

The Scarlet Letter Theme Essay

Themes in literature can be either something that the reader thinks of while reading or the idea conveyed through the literature piece.

The picture contains a list of The Scarlet Letter themes.

The Scarlet Letter has several essential themes:

  • Conformity and Individuality . The town tried to make Hester conform to the religious beliefs. However, Hester remained loyal to her individuality.
  • Sin . Since the story takes place in a Puritan community, it has a lot to do with the sin theme. The novel is centered around Hester’s sin and its consequences.
  • Puritanism . Puritanism is shown as a very narrow-minded and unforgiving culture. Religion plays an essential role in their community, so all their actions are driven by it.

Essay on The Scarlet Letter Setting

Setting can also be The Scarlet Letter essay topic. The Scarlet Letter takes place in the Puritan community in Boston of the 1600s . This setting plays a crucial role in understanding the theme and idea in the novel.

Puritans left England and moved to Plymouth because of their different beliefs. They wanted to organize a community where they could follow their strict religious rules.

Nathaniel Hawthorne describes the setting in a detailed way to show the conflict between nature and society.

Forest as a setting can also be a discussion of The Scarlet Letter essay questions.

Essay on the Conflict in The Scarlet Letter

Conflict in literature is used as another literary device to show a conflict between two opposite believes.

The main conflict in The Scarlet Letter is between Hester and society . The townspeople accused her of her sin and made her an outsider. However, it didn’t break her. Instead, she remained strong and decided to wear the scarlet letter even after returning to the town after many years.

Another conflict is an inner conflict that Dimmesdale had. He suffered from shame, but at the same time, he was too afraid to open up about it.

💡 40 The Scarlet Letter Essay Questions

Here’s our list of 40 The Scarlet Letter Essay Topics. Find something that you would be interested in writing about. And if there is nothing suitable for you in the list, try using our topic generator for more ideas.

  • How is the conflict of man vs. society depicted in The Scarlet Letter?
  • What are the literary devices used in The Scarlet Letter?
  • How does the author use irony in the Scarlet Letter?
  • How does the introduction of The Scarlet Letter help us understand the historical background?
  • What are the metaphors in The Scarlet Letter?
  • What are the allusions in The Scarlet Letter?
  • What do colors symbolize in The Scarlet Letter?
  • What does scarlet letter symbolize?
  • What role does religion play in The Scarlet Letter?
  • What are the themes in The Scarlet Letter?
  • How does setting impact the themes in The Scarlet Letter?
  • What are the main conflicts in The Scarlet Letter?
  • How does the author use dramatic irony in The Scarlet Letter?
  • What is situational irony in The Scarlet Letter?
  • What is the metaphorical meaning behind “a Black Man” in The Scarlet Letter?
  • How is the verbal irony depicted in The Scarlet Letter?
  • In what ways does Hester confront society?
  • What is the Biblical allusion in The Scarlet Letter?
  • What are the historical allusions in The Scarlet Letter?
  • How is conformity depicted in The Scarlet Letter?
  • What does Pearl symbolize in The Scarlet Letter?
  • What role does personality play in The Scarlet Letter?
  • How does the author represent the sin theme in The Scarlet Letter?
  • How does the author portray the Puritanism theme in The Scarlet Letter?
  • How does the author depict Dimmesdale’s inner conflict?
  • Why does the author is so detailed about the settings in The Scarlet Letter?
  • How does the author show the conflict between a man and nature in The Scarlet Letter?
  • What is the role of Native Americans in The Scarlet Letter?
  • What is the difference between Hester’s attitude towards society and society’s attitude towards her?
  • What are the symbols that the author uses in The Scarlet Letter?
  • How does Dimmesdale punish himself?
  • What are the similarities between Dimmesdale and Chillingworth?
  • Why did Chillingworth forgive Hester in The Scarlet Letter?
  • How does the author portray Chillingworth’s obsession with revenge?
  • In what ways is The Scarlet Letter a feminist novel?
  • Why did Chillingworth decide to hide his identity?
  • Why did the author incorporate a hundred-year-old manuscript in The Scarlet Letter?
  • How is American History connected to The Scarlet Letter?
  • Why is Pearl both a blessing and a curse to Hester?
  • What is the difference in punishments for men and women in the Puritan community?
  • What are Chillingworth’s ideas of revenge?

Do you have any other ideas for The Scarlet Letter essay title? What questions and answers would you discuss in your thesis? Let us know what you think about our The Scarlet Letter essay prompts in the comments below!

❓ The Scarlet Letter Essay: FAQ

Where does the scarlet letter take place.

The Scarlet Letter takes place in the Puritan Bay Colony of Massachusetts in Boston of the 1600s. Puritans supported extreme religious beliefs and social morals. It led to many punishments for the ones who failed to follow the Puritan ideas.

How many chapters are in The Scarlet Letter?

The Scarlet Letter has 24 chapters.

What does The Scarlet Letter symbolize?

The Scarlet Letter symbolizes a stigma that lets everyone know Hester’s sin. Although it was supposed to be a sign of shame, it became an identification of Hester’s power instead. She was not ashamed of it and even proceeded to wear the scarlet letter after coming back to the town after many years.

When was The Scarlet Letter published?

The Scarlet Letter was published in 1850 by Nathaniel Hawthorne.

🔗 References

  • The Scarlet Letter – Project Gutenberg
  • The Scarlet Letter: Study Guide | SparkNotes
  • The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne – Goodreads
  • The Scarlet Letter | Summary, Analysis, Characters, & Facts
  • ‘The Scarlet Letter’ by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Reviewed
  • Nathaniel Hawthorne – Books, Quotes & Scarlet Letter

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40 Awe-Inspiring Scarlet Letter Essay Topics

scarlet letter essay topics

The Scarlet Letter: Nathaniel Hawthorne’s romance is one of the most respected works in the history of literature. The setting of the novel is in the Puritan Massachusetts Bay Colony around 1945. The author tells the story of a lady, Hester Prynne, who conceived a baby girl as a result of an affair and got despised so much by the community. She had to struggle a lot, seeking to get repentance and a new life of dignity.

So, if you are in a literature or related class, the chances are that your lecturer will, at some point, ask you to write an assignment on Scarlet Letter. But we must indicate here, when professors give scarlet letter essay prompts, many students get stuck trying to identify the right topics. To help you with this, we have selected 40 hot scarlet letter essay topics.

Interesting Scarlet Essay Letter Titles

When your essay prompts on scarlet for your assignments are released, it is very important to strictly follow the instructions from your tutor strictly. Here are some of the interesting topics to consider:

  • What is the difference between how the society treats Hester and how she treats herself?
  • Analyze the role of Native Americans in The Scarlet Letter: A Romance by Nathaniel Hawthorne.
  • Can you identify and explain different symbols used by the author in the novel?
  • A closer look at the Scarlet Letter: What are the main lessons for modern society?
  • Showcase the change in the letter “A” meaning brought out in the story.
  • Analyze the Hester’s character: Describe her feelings, thoughts and evaluate the attitude towards her.
  • Hester’s transformation: What role did pearl play?
  • A comprehensive analysis of Chillingworth’s ideas about revenge.
  • Pearl: A symbol of Hester’s conscience.
  • Pearl as a curse and blessing for Hester.
  • Literary devices in the Scarlet Letter.

Easy Essay Topics for Scarlet Letter

Although most students find the topics on Scarlet Letter tough, there are some that are pretty simple. Here are some of them.

  • Define the purpose and thesis of the Scarlet Letter.
  • Analyze the structure of the scarlet letter.
  • Provide a brief description of the Scarlet Letter.
  • Analyzing the purpose and effectiveness of imagery in the novel.
  • Make the analysis of the characters in the Scarlet Letter.
  • Show how tone and symbolism are used in character development in the Scarlet Letter.
  • Describe the main characters in the Scarlet Letter.
  • Select a chapter of choice in the Scarlet letter and discuss the symbols discussed in it.
  • Analyze the long-term impact of sin in the novel.

Theme-based Essay Topics for Scarlet Letter

In literature studies, lecturers like asking students in college to explore the themes brought out in different plays. Here are some great theme-based topics for Scarlet Letter.

  • Explore the main themes in the Scarlet Letter.
  • Discuss the theme of sin in the Scarlet Letter.
  • Discuss the theme of hypocrisy in the Scarlet Letter.
  • What are the roles played by background characters in the novel?
  • Explore the theme of feminine resilience in the Scarlet Letter.
  • Explore the theme mockery in the Scarlet Letter.
  • How does the author bring out the theme of guilt in the novel?
  • Analyze the theme of passion and love in the Scarlet Letter.

Controversial List of Topics for an AP Essay for the Scarlet Letter

At times your lecturer might ask you to look for controversial topics when analyzing the Scarlet Letter. Here are some top suggestions.

  • Differentiate between the Dimmesdale and Hester.
  • The Hawthorne’s ideas about human are flawed.
  • Hester: When women tear off the cultural barriers to gain personal power.
  • Analyzing sin in the puritarian community: Comparing the punishment for women vs those of men.
  • Contrast the behavior of kids and adults in the scarlet letter.
  • Analyze the purpose of public shame in the Scarlet Letter.
  • The collision between Puritan law and human rights.
  • Moral issues and morality.
  • What are the main problems that arise from abusing relationships?
  • Imagine what the future holds for Pearl.
  • Review the importance of the physical settings in the novel.
  • Compare and contrast adultery vision today and during the puritarian times. What has changed?

Seek Writing Help With Essay Topics

The Scarlet Letter has an elaborated composition, which is no doubt not a simple one to read, let alone analyze. Even after selecting the scarlet essay topics, writing an excellent essay is still not a cup of tea for many students. But it is not just the complexity of the novel that makes writing a Scarlet Letter essay challenging. Even some students with some good writing skills feel inadequate to write their papers. For others, it is tight deadlines, many engagements or lack of ample materials. These are some of the reasons why you need to seek expert assistance.

The writing help is offered by experts in literature and who understand how to do even the most complex assignments. So, whether you are working on sin in the scarlet letter essay topics or analyzing the characters, nothing is too complex for these writing professionals. No matter the topic, you can never go wrong if you have experts holding your hand all the way.

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The Scarlet Letter Thesis Statements and Essay Topics

Below you will find four outstanding thesis statements / paper topics for “The Scarlet Letter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne that can be used as essay starters. All four incorporate at least one of the themes found in “The Scarlet Letter” and are broad enough so that it will be easy to find textual support, yet narrow enough to provide a focused clear thesis statement. These thesis statements offer a short summary of “The Scarlet Letter” in terms of different elements that could be important in an essay. You are, of course, free to add your own analysis and understanding of the plot or themes to them. Using the essay topics below in conjunction with the list of important  quotes from “The Scarlet Letter”  on our quotes page, you should have no trouble connecting with the text and writing an excellent essay.

Topic #1: Christian Values in the Scarlet Letter

Hester Prynne is scorned by almost everyone in the town when she is found to be pregnant by a man who is not her husband. She bravely bears her punishment and continues to live there. The citizens of the town are very harsh in both their judgment and treatment of her. They want to take Pearl away from her, but are waylaid by Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale. Because his identity as Hester’s lover is unknown, he is still considered to be a respectable member of the town. He is able to sway the stricter Reverend John Wilson. Yet if Reverend Wilson knew of Reverend Dimmesdale’s sin, he would react differently. Drawing on examples from the book, contrast the two reverend’s ‘Christian values’ set forth by the two reverends contrast.

Topic #2: The Role of the Men

In  Scarlet Letter , the minister is the unacknowledged father of Hester’s child. Hester allows herself to be shunned and punished by the townspeople, but never gives up his name. Hester bears the weight of their sins on the outside because she carries and gives birth to Pearl. The minister brands himself with the letter A on his chest, but does not come forward until several years later. Meanwhile, it eats at him over the years, eventually leading to his early death. In addition, Roger Chillingworth is Hester’s husband who shows up after the adultery has been committed. He is much older than Hester and is going by a different name. He only reveals his true identity to her, then seeks to bring about what destruction he can.  Explore the differences between the roles of husband and lover. Hester knows the ‘true’ identity of each man, yet she keeps it to herself for much of the book. How are Dimmesdale and Chillingworth different? How are the two men alike?

Thesis Statement #3: Symbolism

The Letter “A” that is pinned to Hester Prynne originally stands for adultery, but as Hester becomes more involved in the community, much of the town forgets Hester’s original crimes and claims that it stands for angel instead.  Even though Hester has improved her image with the town, she does not take off the letter until the near end of the novel, and never asks for forgiveness and an end to her ordeal.  The letter A has different connotations for different characters, and evolves through the novel.  Discuss how symbolism plays a role not only in a novel, but in life itself.

Topic #4: The Character of Pearl

Pearl is the person caught in the middle of her parents’ sins. She is shunned and mistreated because of what her mother did. She is also very perceptive of the relationship between Hester and Arthur. She spends her first few years enduring the treatment she receives from the townspeople. She struggles with her parents’ relationship. In the end, Hester takes Pearl to Europe. Pearl ends up marrying well and inheriting wealth upon Roger Chillingworth’s death. Examine how her character is shaped by her first few years—the maturity and understanding that she has of how the world works. Do the move to Europe and the inheritance from Roger Chillingworth somehow make up for her difficult childhood?

The Scarlet Letter

By nathaniel hawthorne, the scarlet letter essay questions.

Is Hester truly penitent for her crime?

Answer: Though Hester regrets the effect her crime has had on her child and on her position in society, she sees Chillingworth's betrayal of Dimmesdale as an even greater crime. Ultimately, Hester learns to forgive herself for her sins while Dimmesdale does not.

Why does Dimmesdale intervene on Pearl's behalf when Governor Bellingham orders her removed from Hester's care?

Answer: There are two possibilities: either he fears Hester revealing his name or he truly believes that Hester deserves to care for her daughter, since he is emotionally connected to Pearl as her father and wants Hester to raise her. Ultimately, we believe that it is guilt which motivates him most, since he comes to Hester's defense only after she looks at him with imploring eyes.

What is the difference between how adultery is viewed now and how it was viewed by Puritan society? In other words, where does the blame lie?

Answer: In modern society, adultery is seen as a breach of contract between two people and therefore a private matter. In Puritan society, adultery was seen as a breach of contract between two people and the community in which they lived.

How is the Scarlet Letter embodied by Pearl?

Answer: Pearl, in her wild, unrepressed passion, represents the adulterous passion of her parents, as does the scarlet letter. In her society, she is completely out of place, a child of illicit passion and a constant reminder, like the scarlet letter, of that passion.

Why does Dimmesdale keep putting his hand over his heart?

Answer: Pearl asks this question repeatedly of her mother, but Hester will not answer her. Over time, we understand that Dimmesdale has literally and figuratively inscribed his own scarlet letter into the flesh above his heart so that he can commune with Hester's guilt, shame, and public excommunication.

Do people in the community believe Hester's punishment for adultery is too light or too strict?

Answer: For the most part, they believe it is too lenient, and some advocate branding her with a hot iron or death, the sentence associated with the crime of adultery both in the New England statutes of the time and in the Bible. As time progresses, however, they loosen slightly in their attitudes, though not as much as Hester would expect. Those who acknowledge their own sinfulness are somewhat less quick to judge Hester and can see the case for a less strict punishment by the community.

What are the purposes of the opening Custom-House essay?

Answer: The Custom-House introduction does more than increase the length of the novel, which Hawthorne thought was too short. It also adds a frame story and a romantic sense of truth or non-fiction to the tale. It introduces themes and imagery that will appear later in the novel. And it adds weight to the story by suggesting that the actual fabric of the scarlet letter continues to hold power.

Who is more racked by guilt, Hester or Dimmesdale?

Answer: Dimmesdale has sinned according to his own system of beliefs, since as the town minister he has violated the values he has preached against for decades. He takes his guilt to heart and suffers mightily. Hester, meanwhile, has come to terms with her sin over time.

What do Dimmesdale and Chillingworth share, other than Hester herself?

Answer: Both Dimmesdale and Chillingworth conceal their relationships to the adulterous act, leaving Hester as the only person to take public responsibility for the affair. They continue to maintain prominent roles in society. Both men are ultimately destroyed by this secrecy as they become entangled in a parasitic relationship.

Does Chillingworth ever forgive Hester?

Answer: Chillingworth seems forgiving of Hester at the outset, and he seems to transfer his rage onto Dimmesdale, whom he pursues relentlessly. Indeed, he seems to understand that he shouldn't have married a woman who would never love him, but Dimmesdale must be punished for allowing Hester to indulge her passion. His sinister acts toward the end of the novel are ameliorated somewhat by his choice to leave his estate to Pearl.

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The Scarlet Letter Questions and Answers

The Question and Answer section for The Scarlet Letter is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel.

Scarlet Letter Quotes Please

Her breast, with its badge of shame , was but the softer pillow for the head that needed one. ch 13

Why does Dimmesdale decide to flee with Hester?

Dimmesdale looks beyong his place in the community and embraces his role as a father. He wants his family, so he decides to leave.

who is the elder clergyman who speaks to hester

The elder minister is John Wilson.

Study Guide for The Scarlet Letter

The Scarlet Letter study guide contains a biography of Nathaniel Hawthorne, literature essays, a complete e-text, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.

  • About The Scarlet Letter
  • The Scarlet Letter Summary
  • The Scarlet Letter Video
  • Character List

Essays for The Scarlet Letter

The Scarlet Letter essays are academic essays for citation. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne.

  • The Little Human A Incarnate
  • Perception Blanketed by Passion
  • Original Sin
  • Hawthorne's "Witch-Baby" in The Scarlet Letter
  • Hester's Role as Both the Sinner and Saint

Lesson Plan for The Scarlet Letter

  • About the Author
  • Study Objectives
  • Common Core Standards
  • Introduction to The Scarlet Letter
  • Relationship to Other Books
  • Bringing in Technology
  • Notes to the Teacher
  • Related Links
  • The Scarlet Letter Bibliography

E-Text of The Scarlet Letter

The Scarlet Letter e-text contains the full text of The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne.


Wikipedia Entries for The Scarlet Letter

  • Introduction

good essay topics for the scarlet letter

Themes and Analysis

The scarlet letter, by nathaniel hawthorne.

Nathaniel Hawthorne’s ‘The Scarlet Letter’ is stuffed with themes that border around aspects of religion and human morality such as sinning, confessing, and being penalized for such sin - much to the author’s intention of sending some strong moral lessons to his readership.

Victor Onuorah

Article written by Victor Onuorah

Degree in Journalism from University of Nigeria, Nsukka.

Hawthorne’s move to go by such name as ‘ The Scarlet Letter ’ for the book’s title is symbolic in itself and already hints at the themes of penitence and punishment for the crime of adultery committed by two of the book’s major characters in Hester Prynne and the priest – Arthur Dimmesdale. There are some foundational themes as there are other subsets that still carry a vital message in them. The most important ones will be analyzed in this article.

Sin and Punishment

These are probably the two most obvious themes of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s ‘ The Scarlet Letter ’ and they are very clearly executed throughout the pages of the book – beginning from the first chapter. 

Hester Prynne, who is the heroine of the book, is one of the characters who bear such guilts of sin and punishment. The sin for which she is being punished is that of adultery – which she commits with a Christian preacher, Arthur Dimmesdale.

Being she lives in the era of a Christian-inspired puritan society, her punishment becomes one of massive social shaming and disgrace – whereby she has to wear a dress with a large inscription of the letter ‘A’ appearing on her chest in blood red color. 

Contrition and Penitence

Hester and Dimmesdale – two prominent characters harboring the most damnable sin of their era – appear to have had a contrite heart after the act, particularly with Hester, who is publicly announced and disgraced. 

Readers could feel the genuineness of Hester’s contrite heart, having been legally married to Roger Chillingworth, her long lost husband – even though she would never regret the love she feels for Dimmesdale and the product of such love being her child, Pearl. 

Gender and Status Inequality Before the Law

Nathaniel Hawthorne, through ‘ The Scarlet Letter ,’ may have tried to point out the sheer inequality of the purity society before the rule of law. Hawthorne’s time is critical of several aspects of Puritanism, and here questions why preacher Arthur Dimmesdale doesn’t get served the same amount of humiliation as Hester gets. 

Though an argument can be raised that the executors of the puritan laws don’t punish Dimmesdale because they do not know for sure if he committed the crime – especially with Hester refusing to give that information out. Still, one can easily sense that they don’t do enough to get the man who’s responsible. 

Two hypotheses here are one; their interest in not punishing men but the women in such crimes. Two, Dimmesdale’s religious status makes him a very important person, so the executors would be tricky with handling a case of such a class. 

Necromancy and witchcraft

There is a massive dose of talks and meetings about and with witches, and even the devil – who is referred to in the book as ‘ The Black Man .’ These subjects are part of what gives the book its dark, spooky ambiance characteristic of gothic fiction. 

Mistress Hibbins is a high-profile suspect whose behavior is, by a puritan society’s standards, termed diabolic and hellish. Hibbins goes about negatively influencing people – like Hester and Pearl – instilling strange, anti puritan mentality in them, conducting and attending meetings and conventions where they invoke and commune with ‘The Black Man’ or devil himself. 

Key Moments in The Scarlet Letter

  • After losing his job with the Salem Custom House, a man puts together a piece of the manuscript that he had discovered littering in the attic of his former job. On the cover is an inscription, ‘Scarlet Letter A .’ 
  • The story which he has assembled from it narratives the story of a young woman called Hester Prynne who lives in a 1600s puritan society. 
  • She appears to have been imprisoned for a heinous crime and is processioned out and made to stand over a public platform wearing a dress with the scarlet letter ‘A’ written boldly on her breast, on which she also carries her baby. 
  • The crime for which she is paraded is adultery, and under a typical puritan leadership, social shaming and scorning are the repercussions for such acts. 
  • While she faces the worse moment of her life, a man stands a stone’s throw away in the crowd observing the whole event. His name is Roger Chillingworth, the long-lost husband of the woman being punished at the platform. 
  • On the platform with Hester is a popular preacher of the town, rev. Arthur Dimmesdale publicly pressures her to say who’s responsible for her baby, but Hester wouldn’t tell and is thrust back into her cell.
  • With a keen interest in the matter, Chillingworth lies that he is a doctor to get access to his wife, and when he gets past security into the cell, he threatens her not to let anyone know she is married to him and that if she does, he would search out the man responsible and hurt him very badly.
  • Following her release, Hester moves away from town and tries to survive as a dressmaker with young Pearl. Chillingworth is still in town posing as a doctor as he tries to unearth the father of his wife’s baby. And by now, Dimmesdale, the popular town people’s preacher, has failing health and is being tended to by Chillingworth. 
  • Pearl grows fond of the scarlet ‘A’ on her mother’s breast, but Hester wouldn’t tell her the truth about it. 
  • With Chillingworth now spending so much time with Dimmesdale, he starts to notice an unusually strange correlation between Hester’s case and the preacher’s health history. 
  • One faithful day during Dimmesdale’s medical examination, Chillingworth finds that his patient has a similar scarlet letter ‘A’ etched inside his chest. He is convinced Dimmesdale is Hester’s lover and father of the illegitimate child, Pearl. 
  • With this knowledge, Chillingworth decides to exert revenge on Dimmesdale by giving him the wrong meds and treating him so much so that his health deteriorates further by the day. 
  • For Dimmesdale, it seems that his inability to confess publicly is eating him up and causing him constant emotional trauma and heartache. And on several occasions, he doesn’t eat and chastises and whips himself for his mistake. 
  • On a faithful day, just after twilight, troubled by his guilt, Dimmesdale climbs up the platform and is joined by Hester and her daughter shortly, while Chillingworth skulks by the shadows observing them before a shooting star shimmers through the night sky to reveal his presence. 
  • What follows next is an exchange of emotions. Hester begs Chillingworth to stop torturing Dimmesdale, but he argues he’s lenient to him. 
  • Hester then plans a rendezvous with Dimmesdale in the wilderness, where she exposes Chillingworth’s real identity and begs Dimmesdale to elope with her across the Atlantic to start afresh in a new, distant town. He agrees to go with her after he has delivered a scheduled sermon. 
  • On the day of the sermon, Dimmesdale is moved by his preaching that he decides to confess publicly that he is Hester’s lover and the father to Pearl (both of who had joined him on the platform). Opening his chest, he exposes a scarlet cut he had been carrying in his chest and dies as soon as Pearl kisses him.
  • Chillingworth’s revenge is taken from him, and he dies a few months later. Hester leaves town with her daughter – explores Europe and marries a wealthy home, and seldom writes her mother. 
  • When Hester dies, she is laid to rest beside Dimmesdale, and the later ‘A’ is erected in their resting place.

Style and Tone 

Nathaniel Hawthorne’s writing style is typically one that deploys a lot of metaphors and symbolism to execute his works – with the end goal often having a ton of morals to impact on the reader.

Hawthorne’s works are mostly mysterious, somber, and morose in terms of their themes and storylines. ‘ The Scarlet Letter ’ is no different from his typical style and follows his trademark standard for novel writing. 

The tone in ‘ The Scarlet Letter ’ is mostly sad and contrite, but also critical and disenchantment about puritan cultures, their leaders, and their tendency for being highly hypocritical.

Figurative Languages

Hawthorne brings the pages of ‘The Scarlet Letter’ to life with his heavy use of figurative expressions. Among the figurative language used include metaphor – which seems to appear pervasively throughout the book.

The author also uses tools like irony and personification to highlight his critiques of the purity legacy and traditions. 

Analysis of Symbols in The Scarlet Letter 

This is perhaps the foremost symbolism in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s book and represents a variety of things. One such thing is that it serves as an identity for the transgressor or sinner of adultery – as is the case with the protagonist, Hester Prynne. 

Hester’s daughter’s character also has an allegorical attachment to its overall essence. Pearl is a direct repercussion of Hester’s son of adultery, but also a symbol of hope for a better life, in the latter part of the book.


In the book’s reality, he is the husband of Hester, but in terms of the motif to which he represents, Chillingworth proves to be as his name appears; cold. He’s a cold and means man towards the people around him, and this is perhaps one of the reasons Hester could never find love with him. 

What is the main theme in ‘The Scarlet Letter’ by Nathaniel Hawthorne?

Sin and punishment are probably the two most discussed themes in ‘ The Scarlet Letter ,’ and these subjects are pervasive and heavily indulged in by the author throughout the book. 

What does the color red represent in ‘The Scarlet Letter’?

The color red represents sin, and in the book’s case, the sin of adultery – which Hester, the protagonist, is indicted of from the onset of the book. 

What narrative style is deployed by Nathaniel Hawthorne in ‘The Scarlet Letter’?

Nathaniel Hawthorne utilizes the third person narrative technique in his book, ‘ The Scarlet Letter, ’ as this allows the narrator to tell his story subjectively – but from a rounded, three-dimensional standpoint on the characters. 

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Victor Onuorah

About Victor Onuorah

Victor is as much a prolific writer as he is an avid reader. With a degree in Journalism, he goes around scouring literary storehouses and archives; picking up, dusting the dirt off, and leaving clean even the most crooked pieces of literature all with the skill of analysis.


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Literary Analysis of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Book, The Scarlet Letter

  • Categories: Hester Prynne Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter

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Published: Feb 12, 2019

Words: 706 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

Works Cited:

  • Child Labour in India. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.cry.org/issues-views/child-labour-in-india
  • India's glass industry: The brutal truth about child labour. (2019, November 22). BBC News.
  • International Labour Organization. (2017). Ending child labour by 2025: A review of policies and programmes. Geneva: International Labour Organization.
  • Khalid, U. (2019, May 7). Apple, Samsung and Sony face child labour claims. BBC News.
  • Rajaraman, I., & Ravallion, M. (2013). Early life mortality in India. Journal of Human Resources, 48(2), 437-484.
  • Schmitz, A. (2015). Child labour and competition in developing countries. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • UNICEF. (2021). Child labour. Retrieved from https://www.unicef.org/protection/child-labour
  • UNICEF India. (2022). Education. Retrieved from https://www.unicef.org/india/what-we-do/education
  • World Bank. (2019). Poverty and shared prosperity 2018: Piecing together the poverty puzzle. Washington, DC: World Bank.
  • World Vision. (n.d.). Child labor facts and statistics.

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    Nathaniel Hawthorne's 'The Scarlet Letter' is stuffed with themes that border around aspects of religion and human morality such as sinning, confessing, and being penalized for such sin - much to the author's intention of sending some strong moral lessons to his readership. Introduction. Summary. Themes and Analysis. Characters.

  14. Literary Analysis of Nathaniel Hawthorne's Book, The Scarlet Letter

    Paper Topic. Deadline: in 10 days. Number of pages. Email Invalid email. ... Tone in Nathaniel Hawthorne's Scarlet Letter Essay. Nathaniel Hawthorne's novel, The Scarlet Letter, explores the consequences of sin and the complexities of human nature in Puritan society. Throughout the narrative, Hawthorne employs various tones to convey the ...

  15. The Scarlet Letter Critical Evaluation

    Critical Evaluation. Since its publication in 1850, The Scarlet Letter has never been out of print, nor indeed out of favor with literary critics. It is inevitably included in listings of the five ...

  16. The Scarlet Letter Essay

    The Scarlet Letter Introduction The Scarlet Letter is a classic tale of sin, punishment, and revenge. It was written in 1850 by the famous American author Nathaniel Hawthorne. It documents the lives of three tragic characters, each of whom suffer greatly because of his or her sins. Shot Plot The story begins with Hester Prynne, a resident of a ...

  17. The Scarlet Letter Ideas for Group Discussions

    Last Updated July 27, 2024. The Scarlet Letter is a staple in high school and college literature curricula. This narrative, centered on young adults whose desires are suppressed by a society ...

  18. The Scarlet Letter

    A hook or opening sentence for an essay about the concept of society and its limitations in The Scarlet Letter should be relevant to the topic. ... Good luck! See eNotes Ad-Free ... https://www ...