1. Figure 3 from Geometric Graph Representation Learning via Maximizing

    geometric graph representation learning via maximizing rate reduction

  2. Figure 2 from Geometric Graph Representation Learning via Maximizing

    geometric graph representation learning via maximizing rate reduction

  3. Geometric Graph Representation Learning via Maximizing Rate Reduction

    geometric graph representation learning via maximizing rate reduction

  4. Figure 5 from Geometric Graph Representation Learning via Maximizing

    geometric graph representation learning via maximizing rate reduction

  5. Figure 8 from Geometric Graph Representation Learning via Maximizing

    geometric graph representation learning via maximizing rate reduction

  6. Figure 9 from Geometric Graph Representation Learning via Maximizing

    geometric graph representation learning via maximizing rate reduction



  2. Part 3: graph representation learning via aggregation enhancement

  3. Nicolas Courty: Optimal transport for graphs: definitions, applications to graph-signal processing

  4. Graphical representation of motion grade 9 physics

  5. Part 5: feature overcorrelation in deep graph neural networks: a new perspective

  6. Probabilistic ML