Journal of Gambling Studies
The Journal of Gambling Studies is an interdisciplinary forum for research and discussion of the many and varied aspects of gambling behavior, both controlled and pathological. Coverage extends to the wide range of attendant and resultant problems, including alcoholism, suicide, crime, and a number of other mental health concerns. Articles published in this journal span a cross-section of disciplines including psychiatry, psychology, sociology, political science, criminology, and social work.
This is a transformative journal , you may have access to funding.
- Jon E. Grant
Latest issue
Latest articles, the role of videogame micro-transactions in the relationship between motivations, problem gaming, and problem gambling.
- Erin Gibson
- Mark D. Griffiths
- Andrew Harris
Assessing the Risk of Online Gambling Products: A Replication and Validation of Behavioural Markers of Harm Using the Problem Gambling Severity Index
- Paul Delfabbro
- Jonathan Parke
- Maris Catania
A Cross-Sectional Survey to Measure Attitude, Self-Reported Practice, Levels, Typology, and Determinants of Lifetime Gambling Behaviors Among Undergraduate Students in Higher Training Institutions, Tanzania
- George T. Salama
- Patricia Z. Herman
- Walter C. Millanzi
Why You Gamble Matters: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of the Association Between Gambling Motivation and Problem Gambling
- Youssef Allami
- Nolan B. Gooding
- David C. Hodgins
Engagement in New Gambling Practices and its Association with Gambling Disorder, Impulsivity, and Cognitive Distortions: Findings from a Nationally Representative Sample of Spanish Gamblers
- Ainhoa Coloma-Carmona
- José L. Carballo
- Jesús C. Aguerri
Journal information
- Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) Journal Quality List
- Current Contents/Social & Behavioral Sciences
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- Japanese Science and Technology Agency (JST)
- Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals and Series
- OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service
- Semantic Scholar
- Social Science Citation Index
- TD Net Discovery Service
- UGC-CARE List (India)
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