603 Immigration Essay Topics & Good Ideas

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  • Icon Calendar 18 May 2024
  • Icon Page 5167 words
  • Icon Clock 23 min read

Immigration essay topics provide a vast field of study, ranging from individual narratives to national policies. These topics can encompass the historical context of immigration, the driving forces behind it, or the sociopolitical implications that it brings to both origin and destination countries. More personal themes can explore the experiences, challenges, and adaptations of immigrants in their new homes. Legal viewpoints can scrutinize immigration laws, their effectiveness, and possible reforms. Additionally, the economic aspects of immigration, such as its impact on labor markets or national economies, offer rich areas for investigation. In turn, some topics, like the role of immigration in cultural diversity or its contribution to globalization, can also be explored. As a result, immigration essay topics open up many hot perspectives, each with the potential to reveal fresh insights into this complex, globally relevant issue.

Best Immigration Essay Topics

  • Influences of Immigration on the American Economy
  • Globalization’s Impacts on Modern Migration
  • Refugees: A Perspective into Their Struggles and Triumphs
  • Migrants and the Cultural Diversity They Bring
  • Changing Immigration Laws: A Historical Analysis
  • The Dream Act: Consequences and Opportunities
  • Immigration Policies: A Comparative Study Between the U.S. and Canada
  • Family Reunification: The Hidden Side of Immigration
  • Implications of Brexit on the U.K.’s Immigration Scenario
  • Effects of Immigration on the Labor Market
  • Nativism and Immigration: Unfolding the Relationship
  • Economic Refugee Crisis: Causes and Solutions
  • Paths to Citizenship: Exploring the Difficult Journey
  • Detention Centers: A Look Into Their Living Conditions
  • Transnationalism: The Evolution of Diaspora Communities
  • Border Walls: Assessing Their Real Impact
  • The Influence of Immigrants on Popular Culture
  • Unauthorized Immigration: Addressing the Moral Dilemmas
  • Language Acquisition Among Immigrants: Challenges and Strategies
  • The Role of Immigration in Technology Innovation
  • Asylum Seekers: Evaluating International Policies
  • Skilled Immigrants: Their Contributions to Host Countries
  • Immigration Enforcement: Analyzing the Militarization of Borders
  • Assimilation vs. Multiculturalism: The Immigrant Dilemma
  • Roles of NGOs in Helping Refugees Settle
  • Sanctuary Cities: Their Role in Immigrant Protection
  • Remittances and Their Influence on Immigrant Homelands
  • Child Immigrants: Addressing Their Unique Challenges
  • Immigration and National Security: Balancing Act
  • Immigrants in Politics: Representation and Influence
  • The Refugee Convention: An Assessment of Its Efficiency

Immigration Essay Topics & Good Ideas

Easy Immigration Essay Topics

  • Impacts of Immigrants on the Healthcare System
  • Immigrant Entrepreneurs: Driving Force of the Economy
  • Migration Theories: A Critical Examination
  • Immigration in Literature: Reflection of Social Issues
  • Second-Generation Immigrants: Identity Crisis and Integration
  • Aging Immigrant Population: Challenges and Opportunities
  • The Intersection of Immigration and Human Rights
  • Immigration Reforms: Lessons From the Past
  • Diversity Visa Lottery: Pros and Cons
  • Expatriates: Exploring the Reverse Immigration Trend
  • Female Immigrants: Unraveling Their Unique Experiences
  • Immigration Debates: Analyzing Media Representation
  • The Relationship Between Immigration and Crime Rates
  • Roles of Trade Agreements in Facilitating Immigration
  • Immigration and Urbanization: Interconnected Phenomena
  • Mass Migration Events: A Study of Causes
  • Discrimination against Immigrants: Unveiling the Reality
  • Brain Drain vs. Brain Gain: Analyzing Immigration Patterns
  • Immigration Policy and the Tech Industry: A Symbiotic Relationship?
  • Health Disparities Among Immigrant Communities: A Deep Dive
  • The Phenomenon of Aging Out: A Challenge for Young Immigrants
  • H-1B Visa Controversy: Impact on Immigrants and Industries
  • Analyzing the Concept of Dual Citizenship in Immigration
  • Undocumented Students: Obstacles to Higher Education
  • Impact of Immigration on Population Aging
  • The Psychology of Displacement: Coping Mechanisms Among Immigrants
  • Refugee Resettlement Programs: A Global Overview
  • Public Opinion on Immigration: Shaping Policy and Politics
  • The Role of Education in Immigrant Integration
  • Deportation Dilemmas: Family Separation and Its Aftermath
  • Refugee Camps: A Detailed Study of Life and Survival
  • Immigration Narratives in Cinema: A Reflection of Society

Interesting Immigration Essay Topics

  • Examining the Plight of Stateless Individuals
  • Migration Due to Environmental Disasters: A Rising Trend
  • Policies to Encourage Immigrant Entrepreneurship
  • Religious Persecution as a Cause for Immigration
  • Societal Impacts of Forced Migration: A Closer Look
  • Immigration and the Housing Market: A Complex Interaction
  • Role of International Organizations in Immigration Control
  • Immigration Law and Human Trafficking: An Unseen Connection
  • Colonialism and Its Effect on Modern Immigration Patterns
  • Challenges of Assimilation for LGBTQ+ Immigrants
  • The School Experience of Children From Immigrant Families
  • Assessing the “Melting Pot” Metaphor in the Context of Immigration
  • The Impact of Immigration on Host Country’s Politics
  • The Process and Implications of Deportation: A Thorough Investigation
  • Nationalism and Its Influence on Immigration Policies
  • Employment Rights of Immigrants: Safeguarding Dignity and Livelihood
  • The Evolution of Sanctuary Policies Across the Globe
  • Migration and Food: The Culinary Influence of Immigrants
  • Policies Shaping the Future of International Student Immigration
  • Indigenous Migrations: History, Causes, and Current Trends
  • Impact of Immigration on the Global Demographic Structure
  • Evaluating Immigration’s Roles in Sports Development
  • Social Networks and Their Influence on Immigration
  • The Economics of Illegal Immigration: Costs and Benefits
  • Political Asylum: Case Studies and Policy Evaluation
  • The “Model Minority” Stereotype: Its Impact on Immigrant Communities
  • Understanding Immigration Through the Lens of Social Work
  • The Connection Between Immigration and the Growth of Mega Cities
  • The Role of Art in Reflecting the Immigrant Experience
  • Immigration’s Roles in Fostering International Diplomacy
  • Examining the Intersection of Immigration and Gender Inequality
  • Migration and Social Mobility: Unveiling the Connection
  • The Effect of Immigration on the Spread of Global Languages
  • Displacement Due to War: Consequences and Recovery

Argumentative Essay Topics on Immigration

  • Immigration Policy’s Influence on Foreign Direct Investment
  • Mental Health Issues Among Immigrant Populations: A Silent Crisis
  • Integration Policies: Effectiveness in Promoting Immigrant Inclusion
  • Climate Migrants: Addressing the Emerging Challenge
  • Immigration’s Influence on Fashion Trends: A Historical View
  • The Complex Relationship Between Migration and Terrorism
  • Effects of Digitalization on Immigration Processes
  • Migrants’ Remittance: Impact on Developing Economies
  • The Intersection of Immigration and Public Health Policies
  • Exploring the Phenomenon of White-Collar Immigration
  • The Role of Immigration in Shaping the Music Industry
  • Immigration and Aging: A Critical Examination of Retirement Patterns
  • The Implications of AI and Robotics on Future Immigration
  • Immigration in Post-Colonial Literature: A Critical Analysis
  • Immigration’s Roles in Increasing Diversity in Higher Education
  • Case Study: Effects of the Syrian Refugee Crisis
  • Immigration’s Impacts on Multilingualism in the U.S.
  • The Link Between Immigration and Urban Growth: A Study
  • Immigration’s Influence on Stand-Up Comedy: A Unique Perspective
  • International Students and Post-Graduate Immigration: A Comparative Study
  • Understanding the Role of Transnational Families in Immigration
  • Migrant Domestic Workers: Exploring Rights and Exploitations
  • The Interplay Between Immigration and Foreign Aid Policies
  • Integration Models: The Pros and Cons for Immigrant Inclusion

Persuasive Essay Topics on Immigration

  • The Paradox of Immigration in Populist Politics
  • Migration as a Response to Political Instability: Case Studies
  • The Impact of Immigration on Sporting Events and International Competitions
  • Immigration and the Emergence of Global Cities: An Investigation
  • The Influence of Migration on the Global Art Scene
  • Intersectionality in Migration: The Complexity of Multiple Identities
  • Immigration and the Rise of Ethnic Enclaves: A Study
  • Immigration’s Impacts on the Diversity of Religious Practices
  • Demystifying the Concept of Chain Migration
  • Impact of Immigration on National Identity: A Comparative Study
  • Immigration’s Roles in Broadening the Spectrum of Human Rights
  • The Connection Between Immigration and Changes in Dietary Habits
  • The Influence of Immigration on Election Outcomes
  • Exploring the Benefits of Temporary Migration Programs
  • Immigration’s Roles in the Growth of Film Industries Around the World
  • The Influence of Immigration on Labor Union Strategies
  • Immigration in Comic Books: Depictions and Influences
  • Immigration’s Impacts on the Adoption of Green Technologies
  • The Role of Immigration in the Expansion of Global Trade
  • Immigration and the Shaping of Modern Architecture
  • Impacts of Immigration on Educational Policies and Practices
  • The Relationship Between Immigration and Food Insecurity
  • Migration Due to Industrialization: A Historical Examination
  • Return Migration: Exploring the Phenomenon of Circular Immigration
  • Evaluating the Role of Media in Shaping Immigration Perceptions
  • Xenophobia and Its Impact on Immigration Policies

Immigration Topics to Research

  • Cultural Adaptation Challenges Faced by Immigrants
  • The Role of Migrant Labor in the Agricultural Sector
  • Influence of Immigration on Language Evolution and Dialect Formation
  • Intersection of Immigration and Racial Profiling: A Social Analysis
  • Impacts of Immigrants on Innovation in Science and Technology
  • Displaced Communities: The Underrepresented Side of Immigration
  • The Future of Immigration in an AI-Driven World
  • Influences of Immigration on Culinary Traditions and Food Fusion
  • International Relations and Its Impact on Immigration Policies
  • Study on the Relationship Between Immigration and Economic Inequality
  • Immigration and Civil Liberties: A Controversial Discussion
  • Internal Displacement: The Lesser Known Side of Immigration
  • Cybersecurity Risks and Their Implications on Immigration
  • Migration the Phenomenon of Climate Refugees
  • Effects of Political Unrest on International Migration Trends
  • Immigration’s Role in Propelling the Space Industry
  • The Impact of Immigration on Traditional and Folk Arts
  • Integration of Immigrants in Sports: A Sociological Study
  • Analyzing Immigration’s Influence on Global Cuisine
  • The Connection Between Immigration and Global Education Trends
  • Migration and Its Impact on Global Biodiversity Conservation
  • Unraveling the Role of Immigration in Digital Media Evolution

Immigration Opinion Essay Topics

  • Brain Circulation: A New Perspective on Skilled Migration
  • The Influence of Immigration on Comic Art and Graphic Novels
  • Evaluating the Impact of Immigration on Sustainable Development Goals
  • Roles of Immigrants in Reviving Dying Languages: A Case Study
  • Examining the Role of Immigration in Global Sporting Leagues
  • Cultural and Economic Implications of Rural to Urban Migration
  • Migration and Its Impact on Traditional Crafting and Artisan Skills
  • Impact of Immigration on Intercultural Communication: A Study
  • Migration and Its Effects on the Evolution of Dance Styles
  • Unaccompanied Minors: An Untold Tale of Immigration
  • The Role of Immigration in Shaping Television Content
  • Immigration’s Influence on Modern Design and Aesthetic Trends
  • The Impact of Immigration on National Literacy Rates
  • Roles of Immigration in the Development of E-Sports
  • Understanding the Concept of Digital Diaspora in Modern Immigration
  • Immigration: Uncovering the Stories of Olympic Athletes
  • Children Left Behind: The Forgotten Victims of Migration
  • Immigration and Its Influence on Pop Culture Phenomena
  • The Impact of Immigration on Local Real Estate Markets
  • The Nexus Between Migration and Climate Change Policies

Legal Immigration Essay Topics

  • The Role of Legal Immigration in Filling Skill Gaps in the Workforce
  • Strengthening Legal Immigration Pathways for Highly Skilled Professionals
  • Protecting the Rights of Legal Immigrants in the Criminal Justice System
  • Streamlining Legal Immigration Processes for Efficiency and Transparency
  • Contributions of Legal Immigrants to Cultural Diversity
  • Legal Immigration and Its Impact on Social Integration
  • Balancing National Security and Humanitarian Considerations in Legal Immigration
  • Investing in Language and Civic Education for Successful Legal Immigration
  • Addressing Healthcare Access for Legal Immigrants
  • The Importance of Legal Immigration in Maintaining a Vibrant Demographic Balance
  • Legal Immigration Policies and Environmental Sustainability
  • Protecting Legal Immigrants from Discrimination and Exploitation
  • Legal Immigration and the Development of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • Integrating Legal Immigrants Into the Education System for Long-Term Success
  • Legal Immigration and the Preservation of Human Rights
  • Supporting Legal Immigrants in Accessing Housing and Social Services
  • Legal Immigration and Its Role in Strengthening Diplomatic Relations
  • Ensuring Legal Immigration Opportunities for Refugees and Asylum Seekers
  • Legal Immigration and Its Impact on Public Health Systems
  • Enhancing Legal Immigration Pathways for Agricultural Workers
  • Benefits of Legal Immigration for Aging Populations

Illegal Immigration Essay Topics

  • Analyzing the Ethical Dilemmas Surrounding Undocumented Migration
  • Understanding the Socio-Cultural Effects of Illegal Immigration
  • Evaluating the Challenges Faced by Immigrants in a Hostile Environment
  • Investigating the Humanitarian Crisis at the Southern Border
  • Examining the Role of Human Trafficking in Illegal Immigration
  • Discussing the Pros and Cons of Amnesty for Undocumented Immigrants
  • Unveiling the Implications of Sanctuary Cities on Immigration Policy
  • Dissecting the Link Between Drug Trafficking and Illegal Immigration
  • The Impact of Deportation Policies on Immigrant Families
  • Addressing the Education Gap among Undocumented Students
  • Analyzing the Healthcare Burden of Undocumented Immigrants
  • Uncovering the Psychological Toll of Living in the Shadows as an Undocumented Immigrant
  • The Role of Smuggling Networks in Facilitating Illegal Immigration
  • Examining the Connection between Border Security and Human Rights
  • Exploring the Impacts of Illegal Immigration on Job Opportunities for Citizens
  • Investigating the Impact of Illegal Immigration on Social Welfare Programs
  • Analyzing the Contributions of Undocumented Immigrants to the Economy
  • The Role of Public Perception in Shaping Immigration Policies
  • Addressing the Need for Comprehensive Immigration Reform
  • Examining the Influence of Global Migration Patterns on Illegal Immigration
  • Analyzing the Role of Immigration Enforcement Agencies in Controlling Illegal Migration
  • Implications of Family Separation Policies on Undocumented Immigrants

Economic Impact of Immigration Essay Topics

  • Immigration and Entrepreneurship: A Catalyst for Economic Development
  • Exploring the Economic Integration of Immigrants
  • Immigration and Income Inequality: Examining the Relationship
  • Economic Implications of Skilled Immigration
  • Analyzing the Impact of Immigration on Housing Markets
  • Immigration and the Redistribution of Wealth: An Economic Perspective
  • The Effect of Immigration on Trade and Investment Patterns
  • Assessing the Economic Consequences of Immigration Policies in Developing Countries
  • Economic Contributions of High-Skilled Immigrants
  • Immigration and Technological Innovation: A Case Study
  • Economic Effects of Refugee Resettlement Programs
  • Immigration and the Welfare State: Balancing Costs and Benefits
  • The Economic Impact of Immigration on Native-Born Workers
  • The Relationship Between Immigration and Job Creation
  • Immigration and Economic Development: Lessons From Global Case Studies
  • Economic Effects of Immigration on Education and Human Capital
  • Assessing the Role of Immigrant Remittances in Economic Growth
  • Immigration and Regional Economic Disparities: A Comparative Analysis
  • The Economic Impact of Immigration Policies on Foreign Direct Investment
  • Immigration and Economic Resilience: Lessons From Economic Crises
  • The Role of Immigration in Addressing Population Aging and Labor Shortages
  • Immigration and Wage Dynamics: Analyzing the Effects on Different Sectors

Environmental Migration Topics

  • Environmental Disasters and Forced Relocation
  • The Socioeconomic Effects of Climate Migration
  • Urban Planning for Climate-Induced Migration
  • Indigenous Communities and Environmental Displacement
  • Water Scarcity and Migration in Arid Regions
  • Green Infrastructure and Resilient Migration Routes
  • Environmental Refugees: Legal and Humanitarian Challenges
  • Land Degradation and Its Role in Population Displacement
  • Climate Change and Cross-Border Migration
  • Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Resettlement Programs
  • Gender Dimensions of Environmental Migration
  • The Role of Education in Climate-Induced Migration
  • Conservation Policies and Their Impact on Local Communities
  • Migration and the Loss of Biodiversity
  • Droughts and Migration in Semi-Arid Regions
  • Climate Refugees: Economic Opportunities and Challenges
  • Environmental Migration and Cultural Identity
  • Climate Justice and the Rights of Displaced People
  • Sustainable Development and Migration Planning
  • Ecosystem Resilience and Migration Patterns
  • Impacts of Deforestation on Indigenous Migration

Historical Perspectives on Immigration Essay Topics

  • The Bracero Program: Labor Migration from Mexico to the United States
  • Angel Island: Chinese Immigration and Confinement in the Pacific
  • Irish Potato Famine: Catalyst for Irish Emigration Waves
  • Dust Bowl Migration: Environmental Factors and Internal Displacement
  • Immigration Act of 1924: Restricting Migration From Eastern Europe
  • Refugee Crisis: Analyzing Global Responses to Displaced People
  • Indentured Servitude: Early Forms of Immigration Labor Systems
  • Operation Wetback: U.S. Government’s Response to Undocumented Migration
  • Trail of Tears: Forced Relocation of Native American Tribes
  • Guest Worker Program: Temporary Migration Policies and Implications
  • Holocaust and Refugee Immigration: Rescuing Lives From Genocide
  • Mariel Boatlift: Cuban Immigration and Political Refugee Crisis
  • Great Migration: African American Movement From South to North
  • Contrasting Experiences: Ellis Island vs. Angel Island Immigration
  • Vietnamese Boat People: Refugee Crisis and Resettlement Challenges
  • World War II’s Impact on Global Migration Patterns
  • Underground Railroad: Escaping Slavery and Freedom Seeking
  • Refugee Act of 1980: Reforms in U.S. Policy on Displaced Persons
  • India’s Partition: Migration and Communal Violence
  • Dust Bowl Exodus: Environmental Factors and Internal Displacement
  • Impacts of Colonization on Indigenous Populations and Migration
  • Australian Stolen Generations: Forced Assimilation and Relocation
  • Europe’s Refugee Crisis: Evaluating the European Union’s Response

Immigration and Crime Essay Topics

  • The Influence of Immigration on Hate Crime Incidents
  • Exploring the Nexus Between Immigration and Gang Violence
  • Terrorism and Immigration: An Examination of the Relationship
  • Detention Centers and Criminal Activities: The Impact of Immigration
  • Identity Theft and Immigration: Unraveling the Patterns
  • The Relationship Between Immigration and Juvenile Delinquency
  • Money Laundering and Immigration: A Comprehensive Study
  • Immigration and Domestic Violence: Analyzing the Correlation
  • Intellectual Property Crimes: Exploring the Role of Immigration
  • Weapons Offenses and Immigration: Evaluating the Connection
  • Fraudulent Activities and Immigration: Unveiling the Trends
  • Environmental Crimes: The Hidden Side of Immigration
  • Immigration and Cybersecurity Breaches: Assessing the Threats
  • Exploring the Influence of Immigration on Drug Trafficking
  • Uncovering the Link Between Immigration and White-Collar Fraud
  • Smuggling and Immigration: Understanding the Complex Relationship
  • Corruption and Immigration: An In-Depth Comparative Analysis
  • Hate Crime Legislation: The Impact of Immigration Policies
  • Insider Trading and Immigration: A Multifaceted Nexus
  • Public Safety and Law Enforcement: The Implications of Immigration
  • Immigration and Policing Strategies: Examining the Effectiveness

Immigration and Human Rights Essay Topics

  • The Effect of Border Controls on Family Separation and Human Rights
  • Enhancing Access to Education and Healthcare for Migrants: A Human Rights Perspective
  • The Intersection of Immigration and Gender Equality: Empowering Women and LGBTQ+ Individuals
  • Refugees and the Right to Dignity: A Global Responsibility
  • Labor Migration and the Right to Work: Overcoming Barriers and Ensuring Fairness
  • Protecting the Rights of Undocumented Migrants: Balancing Security and Humanity
  • Climate Change and Forced Displacement: Environmental Factors and Human Rights
  • Immigration and Racial Discrimination: Challenging Prejudice and Ensuring Equality
  • International Law and the Protection of Migrant Rights
  • Alternatives to Immigration Detention: Ensuring Human Rights Compliance
  • Addressing Xenophobia and Hate Crimes Against Migrants
  • The Right to Seek Asylum: International Obligations and Domestic Realities
  • Immigration Policies and the Right to Privacy: Balancing Security and Individual Liberties
  • Indigenous Rights and Land Ownership in the Context of Migration
  • Immigration, Nationalism, and the Preservation of Human Rights
  • Protecting the Rights of Migrant Children: Ending Detention and Ensuring Well-Being
  • Labor Exploitation in the Context of Migration: Ensuring Fair Working Conditions
  • Deportation Procedures and Human Rights: Examining Due Process and Protection Against Torture
  • Media Influence on Public Perception of Immigration and Human Rights
  • Economic Migration and Brain Drain: Challenges for Developing Nations and Human Rights
  • Immigration and Climate Justice: Addressing Displacement and Vulnerability
  • The Role of Education in Fostering Understanding and Empathy in Migration Contexts
  • Immigration, Health, and the Right to Healthcare for All

Immigration and Social Justice Essay Topics

  • Challenging Discrimination: Protecting LGBTQ+ Immigrants’ Social Justice
  • Supporting Mental Health and Well-Being of Immigrants through Social Justice
  • Environmental Justice and Its Connection to Immigration Policies
  • Humanitarian Crisis: Exploring the Social Justice Response to Refugee Immigration
  • Strengthening Social Bonds: Building Bridges Between Immigrant and Native Communities
  • Restorative Justice Approaches for Immigrants Facing Social Inequality
  • Racial Profiling and Its Impact on Social Justice for Immigrants
  • Empowering Undocumented Immigrants: A Path to Social Justice
  • Promoting Fair Wages and Workers’ Rights for Immigrants in Pursuit of Social Justice
  • Family Separation at the Border: Ethical Considerations and Social Justice
  • Integrating Immigrants: Fostering Social Justice Through Cultural Exchange
  • Collaborative Advocacy: Grassroots Movements for Immigration and Social Justice
  • Indigenous Rights and Immigration: Upholding Social Justice Principles
  • Balancing National Security and Social Justice in Immigration Policies
  • Intersectional Approaches to Social Justice in Refugee and Asylum Seeker Policies
  • Addressing Health Disparities among Immigrants Through Social Justice
  • Citizenship and Social Justice: Rethinking Access and Inclusion
  • Ethical Responsibilities of Immigration Enforcement in Social Justice Contexts
  • Countering Xenophobia: Promoting Social Justice for Immigrant Communities
  • Restoring Voting Rights: Fostering Political Social Justice for Immigrants

Immigration Essay Topics for Exam

  • Exploring the Effects of Immigration on Healthcare Systems
  • Evaluating the Economic Contributions of Skilled Migrants
  • Ethical Considerations in Border Control and Migration Enforcement
  • Analyzing the Impacts of Migration on Housing Markets
  • The Influence of Immigration on Political Landscapes
  • Promoting Entrepreneurship and Innovation among Migrants
  • Assessing the Effects of Migration on Cultural Traditions
  • The Importance of Integration and Language Acquisition for Migrants
  • Exploring the Impact of Migration on Environmental Sustainability
  • Examining the Role of Migration in Aging Societies
  • Challenges of Detention and Deportation in Migration Policies
  • Analyzing the Effects of Migration on Public Infrastructure
  • The Role of Migration in Addressing Demographic Challenges
  • Investigating the Impacts of Migration on Public Health
  • Promoting Human Rights in Migration Policies
  • Assessing Integration Programs for Migrant Communities
  • The Influence of Migration on Gender Dynamics
  • Exploring the Implications of Migration on National Security
  • Addressing the Psychological Effects of Migration on Individuals
  • The Role of Migration in Enhancing Global Diplomacy
  • Examining the Impacts of Migration on Rural Areas
  • Ensuring Fair and Just Migration Systems

Immigration Essay Topics: Job and Education

  • Leveraging Immigrant Entrepreneurs for Job Creation
  • Bridging the Skills Gap: Immigration and Vocational Training
  • Socioeconomic Benefits of Attracting Highly Educated Migrants
  • Protecting Immigrant Workers’ Rights and Ensuring Fair Employment
  • Ensuring Equal Educational Access for Migrant Children
  • Integrating Immigrants Into Higher Education Institutions
  • Cultivating Cross-Cultural Competence in the Workforce Through Migration
  • Challenges and Opportunities of International Student Migration
  • Supporting Immigrant Women in Job Placement and Career Advancement
  • Immigration Policies and Their Impact on Educational Institutions
  • Recognizing Foreign Qualifications for Employment
  • Immigration’s Roles in Promoting Innovation and Technological Advancement
  • Creating Pathways for Migrant Professionals in Emerging Industries
  • Promoting Global Competitiveness Through Migration and Education
  • Empowering Migrant Workers Through Continuing Education
  • Breaking Down Barriers: Promoting Inclusive Education for Migrant Communities
  • Migration and the Changing Work Landscape: Adaptation and Reskilling
  • Education’s Role in Facilitating Migrant Integration and Social Cohesion
  • Addressing Brain Drain: Strategies for Retaining Skilled Migrants
  • The Economic Impact of Migrant Students on Higher Education Institutions
  • Building Stronger Communities Through Workforce Integration

Immigration in the U.S. Topics

  • Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in Migration Policies
  • Assimilation and Integration of Noncitizens in American Society
  • Ensuring Fair and Just Immigration Laws and Guidelines
  • Family-Based Migration and Reunification Policies
  • Immigration and National Security: Striking a Balance
  • Refugee Resettlement and Humanitarian Migration Programs
  • Supporting Education and Skill Development for Migrant Youth
  • Migration and Entrepreneurship: Fostering Innovation
  • Providing Healthcare Access for Immigrant Populations
  • Protecting the Rights and Well-Being of Migrant Workers
  • Migration and Cultural Contributions to American Society
  • Addressing Immigration Backlogs and Processing Delays
  • Border Control Strategies to Combat Irregular Migration
  • Immigrant Integration Programs: Effective Models and Best Practices
  • The Role of Migrants in Strengthening U.S. Communities
  • Supporting Legal Migration Pathways for Highly Skilled Individuals
  • Balancing Migration Enforcement With Due Process Rights
  • Migration and Climate Change: Adapting Policies for the Future
  • Migration and Public Safety: Collaborative Strategies
  • The Impact of Migration Policies on Local Economies
  • Protecting the Rights of Migrant Children and Families
  • Migration and Voting Rights: Ensuring Inclusion and Representation
  • Addressing Language Barriers and Promoting Linguistic Access
  • Enhancing Refugee Screening and Vetting Procedures

Immigration Policies and Reform Essay Topics

  • Empowering Undocumented Immigrants: Pathways to Legalization
  • Balancing National Security and Humanitarian Concerns in Immigration
  • Strengthening Family Reunification Policies: A Human Rights Perspective
  • Reducing Brain Drain: Encouraging Skilled Immigrants to Stay
  • Addressing the Social Integration of Immigrant Communities
  • Modernizing the Visa System: Streamlining Immigration Procedures
  • Protecting Immigrant Workers’ Rights in the Labor Market
  • Combating Human Trafficking through Immigration Policy Reform
  • Investing in Education for Immigrant Children: Breaking Barriers
  • Managing the Economic Impact of Immigration on Local Communities
  • Bridging the Gap: Improving Access to Healthcare for Immigrants
  • Building Stronger Ties: Promoting Cultural Exchange Programs
  • Promoting Entrepreneurship Among Immigrants: Economic Opportunities
  • Reimagining Detention Centers: Humanitarian Approaches to Immigration
  • Implementing Fair and Transparent Asylum Policies
  • Enhancing Language Acquisition Programs for New Immigrants
  • Promoting Diversity in the Workforce Through Immigration Policies
  • Supporting Immigrant Students: Access to Higher Education
  • Strengthening Collaboration Between Immigration and Law Enforcement
  • Promoting Civic Engagement and Political Participation Among Immigrants
  • Addressing the Challenges of Illegal Immigration: Policy Solutions
  • Protecting the Rights of LGBTQ+ Immigrants: Inclusivity Matters

Immigration Speech Topics

  • The Role of Immigrants in Global Peacekeeping Efforts
  • Impacts of Immigration on the Evolution of Modern Jazz Music
  • Immigration: A Driving Force Behind Language Diversity and Change
  • Evolution of Children’s Literature: Influence of Immigration
  • The Relationship Between Globalization and Seasonal Migration
  • Examining Immigration’s Influence on Fashion Industry Innovations
  • Immigration’s Roles in the Diversification of School Curricula
  • Migration and Its Impact on the Cosmetics Industry
  • The Consequences of Immigration for Aging Populations in Developed Nations
  • Immigration and Its Influence on Professional Wrestling
  • The Influence of Immigration on Public Transportation Infrastructure
  • Immigration’s Impact on the Availability and Demand for Affordable Housing
  • Transformation of Stand-Up Comedy Through the Lens of Immigration
  • Influences of Immigration on Traditional and Digital Animation
  • The Impact of Immigration on the Evolution of Podcasting
  • Immigration: Driving the Growth of the Fitness Industry
  • Impacts of Immigration on the Development of Smart Cities
  • The Role of Immigration in Fueling the Demand for Renewable Energy
  • Unveiling the Contribution of Immigrants in the World of Ballet
  • Effects of Immigration on Modern Architecture and Urban Planning
  • Immigration’s Influence on the Evolution of Modern Art Movements
  • Impacts of Immigration on the Innovation and Growth of the Aviation Industry

Immigration Thesis Topics

  • Evaluating the Influence of Immigration on the Popularity of Online Streaming Platforms
  • The Effect of Immigration on Cross-Cultural Management Practices
  • Unraveling the Impact of Immigration on Jazz and Blues Music
  • Immigration’s Influence on the Progression of Modern Sculpture Art
  • Immigration and Its Influence on International Academic Exchanges
  • Analyzing the Impact of Immigration on the World of Contemporary Dance
  • Immigration and Its Impact on E-Commerce Trends and Businesses
  • The Influence of Immigration on the Global Pharmaceutical Industry
  • The Role of Immigration in Advancing Renewable Energy Technologies
  • Migration and Its Effect on the Evolution of Science Fiction Literature
  • How Does Immigration Shape Global Perspectives in Academic Research?
  • The Impact of Immigration on the Globalization of Healthcare Services
  • Exploring Immigration’s Influence on Independent Film Movements
  • Immigration and Its Role in the Evolution of Mobile Technology
  • The Influence of Immigration on the Modernization of Traditional Crafts
  • Examining the Impact of Immigration on the Evolution of Social Media Platforms
  • Migration’s Role in the Development and Spread of Slang Languages
  • Influence of Immigration on the Advent of Contemporary Music Genres
  • Impacts of Immigration on Sustainable Agricultural Practices
  • Immigration and Its Influence on the Globalization of Comedy
  • Migration and Its Impact on the Popularity of Yoga and Mindfulness Practices
  • Examining the Role of Immigration in the Evolution of Virtual Learning
  • Unraveling Immigration’s Influence on the Transformation of Print Media

International Immigration Essay Topics

  • Assessing the Influence of Immigration on National Identity
  • Promoting Diversity and Inclusion Through International Migration
  • Investigating the Relationship Between Immigration and Crime Rates
  • Importance of Humanitarian Aid for Asylum Seekers and Refugees
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Guest Worker Programs in Global Labor Markets
  • Evaluating the Role of Language Acquisition in Immigrant Integration
  • Ethics of Detention and Family Separation in Immigration
  • Examining Impacts of Brain Drain on Developing Nations
  • Challenges Faced by Undocumented Immigrants in Accessing Healthcare
  • Enhancing Social Cohesion in Diverse Societies: Lessons From Successful Models
  • Exploring Psychological Effects of Immigration on Individuals and Families
  • Roles of Immigration in Shaping Political Landscapes
  • Economic Impact of Skilled Migration on Host Countries
  • Integration of Immigrants into Educational Systems: Strategies and Best Practices
  • Analyzing the Role of Remittances in Global Economic Development
  • Understanding Push and Pull Factors of International Migration
  • Implications of Climate Change on Immigration Patterns
  • Intersectionality of Gender and Migration
  • Examining the Role of Diaspora Communities in Transnational Development
  • Influence of Immigration on Social Welfare Systems
  • Promoting Refugee Rights and Protection in International Law

Personal Immigration Topics

  • Family Reunification for Migrants
  • Refugee Resettlement and Its Effect on Individuals
  • Entrepreneurship as a Path in Immigration
  • Educational Opportunities for Migrants
  • Access to Healthcare for Immigrants
  • Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in the Immigration Experience
  • The Process of Naturalization for Newcomers
  • Advocacy for Immigrant Rights
  • Socioeconomic Mobility in the Context of Immigration
  • Dual Citizenship and the Immigration Journey
  • Balancing Assimilation and Cultural Preservation in Migration
  • Humanitarian Aid and its Impact on Personal Immigration
  • Contributions of Immigrants to Society
  • Social Networks and Support Systems for Newcomers
  • Political Participation and Engagement of Immigrants
  • Skilled Worker Programs and Employment Immigration
  • Immigration Policies: Challenges and Opportunities
  • Exploring Transnational Identities in the Immigration Experience
  • Immigrant Entrepreneurship and Job Creation
  • Addressing Discrimination and Xenophobia in Migration
  • Mental Health Support for Immigrants
  • Housing and Settlement Considerations for Newcomers

Pros and Cons of Immigration: Essay Ideas

  • Health Services: The Pros and Cons of Immigration on Healthcare Systems
  • Security Concerns: Advantages and Disadvantages of Immigration Policies for National Security
  • Global Perspectives: Pros and Cons of International Migration on Diplomatic Relations
  • Brain Drain: Benefits and Drawbacks of Skilled Immigration on Developing Nations
  • Family Reunification: The Positive and Negative Aspects of Immigration for Families
  • Environmental Impact: Pros and Cons of Immigration on Natural Resources and Sustainability
  • Labor Force: Advantages and Disadvantages of Immigrant Workers on Industries
  • Social Welfare: Benefits and Drawbacks of Immigration on Government Assistance Programs
  • Entrepreneurship: The Pros and Cons of Immigrant Business Owners in the Economy
  • Urbanization: Positive and Negative Effects of Immigration on Cities and Infrastructure
  • Cultural Exchange: Advantages and Disadvantages of Immigrants’ Influence on Art and Literature
  • Political Landscape: Pros and Cons of Immigration on Voter Demographics and Political Shifts
  • Technological Innovation: Benefits and Drawbacks of Immigrant Contributions to Science and Technology
  • Aging Population: The Positive and Negative Aspects of Immigration for Elderly Care
  • Social Services: Pros and Cons of Providing Support to Immigrants in Host Countries
  • Brain Gain: Advantages and Disadvantages of Attracting Highly Skilled Immigrants
  • Border Control: The Pros and Cons of Immigration Enforcement Strategies
  • Social Cohesion: Benefits and Drawbacks of Immigration on Community Relations
  • Remittances: Positive and Negative Effects of Immigrants’ Financial Contributions to Home Countries
  • Housing Market: Pros and Cons of Immigration on Affordable Housing Availability
  • Humanitarian Considerations: The Positive and Negative Aspects of Welcoming Refugees

Refugee and Asylum Seeker Essay Topics

  • The Significance of Cultural Exchange Initiatives for Refugee Integration
  • Understanding the Legal Frameworks for Asylum Seeker Rights
  • Promoting Mental Health Services for Traumatized Displaced Individuals
  • Examining the Impacts of Climate Change on Forced Migration Patterns
  • The Role of Technology in Facilitating Refugee Assistance and Communication
  • Assessing the Implications of Detention Policies for Asylum Seekers
  • Understanding the Challenges Faced by LGBTQ+ Refugees and Displaced Persons
  • Analyzing the Impact of Refugee Policies on Global Displacement Trends
  • Evaluating the Health Disparities Experienced by Displaced Communities
  • The Importance of Family Reunification for Refugee Integration
  • Exploring the Role of Community Sponsorship Programs for Forced Migrants
  • Assessing the Implications of Border Control Measures on Asylum Seekers
  • Focusing on the Cultural Preservation Efforts of Refugee Communities
  • Investigating the Role of Religion in Providing Support to Displaced Persons
  • Addressing the Impact of Refugee Resettlement Initiatives on Host Communities
  • The Significance of Language Acquisition for Refugee Integration
  • Exploring the Challenges Faced by Unaccompanied Minor Asylum Seekers
  • Evaluating the Role of Refugee Entrepreneurs in Host Country Economies
  • Assessing the Implications of Xenophobia on Refugee Integration
  • Understanding the Role of Volunteerism in Supporting Forced Migrant Settlement
  • Explaining the Mental Health Consequences of Indefinite Asylum Processing
  • The Significance of Gender Equality in Refugee Protection and Assistance

Worldwide Immigration Topics

  • Refugee Crisis and Humanitarian Migrations
  • Brain Drain and Skilled Emigration
  • Family Reunification Policies and Migration
  • Immigration Detention Practices
  • Cultural Diversity and Global Migration
  • Human Trafficking and International Migration
  • Language Acquisition in Immigrant Communities
  • Employment Opportunities for Global Migrants
  • Immigration and National Security Measures
  • Education Systems and Immigrant Students
  • Healthcare Access for Migrant Populations
  • Climate Change-Induced Migration
  • Social Welfare Systems and Immigrants
  • Immigrant Entrepreneurship and Innovations
  • Dual Citizenship and Transnational Migrants
  • Urbanization and the Global Migration Phenomenon
  • Labor Market Implications of Immigration
  • Assimilation vs. Multicultural Policies
  • Public Opinion on Immigration
  • Globalization and the Migration Patterns
  • Border Control and Immigration Measures

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417 Immigration Topics to Write about & Essay Examples

Welcome to our list of catchy immigration essay titles! Here, you will find a variety of immigration topics to write about as well as writing prompts and presentation ideas.

🔝 Top 10 Immigration Titles for Essays

📝 key points to use to write an outstanding immigration essay, 🏆 best immigration topic ideas & essay examples, 👍 good essay topics on immigration, 🎓 simple & easy immigration essay titles, 🥇 most interesting immigration topics to write about, 📌 immigration writing prompts, ✅ good research topics about immigration, ❓ immigration essay questions, ✨ creative titles for immigration essays, 🚀 immigration topics for presentation.

  • How Migration Shapes Identities
  • Assimilation vs. Multiculturalism
  • Immigration Policies and Their Effects
  • Global Responses the Refugee Crisis
  • Immigration and Crime: Fact vs. Fiction
  • Immigration’s Impact on Social Integration
  • Educational Challenges and Opportunities for immigrants
  • What Are the Health Impacts of Immigration?
  • The Effects of Immigration on Family Separation
  • What’s the Role of Immigrants in Entrepreneurship?

Immigration essay is a popular type of assignment in various topics, including politics and social sciences. In a globalized world, people can migrate from one country to another for work, study, and other reasons.

This post will discuss some points that you could include in your essay on immigration to earn a high mark!

First of all, you should provide some background information on the subject. For example, if you are writing an essay about immigration in the United States, describe and discuss the key periods when immigration was high. Try to think about the following questions:

  • What motivates people to immigrate a certain country?
  • Why is immigration higher in developed countries than in developing ones?
  • What are some examples of government policies promoting or reducing immigration?

Secondly, you should cover the key pro/con immigration arguments. Whether your essay is argumentative, persuasive, or informative, you need to acknowledge that immigration has both advantages and disadvantages. Here is a list of questions that you might want to ask yourself while writing the paper:

  • What influence does immigration have on the economy?
  • Does immigration make it easier or harder for people to find employment?
  • Why are some people against immigration, even when it’s legal?

The third point you should address in your essay is illegal immigration.

This is a significant topic in many countries, including the United States. To make sure that your paper receives an excellent mark, answer the following questions:

  • What are the reasons that make people immigrate illegally?
  • What are your country’s policies with regards to illegal immigrants?
  • What impact do illegal aliens have on the economy and society?
  • Why are some countries targeted by illegal immigrants more often than others?
  • What can governments do to prevent illegal migration without violating human rights and freedoms?

One of the most important immigration essay topics is the immigrant experience. While many students write about immigration, they often fail to present a comprehensive view of the concept.

To avoid this mistake, consider what immigrants feel and experience when they decide to come to a different country. If you have a friend who is an immigrant, you can interview them. Here are a few ideas to think about:

  • What are the most widespread challenges faced by immigrants?
  • How do people plan their life in a different country?
  • Do language barriers affect their relationships with other people, access to medical care, and education?
  • How do immigrants adjust to a new culture?
  • Can an immigrant integrate fully into the community?

Lastly, when thinking of essay topics about immigration, it is impossible to ignore the impact of immigration on society. Indeed, most essay titles in this area are focused on positive and negative social consequences of immigration. To cover this point in your paper, you may try to answer these questions:

  • Does immigration facilitate social division and can this effect be prevented?
  • Why do some people oppose cultural and racial diversity? What is cultural assimilation, and is it helpful to modern societies?
  • How can cultural pluralism and multiculturalism influence communities in immigrant-rich countries?
  • What can we do to ensure that immigration benefits all people, including native citizens?

Hopefully, this post has provided you with some things to talk about in your future immigration essays. Make sure to check sample papers and free essay titles about immigration on our website!

  • Essay About Immigration Causes and Effects Some of the major causes of immigration in the current world include; Political unrests and wars This is one of the common causes of immigration in various regions of the world.
  • Immigration: Advantages and Disadvantages It is important to mention how immigrants tend to affect the economy of the country. According to the statistics received from the US Bureau of Labor, the participation of foreigners in the workforce was 3.
  • The History of Jamaicans Immigration to Canada The final section examines and discusses the migration of Jamaicans to Canada from 1960s to the financial year 2000. Despite the importation, the Maroons who in 1976 migrated to Halifax became the earliest Jamaicans to […]
  • Irish-Catholic Immigration to America The importance of this event appeared from the fact that the Irish migration was one of the most significant contributors to the American immigrants’ inflow.
  • Immigration Issues in Alfonso Gonzales’s Book “Reform Without Justice: Latino Migrant Politics and the Homeland Security State” Focusing on the emotions associated with the discussed ideas about the necessity of the comprehensive immigration reform, it is necessary to pay attention to the desire to support the claims of the Latino migrant activists […]
  • Ferguson v. Canada: Citizenship and Immigration Case The applicant and the council counter this claim by stating that the officer’s dismissal was based on not finding evidence credible and failing to consider statements such as “Ms.
  • Immigration: Benefits for the Nation or a Drain on Society? Immigration is a topical issue in the contemporary U.S., which has divided the community into two opposing camps.
  • Travel and New Land: Immigration Experience I have shared my thoughts with many immigrants and found out that many of them have the same feeling of the obligation to stay loyal to the political machine of this country due to the […]
  • Thunder in the Sun – A Tale of Basque Gold-Rush Immigration The examination of the plot of Thunder in the Sun and credible sources focused on the Basques’ culture and immigration into the United States has revealed some inconsistencies in terms of historical evidence.
  • Chinese Immigration to Cambodia in Personal Story Mom was forced to gather up some money from relatives who were already in the refugee camp to exchange for the release of my sister.
  • Comparing Sweden Immigration Policy with German Immigration Policy As Herrera and Moualhi posit, “In liberal-democratic polities, the question of ‘who makes immigration policy’ evokes the question of the extent at which those policies mirror the preferences of a majority of citizens, or rather […]
  • History of Puerto Rican Immigration to New York Amid the earliest Puerto Ricans to immigrate to New York were Spanish crown exiles both men and women, due to their political beliefs and resistance for the cause of Puerto Rican sovereignty In 1917 United […]
  • The Impact of Immigration on the American Society and Culture Even though the country has granted residency status to millions of immigrants since time immemorial, the rapid influx of immigrants have created anxiety among the American citizens that immigration could adversely affect their social and […]
  • The IDEAL Immigration Policy Advocacy All IDEAL candidates, like most applicants nowadays, would be required to pay a processing fee in advance to cover the price of doing background checks and conducting visa interviews.
  • Immigration in the United States and Canada in the Post Hart-Cella Act (1965) and Canadian Immigration (1976) Act Era Two basic factors motivate Immigration in the world; the first one is the reason to move from country of origin and second, the reason to move to a host country.
  • Immigration in New York City and Its Effects Steele and Perkins examine the impact of the apparent volume of migrants in the neighborhood on the propensity to redistribute in New York City.
  • The Maya Immigration to the United States Therefore, each narrative included in the article “Maya Youth in Los Angeles” by Alicia Ivonne Estrada helps a reader to determine the factors that affected the Maya immigration to the U.S.
  • The Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada The IRB is comprised of the Immigration Appeal Division, the Immigration Division, and the Refugee Protection Division. The governor-in-council appoints the Chairperson of the IRB who is supported by the vice-chairperson and deputy chairperson.
  • The National Immigration Enforcement The intention of ICE to employ their agents in sanctuary cities will only make the gap between the cities and enforcement agencies wider.
  • Migration Patterns: American Immigration However, it is also crucial to refer to the effects of such processes, including the overview of local communities, the impact on the economy, and the overall development or lack thereof when multiple individuals move […]
  • The Harvest of the Empire: Immigration in the US The situation has become more acute in the last few years because of global problems like the coronavirus. The entire economic development of the colonies was subordinated to the interests of Spain and Portugal.
  • Climate Change and Immigration Issues Due to its extensive coverage of the aspects of climate migration, the article will be significant to the research process in acquiring a better understanding of the effects of climate change on different people from […]
  • Immigration: The Key Challenges As evidenced in the four articles, the key challenges of immigration revolve around high unemployment, border militarization, and legality of DACA. The border agents, as explicated in the Carroll’s article, have doubled to 23,000 for […]
  • Immigration in the US: Historical Background Therefore, it is likely that he would have supported the introduction of quotas and would have taken a position similar to Jefferson.
  • The Immigration Crisis in Texas The clash between the federal government and the state of Texas over the implementation of immigration law and the exercise of these powers has been ongoing for decades now.
  • The 0 Visa: Immigration Case Study The purpose of the work is to consider an example of a 0 visa case from a family of three people and the possible issues that an officer may encounter.
  • Soledad Castillo’s Immigration to the USA To reach the USA at that time, the group of people Soledad was with had to stay invisible and quiet because the actions they took were illegal.
  • Irish Immigration to America and the Slavery Despite the fact that the Irish encountered a great number of obstacles, the immigration of Irish people to the United States was advantageous not only to the immigrants but also to the United States.
  • Discussion of Holocaust and Immigration In “Holocaust Education and Remembrance in Australia,” Suzanne D.and Suzanne H.discuss the adverse effects and after-issues of immigration among the Jewish community and how it led to the concept that the Holocaust had a long-lasting […]
  • Phenomenon of Immigration Analysis The phenomenon of immigration is often viewed as a complex one due to the concerns and fears associated with the increase in the number of immigrants within a community.
  • Immigration Controversy in the United States This might have a significant influence on the quality of decisions and the care provided to immigrants. The financial and emotional obstacles that children of immigrants encounter in a new nation are sometimes complex.
  • Immigration in American Economic History Because of the discriminatory attitudes that existed in society, I was not able to find a high-paying job. Those were the physical challenges I had to face in the form of sickness and starvation.
  • Migration to the Caribbean vs. African Immigration While the 19-20-th-centiury migration to the Caribbean historically has nothing to do with African immigration, the underlying cause of racism and discrimination case the main reason for migration connects the specified phenomena.
  • Abolishing the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Detention Centers Although the abolition of ICE detention centers could potentially encourage the violation of the country’s immigration policies, they constitute a tool for racial subordination and exacerbate the problem of mass incarceration.
  • The Irish Immigration to America in the 19th Century The increase in food production and income from the war led to increased fertility rates among the Irish. The abrupt end of the war in the early nineteenth century precipitated the emigration.
  • Immigration System and Homeland Security The combined efforts of the agencies constituting the Department of Homeland Security in addressing the safety needs of American citizens have a predominant impact on the immigration system.
  • Immigration and Homeland Security as Issues It is important to note that the issues of immigration and homeland security are the problem of the moral duty of the United States as a beacon of democracy and the safety of its current […]
  • Geopolitics, Diplomacy and Small States: Immigration Challenges in Switzerland The current foreign policies of the country have remained ineffective in regulating the influx of foreigners in the country. The following are some of the specific challenges that are associated with the high rate of […]
  • Globalization, Immigration, and Class Division It includes the widespread globalization of countries, diverse economic perception of each, and the acute ethical and legal side of the immigration issue.
  • The Florence Project: Immigration According to a fellow volunteer at the Florence Project, one of the biggest non-profit organizations in Arizona, the need for social and emotional support for Mexican immigrants has been of utmost importance across the state […]
  • The Texas Border, Security, and Immigration Immigration from Mexico is not thought to represent a violation of U.S.security, but the issue of the Texas border remains relevant and intriguing.
  • The Immigration Stations of Ellis Island and Angel Island Although the Angel Island Immigration Station was often referred to as the “Ellis Island” of the West, the conditions in these sites were very different, and so was the treatment of the arriving immigrants.
  • Alabama and California Immigration Policies The higher population of immigrants in California pushes the states to create a positive environment for the majority as opposed to Alabama.
  • Waves of Immigration: Recognizing Race and Ethnicity In 1965, Congress overturned the discriminatory immigration quota system and passed legislation based on the principles of family reunification and the attraction of a highly-skilled workforce to the United States.
  • Immigration: Social Issue Feeling Analysis From the global perspective, the most influencing countries in the world use visa and other conditions of entering the country as a migration regulating tool.
  • The Problem of Immigration in the US Puerto Rico came to capitalism and imperialism, and the transformation of this territory into a state “under the wing” of the United States led to the loss of culture, tourism, and an increase in poverty […]
  • Illegal Immigration Policies and Violent Crime The authors of this article discuss how illegal immigration and border enforcement influence the level of crime along the U.S.-Mexico border.
  • Strategies for Solving the Issue of Illegal Immigration in the US The first one is enforcing the measures preventing it, and the second one is changing immigration policy in order to make legalization easier.
  • Immigration: Life Chances and Difficulties Other factors are unsuitable weather conditions, persecution, threats to life or health, poverty in the country, risks of disease, and infection. Therefore, immigrants want to find a better place to live in order to improve […]
  • The Crisis of Cultural Identity of Luxembourg Due to Massive Immigration The possibility of a city-wide display exhibiting the workmanship and specialties of Luxembourg could be a method for opening the secret of the nation’s way of life. There is an incredible blend of individuals who […]
  • Resolving Mexico’s Immigration Crisis A stable rate of immigrants and refugees, particularly traveling in so ‘caravans’ coming from South and Central Americas into Mexico with the hopes of reaching the U.S.or finding permanent residence in Mexico at the least.
  • Immigration, Cultural Encounters, and Cultural Clashes He also obeyed the religious traditions of his country by avoiding beef in his food, opting for milk and cornflakes as a meal.
  • The Birth of Illegal Immigration In addition, Americans blamed Chinese immigrants for low wages and the unemployment rate, which further influenced the ban on Asians to move to the U.S.
  • Immigration: Orientalism and Yellow Power The migration was propelled by drought and floods on the Opium trade between the Chinese and the British. The initial resistance against the Chinese started in 1875 with the enactment of the Page Act.
  • Biden Ends Workplace Immigration Raids, Reversing Trump Policy Firstly, the announcement will contribute immensely towards the integrity of most employers in the sense that it is going to push employers to pursue only documented immigrants for labor without putting excessive pressure on the […]
  • Immigration: The Costs and Benefits According to the author, due to the prevailing ethnocentrism and the division of society into “us” and “outsiders,” the community often treats immigrants with prejudice.
  • Analysis of DACA and Immigration Illegal immigration and its handling has always been a hot button topic in the US, especially after the events of 9/11 and the creation of the department of homeland security.
  • Cost of Immigration Enforcement and Border Security Functional Components of the Incident Command System Out of the functions described in the table focusing on the NRF, the most useful and important one is definitely prevention of terrorist attacks and associated incidents.
  • Analysis of Immigration Issues The lack of protection for the work of immigrants demands compared to people born in this country and who had the opportunity to get a job because the state protects them.
  • US Immigration Policy and Its Correlation to Structural Racism That may create breaches in the immigration policy and cause social instability that could endanger the status of immigrants and even negatively affect the lives of the nationals.
  • Immigration to the US in Relation to Covid-19 Overall, the human right to change the place of residence should be upheld by the nations of the world. To conclude, the issues related to immigration should be of more significant concern to the world’s […]
  • Ambiguous Loss: Immigration and Separation of Families To lessen the impact of ambiguous loss, immigrants and their families need therapy, community support, and advocacy for policy change to keep them safe.
  • Impacts of Immigration and Urbanization Urbanization is a special term that describes the decreasing proportion of people who live in rural areas, the population shift from rural to urban areas, and the possible ways of societies’ adaption to these changes. […]
  • The Implications of Immigration When considering the results of the process, both the sender and the receiver country must be discussed, as well as the implications for the migrants themselves.
  • Aspects of Immigration Reform Creating a fair, legal, and humane immigration system requires the legalization of almost 11 million immigrants already staying in the country and the simplification of obtaining citizenship in the country.
  • COVID-19 and Immigration Issues On March 20th, 2020, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the US Department of Health and Human Services issued a special order to curb the spread of COVID-19.
  • Homeland Security Analysis: The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services The mission and duties of this agency are closely related to the September 11 events not to face similar losses and threats in the future.
  • Immigration Policy in Germany and the United States Germany and the United States contrast each other in resolving the public issue of immigration. The immigration policies of Germany and the United States cater to specific key stakeholders.
  • Immigration and Naturalization Service Officer Career For the present paper, I have selected to profile the careers of Custom Officer and Immigration and Naturalization Service Officer. However, the entry-level position for customs is often administrative assistant, who works mainly with documents […]
  • Immigration: Where Did Your Ancestors Live? Officially, it is referred to as the Republic of Haiti, and the population of this country is approximately ten million people.
  • Immigration from Asia and India: Political Impacts In retrospect, the literature review of the issue at hand has shown that there is a significant gap in the study of the factors that shape immigrants’ ability to reconnect with their cultural roots.
  • Immigration: Political Impacts and Social Changes Particularly, the author posits that the increase in the amount of labor force that immigration entails leads to the improved performance of local companies, hence the rise in GDP rates and the overall increase in […]
  • Angel Island Immigration Station While European immigrants coming into the country at the beginning of the twentieth century were more familiar with Ellis Island of New York, the Orientals underwent the experience of the immigration station at Angel Island.
  • Hearth and Home Perception in 19th-Century Victorians Due to Immigration Nevertheless, the Victorian perception of what constitutes the concept had undergone severe changes in the 19th century, when the heart of the British Empire saw a significant wave of migration into the metropolis from its […]
  • Debate on Immigration Policy: Law Enforcement Practices It is presumed that a wise immigration policy performed by the representatives of the police departments is likely to stabilize the current set of things and to reduce the number of illegal unregistered immigration cases.
  • Immigration Museum and Cultural Diversity in Australia History The timeline presenting the main periods of immigration which is exhibited in the gallery can help to understand the development of the cultural diversity in Australia from the historic point of view because various periods […]
  • Immigration Debate: Literature Study The Size and Characteristics of the Unauthorized Migrant Population in the U. The Immigration Debate: Studies On The Economic, Demographic, And Fiscal Effects Of Immigration.
  • Immigration Asylum and Nationality Law In the UK it is very easy to move from a temporary settlement to a permanent one and it has increased the levels of net migration to the brimming level.
  • Immigration Policy, Border Security and Migrant Deaths The research design that was used to collect this data was to investigate the rate of deaths that were experienced among the immigrants since the enactment of the immigration policy.
  • Immigration and Refugee Law in New Zealand Consequently, the refugee policy comes about due to the flow of obligations courtesy of the 1960 UNHCR Convention, that is to say, the provision of refugees’ protection.
  • The Current Immigration and Customs Immigration has always been the backbone of American history and the country’s rich cultural and ethnic diversity. Immigration in the U.S.is overseen by the Department of Homeland Security and its various agencies.U.S.
  • Immigration and Its Impact on Employment Opportunities of Local People On the macroeconomic level, the inflow of immigrants to a country leads to an expansion in the size of an economy.
  • Immigration and the United States On the other hand, the approximated number of immigrants in the region is 58 million, and the group is projected to be the main source of the future labor force.
  • The Immigration in Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi, in particular, is a noteworthy case study subject due to its history as the center of the UAE government and its corresponding influence on the question of immigration in the nation.
  • Immigration Programs in the US Despite its economic, military and cultural power and the concept of an American dream, the US is far from the land of hopes it is portrayed to be.
  • US Politics of Immigration The representatives of the Democratic and the Republican Parties of the United States have opposite viewpoints on immigration-related issues. In conclusion, the views of Democrats and Republicans on immigration are completely different.
  • Immigration and Multiculturalism: Flow of Workers This paper aims to address the question of whether the flow of workers makes a positive impact on the host country in the context of society and business.
  • The Immigration Benefits Specialists define labour migration as an advantageous process that positively affects the development of the economy in countries of employment and the improvement of the quality of life of families of labour migrants in their […]
  • Immigration in Canada and Ethnicity: New Perspectives Such a reality will continue to influence and affect the life outcomes of the greatest number of Canadian citizens with diverse backgrounds in the future.
  • Immigration From Mexico to the United States In the present day, the immigration of Mexican citizens to the United States is a topic of considerably intense debates for various political and economic reasons.
  • Role of Immigration in Development of Canadian History Changes to the Immigration Act in the 1960s and the Royal Commission recommendations that led to the bilingual framework and multiculturalism stance of the Canadian government signified the significant shift for the country from being […]
  • The History of Immigration to the United States and the Nature of Racism The development of the idea of race and ethnicity along with the idea of racial antagonism has two main stages in the history of the United States.
  • Immigrant Adaptation Patterns Generally, the main difference of this form of adaptation is in the fact that immigrants may continue having their own cultural perceptions as their connections with the motherland are still strong due to family ties, […]
  • Mitt Romney Softens Stance on Immigration The minority vote, particularly the Latino, has been on the increase and could have an effect on the election by providing a margin of victory on some of the states such as Nevada, Colorado and […]
  • Illegal Immigration Control in the Texas Although the public assigns immense powers to the governor’s office, Texas’ office of the governor enjoys weak institutional powers because of the constitution’s provision of multiple offices that server alongside the office of the governor.
  • Chinese American Immigration The Chinese American immigration consists of two distinct periods: first wave occurred between the 1850s and 1880s and ended in the appearance of federal laws that restricted the immigration: and the second wave that started […]
  • US Immigration: Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Philippines The origins of Philippines immigration lie in its historical and political links with the United States Philippines used to be first annexed by the United States in 1989 and then an insular area of the […]
  • Immigration Of Mexicans Into The United States In The Early 20th Century In the book, “Becoming Mexican American: ethnicity, culture, and identity in Chicano Los Angeles 1900-1945”, the author, Sanchez, addresses various issues that led to the immigration of Mexican into the United States. Community crisis is […]
  • Berlin: Music, Spies, and Turkish Immigration And I think that Berlin’s split during the XX century has also influenced the music that was produced and written here: in its core, it reflects the differences and similarities between the East and West.
  • The Illegal Immigration Prevention Policy For example, one of the biggest of them would be the necessity to analyze all the gathered information. Therefore, it is safe to assume that there would be no shortage of information for the Chef […]
  • The Immigration Crisis by Armando Navarro This is a strategy that has been incepted to reduce the immigration of the people especially in countries that have direct business transactions.
  • Birthright Citizenship in the US This is whereby a foreigner travels to the United State for a short period for the sole reason of giving birth in the U.S.in order to guarantee the citizenship of the child.
  • Failure of Immigration Laws in Pakistan and Its Influence on American Economy The military death and announcement of the Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden by the president of the United States of America have raised eyebrows on the immigration policies of Pakistan as a sovereign nation.
  • “Arizona Immigration Law Debate Triggers National Shockwaves” by Nowicki While the motives of the author are unknown, it is likely that proposing the debate as so contentious will cause the audience to be more enticed to read and more engaged in the material.
  • Immigration: The Ethical Side So, in order to make it clear, the essay will touch upon ethical advantages and disadvantages of immigration for the countries of origin and for the US.
  • Mexican-US Immigration: Causes and Effects The drift of Mexicans or Latinos into the US is begging for increased concerns recently, especially among Republicans and the concern around decision tables is to itemize and resolve causes and effects that are directly […]
  • Current Immigration Patterns in Canada The refugee population is made up of the populace who come to seek refuge in Canada as well as the populace made up of persons brought to Canada by churches, private sponsors as well as […]
  • Arizona’s 2010 Immigration Law and US Economy A challenge is thrown to this clause by the 2010 Arizona immigration Law in America. It is this very thing that the founding fathers of the American Constitution had feared and thus took steps to […]
  • The American Immigration Debate In the context of the present discussion of the immigrant debate in the US, one should turn to the work of Brimelow who has offered a rather radical solution to the problem of immigration.
  • Immigration Issues in the USA The USA is the country that was built up of immigrants at the period of British colonization about three centuries ago; people who could not find their happiness and welfare in the Old Land came […]
  • Causes and Consequences of Immigration to Canada The Chinese and Japanese still kept their oriental culture while the rest of the immigrants adapted to the new way of living in Canada.
  • Ellis Island as an Immigration Station The minority of the un-admitted immigrants who had spent time and energy on the long journey to the Island led to the Island being referred to as “The Heartbreak Island” or the “The Island of […]
  • Race Relations in Britain. Immigration Situation This was the first large-scale migration of colored immigrants as compared to the minimal migrations that Britain had gotten used to.
  • Saenz’ Opinion on Comprehensive Legislation on Immigration In addition to this is the fact that, it would be in accordance with the respect for human rights that the country stands for.
  • Russian Immigration to America after 1945 The first wave of migration of the Russians was in the second half of the nineteenth century and during the early 20th Century before the First World War.
  • Social Issues in Kuwait: Immigration Workforce Among the frequently highlighted issues in the country, one is the low productivity among the local workforce due to the high influence of favoritism and nepotism in promotions and merits.
  • Immigration in California: “Moving Still” by Francisco Jimenez The atmosphere of fear and poverty forced the families to break the rules and to overcome the frontier in the pursuit of welfare.
  • US Immigration in Late 19th Century In the late 19th century, following the stream of the “Gold Rush”, millions of immigrants entered the United States, most of them attracted by the opportunity to earn “easy money” and to escape the hardships […]
  • Humanities. Immigration Issues in the United States The scope of the problem of illegal immigration in the United States has remained undefined due to the vagueness of the immigration policies.
  • The Effects of Immigration in Texas The period between 200 and 2006 saw the population of the foreign-born in the Texas state increase by twenty-four percent and it was during this same period that the state gained over 650,000 immigrants bringing […]
  • Jobs and the American Economy: The Issue of Immigration The issues of immigration to the USA, either legal or illegal are of great significance for the US government. Since the 1990s, lots of academic researches have tried to charge the extent to which immigration […]
  • Catholic and Jewish Immigration in the United States The experiences and challenges of starting a new life in America were very different for both the Catholics and the Jews primarily because of their different social cultural and social economic disparities.
  • The History of Canadian Immigration and Innovative Federal Immigration Policy Though this phenomenon has outlined in positive financial growth in Canada there are lots of fundamental complexities that immigrants usually have to challenge when immigrating to Canada comprising the underdevelopment of community services, difficulties in […]
  • French Immigration: Rights of Foreign-Born Citizens An analysis of the impact of immigrants on the average level and distribution of income among the native population shows that immigrants with higher levels of skill are more likely to raise the average level […]
  • Women Study: Immigration and Mothering One of the most essential areas of such studies is immigration in relation to gender and specifically mothering.”Immigration and Mothering; Case Studies from Two Generations of Korean Immigrant Women” by Seungsook Moon is an attempt […]
  • Illegal Immigration: Difference in Covering the Matter The aim of the paper is to discover the difference in covering the matter of illegal migration to Canary Islands from sub-Saharan including periodical issues, radio broadcasts, and a photo, in order not only to […]
  • Amending Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 The arguments for the former side include the following: first is that there is an unprecedented increase in the inflow of illegal workers in the United States.
  • Why Immigration Is a Problem When Amir came to rescue him, he is beaten by Assef and Sohrab hits Assef with a stone from the sling in the eye and it is when they manage to escape and go back […]
  • Necessity of Immigration Reform in America Basically, immigration reform pertains to policies and programs that aim to improve the development of the quality of life that will aid in the adjustments of the immigrants.
  • Open Immigration Borders Migration: Effects of Muslim Ideologically, the presence of the Muslim religion has affected the lives of the people of France in one way or the other.
  • Immigration Asian Indians in America For American immigration history, it means that it coincides with the settlement of the country: the settlement of America was influenced more by the immigration processes rather than by the natural increase of the citizens.
  • Immigration, Hispanics, and Mass Incarceration in the U.S. This article evaluates the effect of the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act, that led to the legalization of approximately 3 million immigrants had on the crime rates in the U.S.
  • Immigration and Labor Law The majority of research findings suggest that despite the active work of the legislative branch on the improvement of immigration policies, the lives of both documented and undocumented foreigners are obstructed with multiple limitations and […]
  • Immigration as a Source of Community Problems In order to address the immigration concern, one will have to create a more welcoming and inviting economic and social environment for immigrants, reducing the propensity toward a cross-cultural conflict and engaging the members of […]
  • How Immigration Affects Global Business The purpose of this paper is to apply different case studies and thoughts to describe how immigration continues to affect global business.
  • Federal Immigration Policy: Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals It allowed people who came to the U.S.as minors to be in the U.S.legally. Hence, my perspective is that one needs to be educated and well-informed on the ongoing situation, as it concerns every person […]
  • Immigration History of New York City: The Most Significant Center for New Arrivals This essay addresses the immigration history of New York City through the examination of the general history of American immigration, the city’s background, and its contemporary state from the perspective of newcomers.
  • The Migrant and Immigration Issues in the US Society Reading John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath and Helena Mar a Viramontes’s Under the Feet of Jesus altered my understanding of the problems related to migration and immigration.
  • The History of Korean American Immigration Experience Firstly, the documentary by Coffman displays the urge of the Korean people to avoid the Japanese imperialism that was developing on the Korean territory at that time.
  • Immigration Issues in the United States It was built on the labor, ideas, and cultural melting pot of immigrants coming to the US in the hopes of achieving the American dream, finding a new life, and establishing a home for their […]
  • New Waves of Immigration to the United States The author specifies that, with the U.S.quickly becoming a crucial political power in the global arena, people from the countries that were either colonized by the U.S.or suffered economic issues because of the economic expansion […]
  • Immigration and Crime Rates in the United States The paper evaluates the effects of immigration on crime in America and discusses the hidden dangers of America’s political asylum opportunities. There ought to be a law that limits the number of political asylum seekers […]
  • Labor Economy and Immigration A particular way to measure discrimination in the context of labor is to calculate mean earnings indicators for groups of people of different gender and age and to come from different ethnic backgrounds; in case […]
  • The Immigration Museum: Cultural Diversity in Australia The Immigration Museum is an exhibition center that was opened in 1998, with the aim of exhibiting the cultural diversity and the Indigenous history of Australia.
  • International Immigration Flows: Economic Pressure Therefore, these countries experience economic integration and diversification, a factor that attract immigrants to new destinations due to favorable terms of trade.
  • Social Issues of the Immigration Journal The authors studied the impacts of multiculturalism of the period 1980s to 1990s on institutional forms of immigrants in the Netherlands.
  • Irish and German Immigration to the 19th-Century US In the middle of the 19th century, half of the Irish and German population immigrated to America. One of the main reasons that made Irish and Germans immigrate was the presence of large land in […]
  • Employment Law: Immigration Reform and Control Act Due to this fact, Patricia and other employers are expected to follow the specifications of this law. There are several procedures that Patricia is expected to follow in the process of employment.
  • Ethics of Illegal Immigration Effects on the US As such, the Immigration Act of 1924 was established, which promoted the immigration of foreign citizens into the US to meet these requirements, and also created several objective preconditions for foreigners to consider entering America […]
  • Immigration Influence on Israeli Residents’ Personality Traits The research problem of the present study is how immigration, the following acculturation, and multilingualism influence the personality traits of Israeli residents.
  • Current International Interest: Immigration in the US The regulations will defend the economic well-being of the legitimate immigrants who have already settled in the US while restricting the admission of foreign workers illegally.
  • Changes in Immigration Policy Nevertheless, there are a lot of issues surrounding the policy that is connected both to the reaction of the community and the possible negative outcomes of its implementation.
  • Fiscal Concerns and Public Attitude towards Immigration In the past few years, immigration has changed the demographic composition of a majority of the developed countries. The political economy approach considers the economic impacts of immigration that lead to native people rejecting or […]
  • Illegal Immigration Issue in the USA The secure border could also be considered one of the possible solutions to the problem of illegal immigration as it will help to control this very aspect.
  • Muslim Immigration to European Countries This popularity has been because of the high number of immigrants that have been witnessed in the preceding years in France, Germany, and Britain experiencing the largest influx of immigrants from different countries.
  • Women’s Immigration and Its High Price However, these women and children must meet their daily needs, which implies that they have to seek employment from the host regions and countries.
  • The New Immigration Laws Creating a New Realty The main advantage of this new policy is that it empowers the customs and immigration officials to deport anyone that they arrest for being in the country illegally.
  • Donald Trump’s Immigration Speech The audience consisted mostly of his electorate and, judging from the reaction of the crowd observed in the video, the majority of the listeners were sympathetic with the content as they reacted positively to the […]
  • Immigration Pros and Cons for the Immigrants Themselves This paper will evaluate the economic consequences of immigration to immigrants and will give a summary of how this is going to outweigh its negative social-economic consequences to the unskilled immigrants.
  • Immigration in Britain and Social Cohesion In this regard, the surge in the number of immigrants in Britain is of political, social, and economic concern. The rising rate of immigration in Britain has elicited concerns that ethnic and racial diversity could […]
  • Immigration as the Positive Economic Consequences in the USA
  • Immigration and Urban Change in the USA
  • Open Immigration, Its Benefits and Morality
  • Illegal Immigration, Its Causes, Methods, Effects
  • Current Immigration Issues in the United States
  • Immigration in Trump’s Candidate Speech
  • Immigration and Healthcare in the United States
  • Immigration and Refugee Protection Act for Women
  • Illegal Immigration Crisis: Problems and Solutions
  • The Economics of Immigration
  • Immigration Pros and Cons for the United States
  • The Problems of Immigration: Muneera Qahtani Views
  • A History of Immigration and Ethnicity in American Life
  • Identity, Immigration and American Public Opinion
  • New York Times: Obama Vows to Push Immigration Changes
  • Media View in Shaping Immigration
  • Immigrants’ Human Rights in America: The Issue of Immigration as Old as the Country
  • Immigration Effects in Patrick Buchanan’s The Death of the West
  • How Immigration Relates to Post-Human and Globalization?
  • Immigration in America: the Current Understanding
  • Justice of Immigration in the United States
  • Ontario Immigration Rates Growth
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  • Reasons of Immigration Literature Growth
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  • Relationship of Immigration and Median Household
  • Sheriff Joe’s Illegal Immigration in Arizona
  • Immigration Laws in Arizona State
  • UK Immigration in 2015
  • Ethnic Groups in the US Immigration History
  • Political Sciences: American Immigration
  • Immigration Debate in the US
  • Waves of Immigration to the United States
  • Immigration Issues in Different Spheres
  • Illegal Immigration in the United States
  • Illegal Immigration Problem in the United States
  • Immigration and Deportation Processes
  • Is the Legalization of Illegal Aliens a Good Solution to Illegal Immigration in America?
  • Middle Eastern Immigrants in Australia
  • Immigration as Social Issue in Australia
  • The Aspects of Immigration into Australia
  • Role of Frontex in Combating Illegal Immigration in the European Union Territory
  • Illegal Immigration in the United States as an Economic Burden
  • The Issue of Muslims’ Immigration to Australia
  • Stopping Illegal Immigration: Border Security
  • Analysis of Race and Ethnicity in U.S. Immigration History
  • History of Immigration to the United States
  • Arab Immigration in USA
  • U.S. Immigration Reform Policy Circa 2001 to Present
  • Domestic and Immigration Policies
  • Immigration and Changes in British Society around the Time Period the Novel is Set
  • Bridging People Together: When Immigration Issue Comes to the Forth
  • Immigration and Multiculturalism in Australia
  • Economics and Immigration in Japan
  • Immigration and Illegal Foreigners in Japan
  • Legal Mexican Immigration Wave Since 1965
  • Immigration to Australia (Arabic Case)
  • Impact of the DREAM Act on Immigration in America
  • Immigration of Filipino Nurses to the United States
  • History of Immigration in the United States
  • Immigration to the US After the Second World War
  • Women and Immigration Challenges
  • Immigration Reform in the United States
  • Immigration Admission and Control Polices
  • Immigration Policies and Economy
  • Types of Diasporas: Articles Analysis
  • Public Opinion on Immigration and Ethnic Relations in the US
  • Effects of illegal immigration on the economy of the United States and the measures that be taken to minimize the effect
  • Is Immigration an Economic benefit to the Host Country?
  • Controversy Surrounding Immigration
  • How Has Immigration Transformed the Life and Culture of London Over the Past 150 Years?
  • Canadian Immigration Policies: Points-Based System
  • U.S. Immigration Encouragement
  • Errors Made by the United States Citizen and Immigration Service When Processing Immigration Forms
  • Socio-Economic Benefits of Immigrant Population in the US and Canada
  • Immigration in the Film ‘The Guest worker’
  • Economic advantages and disadvantages of immigration into the U.S.
  • Sweden and Denmark: Immigration policies
  • Age at Immigration and Second Language Proficiency Among Foreign-born Adults by Gillian Stevens
  • Immigration Specificity of ELLs in Canada and the USA
  • Immigration Reform and the Economic Impact
  • Immigration Reform in US Government
  • Justice Theories and American Immigration System
  • Political Immigration as Addressed in City on the Edge: The Transformation of Miami
  • Impact of Immigration on the Geography of Canada
  • Immigration: “City on the Edge” and “Friends or Strangers”
  • The Political Affairs and Strategies of Immigration Laws in the State of North Carolina
  • Immigration Bill in US
  • Immigration bias on Hispanics in North Carolina
  • Myths About Immigration in the U.S.
  • Immigration, Socioeconomic and Upward Mobility and Cultural Assimilation
  • United States Immigration History
  • Concept of Race and Ethnicity in U.S. Immigration History
  • The Root Cause of Racism and Ethnic Stratification in the US
  • A Speech Touching on Immigration Reforms
  • Women Immigration to US
  • American Immigration History
  • History of Immigration and Its Timeline in the United States
  • History of Immigration – United States
  • Rights of Immigrants and Immigration Policy
  • Globalisation, Immigration, Race and Ethnicity in Vancouver
  • Immigration and Discrimination in the Workplace
  • Immigration Debate: Romney & Obama
  • Immigration’s Influence on the USA
  • Economic Consequences of Immigration
  • Economic Consequences of Immigration on Socioeconomic Activities
  • Immigration in the Contemporary American Society
  • Factor that Cause Immigration
  • Consequences of Immigration
  • The Issue of Illegal Immigration
  • Coming to America: An Exploration of Immigration
  • Annotation of Immigration Effects on Homicide Offending for Total and Race/Ethnicity-Disaggregated Populations
  • Anti-Anti Immigration: Principles to Make Migration Work
  • Immigration as Political Issue in the USA
  • Immigration Policy: Government Approach and Solutions
  • Effect of Immigration on American Economy
  • Migration, Immigration, and Emigration, and their Effects on Religion, Women, and Minorities in Egypt
  • Illegal Immigration: Views of Policy Makers, Media and General Public
  • The Impact of Immigration on the Economy of the USA
  • The Chief Tool of the “White Australian Policy” was the Immigration Restriction Act, 1901
  • The Immigration History in the United States
  • Argument for Measures to Control Illegal Immigration
  • The Immigration Status for Students
  • Free-rider Problem and Illegal Immigration
  • History of the Illegal Immigration into the U.S.
  • The History of Canada, Its Position on Immigration
  • Economic Contribution of Slaves and Present Day Legal and Illegal Immigration
  • Legal Immigration versus Illegal Immigration in America
  • Crossing Borders: Immigration Issue
  • Immigration and Crime Rate
  • Pros and Cons of Immigration for the Immigrants
  • Implications of Illegal Immigration in the US
  • Immigration Admissions and Control Policies
  • Immigration Policies Challenges
  • Analyzing the Issue of Illegal Immigration in the US
  • Immigration and Ethnic Relations
  • World Publics Welcome Global Trade – But Not Immigration
  • Arizona Immigration Law Reform
  • The Fact of Immigration in the US and Media Reaction
  • Arizona Immigration Law: What For?
  • Maria Full of Grace and De Nadie: Immigration in Terms of Shots and Angles
  • Are Attitudes Towards Immigration Changing in Europe?
  • Should Anti Immigration Measures Between the Us and Mexico Be?
  • Are There Valid Economic Grounds for Restricting Immigration?
  • Can Illegal Immigration Ever Be Solved?
  • Does Education Affect Attitudes Towards Immigration?
  • Should Nations Restrict Immigration?
  • Why Do Americans Think Immigration Hurts the Economy?
  • Can Illegal Immigration Lead to Terrorism?
  • Can Immigration Alleviate the Demographic Burden?
  • Does Immigration Affect Demand for Redistribution?
  • Should America Encourage Immigration?
  • Can Immigration Compensate for Europe’s Low Fertility?
  • Are Concerns Over Immigration to Do With Culture of Economic Reasons?
  • Can Immigration Reduce Imbalances Among Labor Markets?
  • Does Immigration Affect the American Economy?
  • Can Immigration Slow U.S. Population Aging?
  • Can Old Immigration Theories Be Applied to New Immigrants?
  • How Unification and Immigration Affected the German Income Distribution?
  • Can Selective Immigration Policies Reduce Migrants’ Quality?
  • Can Immigration Mitigate the Rising Pension Burden in Europe?
  • Does Border Enforcement Protect U.S. Workers From Illegal Immigration?
  • How Was Immigration Throughout the 1960s?
  • Does Educational Choice Erode the Immigration Surplus?
  • Should Countries Implement Immigration Quotas?
  • Does Europe Need Mass Immigration?
  • Can Immigration Save Our Social Protection System?
  • Does Immigration Affect Public Education Expenditures?
  • How Should the United States Treat the Present Day Immigrants?
  • Should Immigration Standards Tougher?
  • Who Has the Most Impact on Illegal Immigration Policy?
  • Immigrant Stories: A Visual Journey
  • How Cultural Identity is Redefined in Modern Immigration
  • How Immigration Transforms Culinary Traditions
  • Symbolism of Borders, Walls, and Bridges in Immigration Narratives
  • Analysis of Science Fiction Works on Alien Immigration
  • Does Language Unite or Divide Communities?
  • Ways to Depict the Emotions of Immigrant Experience
  • Immigration Stories in Song Form
  • How Digital Technology Impacted Immigration
  • The Possibility of Extraterrestrial Immigration
  • Global Migration Patterns Throughout the 20th Century
  • Immigration Policies Around the World: Comparison
  • Push and Pull Factors of Immigration.
  • The Impact of Immigration on Host Country’s Language.
  • Approaches to Immigrant Inclusion.
  • Challenges Faced by Refugees and Asylum Seekers
  • The Role of Migrant Workers in a Country’s Economy
  • Educational Opportunities for Immigrant Youth
  • Myths and Reality of Undocumented Immigration
  • How Immigration Detention Relates to Human Rights Concerns?
  • Border Security and Migration Management Strategies
  • How Do Migrants Negotiate Their Sense of Belonging?
  • Humanitarian Issue of Family Separation
  • Immigration Biases and Stereotypes in Media Representation
  • Celebrating Diversity of Immigrants in Host Countries
  • Social Problems Essay Ideas
  • Social Responsibility Topics
  • Colonization Essay Ideas
  • Segregation Research Topics
  • Immigration Reform Topics
  • Human Trafficking Titles
  • Cultural Identity Research Topics
  • Demography Paper Topics
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, February 25). 417 Immigration Topics to Write about & Essay Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/immigration-essay-examples/

"417 Immigration Topics to Write about & Essay Examples." IvyPanda , 25 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/immigration-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '417 Immigration Topics to Write about & Essay Examples'. 25 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "417 Immigration Topics to Write about & Essay Examples." February 25, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/immigration-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "417 Immigration Topics to Write about & Essay Examples." February 25, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/immigration-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "417 Immigration Topics to Write about & Essay Examples." February 25, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/immigration-essay-examples/.

Migrant workers still at great risk despite key role in global economy

People cross the Suchiate River between Guatemala and Mexico.

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The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the key role that migrant workers play in the global economy, as well as the “terrible risks” that they are forced to take, to find work.

According to the new International Organization for Migration ( IOM ) Global Migration Indicators (GMI) 2021 report, launched on Thursday, over the past decade migrants in the worldwide labour force have tripled.

IOM’s Global Migration Data Analysis Centre (GMDAC) also flagged that remittances sent home to lower and middle-income countries (LMICs) have outpaced foreign aid.

The analysis featured on the Global Migration Data Portal , provides snapshots of the latest statistics and trends, including the impacts of COVID-19 on mobility.

For example, remittances made up more than 25 per cent of total GDP last year in El Salvador, Lebanon, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Tonga.

“The availability of timely and reliable data can help us maximize the potential of migration for development ”, said Ugochi Daniels, IOM Deputy Director General for Operations.

Demand rising

Migration trends at a glance.

More people than ever live in a country they were not born in.

More than one billion people are on the move.

Many migrate out of necessity.

One in 30 people is a migrant.

One in 95 is forcibly

As exemplified by the many roles of migrants considered ‘essential’ during the COVID-19 pandemic, the report highlights an increase in demand for their labour.

Foreign doctors account for 33 per cent of the United Kingdom’s physicians, according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and there is an overall reliance on foreign healthcare workers in Europe and the United States.

Surge in overseas workers

Remittances by overseas migrant workers to their home countries are increasingly critical for families and the wider economy.

There are nearly 170 million foreign workers globally, according to the latest IMO estimates – more than triple the 53 million registered in 2010.

And foreign-born workers play a growing role in the labour force, making up an estimated five per cent of today’s global workforce.

“As we celebrate International Migrants Day this week, this report stands as a clear reminder of the role migrants play in the development of their communities worldwide”, said Frank Laczko, GMDAC Director.

“But while the global economy continues to rely heavily on migrant workers, people continue to face terrible risks when they cannot access legal pathways in their search for better opportunities.”

Migrant safety

While migration policies are difficult to measure, the data available show a trend toward limiting safe, legal migration options .

World Health Organization (WHO)

While 81 per cent of the countries participating in IOM ’s  Migration Governance Indicators  (MGI) have at least one government body dedicated to border control, just 38 per cent have a defined national migration strategy, with only 31 per cent aligning it with a national economic development strategy.  

“This reports highlights…the invaluable contributions migrants have in our communities and economies, and the need for concrete action to increase legal channels”, Ms. Daniels said.

Setting global standards

Also on Thursday, the World Health Organization ( WHO ) published the agency’s new  Global Competency Standards for refugee and migrant health services  to strengthen countries’ ability to provide services to refugees and migrants by defining markers to be incorporated into health workers’ education and practices.

“While facing similar health risks to their host communities, refugees and migrants may have specific health needs and are often vulnerable to adverse health outcomes due to their mobility, living and working conditions”, said Santino Severoni, Director of the WHO Health and Migration Programme.

The health workforce has a vital role in providing inclusive services that are respectful of cultural, religious, and linguistic needs, said the UN health agency.

“Refugees and migrants face obstacles in accessing people-centred and culturally sensitive health services in both countries of transit and destination. These can include…restricted use of health services, all of which shape their interactions with the host country’s health system”, said the WHO Director.

The document is accompanied by a Curriculum Guide to support its operationalization.

The competencies can be tailored to various environments and take into consideration the requirements and constraints of local health systems as well as the characteristics of diverse refugee and migrant populations.

“2021 is the International Year of Health and Care Workers ”, reminded Jim Campbell, Director of WHO’s Health Workforce Department.

“The same workers must be supported with a competency-based education, as outlined in the Standards…to take us a step closer towards universal health coverage for all populations, including for refugees and migrants”.

  • migrant workers

Articles on Migrant workers

Displaying 1 - 20 of 100 articles.

essay topics about migrant workers

Canada’s new care worker immigration programs need faster processing times to keep families together

Jennifer E. Shaw , Thompson Rivers University ; Alicia Massie , Simon Fraser University , and Anita Minh , University of British Columbia

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Despite Ontario workers’ compensation reforms, migrant workers are still being left behind

Stephanie Mayell , University of Toronto ; Janet McLaughlin , Wilfrid Laurier University , and Jenna L Hennebry , Wilfrid Laurier University

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Why Canada must act urgently to give undocumented migrants legal status

Delphine Nakache , L’Université d’Ottawa/University of Ottawa ; Idil Atak , Toronto Metropolitan University ; Jason Foster , Athabasca University , and Luin Goldring , York University, Canada

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Recovering lost wages is nearly impossible for Australia’s underpaid migrant workers. Here’s how to fix the problem

Laurie Berg , University of Technology Sydney and Bassina Farbenblum , UNSW Sydney

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Some of our favourite episodes you may have missed: Don’t Call Me Resilient podcast

Vinita Srivastava , The Conversation ; Dannielle Piper , The Conversation ; Ateqah Khaki , The Conversation , and Jennifer Moroz , The Conversation

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Chamber pots, shared loos and DIY plumbing: China’s toilet revolution exposes social inequalities

Deljana Iossifova , University of Manchester and Qi Liu , Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

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NZ urgently needs modern anti-slavery law – why is the legislation sitting in limbo?

Petra Butler , University of Canterbury

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Venezuelan migrants are boosting economic growth in South America, says research

Jose Caballero , International Institute for Management Development (IMD)

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Plight of migrant laborers killed, held hostage in Middle East exposes Israel’s reliance on overseas workforce

Julie Weise , University of Oregon and Shahar Shoham , Humboldt University of Berlin

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Stopping migrant care workers bringing their families will have a devastating effect on the UK’s already struggling care sector

Victoria Canning , Lancaster University

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Migrant work is European agroindustry’s biggest source of wealth and shame

Juan Castillo Rojas-Marcos , Universidad Pontificia Comillas and Yoan Molinero Gerbeau , Universidad Pontificia Comillas

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NZ wants more seasonal workers – but Pacific nations no longer want to be the ‘outposts’ that ‘grow’ them

Apisalome Movono , Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa – Massey University ; Regina Scheyvens , Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa – Massey University , and Sophie Auckram , Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa – Massey University

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The impact of work on well-being : 6 factors that will affect the future of work and health inequalities

Peter Smith , University of Toronto ; Arjumand Siddiqi , University of Toronto ; Cameron Mustard , University of Toronto ; John William Frank , The University of Edinburgh , and Reiner Rugulies , University of Copenhagen

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Migrant workers facing the dangers of wildfires need support

Eloy Rivas-Sánchez , Athabasca University and Geneviève Tousignant , Athabasca University

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Half of migrant and refugee women we spoke to have been sexually harassed in Australian workplaces

Marie Segrave , Monash University ; Chloe Keel , Monash University ; Rebecca Wickes , Griffith University , and Shih Joo Tan , Monash University

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City liveability rankings tell a biased story – our research in Dhaka explains why

Shreyashi Dasgupta , University of Liverpool and Annemiek Prins , Radboud University

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The government says migration is too high – but the latest numbers reflect a crisis of its own making in social care

Tom Montgomery , University of Stirling

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Labor plans to stamp out the exploitation of migrant workers, but it won’t succeed until we treat it like tax avoidance

Brendan Coates , Grattan Institute ; Trent Wiltshire , Grattan Institute , and Tyler Reysenbach , Grattan Institute

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Friday essay: what the migrant workers who made my iPhone taught me about love

Wanning Sun , University of Technology Sydney

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I’ve worked in precarious jobs for more than 10 years – here’s what unions should do to support migrant workers

Panos Theodoropoulos , University of Leicester

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Top contributors

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Associate Professor of Health Studies, Research Associate, International Migration Research Centre, Wilfrid Laurier University

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Doctoral Candidate, Medical Anthropology, University of Toronto

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Research Fellow, Centre for Rural Policy Research, University of Exeter

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ARC Future Fellow and Professor of Criminology, Monash University

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Professor of Sociology, York University, Canada

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Assistant Professor, Documentary Film, OCAD University

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Professor, International Migration Research Centre, Wilfrid Laurier University, Wilfrid Laurier University

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Associate Professor in Law, University of Adelaide

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Professor of Development Studies, Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa – Massey University

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Professor of Social Economics, UTS Business School, University of Technology Sydney

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Honorary Research Associate, Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa – Massey University

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Assistant Professor, Nursing, Western University

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Professor of Economics and National Senior Teaching Fellow, Griffith University

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Senior Lecturer & ARC DECRA Research Fellow, Griffith University

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Associate Professor, UNSW Sydney

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240 Immigration Essay Topics

Immigration is a permanent move to a foreign country. It takes place all over the globe, including the United States. It played an important role in history, and it continues to influence society today.

This article offers a variety of immigration essay topics. They are suitable for college-level works, as well as middle and high school papers.

But first, take a look at our custom writing company . If your task seems overwhelming, we can write an immigration essay for you!

🔝 Top 10 Immigration Topics to Write About

  • ✍️ How to Choose a Topic

❓ Top 10 Immigration Research Questions

  • ✈️ Legal Immigration
  • 🗺️ Illegal Immigration
  • 🗽 Immigration in the U.S.
  • 🌐 Worldwide Immigration
  • 🧳 Personal Immigration
  • 🌎 Environmental Migration
  • 🎓 Job and Education
  • ⚖️ Immigration Pros and Cons

🔍 References

  • The harm of immigration policies
  • Push and pull factors of immigration
  • Immigration as an escape from poverty
  • Reproductive health of women immigrants
  • Racism in the American housing market
  • Mexican economy and the immigration rate
  • Immigration increase vs. welfare decrease
  • Challenges of immigrant assimilation in the US
  • The cause of discrimination towards immigrants
  • Immigration detention effects on mental health

✍️ How to Choose an Immigration Topic

The subject of immigration is broad. You can explore it from many points of view. Focus on economics, sociology, or the legal system. Here are a few things to remember as you chose the essay title:

  • Use verified up-to-date information. As simple as it seems, it’s essential.
  • Do not judge. We cannot know the life story of every immigrant and what they went through.

You may try to approach the subject from the political viewpoint. Or, try to stand in the shoes of someone looking for a better life.

Legal immigrants vs Illegal immigrants.

Below you will find many great questions and topics on immigration. Choose the one you like best, and get down to writing!

  • Do expats boost innovations?
  • Is terrorism related to immigration?
  • How does migration influence culture?
  • What is seasonal labor immigration?
  • Can immigration reduce global poverty?
  • What is the economic effect of refugees?
  • How does immigration affect social capital?
  • How do immigration control measures vary?
  • Is Third World immigration a threat to the US?
  • Why do immigration laws differ among the states?

✈️ Legal Immigration Essay Topics

  • Pros and cons of sanctuary cities
  • Modern immigration policy in the UK
  • ICE’s policy under Obama vs. Trump
  • The process of naturalization in the US
  • The importance of the DACA program
  • Should the TPS program be permanent?
  • Health concerns of illegal immigration
  • The effect of immigration on international students
  • The difference between an asylum and refugee status
  • The Second Industrial Revolution’s impact on immigration
  • The role of visas in the modern world.
  • Does federal immigration law ensure safety for the U.S. citizens?
  • Changes in immigration policies following 9/11.
  • What will happen if the U.S. declares open borders for all countries?
  • How is multiculturalism a good thing?
  • How much time does it take to complete immigration documents?
  • What rights do immigrants have in the U.S.?
  • Does congress limit the number of immigrant visas?
  • What are the main functions of immigration?
  • Why does the U.S. refuse to accept Syrian refugees?
  • The majority of immigrants seek to receive the U.S. citizenship.
  • Fake marriage for the sake of legal immigration.
  • How can immigrants ensure a legal status for their children?
  • Why do people applying for U.S. citizenship have to live in America for five years?
  • What’s the difference between naturalization and citizenship?
  • Is it fair that children can have citizenship by being born in the U.S.
  • What does the government look for in a person before granting them legal status?
  • Ways to pass the test for naturalization for a person with disabilities.
  • How can children become the U.S. citizens through their parents?
  • What are the physical presence requirements for naturalization?
  • Steps necessary to prepare for a naturalization test.
  • How to reapply for citizenship.
  • What is a naturalization ceremony?
  • Can a person become a citizen through military service?
  • Do all visas allow legal immigration?

The immigration process should be legal. There is an “Immigration Law” in the U.S. that provides legitimate ways to become an American citizen. In this section, you will find ideas for your research paper or informative essay on legal immigration.

🗺️ Illegal Immigration Essay Topics

According to Washington State Department of Social and Health Services , the main difference between legal and illegal immigration lies in documentation. That’s why illegal immigrants are also called undocumented. The following list can provide an idea for a topic sentence or a thesis statement in a persuasive essay.

  • Can there be any valid excuse for immigrating illegally?
  • Do undocumented aliens harm the U.S.?
  • The overstaying legal migration period is common for illegal immigration.
  • What is more valuable for the government: paperwork or people?
  • Which countries do most undocumented immigrants come from?
  • Human trafficking is a tragedy that feeds illegal immigration.
  • Settled undocumented immigrants should still get punished.
  • The presence of undocumented immigrants indicates corruption.
  • Do illegal immigrants affect the local economy of southern states?
  • Does illegal immigration bring American society out of balance?
  • The presence of undocumented aliens affects crime rates.
  • The issues associated with illegal immigration in America.
  • What organizations support illegal immigration?
  • Children of immigrants bear the consequences of their parents’ actions.
  • Should undocumented immigrants be provided legal help?
  • The term “illegal immigrant” must be rejected as offensive.
  • Does the problem of illegal immigration feed the issue of racism?
  • Undocumented immigrants deserve to be treated with respect.
  • The term “illegal immigrant” stirs up racial fear in the U.S.
  • Does the phrase “No human is illegal” have any truth to it?
  • Is illegal immigration a threat to hosts and immigrants?
  • Are undocumented aliens treated with hostility by the government?
  • Can illegal immigration for personal reasons be justified?
  • Should we consider the absence of proper documentation an offense?
  • Do the lives of illegal immigrants matter in America?
  • Can an undocumented immigrant be considered an American?
  • Does the “Drop the I-word” campaign provide valid arguments?
  • Is there anything good about illegal immigration?
  • Immigration detention brings more harm than good.
  • Should the “catch and release” policy function in the U.S.?
  • Should a person take a chance to obtain a legal status by entering the country illegally?
  • Will the construction of a wall resolve the issue of illegal immigration?
  • If America is the land of opportunities , why doesn’t it accept undocumented aliens?
  • Does illegal immigration promote terrorism?
  • Should the U.S. government introduce specific policies for elderly immigrants?

Why some American immigrants are undocumented?

🗽 Immigration in the U.S. Topics

Millions of people worldwide want to get a taste of the American Dream. After many decades, America is shaped by the immigrant presence. Think about the cultural components and history of immigration in the U.S. This list may provide you with ideas for thesis topics.

  • Should immigrants be allowed to vote?
  • Can aliens who received U.S. citizenship be called Americans?
  • Should Americans be concerned about the “green card lottery?”
  • Mexican immigration as a political controversy.
  • Difference between citizenship and a green card.
  • The immigrants are fulfilling the labor market demand in the U.S.
  • Professional psychologists must cooperate with immigrants.
  • Children born to undocumented aliens should receive U.S. citizenship.
  • Should there be a mandatory English language test for all immigrants?
  • Should resident aliens use international driver licenses in the U.S.?
  • Does the U.S. immigration policy need reform?
  • From a historical perspective, could the U.S. survive as a country without immigrants?
  • Immigration is at the core of American history.
  • What were the reasons for the migration wave in the 1960s?
  • Homeland security and immigration policy in the U.S.
  • How did the 18th-century Chinese emigration influence America?
  • The U.S. language policy regarding immigration.
  • The 9/11 tragedy changed the way Americans view foreigners.
  • Should children of illegal aliens be denied U.S. citizenship?
  • How does immigration change life in bigger cities in the U.S.?
  • Benefits of the DREAM act.
  • Do legal aliens affect the American education system?
  • Can a child raised by immigrants in the U.S. be called an American?
  • Do Americans move to other countries?
  • Immigrants come to the U.S. for religious purposes.

🌐 Worldwide Immigration Topics

History proves that people have always been moving around. Sometimes they immigrate because “the grass is greener on the other side.” But some have to flee their countries as refugees. The U.S and the European Union are receiving large numbers of immigrants. Here are some topic ideas for a paper on immigration worldwide.

  • Was border control possible before the invention of visas?
  • Syrian children refugees in Canada and ethics of care.
  • What benefits does a country receive by granting someone asylum status?
  • Can asylees feel safe in their host country?
  • What is the difference between the words “immigrant” and “refugee?”
  • Refugees need psychological assistance to overcome stress.
  • Most refugees hope to come back to their home countries.
  • What attitude locals usually have towards emigrants?
  • There is a substantial prejudice against immigrants and refugees.
  • Should the government invest in education for displaced people?
  • The refugee crisis is a growing global issue.
  • Assimilation policy as a form of aborigenal control in Australia.
  • Wars have been one of the primary reasons for migration throughout history.
  • How did 9/11 affect international traveling and global immigration?
  • What happens to people who are rejected by the border control service?
  • The impact of globalization on immigration control.
  • Does Europe benefit or suffer from immigrants?
  • The effects high numbers of refugees have on the European economy.
  • Does the tourism industry in Europe suffer from the refugee presence?
  • Effect of immigration on European history.
  • Influence of globalization citizenship in the EU.
  • What are the benefits of the asylum status in Europe?
  • The effect of the Cold War on global immigration.
  • Do most of the refugees in Europe want to receive EU citizenship?
  • Does immigration rate vary amongst men and women?

Resident aliens vs Nonresident aliens.

🧳 Personal Immigration Topics

There is a person behind each number on immigration statistics. You may be wondering why somebody would want to leave home. Immigration is a serious step that forever changes one’s life. If you would like to look at the heart of immigration, this section is for you.

  • Should immigration be perceived as an act of courage?
  • Can the elderly have a better retirement in other countries?
  • Religious persecution as a reason for moving.
  • People often immigrate to provide a better life for their children.
  • Racial persecution is a valid reason for moving abroad.
  • The decision to relocate should have a solid reason behind it.
  • Refugee families suffer enormous emotional pressure.
  • Health problems are a sufficient reason for immigration.
  • Immigration as a way to provide for one’s family is a noble act.
  • Parent’s love for their children can motivate them to move abroad.
  • Immigrant children and the governmental responsibility.
  • People shouldn’t judge the financial instability of refugees.
  • Disagreement with the country’s politics can push citizens to move.
  • Are certain personality types more likely to immigrate?
  • The lack of a sustainable education system in a home country pushes young people to move abroad.
  • For some, the only hope for a good life is in immigration.
  • Relocation for romantic reasons is common in the modern world.
  • Experiences of Lithuanian and Chinese immigrants in America.
  • Can relational complications drive people out of their native countries?
  • An urge to be free from oppression leads to immigration.
  • Loss of a family member can force a person to move abroad.
  • Some choose immigration as a way to escape financial responsibility.
  • Because of the internet, some people identify with foreign cultures.
  • Immigration is a way to change one’s life.
  • Athletes choose to relocate to have better conditions for training.

🌎 Environmental Migration Topics

You can define migration as the movement from one place to another. It can happen within or outside country borders. Migration isn’t always permanent. Nature is full of surprises, and sometimes natural disasters occur. Some people don’t have other options but to migrate. This section includes a variety of topics on environmental migration.

  • Climate change is a significant reason for migration.
  • Should environmental migrants receive a refugee status?
  • Countries with significant environmental problems should encourage immigration.
  • How many people choose to migrate due to ecological issues?
  • Should the border control require documentation from environmental refugees?
  • For how long environmental migrants are allowed to stay in the host country?
  • Do climate refugees receive support from their host countries?
  • Describe the Haitian migration following the 2010 earthquake.
  • Migration after the tsunami in the Indian Ocean in 2004 .
  • Chinese citizens migrate due to floods .
  • Do Americans move to different states because of ecological issues?
  • Documented cases of mass environmental migration throughout history.
  • The role of sea-level rise in climate migration.
  • How polluted oceans affect human population movement.
  • What are the main factors of environmental migration?
  • Does the global warming influence migration levels?
  • Is the number of climate refugees likely to increase in the future?
  • How often do environmental migrants become legal immigrants?
  • How can those who have lost their possessions afford to move abroad?
  • Which countries receive the most climate migrants?
  • Is the status of “environmental refugee” legitimate?
  • Do environmental migrants consider going back to their home countries?
  • Which organizations provide help to climate migrants worldwide?
  • From which countries do people flee the most due to ecological reasons?
  • People migrate due to the lack of clean water .

Environmental Migration Topics.

🎓 Immigration Essay Topics: Job and Education

Not all countries have a reliable education system. Sometimes there are not enough resources to provide jobs for everyone. Immigration gives people a chance to pursue a better career path. The following list can inspire your immigration thesis topic.

  • Should international students be encouraged to return after graduation?
  • Can online job opportunities decrease immigration rates?
  • High-quality education in the U.S. attracts immigrants.
  • What steps must one take to receive a work visa?
  • Religious missionaries should receive governmental support.
  • How often do people move to a different country for educational reasons?
  • Immigrants in Toronto: social and economic challenges.
  • How do institutions check the language abilities of international students ?
  • Do all U.S. institutions receive international students?
  • What does it take to receive a student visa?
  • Cross-cultural management and work abroad.
  • Can immigrants find jobs without knowing the local language?
  • What are the primary countries people immigrating to for occupational purposes?
  • Which countries people are most likely to leave to receive a better education?
  • Is America the land of opportunities for immigrants?
  • Is it economically sufficient for the U.S. to receive workers from other countries?
  • Why are international students willing to pay a high price for education in the U.S.?
  • The industrial revolution caused a wave of immigration.
  • Some people move to less developed countries to help with their development.
  • Poverty often pushes people to move abroad.
  • Immigrants from developing countries aren’t picky when it comes to jobs.
  • Do immigrants regret moving to the U.S. if they’re faced with discrimination?
  • What’s the average age of international students that are coming to the U.S.?
  • Health of expatriates often worsens due to the nature of their jobs.
  • Examples from history of people seeking education abroad.

Difference between to immigrate and to emigrate.

⚖️ Pros and Cons of Immigration: Essay Ideas

There are two sides to the immigration: positive and negative. Think about the economy, food, art, sociology, and politics. Decide what are the benefits and downsides of immigration. The following list of topic ideas on migration will help you with this task.

  • International employees fill the gaps in the workforce.
  • Foreigners bring a unique perspective that can benefit the host country.
  • Some expatriates possess rare skills that can be useful.
  • Cuisine of immigrants often becomes popular in the host country.
  • International students add numbers to struggling institutions.
  • Talented immigrants find themselves useful in a host country.
  • Foreigners improve international trade and business.
  • International employees are often enthusiastic about their job position.
  • Foreigners have an unusual view on life.
  • Immigration brings cultural diversity to the host country.
  • Foreign presence pushes host countries towards ethnic inclusiveness.
  • Immigrants are more willing to take less prestigious jobs.
  • People from abroad bring their mentality everywhere they go.
  • Children of immigrants can have better opportunities in life.
  • The money earned by foreigners in the host country is spent in their home countries.
  • Immigration is a channel for the drug industry.
  • Immigration gives hope for a brighter future.
  • In some cases, aliens take job opportunities from the locals.
  • Immigrants tend to increase the crime rate of the hosting country.
  • Home countries of immigrants suffer from “brain drain.”
  • Foreigners are subject to racial intolerance.
  • Immigration causes overcrowding.
  • The language barrier creates social complications.
  • Immigration takes away the attention of the government.
  • Resident aliens might suffer from strained relationships with locals.

We hope this article helped you to choose the topic for your essay. In conclusion, we want to wish you good luck with your assignment!

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  • Immigration: Encyclopedia Britannica
  • Population Reference Bureau: Trends in Migration to the U.S.
  • Myths and Facts about Immigrants and Immigration: Anti Defamation League
  • Resident Alien Definition: Investopedia
  • Nonresident Aliens: Internal Revenue Service
  • Immigration: Cornell Law School
  • Citizenship Through Naturalization: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
  • A Dozen Facts about Immigration: Brookings.edu
  • Environmental Displacement and Migration: Environmental Law Institute
  • Immigration: ProCon.org
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The table below shows the number of temporary migrant worker in four countries in 2003 and 2006 and the number of these workers per 1,000 people in these countries in 2006. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. You should write at least 150 words.

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  • temporary migrant workers
  • absolute numbers
  • per 1,000 people
  • growth rate
  • labor markets
  • significant
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It is more important for school children to learn about local history than world history. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

University students are increasingly studying abroad as part of their studies. what are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend and give your own opinion, attending a live performance (for example, a play, concert, or sporting event) is more enjoyable than watching the same event on television. to what extent do you agree or disagree, you should spend about 40 minutes on this task. write about the following topic: the most important aim of science should be to improve people's lives. to what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. write at least 250 words., some people think that governments should give financial support to creative artists such as painters and musicians. others believe that creative artists should be funded by alternative sources. discuss both views and give your own opinion..

CNN: JD Vance invested in Kentucky startup plagued by employee complaints, lawsuits

essay topics about migrant workers

JD Vance was an early investor in a Kentucky startup that was undermined by lawsuits, employee complaints and later bankruptcy, an investigation by CNN found .

AppHarvest, a startup that promised high-tech indoor farming in Eastern Kentucky, went public with major investor backing in 2021. Senate disclosures show Vance joined as a board member in 2017, CNN reported, and he also supported the company in interviews. Narya, his Ohio-based venture capital firm, also invested in AppHarvest.

A Vance spokesperson told CNN the vice presidential candidate was unaware of the problems and wished the company had succeeded. A member of AppHarvest’s senior management team, who chose to remain anonymous, told CNN allegations against the company were not discussed at board meetings during Vance's tenure and that issues such as extreme heat and health insurance arose after Vance left the board.

Former employees told the outlet they were subjected to extreme heat inside greenhouses, suffered injuries and heat exhaustion and weren't provided proper protective equipment, among other complaints. Public records obtained by CNN showed complaints were filed with the U.S. Department of Labor and a Kentucky regulator between 2020 and 2023, but state inspections found no violations.

AppHarvest also employed contract migrant workers from Mexico, Guatemala and other countries despite touting itself as a company dedicated to bringing jobs to Kentucky, CNN wrote.

Vance stepped down as a board member in 2021 when he launched his U.S, Senate bid, but remained an investor.

Luke Schroeder, a spokesperson for the Republican vice presidential candidate, told CNN Vance “was not aware of the operational decisions regarding hiring, employee benefits, or other workplace policies which were made after he departed AppHarvest’s board. Like all early supporters, JD believed in AppHarvest’s mission and wishes the company would have succeeded."

AppHarvest's chief restructuring officer Gary Broadbent told CNN the company "has no continuing operations."

Vance, who grew up in Middletown but whose family is from Eastern Kentucky, has often toted his Appalachian roots while on the campaign trail.


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    The table below shows the number of temporary migrant worker in four countries in 2003 and 2006 and the number of these workers per 1,000 people in these countries in 2006. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. You should write at least 150 words.

  22. How the migrant population of each region differs

    The United Nations counts international migrants as people of any age who live outside their country (or in some cases, territory) of birth - regardless of their motives for migrating, their length of residence or their legal status.. In addition to naturalized citizens and permanent residents, the UN's international migrant numbers include asylum-seekers and refugees, as well as people ...

  23. Employers given heads up in 70% of migrant worker housing ...

    A study out of the University of British Columbia recently found migrant workers in the B.C. Okanagan living in extreme heat conditions beyond what the Western Agricultural Labour Initiative guidelines allow. Nearly three-quarters of the time, the federal governing body responsible for keeping tabs ...

  24. Migrant Workers Argumentative Essay

    For the many migrant workers that work in agricultural jobs, the act of migration and the laws surrounding them can be a burden. The prohibitive regulations surrounding migrant workers are a problem, since without the supply of migrant workers, agricultural products might become more expensive, or decrease in production.

  25. Opinion: The temporary foreign worker program is a scam, and almost

    The United Nations' special rapporteur on contemporary forms of slavery is right: Canada's low-wage temporary foreign worker program is deeply rotten. He's right that the problem is systemic ...

  26. CNN: Workers at JD Vance-supported startup allege poor conditions

    AppHarvest also employed contract migrant workers from Mexico, Guatemala and other countries despite touting itself as a company dedicated to bringing jobs to Kentucky, CNN wrote.

  27. America's immigration policies are failing

    In 2006, 2007 and 2013 bipartisan Senate bills included a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, more visas for workers and stricter enforcement at the border.

  28. Essay about Issues Surrounding the Migrant Farm Worker

    Essay about Issues Surrounding the Migrant Farm Worker. More and more health-conscious individuals are scrutinizing the source of the food their family consumes. However, even the most conscientious consumer is not fully aware of the exhaustive efforts and struggle to get a juicy, ripe strawberry or that plump tomato in the middle of winter ...

  29. Canada News: Migrant New Brunswick workers sue seafood ...

    Niger Saravia, an organizer with the Migrant Workers Alliance for Change, and Juan Pablo Lerma Lopez one of the workers who filed the law suite against LeBreton & Sons Fisheries Ltd., speak to the media in front of the Moncton Law Courts in Moncton, N.B., on Aug. 20, 2024.Two migrant workers are suing a New Brunswick seafood processing company for what they allege was "widespread ...

  30. Migrant Workers Essay

    Migrant workers are people who leave their hometowns to live and work in other cities or countries. Everyday, there are people moving from one place to another, it may because of wanting to change a working condition, to break away from unemployment, or to find new opportunities for self-development. Someone may against that they bring a lot of ...