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Saarbrücken Graduate School of Computer Science

Dissertation phase

In the dissertation phase you work on your research topic and write your PhD thesis.

Duration: 3 or so years of research

Admission: In order to move on to the dissertation phase, you must complete the preparatory phase, or have the equivalent of a strong German Masters in Computer Science and pass the qualifying exam (see QE info sheet on the right or below). The admissions committee will evaluate how your previous coursework compares to the preparatory phase. The committee might ask you to take some courses at the graduate level at Saarland University if your previous experience does not qualify you for immediate admission to the qualifying exam.

Coursework: In the dissertation phase, most of the coursework you opt to do will be related to your chosen research group. You will closely collaborate with your advisor, fellow students and other members of the faculty as well as be given the chance to present your progress at conferences and colloquia.

Your PhD thesis: What is expected from a German PhD thesis? A German PhD thesis is considered a original piece of scholarly work that an individual has produced on his or her own. Therefore your supervisors want to hear about your ideas and are happy to discuss them with you along the way.

Thesis defense: Before getting your PhD, you will have to give a public defense in front of the thesis committee. The list of upcoming and past thesis defenses may be found here .

Formal things: Getting your PhD in the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics is regulated according to the PhD regulations (see downloads on the right or below). You can get detailed information by contacting the Dean’s Office (Faculty MI / Mathematics and Informatics).

Under downloads on this page, you can find a sample letter to the Dean for requesting admission to the Faculty’s PhD list after successful completion of the qualifying exam. Once admission to the PhD list is confirmed, we ask you to register as a PhD student at the student registrar’s office. In addition to the QE certificate and the admission request letter, you must also submit a student-advisor PhD agreement ( Betreuungsvereinbarung ). You will also find more information about this as well as a couple of model agreement outlines in the downloads section of this page. Please note that all PhD candidates are expected to adhere to the guidelines of good scientific practice , as outlined in the documents that can be found here: https://www.uni-saarland.de/verwaltung/wissenschaftliche-integritaet/dokumente.html The DFG codex is also available in English . Their code of conduct page can be found here: https://wissenschaftliche-integritaet.de/en/

  • Qualifying Exam
  • QE info form (rtf)
  • progress report guideline
  • steps after the QE
  • PhD regulations Faculty MI (new 2023)
  • neue Promotionsordnung 2023
  • Plagiarism policy
  • Sample admission request letter: Request for admission to the Facultyʼs PhD list_Dec 2023
  • Briefvorlage zur Eintragung in die Promotionsliste: Antrag auf Aufnahme in die Promotionsliste Dez 2023
  • Saarländisches Hochschulgesetz_Betreuungsvereinbarung Extract regarding doctoral agreements from the Saarland law governing universities (German)
  • DFG_Empfehlung zur Betreuungsvereinbarung DFG recommendations for doctoral agreements (German)
  • UdS-Vorlage – Promotionsvereinbarung (DE): UdS_dt_Promotionsvereinbarung_20171108
  • UdS Template – Doctoral agreement (EN): UdS_en_doctoral_agreement_template_20171108
  • Faculty MI model document for PhD student / Advisor agreement : Faculty MI_Model document for the agreement between doctoral candidat es and supervisors
  • DFG codex good scientific practice
  • For thesis submission: Eidesstattliche Versicherung _Affidavit
  • University’s guidelines for holding PhD oral defences with MS Teams
  • What are the thesis proposal talks?

Lehrstuhl für Funktionswerkstoffe


58 Chia-Jui Hsu
57 Idriss El Azhari
56 Katherine Aristizabal
55 Jiaqi Luo
54 Dominik Britz
53 Philipp Grützmacher
52 Jenifer Barrirero
51 Jessica Gola
50 Claudia de Melo Sanchez
49 Alejandro Borroto Ramirez
48 Anastasia Kruglova
47 Leander Reinert
46 Mathias Linz
45 Fei Wang
44 Erica Roitero
43 Alaa El Din Giba
42 Nicolas Souza Carmona
41 Isabella Schramm
40 Christoph Pauly
39 Hisham Aboulfadl
38 Romain Schieber
37 Kanupriya Khurana
36 Dimitri Ladutkin
35 Federico Miguel
34 Yong Wang
33 Andreas Rosenkranz
32 Kim Trinh
31 Michael Hans
30 Benjamin Bax
29 Paulo Rossi


28 Brice Raillard
27 Maria Agustina Guitar
26 Sebastian Suarez
25 William Chamorro Coral
24 Karl Peter Leibenguth
23 Christian Selzner
22 Rodolphe Catrin
21 Carsten Gachot
20 Karsten Woll
19 Mariela D’Alessandria
18 Simone Baus Funkerosionsmodell von Nickelbasislegierungen
17 Marina Ines Cornejo
16 Nicolas Jeanvoine
15 Alexandra Velichko
14 Andres Lasagni
13 Dragana Jankovic-Ilic
12 Fayou Yu
11 Jochen Rager
10 Hany A. Gobran Synthesis and Characterization of Single-Phase B2-Structured RuAl Intermetallic Compound by Powder Metallurgy
9 Flavio Soldera Untersuchungen des Materialeinflusses auf Erosionsvorgänge durch elektrische Entladungen
8 Claus Daniel Skalierung der Steifigkeit von dünnen Filmen mittels Laser-Interferenz-Metallurgie am Beispiel von Ni/Al-Multi-Filmen
7 Nenad M. Ilic Structure-Properties Relationship in RuAl-based Multiphase Intermetallics
6 Danka Katrakova Anwendungen der orientierungsabbildenden Mikroskopie zur Gefügecharakterisierung kristalliner Werkstoffe
5 Kaiwen Liu Synthesis and Characterization of B2-structured RuAl-based Nano-intermetallics by Mechanical Alloying
4 Zhongfan Liu Surface Structuring with Laser Interference by High Power Pulsed UV-Laser
3 Yao Hao Quantitative Beschreibung von Versetzungsstruktur und Beugungseigenschaften hexagonaler Kristalle
2 Susanne Blank Quantitative Charakterisierung von Sintergefügen und Korellation mit Herstellungsbedingungen und Eigenschaften
1 Ulrike Scholz Herstellung von Beryllium-Einkristallen definierter Perfektion

Molmed Saarland

Doctoral theses honoured by the Saarland University Society

by Gabriele Amoroso | Oct 18, 2021 | General , Research , Young Scientists | 0 comments

dissertation uni saarland

On October 14, 2021, the best doctoral theses for the academic year 2019/20 were awarded the highest prize for a doctorate at the Saarland University: the traditional Dr. Edward Martin Prize of the Saarland University Society . Three of the laureates have completed their doctoral theses with COMM members:

  • Dr. Praneeth Chitirala (photo) , co-worker in the group of Prof. Dr. Jens Rettig and former trainee of the IRTG 1830 Title of doctoral thesis: “Maturation, acidification and fusion of cytotoxic granules in primary CD8+ T lymphocytes”
  • Dr. Charlotte Dahlem , co-worker in the group of Prof. Dr. Alexandra Kiemer Title of doctoral thesis: “In vitro and in vivo characterization of therapeutic approaches for solid tumors: natural compounds and novel targets“
  • Dr. Kathrin Kattler, co-worker in the group of Prof. Dr. Jörn Walter Ttitle of doctoral thesis: “Epigenetic characterization of human hepatocyte subpopulations in context of complex metabolic diseases and during in vitro differentiation of hepatocyte-like cells“

We congratulate sincere!

Further information at https://www.uni-saarland.de/universitaet/aktuell/artikel/nr/24072.html

Am 14. Oktober 2021 wurden die besten Doktorarbeiten des akademischen Jahres 2019/20 mit dem höchsten Preis für eine Promotion an der Universität des Saarlandes ausgezeichnet: dem traditionellen Dr. Eduard-Martin-Preis der Saarländischen Universitätsgesellschaft. Drei der insgesamt fünfzehn Preisträgerinnen und Preisträger haben ihre Doktorarbeiten bei COMM-Mitgliedern angefertigt:

  • Dr. Praneeth Chitirala (Foto) – Doktorvater Prof. Dr. Jens Rettig Titel der Doktorarbeit: “Maturation, acidification and fusion of cytotoxic granules in primary CD8+ T lymphocytes”
  • Dr. Charlotte Dahlem – Doktormutter Prof. Dr. Alexandra Kiemer Titel der Doktorarbeit: “In vitro and in vivo characterization of therapeutic approaches for solid tumors: natural compounds and novel targets“
  • Dr. Kathrin Kattler – Doktorvater Prof. Dr. Jörn Walter Titel der Doktorarbeit: “Epigenetic characterization of human hepatocyte subpopulations in context of complex metabolic diseases and during in vitro differentiation of hepatocyte-like cells“

Wir gratulieren herzlich!

Nähere Informationen: https://www.uni-saarland.de/universitaet/aktuell/artikel/nr/24072.html

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Registering or enrolling as a doctoral researcher

  • Finding a topic and a supervisor
  • Registering the doctorate
  • During the doctorate

Skulptur Automedon von Oswald Hiery

Have you heard about GradUs?

The Support Centre for Doctoral Researchers at Saarland University (GradUS) coordinates and organizes the support structure for PhD candidates at Saarland University: financial support opportunities, the organization of workshops, the coordination of work-related and free time activities and a wide range of information.

Visit the website of GradUS

Additional funding opportunities

There are a variety of options to fund your doctorate at Saarland University. On the university website you can find an overview of financing options provided by the biggest foundations as well as useful scholarship databases for researchers and scientists. If a scholarship is not an option, you can look into the possibility of being employed as a research assistant at your faculty, Please inquire with your supervisor about this option.

Further Informationen

The project "QualitätsZirkel Promotion" offers two booklets for students interested in PhD studies, which can help you with the decision for a doctorate as well as with the first steps to take.

  • Booklet: "Doing your doctorate. Making conscious decisions and getting off to a good start"
  • Booklet: "Shaping a Doctorate Together"

Before you start your doctorate, it is recommended that you thoroughly read the Doctoral regulations and supervision agreement of your faculty. In the regulations you will find information about the requirements for the doctorate, the disputation as well as the duration of the review phase.

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To register a thesis you need the registration form .

You can find a template of the title page here: ( german or englisch ).

To register the thesis please also attache the certificate of the Bachelor's or Master's seminar by e-mail (with cc the supervising professor).


  1. Doctoral procedure - Universität des Saarlandes

    Theses from our faculty can be found as complete documents in SciDok, Saarland University's academic server; you can find the advanced search page (enter document type 'thesis' and faculty 'Faculty NT').

  2. Doctoral research and PhD programmes | Universität des Saarlandes

    International / Coming to Saarbrücken / Research, teaching, doctoral studies / Doctoral research and PhD programmes. Doc­toral re­search and PhD pro­grammes. International graduate schools. Saarbrücken Graduate School of Computer Science (Computer Science / Informatics)

  3. Useful information for doctoral researchers | Universität des ...

    Registration and enrolment as a doctoral researcher. Here you will find further information on registering and enrolling as a doctoral candidate at Saarland University.

  4. Dissertation phase | Saarbrücken Graduate School of Computer ...

    Dissertation phase. In the dissertation phase you work on your research topic and write your PhD thesis. Duration: 3 or so years of research. Admission: In order to move on to the dissertation phase, you must complete the preparatory phase, or have the equivalent of a strong German Masters in Computer Science and pass the qualifying exam (see ...

  5. Dissertationen - Lehrstuhl für Funktionswerkstoffe

    Dissertationen. 2022. 58. Chia-Jui Hsu. Enhance ZDDP Tribofilm Growth and Fatigue Lifetime of Rolling Bearings by Laser Surface Texturing. 2020. 57. Idriss El Azhari. Multiscale mechanical and microstructural characterization of titanium and zirconium carbonitride hard coatings.

  6. Doctoral theses honoured by the Saarland University Society

    Am 14. Oktober 2021 wurden die besten Doktorarbeiten des akademischen Jahres 2019/20 mit dem höchsten Preis für eine Promotion an der Universität des Saarlandes ausgezeichnet: dem traditionellen Dr. Eduard-Martin-Preis der Saarländischen Universitätsgesellschaft.

  7. Guidelines for the publication of your doctoral thesis as a ...

    According to the “Promotionsordnung” the publishing process includes the delivery of the print-version (quantity as stated there) and the upload of a PDF version on SciDok. This applies also if you asked for an embargo.

  8. Registering or enrolling as a doctoral researcher ...

    Step 1: Find­ing your topic and su­per­vi­sor. How can you find a su­per­vi­sor for your doc­tor­ate and how can you apply for a po­ten­tial PhD po­si­tion? Step 2: For­mal reg­is­tra­tion of your doc­tor­ate. All ad­min­is­tra­tive steps to take after you have found a su­per­vi­sor for your doc­tor­ate. Step 3: Dur­ing your doc­tor­ate.

  9. Publikationen der UdS: Zur Startseite

    Die Publikationen der UdS. In diesem Bereich finden Sie wissenschaftliche elektronische Dokumente und bibliographische Daten der Universität des Saarlandes.

  10. Thesis registration | PS MINT

    To register a thesis you need the registration form. You can find a template of the title page here: ( german or englisch ). To register the thesis please also attache the certificate of the Bachelor's or Master's seminar by e-mail (with cc the supervising professor).