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Essays About Discrimination: Top 5 Examples and 8 Prompts

You must know how to connect with your readers to write essays about discrimination effectively; read on for our top essay examples, including prompts that will help you write.

Discrimination comes in many forms and still happens to many individuals or groups today. It occurs when there’s a distinction or bias against someone because of their age, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or disability.

Discrimination can happen to anyone wherever and whenever they are. Unfortunately, it’s a problem that society is yet to solve entirely. Here are five in-depth examples of this theme’s subcategories to guide you in creating your essays about discrimination.


1. Essay On Discrimination For Students In Easy Words by Prateek

2. personal discrimination experience by naomi nakatani, 3. prejudice and discrimination by william anderson, 4. socioeconomic class discrimination in luca by krystal ibarra, 5. the new way of discrimination by writer bill, 1. my discrimination experience, 2. what can i do to stop discrimination, 3. discrimination in my community, 4. the cost of discrimination, 5. examples of discrimination, 6. discrimination in sports: segregating men and women, 7. how to stop my discrimination against others, 8. what should groups do to fight discrimination.

“In the current education system, the condition of education and its promotion of equality is very important. The education system should be a good place for each and every student. It must be on the basis of equal opportunities for each student in every country. It must be free of discrimination.”

Prateek starts his essay by telling the story of a student having difficulty getting admitted to a college because of high fees. He then poses the question of how the student will be able to get an education when he can’t have the opportunity to do so in the first place. He goes on to discuss UNESCO’s objectives against discrimination. 

Further in the essay, the author defines discrimination and cites instances when it happens. Prateek also compares past and present discrimination, ending the piece by saying it should stop and everyone deserves to be treated fairly.

“I thought that there is no discrimination before I actually had discrimination… I think we must treat everyone equally even though people speak different languages or have different colors of skin.”

In her short essay, Nakatani shares the experiences that made her feel discriminated against when she visited the US. She includes a fellow guest saying she and her mother can’t use the shared pool in a hotel they stay in because they are Japanese and getting cheated of her money when she bought from a small shop because she can’t speak English very well.

“Whether intentional or not, prejudice and discrimination ensure the continuance of inequality in the United States. Even subconsciously, we are furthering inequality through our actions and reactions to others… Because these forces are universally present in our daily lives, the way we use them or reject them will determine how they affect us.”

Anderson explains the direct relationship between prejudice and discrimination. He also gives examples of these occurrences in the past (blacks and whites segregation) and modern times (sexism, racism, etc.)

He delves into society’s fault for playing the “blame game” and choosing to ignore each other’s perspectives, leading to stereotypes. He also talks about affirmative action committees that serve to protect minorities.

“Something important to point out is that there is prejudice when it comes to people of lower class or economic standing, there are stereotypes that label them as untrustworthy, lazy, and even dangerous. This thought is fed by the just-world phenomenon, that of low economic status are uneducated, lazy, and are more likely to be substance abusers, and thus get what they deserve.”

Ibarra recounts how she discovered Pixar’s Luca and shares what she thought of the animation, focusing on how the film encapsulates socioeconomic discrimination in its settings. She then discusses the characters and their relationships with the protagonist. Finally, Ibarra notes how the movie alluded to flawed characters, such as having a smaller boat, mismatched or recycled kitchen furniture, and no shoes. 

The other cast even taunts Luca, saying he smells and gets his clothes from a dead person. These are typical things marginalized communities experience in real life. At the end of her essay, Ibarra points out how society is dogmatic against the lower class, thinking they are abusers. In Luca, the wealthy antagonist is shown to be violent and lazy.

“Even though the problem of discrimination has calmed down, it still happens… From these past experiences, we can realize that solutions to tough problems come in tough ways.”

The author introduces people who called out discrimination, such as Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and Barbara Henry – the only teacher who decided to teach Ruby Bridges, despite her skin color. 

He then moves on to mention the variations of present-day discrimination. He uses Donald Trump and the border he wants to build to keep the Hispanics out as an example. Finally, Bill ends the essay by telling the readers those who discriminate against others are bullies who want to get a reaction out of their victims. 

Do you get intimidated when you need to write an essay? Don’t be! If writing an essay makes you nervous, do it step by step. To start, write a simple 5 paragraph essay .

Prompts on Essays About Discrimination

Below are writing prompts that can inspire you on what to focus on when writing your discrimination essay:

Essays About Discrimination: My discrimination experience

Have you had to go through an aggressor who disliked you because you’re you? Write an essay about this incident, how it happened, what you felt during the episode, and what you did afterward. You can also include how it affected the way you interact with people. For example, did you try to tone down a part of yourself or change how you speak to avoid conflict?

List ways on how you can participate in lessening incidents of discrimination. Your list can include calling out biases, reporting to proper authorities, or spreading awareness of what discrimination is.

Is there an ongoing prejudice you observe in your school, subdivision, etc.? If other people in your community go through this unjust treatment, you can interview them and incorporate their thoughts on the matter.

Tackle what victims of discrimination have to go through daily. You can also talk about how it affected their life in the long run, such as having low self-esteem that limited their potential and opportunities and being frightened of getting involved with other individuals who may be bigots.

For this prompt, you can choose a subtopic to zero in on, like Workplace Discrimination, Disability Discrimination, and others. Then, add sample situations to demonstrate the unfairness better.

What are your thoughts on the different game rules for men and women? Do you believe these rules are just? Cite news incidents to make your essay more credible. For example, you can mention the incident where the Norwegian women’s beach handball team got fined for wearing tops and shorts instead of bikinis.

Since we learn to discriminate because of the society we grew up in, it’s only normal to be biased unintentionally. When you catch yourself having these partialities, what do you do? How do you train yourself not to discriminate against others?

Focus on an area of discrimination and suggest methods to lessen its instances. To give you an idea, you can concentrate on Workplace Discrimination, starting from its hiring process. You can propose that applicants are chosen based on their skills, so the company can implement a hiring procedure where applicants should go through written tests first before personal interviews.

If you instead want to focus on topics that include people from all walks of life, talk about diversity. Here’s an excellent guide on how to write an essay about diversity .

Discrimination - Free Essay Samples And Topic Ideas

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How To Write an Essay About Discrimination

Understanding the concept of discrimination.

Before you begin writing an essay about discrimination, it's crucial to understand its definition and the various forms it can take. Discrimination is the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of race, age, sex, or disability. Start your essay by defining discrimination and differentiating it from prejudice and bigotry. Explore the different types of discrimination, such as racial, gender, age, religious, and disability discrimination. Understanding these variations is important to provide a comprehensive view of the topic in your essay.

Developing a Focused Thesis Statement

A strong, focused thesis statement is essential for an effective essay on discrimination. This statement should present a specific angle or argument about discrimination. For example, you might choose to write about the impact of discrimination in the workplace, the role of systemic discrimination in society, or strategies to combat discrimination. Your thesis will guide the direction of your essay and ensure that your analysis is structured and coherent.

Gathering Supporting Evidence

An essay about discrimination should be supported by relevant facts, data, and examples. This might include statistical evidence, case studies, historical examples, or current events. For instance, if you are discussing racial discrimination, you might include recent incidents that have gained public attention or historical legislation that has contributed to systemic racism. Use this evidence to support your thesis and strengthen your arguments.

Analyzing Causes and Effects

Dedicate a section of your essay to analyzing the causes and effects of discrimination. Discuss various factors that lead to discriminatory practices, such as stereotypes, ignorance, and societal norms. Explore the impact of discrimination on individuals, communities, and society as a whole. For instance, consider how workplace discrimination can affect employee morale and productivity. This analysis will help readers understand the complexities of discrimination.

Proposing Solutions and Conclusions

Towards the end of your essay, discuss potential solutions to address discrimination. This could include policy changes, educational programs, or grassroots initiatives. Highlight initiatives that have been successful in combating discrimination and suggest areas where more work is needed. Conclude your essay by summarizing the key points discussed, restating the importance of addressing discrimination, and encouraging further research or action.

Final Review and Editing

After completing your essay, it's important to review and edit your work. Ensure that your arguments are clear and supported by evidence. Check for grammatical errors and ensure that your essay flows logically. It might also be helpful to get feedback from others, perhaps classmates or a teacher, who can provide a fresh perspective. A well-polished essay will communicate your ideas more effectively and demonstrate your understanding of discrimination and its impacts.

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Home — Essay Samples — Social Issues — Discrimination — Understanding and Combating Discrimination


Understanding and Combating Discrimination

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Published: Feb 7, 2024

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Historical context, types and effects of discrimination, solutions for combating discrimination.

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discrimination sample essay

Discrimination Essays

Gender discrimination in employment-research paper, healthcare disparities and implications in emerging and established adulthood., equitable care achieved through addressing health disparities, barriers to access healthcare among muslim women, title: a reflection and discussion on systemic discrimination in labor markets by abigail b. bakan, injustice and freedom: theoretical discrimination and intersectionality, health inequalities in england, applied behavior analysis, addressing discriminatory practices in housing, navigating the depths of healthcare inequality in the u.s., dei review and evaluation, unveiling educational disparities: standardized testing and equity., navigating discrimination and its behavioral effects, “eros militant: unveiling the ancient roots of lgbtq+ valor”, navigating the impact of racial diversity on workplace dynamics: an exploration of discrimination as a mediator and its effect on employee turnover, essays on discrimination.

Discrimination is as old as the human race and is something that continues to be a major issue in this day and age. While more light may be shone on discriminating incidents it doesn’t always mean it’s getting better.

It’s important to note what discrimination is and the various types. Right away, you have an excellent essay idea that is easy to reference at the same time. Typically, the major areas with this hover around race, gender, and age. The color of the skin continues to matter, as well as the origins of people. Then comes those that aren’t male, whether we’re just talking about the opposite sex or the new age of multiple genders.

Finally, there’s age discrimination which is especially an issue in in the workforce. Employers always seem hesitant to hire those who are older. Their perception is they may not be able to work as hard or not be able to work for that long. This is counterintuitive though since older people tend to have a plethora of experience and wisdom that cannot be taught.

How to write an essay on discrimination

Besides explaining discrimination, you can go into the history of discrimination as well or what the root cause is. Why do humans need to develop a ranking system for themselves? It also doesn’t mean that it’s isolated to just the United States and you can also take a look at discrimination in other countries.

You may even be surprised how certain Asian nations are extremely discriminatory to their own people and it doesn’t even always relate to race, gender or age! Then there’s India with its caste system that some could classify as discriminatory as well. These are just examples and there are plenty more.

No matter what always make sure that you’re going to stick with one topic and make sure that you don’t write it in an opinion format.

For those who need help with essay topics, take a look below:

• What is discrimination? • The history of discrimination. • The causes of discrimination. • The effects of discrimination. • The fight against discrimination. • The future of discrimination.

If you still don’t know what sub-topic to choose or how to start writing about discrimination, essay examples on this page can help you make a choice and push you to write!

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103 Discrimination Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Discrimination is a pervasive issue that continues to plague society, affecting individuals based on their race, gender, sexuality, religion, and more. It is important to address this issue and raise awareness about the various forms of discrimination that exist in order to create a more inclusive and equitable society.

To help spark discussion and dialogue on this important topic, here are 103 discrimination essay topic ideas and examples:

  • The impact of racism on individuals and communities
  • Discrimination against immigrants in the United States
  • Gender discrimination in the workplace
  • The intersectionality of discrimination
  • Discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals
  • Islamophobia and discrimination against Muslims
  • Discrimination against people with disabilities
  • Age discrimination in the workplace
  • Discrimination based on social class
  • Discrimination in the criminal justice system
  • Discrimination in healthcare
  • Discrimination in education
  • Discrimination against Indigenous peoples
  • Discrimination based on physical appearance
  • Discrimination against refugees and asylum seekers
  • Discrimination in housing
  • Discrimination in the media
  • Discrimination in the tech industry
  • Discrimination in the fashion industry
  • Discrimination in the entertainment industry
  • Discrimination in the music industry
  • Discrimination in the beauty industry
  • Discrimination in the sports industry
  • Discrimination in the art world
  • Discrimination in the food industry
  • Discrimination in the gaming industry
  • Discrimination in the travel industry
  • Discrimination in the healthcare industry
  • Discrimination in the education industry
  • Discrimination in the technology industry
  • Discrimination in the media industry
  • Discrimination in the financial industry
  • Discrimination in the legal industry
  • Discrimination in the hospitality industry
  • Discrimination in the real estate industry
  • Discrimination in the automotive industry
  • Discrimination in the construction industry
  • Discrimination in the manufacturing industry
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Essay Samples on Discrimination

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Best topics on Discrimination

1. LGBTQ Discrimination: Overcoming Prejudice and Fostering Inclusion

2. Conflict Theory and Ageism in Aging Discrimination

3. The Challenges To Get Equal Pay For Equal Work

4. American Dream And Discrimination In “Stranger In The Village”

5. Islamophobia In The Modern World

6. Canada’s Indian Act: An Affront To Human Dignity

7. Race And Sex: A Judicial Chronology Of The Battle With Discrimination

8. The Impacts of Martin Luther Speech on Social Issues

9. How Times in Which DuBois Lived Have Influenced Him

10. Discrimination and Stigma Surrounding Employees with Limitations

11. How Effective Are the Actions of Black Lives Matter Protest Group

12. Analysis of Black Lives Matter Activism and Actions Taken by Its Members

13. How the BLM Movements Fights Against the Inequality and Its Future Plans

14. The Fake Equality in Indian Democracy

15. Main Reasons of the Discrimination Cases in the Primary Schools of Bangladesh

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Discrimination Causes, Effects and Types Essay

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Causes of discrimination, effects of discrimination, types of discrimination, history of discrimination, how to regulate and control discrimination.

Discrimination is one of the most common social evils in modern society. Kahane and Shmanske (2012, p. 65) define discrimination as “the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex.” It is a perception that a certain group of people is inferior because of characteristics that make them different from the other groups. As shown in the above definition, discrimination is unjust because it involves classifying a given group of people based on characteristics that make them look unfit to be part of the rest of the group. It only focuses on prejudicial weaknesses and ignores the strengths of that group. For instance, gender discrimination is often based on the fact that women are physically weak compared with men.

However, what society forgets is that there are so many women who are physically stronger than men. We also ignore the intellectual and emotional power that women have over men. According to Nachmani (2010), discrimination is common in all parts of the world. In any environment where there is diversity, different forms of discrimination are often common. It may be on the basis of age, sex, race, religion, social practices, or academic qualification. Even in an environment where people share a lot in common, trivial issues such as height, weight, and level of attractiveness, among others, are often used to classify people as being either superior or inferior to the rest of the group. Discrimination is the biggest threat to effective integration within the community. In this paper, the researcher seeks to determine the causes, effects, and types of discrimination and give suggestions on how to address this problem.

According to Kahane and Shmanske (2012), discrimination is primarily caused by an inferiority complex that some people often have. It is the feeling that one is inadequate and hence wants to convince sent that there are others who are worse than them. Such people would pick characteristics in other people that make them look inferior. As Bryan (2010) says, as human beings, there are so many things that make us common than those that make us different. At a tender age, children get to interact without understanding that they are different in any way. Factors such as skin color, religion, and social class, among other things, make no sense to these children at that tender age because of the purity of their hearts. However, the moment the sense of belonging and the desire to be seen as the best set in, people start to look at diversity from a completely different angle. They start looking at diversity as a factor that should make one group superior to the other. Another major cause of discrimination is greed. The desire to have the best at the expense of the rest has forced humankind to come up with ways of making that possible. Through discrimination, they are able to justify why they can have the best while the rest do not.

In the United States, the best schools, hospitals, and social amenities were meant for the Whites. In the past, most of the countries in the Arab World, such as the United Arab Emirates did not allow women to work. This is a deliberate strategy to ensure that a section of the society is denied what is important to them simply because they are different. In the modern society, politics is seen as a major cause of discrimination. Sometimes politicians use discrimination to help them identify with the majority as a way of getting acceptance. In the recently closed presidential elections in the United States, Donald Trump identified with the Whites who are the majority in the country. He made them feel more entitled to the country than African Americans or other immigrants. It was not shocking that through that immoral strategy, he was able to win the election. He was able to appeal to the society that has historically embraced discrimination even after the country’s forefathers promised unity.

According to Portilla (2016), discrimination is one of the most dangerous social evils that are affecting many societies across the world. Currently, the entire region of Middle East is struggling with the problem of ISIS because of discrimination. It is because a section of the society feels that they are special and therefore deserve the best while others get less. For people to form a group that causes death and terror to others, the only possible reason is that they feel left out in the systems and structures within the society. Discrimination creates a scenario where a section of the society feels that they lack the sense of belonging. They feel hated and looked down upon by the rest of the society. In returning the hate to the same society, they organize themselves into groups whose primary goal is to cause terror, pain, and suffering to those they believe are hurting them. Bryan (2010) explains that discrimination creates disunity. It creates an environment where people cannot speak with one voice. They cannot work as a unit to achieve a common goal. Without such unity, it is almost impossible for people to join hands to achieve a common goal. According to Nachmani (2010), discrimination tends to create weaknesses in a section of the society.

When one is brought up believing that he or she is weak because of the socio-cultural or natural characteristics, then one is likely to believe that it is the truth. As such, the discriminated may fail to work hard to create a better society. In the United Arab Emirates for instance, most of the women still believe that their place is at home with their family. As such, talented brains are wasted instead of being put into use in a way that may be beneficial to the community. A study by Portilla (2016) found out that discrimination is one of the primary reasons why some people act against their own states either as spies or terrorists. The sense of nationalism disappears when one feels that the society sees them as less deserving. They develop a desire to punish the state because of the rejection.

Discrimination may be exhibited in different ways. The most common type is the gender discrimination. This is the prejudicial belief that men are better than women within a social setting. It is the belief that men deserve to be treated with more respect than women. This is a common problem almost in every part of the world. In the United Arab Emirates and its neighboring countries, leadership is in the tight grip of men. In the corporate world, men are dominant over women not because women cannot be successful but because they are discriminated against by the society. In the mosques, women are not expected to lead as Imams because the society believes such an important role can only be held by a man. Gender discrimination is not just common in this country. The United States has never elected a female president for the last 240 years that it has been an independent state (Weil, Lentz, & Evans, 2016). The same is the case in Russia, China, and Japan. Racial discrimination is another big problem, especially in the United States.

The perception that Whites are superior to other races has caused many social injustices since the country gained independence. The problem is common in the global society. Religious difference is a form of discrimination that has been persistent for the last several years. It has been difficult to create a unified society where people from different faiths can believe that they belong together and should be committed to working towards a common societal goal. Discrimination on the ground of one’s social status is one of the forms of segregation that has existed for centuries. In the past, caste system was common in many kingdoms. Civilization was believed to be a tool that would help solve this problem. However, that has not been the case. Social status remains one of the most common factors that classify people into different group. The rich has a class of their own that guarantees them the best in the society at the expense of the poor. Age, disability, sexual orientation, marital status, and nature of one’s career are the other common types of discrimination.

Discrimination can be traced back to the origin of mankind as told in most of the history and religious books. Both the bible and Quran clearly state that Man was created first and given authority over everything (Ñopo, Chong, & Moro, 2010). Woman was created from one of the ribs of a man and was given the primary responsibility of being an assistant to man. From those olden days, women were viewed as being inferior to men and expected to be their subordinates at all time. During civilization, kingdoms fought for power and control. People from powerful kingdom would attack the weaker kingdoms and take slaves. The emergence of the social classes during the civilization period entrenched the vice of discrimination. Slaves were viewed as people who lacked entitlement even to their own life. A slave owner could do anything to his or her slaves as the society considered it normal. The Egyptian Empire, Roman Empire, Greek Empire, the Han Empire, and many other great kingdoms entrenched discrimination through social class systems.

During the industrial revolution, discrimination became a perfect tool for the rich and powerful to amass more wealth and power. The societal forces gave them a blessing to use their power to use the weak and poor for their own selfish gains. In Australia, for instance, the aboriginals were regarded as inferior to the White immigrants simply because they lacked Western education and that they were Blacks. In the Arab world, the idea that women are supposed to be subordinate to men never changed. In the modern world, discrimination is still common. A study by Bryan (2010) found out that most companies in the United Arab Emirates prefer hiring locals than expatriates. That in itself is a form of discrimination. In the United States, White police officers have killed so many African Americans because they are believed to be dangerous. Although things have improved, the problem still exists.

It is the responsibility of every member of the society to fight discrimination from any angle possible. Various stakeholders in various capacities have different roles in this fight against discrimination. The government should come up with laws and regulations that criminalized discrimination in the workplace. Laws should also be enacted that prohibits any form of discrimination in social setting on the basis of race, religion, gender, and marital status among others. Firms should be subjected to a new regulation that requires them to monitor and combat any form of discrimination in the society. Companies that fail to adhere to these regulatory procedures should be subject to fines.

The managers should be informed that they may risk jail terms if they aid, abet, or ignore discrimination at their institutions. Members of the public should also understand that they have a role to play in controlling or completely eradicating discrimination. People should appreciate and embrace diversity as something that empowers the society. Diversity makes it possible for people to take advantage of their varying skills, strengths, and knowledge to help achieve a common goal. The society must appreciate that one’s weaknesses can be addressed by strengths of the other and that can only happen if we embrace integration, not discrimination. Skin color, religion, age, sex, or social status should not be the grounds for discrimination. Everyone should develop a burden of working towards a united society.

Bryan, W. V. (2010). Sociopolitical aspects of disabilities: The social perspectives and political history of disabilities and rehabilitation in the United States . Springfield, MA: Charles C Thomas Publisher.

Kahane, H., & Shmanske, S. (2012). The Oxford handbook of sports economics . Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Nachmani, A. (2010). Europe and its Muslim minorities: Aspects of conflict, attempts at accord . Brighton, UK: Sussex Academic.

Ñopo, H., Chong, A., & Moro, A. (2010). Discrimination in Latin America: An economic perspective . Washington, DC: Inter-American Development Bank.

Portilla, K. (2016). Redressing everyday discrimination: The weakness and potential of antidiscrimination law. New York, NY: Cengage.

Weil, L., Lentz, G., & Evans, A. (2016). Litigation services handbook: The role of the financial expert . Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

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IvyPanda. (2020, September 3). Discrimination Causes, Effects and Types.

"Discrimination Causes, Effects and Types." IvyPanda , 3 Sept. 2020,

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Discrimination Causes, Effects and Types'. 3 September.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Discrimination Causes, Effects and Types." September 3, 2020.

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IvyPanda . "Discrimination Causes, Effects and Types." September 3, 2020.

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