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What is a deed of trust with assignment of rents.

By Rebecca K. McDowell, J.D.

February 24, 2020

Reviewed by Michelle Seidel, B.Sc., LL.B., MBA

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deed of assignment rental property

  • What Is a Corporate Assignment of Deed of Trust?

A deed of trust is a written instrument granting a lien on real property. While slightly different from a mortgage, they are functionally nearly the same. Some states use deeds of trust instead of mortgages while others allow both. Either way, a deed of trust used to secure a commercial loan may also include an assignment of rents , which gives the lender the right to collect rental income from the property in the event of default.

What Is a Deed of Trust?

A ​ deed of trust ​ is a document that a borrower may execute in favor of a lender to give the lender a lien on a parcel of real estate. Like a mortgage, a deed of trust secures the loan by allowing the lender to foreclose on the real estate if the loan isn't paid (although in some states that use deeds of trust, a foreclosure isn't necessary).

​ Read More: ​ How to Research a Deed of Trust

Deed of Trust vs. Mortgage

A deed of trust is very similar to a mortgage in that it pledges property to secure a loan. A mortgage, however, is simpler; the property owner executes a mortgage document in favor of the lender, and the lender records the mortgage and has a lien , but the property owner still holds title to the property.

A deed of trust, on the other hand, grants an actual ownership interest in the property to a trustee, who holds the property in trust for the lender until the obligation is paid.

What Is an Assignment of Rents?

An ​ assignment of rents ​ is extra security granted to a lender that provides a commercial loan. Commercial loans are loans that are not made for family or household use but for business purposes.

When a borrower grants a mortgage or deed of trust on real estate and the real estate has tenants who pay rent, the lender can demand an assignment of rents in addition to the mortgage or deed of trust.

The assignment of rents means that if the borrower defaults on the loan, the lender can step in and collect the rents directly from the tenants.

Deed of Trust With Assignment of Rents

A deed of trust may contain an assignment of rents clause for that same property. In addition to a clause in the deed of trust, the lender may also require the borrower to execute a separate document called an "Assignment of Rents" that is recorded with the register of deeds.

Whether the assignment is written in the deed of trust only or is also contained in a separate document, it is binding on the borrower as long as its language is clear and sufficient to create an assignment under state law.

Exercising an Assignment of Rents

When a lender decides to collect the rents on the borrower's property, the lender is said to be exercising the assignment of rents. The lender cannot exercise the assignment unless the borrower has defaulted on the loan. Once that happens, the lender can send a written demand to the tenant or tenants, requiring that the rents be paid directly to the lender.

Absolute Assignments of Rents

An assignment of rents most likely will contain language that the assignment is an ​ absolute assignment ​. In most states, an absolute assignment gives the lender an immediate interest in the rents. This means that the lender actually owns the rents and is simply allowing the borrower to collect them on license until an event of default. Once a default occurs, the lender can intercept the rents without taking any court action; a letter to the tenants is all that's needed.

Every state's laws are different; the law of the state where the property is located will dictate how a lender can exercise an assignment of rents.

​ Read More: ​ What Is the Difference Between a Deed and a Deed of Trust?

  • Companies Incorporated: Mortgage States and Deed of Trust States
  • American Bar Association: Commercial Real Estate FAQs
  • Schulte Roth & Zabel: Sixth Circuit Upholds Assignment of Rents to Secured Lender
  • Findlaw: California Civil Code - CIV § 2938
  • Legal Beagle: What Is the Difference Between a Deed and a Deed of Trust?
  • Legal Beagle: How to Research a Deed of Trust
  • Legal Beagle: Documents Needed to Refinance a Mortgage
  • Legal Beagle: How to File a Property Lien

Rebecca K. McDowell is a creditors' rights attorney with a special focus on bankruptcy and insolvency. She has a B.A. in English from Albion College and a J.D. from Wayne State University Law School. She has written legal articles for Nolo and the Bankruptcy Site.

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deed of assignment rental property

Assignment of Rents – What, Why, and How?

Assignment of Rents – What, Why, and How

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Madelaine prescott, esq., share this post:.

  • November 29, 2023

These days, almost all commercial loans include an Assignment of Rents as part of the Deed of Trust or Mortgage. But what is an Assignment of Rents, why is this such an important tool, and how are they enforced?

An Assignment of Rents (“AOR”) is used to grant the lender on a transaction a security interest in existing and future leases, rents, issues, or profits generated by the secured property, including cash proceeds, in the event a borrower defaults on their loan. The lender can use the AOR to step in and directly collect rental payments made by the tenant. For an AOR to be effective, the lender’s interest must be perfected, which has a few fairly simple requirements. The AOR must be in writing, executed by the borrower, and recorded with the county where the property is located. Including an AOR in the recorded Deed of Trust or Mortgage is the easiest and most common way to ensure the AOR meets these requirements should it ever need to be utilized.

When a borrower defaults, lenders can take advantage of AORs as an alternative to foreclosure to recoup their investment. With a shorter timeline and significantly lower costs, it is certainly an attractive option for lenders looking to get defaulted borrowers back on track with payments, without the potential of having to take back a property and attempting to either manage it or sell it in hopes of getting your money back out of the property. AORs can be a quick and easy way for the lender to get profits generated by the property with the goal of bringing the borrower out of default. But lenders should carefully monitor how much is owed versus how much has been collected. If the AOR generates enough funds so that the borrower is no longer in default, the lender must stop collecting rents generated by the property.

Enforcement of an AOR can also incentivize borrowers to work with the lender to formulate a plan, as many borrowers rely on rental income to cover expenses related to the property or their businesses. Borrowers are generally more willing to come to the table and negotiate a mutual, amicable resolution with the lender in order to protect their own investment. A word of warning to lenders though: since rental income is frequently used to pay expenses on the property, such as the property manager, maintenance, taxes, and other expenses, the lender needs to ensure they do not unintentionally hurt the value of the property by letting these important expenses fall behind. This may hurt the lender’s investment as well, as the property value could suffer, liens could be placed on the property, or the property may fall into disrepair if not properly maintained. It is also important for lenders to be aware of the statutes surrounding the payment of these expenses when an AOR is being used, as some state’s statutes require the lender to pay certain property expenses out of the collected rents if requested by the borrower.

In addition to being shorter and cheaper than foreclosure, AORs can be much easier to enforce. In California, the enforcement of an AOR is governed by California Civil Code §2938. This statute specifies enforcement methods lenders can use and restrictions on use of these funds by the lender, among other things. Under CA Civil Code §2938(c), there are 4 ways to enforce an AOR:

  • The appointment of a receiver;
  • Obtaining possession of the rents, issues, profits;
  • Delivery to tenant of a written demand for turnover of rents, issues, and profits in the correct form; or
  • Delivery to assignor of a written demand for the rents, issues, or profits.

One or more of these methods can be used to enforce an AOR. First, a receiver can be appointed by the court, and granted specific powers related to the AOR such as managing the property and collecting rents. They can have additional powers though; it just depends on what the court orders. This is not the simplest or easiest option as it requires court involvement, but this is used to enforce an AOR, especially when borrowers or tenants are uncooperative. Next is obtaining possession of the rents, issues, profits, which is exactly as it seems; lenders can simply obtain actual possession of these and apply the funds to the loan under their AOR.

The third and fourth options each require delivery of a written demand to certain parties, directing them to pay rent to the lender instead of to the landlord. Once the demand is made, the tenant pays their rent directly to the lender, who then applies the funds to the defaulted loan. These are both great pre-litigation options, with advantages over the first two enforcement methods since actual possession can be difficult to obtain and courts move slowly with high costs to litigate. The written demands require a specific form to follow called the “Demand To Pay Rent to Party Other Than Landlord”, as found at CA Civil Code §2938(k). There are other notice requirements to be followed here, so it is essential to consult with an experienced attorney if you are considering either of these options. California Civil Code §2938 specifically provides that none of the four enforcement methods violate California’s One Action Rule nor the Anti-Deficiency Rule, so lenders can confidently enforce their AORs using the above methods with peace of mind that they are not violating other California laws.

Whether you are looking to originate a new loan, or you are facing a default by your borrower, understanding what an Assignment of Rents is and how it operates can be extremely beneficial. Enforcing an AOR can be an easier option than foreclosure and can help promote a good relationship with your borrower when handled correctly. If you have any questions about AORs, or need further details on how to enforce them, Geraci is here to help.

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Deed of Assignment: Everything You Need to Know

A deed of assignment refers to a legal document that records the transfer of ownership of a real estate property from one party to another. 3 min read updated on January 01, 2024

Updated October 8,2020:

A deed of assignment refers to a legal document that records the transfer of ownership of a real estate property from one party to another. It states that a specific piece of property will belong to the assignee and no longer belong to the assignor starting from a specified date. In order to be valid, a deed of assignment must contain certain types of information and meet a number of requirements.

What Is an Assignment?

An assignment is similar to an outright transfer, but it is slightly different. It takes place when one of two parties who have entered into a contract decides to transfer all of his or her rights and obligations to a third party and completely remove himself or herself from the contract.

Also called the assignee, the third party effectively replaces the former contracting party and consequently assumes all of his or her rights and obligations. Unless it is stated in the original contract, both parties to the initial contract are typically required to express approval of an assignment before it can occur. When you sell a piece of property, you are making an assignment of it to the buyer through the paperwork you sign at closing.

What Is a Deed of Assignment?

A deed of assignment refers to a legal document that facilitates the legal transfer of ownership of real estate property. It is an important document that must be securely stored at all times, especially in the case of real estate.

In general, this document can be described as a document that is drafted and signed to promise or guarantee the transfer of ownership of a real estate property on a specified date. In other words, it serves as the evidence of the transfer of ownership of the property, with the stipulation that there is a certain timeframe in which actual ownership will begin.

The deed of assignment is the main document between the seller and buyer that proves ownership in favor of the seller. The party who is transferring his or her rights to the property is known as the “assignor,” while the party who is receiving the rights is called the “assignee.”

A deed of assignment is required in many different situations, the most common of which is the transfer of ownership of a property. For example, a developer of a new house has to sign a deed of assignment with a buyer, stating that the house will belong to him or her on a certain date. Nevertheless, the buyer may want to sell the house to someone else in the future, which will also require the signing of a deed of assignment.

This document is necessary because it serves as a temporary title deed in the event that the actual title deed for the house has not been issued. For every piece of property that will be sold before the issuance of a title deed, a deed of assignment will be required.

Requirements for a Deed of Assignment

In order to be legally enforceable, an absolute sale deed must provide a clear description of the property being transferred, such as its address or other information that distinguishes it from other properties. In addition, it must clearly identify the buyer and seller and state the date when the transfer will become legally effective, the purchase price, and other relevant information.

In today's real estate transactions, contracting parties usually use an ancillary real estate sale contract in an attempt to cram all the required information into a deed. Nonetheless, the information found in the contract must be referenced by the deed.

Information to Include in a Deed of Assignment

  • Names of parties to the agreement
  • Addresses of the parties and how they are binding on the parties' successors, friends, and other people who represent them in any capacity
  • History of the property being transferred, from the time it was first acquired to the time it is about to be sold
  • Agreed price of the property
  • Size and description of the property
  • Promises or covenants the parties will undertake to execute the deed
  • Signatures of the parties
  • Section for the Governors Consent or Commissioner of Oaths to sign and verify the agreement

If you need help understanding, drafting, or signing a deed of assignment, you can post your legal need on UpCounsel's marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.

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    An Assignment of Rents (“AOR”) is used to grant the lender on a transaction a security interest in existing and future leases, rents, issues, or profits generated by the secured property, including cash proceeds, in the event a borrower defaults on their loan.

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