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  • Freelance Writing Gigs With Great Pay: 50 Niches to Explore

Better freelance writing gigs in review

1. advertorials, 2. annual reports, 3. articles for top consumer magazines*, 4. branding/slogans, 5. brochures, 6. book ghostwriting*, 7. brand journalism*, 8. business plans/confidential information memorandums, 9. case studies*, 10. content marketing + strategy*, 11. corporate research reports, 12. corporate social responsibility reports, 13. crowdfunding campaigns, 14. custom publication articles*, 15. direct response copywriting, 16. e-books, 17. e-learning courses*, 18. email copywriting*, 19. grant writing*, 20. infographics*, 21. informational copywriting*, 22. internal communications, 23. landing pages, 24. longform blog posts*, 25. media kits, 26. newsletters*, 27. online ads, 28. “placed” articles*, 29. podcast and radio scripts, 30. presentations, 31. press kits, 32. press releases & pitching*, 33. print ads, 34. radio ads, 35. recruiting packets, 36. requests for proposals (rfps), 37. resume writing*, 38. sales pages*, 39. social media marketing, 40. special reports, 41. speechwriting*, 42. sponsored content/native advertising, 43. special sections, 44. technical manuals, 45. textbook supplements*, 46. trade publication articles*, 47. video scripts, 48. video sales letters*, 49. website content/rewrites*, 50. white papers*, making the leap to better pay.

Do you ever wonder where the better-paying freelance writing gigs are hiding? It can be hard to believe a good income is even possible, especially if you’re trapped in low-pay assignments that don’t even earn you the minimum wage.

The good news is that you can find freelance writing jobs . There are plenty of niches that pay better than writing, say, a 300-word blog post or a 50-word online product description — to name just two classic bottom-of-the-barrel niches where pay is often miniscule.

The problem is, when learning how to make money writing , many writers aren’t aware of all the different types of freelance writing gigs that offer better pay.

Below is a list of writing niches that I can report writers are seeing strong rates for. I’ve noted rate ranges as I’m aware of them, from talking to thousands of writers through Freelance Writers Den and my coaching. I’ve also included tips on industries and approaches for connecting with these clients.

What assignments pay writers well? Here’s my list:

These are the magazine articles that have a note that says ‘advertisement’ at the top. Think $1 a word for these articles, which provide useful info, often have quotes, and feel like journalism, but slyly serve the advertiser’s agenda.

Nonprofits and publicly traded companies are required to issue annual reports. At big companies, these can top 100 pages or more. And they’re often outsourced to freelancers, because they’re a massive-yet-seasonal project. Rates can easily run to $10,000 per project and more. Watch your local business journal for lists of publicly traded companies, and start building relationships to make connections for these gigs.

Many print magazines continue to thrive , despite cries of doom. The last article I wrote for one, for Forbes, paid $1.50 a word. Good rates for these freelance writing gigs are still out there. Take that Writer’s Market online, dial their search engine up to five $s, and make a list of great-paying magazines you want to target.

We all know ad agencies get big bucks for doing this work — and that smaller to mid-sized companies can’t afford those agencies. There’s an opportunity here, especially if you have an agency background or branding experience.

Target companies that attend trade shows. Then do in-person marketing, and you’ll find they’re still creating brochures. Rates for a basic, 3-fold brochure start around $750 and go up from there. It’s so easy to write better brochure copy than the average, it’s amazing — go to your local Chamber of Commerce and pull a bunch of these to read, if you don’t believe me. This is a great, accessible niche for moving up to better pay.

One of the most lucrative niches in the entire writing universe, pro book ghosting rates begin at $35,000 per project. These are relationship-driven gigs, so build your network and let connections know you’re looking to ghost books.

It’s the hottest niche around for displaced journalists. Brand journalism is writing reported stories for a company, not a magazine. In an age where we tune out ads, brand journalism is booming , and a growing number of companies are producing fantastic online magazines.

Startups seeking funding often need to create a sizzling-hot business plan or CIM to impress investors. If you love learning what makes a business tick and can tell a good story, these freelance writing gigs are for you. And they start at several thousand dollars in pay and go up from there, depending on complexity. Want to learn? Check out bplans .

If you love telling stories, these ‘customer success stories’ can be a lot of fun, once you learn the required format. They also typically pay $750-$1,500 or so — not bad for a couple of pages. If you have existing business clients, ask them how old their case studies are, study the layout, and sell them on some new ones.

If you’re still ‘ just blogging ,’ it’s time to learn more, and position yourself as a strategic expert. Learn how SEO really works today and how to craft successful content campaigns. Landing these freelance writing gigs will help you leave the world of $50 a post (or less) behind and start earning pro rates .

Are you nosy? If so, and you’ve got a knack for business, these projects are for you. When a public company gets a new CEO, investment firms often commission research where you find past co-workers and get them to spill on whether the chief was great to work for or a total a*hole. I’ve gotten $1,500-$3,000 for these, depending on length.

In addition to their annual report, more and more organizations prepare an annual report for stakeholders. These reports typically cover an organization’s impact on the environment and society. As with annual reports, CSRs at the big companies can top 100 pages, and pay rates are similar.

Watch this space for an upcoming guest post from a writer who’s making $2,000-$4,000 per project writing Kickstarter and IndieGoGo campaigns. These are fairly easy projects for people who can gather facts and tell a compelling story. You get to put together a short video script, too. A slam-dunk if you love working with startups.

From hospitals, grocery-store chains, clothing brands, and retail stores, custom pubs feel like consumer magazines, but are created by a business to promote their agenda. Rates range from $.50-$1 a word and more. Many ideas are generated in-house, but pitch them yours anyway, to impress and get in the door.

Skyrocketing postal rates have really hurt this niche, and a small elite seem to get most of these freelance writing gigs. But if you’ve got connections and the drive to break in, direct response can be one of the most lucrative writing types around.

Sure, there are lots of $200 offers on Craigslist for this gig, but e-books are getting increasingly sophisticated…and so are rates, if you find better clients who understand how valuable this marketing tool can be. My interest in writing short e-books begins around $2,000 and goes up from there.

Training has moved online, creating terrific opportunity for writers to write interactive, online courses. If you have a background in instructional design, online writing, or teaching, this is a niche worth exploring. Multi-thousand-dollar projects are routine for these freelance writing gigs.

Would earning $300 or more per short email be so bad? Learn how to write a compelling email campaign that gets readers clicking and buying, and you can earn very well here.

Yes, small nonprofits want you to do this for free. But large, national nonprofits employ professional freelance grant writers and pay well. I know more than one writer who has regular, recurring gigs writing grants for the biggies. Several thousand dollars per grant proposal is typical.

You see these going wildly viral everywhere, doing a great job promoting the sponsoring companies. Which is why businesses pay nicely to get them written and designed. Team with a designer, or do the whole thing, if you have the skills, and earn even more.

Do you hate writing salesy stuff? No worries — there’s a ton of freelance writing gigs out there for informational web pages that simply describe an issue, trend, platform, or service. I’ve earned $1 a word and more for hundreds of pages like these, and have done quite a few $1,000 projects to create 7-10 short pages of content.

Universities, business conglomerates — they all need to communicate across the company. Often, the division president doesn’t have time to write those memos, and they hire freelancers. I interviewed for one gig at a university — essentially, telling all the other parts of the university about this college’s needs and plans — for $50 an hour.

This broad term may refer to anything from a company’s home page, to a short product sales page, or an opt-in page for a free lead magnet. These vital pages help drive sales or capture leads — think $1 a word or more, depending on the complexity of the offer.

The 2,000-word blog post has arrived, and with it needs to come higher rates. Think $400 for starters. Resist all efforts to get you to write these long posts for a pittance. More companies are realizing long blog posts must pay .

When advertisers come calling, smart publications are ready with a media kit. These multi-page reports are full of juicy details about the pub’s circulation, reader demographics, disposable income, and more. Your job is to take their dry data and make it seem vital for advertisers to get in front of this audience. A key sales tool — expect top-line rates.

Whether these are virtual or go out in the mail, newsletters continue to be a proven format for driving engagement and disseminating information. This is one of the most reliable, ongoing retainer gigs going. Rates depend on product length but are often well above $1,000 per month. Manage the design side as well to earn even more. And don’t neglect internal newsletters for employees at companies with a large workforce.

How big is the marketplace for these? Well, this year, online ad spending is forecast to pass TV ad spending, eMarketer reported. Personally, I’m shopping for a pro to write my Facebook ads right now. Trackable digital ads may be one of the best earning opportunities going, since you can prove you got results. Be prepared to earn partly based on performance for these freelance writing gigs.

When a CEO wants a thought leadership article with his byline in the local business news, they rarely write it themselves. Instead, a pro writer with PR chops writes the piece and pitches the pubs to get placement. Expect $1,000-$1,200 per piece on this.

Why are podcasts a booming niche? Well, 57 million Americans listened to podcasts last year . Increasingly, thought leaders and companies are promoting through a recurring podcast — and somebody has to write those scripts. Often, the bigwig host doesn’t have time. Traditional radio hosts also may need writing help.

Many busy CEOs don’t have time to create their own videos, PowerPoints, SlideShares, and such. Do you have a visual side and write short and punchy copy? If you do, these freelance writing gigs can be a real cash cow. Where to find these gigs: Connect with coaches or thought leaders who do a lot of presentations.

If a company has a big event or product release coming up, they need to organize a lot of information for media — backgrounder sheets, product spec sheets, news releases, bios, and more. The Writer’s Market reports rates for putting these complete packages together top out at over $180 per hour.

There are some appalling rates out there for writing short press releases, so choose your client carefully. Complex products or services that not every writer could find a great news angle on for a release will be a better bet. Pay can top $1,000 for writing and promoting a smart, multi-page press release to interest editors and journalists.

Yes, magazine ads still exist.  And because they’re directly tied to driving sales, they pay well. Rates for these freelance writing gigs can run up to $3 a word, my Writer’s Market tells me.

Many radio ads are going longform these days, with DJs talking about or endorsing a product. Ad writing is a historical stalwart of good pay, so expect pro rates.

In any competitive industry that needs highly-trained workers, companies actively recruit at job fairs and online. To do that, they need written materials about why their company’s a great place to work. Recruiting packets for nurses are big biz at hospitals, for instance. Expect $3,000 or more to create their materials.

Somewhat similar to grantwriting, RFPs are a company’s bid to receive an open government contract. Complex RFPs for major contracts can often run 100 pages or more, and need a strong writer to put the company in the running. Rates are not unlike those for annual reports. I meet writers who’ve written these at past day jobs — if that’s you, consider pitching this service. Final tip: Consider becoming a qualified government contractor yourself, and bidding for your own writing gigs. Government is the most overlooked market sector in freelance writing.

Yes, there’s less of this work than there used to be, and low rates for simple, 1-page resumes. But at the C-Suite level, I’m hearing there are still lucrative assignments for writers who understand how to create an online-enabled resume that closes the deal.

Ever found yourself on a long, compelling sales page for a course or product? It takes talent to create a sales page that converts and brings in the bucks. If you know how to write those, charge $2,000 a page for them.

There’s way too much of this going for $1 per tweet, yes. But I’m also hearing from writers with $3,500-a-month contracts to plan and execute a company’s entire social-media strategy. This is another niche where agencies get a chunk of the high end of this business, but there’s opportunity for freelancers, too. Position yourself as an expert here to earn real dough from freelance writing gigs in social media.

They’re one of the simplest free products to create for blog subscribers. Special reports usually run 10-20 pages, and should pay $1500 and up. My first freebie here on the blog was a special report, 40 Ways to Market Your Writing.

If you write like people talk, and are adept at capturing others’ speaking styles, this is the field for you. Prominent people from politicians to CEOs to university presidents hire speechwriters, and $5,000 for a lengthy speech is typical.

These are a print advertorial in blog-post form, and this market is huge. Business Insider recently forecast native ads would be a $5.7 billion market next year. If you’re writing blog posts for cheap…why not write them for companies at $300-$500 a post and up? Watch your favorite blogs to see who’s buying native ads — then, reach out.

Think of this as an advertorial on steroids. Many publications sell multi-page advertorial sections to sponsors ranging from travel bureaus to hospitals to public utilities. These can be nice, multi-article freelance writing gigs that should pay $.50-$1 a word or more.

The biggest problem technical writers have is kicking the habit. Why? Pay for explaining how to operate complex products at a level engineers can understand is so great. Most writers in this niche are former developers, coders, or others with tech-geek cred.

Writers with a background in teaching or multiple degrees are good candidates for writing the materials teachers use to unpack standard textbooks and teach the material to their students. These are big projects — and John Soares at Productive Writers says rates can hit $100 an hour .

While many writers dream of getting into top national consumer mags, there’s more opportunity in low-glamour, $1-a-word articles written for a trade magazine audience of, say, gas-station owners or pharmacists. Check this niche out at or simply Google “[industry] trade magazine” to find pubs in the industry you know. Read, study, then make your pitch.

With YouTube now one of the top search engines in all the interwebs, smart companies are posting informational videos to draw customers in. There’s a lot of opportunity for freelance writing gigs for scripting customer videos, writing how-tos, creating content for product introduction videos, and more. Many agencies are specializing in video production now, and can be a place to get started.

Google ‘ video sales letter ‘ and you’ll see examples of one of the hottest types of writing in the exploding video sales revolution. Sort of a cross between an infomercial and subtitles, VSLs are hypnotic, addictive, and they need good writers — think multi-thousands per project. This is like a direct-response letter that you talk customers through, instead of popping it in the mail.

I’m not talking $200 Craigslist offers here, but opportunities to write or revamp big websites with 50-100 pages and more. These often easily run into the thousands on price for big-site revamps. Pro rates run from $100-$350 per page, depending on the material’s complexity.

Companies looking for a more sophisticated form of content marketing than blog posts are all over white papers. These typically take a position on an industry issue, compare solutions, or map an industry trend. White papers usually run 5-10 pages — and pay $2,500-$5,000 and up.

As you can see, there’s a lot more to writing for businesses than cheap blog posts! The more sophisticated a writing type you master, the better rates you can command. A theme I notice is that the closer your writing type is to directly making sales, the more it pays.

I hope the rates mentioned here open the eyes of writers who’re trolling Craigslist ads for gigs. There’s a whole world of professional pay out there, once you start doing your own proactive marketing and finding better clients.

*Did you notice the asterisk by many of these writing niches? All of the starred niches are ones I have training on inside my Freelance Writers Den community.

One powerful strategy to earn more is to learn how to do more sophisticated types of writing. If any of these writing niches intrigue you, look into how you could learn the format, get a first clip, and get rolling in a better-paid writing niche. I’ve seen that make a huge difference for many, many writers.

You can be one of untold thousands of writers trying to scratch out a living with low-paid gigs you find on mass job boards, or you can invest a little time acquiring better skills that set your writing apart. Your choice.

What’s the best-paid type of freelance writing gig you’ve done? Tell us about it in the comments.

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Hiring a Business Plan Writer: What it takes | Pricing

WritersGig Admin

  • February 4, 2024
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Table of Contents Hide

What is a business plan, who is a business plan writer, 1. strategic guidance, 2. effective communication, 3. investor attraction and funding, 4. operational efficiency, 5. adaptability to change, 6. decision-making support, 7. professionalism and credibility, 8. goal alignment, what key elements are needed in a business plan, why is a business plan important, why should i create a business plan, 1. startup business plan, 2. internal business plan, 3. strategic business plan, 4. operational or annual business plan, 5. feasibility business plan/ study, 6. financial business plan, 7. sales and marketing plan, 8. exit strategy plan, market research, financial modeling, how much does it cost to hire a business plan writer, what should you look for when hiring a business plan writer, faqs – hiring a business plan writer.

Let’s say for a moment that you’re a business owner or want to start a new business, have a business plan should be one of the first steps to take, and it may not be wise for you to create your business plan yourself. So, hiring a business plan writer to create your business plan is the right choice for you.

Creating a business plan can be quite difficult, but necessary. A business plan is used for various tasks, such as: determining the focus of your company, securing financing, and attracting new investors.

A business plan is a written document that details how a company (usually a new one) will achieve its goals. It describes the nature of your company, your sales and marketing strategy, and the financial background of your company.

It also includes a forecast income statement. Just as a contractor uses a design to make sure a building is structurally sound, the process of creating and writing a design for your company – called a business plan – will help you determine if your company will be strong from the start.

Without a business plan, you are leaving far too many things to chance. If you’re not sure how to create a business plan, hire a business plan creator to create one for you.

A business plan is not a one-time task; it is an ongoing practice. The writing, formatting, and makeup of a business plan are nowhere near as important as its content (although they are still important). and its content should change often.

Real companies with real business plans review and revise them frequently. When you have an event where a business plan is a requirement for a loan, investor, divorce settlement, or strategic ally, you need to go beyond the basics and formalize a business plan with well-written summaries and descriptions.

A Business Plan Writer is a professional that specializes in creating comprehensive and well-structured business plans for individuals or companies.

The primary roles of a business plan writer is to gather information about a business idea, industry, target market, and financial projections, and then organize this information into a coherent document that outlines the goals, strategies, and operational details of the business.

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Importance of a Business Plan Writer

The importance of a business plan writer in an organization stems from their ability to contribute to strategic planning, communication, and overall success. Here are the several key importance of a business plan writer:

Business plan writers assist organizations in developing a clear and strategic road map.

By conducting thorough market research and analysis, they help identify opportunities, assess risks, and define a realistic plan that aligns with the organization’s goals.

As we all know that Business plans are important communication tools to every business. So, a well-written business plan ensures that internal teams, stakeholders, and potential investors have a comprehensive understanding of the organization’s objectives, strategies, and operational details.

Business plan writers play a vital role in securing funding or investment. Investors and lenders often need a detailed business plan to evaluate the viability and potential profitability of the organization.

A professionally crafted business plan enhances the organization’s chances of attracting financial support.

Beyond financial projections, business plans outline the day-to-day operations of the organization. A business plan writer helps in organizing and presenting key operational details, ensuring that teams have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities.

Business plans are living documents that may need adjustments as market conditions, industry trends, or internal factors change. A business plan writer creates a document that is adaptable, allowing the organization to respond effectively to evolving circumstances.

The process of developing a business plan encourages organizations to thoroughly analyze various aspects of their operations.

This analysis provides good understanding that support informed decision-making, helping the organization navigate challenges and capitalize on opportunities.

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A well-prepared business plan enhances the professionalism and credibility of an organization. It shows stakeholders, including employees, customers, and partners, that the organization has a clear vision, understands its market, and is committed to achieving its objectives.

Business plan writers work to align the business plan with the organization’s overarching goals. This ensures that everyone in the organization is on the same page, working towards common objectives, and fostering a sense of unity and purpose.

Regardless of whether a business plan is to be shared with investors or partners, the key elements of any business plan should include the following

  • Executive Summary
  • Business overview,
  • market analysis,
  • competitive analysis,
  • Section on organization and management,
  • Description of your product or service
  • Sales and marketing strategy
  • Financial plan.

People often believe that a business plan is for startups that need investment or companies that need credit. While a business plan is especially useful for new businesses, it will benefit any business.

Every business, from charities to non-profits, should have a clear business plan.

A business plan helps you get a clear picture of the whole company, prioritize your goals, stay accountable, develop a strategic course of action, and manage your cash flow.

It also helps you develop strategic focus for your business and make course corrections to prevent your business from going down.

Hire a business planner to understand how a business plan will help your company.

Writing a well thought out and organized business plan will greatly increase your chances of success as an entrepreneur. A good business plan can help:

  • Determine if your company has a chance of making a good profit
  • Provide an estimate of your startup costs and how much you need to invest or fund
  • Convince investors and lenders to fund your business
  • Provide a sales estimate (by defining your market – who your customers will be – and the percentage of the market you are likely to reach)
  • Make money from the start by developing an effective marketing strategy
  • compete in the market (by analysing what your competition is lacking) and
  • Anticipate potential problems so you can solve them before they turn into disasters.

Types of a Business Plan

Choosing the appropriate type of business plan depends on the specific needs, goals, and stage of the business.

Each type serves a unique purpose and helps address different aspects of strategic planning and business management. Therefore, here are the types of business plan

This type of business is created for new businesses seeking to establish themselves in the market. It typically includes information about the business concept, target market, competitive analysis, and financial projections.

This is the business plan that used for internal audience within the organization. It focuses on operational details, strategies, and goals to guide the day-to-day activities of the business.

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Strategic business plan Concentrates on long-term strategic goals and initiatives. It outlines the vision, mission, and high-level strategies that will guide the organization’s growth.

This business plan is designed for short-term planning, usually covering a one-year period. It includes detailed operational plans, budgeting, and specific actions to achieve short-term objectives.

This business plan is used before starting a new business or launching a new product. It assesses the practicality, viability, and potential success of the venture.

Financial business plan emphasizes financial aspects, including budgeting, revenue projections, and cost analysis. It is important for attracting investors and securing funding.

This types of business plan focuses on sales and marketing strategies, including target market analysis, promotional activities, and sales forecasts.

In this type of plan, they outlines the plan for an exit or succession, indicating how the business owner intends to exit the business, whether through selling, passing it on to family, or other methods.

What are the different aspects of creating a great business plan?

There are many aspects to creating a great business plan.

You need to do extensive research in the following areas:

  • Customer research : Find out who your target customers are and what their wants and needs are
  • Industry Research : Identify the size of your market and the trends that are influencing it
  • Competitive research : identify your direct and indirect competitors as well as their strengths and weaknesses
  • Financial Research : Understanding realistic growth rates and costs (salaries, etc.) so that a realistic financial model can be created

Armed with market research, you need to develop the optimal growth strategies. For example, if in your research you have identified an unmet customer need, you should develop strategies to take advantage of this opportunity.

Your financial model or projections may be the most important part of your business plan. Poorly founded financial models will deter most investors. Worse, if your financial projections require too much or too little funding, it will cost you a lot of money.

While it’s important to be a good business writer, it’s even more important to understand the needs of the audience. For example, the world’s best business writer probably didn’t spend much time with venture capitalists.

As a result, they have no idea what this audience wants and probably wouldn’t write a business plan that appealed to them.

You can check this: Top 10 High-Paying Online Writing Jobs in 2024

Remember that good advisors are in great demand and charge accordingly. Far better to budget for the planning phase and only hire someone well when you can pay their fees than hire someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing and waste your money.

The cost of writing business plans varies between service providers, as well as in terms of length and difficulty. The typical business plan creation fees charged for an average business plan creation are between $600 and $1,000. Very complex business plans can cost more, but should rarely exceed $5,000.

A professional business planner will typically charge anywhere from $5,000 to $20,000 for a full business plan (although there are cases where $50,000 is warranted).

The lower end applies to “simple” businesses like a pizzeria, small retail store, hair salon, etc.

If your business plan involves new or complicated technology, unusual or multiple sources of income, or requires significant investment capital, expect fees at the higher end of this scale.

A good business planner has enough experience to find a way through complexity and find solutions.

First and foremost in hiring a business plan writer, make sure that they are really professionals. Pay attention to the following:

  • Do you have a credible website?
  • Are you trained?
  • Are you doing this for a living or is it just a hobby?
  • Do they have satisfied customers and will they refer you to those customers?
  • Do they understand your business?
  • If the answers are yes to all of these questions, you might be in luck.

Startup business plan Internal business plan Strategic business plan Operational or Annual Business Plan Feasibility study Sales and Marketing Plan Financial business plan Exit Strategy Plan

The cost of writing business plans varies between service providers, as well as in terms of length and difficulty. A professional business planner will typically charge anywhere from $5,000 to $20,000 for a full business plan…

While a well-written business plan can improves the chances of securing funding, success depends on various factors, including market conditions and the business’s viability.

Hiring a business plan writer is not just an investment; it’s a strategic move towards success for any business owner. The benefits, from saving time to enhancing credibility, make it a worthwhile for any business, regardless of size or industry.

Are you a content buyer or writer and wish to earn some cash? Here is your opportunity. Get started with WritersGig .

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Home Find a Job Freelance Writing Websites

Freelancer sitting at her laptop searching for work on freelance writing websites.

29 Best Freelance Writing Websites to Find Work and Hone Your Skills

January 1, 2024

Written by:

Alba U. Román's headshot

Alba U. Román

Alba is a writer for In addition to writing, she has done work as an independent graphic designer and has...


College Required

If you’re interested in becoming a freelance writer, you’re probably looking for ways to land gigs. Work is easy to come by when you’re an established name in the field, but it can be tough to find when you’re just starting out.

We’ve compiled a list of some of the best platforms that you can use to find writing jobs, as well as several informational resources that you can use to hone your craft and get your freelancing career off on the right foot. Read on to learn more.

01. 17 freelance writing job boards and marketplaces

You can find freelance writing work on all of the sites below. We’ve listed what kinds of jobs they feature, what the average pay for those jobs is, and whether the website is suitable for beginners, experienced writers, or both.

1. BloggingPro

blogging pro freelance writing

About the company : BloggingPro publishes blogging tutorials and hosts a job board for writers.

Jobs available : The website features ads for jobs of all types, including:

  • Full-time jobs
  • Part-time jobs
  • Remote work
  • Freelance gigs
  • Temporary contracts
  • Internships

You can find clients who need content in virtually every niche, including travel, parenting, finance, health, and dozens of others.

Earnings : Earnings vary from project to project.

Fees and commissions : Free for writers, although companies have to pay to post jobs on BloggingPro.

Experience level : Suitable for beginners and experienced writers.

Signup requirements : No registration is required; writers are directed to their potential clients’ websites and must apply directly.

Where to find work

Find Jobs on BloggingPro

2. ClearVoice

clearvoice freelance writing

About the company : ClearVoice connects writers and content creators with companies seeking talent. ClearVoice also features jobs in other industries besides writing, including graphic design.

Jobs available : ClearVoice offers a variety of content creation projects. In your profile, you can specify your preferred industry and your “content role” (i.e., what type of freelancer you are).

Available industries include:

  • Advertising and marketing
  • Lifestyle and consumer
  • Software and technology
  • Travel and adventure
  • Real estate

Content roles include:

  • Content strategist
  • SEO specialist
  • Copy editor
  • Ghostwriter
  • Graphic designer
  • Technical writer
  • Video editor

Earnings : Writers are paid per word. Rates vary by assignment, and you can set the minimum you’re willing to work for. On average, assignments pay between $0.10 and $0.30 per word , which is a reasonably high range.

Fees and commissions : You’ll have to pay a 25% service fee on each project.

Experience level : Given the somewhat involved application process, this site is best suited for writers with some professional experience.

Signup requirements : Freelance writers need to apply to ClearVoice by creating a profile and a portfolio, which must include at least 6 work samples and an example of previously published work.

If you’re accepted into the “ClearVoice Talent Network,” you’ll get matched with assignments by the ClearVoice team based on your rates and experience.

Where to sign up

Sign Up with ClearVoice

3. freelance writing

About the company : is a curated content marketplace. Writers can’t directly browse or apply for jobs; instead,’s editors send offers to the writers they think would be a good fit for each project.

Jobs available : Varies, but most of the work consists of writing SEO blog posts. You can select the types of jobs you’re interested in.

Earnings : generally pays between $0.10 and $0.14 per word. Its editors manually set the rate for each project.

Fees and commissions : No fees for writers. Companies pay a monthly fee to find writers.

Experience level : Suitable for beginners and experienced writers (although the amount of work you land depends on whether or not’s editors and clients like your writing).

Signup requirements : You’ll need to complete a writing test. If you pass, you’ll be invited to join the platform.

Sign Up with

4. Constant Content

constant content freelance writing

About the company : Constant Content allows writers to independently brainstorm and submit articles on topics they’re knowledgeable and passionate about, then sells these articles to companies they think will be interested. Companies can also request specific content they need.

Jobs available : Jobs vary widely on this platform. They include:

  • Blog posts (on various topics)
  • Product descriptions
  • Marketing copy
  • Press releases
  • White papers

You can select the types of jobs you’re interested in.

Earnings : You set your own price for each piece you write and get paid if and when it sells. Constant Content claims that 85% of the articles submitted get sold. You can submit as many as you want.

Fees and commissions : None (free for writers).

Signup requirements : You’ll need to complete a profile and take a short grammar quiz.

Sign Up with Constant Content

5. Contently

contently freelance writing

About the company : Contently recruits content creators, including writers, and matches them with suitable brands.

Jobs available : Contently has a variety of jobs available for writers (as well as creators with other skills, such as graphic design and video editing). For writers, these projects include:

  • Articles for print magazines

Earnings : Rates vary from project to project and depend on your level of experience, but on average, Contently pays between $0.05 to $0.10 per word.

Fees and commissions : Unclear, but anecdotal reports claim that they charge a 4.75% commission fee.

Experience level : Suitable for relative beginners, but you’ll need at least some paid experience. Contently requires you to set up a portfolio with at least 7 projects before they’ll consider matching you with clients.

Signup requirements : As mentioned, you must have completed at least 7 projects for paying clients.

Sign Up with Contently

6. Crowd Content

crowd content freelance writing

About the company : Crowd Content connects writers with businesses seeking content.

Jobs available : Crowd Content offers two ways for writers to earn:

  • Freelance Writing Marketplace : This section of the site will connect you with clients. You’ll contact them directly and follow their instructions to complete projects.
  • Managed Content Projects : On these projects, you’ll work with a project manager (an employee of Crowd Content), who will act as a liaison between you and the client.

Regardless of which you choose, you can work on projects in a wide variety of industries, including:

  • Health and fitness
  • Outdoor activities and sports
  • Travel and leisure

The types of content you might be asked to produce are similarly diverse, ranging from white papers to blog posts to social media content (e.g., Tweets).

Earnings : Pay varies based on the project. You’ll be paid twice per week.

Fees and commissions : Appears to be free for writers.

Experience level : Suitable for beginners.

Signup requirements : You must be a native English speaker from the UK, US, Canada, Australia, or New Zealand. You will also have to complete a writing task and will be given a rating based on your performance. This will determine which jobs you’ll have access to in the marketplace. You can increase your rating over time.

Sign Up with Crowd Content


business plan writing gigs

About the company : is a marketplace where freelancers can bid on various job postings.

Jobs available : You can find all sorts of gigs on this site. These obviously include writing projects, but also include projects for freelancers with other skills.

Earnings : Your earnings will vary depending on the projects you take on.

Fees and commissions : It’s free to sign up, although you’ll only be allowed to bid for projects 6 times per month. If you’d like more bids, you’ll need to pay. also takes a commission from both businesses and freelancers. For fixed-fee projects and contests, they charge freelancers 10% or $5.00, whichever is higher, and for hourly projects, they charge 10%.

Experience level : Suitable for beginners and experienced writers, although experienced writers may find it easier to land projects.

Signup requirements : No special requirements; anyone can create an account.

Sign Up with

iwriter freelance writing

About the company : When you sign up for iWriter , you’ll get access to a list of projects posted by different companies.

You’ll select your preferred types of projects and be given the chance to submit pieces to these companies for review. Each requesting client will decide whether or not to accept your work. If they do, you’ll get paid. If not, the project will go into your “rejected” pile and you won’t receive payment.

Businesses can also send you requests directly.

Jobs available : You can find a wide variety of work available on iWriter.

Earnings : Varies; dependent on the project and your assigned writer level.

Fees and commissions : iWriter will take a commission ranging from 30%–35%. You’ll get paid 65% of the price of each article that you pitch to a client and 70% of the price if you receive a direct request.

Experience level : Suitable for beginner and experienced writers, although their rates are on the low side for experienced writers.

Signup requirements : You’ll need to complete a grammar test.

Sign Up with iWriter

ndash freelance writing

About the company : nDash provides content creation software and services for businesses and agencies.

Jobs available : nDash offers a variety of job types. You can select the kind of content you’re interested in writing from a list, which includes:

  • Case studies
  • Sales and marketing materials
  • Email newsletters
  • Social media
  • Website copy

Earnings : You can set your own rates on nDash, but on average, assignments pay between $150 and $450.

Fees and commissions : Apparently free for writers.

Experience level : Given nDash’s requirements (described below), this site may be more suitable for established freelancers.

Signup requirements : Anyone can create a profile, but you’ll need to wait to be approved by nDash’s editorial staff, which they claim is reserved for professional freelance writers.

Sign Up with nDash

10. ProBlogger

problogger freelance writing

About the company : ProBlogger provides blogging resources, including a job board with many listings.

Jobs available : You can find traditional, full-time writing jobs on ProBlogger, as well as freelance work.

Earnings : Varies from listing to listing.

Fees and commissions : Writers can apply for free. Businesses have to pay to list jobs.

Find Jobs on ProBlogger

11. Scripted

scripted freelance writing

About the company : Scripted is an online marketplace that connects writers and businesses.

Jobs available : You can get paid to write blog posts, articles, and social media posts on Scripted.

Earnings : Varies from tier to tier and project to project

Fees and commissions : Writers are divided into 4 “tiers” and can move up or down based on performance. Your tier affects how much you’ll get paid.

Writers in lower tiers will also be charged a per-project processing fee (20% for the Bronze tier and 10% for the Silver tier). Higher tiers don’t have to pay this fee.

Experience level : Suitable for beginners and experienced writers, although if you’re new to the freelancing game, it may take you longer to advance to one of the higher tiers.

Signup requirements : You’ll need to provide your LinkedIn profile when you create an account and submit at least one professional writing sample. If you’re approved, Scripted’s staff will contact you on LinkedIn.

Sign Up with Scripted

12. Textbroker

textbroker freelance writing

About the company : Textbroker acts as a bridge between writers and companies looking to buy content.

Jobs available : You can find all sorts of writing jobs on Textbroker.

Earnings : The platform features three types of orders: “DirectOrders,” “TeamOrders,” and “OpenOrders.” Here’s how they work:

  • DirectOrder : These are orders that clients submit directly to you. You can set your own rate for these (at a minimum of 2.2 cents per word).
  • TeamOrder : On Textbroker, you can (optionally) join “teams” of writers. Teams are dedicated to producing a specific type of content, or content for a particular set of clients. TeamOrders are available to any writer on a given team on a first-come, first-served basis. Rates are set by the client at a minimum of 2.15 cents per word.
  • OpenOrder : These are orders that are available to all writers on the platform. You can choose an assignment from the projects available to you based on an externally assigned rating system, which in turn is based on what Textbroker’s editors think about the quality of your writing. You can see the pay scale in the table below.
Order Quality RatingOpenOrder Payment
3 stars1.1 cents per word
4 stars1.6 cents per word
5 stars5.5 cents per word

Payouts are processed twice per week. You must have earned a minimum of $10 to cash out.

Fees and commissions : Free for writers.

Experience level : Suitable for beginners. The earnings listed above are relatively low and you generally shouldn’t take jobs at those rates once you’re an experienced freelancer.

Signup requirements : When you create an account, you’ll be prompted to submit a writing sample. This sample will be evaluated and will determine your initial Order Quality Rating.

Sign Up with Textbroker

upwork freelance writing

About the company : Upwork is one of the largest freelance marketplaces in the world. It connects freelancers in all fields with businesses and individuals seeking talent.

Jobs available : You can find virtually every kind of freelance writing job on Upwork (as well as gigs of other types).

Earnings : Earnings vary from project to project and are set by the clients who use the platform. You’re free to accept or reject jobs based on how much they pay.

Fees and commissions : Freelancers are charged a 10% fee on all their earnings through the platform.

valnet freelance writing

About the company : Valnet is a little different from the rest of the companies on this list. It’s not a freelance writing site and it doesn’t connect you with third-party companies or clients. Instead, it’s a media company that owns several well-known sites, including Screen Rant , TheGamer , and CBR .

Jobs available : When you sign up to write for Valnet, you’ll create content for their own network of sites. Many of the jobs involve writing about pop culture, such as movies, TV, and video games.

Earnings : While none of the jobs that Velnet lists specify their rates, anecdotal sources report that the pay is quite low, at around $0.02 per word.

Valnet sites often pay writers a bonus if their articles reach a certain number of views. This bonus is reportedly between $0.50 to $0.60 per 1000 views, which is also on the low end relative to other pay-per-view sites, such as Medium .

Fees and commissions : As Valnet is essentially a client and not a marketplace or job board, they don’t charge fees or take a commission. However, as mentioned, their rates are fairly low.

Experience level : The level of experience required varies from one position to another, with some ostensibly requiring at least 1 or 2 years of writing experience. That said, given Valnet’s low pay, this might not be a very strict requirement.

For most roles, you’ll need in-depth knowledge of the topic you’re applying to write about, as well as strong time management skills (to meet Valnet’s tight deadlines).

Signup requirements : You’ll need to submit an application that includes your CV or resume, a cover letter, and several writing samples and/or pitches.

View Jobs with Valnet

15. Verblio

verblio freelance writing

About the company : Verblio provides clients with content writing services for marketing and SEO purposes.

Jobs available : You can pick from a wide range of projects, although most involve producing web content of some type.

Earnings : Dependent on the project.

Signup requirements : To work as a freelancer on Verblio, you must be a US citizen with a valid Social Security number (and you must be over the age of 18).

Sign Up with Verblio

16. WriterAccess

writeraccess freelance writing

About the company : WriterAccess is another marketplace that connects companies with content creators.

Jobs available : WriterAccess has a variety of freelance projects available. They recruit freelancers in all the following roles:

  • Proofreaders
  • Content strategists
  • Translators
  • Illustrators
  • Photographers
  • Videographers

The platform features all sorts of writing jobs, although many of them involve writing web content (SEO blog posts, etc.).

Earnings : Pay per word ranges from $0.02 to $2 before writers are charged WriterAccess’s fee.

Fees and commissions : The platform is free to join for writers, but WriterAccess charges a hefty 30% commission on each project.

Experience level : The application process is fairly extensive, so this platform is arguably better suited for experienced writers.

Signup requirements : To work for WriterAccess, you’ll have to submit an application, which will involve a number of stages and include several different writing tests. Acceptance isn’t automatic; WriterAccess will contact you if their editors decide that you meet their criteria.

You must be a resident of the US, the UK, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, South Africa, Brazil, or the Republic of Ireland.

Sign Up with WriterAccess

17. Writers Work

writerswork freelance writing

About the company : Writers Work markets itself as an all-in-one membership platform for freelance writers. They offer writing tools and resources, as well as access to job postings. They’ll also match you with opportunities they think will be relevant for you.

Jobs available : You can find all sorts of freelance writing gigs on Writers Work.

Earnings : Earnings vary from project to project. Writers Work doesn’t disclose the average per-project rate on their site.

Fees and commissions : You have to pay to find jobs on Writers Work. It costs $49 for a lifetime membership or $15 per month for a monthly subscription.

Experience level : Suitable for all levels.

Signup requirements : No special requirements; anyone can sign up.

Sign Up with Writers Work

02. 12 websites with freelance writing resources

If you want to be a freelance writer, landing work isn’t your only concern. You also need to find ways to improve your craft constantly—and you need to become comfortable with the ins and outs of being an independent worker, which requires a lot of practical skills that aren’t strictly writing-related but are no less necessary.

We’ve compiled a list of resources to help you acquire these skills. These sites aren’t job boards, but you should still carve out some time to explore them. They’ll help you become a better writer, as well as a better freelancer.

Websites to help you improve your writing

Check out these sites, which feature articles, free e-books, and even quizzes that will help you expand your writing skill set. In particular, many of these sites will help you get comfortable with writing website copy and SEO blog content—two of the biggest niches in the freelance writing space.

  • Become a Writer Today : This site is packed with writing resources of all kinds, including blog posts and courses on writing fiction and nonfiction. These include a course on freelance writing .
  • Copyblogger : This contains a free guide on content writing, as well as a “Copywriting 101” section with blog posts to get you started on your journey.
  • Enchanting Marketing : Similarly, this site is full of blog posts on copywriting, blogging, and finding your writing voice. It also contains a free general-purpose writing course (delivered via email).
  • Express Writers : This site features both work opportunities and writing resources. The latter includes multiple free e-books and blog posts on SEO, copywriting, and email marketing.
  • Make a Living Writing : Here you’ll find an e-book that offers a 12-point plan on how to become a freelance writer, as well as pitch templates that you can use to land work.
  • Moz’s Beginner’s Guide to SEO : As you’ve probably gathered, many clients will expect you to have at least a basic understanding of SEO. This guide is a great resource to learn the fundamentals.
  • Writing Blueprints : If you’re interested in writing for magazines, this site offers a course to get you started . They also offer many other writing-related workshops and articles.
  • Writing Revolt : This site offers free and paid classes and resources on becoming a freelance writer. Notably, they offer a freelance writing quiz to figure out what writing niche might be a good fit for you.

On our own website, you can also find articles on how to become a freelance writer and how much freelance writers make . You can find further articles (which provide guidance on how to develop your writing skills and branch out into different niches) in our freelance writer hub .

Websites that will teach you how to be an effective freelancer

As mentioned, you need two separate sets of skills to succeed as a freelance writer: pure writing skills, and business skills.

The websites below all feature courses that’ll teach you the skills necessary to support a career as a freelancer of any type. (This means they also have plenty of applicability if you decide you want to dip into another type of independent work besides writing, such as graphic design or proofreading.)

Coursera is full of courses (both free and paid) that are taught by professors from top universities around the world.

Some of these courses are specifically meant to teach you how to launch a freelance writing career, including Building Your Freelancing Career by CalArts.

You can also find more courses to help you develop your writing skills, such as Good with Words by the University of Michigan.

Domestika is a multilingual learning platform that features marketing, business, and freelancing courses . These will teach you how to find a niche as a freelancer, how to stay organized and find clients, and how to manage your finances (a big help given that as a freelancer, you’ll be responsible for your own bookkeeping and taxes).

Start by looking into these courses and seeing if any appeal to you:

  • Creative Career Growth: Find Your Artistic Path
  • Creative Freelance Fundamentals: Building Your Business
  • Money Management for Creative Freelance and Small Business

Domestika also offers courses on writing to help you develop your craft, such as Copywriting for Social Media and Blogging 101: Tone, Branding, and Strategy .


FutureLearn is another educational platform that includes free and paid writing and business courses, such as:

  • Digital Copywriting Fundamentals
  • The Freelance Bible: How to Be a Freelancer in Any Industry .

Lastly, Skillshare is a subscription-based learning platform. You can explore their writing section , as well as their freelance and entrepreneurship section .

Start by looking into one particularly relevant course, Freelance Writing 101: Build A Successful Writing Career .

Be aware that on Skillshare, most courses are independently created, which means the quality can vary considerably. That said, Skillshare offers a Learning Paths section where they recommend various courses that meet their quality standards and go together (by building and reinforcing the same skills).

In this section, you’ll also find general-purpose writing courses, such as Copywriting Essentials: Write Messaging That Drives Action .

robert jellison author photo

Robert Jellison

Managing Editor

Robert is a writer and editor for He has 7+ years of experience in freelance writing and previously worked as the in-house editor for, a platform for remote and part-time writers.

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8 Online Writing Sites That Pay You [Ranked For 2024]

Are you looking for online writing sites to jumpstart your freelance writing career? Check these 8 websites that offer writing gigs across all skill l

Table of contents

business plan writing gigs

Are you looking for ways to earn money with your writing skills but don’t have the experience? You’re not alone!

The onset of COVID-19 brought freelance writing gigs to the forefront of remote employment opportunities. Research reveals over 70 million Americans did freelance work in 2022.

Of that number, 82% are freelance writers. That’s around 54 million people in the U.S. alone! Now you’d think that’s too much competition for beginners to handle, but the truth is the opposite.

Finding online writing sites that pay money doesn’t have to be taxing, and most are open to beginners!

This article introduces you to 9 freelance writing sites with extensive job postings fit for your skill level.

vector graphic showing an illustration of a woman sitting on a bundle of cash for online writing sites that pay you post

Best Online Writing Sites [At A Glance]

The internet has many opportunities for freelance writers, but only a few stand out for bringing in real profit and helping you become a successful freelance writer.

Here are our top picks for 2023:

  • Upwork : Our Pick
  • Blogging Pro : Runner-Up
  • Fiverr : Also Great
  • Contently : Best for Experienced Writers
  • Writers Work : Best Pooled Writing Jobs
  • iWriter : Best for Tiered Writing Gigs
  • WriterAccess : Best for Long-term Writing Jobs
  • ProBlogger : Best for Blog Writing

An Overview of Online Freelance Writing

There is no official date when freelance writing started because freelance writers have been around even before digital platforms were created.

But it’s safe to consider the early 2000s as the dawn of the online freelance writing job trend. Notable sites like ProBlogger shares their small-scale origins , which have become a huge success over time.

What are Online Freelance Writing Sites?

Freelance writing sites are the one-stop shop for businesses and startups seeking writing services. They’re central hubs for hiring writers and finding job boards with quality writing gigs.

Some more intuitive websites have features that allow clients to match their writing jobs with the ideal candidate. This results in a mutually beneficial arrangement that guarantees satisfaction for both the business and the content writers.

Why Are Freelance Writing Sites Important?

A freelance writing website reduces the need for companies to shoulder all the legwork involved in hiring talents. They don’t need complex contracts to engage experienced freelance writers.

On the writer’s side, accessing these freelance platforms streamlines the job search process and helps boost their writing portfolio.

You can have multiple freelance writing jobs in a few months, which allows you to gather referrals and recommendations from happy clients.

Do I Need an Online Writing Site to Build a Freelance Writing Career?

Freelance writing sites aren’t required to build a writing career, but they help speed up the process.

Taking on multiple writing jobs within this active community builds up your reputation, skill, and network — factors that help you stand out from the competition.

The Best Online Writing Sites at a Glance

We’ve rounded up our best picks for freelance writing websites and come up with two all-rounders.

What is the Best Online Freelance Writing Site?

With approximately 5 million clients using the platform, Upwork is our best pick for starters looking to understand how freelance writing works.

Its ‘Writing & Translation’ job board category boasts 146k+ active contracts, with clients giving an average 4.8 -star rating to writing professionals.

This includes a range of talents like proofreaders, content writers, translators, ghostwriters, and more.

What is the Best Free Online Writing Site?

Blogging Pro is our top choice for niche-focused freelance writing gigs.

It’s a job board that prospective freelancers can use for free, minus the need to create an account.

One of the things we like about this portal is its straightforward application process that details everything you need to know about a job with just a click.

Clients of this site must pay their writers a minimum of $15 per project, eliminating the risk of getting scammed.

Features to Look for In an Online Writing Website

Freelance writing opportunities have attracted many full-time professionals, so the competition is high.

This can result in some people, especially those with no experience, agreeing to jobs that don’t honor their contracts.

To avoid falling into freelance scams , you must be critical in assessing whether or not the portal you’re signing up for is legit.

Here are features to look for before taking on online writing jobs:

1. Trust Rating

Be wary of freelance websites with a Google review star rating of less than 3. While online ratings are ultimately subjective, they reflect the user experience that professionals and clients have for the platform.

You also want to check review sites like TechRadar or online forums like Reddit and Quora to see what other users think of freelance writing websites.

2. Pay Range

Online freelance writing jobs vary in pay range, and it’s primarily driven by the fact that clients have their specific project budgets. Some portals require businesses to offer a specific job price range, while others leave it to the client.

3. Job Listings

The best freelance writing sites have extensive job boards. This allows them to attract clients from all sectors and freelancers of different skill sets.

4. Application Process

Check the requirements for signing up with a portal and see if you fit their eligibility. You’re better off starting small and building your portfolio rather than trying to break the big game without a solid portfolio to back it up.

5. Online Courses or Blogs

The freelance writing industry is saturated with talent. And while there is a global demand to match that up, beefing up your skill set is necessary to ace the competition.

Check for platforms with built-in writing tools or knowledge bases. Do they have a blog you can subscribe to stay current with the freelance writing landscape?

Best Online Writing Sites: Our Top 3 Options [Ranked & Reviewed]

Here are our top 3 freelance writing sites, handpicked for their combined reach, user reviews, and job opportunities.

1. Upwork : Our Pick

business plan writing gigs

Upwork is a global freelancing platform that connects businesses or startups with individual professionals. It hosts a variety of industries that include writing.

It’s a marketplace where the main currency is your skill. Housing over 12 million freelancers as of 2023, Upwork’s an attractive platform to boost your professional network too!

Key Features of Upwork

Below are features that make Upwork a powerhouse in freelancing:

  • Global Network: Upwork is available in over 180 countries, making connecting with global clients easier.
  • All-In Mediation: Upwork handles all the contracts, billing, and invoicing processes. This helps you focus on your craft instead of tracking all admin-related requirements before getting paid.
  • Robust Writing Job Board: Upwork has 80 writing-related categories under its filter, giving you more options to check if your first few don’t work.
  • Upwork Connects: A “Connect” serves as your internal currency and allows you to send client proposals or applications. Upwork’s free plan grants you 10 connects per month, while its Freelance Plus gives you up to 80 connects.
  • Top Rated Badge: This one’s given to Upwork’s top freelancers who have built a strong reputation on the platform and consistently get positive feedback from clients. Acquiring this badge gives you access to Upwork’s exclusive features like premium support and in-house talent scout assistance.

Pros of Upwork

  • Hassle-free Onboarding: All you need is an email address to start creating an account for free. No need for samples and exams to start searching for writing jobs.
  • Seamless Portal Interface: Upwork has intuitive navigation that helps you sift through job listings without getting lost.
  • Location Flexibility: Compared to some platforms that require you to be within the state or city near your client, Upwork supports fully remote jobs.

Cons of Upwork

  • High Competition: Landing the first gig remains challenging for any new freelance writer. Clients looking for content writing services often look for a solid portfolio before hiring their freelancer.
  • Commission Fee: Upwork takes 20% of the first $500 you bill to your clients. This can be too hefty, especially for starters with minimal projects.
  • Dispute Resolution: Users report difficulty connecting with Upwork’s resolution team to settle payment disputes.

Upwork Income

Content writing jobs on Upwork have an average pay of $15 to $40 an hour. Some companies who want a long-term arrangement with writers pay a flat fee of $800 a month.

Final Verdict

Upwork is a great job search engine that offers freelance writing jobs globally. It can take a while to build a solid reputation and attract regular clients, but it is nonetheless the most robust platform for writing gigs that pay.

2. Blogging Pro : Runner-Up

business plan writing gigs

Blogging Pro is an easy-to-navigate job site for professional writers looking for trusted clients. Unlike most platforms that require you to create user profiles, Blogging Pro gives you total control over when and to who you want to apply.

Key Features of Blogging Pro

Here are the top features why we recommend Blogging Pro:

  • Multiple Job Setup: Most job listings in this platform are remote, though a few require onsite arrangements. They also offer freelance, contract, or part-time setups.
  • Writing Tips & Tutorials: Blogging Pro has quick links to articles that help you enhance your freelance work quality. Access is free with no sign-up requirement.
  • In-demand Writing Categories: The platform only advertises writing jobs such as content writing, journalism, and copywriting. This saves you time from having to sort through vast, non-writing jobs.
  • Direct Apply: Once you select a writing gig, you’ll get a comprehensive list of responsibilities and requirements and a snippet of the client’s background. Hitting ‘Apply for job’ leads you to the client’s website to complete the application.
  • Fast Response Time: Blogging Pro requires clients to respond to applications within 24 to 48 hours. This guarantees you’ll get a response whether you make it or not.

Pros of Blogging Pro

  • Free to Use: You don’t pay anything with Blogging Pro. No add-on costs, hidden fees, or cutbacks for commissions.
  • Transparent Pricing: Most jobs in this portal provide their exact pay range. If not, their websites will, which you can access when you apply.
  • Reliable Clients: Blogging Pro’s client list is a combination of established companies and startups with either brick-and-mortar stores or a legitimate online presence.

Cons of Blogging Pro

  • Minimal Job Updates: Unlike bigger portals with daily job streams, Blogging Pro only updates when clients choose to advertise on their platform. They do an average of weekly updates with fewer than 20 new jobs.
  • Requires Experience: While all positions are open to beginners, many clients indicate specific writing experience in their eligibility requirements. This can be tough to break for anyone with no portfolio to show.
  • Inconsistent Income: Blogging Pro doesn’t set any price range guideline for clients apart from the minimum $15 requirement. It’s up to you to determine if the company’s offering a competitive price for the writing service required.

Blogging Pro Income

Blogging Pro guarantees a minimum of $15 hourly pay for writers as part of its initial agreement with clients. Some jobs, like social media writers, can pay up to $300 per project.

Blogging Pro is an excellent choice for finding freelance writing jobs covering different niches.

Its direct link to clients gives you full control of the application process and an overview of the job budget, so you won’t have to do the guesswork in finding out how much you’ll earn.

Still, it doesn’t offer many jobs, and you’ll often need to showcase proof of writing experience to land a gig.

3. Fiverr : Also Great

business plan writing gigs

Fiverr is the perfect platform for individuals who prefer working with other individuals instead of a large-scale company.

This website is an ideal entry-level choice since you won’t have to bid or negotiate for jobs.

You’ll also have access to a potential client or buyer’s requests, including instructions and files to assist you in delivering their expected result.

Key Features of Fiverr

Let’s look into the features we like best about Fiverr and see if it fits your ideal freelance writing website:

  • Worldwide Reach: Fiverr is available in 190 countries, with 42% of its users based in the U.S. It also houses clients from Canada, India, and the U.K.
  • Seller Levels: You can climb up the levels if you constantly deliver quality tasks on time.
  • Pro-verified Feature: If you have the background and experience of a trusted writer, then Fiverr might approve you as part of their ‘Pro Services’ feature. You can charge higher and increase the potential of attracting high-paying clients.
  • Extensive Filter Customization: Fiverr wants an ideal match for their clients, so their filters are extensive. You can consider this feature when setting up your profile, delivery timelines, price range, and writing style.
  • E-learning Products: If you’re looking to enhance your skills, try enrolling in Fiverr’s business and technical courses led by niche experts.

Pros of Fiverr

  • Admin-free Experience: The platform handles the admin side of things like producing invoices, promotions, transaction recording, etc.
  • Option for Early Payout: While only available to select sellers, the feature is an advantage. It’s an advantage if you need cash immediately instead of waiting for the typical 14-day clearing period.
  • Opportunities to Broaden Skills: Fiverr’s writing jobs range from simple content writing to more challenging gigs like technical writeups. You’ll encounter task requests you haven’t tried before that can be a great learning opportunity.

Cons of Fiverr

  • Low-paying Gigs: While you can charge your services for up to $995 per project, only top-rated and long-time freelancers enjoy that profit. Most starters will have to settle for the low price of $5.
  • Issues with Scams: There are reports of freelancers not getting paid by clients claiming they have yet to receive their orders. It can be difficult to dispute this unless you have complete and detailed communications with the client.
  • Commission Fee: Fiverr takes 20% off your earning regardless of your seller level or service cost. If you earn $5, you’ll only receive $4 as your take-home pay.

Fiverr Income

Your Fiverr income depends on the number of services you deliver. You can price it from $5 per project up to $995.

Fiverr’s a great place for freelancers who want to start small, minus all the hassle of promoting their services. By setting up an account, your profile’s automatically pooled under your chosen gig category.

It’s entry-level at best, which might not be the best option for advanced writers with considerable writing experience.

Notable Mentions: Other Writing Sites To Check Out

If you’re looking for alternative options other than our top 3 picks, you can try out these freelance writing sites:

4. Contently – Best for Experienced Writers

business plan writing gigs

Contently is for expert freelance writers looking at landing a gig with big companies. Some of their clients include Coca-Cola, Dell, Walmart, and Google.

Unlike the other platforms on our list, you don’t apply for a writing job to be a part of their team. Their in-house talent scouts choose writers from all around the web and invite them for an interview.

That being said, having a solid creative platform that showcases your diverse writing portfolio is an essential factor to be considered for any of their gigs.

Why is Contently a Great Option?

Landing a gig at Contently is a surefire way to skyrocket your freelance career. You can add your experience with them to your portfolio along with the brands or companies you worked with.

Best of all, you can negotiate your rate. If you think they’re offering lower than your regular rate, you can demand higher pay.

Drawbacks to Contently

Its obvious drawback comes from the fact that it isn’t for beginners. Contently only contacts specialists with years of experience whose consistent portfolio speaks for their work quality.

Contently Income

Contently has a proprietary rate sheet that dictates the price range options for their projects. While we can’t divulge the specifics, online writers share earnings between $300 and $1,200 per piece.

5. Writers Work – Best Pooled Writing Jobs

business plan writing gigs

Writers Work is a paid freelance writing platform that offers real-time data on writing gigs worldwide. They offer a lifetime subscription of $47 or a monthly option of $15.

It’s an excellent platform allowing you to do all your writing tasks in it. It has a built-in text editor and work tracker feature to help you organize your workload and set writing goals.

Writers Work also has one of the most diverse types of writing requests, such as writing stories for magazines or even fishing equipment reviews.

Why is Writers Work a Great Option?

One thing that Writers Work does well is its writing-only job board. You won’t find other popular gigs like graphic design or video production in its pool.

It’s a great platform for getting a constant stream of gigs you can easily filter by categories like finance, tech, and entertainment.

Drawbacks to Writers Work

There’s high competition in this platform, which may deter freelancers who are looking at quick payments. While there are varied writing options, landing those high-paying gigs requires skill and experience.

Writers Work Income

Writers get paid between $20 to $65 an hour. Other projects offer a fixed rate of $100 per project.

6. iWriter – Best for Tiered Writing Gigs

iWriter is an excellent platform that offers opportunities for writers to upgrade their skills and earning potential while writing more.

The platform offers four writing levels – Standard, Premium, Elite, and Elite Plus. Accessing higher levels mean higher-paying gigs.

We found iWriter to have a diverse niche in terms of topics and ideas, with clients providing specific writing instructions, including required keywords and formatting.

Why is iWriter a Great Option?

It’s easy to join iWriter as a freelancer. You’ll only need to pass two 200-word writing tests to complete the registration. Once done, you can start using the platform to find gigs.

Happy clients also have the option to give you tips for a job well done, helping you increase your income. You also have the opportunity to get paid weekly or biweekly, with a minimum of $20 in earnings.

Drawbacks to iWriter

A significant drawback of iWriter is its steep commission. The platform takes 35% of your total earnings, which is higher than other platforms in our list charge.

Rising through the ranks may also be challenging for new writers as you must deliver 30 articles with a minimum of a 4-star rating before leveling up a step.

iWriter income

Depending on your writing tier, you can earn between $1.25 to $260 in iWriter. There’s a fixed price assigned to word counts across the board, which varies in level.

7. WriterAccess – Best for Long-term Writing Job

business plan writing gigs

WriterAccess is home to over 40,000 brands, all looking for quality writers. Many freelancers who start working with the platform often receive repeat orders from companies, agencies, and small businesses they’ve worked with.

This platform’s an excellent starting point for skilled writers looking for a freelance job with the potential for long-term employment.

Why is WriterAccess a Great Option?

WriterAccess is excellent for building a freelance writing career with reliable clients. You can get hired for all sorts of jobs, from writing blogs to writing short stories.

The platform screens all interested writers. If you pass, you’re automatically given a star rating, unlocking jobs within that level. The higher the rating, the bigger the pay.

Drawbacks to WriterAccess

While joining WriterAccess is free, getting approved can be a challenge. You must provide at least two public web pages as sample works on top of your general and industry experience.

WriterAccess income

All writers are paid 70% of what the client pays for each project.

8. ProBlogger – Best for Blog Writing

business plan writing gigs

ProBlogger is a must-try platform if you’re into SEO writing and blogging. Most of its job postings are from website owners who want to outsource the writing part of their content marketing strategy.

This platform is ideal if you enjoy writing across different topics and are fine communicating directly with the client or managing your workload.

Why is ProBlogger a Great Option?

ProBlogger is great because of its real-time job listings and quality clients who pay well for your services. Joining the platform is easy, and you don’t have to pay anything.

All you need is to register to create your online resume. From here, you can bookmark jobs and create job alerts to get up to speed with the most recent job ads.

Drawbacks to ProBlogger

ProBlogger’s quality clientele attracts the most talents, so expect tough competition. The fact that these clients pay $80 to post their job ads on the platform means they’re willing to pay, but they can also be picky in hiring freelance writers.

ProBlogger income

Writers earn from $25 to $200 per piece, depending on the complexity and research work required. In-house or full-time bloggers earn between $45,000 to $90,000 annually.

Other Online Gigs to Check Out

Is online writing too tough for starters? Here are alternative options to earn money online.

  • High-paying Surveys: Do you like answering surveys or giving quality feedback for products and services? This article introduces you to online surveys that pay well.
  • How to Get Paid Playing Video Games: Bring your gaming experience to a new level and get paid! Know websites and apps that pay money, gift cards, and other rewards.
  • Get Paid to Text: This is perfect for anyone who wants easy side hustles you can do any time, anywhere, even while on the go.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do online writing jobs pay well.

ZipRecruiter reports an average $38 hourly rate for online writers, a decent figure for remote work. The total compensation, however, will depend on other factors like the number of hours you write, the employer, and fees taken out of your earnings.

What is the Best Writing Niche?

The popularity of writing niche fluctuates, but top picks this 2023 include digital marketing, cryptocurrency, e-commerce, healthcare, and personal finance.

Wrapping Up

The freelance writing business is booming, and bagging a gig that pays well is possible if you know where to look.

Upwork is our top pick for the sheer volume of writing opportunities. Its thousands of jobs and multiple subcategories remain unbeatable, even with competitors like Fiverr.

Blogging Pro is also a favorite if you’re looking for niche-focused writing with clients that pay well.

Overall, checking out the online writing platforms we’ve listed opens you to opportunities to earn money by writing, even with little experience.


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Huge List of Paid Writing Gigs and Online Jobs for Writers

Author: Holly Reisem Hanna

May 25, 2024 156 Comments

If you’re looking for online writing jobs, keep reading! This massive list of paid writing gigs has you covered no matter what your writing niche or specialty is!

Freelance writing is one of the best ways to make money from home, and it’s perfect for beginners. You don’t need experience or a degree; the opportunities are plentiful, and you don’t even need a website to get started. As long as you can provide well-written, engaging content and you can meet deadlines, you can make good money as a writer.

Not convinced?

New York Times Best Selling Author Nora Roberts  only has a high school education. She started writing her first novel back in 1979 after being trapped at home due to blizzard conditions. To date, Nora has written over 200 romance novels – incredible!

Still don’t believe me?

A few years ago, Danny Margulies decided to quit his full-time job to pursue an online copywriting career using the freelance platform Upwork. Without any special education or training, he quickly honed his skills and earned six figures during his second year as a copywriter.

If you’d like to work at home as a freelance writer, here is a huge list of paid writing jobs, where to find them, and, in some cases, pay rates.

business plan writing gigs

Freelance Blog Writing Gigs

Writing blog posts is a quick and easy way to earn money and showcase your expertise, as numerous sites will allow a byline with a link back to your website. Many of these sites have established guidelines in place, so make sure you carefully read through the details and follow all of the guidelines. Crafting a thoughtful pitch will greatly improve your chances of getting accepted.

  • 99 Designs – Contact for rates
  • A Fine Parent – $75
  • AutoStraddle – $80-$200
  • BDG – Contact for rates
  • Bored Teachers – Contact for rates
  • Budget101 – $0.02-$0.05 per word
  • Cambrick Yard LLC – Contact for rates
  • Christian Courier – $30-$70
  • Clever Girl Finance – Contact for rates
  • Copyhackers – $300-$1,000
  • DIS – $25
  • DollarSprout – Check listings for rates
  • First Quarter Finance – Contact for rates
  • Food Tank – Contact for rates
  • Girls Guide to Cars – Contact for rates
  • GreenPrints – $100-$150
  • Grown and Flown – Contact for rates
  • Hip2Save – Contact for rates
  • Horse Network – $100
  • How-To Geek – Contact for rates
  • Income Diary – $100-$300
  • Insteading – $50
  • Introvert, Dear – $75
  • Listverse – $100
  • Loaded Landscapes – $20-$150
  • Make a Living Writing – $150-$230
  • Mold Busters $200-$400
  • Mommy Poppins – Competitive rates
  • Nutri Inspector – $60-$180
  • Pregnant Chicken – $100
  • Screen Rant – Contact for rates
  • SitePoint – Contact for rates
  • Small Biz Trends – Negotiable
  • Smashing Magazine – Contact for rates
  • Technology Networks – Contact for rates
  • The Barefoot Writer – $100-$300
  • The Krazy Coupon Lady – Full-time, pay DOE
  • The Right Hairstyles – Contact for rates
  • The Sportster – Contact for rates
  • The Write Life – $75-$250
  • Theme Park Tourist – $10-$50
  • Wise Bread – Contact for rates
  • Writer’s Digest – $50-$100
  • Writers Weekly – $30-$60

Full-Time Writing and Editing Jobs

If you prefer not to freelance, there are plenty of options for you to work from home on writing projects full-time. These positions tend to be with marketing and advertising agencies and online content creators and publishers. To find these full-time remote work opportunities, explore the hiring companies below. 

  • Dotdash Meredith
  • GoBankingRates

Paid Freelance Writing Platforms

No matter what type of freelance writing jobs you’re looking for (article writing,  copywriting , creative writing,  grant writing , ebooks, technical, case studies, press releases, content writing, or white papers), you’ll be able to find them on these freelance marketplaces. Each job site works in its own manner. For some, you’ll search for projects and submit bids; for others, you’ll apply to become a freelance writer; and for others, you’ll set up your own profile and list your services.

  • Capital Typing
  • ContentWriters
  • Express Writers
  • Journalism Jobs
  • Media Bistro
  • People Per Hour

Writing Greeting Cards

Have a knack for writing short and sweet sentiments? Turn your ideas into cash by submitting your words to greeting card companies . According to Carol Eannarino , payment for a greeting card idea ranges from $10-$50 or more, depending on the studio.

  • Blue Mountain
  • Comstock – $50 per idea
  • Greeting Card Universe
  • Oatmeal Studios – $100

Of course, you can create your own cards and sell them on a platform like Etsy. Melanie from Simple Made Pretty chronicles her success in selling greeting cards on Etsy . 

Write Helpful Tips, Short Stories, and Magazine Articles

Print and online magazines are always looking for new content, which is why many publications are willing to pay for short stories , helpful tips, poems, and even jokes.

Here are just a few publications that pay for submissions. Payment is made only if your tip or story is published.

  • Apex Magazine – $0.08-$0.09 per word
  • Broadview Magazine – Negotiable
  • Chicken Soup for the Soul – $250
  • Cricket – Up to $0.25 per word
  • Discover Magazine – Print $1 per word, $300 for web
  • Grain Magazine – $50-$500
  • Guide – $0.07-$0.10 per word
  • Ms. Magazine – Rates vary per assignment
  • Narrative Magazine $50-$1,000
  • The Story People – Contact for rates
  • Writers Digest – $0.30-$0.50 per word
  • YES! Magazine – $0.40-$0.50 per word

Do you want to write for magazines? Check out this post , where Linda Formichelli tells you how to break into this lucrative writing niche!

woman writing - for blog post paid writing gigs

Job Boards for Writers

Smaller, niche-focused job board websites are a great place to search for freelance, part-time, and full-time writing jobs. Search the sites using these key phrases that meet your criteria.

  • BloggingPro
  • FlexJobs – A paid job board
  • Freelance Writing Jobs
  • ProBlogger Job Board
  • Writers Wanted – A paid job board

Mixed Writing Jobs

One of my favorite places to search for writing jobs, both full-time positions and freelance roles, is staffing agencies . With staffing agencies, you can find contract, permanent, temporary, and remote job openings. They have openings for technical writers, content strategists, copywriters, public relations writers, SEO content writers, and more! Working with a staffing agency is an excellent way to test the waters in different writing careers, as well as a good way to get your foot in the door with companies. 

Here are some staffing agencies to explore for paid writing jobs: 

  • Flex Professionals
  • Kelly Services
  • Robert Half

Medical Writers

If you have a degree in nursing, pharmacology, social work, or another medical specialization and you enjoy writing, there are many remote writing jobs for healthcare writers. With some of these writing job opportunities, you’ll write curriculum and test prep questions; other times, you’ll write policies, continuing education materials, grants, and articles. 

See each website for submission guidelines and assignments. 

  • ClearVoice  
  • CrowdPharm  

Get Paid to Write Poetry

Are you a creative writer who enjoys evoking emotions in people? Then, perhaps selling your poetry can earn you some extra cash. Here are a few places you can sell your poems.

  • Arc Poetry Magazine – $50 per page
  • Boulevard – $50-$300
  • December – $40-$200
  • Palette Poetry – $50-$150
  • Poem Analysis – Contact for pay rates
  • Poetry Foundation – $10 per line and $150 per page of prose
  • Room – $50-$200 CAD
  • Three Penny Review – $200-$400
  • VQR – $200-$1,000

You’ll also want to check out this list of ways to earn money with your poetry here .

Recipe Writers and Developers

If you’re talented in the kitchen and create your own recipes, there are food bloggers who will pay you for your original written recipes. Most will also want you to include photos or videos as well.

  • Recipe Yum – CPM payment model

For more recipe writing gigs, check out our post on how to make money selling your recipes . 

Earn Money as a Resume Writer

Are you good at proofreading, interviewing, and persuasive writing? Then, becoming a professional resume writer may be the perfect freelance writing job for you. As a resume writer, you’ll write cover letters, resumes, and sometimes LinkedIn profiles. You may also help job seekers practice answering common interview questions.

  • Career5 – Freelance
  • ERW – Freelance
  • Talent Inc. – Freelance
  • The Job Sauce – Part-time, independent contractors
  • TopStack Resume – Full- and part-time writers

Paid Revenue-Sharing Sites

With revenue-sharing sites, you contribute content to the site, and in return, you make a percentage of the advertising revenue generated from your content. Each site does it a little differently; some offer base pay, while others are strictly based on how much traffic or how many clicks your content receives. I’ve never tried to make money this way, but here are some success tips from Carol Tice .

  • The Richest

Write Romance Novels

Do you want to write the next Fifty Shades of Grey? Then, submit your manuscript to one of the many romance publishers.

  • Carina Press
  • Extasy Books
  • Harper Collins Publisher
  • Sourcebooks

Of course, you don’t have to go through a traditional publisher to get your book published. With Amazon, you can self-publish your book on a shoestring budget. The nice thing about going this route is you maintain the ownership of your book, which you don’t with a traditional publisher. If you’re curious about self-publishing, check out Rachel Blaufeld’s success story with self-publishing romance novels. 

Social Media and Content Marketing

With platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and more, there is a huge demand for writers who know the ins and outs of these online marketing platforms. Sometimes, these positions are called social media managers or virtual assistants, and other times, digital content specialists. Besides writing social media updates, you may also create content for blogs, ads, newsletter campaigns, video scripts, and other forms of content creation.

General knowledge of search engine optimization (SEO) is generally needed for these roles. Some companies may require applicants to have a bachelor’s degree in marketing, advertising, or a related field. However, depending on your experience level, some companies may substitute a degree for experience.

  • MarketerHire
  • VaVa Virtual Assistants

Travel Writing

Who doesn’t dream of traveling the world and getting paid to write about their adventures ? While most travel gigs pay for free travel, food, lodging, and activities, there are a few outlets that will pay a small amount for your writing.

  • Backcountry Magazine – $0.35 or less per word
  • Down East – $0.60-$0.75 per word
  • Go Nomad – $25
  • International Living – $100 per $1,000 words
  • Nomadic Matt – $250
  • Outpost Magazine – Pay negotiable
  • Young Adventuress – $50-$150

Probably one of the best ways to make money as a travel writer is to start your own blog. With travel blogging, you’ll write your own content, publish it, and then make money through activities like affiliate marketing, advertising networks, selling products, and paid sponsorships. If starting a travel blog sounds appealing, be sure to sign up for our free 10-day start your blog course .

business plan writing gigs

Final Words About Paid Writing Gigs

As you can see, there are tons of paid writing jobs for writers!

However, if you don’t see the type or topic of writing assignments you’d like to work on, you can always pitch your freelance writing services to a potential client. If you don’t have a website with writing samples, you can create an online portfolio on LinkedIn or Contently to showcase your work.

Since most of these job opportunities are freelance positions, you’ll want to be sure to track your income and expenses and set aside money for quarterly self-employment taxes. You’ll also need a system for keeping track of clients and deadlines, and our Ultimate Online Business Planning Toolkit is perfect for running your freelance writing business like a pro!

As your freelance writing career grows, you should invest in your writing skills by taking courses, joining professional organizations, and other tools and resources you’ll need to be successful.

What type of paid writing gigs are you searching for? Do you know of another site that pays writers? Let us know in the comment section below.

Originally published on February 25, 2015. Content updated on May 2024.

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About the Author

Headshot Holly Reisem Hanna

Holly Reisem Hanna

Holly Reisem Hanna is a former nurse who decided to start a blog to make money from home while caring for her daughter. Since its inception in 2009, The Work at Home Woman has helped millions of readers find legitimate work at home jobs and business ideas. Under Holly's guidance, The Work at Home Woman was named one of the best websites for your career by Forbes two years in a row. Holly graduated from the University of Texas and has been featured in Yahoo Finance, Woman’s World Magazine, CNN, and many others.

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Freelance writer working at laptop.

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June 1, 2024 at 6:39 am

I’m interested in pursuing a remote writing job from home. What steps should I take to get started in this field?

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June 2, 2024 at 8:34 am

Write a few samples for your portfolio, and start applying for gigs.

business plan writing gigs

February 17, 2024 at 12:00 pm

I began pursuing a career in Copy and SEO Optimization Writing about a year ago. I had at this point been studying the art of Copywriting for about a year. I paid for a course thru the AWAI Institute and even though there was great information, not a lot of support on finding real work. I began working construction last May to make ends meet and because of the long days and hard work, my career in Copy and SEO writing came to a complete stop. I have in the last few weeks began to restart the machine and even took this week off work to start applying for writing jobs and try to keep the dream alive. I go back to work in 2 days and I am concerned the momentum I have built will fall off once again. Even worse, the situation me and my kids have been in will not get any better if I remain doing the same thing. I thank you for this post, as I have been maniacally sitting with my laptop for days on end trying to find work so I can leave my other job. I am about to go one by one thru all your links because I know what I am looking for is there. Thank you

February 19, 2024 at 9:11 am

Check out this article by Danny; he chronicles his success using Upwork as a new copywriter:

Wishing you all the best!

business plan writing gigs

January 28, 2023 at 4:25 am

Hi, for the poetry, do they accept international submissions?

January 30, 2023 at 7:40 am

I believe they are available globally.

business plan writing gigs

January 30, 2022 at 5:12 pm

Is there anywhere to submit writing samples for songs? Thank you!

January 31, 2022 at 12:00 pm

Let me know do some research — stay tuned.

business plan writing gigs

July 9, 2021 at 7:16 am

Hello, I am Robert from Nakuru, Kenya. Is there an opportunity for men? I am interested, I am willing to contribute in areas of fine arts and writing theological materials. Thank you in advance, Pastor Robert.

July 10, 2021 at 9:18 am

Yes, the information is applicable to men as well.

Just click on the company and it will take you to the opportunity.

business plan writing gigs

September 24, 2019 at 2:52 pm

I have to say I never thought I would get paid to write for a living but blogging is something I never knew would exist when I was growing up either! Such much changes but writing is always a great way to get out your feelings and thoughts and if you can get paid to do so, even better!

September 25, 2019 at 9:13 am

Me either, Scarlet. I’m so glad that you found a career that you love!

Thanks for stopping by!

business plan writing gigs

September 9, 2019 at 1:15 am

I would like to get a job in writing online from home where do I start? and what to do next? many thanks in advance.

September 9, 2019 at 6:44 am

Just click on the links above and follow each sites’ instructions for applying.

business plan writing gigs

February 28, 2019 at 7:18 am

Wow this looks quite informative! Thanks for sharing.

June 22, 2021 at 3:54 pm

Glad you enjoyed the list, Janelle!

business plan writing gigs

February 4, 2019 at 7:47 pm

Thank you for the encouraging responses that you have given your audience. I started my search to find writing gigs that would pay me @ least $75 per day for my work… Unfortunately, several of the blogs/ YouTubers had negative reviews and I was discouraged. I decided to just do a search and I found your blog. The information you listed is mind blowing!!! That is… That someone would put this amount of work into compiling this list and not ask for a dime!! But, what meant the most to me is that you took the time to advise others and encourage people. Thank you for that!

February 5, 2019 at 2:38 pm

You’re welcome!

I’m glad you found the list helpful. Let me know if you decide to apply for any of these positions, I’d love to know how they work out for you!

business plan writing gigs

December 4, 2018 at 3:06 pm

Incredible work Holly! There’s so much good info here, thanks, I know we all appreciate it.

June 22, 2021 at 3:55 pm

Thanks, AJ — I’m glad you found the list helpful.

business plan writing gigs

October 8, 2018 at 8:16 am

hello am a writer which website will I get a client

business plan writing gigs

June 23, 2021 at 8:16 am

Shes not toting her psychic skills. Click a link.

business plan writing gigs

June 6, 2018 at 4:21 am

You can even count this website in the list as well for freelance transcription jobs. They’ve plenty of work most of the time and always looking for the candidates.

June 6, 2018 at 11:17 am

Thanks for sharing!

business plan writing gigs

December 2, 2018 at 12:38 pm

I really want a job

business plan writing gigs

May 14, 2018 at 3:15 pm

Hiring? Need job.. Ready to work..

business plan writing gigs

April 19, 2018 at 6:09 pm

I’m looking forward to perusing these sites. I love finding new niches to freelance for. Ultius has treated me well and I think they are almost always hiring ( ).

April 20, 2018 at 7:48 am

Thanks for sharing, Alice!

business plan writing gigs

October 20, 2021 at 9:58 pm

I want a at home job typing on the computer I’m a hard worker but people jobs want cookie cutter people yes people people that can work a lot of hours with no sleep I can work but not to much

October 21, 2021 at 6:36 am

Have you looked at temp agencies like Kelly Services?

business plan writing gigs

April 16, 2018 at 12:13 pm

Wow what a great list. I’ve really enjoyed writing for but will have to check out some of the others in the list. Thanks!

business plan writing gigs

February 28, 2018 at 10:42 am

I’ve noticed these gigs are all in dollars.

Can you use these sites if you live in the United Kingdom?

February 28, 2018 at 3:09 pm

You’ll have to follow up with each site to see if they allow writers from the UK.

business plan writing gigs

July 2, 2018 at 6:16 pm

Hi, can i use this site if i live is SA

July 4, 2018 at 7:25 am

Hi Stanley,

Nice to meet you!

With these writing gigs, it shouldn’t matter where you live as long as you provide high-quality work and can be paid via PayPal.

Please check out this post for international listings:

Good luck on your job hunt!

business plan writing gigs

December 31, 2017 at 7:58 am

Thank you so much for this list! I drive almost an hour one way to go to work and I am looking for something I can do from home. This information will be a great start for me!

January 2, 2018 at 12:44 pm

Glad you enjoyed the list, Pam.

If you’re looking for more ideas, these articles will give you a great place to start your WAH job search:

business plan writing gigs

December 1, 2017 at 9:29 am

Great list!! I recently started a free writing leads site as a labor of love from one writer to another. It’s a daily list of Canadian writing jobs and remote and freelance opportunities, too. Feel free to share or check it out.

business plan writing gigs

November 25, 2017 at 11:45 pm

Dear holly any recommendations for offline data entry website as I have time I want to earn some money please advice ASAP FOR some critical issues thanks

November 26, 2017 at 12:31 pm

Try looking on Indeed and FlexJobs, or this post may give you some ideas:

business plan writing gigs

September 28, 2017 at 11:49 am

Holy smokes this is one heck of a list, Holly! Thanks for putting it together for us. You know I’m sharing this one!

Hope all is well. :)

Happy small Friday!

September 28, 2017 at 1:56 pm

Glad you enjoyed the list, Cori. Love that, happy small Friday! Same to you!

business plan writing gigs

June 19, 2017 at 7:38 pm

As retirement approaches, a lifelong desire to simply create, write, and explore avenues that have always proven themselves a true interest and passion is rapidly pulling me in to my most deepest desires of these areas. Admittedly, there are so many areas that are catching my attention, so the question now is, “Where to begin?” Thank you so very much.

June 22, 2017 at 7:58 am

Check out this post, Patty:

business plan writing gigs

June 15, 2017 at 6:35 pm

This is a great website thank you! I have just graduated with a first but want a writing job from home part time to go alongside another full time job. I like beauty/fashion/baking but having done psychology degree I like to write about current issues, including personal ones such as copying with anxiety etc Do you recommend where I could start writing? Thanks

business plan writing gigs

June 13, 2017 at 5:32 am

Story writing is my hobby and want to share it more to you. Though I need my real chance to start for you.

business plan writing gigs

June 7, 2017 at 12:52 am

I just wanted to let you know that you are my muse for extensive thoroughness with my writing. I’m just getting started, and you’re my go-to gal for inspiration and encouragement. As of right now I’m trying to learn the technical ropes and migrate my site to a new host. I’d love to have you in my network! Any tips you could share would be immensely appreciated!

June 12, 2017 at 7:15 am

Hi Ashley, Thanks for your kind words — they made my day!

I’m not a tech person. I use a web programmer for all of my tech issues. Her name is Susan from . I’ve also heard great things about Grayson Bell at .

I’m on all the major social channels if you’d like to connect. Thanks for stopping by and leaving such a nice comment!

business plan writing gigs

May 23, 2017 at 4:33 am

I’m sadia and please suggest me any job .

May 24, 2017 at 9:46 am

Hi Sadia, These articles will give you a great place to start your WAH job search:

business plan writing gigs

May 21, 2017 at 10:43 am

Hey i would love to write. Im pretty good with short stories (usually fiction), what would you suggest?

business plan writing gigs

May 18, 2017 at 11:05 am

I’m used to write in french. I tried upwork but i’m paid 5 dollars per 1000 words or 7 dollars… Can you suggest me a website where i can write in french but having good salary like those websites you posts on your blog ? And can you suggest me VA in french website please ?

May 19, 2017 at 3:32 pm hires French translators:

Also, Anna has a great list of translation jobs on her website:

Good luck and keep me posted!

business plan writing gigs

May 15, 2017 at 3:12 pm

Hi Holly, My passions include being a life long runner and outdoor enthusiast, having owned a fairly large business in that niche. In addition, healthy pro-active nutrition, and politics are included. Do you have any recommendations as to what writing industries or companies to pursue? I’m interested in doing reviews, blogs, copywriting but open to suggestions. Thank you very much! Kathy

May 18, 2017 at 7:28 am

Hi Kathy, What about Live Strong? They are always hiring writers in a variety of categories. Also, check out your favorite brands and companies and research their blog posts. Maybe they haven’t added any new content in a long time, and you can send them a proposal, or you can pitch them a few ideas that they haven’t covered. Good luck!

business plan writing gigs

May 9, 2017 at 6:20 pm

Wow! Thank you so much for this blog post! I have never seen so much accurate and helpful information in one post! I have bookmarked this page and will be checking all of them out! Thank you so very much!

May 10, 2017 at 1:30 pm

Glad you enjoyed the list, Courtney!

business plan writing gigs

April 7, 2017 at 10:57 pm

I am interested in a stay at home career in writing. I am a mother of two and I have been writing for many years. Nothing has been published. I write short stories, children’s stories and some poetry. can you please let me know in which direction I should be looking to get started.

April 8, 2017 at 7:29 am

It depends. Do you want to set up a business? Or are you just looking for a little extra side cash?

Here are some hand-picked articles that can help guide your way:

Good luck and keep us posted!

business plan writing gigs

February 27, 2017 at 8:45 pm

I m interest in writing. Can u plss give me the instruction??

business plan writing gigs

February 26, 2017 at 4:05 pm

This may seem a rather daft question, and it is, but: I’m a man. Now, can men, even incredibly heterosexual ones such as me (lol), utilize and take advantage of these services as a means to market their writerly talents? Also, I have found that, for me personally, nonfiction writing is easier than fiction. However, I must strongly emphasize that this opinion is tempered by and only true of those times when one finds that they can be just as creative and imaginative and fluid and free and freewheeling in their nonfiction as they are in their fiction. To that end, I have furthermore discovered that, for me personally, in addition to the writing of certain essays and ersatz/satirical articles and the prosy like, poetry is also relatively easy to write. Indeed, it is EASIER to write. At least, it is for me, anyway. Now, don’t get me wrong, I also like to fiction, but I can’t write it as speedily and with as much insouciant ease as I can various forms of essay and poetry. Again, that’s just me, though. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity of using this forum as a means of getting a few things off my chest. However, I have one last query to advance: As I have recently written a great, semiautobiographical (or perhaps pseudoautobiographical) seriocomical/jocoserious short story that has a great deal of erotic imagery, action and description in it, I wonder where I might publish this story? It is not, I must stress, despite it’s sexual nature and the intrinsic, crucial importance of the eroticism therein, a bona fide erotic story. It is not erotica, as they call it. It is far above and beyond the trashy simplicity of erotica. Yet, as I said, the middle section of it is a sex scene, but one that I twist and manipulate every sort of human emotion out of, and that sex scene is not gratuitous, it is essential to the story and the plot. I am not one to, even in the writing of the very few forays into erotica and eroticism that I have attempted over the past seven years, write of sexuality overmuch, or at all, or gratuitously, but as this was integral, I saw no reason to withhold the sexual from the bounds of my prose.

Regardless, and for comedic effect a few very dirty vulgarities and smutty colloquialisms are used within the context of my tale, but still I wonder: Who would publish such an esoteric, unidentifiable, eclectic work?

I am rightly proud of the story, it being one of the best and funniest yet most strangely sad stories I’ve ever written, and long to see it in all the unbounded glory of print.

(I did not mean this thing to turn out to be some abridged story of my life, but as the next revelation that I am about to parenthetically reveal is somewhat imperative, I feel I must, if only as a means to create an understanding of me, my works and, most especially, my STYLE and TECHNIQUE as a writer, share the following bit of semi-personal data with you: Namely, that I am an avid reader in general and in particular of the greatest Anglo-American/European/Russian/Near-Eastern/Mediterranean writers of all manner of prose of the past several millennia, but with an especial focus on the greatest writers of the 1700’s-1960’s: and before and beyond: and it is them and their monumental and intellectually-stimulating, descriptive, sublime works that inform all my writing….therefore, that’s why I’ve elected to write in the way in which I’ve done here….not to impress, except by diffusion and osmosis, but rather because it is just the general, natural way I always have of speaking and, most especially, writing. Thank you bearing with me through this difficult digression….which, if I was going to submit and publish this essay-length comment, I think that would make an excellent title for it! lol)

February 27, 2017 at 12:06 pm

Yes, these opportunities are applicable to both women and men.

business plan writing gigs

February 24, 2017 at 6:47 am

Hi Holly, I’d appreciate knowing about your favorite freelance writing opportunities for elementary educators. Thanks!

February 24, 2017 at 7:26 am

Hi Lesley, Have you thought about curriculum writing or instructional design? Really, the sky’s the limit, you can write for education blogs, magazines, newsletters. It just depends on your area of expertise within the education field and what type of writing interests you.

business plan writing gigs

February 22, 2017 at 1:47 am

I’m interested in writing in several categories: my worldwide travel experiences; the 23+ years of meeting, taking pictures and talking to hundreds of celebrities in NYC.

I’m also interested in writing book, TV and movie reviews. I’ve done quite a few travel reviews on TripAdvisor. I’ve written a couple of book reviews and received thank you notes from the author.

Can you give me some advice where I can do this and get paid for it? Thank you.

February 22, 2017 at 8:48 am

Hi Diane, Have you thought about starting a review blog?

business plan writing gigs

February 17, 2017 at 3:40 am

Hi, I am Rashid from India.Just recently I had started blogging and I had published two based on my personal experience.Now I am willing to write a short fictional story.Can you suggest me any site where I could begin with?

business plan writing gigs

January 26, 2017 at 8:41 am

I also have had a lot of luck scoring paid contracts on freelancing websites like Upwork. I t’s tough to build up a profile initially, but after about a year I was able to make solid money – between $500-$1000 per week. It’s all about building up a profile and reputation, just like any business.

Thanks for these tips!

January 26, 2017 at 12:15 pm

That’s great — congrats on your writing success!

business plan writing gigs

January 16, 2017 at 2:35 pm

I am interested in writing about women’s life experiences. Its been suggested to me because of my sense of humor and the way I look at life, especially mine!! Blogging has been suggested but boy I feel lost and not so sure. Main ideas?

January 16, 2017 at 4:37 pm

Hi Paula, This post will give you a great place to start: Let me know if you have further questions — happy to get you going in the right direction.

business plan writing gigs

January 15, 2017 at 6:12 am

Hi I’m also interested in writing ….I’m from India….how can I be helped…..

January 16, 2017 at 6:25 am

Hi Rosy, Most of these sites pay via PayPal, so if you’re able to accept payment via PayPal — just start pitching and applying. Good luck!

business plan writing gigs

December 2, 2016 at 4:07 pm

I just stumbled on this informative gift from your stable by luck today. I like to earn from writing and online typing. I’m in Nigeria. Guide me.

December 4, 2016 at 7:52 am

As long as you’re able to accept payments via PayPal, you should be able to write for the majority of these sites. Good luck!

business plan writing gigs

November 29, 2016 at 12:49 pm

All this being said if you’re a fast writer, and you don’t spend a lot of time on each article, maybe you could make minimum wage working on Demand Studio stuff. Which would be cool if you’re working from home and that’s all the money you were looking for. But long-term, other “freelance” writing jobs would be likely to net you a lot more. Blogging is my favorite.

I’ve done quite a bit of freelance writing, myself–not the website, but jobs you hunt down for yourself in corporate America–and the income can be excellent, but often requires a lot more personal marketing or a good list of personal contacts. And you’ll need to be able to prove you can do the work with a combination of references, education, and samples. You also need to have the good aptitude for customer service, so you can keep your clients happy.

business plan writing gigs

November 5, 2016 at 12:47 am

Thanks for the informative post. I’ve been trying to assess the validity of the site for a potential scam without much luck. I notice that it isn’t on your list. Have you ever heard anything about them? If not, could you please look into this? I’ve given my info (basic application stuff, but still) and am, sadly, backward fact-checking. Thanks!

November 7, 2016 at 6:53 am

The one thing that stands out to me is they’re hiring writers, but nowhere on the website are they selling the articles to clients. Most legit sites have a page for customers and another for writers. They are based in India, not the US — I’d steer clear of this one.

business plan writing gigs

September 26, 2016 at 2:28 pm

Hi Holly! There are a ton of awesome ideas here that I am eager to explore! I recently started a blog that I’m going to use as a portfolio for my pieces and hopefully will submit them somewhere for pay and future writing gigs. I am currently working in a full time office job and would like to move from this lifestyle that allows me to write remotely on a more flexible schedule. I have just submitted an essay to a contest about my experiences as a person with a disability. I’m wondering if you have any additional suggestions on where to send my essay, or else any information you can provide as I try to embark upon this difficult career change. Thanks so much!

September 27, 2016 at 7:18 am

Hi Brittany, Glad you enjoyed the list! It sounds like you have a good plan in place.

Here are some pieces that I think will help you on your journey:

Gina Horkey has had tremendous success as a freelance writer and virtual assistant and she gives some great advice in this interview:

This article by Katie McDonald has some excellent information on identifying strong freelance leads:

Oh, and this article has some advice from four successful freelancers (Carol Tice, Kristi Hines, Mary Jaksch, and Heather Robson) on how to make more money with your writing:

September 27, 2016 at 8:49 pm

This is great, thanks so much!

September 28, 2016 at 8:54 am

You’re welcome, Brittany!

business plan writing gigs

August 18, 2016 at 6:46 am

I have around 7 years of experience in IT currently a stay at home mom with two naughty boys.. I love to write and earn a living.. what would be the best site for me to start with

August 18, 2016 at 11:35 am

Have you written articles before? Or is this your first stab at freelance writing? If you’re new to the game, I’d suggest looking at the ProBlogger job board or Upwork. Get some articles under your belt, then go after higher paying gigs.

business plan writing gigs

August 15, 2016 at 11:09 am

Its one of the best posts full of good resources on writing content. I have not visited all of the sites yet but I am going to check them all one by one. Thank you so much.

August 16, 2016 at 3:02 pm

Glad you enjoyed the list!

business plan writing gigs

July 31, 2016 at 1:28 pm

Scary Mommy is no longer offering payment for submissions.

August 1, 2016 at 10:24 am

Thanks for letting me know, Jessica. I’ll take it off the list.

August 3, 2016 at 1:42 pm

Such a bummer! Still a good opportunity to build up a portfolio though :)

August 3, 2016 at 4:39 pm


business plan writing gigs

July 6, 2016 at 1:11 am

Hi holly I love to write on life and experience and many more but could not find website

July 6, 2016 at 7:07 am

Have you checked Carol Tice’s website? She too has a great list of paid opportunities:

business plan writing gigs

June 7, 2016 at 6:59 am

Looking to get hired. How do I start?

June 11, 2016 at 10:05 am

Hi Angel, Just click on the links and it will take you to each gig. Good luck!

business plan writing gigs

June 5, 2016 at 10:46 pm

Hi I live in India n love to write so please let me know how I can do that . Thanks

June 11, 2016 at 10:15 am

Hi Damanpreet, Click on the links above and each site will tell you how to apply. Good luck!

business plan writing gigs

April 28, 2016 at 6:54 pm

I don’t have website but looking and love writing. I had been writing on agony aunts column I enjoy helping other people. Love to follow my dream and do this for a job.

April 29, 2016 at 10:32 am

With these sort of gigs you don’t need a website. However, if you’re interested in getting a website for free – this article has some good options:

Good luck on your writing journey!

business plan writing gigs

April 9, 2016 at 8:32 pm

We pay $100 per post if you want to add our site. All details are here:

April 9, 2016 at 9:01 pm

Thanks for sharing your writing gig!

business plan writing gigs

July 27, 2016 at 5:40 pm

Hi holly I enjoyed reading your post on writing I love writing and would like to start blogging How can I find a how to guide to begin blogging? And with no experience what best choices are there for hiring fresh writers

July 27, 2016 at 6:31 pm

Hi Meandra, Here is a step-by-step tutorial on how to setup a blog:

This post explains how to get started:

business plan writing gigs

April 8, 2016 at 10:17 am

Thanks for all the information. I am a homemaker and enjoy writing picture book stories, I have been looking for some freelance work and your article has been a blessing. I will be checking at the sites you recommend, thanks again and take care.

April 9, 2016 at 2:20 pm

Good luck, Denita!

business plan writing gigs

April 4, 2016 at 3:15 am

I would like to recommend my site 20four7va. We currently need lots of writers and VA’s for different kind of business.

April 5, 2016 at 10:16 am

Thanks for sharing, Catherine. How much does 20four7va pay per article?

business plan writing gigs

October 6, 2016 at 7:01 am

i live in india… i m a home maker… i love writing…. creative work like designing cards, dresses… plz let me know how can i work from home….

October 6, 2016 at 6:56 pm

The Work at Home Woman is geared toward U.S. residents.

business plan writing gigs

March 15, 2016 at 11:44 am

So many interesting information, thanks. I also would like to recommend another source I often write to this site. If it’s interesting for somebody, you can visit a site or write me for more information.

March 15, 2016 at 12:03 pm

Thanks for the lead, Selena!

business plan writing gigs

March 31, 2016 at 7:55 am

They do not have current openings for writers. Contacted them through their site chat..

business plan writing gigs

March 2, 2016 at 7:24 am

Thanks for sharing this huge list. very nice list for writers

March 2, 2016 at 8:38 am

Glad you enjoyed it, Ranjeet!

business plan writing gigs

February 26, 2016 at 12:49 pm

Once I get started writing a blog how would I get paid for it?

February 26, 2016 at 1:34 pm

Hi Amber, Most of these opportunities pay via PayPal. However, you’ll need read each companies terms to verify the exact payment method. Good luck!

business plan writing gigs

February 21, 2016 at 9:33 pm

Great tips Holly! always enjoy your posts :)

February 22, 2016 at 9:12 am

So glad you enjoyed it, Mandi. Thanks for stopping by =)

business plan writing gigs

February 18, 2016 at 12:45 pm

This looks interesting. I like to type and I would like to make some extra money. Please send me some info

business plan writing gigs

January 29, 2016 at 4:31 am

i want a writing job

business plan writing gigs

January 28, 2016 at 4:38 pm

Holly, I just wanted to thank you for this incredible post. It’s full of SO much good information and resources to find freelance writing work online. I can tell you spent a lot of time on it, so thank you, thank you, thank you! And I had NO idea about Nora Roberts only having a high-school education! That is a great cocktail party fact, too! Hope you’re well.

January 29, 2016 at 9:30 am

You’re welcome, Lisa! I love to do research — so it was a fun post to write!

business plan writing gigs

January 28, 2016 at 11:07 am

I’m a Social Work student, who cares about special needs and social needs in public.IS there any sites to become a writer in this field? :)

January 29, 2016 at 9:31 am

Try looking at LiveStrong. If I come across any others — I’ll drop the links here. Good luck!

business plan writing gigs

January 10, 2016 at 8:42 am

This is by far the most complete list I have come across of the highest paying writing jobs. I have been seriously considering working as a freelance writer, however many of the jobs that I have seem are not as generous in compensation as the ones listed here in your article. I look forward to checking out these opportunities! Thank you!

January 11, 2016 at 7:56 am

You’re welcome, Clara! Good luck on your freelance writing journey and keep us posted =)

business plan writing gigs

January 6, 2016 at 10:53 am

I’m a yoga teacher an a Nutritionist. What do you think the best place to start would be for my knowledge? Thanks.

January 7, 2016 at 7:35 am

Have you tried LIVESTRONG? They hire writers for fitness and wellness articles. Also try looking at Upwork and for fitness gigs. Good luck!

business plan writing gigs

December 17, 2015 at 2:06 pm

Would anyone happen to know a good place to write opinion articles? Maybe 300 to 500 words for $10 a pop? Whenever I find these lists of blogs and publications that pay, they are almost never looking for opinion. Maybe the niche is not profitable.

January 4, 2016 at 10:37 am

Try looking at magazines — many publications will pay a small stipend for short stories, jokes, recipes, and poems. Good luck and keep us posted!

business plan writing gigs

December 10, 2015 at 5:28 pm

Parents, teachers and homeschoolers – Get paid to share your expertise and ideas with thousands of readers!! -Opportunities for paid blog posts on the Educents blog ( -Receive a quarterly newsletter with blog topic ideas -Receive invitations to submit pitches for blog posts -Get your name out there! Every blog post published on Educents has an author bio

More info:

business plan writing gigs

December 2, 2015 at 1:08 pm

Greetings Holly, Top Tenz is no longer excepting submissions until further notice. They are now using their inside staff writers.

This information was on the website.

December 2, 2015 at 2:03 pm

Thanks for letting me know, Tangela. I’ll have to find a replacement =)

business plan writing gigs

January 4, 2016 at 4:14 am

Accepting is the appropriate word, not excepting.

business plan writing gigs

October 30, 2015 at 6:19 pm

Hi I have just written a short story about an old pit bull telling his life story. It’s approx 20,000 words. Any suggestions as to where I go next with this

November 2, 2015 at 7:25 am

Here’s a great list of places to submit your short stories:

business plan writing gigs

October 7, 2015 at 4:36 pm

Thanks Ms. Hanna! I love doing recipes and this article will really be a blessing!

October 9, 2015 at 7:42 am

You’re welcome, Leiann! Glad you found the recipe section helpful. I’ll keep you posted if I find some more sites.

business plan writing gigs

September 25, 2015 at 2:23 am

The Intense Blog link leads to the Dollar Stretcher page. (It isn’t hard to Google the write for us link, just thought you should know anyways!)

September 25, 2015 at 8:45 am

Thanks for letting me know, Kali. The link has been corrected =)

business plan writing gigs

September 5, 2015 at 6:15 pm

I enjoy writing poems. I don’t see any place for me to submit a freelance poem here though.

Heading Onward makes one Lag when Learning of the Yearly traffic gag.

September 8, 2015 at 8:02 am

Try submitting to greeting card companies, magazines, and contests.

business plan writing gigs

July 16, 2017 at 10:17 am

There’s an app you could download for writers and although its free to use and doesn’t necessarily pay you for each poem u post theirs perhaps some leads on paying opportunities and contests…. Mirakee

business plan writing gigs

August 19, 2015 at 10:11 am

Good Morning!

I’m glad I came across this site. I am inspired to express myself through the written word again. I am new to blogging, but excited to get my feet wet learning about it.

business plan writing gigs

August 19, 2015 at 9:51 am

hey there holly, always love the info you send! ps-elance & odesk are now keep up the great work! best, jo-anna

August 26, 2015 at 12:40 pm

Thanks for letting me know, I’ll get that corrected.

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July 17, 2015 at 7:56 pm

This is very helpful. Writing for a living is something I’ve always wanted to do, but finding legitimate resources is a difficult tasks. You’ve made this journey easier to bear. Thanks!

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April 29, 2015 at 10:54 am

So going to check all this out.

business plan writing gigs

February 26, 2015 at 7:31 am

Holly, thanks for including Write Naked on your list of blogs that compensate writers. Just wanted to let you know the rate posted is incorrect. I do not pay $100. (I ran a promotion a few years ago for that rate, so perhaps you saw an old page.) I pay $50 per guest post, but if I am particularly wowed with a pitch I pay $200. Thanks again–really appreciate the exposure and love the site you have built here.

February 26, 2015 at 11:14 am

You’re welcome, Tara. I’ll update that information =)

business plan writing gigs

March 22, 2016 at 6:36 am

Are you still looking for writers?

business plan writing gigs

December 4, 2016 at 4:59 am

I need aa job

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January 11, 2017 at 1:35 pm

I would like to help you, first you read and then decided to how much pay.

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November 17, 2017 at 4:30 am

I need Gmail I’d is [email protected]

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January 21, 2017 at 4:14 am

I’m an enthusiast guy and currently looking for writing jobs. I’m available at all times and would really appreciate for working with you Tara.regards

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May 10, 2017 at 5:57 pm

If there is any alert me please

May 10, 2017 at 5:56 pm

Okay no problem with that

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The 25 Best Fiverr Gigs To Make Money In 2024

Stefani Anderson

By Stefani Anderson , Content Manager

Updated Aug 1, 2024 | Published Nov 8, 2023 | 15 min read

business plan writing gigs

The best Fiverr gigs cover a broad range of freelancing skills and can be used to pick up steady and consistent work from clients looking to build relationships.

Whether you’re a graphic designer marketing your expertise or a newcomer to freelance writing, Fiverr gigs are available to match your experience level.

In this guide, we’ve broken down the best gigs on Fiverr you can use to make money working as a freelancer from the comfort of your own home.

The online marketplace Fiverr is a hugely popular platform for freelancers of all types who want to work with clients and establish a reputation.

We’ve covered the full spectrum of best-selling Fiverr gigs you can use to earn money on the platform, so there’s something here that caters to all types of freelancers.

So, without further ado, here’s our list of the 25 best Fiverr gigs to make money in 2024:

25. Voiceover Artist

Freelancers with a clear and articulate speaking voice can easily pick up gigs on Fiverr working as a voiceover artist for a range of clients.

You’ll be sent a transcript of the recording required from the client and will be expected to have access to a high-quality microphone to use for the recordings.

If you speak more than one language, you’ll have access to even more voiceover gigs for international clients looking for your skills.

Likewise, if you have a knack for different accents and vocal styles, there’s lots of freelance work available that offers more creative opportunities.

It’s a popular way to earn money on the Fiverr platform, particularly if you’re looking for casual work that doesn’t require ongoing commitments.

24. Logo Design

If you know how to design a logo and want to pick up gigs on Fiverr, there are many clients of all types looking for freelancers to help with their logo designs.

Logo design gigs on Fiverr can be very well paid, particularly if you have previous experience and a proven track record reflected in your portfolio.

You’ll need to have a firm grasp of the basic rules of design to create a striking and memorable logo that captures the essence of your client’s business.

This means researching the client before you start your designs, as well as checking out their competitors to see what works and what doesn’t.

23. Photo Editing

Photographs play a crucial role for businesses when it comes to promoting their products and services, with lots of freelance gigs on Fiverr in this field.

If you don’t have access to professional photo editing software such as Adobe Photoshop, there are plenty of free alternatives, such as GIMP you can use.

You’ll need to have an understanding of core photo editing techniques such as contrast, saturation, and other skills to crop and enhance photos for clients.

The end result will help your clients to promote their business on social media platforms and other marketing and promotional materials.

22. Writing Resumes

There are many different freelance gigs on Fiverr that are ideal for people with writing skills of all levels of experience they can apply for to earn money.

If you have experience building a successful freelancer portfolio , writing resumes for other freelancers is a great Fiverr gig to pick up.

You can choose clients who share any specific industry experience you have or take a more general approach to resume writing.

A strong understanding of what makes a good resume, including what keywords to use, is essential for delivering a service that develops your reputation.

21. Email Marketing

While social media marketing is often the dominant method businesses use to attract new customers, there are many email marketing gigs on Fiverr.

This requires freelancers to work closely with clients on email marketing campaigns to promote new updates and compose newsletters for their customers.

These email marketing campaigns help clients generate new leads while also nurturing a loyal customer base and keep them coming back for more.

20. Product Descriptions & Reviews

Another easily accessible and popular way to make money on Fiverr is by writing product descriptions and reviews for various products and services.

It’s a great freelancer gig that doesn’t have to be time-consuming and can be picked up without extensive experience and a detailed work history.

Clients will send you links to the relevant products and will expect you to deliver clear and concise copy that casts their product in the best possible light.

With thousands of gigs on Fiverr for product descriptions, it’s a great entry-level freelance gig for newcomers to the platform to get started with.

19. Bookkeeping

Freelancers with a background in financial data and management can pick up gigs on Fiverr working as a bookkeeper for a range of clients.

With the potential for exceptional rates of payment, bookkeeping requires the management of payrolls and invoicing, as well as general budgeting skills.

While bookkeeping software can be expensive, most clients will provide you with access to their platform to install on your computer for free.

It’s a freelance gig that covers a broad spectrum of clients, from startups run by entrepreneurs to established corporations outsourcing work.

18. Transcription

Another hugely popular freelance job for beginners is working as a transcriber, converting audio files of presentations, meetings, and interviews into text.

It’s a role that requires very little previous experience, although a knack for typing quickly, along with a keen sense of grammar, certainly helps.

Indeed, the faster you become at transcription over time, the better the rates of payment as you start completing gigs in a shorter space of time.

It’s a flexible freelance gig on Fiverr that is ideally suited to more casual work, picking up transcription gigs on an ad hoc basis.

17. Social Media Marketing

Setting up your own social media marketing services on Fiverr is another way to earn good money on the platform, and one of the most in-demand roles available.

Whether you’re helping to write posts or create social media videos, this type of marketing is ubiquitous throughout all types of industries.

A good grasp of content creation, paid ads, and how Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and other platform algorithms work is essential for effective social media marketing.

Having a firm grasp on the social media marketing myths will also help you to deliver the best possible results for your clients and keep them returning for more.

16. Data Entry

There’s a huge level of demand on Fiverr for data entry roles, with plenty of gigs available that even those with no experience can pick up and earn money from.

All you need to become a data entry freelancer is a solid internet connection, and your client will provide you with access to the relevant online system.

Becoming a data entry specialist is easy to do, which is why it’s one of the best side hustles to pay off debt for freelancers working on Fiverr.

15. Proofreading

If you have a keen eye for spelling and grammar and understand different formatting requirements, becoming a proofreader is a good option on Fiverr.

There are hundreds of proofreading Fiverr gigs to choose from, and services such as Grammarly can be used to help speed up your workflow.

In addition to general proofreading gigs, the platform also posts roles for freelance proofreaders who have experience in specific types of industries.

14. Podcast Writing

The popularity of podcasts continues to grow, whether as a source of news and information or a place to learn new skills and develop hobbies.

As a result, the demand for podcast writers on Fiverr has risen in recent years, making it another popular type of gig for freelancers on the platform.

The role requires you to write scripts for a given podcast based on its area of interest or provide a basic structure to facilitate a free-flowing conversation.

This can include researching facts and information to help them create an authoritative podcast that keeps their audience coming back for more.

13. Online Coding

Freelancers with experience writing code can pick up plenty of gigs on Fiverr that cover a wide range of programming languages.

Encompassing a broad range of tasks, coding skills can be applied to anything from fixing bugs on a company application to analyzing or scrubbing data.

The more coding languages you’re familiar with, the greater the potential scope of clients you can reach out to and work with on different gigs.

This makes Fiverr an excellent platform for freelancers with a strong suite of coding skills under their belt to maximize the work they can apply for.

12. Translator

If you’re looking into how to become a freelancer and can speak two or more languages, there are plenty of Fiverr gigs that utilize this skill.

In addition to being fluent in more than one language, you’ll be expected to possess strong spelling and grammar skills to ensure accurate translations.

Additionally, a grasp of the various writing styles and colloquialisms is a bonus to ensure your translations reflect the idiosyncracies of languages.

With its international user base and worldwide clients, there are translation gigs on Fiverr for all languages to help you get your career off the ground.

11. Illustrator

Freelancers who are talented illustrators can find plenty of opportunities to work closely with clients, creating drawings for their products and services.

These illustrations can be used in a variety of settings, from advertisements and promotions to books, magazines, and packaging designs.

There are plenty of programs you can use for illustration, including professional-level software such as Adobe Illustrator and Rebelle, with other free alternatives.

If you have a good scanner, you can do your illustrations using traditional media and scan in the finished results to send to your clients.

10. Website Testing

If you have previous experience working in search engine optimization and user testing, there are lots of gigs on Fiverr looking for website testers.

The client will expect you to check all the website’s core features to make sure they work as intended and fill in reports of any bugs and issues you find.

There are some excellent Fiverr tips and tricks you can use to increase your chances of finding work and compiling a profile that attracts the best possible clients.

9. Business Consultant

More experienced freelancers with a strong background in the corporate world can earn money on the Fiverr platform by selling their consultancy services.

While it can be harder to get into this line of work if you don’t have the relevant experience, for those who have, it’s among the most lucrative freelance gigs.

You’ll be tasked with reviewing documentation and business proposals sent by the client and providing feedback and assessments for their consideration.

There are lots of gigs on Fiverr looking for all types of consultants to help with advice when businesses struggle to perform at their true potential.

8. Photography

Another great freelancer gig on Fiverr, ideal for more creative freelancers, is working as a photographer to help clients with marketing.

While the cost of professional cameras may be off-putting for newcomers, if you’re an established photographer with the right gear, it’s a great opportunity for work.

You’ll also need to be mobile, as some clients will expect you to travel to get the photographs they require for their products and projects.

There are plenty of great freelancer website templates you can use to showcase your photography skills in an aesthetically pleasing layout.

7. Game Development

While general coding skills are a great way to pick up smaller gigs, if you have an interest in video games, there’s lots of work on Fiverr you can apply for.

This can range from everything from working on small-scale indie games for mobile devices to freelancing for established developers on AAA titles.

Once you’re familiar with the process of becoming a freelance game developer , you can create a relevant Fiverr profile to attract the best Fiverr gigs.

As your portfolio grows over time, you’ll have the necessary experience to reach out to more established brands and find work on more in-depth projects.

6. Web Development

Having a great website is an essential component of any business strategy, irrespective of what products or services they offer their customer base.

This makes web development one of the most in-demand freelance roles you can find, with thousands of Fiverr gigs for freelancers to apply for.

The basic requirements for web development roles include an understanding of search engine optimization and a grasp of basic graphic design.

You’ll also be tasked with working with a website builder template , building on this foundation to include text and image assets as requested by the client.

Familiarity with website coding languages and web automation is also a plus, while previous experience liaising with graphic designers also helps.

In addition to finding gigs on Fiverr building websites from scratch, roles are available to maintain or renovate existing web work.

5. Video Editing

A role that bears a resemblance to photo editing, video editing jobs on Fiverr are available for all types of clients across a range of different industries.

There are many great video editing tools online, from advanced professional software such as DaVinci Resolve and Adobe Premiere to free-to-use applications.

A keen grasp of editing techniques, such as adding effects and transitions or overlaying titles and graphics, is a must for picking up video editing work.

Some clients may require more advanced skills, so if you’re familiar with color grading and motion graphics, your potential income is much higher.

You’ll also be expected to know the correct resolution to export the final video so it’s ready to upload on social media platforms in the correct style.

4. Digital Marketing

Digital marketing gigs are among the easiest freelance ideas you can start today, with many clients looking for freelancers with experience in this field.

If you have a background in digital marketing, you can post gigs on Fiverr that outline your work history so it attracts the most relevant clients looking for services.

Once you pick up a gig, you may be expected to create entirely new marketing campaigns for product launches, including the visual assets to be used.

On the other hand, more casual digital marketing gigs may only require you to write and schedule posts while interacting with any comments they receive.

A background in using Google AdWords and working on social media campaigns is a must, as well as a strong understanding of each platform’s algorithms.

If you’re versed in traditional advertising campaigns and design work, this will help you to jump the queue and head straight to the high-demand gigs.

3. Graphic Design

Like illustrators, graphic designers have plenty of options for picking up Fiverr gigs that cater to their level of experience and particular skill set.

As a graphic design expert, you’ll be tasked with creating everything from article layouts and advertisements to book covers and infographics.

You’ll work with a broad range of clients, from casual bloggers looking to improve their online presence to corporate clients who want to revamp their marketing assets.

This means having a good grasp of the core design principles that make visual assets compelling and capture the spirit of the product or service being promoted.

You can work with professional design software or find your feet with lower-paying clients using free tools to help you create the requested designs.

2. Content Writing

As with graphic designers, content writers can pick up a wide variety of gigs on Fiverr depending on their work history and the level of commitment they wish to invest.

Content writing can be something as simple as writing basic pages for a website or producing entire white papers for clients representing specialist industries.

As such, your previous work experience can have a big impact on the quality of work you’re eligible for, particularly if you’ve worked in niche fields.

You’ll be expected to have a firm grasp of grammar, spelling, and punctuation, as well as optimizing your written content for search engines.

A degree of research skills and a flair for engaging and creative wording are also beneficial if you’re hoping to create written content for the best clients.

If you’re blogging as a side hustle and want to take your writing career more seriously, Fiverr gigs are a great place to build your reputation and portfolio.

1. Virtual Assistant

Arguably, one of the most prolific roles available on the Fiverr platform is as a virtual assistant, with thousands of freelancer gigs available to choose from.

As a virtual assistant, you’ll be expected to perform roles similar to that of a secretary, scheduling meetings, replying to emails, and helping with accounting.

Additional duties virtual assistants are sometimes asked to perform include working on marketing campaigns and handling the company’s e-commerce platform.

Freelance virtual assistants are typically provided with the necessary tools and programs to perform these tasks, so you’ll only need a laptop and internet connection.

You can pick up ongoing work with clients on Fiverr or apply for project-based tasks if you’d prefer to work with clients over a shorter period.

If you’re interested in this work, there are plenty of techniques around becoming a virtual assistant you can explore to find clients who need your services.

We hope you’ve found this complete overview of Fiverr gig ideas a helpful resource to help you launch your freelancing career and make the most of the platform’s gig services.

As your gigs start gaining traction and your services become in high demand, you can start selling gigs on Fiverr with better payment rates that reflect your experience.

It’s a comprehensive platform that offers excellent scope for growth as your portfolio of work expands, and you gather more positive client reviews.

Stefani Anderson

Stefani Anderson Content Manager

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Crafting Your Roadmap to Success: Writing a Business Plan

Crafting Your Roadmap to Success: Writing a Business Plan


Starting a business is an exciting and challenging endeavor that requires careful planning and strategy. One of the essential tools in your entrepreneurial toolkit is a well-structured business plan. A business plan not only helps you clarify your business concept but also serves as a roadmap for guiding your company's growth and success. In this blog, we will explore the key components and steps involved in writing a comprehensive business plan.

1. Executive Summary

The executive summary is the first section of your business plan, but it's often written last. This brief yet compelling overview provides readers with a snapshot of your business. It should include a concise description of your business idea, mission statement, and a brief summary of each key section of the plan.

2. Business Description

In this section, delve deeper into the specifics of your business. Discuss the industry you are entering, your target market, and the problem your product or service solves. Explain your unique selling proposition (USP) and competitive advantage. Additionally, provide information about your business's legal structure, location, and history if applicable.

3. Market Analysis

Conduct thorough market research to understand your industry, competitors, and target audience. Analyze market trends, customer behaviors, and demographics. Identify your ideal customer persona and showcase how your business will meet their needs. Use this data to validate your business idea and demonstrate market demand.

4. Products or Services

Detail the products or services you will offer. Explain how they fulfill market needs and highlight their features and benefits. Discuss your pricing strategy and any proprietary technology or intellectual property that sets your offerings apart from the competition.

5. Marketing and Sales Strategy

Outline your marketing and sales strategies for acquiring and retaining customers. This section should include your promotional activities, advertising campaigns, and digital marketing efforts. Specify your sales channels, such as e-commerce, brick-and-mortar stores, or a combination of both. Set sales targets and detail your sales team's structure if applicable.

6. Organizational Structure and Management

Describe your company's organizational structure, including the roles and responsibilities of key team members. Highlight your team's expertise and experience relevant to the business. If you're a solo entrepreneur, emphasize your qualifications and skills that make you uniquely suited to run the business.

7. Financial Projections

Financial projections are a critical component of your business plan. Create a detailed forecast of your financial performance for the next three to five years. Include income statements, balance sheets, cash flow statements, and break-even analysis. Be realistic in your assumptions and provide evidence to support your projections.

8. Funding Requirements

If you're seeking external financing, clearly state your funding needs and how you intend to use the funds. Specify whether you're looking for equity investment, loans, or a combination of both. Highlight your business's potential for profitability and return on investment to attract investors or lenders.

9. Appendices

Include any supplementary information in the appendices, such as market research data, resumes of key team members, legal documents, and additional financial details. While not every reader may delve into the appendices, they provide important backup for the information presented in the main sections.

10. Review and Revision

After completing your business plan, take the time to review and revise it thoroughly. Seek feedback from trusted advisors, mentors, or industry experts. Continuously update your business plan as your business evolves and adapts to changing market conditions.

A well-crafted business plan is an indispensable tool for entrepreneurs. It not only helps you clarify your business vision but also serves as a valuable reference point to measure your progress and make informed decisions. By carefully following the steps outlined in this blog, you'll be well on your way to writing a comprehensive business plan that sets you up for success in the competitive world of entrepreneurship. Remember, a well-prepared plan can be the key to securing financing, attracting partners, and ultimately achieving your business goals.

Crafting Your Roadmap to Success: Writing a Business Plan Image1

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14 New Freelance Writing Gigs To Apply For Right Now

There’s nothing quite like the feeling you get when you’re hired for a new freelance writing gig. You’ve sold your knowledge and expertise in exchange for dollars and what can be better than that? I live for this feeling, so I’ve put together a list of 14 freelance projects to apply for right now.

6 Best Freelance Writing Jobs (Perfect For Beginners!) - Get Paid To Write

1. Explore various new freelance writing opportunities.
2. Apply for gigs that align with your writing interests.
3. Tailor your application to showcase relevant experience.
4. Highlight your writing skills and versatility.
5. Stay persistent and consistent in your job applications.
6. Keep refining your portfolio to attract potential clients.
7. Network with fellow writers and industry professionals.
8. Research companies and clients before applying.
9. Always meet deadlines and exceed client expectations.
10. Keep learning and honing your writing craft continuously.

Table of Contents

1. Web Site & Blog Content Writer

If you are good at writing content for websites, this is the gig for you. As a Web Site & Blog Content Writer, you will be writing articles for a website. You might also be required to write product descriptions or product reviews on the site’s blog section. 

If so, your work will be used in many ways by their clients and customers: as blog posts that help rank their sites higher in search engines like Google; as sales pages where they advertise their products online; and sometimes even as guides that direct people toward buying certain things instead of others (such as books instead of courses).

Building a successful freelance writing career in the advertising industry requires determination and creativity. Learn how to get started as a freelance writer in the advertising industry and carve your path to success.

2. Romance Writing

Romance novels are popular, as they offer readers a chance to escape from their everyday lives into a world full of adventure, passion, and romance. They’re also incredibly diverse in terms of subject matter there are hundreds of different subgenres within the general category of “romance novel”

Maybe instead you prefer paranormal romances where vampires fall in love with humans and vice versa…the options are endless!

Are you passionate about fashion and writing? Turn your passion into profit by becoming a freelancer in the fashion industry. Discover the steps to sell clothes online as a freelancer in fashion and create your unique brand.

3. E-Book Writing

E-books are a great way to share your expertise with the world. They can be sold online, or distributed for free. If you’re looking to build your reputation and gain experience as a freelance writer, I highly recommend that you write an e-book. You can self-publish it on Amazon or another platform, or distribute it for free through email marketing blasts and social media channels.

If you have some relevant knowledge about a topic that people might be interested in learning about, go ahead and write up an e-book!

4. Article Writing

Writing articles is a great way to make some extra cash, or even make your entire living from freelance writing.

You will also need to know how to write an article. This involves coming up with a topic that’s interesting and relevant enough for people who are looking for information related to it on the web (e.g., “How To Write Articles In Your Spare Time”). 

5. Freelance Copywriter

proven experience in writing creative content; ideally, you’ve got some background in advertising or marketing

Embracing the freedom of freelancing from your phone is rewarding, but it comes with its own set of challenges. Learn about the issues and how to overcome them while you freelance from your phone and stay connected to your clients.

6. Ghostwriting

Freelance ghostwriters can charge anywhere from $5-$10 per word based on their experience level, so if you have been in this business for a while or have extensive knowledge about something specific (like fashion), then expect those rates to go up accordingly!

7. Technical Writer

A technical writer is someone who writes manuals, user guides, and other documents that explain how to use a particular product or service. These days you can find technical writers working in many industries from the military to health care to retail.

8. Children’s Book Writer

A children’s book writer is someone who writes books for kids. You can write stories or non-stories (such as poems or picture books), but you’ll need to know how to write a book before starting this gig.

9. Freelance Academic Writer

Freelance academic writers are in high demand. The best writers have a strong command of the English language and can write clearly and accurately about topics that interest them. 

In addition to this, the best academic writers will also be able to craft compelling arguments in their writing that explain their position on a given topic with evidence from their research. As such, you’ll need to be an excellent researcher before you can become a great freelance academic writer!

Writing a compelling Upwork cover letter can be a game-changer for landing freelance gigs. Find out the purpose and best practices of a Upwork cover letter to increase your chances of getting hired.

10. Resume Writing

If you’re applying for a writing gig, chances are you’re going to need a resume. But what should your resume include? What should it look like? How do you make sure it gets read by people who can offer you work? These are all excellent questions, so let’s get into them.

First of all: what should be included in this thing called “resume”? Well, there are lots of different types of resumes out there and not just one specific template that works for everyone (thank goodness). So let’s talk about what information makes up a good resume and how best to format all that info. 

11. Screenwriter/Scriptwriter

The best screenplays are seamless in their execution: they’re well-structured with clear character arcs, dialogue that moves the story forward rather than just exists as exposition, and situations that build tension until it reaches a breaking point at which point there’s an explosion of emotion within the audience.

12. Book Editor/Proofreader

Proofreading is the process of reviewing a document to detect and correct errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, usage, and format. Proofreaders are an integral part of the publishing process, especially with online content.

Proofreading is critical to producing quality work. It ensures that what you’ve written/recorded is accurate, consistent, and clear. When done properly, it can help you avoid embarrassing spelling mistakes or awkward phrasing and make sure your message comes across clearly to readers who aren’t familiar with your industry or style of writing or speaking.

13. Business Plan Writing

A business plan is a formal document that describes your business and its goals. It includes information about your product or service, market research, financial projections, and marketing strategies. Business plans are often used to secure funding from investors or lenders.

There are several types of business plans:

An exit strategy plan describes how you will sell your company at the point in the future (to another entity) so as not to let it become stagnant when there is no clear path forward. 

14. Romance Stories For Women Over 45 (Ghostwriting)

Ghostwriting is the work of writing a book, article, or another piece of content for someone else to publish under their name. It’s usually reserved for books that are already written and sold to publishers (often called “packaged”), but it can also be used by authors who want to publish their work but don’t have time or expertise in writing the book themselves.

In this gig, you’ll ghostwrite romance stories for women over 45. You will get paid per story (the client has chosen $10 per story).

If you’re interested in this position, please send an email with your resume/CV to [EMAIL].

Client satisfaction is crucial for a thriving freelance writing career. Implement these 16 strategies to ensure your Upwork clients are happy with your work and secure long-term partnerships.

We hope this list of freelance writing gigs will help you earn more money and break into new areas of writing. It’s important to remember that the job market is always changing, so you have to stay on top of the latest trends to get more work done. 

Further Reading

Freelance Writing Jobs for Beginners : Explore various freelance writing opportunities suitable for beginners and kickstart your writing career.

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the best way to get started writing.

The best way to get started writing is by doing some research. There are tons of websites out there that will pay you for your words, but you must find a platform that matches your interests and experience so that you can be successful in your new career.

What Are The Best Places To Find Freelance Writing Jobs?

How do i find clients.

Once again: Do some research first! The internet has made finding potential clients easier than ever before thanks in part because many companies now actively hire online services such as Upwork instead of going through their internal HR departments which means less red tape overall 🙂 But don’t worry too much about finding clients just yet! That comes later when we talk about marketing strategies below 🙂

Who Are Freelance Writers?

Freelance writers are people who work on their own and write articles, blog posts, and content that they sell to others. They often take on multiple projects at once, allowing them to make money while also giving them the freedom to choose their schedule.

Where Do You Find Freelance Writing Jobs?

How do freelance writers work.

When you’re hired by an employer or client through a site like Upwork or ProBlogger, your job will be to create content for that client’s website/company/etc., whether it be copywriting or blogging. This can include things like writing press releases or blog posts whatever they require! 

Most of these websites provide guidelines on what types of projects they’re looking for so you know exactly what kind of articles should be included in your application packet when applying for jobs there too allowing both parties involved 

What Is The Most Popular Freelance Writing Job?

How much do freelance writers make per hour.

Freelance writers can earn anywhere from $20 to over $100 an hour, depending on the project and experience level of the writer. The average rate for new writers is around $30 an hour, but this number increases with experience as more clients become aware of your skillset.

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Should You Launch a Writing Business

Author: Samantha Engman

Samantha Engman

10 min. read

Updated February 8, 2024

Free Download:  Sample Content Creator Business Plan Template

“Every company is a media company,” Tom Foremski, ex-FT journalist and the editor of Silicon Valley Watcher, said a decade ago. He meant that increasingly, even companies that aren’t concerned with news or journalism must be able to make meaningful connections with customers with the written word.

Given the growth of content marketing, blogging, and social media, it seems pretty clear that the demand for good writers will remain high.

Starting your own writing business is easier than ever, but making it work as a full-time gig is still challenging. This article will help you think through whether making writing your primary occupation or looking at writing as a side gig might be a good opportunity in 2020.

Recently, I was helping a digital company in their search for a full-time copywriter. The search actually failed. Of the many professional writers around, none would consider full-time, long-term jobs.


They’re all self-employed now; they figured out how to make it profitable. In this era of omnipresent content, top-notch writing is in the highest demand—and freelancing has its benefits.

The broad market and flexible hours make this profession ideal for people with the right skill set. But before you dive in, evaluate your skills and be critical and honest with yourself. Are you a skilled writer? Are you ready to do full-scale customer service on your own? It’s one thing to write full time, but another to manage client relationships too. Are you knowledgeable enough in certain spheres to create compelling writing?

Yes? Good. Let’s look into details then.

  • What should you consider before you start a writing business?

The pay an aspiring writer can expect at first might seem discouraging when compared to any mid-level office position. Despite the demand for quality writers, and the increasing number of professionals in the field, there are not that many writers who actually make living exclusively from freelance writing. It’s not impossible, but to get there, they’ve been working hard for years. This isn’t meant to be discouraging, but it’s important to be real about what you can expect when you’re first getting started.

The professional, self-employed writer risks an irregular income. However, if you sign enough contracts and secure a couple of long-term gigs , you’ll be surprised at the potential. Think of each smaller writing gig as an opportunity to build a positive relationship with a company, so that you’re their first-choice for bigger and longer-term projects.

Pro tip: Don’t sell yourself short. Do some research so you can price your work according to your skill level and the scope of each project.

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2. Working with clients

The competition in the writing field is high. To create a lasting relationship, provide outstanding customer service. Go the extra mile to give your clients the special treatment they can’t get anywhere else. Make it a practice to underpromise and over deliver.

Always do what you’re expected to do—get clear on expectations right from the beginning. Sounds basic, yet it can be tricky. For each job, write a brief proposal listing the exact scope of work the client expects you to deliver, based on an in-person meeting or phone or Skype conversation.

Pro tip: Make a detailed questionnaire for yourself to guide your conversation with your and form the foundation of your scope document. Ask your client to sign the proposal before you begin, as a gesture that they agree that you’re both on the same page. Keep it on file and email them a copy.

3. Affordable growth

Writing needs relatively low startup investment, aside from the most valuable—your time and effort. A major in writing or journalism might help, but the certificates are not a must at all. You’ll need access to a computer, an internet connection, and a space that work that’s comfortable for you, where you can occasionally take phone or Skype calls with clients. If you like what you do, and your clients are happy, that’s all you need to run your business.

Establishing yourself as an authority is a sure way to increase your price tag. Pick the industry you feel most confident about, and become an expert. Do what you’re good at, and write about what you know. But keep learning. Find a mentor, preferably an exceptional editor that is willing to field your questions and help you build your skills. Keep an eye out for useful online courses and industry conferences . Don’t discount the value of a solid grip on grammar.

Pro tip: Writing experts generally have deep knowledge and engaging style. Work on your writing like you would on any business skills. Keep reading , blogging , and freewriting .

4. Flexibility

Most writers put having a flexible schedule at the top of their list of reasons to consider freelance writing. You can work from anywhere as long as there is Wi-Fi. 

You’re also not linked to one employer. That gives you a wiggle room to set different hourly rates for different jobs. Say, social media management can bring you $15 per Instagram post, while a ghostwriting project can shell out something as pleasant as $15K in one run.

It probably won’t make you a millionaire unless you can figure out a way to scale your services without working 20 hours a day, but it does have some perks. The other benefit is that you don’t necessarily have to go all in and quit your day job while you build your writing business. You can start to scale it while you work your day job.

Pro tip: If you have the flexibility, think about moving to a country where the cost of living is adequate to your earnings. Thousands of writers choose Southeast Asia or the small European countries.

  • How do you get started?

Choose your niche

Here is a list of services that are in high demand now. Narrow it down to several options that you feel most confident about.

  • Commercial: business naming, slogans, commercial campaigns, public relations, advertorials
  • Social media: Insta updates, Facebook posts, profile descriptions
  • Web content: Personal and company blogs, feeds, community bulletins
  • Technical: Manuals, instructions, technical specifications
  • Business: Business plans, pitches, grant inquiries
  • Translations:  If you speak a second language, this is a good area to consider
  • Fiction writing: Novels, short stories, poetry, plays
  • Ghostwriting:  Biographies, memoirs, business books
  • Mobile and computer game writing:  Dialogues, scripts, in-game interactive storytelling (a rare breed that you can find on niche bulletin boards)
  • Journalism: News, reports, corporate journalism
  • Reviews: Product reviews, experience reviews, book reviews
  • Children’s literature: Popular science, stories, poetry for children

Build a portfolio

Whichever writing category you choose, you need to build a relevant portfolio. Make sure it convinces your potential clients that you’re the best candidate for the job. A proper web page with your best writing samples is the foolproof solution. Even better if you can point to published writing samples.

A few easy to manage portfolio platforms are Contently , Journo , and .

Get your writing samples together

  • Browse through your Google Docs. The chances are high that you will find something good enough to kick off your portfolio.
  • Publish your work on a Medium blog and share it on LinkedIn.
  • Join a writing community and look for a mentor. College newspapers, for instance, are usually friendly to the aspiring writers. Try to get feedback from a professional editor.
  • If you’re running your own blog or business Facebook page, don’t be shy. Showcase the particularly good pieces.
  • As you get your first gigs, ask the clients if you can use excerpts from their orders in your portfolio.
  • How do you attract paying clients?

In general, bigger companies will usually have bigger budgets, so they can be more lucrative. Medical and business writing are charged top-of-the-range , so look into healthcare and business development industries for higher fees. If you plan writing for web publishers, the rates database from Contently is well worth looking through.

To start building your client base:

Use your personal network

Reach out to your friends, colleagues, community and online connections. Tell them that you’re looking for clients, and make sure that you’re making it easy for them to access your portfolio of work. Create some business cards and use them. The chances that someone in your circle needs writing services are pretty high.

Send pitches to local businesses

There are lots of benefits to finding local writing work. It can be easier for you to immerse in a company’s brand and voice when you can meet in person. Figure out the best person to contact and see if they need your particular writing skillset for any upcoming projects. Remember that a big part of writing for companies is understanding and being able to write in their brand’s established voice and tone.

Use online platforms

Clients you find using online freelancing platforms might not seem like they have quite the potential for building long-term relationships. But these platforms can be useful for drumming up occasional work. There’s always the possibility that a single project that goes well could grow into something bigger.

Upwork and Freelancer are popular platforms.

On Upwork , you create a writer’s profile and get updates through email when clients pick you to pitch for their projects. It’s fair to think you might get several calls per month if you took the time to write a quality profile.

Freelancer is full to bursting with opportunity, but the competition is crazy. You’ll need to stay constantly tuned in to get a good catch.

But be careful out there. The bad news is that both of those platforms have been regularly reported for scams. Use common sense, and remember that anything that seems too good to be true probably is.  The good news is that there are new platforms popping up every day. Look into Fiverr , ProBlogger , and PeoplePerHour for starters.

Use LinkedIn

LinkedIn can be a good source of potential client leads. If you defined your niche already, you know the work and clients you want. Who would you like to write for? Say, hospitality? Finance? Go to LinkedIn and type it into the search bar. In the results window, switch to the “Companies” tab to see the list of businesses with your keyword. Pick a company, and click on “See all employees on LinkedIn” link to proceed.

Write a strong pitch that’s customized for each company, and send it out to the content officers. It feels more professional than cold emailing—and more convenient for the employers to send you an instant reply.

ProTip: You are guaranteed to get rejected. It will happen; it’s part of being a freelance writer. Not every gig is the right one for you. Don’t let it get you down. Use those rejections as opportunities to fine tune your pitch.

  • What you can do today to start your writing business:
  • Set your rates
  • Define your areas of expertise
  • Practice writing
  • Start a blog (Twitter helps, too!)
  • Shout out to your social circles
  • Write a pitch proposal
  • You can do it

Starting a writing business is challenging, yet no more challenging than starting any other business. Spend time on proper planning, outlining your roadmap, defining the obstacles, and deciding how you will overcome them. Now go for it.

Check out our content creator business plan example and free template for additional guidance.

Content Author: Samantha Engman

Samantha Engman is a proficient digital copywriter. After ten years in marketing, she grew a strong commitment to the content creation and brand journalism for aspiring businesses.

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business plan writing gigs

Part time business ventures: Freelance Writing Gigs: Words That Pay: Finding Freelance Writing Gigs

1. a lucrative side hustle, 2. demand and opportunities, 3. creating a compelling writers profile, 4. tips for standing out in client proposals, 5. platforms and networks for freelance writers, 6. how to price your writing services, 7. balancing freelance writing with other commitments, 8. strategies for scaling up, 9. legal and financial considerations for freelance writers.

Freelance writing stands as a beacon of opportunity in the gig economy , offering a flexible and potentially lucrative side hustle for those with a knack for words and a passion for storytelling. Unlike traditional 9-to-5 jobs, freelance writing allows individuals to craft their own schedules, choose their topics of interest, and work from virtually anywhere. This autonomy is a significant draw, particularly for creatives seeking to escape the confines of office walls and predetermined roles. The allure of freelance writing isn't just in its flexibility; it's also in the diversity of opportunities available. From crafting compelling blog posts to penning informative articles, from engaging in technical writing to creating enchanting fiction, the spectrum of freelance writing gigs is vast and varied.

Here are some insights into the world of freelance writing :

1. Market Demand : Content is king in the digital age, and the demand for quality writing is ever-present. Businesses, large and small, require content creators to articulate their brand message, engage with their audience, and drive SEO.

2. Skill Development : Freelance writing isn't just about natural talent; it's a skill honed over time. Successful freelancers often have a background in writing, whether through formal education or self-taught practices, and they continuously improve their craft through workshops, courses, and constant practice.

3. Networking : Building a network is crucial. Engaging with other writers, attending industry events , and maintaining an active online presence can lead to referrals and repeat clients.

4. Niche Specialization : Writers who specialize in a particular niche—be it technology, health, finance, or any other field—can command higher rates and establish themselves as experts, making them more attractive to clients in that sector.

5. Portfolio Building : A strong portfolio showcasing a range of writing styles and subjects is essential to attract clients. Freelancers often start by contributing to smaller publications or blogs to build their portfolio.

6. Pricing Strategies : Understanding how to price services is key. Some writers charge by the word, others by the hour, and some prefer a flat rate per project. It's important to find a balance that reflects the value of the work without pricing oneself out of the market.

7. Payment Security : Ensuring timely and fair payment can be a challenge. Freelancers must be adept at negotiating contracts, setting clear terms, and sometimes requiring upfront payments or deposits.

8. Time Management : Balancing multiple projects and meeting deadlines requires excellent time management skills . Freelancers must be organized and disciplined to succeed.

9. Legal Knowledge : Understanding the legalities, such as copyright laws and contracts, is important to protect one's work and ensure fair dealings.

10. Adaptability : The ability to adapt to different writing styles, voices, and client needs is a valuable trait. Flexibility can lead to a wider range of opportunities.

For example, consider a freelance writer who specializes in environmental issues. They might contribute a series of articles to a green living blog, create content for an eco-friendly startup's website, and write press releases for a non-profit organization's conservation campaign. Each of these gigs requires a different style and approach, showcasing the writer's versatility and expertise in the field.

In essence, freelance writing is not just about stringing words together; it's about understanding the market, mastering the art of communication , and navigating the business aspects of the writing world. For those willing to invest the time and effort, freelance writing can be more than just a side hustle—it can be a fulfilling career that offers both freedom and financial reward.

A Lucrative Side Hustle - Part time business ventures: Freelance Writing Gigs: Words That Pay: Finding Freelance Writing Gigs

The freelance writing market is a dynamic and ever-evolving space, characterized by its flexibility, diversity, and the vast array of opportunities it presents. At its core, freelance writing is about matching writers' skills with the content needs of clients, which can range from small businesses seeking to establish an online presence to large corporations looking to engage their audience through thought leadership articles. The demand for freelance writing has seen a significant uptick in recent years, fueled by the digital transformation that has led businesses to prioritize content marketing as a key strategy for growth. This surge in demand has opened up a plethora of opportunities for writers of all niches and experience levels.

From the perspective of businesses, the value of a skilled freelance writer cannot be overstated. Content is the lifeblood of online engagement, and companies are on a constant lookout for writers who can articulate their brand message, connect with their target audience , and drive conversions through compelling storytelling. On the other hand, freelance writers enjoy the autonomy to choose projects that align with their interests and expertise, set their own schedules, and determine their rates, making it an attractive option for those seeking a balance between professional growth and personal freedom.

Here are some key insights into the freelance writing market:

1. Niche Specialization : Writers who specialize in a particular niche, such as technology, health, or finance, often find more opportunities and can command higher rates. For example, a writer with a background in healthcare might contribute articles to medical journals or create patient education materials for healthcare providers.

2. Content Marketing : With the rise of content marketing, businesses are not just looking for writers; they're looking for content strategists who can help them plan and execute a content calendar that drives traffic and leads . A freelance writer who can also offer SEO expertise or social media savvy is particularly valuable.

3. Digital Platforms : Online platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr have made it easier for writers to find work and for clients to find talent. These platforms also provide a level of security and structure to the freelance process, including payment protection and dispute resolution.

4. Portfolio Building : A strong portfolio is crucial for attracting clients. Freelance writers often start by contributing to blogs, online magazines, or local publications to build a body of work that showcases their style and expertise.

5. Rates and Negotiation : Understanding the market rates for different types of writing work is important. Freelancers must be adept at negotiating contracts that reflect the value of their work, taking into account factors like research time, revisions, and rights ownership.

6. Networking : Building a network is essential in the freelance world. Writers can gain more visibility and opportunities by connecting with other freelancers, joining writing groups, attending industry conferences , and maintaining an active social media presence .

7. Adaptability : The most successful freelance writers are those who can adapt to different writing styles and tones, depending on their client's needs. They are also quick to learn new industries and can translate complex information into engaging content .

8. Legal Considerations : Freelancers need to be aware of the legal aspects of their work, including contracts, copyrights, and taxes. It's advisable to have a standard contract template that outlines the scope of work, deadlines, payment terms, and intellectual property rights .

The freelance writing market offers a wealth of opportunities for those willing to invest in their skills, build a professional network , and stay abreast of industry trends. Whether it's crafting blog posts , white papers, or social media content , the ability to produce high-quality writing that resonates with an audience is a valuable commodity in today's content-driven world . Freelance writing is not just about stringing words together; it's about understanding the market, identifying opportunities, and positioning oneself as a vital resource in the content creation process .

Demand and Opportunities - Part time business ventures: Freelance Writing Gigs: Words That Pay: Finding Freelance Writing Gigs

In the competitive world of freelance writing, your brand is not just a reflection of who you are, but also a promise of the quality and type of work you can deliver. It's the essence of your professional identity, the narrative that ties together your skills, experiences, and values. A compelling writer's profile is not merely a static resume; it's a dynamic, evolving story that captures the attention of potential clients and sets you apart from the sea of other writers. It's about crafting a persona that resonates with your target audience, whether they are editors at top-tier publications or businesses in need of a sharp, persuasive copy.

Here are some in-depth insights into creating a writer's profile that stands out:

1. define Your Unique Value proposition (UVP): What makes you different? Maybe you have a knack for turning complex topics into engaging content or a background in a niche field like medical writing or SEO optimization . For example, a writer with a background in law might position themselves as an expert in creating content for legal blogs or journals.

2. showcase Your portfolio : Your portfolio should be more than just a collection of writings; it should tell a story about your expertise and style. Include diverse pieces that highlight your range but focus on work that aligns with your UVP. If you specialize in travel writing, for instance, feature articles that have garnered significant engagement or led to a tangible increase in tourism for the featured destinations.

3. Gather Testimonials: Positive feedback from past clients adds credibility. A testimonial from a well-known brand or editor can be particularly impactful. For example, a review from a satisfied client in the tech industry can bolster a tech writer's profile.

4. Professional Headshot and Bio: A professional headshot gives a face to the name, making your profile more personal and relatable. Pair this with a bio that succinctly tells your story—why you write, what inspires you, and what you hope to achieve with your words.

5. Engage with Your Community: Being active on social media and writing platforms not only increases your visibility but also establishes you as a thought leader in your field . Share insights, comment on industry trends, and engage with your audience. For example, a writer focusing on sustainability might share tips on eco-friendly living or comment on the latest environmental policies.

6. Continuously Update Your Skills: The writing industry is ever-evolving, and so should your skills. Whether it's learning new content management systems or taking courses in creative writing, show potential clients that you're committed to growth. Highlight any recent certifications or courses you've completed.

7. Be Authentic: Authenticity can't be faked. Let your true voice shine through in your profile, and don't be afraid to show a bit of personality. Clients are looking for real people behind the words.

By weaving these elements into your writer's profile, you create a brand that not only showcases your abilities but also tells a compelling story that clients will remember. Remember, your profile is your first impression—make it count.

Creating a Compelling Writers Profile - Part time business ventures: Freelance Writing Gigs: Words That Pay: Finding Freelance Writing Gigs

In the competitive world of freelance writing, your pitch can often be the deciding factor in whether you land a gig or watch it go to someone else. crafting a compelling pitch is an art form that requires a blend of creativity, persuasion, and a deep understanding of your client's needs. It's not just about selling your skills; it's about presenting a vision of how your words will fulfill the client's objectives, resonate with their audience, and enhance their brand. A standout pitch is clear, concise, and demonstrates a unique value proposition that sets you apart from the competition.

Here are some tips to help you craft a pitch that gets noticed:

1. Know Your Client : Research the company, its products, and its audience. Tailor your pitch to address the client's specific goals and challenges.

- Example : If the client is an eco-friendly brand , highlight your expertise in sustainability and your passion for environmental issues.

2. Showcase Your Unique Voice : Clients are looking for a fresh perspective. Share samples that highlight your style and tone that align with their brand.

- Example : Provide a snippet from a blog post where you successfully adopted a conversational tone for a lifestyle brand.

3. Demonstrate Value : Explain how your writing will benefit the client. Will it drive traffic, increase engagement, or boost sales?

- Example : Mention a previous project where your SEO-optimized articles resulted in a 30% increase in website traffic .

4. Be Concise and Clear : Get to the point quickly. Your pitch should be easy to read and free of jargon unless it's industry-specific and relevant.

- Example : Use bullet points to list your services and how they align with the client's content strategy .

5. Follow Up : Don't be afraid to follow up if you haven't heard back after a week or so. A gentle reminder can show your enthusiasm and professionalism.

- Example : Send a polite email reiterating your interest in the project and asking if they need any more information from you.

Remember, your pitch is your first impression. Make it count by being thoughtful, engaging, and client-focused. With these tips in mind, you'll be well on your way to crafting proposals that stand out and win over clients.

Tips for Standing Out in Client Proposals - Part time business ventures: Freelance Writing Gigs: Words That Pay: Finding Freelance Writing Gigs

In the realm of freelance writing, the journey to finding the right gigs can be as nuanced and varied as the writers themselves. Each platform and network offers a unique set of opportunities and challenges, and what works for one writer may not suit another. The key is to navigate these digital landscapes with a clear understanding of one's goals, strengths, and the type of content they wish to produce. From content mills that offer a high volume of work with quick turnaround times to exclusive networks that connect writers with premium clients, the spectrum is broad.

1. Content Mills : Websites like Textbroker and iWriter act as intermediaries between clients and writers, offering a plethora of assignments across various niches. While the pay may be on the lower end, these platforms can be a good starting point for new writers looking to build their portfolio.

2. Job Boards : Platforms such as ProBlogger and BloggingPro are treasure troves for freelance writing jobs . They allow writers to filter opportunities based on niche, pay rate, and job type. For example, a writer specializing in health and wellness might find a well-paying gig writing articles for a fitness app's blog.

3. social Media networks : LinkedIn and Twitter can be surprisingly effective for finding writing gigs. By following industry leaders and engaging with content, writers can network and often stumble upon job postings. A writer might use Twitter to connect with a small business owner in need of a copywriter for their website relaunch.

4. Freelance Marketplaces : Upwork and Freelancer are popular choices for writers who prefer a more direct approach to finding work. These platforms allow writers to bid on projects or be approached by clients directly. For instance, a seasoned technical writer might use Upwork to secure a contract creating user manuals for a tech startup.

5. Personal Networks : Sometimes, the best opportunities come from one's own circle. Attending writing workshops or local meetups can lead to referrals and gigs. A writer may meet a local magazine editor in need of contributors at a writing seminar.

6. Writing Communities : Online forums and communities like Absolute Write or the Writer's Cafe are not only for discussion and support but also for job opportunities. Members often share leads and tips on upcoming projects.

7. Direct Outreach : A proactive approach can yield results. Writers can reach out to companies or blogs they admire and pitch their services. An example would be a travel writer crafting a personalized pitch to a tourism blog they follow.

8. Niche-Specific Platforms : Sites like Contently and Skyword match writers with brands in specific industries. A financial writer with expertise in cryptocurrency might find lucrative work on a platform dedicated to fintech companies.

finding the right freelance writing gigs is a multifaceted process that requires a blend of skill, persistence, and sometimes, serendipity. By exploring various platforms and networks, writers can discover the paths that align best with their career aspirations and writing style. Whether it's through a high-traffic job board or a personal referral, each gig is a step forward in the ever-evolving journey of a freelance writer .

Platforms and Networks for Freelance Writers - Part time business ventures: Freelance Writing Gigs: Words That Pay: Finding Freelance Writing Gigs

Determining the right price for your writing services is a critical step in establishing a successful freelance writing business . It's a delicate balance between valuing your expertise and remaining competitive in the market. Pricing too low may attract more clients but can undervalue your work and lead to burnout, while pricing too high might limit your client base. The key is to find a sweet spot that reflects the quality of your services, your experience, and the complexity of the work you're undertaking.

From the perspective of a new writer, setting rates can be daunting. There's often a fear of charging too much and not getting hired, or charging too little and not earning enough. Seasoned freelancers, on the other hand, understand the importance of setting rates that compensate for not just the time spent writing, but also for the research, revisions, and administrative tasks that are part of the job.

Here are some in-depth strategies to consider when pricing your writing services:

1. Hourly vs. Per-Word vs. Project-Based : Decide on a pricing structure. Hourly rates work well for projects where the scope isn't clearly defined, while per-word rates can benefit writers in cases where the content length is predetermined. Project-based rates are ideal for jobs with a clear scope and deliverables.

2. Know Your Worth : Research what other writers with similar experience and in your niche are charging. This will give you a benchmark for your own rates. Remember, as you gain more experience and your portfolio grows, your rates should reflect this.

3. Consider the Project Complexity : A simple blog post might not cost the same as a technical white paper. The more complex the topic and the more research required, the higher the rate should be.

4. Factor in Revisions : Include in your rate the expected number of revisions. If a client requires more than the agreed number, consider charging extra.

5. Value Your Time : Calculate how much time a project will take from start to finish, including initial consultations, research, writing, and revisions. Use this to set a rate that compensates you fairly for all the hours you'll invest.

6. Create Rate Tiers : Offer different levels of service at different price points. For example, a basic blog post, a well-researched article, and a post with seo optimization and social media promotion can be priced differently.

7. Adjust for Urgency : If a client needs something turned around quickly and it requires you to work outside of normal hours or push other projects back, it's reasonable to charge a premium.

8. Regular Clients and Bulk Work : Offer discounts to clients who provide regular work or large projects, as this guarantees ongoing income.

9. Communicate Clearly : Be transparent with clients about what your rates include and ensure there's a mutual understanding before starting the work.

10. Review Regularly : Periodically review your rates and adjust them as necessary to reflect your growing experience and changes in the market.

For example, a freelance writer might start with a rate of $0.10 per word for general blog posts but increase this to $0.15 or more for specialized content. If they opt for hourly rates, they might begin at $30 per hour and increase this as they gain more expertise and recognition in their field.

Remember, setting your rates is not a one-time event; it's an ongoing process that should evolve as your business grows. By considering these factors and being adaptable, you can ensure that your pricing strategy supports both your financial goals and your professional growth as a freelance writer .

How to Price Your Writing Services - Part time business ventures: Freelance Writing Gigs: Words That Pay: Finding Freelance Writing Gigs

Balancing freelance writing with other commitments is akin to juggling multiple balls in the air; it requires focus, timing, and an understanding of which ball to catch first. For many, freelance writing is not just a passion but a necessity, a means to supplement income, or a flexible way to work around other life responsibilities. The allure of freelance writing lies in its flexibility; writers can set their own hours and choose projects that interest them. However, this flexibility can also be a double-edged sword , as the lack of a structured schedule can lead to procrastination or a clash with other commitments. From the perspective of a full-time employee, freelance writing must be squeezed into evenings and weekends, often competing with family time or rest. For a stay-at-home parent , nap times and school hours become precious work periods. Even full-time freelancers must balance client work with the business side of writing, such as marketing and invoicing.

Here are some strategies to manage your time effectively :

1. Prioritize Tasks : Determine which writing gigs have the nearest deadlines or are most important to your income and prioritize those. For example, if you have a high-paying client with a tight deadline, that project should take precedence over a personal blog post that can be published anytime.

2. Set a Schedule : Treat your freelance writing as you would any other job. Set specific work hours and stick to them. If you're a morning person, you might dedicate 5 AM to 7 AM for writing before heading to your day job.

3. Use Time-Blocking : Allocate specific blocks of time to different tasks. For instance, you could block out Monday evenings for writing articles, Wednesday evenings for marketing, and Saturday mornings for administrative tasks.

4. Eliminate Distractions : Find a quiet place to work, turn off social media notifications, and inform your family or housemates of your work schedule to minimize interruptions.

5. Leverage Technology : Use apps and tools for time management , such as Trello for organizing tasks or Pomodoro timers to work in focused bursts.

6. outsource Non-Writing tasks : Consider hiring a virtual assistant to handle administrative tasks or use accounting software to streamline invoicing and tracking expenses.

7. set Realistic goals : Don't overcommit. Understand how much you can write in the time you have available and set achievable goals.

8. Take Care of Yourself : Don't forget to schedule breaks and downtime. Burnout will only set you back further.

For example, a freelance writer who is also a full-time student might use time-blocking to dedicate weekend mornings to client work, ensuring that weekdays are free for classes and study. They might also use apps like Forest to stay off their phone and remain focused while writing. Another writer, balancing a day job and family, might wake up an hour earlier than the rest of the household to write in peace, or use their lunch break to draft outlines and ideas.

In essence, managing freelance writing alongside other commitments is about finding what works for you, being disciplined in your approach, and being flexible enough to adjust as your circumstances change. It's a dynamic process that, when done right, can lead to a fulfilling and profitable writing career.

Balancing Freelance Writing with Other Commitments - Part time business ventures: Freelance Writing Gigs: Words That Pay: Finding Freelance Writing Gigs

Scaling up a business is a pivotal moment in a freelancer's career. It marks the transition from a solo venture to a burgeoning enterprise with greater capacity, reach, and potential. For freelance writers, whose craft is often a solitary one, the decision to scale can be both exhilarating and daunting. The strategies for scaling up are multifaceted, involving not just an increase in workload but also a strategic approach to business development , marketing, and operations. It requires a shift in mindset from working in the business to working on the business, where one must balance the art of writing with the science of company growth.

Here are some strategies to consider when scaling up your freelance writing business:

1. Diversification of Services : Offering a broader range of writing services can attract a wider clientele. For example, a writer who initially offered only blog writing might expand to include copywriting, technical writing, or ghostwriting.

2. Building a Team : As demand increases, it's essential to build a team of reliable writers. This could start with hiring a virtual assistant to manage administrative tasks or bringing on other writers to handle excess work.

3. Leveraging Technology : utilizing project management tools and customer relationship management (CRM) software can streamline operations, allowing for more efficient handling of multiple clients and projects.

4. creating Passive Income streams : Developing courses, e-books, or webinars on writing can provide additional revenue without directly trading time for money .

5. Networking and Partnerships : Collaborating with other freelancers or agencies can lead to referrals and larger projects that one person couldn't handle alone.

6. Investing in Marketing : A strong online presence through a professional website, social media, and content marketing can help attract higher-paying clients.

7. Setting Scalable Rates : Moving away from hourly rates to project-based or value-based pricing can ensure that income increases as the business grows.

8. Systematizing Processes : Creating standard operating procedures for tasks ensures consistency and quality, making it easier to delegate work to team members .

9. Focusing on Niche Markets : Specializing in a particular industry or type of writing can establish you as an expert, allowing you to command higher rates.

10. Continuous Learning : Keeping skills sharp and staying abreast of industry trends ensures that the services offered remain relevant and in demand.

For instance, a freelance writer might start by offering SEO writing services to local businesses. As their reputation grows, they could hire additional writers and expand their services to include press releases and white papers, targeting a national market. By systematizing their processes and using CRM software, they can manage a larger volume of work and maintain quality. Meanwhile, they could develop an online course on SEO writing, creating an additional income stream that supports their business growth .

Scaling up requires careful planning and execution, but with the right strategies, freelance writers can transform their part-time gigs into full-fledged businesses.

Strategies for Scaling Up - Part time business ventures: Freelance Writing Gigs: Words That Pay: Finding Freelance Writing Gigs

Embarking on a freelance writing career can be liberating, offering the flexibility to work on your terms and the opportunity to pursue projects that align with your interests. However, it's not without its complexities, particularly when it comes to legal and financial considerations . Freelance writers must navigate a maze of contracts, tax obligations, and intellectual property rights, all while ensuring they maintain a steady income flow. From different perspectives, these considerations take on varying levels of importance. For instance, a seasoned freelancer might prioritize contract negotiation to secure better rates and protect their work, while a newcomer might focus more on understanding tax implications to avoid any legal pitfalls .

Here are some in-depth points to consider:

1. Contracts and Agreements : Always have a written contract for each project. This should outline the scope of work, deadlines, payment terms, and ownership rights. For example, a ghostwriter might agree to relinquish all claims to the content once paid, while a columnist may negotiate to retain the rights to republish their work.

2. Invoicing and Payment Terms : Set clear payment terms with clients, including late fees. Utilize invoicing software to track payments and send reminders. For instance, a writer might require a 50% deposit before starting a project, with the remainder due upon completion.

3. Tax Considerations : understand the tax implications of freelance income. In many jurisdictions, freelancers are responsible for self-employment taxes. Keeping meticulous records of income and expenses, such as a home office or travel costs, can lead to significant tax deductions.

4. Insurance and Liability : Consider professional liability insurance to protect against legal action from dissatisfied clients. For example, if a writer's work is alleged to have caused financial loss to a client, insurance could cover legal costs.

5. Retirement Planning : Without the benefit of an employer-sponsored retirement plan, freelancers must be proactive in setting up and contributing to their retirement savings, like an IRA or a solo 401(k).

6. diversifying Income streams : To mitigate the risk of inconsistent work, successful freelancers often diversify their income. This could mean writing for multiple clients, creating passive income through self-published work, or offering related services such as editing or consulting.

7. Intellectual Property Rights : Be clear on who owns the work you produce. Some clients may seek full rights, while others may allow you to retain ownership and license the work to them. For instance, a writer might retain the rights to their personal blog content while licensing it for use on a client's website.

8. Legal Assistance : It's wise to consult with a legal professional when drafting contracts or if you encounter disputes with clients. For example, a writer might seek legal advice to ensure their contract includes a fair cancellation policy.

9. Building a Financial Buffer : Given the ebb and flow of freelance work, it's crucial to build a financial buffer. This means saving a portion of your income during peak times to cover expenses during slower periods.

10. Continued Education : stay informed about changes in tax laws, copyright regulations, and best business practices. Investing in courses or attending workshops can keep you competitive and compliant.

By considering these points, freelance writers can establish a solid foundation for their business , ensuring they're legally protected and financially sound while they focus on what they do best—crafting compelling content.

Legal and Financial Considerations for Freelance Writers - Part time business ventures: Freelance Writing Gigs: Words That Pay: Finding Freelance Writing Gigs

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45 Creative Business Ideas For Entrepreneurs Who Love To Write

Seeking to start a business with writing skills but not quite sure what to start?

The good news is, there are so many opportunities to become an entrepreneur and build a creative service in this line of work.

If you're looking to start your own business with writing skills, there are several low-capital options you can choose from.

We put a list together below of the most profitable business ideas for entrepreneurs who love to write, that you can start today!

Here they are:

1. Build an iPhone app

The iPhone is the most popular mobile device in the world. It has changed how we interact with information, entertainment, and communication.

The iPhone has also changed the way we interact with each other. Since its release in 2007, it has become a staple in most people’s lives. It is more than just a phone; it is a tool for staying connected to friends and family and creating new connections.

The iPhone app market is an ever-changing landscape of innovation: it’s not just about making something that works well; it’s about creating something that stands out from the crowd.

It would help if you had something that appeals to your audience to succeed in this market. This can be as simple as ensuring your app has a catchy name or as complex as developing an entire brand identity around your app’s functionality.

How much you can make: $150 — $2,000,000/month

How long does it take to build: 190 days (?)

Time commitment per week: Min. 5 hours/week

business plan writing gigs, an app built on top of the Stripe payment gateway for creating card-present charges, has grown to process over $70M in volume annually since launching in 2015, with the app collecting a 1% service fee on every single charge.

business plan writing gigs

2. Start a content writing company

Content writing involves writing, editing, and publishing content in a digital format. Examples of content include a blog post, product description, and podcast script—eBooks, press releases, or landing page content.

Becoming a content writer allows you to work as your boss. Therefore, you choose whatever working schedule suits you and take a manageable workload. Moreover, content writing helps you develop essential skills you may not obtain from regular writing.

Content writing is a highly-on-demand service, as companies compete for the online audience who often begin their shopping journey by searching for relevant and educative content online. Therefore, a content writing company is an excellent source of passive income.

To start a content writing company, research the market and choose a suitable niche. Sketch a proper business plan and create a website. Hire a pool of talented writers and leverage modern technology to streamline operations.

How much you can make: $1,000 — $550,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $600 (?)

How long does it take to build: 30 days (?)

business plan writing gigs, a subscription-based copywriting service providing high quality content that helps businesses scale at roughly 50% of the cost of hiring in-house, created by Dani, a first-time entrepreneur who started with just a few hundred dollars worth of projects and with the help of three other writers; as of last month, topped $14K monthly revenue.

business plan writing gigs

3. Start a film production company

A film production company is responsible for producing video content for social media, corporate promotions, television programs, commercials,s or other media-related fields. Ideally, the responsibilities of a video production company include scripting, location scouting, and also logistics to ensure a successful film.

Starting a film production company can be a daunting task. However, you can set up your business for success with proper guidance. Here are important steps for creating a video production company:

  • Determine the company niche
  • Choose a suitable company name
  • Draft a solid business plan
  • Hire an advocate to lead all legal matters of starting a company
  • Fund your business
  • Acquire video production equipment and skills
  • Create a website and market your film production company

If you are starting a video production company from scratch, consider creating some proof-of-concept projects so you can market the business. Alternatively, you may buy a franchise or an existing business.

How much you can make: $10,000 — $1,500,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $1,500 (?)

How long does it take to build: 65 days (?)

business plan writing gigs

Lemonlight CEO, Hope Horner, co-founded an on-demand video production company that has produced over 7,000 videos for more than 3,000 brands, generating over $6 million in sales and growing to a 45-person team, all without taking any outside capital and being recognized in Inc 5000 and Entrepreneur 360 for three years in a row.

business plan writing gigs

4. Become an author

Becoming an author is an exciting journey that involves creating and publishing written works, such as books, novels, or articles that reflect one’s ideas, stories, or expertise.

You can establish yourself through traditional publishing routes or self-publishing, utilizing your literary skills to connect with readers and potentially earn revenue from book sales.

Traditional publishing involves submitting a manuscript to a publishing house or literary agent who will review and decide if it is suitable for publication.

On the other hand, self-publishing gives authors complete control over the publishing process, allowing them to publish their work independently and market it on their own.

You can generate income through book sales, royalties, and opportunities such as speaking engagements or workshops.

How much you can make: $200 — $1,500,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $1,000 (?)

How long does it take to build: 90 days (?)

This case study follows full-time thriller and action-adventure author Nick Thacker who earns between $10k to $20k per month from writing, predominantly through Amazon Kindle Unlimited sales, and goes in-depth into his self-publishing strategy which maximizes sales and minimizes costs, such as developing a mailing list and utilizing print-on-demand services.

business plan writing gigs

5. Start an amazon business

Looking for a lucrative way to leverage the power of ecommerce? Consider starting an Amazon business. An Amazon business allows you to sell products directly on the world’s largest online marketplace.

You'll need to source or create products to sell, manage inventory, and handle customer service. It's not just a plug-and-play operation—meticulous product research and competitive pricing strategies are essential to stand out.

Amazon offers programs like FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon), which handles storage, shipping, and even customer returns, allowing you to scale with less hassle. The upfront work involves choosing products that meet market demand, optimizing listings with compelling content, and preparing for logistics.

Intrigued by the potential? An Amazon business offers a substantial opportunity to generate income with access to a global customer base. If properly managed, it’s a business model that could transform your financial future.

How much you can make: $10,000 — $120,000/month

How long does it take to build: 60 days (?)

business plan writing gigs

Felony Case, a Toronto-based company designing unique iPhone cases, started as a small shop on Etsy and has grown to become an internationally recognized fashion iPhone case brand sold in top tier retailers like Nordstrom, Holt Renfrew, Indigo, Urban Outfitters, Revolve, Free People, and made over half a million dollars in revenue last year.

business plan writing gigs

6. Start a freelance writing business

Freelance writing can be a good career choice if you are looking for a flexible online job.

Working as a freelancer gives you the flexibility to define your work schedule. You can work from home at any time. Freelance writers work across various niches, writing about various topics assigned by the client,

To earn good money as a freelance writer, you need the following personal qualities:

  • Strong writing skills
  • Ability to meet deadlines
  • Stay on the cutting edge
  • Be a self-starter
  • Be up-to-date with the current writing tools & writing trends
  • Proper communication skills

How much you can make: $700 — $500,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $500 (?)

How long does it take to build: 56 days (?)

business plan writing gigs

How David Tile turned a freelance writing gig into an $80k/month business, discussing lessons learned through managing growing demands and maintaining a remote team operation.

business plan writing gigs

7. Start a journal brand

A journal is a newspaper or a magazine that covers a particular subject or a professional activity based on the author's thoughts and feelings. The beauty of journaling is there is no right or wrong way to start.

The approach depends on your personal experience and can take many forms.

Find a journaling habit that works for you and create a writing routine. Get creative and journal about anything that comes to mind, so long as it interests your target audience.

How much you can make: $200 — $150,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $5,000 (?)

How long does it take to build: 105 days (?)

business plan writing gigs

Chasing Planner Peace is a planner company that has expanded from selling planner inserts on Etsy, to offering a one-stop shop customizable planner experience with over 300 inserts, a planner line, and various other related products, gaining a monthly revenue of around $25,000 at its busiest time of year.

business plan writing gigs

8. Start a niche blog

Starting a niche blog can be a great way to engage with a passionate online community by sharing your expertise on a specific topic.

The first step is to identify a profitable and underserved niche, such as fashion, video games, film reviews, cooking, and more.

Find your niche and create unique and informative content, such as articles, commentary, news, how-to guides, top product lists, convention coverage, video interviews, and spotlights.

To monetize your blog, gain visibility and followers, provide affiliate links, grow a YouTube channel, collaborate with relevant brands, and speak at events.

To succeed in niche blogging, you need to have a passion for your topic, create engaging content, and regularly engage with your followers.

How much you can make: $100 — $650,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $650 (?)

business plan writing gigs

Starter Story grew to 1.4 million monthly visitors and millions in annual revenue by sharing the stories of entrepreneurs. Pat breaks down the early days and how he grew the business into something that changed his life.

business plan writing gigs

9. Become a proofreader

Proofreading business is a service that helps customers review their written work and ensure it is ready for publication. Typically, a proofreader corrects grammatical errors and provides the written piece meets any relevant style guide.

As a proofreader, you can work online, allowing you to choose what time to work.

If you plan to start a professional proofreading business, make sure you possess the following skills:

  • Have an excellent grasp of grammar
  • Ability to correct mistakenly capitalized words
  • Familiarity with the proper use of capitalization
  • Use spell-checkers to flag misspelled words

Proofreading is a great way to enhance content quality. With the increased use of written content marketing to reach a broader market, the demand for professional proofreaders has grown tremendously. Professional proofreaders earn an average of $12/hr. And $30/hr.

Therefore, consider proofreading as a business if you are looking for a great side hustle idea or simply looking for ways to increase your income.

How much you can make: $2,000/month

business plan writing gigs

A proofreader was able to build a consistent income of ~$2,000 per month from scratch with zero experience in the field, no expenses, and barely any upfront costs by targeting bloggers and content creators who want their content to be copy edited and proofread.

business plan writing gigs

10. Start a fashion columnist business

A fashion columnist business involves providing fashion advice, tips, and commentary to a specific audience through various mediums such as articles, social media posts, or podcasts. The business owner acts as a fashion expert, offering guidance on current trends, how to style different looks and general fashion advice to their followers.

To run a successful fashion columnist business, it is essential to understand the fashion industry, including current trends and emerging designers. A unique and distinct voice and perspective is also necessary, as this will set the business apart from other fashion experts.

To gain and retain a following, it is important to provide valuable and engaging content consistently. This may include staying current on fashion news and events, collaborating with other fashion industry professionals, and engaging with followers on social media.

Marketing is also an essential aspect of running a successful fashion columnist business. Utilizing social media platforms and building relationships with fashion brands can help increase visibility and reach a larger audience.

Overall, running a fashion columnist business requires a passion for fashion, an understanding the industry, and consistently providing valuable and engaging content to followers.

11. Start a screenwriting business

Screenwriting: the art of visual storytelling that captivates audiences. Starting a screenwriting business entails writing scripts for film, television, and other visual mediums. It’s about creating narratives that resonate, excite, and entertain.

Your work involves crafting compelling dialogues, intricate plotlines, and vivid scenes that take audiences on a journey. While it’s a field that requires a deep understanding of story structure, character development, and the industry’s trends, it also offers the freedom to let your creativity shine.

Entering this industry means putting in long hours and facing rejections, but the reward lies in seeing your story come to life. By networking with directors, producers, and agents, and continuously refining your scripts, you can build a portfolio that opens doors to unique opportunities in the entertainment world. For those with a flair for writing and a passion for cinema, the screenwriting business could be a fulfilling venture.

How much you can make: $30,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $2,500 (?)

How long does it take to build: 180 days (?)

business plan writing gigs

Silksocial produces rockstar video ads for eCommerce brands, with a turnover of around $30K/month and a focus on differentiation through a deep understanding of e-commerce video ad production techniques that optimize investment returns.

business plan writing gigs

12. Build an online research software

As the business world grows more complex, the need for reliable and effective online research software becomes more important. Online research software can help businesses save time and money by providing access to a wealth of information.

This type of software is used for a variety of purposes, such as academic research, market research, or competitive intelligence.

For example, Trello is powerful online research software that can help you organize and keep track of your research projects. With Trello, you can create custom boards to track your progress on specific projects, set deadlines, and collaborate with other researchers. Trello's estimated annual revenue is currently $15.8M per year .

Online research software is a great tool for businesses looking to better understand their customer base. The data collected by this process can be rich and informative, as it includes insights that help you grow your business in ways other methods may not address as accurately or completely.

How much you can make: $5,000 — $1,500,000/month

How long does it take to build: 590 days (?)

business plan writing gigs

TapResearch generates roughly $1.5M in revenue per month through their Sample and Insights platforms, which allow market researchers to access survey respondents they need and make fast and easy decisions through a highly scalable respondent network that delivers surveys to hundreds of millions of people.

business plan writing gigs

13. Start a speech writing business

Starting a speech writing business can be a lucrative and fulfilling career for those passionate about language, public speaking, and crafting compelling narratives.

The business involves writing custom speeches for clients in various industries, including corporate, political, academic, and personal events. These speeches can range from formal presentations to wedding toasts and may be delivered to small or large audiences.

To start a successful speech writing business, it is vital to have strong writing skills and an ability to understand the needs and goals of each client. Researching and understanding current events and relevant industry topics can also be beneficial in crafting appropriate and engaging content.

In terms of marketing and building a client base, networking and relationships with event planners and public speaking coaches can be helpful. An online presence, including a professional website and social media accounts, can also help attract potential clients.

To succeed in this business, it is essential to meet tight deadlines and have excellent communication skills to collaborate with clients and deliver high-quality work effectively.

A willingness to continuously learn and improve writing skills is also essential in staying competitive in the market.

Starting a speech writing business can be a rewarding and flexible career for those with a love of language and a desire to help others effectively communicate their ideas and messages.

14. Start a pr consulting business

15. start an e-book writing business.

An eBook business is profitable and flexible, letting you start a business from anywhere, while it is a low-cost business that is easy to start. You can make a living self-publishing and selling eBooks online as long as you are ready to invest your time and money in it.

Anyone can start an eBooks business! Just choose a niche that interests the target audience, and ensure in-depth research.

How much you can make: $2,000 — $62,500/month

How much does it cost to start: $67 (?)

How long does it take to build: 120 days (?)

business plan writing gigs

Content-Whale, a content curation agency, has achieved a Rs. 4 crore ($514k/year) turnover 4-5 years after being started with just Rs. 2500 ($35), and has a pool of more than 500 writers, aiming to become a market leader in the global content market.

business plan writing gigs

16. Become a ghost blogger

A ghost blogger is simply a writer who specializes in producing blogs for other people.

As a ghost blogger, you can earn between $300 and $1,500 per week, depending on word count and topic.

Ideally, the ideas and knowledge contained in the article originate from the publicly named author.

Therefore, as a ghostwriter, your role is to put the ideas into words.

How much you can make: $450 — $24,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $150 (?)

business plan writing gigs

Content strategist Lacy Boggs leveraged her love of blogging and desire for a more flexible schedule to grow her business from a solo "Ghost Blogger" to a full agency with four writers and a cabal of contractors that helps businesses create bespoke content strategies and consistent traffic, yielding over a ($300k) year in revenue.

business plan writing gigs

17. Start an online newsletter writing business

An online newsletter is sent to subscribers’ emails regularly to keep them informed about the latest news and updates about their product or brand. You can send the newsletter weekly or monthly depending on the content and your objective.

To start an online newsletter service, choose the email newsletter tool and define the newsletter’s goal. Then, choose the best template for your newsletter and personalize it to meet the reader's expectations.

With a professional strategy, an online newsletter can be a successful business.

How much you can make: $500 — $4,100,000/month

business plan writing gigs

College student, Whitney Bowen, launched Fem 'n STEM during the COVID-19 lockdown selling STEM boxes for kids between the ages of 8-12 and has earned $1.5k in monthly revenue within the first month of launch using social media to advertise and using WIX to create an online store.

business plan writing gigs

18. Start a direct mail service consulting business

Direct mail is a form of marketing that involves sending physical pieces of promotional material through postal service or other courier services to a home or business.

The consulting service provider understands the complex nature of direct mail marketing and, as the expert, works collaboratively with the client to create and implement the direct mail strategy that guarantees results.

Therefore, to become a direct mail consultant, you must understand how direct mail works.

To start your business, choose a niche and identify target customers. Then, market your services to your target customers, compelling them why your service is important to their business.

How much you can make: $40,000/month

business plan writing gigs

Concept Marketing Group, a full-service marketing company, started by Barb Ferrigno in 1978, has grown to 6 employees and 8 subcontractors, with 8,000 clients globally and $480k in revenue annually, offering services such as Email Marketing Lists, Consulting, Social Media, PR services, and Business Coaching for the Executive Staff.

business plan writing gigs

19. Start a content marketing business

Content marketing is developing and distributing relevant, helpful content to convert the target customer to take the necessary steps. Businesses with a content marketing strategy get 67% more leads than other companies.

Therefore, the demand for content marketing services is high than ever before. Starting a content marketing service can be a significant business venture.

To start a content marketing business, you need a good understanding of SEO and social media. You can hire content creators to help you develop relevant and valuable content.

business plan writing gigs

20. Start a business plan writing business

A business plan writing business is a service that helps entrepreneurs and small business owners create well-structured and comprehensive business plans.

These plans serve as roadmaps for their businesses, outlining goals, strategies, and financial projections. Starting a business plan writing business involves skills in research, analysis, and writing.

You’ll work closely with clients to understand their vision and then translate it into a professional document that can be used to attract investors, secure loans, or guide their business growth.

This low-cost business idea requires minimal initial investment, mainly for marketing materials and a basic online presence, making it an accessible option for aspiring entrepreneurs.

How much you can make: $62,500/month

How much does it cost to start: $35 (?)

How long does it take to build: 150 days (?)

business plan writing gigs

21. Start a social influencing business

22. start an online ad creation business.

Creating ads that capture attention and drive results is a sought-after skill in today's digital world. If you have a knack for design and a sense for what captures eyes, consider starting an online ad creation business.

Simply put, this involves crafting compelling advertisements for businesses to use across platforms like Google, Facebook, and Instagram. The process includes understanding client needs, developing eye-catching visuals, and writing engaging copy that converts.

Online ad creation requires creativity, attention to detail, and an understanding of marketing fundamentals. But the rewards are significant: you enable businesses to reach their audience effectively and boost their sales. Given the ever-growing need for quality advertising, this field promises a consistent stream of clients and projects.

Starting an online ad creation business is accessible with today's digital tools and platforms. Leverage your creative talents, invest in learning about digital marketing trends, and tap into a high-demand market.

How much you can make: $12,000 — $95,000/month

business plan writing gigs

23. Start a writing workshop teaching business

A writing workshop teaching business is a venture where you help aspiring writers improve their skills and become better at expressing themselves through words.

The writing workshop business involves organizing in-person or online classes, where you guide participants through various writing exercises and provide constructive feedback on their work.

You don't need a fancy setup or expensive materials to start this business – just a passion for writing and a willingness to share your knowledge. With minimal costs for marketing and some basic materials, you can turn your love for writing into a low-cost and rewarding business opportunity.

How much you can make: $30 — $208,333/month

How much does it cost to start: $75 (?)

business plan writing gigs

Merrative, a community-driven marketplace for publishing talent, generates an average of $1,500 per month in marketplace transactions from their 5,000+ strong community of readers, writers, journalists, and scholars.

business plan writing gigs

24. Start a social media management business

Similar to virtual assistants, social media managers offer various services, including but not limited to:

  • Developing a marketing strategy based on clients’ goals
  • Setting up social media accounts
  • Posting on behalf of their clients
  • Coming up with strategies for increasing client’s social media following
  • Marketing analysis.

To become a social media manager, know the various platforms and understand how they work so you can develop strategies that help clients reach their goals.

The beauty of working as a social media manager is that you can define your work schedule and choose what niches to work on.

How much you can make: $100 — $550,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $2,000 (?)

business plan writing gigs

This case study is about how the founder of AdvertiseMint, a Facebook advertising agency, started the company with just one employee and has since grown it to 25 employees, managing close to $100 million in digital media buys for clients such as Coca-Cola and Viacom.

business plan writing gigs

25. Start a grant writing business

Starting a grant writing business is a fantastic idea for those skilled in research and writing. This business involves helping organizations, non-profits, and individuals secure funding from various sources, such as government agencies, foundations, and corporations.

To start a grant writing business, you will need to have excellent research skills and be able to write well. You should also understand the grant application process and be able to communicate the needs and goals of your clients effectively.

One of the critical components of running a successful grant-writing business is building a solid network of connections. This includes developing relationships with funding sources, organizations, and individuals needing grant funding.

You must invest in some essential equipment and resources to get started. This includes a computer, printer, office supplies, and a website to showcase your services. You may also want to consider investing in grant writing software to streamline the process and make it easier to keep track of your projects.

As a grant-writing business owner, you will be responsible for researching potential funding sources, writing grant proposals, and working closely with your clients to ensure their successful grant applications. You can build a successful and rewarding business with hard work and dedication, helping others secure the funding they need to achieve their goals.

How much you can make: $62,500 — $180,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $142 (?)

How long does it take to build: 163 days (?)

business plan writing gigs

Learn how a UK-based bid writing and management consultancy grew to sales over $130,000 per month by focusing on their niche market and providing exceptional customer service to clients ranging from startups to multinationals.

business plan writing gigs

26. Start a magazine publishing business on amazon kindle store

27. start a playwriting business, 28. start a copywriting business.

A copywriter creates clear, compelling copy to sell products and/or educate and engage consumers.

To become a copywriter, focus on covering the basics, plan your copywriting business and choose the services you intend to offer.

To develop your brand, establish a marketing strategy, and offer quality services to your audience. Email marketing, newsletters, and other digital marketing tools can help you create a successful copywriting business.

How much you can make: $700 — $160,000/month

business plan writing gigs

29. Start a novelist business

Imagine weaving worlds with your words and earning a living from your stories. Becoming a novelist is not just a creative pursuit, but also a viable business idea.

A novelist business involves writing and selling your books, either through traditional publishing houses or by self-publishing via platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing. You'll handle brainstorming, writing, editing, and marketing your own stories, taking full control of your literary career.

The allure of this business lies in the chance to share your unique perspective, ignite readers' imaginations, and establish a personal brand. Every step, from crafting your plot to marketing your book, builds a comprehensive skill set in storytelling and entrepreneurship.

For those with a passion for writing and a commitment to discipline, a novelist business offers a fulfilling blend of creativity and commerce. It's more than just a hobby; it's an opportunity to turn your narrative talent into a thriving venture.

How much you can make: $10,000/month

How long does it take to build: 165 days (?)

business plan writing gigs

"How this founder created a successful novel-writing software now earning over $60k a year through her passion for writing and background in software, growing from just a few sales a month to over 1000 free trial sign-ups and 100 new subscriptions per month."

business plan writing gigs

30. Start an online course creation business

Starting an online course could be perfect if you want a passive income. Whatever your background, you could start teaching online and earn a passive income.

All you need to start an online course is patience, imagination, and an enabling eLearning platform where you can connect with the relevant audience.

Online courses may take time and require a lot of effort to start selling. However, once your audience finds the content resourceful, they start sharing and recommending it through their network. Remember, creating an online course could take longer than expected, so remain focused and give your best.

How long does it take to build: 365 days (?)

31. Start a letter writing business

Ever considered the timeless charm of handwritten letters as a business? A letter writing business lets you help others send personal, heartfelt communications without ever touching a piece of paper.

In this business, you offer bespoke letter writing services for clients who want to send personalized notes but don’t have the time or skill to craft them. From love letters to thank-yous and apology notes, your service can add a unique, personal touch that digital communication often misses.

Interested? The appeal lies in the growing desire for meaningful, offline connections in a digital world. Your primary tasks will include consulting with clients, drafting letters that capture their voice, and ensuring each piece is artfully handwritten or elegantly typed.

Starting this business allows you to tap into a niche market while providing a service that brings joy and authenticity back to personal correspondence. A rewarding endeavor if you love words and meaningful expressions.

How much you can make: $15,000/month

business plan writing gigs

AiApply case study showcases the journey from $0 to $25K in monthly revenue, highlighting the power of AI-driven solutions to revolutionize the job application process through personalized tools, viral content, and sustainable growth strategies for SaaS founders.

business plan writing gigs

32. Start a zine publisher business

Zine publishing is an alternative publication by people who want to distribute their ideas without the limitations of traditional magazines. Zine publishers determine the layout, choose images and content, and can take the zine publication in any direction they wish.

Since zine publications are deliberately low-tech, low-cost publications, you can begin the business without particular expertise in a news publication.

How much you can make: $800,000/month

business plan writing gigs

Flipsnack is an online tool that allows anyone to create digital flipbooks and has increased its business revenue by over 50% year over year, with YoY growth rates between 50% - 84%, shifting from a B2C approach and focusing more on B2B.

33. Start a short-story writing business

Are you passionate about writing but not sure which business you can start? If you are creative enough, you could start writing short stories and selling them via online platforms.

Short stories refer to a content category with less than 100 pages comprising approximately 20,000 words.

Starting a short story business takes a lot of legwork and dedication. Choose a niche, and focus on creating attractive and entertaining content. With a serious commitment to your business, you could be on your way to earning a six-figure profit monthly.

business plan writing gigs

34. Start a podcasting business

Podcasting businesses often start as a hobby. You publish a few episodes and posts, and soon you will start getting engagements from interested parties.

However, to earn money from your podcasting business, you need to put a lot of effort and time into producing quality shows that address your audience's concerns.

To grow your podcast business, ensure regular publishing, which brings better growth, more listeners to your channel, and a higher income.

Here is a list of steps to help you transition the podcast from a hobby to a full-time podcast business:

  • Ensure a focused effort and adjust the tone of each podcast episode
  • Make podcasting your priority
  • Focus on building
  • Grow a mailing list
  • Aim at building a trusted brand
  • Develop a long-term growth and marketing plan

How much you can make: $5,000 — $349,983/month

How much does it cost to start: $350 (?)

How long does it take to build: 15 days (?)

business plan writing gigs

Empire Flippers is a thought leader in brokering online business deals, having brokered over $50 million worth of deals and grown their pool of potential buyers by hundreds every month through a focus on content marketing and middle-of-funnel content.

business plan writing gigs

35. Start a gaming storyboard creation business

36. start a market researching business.

Market research analysts research, compile, and analyze information on products and market conditions. The experts identify potential new markets, sales opportunities, and effective marketing strategies.

The employment of market research analysts is projected to grow rapidly over the coming years.

If you love helping businesses reach strategic decisions to excel and beat the competition, then starting a market research business can be fun and rewarding.

How much you can make: $15,000 — $1,500,000/month

How long does it take to build: 360 days (?)

business plan writing gigs

37. Start a comic writing business

Ever dreamt of turning your knack for storytelling into a viable business? Consider a comic writing business. At its core, this endeavor involves creating compelling comic scripts and partnering with artists to bring those stories to life.

Start by honing your writing skills and understanding the nuances of comic scripting—dialogue, pacing, and visual storytelling. Then, network with illustrators and graphic designers who can transform your words into engaging visual narratives.

This business doesn't require a hefty initial investment; your primary tools are your creativity and a reliable computer. Platforms like Kickstarter or Patreon can help fund your projects, while social media can attract and engage your audience.

Starting a comic writing business means consistent effort in writing and collaboration, but the reward is seeing your imaginative worlds captivate readers. If you've got a passion for storytelling and the drive to make it happen, this could be your next creative venture.

How much you can make: $62,500 — $90,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $2,517 (?)

business plan writing gigs

38. Start a marketing consulting business

Marketing consulting is a business that helps other businesses and organizations improve their marketing strategies and tactics. The improvement involves conducting market research, analyzing data, developing marketing plans, and offering guidance on effectively reaching target audiences.

To start a marketing consulting business, you will need a strong understanding of marketing principles and how to apply them in a business context. Marketing consultancy requires formal education or training in marketing or a related field and experience working in the industry. You will also need strong communication and problem-solving skills to consult with clients effectively.

To operate a successful marketing consulting business, you will need to be able to effectively assess a client’s marketing needs and develop a plan to address those needs. Managing clients’ needs involve market research, analyzing data, and creating marketing materials such as brochures, websites, and social media campaigns. You will also need to be able to communicate your recommendations to clients and work with them to implement the marketing plan.

In addition to these technical skills, you will also need to be able to manage your business effectively. Managing a business involves setting fees, marketing your services to potential clients, and managing your finances.

Overall, a marketing consulting business can be a rewarding and challenging career for those passionate about helping businesses succeed through effective marketing strategies.

How much you can make: $100 — $1,250,000/month

business plan writing gigs

A successful podcast production company that grew from one client making $15/hour to a team of 10 contractors producing over 30 shows per week with revenue of over $10k/mo, primarily through referrals and with a focus on providing high personal touch and being picky about working only with clients who are a good fit.

business plan writing gigs

39. Start a SEM business

40. become a song writer.

A songwriter is a musician who composes musical compositions and writes lyrics for songs. To become a songwriter, you must start writing songs regularly and improve your creativity.

41. Start a website editing service

A website editing business involves helping individuals and businesses improve their websites’ look, functionality, and content.

The website editor business involves tasks like fixing broken links, updating outdated information, improving the layout, and enhancing the overall user experience. You can also offer services like proofreading and editing content to ensure it’s clear and error-free.

To start this business, you’ll need basic knowledge of website platforms and editing tools, which can be acquired through online resources and tutorials. With minimal upfront costs, such as a computer and internet connection, you can launch this venture and provide valuable services to clients seeking to enhance their online presence.

How much you can make: $6,000 — $12,200/month

How much does it cost to start: $525 (?)

business plan writing gigs

Work Hero is a WordPress support and maintenance service that went from working with one website in December 2019 to 13 recurring customer sites today, earning ~$1470/month with most customers paying an unlimited fee of $149/month.

business plan writing gigs

42. Start a product description writing business

A product description writing business is a service where you create compelling and informative descriptions for products that are being sold online.

This type of business involves using your writing skills to craft engaging content that helps potential customers understand the benefits and features of a product.

You can start this business with minimal investment, mainly requiring a computer and internet connection.

To get started, you can offer your services on freelance platforms or reach out to e-commerce businesses directly, offering to write product descriptions for their online store.

As your business grows, you can expand your services to include additional writing tasks and potentially hire other writers to help meet the demand.

How much does it cost to start: $100 (?)

business plan writing gigs

43. Start a story blogging business

A story blogging business is a venture where you write and share engaging stories online.

It involves creating content that captivates readers and keeps them coming back for more.

To start, you'll need a computer or smartphone, internet access, and a platform to publish your stories, which can be a free blog or social media.

You can generate income through methods like ads, sponsored content, or even selling merchandise related to your stories.

This low-cost business idea relies on your creativity and writing skills to build an audience and turn your passion for storytelling into a profitable venture.

How much you can make: $1,500 — $83,000/month

business plan writing gigs

Michelle Schroeder-Gardner earns $100,000 a month from Making Sense of Cents, a personal finance and lifestyle blog where she writes informative and fun articles about financial freedom and her life on the road, thanks to a diversified traffic approach and monetization strategies, such as affiliate marketing, sponsored partnerships, and course sales.

business plan writing gigs

44. Start a transcribing service business

Looking for a business that leverages your attention to detail and typing skills? A transcribing service might be what you're searching for.

In simple terms, transcribing involves converting audio or video recordings into written text. This service is valuable for industries like legal, medical, or media that require accurate documentation of spoken content.

The demand is consistent, but it’s not without its challenges—accuracy and speed are crucial. You'll need a good ear, patience, and the ability to handle different accents and technical jargon. With the right tools and a bit of practice, these can be manageable.

A transcribing service can be started with minimal investment, relying primarily on your ability to market your service and build a clientele. If you’re detail-oriented and looking for a flexible business, this could be your next endeavor.

How much you can make: $2,000 — $200,000/month

business plan writing gigs

A South African entrepreneur started a transcription and typing service business from home in 2005 with a few basic marketing strategies and solid service, despite challenges in a tough economic environment and the pandemic, and is making a success of virtual working with versatile services.

business plan writing gigs

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How i can get my first order..need suggestions


By zeefinancialist January 12, 2020 in Gig Advice

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i didnt find buyers request

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  • Created 4 yr
  • Last Reply 3 yr

Please anyone can guide me


None of us (except maybe Fiverr themselves) will be able to access your “manage gigs” page.
then how will i get orders if i can not find buyers request. @uk1000
You can refresh the buyer requests page quite a few times a day to have more chance to see them (as they’ll disappear when a certain number of unleveled sellers have sent offers to them), and also you could create more gigs in more categories/subcategories which should also help you see more requests.

thank u so much @uk1000


The list of buyer request that you can see depends upon the category of your gig. If any buyer does not post any buyer request to your category then you will not be able to see in any request.

oh ok thank u so much @avro01


New profiles don’t get to see buyer requests straightaway. It takes time. Secondly, buyers’ requests don’t show all the time. You have to log in throughout the day and see when they show up. And they will show up in those times daily. That happens with relatively newer profile. You won’t face this issue when the profile establishes a bit. Good luck!

thank u SO MUCH @artistshop

Guest lloydsolutions

Guest lloydsolutions

Check this out: for helpful information.



Are you new user. I saw you joined tis 4 hours ago. Please create gigs and stay touch in this forum. You can see buyer requests.
Check this out: Buyer Requests - Leadership Suggestions on Buyer Request Complaints (Few Requests, BR FAQ’s, Times, Issues Etc.) for helpful information.

very good information thank u @lloydsolutions



Stay here with Patient.

yes … i am new to fiverr

can someone guide me for getting first order

Guest nazrul_webxpert

Guest nazrul_webxpert

Its totally depends on your skill and attractive gigs’ interface. Promote your gigs in social media. Spend time in forum and learn more. Hope you will get order soon.

@nazrul_webxpert what type of posts on forums i have to do



Nice gig hope you will get success @zeefinancialist

Try to be give more time to the Fiverr and Send Buyer request regularly. Hope you will get soon.

thank u so much @qbo_xero_pro



The best way to get orders at an early stage is to do your research on fiverr seo and make sure that your gigs are set up in the best way to get views from fiverr customers. Ensure your gig images show off how awesome you are and having a video is a must too. It can explain what you can do and show off your portfolio. Once you gain a few orders the momentum will build if you keep delivering above and beyond what the customer expects.

need suggestions for my Business Plan


You can drop your gigs links, so we can easily access it. Your gig images are not catchy create clean images with 20 percent of text. You can use to create your own custom image.

thank u so much

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My Fiverr gig isn't ranking and I'm not getting any orders.

By rezaul_usa , 23 hours ago in Gig Advice


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How Can I Set a Gig Price Below $30 as a New Seller on Fiverr?

By mu_rsal3 , 12 minutes ago in Gig Advice


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Question: How Can I Set a Gig Price Below $30 as a New Seller on Fiverr?

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Find success on Fiverr Webinar 1 2

By Yoav.M , March 15, 2023 in General News



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Question: My Payoneer account is permanently closed.

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Freelance Writing Company Business Plan [Sample Template]

By: Author Tony Martins Ajaero

Home » Business Plans » B2B Sector

Are you about starting a freelance writing company? If YES, here is a complete sample freelance writing business plan template & feasibility report you can use for FREE .

Okay, so we have considered all the requirements for starting a freelance writing company . We also took it further by analyzing and drafting a sample freelance writing company marketing plan template backed up by actionable guerrilla marketing ideas for freelance writing companies. So let’s proceed to the business planning section .

Earning good income from running a freelance writing company or content mill is within the grasp of any intelligent and serious-minded person.

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It is very possible to become either a full-time freelance writer, or to be a part-time freelancer supplementing a regular paid income. Another way is to simply do it for fun or to build up a broader portfolio of skills. You can indeed turn your writing hobby into a career that doesn’t affect your day job.

Be launching this type of business, you have to make certain that you are comfortable with writing, be certain that you can express yourself with ease and clarity, and that it is something you don’t mind doing almost every single day of your life without respite.

If you don’t already have writing qualifications, consider doing a college degree in journalism or English, or taking a workshop so that you are at least aware of the major requirements in writing. If you are planning on making a career from running a freelance writing company, then you will need to have a good sense of responsibility toward your clients or employers and yourself.

There are writing groups and freelance writer associations in many countries and it is a good idea to belong to them so that you can meet other aspiring and established writers, get information and seek career advice from them. A quick search using search engines and social media should find organizations in your local area or country.

Aside from your innate writing skills, you would also need a workable business plan document to be able to run a standard freelance writing company with a good number of freelance writers and full-time employees under your payroll. The sample freelance writing company business plan template below will guide you towards writing yours.

A Sample Freelance Writing Company Business Plan Template

1. industry overview.

According to the 2012 Freelance Industry Report compiled primarily about North America freelancing, nearly half of freelancers do writing work, with 18 percent of freelancers listing writing as a primary skill, 10 percent editing/copy-editing, and 10 percent as copy-writing. 20 percent of freelancers listed their primary skills as design.

Next on the list was translating (8 percent), web development (5.5 percent), and marketing (4 percent). Elance, a web platform that connects freelancers with contractors, surveyed its members and 39 percent listed writing and editing as their main skill set.

Depending on the industry, freelance work practices vary and have changed over time. In some industries such as consulting, freelancers may require clients to sign written contracts.

While in journalism or writing, freelancers may work voluntarily without payment or do work “on spec” to build their reputations or a relationship with a publication. Some freelancers may provide written estimates of work and request deposits from clients.

Payment for freelance work also depends on industry, skills, and experience. Freelancers may charge by the day, hour, a piece rate, or on a per-project basis. Instead of a flat rate or fee, some freelancers have adopted a value-based pricing method based on the perceived value of the results to the client.

By custom, payment arrangements may be upfront, percentage upfront, or upon completion. For more complex projects, a contract may set a payment schedule based on milestones or outcomes. One of the drawbacks of freelancing is that there is no guaranteed payment, and the work can be highly precarious.

In writing and other artistic fields, “freelance” and its derivative terms are often reserved for workers who create works on their own initiative and then seek a publisher. They typically retain the copyright to their works and sell the rights to publishers in time-limited contracts.

Traditionally, works would be submitted to publishers, where they would become part of the slush pile, and would either elicit an offer to buy (an “acceptance letter”) or a rejection slip.

The total number of freelance writers in the united states is inexact and based on estimation, as the most recent governmental report on independent contractors was published in 2005 by the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics.

In 2013, the Freelancers Union estimated that 1 in 3 workers in the United States were self-employed (approx. 42 million), with more than four million (43%) of those self-employed workers members of the creative class, some strata of work specifically associated with freelance industries, such as knowledge workers, technologists, professional writers, artists, entertainers, and media workers.

From all available statistics, it is safer to say the freelance writing business is growing steadily despite the competitive nature of the industry. One thing is certain, if you are well positioned, and have the required business skills, network and good testimonial from your clients, you may likely not have to struggle to compete favorably in the freelance writing services industry.

Lastly, one good thing about freelance writing services is that there are readily available markets for their services. This is because websites and organizations always need contents on a regular basis.

2. Executive Summary

Tapping Brain® Content Mills, LLC is a registered freelance writing services company with strong online presence but with a physical office located in the heart of Albany – New York. We have been able to lease a small but standard office facility in a strategic business location in the heart of town.

Tapping Brain® Content Mills, LLC will offer a wide range of freelance writing and related services. We will be involved in generating contents, medical transcription, dictation services, audio or documental transcription services, editing and proofreading services, letter and Rresume writing services, word processing services and other writing related services. We are set to service a wide range of clientele not just in the Albany – New York, but also in all parts of the United States and the globe at large since we will have a very strong online presence.

We are aware that there are several large and individual freelancers in the online community, which is why we spent time and resources to conduct a thorough feasibility studies and market survey so as to be well positioned to favorably compete with all our competitors.

Tapping Brain® Content Mills, LLC is a client-focused and result driven freelance writing company that provides well – crafted and well-edited original write ups at an affordable fee that won’t in any way put a hole in the pocket of our clients. We will offer a complete range of writing services to our clients and we will ensure that we work hard to provide the required contents needed by our clients to accomplish their goals and objectives.

At Tapping Brain® Content Mills, LLC, our client’s best interest comes first, and everything we do is guided by our values and professional ethics. We will ensure that we hire gifted writers and editors who are well experienced in a wide variety of fields. We will at all times demonstrate our commitment to sustainability, both individually and as a firm, by actively participating in our communities and integrating sustainable business practices wherever possible.

We will ensure that we hold ourselves accountable to the highest standards by meeting our client’s needs precisely and completely.

Tapping Brain® Content Mills, LLC is established by the Massachusetts awarding winning journalist – Cloe Washington. Cloe Washington has a B.A. in English Language, Advance Diploma in Journalism and a Master’s Degree in Business Administration (MBA) from Harvard Business School.

She has robust experience in both print and online journalism having worked as chief editor for over 5 years with some of the leading magazine publishing companies in the United States of America prior to starting her own business.

3. Our Products and Services

Tapping Brain® Content Mills, LLC is going to offer varieties of freelance writing related services within the scope of the freelance writing industry in the United States of America. Our intention of starting our freelance writing services business is to make profits from the industry and we will do all that is permitted by the law in the US to achieve our aim and objectives.

Our business offerings are listed below;

  • Letter and Resume writing
  • Medical transcription
  • Audio or documental transcription
  • Editing and proofreading
  • Ghost Writing
  • Speech writing
  • Copywriting
  • Report writing
  • Technical writing
  • Translation
  • Screen writing
  • Biography writing

4. Our Mission and Vision Statement

  • Our vision is to be amongst the top 5 freelance writing company in the world. Our vision reflects our values: integrity, service, excellence and teamwork.
  • Our mission is to provide professional and trusted freelance writing consulting services that assist individuals, businesses and non-profit organizations in meeting up with their content need. We will deliver writing solutions in combination with our own business backgrounds, and deliver valuable services in a timely and cost-effective way.

Our Business Structure

Ordinarily we would have settled for two or three staff members, but as part of our plans to build a standard freelance writing services business in Albany – New York, we have perfected plans to get it right from the beginning which is why we are going the extra mile to ensure that we have competent, creative, qualified, honest and hardworking employees to occupy all the available positions in our firm.

The picture of the kind of freelance writing services business we intend building and the business goals we want to achieve is what informed the amount we are ready to pay for the best hands available in and around Albany – New York as long as they are willing to work with us to achieve our business goals and objectives.

Below is the business structure that we will build Tapping Brain® Content Mills, LLC;

  • Chief Executive Officer/Lead Consultant
  • Writers/Editors

Admin and HR Manager

Business Developer (Marketing and Sales Executive)

  • Customer Service Executive

5. Job Roles and Responsibilities

Chief Executive Office/Lead Consultant:

  • Increases management’s effectiveness by recruiting, selecting, orienting, training, coaching, counseling, and disciplining managers; communicating values, strategies, and objectives; assigning accountabilities; planning, monitoring, and appraising job results; developing incentives; developing a climate for offering information and opinions; providing educational opportunities.
  • Creates, communicates, and implements the organization’s vision, mission, and overall direction – i.e. leading the development and implementation of the overall organization’s strategy.
  • Accountable for fixing prices and signing business deals
  • Responsible for providing direction for the business
  • In charge for signing checks and documents on behalf of the company
  • Weighs the success of the organization

Freelance Writers/Editors

  • Handles Letter and Resume writing services
  • Responsible for handling medical transcription services
  • In charge of handling dictation services
  • Responsible for handling audio or documental transcription services
  • Responsible for handling editing and proofreading services
  • In control of handling word processing services
  • Responsible for handling report writing, technical writing, translation, screen writing and biography writing
  • Responsible for overseeing the smooth running of HR and administrative tasks for the organization
  • Responsible for drawing up contracts and other legal documents for the company
  • Designs job descriptions with KPI to drive performance management for clients
  • Regularly hold meetings with key stakeholders to review the effectiveness of HR Policies, Procedures and Processes
  • Maintains office supplies by checking stocks; placing and expediting orders; evaluating new products.
  • Certifies operation of equipment by completing preventive maintenance requirements; calling for repairs.
  • Defining job positions for recruitment and managing interviewing process
  • Carries out staff induction for new team members
  • Responsible for training, evaluation and assessment of employees
  • Responsible for arranging travel, meetings and appointments
  • Oversees the smooth running of the daily office activities
  • Manages external research and coordinate all the internal sources of information to retain the organizations’ best customers and attract new ones
  • Models demographic information and analyze the volumes of transactional data generated by customer purchases
  • Identifies, prioritizes, and reaches new partners, and business opportunities et al
  • Identifies development opportunities; follows up on development leads and contacts; participates in the structuring and financing of projects; assures the completion of development projects.
  • Responsible for supervising implementation, advocate for the customer’s needs, and communicate with clients
  • Develops, executes and evaluates new plans for expanding sales
  • Document all customer contact and information
  • Represent the company in strategic meetings
  • Help increase sales and growth for the company
  • Responsible for preparing financial reports, budgets, and financial statements for the organization
  • Provides managements with financial analyses, development budgets, and accounting reports; analyzes financial feasibility for the most complex proposed projects; conducts market research to forecast trends and business conditions.
  • Responsible for financial forecasting and risks analysis.
  • Performs cash management, general ledger accounting, and financial reporting for one or more properties.
  • Responsible for developing and managing financial systems and policies
  • Responsible for administering payrolls
  • Ensures compliance with taxation legislation
  • Handles all financial transactions for the company
  • Serves as internal auditor for the company

Client Service Executive

  • Ensures that all contacts with clients (e-mail, walk-In center, SMS or phone) provides the client with a personalized customer service experience of the highest level
  • Through interaction with clients on the phone, uses every opportunity to build client’s interest in the company’s products and services
  • Manages administrative duties assigned by the manager in an effective and timely manner
  • Consistently stays abreast of any new information on the company’s products, promotional campaigns etc. to ensure accurate and helpful information is supplied to clients when they make enquiries
  • Distribute mails in the organization
  • Handles any other duties as assigned by the line manager

6. SWOT Analysis

Tapping Brain® Content Mills, LLC engaged the services of a core professional in the area of business consulting and structuring to assist the firm in building a solid freelance writing firm that can favorably compete in the highly competitive freelance services industry.

Part of what the team of business consultant did was to work with the management of our firm in conducting a SWOT analysis for Tapping Brain® Content Mills, LLC. Here is a summary from the result of the SWOT analysis that was conducted on behalf of Tapping Brain® Content Mills, LLC;

Our core strength lies in the power of our workforce. We have a team that are considered experts in the industry, a team with excellent qualifications and experience in freelance writing. Aside from the synergy that exists in our carefully selected workforce and our strong online presence, Tapping Brain® Content Mills, LLC is well positioned in a business district with the right demography and we know we will attract loads of corporate clients from the first day we open our doors for business.

As a new freelance writing firm, it might take some time for our organization to break into the market; that is perhaps our major weakness.

  • Opportunities:

No doubt, the opportunities in the freelance writing industry are indeed massive and we are ready to take advantage of any opportunity that comes our way.

Every business faces a threat or challenge at any part of its life cycle. These threats can be external or internal. This shows the importance of a business plan, because most threats or challenges are to be anticipated and plans put in place to cushion their effects.


  • Market Trends

Hundreds of thousands of writing opportunities exist today. Making the most of them is where the art of the freelancer really comes into play. A freelance writer is someone who writes without belonging to any single company or entity but acts like a small business or an independent contractor. Freelancing does not relate only to writing but also to issues such as web development, graphic designing, data analysis and many other fields.

Another common trend in the freelance writing services line of business is that most players in this industry do not just settle for clients within their immediate environment; they now have strong online presence hence they are able to work for clients in other parts of the world.

Lastly, it is now becoming trendy in the freelance writing services industry for operators to have their own platform where freelance writers and clients can interact and get or give out writing gigs.

8. Our Target Market

Our target market cuts across different classes and people from all walks of life. We are coming into the industry with a business concept that will enable us work with highly placed people and companies as well as lowly placed people and smaller businesses. In other words, our target market is the whole of the United States of America and subsequently other parts of the world.

Below is a list of the people and organizations that we have specifically design our services for;

  • Television stations
  • Radio stations
  • Freelance Market space
  • Consulting firms
  • Private individuals

Our Competitive Advantage

The Tapping Brain® Content Mills, LLC might be a new entrant into the freelance writing industry in the United States of America, but we have a strong online presence that will help us work for clients all across the world.

Our competitive advantage also lies in the power of our team workforce. Aside from the synergy that exists in our carefully selected workforce and our strong online presence, Tapping Brain® Content Mills, LLC is well positioned in a business district with the right demography and we know we will attract loads of corporate clients from the first day we open our doors for business. These are part of what will count as a competitive advantage for us.

Lastly, our employees will be well taken care of, and their welfare package will be among the best within our category in the industry meaning that they will be more than willing to build the business with us and help deliver our set goals and achieve all our aims and objectives.


  • Sources of Income

Tapping Brain® Content Mills, LLC is established with the aim of maximizing profits in the freelance writing services industry and we are going to go all the way to ensure that we do all it takes to attract clients on a regular basis.

Tapping Brain® Content Mills, LLC will generate income by offering the following writing services for individuals and for organizations;

  • Dictation services
  • Editing and proofreading services
  • Word processing services
  • Resume writing

10. Sales Forecast

The opportunities in the freelance writing industry is indeed massive and we are ready to take advantage of any opportunity that comes our way.

We have been able to critically examine the freelance writing services market, we have analyzed our chances in the industry and we have been able to come up with the following sales forecast. The sales projections are based on information gathered on the field and some assumptions that are peculiar to startups in Albany – New York.

Below are the sales projection for Tapping Brain® Content Mills, LLC, it is based on the location of our business and the wide range of freelance writing services that we will be offering;

  • First Fiscal Year: $120,000
  • Second Fiscal Year: $300,000
  • Third Fiscal Year: $450,000

N.B : This projection was done based on what is obtainable in the industry and with the assumption that there won’t be any major economic meltdown and there won’t be any major competitor offering same services as we do within the same location. Please note that the above projection might be lower and at the same time it might be higher.

  • Marketing Strategy and Sales Strategy

We are mindful of the fact that there are stiff competitions amongst freelance writing companies in the United States of America; hence we have been able to hire some of the best business developers to handle our sales and marketing.

Our sales and marketing team will be recruited base on their vast experience in the industry and they will be trained on a regular basis so as to be well equipped to meet their targets and the overall goal of the organization. We will also ensure that our excellent job deliveries speak for us in the market place; we want to build a standard freelance writing services business that will leverage on word of mouth advertisement from satisfied clients.

Our goal is to grow our business to become one of the top 5 freelance writing services agencies in the United States of America which is why we have mapped out strategy that will help us take advantage of the available market and grow to become a major force to reckon with not only in the U.S but in the world as well.

The Tapping Brain® Content Mills, LLC is set to make use of the following marketing and sales strategies to attract clients;

  • Introduce our business by sending introductory letters alongside our brochure to organizations and key stakeholders in Albany – New York and other parts of the U.S.
  • Promptness in bidding for freelance writing or editing contracts
  • Advertise our business in relevant business magazines, newspapers, TV and radio stations
  • List our business on yellow pages ads (local directories)
  • Attend relevant international and local expos, seminars, and business fairs et al
  • Create different packages for different category of clients in order to work with their budgets and still deliver quality contents
  • Leverage on the internet to promote our business
  • Engage in direct marketing approach
  • Encourage word of mouth marketing from loyal and satisfied clients

11. Publicity and Advertising Strategy

We have been able to work with our in – house consultants and other brand and publicity specialists to help us map out publicity and advertising strategies that will help us penetrate our target market. We are set to take the freelance writing services industry by storm which is why we have made provisions for effective publicity and advertisement of our organization.

Below are the platforms we intend to leverage on to promote and advertise Tapping Brain® Content Mills, LLC;

  • Place adverts on both print (community based newspapers and magazines) and electronic media platforms
  • Sponsor relevant community programs
  • Leverage on the internet and social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, twitter, et al to promote our brand

12. Our Pricing Strategy

Usually, freelance writers charge their clients per word written or the volume of the editing jobs to be done. At Tapping Brain® Content Mills, LLC we will keep our fees below the average market rate by keeping our overhead low and by collecting payment in advance. In addition, we will also offer special discounted rates to startups, nonprofits, cooperatives, and small social enterprises.

We are aware that there are some clients that would need regular supply of contents and editing services, we will offer them flat rate for such services.

  • Payment Options

The payment policy adopted by Tapping Brain® Content Mills, LLC is all inclusive because we are quite aware that different customers prefer different payment options, but at the same time, we will ensure that we abide by the financial rules and regulation of the United States of America.

Here are the payment options that Tapping Brain® Content Mills, LLC will make available to her clients;

  • Payment via bank transfer
  • Payment with cash
  • Payment via Point of Sale Machine (POS)
  • Payment via online bank transfer
  • Payment via check
  • Payment via bank draft

In view of the above, we have chosen banking platforms that will enable our client make payment for services rendered without any stress on their part. Our bank account numbers will be made available on our website and promotional materials.

13. Startup Expenditure (Budget)

In setting up any business, the amount or cost will depend on the approach and scale you want to undertake. If you intend to go big by renting/leasing a big facility, then you would need a good amount of capital as you would need to ensure that your employees are well taken care of, and that your facility is conducive enough for workers to be creative and productive.

This means that the startup can either be low or high depending on your goals, vision and aspirations for your business.

On the average, starting a standard freelance writing services company can be cost effective because you are not expected to acquire expensive machines and equipment. Basically, what you should be concerned with is the amount needed to secure a standard office facility in a good and busy business district, the amount needed to equip the office, pay bills, promote the business and obtain the appropriate business license and certifications.

These are the areas we are looking towards spending our startup capital on;

  • The total fee for incorporating the Business in the United States of America – $750
  • Legal expenses for obtaining licenses and permits as well as the accounting services (software, P.O.S machines and other software) – $3,300
  • The total cost for payment of insurance policy covers (general liability, workers’ compensation and property casualty) coverage at a total premium – $9,400
  • The amount needed to acquire a suitable Office facility in a business district (Re – Construction of the facility inclusive) – $40,000
  • Marketing promotion expenses for the grand opening of Tapping Brain® Content Mills, LLC in the amount of $3,500 and as well as flyer printing (2,000 flyers at $0.04 per copy) for the total amount of $3,580
  • The total cost for hiring Business Consultant – $2,500
  • The cost for equipping the office (computers, printers, fax machines, furniture, telephones, filing cabins, safety gadgets and electronics et al) – $2,000
  • The cost of launching our official Website – $600
  • Budget for paying at least two full-time employees for 3 months and utility bills – $30,000
  • Additional expenditure (Business cards, Signage, Adverts and Promotions et al) – $2,500
  • Miscellaneous – $1,000

Going by the report from the research and feasibility studies, we will need about $150,000 to set up a medium scale but standard freelance writing services company in the United States of America.

Generating Startup Capital for Tapping Brain® Content Mills, LLC

Tapping Brain® Content Mills, LLC is going to start as a private business that will be solely owned by Cloe Washington and her immediate family members. The family will be the sole financier of the firm, but may likely welcome partners later which is why they have decided to restrict the sourcing of startup capital to 3 major sources.

These are the areas we intend generating our startup capital;

  • Generate part of the startup capital from personal savings
  • Source for soft loans from family members and friends
  • Apply for loan from the Bank

N.B: We have been able to generate about $50,000 (Personal savings $40,000 and soft loan from family members $10,000) and we are at the final stages of obtaining a loan facility of $100,000 from our bank. All the papers and documents have been duly signed and submitted, the loan has been approved and any moment from now our account will be credited.

14. Sustainability and Expansion Strategy

The future of a business lies in the number of loyal customers they have, the capacity and competence of the employees, their investment strategy and the business structure. If all of these factors are missing from a business, then it won’t be too long before the business closes shop.

One of our major goals of starting Tapping Brain® Content Mills, LLC is to build a business that will survive off its own cash flow without the need for injecting finance from external sources once the business is officially running. We know that one of the ways of gaining approval and winning customers over is to offer nothing short of excellent contents at highly affordable prices.

Tapping Brain® Content Mills, LLC will make sure that the right foundation, structures and processes are put in place to ensure that our staff welfare are well taken of. Our company’s corporate culture is designed to drive our business to greater heights and training and re training of our workforce is at the top burner.

We know that if that is put in place, we will be able to successfully hire and retain the best hands we can get in the industry; they will be more committed to help us build the business of our dreams.

Check List/Milestone

  • Business Name Availability Check: Completed
  • Business Incorporation: Completed
  • Opening of Corporate Bank Accounts various banks in the United States: Completed
  • Opening Online Payment Platforms: Completed
  • Application and Obtaining Tax Payer’s ID: In Progress
  • Application for business license and permit: Completed
  • Purchase of Insurance for the Business: Completed
  • Leasing a standard office facility (renovation of the office facility inclusive): Completed
  • Conducting Feasibility Studies: Completed
  • Generating part of the startup capital from the founder: Completed
  • Applications for Loan from our Bankers: In Progress
  • Writing of Business Plan: Completed
  • Drafting of Employee’s Handbook: Completed
  • Drafting of Contract Documents: In Progress
  • Design of The Company’s Logo: Completed
  • Graphic Designs and Printing of Promotional Materials: Completed
  • Recruitment of employees: In Progress
  • Purchase of the needed furniture, office equipment, electronic appliances and facility facelift: In progress
  • Creating Official Website for the Company: In Progress
  • Creating Awareness for the business (Business PR): In Progress
  • Health and Safety and Fire Safety Arrangement: In Progress
  • Establishing business relationship with key players in the industry: In Progress


How to use chatgpt to write a business plan?

How to Use ChatGPT to Write a Business Plan? A Step-by-Step Guide

Starting a new business venture can be overwhelming and daunting, especially when it comes to constructing a comprehensive business plan. Writing a coherent and well-structured plan not only helps you clarify your thoughts on your business idea but also presents investors, partners, and lenders your vision and strategy.

Conversely, using ChaiGPT , an artificial language model, can streamline this proces. In this article, we’ll demonstrate precisely how to leverage ChatGPT, a powerful tool, to assemble a solid business plan.

How it Works

Before we deep dive into the step-by-step guide. Let’s understand how ChatGPT interfaces with you to generate your comprehensive business plan.

  • Query Processing : You input your question query that you want to be answered eg. "Write a business plan for E-commerce company".
  • Chatbots Natural Language Processing (NPL) algorithms analyze your question extracting relevant information.
  • The Algorithm Generates Output In the form of Text based writing .

Step-by-StepGuide to Writing a Business Plan with ChatGPT

Table of Contents

Business plan Structure

Before we proceed using ChatGPT, familiar with the standard business plan structure to anticipate the output.

Executive Summary

(1-2 paragraphs); Company Description , Market Analysis , Key Products/Services , Industry Analysis , Company Competitors , Target Segment , Marketing Strategy , Revenue Model, Management Structure And Organization , Key Start-up Costs , Gains and Losses, Financing Requirements , Expected Development Timeline , SWO Analysis .

Initial Setup

  • Get Creative : Think about your business concept that you want to create a business plan Start brainstorming ideas. 2, Define Your Objectives Clarify your goals What does what do you want to achieve through their business plan?
  • Provide essential information : Share your company information eg location, industry, products/service names, and any other significant

Using ChatGpt generate your business plan

Using OpenAI’s ChatGPT online platform, follow these steps to generates your business plan:

  • Go, where you can interact with this generative model.
  • Your Business Plan Query Open the chat window and type "Write" followed by your business idea

"’Write a business plan for E-commerce grocery delivery service’."

Once you’ve entered your query, you don’t need to wait for minutes

ChatGpto Output

ChatGPT Analyzes Your Query Then generates a comprehensive business plan based on that concept. The output will be written paragraphs, bullet points, tables and subheadings.

Output Expectoration

  • Executive Summary providing an overview of your business concept for E-commerce grocery delivery services explaining the purpose, target audience, market strategies, and financial projections.
  • Company overview describing your company, its vision,mision, and the goals on the E-commerce grocery delivery services as well as the products services with the company.
  • Market analyze highlighting the market size growthrate, trends, and competitive analysis focusing on the E-commerce grocery supply chain.
  • Marketing and Sales Channel explaining the marketing strategies and distribution through which you will reach and to gain customers.
  • Operations plan Management outlining the management organization.
  • Financial Plan containing, income statement, balance sheet forecasting, and cash flow projections as start-up costs, and cash generation.
  • Conclusion Summary.

We will now highlight significant portion of the output.

Market Gap Analysis

  • Unique solution : Your E-commerce grocery delivery services bridge the gap between traditional food, grocery delivery services and online stores provide a seamless shopping experience customers access to a wide range of food quality products.

Financial Projections : Revenue Streams

<| **Year |Revenues |Gross Mar |Operating Expenses |Net Profit |/>

| 2023| ₹ 1,000,000 $ 14,000|₦ 500,000| ₹ 500,000| | 2024| ₹ 5 000,000|₦ 125,000| ₹ – 500,000| | ’25| ₹ 50million|₦ 50 000| ₹ 0| | * 202x| ₹ 500millie|₦ 250 000 | ₹ -| 0|000–

Editing and Re-writes

ChatG’s ability to generate a comprehensive business plan should still be reviewed and edited based:

  • Content review – Review the content structure validity, and accuracy ensure key points are well communicated across the plan.
  • Syntax and grammar – Grammar-Check and correct minor content errors.
  • Tailoris the plan – Revamped the plan to fit your specific company business needs.

Using ChatGPT for further Expansion**

ChatGPT’s capability reaches beyond just generating business plans Utilize it for other tasks that strategic planning, marketing plan Research, SWOT Analysis

Additional Tips:

  • Test-drive your plan : use our plan as a template or consult with experts to refine your vision validate your business plan.
  • Pivot and adapt : Plan revisions Business Plan Iterations Continuously .
  • Loot for funding : Seek capital-based on your solid business plan. It will help you raise your ideas a reality.

In this aricle, we’ve demonstrated the efficiency capabilities of ChatGPT in assisting creation of a comprehensive business plan Utilizations of this AI-powered chatplatform can streamline the process, generating outlines, and content. Editing polishing the plan, however must be done by you as entrepreneurs.

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