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Ouest Karting

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The international circuit of Essay: a site of 11.5 ha, a circuit of 1220 meters x 8m Class 1 ranked 3rd Karting complex circuits of France Kart rental for individuals. Organizing family events, running speed, endurance race, racing recreation Sodi's world series. Categories kart Fun Kart Kid (children 7-11 years), 270cc Kart Classic Kart 390cc Expert Kart RX 250 Luxury. Major competitions are held each year on the circuit of Essay.

Payment methods

  • Debit cards
  • Postal or bank cheques
  • Holiday vouchers
  • Picnic area
  • Defibrillator
  • Parking for families
  • Fully equipped meetings room
  • Toilet block
  • Childrens' toilet
  • Changing rooms
  • Bicycle parking
  • Animals welcome
  • Groups welcome

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Mémo Spoilers de la LKN

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  • Calendrier Championnat de Normandie & Challenge Normand


LE CIRCUIT INTERNATIONAL d’AUNAY LES BOIS - K61 , a été créé il y a 25 ans et a organisé, entre autres, 35 Championnats de France, 4 Championnats d’Europe et 2 Championnats du Monde ainsi que de nombreuses courses d’Endurance Loisirs dont des 24H avec Ouest Karting . Participez à la suite de son développement pour que le circuit garde son statut de Haut Niveau Compétition et Loisirs à travers 2 procédés :

2) LE MÉCÉNAT avec un dossier pouvant être déposé au Centre des Impôts.

Pour tout renseignement : Claude GRIPON [email protected] 06 82 02 19 11

derniers résultats

  • Challenge Normand 2023
  • Championnat de Normandie 2023
  • Challenge Normand 2022
  • Championnat de Normandie 2022

dernières photos

  • Andreas #1 Lucien Lebret 2024
  • Francis GONEL
  • Les bénévoles du Volant d'Or
  • Les Histori'kart K61 à Jesolo
  • K61 Commissaires 2022
  • Repas des Bénévoles K61 2021
  • Saison internationale 2020 lancée
  • Andréas 3ème au Chpt BMC

hébergements dans l'Orne

Vous trouverez ici quelques solutions d'hébergement à proximité du circuit et dans le département de l'Orne.

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Circuits de karting dans l'Orne

  • Loisirs et sports nautiques (28)
  • Loisirs en montagne et sports d'hiver (1)
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  • Sport aérien (7)
  • Loisirs et sports individuels (62)
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Circuit International D'Aunay Les Bois

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Compétition : World Karting Championship

Le Mondial de Karting 2014 en Normandie : une belle réussite pour la France


A l’issue des Championnats du Monde KF et KF-Junior sur le Circuit International d’Aunay-les-Bois / Essay dans l’Orne, les compliments se sont multipliés pour louer l’organisation de la FFSA et du club K 61. Le public considérable et la présence de nombreux médias ont complété le succès d’un évènement qui fera date dans l’histoire du karting. Dommage que les pilotes tricolores n’ait pas eu l’occasion de briller davantage sur leurs terres.

Le choix de la CIK-FIA de revenir à des Championnats du Monde disputés sur une seule épreuve a permis au meeting d’Essay de rassembler un plateau aussi relevé que fourni, élément majeur dans la réussite d’un évènement sportif d’une telle envergure. Simple, sans luxe inutile, mais très bien préparé, le circuit d’Aunay-les-Bois / Essay s’est révélé parfaitement à la hauteur tout en étant en harmonie avec la vision des instances internationales qui tendent vers une réduction de la complexité actuelle du karting et de ses coûts.

L’unanimité s’est rapidement faite sur la qualité du travail effectué par le club organisateur K61 présidé par Claude Gripon. Le Vice-Président de la CIK-FIA Kees Van De Grint et le président de la FFSA Nicolas Deschaux ont salué les efforts de la Commission Nationale de Karting présidée par Jean-Pierre Deschamps ainsi que de l’équipe de Claude Gripon et de ses partenaires. Le sourire et les disponibilité des bénévoles normands a achevé de séduire l’ensemble des participants de l’évènement.

Sous un grand soleil samedi aussi bien que sous les nuages dimanche, le public a répondu présent en masse autour du circuit d’Aunay les Bois. Le premier Trophée International Handikart et la Super Coupe Internationale Historique complétaient le programme bien rempli de la manifestation. La presse spécialisée internationale, la presse régionale et plusieurs équipes de télévision ont donné un large retentissement à ce week-end réussi.

Lire le communiqué complet ci-dessous.

Info FFSA / © Photo KSP

Le Sud-Africain Wing a survolé la finale du 1er Trophée International Handikart à Essay

Vidéo assen gamma days – cik fia european superkart championship 2014, privacy overview.

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karting essay orne

Ouest Karting

Lieu dit la Haute Folie, 61500 Aunay-les-Bois

Que vous soyez pilote débutant, initié ou confirmé, nous avons une gamme de kart qui nous permet de nous adapter à vos besoins, de vous conseiller et de vous faire progresser.

Le Circuit International d'Aunay les bois (Orne ) est le lieu idéal pour découvrir le karting en toute sécurité, partager un moment ludique et améliorer vos chronos (informatique). L'encadrement est assuré par une équipe de professionnels.

Un briefing de sécurité est donné avant chaque départ. Equipement fourni : casque, gants et combinaison (en fonction de la météo). Possibilité de rouler avec son propre casque s'il s'agit d'un casque intégral




Review of karting clubs and tracks (part 1)

  • configuration

karting essay orne

In this post I share descriptions, together with my impressions and reviews (very subjective and valid as of the date of this publication) of 5 Moscow karting clubs and their tracks that I have personally visited recently.

One of the newest, modern (opened in 2015) and, in my opinion, well-equipped karting clubs in Moscow from the owners of Arena GP. There is a smart design of the premises, new excellent cars, almost new helmets and branded suits (only once I got a suit with a broken zipper), there are enough lockers (locked by an electronic bracelet), there is a changing area, a good view of the track through the glass (not all the turns can be seen from up close, but it’s great, nevertheless), a big cozy restaurant. During the weekend there is a flow of visitors from the Filion Shopping Center, but on weekday evenings it isn’t busy, so one can come and polish up the technique. The personnel is friendly, service is good.

Web-site:   http://www.arena-play.ru/gokart/

Address: Moscow, Bagrationovsky proezd 5, 19th level of the parking of the Filion Shopping Center

Operating hours: 14:00-24:00

Price per ride (10-minute ride, adult kart):

Period Work days


Work days


Price (RUB) 695 (650*) 895 (850*) 995 (950*)

* with driver’s card (quick and free registration at the reception)

Cars : Rimo Evo 6 (adult, 9 h.p.), Rimo Mini (child, 5.5 h.p.). Cars are new, with protection of all hot parts and a protective rack behind the seat, convenient, with adjustment of pedals and the seat according to the height of the wheel.

Track configuration : Track length — 530 meters. The track is interesting and fast, includes many fast turns, S-turns and 4 classical 90-degree slopes, 2 profile turns as the track is located on 2 levels. There is a couple of slow chicanes and one long straight line. The track is very well illuminated. The scheme of the track on the website is slightly different from its actual configuration (the 6th and 7th turns are 90 degrees in real life). A track covering is a perfectly even concrete, with rather good adherence, when it is well-trodden and heated-up (when cold — it’s rather slippery), ventilation is good (air is not gas-polluted).

Scheme of the track (from the club web-site):

RRT Karting

It is not among the newest karting clubs. It is located inside the Third transport ring, near Savelovskaya, not far from another club (Arena GP). The design of the club is minimalistic, cars are not that new, but in working condition. Helmets are rather shabby, suits are not provided. There are about 15 lockers (locked by a key on a rubber bracelet), a good view of the whole track from above (the balcony goes sideways along the whole track), there is a restaurant. On weekdays, except evenings of Monday and Thursday which are club nights, the track isn’t busy, one can even be alone on the track. The reception personnel is tired (must be working hard), the guys on the track are more vivacious.

Web-site:   http://www.rrtkart.ru/

Address: Moscow, Pravdy Street, 24-5

Operating hours: 12:00-02:00

Price per ride (15-minute ride, adult kart):

Period Work days


Work days


Price (RUB) 650 750 800

Cars : Dino (adult, 6,5 h.p.), Dino (child, 5,5 h.p.). Cars are ok, with protection of the main hot parts, without seat adjustment.

Track configuration : Track length is not available (feels like 450-500 meters). The track is very interesting (it is declared that it was created with the assistance of the Russian racer Daniil Move) and fast, includes a couple of interesting spirals, a lot of fast S-turns, almost no classical 90-degrees, the track is single-level. There are 2 chicanes and 2 straight lines. The track is quite well illuminated. The tack covering is even asphalt, very rubberized, remarkable adherence, ventilation is average. The scheme of the track on the website doesn’t correspond slightly with the actual configuration (the 6th and 11th turns are actually slightly different).

Le Man s Karting

One of the most inexpensive karting clubs, located in the west of Moscow, almost at MKAD. Design of the club is minimalistic, cars are not very new, but safe (belts and a rack behind) and in good order. Helmets are rather shabby, suits and even sneakers are proved. About 20-25 lockers (locked by a key), a limited view of the track from a balcony. The track is quite busy, but on weekdays in the evenings it is (if not too late) less busy. Reception personnel is ok, the guys on the track are fine, too.

Web-site :  http://www.lemanskarting.ru/

Address: Moscow, Molodogvardeyskaya Street, 54-5

Operating hours: 14:00-24:00 (Fri-Sat until 02:00)

Period Work days


Work days

after 18:00

Price (RUB) 600 700 800

Cars : Rimo Evo 5 (adult, 8,6 h.p.), Rimo Mini (child, 6,5 h.p.). Cars are not new, but with protection of all hot parts, with seat belts and a protective rack behind the seat, convenient, with adjustment of pedals and seat along the height of the wheel.

Track configuration : Track length — 550 meters. The track is interesting (on the website it is specified that it was designed by professional racers, their names are not mentioned, however) and is one of the fastest, includes many fast turns, two S-turns, 3-4 chicanes, one long, many straight lines and fast arches. The track is single-level, there are no genuine 90-degree turns. The track isn’t badly illuminated. The track covering – even asphalt, well rubberized, good adherence, ventilation is average. The scheme of the track on the website corresponds to the real configuration.

A modern and well-equipped karting club (from the owners of Arena Play) located in one building with RRT Kart, but on the 4th floor and the entrance is on the other side. Good design of the club, good cars, regular helmets and suits with the logos of the company. There is a changing area, but lockers couldn’t be locked (when I was there), a good view from a cozy cafe at the top level. The track is rather busy especially towards the end of the week. The personnel is friendly, the service is good.

Web-site:   http://arena-gp.ru/

Address : Moscow, Bumazhnyi proezd, 19-1, 4th floor

Operating hours:  14:00 (Sun from 12:00, Mon from 16:00) — 00:00 (Fri and Sat until 02:00)

Period Work days

before 19:00

Work days

after 19:00

Price (RUB) 600 800 800

Cars : Rimo Evo 5 (adult, 9 h.p.), Rimo Mini (child). Cars are good, with protection of all hot parts, wheels and a protective rack behind the seat, convenient, with adjustment of pedals and seat along the height of the wheel.

Track configuration:  Track length is 510 meters. On the website it is specified that the track is designed by a team of German engineers who have constructed Michael Schumacher and Ralf Schumacher’s karting halls, Kart palast, Yas Marina Abu Dhabi and more than 150 centres around the world. The track is single-level, interesting, but not very fast. The configuration includes almost a full range of fast and slow turns, difficult chicanes and 2-3 straight lines. Almost the whole track is very well illuminated. The scheme of the track on the website almost completely corresponds to its real configuration. The track covering – perfectly even concrete, with rather good adherence when it is well-trodden and heated-up (when cold it is rather slippery). Ventilation is good (no gas pollution).

Forza Karting

The most affordable karting club that I have visited is located in the east of Moscow, in the industrial zone at Volgogradsky prospect, directly before the Third transport ring. It have been opened about 10 years ago (if you count their first club in Nagatino). The club design is sober, cars are not the newest, but in good order. Helmets are a little shabby, suits and even sneakers (for girls) are provided, no balaclavas (disposable sanitary hats are offered instead). About 20 metal lockers (locked by a key), changing rooms, view of the track from the cafe above. The track is very busy, but on weekdays in the afternoon (if not too late) it is quite free. Reception personnel is ok, guys on the track are fine, too. Next door to the karting club is a ShonX Motorsport, a shop of racing equipment.

Web-site:   http://www.forza-karting.ru/

Address: Moscow, Volgogradsky prospekt, 32-4

Operating hours: 17:00-02:00 (Mon), 14:00-02:00 (Tue-Fri), 12:00-02:00 (Sat-Sun)

Period Work days

before 19:00

Work days

after 19:00

Price (RUB) 490 700 (800 on Fri) 800

Cars: Dino Leisure (adult, 9 h.p.), CRG (child, 4 h.p.). Cars are fine, with protection of all hot parts, with adjustment of pedals and the seat along the height of the wheel.

Track configuration : The track is 600 meters (the longest of all indoor clubs). The track is interesting, technical and very wide (practically at full length). The configuration of the track includes long straight segments (up to 90 m), high-speed and slow turns, a couple of 90-degrees, chicanes, 180-degree turns, a bridge and a tunnel (ride under the bridge). The track is well illuminated. The track covering is rubberized asphalt, there are small bumps and uneven areas (on which karts slightly jump up), adherence is fine, ventilation is average. The scheme of the track on the website does NOT correspond to the real configuration (perhaps, it’s the scheme of the last configuration, the right part in the drawing is different).

Andrei Musaev

Andrei Musaev

  • Why Karting
  • Double your profit
  • Anchor attraction in FEC
  • How we work
  • THRILL track
  • On-Track visitors areas
  • LED Theming
  • Axe Throwing
  • Barrier system
  • Multi-level track structures
  • Floor Coating
  • Accessories


E-GO Karting

Russia 2022

karting essay orne

  • Location • Moscow, Russia
  • Completed • August 2022

About the track

Technical track data.

Available area: 2430 sq m (26 200 sq ft)
Track length: 305 m
Ground floor length: 170 m
Multi-level track length: 135 m
Track min. width: 5 m
Track max. width: 6 m
Estimated lap time: 28 s/lap
Track capacity: up to 15 go-karts/session
  • Thrill Track

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Gravity Max Westfield Stratford

London, United Kingdom 2024

karting essay orne

Nikito World

Rosny-sous-Bois, France 2024

karting essay orne

ArboPark Action & Fun Center

Arbon, Switzerland 2024

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Upgrade: VKI Kart Experience

Vicenza, Italy 2024

karting essay orne

Electric Eden Raceway

Coney Island, USA 2024

karting essay orne

Speed Park Angers

Beaucouzé, France 2024

karting essay orne

Hell Kart Avalon Park

Miscolc, Hungary 2024

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Go4Fun Sahara Mall

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 2024

karting essay orne

Upgrade: R1 Indoor Karting

Rhode Island, USA 2023

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Spacekart Izola

Izola, Slovenia 2023

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Contender E-Karting at Grand Outlet Riviera Maya

Mexico 2023

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Upgrade: NGM Karting

Belgium 2023

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Surge Entertainment Mobile

Alabama, USA 2023

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Upgrade: RPM Raceway Syracuse

New York, USA 2023

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Neo Game Oasis Chip Mong

Cambodia 2023

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Teamsport The Wall Utrecht

Netherlands 2023

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Gravity Liverpool ONE

karting essay orne

Upgrade: Kartcenter Sopot

Poland 2023

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Northern Air Action Park

karting essay orne

Urban Air Kennesaw

Georgia, USA 2023

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Speed Park SQY Ouest

France 2023

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HyperActive at Prishtina Mall

Kosovo 2022

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The Apex at Red Hawk Casino

California, USA 2022

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Hungary 2022

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RPM Raceway Jersey City

New Jersey, USA 2022

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Foodkart Caracas

Venezuela 2022

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Adrenark Adventure

karting essay orne

Supercharged Entertainment NJ

karting essay orne

Urban Air Chattanooga

Tennessee, USA 2022

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Upgrade: Speed Park Brétigny sur Orge

France 2022

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Belgium 2022

karting essay orne

Urban Air Laurel

Maryland, USA 2022

karting essay orne

WOOP! Karting Ljubljana: Track retrofit

Slovenia 2022

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Rush Speed Arena

karting essay orne

Gravity Xscape Yorkshire

karting essay orne

Speeders Racing Edmonton

Canada 2022

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Kobalt Zwolle

Netherlands 2022

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Place Vendome

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Speed Park Madrid

karting essay orne

Gravity Leipzig

Germany 2021

karting essay orne

Teamsport E Karting Mönchengladbach

karting essay orne

Andretti Indoor Karting & Games Orlando: Track retrofit

Florida, USA 2021

karting essay orne

Switzerland 2021

karting essay orne

JumpYard Örebro

Sweden 2021

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Playdôme Roosendaal

Netherlands 2021

karting essay orne

Gravity Wandsworth

karting essay orne

Andretti Indoor Karting & Games Marietta

Georgia, USA 2021

karting essay orne

Big Time Entertainment

Alabama, USA 2021

karting essay orne

Speed Park Vendenheim

France 2021

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Speedpark Claye-Souilly

karting essay orne

TAG E-Karting & Amusement

Canada 2021

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Andretti Indoor Karting & Games Buford

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Karting Balaton

Hungary 2021

karting essay orne

SIK Daytona

Florida, USA 2020

karting essay orne

Urban Air Milwaukee West

Wisconsin, USA 2020

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Andretti Indoor Karting & Games Katy

Texas, USA 2020

karting essay orne

Andretti Indoor Karting & Games The Colony

karting essay orne

Croatia 2020

karting essay orne

WOOP! Karting Ljubljana

Slovenia 2020

karting essay orne

Urban Air Appleton

Wisconsin, USA 2019

karting essay orne

Antwerp Bowling & AB E-Karting

Belgium 2019

karting essay orne

Grand Prix New York Racing & Entertainment

New York, USA

karting essay orne

Contender E-Karting Pachuca

Mexico 2019

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Netherlands 2019

karting essay orne

Supercharged Entertainment

Massachusetts, USA 2019

karting essay orne

ADAC Rennsportarena

Germany 2019

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Urban Air Southlake

Texas, USA 2019

karting essay orne

Contender E-Karting Querétaro

Mexico 2018

karting essay orne

Contender E-Karting Cuernavaca

karting essay orne

Utah, USA 2018

karting essay orne

Contender E-Karting Puebla

karting essay orne

Andretti Indoor Karting & Games San Antonio

Texas, USA 2018

karting essay orne

Urban Air Orange

Connecticut, USA 2018

karting essay orne

Turkey 2018

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Our tracks around the world .


This San Antonio location, with its phenomenal state of the art multi-level track is going to be the first of its kind for this great state and will no doubt set records for the Andretti name again for the best, most thrilling entertainment experience in our guests’ minds. Mario Andretti, The racing legend and F1 Champion


I am blown away by the product. It doubles the impression! Bill Diamond - Track owner, Grand Prix New York


The decision to choose karting was easier once we realized we can work with 360 Karting. When you combine the top dogs, who build the best tracks, and our team, who opened one of the best trampoline parks in Europe, I’m sure a very interesting story is ahead of us. Samo Habič - Track owner, WOOP! Karting Ljubljana


360 Karting team is doing a fabulous job – great guys! The installation team was fabulous and have been on top of everything all along! Davor’s calm head and Mario’s smiling demeanor are keeping all the labor on track too. Thank you for all your hard work. Lakshman R. Paidi - The owner of Urban Air Orange


This track is the big draw. It’s our crown jewel. Travis Wright - The owner of Urban Air Appleton


We are immensely proud of the collaboration that has linked us with 360 Karting for the past eight years and we have been able to grow together with the great innovations that are presented to us from year to year! Our customers greatly appreciate the aesthetics of the structure and safety. Matteo Zanettin - Manager, VKI Vicenza, Italy

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360 KARTING Ensol 360 D.O.O. Ulica Istrskega Odreda 1 6000 Koper / Capodistria EUROPE

Representative office in PARIS, EU

Sales office +386 41 308 901

Maintenance support +386 40 458 995

Business hours Mon – Fri 9 am – 5 pm CET

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The operation "Digitization of the 360 Karting brand" is co-financed with the help of the European Regional Development Fund:  www.eu-skladi.si , the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology:  www.mgrt.gov.si  and SPIRIT Slovenia, public agency:  www.spiritslovenia.si .

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Idaho's Premier Go-Kart Club Racing Facility

Gabe Baker

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The Best Place To Race In The Treasure Valley!


By appointment only. Kart Idaho is not an arrive and drive facility. Please call or email ahead for availability and hours.


  1. Ouverture de la saison de karting, à Essay

    karting essay orne

  2. Ouverture de la saison de karting, à Essay

    karting essay orne

  3. Karting sur le Circuit international d'Essay

    karting essay orne

  4. Endurance Karting de l'orne Essay SWS

    karting essay orne

  5. Ouest Karting

    karting essay orne

  6. ZA du karting à ESSAY, dans l'Orne en Normandie

    karting essay orne


  1. FOL CAR DE L'ORNE 2014 SAXO N° 21

  2. Essai Libre Rotax DD2

  3. Felipe Nardo


  1. Ouest Karting la plus belle piste de Normandie

    Ouest karting a pour objectif de répondre aux exigences de chacun afin que ce moment de détente ou de compétition reste inoubliable. Pour ce faire, nous disposons d'infrastructures à la hauteur de vos envies : mezzanine panoramique, stands, club house, salle de séminaire avec vidéo projecteur, système de chronométrage affiché sur ...

  2. Ouest Karting in AUNAY-LES-BOIS

    The international circuit of Essay: a site of 11.5 ha, a circuit of 1220 meters x 8m Class 1 ranked 3rd Karting complex circuits of France Kart rental for individuals. Organizing family events, running speed, endurance race, racing recreation Sodi's world series. Categories kart Fun Kart Kid (children 7-11 years), 270cc Kart Classic Kart 390cc Expert Kart RX 250 Luxury.

  3. Karting en Normandie

    Circuit Karting International Ouest Karting à Aunay les bois dans l'Orne en Normandie. La plus belle piste de Normandie. Location, évènements, compétitions. ... Ouest karting. 02 33 27 65 87. Aunay les bois. En savoir plus. À propos. Circuit de Ouest - Karting - Essay. Un site de 12,3 hectares en Normandie; Un circuit de 1215 mètres x ...

  4. Ouest Karting

    Le circuit international d'Aunay-les-Bois : sur un site de 13 ha, un circuit de 1215 mètres x 8m de catégorie 1, classé 3e complexe de Karting des circuits français. Le circuit possède un tracé vallonné et sélectif dont le tout nouveau revêtement va encore dynamiser l'attractivité. Location de karting pour individuels.

  5. La piste

    Imaginez-vous installé au volant d'une monoplace pour disputer peut-être pour la première fois de votre vie, une animation karting. Nous utilisons deux tracés : Le circuit de 1215 m aux normes CIK/FIA. Le circuit de 900 m sens inverse homologué catégorie 1.1 ( mini-kart et kart 270 cc et 390 cc)

  6. Karting sur le Circuit international d'Essay

    Le temps d'un week-end devenez un véritable pilote « d'Essay » en vous essayant à la conduite karting sur le Circuit international d'Essay à Aunay-les-Bois dans l'Orne en Normandie. Un club de karting sur un site de 11,5 hectares, agréable et verdoyant en Normandie

  7. Circuit Ouest Karting

    Circuit Ouest Karting, AUNAY LES BOIS. 3,528 likes · 55 talking about this · 3,763 were here. Merci de consulter les horaires libres à la location sur notre site internet à l'onglet dispo. Circuit Ouest Karting, AUNAY LES BOIS. 3,528 likes · 55 talking about this · 3,763 were here. ...

  8. Disponibilité piste

    Le plus beau karting de Normandie. 7-9-11 route du Mêle 61500 Aunay les bois. Mentions légales. Articles récents. La Newsletter Ouest Karting. 01 Août 2024. Test LED sur piste. 15 Juin 2024. Kart à Gogo. 10 Juin 2024. Nos Horaires.

  9. Karting 61

    Ouest Karting. Circuit international d'Aunay-les-Bois (Essay) 61500 AUNAY LES BOIS. Tél/Fax : 02 33 27 65 87. Mobile : 06 87 24 34 39. Email : [email protected]. Site web : www.ouest-karting.fr Ecole Française de Karting K61. Circuit international d'Aunay-les-Bois (Essay) 61500 AUNAY LES BOIS. Tél K61 : 02 33 36 88 10 et 06 15 04 66 87.

  10. Go-karting on the Essay international circuit

    A go-karting club on a fantastic 28-acre site in Normandy ! OUEST KARTING Lieudit La Haute Folie - 61500 AUNAY LES BOIS Tel : + 33 2 33 27 65 87 . Further information on go-karting at Aunay Les bois and the Essay international circuit

  11. Karting 61

    LE CIRCUIT INTERNATIONAL d'AUNAY LES BOIS - K61, a été créé il y a 25 ans et a organisé, entre autres, 35 Championnats de France, 4 Championnats d'Europe et 2 Championnats du Monde ainsi que de nombreuses courses d'Endurance Loisirs dont des 24H avec Ouest Karting. Participez à la suite de son développement pour que le circuit garde son statut de Haut Niveau Compétition et ...

  12. Karting Essay (Aunay les bois

    A few laps of the Essay Karting race track.France Karting championship was there, a few weeks later.

  13. Endurance Karting de l'orne Essay SWS

    Endurance Karting de l'orne SWS2 courses de 5 Heures sur le circuit International d'Essay à Aunay.29 karts et 110 Pilotes auront participé à ce magnifique év...

  14. Circuits de karting dans l'Orne en 2024

    Circuit International D'Aunay Les Bois. Circuit de karting. Recommandé par un membre. Aunay-Les-Bois, 61500. 00687243439. Publicité. Circuit de karting dans l'Orne: retrouvez les coordonnées de toutes les meilleures adresses du Petit Futé (SPEEDZONE, Circuit International D'Aunay Les Bois).

  15. Le Mondial de Karting 2014 en Normandie : une belle réussite pour la

    Le Mondial de Karting 2014 en Normandie : une belle réussite pour la France. A l'issue des Championnats du Monde KF et KF-Junior sur le Circuit International d'Aunay-les-Bois / Essay dans l'Orne, les compliments se sont multipliés pour louer l'organisation de la FFSA et du club K 61. Le public considérable et la présence de nombreux ...

  16. Ouest Karting

    Que vous soyez pilote débutant, initié ou confirmé, nous avons une gamme de kart qui nous permet de nous adapter à vos besoins, de vous conseiller et de vous faire progresser. Le Circuit International d'Aunay les bois (Orne ) est le lieu idéal pour découvrir le karting en toute sécurité, partager un moment ludique et améliorer vos chronos (informatique).

  17. Circuit Ouest Karting

    Venez participer à une Endurance sur le circuit International Ouest Karting d'Aunay-Essay dans l'Orne. Cette course de 4H30 (30'essais chronos + 4H de course) est ouverte à tous et aura lieu le...

  18. Speed Zone

    Speed Zone, Flers, Basse-Normandie, France. 1,609 likes · 4 talking about this · 112 were here. karting,mini golf,bar, karaoké,billard baby-foot arcade ...

  19. Review of karting clubs and tracks (part 1)

    One of the newest, modern (opened in 2015) and, in my opinion, well-equipped karting clubs in Moscow from the owners of Arena GP. There is a smart design of the premises, new excellent cars, almost new helmets and branded suits (only once I got a suit with a broken zipper), there are enough lockers (locked by an electronic bracelet), there is a ...

  20. E-GO Karting designed and built by 360 Karting

    Indoor multi-level karting track. Completed • August 2022. Available area: 2430 sq m (26 200 sq ft) Track length: 305 m. Ground floor length: 170 m. Multi-level track length: 135 m. Track min. width: 5 m. Track max. width: 6 m. Estimated lap time: 28 s/lap.

  21. Contact

    Le plus beau karting de Normandie. 7-9-11 route du Mêle 61500 Aunay les bois. Mentions légales. Articles récents. La Newsletter Ouest Karting. 01 Août 2024. Test LED sur piste. 15 Juin 2024. Kart à Gogo. 10 Juin 2024. Nos Horaires.

  22. Kart Idaho

    Our Local Treasure Valley Series is where you take your karting to the next level. If you have a competitive kart this is your opportunity to race against some of the best karters in the Northwest. Check out our classes page to see if your kart qualifies for our track or what type of kart you should buy to race at this level. By appointment only.

  23. Karting on Varshavskoe Highway

    Location map and phone numbers of the Lonato Karting indoor center. 30a Varshavskoe Highway, Nagatinskaya Metro Station, city of Moscow, phone number +7 (495) 445-41-00. Hours of operation 12:30 p.m. — 12:00 a.m.